Aa-Ak Al-Am An-Az
Stratigraphic Correlation and Isopach Maps of Punjab Platform in Middle Indus Basin, Pakistan, Naseem Aadil and Ghulam Mohyuddin Sohail, #10364 (2011).
World Developments in 2006, (From AAPG Explorer, January 2007), #10120 (2007).
Significant Discoveries, 2005, (From AAPG Explorer, January 2005), #10101 (2006).
Significant Discoveries, 2004, (From AAPG Explorer, January 2005), #10078 (2005).
Secondary Flow in Meandering Channels on Submarine Fans: Implications for Channel Morphodynamics and Architecture, Jorge D. Abad, Octavio Sequeiros, Benoit Spinewine, Carlos Pirmez, Marcelo Garcia, and Gary Parker, #40480 (2010).
Benefiting from Variogram Information to Characterize Facies Distribution in History Matching with EnKF, A. Abadpour, P. Bergey, R. Piasecki, and T. Blanchard, #41315 (2014).
PS Modelling of an Ancient Fluvial Depositional Environment Using 3D-Photogrammetry and Paleohydrology, the Middle Pennsylvanian Allegheny Formation, South-Central West Virginia, USA, Olu-Segun Abatan, Amy Weislogel, and B. Mitch Blake, #51466 (2018).
PS Meandering Fluvial Facies Architecture Using Ground Penetrating Radar, Ferron Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) Emery County, Utah, Oluwasegun Abatan, Dennis Kerr, and Kumar Ramachandran, #41134 (2013).
Source Rocks at Svalbard: An Overview of Jurassic and Triassic Formations and Comparison with Offshore Barents Sea Time Equivalent Source Rock Formations, Tesfamariam B. Abay, Dag A. Karlsen, and Jon H. Pedersen, #30372 (2014).
Efficient Migration, Yazil Abbas, #40816 (2011).
Early Permian Siliciclastic System of North-Gondwanaland: A Comparison between Nilawahan Group of North Pakistan and Haushi Group of Oman, Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi, Muhammad Haneef, and Mohammad Asif Khan, #30227 (2012).
Seven Cretaceous Low-Order Depositional Sequences from the Browse Basin, North West Shelf, Australia: A Framework for CO2 Storage Studies, Steve T. Abbott, David Caust, Nadege Rollet, Megan E. Lech, Rowan Romeyn, Karen Romine, Kamal Khider, and Jane Blevin, #51224 (2016).
Are Scientific Honesty and "Best Practices" in Conflict? by David M. Abbott, #70024 (2006).
GC Revisiting the Grand Canyon – Through the Eyes of Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy, by Ward Abbott, #40018 (2001).
AV Surface Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations, Bakken Formation, Nesson Anticline, Williston Basin, North Dakota, by David Abbott, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, and Ron Shaffer, #110089 (2009)
2 of 8 presentations from Session, "Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Characterization of the Eocene-Oligocene Black Shale Deposits for Biogenic Gas Extraction in Beni Suef Area, Egypt, Zakaria M. Abd-Allah, Yasser F. Salama, Mohamed I. El-Sayed, Samar R. Soliman, #51697 (2023).
Characterization of Thinly Bedded Units and 3D Static Model Open Reserves in Sabiriyah Field Middle Burgan Reservoir, North Kuwait, Sabry Abd El-Aziz, Mariam Taqi, Saleh Al-Rashdan, and Saleh Al-Rasheedi, #20289 (2015).
PS Exploration and Development of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs in the Eastern Mediterranean, M. K. Abd El-Halim, M. A. Kababi, A. A. Mahmoud, and N. Nabih, #30635 (2019).
Kinta Valley Limestone: Clues for a New Play? Askury Abd Kadir, #10198 (2009).
PS Egypt Beni Suef Basin Petroleum Systems from Oil Geochemistry and Basin Modeling, Mohamed Abdelbaset, Changrui Gong, Bill Bosworth, and Joe Versfelt, #11290 (2020).
Kinematics and Timing of Deformation of Nellis Dunes Recreational Area, Nevada, Shaimaa Abdelhaleem and Wanda J. Taylor, #51120 (2015).
AV Fifty-Year Oil Supply Scenarios: Saudi Aramco's Perspective, by Mahmoud M. Abdul Baqi, #110010 (2004)
(3 of 6 presentations at DEG/SEPM/EMD Forum: The Future of Global Energy: Technical, Environmental, Economics, and Policy Issues AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Understanding the Reservoir Architecture of Lower Fars Formation in North Kuwait through Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Mohamed Hafez Abdul Razak, Jarrah Al-Jenaie, and Hesham Moubarak, #51531 (2018).
Mineralogical Content of Productive Series Shales of Western Portion of South Caspian (Example, Bulla-Daniz Area), Elshan Abdullayev and Yagut Muslimova, #30149 (2011).
Systematic Workflow for Characterizing Frac Sand: An Integrated Approach, Waseem Abdulrazzaq, Bilal Zoghbi, Walter Suzart, and Muhammad Salem, #80551 (2016).
A Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of the Albertine Graben of Uganda, Western Arm of East African Rift System Based on Sedimentary Exposures, Seismic and Well Data, Dozith Abeinomugisha and Nurudin Njabire, #30427 (2015).
Transfer Zones and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System, Dozith Abeinomugisha and Nurudin Njabire, #10401 (2012).
Petroleum Exploration and Development in a Frontier, Remote Rift Basin: the Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System, Dozith Abeinomugisha and Philips Obita, #10368 (2011).
Development of a Petroleum System in a Young Rift Basin Prior to Continental Breakup: The Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System, Dozith Abeinomugisha, #10284 (2010).
Tectonic Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Intra-Continental Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System, Dozith Abeinomugisha and Robert Kasande, #10183 (2009).
Lithologic Logs in the Tablet through Ontology-Based Facies Description, Mara Abel, Alexandre Lorenzatti, Luiz Fernando De Ros, Oscar Paesi da Silva, Ariane Bernardes, Karin Goldberg, and Claiton Scherer, #40924 (2012).
The State of the Art of the Brazilian Pre-Salt Exploration, Marina Abelha and Eliane Petersohn, #30586 (2018).
PS Gravity and Geodynamic Modeling of the Gulf of California, Rediet Abera, Jolante van Wijk, Paul Mann, Dale Bird, and Michael Murphy, #30361 (2014).
Geodynamic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Cap Bon – Gulf of Hammamet Province – Tunisia, Oussama Abidi, Med Hedi Inoubli, Kawthar Sebei, Haïfa Boussiga, Adnen Amiri, and Imen Hamdi Nasr, #30368 (2014).
PS Understanding Reservoir Properties of the Organic-Rich Qusaiba Shale, a Potential Shale Gas Reservoir, Northwest Saudi Arabia: An Outcrop Approach, Mohamed Abouelresh, Lamidi Babalola, Abdaseed K. Bokhari, Daniel Boyde, Koithan Thomas, and Mohammed Omer, #11004 (2017).
PS Effects on Brittleness of Temperature Difference Between Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Shale Formation – Study on Woodford Shale, Younane N. Abousleiman, Son K. Hoang, and Chao Liu, #50878 (2013).
Late Mississippian (Chesterian)-Early Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) Conodont Biostratigraphy of East-Central Idaho and Southwest Montana, by Jason M. Abplanalp, Peter E. Isaacson, and Anna S. Gilmour, #50022 (2005).
Microseepage vs. Macroseeepage: Defining Seepage Type and Migration Mechanisms for Differing Levels of Seepage and Surface Expressions, Michael A. Abrams, #42542 (2020).
Surface Sediment Hydrocarbons as Indicators of Subsurface Hydrocarbons: Field Calibration of Existing and New Surface Geochemistry Methods
in the Marco Polo Area, Gulf of Mexico, Michael A. Abrams and Nicola F. Dahdah, #20483 (2020).
Petroleum System Charge Analysis for Liquid-Rich Unconventional Plays, Michael Abrams, #80537 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Charge Considerations in Liquid-Rich Unconventional Petroleum Systems, Michael A. Abrams, Volker Dieckmann, Joseph A. Curiale, and Ross Clark, #80366 (2014).
Geochemical Evaluation of Ocean Surface Slick Methods to Ground Truth Satellite Seepage Anomalies for Seepage Detection, Michael A. Abrams and Graham Logan, #40604.
PS Using Second-Order Adjoint State Methods in GPUS to Quantify Resolution on Full Waveform Inversions, Sergio Abreo, Ana Ramirez and Oscar Mauricio Reyes Torres, #42034 (2017).
Reservoir Elements in Deep Water Sinuous Channel Complexes: Similarities to Fluvial Incised Valleys, by Vitor Abreu, Tao Sun, Neal Adair, Paul Dunn, Bret Dixon, and John Van Wagoner, #40086 (2003).
GC Geophysical Uncertainty: Often Wrong, But Never in Doubt, by William L. Abriel, #40182 (2005).
The Size and Volume of the Remaining Hydrocarbon Potential are the Key of Future Exploration Drilling in Libya's Sedimentary Basins, Edres A. Abualkhir, #11077 (2018).
Libya and the Great Challenges of Overcoming Difficulties to Exploring and Producing Shale Gas, and Tight Reservoirs (Shale Oil) Potential, Edres A. Abualkhir, #10850 (2016).
Natural Fracture Networks Enhancing Unconventional Reservoirs' Producibility: Mapping & Predicting, H. Abul Khair, D. Cooke, and M. Hand, #41182 (2013).
Deducing Shoreline Trajectories in a Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Depositional Setting, Upper Devonian Imperial Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada, Rachael Acker, Stephen Hubbard, and Thomas Hadlari, #10430 (2012).
Integrating Core, Well Logs and Seismic Interpretation to Improve Understanding of Albian Patch Reefs, Maverick Basin, SW Texas, by Enzo S. Aconcha, #50104 (2008).
Assisted Extra Heavy Oil Sampling by Electromagnetic Heating, W. Acosta, J. Bermudez, L. Andarcia, and A. F. Suarez, #41530 (2015).
Pressure Regime and Hydrodynamic Study of Niger Delta Coastal Swamp: Implication for Hydrocarbon Recovery and Production, Moruffdeen Adabanija, Understanding Aikulola, and Innocent Ekpah, #20271 (2014).
CO2-Storage-Based Geothermal Electricity Generation Potential of Sedimentary Basins in the United States, Benjamin M. Adams, Jeffrey M. Bielicki, and Martin O. Saar, #80625 (2018).
Application of Noble Gas Isotopic Signatures at McElmo Dome-DOE Canyon Field to Investigate CO2 Source and System Characterization, Joshua G. Adams, David Gonzales, and Thomas Darrah, #41711 (2015).
Controls On The Variability Of Fluid Properties Of Heavy Oils And Bitumens In Foreland Basins: A Case History From The Albertan Oil Sands, by Jennifer Adams, Barry Bennett, Haiping Huang, Tamer Koksalan, Dennis Jiang, Mathew Fay, Ian Gates, and Steve Larter, #40275 (2008).
PS Modeling Basin Evolution and Assessing Source Rock Potential Within the Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa, Selwyn G. Adams, G. Kuhlmann, and R. di Primio, #40635 (2010).
So Different, Yet So Similar: Comparing and Contrasting Siliciclastic and Carbonate Slopes, Erwin Adams and Jeroen Kenter, #50683 (2012).
The Intrinsic Effect of Shape on Retrogradation Motif and Timing of Drowning: An Example from a Frasnian Carbonate Pinnacle Reef System, Bugle Gap, Canning Basin, Western Australia, Erwin W. Adams and Claude-Alain Hasler, #30096 (2009).
Carbonaceous Shales in the Araripe Basin, NE Brazil: A Potential Shale Gas Reservoir, João Adauto Neto, Haydon Mort, Ricardo Pereira, José Barbosa, Virginio Neumann, Walter Vortisch, Osvaldo J. C. Filho, Paulo de A. L. S. Brandão, and José G. A. Pacheco, #80309 (2013).
Burial History, Thermal Maturity and Petroleum Generation History of the Lower Paleozoic Petroleum System in the Saltpond Basin, Offshore Ghana, Gerald Wemazenu Adda, David Atta-Peters, and Joel Ben-Awuah, #10709 (2015).
The Petroleum Geology and Prospectivity of the Neo-Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Cretaceous Sedimentary Basins in Ghana, Gerald Wemazenu Adda, #10544 (2013).
Source Rock Characteristics, Burial History Reconstruction, and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of Late Cretaceous Sediments in the Chad (Bornu) Basin, Northeastern Nigeria, Adebanji Kayode Adegoke and Abdullah Wan Hasiah, #10643 (2014).
PS Structural Interpretation, Trapping Styles and Hydrocarbon Potential of Block-X, Northern Depobelt, Onshore Niger Delta, Olubunmi C. Adeigbe and Olawale O. Alo, #11099 (2018).
Post-Stack Multi-Azimuth Stratigraphic Inversion Applied to Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study in the Fort Worth Basin, Mathilde Adelinet, Vincent Clochard, and Patrice Ricarte, #41120 (2013).
Timing of the Exhumation Episodes and Burial/Thermal History of Kevin Dome, Northwestern Montana, Elijah O. Adeniyi, Colin A. Shaw, David W. Bowen, Chuck W. Calavan, and Mary S. Hubbard, #42571 (2021).
PS A Biomarker Review of the Palaeoecosystem and Palaeodepositional Environment of the Bakken Shales of Saskatchewan, T. E. Aderoju and S. L. Bend, #51308 (2016).
Organic Matter Variations Within the Bakken Shales of Saskatchewan: With Implications Upon Origin and Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation, Titi Aderoju and Stephen L. Bend, #41333 (2014).
Investigating the Effect of Organic Sulphur Compounds on Oil Generation in Bakken Formation in Saskatchewan, Titi Aderoju and Stephen L. Bend, #41002 (2012).
Foundation Settlement Determination: A Simplified Approach, O. O. Adewoyin, M. Omeje, E. S. Joel, and O. T. Kayode, #70256 (2017).
Application of Geophysical and Geotechnical Methods to Determine the Geotechnical Characteristics of a Reclaimed Land, Olusegun O. Adewoyin, Emmanuel O. Joshua, and Marvel L. Akinyemi, #70255 (2017).
Analysis of Geotechnical Parameters from Geophysical Information, O. O. Adewoyin, E. O. Joshua, M. L. Akinyemi, M. Omeje, E. S. Joel, and O. T. Kayode, #70254 (2017).
PS Comparing Source Rock Maturity with Pore Size Distribution and Fluid Saturation in the Bakken-Three Forks Petroleum System of the Divide County, the Williston Basin, North Dakota, Adedoyin Adeyilola, Stephan H. Nordeng, and Steve Smith, #11221 (2019).
PS Integrated Subsurface Evaluation of 'Doyin' Field, Shallow Offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria, Adedoyin Adeyilola, #20399 (2017).
PS Importance of the Hydrocarbon Expulsion Time and Erosion on the Petroleum System in Gemrik Field, Southeast Turkey, Zeynep Adiguzel and Yasar Akcay, #20282 (2014).
PS Synsedimentary Deformation and Erosion of the Exshaw/Sappington Formation in West-Central Montana: Evidence for a Brief Basin Polarity Switch and Development of Paleohighs along the Western Bakken Fairway, Zeynep Adiguzel, George W. Grader, Ted P. Doughty, and Michael C. Pope, #50622 (2012).
Implementation of an Exploration Workflow to Characterize a Low Poro-Perm Gas-Bearing Prospect Using Rock Physics Depth-Trends to Assist AVO Classification, Jorge Adrian and Gervasio Robles, #42348 (2019).
A New Approach for Production Forecasting in a Sub-Andean Overpressured Gas Reservoir Using Rate Transient Analysis: A Field Case Study, Pedro Adrian, Ricardo M. Michel, and Franco F. Sivila, #20446 (2018).
PS Modelling Continental Margin Extension Using Combined Rigid/Deformable Plate Tectonic Reconstructions, A.C. Adriasola Munoz, J.P. Harris, C.T. Glover, M. Goodrich, L. Hudson, and B. Ady, #40603 (2010).
Importance of Probability Distributions on Volumetric Characterizations in Resource Assessment, David M. Advocate and Kenneth C. Hood, #42577 (2022).
Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Habitat in the Arabian Plate, by Abdulkader M. Afifi, #10075 (2005).
Ghawar: The Anatomy of the World’s Largest Oil Field, by Abdulkader M. Afifi, #20026 (2005).
PS Depositional Lithofacies and Diagenetic Overprints of Pennsylvanian Lower Cisco Shelf Margin Carbonates, Wolf Flat Field, Motley County, Texas, USA, Olakemi Afuape and Robert C. Trentham, #20352 (2016).
Utilising Stratigraphic Driven Approaches and Simulations to Build Robust 3-D Geologic Models for Miocene Reservoirs, "Josh" Field, Niger Delta, Taiwo J. Afuye, Osezele Osaele, and Olatokunbo Ojo, #20389 (2017).
Assessing the Organic Nature, Potentials and Distribution of Source Rocks, within the Pletmos Basin (Offshore of South Africa): A 3D Modelling Study, F.A. Agbor, S. Mhlambi, N.A. Teumahji, W.A. Sonibare, J.M. van Bever Donker, and T.K. Chatterjee, #11177 (2019).
Reconstruction of Upper Strzelecki Stratigraphy based on Vitrinite Reflectance and Palynology Analyses, and New Ideas on the Amount of Erosion and Present Day Thickness, Hamed Aghaei, Mike Hall, Alan Tait, and Barbara Wagstaff, #51019 (2014).
PS Seismic Data Conditioning for Identification of Sand Dunes in the Early Jurassic Nugget Formation in the Moxa Arch, Dhruv Agrawal, Sumit Verma, and Subhashis Mallick, #51639 (2020).
Identification of Sand Dunes in the Early Jurassic Nugget Formation in the Moxa Arch of Wyoming Using Seismic Attributes, Petrophysical Modeling, and Seismic Data Conditioning, Dhruv Agrawal, Sumit Verma, and Subhashis Mallick, #51604 (2019).
PS Direct Kerogen Characterization of Marcellus Shale Collected from Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory, Vikas Agrawal and Shikha Sharma, #80635 (2018).
PS Decoding Molecular Geochemistry of Kerogen from Marcellus Shale, Vikas Agrawal, Shikha Sharma, and Ajay Warrier, #42153 (2017).
PS Understanding Kerogen Composition and Structure in Pristine Shale Cores Collected from Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory, V. Agrawal, Shikha Sharma, and A. Warrier, #42049 (2017).
Oil Discovery in Ordovician Prerift Sequences Las Breas Formation, Lomas de Olmedo Sub-Basin, Northwestern Argentina, M. Agüera, H. Belotti, P. Cavalleri, C. Naides, J. Porras, #51617 (2019).
Handling Complex Stratigraphic Relationships Using Volume Based Modeling and Stair-Step Grids, Rosa M. Aguilar, Carlos Nuñez, Vanessa Villarroel, and Marcos Victoria, #42055 (2017).
Understanding Pressure Compartmentalization in Ultra-Deepwater Drilling Off Mexican Gulf Coast: A Case Study, Leonardo Enrique Aguilera Gomez, Francisco Espitia Hernandez, and Devendra Kumar, et al., #41361 (2014).
Assessing Previously Unassessed Petroleum Provinces Using the Variable Shape Distribution (VSD) Model, Robert F. Aguilera, Edward J. Balistreri, and John T. Cuddington, #70068 (2009).
AV From Petroleum Scarcity to Abundance: Opportunities and Implications for the U.S. and World, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, #110200 (2015).
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The Shift from the Static Hydrocarbon Model (Hubbert) to a Dynamic Model: Re-Evaluating the Hubbert Curve and the Global Petroleum Revolution: A New Era, Thomas Ahlbrandt, #70116 (2012).
The Petroleum Endowments of the Total Petroleum Systems in the Middle East and North Africa Tethys, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, #10244 (2010).
The USGS World Oil and Gas Assessment, by Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, #10006 (2000).
GC Using 3-D Outcrop Laserscans for Fracture Analysis, by Steve Ahlgren and Jim Holmlund, #40099 (2003).
GC Fracture Models and Fractured Reservoirs, Steve Ahlgren, Jim Holmlund, Paul Griffiths, and Rob Smallshire, #40100 (2003).
PS Seismic Attributes for Differential Compaction Features in Fluvial Channel Complex and Reef Carbonate Buildups: Case Study from Malaysia Basins, Nasaruddin B Ahmad, Abdul Jailani B Che Johari, Megat Iskandar B Megat Ismail, Satyabrata Nayak Parsuram, and Nur Bakti B M Makhatar, #11030 (2017).
Tectono-Stratigraphic Model for Ghazij Formation in Kirthar Foldbelt, Pakistan, Abrar Ahmad, Mohsin Ali, Abid H. Baitu, and Naeem Sardar, #50725 (2012).
Application of Spectral Decomposition and Seismic Attributes to Understand the Structure and Distribution of Sand Reservoirs within Tertiary Rift Basins of Gulf of Thailand, Mirza Naseer Ahmad and Philip Rowell, #40992 (2012).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System of the Eocene Nisai Formation, Pishin Basin: Distribution of Source Rocks and Reservoir Facies, Riaz Ahmad and Jamil Afzal, #10406 (2012).
Sequence Stratigraphy as Predictive Tool in Lower Goru Fairway, Lower and Middle Indus Platform, Pakistan, Nadeem Ahmad, Paul Fink, Simon Sturrock, Tariq Mahmood, and Muhammad Ibrahim, #10404 (2012).
Evaluation of a Distinct Sub-Play for Enhanced Exploration in an Emerging Petroleum Province, Bannu-Kohat Sub-Basin, Pakistan, Nadeem Ahmad and Moin Raza Khan, #10391 (2012).
Shale Gas Potential of Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation in Middle and Lower Indus Sub-Basins, Pakistan, Nazir Ahmad, Javed Mateen, Kashif Shehzad, Nasar Mehmood, and Fahad Arif, #10392 (2012).
Facies Analysis and Dynamic Depositional Modeling: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospecting in the Early Jurassic Datta Formation, Salt Ranges, Northwest Pakistan, Sajjad Ahmad and Kashif Waheed, #50785 (2013).
PS Himalayan-Induced Deformation and Kinematics of the Arcuate Nature of the Trans-Indus Salt Range, Northwest Himalayas, Pakistan, Sajjad Ahmad, Irfan K. Mohammad, Amjad Ali Khan, Nouman Shoukat, #30120 (2010).
Core to Log Integration in Alaska's North Slope Nanushuk Formation Using High Resolution Petrophysical Profiling, R. Ahmadov, S. Carhart, K. Johnson, L. Louis, and G. Boitnott, #51689 (2021).
International Shale Reservoirs: Tiering Them Into Four Levels, Usman Ahmed and Selim Hannan, #30140 (2010).
PSMicrobial Carbonates as Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Wayne M. Ahr, #30106 (2009).
A New Genetic Classification of Carbonate Porosity and Its Application to Reservoir Characterization, by Wayne M. Ahr, #40357 (2008).
Pore Characteristics in Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs, Wayne M. Ahr, Ernest A. Mancini, and William C. Parcell, #30167 (2011).
Application of 2D Basin Modeling for Evaluation of Petroleum Potential of Outer Part of Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis (HKS), Sub-Himalayas, Syed Asif Ahsan, Abid H. Baitu, and M. Mudasar Saqab, #40726 (2011).
Physico-Chemical Controls on Source Rock in Offshore Indus — Comparative Study of Some Major Tertiary Deltas of the World, Syed Asif Ahsan, Rizwan Khan, Yasir Naveed, and Mudasar M. Saqab, #50560 (2012).
PS Effect of Subcritical Crack Initiation on Hydraulic Fracture, Gallyam Aidagulov, Romain Prioul, Elizaveta Gordeliy, Guanyi Lu, and Andrew Bunger, #80668 (2019).
PS Comparing Fishbone Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing in Ultra-Low Permeability Geothermal Reservoirs, Aimene Aihar, Nassim Bouabdallah, Ghoulem Ifrene, and Doina Irofti, #80737 (2023).
PS Assessment of Porosity and Diagenesis in the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Sligo Formation, South Texas, Eyitayo Aina and Brenda L. Kirkland, #50432 (2011).
Tectono-Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Deposits of Shallow Offshore, Niger Delta, Norbert Ajaegwu, Berthrand Ozumba, Izuchukwu Obiadi, Emmanuel Anakwuba, David Anomneze, Gabriel Okeugo, and Charles Ugwueze, #20246 (2014).
Some Structural Styles on Reflection Profiles from Offshore Niger Delta, by Deborah E. Ajakaiye and Albert W. Bally, #10031 (2002).
Integrated Geochemical and Organic Petrographic Characterization of the Campano-Maastrichtian Sediments Around Enugu Escarpment, Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, I. M. Akaegbobi and Grace G. Udofia, #50185 (2009).
Paleoecologic and Organic Geochemical Assessment of Cretaceous Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in the Gulf of Guinea: New Insights from Eastern Dahomey and Benue Rift Basins with Implications for the Cenomanian-Coniacian Petroleum System, Samuel O. Akande, Olabisi A. Adekeye, James A. Adeoye, Neeka Jacob, and Gbenga Lufadeju, #50722 (2012).
PS Comparison of Hydrous Pyrolysis Petroleum Yields and Composition from Nigerian Lignite and Associated Coaly Shale in the Anambra Basin, Samuel Akande, Olabisi Adekeye, Olusola Ojo, Michael Lewan, Mark Pawlewicz, Sven Egenhoff, and Olukayode Samuel #40647 (2010).
Implementing the KOC Technology Portfolio Management, Bibi Akbar, #42227 (2018).
Integrating 3-D Seismic Attributes and 3-D Petroleum System Modeling for Analyzing Exploration Uncertainties in Geleki and Adjoining Areas: A Case Study of Assam and Assam Arakan Basin, India, M.D.S. Akhtar, S. K. Chakrabarti, Ram Krishna Singh, S. Pahari, C. Singh, Harvir Singh, H. J. Singh, Sanjive Mayor, and Manoj Asthana, #10455 (2012).
Structural Style and Deformation History of Assam & Assam Arakan Basin, India: from Integrated Seismic Study, Mohammad S. Akhtar, Sumit Chakrabarti, Ram Krishna Singh, Sujit RoyMoulik, Jayant Bhattacharya, and Harvinderjit Singh, #30111 (2009); click here to view entire presentations (22.1 mb).
Mathematical Model of Energy Storage in Gas Hydrate and its Flow in Pipeline Systems, Oluwatoyin O. Akinsete and Sunday O. Isehunwa, #42005 (2017).
PS Permeability Prediction and Distribution in the Confined South Georgia Rift Red Beds With Implications for CO2 Storage, Olusoga M. Akintunde, Camelia C. Knapp, and James H. Knapp, #80590 (2017).
Reinterpretation of the "J" Basalt Reflector from Seismic Data Reprocessing Across the Coastal Plain of Southeastern Georgia: Potential Implications for Long-Term CO2 Sequestration, Olusoga Martins Akintunde, Camelia Knapp, James H. Knapp, David M. Heffner, and John Shafer, #80174 (2011).
Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Strategies from Exploration through Development and Production Life-Cycle, Taskin Akpulat, #70395 (2019).
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Petrologic and Geochemical Evidence for Refluxing Brines in the Devonian Wabamun Group, West-Central Alberta, by Ihsan Al-Aasm and Samantha Raymus, #50046 (2007).
Geosteering through Challenging Fractured Limestone Reservoir Becomes Achievable Utilizing High Definition Multi-Layer Boundary Mapping Technology – Case Study from a Deep Gas Reservoir, Saad A. Al-Ajmi, Chinmaya Pattnaik, Ahmed E. Al-Dawood, Qasem Dashti, Abdul Aziz H. Al-Failakawi, Sandeep Chakravorty, Chandan J. Keot, and Khaled M. El-Derini, #41828 (2016).
PS Regional Distribution of Hydraulic Properties of the Palaeozoic Wajid Sandstone Group Southwestern Saudi Arabia, H. Al-Ajmi, M. Keller, M. Hinderer, Sa'ed Al-Duair, J. Hornung, and C. Schuth, #50586 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Basrah Oil Fields, Southern Iraq, Thamer K. Al-Ameri, Mohamed S. A. Jafar, and Janet Pitman, #20116 (2011).
Continuous Seismic Time Lapse Trail in Saudi Arabia Using a Seismic ACROSS Source EOR and CCS Applications, Ghunaim Al-Anezi, Junzo Kasahara, Khaled AlDamegh, Omar Lafouza, Khaled S. AlYousef, Fahad Almalki, and Ryuichi Kubota, #80431 (2014).
Hanifa-Tuwaiq Mountain Zone: The Edge between Conventional and Unconventional Systems?, Yahya Al Ansari, Ahmed Fateh, Ali Shehab, Ghada Almoulani, Anindya Ghosh, Aqeel Ahmed, and Suresh Thampi, #80539 (2016).
Petroleum Geochemistry of the Mississippian Limestone Play, Northern Oklahoma, USA: Evidence of Two Different Charging Mechanisms East and West of the Nemaha Uplift, Ibrahim Al Atwah, Jim Puckette, and Tracy Quan, #10773 (2015).
Classifications of Unconventional Resources in Kuwait, Mohammad Al-Bahar, Vandana Suresh, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, and Mohammed Dawwas Al-Ajmi, #80657 (2019).
Azimuthal Seismic Velocities and Field Fracture Mapping, Southern Moose Mountain, Mohammed Al Duhailan and Don Lawton, #51058 (2015).
PSCarbonate Facies and Depositional Environments of the Marrat Formation (Lower Jurassic), North Kuwait, Ahmad J. Al-Eidan, Nilotpaul Neog, Srinivasa R. Narhari, Areej Al-Darmi, Rawan H. Al-Mayyas, Thomas L. De Keyser, and Christian Perrin, #50223 (2009).
An Innovative Approach to Monitor Depletion of Reserves Integrating 3D Static Models and Time-Lapse Saturation Logs, Bashar Al-Enezi, Nitin Rane, Dipankar Ghosh, Dawood Al-Matar, #41471 (2014).
Urban Planning in Northern Part of Kuwait: Collaborating Through Synergy Across Assets to Optimize Development, Khalid Al-Dohaiem, #70384 (2019).
Evolution of Structures above a Salt Diapir - Case Study from the Arabian Gulf Region, Mohammed Al-Fahmi, Andreas Plesch, John Shaw and John Cole, #50910 (2014).
Fracture Characterization of Najmah-Sargelu Tight Carbonates Reservoir using Geomechanical Attributes in Minagish Field, West Kuwait, Fatema Al-Failakawi, Rasha Al-Muraikhi, Adnan Al-Shamali, AbdulWahab Al-Qattan, Clement Belgodere, Frederic Mathi, and Riyadh Quttainah, #20447 (2019).
Future Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Southern Iraq with the Emphasis on the Mishrif Cenomanian and the Yamama Valanginian Reservoirs, M. B. Al-Gailani and N. Z. Marouf, #30328 (2014).
PS Modelling of Source Rock Maturation and Hydrocarbon Formation in Northern Iraq, Mohammad Al-Gailani and Nahidh Marouf, #10264 (2010).
Tracers and Pressure Transient Analysis Used to Better Understand Reservoir Connectivity, Wara - Greater Burgan, Kuwait, Wafaa A. Al-Ghanim, Sasi Rajan, Nawaf K. Al-Enizi, and Haya AlHashash, #20422 (2018).
Burgan 3SU Reservoir - A Success Story in Development Planning and Reservoir Management, Wafaa A. Al-Ghanim, Giles Duvivier, and Sasi Rajan, #20421 (2018).
PS Mineralogical Estimation of Organic Rich Mudrocks from Well Logs Using Neural Networks: Overcoming Training Dataset Size Limitation by Integrating X-Ray Fluorescence Elemental Data, Mustafa Al Ibrahim, Tapan Mukerji, and Allegra Hosford Scheirer, #42458 (2019).
PS Micrite, Microporosity and Total Organic Carbon Content: Depositional and Diagenetic Controls Linking Smalland Large-Scale Observations in the Tuwaiq Mountain and Hanifa Formations, Mustafa A. Al Ibrahim, Rick Sarg, Neil Hurley, Dave Cantrell, and John D. Humphrey, #51229 (2016).
Depositional Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Mudrocks Using Sedimentology, Multi-Scale Electrofacies Visualization, and Geochemical Analyses: Tuwaiq Mountain and Hanifa Formations, Saudi Arabia, Mustafa A. Al Ibrahim, Rick Sarg, Neil Hurley, Dave Cantrell, and John D. Humphrey, #51192 (2015).
PSAutomated Cyclostratigraphic Analysis in Carbonate Mudrocks Using Borehole Images, Mustafa A. Al Ibrahim, Neil F. Hurley, and Rick Sarg, #41425 (2014).
Geological and Petrophysical Evaluation of Sandstone Cores in the Great Burgan Field in Kuwait, Osama Al-Jallad, Moustafa Dernaika, Safouh Koronfol, Mona Rashaid, and Laila Hayat, #20403 (2017).
Unlocking the Remaining Potential of Najmah-Sargelu: Play-Based Exploration in Kuwait, Alaa Al-Kandari, Salem Al-Ali, and Anton Prakoso, #30592 (2019).
PS Complex Artifacts in Resistivity and Acoustic Image Data: Recognition and Use in Borehole Image Interpretation, Mohammed Al-Khabbaz, Hanan Abu-Hebail, Mahmood Akbar, Badruzzaman Khan, Salem Al-Sabea, Mona Rashaid, Robert Laronga, Alexander Aviantara, Sandeep Chakravorty, and Rohoullah Dashti, #40975 (2012).
Geostatistical Inversion in Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs: Oilfield Case Studies from Kuwait, Osman Al-Khaled, Yousef Al-Zuabi, Keith Edwards, Mohammad Hafez, and Denny Sulistiono, #20239 (2014).
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Umm Gudair Minagish Oolite Reservoir, Kuwait, Nasser Al-Khalifa, Asmaa Al-Blooshi, Zee Ma, William Clark, Jason Sitchler, Gennady Makarychev, Gary Forrest, and Kelsey Schiltz, #41751 (2015).
PS Kahil Air-FTG® (Full Tensor Gradiometery) Survey, Case Study of Non-Seismic Advances, Elias Al Kharusi, Colm Murphy, Christopher Bellamy, and Saada Al-Rawahi, #41880 (2016).
Predicting Tilted Fluid Contacts: Case Study from a Carbonate Reservoir in NW Oman, Mohammed Al Kindi and Ibrahim Al Ismaili, #20360 (2016).
Successful Characterization Using Images in Real-Time Interpretation: A Challenging Lateral Well from Ultra High Resolution Microscope Measurement, Zainab S. Al Kindi, Magdi Bazara, and Joachim Bildstein, #41457 (2014).
PS Quantitative Subsidence Analysis of the Southeast of the Mesopotamian Basin, Southeastern Iraq: Implications for Basin Evolution Since the Middle Jurassic Period, Layth Al-Madhachi, Stuart Clarke, and Stuart Egan, #30617 (2019).
PS Tectonic Controls on the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Permo-Triassic Khuff Formation, Eastern Saudi Arabia, Mohammad M. Al Marhoon, Masbah Khalil, and May O. Al Sheikh, #51043 (2014).
PS A Quantitative Approach to the Characterization of Sedimentary Architecture in Mixed Eolian-Fluvial Reservoir Successions, Mohammed A. Al-Masrahy and Nigel P. Mountney, #41669 (2015).
Approaches to Modeling Stratigraphic Heterogeneity in Mixed Fluvial and Aeolian Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Mohammed A. Al-Masrahy and Nigel P. Mountney, #41399 (2014).
PS Spatial Variability in Eolian Dune and Interdune Morphology in the Rub' Al-Khali Dunefield, Saudi Arabia, Mohammed A. Al-Masrahy and Nigel P. Mountney, #50830 (2013).
Core and Image Log Analysis of Permian Paleowind Directions in the Unayzah-A Reservoir, Subsurface Eastern Central Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Al-Masrahy, John Melvin, Osman Abdulatif, and M. H. Makkawi, #50734 (2012).
An Updated Chronostratigraphic Framework for the Jurassic of the Arabian Platform: Towards a Regional Stratigraphic Standard, Rasha Al-Moraikhi, Naveen Verma, Prasanta Mishra, Alexander J.P. Houben, Tom van Hoof, and Roel Verreussel, #30333 (2014).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Upper Shuaiba Formation, Giant Carbonate Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Bashayer Al Muhairi, Gary Ottinger, Hesham Shebl, Thomas De Keyser, Christopher Kendall, and Amna Al Dhaheri, #51484 (2018).
West Kuwait Unconventional Hydrocarbon Potential Evaluation of the Najmah Formation - Phase 1 Project Summary, Rasha Al-Murakhi, #80658 (2019).
Industry 4.0: 101 – A Simplified Guide to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its Application in the Oil and Gas Industry, Noor Al-Nahhas, #70380 (2019).
Reservoir and Production Challenges in Complicated Tight Carbonate Reservoir in the Bahrain Field, Rabab Al Saffar, Mike Dowen, Ibrahim Jaber, and Khamis Al Abdali, #20385 (2017).
Sequence Stratigraphic Control on , by Zuhair Al-Shaieb and Jim Puckette, #10023 (2002).
Identification and Characterization of Reservoirs and Seals in the Vicksburg Formation, TCB Field, Kleberg County, Texas, by Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Jim Puckette, Jay Patchett, Phebe Deyhim, Han Li, Amy Close, and Ryan Birkenfeld, #20004 (2000).
Seismic Attributes for Prediction of Reservoir Architecture and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity: A Case Study of Zubair Formation in Bahrah Area, North Kuwait, Eman Al-Shehri, Subrata K. Bhukta, Prabir K. Nath, Sunil K. Singh, and Afrah Saleh Al-Ajmi, #41914 (2016).
Performance of Seismic Arrays in the Presence of Weathering Layer Variations, Jubran Akram and Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, #41841 (2016).
Reviving a Classic Exploration Play in Kuwait: The Lower Cretaceous Ratawi Formation, Sara Bader Al-Tendail, Aavo Taal, Talal Al-Adwani, Ali Abu Ghneej, Raju Arasu, Duncan Barr, and Patrick Clews, #10436 (2012).
Application of Artificial Intelligence for Fluid Typing using Calibrated Compositional Data, Abdullah Alakeely, Yacine Meridji, Anas Almarzouq, Hussain Aljeshi, and Maneesh Pisharat, #41325 (2014).
Quantitative Estimation of Directional Permeability Barriers as a Reservoir Heterogeneity - A New Approach Using Synthetic Core, Mahbub Alam and Larry Lines, #41518 (2015).
Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects, Shahab Alam, #80149 (2011).
Permeability Prediction in Chalks, Mohammad M. Alam, Ravi Sharma, Ida L. Fabricius, and Manika Prasad, #40506 (2010).
Permeability Evaluation of Zubair Formation Using Well Logs, Usama S. Alameedy, #40937 (2012).
Geological Modeling of Makhul Formation in Minagish Field: Integrating Sedimentological, Petrophysical, Geophysical and Well Test Data, an Example of a Tight and Complex Reservoir from Kuwait, Heyam M. Alammar, Ahmad Manowar, Banik Nikhil, Hanan Al-Owihan, Saifullah Tanoli, Badruzzaman Khan, Sudhakar Rao Mushnuri, and Marco Alvarez, #20118 (2011).
3D Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Delineation in Carbonate Reservoir, M. N. Alamsyah, Bambang W. Handono, and Andri Syafriya, #41760 (2016).
Applied Seismic Reservoir Characterization to Distinguish Coals and Sandstone Reservoir of Southwest Betara Field, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, M. N. Alamsyah, Bambang W. Handono, and Teguh Fitrianto, #50761 (2012).
PS Efficacious Use of Simple and Cost Effective Acoustic Flow Analyzer Measurement to Enhance Recovery and Improve Life Cycle of Wells, Omar J. Alaref, Mahmound Saada, Mongi Abdelmoula, and Marvin Rourke, #42007 (2017).
Structural Evolution of La Florida Anticline and Petroleum System in a Foreland Fold Belt, Eastern Cordillera Foothills, Colombia, Ziyad Albesher, James Kellog, Ibraheem K. Hafiz, and Essam Saeid, #30623 (2019).
Benchmarking and Calibration of 3D Geomechanical Models, Rene Alcalde and Ewerton Araujo, #42113 (2017).
PS "Sweet Spot" Identification and Optimization in Unconventional Reservoirs, Jeffrey B. Aldrich and John P. Seidle, #80644 (2018).
Ten Steps to Successful Exploration and Development, Jeffrey B. Aldrich, #70346 (2018).
The Use of Seismic Technologies in Different Reserve Standards: Applications of 3D Seismic and 4D Seismic to the SEC, NI-51 and PRMS Reserve Categories, Jeffrey B. Aldrich, Brandy M. Butler, and John P. Seidle, #41865 (2016).
EA An Integrated Structural Interpretation and Modelling Workflow for the Barikewa Field, Papua New Guinea, Emma Alexander, Julie Mackintosh, Jonathon Hyde, and Peter Boult, #20488 (2020).
An Overview of South Australian Petroleum Systems, Elinor Alexander and Tony Hill, #30530 (2017).
Innovations in South Australian Cooper Basin Acreage Management, Elinor Alexander and Alan Sansome, #70207 (2016).
PS Integrated Seismic Structure, Stratigraphy and Magnetic Basement Interpretation: Offshore Louisiana Shelf, Michael Alexander, #10200 (2009).
PS Regional Structural Framework of Gabon, Derived from Public Source Gravity Data, Michael Alexander and Karim Aimadeddine, #10199 (2009).
Diagenesis of the Bakken Formation, Elm Coulee Field, Richland County, Montana, Chloe S. Alexandre, Steve Sonnenberg, and J. F. Sarg, #20160 (2012).
PS Reservoir Characterization and Petrology of the Bakken Formation, Elm Coulee Field, Richland County, MT, Chloe Spencer Alexandre, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, and J Frederick Sarg, #20108 (2011).
Geologic Modelling of Unconventional Field Using Geostatistics, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Alan Alexeyev, Mehdi Ostadhassan, and Chunxiao Li, #42476 (2019).
Big Oil from "Gas-Prone" Source Rocks and Leaking Traps: Northwest Borneo, Sam Algar, #10465 (2012).
PS Origin of the Mid-Cretaceous Heavy Oils from the Safaniya Sandstone Reservoir, (Wasia Formation), Saudi Arabia, Ranya Algeer, Haiping Huang, and Steve R. Larter, #51277 (2016).
Gradients in Sediment Geochemistry as a Constraint on Modeling Epeiric Sea Circulation, Thomas J. Algeo, Achim Herrmann, Bernd Haupt, #50265 (2010).
Up-Scaled Petrophysical Analyses Using Micro-Level Field-Of-View Petrographic Images for the Kapuni Group, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Aamer Alhakeem, Kelly Liu, and Waleed H. Al-Bazzaz, #10953 (2017).
Prediction of Porosity and Fluid Saturation from Full Stack Seismic Data Using Seismic Inversion and Neural Network Analysis, Ahmed S. Ali, Hamed El-Mowafy, Ashraf Ali Hasan, and Ali Khairy, #42254 (2018).
PS Optimization of Formation Evaluation by Integration of Advanced Surface Fluid Logging and Downhole Tools in Difficult Geological Settings, Mazwan B. M. Ali, Hasbulnallah M. Razali, Nur Hasnidar Bt Zulkifli, Fatin Hamimi Azhar, Mark Alexander Samung, Ra himah Halim, Taufiq Yaakob, M. Amin Nizar B.C.A. Razak, Anna Lebohang Sempe, Ivan Fornasier, Andrea Di Daniel, Simon Botelho, Gokarna Khanal, Elias K. Mathew, Rajeswary Kandasamy, Thierry Chabernaud, and Mohd Ramziemran Abdul Rahman, #41816 (2016).
PS Feasibility of Enhanced Permeability of Siliciclastic Reservoirs by Geochemical Stimulation, Syed Anas Ali, Jay R. Black, and Ralf Haese, #41782 (2016).
GC Polygonal Fault Expression in 3-D Seismic Data, Esther Ali, Emma Gibbons, Juan Martinez-Munoz, Karl Schleicher, Dennis Cooke, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41589 (2015).
Hydrocarbon Generation Modelling of the Åre, Melke and Spekk Formations, Haltenbanken Area, Norway, Amdad Ali, Dag A. Karlsen, and Magnus Wangen, #120100 (2013).
AV Lithofacies, Depositional Environment, Burial History and Calculation of Organic Richness from Wireline Logs: A Study of the Barnett Shale in the Delaware Basin, Pecos Co., West Texas, and Comparison with the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin, by Walaa Ali, Julia Gale, Stephen C. Ruppel, David L. Carr, and Robert Loucks, #110083 (2009)
3 of 4 presentations from Session, "Gas Shale Reservoirs—Updates and New Insights," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Multimicrofossil Biostratigraphic Analysis of Wells A and B, Krishna - Godavari Basin, Q. A. Ali, D. S. N. Raju, S. Shukla, R. K. Saxena, B. Prasad, M. H. B. Raju, and M. Shanmukhappa, #50413 (2011).
Can the Hydrocarbons Industry be a Strong Driver to the Grow of the Geothermal Energy Sector?, Claudio Alimonti, Elena Sodlo, and Davide Scrocca, #42549 (2020).
Groundwater Investigation Using Combined Geophysical Methods, Amarachi R. Alisiobi and B. D. Ako, #40914 (2012).
PS Stratigraphic Control on Oil Field Performance in Clastic Reservoirs of the Norwegian Continental Shelf: An Insight from Machine-learning Techniques, Kachalla Aliyuda, John A. Howell, and Adrian Hartley, #30612 (2019).
Empirical Analysis of the Stratigraphic Control on Production in Clastic Reservoirs of the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Kachalla Aliyuda, John Howell, and Adrian Hartley, #30597 (2019).
PS Impact of Depositional Environment on Reservoir Quality and Hydrocarbon Production, Kachalla Aliyuda, John A. Howell, and Adrian Hartley, #11065 (2018).
The Potential of Enhanced Geothermal Energy Systems in Saudi Arabia, Salem G. Aljuhani, #80249 (2012).
GC Randomness in 3-D Seismic Survey Design, by Engin Alkan and Bob Hardage, #40265 (2007).
Night Shot-Hole Drilling, A New Approach for Successful Completion of Mega Onshore 3D Seismic Survey, Abdullah M. Alkandari, Abdul Wahab M. Sadeqi, Anand Kumar, Ibrahim Hakam, and Kalyan Chakraborty, #42215 (2018).
PS Sedimentary and Stratigraphic Expression of Fluvial-Aeolian Interactions: Examples from the Skeleton Coast of Namibia and the Triassic Helsby Sandstone Formation, UK, With Implications for Reservoir Heterogeneity, Mahmud Alkathery and Nigel P. Mountney, #51188 (2015).
PS Geophysical Investigation of the Breccias Impact on Reservoir Quality in the Madison Formation, The Beartooth Region, Montana, U.S.A., Wisam H. AlKawai, #40856 (2011).
Evaluation of the Rock Properties in Structurally Deformed Areas Based on Outcrop Analogues for Offshore Fields in Azerbaijan, Shahriyar Alkhasli, Gasham Zeynalov, and Aydin Shahtakhtinskiy, #51461 (2018).
The Belridge Giant Oil Field - 100 Years of History and a Look to a Bright Future, Malcolm E. Allan and Joseph J. Lalicata, #20124 (2012).
PS The Belridge Giant Oil Field: 100 Years of History and a Look to the Future, Malcolm E. Allan and Joseph J. Lalicata, #20110 (2011).
Belridge Giant Oil Field, Diatomite Pool-- Learnings from an Unusual Marine Reservoir in an Old Field, by Malcolm E. Allan, Mahmood Rahman, and Barbara A. Rycerski, #20043 (2006).
PS Surge Propagation in Debris Flows, Paul Allen, Oliver Harlen, Robert Dorrell, Robert Thomas, and William McCaffrey, #51540 (2018).
The Arbuckle Mountains as a Laboratory for Geological Education, R. W. Allen and R. L. Neman, #70304 (2017).
AV Adventures in Pre-Stack Depth Migration, by James Allen, #110121 (2010)
2 of 5 presentations at Session, Geophysical Integration: A Road Map to Exploration Success
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Complex Structural Features of the Ardmore Basin, by Robert W. Allen, #10027 (2002).
Assessing the Relationship Between Aeolian Bedforms and Hydraulic Properties in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in Central Utah for the Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration, Jessica L. Allen, Si-Yong Lee, and Weon Shik Han, #80152 (2011).
PS Isotopic Characterization of Natural Gas Seeps Identified in Peel Plateau, Yukon Territory, Canada, Tammy Allen, Kirk Osadetz, and Bernhard Mayer, #50325 (2010).
Re-Evaluation of Bottom-Hole Temperature Corrections - New Insights from Two Wells in West Central Utah, Rick Allis and Mark Gwynn, #51530 (2018).
Science and Policy in the U.S. Congress, Edith Allison, #70200 (2015).
Online, Interactive Assessment of Geothermal Energy Potential in the U.S.A., Lee Allison, Stephen M. Richard, Ryan J. Clark, Kim Patten, Diane Love, Celia Coleman, Genhan Chen, Jordan Matti, Janel Day, Esty Pape, and Leah Musil, #80226 (2012).
PS The Evolution from Depositional Geometry to Trap Definition by Rapid Multi-Layer Mapping, Michelle Allum, #41418 (2014).
Integrating Geological Attributes with a Multiple Linear Regression of Geophysical Well Logs to Estimate the Permeability of Carbonate Reservoirs in Campos Basin, Southeastern Brazil, Paula Almeida and Abel Carrasquilla, #10930 (2017).
PSSeal Character and Variability Within Deep-Marine Depositional Systems: Seal Quantification and Prediction, by William R. Almon and William C. Dawson, #40125 (2004).
PS Salts Removal as an Effective and Economical Method of Bakken Formation Treatment, Mousa Almousa, Olusegun Tomomewo, and Yeo Howe Lim, #80740 (2023).
PS Interwell-Scale Heterogeneity in an Upper Jurassic Carbonate Ramp Mahmoud H. Alnazghah, Luis Pomar, Marc Aurell, and Beatriz Bádenas, #30119 (2010).
EA Evolution of the Shallow Pleistocene Carbonates of New Providence Island, Bahamas – Using GPR and Outcrop Data, Emad Alothman, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Gregor P. Eberli, and Mark Grasmueck, #51686 (2020).
Velocity Modeling with Complex Tectonics; Example from the San Joaquin Forearc Basin, California, Lisa Alpert and Josué Rosas, #41950 (2016).
Incorporating Complex Geology in Basin Models: Example from a Forearc Basin; San Joaquin Valley, California, Lisa Alpert and Carolyn Lampe, #41949 (2016).
Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology of Fluvial Systems of the Pleistocene to Recent in the Malay Basin, Southeast Asia, Faisal Alqahtani, Christopher Jackson, Howard Johnson, Alex Davis, and Ammar Ahmad, #41032 (2012).
Integrated Geophysical Studies on the Basement Structure of the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma and Arkansas, Hamed Alrefaee, G. Randy Keller, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #50710 (2012).
PS Depositional Facies and Environments of the Devonian Jauf Formation in the Shedgum Area, Northeast Ghawar, Saudi Arabia, Raed Alsalhi and John Melvin, #50611 (2012).
A Detailed Oklahoma Stress Map for Induced Seismicity Mitigation, Richard C. Alt and Mark D. Zoback, #70198 (2015).
Parity in Rock-Typing for Geology, Petrophysics, and Engineering by Tackling Interconnectivity with Fractal Leaky-Tubes Description, M. Mehmet Altunbay, Faruk Civan, Paul F. Worthington, and Shaharudin B. Aziz, #41455 (2014).
PS Seismic Characteristics and Distribution of Hydrothermal Vents in the Rift Section of the Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil, Renata Alvarenga, David Iacopini, Juliano Kuchle, Claiton Scherer, Karin Goldberg, and Luis F. De Ros, #11196 (2019).
GC Reservoir Property Prediction from Seismic Inversion Attributes Using MARS, Pedro Alvarez and Francisco Bolivar, #42202 (2018).
Prospective Carbonate Neocomian Trends (Makhul, Minagish and Ratawi Formations) in Southwest Kuwait, Marco Alvarez, Heyam Alammar, Ahmad Manowar, and Hanan Al-Owihan, #50661 (2012).
Tectonic Geomorphology of the Eastern Trinidad Shelf, Implications for Influence of Structure from Reservoir Distribution and Nature in Older Basin Fill, by Tricia Alvarez and Lesli Wood, #30063 (2008).
CONTISLOPE—Evolution of Submarine Channel Systems on Continental Slopes, by Tiago M. Alves, Joe Cartwright, and Richard Davies, #40263 (2007).
Sequence Stratigraphy and Diagenesis of the Mauddud Formation (Burgan Field, Kuwait): A Combined Impact on the Distribution of Reservoir Properties, Omran Alzankawi, Laila Hayat, Benoit Vincent, Joanna Garland, Pete Gutteridge, and Sarah Thompson, #20423 (2018).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Ferry Lake Anhydrite, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Hydrocarbon Potential, Faith O. Amadi, R.P. Major, and Lawrence R. Baria, #30097 (2009).
Utilization of Nanoparticles to Enhance Hydrocarbon Recovery, Mahmood Amani, Mohamed Idris, Nikolayevich Dela Rosa, Mohamed Al Balushi, Arnel Carvero, and Rommel Yrac, #70371 (2018).
Impact of Geological and Geo-Mechanical Controls in Creating Various Drilling Problems, Md Amanullah, Raed Alouhali, and Mohammed Arfaj, #42199 (2018).
Water Ice Resources on the Moon, William A. Ambrose and Bruce L. Cutright, #80739 (2023).
Return to the Moon: Resources, Risks, and Rewards, William Ambrose, #42413 (2019).
Outcrop to Subsurface Linkages, Canyon and Cisco Groups, Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, William Ambrose and Tucker F. Hentz, #11216 (2019).
Volcanogenic Resources for a Sustained Human Presence on the Moon, William Ambrose, #80641 (2018).
PS Depositional History and Shoreline Evolution of the Upper Wilcox Group and Lower Reklaw Formation, Northern Bee County, Texas, William Ambrose, Hongliu Zeng, Mariana Olariu, and Jinyu Zhang, #51502 (2018).
Living on the Moon: Lessons for Mars, William A. Ambrose and Bruce L. Cutright, #70279 (2017).
Resource-Development and Environmental Challenges for Life on the Space Frontier, William Ambrose and Bruce Cutright, #70222 (2016).
Tidal Depositional Systems in Pennsylvanian Strata in the Anadarko Basin, Northeast Texas Panhandle, William A. Ambrose, Tucker F. Hentz, and Logan Tussey, #10742 (2015).
Water and Hydrogen Resources on the Moon, Mercury, and Mars, William Ambrose, #70166 (2014).
PS Optimal Locations for Lunar Settlements and Industrial Facilities, William A. Ambrose, Dieter Beike, and Bruce L. Cutright, #70146 (2013).
PS Lunar Energy and Mineral Resources: New Insights from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, William A. Ambrose, Dieter Beike, and Bruce L. Cutright, #80213 (2012).
Water and Other Volatiles on Mars: Resource Base and Implications for Terraforming, William Ambrose and Bruce Cutright, #70196 (2015).
A Survey of Impact Craters in the Inner Solar System: Perspectives from Earth, William A. Ambrose, #70075 (2010).
Water Ice on Mars and the Moon, William A. Ambrose, #80055 (2009) (6.23 MB).
Nearside Megabasin: The Largest Basin from the Moon, William A. Ambrose, #70066 (2009) (6.51 MB).
Giant Impact Basins of the Solar System, William A. Ambrose, #70065 (2009) (6.37 MB).
Timing, Emplacement, and Distribution of Mare-Fill Units in Oceanus Procellarum, a Large Nearside Lunar Basin, by William A. Ambrose, #70063 (2009).
Decarbonized Power, Energy for the Future: Clean Coal, CO2 Sequestration, and the EOR Prize in the Gulf Coast and Permian Basin, by William A. Ambrose, #80006 (2007).
AV Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on Complex Reservoir Architecture in Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic and Lowstand Valley-Fill Deposits in the Woodbine Group, East Texas Field, by W.A. Ambrose, T.F. Hentz, F.P. Wang, F. Bonnaffe, R.G. Loucks, and L.F. Brown, #110060 (2008)
3 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~5.7 mb).
Neogene Shelf, Slope, and Basin-Floor Gas Plays, Laguna Madre-Tuxpan Continental Shelf, Eastern Mexico, by William Ambrose, Tim F. Wawrzyniec, Khaled Fouad, L.F. Brown, Jr., Shinichi Sakurai, David C. Jennette, Dallas B. Dunlap, Edgar H. Guevara, Mario Aranda Garcia, Ulises Hernandez Romano, Ramón Cárdenas Hernández, Eduardo Macías Zamora, and Suhas C. Talukdar, #10083 (2005).
PS What is the Business Environment for Global Exploration in 2025 – And What We Need to do Now to Succeed, Ronnie Ameerali, #70397 (2019).
Structural Restoration of the Jurassic Section at Kra Al-Maru and Riksah Structures, West Kuwait, Aimen Amer, Hanan Salem, Talal Al Adwani, Meshal Al Wadi, Abdulaziz Sajer, and Bhaskar Chakrabarti, #51031 (2014).
PS Distribution and Character of Soft-Sediment Structures within a Paleo-Submarine Mass Transport Complex and Implications for Reservoir Geometry Prediction, Permian Cutoff Formation, West Texas, by Robert Amerman, Eric P. Nelson, and Michael H. Gardner, #50012 (2005).
PS Submarine Mass Transport Complex Evolution and Control on Overlying Reservoir Deposition, Permian Cutoff Formation, West Texas, by Robert Amerman, Eric P. Nelson, Michael H. Gardner, and Bruce Trudgill, #40194 (2006).
PS Comparison of Deepwater Mass Transport Complex Settings: West Texas; South-Central Pyrenees, Spain; Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, by Robert Amerman, Bruce Trudgill, Eric P. Nelson, Michael H. Gardner, Pau Arbués, Jim Borer, Julian Clark, Grace L. Ford, Hugo Ortner, Douglas Paton, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and David Pyles, #40239 (2007).
4-D Distribution of Deepwater Mass-Transport Deposits (Late Cretaceous Upper Gosau Subgroup, Muttekopf Area, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria): Implications for Syndepositional Structural Reconstruction, Robert Amerman, Bruce Trudgill, Eric P. Nelson, and David R. Pyles, #30108 (2009) (8.7 MB).
Preliminary Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of the Jurassic Minas Viejas Formation, México, Natalia Amezcua, H. Rochin, and L.E. Martínez, #51652 (2020).
Carbonate Facies Model and Paleogeography of Tendehhantu Formation, Northern Kutai Basin, Indonesia, Dadan P. Amiarsa, Idham A. Kurniawan, Artedi Susanto, and Kristian N. Tabri, #50746 (2012).
PS The Impact of Stress on Gas Production from the Shale, K. Aminian, M. El Sgher, and Samuel Ameri, #42555 (2020).
GC Seismic Meta-Attributes as a Practical Exploration Tool: Gas Chimney and Fault Volumes, by Fred Aminzadeh and David Connolly, #40101 (2003).
Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait. A Case Study, Yaser Amjad, Mona Rashaid, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Aiman Fituri, and Alan Sibbit, #20429 (2018).
PS High Resolution XRF Stratigraphy of the Ordovician Utica Shale, Central New York State, Deanna Amoriello, Jeffrey T. Pietras, and Tyler Rust, #11218 (2019).
Interactive Reservoir Geomodelling from Uncertainty, Ronan Amorim, Emilio Vital Brazil, Daniel Patel, and Mario Costa Sousa, #41309 (2014).
AVEast Texas Deep Bossier Sandstones, Amoruso Field, by John J. Amoruso, #110135 (2010)
1 of 6 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
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PS Estimating The Permeability Of Carbonate Rocks From The Fractal Properties Of Moldic Pores Using The Kozeny-Carman Equation, Adewale Amosu, Mohamed Imsalem, and Yuefeng Sun, #51481 (2018).
PS Rock Physics Based Quantification of Carbonate Pore Type Effect on Permeability Heterogeneity: Application to the Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, Adewale Amosu and Yuefeng Sun, #51480 (2018).
PS FischerLab: An Interactive Program for Generating Dynamic Fischer Plots From Wireline Logs and Stratigraphic Data, Adewale Amosu and Yuefeng Sun, #70260 (2017).
PS WheelerLab: An Interactive Program for Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Seismic Sections and the Generation of Dynamic Chronostratigraphic Sections, Adewale Amosu and Yuefeng Sun, #42053 (2017).
PS Outcrop Analogue for a Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Ramp Reservoir: A Multi-Scale Facies Modeling Approach, F. Amour, M. Mutti, N. Christ, A. Immenhauser, and S. Tomás, #50539 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Definition, The Kra Basin, Northern Gulf of Thailand, Tianpan Ampaiwan, Minarwan Minarwan, Paul Swire, and Paolo Tognini, #20357 (2016).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy, and Diagenesis of the Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Successions, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, Cyrenaica, NE Libya, Khaled S. Amrouni, Michael C. Pope, Ernest A. Mancini, and Ahmed S. El-Hawat, #51131 (2015).
Monterey Event in the Cyrenaican Miocene Carbonate Platform (Central Mediterranean), NE Libya, Khaled S. Amrouni, Michael C. Pope, Ernest A. Mancini, and Ahmed S. El-Hawat, #51110 (2015).
PS Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle to Late Miocene, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, Cyrenaican NE Libya, Khaled S. Amrouni, Michael C. Pope, and Ahmed S. El-Hawat, #50809 (2013).
Seismic Attribute Database for Selective Use of Seismic Attributes for a Given Application, Johannes Amtmann, Christoph Eichkitz, and Marcellus Schreilechner, #41163 (2013).
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Re-Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Potentials of Eastern Part of the Chad Basin, Nigeria: An Aeromagnetic Approach, Emmanuel Anakwuba and Augustine Chinwuko, #10405 (2012).
Evidences for Fresh Water Lacustrine Origin of Tertiary and Cretaceous Oils of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India, Rashmi Anand, M.S. Bisht, Kusum Lata Pangtey, S.K. Saxena, Vibha Prabhakar, and P. Dwivedi, #50767 (2012).
Russian Arctic Seas Petroleum Potential and Development Prospects, Vasilii V. Ananev, Vladimir E. Verzhbitsky, Victor E. Vasilev, and Igor A. Tanygin, #10735 (2015).
Episodic Deformation Rates Recovered from Growth Strata, Pyrenees, David Anastasio, Kenneth Kodama, and Josep Parés, #30553 (2018).
Post-Depositional Evolution of the Carbonate Reservoir Systems of the Moesian Platform, Romania, Nicolae Anastasiu and Dumitru-Relu Roban, #50174 (2009).
PS New Insights in the Characterization of the Springhill Fm Play in the Austral Basin, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Daniela Ancheta, Juan Pablo Lovecchio, Graciela Covellone, Maximiliano Naipauer, Guillermo Azpiroz, Mario Atencio, and Viviana Meissinger, #11327 (2020).
Advanced Pressure Coring, Erik C. Anders and Martin Rothfuss, #40428 (2009).
PS Depositional Controls and Sequence Stratigraphy of Lacustrine to Marine Transgressive Deposits in an Active Rift Basin, Lower Cretaceous Bluff Mesa, Indio Mountains, West Texas, Andrew T. Anderson, Katherine A. Giles, and Richard Langford, #10954 (2017).
PS National Geothermal Data System, Arlene F. Anderson, David Cuyler, Walter S. Snyder, M. L. Allison, David D. Blackwell, and Colin F. Williams, #80225 (2012).
Re-Visiting the Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite and Devonian Darby Subcrop Geometry across SW Wyoming: New Light from an Old Well, Donna S. Anderson and Mark W. Longman, #51416 (2017).
PS Impacts of Heterogeneous Fluvial Depositional Environments on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Tight Gas Reservoirs, Donna S. Anderson, Mary M. Carr, Patricia H. Cuba, and Jennifer L. Miskimins, #50614 (2012).
GC How 4-D Seismic Monitoring Works, Roger Anderson, #40615 (2010).
AV Past, Present and Future Seal Level, Subsidence and Storm Impact Records Indicate Accelerated Change along the Texas Coast This Century, by John B. Anderson and Davin Wallace, #110144 (2010)
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Key Parameters for Liquid-Rich Unconventional Plays: Case Studies from North America, Tom Anderson, #80354 (2014).
Geothermal Potential of Deep Sedimentary Basins in the United States, Tom Anderson, #30290 (2013).
History of Geologic Investigations and Oil Operations at Teapot Dome, Wyoming, Tom Anderson, #20215 (2013).
Geothermal in the Oilfield: Using Hot Produced Water for Power Generation, Tom Anderson, #80090 (2010).
AV History of Geologic Investigations and Oil Operations at Teapot Dome, Wyoming, by Thomas Anderson, #110087 (2009)
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The Renaissance of Gravity, by B. S. Anderson, M. E. Weber, and J. E. Bain, #40035 (2001).
Re-Using Old Formation MicroScanner Logs to Help Understand Reservoir and Fracture Development at the Dover East Field, Southwestern Ontario, Canada,
Dragan Andjelkovic, Simon Brame, and Timo Von Rudloff, #20252 (2014).
PS Alternative to Improve Seismic Imaging of a Structurally Complex Subsurface, Simone Silva Andre and A. Pinilla Cubides, #42269 (2018).
PS Characterizing Fracture Networks in a Normal Fault Splay Zone, Ross Andrea, Yiduo Liu, and Michael Murphy, #41884 (2016).
Conditioned Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Large Carbonate Fields: A Dionisos Model of Karachaganak, by Miriam Andres, Phil Bassant, and Mitch Harris, #40352 (2008).
Inversion of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data with Enhanced Structural Fidelity, Federico Golfré Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, and Luca Masnaghetti, #42333 (2018).
PS Outcrop Characteristics for the Woodford Shale, Richard D. Andrews, #80200 (2011).
Production and Outcrop/Reservoir Characteristics of the Woodford Shale in South-Central and Southeast Oklahoma, by Rick Andrews #10137 (2007).
Sedimentological and Architectural Characteristics of a Rift Initiation Package: Middle-Upper Jurassic, North Sea, Jan Andsbjerg, #30279 (2013).
Sedimentary Record of the Early-Middle Jurassic Inception of the Gulf of Mexico in Tlaxiaco Basin, Alberto Osmar Vite del Angel and J. Rueda-Gaxiola, #11313 (2020).
Guadalupian Paleobiogeography across the Neotethys Ocean, Lucia Angiolini, Giovanni Muttoni, Gaia Crippa, and Vincenzo Verna, #30225 (2012).
Seismo-stratigraphy and 3-D Petroleum System Modeling of the Colorado Basin, Offshore Argentina, Zahie Anka, M. Loegering, J. F. Rodriguez, D. Marchal, R. di Primio, and E. Vallejo, #10427 (2012).
Controls on Natural Gas Seepage and Focused Fluid Flow on the South Atlantic and the Barents Sea, Zahie Anka, Markus Lögering, Ilya Ostanin, Nikolaus Baristeas, Gabriela Marcano, Emmanuel Rodriguez, and Rolando di Primio, #40803 (2011).
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Williston Basin Province of North Dakota, Montana and South Dakota, Lawrence Anna, Richard M. Pollastro, Stephanie B. Gaswirth, Paul Lillis, Laura N. Roberts, and Troy Cook, #10201 (2009).
Three-Dimensional Prestack Inversion, Lobo Trend, South Texas, by Phil Anno, Mark Wuenscher, Robert Corbin, John Hooper, and Frank Chlumsky, #10039 (2003).
Nano-Scale Porosity Analysis of a Permian Tight Gas Reservoir, Philipp Antrett, Alexandra Vackiner, Uwe Wollenberg, Guillaume Desbois, Peter Kukla, Janos Urai, Harald Stollhofen, and Christoph Hilgers, #40821 (2011).
EA Pre-Oxfordian Source Rocks on the Western Margin of the Gulf of Mexico, Samuel Eguiluz y de Antuñano and Alejandro Morelos García, #11314 (2020).
PS Top Seal Evaluation of Miocene Deep-Water Reservoirs, Southern Gulf of Mexico, Fernando Apango, John W. Snedden, Hugh Daigle, and Inessa Yurchenko, #30627 (2019).
Multi-Scale Effective Flow Properties of Heterogeneous Mudstones, Andrew C. Aplin, Gary D. Couples, Michael Drews, Kuncho D. Kurtev, and Jingsheng Ma, #120101 (2013).
AVChayvo Field, Sakhalin Island, Russia: Identification of a Significant Oil Leg from 3-D Seismic and Execution of a World Class Extended Reach Drilling Program, by Ted Apotria, Randall Mathis, Rick J. Powell, and Bridget Venner, #110043 (2007)
5 of 7 presentations session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
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Integrated Cleat Analysis and Coal Quality on CBM Exploration at Sangatta II PSC, Kutai Basin, Indonesia, Nita Apriyani, Suharmono, Muhammad Momen, Setiabudi Djaelani, Arifin Sodli, Andrean Satria, and Anom Seto Murtani, #80412 (2014).
PS Lower Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems of Western Iraq with Reference to Jordan, Adnan A. M. Aqrawi, Oddvar Skarpnes, John Scotchmer, and Ahmed Masri, #50590 (2012).
Characterisation of the Mid-Cretaceous Mishrif Reservoir of the Southern Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq A.A.M. Aqrawi, T.A. Mahdi, G.H. Sherwani, and A.D. Horbury, #50264 (2010).
Determination of the Laminar, Structural and Disperse Shale Volumes Using a Joint Inversion of Conventional Logs, Ambrosio Aquino-López, Aleksandr Mousatov, Mikhail Markov, and Elena Kazatchenko, #41944 (2016).
PS Rates of Faulting and Sedimentation in a Continental Rift Setting Constrained by Biostratigraphic, Structural and Seismic Studies - Implications for Reservoir Architecture, Dentale Formation, Gabon, A. Aramowicz, A. Robinson, G. Ageneau, J.L. Ruiz Corregidor, B. Arnon, and P. Chimienti, #50579 (2012).
Refinement of Radiometric Analysis: Case Study Dongara Area of Onshore Western Australia, Afif Arbi and Ronald W. Klusman, #42514 (2020).
Gee Whiz Geophysics — But What About the Log Data?, by Jeff S. Arbogast and Steven M. Goolsby, #40181 (2005).
Inversion Modeling of the SP Log…Resurrecting and Quantifying a Critical Measurement for Predicting Permeability and Formation Water Resistivity, by Jeff S. Arbogast and Steven M. Goolsby, #40176 (2005).
PS Sub-Salt and Pre-Salt Plays – How Much Are Left To Be Discovered?, Didier Arbouille, Vlad Andrus, Theodhora Piperi, and Tianguang Xu, #10545 (2013).
Application of Surrogate Models and Derivative-Free Optimization in Geothermal Reservoir Modelling, Rosalind Archer and Ariel Vidal, #42494 (2020).
Facilitating Interpretation of Depositional Features in the McMurray Formation through the use of Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis (MAA) Volumes, Joanne Archer, Tess Sebastian, and David Gray, #41512 (2015).
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the North Marine Area, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, Since the Pliocene, Curtis Archie and Nancy Gallai-Ragobar, #30447 (2016).
Use of Biostratigraphy and 3D Seismic Data to Reinterpret Depositional Environments of the Lower Cruse in the Southern Basin of Trinidad, Curtis Archie, Christopher Lakhan, and Nancy Gallai-Ragobar, #51238 (2016).
Stratigraphic Traps as Exploration Targets: Examples From Petrotrin's Soldado Acreage, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, Curtis Archie and Nancy Gallai, #10630 (2014).
Stratigraphic Traps as Exploration Targets: Examples from Petrotrin’s Soldado Acreage, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, Curtis Archie and Nancy Gallai, #20233 (2014).
Animation Model of West Central South America from the Early Jurassic to Late Miocene, with Some Oil and Gas Implications, by Terry Li Arcuri and George H. Brimhall, #10033 (2002).
PS Rock Type Analysis of 1000 Wells Using Computational Classification Techniques. A Case Example in the Lower Cretaceous Centenario Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, M. Arcuri, C. Zavala, J. Iparraguirre, E. Buciak, J. M. Herrera, L. Venara, M. Di Meglio, and A. Zorzano, #10926 (2017).
Hyperpycnal Shelfal Lobes - Some Examples of the Lotena and Lajas Formations, Neuquen Basin, Argentina, Mariano Arcuri and Carlos Zavala, #50066 (2008).
Investigation of Devonian Unconformity Surface Using Legacy Seismic Profiles, NE Alberta, Elahe P. Ardakani and Douglas R. Schmitt, #80444 (2015).
Thermal Maturity and Organic Petrology of the Upper Ordovician Utica and Lorraine Shales, Southern Quebec, Canada, Omid Haeri Ardakani, Hamed Sanei, Denis Lavoie, Zhuoheng Chen, and Nabila Mechti, #51078 (2015).
Regional Geophysical Study for Geothermal Exploration in Northeastern Alberta, Elahe P. Ardakani and Douglas R. Schmitt, #30335 (2014).
Structural and Intrinsic Fluvial Controls on the Geomorphology of an Integrated, Incised-Valley Network in the Lower Cretaceous of Southern Alberta, Canada, by George W. Ardies, Robert W. Dalrymple, and Brian A. Zaitlin, #30016 (2003).
The Chlorite-Bearing Reservoirs: Effects of the Main Petrographic Parameters on Reservoir Quality, Monica Arduini, Francesca Golfetto, and Andrea Ortenzi, #50178 (2009).
PSTurbidity Current Flows over Rough Substrates, Armin Arfaie, Alan D. Burns, Derek B. Ingham, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Robert M. Dorre, and William D. McCaffrey, #41426 (2014).
Palaeo-Stress Directions as a Guide for Fault Conductivity Prediction in 3D Petroleum Systems Modelling, Natt Arian, Peter Tingate, Richard Hillis, Geoffrey W. O’Brien, #10243 (2010).
Sedimentary Cycle Best Practice: Potential Eo-Oligocene Sediments in Western Indonesia, Mellinda Arisandy and I Wayan Darma, #11008 (2017).
Seismic Architecture and Anatomy of a Basin-Scale Lowstand Wedge (Mulichinco Formation, Argentina): Implications for Tight Reservoirs Exploration, Sebastián M. Arismendi, María E. Pascariello, Maria F. Rincón, Ernesto Schwarz, and Mariana Olivo, #51320 (2016).
Mud Diapirism Associated to Neotectonic Transcurrent Leaky Faults in the Colombian Caribe — A Pass Way to Hydrocarbon Migration, Camilo I. O. Aristizábal, André L. Ferrari, and Cleverson G. Silva, #50446 (2011).
Unconventional Resources and the Petrobras Challenges in Argentina, Tristán Alberto Armaretti, #80436 (2015).
Response to Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation Requires A Robust Economy, by John M. Armentrout, #70046 (2008).
Exploration Lessons from the Land of 'Magic Realism', Juan Francisco Arminio, #70374 (2021).
Evidence for Precambrian Stratigraphy in Graben Basins below the Eastern Llanos Foreland, Colombia, Juan F. Arminio, Franklin Yoris, Carlos Quijada, Jairo M. Lugo, Dave Shaw, James B. Keegan, and John E. A. Marshall, #50874 (2013).
"Exceptional" Turbidite Systems in High-Latitude and Tectonically Active Settings and the Obsolescence of Ubiquitous Sequence Stratigraphic Models, Dominic A. Armitage, Jacob A. Covault, #30122 (2010).
Role of Mass-Transport Deposit (MTD) Related Topography on Turbidite Deposition and Reservoir Architecture: A Comparative Study of the Tres Pasos Formation (Cretaceous), Southern Chile and Temburong Formation (Miocene), NW Borneo, Dominic A. Armitage, Christopher A. Jackson, #30121 (2010).
High-Latitude Canyon Development and Associated Depositional Element Evolution; Southwest Grand Banks Upper Slope, Canada, by Dominic A. Armitage, David T. McGee, William R. Morris, and David J.W. Piper, #50086 (2008)
Newfoundland - Ireland Conjugate Margin Oil Families: Siblings and Cousins Plus the Occasional Outsider, James Armstrong, Jean-Marie Laigle, Samuel Piriou, Alain-Yves Huc, Ian Atkinson, Michael Hanrahan, and Kara English, #30541 (2018).
Possible Tectonic Influence on Upper Ordovician Stratigraphy and Source Rock Distribution in the Southern Hudson Platform, Northern Ontario, Derek Armstrong, #30376 (2014).
Woodford Shale Source Rock Characterization in a Horizontal Well, Tom Arnold, Andrew Sneddon, Sheng Wu, Andrei Deev, and Yongchun Tang, #51096 (2015).
Graded and Massive Beds: A 3-D Mosaic of Coalesced, Rapidly-Deposited "Pod"-like Elements? by Bill Arnott, #50115 (2009).
Calibration of NMR Permeability Using Cluster Analysis and Cloud Matching, A. Arora, J. Browning, S. K. Henderson, G. B. Asquith, S. Gorell, and A. Ettehadtavakkol, #42468 (2019).
Tectonic Disposition of Back-Arc Andaman Basin and its Hydrocarbon Potential, Varnika Arora and K.S. Misra, #30201 (2011).
Jaisalmer Basin of Western Rajasthan: A Gravity Perspective, K. Arora, K. Suman, M.M. Dixit, and D. Sarkar, #40878 (2012).
EA Paleoenviromental Interpretation of the Lajas Formation (Middle Jurassic, Neuquen Basin, Argentina) in Subsurface: Fluvio-Dominated-Delta, Mariano Arregui, Aldo Omar Montagna, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Nerina Canale, Juan José Ponce, Emiliano Santiago, Romina Coppo, and Mariano Bühler, #51619 (2019).
PS A New Approach Solving Lateral Wells Complexity, Integrating Borehole Acoustics Reflection Survey and Facies Derived Borehole Images for a Better Completion Strategy, Wolfcamp, West Texas, E.V. Arteaga, C.C. Contreras, E. Haddad, G. Martinez, V.Vallega, and O. Zened, #42208 (2018).
Physical Seismic Modeling of a Near-Vertical Fault Zone, Jessie M. Arthur, Donald C. Lawton, and Joe Wong, #41515 (2015).
Probabilistic Assessment of Tight-Gas Sands Using a Data-Driven Modeling Approach, Emre Artun, Burak Kulga, and Turgay Ertekin, #42148 (2017).
Time-Dependent Performance Evaluation of Cyclic Injection of Gas Mixtures into Hydraulically-Fractured Wells in Appalachian Sandstones, Emre Artun, #11009 (2017).
Cyclic Pressure Pulsing: A Promising Method to Improve Recovery from Hydraulically-Fractured Stripper Wells of Appalachian Basin, Emre Artun, Ozgur Irgav, and Nurum Khairzhanov, #10896 (2016).
PS Identification of High-Resolution Features on Formation Pressure Gradients: A Case Study in a Heavy Oil Accumulation of the Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil, Paulo C. Artur, Carlos F. Beneduzi, Carlos A. De Andre, and Silas A. Roberto, #40859 (2012).
Formation Mechanisms of Ultradeep Sedimentary Basins: The North Barents and Some Other Basins, Eugene V. Artyushkov, I. V. Belyaev, Peter A. Chekhovich, G. S. Kazanin, S. P. Pavlov, and S. I. Shkarubo, #10558 (2013).
The Role of Statics Application in the Imaging of Subsurface in Fold Belt Areas, Arun Kumar Arya, Bharat Chandra Joshi, and Narinder Pal Singh, #40746 (2011).
Evaluating the Roles of Sediment Supply and Tectonics Using Growth-strata Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy, Forward Stratigraphic Modeling and Sediment Volume Calculations: An Example from the Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA, Jennifer Aschoff and Jared Rountree, #50648 (2012).
Fracture Characterization and Sweet Spot Mapping in Naturally Fractured Tight Carbonate Reservoir, Opening a New Play in Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, Afnan Asghar, Zawar Hussain, Firasat S. Shah, Syed M. Tauqeer, and Arshad H. Palekar, #11181 (2019).
Implications for the Hydrocarbon Presence: An Example from Lower Indus Basin, Syed Ali Asghar, #10808 (2015).
Wyodak Coal, Tongue River Member of the Fort Union Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: "No-Coal Zones" and Their Effects on Coalbed Methane Production, by Mark Ashley, #10094 (2005).
Cypress Sandstone Reservoir Characterization Across the Clay City Anticline, Richland and Clay Counties, Illinois, Zohreh Askari, Yaghoob Lasemi, and Nathan D. Webb, #51364 (2017).
Applications of the Lucia Method in Carbonate Petrophysics, George B. Asquith, #42126 (2017).
Permian Wolfcamp Interesting Log Interpretation Problem, George B. Asquith, #41896 (2016).
AV OOIP Utilizing GEOCHEM (ECS) Data, Triple Combo Data Only, and Pyrolysis S1 Data, Permian Wolfcamp “A” and “B” Shales, Midland Basin, Texas, George B. Asquith, #110207 (2015).
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OOIP Utilizing GEOCHEM [ECS] Data, Triple Combo Data Only, and Pyrolysis S1 Data, Permian Wolfcamp “A” and “B” Shales, George B. Asquith, #41406 (2014).
Detailed Seismic Mapping and Time-Lapse Analysis of a Fault Network in the Chalk, Donatella Astratti, Victor Aarre, Ole V. Vejbaek, and Gillian White, #120035 (2012).
High Resolution Sequence Biochronostratigraphic Analysis of Late Jurassic – Cretaceous, Raghavapuram - Golapalli – Tirupati – Razole Petroleum System, Onland Krishna – Godavari Basin, India, H. S. Aswal, K. Singh, and N. C. Mehrotra, #50407 (2011).
Depositional Facies of Plover Formation in the Abadi Field, Eastern Indonesia Based on Core Sedimentology, Aswan Aswan, Yahdi Zaim, Koichi Kihara, and Kukuh Hadianto, #50729 (2012).
Overpressure Distribution and its Onshore Pattern, East Java Basin, Thomas C. Atarita, Agus M. Ramdhan, Ricky A. Wibowo, and Lambok M. Hutasoit, #11147 (2018).
EA Quantifying Reservoir Architecture of the Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone,
Star Point Formation, Spring Canyon, UT, Claire Atlas, #51682 (2020).
3D Modelling of Longshore Bar Deposit in Modern Fluvial Dominated Delta: Case Study of Wulan Delta, Demak, Central Java Province, Hasan Tri Atmojo, Hanif Indra Wicaksana, Achmad Rizal, Irfan Cibaj, Hadi Nugroho, and Dwandari Ralanarko, #51274 (2016).
PS Reservoir Scale Modulation of Turbidite Architecture Related to Paleo-gradients Generated by Syn-sedimentary Structural Growth and Segmentation of an Overfilled Foreland Basin System: The Marnoso-Arenacea Formation at the Coniale Anticline, Northern Apennines, Italy, Nicholas J. Atwood and Michael H. Gardner, #30239 (2012).
Outcrop Example of Intrastratal Slope Deformation Controlled by Depositional Architecture, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile, N.C. Auchter, B.W. Romans, S.M. Hubbard, L. Stright, and B.G. Daniels, #51154 (2015).
EA Source Rock Potentials and Hydrocarbon Discoveries in Salin Sub-Basin, Myanmar, Soe Aung and Ei Mon Han, #11214 (2019).
The Next 100 Years of Global Energy: Part V Density, Key to Fake and True News about Energy and Environment, Jesse H. Ausubel, #70272 (2017).
Anisotropy and Petrophysics of a Gas Reservoir in a Horizontal Well with a High Angle Pilot Well, Burgos Basin, Mexico, Hugo Avalos Torres, Heriberto Crdova Aguayo, Manuel Morales Leal, Jos Bernal Monjaras, Eric Pacheco P., Erik Martnez S., and Gelmunt Escamilla V., #40525 (2010).
PS Searching for Sweet Spots: Multi-Facies and Multi-Scale Approach for Gas Shale Reservoir Characterization, Alessandro Avanzini, Piero Balossino, Marco Brignoli, Elisa Spelta, and Cristiano Tarchiani, #42243 (2018).
The Marcellus Shale.... By the Numbers, Katharine Lee Avary and Katherine Schmid, #10447 (2012).
Structure and Early Evolution of the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: New Constraints from Marine Seismic Refraction Data, Harm J. Van Avendonk, Drew R. Eddy, Gail Christeson, Ian Norton, Garry Karner, Chris Johnson, Erik Kneller, and John W. Snedde, #30300 (2013).
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using Electrical Borehole Image – Revisited Existing Methods Using Textural Analysis Workflow, Alexander A. Aviantara, #41505 (2014).
PS 2D Seismic Lines Reprocessing Using Prestack Time Migration: Case Study of the Solimões Basin, Ronan M. Avila and Leo R. Nascimento, #10231 (2010).
Seismic Screening for Hydrocarbon Prospects Using Rock-Physics Attributes, Per Avseth and Tor Veggeland, #41608 (2015).
PSGiant Microbialites from the Green River Formation, Laney Member, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado, Stanley Awramik and Paul Buchheim, #50984 (2014).
Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resource Plays in Pakistan: An Overview Awakening a South East Asian Sleeping Giant-Technological Solutions to Unlock the Vast Unconventional Reserves of Pakistan, S. Areeba Ayaz, Batool Arhamna Haider, Kiran Ismail, and Peter Mark Smith, #80216 (2012).
Potential for Enhanced Methane Production from Coal, with Concomitant CO2 Sequestration – Examples from a High-Rank Coal (Pottsville Formation, Black Warrior Basin) and a Low-Rank Coal (Wilcox Group, Texas Gulf Coast Basin), Walter B. Ayers, Duane A. McVay, Maria A. Barrufet, Gonzalo Hernandez, Rasheed Bello, and Ting He, #80159 (2011).
PS Distribution of Depositional Environment, Diagenetic Features, and Reservoir Quality of the Middle Bakken Member in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, Oguzhan Ayhan, Ursula Hammes, and William L. Fisher, #20368 (2016).
The Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy: Past, Present and Future, Bridget Ayling, #80575 (2017).
Evaluation of Spectral Proxies in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Plays: A Case Study from the Southern Georgina Basin, Australia, Bridget Ayling, Dianne S. Edwards, Jon Huntington, and Belinda Smith, #41798 (2016).
PS Static Reservoir Modeling of the Valanginian Depositional Sequence of Gamtoos Basin, Offshore South Africa, Oluwatoyin L. Ayodele, Tapas K. Chatterjee, and J. M. van Bever Donker, #11180 (2019).
PS Multi-Attribute Analysis of Six Upper Cretaceous and Jurassic Structural Closures in Belo Profond, Morondava Basin, Offshore West Madagascar, Irewole Ayodele, Joyce Smith, Adeleke Orimolade, Glen Penfield, and Babafemi Falaye, #11198 (2019).
PS High Impact Exploration Inventory in an Emerging Hydrocarbon Province, Morandava Basin, Offshore Madagascar, Irewole J. Ayodele, Adeleke Orimolade, Samuel Adetola, Glen Penfield, and Babafemi Falaye, #10957 (2017).
PS Generating Value through New Logging Technology and Analytical Methods - Case Study from Offshore West Africa, Irewole J. Ayodele, Sarah Kabon, and Chiara Cavalleri, #41915 (2016).
PS Detailed Lithofacies Analysis and High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Horn River Group, British Columbia, Canada, Korhan Ayranci, Tian Dong, and Nicholas Harris, #51324 (2016).
PS Borehole Stability and Field Stress Analysis with Azimuthal Logging-while-Drilling Technology: A Case History, Saikh A. Azim, Sankar Chowdhuri, Salah Al-Anezi, Anar Abdulkarim, Ahmet Aki, and Mohamed Samie, #41775 (2016).
Increase Productive Life and Add to In-Place Oil in Mature Reservoirs with Integrated Studies: Zubair Reservoir in Kuwait, Saikh A. Azim, Salah Al-Anezi, Boris Kostic, William Bryant, Markus Hoppe, Mariam Al-Blayees, Sarah Al-Qattan, and Bader Al-Saad, #20201 (2013).
PS Discovery of Subtle Traps in Early Cretaceous Formations of Kuwait through an Integrated Study, Shaikh Abdul Azim, Salah Al-Anezi, Mariam Al-Blayyes, Sarah Al-Qattan, and Bader Al-Saad, #50753 (2012).
PS Importance of Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Modified Workflow in Modeling a Paralic to Marine Sedimentation Process: Upper Burgan Formation, Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait, Saikh A. Azim, Peter F. Cameron, Yahya Hassan, Syed Mohammed Ismail, and Bader Al-Saad, #20155 (2012).
Saturation Monitoring, Sweep Evaluation and Identification of Bypassed Oil in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir, Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait, Saikh A. Azim, Mansoor A. Rampurawala, Yahya Hassan, Ashok K. Pathak, Krenek R. Ronald, and Hamad T. Al-Ajmi, #20074 (2009).
Evaluation of Mineralogical Composition and Reliable Petrophysical Parameters by Neutron Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Mineralogical Complex Reservoir of Lower Goru Formation, Middle Indus Basin - A Case Study, Kamran Aziz, Aamir Rasheed, Arshad Hussain Palekar, Rehan Hanif, S. Sohaib Zulfiqar, and M. Zeeshan Baig, #40887 (2012).
Great Vindhyan Basin: A Potential Field for Cambrian Oil in India, R. J. Azmi, #10320 (2011).
Ba-Bd Be-Bh Bi-Bo Br-Bz
Reservoir Continuity Assessment with Mass Moments of Inertia, Olena Babak and Clayton V. Deutsch, #40659 (2011).
Characterization of Diapir-Associated Complex Structural Geometries in Neogene Sequence, Indus Offshore Delta, Pakistan, Zakaullah Babar, Claudio Tobia, and Gamal Elkat, #30226 (2012).
PS Structural and Geomechanical Analysis of Fractured Cambrian-Ordovician Reservoirs in the Northern Appalachian Basin, Ola Babarinde, John Miller, Neeraj Gupta, Joel Sminchak, and Samin Raziperchikolaee, #10793 (2015).
Recycled Glass Cullet as an Alternative Aggregate for Dredged Sediments in Coastal Replenishment, Claire E. Babineaux, #70179 (2015).
The Peruvian and Northern Bolivian Subandean Fold and Thrust Belt: Structural Complexity Overview and Geochronologic Constraints, Patrice Baby, Ysabel Calderon, Christian Hurtado Enriquez, Nicolas Espurt, Mélanie Louterbach, Stéphane Brusset, Martin Roddaz, Jaime Oller, Raul Mayta, Jorge Gutierrez, and Melvy Humerez, #30594 (2018).
PS 4D Seismic Integrated to Dynamic Modelling Revealed Two Late Stage Development Opportunities in the West Brae Field, Central North Sea, UK, Florence Bacciotti, Karine D’Amore, and Julien Seguin, #20126 (2012).
The Dynamics of Mahakam Delta - Indonesia, Based on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Grab Samples, Cores, and Salinity, Andang Bachtiar, Joko Wiyono, Liyanto, Mohammad Syaiful, Yudi Satria Purnama, Muhammad Rozalli, Andi Krisyunianto, and A.S. Purnama, #50363 (2010).
PS Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on the Stratal Architecture of a Giant Gilbert Delta, Corinth Rift, Greece, Nicolas Backert, Mary Ford, and Fabrice Malartre, #50328 (2010).
Exploration Focus: Hungary, Gábor Bada and Gábor Tari, #10534 (2013).
Giant Cretaceous Mixed Contouritic-Turbiditic Systems, Offshore Uruguay: The Interaction between Rift-Related Basin Morphology, Contour Currents and Downslope Sedimentation, G. Badalini, P. Thompson, S. Wrigley, R. Walker, J. Argent, F. J. Hernandez-Molina, M. Soto, and H. de Santa Ana, #30482 (2016).
Seismic-Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Regional 2D Lines in the Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil G. Badalini, F. Brouwer, R. Bourque, R. Blight, and G. de Bruin, #40538 (2010).
PS Acoustic Characterization of Sub-Seismic Scaled Heterogeneities in Carbonate Reservoirs: Example of Barremian Microporous Limestone from Southeast France: An Analog of Middle East Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Dawin Baden, Yves Guglielmi, and Lionel Marié, #41989 (2017).
Structural Inheritance for the Laramide, Central Montana Uplift: A Wrench-Fault Tectonic Model Related to Proterozoic Orogenesis in the Foreland of the North American Cordillera, Jeffrey Bader, #30676 (2021).
PS Stratigraphic and Structural Relations of the Birdbear Formation (Devonian) Western North Dakota, Jeffrey W. Bader, #11282 (2019).
Structural Inheritance and the Role of Basement Anisotropies in the Laramide Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the North American Cordilleran Foreland, Wyoming – Towards a Unified Hypothesis, Jeffrey W. Bader, #30641 (2019).
Uniformitarianism and the Laramide Orogeny of the Wyoming Craton: The Present is the Key to the Past, and the Past…, Jeffrey W. Bader, #30513 (2017).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Inyan Kara Formation, North Dakota, Jeffrey W. Bader, #51414 (2017).
The Missing Link: The Role of Basement Anisotropies in the Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Wyoming Craton, Jeffrey W. Bader, #30485 (2017).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy of the Inyan Kara Formation, Northwestern North Dakota: Extracting the Maximum from Minimal Core and Outcrop Data, Jeffrey W. Bader, #51347 (2017).
Fracture Characterization and Analog Modeling of the Woodford Shale in the Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, USA, Henry Badra, #80207 (2012).
Bitumen Evaluation in the Grosmont Carbonate Reservoir: A Case Study of Wireline Technology Applications, Rob Badry, and Jason Smith, #41364 (2014).
Petrophysical Analogue Trends from Core Property Data for Emerging Play Evaluation, Gregor Bächle and Brian Tepper, #41171 (2013).
Regional Prospectivity, Offshore the Republic of the Congo,
Simon Baer, Patrick Coole, Alain Richard Ngouala Nzoussi, Brice William Débi Obambé, Saturnin Pilly Kiwuba, and Edmond Brice, #10645 (2014).
Effect of Spherical Pore Shapes on Acoustic Properties in Carbonates, by Gregor T. Baechle, Layaan Al-Kharusi, Gregor P. Eberli, Austin Boyd, and Alan Byrnes, #50047 (2007).
Modeling Sonic Velocity in Carbonates Using Thin Sections, by Gregor Baechle, Arnout Colpaert, Gregor P. Eberli, and Ralf J. Weger, #40313 (2008)
Novel Well Flow-control Valve for Flexible Well Completion and Application in Commingled Production of Oil and Gas in West Africa, Joseph Bagal, Maximilien Hallaire, and Paul Hazel, #70250 (2017).
Annular Barrier as an Alternative to Squeezes in Challenging Wells: Technology Review and Case Histories, Joseph Bagal, Gbenga Onadeko, Paul Hazel, and Vibjørn Dagestad, #70249 (2017).
PS Selecting Optimum Completion Designs in Deepwater Multilayered Tight Sand Applications, Suat Bagci, Sergey Stolyarov, and Juan C. Flores, #42496 (2020).
Application of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Tiltmeter Analysis in Hydraulic Fracturing Diagnostics, Ben Bagherian, #42384 (2019).
PS Lithofacies and Reservoir Assessment for the Thirteen Finger Limestone, Hugoton Embayment, Kansas, M.E. Bagley, J. Puckette, D. Boardman, and W.L. Watney, #50513 (2011).
Tectonic Evolution Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Fractured Basement: A Case Study from Melut Basin in South Sudan and Bongor Basin in Chad, Jie Bai, Zhongsheng Shi, Juan Li, Luo Xue, and Weiwei He, #10846 (2016).
PS Main Geological Characteristics and Resource of Oil shale and its Development in Northwest China, Yunlai Bai, Hua Tang, and Kai Yan, #50493 (2011).
Diagenesis of Sandstones Surrounding Gypsum Valley Salt Diapir, Paradox Basin, CO: An Example From the Jurassic Fluvial Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, Claire Bailey, Richard Langford, and Katherine Giles, #51602 (2019).
Testing the Tertiary Basin Floor Fan Play in the Gulf of Papua, PNG, Brad Bailey, Galal Salem, and Patrick Haltmeier, #10802 (2015).
PS Structural Permeability in Australian Sedimentary Basins, Adam H. Bailey, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, Joshua Sage, and Martin Hand, #11054 (2018).
Remote Sensing of Subsurface Fractures: A South Australian Case Study, Adam Bailey, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, Joshua Sage, and Martin Hand, #41694 (2015).
Evolution and Plays of the Banda Arc, Peter Baillie, Paul Carter, and Pedro Martinez Duran, #11245 (2019).
The Rise of BHP and Australia's Oil Fortunes, Peter Baillie, #70330 (2018).
Geological Development of the Straits of Makassar, Indonesia, Peter Baillie and John Decker, #30251 (2012).
EA A New Crustal Model of the Gulf of Mexico – From Seismic and Potential Fields Data, J. Bain, J. Kegel, and Cian O'Reilly, #30658 (2020).
Large-Scale Stratigraphic Architecture of a Deep-Water Slope Conduit, Nanaimo Group, Hornby Island, Canada, Heather A. Bain and Stephen M. Hubbard, #51075 (2015).
Centennial of the Wolfcamp Formation, Richard Bain, #70305 (2017).
PSPrediction of Sub-seismic Sealing Faults Using Simple Numerical Simulation Models, by R.C. Bain, K.H. MacIvor, B.E. Holt, and D.S. Beaty, #40242 (2007).
Effect of Growing Structures on Stratigraphic Evolution, Channel Architecture, and Submarine Fan Distribution, Niger Delta, West Africa, by Olusola Bakare, Neil Hurley, and Timothy McHargue, #40251 (2007).
Influence of Mass Transport Deposit on Stratigraphic Evolution, Channel Morphology, and Turbidite Reservoir Preservation and Architecture, Niger Delta, West Africa, by Olusola Bakare, Neil Hurley, Timothy McHargue, and Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #40249 (#2007).
PS Improved Quality Control Methods for Legacy Well Logs in Geological Carbon Sequestration: A Case Study from the East Uinta Basin, Omar Bakelli, Carlos Vega-Ortiz, Ting Xiao, Ilyas Mellal, Nathan Moodie, and Brian J. McPherson, #42594 (2024).
PS Forecasting Water Production from Oil and Gas Wells Using Machine Learning Models, a Case Study from the Paradox Basin, Utah, Omar Bakelli, Rohit Ramgire, Eric Edelman, Ting Xiao, and Brian J. McPherson, #42593 (2024).
Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Inland Basins of Nigeria: An Example of an Integrated Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Remote Sensing Study of Frontier Basins, Mazadu Baku, Zeev Berger, Henri Ohen, and Luigi Clavareau, #11223 (2019).
Shear Wave Conversion in Reservoir Rocks, Kandiah Balachandran, #40705 (2011).
Tectonic Evolution and Sedimentation of Sabah, North Borneo, Malaysia, Allagu Balaguru, #30084 (2009).
Recent Advancements in Mechanical Earth Modeling at Farnsworth Unit, Texas, USA, Robert Balch, Robert Will, and Marcia McMillan, #80722 (2020).
Oil and Gas Potential in the Secretaries Potash Enclave, Robert S. Balch, Martha Cather, and Vidya Bammidi, #20113 (2011).
PS 3-D Structural Modeling and Restoration of the Western Sicilian Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Martina Balestra, William Sassi, Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz, Sveva Corrado, Maurizio Gasparo Morticelli, and Attilio Sulli, #30573 (2018).
Helium, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Accumulations in the Holbrook Basin, Arizona, James H. Ballard, #80750 (2024).
Helium and Low to Very Low Methane Gas Fields in Northeast Arizona, James H. Ballard, #11355 (2022).
Helium Potential in the Holbrook Basin, Arizona, James H. Ballard, #11271 (2019).
Undeveloped Petroleum Potential of the Offshore Santa Maria Basin, California, James H. Ballard, #11067 (2018).
Undeveloped Petroleum Potential of the Western-Most Santa Barbara Channel, Offshore California, Jim Ballard, #10899 (2016).
Chemical Flooding the Lansing-Kansas City Formation in Kansas, Mark Ballard, #41242 (2013).
Exploring in Structurally Complex Thrust Belt: Southwest Albania Case, by Ballauri, Z. Bega, P. Meehan, R. Gambini, and W. Klammer, #30011 (2003).
Applying Petroleum Exploration Data to Identify Geothermal Targets in the North Perth Basin, Australia, Mark Ballesteros, #80701 (2019).
Insights into the Petroleum Potential of the Western Philippines from New Regional Seismic Data, Mark Ballesteros and Paul Robinson, #10471 (2012).
Global Tectonic and Basin Maps, Albert W. Bally, D. Sawyer, and A. Sinkewich, #30444 (2020).
J. Elmer Thomas, Sicily and the Ragusa Oil Field, Albert W. Bally, #70293 (2017).
Secondary Reservoirs of the Bazhenov and Abalak Formations and the Structure of the Pore Space, Balushkina N.S., G.A. Kalmykov, R.A. Khamidullin, D.V. Korost, V. Shyshkov, and N.P. Fadeeva, #50935 (2014).
Tasour Field, Republic of Yemen Block 32: Case History of a Decade of Learning, by James Bambrick, Ross Clarkson, Halvor Jahre, Sven Erik Lie, #20020 (2004).
Fault Analysis, Stratigraphic Discontinuities and 3D Structural Modeling of Tb-Field, Offshore Niger Delta, Odunayo F. Bamidele and Olugbenga A. Ehinola, #40526 (2010).
Resource Potential of the Woodford Shale in New Mexico, Vidya Sagar Bammidi, #80178 (2011).
Tectonic Control on the Deposition of Organic-Rich Basinal Facies of Vaca Muerta Formation, Alejandro Bande, Ricardo Veiga, Horacio Acevedo, and Alfonso Mosquera, #51670 (2020).
Reservoir Characterization of the Trenton Limestone, Illinois Basin, William F. Bandy Jr., #11371 (2022).
PS Hostile Sequential Formation Tester-II (HSFT-IITM Tool) Highest Temperature Rated Wireline Formation Tester - 450 DEG F & 30,000 PSI, Somnath Banerjee, Rassamee Puttanarakul, Chakhrit Gasuyee, Kamal Osman, Nopphon Rongsayamanon, and Atip Muangsuwan, #41079 (2012).
Cyclic Variation of Organic Carbon Isotope Ratio (δ13Corg) and the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) within the Barnett Shale (Texas, USA): A Signal of 3nd Order Sea Level Change in the Mississippian, Sandeep Banerjee, Kurt Ferguson, Robert T. Gregory, Paten Morrow, #10245 (2010).
Palynological and Core Data Suggest Middle-Late Turonian Age for the Avak Impact, Barrow, Alaska, Arthur C. Banet, James P. Fenton, Thomas P. Walsh, Thomas C. Morahan, and Peter Stokes, #30099 (2009).
Reservoir Characterization of Burrow-Mottled Dolomites: Devonian Wabamun Group, West-Central Alberta, Canada, Greg M. Baniak, Murray K. Gingras, and S. George Pemberton, #50938 (2014).
Comparing Seismic Resolution and Signal and Noise Quality between Dense Point-Receiver and Conventional Data, Bakken Formation, North Dakota, Niranjan Banik, Antoun Salama, Adam Koesoemadinata, George El-Kaseeh, Mark Egan, and Alfonso Gonzalez, #41160 (2013).
Evidence for the Onshore Extension of the Deep Water Jurassic Salt Basin in the Majunga Basin, Northwest Madagascar, by Nigel Banks, Bernard Cooper, Steven Jenkins, and Edmond Razafindrakoto, #10155 (2008)
PS Discontinuities in Mud-Prone Successions and the Role of Ichnology and Sedimentology, Permian Pebbley Beach Formation, Australia, Kerrie L. Bann, Christopher Fielding, Stuart C. Tye, James A. MacEachern, and Brian G. Jones, #50644 (2012).
Analysis and interpretation of environment sequence models in Hassi R'Mel Field in Algeria, R. Baouche, A. Nedjari, and R. Chaouchi, #50188 (2009).
The Rotliegend Reservoir System of the Northern Upper Rhine Graben, Germany: From Outcrop Analogue Studies to Geothermal Reservoir Assessment, Kristian Bär, Marita Felder, Annette E. Götz, Nicolaas Molenaar, and Ingo Sass, #80194 (2011).
New Approaches to Geological Uncertainties in STOIIP Estimation for Greenfield in South Vietnam Shelf, Timofey Baranov, Anastacia Galimova, Georgiy Sansiev, Sergey Gusev, Viacheslav Terentev, and Gennadii Fedorchenko, #30609 (2019).
Application of Seismic Geomorphology for Frontier Hydrocarbon Exploration, South Anza Basin, East African Rift, Valentina Baranova, Azer Mustaqeem, Francis Karanja, and Danson Mburu, #10692 (2014).
Neural Network Application for Frontier Exploration: East/Central African Rift Example, Valentina Baranova, Azer Mustaqeem, Francis Karanja, and Danson Mburu, #41278 (2014).
PS Using Advanced Seismic Attribute Analysis to Reduce Risk in Frontier Exploration – West Newfoundland Offshore, Valentina V. Baranova and Azer Mustaqeem, #40660 (2010).
PS Integrated Geomechanical Reservoir Characterization Approach to Study Migration and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons in Llanos Basin, Colombia, Valentina Baranova, Azer Mustaqeem, Friso Brouwer, and David Connolly, #40871 (2012).
Numerical Simulations of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation – A Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach, Michael Baranowski and Timothy Masterlark, #41689 (2015).
PS Benthic Foraminiferal Carbonate Preservation from the Late Miocene - Pliocene, Northwest Svalbard Continental Shelf (ODP Hole 910C), Soma Baranwal, Katrine Husum, Jochen Knies, and Kari Grøsfjeld, #50475 (2011).
A Methodology for Evaluating Economic Refracturing Candidates and Optimizing Refracture Treatments, Robert Barba, #40692 (2011).
PS Implications for Tectonic Control on Paleogeography and Sediment Dispersal Pathway: Integrated U-Pb Detrital Zircon Age-Analysis of the Paleogene Missouri River Headwater System, SW Montana, Douglas E. Barber, Robert K. Schwartz, Amy L. Weislogel, Lauren Schricker, and Robert C. Thomas, #50863 (2013).
The Northern Australia - Eastern Indonesia- PNG Super Gas Province: Why So Much Gas and So Little Oil?, Peter M. Barber and Jim Winterhalder, #10475 (2013).
Advances in Reservoir Development Using Extra-Deep Azimuthal Resistivity, Marie Kjølleberg, Jose Eustaquio Barbosa, Luiz Loures, Patricia Swalf Pearson, Beatriz Morani, Richard Tilsley, Andreas Hartmann, Mikhail Sviridov, Oscarelena Sanabria, and Jon Skillings, #41895 (2016).
Seismic Stratigraphy of the Onshore Portion of Pernambuco Basin: Evidence of Break-Up during Middle Albian for the South Atlantic Rift in Northeast Brazil, José Antonio Barbosa, Maria Fernanda Maia, Mário Lima Filho, José Ricardo Magalhães, and Osvaldo Correia, #30324 (2014).
EA Pre-Salt Sedimentary Tectonics and Opening of the Gulf of Mexico, José Rafael Barboza-Gudiño, Valentina Castellanos-Rodríguez, Yam-Zul Ernesto Ocampo Déaz, Irene Guadalupe Pérez-Casillas, J. Francisco Pérez-Aguilar, Luis Uriel López-Gallegos, and Diego Jaime-Rodréguez, #30657 (2020).
Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Plays in Albania, Roland Barbullushi, #10504 (2013).
EA Facies Modeling of a Giant Carbonate Gas Reservoir Severely Affected by Secondary Overprint An Example from the Khuff Gas Reservoir, Awali Field, Bahrain, Jayanta Bardalaye, Michael Dowen, and Lana Al Hashemi, #20458 (2019).
Stratigraphy, Age and Provenance of Madura Shelf Sediments, WA: Implications for the Evolution of the Bight Basin and Australia's Southern Margin, Milo Barham, Shane Reynolds, Michael O'Leary, and Chris L. Kirkland, #10819 (2015).
PS Upper Pleistocene-Holocene? Terraced-Slope Hot-Spring Travertine System and Its Modern Analogue in the Albegna Valley, Southern Tuscany (Central Italy), Federica Barilaro, Giovanna Della Porta, and Enrico Capezzuoli, #50561 (2012).
PS Petrographic and Facies Analysis of Pleistocene Travertines in Southern Tuscany, Central Italy, Federica Barilaro, Giovanna Della Porta, Marco Ripamonti, and Enrico Capezzuoli, #50437 (2011).
Offshore in the West, Joan R. Barminski, #70398 (2019).
PS Constraining the Importance of Authigenic Carbonate in the Global Carbon Cycle: A Case Study From the Bakken Formation, B. Davis Barnes, Jon M. Husson, Maciej G. Śliwiński, Adam C. Denny, John W. Valley, and Shanan Peters, #70275 (2017).
Capturing Uncertainty in Prospect Economics, Cornelius W. "Neil" Barnes, #41850 (2016).
Regional Reservoir Characterization and CO2 Storage Resource Estimate (SRE) in a Geologically Complex, Deep Saline Formation, Middle Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone (STPR), Michigan Basin, USA, David A. Barnes and Stephen Zdan, #80572 (2016).
PS A Comparison of Geological CO2 Storage Resource Calculation Methodologies to Evaluate Parameter Sensitivity and Reduce Uncertainty: Case Study of the St. Peter Sandstone (Ordovician) in the Illinois and Michigan Basins, Dave Barnes, Kevin Ellett, John Sosulski, John Rupp, and Hannes Leetaru, #80278 (2013).
PS Geological Sequestration Capacity in the Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone: Assessment and Feasibility in the Michigan Basin, USA, David A. Barnes, Stephen Kelly, and Diana H. Bacon, #80062 (2009).
Hydrothermal Dolomitization of Fluid Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin, USA, by David A. Barnes, Thomas M. Parris, and G. Michael Grammer, #50087 (2008)
GC Shaded Relief Display of Seismic Image, Arthur E. Barnes, #40599 (2010).
GCShaded Relief in Display of Seismic Data, by Arthur Barnes, #40097 (2003).
PS Origin and Significance of Thick Carbonate Grainstone Packages in Non-Marine Successions: A Case Study from the Barra Velha Formation, Santos Basin, Andrew J. Barnett, Michael Obermaier, Joachim Amthor, Kaluan Juk, Raphael Camara, Mohammad Sharafodin, and Matt Bolton, #11116 (2018).
PS Porosity Evolution in the Bassein Limestone of Panna and Mukta Fields, Offshore Western India: Burial Corrosion and Microporosity Development, Andrew J. Barnett, V. Paul Wright, Mohit Khanna, #50326 (2010).
PS New Method of Defining Net Thickness in the Bone Spring Sandstones to Identify Prospective Reservoirs Using Petrophysical Attributes and Stochastic Simulation Techniques in the Delaware Basin, New Mexico, Marielis Vargas Baron and Joanna Fritz, #42087 (2017).
An Alternative Geodynamic Model for the Oriente-Northern Marañon Foreland Basin Petroleum System, Roberto Barragan, Patrice Baby, Christian Nino, and Marco Rivadeneira, #10529 (2013).
Geothermal Heat Sources from Oil Wells Using Binary Cycles, Silvia P. Barredo, Hans-Joachim Wiemer, Dietmar Kuhn, and Luis Stinco, #42358 (2019).
GIS: The Exploration and Exploitation Tool, by Kirk A. Barrell, #40006 (2000).
Conducting a Field Study with GIS: Port Hudson Field, Tuscaloosa Trend, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, by Kirk A. Barrell, #40007 (2000).
PS Along-Strike Prediction of Syn-Rift Fan Delta Architecture with Field, Subsurface and Numerical Modeling Investigations, B.J. Barrett, D.M. Hodgson, R.E.L. Collier, R.L. Gawthorpe, R.L. Dorrell, and T.M. Cullen, #42389 (2019).
Developing Tight Gas in a Mature Basin – United Kingdom North Sea, Paul Barrett and Erika Syba, #20460 (2019).
Predicting Seismic Data Quality from Multispectral Satellite Imagery in Alberta Oil Sands, Andrew V. Barrett, Art Siewert, and Ron Weedmark, #41335 (2014).
AV Some Advice from Half Century of Elephant Hunting: How We Bagged Some Big Ones, by Bill Barrett, #110078 (2009)
4 of 6 presentations from Forum, "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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AVThe Independents – Case Histories in Success, by Bill Barrett, #110017 (2005).
1 of 4 presentations at AAPG Forum: The Independents – Case Studies of Success, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
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Impact of the Data Capture in Malal Del Medio Oeste Field Characterization, Martín Miguel Barría, María Fernanda Valverde, María Agustina López Ordines, and Daniel L. Sanchez, #20471 (2020).
PS A Multiple Isotope (C, H, S & O) Approach to Characterizing Crude Oil Families Within Oil Basins, Craig D. Barrie, Kyle W.R. Taylor, John Zumberge, and Kimberlee L. Sparks, #42242 (2018).
New Exploration Traps in the Espino Graben, Eastern Venezuela Basin, Yoasmali A. Barrios, Noelia Baptista, and Grover Gonzales, #10333 (2011).
AV What Is the Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change During Earth History? by Eric Barron, #110057 (2008)
5 of 5 presentations from Interactive Forum on Global Climate Change, AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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PS Regional Seismostratigraphic Model of the Tertiary Sedimentary Fill of the Austral–Magellan Fuegian Basin and its Potential Reservoirs, Pablo Barros-Arroyo, Juliana Marino, Muriel Miller, Gladys Angelozzi, Diana Ronchi, Luciana Hiriart, and Pablo Giampaoli, #11331 (2020).
PS New Insights Into the Cretaceous Rayoso Formation: A Regional Overview of a Large Fluvial Fan and Implications for Reservoir Prediction, Pablo Barros, Héctor Campos, Guillermo Pedersen, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Andrea Moscariello, and Elena Morettini, #51307 (2016).
Impact of Detailed Geological Modeling on Field Development: Alluvial Papagayos Formation Case Study, Vizcacheras Field, Cuyana Basin, Argentina, Pablo Barros and Jose Maria Jauregui, #20260 (2014).
AV Petroleum Industry Response to Climate Change, by John Barry, #110110 (2009)
2 of 3 presentations from Forum, Global Climate Change: Anticipating a Carbon Constrained Future: Implications for the Fossil Fuel Industry
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EA New Insights into the Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Systems of the Pannonian Basin: A 2D Basin Modeling Study, Attila Bartha, Attila Balázs, and Árpád Szalay, #11349 (2021).
PS Provenance and Sandstone Modal Compositional Trends from Upper Cretaceous Nonmarine Siliciclastic Strata of the Sevier Foreland Basin in Northern and Central New Mexico, Samantha R. Bartnik, Brian A. Hampton, Greg H. Mack, and Cody J. Stopka, #51601 (2019).
The Depositional System of the Green River Oil Shale in Western Colorado, by Yuval Bartov, Dag Nummedal, and Rick Sarg, #30064 (2008)
Process-Based Modeling of Sediment Deposition and Compaction in the Peïra Cava Sub-Basin; Detailed Analysis and Sediments Distribution at Reservoir-Scale, Riccardo Basani, Tor E. Aas, Ernst Hansen, and John Howell, #41320 (2014).
3-D Forward Modeling and Simulation of Sediment Flow: Distribution and Deposition, Ormen Lange Gas Field, Riccardo Basani, Ernst Hansen, Romain Rouzairol, Snorre Heimsund, and Claudia Guargena, #20141 (2012).
MassFLOW-3D Simulation of Sediment Flow and Distribution of the Ty Sandstone Reservoir in the Nini Field, Central Graben, Riccardo Basani, Ernst Hansen, Romain Rouzairol, Jens Peter Vind Hansen, Mette Groth-Pedersen, and Snorre Heimsundx, #20140 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Migration and Charge Models for the Eastern Cuyana Basin Fields, Argentina, Yanina A. Basile and Yolanda Ruiz, #11301 (2020).
The Golden Age of "Shale" Exploration, Paul M. Basinski, #70133 (2012).
In Search of a Cordilleran Point Source to the McMurray Sub-Basin, Morufu A. Basiru and Shahin E. Dashtgard, #51303 (2016).
Reservoir Geochemistry: The Changing Landscape from the 1950's to the Present, David K. Baskin and Mark A. McCaffrey, #70409 (2020).
Allocating the Contribution of Oil from the Eagle Ford Formation, the Buda Formation, and the Austin Chalk to Commingled Production from Horizontal Wells in South Texas Using Geochemical Fingerprinting Technology, David K. Baskin, Alan Kornacki, and Mark McCaffrey, #41268 (2014).
PS Basin Modeling and Petroleum System Analysis in the Easternmost Hammerfest Basin – Barents Sea, Anindito Satrio Baskoro, Dicky Harishidayat, and Stephen John Lippard, #11063 (2018).
Analyzing Reservoir Architecture of Isolated Carbonate Platforms, by Phillip Bassant and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #40295 (2008)
PSModeling Reservoir Architecture of Isolated Carbonate Platforms, by Phillip Bassant and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #40294 (2008)
Distribution of Carbonate Reservoirs Controlled by Volcanism in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, Kari N. Bassett, Nicholas K. Thompson, and Catherine M. Reid, #30520 (2017).
Forensic Isotope Methodology for Discriminating among Hydrocarbon and Brine Sources in a Producing Oil and Gas Field, Randy Bassett and Terry Moore, #40998 (2012).
Shelf Delta to Deepwater Basin: A Depositional Model for Krishna-Godavari Basin, by Ravi Bastia, Prasanta Nayak, and Pankaj Singh, #40231 (2007).
PS Challenges at Droshky Field, Green Canyon Block 244, Gulf of Mexico: The Journey from Discovery to First Oil and Beyond, Rodrigo Bastidas, George Laguros, Kirt Campion, Jeff Chen, and David Petro, #20217 (2013).
Identification of Stratigraphic Play Potential within the Jalangi Formation using High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in the Shelfal Part of Bengal Basin, India, Pinaki Basu, H.S. Vachak, Kumar Vivek, A. Sai Kumar, and Dr. Harila, #11075 (2018).
Eagle Ford Reservoir Characterization from Multisource Data Integration, N. Basu, G. Barzola, H. Bello, P. Clarke, and O. Viloria, #80234 (2012).
Reflection Seismic Investigations of the Beaufort Sea Margin, Christine L. Batchelor, Julian A. Dowdeswell, and Jeffrey T. Pietras, #50937 (2014).
Understanding the Origin of the Sub-Unconformity Diagenetic Caprock, in the Mississippian of the Williston Basin, Southeast Saskatchewan, Gemma Bates and Alan Kendall, #10707 (2015).
Modeling of the Steam Chamber Growth During SAGD, Eric Bathellier, Olivier Lerat, Axelle Baroni, and Gerard Renard, #41380 (2014).
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Latest Mississippian (Chesterian) Carbonate and Siliciclastic Facies in East Central Idaho and Southwest Montana, by Liselle Batt, P. E. Isaacson, Michael C. Pope, and Isabel P. Montañez, #50021 (2005).
PS A Hydrocarbon Seep Model of Large Bedded Barite Deposits in the Devonian Slaven Chert of Central-North Nevada, Harpreet Batther, Jochen Nuester, and Russell S. Shapiro, #51565 (2019).
Challenges and Strategies for Monitoring Induced Seismic Activity, Dario Baturan, Wesley Greig, and Neil Spriggs, #70193 (2015).
PS Geology and Resource Assessment of the Grand Rapids, Southern Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada, Cathy Baturin-Pollock, Nina Sitek, Denis Chan, and Travis Hurst, #10288 (2010).
Modelling Petroleum Systems of Hyperextended Margins: Angola Case Study, Roger Baudino, M. Pontet, M. Manas, A. Herra, C. Sanders, M. Badali, R. Tocco, S. Martinez, J. Tritlla, R. Loma, A. Carrasco, S. Padron, and S. Mora, #30591 (2018).
PS Designing and Implementing Applied Geosciences Bachelor and Master Programs Tailored for the Gulf Region, Wilfried Bauer, Michaela Bernecker, Bernhard Heim, Ekkehard Holzbecher, and Wiekert Visser, #70223 (2016).
Shelf to Lower Slope Deposits of an Oversteepened High-Relief Slope Clinoform, Chilean Patagonia, Dustin B. Bauer and Stephen M. Hubbard, #50726 (2012).
PS Stratigraphic Evolution of High Relief Slope Clinoforms from Shelf-Edge to Basin Floor, Magallanes Basin, Chile, Dustin B. Bauer and Stephen M. Hubbard, #30191 (2011).
Optimizing Subsurface Predictions in a Mississippian Carbonate Field, Central Alberta, Canada (Part 2), Peter Bauman, Chris Barton, Torr Haglund, and Glenn Sather, #42410 (2019).
PS Optimizing Subsurface Predictions with Limited Capital Investment, Peter Bauman, Chris Barton, and Torr Haglund, #42074 (2017).
PS Using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to Improve Facies Definitions in Permian Mudrocks (Wolfcamp and Lower Leonard), Midland Basin, Texas, Robert W. Baumgardner, Jr. and Harry D. Rowe, #41986 (2017).
PSHigh-Resolution Core Studies of Wolfcamp/Leonard Basinal Facies, Southern Midland Basin, Texas, Robert W. Baumgardner, Jr., H. Scott Hamlin, and Harry D. Rowe, #10607 (2014).
PS Core-based Geochemical study of Mudrocks in Basinal Lithofacies in the Wolfberry Play, Midland Basin, Texas, Part II, Robert W. Baumgardner, Jr. and H. Scott Hamlin, #10572 (2014).
PS The Jeanne d'Arc Basin Offshore Canada: Testing the Predictive Capacity of PhaseKinetic Models Using 3D Basin Modeling, Friedemann Baur and Rolando di Primio, #40633 (2010).
PS Integration of Sequence Stratigraphy, Petrophysical and Geomechanical Analysis for Planning and Design of Shale Gas Reservoir Stimulation, Gamaliel Bazunu, Sheik S. Rahman, Liuqi Wang, and Fengde D. Zhou, #41740 (2015).
Be-Bh Back to B
Soil Gas Sampling Enhanced Existing Plays and Indicate Multiple New Oil and Gas Trends in Fortesa's Onshore Coastal Position (Senegal), Rogers Beall, #11348 (2020).
Fracture Characterization: From Core to Discrete Fracture Network Model, Doug Bearinger and Chelsey Hillier, #41908 (2016).
The Efficient Path to Knowledge Transfer and Collaboration; Platforms for Lean Subsurface Evaluations, Richard T. Beaubouef and Kandy Lukats, #70227 (2016).
Ultra-High Resolution 3-D Characterization of Deep-Water Deposits-I: A New Approach to Understanding the Stratigraphic Evolution of Intra-Slope Depositional Systems, by R.T. Beaubouef, V. Abreu, and N.L. Adair, #40084 (2003).
Ultra-High Resolution 3-D Characterization of Deep-Water Deposits- II: Insights into the Evolution of a Submarine Fan and Comparisons with River Deltas, by R.T. Beaubouef, J.C. Van Wagoner, and N.L. Adair, #40085 (2003).
Early Permian Proximally- to Distally-Steepened Cool-Water Shelf-to-Basin Transition, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada, Benoit Beauchamp, #50632 (2012).
AV Creative Petroleum Exploration, Edward A. Beaumont, #110216 (2015).
Click to view presentation in PDF format
AV Creative Petroleum Exploration, Edward A. Beaumont, #110179 (2015).
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The Unconventional Black Swan: An Opportunity to Measure the Economic Impact of Petroleum Geology, Edward A. (Ted) Beaumont, #70147 (2013).
Deciphering Tectonic Controls on Fluvial Sedimentation within the Barmer Basin, India: the Lower Cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra Formation, Hazel Beaumont, Stuart M. Clarke, Stuart D. Burley, Andrew Taylor, Thomas Gould, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #51100 (2015).
Geologic and Engineering Approaches in Evaluation of San Andres/Grayburg Hydrocarbon Reservoirs - Permian Basin, by D.G. Bebout and P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #60016 (2009).
Introduction: Guide to the Permian Reef Geology Trail, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas, D.G. Bebout, C. Kerans, and P.M. Harris, #60033 (2009).
Internal Geometry of a Modern Carbonate Grainstone Shoal - An Analog for Hydrocarbon Reservoir Heterogeneity, D.G. Bebout, R.P. Major, and P.M. Harris, #60035 (2009) (17.5 mb).
Or right-click to download.
Platform-Edge, Shallow-Marine, Ooid Grainstone Shoals, Joulters Cays, Bahamas: A Modern Analog of Carbonate Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, in Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico, D.G. Bebout, R.P. Major, N. Tyler, P.M. Harris, and C. Kerans, #60029 (2009).
An Integrated Approach to Unlock Low Resistivity Carbonate Reservoir in North of Sultanate of Oman, Marta Becerra Ruiz, Abdul Rahim Shukaili, Hamood Nabhani, El Hafed Habhouba, Jokha Busaidi, Saud Naabi, and Zaher Hinai, #20484 (2020).
Integrated Approach for Basin Modelling of the Gaspê Belt (Quêbec, Canada), M. Bêche, A. Jardin, M. Thibaut, D. Kirkwood, and D. Saucier, #10723 (2015).
Oil-Source Rock and Gas-Source Rock Correlations in the Dniepr Donets Basin (Ukraine): Preliminary Results, A. Bechtel, R. Gratzer, V. Makogon, D. Misch, T. Prigarina, and R. F. Sachsenhofer, #10668 (2014).
Reservoir Quality in Salt-Encased Microbial-Dominated Carbonates from the Late Neoproterozoic Ara Group, South-Oman Salt Basin, Stephan Becker, Jörg Smodej, Lars Reuning, and Peter A. Kukla, #11149 (2018).
PS Evaluation of Potential Geochemical Reactions and Changes in Hydrologic Properties at the Kemper County CO2 Storage Complex, Lauren E. Beckingham, Fanqi Qin, Ishan Anjikar, Brenda L. Kirkland, and Shawna Cyphers, #80653 (2018).
An Innovative Approach for Estimating the Sw and Porosity Using Gas and Mud Logging Data in Real Time, Giulia Beda and Devendra Tiwary, #40824 (2011).
Seismic Tectono-Stratigraphy Modeling of Deep Marine Oligo-Miocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs in Levant-Cyprus Basin Frontier Zone, Mourad Bédir and Mohamed Nacer Aissaoui, #10940 (2017).
PS New Petroleum Systems Related to the Structuring of Meso-Cenozoic Basins in North African Plate Tunisian Margin, Mourad Bédir, Mohamed Soussi, Hakim Gabtni, Hajer Azaiez, Taher Zouaghi, Sami Khomsi, Dorra Tanfous-Amri, Afif Arbi, Faten Houatmia, and Akram Soltani, #30459 (2016).
Ichnological Controls on Hydrocarbon Shale Properties in the Light of Three-Dimensional Volumetric Reconstructions of Shale Ichnofabric, Malgorzata Bednarz and Duncan McIlroy, #50881 (2013).
The Deployment of an Azimuthal Resistivity Tool for Geosteering - A Case Study from the Foinaven Field (North Sea), Martin Bedrock, Darren Moody, #40540 (2010).
PS Surveillance Well Utility in 4-D Modeling of Oil Saturation Changes, Kern River Field, California, U.S.A., Dale Beeson and Janae Singer, #40810 (2011).
Review of Mesozoic Exploration Plays in the Montenegro – NW Albania Segment of South Adriatic Basin, Zamir Bega and Z. Schleder, #10979 (2017).
Deep Seated Platform Carbonate Reservoirs as New Hydrocarbon Plays in the NW Albania–Montenegro Segment of the Adriatic Region, Zamir Bega, #10497 (2013).
Scope for Pioneering Marine Gas Hydrate Development in New Zealand, Mac Beggs, #80694 (2019).
Relating Petroleum System and Play Development to Basin Evolution: Brazilian South Atlantic Margin, Suzanne Beglinger, Harry Doust, and Sierd Cloetingh, #40520 (2010).
Relating Petroleum System and Play Development to Basin Evolution: West African South Atlantic Basins, Suzanne Beglinger, Harry Doust, and Sierd Cloetingh, #40440 (2009).
3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model in Bentu Block – Central Sumatra Basin, Wawan A. Behaki, Aldyth Sukapradja, Ronald C. Siregar, Radig Wisnu Y, Setiabundi Djaelani, and Benny A. Sjafwan, #41105 (2012).
Monterey Formation Overview and Context for New Research, Richard J. Behl, #51704 (2024).
Development and Evolution of the Tertiary Benthic Foraminiferal Stages of California, Richard J. Behl and Gregg H. Blake, #42592 (2024).
Monterey Formation Overview and Context for New Research, Richard J. Behl, #51694 (2022).
Oil and Dolomite in the Monterey Formation of California, Richard J. Behl, #50974 (2014).
The Monterey Formation of California: New Research Directions, Richard J. Behl, #10435 (2012).
Oil Shales: Their Shear Story, by Jyoti Behura, Michael L. Batzle, Ronny Hofmann, and John Dorgan, #40379 (2009).
Lunar Helium-3 Value Chain: Investment and Funding, Dieter Beike, #80154 (2011).
Utilizing the Delta Log R method for Determining Total Organic Carbon of the Niobrara Formation, B Bench, Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado and Wyoming, Madeline K. Beitz, Robert Cunningham, and Lisa E. LaChance, #10532 (2013).
Preliminary Results of a Shale Gas Assessment Project in Ontario, Canada, Catherine Béland Otis, Terry R. Carter, and Lee Fortner, #50390 (2011).
Estuarine Facies within Incised Valley Fill Systems, Mt. Garfield Formation, Book Cliffs, Colorado, Richard Bell and Diane Kamola, #51143 (2015).
Oil Sands Fabric: The Grain Component and Influences on Reservoir Properties, Julie D. Bell, Kanad Kulkarni, Linda Morris, and Adebimpe Momoh, #51102 (2015).
Application of Petrographic Image Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Techniques for Textural Studies of Oil Sand Samples, Julie Dee Bell, Ovie Eruteya, and Oko Oono, #41618 (2015).
The Influence of Fabric Arrangement on Oil Sand Samples from the Estuarine Depositional Environment of the Upper McMurray Member, J. Bell, A. Boateng, O. Olawale, and D. Roberts, #41617 (2015).
Application of Petrographic Image Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Techniques for Textural Studies of Oil Sand Samples, Julie Dee Bell, Ovie Eruteya, and Oko Oono, #80212 (2012).
The Influence of Fabric Arrangement on Oil Sand Samples from the Estuarine Depositional Environment of the Upper McMurray Formation, J. Bell, A. Boateng, O. Olawale, and D. Roberts, #80197 (2011).
The Stress Regime of the Liard Basin, Western Canada, J.S. Bell, Larry S. Lane and Sarah Saad, #30329 (2014).
ePS Fault Development and Syn-Rift Basin Structure Within the Corinth Rift, Greece, Rebecca Bell, Lisa McNeill, Jon Bull, and Tim Henstock, #30163 (2011).
Gondwanan Glacial Events and their Influence on Petroleum Systems in Arabia, by Andy Bell and Pieter Spaak, #30047 (2007).
Seismic and Well-Log Inference of Gas Hydrate Accumulations Above the Umiak and Ya-Ya Gas Fields, Northwest Territories, Gilles Bellefleur, Michael Riedel, and Tom Brent, #20284 (2014).
PS Hyperspectral Core Imaging: Spanning the Gap from Plug to Log to Reservoir Scale, Jerome A. Bellian, Brigette Martini, Lyn Canter, Ronnell Carey, David Katz, Patricia Rodrigues, Jennifer Curnow, Marshall Jung, and Mary Guisinger, #41943 (2016).
A Digital Outcrop Analog for Upper Paleozoic Carbonate Slope Reservoirs, Jerome Bellian, Ted Playton, Jeroen Kenter, Paul (Mitch) Harris, and Jim Ellis, #51138 (2015).
Digital Outcrop Model of Stratigraphy and Breccias of the Southern Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas, Jerome A. Bellian, Charlie Kerans, and John Repetski, #50923 (2014).
Carbonate Digital Outcrop Reservoir Models: From Lidar to MPS Simulation, by Jerome A. Bellian, Xavier Janson, and Mitch Harris, #40353 (2008).
PS3-Dimensional Digital Outcrop Data Collection and Analysis Using Eye-safe Laser (LIDAR) Technologyy, by J. Bellian, D. Jennette, C. Kerans, J. Gibeaut, J. Andrews, B. Yssldyk, D. Larue, #40056 (2002).
Integrated 3D Reservoir Characterization for Oil Sands Evaluation, Development and Monitoring, Laurie Weston Bellman, #40541 (2010).
Oil Sands Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study at Nexen/Opti Long Lake, by Laurie Weston Bellman, #40276 (2008).
3D Reservoir Characterization in the Grand Rapids Oil Sands, Laurie Weston Bellman and Marnie E. Connelly, #40678 (2010).
Deep Oil Plays in Po Valley: Deformation and Hydrocarbon Generation in a Deformed Foreland, by M. Bello and R. Fantoni, #10042 (2003).
Revision of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Oil-Bearing Formations in Lebanon, George S.G. Bellos, #10382 (2012).
Sedimentology Diagenesis Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Lower Cretaceous Rock Sequence in Lebanon, George S.G. Bellos, #50380 (2011).
Definition of a 3D Integrated Geological Model in a Complex and Extensive Heavy Oil Field, Oficina Formation, Faja de Orinoco, Venezuela, by Jean-Paul Bellorini, Johnny Casas, Patrick Gilly, Philippe Jannes, Paul Matthews, David Soubeyrand, and Juan-Carlos Ustariz, #40102 (2003).
PSRecognition of Tectonic Events in the Conformation of Structural Traps in the Eastern Oriente Basin, Ecuador, by Hugo Belotti, José Silvestro, Gustavo Conforto, Miguel Pozo, Jorge Erlicher, Jorge Rodriguez, and Eduardo Rossello, #30019 (2003).
Petroacoustic Signature of Carbonate Rocks Microstructure, Elisabeth Bemer, Mathilde Adelinet, Youri Hamon, Jérémie Dautriat, and Jean-François Nauroy, #120036 (2012).
Spatial Distribution of Miocene Diapirs in the Southern Levant Basin: A Fundamental Element for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, Yuval Ben-Gai and Juan I. Soto, #11261 (2019).
Internal Structure of the Triangular Horst-Like Jonah High in the Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean, Yuval Ben-Gai, #11257 (2019).
Mega-Scale Swells and Diapirs in the Deep Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean, and their Association with Recent World-Class Gas Discoveries, Yuval Ben-Gai and Yehezkel Druckman, #10518 (2013).
PS Integrating Sedimentology and Quantitative Rock Physics for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling in Field Development: A Case Study of an Onshore Field in Niger Delta, Nigeria, Ebere Benard, Taju Gbadamosi, Sotonye Okujagu, Christian Ihwiwhu, Kingsley Akpara, and Collins Onyeukwu, #20396 (2017).
Seismic Attributes and Probability Property Modeling of Turbidites and Channel Sands, Ebere Benard, Elijah A. Ayolabi, and Nnaemeka F. Ukaigwe, #41444 (2014).
Unconventional Gas in Italy: the Ribolla Basin, Roberto Bencini, Elio Bianchi, Roberto De Mattia, Alberto Martinuzzi, Simone Rodorigo, and Giuseppe Vico, #80203 (2012).
Correlation of Red Beds and Evaporite Units between Surface and Subsurface: Addressing Challenges for Petroleum Geology, Kathleen C. Benison and James J. Zambito IV, #50930 (2014).
Geological Controls on Petroleum Fluid Property Heterogeneities in Carbonate Bitumen and Heavy Oil Reservoirs from Northern Alberta, B. Bennett, #41336 (2014).
The US Natural Gas Revolution: Technology Transforms A Market, Porter Bennett, #70101 (2011).
Arthur Creek "Hot Shale": A Bakken Unconventional Oil Analogy in the Georgina Basin of Northern Territory, Australia, Paul J. Bennett, Peter Philipchuk, and Annelise Freeman, #80125 (2010).
Full Use of Dipmeter Data for Geocellular Property Modeling in the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Gregory S. Benson, #41586 (2015).
Implications of Cell Dimensions on Dipping Bed Continuity in Flat-Layered Geomodels, Gregory Benson, #41585 (2015).
Fitting Deterministic Arcuate Map View/Sigmoidal Cross Section Surfaces to IHS Beds in Fluvial Point Bars, Gregory S. Benson, #51065 (2015).
Estimation of Arithmetic Permeability from a Semi-Log Porosity/Log10 Permeability Regression, Gregory Benson, #41583 (2015).
Function-Based Training Image Construction of Fluvial Point Bars: A Modern Analog Example from the Brazos River, Texas, Gregory Benson and Ravi Shekhar, #41560 (2015).
Data Collection, Interpretation, and Geologic Modeling of Outcrop: Cerro La Molata, Cabo de Gata, Spain, Gregory S. Benson, Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein, and Zhaoqi Li, #120037 (2012).
Implications of Cell Size on Modeling of Facies Proportions: A Modern Carbonate Platform Example, by Gregory Benson and Steve Bachtel, #50039 (2006).
GCMulti-Component, Time-Lapse Seismology for Monitoring Reservoir Production Processes, by Robert D. Benson and Thomas L. Davis, #40075 (2003).
Preservation Potential of Primary Depositional Fabric in Event-Dominated Muddy Shelf Settings: A Semi-quantitative Facies Model, Samuel J. Bentley, #50267 (2010).
PS Detrital Zircon Provenance of the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada, Christine Benyon, Andrew Leier, Dale A. Leckie, Andrew Webb, Steve Hubbard, and George Gehrels, #50820 (2013).
PS Middle Miocene Micropaleontological and Sedimentary Aspects within a Piggy-Back Basin, Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania, Razvan-Ionut Bercea, Ramona Bălc, Sorin Filipescu, Luminita Zaharia, and Simona Pop, #51516 (2018).
PS Timing and Sedimentation of Foredeep Deposits from Gura Vitioarei Section, Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania - Implications for the Stratigraphy of Lower Miocene in the Paratethys Domain, Razvan-Ionut Bercea, Luminita Zaharia, Ramona Bălc, Andreas Gärtner, and Ulf Linnemann, #51515 (2018).
Revisited Play Concept for Distally-Steepened Carbonate Ramps: The Relevance of Sediment Density Flows in the Stratigraphic Record, Andrea Moscariello, Disnahir Pinto, and Mauro Agate, #51514 (2018).
PSGas Shale Reservoir Characteristics from the Pennsylvanian of Southeastern Utah, USA, S. Robert Bereskin, John D. McLennan, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Tarn D. Bereskin, #10216 (2009).
Uncertainty, Risk and Decision Management on the Ormen Lange Gas Field Offshore Norway, by Eirik A. Berg and Per A. Kjarnes, #40112 (2004).
PS Modeling the Effect of Borehole Orientation on Stereonets, Charles R. Berg, #42066 (2017).
The Importance of Bedding [and Borehole] Orientation When Looking for Fractures, Charles R. Berg and Andrew Newson, #40679 (2010).
PSUsing Structural Dip Modeling to Determine Structure and Stratigraphic Position, Charles R. Berg and Andrew C. Newson, #40444 (2009).
Oil Shale from the Trememb Formation, Taubat Basin, Brazil, Sergio Bergamaschi, Ren Rodrigues, and Egberto Pereira, #80080 (2010).
Recognition and Meaning of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Timothy B. Berge, #40759 (2011).
PS Structure of the Alpine Foreland, Timothy B. Berge and Steve Veal, #10213 (2009).
Detection and Analysis of Structurally Controlled Sweet Spots in the Bakken/Three Fork Oil Shale Play of the Williston Basin and the Exshaw/Big Valley Oil Shale Play of the Foreland Basin of Southern Alberta and Northern Montana, Zeev Berger and Martin Mushayandevu, #10694 (2014).
GC High-Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) Surveys: Exploration Applications from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin -- Exploration in Highly Deformed Terrains Using Fixed-Wing Aircraft and Helicopter-Mounted Systems, by Zeev Berger, Danny Fortin, and Xiang Wang, #40123 (2004).
Defining the Updip Eastern Limit of Commercial Bakken Oil Production, McLean and Dunn Counties, North Dakota, Eryn M. Bergin, Charles E. Bartberger, and Mark Longman, #20167 (2012).
Natural Gas Supply: Not As Great or As Inexpensive As Commonly Believed, Arthur E. Berman, #70097 (2011).
What New Tools Do Geoscientists Need in the Next Decade? A Return to Basics, Arthur Berman, #70084 (2010).
New Ideas and Their Diffusion: A Model for Exploration and Production Companies in the 21st Century, by Arthur E. Berman, #70017 (2006).
The Northern Sumatra Earthquake of 2004: Forty Years of Ignoring Plate Tectonics, by Arthur E. Berman, #70015 (2005).
Near-Surface Hydrocarbon Seeps as Indicators of Petroleum Charge: The Evolution of Site Selection, Sample Collection, Laboratory Analysis, and Interpretation, Bernie Bernard and Michael Abrams, #42455 (2021).
PS Models of Natural Gas Origin - A Short History, Bernie B. Bernard, #42454 (2019).
PS Geochemical Exploration Case Study of Fifteen Frontier Indonesian Deepwater Basins, Bernie B. Bernard, James M. Brooks, Peter Baillie, John Decker, Philip Teas, and Daniel L. Orange, #40602 (2010).
Gas Generation Reactions in Highly Mature Gas Shales, Sylvain Bernard, Brian Horsfield, Hans-Martin Schulz, Anja Schreiber, and Richard Wirth, #80162 (2011).
Shell's (Bernard's) Alluvial Point Bar Model: Sedimentary Features Diagnostic of Alluvial Point Bar Sands, by H.A. Bernard and C.F. Major, #60003 (1999).
Shell Report: Sand Facies and Their Environments in NW Gulf of Mexico, by H.A. Bernard, C.F. Major, and B.S. Parrott, #60002 (1999).
PS Influence of Sill Intrusions on the Organic Geochemistry of Upper Triassic Lacustrine and Fluviatile Sediments at Timber Peak, Antarctica, Ulrich Berner, Jolanta Kus, Georg Scheeder, Georg Delisle, Jorg W. Schneider, Robert Schoner, and Lothar Viereck-Gotte, #40467 (2009).
PS Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan - Windows to the Subsurface, Ulrich Berner, Georg Scheeder, Jolanta Kus, and Ulviyya Movsumova, #40469 (2009).
PS Organic Geochemical and Petrographical Characterization of Continental Triassic Source Rocks, Madygen Basin, Southern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, Ulrich Berner, Georg Scheeder, Jolanta Kus, Sebastian Voigt, and Jorg W. Schneider, #40468 (2009).
PS Integrated Chemostratigraphy of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota-Montana, Jesse Berney, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Harry Rowe, #51214 (2016).
Exploration Country Focus: Italy, by Francesco Bertello, Roberto Fantoni, and Roberto Franciosi, #10165 (2008).
Fluid Overpressures and Decollements in Source Rocks - Application of Thermo-mechanical Models to the Subalpine Chains, Josselin Berthelon, William Sassi, and Evgueni Burov, #41859 (2016).
PS Reservoir Architecture and Economic Implications of the Trail Member Fluvial Sandstones, Ericson Sandstone, Mesaverde Group, Austin D. Bertoch, Blake J. Steeves, Samuel M. Hudson, April A. Treviño, and Chelsea A. Jolley, #51504 (2018).
Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics: A New Way to Evaluate Connectivity, Baffling, Aquifer Support and Many Other Concerns, André C. Bertolini, Vinay K. Mishra, and Oliver C. Mullins, #42136 (2017).
Practical Implementation of Stratigraphic Compartmentalization in Turbidite Lobe Reservoirs, Antoine Bertoncello, Ryan Mann, and Bill Kilsdonk, #41207 (2013).
The Regional Geology of the South Turkey – North Cyprus Domain: New Perspectives and Consequences for Hydrocarbon Plays, G. Bertotti, D. Fernàndez-Blanco, and S. D. Willett, #30375 (2014).
Fractures and Fracture Networks in Carbonate Reservoirs: A Geological Perspective, G. Bertotti, K. Bisdom, M. van Eijk, F. Hameka, A. Vis, H. Bezerra, and J. Reijmer, #41470 (2014).
Fracturing of Flat-Topped Carbonate Platforms: Implications for Platform-Scale Flow, G. Bertotti and H. Boro, #120038 (2012).
PS 3-D Fracture Patterns in Outcropping Reservoir-Scale Anticline: New Acquisition Methods and Results from the Tata Anticline (Central Morocco), G. Bertotti, H. Boro, N. Hardebol, J. van der Vaart, and S.M. Luthi, #40632 (2010).
PS Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Tectonics and Exhumation Onshore Morocco: Implications for Terrigenous Sand Reservoirs in the Offshore of NW Africa, G. Bertotti, M. Gouiza, J. Foeken, and P. Andriessen, #50353 (2010).
Platform- to outcrop-Scale Fracture Patterns in an Atoll-Like Carbonate Platform: The Latemar Case Study (Dolomites, Italy), G. Bertotti, H. Boro, and F. Beekman, #40753 (2011).
PSImproving Predictions on Mechanic Stratigraphy of Buried Sedimentary Successions: Lessons and Workflow from Outcrop Analogs, Giovanni Bertotti, Herman Boro, Nico J. Hardebol, and Stefan M. Luthi, #40460 (2009).
Oil Classification and Exploration Opportunity in the Hugoton Embayment, Western Kansas, and Las Animas Arch, Eastern Colorado, by Troy Beserra, #10146 (2008).
PS Integration of Imaging Techniques over Multiple Scales, Samuel T. Best, Stephen O. Sears, and Clinton S. Willson, #40658 (2010).
Forecasting Petroleum Production with a Model Based from Discharge Process, Claudio Bettini and Reneu Rodrigues Da Silva, #40521 (2010).
Integrated Shelly Fossil Biostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy: Applying a Multi-Proxy Toolkit to Correlating the Lower Cambrian of South Australia, Marissa J. Betts, Glenn A. Brock, John R. Paterson, James B. Jago, and Anita S. Andrew, #30436 (2015).
Deepwater Channel Bypass and Backfilling Processes from the Eocene Ainsa Basin, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain, by Christian Betzler, Maria Mutti, Merle-Friederike Benisek, Gabriela Marcano, and Sebastian Lindhorst, #50085 (2008).
Numerical Sand Box as a Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration: Applications to the Hides Anticline and the Western Papuan Fold and Thrust belt, Romain Beucher, Kevin Hill, Rebecca Farrington and Louis Moresi, #42520 (2020).
Sandstone Injectites Record Pre-, Syn-, and Post-folding Deformation at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming, Jennifer Beyer and W. Ashley Griffith, #51118 (2015).
Petrophysical Study of UAE Carbonates, Anita Bhagat and Carl Sondergeld, #50700 (2012).
Sand Development Pattern Within the Paleocene - Lower Eocene Sediments Along the Shelf Areas of Upper Assam Basin - A Study Incorporating New Subsurface Information, B. Bharali and Nababrot Gogoi, #50556 (2012).
GC Delineating the Geomorphological Character of Mass Transport Deposits: Examples from Upper Leonard Formation, Midland Basin, Paritosh Bhatnagar, Sumit Verma, and Ron Bianco, #42499 (2020).
PS Characterization of a Mass Transport Deposit Using Seismic Attributes: Upper Leonard Interval, Midland Basin, West Texas, Paritosh Bhatnagar, M. Scipione, Sumit Verma, and Ron Bianco, #51592 (2019).
Fine Tuning the Petroleum Systems in Western Onshore Basin through Re-evaluation of Source Organics, Depositional Environments and Thermal Maturities of the Oils and Source Rocks, A. K. Bhatnagar, D. S. Rawat, Jyoti Gangoo, Hina Kausar, H. C. Pande, Harvir Singh, and R.R. Singh, #40745 (2011).
Presence of Oleanane in Oil as Evidence of Contamination, Swapan Kumar Bhattacharya, Syed Mohammad Ibad, and Fawzia Hussein Ali Abdulla, #41458 (2014).
Reevaluating Depositional Models for Shelf Shales, Janok Bhattacharya, #50242 (2009).
Martian Deltas and the Origin of Life, by Janok P. Bhattacharya, #40203 (2006).
Applying Deltaic and Shallow Marine Outcrop Analogs to the Subsurface, by Janok P. Bhattacharya, #40192 (2006).
Re-evaluating Depositional Models for Shelf Shales: Examples from the Cretaceous Seaway of North America, Janok Bhattacharya and James A. MacEachern, #50383 (2011).
Hyperpycnal Rivers and Prodeltaic Shelves in the Cretaceous Seaway of North America, by Janok P. Bhattacharya and James A. MacEachern, #50069 (2008).
AVRiver Deltas in Crater Lakes on Early Mars, by Janok P. Bhattacharya, Tobi Payenberg, Simon Land, and Mary Bourke, #110026 (2005).
2 of 4 presentations at AAPG Session: Sedimentation on Mars, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005.
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Reservoir Management a Key to Rejuvenation of Mature Fields, Shyamal Bhattacharya and N. S. Rao, #20104 (2011).
PS A Multiscale Method for Characterizing Shales by Downscaling and Upscaling Statistically Sampled Datasets from Multiple Imaging Modalities, Sreenivas Bhattiprolu, M. Andrew, Andy Steinbach, and Benjamin Tordoff, #41868 (2016).
Regional Structural Style of Chambal Valley Vindhyan Basin, Rajasthan, India, Rajeev Bhoj, Avdhesh Nautiya, and Rajesh Sharma, #50741 (2012).
The Reservoir Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Interval in the Western Block of the Shallow Offshore Suriname, Jamish Bholasing and Ilaisha Goelaman, #11299 (2020).
Bi-Bo Back to B
Fill Patterns of Evaporitic Half-Graben Basins, Late Triassic Mohilla Formation, Southern Israel, Or M. Bialik, Dorit Korngreen, and Chaim Benjamini, #50715 (2012).
EA The Heist of the Ngimbang "Vault" of the Madura Strait, Nico Bianchi, #11285 (2020).
Revealing the Natural Fracture Network of the Berai Carbonate, Kerendan Field Complex, Indonesia, Nicolas Bianchi, Graham Aplin, Carey Davies, Elly Guritno, Windi Darmawan, Ari Subekti, and Gilang Airlangga, #20356 (2016).
Stratigraphic Forward Modelling for Investigating Hidden Reservoir Geometries and Connectivity: Springbok Formation (Surat Basin, Queensland), V. Bianchi, J. Esterle, and T. Salles, #51202 (2015).
PSApplications of Three-Dimensional Digital Mapping and Hyperspectral Imaging for Outcrop Characterization, Kivanc Biber, Shuhab D. Khan, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Craig L. Glennie, and Mark D. Barton, #41394 (2014).
Structural Divisions of the Bighorn Mountains and Western Powder River Basin, Gary Gill Bible, #11298 (2020).
AVMeeting the Challenge Head On, by Matthias Bichsel, #110037 (2006)
9 of 9 presentations at AAPG Forum: Energizing the World in the 21st Century, AAPG 2006 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (1.0 mb).
GIS Activities in the USGS Central Energy Resources Team: A Model for Expanding GIS Utilization, by Laura R.H. Biewick, Gregory L. Gunther, Christopher C. Skinner, and David A. Ferderer, #40225 (2006).
Is the Cretaceous an Effective Petroleum System Offshore Suriname?, Vinita Bihariesingh, #30355 (2014).
The Role of Climate Variation in Sequence Stratigraphy: Lessons from Analogue Modelling, Jochem Bijkerk, Johan ten Veen, George Postma, and Daniel Mikes, #41170 (2013).
PS An Investigation of Static and Dynamic Data Using Multistage Triaxial Test, Abdullah Bilal, Michael Myers, and Lori Hathon, #42184 (2018).
Microfracture Characterization in the Lower Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Eider Hernandez Bilbao, John D. Humphrey, and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10782 (2015).
Eagle Ford Development Case Study Utilizing 3D Seismic in Structurally Complex Area, Atascosa County, Texas,
Lee T. Billingsley, Bill Layton, and Luke Finger, #10744 (2015).
Influence of Second-Order Faults on Low-Permeability Oil Reservoir (Turner Sandstone), Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA, Lee T. Billingsley, #20109 (2011).
PSFacilitating Shale Play Development and Water Management – Meeting the Need for Brine Disposal Wells in Pennsylvania, Dan A. Billman and Dale E. Skoff, #80413 (2014).
Blockchain in Industry 4.0 – How the Oil and Gas Industry is Utilizing these Emerging Technologies, Mike A. Bingle-Davis, #70396 (2019).
PS Reservoir-Scale Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Porosity Characteristics of Mississippian Reservoirs, Northeastern Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma, Colton Birch and Matthew Pranter, #51250 (2016).
Naturally Occurring Underpressure – A Global Perspective, Thomas Birchall, #30619 (2019).
An Integrated Model for Basin-Scale and Plume-Scale Processes Related to Full-Scale Employment of CO2 Storage: The Illinois Basin as an Example, Jens T. Birkholzer and Quanlin Zhou, #80085 (2010).
GCInterpreting Magnetic Data, by Dale Bird, #40022 (2001).
Brief Remarks on the Structure of the Karachaganak Field (Kazakhstan), by Tony Birse, Arrigo Francesconi, and Claudio Toscano, #20030 (2006).
PS Architecture of Buried Volcanoes as a Factor in Petroleum Systems Analysis: Cases from New Zealand Basins, Alan Bischoff, J.M. (Mac) Beggs, and Andy Nicol, #11243 (2019).
A Different Perspective on Critically Stressed Fractures and Their Impact on Fluid Flow, Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, and Hamidreza M. Nick, #41877 (2016).
Outcrop-based Geomechanical Fracture Aperture and Flow Modeling: The Importance of Shear on Flow, Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, and Hamidreza M. Nick, #41606 (2015).
Lessons for Subsurface Fractured Reservoir Studies from an Outcrop-based 3-D Model of Fluid Flow in a Fractured Carbonate Fold, Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, and Bertrand Gauthier, #51055 (2015).
Quantifying Fracture Heterogeneity in Different Domains of Folded Carbonate Rocks to Improve Fractured Reservoir Analog Fluid Flow Models, K. Bisdom, G. Bertotti, B. D. M. Gauthier, and N. J. Hardebol, #41177 (2013).
Core Examples from Modern Estuarine Tidal Bars, Tillamook Bay, Oregon, USA, Rares Bistran, David Herbers, John-Paul Zonneveld, and S. George Pemberton, #50946 (2014).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Potential Panna Formation in North-Western Tapti-Daman Block, Mumbai Offshore Basin, India, Sunit K. Biswas, Debasish Saha, and Somenath Ghosh, #10363 (2011).
Pressures, Seals and Traps, J. J. Biteau, #42356 (2019).
Random Genetic Simulation of Lobes: Internal Architecture Construction and Gridding, by Pierre Biver, Dimitri D'Or, and Alexandre Walgenwitz, #50182 (2009).
Relating GOM Shallow Water Flows to Drainage of Pleistocene Proglacial Lakes, Thomas W. Bjerstedt, #42576 (2022).
PS Shallow Water Flows in Gulf of Mexico, Relating High Sedimentation Rates to Proglacial Lake Source and Mass Transport Deposits in Deepwater Sink, Thomas Bjerstedt and Kody Kramer, #30615 (2019).
PSThe Case for Using Extended Reach Drilling to Develop California OCS Reserves from Onshore Locations, by Tom Bjorklund, #40235 (2007).
The Whittier Fault Trend: Cross Sections, Structure Maps, and Well Tops in the Major Oil Producing Area of the Northeastern Los Angeles Basin, by Tom Bjorklund, #10038 (2003).
Compaction of Sand and Clay – Constraints from Experimental Compaction, Chemical Reactions and Fluid Flow During Burial – an Overview, Knut Bjørlykke, Line Hedvig Line, Jens Jahren, Nazmul Haque Mondol, Per Aagaard, and Helge Hellevang, #51449 (2017).
PS Sediment Compaction and Rock Properties, Knut Bjorlykke, Jens Jahren, Nazmul Haqui Mondol, Oyvind Marcussen, Delphine Croize, Christer Peltonen, and Brit Thyberg, #50192 (2009).
Preferred Analyses and Sample Preparation for Surface Geochemical Sediment Samples in Petroleum Exploration, Malvin Bjorøy and Ian L. Ferriday, #40641 (2010).
Evaluation of Sampling Methods and Various Preservation Techniques for Offshore Surface Geochemical Surveys, by Malvin Bjoroy and Ian L. Ferriday, #40374 (2009).
PS Triassic Source Rocks of the Barents Sea and Svalbard, Malvin Bjoroy, Peter B. Hall, Ian L. Ferriday, and Atle Mork, #10219 (2010).
PS Characterizing the Lakota Sandstone Using 3-D Seismic Data and Well Data: Teapot Dome, Wyoming, Brian J. Black, Tom C. Anderson, and Jane Ng, #40620 (2010).
PS A New Look at the Stratigraphy and Depositional Setting of the Shallow Herrera Sands in Penal-Wilson-Barrackpore Field, Lennon Blackman, #20323 (2015).
Implementation of GIS Technology from the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC), Casper, Wyoming, by Brian J. Black, Jeanette W. Buelt, and Tom Anderson, #40315 (2008).
Previously Unrecognised Extensional Tectonics Exposed in the Barmer Basin, Northwest India, Andrew J. Bladon, Stuart M. Clarke, Stuart D. Burley, Hazel Beaumont, Nicholas Whiteley, V. Kothari, and P. Mohapatra, #30426 (2015).
Structural Inheritance in the Barmer Basin, India: its influence on early-stage rift evolution and structural geometries, Andrew J. Bladon, Stuart M. Clarke, Stuart D. Burley, Nicholas Whiteley, V. Kothari and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #10593 (2014).
Crustal Structure of the Northeastern Brazilian Margin Constrained by Seismic Reflection and Potential Field Data and Modeling, by Olav A. Blaich, Filippos Tsikalas, and Jan Inge Faleide, #30060 (2008).
The Petroleum Geology of Kazakhstan, Graham Blackbourn, #10711 (2015).
Reconstructing Surface and Subsurface Paleohydrology Using Evidence from Caves, Paleosprings, and Travertine in the Arbuckle Mountains, Southern Oklahoma, USA, Kevin W. Blackwood and John Richins, #51478 (2018).
Development and Distribution of Hypogenic Caves and Paleokarst Features in the Arbuckle Mountains of South Central Oklahoma, USA, Kevin Blackwood, Todd Halihan, and Kaitlyn Beard, #51156 (2015).
EA Oil Seeps Detection in Offshore Frontier Areas Based on Multitemporal Satellite SAR Data and Manual Interpretation: Levantine and Natal Basins, Selected Historical and Recent SAR Data, Clément Blaizot, #42349 (2019).
The Unexpected Nature and Extent of Arsenic in Soil, Based on the RCRA Facility Investigation at the Elk Hills Oilfield, Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1, Kern County, California, Anthony Blake, #80639 (2018).
Mineralogical Constraints on Diagenesis of the Sheepbed Mudstone, Gale Crater, Mars, as Determined by the CheMin XRD Instrument and Examples of the Use of NASA Spinoff Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry, David Blake and the MSL Team, #70167 (2014).
Experimentally Produced Increase in the Permeability of Caprock by Flow of Carbon Dioxide Saturated Water, Oshaine Blake, Dan Faulkner, Richard H. Worden, and Peter Armitage, #41172 (2013).
PS New California Storm Water Regulations and the Impact on Oil and Gas Exploration and Development, Richard G. Blake and Chris G. Campbell, #40952 (2012).
Paleogeography and Paleotectonics of the Western Interior Seaway, Jurassic-Cretaceous of North America, Ron C. Blakey, #30392 (2014).
Using Paleogeographic Maps to Portray Phanerozoic Geologic and Paleotectonic History of Western North America, Ronald C. Blakey, #30267 (2013).
Recovering Historical Decline Rates and Maximizing Production in a Mature Field, Julián José Blanco, Valeria Riveros, Juan Tagliorette, Flavio Donadio, and Horacio Albarracín, #20312 (2015).
Assessing New Zealand's Petroleum Endowment: The Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Kyle J. Bland, H. Seebeck, M.J. Arnot, D.P. Strogen, and P.R. King, #30434 (2015).
PS Oil and Gas in Eastern New Zealand: Fresh Insights from the Pegasus Basin, Kyle J. Bland, Christopher I. Uruski, and Michael J. Isaac, #10440 (2012).
Non-First-Break Solution for Shallow Velocity Anomaly Problem, Emil Blias, #41602 (2015).
The Structural History of the Jan Mayen Micro-Continent (JMMC) and Its Role During the Rift "Jump" Between the Aegir to the Kolbeinsey Ridge, Anett Blischke, Thorarinn S. Arnarson, and Karl Gunnarsson, #30198 (2011).
The Petrology of Mesoproterozoic Unkar Group Shales and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Interbedded Sandstones, Grand Canyon: Grenvillian Influence on Sedimentation of Inboard Rodinia, by John D. Bloch, J. Michael Timmons, Laura J. Crossey, George E. Gehrels, and Karl E. Karlstrom, #50010 (2005).
Vein Structures and Intrastratal Microfractured Zones Interpreted in Cores of Late Miocene Diatomite, Midway Sunset Field, California, Bonnie Bloeser and Mary Nelis, #20263 (2014).
Multidisciplinary Studies of the Edwards Aquifer and Adjacent Trinity Aquifer of South-Central Texas, by Charles D. Blome, Bruce D. Smith, David V. Smith, Jason R. Faith, Andrew G. Hunt, David W. Moore, Daniel P. Miggins, George B. Ozuna, and Gary P. Landis, #80018 (2008).
Wolfcamp Horizontal Play, Midland Basin, West Texas, Peter K. Blomquist, #10890 (2016).
Deposition, Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Generation in the Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone and the Devonian Marcellus Shale: Comparing and Contrasting Two Appalachian Basin Unconventional Reservoirs, Randy Blood, #51539 (2018).
Deposition and Diagenesis of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin, USA: Insights into Organic Matter Production, Preservation, and Reservoir Development, Randy Blood, #51538 (2018).
Redox Conditions during Deposition and Early Diagenesis of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestones of Southwestern Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia, Randy Blood, #51537 (2018).
Using Elemental Data for Accurate Wellbore Placement and Geosteering in Unconventional Reservoirs, David R. Blood, #80470 (2015).
Biogenic Silica in the Devonian Shale Succession of the Appalachian Basin, USA, Randy Blood, Gary Lash, and Lindell Bridges, #50864 (2013).
PS Anthropogenic CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Under-Utilized Resource for Greener Fuels, Gerald C. Blount and Mary K. Harris, #80471 (2015).
PS Varimax-Rotated Visible Derivative Reflectance Spectroscopy of the Utica Shale / Point Pleasant Formation in Ohio, Julie M. Bloxson, Beverly Z. Saylor, and Barbara M. Kemeh, #51678 (2020).
Far-field Tectonic Controls on Deposition of the Ordovician Utica/Point Pleasant Play, Ohio using Core Logging, Well Logging, and Multi-variate Analysis, Julie M. Bloxson, #51677 (2020).
PS Far-Field Tectonic Controls on Deposition of the Ordovician Utica/Point Pleasant Play, Ohio Using Core Logging, Well Logging, and Multi-Variate Analysis, Julie Bloxson, #11233 (2019).
PS Characterization of the Porosity Distribution within the Clinton Formation, Ashtabula County, Ohio by Geophysical Core and Well Logging, Julie Bloxson and Joseph Ortiz, #50737 (2012).
The McMurray Conundrum: Conflicting Interpretations of Environment of Deposition and Paleogeography, Mike Blum and Deserae Jennings, #51338 (2016).
Paleodrainage and Sediment Routing for the Mannville Group, Eastern Margins of the Alberta Foreland Basin System, Mike Blum and Deserae Jennings, #30479 (2016).
Record of Cretaceous through Paleogene Gulf of Mexico Drainage Integration from Detrital Zircons, Mike Blum, Kristy T. Milliken, John W. Snedden, and William E. Galloway, #30422 (2015).
Scaling Relationships in Fluvial Systems: Implications for the Mannville Group, Alberta Foreland Basin, Mike Blum, #51132 (2015).
Role of Incised Valley Systems in Source-to-Sink Sediment Routing and Storage: Examples from the Late Quaternary Northern Gulf of Mexico Margin, Mike Blum and Matt Garvin, #50248 (2010).
High Frequency Cyclical Isostatic Adjustments: Significance for Incised Valleys, by Mike Blum, #30079 (2009).
Continental Shelves as the Lowstand Fluvial Longitudinal Profile: Possible Implications for Icehouse vs. Greenhouse Stratigraphic Records, by Mike Blum, #50154 (2009).
Fracture Orientation from P Wave Seismic Data Using Volumetric Curvature, Silo Field, Wyoming, by Charles H. Blumentritt, Kurtt J. Marfurt, and Michael Murphy, #40250 (2007).
From Pore Structure to Mixing and Relative Permeability in Carbonates, Martin J. Blunt, Branko Bijeljic, Oussama Gharbi, and Peyman Mostaghimi, #120039 (2012).
PS Integrated Monitoring of Steam Chamber Development using Time-Lapse PP-PS Joint Inversion: A Case Study of Oil Sands Reservoir, Canada, Wang Bo, Wang Chunyan, Nie Qihai, Liu Hong, and Zhang Xiuqiang, #42411 (2019).
Oklahoma Earthquakes: An Update with Questions about Regulatory Adequacy of Scientific Interpretations, Jeremy Boak, #30571 (2018).
Best Practices for Subsurface Injection of Fluids and Induced Seismicity, Jeremy Boak, #42104 (2017).
Oklahoma Earthquakes, Jeremy Boak, Kyle Murray, and Jefferson Chang, #70211 (2016).
PS Breaking Down Barriers in Mudstone Investigations: What Oil Shale Can Tell Us About Shale-Hosted Hydrocarbons, Jeremy Boak, J. F. Sarg, and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #80219 (2012).
Chronostratigraphic and Sedimentological Interpretation of the Barnett Shale (Mississippian) of the Llano Uplift and Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Darwin R. Boardman, II, Jack D. Beuthin, and William S. Eliott, Jr., #50635 (2012).
AV Middle and Late Paleozoic Organic-Rich Gas Shales of the North American Midcontinent, by Darwin R. Boardman, II, James Puckette, and Ibrahim Cemen, #110069 (2008)
4 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Imaging Techniques in Seismic Geomorphology, Jim Bock and Vladimir Rybakov, #42120 (2017).
Reducing Geologic Uncertainty in Seismic Interpretation, Jim Bock, #41947 (2016).
PS An Analysis of a Near-Surface Big Clifty (Jackson) Sandstone Reservoir in Logan County, Kentucky, Tyler S. Bodine and Michael T. May, #51372 (2017).
Thinly Bedded Pay in Clastic Reservoirs, Recognition, Geological Occurrence, Understanding, and Quantification, Dirk Bodnar, #51126 (2015).
PS Documenting Mudstone Heterogeneity by Use of Principal Component Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction and Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Data: A Case Study in the Triassic Shublik Formation, Alaska North Slope, A. Boehlke, K. J. Whidden, and W. Benzel, #51355 (2017).
Production Focused Seismic – Applying Seismic for Well Productivity Analysis and Completion Optimization, Sean Boerner and Ross Peebles, #41212 (2013).
PS Scaling Assessment, Inhibition and Monitoring of Geothermal Wells, Arjen Boersma, Hartmut Fischer, Frank Vercauteren, and Francesco Pizzocolo, #42430 (2019).
PS Structural Modelling of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Analogue: A Structural and Numerical Understanding of a Conjugate Fracture Network with an Application to Fluid Flow and Cave System Development, Quinten Diede Boersma, Hilario Bezerra, and Giovanni Bertotti, #42327 (2018).
PS Complementary Results on Experiment-Derived Classification of Submarine Sediment Gravity Flows, Carolina H. Boffo, Rafael Manica, Ana Luiza de Oliveira Borges, Marco A. S. Moraes, and Paulo L. B. Paraizo, #51386 (2017).
EA High-Performance Reservoir Simulations on Modern CPU-GPU Computational Platforms, Kirill Bogachev, Sergey Milyutin, Alexey Telishev, Vladimir Nazarov, Vasilii Shelkov, Dmitry Eydinov, Olivier Malinur, and Simon Junior Hinneh, #70385 (2019).
3D Petroleum System Model of Southeastern Part of Pannonian Basin, Goran Bogicevic, Ivan Dulic, and Janko Sovilj, #11306 (2020).
PS Petroleum Source Potential in the West Disko Area, Offshore West Greenland: Regional Evidence from Multiple Data Sets, K. Eric Bogoslowski and Lyndon Miller, #10280 (2010).
Application of the SourceRER Modeling System (Source Retrodiction & Environmental Reconstruction) to Unconventional Reservoirs: Estimating Mudstone Character and Distribution using Paleo-Environmental Factors, Kevin M. Bohacs, Brian P. West, and George J. Grabowski, Jr., #120117 (2013).
A Path to a Carbon-Neutral Oil Industry in California, Steven Bohlen, #70387 (2019).
Hydrocarbon Discovery Potential in Colombian Basins: Creaming Curve Analysis, Mauricio Orozco Bohorquez, #10613 (2014).
Static Fracture Distribution Model Based on Sedimentary Facies, Daniel Emiliano Bolaños-Rodríguez and Armando Altamira-Areyán, #41959 (2016).
PS Conceptual Geological Model about Hydrocarbon Flow Trough Fractures in Siliciclastic Sequences of the
Chicontepec Formation, Daniel E. Bolaños-Rodríguez, Manuel Cruz-Castillo, and Adriana Acosta-Ángeles, #41953 (2016).
ePS Geometry of Upper Jurassic Sponge/Microbial Bioherms: 3-D Georadar Analysis and Modelling, Swabian Alb, SW-Germany, Martina Boldt and Thomas Aigner, #40754 (2011).
Fault/Fracture Permeability Estimated from Response of a Natural Marine Methane Seep to Underlying Hydrocarbon Production, James R. Boles, Steve Horner, and Grant Garven, #40505 (2010).
PS Halophytes and ArcGIS: Tools for Remediating Brine Water Spills in West Texas, W. E. Bond, M. Foust, M. Dunlap, and J. W. Ward, #80532 (2016).
Quantifying the Effects of Prior Knowledge and Interpretational Methodology from the Creation of Structural Models, by Clare Bond, Rebecca J. Lunn, Zoe K. Shipton, and Alan D. Gibbs, #70043 (2008)
High Resolution Characterization of Reservoir Heterogeneity with Cross-well Seismic Data – A Feasibility Study, Brad Bonnell, Chuck Hurich, and Rudi Meyer, #41591 (2015).
PSMagnitude of Tectonic Uplift Events Along Passive Margins Estimated from Analysis of Base-Level Governed Erosion Surfaces, Johan M. Bonow and Peter Japsen, #40414 (2009).
PS High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Structure of an Unusual Woodford Outcrop, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, Caleb Bontempi and Roger Slatt, #51197 (2015).
Finding New Play Potential in Main Zawtika Development Area, Zawtika Project, Moattama Basin, Offshore Myanmar, Noppadol Boonsawang, Luptawan Intasorn, Nathawut Sattayakhunnasakul, Vitoon Chaisomboonpan, Panatcha Siriyoot, Phalaphoom Thamniyom, Sunantha Phaungphuak, and Palakorn Chaokor, #11155 (2019).
Unconventional Shale Reservoir Characterization Through Integration Between Geophysics and Geomechanics - A Case Study in the Chumsaeng Formation, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand, Prat Boonyasatphan, Kamonporn Inraikhing, Isarachai Sopchok, Helge Sognnes, Viriya Danphaiboonphon, and Pongsit Chongrueanglap, #11161 (2018).
Controls on Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) Prospectivity in the Mid North Sea High Region, Matthew Booth, John R. Underhill, Rachel J. Jamieson, and Rachel Brackenridge, #11050 (2018).
PS Innovative Petrophysical Evaluation Workflow Enhances Production: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, NW India, A.K. Bora, P. Majumdar, S. Verma, S. Konar, P. Kumar, P. Shankar, and V. Kothari, #42200 (2018).
Understanding Complex Fluid Contact Distribution in a Brown Carbonate Field-Mumbai High, K. Bora, A. Carrillat, S. Sharma, C. Jordan, R. Schatzinger, B. L. Lohar, K. Muralidharan, S. K. Patel, R. Bhanja, A. Saha, and T. Friedel, #50574 (2012).
Gas Prospective Areas in the Zagros Domain of Iran and in the Gulf Iranian Waters, by M.L. Bordenave, #10040a (2003).
The Middle Cretaceous to Early Miocene Petroleum System in the Zagros Domain of Iran and Its Prospect Evaluation, by M.L. Bordenave, #10040 (2003).
GCSeismic Modeling and Imaging - Making Waves, by Phillip Bording and Larry Lines, #40066 (2002).
Computer Simulation of the Yates Formation (Permian, Delaware Basin) - Sequence Stratigraphy and Shelf-to-Basin Correlation Implications, J.M. Borer and P.M. Harris, #60044 (2009) (8 MB)
Or right-click to download.
3D Stratigraphic Forward Modelling for the Prediction of Carbonate Platform Architectures: Evaluation of Stratigraphic Trap Potential in Middle East Mesozoic Carbonate Sequences, Jean Borgomano, Cyprien Lanteaume, Olivier Ridet, Mathieu Rousseau, and Nadège Vilasi-Marmier, #41328 (2014).
Reservoir Rock Quality of the Lakadong Member in the Eastern Part of Upper Assam Basin, India, Pradip Borgohain, Sr. and George B. Gilfellon, #50764 (2012).
PS Reservoir Fairway Analysis of a Barail Interval of Deohal Area in Upper Assam Basin Using High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Attributes, Trailukya Borgohain, Pankaj N. Baruah, and Pankaj K. Kakoty, #40642 (2010).
PS Modeling the Equilibrium of a Carbonate Tidal Channel: Preliminary Results, Sanaz Borhani, Khaled Abdo, Christopher G. Kendall, Jasim Imran, and Enrica Viparelli, #42110 (2017).
Characteristics of the Frontier Northern Houtman Sub-Basin Formed on a Magma-Rich Segment of the Western Australian Margin, Irina Borissova, Jennie Totterdell, Chris Southby, Kathryn Owen, and George Bernardel, #10823 (2015).
Integrated Interpretation to Build a Geological Model from Ship Shoal to Keathley Canyon through Green Canyon, Laura Bornatici, #30154 (2011).
PS The Geochemistry of Heavy Metals in Mudflat of Salinas De San Pedro Lagoon, California, M.H. Rezaie Boroon, V. Torres, S. Diaz, T. Lazzaretto, M. Tsang, and D.D. Deheyn, #80244 (2012).
Potential New Reservoir Targets Discovered in Channel and Canyon Features, Offshore Gabon, Ron Borsato, Jennifer Greenhalgh, Ross Findlay, Sara Raussen, Hongwei Zhu, Mark Martin, Martial-Rufin Moussavou, and Fanny Flore Moukoumbi, #10301 (2011).
Exploration in a Thrust Belt Area: A Case Study from Jairampur, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Ajoy N. Borthakur and Amitav Bordoloi, #10445 (2012).
Oil Fields in Railroad Valley Nevada, Louis C. Bortz, #20376 (2016).
PS High Resolution Sedimentological Interpretation of the Lower Paleozoic Clastic Reservoirs in Ghadames Basin, Libya, Seraj Bosnina, Ali Najem, and Adel Marimi, #10992 (2017).
An Update on Biofuel Source Developments, Richard Bost and William Spence, #80153 (2011).
Refined Lithostratigraphy of Upper and Middle Devonian Shales in West Virginia, Ray Boswell and Susan Pool, #30607 (2019).
PS A Key Section for the Early Pannonian (Late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania): Integrated Stratigraphic Results from the Guşteriţa Clay Pit, Dániel Botka, Vivien Csoma, Michal Šuja, Régis Braucher, Karin Sant, Stjepan Ćorić, Koraljka Bakrač, Krešimir Krizmanić, István Róbert Bartha, Lóránd Silye, and Imre Magyar, #11329 (2020).
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea: New Insights from a Modern 3D Seismic Survey, Andrew Botsford, Larry Endebrock, and Amanda Harrington, #10456 (2012).
Regional Correlation of Carboniferous Heath and Tyler Strata from Central Montana to the Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA, Richard J. Bottjer, Stephan H. Nordeng, and Timothy O. Nesheim, #30651 (2020).
Recommended Revisions to Mid-Carboniferous Stratigraphy of the Big Snowy Trough, Central Montana, USA, Richard J. Bottjer, #51422 (2017).
Tight Oil Sandstone Reservoirs, Wyoming and Colorado: Core Workshop--Part III: Maps and Cross-Sections, Richard Bottjer, Gus Gustason, Kevin Smith, and Jack Beuthin, #80594 (2017).
Tight Oil Sandstone Reservoirs, Wyoming and Colorado: Core Workshop--Part II, Richard Bottjer, Gus Gustason, Kevin Smith, and Jack Beuthin, #80593 (2017).
Tight Oil Sandstone Reservoirs, Wyoming and Colorado: Core Workshop--Part I, Richard Bottjer, Gus Gustason, Kevin Smith, and Jack Beuthin, #80592 (2017).
Selected Rocky Mountain Tight Oil Sandstone Plays, Richard Bottjer, Gus Gustason, and Kevin Smith, #80591 (2017).
PS Interbedded Source and Reservoir Rocks in a Hybrid Tight Oil Petroleum System: Mississippian Heath Formation, Central Montana, USA, Richard J. Bottjer, John E. Zumberge, John B. Curtis, Iain C. Scotchman, and Peter F. Purrazzella, #51234 (2016).
Sussex Sandstone, Hornbuckle Trend, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Lithofacies and Reservoir Properties in a Tight Oil Play, Richard J. Bottjer, Michael L. Hendricks, Daniel H. Stright, and John A. Bettridge, #10665 (2014).
Stratigraphy and Oil Resource Potential of the Mississippian Heath Formation, Central Montana, USA, Richard Bottjer, #50914 (2014).
PS Could Organic Rich, Black Shales Be A Source For MVT Deposits?, Bryan Bottoms and Adriana Potra, #80615 (2017).
PS Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Liquid Loading in Gas Wells, Nassim Bouabdallah, Abdeldjalil Latrach, Aimene Aihar, and Adesina Fadairo, #42583 (2023).
Understanding Methane in Shallow Groundwater from Extensive Pre-Drill Sampling, John Boulanger, Bert Smith, A. Elizabeth Perry, and Mark Hollingsworth, #80308 (2013).
Structure, Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of the Central Officer Basin, South Australia, Peter Boult, Paul J. Bennett, and Annelise Freeman, #10469 (2012).
PS Tectonic and Stratigraphic Mapping Framework of the Lower Arthur Creek, South Georgina Basin, Northern Territory, Australia, Peter Boult and Paul J. Bennett, #50752 (2012).
Elastic Dislocation Modelling of Fractures in the Carboniferous Limestone: East Midlans, UK Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding, #10225 (2010).
PS Fractured Carboniferous Limestone Sealed by a Volcanic Ash - A New Play in the East Midlands UK, Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding, #10212 (2009).
Reducing the Structural Uncertainty in Poor 2-D Seismic Data, Gambier Embayment, Otway Basin, Australia - a Minimum Strain Approach, by Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding, #40371 (2008).
Turbidite Sedimentation along Topographically Complex Slopes in Convergent Margin: Example of the Makran Accretionary Prism (Gulf of Oman, NW Indian Ocean), Julien Bourget, Sebastien Zaragosi, Nadine Ellouz-Zimmermann, Thierry Garlan, N. Mouchot, et al., #40439 (2009).
Monsoon-Induced Hyperpycnal Flows Recorded in the Gulf of Oman (NW Indian Ocean), by J. Bourget, S. Zaragosi, T. Mulder, T. Garlan, N. Ellouz-Zimmermann, A. VanToer, and J-L. Schneider, #50068 (2008).
AV Apache Success in Egypt: Regional Exploration to Major Discoveries, by C. Brian Boutte, Apache Corporation, #110001 (2004) Important! Review Systems Requirements and Recommendations.
(1 of 3 presentations at AAPG Forum: Recent Discovery and Development Case Histories, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Introducing the Untested Sub-Salt Play in the Officer Basin, South Australia, by Peter J. Boult, Clerk M. Petrick, Vicki Stamoulis, and Kerry Deller, #10096 (2006).
The Morum Sub-basin Petroleum System, Otway Basin, South Australia, by Peter J. Boult, David M. McKirdy, Jane E. Blevin, Roar Heggeland, Simon C. Lang and Don R. Vinall, #10095 (2006).
Reconstructing Ancient Petroleum Systems: An Example from the Ghadames-Illizi System of North Africa, by Mike Bourne, R. Dixon, T. Dunn, B. Haig, J. Hossack, J. Moore, T. Parsons, and C. Simmons, #30080 (2009).
Fracture Characterisation of a Complex Carbonate Reservoir: Intelligent Use of Image Logs in a Major Onshore Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Yasmina Bouzida, Tim Salter, and Fatima Al Darmaki, #20426 (2018).
Challenges with Marcellus Shale Horizontal Exploration Within or Near the Allegheny Highland, Cole Bowers, #11044 (2018).
PS Preliminary Assessment of the CO2 Storage Capacity in the Lower Copper Ridge Dolomite (Upper Cambrian), Northeastern Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox, Stephen F. Greb, and David C. Harris, #80679 (2019).
Assessing the Potential Helium Resources in Central Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox, #51573 (2019).
PS Porosity and CO2 Storage Capacity of the Maryville - Basal Sandstone Section in the Kentucky Geological Survey 1 Hanson Aggregates Stratigraphic Research Well, Carter County, Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox, Stephen F. Greb, and David C. Harris, #80610 (2017).
Reevaluation of the Heavy Oil and Bitumen Resources of the Western Kentucky Tar Sands: What Did We Learn about the Tar Sands That Is New?, J. Richard Bowersox, #80568 (2016).
Late Neogene Paleobathymetry, Relative Sea Level, and Basin-Margin Subsidence, Northwest San Joaquin Basin, California, by J. Richard Bowersox. #30029 (2004).
PSFilling in Gaps in the Sedimentary Record: An Integrated Study of Microfacies and Discontinuity Surfaces in Devonian Epeiric Sea Carbonates, Iowa, Christopher M. Bowie and Mara E. Brady, #30340 (2014).
Recent Activity in the Floyd, Neal, and Chattanooga Shale Plays, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama and Mississippi, by Kent A. Bowker, #10162 (2008).
Development of the Barnett Shale Play, Fort Worth Basin, by Kent A. Bowker, #10126 (2007).
Thickness and Extent of Clay Layers in the Pleistocene Tulare Formation near Elk Hills, California: Implications for Water Disposal Operations and Timing of Structural Growth, Paul Bowles and Janice Gillespie, #30496 (2017).
Eaglebine Activity, Thomas D. Bowman, #110187 (2015).
Hydrocarbon Potential of Upper Cretaceous Shale Sections, Including the Eagle Ford, Woodbine and Maness Shale, Central Texas, Thomas D. Bowman, #10328 (2011).
AVDirect Method for Determining Organic Shale Potential from Porosity and Resistivity Logs to Identify Possible Resource Plays, by Thomas Bowman, #110128 (2010)
4 of 7 presentations from Session, Genesis of Shale Gas--Physicochemical and Geochemical Constraints Affecting Methane Adsorption and Desorption
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
PS Exploring the Hydrocarbon Potential Offshore Western Florida, Scott Bowman, Gary Scaife, and Richie Miller, #10335 (2011).
PS Stratigraphy and Petrophysics of the Middle Devonian Black Shale Interval in West Virginia and Southwest Pennsylvanian, Matt L. Boyce and Timothy R. Carr, #10265 (2010).
Sequence of Deformation in Thrust-Fold Belts: Implications for Cross-Section Balancing, Steven E. Boyer, #41724 (2015).
The Expanding Role of the Geologist in the Estimation of Resources/Reserves in Shale Gas Reservoirs, Chuck Boyer, #120023 (2009).
Albert Einstein and Meandering Streams, by Kent A. Bowker, #70001 (1999).
Jonah Field: A Shallow Sweetspot in the Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation of the Northern Green River Basin, Wyoming, by Kent A. Bowker and John W. Robinson, #10001 (2000).
PS Five Reasons for Carbonate Oil Production at High Archie Calculated SW, Douglas Boyd, #70399 (2019).
Innovative 3-D Reservoir Characterization in the Papua New Guinea Fold Belt, Georgia A. Boyd, Vanni Donagemma, John G. McPherson, Mathew K. Dubsky, Yingying Sun, and Stuart A. Barclay, #30440 (2016).
The Booch Gas Play in Southeastern Oklahoma, by Dan T. Boyd, #10100 (2006).
PS Seismic Interpretation, Distribution and Numerical Modelling of Natural Gas Leakage on Block 2 of the Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa, Donna L. Boyd, Zahie Anka, Rolando Di Primio, Maarten de Wit, and Jeff Aldrich, #50340 (2010).
A Modified Approach to Coalbed Methane Exploration – What Have We Learned in the Past 20 Years?, by Charles Morris Boyer and Stephen W. Lambert, #40216 (2006).
Investigating Slope-Parallel Processes in Mud-Dominated Depositional Systems through Seismic Stratigraphic Mapping of Contourite Drifts: Newfoundland Ridge, Offshore Canada, Patrick R. Boyle and Brian Romans, #30343 (2014).
Surface Geology Reconstruction Through Integration of Active and Passive Remotely Sensed Data, Alberto Boz, Valentina Clementi, Riccardo De Paulis, Corrado Magistroni, Mirco Boschetti, Monica Pepe, Claudio Prati, Fabio Rocca, and Stefano Tebaldini, #40826 (2011).
Br-Bz Back to B
Defining Prospective Play Fairways over the Southern Flank of the UK Mid North Sea High, Rachel E. Brackenridge, John R. Underhill, and Rachel J. Jamieson, #11052 (2018).
Australian Palaeogeographic Studies – Outcomes and Future Opportunities, Marita T. Bradshaw, Peter J. Cook, Jennifer Totterdell, Robert P. Langford, and Monica Yeung, #70206 (2015).
PSSatellite Gravity and Geoid Studies Reveal the Formations Underlying Large-Scale Basin Structures, Carla Braitenberg and J. Ebbing, #40427 (2009) (10.8 mb).
Revisiting the Subsurface Geology of Sabine Peninsula (Melville British Columbia, Canada Island, Western Arctic) Through Geostatistically-Steered Data Processing and Interpretation, Virginia Brake, Mathieu J. Duchesne, Keith Dewing, M. Claprood, E. Gloaguen, and Tom Brent, #51052 (2014).
EA Geomechanics Wellbore Stability Analysis in Successful Drilling of a Challenging HPHT Exploration Well in North Sumatra, Restio Adhyaksa Brata, Muhamad Yanuar Mahardi, Apollinaris Stefanus Leo Anis, and Fatrial Bahesti, #42532 (2020).
Petrophysics: Use of Newer Technologies for Reserves Determination What do You Need to Know? Matt Bratovich, #120010 (2009).
Quantifying Anisotropy for Geomechanics, Tom R. Bratton, #40920 (2012).
PS Subsurface Core and Analogous Outcrop Characterization of the Muddy/Newcastle Formation for the Bell Creek Oil Field, Powder River County, Montana, Jason R. Braunberger, Wesley D. Peck, Terry P. Bailey, Jordan M. Bremer, Benjamin W. Huffman, and Charles D. Gorecki, #20198 (2013).
Visual Analytics for Reservoir Analogues, Emilio Vital Brazil, Vinícius Segura, Renato Cerqueira, Rogério de Paula, and Ulisses Mello, #70361 (2018).
Hydrocarbon Potential of Arkosic Sands in the Weiser-Payette Basin, Southwest Idaho: A Discussion on Basin Fill, Subsurface Structure, and Syndepositional Maturation and Migration History, Renee L. Breedlovestrout, #10904 (2017).
Digital Oil-Play Maps of the Permian Basin, by Caroline L. Breton, Shirley P. Dutton, and Ronald F. Broadhead, #40333 (2008).
Application of an OCGS Presentation Results in Economic Production: Examples from Hugoton Embayment and Williston Basin, John A. Brett, III, E. A. (Ted) Beaumont, and Dan J. Hartmann, #20355 (2016).
Exploring New Frontiers in Prediction and Evaluation of Virtualized Well Locations Using Geo-spatial and Geo-statistical Analysis, Eduard Breuer and Gregory K. Burns, #41219 (2013).
Monitoring and Analysis of Surface Deformation with InSAR and Subsurface Data, San Joaquin Valley, California, Graham E. Brew, Mizue Horiuchi, Pieter Bas Leezenberg, and Arjan Tabak, #41963 (2016).
Comprehensive Use of VSP Technology at Elk Hills Field, Kern County, California, by R.J. Brewer and Don Greenfield, #40091 (2003).
GCThe Look Ahead VSP Survey: Its Utility and Future, by Robert J. Brewer, #40060 (2002).
GCVSP Data in Comparison to the Check Shot Velocity Survey, by R. Brewer, #40059 (2002).
Carrier Beds as Reservoirs, John A. Breyer, #11373 (2023).
Limestone Frequency and Well Performance, Eagle Ford Shale (Cretaceous), South Texas, John Breyer, R.H. Wilty, Y. Tian, A. Salman, K.W. O’Connor, B. Kurtoglu, R.J. Hooper, R.M. Daniels, R.W. Butler, and D. Alfred, #51091 (2015).
Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Facies of the Eagle Ford Shale (Cretaceous) between the Maverick Basin and the San Marcos Arch, Texas, USA, John A. Breyer, Richard Denne, Jonathan Funk, Tobi Kosanke, and Joan Spaw, #50899 (2013).
On Generating a Geological Model for Hydrogen Gas in the Southern Taoudenni Megabasin (Bourakebougou Area, Mali), Denis Briere, Tomasz Jerzykiewicz, and Wojciech Śliwiński, #42041 (2017).
PS Turning Challenges into Opportunity - Lessons Learnt from Data Acquisition in HPHT Horizontal Wells, Andreas P. Briner, Sergio Tessari, and Ali Mahrouqi, #41904 (2016).
Seismic Expression of Miocene and Pliocene Proximal Lowstand Composite Sequences, Offshore and Onshore West Nile Delta, Egypt, Gerhard J. Brink, Stiig Brink-Larsen, Bruce Finlayson, Hamsa El-Khawaga, Axel Kellner, and Hesham Maksoud, #10186 (2009).
Expanding the Heart of the Uinta Oil Play: The Douglas Creek Member of the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff, Luke Fidler, and Josh Sigler, #11389 (2024).
Structural Geometry, Kinematics, and Timing of the Duchesne Fault Zone, Uinta Basin, Northeastern Utah, USA, Riley Brinkerhoff and Douglas A. Sprinkel, #11368 (2022).
The Duchesne Fault Zone's Impact on Horizontal Development Within the Burgeoning Green River Oil Play, Uinta Basin, Northeastern Utah, USA, Riley Brinkerhoff and Douglas A. Sprinkel, #11367 (2022).
Using Pore System Characterization to Subdivide the Burgeoning Uteland Butte Play, Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff, Mike Vanden Berg, and Mark Millard, #11364 (2022).
Strain Segregation between Ductile and Brittle Stratigraphy – Characterizing the Sand Wash Fault System, Uinta Basin, Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff, John McBride, Sam Hudson, Douglas A. Sprinkel, Ron Harris, Kevin Rey, and Eric Tingey, #11363 (2022).
Pitfalls of Model Driven Unconventional Development – The Stratigraphic Trends that Drive Oil & Gas Productivity in Divide County, North Dakota, Riley Brinkerhoff, Tim Nesheim, and Mark Millard, #11362 (2022).
Using Pore System Characterization to Subdivide the Burgeoning Uteland Butte Play, Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff and Mark Millard, #11272 (2019).
Characterizing Outcrop Growth Faults, Slump Blocks, Mud Volcanoes and Other Sedimentary Deformation Features for use as Reservoir Analogues for Observed Features in Targeted Reservoirs in the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff, #51623 (2019).
Characteristics of Sandy Hyperpycnite Deposits on the Shallow, Southern Margin of Eocene Lake Uinta, the Green River Formation of Northeastern Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff and Kurtus Woolf, #51495 (2018).
PS Pitfalls in Geological Mapping Within Unconventional Plays: A Case Study From the Three Forks Play in the Williston Basin, Riley Brinkerhoff, Sarah Edwards, and Mark Millard, #80546 (2016).
Finding Value in Old Fields; Chasing By-passed Pay in the Trail Field of Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Riley Brinkerhoff, #20114 (2011).
PS Tectonic Evolution Of The Malargüe Fold And Thrust Belt At 34.5°S, Sofia C. Brisson, Guillermo Palmieri, Damian A. Pontet, Federico Martos, Lucas M. Fennell, and Andrés Folguera, #30662 (2020).
Organic Geochemical Patterns of Vaca Muerta Shale, Neuquen Basin, Argentina, Ignacio E. Brisson, Martín E. Fasola, and Héctor J. Villar, #11302 (2020).
PSInterpretation of depositional environments of upper Seven Rivers Formation from core and well logs, Grayburg Jackson Pool, Eddy County, New Mexico, by Brian S. Brister and Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, #20024 (2004).
Multidisciplinary Data Integration for 3D Geological Outcrop Characterization, Jackfork Group, Hollywood Quarry, Arkansas, Richard J. Brito, Luis A. Castillo, Davogustto Oswaldo, Andrea Cadena, and Roger M. Slatt, #50597 (2012).
AV"Unconventional" Discovery Thinking in Resource Plays: Haynesville Trend, North Louisiana, by Marvin D. Brittenham, #110136 (2010)
2 of 6 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
AV "Unconventional" Discovery Thinking in Resource Plays: Haynesville Trend and John Amoruso Field, East Texas, by Marvin D. Brittenham, #110080 (2009)
6 of 6 presentations from Forum, "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
The Offshore Mancos Play in the San Juan Basin: Productive Carrier Beds within the Mancos Petroleum System, Ronald F. Broadhead, #11359 (2022).
The Mancos Shale in the Albuquerque Basin: A Play Limited by Structure and Associated Thermal Maturity, Ron Broadhead, #11274 (2019).
The Mancos Shale in the Southeastern San Juan Basin: A Play Limited by Structure and Associated Thermal Maturity, Ronald F. Broadhead, #11273 (2019).
PS The Upper Mancos Shale in the San Juan Basin: Three Oil and Gas Plays, Conventional and Unconventional: Update, Ronald F. Broadhead, #11096 (2018).
Relationship of Helium and CO2 to Other Gases in New Mexico Reservoirs, Ronald F. Broadhead, #11095 (2018).
The Upper Mancos Shale in the San Juan Basin: Three plays, Conventional and Unconventional, Ronald F. Broadhead, #10791 (2015).
Overview of Selected Shale Plays in New Mexico, Ron Broadhead, #10627 (2014).
Helium in New Mexico: Origins, Uses, Economics, Geologic Distribution and Exploration Possibilities, Ron Broadhead, #10466 (2012).
The Woodford Shale in southeastern New Mexico: Distribution and source rock characteristics, Ronald F. Broadhead, #80163 (2011).
Oil and Natural Gas Potential of the Pre-Cretaceous Section, Raton Basin, New Mexico, Ron Broadhead, #10260 (2010).
Helium in New Mexico: Geologic Distribution and Exploration Possibilities, by Ronald F. Broadhead, #10117 (2006).
Petroleum Geology of the McGregor Range Otero County, New Mexico, by Ronald F. Broadhead, #10054 (2003).
Petroleum Potential of the Sin Nombre Area, East-Central New Mexico, by Ronald F. Broadhead, #10036 (2003).
PSPlay Analysis and Digital Portfolio of Major Oil Reservoirs in the Permian Basin: New Mexico, by Ronald F. Broadhead, William D. Raatz, Shirley P. Dutton, and Eugene M. Kim, #10065 (2004).
A Review of Selected Michigan Niagaran Reef Waterfloods to Estimate the Fractional Flow Behavior During Flooding and Hysteresis Effects After Flooding, Timothy J. Brock, #41214 (2013).
PSAnalysis of the Bagley Otsego Antrim Shale Infill Program for 2004: A Case History, by Timothy Jay Brock, #20040 (2006).
A Monte Carlo Approach to Determine Stress Orientations and Differential Stress Ratios from Microseismicity and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms Using Elastic Dislocation Modelling, H. Broichhausen, C. Seiler, and E. Macaulay, #42138 (2017).
Elastic Dislocation Modelling and Coulomb Stress Change Investigations, H. Broichhausen, R. Muir, C. Dunlop, and E. Macaulay, #41679 (2015).
Environmental Factors Associated with Hydrates Extraction; Physical and Chemical Mitigation for a Marine Consent, Kate Bromfield and Brett Rogers, #80731 (2020).
The Integration of Key Petrophysical and Geomechanical Play Drivers into Geological Attribute Mapping: Getting Ahead of the Stampede, Larry Brooks and Randy Montalvo, #40948 (2012).
Rediscovering North Perth Basin in Unconventional Arena, Steve Broome, Arijit Chaudhuri, D.P. Singh, and Arnab Nag, #10785 (2015).
Devonian Karst Aquifer Induced Vertical Fluidization Structures in Lower McMurray Formation (Aptian) Deposits of the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands, Paul L. Broughton, #51072 (2015).
Orthogonal Geometrics of Lower McMurray Formation Sand Complexes: Effects of Salt Dissolution Collapse-subsidence Across the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit, Paul L. Broughton, #51028 (2014).
Lower McMurray Formation Sinkholes and Their Fill Fabrics: Effects of Salt Dissolution Collapse-subsidence Across the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit, Paul L. Broughton, #51027 (2014).
PS The Ells River SAGD Oil Sands Reservoir: A Wave-Dominated Shoreface Shelf Deposit, Athabasca Basin, Paul Broughton, #20075 (2009).
Transformation and Interpretation of Seismic Data in the Wheeler Domain: Principles and Case Study Examples, by Friso Brouwer, David Connolly, Gert de Bruin, and Paul de Groot, #40314 (2008)
Chairman's Reflections on the AAPG Energy Transition Forum 2022: Pathways for Geoscientists in a Net Zero Future, Max Brouwers, #141900 (2022).
PS Petroleum Charge Analysis of the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California: Implications for Future Exploration, Alton A. Brown, #30665 (2020).
PS Petroleum Expulsion and Formation of Porosity in Kerogen, Alton Brown, #42388 (2019).
PS Possible Origins for Low Thermal Maturity, High-Nitrogen Natural Gases, Alton A. Brown, #42065 (2017).
PS Geological Controls on Evaporite — Carbonate Facies Transition in Permian Seven Rivers Formation, SE New Mexico, Alton A. Brown and R. G. Loucks, #51317 (2016).
Dockum Group Revisited: Deposition and Tectonic Significance, Alton Brown, #51257 (2016).
Surface Energy Effects on Formation and Preservation of Microrhombic Calcite Fabrics and Porosity, Alton Brown, #51148 (2015).
PS Production-Induced Capillary Breakdown of Reservoir Barriers, Alton Brown, #41133 (2013).
GC What is Seismic Interpretation?, Alistair Brown, #41125 (2013).
PS Using X-Ray Fluorescence to Quantify Clay Content in Mudrock and Sandstone Outcrops, Alton A. Brown and Russell K. Davies, #41773 (2016).
Are Gas Shales Suitable Analogs for Oil Shale Exploration?, Alton A. Brown, #41624 (2015).
PSEffects of Porosity Models on Thermal History in Geohistory Models, Alton A. Brown, #41392 (2014).
PSUpscaling Fault Flow Properties for Evaluation of Cross-Fault Flow, Alton A. Brown and Russell K. Davies, #41390 (2014).
PSCompositional Changes to Gas Migrating through Water-Saturated Rock, Alton A. Brown, #41391 (2014).
PS Formation of High Helium Gases: A Guide for Explorationists, Alton A. Brown, #80115 (2010).
GC The Balance between Geophysics and Geology in Seismic Interpretation, Alistair R. Brown, #40616 (2010).
GC Dim Spots in Seismic Images as Hydrocarbon Indicators, Alistair R. Brown, #40514 (2010).
Phase and Polarity Issues in Modern Seismic Interpretation, by Alistair Brown, #40397 (2009).
GCPitfalls in 3-D Seismic Interpretation, by Alistair R. Brown, #40146 (2005).
GCSeismic/Geology Links Critical, by Alistair R. Brown, #40130 (2004).
GC Flat Spots Are Not Always Flat, by Alistair Brown, #40119 (2004).
GCRecognizing Faults in Seismic Data, by Alistair Brown, #40073 (2003).
GCWhy We Need Color for Seismic Display, by Alistair Brown, #40069 (2003).
PS Interpreting Permeability from Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Data, Alton A. Brown, #41660 (2015).
Why Light Hydrocarbons do not Form a Gas Phase after Diffusing Through Seals, by Alton Brown, #40017 (2001).
Worldwide Seismic Activity and Recent Oklahoma Earthquakes, Glen Brown, #30393 (2014).
Pore Pressure Prediction as a Prospecting Tool, Input to Risk, Volumes and Field Development, by John P. Brown and Rashidah Karim, #40340 (2008).
Central and South Atlantic Conjugate Margin Pre- and Post-Salt Successions: Implications to Rift Models and Petroleum Systems, David E. Brown, Webster U. Mohriak, Haddou Jabour, and Gabor C. Tari, #30081 (2009).
PSPlays and Concessions -- A Straightforward Method for Assessing Volumes, Value, and Chance, by P. Jeffrey Brown and Peter R. Rose, #40024 (2001).
PSDM for unconventional reservoirs? A Niobrara Shale case study, Morgan P. Brown, Joseph H. Higginbotham, Cosmin Macesanu, Oscar E. Ramirez, Dave List, and Chris Lang, #80405 (2014).
PSDM for Unconventional Reservoirs? A Niobrara Shale Case Study, Morgan P. Brown, #80392 (2014).
Prestack Depth Migration for "Easy" Unconventional Plays?, Morgan Brown, #41056 (2012).
Mass Transport Complexes from a Late Miocene Deep-Water Succession, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: Scales, Styles, and Significance in Relation to Tectonic, Eustatic, and Autocyclic Drivers, by Greg H. Browne, Lorna J. Strachan, Peter R. King, and Malcolm J. Arnot, #50040 (2006).
Petroleum Geology of the Lake Kickapoo East (Caddo) Field Archer County, Texas, Dennis W. Browning, #11372 (2023).
Identifying Reservoir Development in Carbonate Rocks by Qualitative Analysis of the Spontaneous Potential Curve: Example from the Caddo Limestone of Western Jack County, Texas, Dennis W. Browning, #11215 (2019).
Barnett Gas Production Outlook, John R. Browning, Svetlana Ikonnikova, Gurcan Gulen, Eric Potter, Ken Medlock, Frank Male, Susan Horvath, Tad Patzek, Qilong Fu, Forrest Roberts, and Scott Tinker, #10541 (2013).
PS Paleozoic Basins of Western Australia - Conventional Plays Abound, Richard Bruce, #10801 (2015).
Onshore Western Australia Reinvigorated, Richard Bruce, #10439 (2012).
Main Challenges and Uncertainties for Oil Production from Turbidite Reservoirs in Deep Water Campos Basin, Brazil, Carlos H. Bruhn, Antonio Pinto, and Paulo R. Johann, #10184 (2009) (6.91 MB).
Peripheral-Bulge Controlled Depositional Architecture of a Clastic Foredeep Succession: Paleocene, Spitsbergen, by Rikke Bruhn and Ron Steel, #40104, (2003).
Creativity, Elephant Hunt, Globalization, Doodle Buggers, and Useful Quotes --Commentaries, by E. R. Brumbaugh, #70005 (2001).
PS How to Train Your Fracture Network Simulation? 2-D to 3-D Fracture Network Detection and Forecasting in a Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Using Multiple Point Statistics (MPS), Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Nico Hardebol, Kevin Bisdom, Julien Straubhaar, Grégoire Mariethoz, and Giovanni Bertotti, #42168 (2017).
How Porosity is Developed or Preserved in Unconventional Hemipelagic Carbonate Reservoir? Case Study in SE France (Provence, Durance Area), Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Yves Guglielmi, Juliette Lamarche, Marc Floquet, François Fournier, Jean-Pierre Sizun, Arnaud Gallois, Lionel Marie, Catherine Bertrand, and Fabrice Hollender, #120041 (2012).
Depositional Model of the Marcellus Shale in West Virginia Based on Facies Analysis, Kathy R. Bruner, Margaret Walker-Milani, and Richard Smosna, #50512 (2011).
Playa and Lunette Sedimentation Response to Artificial Water Levels: Case Study of the San Luis Lake Area, Maria E. Brunhart-Lupo, #51000 (2014).
Paleobasin Mapping using Lunette Morphology, Maria Brunhart-Lupo, #41061 (2012).
Geomorphological and Stratigraphic Identification of Lunettes at the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Colorado, María E. Brunhart-Lupo, #50676 (2012).
PS Evaluation of Thin Limestone Interlayers within Marcellus Shale in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Jonathan Bruno, Nicholas King, Shannon Szymusiak, Jan Vit Suntar, and Guochang Wang, #11219 (2019).
The Rio Doce Canyon System in the Northern Espirito Santo Basin, Offshore Brazil: A Model for Interpreting Ancient Deep-Water Sand Transportation Fairways, by Eugene Brush and Joseph C. Fiduk, Frank Love, Peter Gibbs, Stiig Brink-Larsen, and George Farrow, #30028 (2004).
Greenland - The New Arctic Hot Spot?, Martin Damsø Bruun, Gregers Dam, Niels-Erik Hamann, and Martin Sønderholm, #10353 (2011).
Integrated Petroleum System Modeling to Evaluate Frontier Basins and Resource Plays, Ian Bryant, Martin Neumaier, and Bjorn Wygrala, #41438 (2014).
Systematic Evaluation of Unconventional Resource Plays Using Petroleum System Modeling Combined with Play Chance Mapping, Ian Bryant, #80284 (2013).
GCA Practical Approach to Seismic Imaging of Complex Geology, by M. Brzostowski and T. Jones, #40057 (2002).
Carbonate Buildups in the Post-Rift Sequence of the Pernambuco Basin, NE Brazil: Oil Play Implications, Bruno Varela Buarque, José Antônio Barbosa, Jefferson Tavares Cruz Oliveira, Osvaldo Correia Filho, and José Ricardo Gonçalves Magalhães, #10854 (2016).
Calibrating the Brackish-Water Trace Fossil Model Through Geologic Time, by Luis A. Buatois, Murray Gingras, James MacEachern, M. Gabriela Mangano, John-Paul Zonneveld, George Pemberton, Renata G. Netto, and Anthony Martin, #50017 (2005).
Potential Induced Seismicity in the Midcontinent: One State's Experience and Response, Rex Buchanan, #70195 (2015).
Stevensite, Oolite, and Microbialites in the Eocene Green River Formation, Sanpete Valley, Uinta Basin, Utah, H. Paul Buchheim and Stanley M. Awramik, #50917 (2014).
PS Predicting Lacustrine Microbialite Distribution and Facies Associations: The Eocene Green River Formation Analogue, Paul Buchheim and Stanley M. Awramik, #10428 (2012).
Stratigraphy of the Woodford Shale from Behind-Outcrop Drilling, Logging, and Coring, by Nichole Buckner, Roger M. Slatt, Bill Coffey, and Robert J. Davis, #50147 (2009) (11.1MB).
Value of Information (VOI) Concept to Systematically Justify Observation and Appraisal Wells, Iwan Setya Budi, Epo Kusumah, Astra Pramana, Jati Arie Wibowo, and Agus Rudiyono, #42531 (2020).
EA Heat Flow Distribution in Offshore West Java Basin: Implication for Petroleum System in Anggursi Block, North West Java Basin, Rahmat Budiana, Rully Firmansyah, Ivan Nugraha, Anggi Yusriani, Emellia Bunga Amitama, and Yudhistira Shaylendra, #11288 (2020).
Enhancing Biogenic Methane Production from Coals; How the Microbial Ecology and Diversity Respond, by Karen Budwill, Tara Penner, and Julia Foght, #80032 (2008).
Constraining Uncertainty in Static Reservoir Modeling: A Case Study from Namorado Field, Brazil, Juliana F. Bueno, Rodrigo D. Drummond, Alexandre C. Vidal, Emilson P. Leite, and Sérgio S. Sancevero, #40755 (2011).
Stratigraphic Architecture and Evolution of a Barrier Seagrass Bank in the Mid-Late Holocene Shark Bay, Australia, Giada Bufarale and Lindsay B. Collins, #51370 (2017).
PS Petrophysics and Pore Pressure: Pitfalls and Perfection, Andrew Buffin, #40654 (2010).
PS Incorporation of Geology, Wells, Rock Physics into Anisotropy Estimation for Seismic Depth Imaging Enables "True Earth Model", Huyen Bui, Peck Hwa David Ng, Jenny Zhou, Chih-Wen Kue, and Martiris Smith, #40862 (2012).
Incorporation of Geology, Wells, and Rock Physics into Anisotropy Estimation for Seismic Depth Imaging Enables "True Earth Model", Huyen Bui, Peck-Hwa David Ng, Jenny Zhou, Chih-Wen Kue, and Martiris Smith, #40828 (2011).
ePS Yinggehai (Red River) Strike-Slip Fault Zone Displacements and the Tectonic Evolution of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea - Insights from Numerical Simulations, Huyen Bui, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, and Amos Nur, #40758 (2011).
AV The Bauer Field, Cooper/Eromanga Basin: Case Study of a Low-Relief, High-Productivity Oil Field, Glen Buick, #110225 (2016)
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
The Value of CSEM Data in Exploration "Best of EAGE", Arild Buland, Lars Ole Løseth, Andreas Becht, Malgven Roudot, and Tage Røsten, #40885 (2012).
Sedimentologic and Petrographic Analyses of Siliciclastic Oligocene Deposits in the Teleajen Valley, Gura Vitioarei-Copaceni Structure, Romania, Eugenia Nicoleta Bulat and Octavian Catuneanu, #51015 (2014).
PS Rift Shoulder Erosion and Basin Deformation Associated with the Wichita Uplift (Mountain Front): Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, U.S.A, Thomas P. Bulling, Robert Marksteiner, Kristian Meisling, Jesse Koch, and Kim Koepke, #30523 (2017).
ePS Basin Evaluation Comparison: Paradox, San Juan and Black Mesa Basins Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, USA, Thomas P. Bulling and Corine Prieto, #10360 (2012).
Structural History of the Andean Foreland, Peru, and Its Relation to Subduction Zone Dynamics, by Alex Bump, Lorcan Kennan, and Jessica Fallon, #30062 (2008).
The CO2 Storage Potential of the Canterbury-Otago Region, New Zealand, M.A. Bunch, B.D. Field, and S. Mockler, #80086 (2010).
Seismic Carbonate Reservoir Prediction and Drilling Results, Offshore Nicaragua, Caribbean Sea, Robb Bunge, Yusri Yusri, Scott L. Miller, Elmer Ferro, and John Bova, #10919 (2017).
Woodbine Formation Sandstone Reservoir Prediction and Variability, Polk and Tyler Counties, Texas, Robert J. Bunge, #10331 (2011).
Large Volume Reconnaissance Using 3-D Visualization Software, Desert Springs Field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, by Robert Bunge, #40103 (2003).
Detecting Hydrocarbon Reservoirs from Marine CSEM in the Santos Basin, Brazil, Marco Polo Buonora, Andrea Zerilli, Tiziano Labruzzo, and Luiz Felipe Rodrigues, #40402 (2009).
Penetrative Strain on the Field Scale: Detrimental to Reservoir Quality?, Caroline M. Burberry, #51300 (2016).
Reservoir-Scale Controls on Fracture Orientation: Structural Position vs. Mechanical Variation, Caroline M. Burberry, #41691 (2015).
PS Seismic Expression of Karst-Related Features in the Persian Gulf and Implications for Characterization of
Carbonate Reservoirs, Caroline M. Burberry, Shelby R. Chandler, and Christopher A-L. Jackson, #30411 (2015).
Multiphase Deformation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Units Within the Panhandle of Nebraska, C. M. Burberry, R. M. Joeckel, J. T. Korus, and M. H. Peppers, #30365 (2014).
Enhancing Spatial Reasoning and Visualization Skills Using Field Data, Analog Modeling and Digital Visualization Software, Caroline M. Burberry, #120148 (2014).
Identifying the Amount and Timing of Layer Parallel Shortening in Compressive Regions using Thin-Sections and Analog Models, Caroline M. Burberry, #41161 (2013).
Development of Structures Related to the Offshore Extent of the Minab Fault, Makran Accretionary Complex, Offshore Iran, C.M. Burberry and C.A-L. Jackson, #30235 (2012).
GC Seismic to Well Ties with Problematic Sonic Logs, by Don Burch, #40077 (2003).
Entry and Exit Strategies in International Shale Opportunities, Patrick Burdett and Bill Haskett, #70132 (2012).
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Iranian Makran, Jean-Pierre Burg, D. Bernoulli, A. Dolati, C. Muller, J. Smit, and S. Spezzaferri, #30216 (2012).
PS Structural Controls on the Evolution of Los Monos Anticline (Subandean Zone, Bolivia): Evidences From Surface, Sub-Surface Data and Kinematic Modeling, Sergio Burga, Oskar Vidal Royo, and Oriol Ferrer, #30642 (2019).
A Big Fan of Signals? Exploring Autogenic and Allogenic Processes in Lobyte3D, a Numerical Stratigraphic Forward Model of Submarine Fan Development, Peter Burgess, Isabella Masiero, Stephan Toby, and Robert Duller, #51593 (2020).
The Origins of Shallow-Water Carbonates Lithofacies Thickness Distributions: Modelling Accommodation and Supply Controls, Pete Burgess, David A. Pollitt, and Terry Scarrott, #40972 (2012).
PS The Origins of Shallow-Water Carbonate Lithofacies Thickness Distributions: 1D Forward Modelling of Factory Type and Relative Sea-Level Control, Peter Burgess, David A. Pollitt, and Terry Scarrott, #40794 (2011).
Investigating Carbonate Platform Types: Multiple Controls and a Continuum of Geometries, Peter M. Burgess, Huw D. Williams, V. Paul Wright, Giovanna Della Porta, and Didier Granjeon, #30164 (2011).
GC Advances in Spectral Decomposition and Reflectivity Modeling in the Frio Formation of the Gulf Coast, by Michael D. Burnett and John P. Castagna, #40113 (2004).
History, Geology, and Politics of Livermore Oil, Alan K. Burnham, #70393 (2019).
Evolution of Vitrinite Reflectance Models, Alan K. Burnham, Kenneth E. Peters, and Oliver Schenk, #41982 (2017).
Multi-Surface Visualization of Fused Hydrocarbon Microseep and Reservoir Data, Chris Burns, Teddy Seyed, Ken Bradley, Russ Duncan, Aaron Balasch, Frank Maurer and Mario Costa Sousa, #41307 (2014).
Grain-Size Controls on Planform Morphology and Stratigraphy of River-Dominated Deltas, Alex Burpee, Rudy Slingerland, Doug Edmonds, Jim Best, Dan Parsons, Rebecca Caldwell, Jim Cederberg, Andrew McGuffin, Austin Nijhuis, and Sarah Prozeller, #50851 (2013).
Lidar Intensity as a Remote Sensor of Rock Properties, Darrin Burton and Lesli J. Wood, #40618 (2010).
PS Complete 3-D Reconstruction of an Early Paleozoic Fore-Reef Succession in Yukon, Canada, James Busch, Maxwell H. Saylor, Tyler J. Allen, Karol Faehnrich, John F. Taylor, Akshay Mehra, and Justin V. Strauss, #51609 (2019).
Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Structures, Part II: Propagation of a Pressurized Fracture in Rock Layers with Damage Rheology, Seth Busetti and Ze'ev Reches, #40484 (2010).
Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Structures, Part I: Rheology of Reservoir Rocks, Seth Busetti, Kyran Mish, and Ze'ev Reches, #40483 (2010).
Large-Scale Carbonate Slope Gravity Failures: From Stratigraphic Evolution to Numerical Failure Prediction, Jean Busson, Vanessa Teles, Hervé Gillet, Antoine Bouziat, Nicolas Guy, Philippe Joseph, Thierry Mulder, Jean Borgomano, and Emmanuelle Poli, #11126 (2018).
Shale Gas Opportunities and Challenges, by R. Marc Bustin, A. Bustin, D. Ross, G. Chalmers, V. Murthy, C. Laxmi, and X. Cui, #40382 (2009).
Measurements of Gas Permeability and Diffusivity of Tight Reservoir Rocks: Different Approaches and Their Applications, Amanda M. Bustin, X. Cui, and Robert M. Bustin, #40479 (2010).
Iniskin Peninsula Conventional and Unconventional Exploration Targets, Jurassic Tuxedni Group, Lower Cook Inlet Onshore, Alaska, David B. Buthman, #51470 (2018).
Fold-Thrust Geometries - Is There a Right Model? by Robert Butler, Douglas A. Paton, Estelle J. Mortimer, and Clare E. Bond, #40329 (2008)
An Overview of Heavy Oil Carbonate Reservoirs in the Middle East, John W. Buza, #10277 (2010).
AV Reservoir Characterization Problems Requiring Core-Scale Characterization Solutions: Sometimes You Just Have to Know What Is Happening Every Foot, by A.P. Byrnes, #110058 (2008)
1 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Ca-Cd Ce-Ch Ci-Co Cp-Cz
Cenozoic Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Foreland System in Colombia and Implications on the Petroleum Systems of the Llanos Basin, Víctor M. Caballero, Andrés Reyes-Harker, Andrés R. Mora, Carlos F. Ruiz, and Felipe de la Parra, #30293 (2013).
The Magnitude vs. Distance Plot - A Tool for Fault Reactivation Identification, Carlos Cabarcas and Oswaldo Davogustto, #41185 (2013).
GC Microseismic Data from Hydraulic Fracturing Can Locate Faults, Carlos Cabarcas and Oswaldo Davogustto, #41119 (2013).
Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Area of Influence of the Magdalena Submarine Fan, Offshore Northern Colombia, Andrea Fernanda Cadena Mendoza, #50971 (2014).
Dual Porosity, Dual Permeability Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir with Integration of Fracture Characterization, Hugo Caetano, Reza Iskandar, Sahid Sutanto, Elena Niculescu, Magdy Hozayen, Umer Farooq, Vincent de Groen, Solenne Roosz, and Ghislain de Joussineau, #20366 (2016).
Seismic Determination of Dolomitization and Associated Reservoir Quality Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques: Lower-Middle Permian Carbonates of the Midland Basin, Abidin Berk Caf and John D. Pigott, #42565 (2021).
Seismic Stratigraphic and Quantitative Interpretation of Leonardian Reefal Carbonates, Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin: Insight Into Sea Level Effects, Geomorphology and Associated Reservoir Quality, Abidin B. Caf and John D. Pigott, #10909 (2017).
Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Oligocene Vedder Sandstone of the Rio Bravo Oil Field, California, Stephanie Caffee and Robert A. Horton, #20319 (2015).
PS Secondary Migration of Petroleum Along Syncline Axis: A Case Study of the Southern Kuqa Foreland Basin and Their Significance in Petroleum Geology, Jun Cai and Xiuxiang Lü, #11060 (2018).
Cable Noise Analysis and Suppression in DAS-VSP Data, Zhidong Cai, Yanhua Wang, Congwei Liu, Qinghong Zhang, and Xiaoyin Xu, #42052 (2017).
Identification of Subtle Oil/Gas Reservoir in Junggar Basin of West China, Gang Cai, Qingzhou Yao, Shuangwen Li, Ximin Lu, and Honglin Gong, #40691 (2010).
The Predictive Power of Depositional Paradigms When Chasing Deep Water Sand-rich Turbidites, César Cainelli, #30363 (2014).
Albian Rift Systems in the Northeastern Brazilian Margin: An Example of Rifting in Hyper-Extended Continental Crust, José M. Caixeta, Talles S. Ferreira, Délzio L. Machado Jr., Janaína L. Teixeira, and Marco A. T. Romeiro, #30378 (2014).
The Petroleum Prospectivity of the Apulian Carbonate Platform and Key Tectonic and Stratigraphic Controls, Carlo Caldarelli, Alberto Riva, and Raffaele Di Cuia, #11047 (2018).
Source Rock Potential and Maturity Modelling in the Southern Adriatic Sea Area: Key Controls for Predicting Hydrocarbon Distribution, Carlo Caldarelli, Paolo Martini, and David Smith, #50833 (2013).
PS New Insights into the Mesozoic Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Platform to Basin Transition in the Southern Adriatic Sea Area: Searching for Stratigraphic Traps, Carlo Caldarelli and Mark Robinson, #50797 (2013).
Hydrocarbon Systems in the Onshore and Offshore Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt: New Constraints from Geochemical Data, Carlo Caldarelli and D. Smith, #30202 (2012).
Anadarko Woodford Shale: How to Tie a Shoe, Craig Caldwell, #80408 (2014).
Anadarko Woodford Shale: Improving Production by Understanding Lithologies/Mechanical Stratigraphy and Optimizing Completion Design, Craig D. Caldwell and Philip G. Johnson, #80288 (2013).
PS Rock Types and Lithostratigraphy of the Devonian Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, West-Central Oklahoma, Craig Caldwell, #10425 (2012).
Lithostratigraphy of the Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, West-Central Oklahoma, Craig D. Caldwell, #50518 (2011).
PS Parent Source Material of Calcium Bentonite in Smith County, Mississippi, Kayla Calhoun, Darrel Schmitz, Brenda Kirkland, and James May, #50828 (2013).
PS Characterization and 3-D Modelling of Reef Buildups and Associated Facies in a Kimmeridgian Carbonate Ramp System (Jabaloyas, Eastern Spain) as Analogue for the Middle East Arab D Formation, B. Caline, M. Aurell, G. San Miguel, B. Bádenas, V. Martinez, C. Pabian-Goyheneche, J.P. Rolando, and N. Grasseau, #50601 (2012).
Deformation Patterns of Neoproterozoic and Earliest Cambrian Rocks at the Western Sector of the Jabal Akhdar Dome, Central Oman Mountains, Ivan Callegari, Wilfried Bauer, Frank Mattern, Andre Jorge Pinto, Heninjara Rarivoarison, Andreas Scharf, Katharina Scharf, and Mohammed Al Kindi, #30664 (2020).
PS Source Rock Potential of Coal and Carbonaceous Shales of Petroleum Systems in the Eastern Venezuela Basin, Angel Francisco Callejon and Adry Bassada, #11308 (2020).
PS New Tools for New Challenges: Petroleum System Modeling of the Kurdish Foothills, Marie Callies, Romain Darnault, Zahie Anka, Tristan Cornu, Edouard Le Garzic, Françoise Willien, and Romain Giboreau, #42256 (2018).
Pressure and Basin Modeling in Foothills: A Study of the Kutubu Area, Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt, Jean-Paul Callot, Kevin C. Hill, Renaud Divies, Steven Wood, Francois Roure, and William Sassi, #30431 (2015).
Outstanding Salt Tectonics Outcrops: The Sivas Basin, Turkey, Jean-Paul Callot, Cédric Bonnel, Charlie Kergaravat, Charlotte Ribes, Jean-François Salel, Haluk Temiz, and Jean-Claude Ringenbach, #30312 (2014).
PS Control in the Localization and Geometry of Thrust by Pre-Existing Salt Structures, by Jean-Paul Callot, Sharam Sherkati, Daniel Pillot, Jean-Marie Mengus, Jean Letouzey, and Christophe Rigollet, #30037 (2005).
3D Geological Model of Bare Field reservoirs, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela, by Arturo Calvo, #40148 (2005).
Thermal Anomalies Associated with the Newport Inglewood Fault Zone, Long Beach Field, California, Hilario Camacho, James R. Boles, Grant Garven, #40542 (2010).
Dealing with Poor Quality Data and Uncertainty in Petroleum System Modeling: An Example from the Fold and Thrust Belt of Bolivian Sub-Andean Ranges, Ignacio Cambon, Martin Pereira, Juan Manuel Reynaldi, and Ramsis Guerrero, #42495 (2020).
Petrology of Volcanic Rocks from Bequia and St. Vincent, Michal Camejo, Richard Robertson, Elena Melekhova, Anna Hicks, and Thomas Christopher, #51171 (2015).
Practical Knowledge Representation for Data Access to Subsurface Data: The Achievements and Potential of Optique Platform, David B. Cameron, #42181 (2018).
A Novel Oil Opens Up a New Play Beneath the Gadiaga Gas Field, Senegal, Nick Cameron, Rogers Beall, and Andrew Carr, #20407 (2017).
Repurposing Trenton-Black River Gas Fields as Low-Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs in New York State, Erin Camp, Teresa Jordan, Matthew Hornbach, Maria Richards, Xiaoning He, Zachary Frone, and Kelydra Welcker, #80495 (2015).
Permian Wolfcamp Low-Temperature Hydrous Pyrolysis SEM Study, Delaware Basin, Texas, Wayne K. Camp, Michael Lewan, Tim Ruble, and Marvin Floyd, #42575 (2022).
Organic Petrography of the Ordovician Red River Kukersite Tight Oil and Gas Play, Williston Basin, North Dakota, U.S.A., Wayne K. Camp, Juergen Schieber, Maria Mastalerz, and Timothy O. Nesheim, #11358 (2022).
Microstructural Analysis of the Transformation of Organic Matter During Artificial Thermal Maturation, Wayne Camp, Wayne Knowles, Kultaransingh Hooghan, and Tim Ruble, #42241 (2018).
PS Strategies for Identifying Organic Matter Types in SEM, Wayne K. Camp, #70233 (2017).
Diagenesis of Organic-Rich Shale: Views from Foraminifera Penetralia, Eagle Ford Formation, Maverick Basin, Texas, Wayne Camp, #51054 (2014).
PS Enhancing SEM Grayscale Images Through Pseudocolor Conversion, Wayne Camp, #41157 (2013).
Geochemical Evolution of Pegmatites as Monitored by Select Indicator Elements, Kristen F. Camp, #80160 (2011).
AV What Makes a Play Unconventional?: Exploring for the Unconventional Play, David J. Campagna, #110221 (2015).
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EAGas Hydrates and Genetic Link Between Miocene Seafloor Methane Seeps and Underlying Fluid Conduit Plumbing, East Coast Basin, New Zealand, Kathleen A. Campbell, Campbell S. Nelson, Stephanie L. Nyman, Jens Greinert, David A. Francis, and Stephen D. Hood, #80697 (2019).
Launching Drone Services – Legal, Ethical and Technical Considerations, Jeffrey R. Campbell, #70248 (2017).
Mapping on a Budget Using Drones and Digital Data, Jeffrey R. Campbell, #70247 (2017).
Developing Industrial Minerals, Nuclear Minerals and Commodities of Interest via Off-World Exploration and Mining, Michael D. Campbell, Bruce Handley, Henry M. Wise, Jeffery D. King, and M. David Campbell, #80067 (2009).
The Role of Nuclear Power in Space Exploration and the Associated Environmental Issues: An Overview, Michael D. Campbell, Jeffery D. King, Henry M. Wise, Bruce Handley, and M. David Campbell, #80053 (2009).
Geological Modelling of the Offshore Orange Basin, West Coast of South Africa, Curnell J. Campher, R. di Primio, G. Kuhlmann, D. van der Spuy, and R. Domoney, #10191 (2009).
Architectural Elements and Implications for Deepwater Overbank Deposition of Fine-Grained Lithofacies in the Cerro Toro Formation (Cretaceous), Silla Syncline, Chile, Kirt Campion, #50671 (2012).
Challenges and Opportunities in a Large Oil Field With Poor Quality Data: Integrated Modelling Solution for the Barrancas Field, Cuyana Basin, Argentina, Héctor J. Campos, Gaston Manestar, Fabricio Nissero, Silvana Gandi, Fabian D'Andrea, Elena Morettini, Anthony Thompson, Alejandro Fabian Saccomano, and Jazmin Propato, #20324 (2015).
Finding Sweet Spots in Shale Liquids and Gas Plays: (with Lessons from the Eagle Ford Shale), Harris Cander, #41093 (2012/2013).
Sweet Spots in Shale Gas and Liquids Plays: Prediction of Fluid Composition and Reservoir Pressure, Harris Cander, #40936 (2012).
PS What Are Unconventional Resources? A Simple Definition Using Viscosity and Permeability, Harris Cander, #80217 (2012).
AVRegional Petroleum Systems Evaluation and New Play Identification in an Uplifted Paleozoic Arkoma Basin, USA, by Harris Cander and Thomas L. Patton, #110041 (2007)
3 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
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Diagenesis Impact on Permeability of a Large Carbonate Reservoir,
Irene Cantarero, Anna Travé, Xiomara Márquez, and Noureddine Bounoua, #20279 (2014).
New Tools and Approaches in Reservoir-Quality Prediction, Dave L. Cantrell and Cedric M. Griffiths, #120042 (2012).
Microporosity in Arab Formation Carbonates, Saudi Arabia, by D.L. Cantrell and R.M. Hagerty, #30008 (2002).
Determining the Accumulation Limits of the Physical Properties of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs in Eastern Ordos Basin, Qing Cao, Jingzhou Zhao, Xinshe Liu, Aiping Hu, Liyong Fan, and Huaichang Wang, #51030 (2014).
PS Lithofacies Prediction and 3-D Geological Model in Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs by Integration of Well Logs and Geostatistics Modeling, Binfeng Cao, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, Bo Qin, and Zhenyu Zhang, #51525 (2018).
Global Distribution of Petroleum Reserves in Deep Reservoirs, Binfeng Cao and Guoping Bai, #30345 (2014).
Stratigraphic Trap Identification Based on Restoration of Paleogeophology and Further Division of System Tract: A Case Study in Qingshui Subsag, Cao Laisheng, Yu Lin, Liu Jianlun, Xiang Sheng, Chen Hong, Meng Yang, Liu Hua, Du Yinjie, and He Yan, #51211 (2015).
Identification Method and Effect of Dongjiagang's Alluvial Fan, Laisheng Cao, Yingxin Xu, Lizhi Sun, Lihong Pei, Lin Yu, Liang Xie, and Hong Zhu, #50787 (2013).
Extreme Thin-Beds Formation Evaluation, Chanh Cao Minh and Olivier Billon, #40403 (2009).
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of South Atlantic Extensional Rifted Margins: Constraints from Sandbox Analogue Modeling, A. Cappelletti, F. Salvi, M. Meda, C. Cavozzi, B.R. Chowdhury, Y. Nestola, A. Argnani, F. Tsikalas, C. Magistroni, S. Dalla, M. Roveri, and N. Bevilacqua, #30204 (2011).
PS Climate, Water Table, and Sedimentary Controls on the Evolution of a Wet Vertebrate Ecosystem, Lower Jurassic Aztec Sandstone, Valley of Fire State Park, Southern Nevada, Mario V. Caputo and Stephen M. Rowland, #51491 (2018).
PS Tectonophysical Processes and Their Surface Feedback in the Ashmore Platform Region, Timor Sea: A Combined 2D and 3D Seismic-Reflection Analysis, Silvia B. Cardona and Stefan Back, #30443 (2016).
Woodford Shale Play Update: Expanded Extent in the Oil Window, Brian J. Cardott, #80409 (2014).
Woodford Shale: From Hydrocarbon Source Rock to Reservoir, Brian J. Cardott, #50817 (2013).
Introduction to Vitrinite Reflectance as a Thermal Maturity Indicator, Brian J. Cardott, #40928 (2012).
Extreme Events on a Low-Gradient River and Delta: Evidence for Sediment Mass Movements on the Subaqueous Delta and a Mechanism for Creating Hyperpycnal Flow in the Lower River, Joseph Carlin, Timothy Dellapenna, and Joshua Williams, #41683 (2015).
The Attributes of a Wolfcamp "Reef" Play Pecos County, Texas, by Philip H. Carlisle, #10037 (2003).
PS An Overview of Trends within Hydraulic Fracturing in Louisiana with a Focus on Haynesville Gas Play, Douglas Carlson, #11129 (2018).
Has the Initial Development of Haynesville Gas Play Impacted the Overlying Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer Water Quality?, Douglas Carlson, #80611 (2017).
CarbonNet Storage Site Selection Process and Certification to DNV-RP-J203, George Carman and Nick Hoffman, #80509 (2016).
Joint Modeling of the Thermo-Tectonic Evolution in an Extensional Area, Eugenio Carminati, Marco Cuffaro, Edie Miglio, Carlo Doglioni, and Paolo Ruffo, #30205 (2011).
PS Tight Gas Sands and Natural Fractures in the Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Greater Natural Buttes Field, Uinta Basin, Utah, Stephanie M. Carney, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., Craig Morgan, and Michael D. Laine, #50499 (2011).
PS Use of National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Stream Sediment Data to Determine the Provenance of Triassic Clastic Sediment in the Raleigh-Durham Area, North Carolina, Robert H. Carpenter and Jeffrey C. Reid, #41477 (2014).
CCUS — Opportunities to Utilize Anthropogenic CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage, Steven M. Carpenter, #80269 (2012).
Determining the Applicability of Carbon Capture and Storage under Best Available Control Technologies (BACT) for Any New or Modified Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Steven M. Carpenter, #80265 (2012).
Development of the First Internationally Accepted Standard for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide – Update from the Public Comment Period, Steven M. Carpenter, #80264 (2012).
Preliminary Evaluation of Offshore Transport and Storage of CO2, Steven M. Carpenter, #80201 (2011).
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a Real Option for CCS - How do we get there?, Steven M. Carpenter, #80195 (2011).
Reservoir Induced Seismicity near Heron and El Vado Reservoirs, Northern New Mexico, and Implications for Fluid Injection within the San Juan Basin, Philip J. Carpenter and Issa W. El-Hussain, #80480 (2015).
PS Use of Geophysics, SRTM and Remote Sensing to Characterize Groundwater Contamination from Oil Shale Wastes in South China, Philip J. Carpenter, Aizhong Ding, Lirong Cheng, Emily Sturnfield, Puzin Liu, and Fulu Chu, #80063 (2009).
The Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL), Timothy R. Carr, Shikha Sharma, Thomas Wilson, Paul Ziemkiewicz, B. J. Carney, Jay Hewitt, Ian Costello, Emily Jordon, Zachary Arnold, Ryan Warner, Andy Travis, David R. Cole, Jeffery Daniels, Paula J. Mouser, Kelly C. Wrighton, Ray Boswell, Dustin Crandall, and Robert Vagnetti, #42024 (2017).
"Big Data" Empowering Unconventional Resource Plays, Timothy Carr, Maneesh Sharma, and Frank LaFone, #41703 (2015).
Estimating the Required Resource Volumes and Sources to Meet Strategic Targets, Peter D. Carragher, #41967 (2016).
Petrophysical Characterization of Carbonates of Campos Basin in Southeastern Brazil, Antonio Carrasquilla, #10737 (2015).
Mining Paleocene Fort Union Formation Coals of the Red Desert-Great Divide Basin, South-Central Wyoming, Over the Next 100 Years, Chris J. Carroll and Ranie Lynds, #80488 (2015).
PS The Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Amazon Fan Across the Central Transect, Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazil, Emanuele Carrus, #30213 (2011).
An Historical Perspective of Oil and Gas Development in PA, Kristin Carter, #80748 (2024).
CCUS Opportunities in Southwestern Pennsylvania Oil Fields: Case Studies from the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Kristin M. Carter, Brian J. Dunst, Robin V. Anthony, and Katherine W. Schmid, #80730 (2020).
A Retrospective Accounting of the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership's Technical Achievements and Contributions, Kristin M. Carter and Neeraj Gupta, #80729 (2020).
Mapping and Reservoir Characterization of Geologic Intervals for NGL Storage Applications, Kristin Carter, Douglas Patchen, Jessica Moore, Mohammad Fakhari, Gary Daft, Phillip Dinterman, Michael Solis, Robin Anthony, Katherine Schmid, Brian Dunst, Antonette Markowski, and Stephen Shank, #80617 (2017).
PS Washington - Taylorstown Field - Microcosm of the Oil and Gas Industry in Pennsylvania, Kristin M. Carter, #20199 (2013).
A Tool to Interpret High-Density Turbidity Current Processes from High-Density Turbidite Lithofacies, Matthieu Cartigny, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, and George Postma, #50909 (2014).
Petroleum System Analysis of the Nicaraguan Rise and Colombia Basin: A Regional Overview from Seismic and Well Data, Luis Carlos Carvajal and Paul Mann, #10736 (2015).
PS Effects of Brine Composition (NaCl, MgSO4, FeSO4) and Clay Minerals (Kaolinite, Nontronite, Montmorillonite) on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Methane and Hydrogen Sulfide in Gas Hydrates, Humberto Carvajal-Ortiz and Lisa M. Pratt, #80161 (2011).
Coupling Stratigraphic and Petroleum Systems Modeling: Implications For Hydrocarbon Exploration, Luiz Felipe Carvalho Coutinho, José Eduardo Faccion, Guilherme Ceschiatti B. Moreira, Pedro de A. M. das Neves Miranda, José Alberto de Araújo, Marco Antônio Schreiner Moraes, Stefane Rodrigues Xavier Lopes, Alexandre Antônio de Oliveira Lopes, and Wagner Nahas Ribeiro, #120121 (2013).
Texas University Lands: History, Opportunities and Geoscience Vision, Brian Casey, #70316 (2018).
The Effect of Fracture-Controlled Cementation on Fluid Flow in Carbonate Reservoirs, Giulio Casini, Fabio Lapponi, Sima Jonoud, Ole Petter Wennberg, Omid Karoussi, and Alex Larsen, #120043 (2012).
PS High Resolution Spectral Gamma Ray Log (HRSGR): Applications for Unconventional Reservoirs, Lauren A. Cassel and Douglas Schultz, #40689 (2011).
Loss of CO2 Gas into Formation Water at the Natural CO2 Deposit of Bravo Dome, New Mexico, USA, Martin M. Cassidy, Chris Ballentine, and Marc Hesse, #80350 (2013).
AVDiscovering Oil in Uganda: Opening the East African Rift Play, Bob Cassie, Charles Sheen, and Paul Burden, #110224 (2015)
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Facies Architecture of a Porous Upper Ordovician Reef in the Hudson Bay Basin – A Potential Reservoir Directly on Top of a Type II Source Rock, Ariane Castagner, André Desrochers, and Denis Lavoie, #10877 (2016).
Drilling Geomechanics Salt Creep Monitoring: How to Optimize Mud Weight in Real Time and Get a Safe Time Window While Drilling, Tripping, Running and Cementing Casing in Salt Formations, Joao Paulo Castagnoli, Cyrille Montesinos, and Diego Muñoz, #41954 (2016).
Sequence Stratigraphy on Recent Deposits of Patia Delta, Southwest Colombia, Luis Castillo, Marvick Ruiz, and Thais Kazmierczak, #50563 (2012).
Seismostratigraphy Sequence Model of the Rio Grande Cone, Brazil, Luis Castillo, Thais Kazmierczak, Marvick Ruiz, and Farid Chemale, #30206 (2011).
Relationship Between Well Performance and Structural Setting in the Marcellus Shale of Greene County, Pennsylvania, M. Wes Casto, Devin R. Fitzgerald, and Robert B. Thomas Sr., #51568 (2019).
The Buried Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Sicily: Perspectives for Future Exploration, R. Catalano, A. Sulli, V. Valenti, G. Avellone, L. Basilone, M. Gasparo Morticelli, C. Albanese, M. Agate, and C. Gugliotta, #50550 (2012).
International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification: Guidelines for Sequence Stratigraphy, Octavian Catuneanu, #41299 (2014).
In Salah High-Resolution Heterogeneous Simulations of CO2 Storage, Andrew Cavanagh and Phillip Ringrose, #80092 (2010).
Quantification of Organic Nano-Pores Using a Helium Ion Microscope, Tim Cavanaugh, Joel Walls, and Bryan Guzman, #41673 (2015).
Stratigraphic Architecture of Incised Valleys and Unincised Channel Systems in the Carbonera Formation (C6-C1 Members: Upper Oligocene - Lower Miocene), Llanos Basin, Colombia, Hugo Roberto Caycedo Garcia and Octavian Catuneanu, #51666 (2020).
Deltaic Network Growth and Stratigraphy through a Rule Based Geometric Model, Dan Cazanacli, Matthew A. Wolinsky, Zoltan Sylvester, Alessando Cantelli, and Chris Paola, #41674 (2015).
PS Using Analogue Hypogene Karst Systems to Understand the Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoirs Offshore Brazil, Caroline L. Cazarin, Francisco H. Bezerra, Renata de A. Ennes-Silva, Fabrizio Balsamo, and Augusto S. Auler, #51327 (2016).
PS Hypogenic Karst Dissolution in Carbonate Rocks has Implications for Karstified Carbonate Reservoirs, Caroline L. Cazarin, Renata A. Ennes-Silva, Francisco H. Bezerra, Leonardo F. Borghi, Augusto S. Auler, and Alexander B. Klimchouk, #41792 (2016).
Petroleum Geology of Cameia Field, Deepwater Pre-Salt Kwanza Basin, Angola, West Africa, Edward C. Cazier, Connie Bargas, Lino Buambua, Severino Cardoso, Hercinda Ferreira, Kerry Inman, Alpio Lopes, Tim Nicholson, Christopher Olson, A. Saller, and John Shinol, #20275 (2014).
Sedimentology of Early Aptian Reservoir, Dunga Field, Kazakhstan, Edward C. Cazier, Malene Hein, and S. George Pemberton, #50394 (2011).
The History of the Oil and Gas Exploration in Italy, Ferdinando F. Cazzini, #30545 (2018).
From Thrust and Fold Belt to Foreland Basins: Hydrocarbon Exploration in Italy, Anna Cazzola, Roberto Fantoni, Roberto Franciosi, Valter Gatti, Manlio Ghielmi, and Alfredo Pugliese, #10374 (2011).
Ce-Ch Back to C
AVThe Discovery of the Lower Tertiary Trend in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by James Cearley, #110154 (2011).
1 of 4 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention.
PS Geochemical Study of the Sinemurian Arietites Bucklandi Zone in the Blue Lias of Lyme Regis (Dorset, UK), Armando Nava Cedillo and Geoffrey D. Abbott, #51363 (2017).
The Role of Existing Wells as Pathways for CO2 Leakage, Michael A. Celia, #80093 (2010).
Correlating Porosity with Acoustic Impedance in Sandstone Gas Reservoirs: Examples from the Atokan Sandstones of the Arkoma Basin, Southeastern Oklahoma, Ibrahim Cemen, Jeff Fuchs, Rodney Gertson, and Christine Hager, #41255 (2014).
PS Success of Structural Stratigraphic Combination Trap, Arthit Field, Gulf of Thailand, Chayarus Centhonglang, Pornpimol Promsen, Parichat Loboonlert, Tanaporn Charoenpun, and Jakkrich Yingyuen, #20333 (2015).
Improving Unconventional Hydrocarbon Recovery by Reducing Formation Damage, David P. Cercone, John R. Bargar, Gordon E. Brown, Anna L. Harrison, Adam D. Jew, Megan K. Dustin, Katharine Maher, C. Joe-Wong, Mark D. Zoback, and Yijin Liu, #80562 (2016).
Comparison of Reservoir Quality from La Luna, Gacheta and Eagle Ford Shale Formations Using Digital Rock Physics, María R. Cerón, Joel D. Walls, and Elizabeth Diaz, #50875 (2013).
PS Geological Characterization of the Upper Mississippian Fayetteville Shale in Northern and Eastern Arkoma Basin, and Mississippi Embayment Regions, Arkansas, Carlos Ceron and Roger Slatt, #10376 (2011).
PS Using Machine Learning Techniques for Mapping Dolomitic Facies in a Triple Porosity Calcareous Reservoir. Campeche Sound, Gulf of Mexico, Antonio Cervantes-Velazquez, Jerson J. Tellez, Karelia La Marca, and Kurt Marfurt, #42472 (2019).
PS Structural Analysis of Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Using Curvature Attributes, Campeche Sound, Gulf of Mexico, Antonio Cervantes Velazquez, Matthew J. Pranter, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #30522 (2017).
PS Developing a Paleovegetation Proxy along a Forest to Grassland Transition in Central Texas, Nick Cestari, #41132 (2013).
EA Lacustrine Carbonate Facies as Modern Analogues of Pre-Salt Units in Mexico, Elizabeth Chacón Baca, #51681 (2020).
PS Pre-Salt Spherulites: Bacterially Induced Initiation of Precipitation, Henry S. Chafetz, #51406 (2017).
Automation of Infill Well Planning and Wellhead Platform Optimization using Cluster Development Strategy in the Gulf of Thailand, Laainam Chaipornkaew, Chananyu Pipatchatchawal, Kongphop Wongpattananukul, Wisit Promrak, Sakkaarin Chaisuriyapan, Piti Ongmongkolkul, and Peerapong Ekkawong, #42595 (2025).
Constraining Permeability Evolution During and After Natural Fracturing in Overpressured Shales: Implications on Basin-scale Stress and Pore Pressure Evolution, Laainam Chaipornkaew, Evan J. Earnest, Marek Kacewicz, and Peter J. Lovely, #42570 (2021).
Global Overview of Recent Exploration Investment in Deepwater - New Discoveries, Plays and Exploration Potential, Alex Chakhmakhchev and Peter Rushworth, #40656 (2010).
PS Geobody Modelling and Reservoir Characterization of Siliciclastic Wara Formation in Khashman Field, Kuwait, Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Meshal Al-Wadi, Lin Ye, and Jalal Dashti, #41005 (2012).
Diagenetic Controls on Carbonate Reservoir Quality of Jurassic Middle Marrat Formation in Burgan Field, Kuwait, Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Meshal Al-Wadi, Hanan Abu Hebiel, and Abdul Mohsen Al-Enezi, #20121 (2011).
Structural Style of the Assam Shelf and Schuppen Belt, A &AA Basin, India, S. K. Chakrabarti, H. J. Singh, M.D.S. Akhtar, R. K. Singh, Dominique Silox, T. Polanco-Ferrer, and R.E. Polanco-Ferrer, #50409 (2011).
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and its Implication in Mixed Siliciclastic Carbonate Sequence: A Case Study from Early to Middle Eocene Sylhet Formation, Assam and Assam-Arakan Basin, India, Snehasis Chakrabarty, Dhritikanta Gorai, Monika Shukla, and S. Uppal, #30595 (2019).
PS Study of Calcite Cement in Submarine Fan Complex in the Lower Cherry Canyon, Delaware Basin, Texas, Saswati Chakraborty, #50819 (2013).
Paradigm Shift in Exploration Strategy: Identification of Prospective Corridors in Ramnad- Palk Bay Sub Basin, Cauvery Basin, India, Chandan Chakraborty, D.K.Srivastava, M.S.Rana, V.M.Saxena, and G.C.Sati, #50742 (2012).
A Reexamination of Exploration Strategy of Lower Bhuban Play in Eastern Tripura, India: A Case Study, Debashis Chakravorty, Saumitra Gupta, Ranjit Shyam, and Anil Bandari, #10313 (2011).
Souring of Kaybob Duvernay Wells: Investigation of Hydraulic Fracture Barrier Effectiveness, Completions Design and Pre-Duvernay Structural Features, Gareth R. Chalmers, #10864 (2016).
PS The Effects and Distribution of Moisture in Gas Shale Reservoir Systems, Gareth R. Chalmers and Marc R. Bustin, #80113 (2010).
AV Lower Cretaceous Gas Shales of Northeastern British Columbia: Geological Controls on Gas Capacity and Regional Evaluation of a Potential Resource, by Gareth R. Chalmers and R. Marc Bustin, #110070 (2008)
5 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~4.9 mb).
EA A Summary of the Petroleum Distribution and Potential of PNG, John Chambers and Lewis Maxwell, #11347 (2020).
Efficiently Integrating Seismic Data into the Geosteering Process to Accurately Position Wells for Increased Production, Hank P. Chambers and Kayla Ball, #42061 (2017).
Integrating Static and Dynamic Data to Derive Analytical Conclusions on Reservoir Performance of a Heavy Oil Carbonate Field in the Partitioned Zone, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, Nicole Champenoy, Dana Rowan, Gregorio Gonzalez, Shamsul Aziz, and W. Scott Meddaugh, #120044 (2013).
Integration of Seismic and Log Data of a Deep Borehole in the Basement Rocks of Northeastern Alberta, Judith Chan and Douglas R. Schmitt, #41517 (2015).
Log Analysis of Fractures in a Deep Borehole, Northeastern Alberta, Canada, Judith S. Chan, Douglas R. Schmitt, and Jochem Kueck, #50942 (2014).
AVAnalogs of Earth Marbles to Mars Blueberries: Records of Groundwater History from Red Rock to Red Planet, by Marjorie A. Chan, Brenda. Beitler, W.T. Parry, Jens Ormö, and Goro Komastu, #110028 (2005).
4 of 4 presentations at AAPG Session: Sedimentation on Mars, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Geochemical Investigation of Shallow Sediment Samples near a Gas Show Site and its Exploration Significance in Mandi Area of Himalayan Foot Hills Basin, India, Trilok Chand, M. K. Shukla, Sanjeev Kaushal, and I. V. S. V. Prasad, #50401 (2011).
EA Integrated Seismic Processing Challenges in Karstified Terrain of Papua New Guinea Fold Belt, Subhash Chandra, Michael Szczepaniak, and Patrick Haltmeier, #42521 (2020).
Characterization of Primary Seals in Tuba Reservoir in Sabiriyah Field, North Kuwait, C. Chao, #11193 (2019).
PS Insights into Gas Geochemistry of Large Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs from Fluid Inclusions, Jiun-Chi Chao, Wipawon Phiukhao, Donald Hall, and Nicholas B. Harris, #41001 (2012).
The Dual Role of Heavy Compounds in Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems, Ahmed Chaouche, #80394 (2014).
Geological and Geochemical Attributes of Paleozoic Source Rocks and Their Remaining Potential for Unconventional Resources in Erg Oriental Algerian Sahara, Ahmed Chaouche, #80313 (2013).
GCStatus of Borehole Gravity, by David A. Chapin and Mark E. Ander, #40043 (2002).
PS X-Ray Imaging for Compaction Band Characterisation in Porous Sandstones,
E.M. Charalampidou, S. Stanchits, S. Hall, G. Viggiani, H. Lewis, and G. Couples, #41662 (2015).
Squeezing Every Last Drop Out of a Coarse 3D Oil Sands Dataset for Refining 3D Survey Design – A Case History, Sylvestre Charles, Jim Hostetler, Jiwu Lin, and Xiaoming Luo, #41500 (2014).
Conditions for an Economical and Acceptable Development of Unconventional Resources Out of North America, Ph. A. Charlez, #80374 (2014).
PS Variability of Oil and Gas Well Productivities for Continuous (Unconventional) Petroleum Accumulations, Ronald R. Charpentier and Troy A. Cook, #80281 (2013).
Applying Probabilistic Well-Performance Parameters to Assessments of Shale-Gas Resources, Ronald R. Charpentier and Troy Cook, #40578 (2010).
Accurate, Direct Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Log from a New Advanced Geochemical Spectroscopy Tool: Comparison with Conventional Approaches for TOC Estimation, Alyssa Charsky and Susan Herron, #41162 (2013).
Quantifying Phanerozoic Km-Scale Vertical Movements in Morocco, Remi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep Storms, Jonathan Redfern, Tim Luber, and Angel Arantegui, #30547 (2018).
Post-Variscan Vertical Movements in Morocco: Implications for Mesozoic Source-to-Sink Systems, R. Charton, G. Bertotti, J. Storms, M. Gouiza1, A. Arantegui, T. Luber, A. Duval Arnould, and J. Redfern, #30494 (2017).
Experimental Study of a Coupled River and River-plume System: Backwater Controls on Source-to-sink Sediment 75 Transfer, Phairot Chatanantavet and Michael Lamb, #50712 (2012).
Revealing Fault Control on Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Montney Play: a 3-D Exploratory Statistics Approach, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Tristan Euzen, Andy Mort, and Damien Thenin, #11388 (2024).
A New Approach to Refine and Quality Control Correlations in Shale and Siltstone Formations Based on Principal Component Analysis of XRF Data, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Tristan Euzen, and Amjed Cheema, #42506 (2020).
Flow-Back Hydraulic Fracture Treatment Water Composition – Rock-Fluid Interaction in the Montney Shale Controlled by Faults and Maturity Domain, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, #42069 (2017).
Pore Throat Controlling Liquid Yield in Shale – Mismatch Between Dry Produced Gas at Surface and Wet Gas or Condensate in the Reservoir, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier and Renee Perez, #80541 (2016).
Importance of Recognizing Open Fracture Networks When Estimating Shale Gas Reserves – A Geochemical and Microseismic Perspective, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, #80540 (2016).
PS Review of Traditional and New Maturity Indicators: Differences and Complementarities, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Renee Perez, #41654 (2015).
Lessons From High-Resolution Continuous XRF on Stratigraphy and Geomechanics of Shale, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Tom Moslow, and Beth Haverslew, #41656 (2015).
PS 3-D and 4-D Visualization of Geochemistry and Production Data to Refine a Structural Model, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Bob Menard, #41655 (2015).
PS Horizontal Detachments, Planes of Weaknesses and Layer-Parallel Shortening in Shale: Potential Impact on Unconventional Shale Development, Jean-Yves Chatellier, #41653 (2015).
Multidisciplinary and Integrated Approach to Better Assess Open Fracture Systems and Their Impact on Hydraulic Fracturing, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Tammy Chow, and Jennie Wong, #120183 (2015).
3-D View of Fracture and Reservoir Pressures in Shale Leading to New Approach and More Reliable Predictions, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Irene Anderson, Christopher Petr, Holly Vinall, and David Scarpino, #120182 (2015).
Chert, a Diagenetic and Sedimentological Indicator Often Misunderstood or Forgotten, Mississippian from Alberta and World Analogues, Jean-Yves Chatellier, #41597 (2015).
Giant Oil Field Found in a Non-Prospective Area Through Integration of Diagenetic Modeling and Tectonics, the Tomoporo Field, Venezuela, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Rene Perez, #20302 (2015).
Recognizing the Structural Control of Sedimentation in Clastic Sequences: From Correlation Problem to Geological Solution, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Omar Colmenares, #41570 (2015).
Alternate Fault Activity at Oil Field and Basin Scale, Analogy with Outcrops and with Seismicity Patterns, Jean-Yves Chatellier, #20295 (2015).
Data Mining and Exploratory Statistics to Visualize Fractures and Migration Paths in the WCBS, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Michael Chatellier, #41582 (2015).
Multidisciplinary Integration and Tools to Better Address the Utica Shale Stratigraphy, Rock Properties and Fraccability, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Ken Simpson, Marianne Molgat, and Craig Goodall, #41514 (2015).
The Unexpected Should not be Unexplained – New Interpretations via Geoscience and Engineering Anomaly Data Visualization, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Bob Menard, Burcu Gacal, and Sergei Filin, #120160 (2014).
Exploratory Statistics to Visualize, Quality Control and Refine 3-D Geological Interpretations at Basin and Field Scales, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Gina Chatellier, #120159 (2014).
PS Three-Dimensional Organization of Low Angle Fault Planes and Fractures in Alberta - A View of Problems in Wells, Sweet-Spots and Migration Paths, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier and Michael Chatellier, #40977 (2012).
PS Applied Organic Geochemistry and Best Practices to Address a Surface Casing Vent Flow - Lessons from Remediation Work of a Shale Gas Well in Quebec, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, Rene Rioux, Marianne Molgat, Craig Goodall, and Ralph Smith, #40976 (2012).
PS Rescaled Decline Curves: A Solution for Shale Gas Assessment, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Bob Menard, and Sylvestre Charles, #40748 (2011).
Thinking and Methodology Leading to a Major Sweetspot in Tight Sands - A Deep Eocene Misoa Sands Discovery, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, Leon Freddy, Sabrina Sarzalejo, Renee Perez, Paul Hague, and Martin Wilpshaar, #40510 (2010).
PS Challenging the Paradigm "Missing Section - Normal Fault" - Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier and Maria Eugenia Rueda, #40550 (2010).
Williston Basin and Paris Basin, Same Hydrodynamics, Same Potential for Unconventional Resources?, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Mark Urban, #10291 (2010).
Tectonic Denudation of the Cordillera Central Linked to the Eastern Venezuela Thrust Belt Emplacement, Jean-Yves Chatellier, #30098 (2009).
Successful Exploration in a Thrust Belt, Lessons Learned from the Giant Fields of Eastern Venezuela (the Furrial Trend), Jean-Yves D. Chatellier and Sergio Olave-Hoces, #10202 (2009).
PS Fault Locking and Alternate Fault Activity in Outcrop and Subsurface, a Transfer Mechanism, by Jean-Yves Chatellier, #40368 (2009).
PSData Mining, 3-D Views and Characterization of Fractures, Faults and Migration Paths in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, Michael Chatellier, and Anne Hargreaves, #40462 (2009).
PS Genesis and Expression of a Clinoforming Carbonate Ramp from a Geological and Geophysical Perspective, by Jean-Yves Chatellier, Jeff Closson, and Anne Hargreaves, #50148 (2009).
The Multiple Bischke Plot Analysis: A Simple and Powerful Graphic Tool for Integrated Stratigraphic Studies, by J-Y. Chatellier and C. Porras, #40110 (2004).
PS Porosity Depth Trend Analysis: Petrophysical Trend Analysis, a Useful Tool to Understand Reservoir Geometry and Quality in Santa Barbara Field, Norte de Monagas, Venezuela, by J-Y. Chatellier, O. Campos, and J. C. Porras, #40062 (2002).
PS Recognition of Fault Bend Folding, Detachment and Decapitation in Wells, Seismic, and Cores from Norte Monagas, by Chatellier, J-Y, Hernandez, P. Porras, C. Olave, S. and Rueda, M., #40031 (2001).
Prospectivity of Cauvery Basin in Deep Syn-rift Sequences, SE India Arijit Chaudhuri, M. V. Rao, J. P. Dobriyal, G. C. Saha, L. Chidambaram, A. K. Mehta, Lalam V. Ramana, and K. S. Murthy, #10232 (2010).
Importance of Low-Angle Migration Paths in Alberta – Detection and 3-D Visualization, Jean-Yves Chatellier and Michael Chatellier, #41321 (2014).
Overpressure in Shale Gas – When Geochemistry and Engineering Data Meet and Agree, J-Y. Chatellier, Kevin Ferworn, Nabila Lazreg Larsen, Steve Ko, Pawel Flek, Marianne Molgat, and Irene Anderson, #40767 (2011).
Power and Limitations of X-ray Fluorescence from Cuttings: A Test in the Utica and Lorraine Shales from Quebec, J-Y. Chatellier, E. Quartero, M. Urban, M. Molgat, A. Deconinck, and P. Francus, #40766 (2011).
PS Earthquakes Alignments Linked to Hydrocarbon Sweet-spots in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Monica v d Vreede, and Michael Chatellier, #10276 (2010).
Acquiring Seismic Data in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories of Canada: Operational Challenges and Potential Solutions, Allan Chatenay and Michael Enachescu, #40657 (2010).
PS Planning and Preparation of a Viable Pore Pressure Prediction in a Wild Cat High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) Exploration Well in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, Avirup Chatterjee, Amitava Ghosh, Sanjeev Bordoloi, and Robin Hutchins, #42173 (2018).
PS 3D Numerical Stratigraphic Model for Basin Scale Modeling of the Organic Matter Deposition in a Marine Environment: Application to the Natih Formation (Late Cretaceous, Oman), Benoit Chauveau, Didier Granjeon, and Mathieu Ducros, #41810 (2016).
GC Relative Rock Properties – An Alternative to Estimate Reservoir Properties from Seismic Data, Alvaro Chaveste, #42177 (2017).
Following Seismic Depth Imaging Technology for the Mexican Oil Industry: Experiences and Lessons Learned, Sergio Chávez-Pérez, Mario A. Centeno-Miranda, Douglas A. Gómez-Reyes, and Liliana Vargas-Meleza, #70232 (2016).
Fracture Systems Characterization: From the Regional Framework to the Reservoir, Sureste Basin, Chiapas-Tabasco, Mexico, Victor M. Chavez Valois, Reynaldo Castellanos Calvo, Amado Marin Toledo, Miguel Hernandez Padilla, Lilia Hernandez Salazar, Clotilde Prieto Ubaldo, and Norma Olaez Ahedo, #20088 (2010).
Compaction State of Aggregate Grains in Carbonaceous Mudstones: Evidence from Microfabric Studies of the Upper Cretaceous Colorado Group, Western Canada Foreland Basin, Burns A. Cheadle, #80401 (2014).
PS Integration of XRF and Shades of Grey Profiles for In-Depth Characterization of Shale Properties, Amjed Cheema, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Jamil Afzal, #42507 (2020).
PS Deciphering Interplay of Tectonism and Redox Conditions on Temporal Variation in Total Organic Carbon Content in the Marcellus Shale: Evidence from Multiple Geochemical Proxies, Ruiqian Chen and Shikha Sharma, #51421 (2017).
PS Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Thin Bed Reservoir in Desert Area, Jie Chen, Jixiang Lin, Jie Li, Yu Lin, Yaonan Li, Jing Bie, and Yuzhen Wang, #20391 (2017).
PS An Enigmatic Transverse Structural Domain of the Northwest Passive Margin of Australia, Peng Chen and Chris Elders, #30556 (2018).
PS Underbalanced MPD technology Proved to be Effective in Drilling of Fractured Granitic Basement, Peng Chen, Xi Wang, and Meng Wu, #42020 (2017).
Lithofacies of Deepwater Fine-Grained Depositional Systems and their Significance for Shale Gas and Oil Exploration in Lacustrine Basin: An Insight from Qingshankou Formation, Qijia-Gulong Depression, Songliao Basin, Northeast China, Bintao Chen, Shuxin Pan, Tianqi Wang, Shujuan Liang, and Caiyan Liu, #10658 (2014).
PS One Direct Indicator for Reservoir in Fractured Carbonate, by GuangJun Chen, Mohamed Redal, Jianguo Zhu, and Wei Meng, #40258 (2007).
Application of Chronostratigraphic and Lithostratigraphic Concepts to Deepwater Reservoir Characterization, Jeff Chen, #40652 (2010).
Deepwater Reservoir Characterization: From Core Description to 3-D Facies Propagation and Reservoir Modeling, Jiajie (Jeff) Chen, Rodrigo Bastidas, George Laguros, David Petro, Erik Scott, and Kirt Campion, #50554 (2012).
PS A Combination of N2 and CO2Adsorption to Characterize Nanopore Structure of Organic-rich Lower Silurian Shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Implications for Shale Gas Sorption Capacity, Lei Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, and Keyu Liu, #51472 (2018).
The Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Model of Shallow Layers in Sub-Sag, Slope and Salient of Continental Rift Basin: A Case Study of Huanghekou Sag in Bohai Bay Basin, Lei Chen, Lixin Tian, Xinhuai Zhou, Chengmin Niu, and Xuan Zeng, #10550 (2013).
AVO Inversion in Marine Gas Hydrate Studies, Marc-André Chen, Stan Dosso, George Spence, Michael Riedel, and Roy Hyndman, #41603 (2015).
Study on Characteristic Variability of Weak Signal in High Density Seismic Acquisition, Wujin Chen and Anchu Wu, #41351 (2014).
PSPetrologic and Geochemical Constraints on Authigenic Euhedral Quartz Crystals in Edwards Formation, Central Texas, Xinyang Chen, Henry S. Chafetz, Thomas J. Lapen, and Rasmus Andreasen, #51009 (2014).
Reservoirs Characterizing Based on Spectral Difference Anomaly at Lower-Frequency on Multi-Angle Stacking Gathers: Case Studies from China, Xuehua Chen, #41256 (2013).
Case Studies: Fault Identification Using Borehole Image Log for Mississippian Limestone Horizontal Well Completion Design, Yinghao Chen, Bruce Miller, Charles Wickstrom, and Shane Matson, #41241 (2013).
Integration of Geophysical Description Technique and Application to a Volcanic Reservoir - A Case from Permian Fengcheng Formation in Xia-72 Well Area, Northwest Margin, Junggar Basin, Yongbo Chen, Jianguo Pan, and Duonian Xu, #10307 (2011).
Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Data Analysis and Kerogen Kinetics Comparison of Selected Producing and Potential Shale Gas Plays in Canadian Sedimentary Basins, Zhuoheng Chen, Chunqing Jiang, and Denis Lavoie, #80557 (2016).
Utica Shale Petroleum Resource Potential in Quebec, Revised Methodology and Resource Update, Zhuoheng Chen, Denis Lavoie, Chungqing Jiang, Hamed Sanei, and Omid Haeri-Ardakani, #80475 (2015).
PS Geological Controls of Regional Petroleum Gas Hydrate Occurrence, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada, Zhuoheng Chen and Kirk G. Osadetz, #80076 (2010).
PS The Future Oil Discovery Potential of the Mackenzie/Beaufort Province, by Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk Osadetz, James Dixon, Giles Morrell, and J.R. Dietrich, #10133 (2007).
Petroleum Resource Potential of the Canada (Amerasian) Basin Rift Margin of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Arctic Canada, Zhuoheng Chen, James Dietrich, Kirk G. Osadetz, and Yexin Liu, #10582 (2014).
Using Multiple Downhole VSP Arrays for Monitoring and Locating Passive Microseisms in the Oil Reservoirs, Zuolin Chen, #41561 (2015).
PS Controls on Regional Distribution Patterns in Prolific Western Interior Shelf Sand Reservoirs: Tocito, El Vado and Gallup Sands of the San Juan Basin, Alexander Cheney, Matthew Huels, Lesli Wood, and Khushboo Arora, #51298 (2016).
Unconventional Resource Play Potential of the Pennsylvanian Leo/Minnelusa Formations of the Powder River and Denver Basins: A Perspective via Integrated Petroleum Systems Analysis, Michael Cheng, Tony Kratochvil, Jeff Dunleavy, Brian Hebler, and Roy Fitzsimmons, #10916 (2017).
Application of Visco-Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion to Shallow-Water, Shallow-Gas Data, Xin Cheng, Ronan Petton, Ian Anstey, Wai-Leong Lai, Denes Vigh, and Gavin Menzel-Jones, #41802 (2016).
Grand Junction and the Manhattan Project, William Chenoweth, #70127 (2012).
PS Reconstruction of Burial Diagenesis by 2-D Sedimentary Simulation and Analysis of Petroleum Potential of the Upper Tertiary Sequences in Southern Ulleung Sedimentary Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan), Daekyo Cheong and Daehong Kim, #10334 (2011).
PS Sedimentary Simulation to Analyze Burial Diagenesis and Petroleum System of the Upper Tertiary Sequences in Southern Ulleung Sedimentary Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan), Daekyo Cheong, Daehong Kim, Seung Hoi Cha, #40651 (2010).
PS Paleomagnetic Study of Mesozoic Sediments of the New Siberian Islands: Remagnetization Caused by Collision with Siberia?, Anna I. Chernova, Dmitry V. Metelkin, Valery A. Vernikovsky, and Nikolay Y. Matushkin, #30532 (2017).
The Hunt for Acquisition and Drilling Prospect Leads, by Mike Cherry, #40122 (2004).
Computer-Aided Net Pay Mapping, Alan Cherry, #120014 (2009).
PS Unraveling Fluvial Complexity Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry: An Example From the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, East-Central Utah, John T. Chesley, Cody Heinze, and Andrew Leier, #41872 (2016).
Arc-Continent Collision: A Comparison of the SE Caribbean and Taiwan-Ryukyu Margins, Paddy Chesterman, #30139 (2010).
The Importance of the Integrated Approach to Evaluate Tight Gas and Liquid-Rich Plays, S. P. Cheung and R. K. Strom, #41373 (2014).
Seismic Facies Segmentation Usi ng Deep Learning, Daniel Chevitarese, Daniela Szwarcman, Reinaldo Mozart D. Silva, and Emilio Vital Brazil, #42286 (2018).
Transfer Learning Applied to Seismic Images Classification, Daniel Chevitarese, Daniela Szwarcman, Reinaldo Mozart D. Silva, and Emilio Vital Brazil, #42285 (2018).
PS High Resolution Geochemistry at Well Site, A New Emerging Tool, Mario A. Chiaramonte, Roberto Galimberti, and Alessandro Pozzi, #42441 (2019).
Geomechanical Response of the Tubåen Fm, a Compartmentalized CO2 Storage Reservoir, Snøhvit Norway, Laura Chiaramonte, Joshua A. White, and Phillip Ringrose, #80316 (2013).
Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deposits: Scales and Heterogeneities, D. Chiarella, S. G. Longhitano, and M. Tropeano, #51477 (2018).
AVPotential Paleozoic Shale Gas Resources in Utah, by Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., #110148 (2011).
3 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
Click to view presentation in PDF format (17 MB).
PSThe Gothic Shale at Greater Aneth Oil Field, Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah: Seal for Hydrocarbons and Carbon Dioxide Geologic Sequestration, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., Stephanie M. Carney, Jason Heath, and Thomas Dewers, #80068 (2009).
PS Covenant Oil Field, Central Utah Thrust Belt: Possible Harbinger of Future Discoveries, by Thomas C. Chidsey, Michael D. Laine, John P. Vrona, and Douglas K. Strickland, #10130 (2007).
Characterization of Pliocene and Miocene Formations in the Wilmington Graben, Offshore Los Angeles, for Large-Scale Geologic Storage of CO2, William E. Childers, #80215 (2012).
New Interpretations for the Deposition of Mississippian Limestones in the Mid-Continent: A Reflection of Sequence Stratigraphy and Associated Migration of Facies Belts, Miranda Childress and G. Michael Grammer, #51225 (2016).
Real-Time Advanced Mud Returns Flow Analysis Combined with Advanced Mud Gas and Elemental Analysis on Drill Cuttings Aids Fracture Detection and Interpretation in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Case Study, Barzin Chiniwala, Isaac Easow, Alberto Martocchia, and Eliana Russo, #42307 (2018).
Simplified and More Accurate Clay Typing Enhances the Value Added by Petrophysical Evaluation of Shale and Tight Gas Sand Plays, Vivek D. Chitale, #40487 (2010).
Application of Borehole Imaging to Evaluate Porosity and Permeability in Carbonate Reservoirs: from Example from Permian Basin, by D.V. (Vivek) Chitale, Clive Johnson, Hunter Manley, David Entzminger, and Lyn Canter, #40378 (2009).
Integrated Analysis of Borehole Microseismic, Completion and Production Data to Characterize Reservoir Depletion and Determine Infill Well Spacing in Tight Sands, Yashwanth Chitrala, Hemali Patel, Samuel Scheibal, and Jonathan Williams, #42125 (2017).
Improving Horizontal Well Placement and Completion Effectiveness in Deltaic Tight Sands - A Case Study in Anadarko Basin, Yashwanth Chitrala, Brad Moon, Jonathan Williams, and Aaron Reyna, #42124 (2017).
Multi-Scale Lineament and Geological Mapping Elucidates Subsurface and Regional Tectonic Influences in Kuwait, Shreyas Chitransh, #30382 (2014).
Polarization Filter by Eigenimages and Adaptive Subtraction to Attenuate Surface-Wave Noise, Stephen Chiu, Norman Whitmore, and Michael Gurch, #41565 (2015).
Antialiasing 5D Interpolation, Stephen K. Chiu, #41497 (2014).
BP Alaska Heavy Oil Production from the Ugnu Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir, Josef Chmielowski, #80289 (2013).
Seismic Fracture Detection in the Second White Speckled Shale: Anisotropic Perspectives on an Isotropic Workflow, David Cho, Craig Coulombe, Scott McLaren, Kevin Johnson, and Gary F. Margrave, #41289 (2014).
Determining Failure Behavior at Hydraulic Fracturing Conditions through Experimental Rock Deformation, Robert Charles Choens and Frederick M. Chester, #41684 (2015).
Interactive Sandstone Petrology: A Digital Tutorial for Future Reservoir Geologists, by Suk-Joo Choh, Kitty L. Milliken, and Earle F. McBride, #40041 (2002).
EAMethane Hydrate Surface Morphology in a Dynamic Water Dominant Flowloop, Joel Choi, Nickolas Manning, Ben Hoskin, Shunsuke Sakurai, Koji Yamamoto, Tomoya Nonoue, and Zachary Aman, #80696 (2019).
Controls on the Morphodynamics and Stratigraphic Architecture of Compound Dunes and Point Bars on the Open-Coast Macrotidal Flat in Gyeonggi Bay, West Coast of Korea, Kyungsik Choi and Joo Hee Jo, #51142 (2015).
PS Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Deep Water Phu Kanh Basin, Tad Choi and Jo McArdle, #10751 (2015).
GC Improving the Quality of Coherence and Curvature Attributes by Using Multispectral Dip Components, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42548 (2020).
GC 3-D Seismic Volume Visualization in Color: Part 3, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42533 (2020).
GC Some Seismic Instantaneous Bandwidth Attribute Applications, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42515 (2020).
GC 3-D Seismic Volume Visualization in Color, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42491 (2020).
GC Identifying and Fixing Artifacts that Arise in Structure-Oriented Filtering, Satinder Chopra and Kurt Marfurt, #42479 (2019).
GC Integration of Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data with 2-D Seismic Data, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and Jim Howell, #42376 (2019).
GC Integration of AVAz/VVAz and Coherence/Curvature Seismic Attributes, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42355 (2019).
GC Multi-Azimuth Coherence Attribute Applications, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42284 (2018).
Coherence Attribute Applications on Seismic Data in Various Guises, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42273 (2018).
GC Some Machine Learning Applications in Seismic Interpretation, Satinder Chopra, David Lubo-Robles, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42270 (2018).
GC Multispectral Coherence Attribute Applications, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42258 (2018).
GC Nemaha Strike-Slip Fault Expression on 3-D Seismic Data in SCOOP Trend, Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt, Folarin Kolawole, and Brett M. Carpenter, #42235 (2018).
GC Intra-Basement Intrusions in the STACK Area of Oklahoma, Satinder Chopra, Lennon Infante-Paez, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42229 (2018).
GC Assessing the Influence of Untrackable Horizons on Impedance Inversion, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42163 (2017).
GC Organically-Rich Sweet Spot Determination in Utica Shale, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Hossein Nemati, and James Keay, #42137 (2017).
GC Misconceptions about Brittleness, and the Talk about Fracture Toughness, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #42128 (2017).
GC Futuristic Efforts to Characterize Shallow Anomalies, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Graziella Kirtland Grech, and Bent Erlend Kjolhamar, #42109 (2017).
GC Characterizing Shallow Seismic Anomalies, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Graziella Kirtland Grech, and Bent Erlend Kjolhamar, #42086 (2017).
GC Enhancing Seismic Discontinuity Attributes with Creative Workflows, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42025 (2017).
PS Spectral Balancing of Seismic Data Using Spectral Decomposition, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41976 (2017).
GC Enhancing the Quality of Seismic Impedance Data, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Rebecca Daniels, Brian Schulte, Jim Pllishy, and Tammy Chow, #41961 (2016).
GC Interpreting Fault and Fracture Lineaments with Euler Curvature, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41926 (2016).
GC Volumetric Fault Enhancement Applications, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41869 (2016).
GC Synthetic Seismograms for PS Seismic Data, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41793 (2016).
GC Enhancement of Multicomponent Seismic Data, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41778 (2016).
GC Determining Brittleness from Seismic Data, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41725 (2015).
Seismic Facies Analysis Using Generative Topographic Mapping, Satinder Chopra and Kurt Marfurt, #41717 (2015).
GC Joint Impedance Inversion Transforms Aid Interpretation, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Mohammad Hossein Nemati, and Peter Cary, #41667 (2015).
GC Prestack Impedance Inversion Aids Interpretation, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41664 (2015).
GC Impedance Inversion Transforms Aid Interpretation, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41622 (2015).
Mapping Middle Triassic Doig Sandstone Reservoirs in Northeast British Columbia Using Seismic Attributes, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and James Keay, #51080 (2015).
GC Spectral Balancing Aids Seeing Faults More Clearly, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41594 (2015).
Thin-Bed Reflectivity Inversion and Seismic Interpretation, Satinder Chopra, Yong Xu, John Castagna, and Rainer Tonn, #41541 (2015).
Multispectral Volumetric Curvature Adding Value to3D Seismic Data Interpretation, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41540 (2015).
Seismic Attributes for Fault/Fracture Characterization, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41539 (2015).
GCAutotracking Horizons in Seismic Records, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41489 (2014).
GCCauses and Appearance of Noise in Seismic Data Volumes, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41476 (2014).
Seismic Attribute Expression of Differential Compaction, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41374 (2014).
Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization Workflows, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #80379 (2014).
GCSpectral Decomposition Methods: Applicability and Limitations, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41323 (2013).
GCExtracting Information from Texture Attributes, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41330 (2013).
Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization Workflows, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Sharma, and Kurt Marfurt, #41266 (2014).
Seismic Attribute Expression of Differential Compaction, Satinder Chopra and Kurt Marfurt, #41265 (2014).
GC Spectral Decomposition's Analytical Value, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41260 (2013).
GC Benefits of Reduced Bin Size, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41238 (2013).
GC 5-D Interpolation Fills in Missing Data, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41136 (2013).
GC Impedance Inversion May Help Characterize Reservoir, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41099 (2012).
GC Waveform Classification Proves Itself a Valuable Tool, Satinder Chopra, #41065 (2012).
GC An "Elastic Impedance" Approach, Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma, #41082 (2012).
Structural Curvature versus Amplitude Curvature, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41012 (2012).
GCDifferential Compaction: 3-D Attributes Can Help, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41006 (2012).
GC Reflector Convergence and Rotation Attributes Facilitate Seismic Stratigraphy Interpretation, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40876 (2012).
GC Curvature Computations Enhance Exploration, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40838 (2011).
GC Blended Data Renders Visual Value, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40820 (2011).
Integration of Coherence and Volumetric Curvature Attributes, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40770 (2011).
Detecting Stratigraphic Features via Cross-Plotting of Seismic Discontinuity Attributes and Their Volume Visualization, Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40644 (2010).
AV Delineating Fractures from Seismic Attributes, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #110124 (2010)
5 of 5 presentations at Session, Geophysical Integration: A Road Map to Exploration Success
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GC Acquisition Footprint Removal for Better Fault and Curvature Attributes, Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt, and Somanath Misra, #40719 (2011).
GC Seismic Aids Heterogeneity Hunt, Satinder Chopra, and Yong Xu, #40489 (2010).
GC Relative Acoustic Impedance Defines Thin Reservoir Horizons, Satinder Chopra, John P. Castagna, and Yong Xu, #40435 (2009).
GC Resolving Thin Beds and Geologic Features by Spectral Inversion, by Satinder Chopra, John P. Castagna and Yong Xu, #40326 (2008).
Volumetric Curvature Attributes for Mapping Faults, Fractures, Depositional and Diagenetic Features, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40341 (2008).
GC Mapping Geologic Features Using Seismic Curvature, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40272 (2008).
Energy and Competitiveness, by Larry Chorn, #80044 (2009).
PS Predicting Clearwater Formation Natural Fracture Intensity, Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Queena Chou, Andres Altosaar, and Kevin Gillen, #51286 (2016).
Systematic Geomechanical Applications for Unconventional Reservoir Development, Queena Chou, Chris Walsh, Geoff McBryan, Mehdi Noroozi, and Pete R. Singbeil, #80423 (2014).
PS Salt Geology and Hydrocarbon Plays in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Abu Chowdhury, #10215 (2009).
Salt Geology and New Plays in Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico, by Abu Chowdhury and Laura Borton, #10132 (2007).
Finding the Pearl in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore China: A Deepwater Turbidite Oil Play?, by Janice M. Christ, William G. Dickson, and James W. Granath, #10044 (2003).
Quantifying the Benefit from Pressure Gradient Data in Wavefield Reconstruction for Time-Lapse Seismic, Phil Christie, Kurt Eggenberger, Everhard Muyzert, Massimiliano Vassallo, and Ali Özbek, #40843 (2011).
GCMagnetotellurics (MT): Technique, Interpretation, and Application, by Karen Rae Christopherson, #40025 (2001).
AV Building Climate Datasets for Testing Claims of Human Impacts on Climate, by John R. Christy, #110119 (2009)
8 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
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Frontier Exploration in Sub Andean Zone of Peru, Juan Chung and Pierre Callot, #11160 (2018).
Numerical Simulation of Deep Biogenic Gas Play Northeastern Bay of Bengal, Offshore Northwest Myanmar, Young Hoon Chung, Su-Yeong Yang, and Jae Woo Kim, #50562 (2012).
The Power of Integrated Solutions Using Both Production Geochemistry and PVT, Ellie Chuparova, #42480 (2019).
The Petroleum Potential of the Saba Bank Area, Netherlands Antilles, by Richard E. Church and Kevin R. Allison, #10076 (2004).
Liquid Nitrogen Cooled SQUID Magnetometer for TEM, Andreas Chwala, Ronny Stolz, Marco Schulz, Frank Bauer, Rob Ijsselsteijn, Eddie Kstlin, and Hans-Georg Meyer, #40407 (2009).
Ci-Co Back to C
Unconventional Reservoir Characterization with Upscaled Permeability Using SEM, Mehmet Cicek, Deepak Devegowda, Faruk Civan, and Richard F. Sigal, #41454 (2014).
PS Top Seal Bypass Risk along the Southern Flank of the Gippsland Basin, South-eastern Australia, N. Bozkurt Çiftçi, Laurent Langhi, Dariush Nadri, Julian Strand, Louise Goldie-Divko, John Miranda, and Peter Tingate, #50750 (2012).
PS Depositional Environment and Facies Architecture of the Lower to Middle Ordovician Carbonate Ramp Succession, Öland, Southern Sweden, Ali Riza Cigri and Sven O. Egenhoff, #30381 (2014).
Exploration Assurance Team Best Practices, Gary Citron, Marc Bond, and Peter Carragher, #70264 (2017).
PS Lessons Learned from Distributions as Geological Analogs, by Gary P. Citron, James A. MacKay, James Gouveia, Robert M. Otis, and Richard Nehring, #40162 (2005).
PS Influence of Tectonic Stress Regime on Fracture Porosity of Tight Carbonate Reservoirs, Constantin-Laurian Ciuperca, Gregory Jackson, Bogdan-Mihai Niculescu, and Abid Bhatti, #42103 (2017).
PS Incised Valley in Lotena Fm, A New Geological Model Based on the Integration of Surface and Subsurface Information, Rodrigo A. Claa, Lucrecia Alvarez, and Juan M. Martinez Lampe, #51632 (2020).
PS Use of Sequence Boundaries to Map Siliciclastic Depositional Patterns across North America, Timothy L. Clarey and Aedan C. Parkes, #41887 (2016).
Three-Dimensional Structural Evolution of a Salt-Cored, Domed, Reactivated Fault Complex, Jebel Madar, Oman, Johan S. Claringbould, J. Frederick Sarg, Brittney B. Hyden, and Bruce D. Trudgill, #30180 (2011).
AV Integrated Reservoir Modeling of the Natih E Member at a Salt-cored Carbonate Dome, Jebel Madar, Oman, by Johan S. Claringbould, J Frederick Sarg, Brittney B. Hyden, and Bruce D. Trudgill, #110161 (2011).
3 of 4 presentations from Session, Seismic Reservoir Characterization, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
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PS Deformation Mechanism of Unconsolidated Quartz Sands as a Function of Grain Size Distribution:
Insights Into Deformation Band Formation in Mixed Aeolian-Fluvial Reservoirs, Karl Clark, Ian G. Stimpson, John Bedford, and Dan Faulkner, #51606 (2019).
Lithofacies Controls on Deformation Band Development: Implications for Reservoir Quality, Karl Clark, Ian G. Stimpson, Oliver Wakefield, Dan Faulkner, and Josh Griffiths, #70362 (2018).
Neotectonics of the Greater Monterey Area, California, Joseph C. Clark and Lewis I. Rosenberg, #50799 (2013).
Interactions Between Submarine Channels and Structurally Controlled Topography in Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts, Ian Clark and Joe Cartwright, #40401 (2009).
Deepwater Channel Bypass and Backfilling Processes from the Eocene Ainsa Basin, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain, by Julian D. Clark, Andrea Fildani, and Nicholas J. Drinkwater, #50094 (2008).
Integrated Modeling of the Taratunich Field, Bay of Campeche, Southern Mexico, by W.J. Clark, F.O. Iwere, O. Apaydin, J. Moreno, R. Leon Ventura, R. Hernandez, J. Garcia, and F. Trevino, #20014 (2003).
Unconventional Resources around the World: Company Strategies for Dynamic Global Markets, Robert Clarke, #80299 (2013).
Africa: Great Frontier: World Hydrocarbons Past, Present, and Future, by Duncan Clarke, #70057 (2008).
Three-Dimensional Geologic Modeling and Horizontal Drilling Bring More Oil out of the Wilmington Oil Field of Southern California, by Donald D. Clarke and Christopher C. Phillips, #20019 (2004).
AVLocating the Play: The History of Visualization in Petroleum Exploration, by Renee Clary and James H. Wandersee, #110132 (2010)
1 of 3 presentations from Forum, The History of Petroleum Geology
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Seismic Interpretation of a Complex Tectonic Environment, Northland Basin, New Zealand, Kelley L. Classen and Don C. Lawton, #10714 (2015).
3D Velocity Model Building and Seismic Imaging Combining Tomography and Model Based Approaches in the Peniche Basin, Olivier Clauss and Ylva Malmcrona Díaz-Ambrona, #42302 (2018).
Geochemical Exploration Strategies for Papua New Guinea and other Geologically Complex Areas in Southeast Asia: Best Practices and Recent Exploration Case Histories, Luigi Clavareau and Dietmar Schumacher, #11318 (2020).
Water Resources Management System (WRMS) Executive Summary, Andy Clay and Jeff Aldrich, #80742 (2023).
The Water Resources Management System (WRMS), Andy Clay and Jeff Aldrich, #80741 (2023).
Realising the Deep Water Hydrocarbon Potential of Senegal, John Clayburn, #70345 (2018).
Multiphysics Characterization of an Albian Post-Salt Carbonate Reservoir, Brazil, Michael B. Clennell, Tobias Mueller, Valeriya Shulakova, Jie Liu, Lionel Esteban, Joel Sarout, Maxim Lebedev, Boris Gurevich, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Sofia Correia-Lopes, Qiaomu Qi, Sherry Mayo, Iko Burgar, Gerald Pereira, Flavia Falcao, Marcos Grochau, Matthew Josh, Reem Freij-Ayoub, Marina Pervukhina, Shakil Ahmed, Claudio Delle Piane, Leigh Kiewiet, Bruce Maney, Jeremie Dautriat, and Antoine Dillinger, #51242 (2016).
Multiple Discrete Pore Systems in Arab D Limestone, by Edward A. Clerke and Johannes J. Buiting, #50099 (2008).
Exploration of the Rakhine Basin, Pushing Out the Barriers with New 3D, David Cliff and Paul Carter, #10848 (2016).
Unconventional Gas Potential in the Northern Territory, Australia: Exploring the Beetaloo Sub-Basin, David Close, Elizabeth Baruch, Alexander Cote, Carl Altmann, Faiz Mohinudeen, Brenton Richards, and Stephanie Stonier, #10933 (2017).
Climatic versus Eustatic Controls on Sediment Flux to the Indus Submarine Fan, Indian Ocean, Peter D. Clift, #50896 (2013).
An Integrated Workflow for Shale Gas in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin: Surface Seismic to Stimulation, David I. Close, Simon Stirling, David Cho, and Frederik Horn, #40569 (2010).
A Deterministic Lithology Model for the Green River-Upper Wasatch Interval of the Uinta Basin, Robert Cluff, Suzanne Cluff, Ryan Sharma, and Chris Sutton, #10745 (2015).
Using Old and New Data to Characterize the Lawrence Field, East-Central Illinois, for Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding, Suzanne Cluff, Robert Cluff, Catherine Murphy, Joe Alfano, Daniel Hallau, Ryan Sharma, Andrea Simenson, Stephen Whittaker, Bruce Schonert, and Bryan Clayton, #40710 (2011).
Giant Discoveries in the Deep Offshore of the Gulf of Guinea (GoG): 1987-1997 and Beyond, Andre Coajou and Enzo Insalaco, #30611 (2019).
Geological Evidence for Fluid Overpressure in Mature Source Rocks within Foreland Basins of the Americas, Peter R. Cobbold, #30291 (2013).
Compressional Reactivation, Atlantic Margin of Brazil: Structural Styles and Consequences for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Peter R.Cobbold, Dario Chiossi, Paul F. Green, Peter Japsen, and Johan Bonow, #30114 (2010) (2 mb); complete presentation (16 mb).
Structural Interpretation of the Monagas Foreland Thrust Belt, Eastern Venezuela, by L.S. Cobos, #30031 (2005).
Empirical Evaluation of Procedures to Assess Unconventional Natural Gas Resources when Spatial Anomalies are Present, Timothy C. Coburn, Emil D. Attanasi, and Philip A. Freeman, #40590 (2010).
An African Oil and Gas Story as Told by "Africans", Justin Cochrane, Theodhora Piperi, Eric Schmid, Enrico Pedica, Sonia Ben Chaabane, and Souraya Nassif, #70379 (2019).
The Use of Multiple Hypotheses as a Risk Mitigant Get A Second (Or Third) Opinion! Using Multiple Hypotheses, Peter Cockcroft, #70408 (2020).
A Interactive Online Geologic Block Modeling, Rowan Cockett, #120154 (2014).
PS A Detailed Investigation of Facies Characterization, Pore-filling Clay Mineral Diagenesis, and Sediment Provenance in Pennsylvanian Clastic Reservoirs of the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, Jordan Coe, Branimir Šegvić, Giovanni Zanoni, and Andrea Moscariello, #11114 (2018).
PS Lithology-Based, Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Lower Cretaceous-Jurassic, Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sediments, Atlantic Coastal Plain: Analogs for Offshore Exploration along the Eastern United States, Brian P. Coffey and Richard F. Sunde, #50232 (2009).
Geochemical Assessment of Coastal Gas Hydrate Loading off the Coast of New Zealand, Richard B. Coffin, Paula Rose, Ingo Pecher, Gareth Crutchley, and Joshu Mountjoy, #30622 (2019).
Making Investment Decisions to Achieve Energy Dominance – The DOE's Approach, Alan J. Cohen, #70351 (2018).
A Versatile Alternative for Distribution of Geospatial Data, James S. Cokinos, Vsevolod I. Egorov, J. Robert Vivian, John W. Haney, and Gordon W. Shields, #40387 (2009).
Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Development, Big Valley Formation ("Alberta Bakken"), Tight Oil Play, Southern Alberta, Jacqueline Colborne, R. Marc Bustin, Gerry Reinson, and Nathan Bruder, #80433 (2014).
Architectural Analysis of Tectonically Influenced Shallow Water Mouth Bar Complexes, Lower Cretaceous Maestrat Basin, Spain: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, Grant Cole, Matthew Watkinson, Rhodri Jerrett, and Mark Anderson, #11042 (2018).
A Review of Uranium Deposits in the Karoo Supergroup of South Africa, Doug Cole, #80047 (2009).
PS Confirmation of Hydrocarbon Shows in the Mobil #3 Offshore Hyde County Well, North Carolina, James L. Coleman, Jeffrey C. Reid, and Don L. Hall, #50992 (2014).
Virtual Reality and Field Integrity Management, by André Colin, #40254 (2007).
Career Path Choices: Technical, Managerial, or Something Else?, Cheryl Collarini, #42175 (2018).
Gas Hydrates - The World’s Largest Energy Resource "But Should I Care", by Timothy S. Collett, #80026 (2008)
Geologic Controls on the Occurrence of Gas Hydrates in the Indian Continental Margin: Results of the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01, by Timothy S. Collett, M. Riedel, J. Cochran, R. Boswell, P. Kumar, A. Sathe, and NGHP Expedition 01 Scientific Party, #80025 (2008)
PS Comparison of Lower Cambrian Carbonate Facies and Halokinetic Sequences in Minibasins Developed on Opposite Sides of Wirrealpa Diapir, Central Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Aubrey J. Collie and Katherine Giles, #50442 (2011).
Rift Sequences of the Southern Margin of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) as Exploration / Production Analogues, by Richard Collier and Greg Jones, #50007 (2004).
Mixed Wave-, Tide- and Fluvial-Influenced, Tropical Coastal-Shelf Deposition: Miocene-Recent Baram Delta Province, Northwest Borneo, Daniel S. Collins, Howard D. Johnson, Peter A. Allison, and Abdul Razak Damit, #51321 (2016).
Mixed-Energy, Coupled Storm-Flood Depositional Model: Application to Miocene Successions in the Baram Delta Province, NW Borneo, Daniel S. Collins, Howard D. Johnson, and Peter A. Allison, #51133 (2015).
Integrating Tidal Modeling and Facies Analysis for the Miocene, Northwest Borneo, South China Sea, Daniel S. Collins, Peter A. Allison, Howard D. Johnson, Alexandros Avdis, Jon Hill, and Matthew Piggott, #50990 (2014).
Origin of the Raised Rim in the Kashagan Buildup, Kazakhstan: A Hypothesis for Diagenesis Associated With Fractures and Burial Compaction, Joel F. Collins, Gareth D. Jones, Jackson Haffener, Sony R. Mohammad, Marat Nauryzgaliyev, and Roza Nursaidova, #20365 (2016).
Burial Cementation and Dissolution in Carboniferous Slope Facies, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity, Joel F. Collins, David Katz, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Wayne Narr, #20234 (2014).
PS Facies and Reservoir Quality Variations in the Late Visean to Bashkirian Outer Platform, Rim, and Flank of the Tengiz Buildup, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by J.F. Collins, J.A.M. Kenter, P.M. Harris, G. Kuanysheva, D.J. Fischer, and K.L. Steffen, #20052 (2008)
A Comparison of Stratigraphic Architecture, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Quality in Adjacent Large and Small Isolated Carbonate Platforms: Tengiz and Korolev Fields, North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by J.F. Collins, K.L. Putney, P.M. Harris, A. Zhumagulova, and D.J. Fischer, #20054 (2008)
Overview of the Deepwater Geology of the Mexican Gulf of Mexico – Round One of Bidding in the Energy Reform, Milena Colmenares and Jens Hustedt, #10738 (2015).
The Perdido and the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico, Milena Colmenares, #30331 (2014).
PS Quantitative Characterization of the Sedimentary Architecture of Shallow-Marine and Paralic Reservoir Analogs: A Database Approach, Luca Colombera, Nigel P. Mountney, David Hodgson, and William D. McCaffrey, #41851 (2016).
PS Geological Modeling of Outcrop Successions to Assess Analog-Based Predictions of the Sedimentary Heterogeneity in Fluvial Reservoirs, Luca Colombera, Nigel Mountney, John Howell, Andreas Rittersbacher, and Bill McCaffrey, #41771(2016).
PS Digital Reproduction of Clastic Sedimentary Architecture by Means of Relational Databases, Luca Colombera, Marco Patacci, William D. McCaffrey, and Nigel P. Mountney, #41398 (2014).
PS A Database Approach for Constraining Fluvial Geostatistical Reservoir Models: Concepts, Workflow and Examples, Luca Colombera, Fabrizio Felletti, Nigel P. Mountney, and William D. McCaffrey, #40932 (2012).
PS A Relational Database for the Digitization of Fluvial Architecture: Toward Quantitative Synthetic Depositional Models, Luca Colombera, Nigel P. Mountney, and William D. McCaffrey, #40933 (2012).
Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman, D. Colombo, M. Mantovani, M. De Stefano, D. Garrad, and Hussain Al Lawati, #41569 (2015).
Fault Seal Analysis: Constraining Fault Seal Risk Using Seismic Velocities, Toby Colson, #41788 (2016).
Using XRF, SEM, and Pyrolysis for an Economic Appraisal of the Marcellus Formation of Western Virginia for Hydraulic Fracturing Purposes, Paul Comet, Chuck Stringer, Christian Scheibe, Albert Maende, and Erik Boice, #41629 (2015).
New Petrophysical Approach in the Study of Cenozoic Coral Carbonate Rocks as Reservoirs: Example of Pleistocene Platforms, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, G. Conesa, E. Vernhet, D. Baden, Y. Guglielmi, S. Viseur and L. Marié, #120045 (2012).
Reservoir Modeling Insights from Experimental Stratigraphic Analogs, Sean Connell, Victor Pusca, Richard Sech, and Andrew Madof, #51310 (2016).
PS West Athabasca Grand Rapids Formation – A New SAGD Play, M.E. Connelly and Laurie M. Weston Bellman, #10282 (2010).
Detecting Vertical Hydrocarbon Expulsion from Source Rock in Seismic Data, by David L. Connolly, #40331 (2008).
The Global Storage Readiness: A Global CCS Institute Analysis, Chris Consoli and Rick Causebrook, #80528 (2016).
Mapping Tools Applied to Reservoir Efficiency Index (REI) Evaluation at Prospect/Basin Scale, Alberto Consonni and Andrea Ortenzi, #41164 (2013).
Reservoir Quality Prediction in Sandstones through Rock Microcharacterisation, Alberto Consonni, Francesca Golfetto, Andrea Ortenzi, and Monica Arduini, #40845 (2011).
Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Rifting in the Tugrug and Taatsiin Tsagaan Nuur Basins, Gobi-Altai Region of SW Mongolia — Implications for Petroleum Exploration, Kurt Constenius, James Coogan, Bolor Erdenebat, Justin Tully, Cari Johnson, Stephan Graham, and Dickson Cunningham, #10485 (2013).
Deep Water Aptian Turbidite System in Punta Del Este Basin, A New Play Offshore Uruguay, Bruno Conti, Santiago Ferro, Juan Tomasini, and Pablo Gristo, #11266 (2019).
Characterization of Permian Mangrullo Formation (Uruguay) Oil Shale as a Source Rock and its Correlation with Iratí (Brazil) and Whitehill (South Africa) Formations, Bruno Conti, Pablo Gristo, Martin Torres, Jorge Castiglioni, Patrice Portugau, Manuela Morales Demarco, Luis Yermán, and Andrés Cuña, #30596 (2019).
Geologic and Volumetric Evaluation of Prospects Offshore Uruguay, Bruno Conti, Santiago Ferro, Juan Tomasini, Pablo Gristo, and Héctor De Santa Ana, #10881 (2016).
Speculative Petroleum Systems of the Southern Pelotas Basin, Offshore Uruguay, Bruno Conti, Alexandre Perinotto, Matías Soto, and Héctor de Santa Ana, #10832 (2016).
Improved Techniques for Acquiring Pressure and Fluid Data in a Challenging Offshore Carbonate Environment, K.D. Contreiras, F. Van-Dunem, P. Weinheber, A. Gisolf, and M. Rueda, #40433 (2009).
EA Supervised Learning Applied to Rock Type Classification in Sandstone Based on
Wireline Formation Pressure Data, Jose Victor Contreras, #42539 (2020).
EA Applying Machine Learning Methods to Study Compartmentalization in Complex Reservoirs Based on Static Pressure Information, Jose Victor Contreras, #42473 (2019).
Unsupervised Learning Applied to Flow Unit Identification Based on Wireline Formation Pressure Data, Jose Victor Contreras, #42260 (2018).
PS Palynological Events from Maastrichtian to Eocene in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia, Lineth Contreras, Guillermo Rodriguez, Milton Rueda, Giovani Bedoya, Carlos Santo, and Felipe De La Parra, #50336 (2010).
Choosing Drilling, Completion, and Stimulation Fluids for Shale Gas Completions, by Michael W. Conway, Greg Salter, Randy S. Miller, and Craig Hall, #40369 (2008).
GCMarine EM Methods, by Steven Constable, #40175 (2005).
Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, and Reservoir Characteristics of the Tussy (Desmoinesian) Sandstones, Southeast Joiner City Field, Love and Carter Counties, Oklahoma, Jeffrey M. Cook, #20317 (2015).
Assembling Probabilistic Performance Parameters of Shale-Gas Wells, Troy Cook and Ronald R. Charpentier, #40579 (2010).
Successful Mature Field Re-Development at Mount Poso Oil Field, Kern County, California, Marc Cooper, Eddie Behm, Michael Lebaron, and Katy Jensen-Doescher, #20314 (2015).
The Wedge Model Revisited, Joanna K. Cooper and Don C. Lawton, #41545 (2015).
Where in the Amerasia Basin Should IODP Drill?, C.J. Cooper, B. Badics, E. Bjerkebæk, E,R. Lundin, A.G. Doré, T. Flaten, and E.P. Johannessen, #10375 (2011).
The Volcanism of the Circum-Arctic: Implications for the Evolution of the Amerasia Basin, C.J. Cooper and E. Bjerkebæk, #30209 (2011).
Basin Evolution in Western Newfoundland: New Insights from Hydrocarbon Exploration, by Mark Cooper, John Weissenberger, Ian Knight, Doug Hostad, Derek Gillespie, Henry Williams, Elliott Burden, Janet Porter-Chaudhry, Don Rae, and Elizabeth Clark, #10019 (2001).
Identifying and Addressing Environmental Effects and User Conflicts For Offshore Wind on the West Coast, Andrea Copping, #80456 (2015).
A Review of Petrophysical Challenges in Pre-Salt Carbonate Rocks Requiring Sympathy, Synergy and Synthesis, Patrick Corbett, Zeyun Jiang, and Leonardo Borghi de Almeida, #70364 (2018).
Reservoir Characterisation Challenges in Pre-Salt Brazilian Carbonates, Patrick W.M. Corbett, #51083 (2015).
Closing the Loop between Geology and Reservoir Engineering in the Building, Calibration, and History-Matching of Carbonate Reservoir Models, Patrick Corbett, #41485 (2014).
Is Our Carbonate Reservoir Fractured or Not?, Patrick Corbett, #41484 (2014).
Eagleford Shale Exploration Models: Depositional Controls on Reservoir Properties Kevin Corbett, #10242 (2010).
Subflow - An Open-Source, Object-Oriented Application for Modeling Geologic Storage of CO2, Johnny Corbino, Christopher Paolini, and Jose Castillo, #80587 (2017).
GC Acquisition Footprint, by Andreas Cordsen, #40128 (2004).
PS The Role of Variable Paleotopography and Upwelling on Deposition of Oligocene Mixed Heterozoan-Large Benthic Foraminifera-Coral Sequences, Jamaica, Elson E. Core and Evan K. Franseen, #51603 (2019).
PS Depositional and Reservoir Character of Mixed Heterozoan-Large Benthic Foraminifera-Siliciclastic Sequences, Middle Miocene, Dominican Republic, Elson E. Core and Evan K. Franseen, #51506 (2018).
Comparison of the Characteristics of Cretaceous Salt Deposition in Brazil with the Jurassic Salt Deposition in the Gulf of Mexico, Sharon Cornelius, #11374 (2023).
Exploration and Development Strategies for Sub-Andean Tight Rock Reservoirs of the Siluro-Devonian, Chaco Plain, Bolivia, Chris Cornelius, #42324 (2019).
Integrated Reservoir Connectivity Analysis, Zechstein Carbonate Reservoir, Northern German Basin, Francesco V. Corona, Julie Nèble, Karl Rettenmaier, #40846 (2011).
Geophysical Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs Using Advanced Interpretation Techniques: Applications to Abenaki Formation, Penobscot Block, Nova Scotia, D. Coronel, E. Villamizar, E. Illidge, and S. Khurama, #42083 (2017).
EA Integrated Seismic-Log-Core-Test Fracture Characterization, Barra Velha Formation, Pre-salt of Santos Basin, Rodrigo S.M. Correa, Carlos E.L. Pereira, Flavio A.S. Cruz, Stella N.D. Lisboa, Mario P.A. Junior, Bruno R.B.M. Carvalho, Victor H.P. Souza, Cesar H.A. Rocha, and Fernanda G. Araujo, #42425 (2019).
PS Optimization Model to Regulate Methane Emissions from Unconventional (Shale) Gas Production - Application to the Permian Basin, Luciano L. Correa, #80634 (2018).
Compositional Simulation of Petroleum Vertical Migration and Evaporative Fractionation Processes, Luís Maurício Corrêa, Henrique L. de B. Penteado, and Laury M. Araújo, #120120 (2013).
PS The Salt Layer as Important Key to the Pernambuco Plateau Petroleum System, Northeast Brazil, Osvaldo Jose Correia Filho, Bruno Varela Buarque, Jose Anaonio Barbosa, Germano Mario Silva Ramos, Jefferson Tavares Cruz Oliveira, Jose Ricardo Magalhães, Hewerton Alves Da Silva, Marcio Lima Alencar, Araly Lima De Araujo, and Alicione Celestino, #30613 (2019).
Thermal Conductivity of Organic Shales and Coals - How Their Presence and Persistence Effect Thermal Maturity, Robert J. Coskey and Steve Cumella, #41672 (2015).
Compelling Evidence from Eastern Mexico for a Late Paleocene/Early Eocene Isolation, Drawdown and Refill of the Gulf of Mexico, Stephen P. Cossey, Don Van Nieuwenhuise, Joe Davis, Josh H. Rosenfeld, and James Pindell, #30476 (2016).
The Identification and Implication of Injectites in the Shwe Gas Field, Offshore Northwestern Myanmar, Stephen Cossey, Dongil (David) Kim, Su-Yeong Yang, and Ho Young Jung, #20225 (2013).
Well Technologies in Pre-Salt: Results and Future Vision, Julio Cesar Costa Leite, #42439 (2019).
Interactive Modeling, Visualization and Visual Analytics Challenges in Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering, Mario Costa Sousa, #120046 (2012).
Tectonic Evolution of the Salt-Bearing Crotone Basin (Southern Italy), Elisabetta Costa, Rocco Dominici, and Stefano Lugli, #30115 (2010).
Use of Reservoir Models and Dynamic Simulation in Development of Mississippian, Dan Costello, #41341 (2014).
Violet Grove CO2 Injection Project: Monitoring with Timelapse VSP Surveys, Marcia Couëslan, Don Lawton, and Michael Jones, #80440 (2015).
GCRejuvenation of a Mature Field Through Application of a Unique Frequency Enhancement Technology, by Marcus L. Countiss, #40076 (2003).
Fault Mechanics and Fluid Flow, Gary D. Couples and Helen Lewis, #41960 (2016).
A Geomaterials Approach to Fault-Zone Characterisation, Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Elma Charalampidou, Jingsheng Ma, and Antonio Zamarron, #41693 (2015).
PS Full-Physics Thinking in Unconventional Plays, Gary D. Couples, #80466 (2015).
Induced and Natural Fractures in Shales - A Geomechanical Perspective, Gary D. Couples, #40849 (2011).
Petrographic Analysis and Provenance of Ground Stone Tools from the Northern Channel Islands and Coastal Southern California, Shawna Couplin, Kathleen Marsaglia, and Colleen Delaney, #51114 (2015).
PS Quantitative Spatial Variability of Dune and Interdune Facies in the Aeolian Navajo Sandstone, USA:
Implications for Reservoir Characterisation, David Cousins, Stuart Clarke, and Phillip Richards, #51511 (2018).
High Definition Erosional Map from Recôncavo Basin, Brazil — A New Approach Based from Old Concepts Luiz Felipe C. Coutinho, #40533 (2010).
Rapid Climatic Signal Propagation from Source to Sink in a Southern California Sediment-Routing System, Jacob A. Covault, Brian W. Romans, Andrea Fildani, Mary M. McGann, and Stephan A. Graham, #50298 (2010).
Stratigraphic Signals of Shelf-Edge Delta Progradation with Special Reference to Delta-Front Turbidites: Upper Cretaceous Tres Pasos and Dorotea Formations, Magallanes Basin, Chile, by Jacob A. Covault, Brian W. Romans, and Stephan A. Graham, #50118 (2008)
Crustal Thickness, Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution and OCT Structure for the Eastern Mediterranean from Gravity Inversion, Leanne Cowie and Nick J. Kusznir, #30278 (2013).
PS Managed Pressure Drilling - Threading the Narrow ES Margins Needle, David Cowper and Lorraine Wild, #41085 (2012).
Anomalous Thermal Indicators from the Authigenic Minerals in Upper Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin, Kyle Cox and David A. Barnes, #10836 (2016).
Large-scale 3D Inversion of Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys for Oil Sands Exploration near Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, Leif H. Cox, Glenn A. Wilson, Michael S. Zhdanov, Jonathan Rudd, and John Wilson, #41303 (2014).
PS Reservoir Delineation Using Spectral Decomposition, Spectral Inversion and Neural Network Analysis for an Oily Reservoir in Offshore Thailand, Dan Cox, John Castagna, Gabriel Gil, Robert Ripple, Scott Rubio, Jerry Moon, Robert Roever, Andrew Laird, Geoff Peace, Ronald The, James Mitchell, John Pringle, and Nyan Htein, #41092 (2012).
Zohr Giant Gas Discovery – A Paradigm Shift in Nile Delta and East Mediterranean Exploration, A. Cozzi, A. Cascone, L. Bertelli, F. Bertello, S. Brandolese, M. Minervini, P. Ronchi, R. Ruspi, and H. Harby, #20414 (2018).
Cp-Cz Back to C
Influence of Tectonics, Burial History and Sediment Composition on the Temperature and Depth of Diagenetic Transition from Opal-A to Opal-CT in the Subsurface San Joaquin Basin, California, Kenton J. Crabtree, Richard J. Behl, and Allegra Hosford Scheirer, #51695 (2022).
Harstoft—Britain's First Oil Field, Jonathan Craig, Jon Gluyas, Cameron Laing, and Philip Schofield, #70188 (2015).
Syn-Tectonic Sedimentation Over a Miocene Gas-Bearing Structure - Sequence Stratigraphy Case Study of the Aphrodite Field, Levant Basin, David Craik and Yuval Ben-Gai, #20464 (2019).
Carbon Dioxide Sealing Capacity: Textural or Compositional Controls?, Constantin Cranganu, Hamidreza Soleymani, Sadiqua Azad, and Kieva Watson, #41474 (2014).
Analyzing Hydraulically Fractured Gas Well Performance in the Greater Green River Basin of Wyoming, David D. Cramer, #40174 (2005).
PS Alaskan Unconventional Shale Core Characterization, Dustin Crandall and Shuvajit Bhattacharya, #11343 (2020).
Capillary Sealing as an Overpressure Mechanism in the Anadarko Basin, by Constantin Cranganu and Maria A. Villa, #40187 (2006).
Modified Athy-Law Compaction to Account for Porosity Generation and Preservation from Kerogen Conversion in Terzaghi-Like Models of Petroleum Source Rocks, Matthias Cremon, Alan K. Burnham, Yimin Liu, and Alexandre Lapene, #42062 (2017).
Depositional Models for Jurassic Reefal Buildups, P.D. Crevello and P.M. Harris, #60025 (2009) (17mb).
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Practical Wellbore Formation Test Interpretation, Bo Cribbs, #120009 (2009).
PSImproving Techniques: Addressing Reservoir Continuity Issues in Near "Real-Time", Poster 1 (Reservoir Continuity (5.6 mb)), Poster 2 (Mud Gas Logging (7.1 mb)), Poster 3 (Wellbore Formation Testing (7.1 mb)), Myrt Cribbs, Stan Teerman, Jefferson Creek, Oliver Mullins, and Soraya Betancourt, #40415 (2009) .
Advances in Vibroseis Technology Enhance Low-Frequency Recording and Provide Significant Operational Benefits, Charles J. Criss, #41736 (2015).
EA The Study of the Oligocene Electrofacies in the Paratethys Region, Dragos Cristea, #30652 (2020).
EA Petroleum Systems and Reservoir Distribution Laws in the Pannonian Basin - Romanian Sector, Dragos Cristea, #11305 (2020).
PS Combining Seismic Inversion and Geostatistics to Predict Reservoir Properties, Dragos Cristea, #42294 (2018).
PS An Analogue Study of Petroleum Systems: West Iberian Basins vs East European Basins, Dragos Cristea, #42293 (2018).
PS The Use of Seismic Data in Analyzing Offshore Reservoirs in the Black Sea, Dragos Cristea, #11141 (2018).
Frontal Splay Geometry, Distribution, Connectivity and Reservoir Characterization in a Mid-Slope Environment: The Jubilee Field, Offshore Ghana, Bryan T. Cronin, Kathryn Dawson, and Jubilee Development Team, #51475 (2018).
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Leonardian Bone Spring Formation, Northern Delaware Basin, Eddy and Lea Counties, New Mexico (135MB), Charles B. Crosby, John D. Pigott, and Kulwadee L. Pigott, #51464 (2018).
Optimizing Shale Reservoir Characterization with Spectroscopy Evaluation While Drilling, Zach Crosby, Pukar Mainali, Camilo Mejia, and Cory Langford, #42026 (2017).
A Generalized Inverse Method for Testing Depth-Dependent Extension Models at Highly Extended Continental Margins, Alistair Crosby, Nicky White, Glyn Edwards, Mark Thompson, Richard Corfield, and Laura Mackay, #30210 (2011).
Texas' Brackish Resources Aquifer Characterization System (BRACS), Andrea Croskrey, #80549 (2016).
Abnormal Pressures and Water Saturations in Tight Gas Scenarios, Marcelo Crotti, #42001 (2017).
Sub-Millennial Anatomy of Late Miocene Deep-Water Mass-Transport Deposits: Case Studies of the Use of Foraminifera to Decipher the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Mount Messenger Depositional System, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, by Martin P. Crundwell and Malcolm J. Arnot, #50119 (2009).
EA Gas Hydrate Reservoirs of the Southern Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Insights From Geophysics And Numerical Modelling, Gareth J. Crutchley, Karsten F. Kroeger, Ingo A. Pecher, Andrew R. Gorman, Joshu J. Mountjoy, and Jess I.T. Hillman, #80695 (2019).
PS Fossil Age Group Plots: A Rapid Interpretation Technique for Complex Structural Areas, by J. A. Crux, I. G. Gard, P. H. Griggs, B. J. Farrer, and N. N. Evans, #40161 (2005).
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in a Multi-Layer Fractured Media, Leonardo Cruz, Ghazal Izadi, Colleen Barton, and Tobias Hoeink, #42201 (2018).
PS Processes, Patterns and Petrophysical Heterogeneity of Grainstone Shoals at Ocean Cay, Western Great Bahama Bank, Francisco E. Cruz and Gregor P. Eberli, #50236 (2010).
PS Application of Surface Geochemistry Survey in the HC Exploration, János Csizmeg, Alejandro Morelos, Béla Márton, David Blažević, and Marko Cvetković, #42538 (2020).
Subsidence, Thermal and Maturity History of Late Miocene to Quaternary Formations in the Pannonian Basin, János Csizmeg, Györgyi Juhász, Katalin Milota, and György Pogácsás, #10367 (2011).
Extensional Tectonics and Salt Structures, Marib-Shabwa Basin, Yemen, by Istvan Csato, #30030 (2005).
Integrated Assessment of the Niobrara and Mowry Shale Plays, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Yanet Cuddus, Dave Phillips, Celina Will, Lee Swager, William Ray Moore Jr., Midowa Gbededo, Yanil Del Castillo, and Matthew Belobraydic, #11280 (2019).
Application of Simultaneous Inversion and Geomechanical Facies in the Characterization of an Unconventional Play, S. A. Cuervo and H. Malcotti, #41940 (2016).
A New Upper Oligocene Oil Play in Southern Burgos Basin, México, by Cuevas Leree, et. al., #10077 (2005).
AV The Evidence for a Changing Climate Recorded in Ice Sheets and Mountain Glaciers, by Kurt Cuffey, #110054 (2008)
2 of 5 presentations from Interactive Forum on Global Climate Change, AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Enhance Decision-Making in the Development of Shale Resources, Cecilia Cui, Joshua Oletu, Kevin Galvin, and Marie Meyet, #42394 (2019).
PS Evaluation of High Quality Source Rocks in Saline Environment of Continental Rift Basin: A Case Study in Laizhouwan Depression, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China, Haizhong Cui, Changgui Xu, Qingbing Wang, Feilong Wang, and Huan Lu, #10947 (2017).
A Practical Recommendation for Permeability Measurement in Tight-Sand and Shale Reservoirs, Albert X. Cui and Ken Glover, #41407 (2014).
The Application of Seismic Attribute Analysis Technique in Coal Field Exploration, Jingbin Cui, Xiaobo Liu, Jianhong Liu, YuhongWang, Zhensheng Zhang, and Na Lei, #40947 (2012).
Fault Sealing and Mechanical Stratigraphy in Carbonate Rocks, Southeast Guizhou, China, Min Cui and Liangjie Tang, #40476 (2010).
Devonian-Mississippian Petroleum Systems of Southern Laurasia: What Makes the STACK-Merge-SCOOP Play in Oklahoma so Special, Andrew Cullen, #10998 (2017).
PS Seismic Risk of the Meers Fault, SW Oklahoma: A Hoary Giant or Great Imposter?, Andrew Cullen, #51239 (2016).
Nature and Significance of the West Baram Line, NW Borneo, Andrew Cullen, #30252 (2012).
The Klias Peninsula and Padas River: NW Borneo: An Example of Drainage Capture in an Active Tropical Foreland Basin, Andrew B. Cullen, #50294 (2010).
Mesaverde Tight Gas Sandstone Sourcing from Underlying Mancos-Niobrara Shales, Steve Cumella and Jay Scheevel, #10450 (2012).
PS Stratigraphy and Petrophysics of Gas-Producing Parasequences in the Rollins Sandstone of the Mesaverde Group, Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, Northwest Colorado, Stephen P. Cumella, #20092 (2010).
AV Geology of the Piceance Basin Mesaverde Gas Accumulation, by S. Cumella, #110106 (2009)
3 of 5 presentations from Session, "Tight Gas Sandstones," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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The Influence of Grain Size on the Nature of Oscillatory-Flow Bedforms: Experimental Results Using Very Fine and Coarse Sand, Don I. Cummings, Simone Dumas, and Robert Dalrymple, #50227 (2009).
EA Thermo-Tectono-Stratigraphic Modelling of a Northern Red Sea Transect and Implications for the Petroleum Systems, T.A. Cunha, P. Baptista, L.H. Rüpke, D.W. Schmid, I. Davison, and R. Bertolotti, #30666 (2020).
PS Heat-Flow and Source Rock Maturity Modelling in the Distal Domain of the West African Margin, T.A. Cunha, S. Lawrence, L. Garner, P. Farrimond, and J. Weston, #30584 (2018).
Lithostratigraphy of the 'Burbank' (Red Fork) Sand in Western Osage County, Oklahoma, Chris P. Cunningham, #51227 (2016).
AV Tamar -The Opening of a Frontier Basin in the Eastern Mediterranean, by Susan Cunningham, #110155 (2011).
2 of 4 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention
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Ichnogenic Megaporosity and Permeability in Carbonate Aquifers and Reservoirs: Definitions and Examples, H. Allen Curran and Kevin J. Cunningham, #50866 (2013).
Structure and Kinematics of a Syndepositional Paired Detachment System, Triassic Ischigualasto Basin, NW Argentina, by Brian S. Currie and Tony Albrecht, #30059 (2008).
A New Workflow to Upscale and Propagate Saturation-Dependent Petrophysical Properties from Wireline Logs to 3-D Geocellular Models, Alan A. Curtis, Eric Eslinger, and Siva Nookala, #42438 (2019).
Uncertainty, Subjectivity and Bias, Andrew Curtis and Matthew Walker, #120048 (2012).
Fast, Fully Probabilistic, Nonlinear Inversion of Seismic Attributes for Petrophysical Parameters, Andrew Curtis, Mohammad Shahraeeni, and Gabriel Chao, #120047 (2012).
AV The Contribution of Shale Gas to Future U.S. Production: A View of the Resource Base, by John B. Curtis, #110082 (2009)
2 of 4 presentations from Session, "Gas Shale Reservoirs: Updates and New Insights," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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AV U. S. Shale Gas Resources: Classic and Emerging Plays, the Resource Pyramid and a Perspective from Future E&P, by John B. Curtis, David G. Hill, and Paul G. Lillis, #110066 (2008)
1 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~1.5 mb).
Economic Benefits of In Situ Resource Utilization in Near-Term Space Exploration, Bruce L. Cutright and William Ambrose, #70163 (2014).
Settling the Eighth Continent — Three Steps to Mankind's Colonization of the Moon, Bruce L. Cutright and William A. Ambrose, #70150 (2013).
The Transformation of Hydrofracked Reservoirs to Thermal Energy Production, Bruce L. Cutright, #80223 (2012).
PS Close Encounters with Asteroids and Comets: New Insights from Dawn to Galileo, Bruce L. Cutright and William A. Ambrose, #80224 (2012).
The Near Earth Asteroids as the First Step on the Way to Mars, Bruce L. Cutright, #80157 (2011).
PS Geologic Characterization for the U.S. SECARB Anthropogenic Test; Combining Modern and Vintage Well Data to Predict Reservoir Properties, Shawna R. Cyphers, Hunter Jonsson, and George J. Koperna, Jr., #41156 (2013).
PS Relative Timings of Structures and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Intrusions in the Sand Springs Range, Nevada, Sean Czarnecki, Jacob Jarvis, and Joseph I. Satterfield, #41813 (2016).
RhoVe Method Empirical Pore Pressure Transform, M. Czerniak, #42301 (2018).
RhoVe Method II: Empirical Density-Temperature-Effective Stress Transform, Matt Czerniak, #42300 (2018).
Reservoir Facies Impact on Drilling, Completion and Production in the Cardium Tight Oil Play, Rainer D. Czypionka, Dale Gulewicz, Don Keith, and Marlon Rey, #10869 (2016).
Da-Dh Di-Do Dp-Dz
EA Recovery Factor Geo-Cellular-Tool: A Simple Digital Testing Workflow, Olamide Dada, Sebastian Bayer, Venkataramanan Muralidharan, Jeff Stewart, and Elliot Rosen, #42431 (2019).
Devonian Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Tarija Basin, South America, Carlos R. D'Arlach, #10883 (2016).
EA Fault Pattern in the Southern Campos Basin, Brazil: 3D Seismic Insights and Implications for Albian Carbonates of the Macae Group, Ulisses Miguel da Costa Correia and Alexandre Campane Vidal, #30598 (2019).
Thermal Effect Evaluation of Basic Sill on Rhythmite of Taciba Formation (Permian), South of Brazil, Using RGB Measurements on Non-Opaque Phytoclasts, Mateus Souza da Silva, Lucas Del Mouro, Lucas Debatin Vieira, and Breno Leitao Waiche, #51547 (2019).
PS Architectural Characterization of Turbidite Frontal Splays of the Miocene of Adana Basin, Southern Turkey, Daniel Bayer da Silva, Benjamin Kneller, and Bryan T. Croni, #51454 (2018).
PS Analysis of the Relations between Porosity and Permeability in Non-Consolidated Granular Media, Melia Da Silva and Carlos Santos, #40970 (2012).
Integrated Petrophysical Evaluation Applied to the Characterization of Shaly-Sand Reservoirs in the Santonian Gas Field, Santos Basin, Brasil, Thamy da Silva and Marcio Coutinho, #50503 (2011).
Bioturbation and Its Effects on Permeability in Wave-Dominated Shoreface Rocks of the Spring Canyon Member, Blackhawk Formation, Utah, USA, Les B. Dabek and Rex Knepp, #50425 (2011).
Geological Modeling of Paleogene - Neogene Sequences From Akholjuni (Cambay Basin) to CACD Area (Mumbai Offshore Basin): An Integrated Approach, Sunita Dabholkar, Dhruvendra Singh, Bamdeo Tripathi, and Rajeev Verma, #50745 (2012).
A Tectonostratigraphic History of Orphan Basin, Offshore Newfoundland, Canada, Lynn T. Dafoe, Charlotte E. Keen, Graham L. Williams, and Sonya A. Dehler, #10703 (2015).
PS Discriminating Gas Bearing Sands from Shale Using Rock Physics Guided Inversion, Ahmed W. Daghistani, Aiman M. Bakhorji, and Husam M. Al-Mustafa, #40909 (2012).
PS Integration of Dynamic Data into Characterization of the Tengiz Reservoir: Tengiz Slope, Kymbat Dagistanova, A. Aitzhanov, D. Belanger, P. Bateman, R. Camerlo, R. Fitzmorris, M. Hui, G. Jacobs, G. King, C. Laidlaw, W. Narr, Y. Pan, W. Peake, M. Shook, M. Skalinski, M. Sullivan, T. Tankersley, D. Tolessin, A. Yessaliyeva, and A. Zhumagulova, #50399 (2011).
Basin Modeling in Marginal Basins of the Norwegian Southern North Sea: Post-Mortem Studies of Selected Wells and Areas, Birger Dahl and Ivar Meisingset, #11066 (2018).
Correlation of Highly-Mature Hydrocarbon Liquids Using Higher Diamondoids, Jeremy E. Dahl, Mike Moldowan, and David Zinniker, #41702 (2015).
Locating Tight Shale Sweet Spots Using Diamondoid and Biomarker Analyses, Jeremy Dahl and J.M. Moldowan, #80403 (2014).
Creation of Porosity in Tight Shales during Organic Matter Maturation, Jeremy Dahl, J.M. Moldowan, Joel Walls, Amos Nur, and Juliana DeVito, #40979 (2012).
Fracture Capture of Organic-Hosted Pores During Shale Deformation: An Explanation for Permeability and Production Enhancement?, Hugh Daigle, Nicholas Hayman, Eric Kelly, Kitty Milliken, and Han Jiang, #41979 (2017).
Enhanced Formation Evaluation of Shales Using NMR Secular Relaxation, Hugh Daigle, Andrew Johnson, Jameson P. Gips, and Mukul Sharma, #41411 (2014).
Reservoir Characterization and Exploration Assessment of Tight Gas Sands related to Unconventional Concepts. Queen City Formation, Burgos Basin, Mexico, Silvano D'Alessio, Mario A. Porras, and Tsuyoshi Arikuma, #41264 (2014).
A Geostatistical Approach for the Modelling of Earth's Heat Flow, M. Dalla Rosa, D. Renard, and P. Ruffo, #120122 (2013).
Concepts of Scale: Horizontal Development of Wolfcamp Shale Oil of the Southern Midland Basin, David Dally, #10605 (2014).
Are Tides Controlled by Latitude?, Robert W. Dalrymple and Laurie Padman, #51305 (2016).
Fluvially Generated Heterolithic Stratification as a Tool for Determining Process Dominance and Location in the Fluvial-Marine Transition,
Robert W. Dalrymple, Colleen E. Kurcinka, Bryce Jablonski, Aitor Ichaso, and Duncan Mackay, #51144 (2015).
PS Late Pleistocene Bryant Canyon Turbidite Facies: Implications for Gulf of Mexico Mini-Basin Petroleum Systems, John E. Damuth, Hilary C. Olson, and C. H. Nelson, #11202 (2019).
PS Latest Quaternary Regional Sedimentation Processes in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), John E. Damuth and Hilary C. Olson, #11201 (2019).
Clay Mineral Distribution in a Modern Sedimentary System, Surface Sediments from Ravenglass Estuary and Beyond, Ehsan Daneshvar, #50684 (2012).
PS A Successful Story of Integrating Geological Characterization, Reservoir Simulation, Assisted History Matching and EOR in Extremely Heterogeneous Reservoir, Cuong T. Dang, Ngoc Nguyen, Wisup Bae, and Thuoc Phung, #20089 (2010).
How Can We Use Tectonic Reactivation to Control Stress Distribution at Reservoir and Basin Scale? Learning from Paleopiezometry and Analogues, Jean-Marc Daniel, #41402 (2014).
PS How to Add Value to Tight Rock Fracturing Stages Using Geologically Constrained 3D Fracture Models and Microseismicity, Jean-Marc Daniel, Matthieu Delorme, Chakib Kada-kloucha, Nina Khvoenkova, Sylvie Schueller, and Christine Souque, #41154 (2013).
Structural Geology and Geomechanics: New Frontiers for Basin Modelling, Jean-Marc Daniel, #120110 (2013).
PS Direct Paleo-Overpressure Estimate, from Demonstration to Practical Application: The Sheep Mountain Anticline Example, Jean Marc Daniel, Olivier Lacombe, Jean-Paul Callot, Nicolas Bellahsen, Mickael Barbier, Khalid Amrouch, and Nicolas Beaudoin, #40974 (2012).
Fractured Reality: Lateral Variations in Fractured Shales at Outcrop, Application for Subsurface Analogues, Susie Daniels, Jonny Imber, Richard Jones, Jon Long, Max Wilkinson, David Oxlade, and Seb Gilment, #42169 (2017).
On the Issue of Barents-Kara Region Basement Age, Russian Arctic, L. A. Daragan-Suschova, O. V. Petrov, and Yu. I. Daragan-Suschov, #30314 (2014).
Geochemical Analyses on Prospective Gas Shale Reservoirs at Perth Basin, Western Australia, Hanieh Jafary Dargahi and Reza Rezaee, #50845 (2013).
PS "Deltaic" Reservoir Characteristics of Giant Fields of the Kutei and Baram Basins, Borneo, Herman Darman and Kusumo Handoyo, #20191 (2013).
Comparison of Central and Southeast Asia Carbonate Fields: Reservoir Properties, Petroleum System and Challenges, Herman Darman and Bram V. der Kooij, #10460 (2012).
Analogue Modeling of the Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt, Romain Darnault, Kevin C. Hill, Jean-Marie Mengus, Jean-Marc Daniel, and Nigel Wilson, #30439 (2016).
Seismicity Rates in Oklahoma: A Look at the Seismicity Increase of 2014, Amberlee Darold and Austin Holland, #80498 (2015).
Noble Gases Help Trace the Behavior of Hydrocarbons in the Crust, Thomas Darrah, Robert J. Poreda, and Ronald Perkins, #41712 (2015).
Exploring in Mature Basins in Sumatra (Sumatera) Island, Indonesia: A Historical Review to Challenge New Idea, by Avicenia Darwis, Sunjaya Eka Saputra, and Drianto S, #10139 (2007).
Coal Characterization by Coal Bed Methane Drilling in Tatapani – Ramkola Coalfield, Surguja District, Chhattisgarh, India, Dilip Kumar Das and Koushik Mahanta, #80263 (2012).
The Petrofacies and Depositional Model of Kalol-VII Reservoir in a Tidal Flat Complex in Kalol Field, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India, K.K. Das, Sayan Biswas, Bharti Jagtap, and Vasudev Issrani, #50396 (2011).
PS Role of Clay Diagenesis in Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Shale Reservoirs of Sanand Field, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India: A Case Study, Kamal K. Das, Bharti Jagtap, J. K. Srivastava, Sanjiv Satyarthi, and Neelam Niranjan, #20085 (2010).
Interplay Between Local Tectonics and Deepwater Channel Process in the Mahanadi Deepwater Offshore Basin: Insight from High Resolution 3D Seismic, Pradipta Kumar Das and Sachidananda Misra, #30231 (2012).
PS Long Period Long Duration Seismic Events During Hydraulic Stimulation of a Shale Gas Reservoir, Indrajit Das and Mark D. Zoback, #40761 (2011).
An Analysis of Pre-Tertiary Plays in Matimekhana-Deohal Area - A Case Study from OIL’s Operational Area in Northeast India, Koustav Dasgupta, Saqueba Samin, and Bhagwan R. Bharali, #10303 (2011).
Maximizing Productivity and Establishing Additional Reserves in Low Permeability Rocks though Improved Understanding of In-Situ Stress State: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India, Sabyasachi Dash, Shubhodip Konar, Utpalendu Kuila, Ajoy K. Bora, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #11033 (2017).
Unbioturbated Carbonaceous Shales in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway Record Oxic Bottom–Water Conditions, Shahin E. Dashtgard and James MacEachern, #51294 (2016).
Are Unbioturbated Mudstones Indicative of Anoxia?, Shahin E. Dashtgard, John W. Snedden, and James A. MacEachern, #51180 (2015).
Tidal Influences on the Deposition of Gravel: Examples from the Megatidal Bay of Fundy, Canada, by Shahin E. Dashtgard and Murray K. Gingras, #50123 (2008) (15 MB).
A Combination of Advanced Mud Gas Technology and RockWise™ to Identify Hydrocarbon Bearing Zone; Case Study, Jalal Dashti, Shoroq Al-Houti, Abdulrahman Al-Harbi, Ahmed Moustafa, Karim Ousdidene, and Patrick Hanna, #51543 (2018).
Oil Distribution in the Carbonera Formation, Arenas Basales Unit. A Case Study in the Quifa and Rubiales Fields, Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia, Angel Dasilva, Yohaney Gomez, Maria A. Villa, Franklin Yoris, and Diego Morales, #20236 (2014).
Fractured Interbedded Dolomites and Limestones in a Reservoir Analogue: Integrating Carbonate Sedimentology and Structural data from Thin Section to Reservoir Scale, Francesco Dati, Monica Girundo, Vincenzo Guerriero, Alessandro Iannace, Stefano Mazzoli, Mariano Parente, Stefano Tavani, Stefano Vitale, Loic Bazalgette, and Christoph Strauss, #41174 (2013).
Fracture Density as a Function of Crystal Size: Insights from a Carbonate Reservoir Analogue, Francesco Dati, Vincenzo Guerriero, Alessandro Iannace, Stefano Mazzoli, Stefano Vitale, and Maurizio Giorgioni, #50505 (2011).
New Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Burgan, Mauddud and Wara Formations of Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait, Kalyanbrata Datta, Bashar Al-Enezi, Farida Abdullah, Kishore Burman, Hamdah Al-Enezi, Jean Michel Filak, Erwan Le Guerroué, Bruno Murat, Stéphane Rousse, and Alexandre Peysson, #40858 (2012).
Basin Scale Typing of Deepwater Sediments, Paolo Dattilo, #10484 (2013).
High-Frequency Forced Regressions and Their Influence on Stratigraphic Trap Generation: Examples from the Paleogene in Pelotas Basin, South Brazil, Jose Daudt and Garret Chong, #10624 (2014).
Diagenesis and Depositional Heterogeneities: Reviewing a Complex Issue in Reservoir Modeling of Mature and Marginal Assets, José Daudt, #50381 (2011).
Integration of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy in a 3D Static Model: Example from the Echinocyamus Formation in the Block X, Talara Basin, NW Perú, José Daudt, José Rejas, Eris Gabriel, Jorge Galloso, Christian Huapaya, Cristian Grobav, #20099 (2011).
3D Field Modeling of Algerian Glacial Ordovician Reservoirs, by Lena Dauphin, Angelique Martin, and Guy Desaubliaux, #40260 (2007).
Locating Bypassed Reserves in Geologically Complex Mature Fields Environments, Mike Dautel, Jason Pitcher, and Michael Bittar, #41022 (2012).
The Northern Namibian Margin: Crustal Structure and Post-Breakup Evolution, Olivier Dauteuil, Francois Deschamps, Olivier Bourgeois, Francois Guillocheau, Antoine Mocquet, and Delphine Rouby, #30082 (2009).
Detection of Natural Hydrocarbon Seepages Using SAR Technology and Associated Subsurface Studies in Offshore Mahanadi Basin for Delineation of Possible Areas of Hydrocarbon Exploration, H. D. Dave, S. Mazumder, J. K. Samal, K. K. S. Pangtey, and D. S. Mitra, #40738 (2011).
Implications of Sequence Stratigraphic Models of the Gamtoos Basin for Its Petroleum Potential, Anthea C. Davids and Chantell B. Van Bloemenstein, #11170 (2018).
Petroleum Systems Analysis of the Gamtoos Basin, South Africa, Anthea C. Davids, Chantell B. Van Bloemenstein, and Curnell J. Campher, #11171 (2018).
144 Years and Counting: The Discovery, Development, and Ongoing Operations at the Brea-Olinda Oil Field, Ben Davidson and Dan Steward, #20496 (2024).
PS Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Monterey/Modelo Formation along Camino De La Cumbre, Sherman Oaks, California, Benjamin Davidson, #51170 (2015).
AVEnergizing the World in the 21st Century (Part 8), by Chuck Davidson, #110036 (2006)
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Facies Assemblages on Distributive Fluvial Systems, Stephanie Davidson, Adrian Hartley, Gary Weissmann, Gary Nichols, and Louis Scuderi, #50420 (2011).
Submarine-Cemented Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Waulsortian and Palaeoaplysinid Reefs in the Canadian Arctic, Graham R. Davies, #51383 (2017).
Expanding Foothills Exploration in Muskwa-Kechika: An Integrated Approach using full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry, Magnetic Gradiometry, LIDAR, Digital Mapping, and GIS, Mark A. Davies, Joseph Barraud, Neil Dyer, and Wayne Wheeler, #41538 (2015).
Tectonic significance of the Avroman Formation: Confirmation of Glennie et al.'s (1974) Model from Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Laura Davies, Ágoston Sasvári, and Andrew Mann, #50949 (2014).
Tar-Mat Samples as Timing Indicators of Episodic Fill-and-Spill Oil Migration History in an Albian Channel-Splay Complex from the Outeniqua(!) Petroleum System, South Africa, Christopher P. Davies, #10190 (2009).
Elemental Chemostratigraphy, Isotopic Chemostratigraphy and Magnetic Susceptibility Stratigraphy of a Late Miocene Prograding Reef Complex of the Llucmajor Platform, Mallorca, Emma J. Davies, Brooks B. Ellwood, Paul Montgomery, Luis Pomar, Ken Ratcliffe, and Dave Wray, #50594(2012).
AVO Screening in Frontier Basins: An Example from the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea, Amanda Davies, Cyrille Reiser, Bob Burmaz, and Rod Reed, #40910 (2012).
Outcrop Observations and Analytical Models of Deformation Styles and Controls at Salt-Sediment Margins, Russell Davies, Will Bradbury, Raymond Fletcher, Gavin Lewis, Michael Welch, and Rob Knipe, #30126 (2010).
Fault Displacement Hazards at Aliso Canyon (ACGSF) and Honor Rancho (HRGSF) Natural Gas Storage Fields (UGS), Southern California, USA, Thomas L. Davis, #51551 (2019).
PS Revising the Fresh-Saline Water Interface in Eastern Kentucky, E. Davis and T.M. Parris, #80574 (2017).
Wellsite Mineralogical Data Acquisition; Understanding Results From Multiple Analytical Sources, Brian J. Davis, Amber Koch, Gerald Braun, Cassie O'Connor, Elton Frost, Terry Quinn, Chi Vinh Ly, Guy Oliver, Graham Spence, Bill Whatley, Michael Wilson, and Neil Cardy, #80478 (2015).
A Regional Assessment of the Duvernay Formation; a World- Class Liquids-Rich Shale Play, Matthew Davis and Glenn Karlen, #10638 (2014).
PS Use of Layered Formation Models in Deformation Analysis, Eric Davis, #40853 (2011).
AV Deep Shelf Play "Trends and Technology", by Craig Davis, #110004 (2004)
1 of 4 presentations at AAPG/DPA Forum: Business Strategies for Exploration Evaluation: Onshore North America, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004.
Seismic Reservoir Characterization of the Morrow "A" Sandstone, Postle Field, Texas County, Oklahoma, Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson, Scott Wehner, Michael Raines, and Roger Freidline, #50517 (2011).
South Atlantic Rifting and Some General Principles for Rift Exploration on Continental Margins, Ian Davison and Eoin O. Beirne, #10675 (2014).
GC Phase Residules Can Reveal Stratigraphic Features, Oswaldo Davogustto, #41141 (2013).
PS Multi-Frac Stage Selection Criteria for Vertical Wells in Thick, Condensate-Rich, Stacked Tight Gas Sandstones, William Dawson, Omar Ishteiwy, Mahmood Al Busafi, Nabeel Masood, Khalil Al Rashdi, and David Spain, #42359 (2019).
PSShale Facies and Seal Variability in Deepwater Depositional Systems, by William C. Dawson and William R. Almon, #40199 (2006).
Shale Variability in Deep-Marine Depositional Systems: Implications for Seal Character - Subsurface and Outcrop Examples, William C. Dawson, William R. Almon, Kelly Dempster and Sally J. Sutton, #50128 (2008).
PS Seal and Reservoir Characterization of Upper Slope Fan Lithofacies: Example of High-Frequency Variability, by William C. Dawson, William R. Almon, and S.J. Johansen, #40124 (2004).
PS Sedimentology and Petrophysical Character of Cretaceous Marine Shale Sequences, Foreland Basins: Seismic Response of Seals Horizons, by Wm. C. Dawson, W.R. Almon, E. Rietsch, F.G. Ethridge, S.J. Sutton, and B. Castelblanco-Torres, #40089 (2003).
PS Pre-salt Facies in the Carmópolis Area, Northeast Brazil: Stratigraphy and Depositional Model, Carlos C. de Araújo, Paulo A. Moretti, Vanessa Madrucci, Nívea C. da Silva, André Toczeck, and Angela B. Almeida, #50544 (2012).
Elastic Wave Propagation in Fractured Media Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Jonás D. De Basabe and Mrinal K. Sen, #41955 (2016).
Advances in Characterization and Modeling of a Lower Cretaceous Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dario De Benedictis, Noor Al Hashmi, Shaymaa Al Maskari, and Tian Wenyuam, #51653 (2020).
New Methods for Slicing and Dicing Seismic Volumes, Paul de Groot, Farrukh Qayyum, Friso Brouwer, Yuancheng Liu, and Nanne Hemstra, #120161 (2014).
GC Adding Texture Attributes to the 3-D Mix, Paul de Groot, Farrukh Qayyum, and Nanne Hemstra, #41244 (2013).
EA Uncertainty Distributions in Practice: Which, How, What?, Jan de Jager, #42528 (2020).
High Resolution 3D Process-based Modelling the Distribution of Organic Matter in the Late Jurassic Hekkingen Formation in the Hammerfest Basin (Barents Sea) for Basin Modelling, Gerben de Jager, Matthias C. Daszinnies, Benjamin U. Emmel and Ane E. Lothe, #51099 (2015).
Jurassic and Cretaceous Sedimentary Fill of Intrashelf Basins of the Eastern Margin the Arabian Plate, Thomas L. De Keyser and Christopher G. Kendall, #30322 (2014).
GC Convolution Neural Networks – If They can Identify an Oncoming Car, can They Identify Lithofacies in Core?, Rafael Pires de Lima, Fnu Suriamin, Kurt Marfurt, Matthew Pranter, and Gerilyn Soreghan, #43212 (2018).
South Atlantic Rift Segmentation from Demerara to Walvis: The Interplay between Strike Slip Deformation and Rifting, Renato M.D.de Matos, Ian Norton, Ana Krueger, and Katya Casey, #30576 (2018).
Ground Roll Removal and Signal Preservation by Cascading SVD Polarization Filters with Localized Fk-Filters, Kristof De Meersman and Chris Ansorger, #41543 (2015).
Pimenteiras Shale: Characterization of an Atypical Unconventional Petroleum System, Parnaiba Basin, Brazil, Frederico S. de Miranda, #10639 (2014).
Shale Gas/Oil: The New Frontier Exploration in Brazil, Frederico S. de Miranda, #10509 (2013).
PS Log Features for the Characterization of Igneous Rocks in the Pre-Salt Area of Santos Basin, SE Brazil, Filipe Vidal C. S. R. Soares de Oliveira, Ricardo Tepedino Martins Gomes, and Krishna Milani Simões Silva, #11264 (2019).
New Methodology for the Generation of the Structural and Petrophysical Conceptual Model with Limited Information, Giorgio De Paola, Ruben Rodriguez Torrado, and Sonia Embid, #41472 (2014).
Reservoir Insights Enabled by Machine Learning Technology: A Supervised Machine Learning Method for Probabilistic Rock Type Prediction, Bruno de Ribet and Gerardo Gonzalez, #42465 (2021).
PS Using Seismic Facies to Constrain Electrofacies Distribution as an Approach to Reduce Spatial Uncertainties and Improve Reservoir Volume Estimation, Bruno de Ribet, Pedro Goncalves, Luis H. Zapparolli, and Cesar A. Ushirobira, #40768 (2011).
PS The Role of Paragenetic Patterns on the Quality of Clastic Reservoirs, Luiz Fernando De Ros, Karin Goldberg, and Andréia R. D. Elias, #50429 (2011).
PS Diagenetic Processes in Clastic Pre-salt Reservoirs, Onshore Espírito Santo Basin, Eastern Brazil, Luiz Fernando De Ros, Karin Goldberg, Norberto Dani, Garibaldi Armelenti, Awilsa S. G. Carvalho, and Eveline E. Zambonato, #50347 (2010).
PS Integrated Petrographic-Stratigraphic Characterization of Complex Albian Reservoirs in the Esprito Santo Basin, Eastern Brazil, Luiz Fernando De Ros, Karin Goldberg, Claiton M.S. Scherer, Eduardo Castro, and Mara Abel, #50258 (2010).
PS Tackling Complex Reservoirs through Systematic Petrographic Characterization, Luiz Fernando De Ros, Mara Abel, and Karin Goldberg, #40466 (2009).
Reservoir Petrofacies: A Tool for Quality Characterization and Prediction, by Luiz Fernando De Ros and Karin Goldberg, #50059 (2007).
PS Shallow Conduit Behavior of Silicic Magma Chambers: A Detailed Thermal Model, Cathina Gunn de Rosas and Glen Mattioli, #40949 (2012).
Estimation of Permeability, Porosity and Rock Compressibility Properties using Digital Rock Analysis Technique for a Heavy Oil Unconsolidated Sandstone Offshore Brazil, M.F. de Siqueira, F. Silva, M.D. Marsili, P.S. Rocha, A. Kronbauer, C. Sisk, A. Grader, J. Toelke, and A. Jordan, #30587 (2018).
Seismic Pre-Stack Igneous Reservoir Characterization: Guanaco Field Study Case, Neuquina Basin, Argentina, Hernán De Simone, Mario Sigismondi, and Marcelo Barrionuevo, #20466 (2019).
Gondwana Reconstruction and Dispersion**, by Maarten De Wit, Margaret Jeffery, Hugh Bergh, and Louis Nicolaysen, #30001 (1999).
Diagenetic History of the Wolfcamp A in the Eastern Midland Basin, Texas, Erich de Zoeten and Robert H. Goldstein, #51395 (2017).
Permian Depositional Systems, Cycles and Petroleum Geology along the Northern Colorado Front Range (Ft 4), Marshall Deacon, Richard Geesamen, and Max Pommer, #30681 (2024).
Depositional and Stratigraphic Complexities of the Niobrara Formation and the Relationship to Producibility, DJ Basin, Colorado, Marshall Deacon and Katie Joe McDonough, #51529 (2018).
PS Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Properties, Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, DJ Basin, Colorado, by Marshall Deacon, Katie Joe McDonough, Lise Brinton, Scott Friedman, Robert Lieber, and Joe Dunn, #80314 (2013).
AV Integrated Reservoir Evaluation as a Means for Unlocking Maximum Resource Value in an Unconventional Reservoir: Niobrara Formation, DJ Basin, Colorado, by Marshall Deacon and Robert Lieber, #110168 (2013).
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Evaluation and Application of Horizontal Granite Wash Well Performance Drivers into Completion and Fracture Stimulation Design, Barry Dean, Karthik Srinivasan, Matt Belobraydic, and Wing Lam, #42149 (2017).
Volume Visualization, Fast Track Interpretation, and Interactive Crossplot Analysis Lead to Discovery: A Case Study from Santos Basin, Brazil, by Donald Dean, Kim Cline, Bob Blackmur, Allan Kean, Marian Hanna, and Dave Smith, #20025 (2004).
PS Planning Lunar Surface Traverses for Robotic Scouting Followed by Crew, Matthew C. Deans, Michael Broxton, Terry Fong, Mark Helper, Kip V. Hodges, Gerald G. Schaber, Harrison H. Schmitt, and Trey Smith, #70073 (2009).
PS Robotic Scouting for Human Exploration, Matthew C. Deans, Terry Fong, Pascal Lee, Kip V. Hodges, Mark Helper, Rob Landis, Steve Riley, Maria Bualat, Estrellina Pacis, and Linda Kobayashi, #70072 (2009).
Prospects Identification and Future Exploration Strategy in Palaeocene/Eocene Formations of Basement High and Adjoining Areas in Upper Assam Basin Based on Palaeoenvironment, Sasanka Sekhar Deb, Indrajit Barua, and B.P. Sarma, #10402 (2012).
The Seismic Architecture and Geometry of Glacial Grounding-Zone Wedges from Greenland and North Africa, Carole Decalf, Edith Fugelli, and Julian Dowdeswell, #30310 (2013).
Reservoir Geometry of the Regressive Fox Hills Sandstone: Control on Aquifer Quality, by Marieke Dechesne and Robert G. Raynolds, #50025 (2005).
Play Concepts for Reopening the Bristol Bay Basin: Tertiary and Mesozoic Petroleum Systems of the Alaska Peninsula, by Paul L. Decker, Rocky R. Reifenstuhl, Emily S. Finzel, and Kenneth P. Helmold, #10106 (2006).
University Lands: History, Opportunities, and Geoscience Vision, David DeFelice, #70224 (2016).
A New Look at the Organic Geochemical Variability in the Woodford Shale of the Ardmore Basin: Paleoweathering and Organic Matter Source, Clifford DeGarmo, Thanh Nguygen, and R. Paul Philp, #41799 (2016).
A Model for Single-Phase Migration of Trenton-Black River Hydrocarbon in the Southern Michigan Basin, Ron DeHaas and Timothy Brock, #10306 (2011).
Quantitative Evaluation and Population Statistics of Point Bar Dimensions, McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta, Elinda Dehari and Michael Webb, #80576 (2017).
Influence of Diagenetic Fluids on Mississippian Carbonate Rock Properties in the Southern Midcontinent, Sahar Mohammadi Dehcheshmehi, Jay M. Gregg, Kevin L. Shelton, and Martin S. Appold, #51165 (2015).
Structural Analysis of a Core on Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Brazil: Implications for Exploration and Reservoir Modeling, Nolan M. Dehler, Délzio Machado Jr., Raphael Hatushika, Leonardo Gomes, Barbara Trzaskos, #40408 (2009).
Recent High Resolution Seismic, Magnetic and Gravity Data Throws New Light on the Early Development of the Gulf of Mexico, Ian C. Deighton, Felicia Winter, and Dario Chisari, #30509 (2017).
Seismic in Understanding a Geological Model: Exploration in the UK Southern North Sea Rotliegend Transition Zone, by Hubert J. M. Dejong, Richard Knight, Ray McClenaghan, Franek Mrozek, #40114 (2004).
PS Insar Monitoring in Heavy Oil Operations, Sara Del Conte, Andrea Tamburini, Andy Higgs, Jessica Morgan, Giacomo Falorni, and Marie-Josée Banwell, #41847 (2016).
3-D Surface Seismic Attribute and Prestack Impedance Inversion Characterization of the Red Fork Formation, Oklahoma, USA, Yoryenys Del Moro, Alfredo Fernandez, Sumit Verma, and Kurt Marfurt, #41167 (2013).
PS Seismic Attenuation Workflow for Lithology and Fluid Interpretation, Raúl Del Valle, Tatíana Kerdan, Alejandra León, Josuè Rentería, and Martín Díaz, #42035 (2017).
Chemical EOR Potential for Heavy Oil in the United States, Eric Delamaide and Tristan Euzen, #41430 (2014).
Seismic Imaging of the SW South China Sea Deep Crustal Structure Shows Evidence for a Ductile Lower Crust during Rifting, M. Delescluse, T. Pichot, N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Pubellier, Y. Qiu, G. Sun, J. Wang, and J.-L. Auxiètre, #30404 (2015).
Control of Lower Jurassic Microbial Reef Communities on Carbonate Platform Geometry (Djebel Bou Dahar, Hign Atlas, Morocco), Giovanna Della Porta, Oscar Merino-Tomé, Jeroen A.M. Kenter, and Klaas Verwer, #50654 (2012).
Non-Marine Carbonate Precipitates: A Review Based on Recent and Ancient Case Studies, Giovanna Della Porta and Federica Barilaro, #30217 (2012).
Non-Marine Carbonates - Facies, Diagenesis and Porosity Development, Giovanna Della Porta, Federica Barilaro, and Marco Ripamonti, #30173 (2011).
Non-Actualistic Carbonate Deposystems: Revising The Carbonate Factory-Depth Paradigm, by Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen A.M. Kenter, and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #40290 (2008)
Hyperpycnal Flow Within Low Gradient River Deltas and Implications for Both Sand and Mud Transport Onto the Shelf: Brazos River, Northern Gulf of Mexico, by Timothy M. Dellapenna, Christian J. Noll, Bryan R. Fielder, and Robert Webster, #50091 (2008).
Fluid/Rock Interactions in Porous Carbonate Rocks: An Integrated Mechanical, Ultrasonic and Microstructural Study, Claudio Delle Piane, Michael B. Clennell, Jeremie Dautriat, and Graham Price, #41745 (2015).
Geological and Geophysical Evaluation of the Leduc Formation in Northeastern Alberta, Canada, Eugene A. Dembicki and Tom J. Podivinsky, #10580 (2014).
Confirming the Presence of a Working Petroleum System in the Eastern Black Sea Basin Using Sea Surface Slicks, Harry Dembicki and Jamshid J. Gharib, #11251 (2019).
From Satellite Images to Reservoired Hydrocarbons: The In-Depth Investigations of the Marco Polo Seeps, Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, Harry Dembicki, #51377 (2017).
Challenges to Black Oil Production from Shales, Harry Dembicki, #80355 (2014).
Confirming the Presence of a Working Petroleum System in the Eastern Black Sea Basin, Offshore Georgia Using SAR Imaging, Sea Surface Slick Sampling, and Geophysical Seafloor Characterization, Harry Dembicki, Jr., #10610 (2014).
Shale Gas Geochemistry Mythbusting, Harry Dembicki, #80294 (2013).
Palynology and Carbon Isotopes of Paleocene-Eocene Outcrops, Bastrop Area, Central Texas: Continuing Investigation of the PETM in the U.S. Gulf Coast, Thomas Demchuk, Chris Denison, Kristina Gardner, Maggie Stephenson, and Jennnifer O'Keefe, #51561 (2019).
The Utility of Palynofloral Assemblages for the Interpretation of Depositional Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphic Systems Tracts in the McMurray Formation at Surmont, Alberta, by Thomas D. Demchuk, Graham Dolby, David J. McIntyre, and John R. Suter, #50061 (2008)
The Coming Commodity Super Cycle, William DeMis, #11375 (2023).
Historical Analysis of Real Global Price of Oil: Implications for Future Prices, by William D. DeMis, #70037 (2007).
PS Reservoir Properties of Lacustrine Carbonate Buildups from Pleistocene Lake Lahontan: Analogues for South Atlantic Reservoirs, Laura M. DeMott, James D. Muirhead, and Christopher A. Scholz, #30585 (2018).
Modeling the Stimulated Reservoir Volumes using DPDK Approach Coupled with Rock Mechanics, Jack H. Deng, Zhangxing Chen, Jia Luo, Kun Wang, and Hui Liu, #42405 (2019).
The Controlling Factors of Fractured Limestone Reservoir-Forming of Upper Cretaceous in North Kairouan Region, Pelagian Basin, North Africa, Yilin Deng and Chunlin Yang, #50697 (2012).
Delineating Thin-Bed Tight Gas Sand Reservoir with Prestack Joint PP/PS Inversion, Zhiwen Deng, Ming Qiang, Shuanghu Shi, Xiaofeng Liang, Yang Zhu, Yijun Zhou and Qingjia Tong, #41363 (2014)
The Technical Challenges and Significance on Ultra-Deep Buried Hill Reservoir Exploration in Bohai Bay Basin, China, Zhiwen Deng, Xianzheng Zhao, Xuming Bai, Wanfu Zhang, Feng Yan, Chuanzhang Tang, and Shenghui Yuan, #10603 (2014).
GC Horizon Tracking on Workstations, by Les Denham and Dave Agarwal, #40141 (2005).
GC Exaggeration of Medium-Sized Prospects by 2-D Seismic Bright Spots, by Les Denham and Dave Agarwal, #40013 (2001).
Rock Property Data Volumes from Well Logs, by L.R. Denham and H. Roice Nelson, Jr., #40268 (2007).
A Successful Example of a Shallow Ore-Body Imaged by Surface 3D Seismic, M. Denis, C. Pretorius, M. Gibson, and Eric Gillot, #40725 (2011).
Microfossil Taxonomy in the 21st Century, Richard A. Denne, #40582 (2010).
Definition of Greater Gulf Basin Lower Cretaceous Shale Gas Assessment Unit, United States Gulf of Mexico Basin Onshore and State Waters, Kristin O. Dennen and Paul C. Hackley, #10429 (2012).
Dimensions and Architecture of Submarine ‘Lobes’ off East Corsica, by Mark E. Deptuck, David J.W. Piper, Bruno Savoye, and Anne Gervais, #50124 (2008)
Development Case Study of a Karsted Carbonate "Island" Hydrocarbon Reservoir: West Carney Hunton Field, Oklahoma, by James R. Derby, F. Joe Podpechan, Jason Andrews, and Sandeep Ramakrishna , #20008 (2002).
Characteristics of the Triassic Upper Montney Formation (Unit C), West-Central Alberta, Omar Derder, #51024 (2014).
New Approach to the Structure and Evolution of Israel with Relation to the Oil and Gas Exploration in the Neotethys and the Neogene Sequences, Baruch Derin, #30630 (2019).
Fault Seal Analysis through Geologic Time Using an Integrated Petroleum Systems Approach, Jan Derks, Cassandra Warren, and Carlo Caso, #10924 (2017).
Importance of Knowing Paleogeography in Order to Understand Opening of the Black Sea, A. Sami Derman, #30150 (2011).
PS Petroleum Systems of Turkish Basins, A. Sami Derman, #10269 (2010).
Hydraulic Fracture and Natural Fracture Simulation for Improved Shale Gas Development, William Dershowitz, Ray Ambrose, Doo-Hyun Lim, and Mark Cottrell, #40797 (2011).
From 3-D Photogrammetric Outcrop Model towards Reservoir Models: An Integrated Modeling Workflow, Remy Deschamps, Philippe Joseph, Olivier Lerat, Julien Schmitz, Brigitte Doligez, and Anne Jardin, #41696 (2015).
AV Origins and Cycling of CO2 on Earth during the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, by David J. Des Marais, #110112 (2009)
1 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Well to Seismic Ties Modeling with the Adaptive Log Analysis, Ivan S. Deshenenkov, Dmitry A. Kozhevnikov, and Kazimir V. Kovalenko, #40823 (2011).
PS Using B4 LiDAR and CRN Age Data to Constrain Slip Rates Along the San Andreas Fault System at Millard Canyon, San Gorgonio Pass, Ian Desjarlais, Doug Yule, and Richard Heermance, #41652 (2015).
Evaluating Water-Flooding Incremental Oil Recovery Using Experimental Design, Middle Miocene to Paleocene Reservoirs, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico, by Richard Dessenberger, Kenneth McMillen, and Joseph Lach, #40256 (2007).
A Preliminary Characterization and Kinematic Analysis of Fractures within the Miocene Vaqueros and Topanga Formation, Point Mugu Rock, Ventura County, California, John P. Detring, #51569 (2019).
Using Microseismicity to Understand Subsurface Fracture Systems and Increase the Effectiveness of Completions: Eagle Ford Shale, Texas, John P. Detring and Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, #41186 (2013).
PS Timing and Mechanisms of Fracturing within the Irish Canyon-Vermillion Creek Area, Moffat County, Colorado, John P. Detring, Scott M. Larson, and Eric A. Erslev, #50758 (2012).
Quantifying Heterogeneities and Their Impact from Fluid Flow in Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs: Lessons Learned from the Ferron Sandstone Outcrop Analogue, by Peter E. Deveugle, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Craig S. Calvert, Anthony R. Sprague, et al., #40356 (2008).
Estimation of Methane from Kerala - Konkan Onshore Peatlands of South West Coast India by Ground Penetrating Radar Method, K. Devi and Rajesh R Nair, #51460 (2018).
Processes of Mud Volcanism in the Barbados-Trinidad Compressional System: New structural, Thermal and Geochemical Data, by Eric Deville, Anne Battani, Roger Griboulard, Sophie Guerlais, Siegfried Lallemant, Alain Mascle, Alain Prizhofer, and Julien Schmitz, #30017 (2003).
Claude Shannon Versus Gus Archie: Information Theory as a Guide to Log Evaluation Without Petrophysics, Paul E. Devine, #41480 (2014).
Experimental Quantification of “Good Log Characteristics” for Mesaverde Reservoirs of the Piceance Basin, Colorado: Toward a Reconnaissance Method for Evaluating Movable Water in Tight Shaly Sandstones,
Paul E. Devine, #41468 (2014).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis of the Upper Morrow Sandstone, Mustang East Field, Morton County Kansas, by Adam DeVries, #20032 (2006).
Origin of the Giant Drake Gas Field, Canadian Arctic Islands, Keith Dewing, #20227 (2013).
Geology and Geochemistry of the Al Lajjun Oil Shale Deposit, Central Jordan, Jerry C. DeWolfe, Emmett J. Horne, Christopher A. Morgan, #50366 (2010).
GC Extracting Large-Scale Fracture Networks, Ayon Kumar Dey, #41818 (2016).
Integrated Study on Wara Prospectivity in Khashman Area, Kuwait, Arun Kanti Dey, Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Lin Ye, Meshal Al-Wadi, Hanan Abu-Hebiel, and Jalal Mohamad Dashti, #50606 (2012).
Deep-water Reservoir Facies of the Late Jurassic Angel Fan, Dampier Sub-Basin, Australia, by Dessy Dharmayanti, Alan Tait, and Richard Evans, #30044 (2006).
Impact of Broadband Seismic on Quantitative Interpretation Workflows, Eivind Dhelie, Cyrille Reiser, Tim Bird, and Euan Anderson, #41450 (2014).
A Step Change in Seismic Imaging – Using a Unique Ghost Free Source and Receiver System, Per Eivind Dhelie, Robert Sorley, Torben Hoy, and David Lippett, #41449 (2014).
Successful 3D Seismic Exploration offshore West Greenland using Dual-sensor Streamer Technology, Per Eivind Dhelie and Lyndon R. Miller, #40700 (2011).
Di-Do Back to D
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Seismic Salt-Body Delineation, Haibin Di, Zhen Wang, and Ghassan AlRegib, #70360 (2018).
PS A New Analytical Method to Evaluate Maximum Flexure for Improved Fracture Characterization from 3-D Seismic Data, Haibin Di and Dengliang Gao, #41665 (2015).
Predicting Fracture Orientations with Volumetric Curvature Gradient Analysis, Haibin Di and Dengliang Gao, #41331 (2014).
Deep-Water Volcaniclastic Fans: What Can We Learn from the Past?, Andrea Di Capua, Gianluca Gropelli, and Federica Barilaro, #51487 (2018).
PS Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Internal Architecture and Stacking Patterns of Pleistocene Shallow-Marine and Fluvial Depositional Sequences, Claudio Di Celma, Gino Cantalamessa, Luca Ragaini, and Walter Landini, #50621 (2012).
PS Evolution and History of Filling of Early Pleistocene, Coarse-Grained Slope Canyons (Peri-Adriatic Basin, Central Italy), Claudio Di Celma, Gino Cantalamessa, Riccardo Teloni, Amerigo Corradetti, and Valerio Marini, #50481 (2011).
Valencia Trough (Offshore Spain): Petroleum Systems and Play Types, Raffaele Di Cuia, Alberto Riva, Angelo Ricciato, and Mara Marian, #10951 (2017).
Cross-Strike Structures and Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation: Examples in Three Alpine Thrust Belts, Raffaele di Cuia, Raffaele Bitonte, and Paolo Pace, #51288 (2016).
Geochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Exploration Wells in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin, Onshore Australia: Application of Real-Time Elemental Measurement on Cuttings with Source Rock Mapping and Lateral Geosteering Implications, Andrea Di Daniel, Dale Lewis, Nicole Cooper, Milan Saicic, Carl Altmann, Elizabeth Baruch Jurado, Alexander Cote, and Brenton Richards, #70371 (2019).
Sedimentary Evolution and Reservoir Prospective of Bashkirian-Moscovian Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deposits in the Loppa High (Norwegian Barents Sea), Matteo Di Lucia, and Jhosnella Sayago, Maria Mutti, Axum Cotti, Kjetil Broberg, and Andrea Sitta, #50504 (2011).
PS Carbonate Platform-Basin Transition in SW Sicily: Implications for the Petroleum Exploration in the Maghrebian Fold and Thrust Belt, Pietro Di Stefano, Maria S. Cacciatore, and Giuseppe Zarcone, #30110 (2010).
Evidence for a Hydrodynamic Aquifer in the Lower Miocene Sands of the Mad Dog Field, Gulf of Mexico, Troy A. Dias, David L. Tett, and Michelle T. Croasdaile, #10221 (2010).
Geostatistical Prediction of Reservoir Petrophysical Properties by Copula Based Dependence Models between Seismic Attributes and Petrophysical Properties, Martín A. Díaz Viera, Arturo Erdely, Raúl del Valle García, Tatiana Kerdan, and Francisco Mendoza-Torres, #70246 (2017).
Field and Remote Sensing Training for Human Exploration of the Planets, by Patricia Wood Dickerson, James F. Reilly, and William R. Muehlberger, #40087 (2003).
Interpreting Sediment Dispersal in Western North America from Detrital Zircon Ages, William R. Dickinson, #50818 (2013).
Palynology Across a Sequence Boundary, Wilcox Group, Bastrop, Texas, Regina L. Dickey and Thomas E. Yancey, #50292 (2010).
Defining Frontier Petroleum Systems with Higher Granularity: Examples from Plate Reconstructions of the Atlantic Margins, William Dickson, Craig F. Schiefelbein, Mark E. Odegard, and John E. Zumberge, #30337 (2014).
Girassol - Angola’s First Deepwater Pre-salt Discovery?, William Dickson and Craig Schiefelbein, #20142 (2012).
Hot Enough for Ya? Compilations of Heat Flow Values and Source Rock Data Along the Western Central Atlantic Margin, William Dickson and Janice M. Christ, #30170 (2011).
Relationship Between Pore Geometry and Pore-Throat Geometry as a Means to Predict Reservoir Performance in Secondary Recovery Programs for Carbonate Reservoirs, by Christina M. Dicus, #40318 (2008).
The Role of Fault Kinematics and Capture in the Western Niger Delta and the Control of Sediment and Reservoir Distribution, by Jacob Diedjomahor; Charles Kluth, Eric Frost, and Robert Mellors, #40092 (2003).
Cenozoic Structural Evolution and Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework of the Northern Gulf Coast Continental Margin, by E. A. Diegel, D. C. Schuster, J. F. Karlo, R. C. Shoup and P. R. Tauvers, #30006 (2001).
PS Compressibility and Brine Permeability of Reservoir and Seal of Pore Space Gas Storages, Carlo Dietl, Jennifer Szech, Hansjörg Baumgartner, and Eberhard Jahns, #42510 (2020).
Complex Petrophysical Studies to Evaluate the Safety of an Underground Gas Storage in Porous Rocks, Carlo Dietl, Roland Braun, Hansjörg Baumgartner, Eberhard Jahns, and Tobias Rudolph, #80642 (2018).
PS Petroleum Plays in Upper Cenozoic Strata in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Arctic Canada, James Dietrich, Zhuoheng Chen, Gillian Chi, Jim Dixon, Kezhen Hu, and Dave McNeil, #10300 (2011).
Thermal Maturation Considerations and the Significance of Phytoclasts in the Upper Member of the Lodgepole Formation in the Northwestern Williston Basin, Murray Dighans and Mohamed K. Zobaa, #11132 (2018).
The Role of Strike-Slip Faulting in Fractured Reservoirs: Kizilin Fault from Southeastern Turkey as a Case Study, Göktürk M. Dilci, Remzi Aksu, Hasan Altinbay, and Emre Avcioǧlu, #41492 (2014).
Impact of Heterogeneity on Flow in Shallow-Marine Reservoirs: Application to a Thin Oil Column Produced via Horizontal Wells, Fahad A. Dilib, Matthew D. Jackson, Gavin H. Graham, and Gary J. Hampson, #20226 (2013).
Findings and Update on the National Research Council's Committee on Induced Seismicity Potential of Energy Production and Related Technologies, David K. Dillon and Don Clarke, #70194 (2015).
Geological Evolution of Surat Depression and Development of Hydrocarbon Pools in Contiguous Areas, Bandana Dimri and Kiran S. Misra, #50540 (2012).
PS Geochemical Characterization, Depositional Environment, and Controlling Factors of β-Carotene - A Case Study of Jimsar Depression, Junggar Basin of China, Xiujian Ding, Ming Zha, Xulong Wang, Yang Su, Changhai Gao, Jiangxiu Qu, and Ren Lai, #11002 (2017).
PS Characteristics and Origin of Source Rocks in the Small Faulted Lacustrine Basin, Xiujian Ding, Ming Zha, Guangdi Liu, Zhilong Huang, Changhai Gao, and Xuejun Lu, #51346 (2017).
Monitoring Imbibition and Estimating Residual Gas Saturation Using Low Field NMR, Minghua Ding and Apostolos Kantzas, #41599 (2015).
Crustal and Petroleum Framework of the U.S. Chukchi Shelf as Interpreted from 9-km Long-Offset ArcticSPANTM 2-D Seismic Data, Menno G. Dinkelman, James W. Granath, Naresh Kumar, Peter A. Emmet, #40410 (2009) (5.58 MB).
PS Predicting the Brittle-Ductile (B-D) Transition in Continental Crust Through Deep, Long Offset, Prestack Depth Migrated (PSDM), 2D Seismic Data, Menno G. Dinkelman, James Granath, Dale Bird, James Helwig, Naresh Kumar, and Pete Emmet, #40511 (2010).
Crustal and Petroleum Framework of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin as Interpreted from 9-km Long-Offset ArcticSPANTM 2-D Seismic Data, Menno G. Dinkelman, Naresh Kumar, James Helwig, Peter A. Emmet, and James W. Granath, #40409 (2009) (10.44 MB).
PS The Application of Poisson Impedance Inversion for Sandstone Reservoir Characterization in the Lower Talang Akar Formation, Case Study Melandong-West Java, Angga Direzza and I Komang Andika Aris Permana, #41080 (2012).
Completion Optimization in Barnett Shale Using Drilling Data for a Geologically and Geomechanically Constrained 3D Frac Simulator and Fast Reservoir Simulation, R. Dirksen, S. Poludasu, D. Fairchild, S. Rehman, and A. Ouenes, #42306 (2018).
Integrating Multibeam Data in the Structural 2-D Seismic Interpretation Workflow: Examples from the Mexican Gulf of Mexico, R. Dirkx, K. Goldsmith, J. Halliday, and C. O'Reilly, #42182 (2018).
Observations on Tectonic Evolution and Prospectivity of Madagascar Offshore Basins Based on Interpretation of New Seismic Data, Roel Dirkx, #10932 (2017).
Pre-Cognitive Processing: The Creation and Data Mining of 3D Visual Databases, James Kevin Dirstein, Paul Ihring, Stano Hroncek, Alistair J. Stanley, and Nabil Tnacheri, #120162 (2014).
PS Stratigraphy and Depositional Dynamics of the Haynesville-Bossier Sequence: Inferences from Whole-Rock Elemental Data, Michael C. Dix, David Spain, Colin Walling, Jennifer Sano, Nicolo Casarta, and Allison Richardson, #10298 (2011).
'Jurassic Coast' Studies Centre: Inspiring Future Generations of Earth Scientists by Boosting Field Geology, Marcus Dixon, #70178 (2015).
Transition from Subglacial to Proglacial Depositional Systems: Implications for Reservoir Architecture, Illizi Basin, Algeria, by Richard J. Dixon, T.L. Patton, J.P.P. Hirst, and J. Diggens, #50095 (2008).
PS Characteristics of Expert Behavior in Problem Solving and Workflow Strategy in Seismic Interpretation, James P. Dobbs, Matthew A. Jackson, and Eric M. Riggs, #70349 (2018).
Microseismic Case Study: A deeper look into the microseismic events. What events are really related to stimulated reservoir, Michael Doerksen, Don Poruchny, and Michael d'Entremont, #41446 (2014).
PS Using Microseismic Event Radiation Patterns and Source Parameters to Better Estimate Stimulated Reservoir Volumes, Michael Doerksen, #41137 (2013).
PS Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Group in Northeast East Texas Field, Texas, Merve Dokur and Tucker F. Hentz, #20152 (2012).
PS Origin of Chert in Mississippian Monte Cristo Formation, Southern Nevada, and Its Relationship to the Antler Orogeny, Rachel Dolbier, Thomas Anderson, and Regina N. Tempe, #50238 (2010).
PS Diagenetic Complexities of the Middle Ordovician Antelope Valley Limestone, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nevada, Rachel Dolbier, Daniel M. Sturmer, Thomas Anderson, and Regina N. Tempel, #50237 (2010).
PS Comparison of Methodologies and Geostatistical Approaches for Diagenesis Quantification, Brigitte Doligez, Helene Beucher, Marco Pontiggia, Andrea Ortenzi, and Alessandro Mariani, #40492(2010).
AAPG 2002 Field Guide (Update 2025) to Whale Valley and Greater Fayoum Area, Egypt: a 23-Year Retrospective on AAPG's Role in Creating a UNESCO World Heritage Site, John C. Dolson and Ahmed El-Barkooky, #11390 (2025).
What Will it Take to Bring a Renaissance to Gulf of Suez Exploration: Has the Time Arrived to Try Some Unconventional Source Rock Plays?, John Dolson, #11153 (2018).
Have We Overlooked the Role of Deep Basin Hydrodynamic Flow in Flushing and Titling Hydrocarbon Contacts in the Nile Delta and Gulf of Suez?, John Dolson, #11152 (2018).
Advances and Perspectives on Stratigraphic Trap Exploration-Making the Subtle Trap Obvious, John Dolson, Zhiyong He, and Brian W. Horn, #60054 (2018).
Giant Incised Valley Fill and Shoreface Ravinement Traps, Urna, Ust-Teguss and Tyamskaya Field Areas, Southern West Siberian Basin, Russia, John Dolson, S. George Pemberton, Sergey Hafizov, Vera Bratkova, Ekaterina Volfovich, and Irina Averyanova, #10634 (2014).
The Eocene and Oligocene Paleo-Ecology and Paleo-Geography of Whale Valley and the Fayoum Basins: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Nile Delta and Eco-Tourism in the Greater Fayoum Basin, by John Dolson, Ahmed E. Barkooky, Fred Wehr, Philip Gingerich, Nina Prochazka, and Mark Shann, #10030 (2002).
Relation of Reservoir Petrophysical Properties to Horizontal Codell Production in the DJ Basin of Colorado and Wyoming, Mick Domenick, #10982 (2017).
ArcGIS Maps Depicting Topography of the Basement-Cover Contact (the Great Unconformity), and the Traces of Faults and Folds, in the Cratonic Platform of the United States, Stefanie L. Domrois, Stephen Marshak, Curtis C. Abert, and Timothy H. Larson, #30410 (2015).
The Algerian Margin: A Case Study of Interaction between Plio-Quaternary Sedimentation and Tectonics, Anne Domzig, Jacques Deverchere, Pierre Strzerzynski, Karim Yelles, Nathalie Babonneau, et al., #50240 (2010).
PS Evaluation Method for Hydrocarbon Cleaning Effect in Kerogen-Rich Gas Shale, X. Dong, J. M. Sun, C. L. Xu, and P. Y. Zhang, #42107 (2017).
Geochemical Characterization of Stratigraphic Sequences in the Horn River Shale, Middle and Upper Devonian, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, Tian Dong, Michael Kennedy, and Nicholas B. Harris, #50929 (2014).
PS Uplift History of the Bogda retrieved from the Foredeep Sequences, Northwestern China, Wei Dongtao, Zhao Yingcheng, Wei Pingsheng, Pan Jianguo, Wang Yanjun, Liu Zhenhau, Huang Linjun, Zho Junfeng, Wang Shengil, and Jia Dong, #50364 (2010).
The Gharif Formation: Improving Prospecting and Field Development Success by Understanding the Role Syndepositional Tectonism and Salt Movement Play in Focusing Sandstone Accumulations within the South Oman Salt Basin, Oman, Chris J. Donofrio and Frederic Knap, #11086 (2018).
AVStriving to Attain Formalized "Sequence Stratigraphic" Nirvana, by A.D. Donovan, #110021 (2005).
1 of 4 presentations at AAPG/SEPM Session: New Advances in Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
GC Electromagnetics Help Lower Drilling Risk, by Terry W. Donze, #40116 (2004).
PS Loading a Complex Salt Isopach: Progradation Across a Salt-Filled Rift System, Tim Dooley and Michael Hudec, #11230 (2019).
PS Shortening of Diapir Provinces: Translation, Tilting and Rotation of Minibasins in Isolated Minibasin Systems, Tim Dooley, Oliver Duffy, Michael Hudec, and Naiara Fernandez, #11229 (2019).
Discrete Fracture Network Simulation: Application of Tectonic Simulation and Conditional Global Optimization Technique, Nima Gholizadeh Doonechaly, and Sheik Rahman, #40861 (2012).
Geophysical Evaluation of the Kakapo Miocene Prospect, Taranaki Basin, Offshore New Zealand, Kathleen Dorey and Brad Hayes, #10581 (2014).
Implications of 3-D Domain Transformation for Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation, Geoffrey A. Dorn, #40765 (2011).
Inherent Autogenic Avulsion of Aggradational Submarine Channels, R. M. Dorrell, A. D. Burns, and William D. McCaffrey, #50977 (2014).
Permian Basin Seismicity: Looking Backwards, Moving Forwards, Diane Doser and Mark Baker, #11082 (2018).
Deciphering an Unconventional African Reservoir: Geological Characterization of Granitic Basement from Bongor Basin, Chad, Lirong Dou, Chandramani Shrivastava, Chuanshu Dai, Jingchun Wang, Nidra Hammond, Chioma Anakwe, Mahamad Siddick, and Boqiang Xu, #10673 (2014).
PS Tectonic Evolution of the Mardin Uplift, Southeast Turkey, Joshua P. Doubek and Weldon Beauchamp, #30168 (2011).
PS Measured Water Saturations in Mudstones: Preliminary Evidence for the Introduction of Water Through Drilling and Completion Practices, Ashley Douds, Merril Stypula, and David Blood, #42343 (2019).
PS Using Chemostratigraphy to Identify Reservoirs with Optimal Deliverability to Increase Gas Production from the Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) of the United Kingdom Southern North Sea, by Georgina Doughty, Tim Pearce, and Duncan McLean, #40213 (2006).
Marine Fine-Grained Sediment Tortuosity Derived from the Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reconstructions of Organo-Clay Fabric at the Nanometer Scale, Jessica R. Douglas, Kenneth J. Curry, Richard H. Bennett, and Andrew Head, #41146 (2013).
The Exploration Play - What Do We Mean by It?, Harry Doust, #40486 (2010).
Surprise Production from the Lansing Kansas City Formation, Cimarex Mendota Ranch Wells, Hemphill County, Texas, Wally Dow, #51221 (2016).
Natural and Artificial Cracking of Oil Source Rocks and Unconventional Reservoirs, Wallace G. Dow, #41436 (2014).
Musings on the History of Petroleum Geochemistry - From My Perch, Wallace G. Dow, #80375 (2014).
How Plant and Animal Remains Become Oil and Gas: A Geochemical Perspective, Wallace G. Dow, #40830 (2011).
PS What Do Geologists Need to Know about Metadata?, by Donald W. Downey, #40238 (2007).
Source Rock as a Reservoir: A Personal Odyssey, Marlan W. Downey, #70309 (2017).
AV Presentation by Marlan Downey, #110048 (2008)
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The Case for High Risk Exploration: Do It Right,…Or Not at All!, by Marlan W. Downey #70018 (2006).
Quick Look Determination of Oil-in-Place in Oil Shale Resource Plays, Marlan W. Downey, Julie Garvin, R. C. Lagomarsino, and David F. Nicklin, #40764 (2011).
Combining Mapped Microseismic Activity and Fracture Modeling to Estimate the Propped Dimensions of Hydraulic Fractures, Robert Downie, Joël Le Calvez, and Michael Williams, #120184 (2015).
Visualizing AVAZ Parameter Estimates and Uncertainty, Jon Downton, Dave Gray, and Torre Zuk, #41571 (2015).
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EA Seismic Anisotropy VTI Modeling and Mechanical Properties of Kerogen in Gas Shale, Anggoro S. Dradjat, Agus Djamil, and M. Firwan Aprizal, #42486 (2020).
Application of Pre-stack Seismic Anisotropy for Fracture Detection, in Oseil Field Carbonate Reservoir, Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia, Anggoro S. Dradjat, Xueyan Hu, and Ridhawulan Primasari, #20157 (2012).
Geomechanical Approach for Cores Analysis of Jurassic Manusela Carbonate Fractured Reservoir from Oseil Field, Anggoro S. Dradjat and Christian Sony Patandung, #20149 (2012).
PSLithostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic – Cretaceous Deposits and Hydrocarbon Perspective in the Romanian Shelf of the Black Sea, by Ovidiu Nicolae Dragastan, #10144 (2008).
Carbon Sequestration Challenges in Kentucky, by James A. Drahovzal, Brandon C. Nuttall, Stephen F. Greb, Thomas M. Parris, David C. Harris, and Cortland F. Eble, #80012 (2008).
Favorable Stratigraphic Conditions for Carbon Sequestration Exist in the Rocky Mountain Basins, Ronald M. Drake II and Sean T. Brennan, #80274 (2012).
Linking Stratigraphic Architecture and Petroleum System Elements of the Niobrara Formation to Oceanographic and Far-Field Tectonic Events, William R. Drake, #11354 (2021).
Assessment of the Woodford Shale Petroleum System Within a Deep Subbasin on the Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, William R. Drake, Mark W. Longman, and Andrew Moses, #11105 (2018).
Evolution of the Southwestern Midcontinent Basin During the Middle Pennsylvanian: Evidence From Sequence Stratigraphy, Core and XRF in Southeastern Colorado, William R. Drake, Caleb J. Pollock, Bo Henk, Justin B. Anderson, and Kristopher M. Clemons, #10753 (2015).
A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Niobrara Formation in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, William R. Drake and Sarah J. Hawkins, #50757 (2012).
Kinetics of the Opal-A to Opal-CT Phase Transition in Low- and High-TOC Siliceous Shale Source Rocks, Danica Dralus, Michael D. Lewan, and Kenneth Peters, #41708 (2015).
Kinetics of the Opal-CT to Quartz Phase Transition Control Diagenetic Traps in Siliceous Shale Source Rock from the San Joaquin Basin and Hokkaido, Danica Dralus, Kenneth E. Peters, Mike D. Lewan, Oliver Schenk, Michael Herron, and Kunihiro Tsuchida, #40771 (2011).
AV Fracture Imaging Pilot Designed to Compare Various Microseismic Monitoring Techniques, by Didier Drapeau, Francis Cerda, Laszio Maurel*, Pablo Ferguson, Raul Sanchez, Christophe Maisons, Emmanuel Auger, Regis Agut, and Philippe Matheron, #110091 (2009)
4 of 8 presentations from Session, "Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Recent Site Characterization Studies Being Investigated by the Department of Energy (DOE)/National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for Potential Geologic Storage of CO2, Brian Dressel, #80496 (2015).
PS Second Bone Spring Borehole Image Derived Depositional Facies Characterization: Case Study from the Delaware Basin, West Texas, Brian Driskill, Tyler Croft, Valentina Vallega, Elia Haddad, and Sourav Das, #51507 (2018).
PS New Albany Shale Maps in the Illinois Basin, Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz, Joan Crockett, and Brandon C. Nuttall, #10794 (2015).
PS Redefining the STACK Play from Subsurface to Commercialization: Identifying Stacked Pay Sweet Spots in the Northern Anadarko Basin, Lauren Droege and Harvey Vick, #11104 (2018).
Late Quaternary Shelf Edge and Upper Slope Deposition in Low Latitude Mixed Siliciclastic/Carbonate Systems: Lessons from the Gulf of Papua, and the Western Texas Shelf, André W. Droxler, Stephan J. Jorry, Jason Francis, Brooke Carson, Gianni Mallarino, Andrei Belopolsky, and Elmer Ferro, #50629 (2012).
Sea Level Induced Carbonate/Siliciclastic Switch Along the Gulf of Papua Shelf Edge: Last Glacial Cycle (150 ky) and Plio-Pleistocene (3.5 My) Records, Andre W. Droxler, Jason Francis, Stephan Jorry, Gianni Mallarino, Evgueni Tcherepanov, and Brooke Carson, #50293 (2010).
Adventures in Programmed Pyrolysis, Richard Drozd, Jarrod Dall, and Stephen Palmer, #80659 (2018).
Mystery in the Mushwad: The Origin of Gas in the Big Canoe Creek Field, Saint Clair County, Alabama, USA, Richard Drozd, #20344 (2016).
3D Seismic on Surmont – Improving Resources and Risks Assessment, by Denis Druesne, Richard Shang, and Bryan Vandal, #40280 (2008).
PS Oil and Gas Resources, Kopanoar Play, Beaufort Sea, K.J. Drummond, #10365 (2011).
Canada’s Discovered Oil and Gas Resources North of 60, by Kenneth J. Drummond, #10102 (2006).
Improving Petroleum System Analysis with Better Understanding of Seismic Input Uncertainties, Ling Duan, Jianchang Liu, and Richard Eisenberg, #41235 (2013).
PS Comparison of Clustering Techniques to Define Chemofacies in Mississippian Rocks
in The STACK Play, Oklahoma, David Duarte, Rafael Pires de Lima, Roger Slatt, and Kurt Marfurt, #42523 (2020).
PS Development of an Analytical Method Based on Two Failure Criteria to Study Slip Risk
Related to Fluid Injection: Case Study North-Central Oklahoma, U.S.A., David E. Duarte, Leily Candela-Becerra, and Roger M. Slatt, #42522 (2020).
PS Integrated High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy and Sedimentological Analysis of Meramec/Sycamore Unconventional Reservoir in the Merge Area, SCOOP & STACK Plays, OK, David Duarte and Roger Slatt, #80616 (2017).
Coupling Basin Modeling and Lithospheric Modeling for Exploring Rift Basins, Matthieu Dubille, Marie Callies, and Matthieu Gravito, #70402 (2020).
Tectonic Influences on Petroleum Migration and Speleogenesis in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas, Harvey R. DuChene, #120139 (2013).
Source Rock Kinetics: Goal and Perspectives, Mathieu Ducros, #41822 (2016).
2-D Basin Modeling of the WCSB across the Montney-Doig System: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways and Unconventional Resources Potential, Mathieu Ducros, Tristan Euzen, Roland Vially, and William Sassi, #41526 (2015).
Full Integration of Biodegradation Processes in Petroleum System Modeling, Mathieu Ducros, Sylvie Wolf, Bernard Carpentier, and Marie-Christine Cacas, #120126 (2013).
PS3D Geometry and Evolution of Shale Diapirs in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin, by Leonardo Duerto and Ken McClay, #10026 (2002).
Integrated Static-Dynamic Reservoir Modeling for a Deep-Water West African Reservoir Utilizing an Efficient Decision Tree-Based Workflow, Amelie Dufournet, Monica Miley, Jose Villa, Jeff Pan, and Mark Bentley, #42282 (2018).
Constraining the Dynamic Properties of Faults in Compartmentalized Oligocene Mid-Slope Turbidite Channels, Amelie Dufournet, Christophe Nogaret, Nick Lagrilliere, Thomas Hauge, David Lewis, Paula Wigley, and Rasmus Lang, #51316 (2016).
PS Lessons Learned From Recent CCS Well Construction Projects, A. Duguid, Jim Kirksey, George Koperna, and David E. Riestenberg, #80656 (2018).
The Curious Case of Hydrocarbon-Expulsion Fractures: Genesis and Impact on the Bakken Shales, Mohammed Duhailan and Steve Sonnenberg, #80398 (2014).
Cardium Formation Hydraulic "Frac" Microseismic: Observations and Conclusions, John L.J. Duhault, #41339 (2014).
Grain Size Geostatistics Enhance Reservoir Characterisation, Robert Duller, Ricki Walker, and Barrie Wells, #50956 (2014).
Case Study of a Cadomin Gas Reservoir (Leland) in the Deep Basin: From Deterministic Inversion to Neural Network Analysis, Carmen Dumitrescu and Fred Mayer, #10732 (2015).
Vp/Vs Ratio of a Heavy Oil Reservoir from Canada, Carmen Dumitrescu and Larry Lines, #41598 (2015).
Application of Multicomponent Data in Lithology and Fluid Discrimination, Carmen C. Dumitrescu and Larry Lines, #41542 (2015).
GC Passive Seismic: Something Old, Something New, by Peter M. Duncan, #40154 (2005).
Statistical Characterization of Non-Matrix Porosity and Permeability in a Devonian Dolostone Reservoir from Alberta Canada, John Dunham, #51591 (2019).
PS Paleogeography, Burial History, Porosity Development, and 35 Years of Production History from the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation at Slave Field, Near the Peace River Arch, Alberta, John B. Dunham and Nigel Watts, #51323 (2016).
The Importance of Pipelines in Water Management for Onshore Unconventional Development, Michael Dunkel, #42406 (2019).
Potential Causal Mechanisms for MTC Generation from the Northwest African Shelf, Dallas D. Dunlap, Lorena G. Moscardelli, Matthew Hornbach, and Lesli Wood, #50216 (2009).
Mass Transport Deposits in Offshore Morocco, Safi Haute Mer Area, by Dallas Dunlap, Lesli Wood, and Lorena Moscardelli, #50089 (2008).
Technology and Disruptive Technology Influences on Geoscience Application Development with an Aim to Improve 3D Spatial Cognition, Colin Dunlop, J. Ryan Shackleton, Roddy Muir, Alan Gibbs, and Gareth Johnson, #120149 (2014).
Fifty Shades of Grey: Utilizing “Conventional” Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy to Unlock Rock Quality to Reservoir Quality Relationships in the Liquids Rich Duvernay Shale Play, Kaybob Alberta Canada, Lindsay Dunn, Keith Gordon, and Marc Houle, #10702 (2015).
The Duvernay Formation (Devonian): Sedimentology and Reservoir Characterization of a Shale Gas/Liquids Play in Alberta, Canada, L. Dunn, G. Schmidt, K. Hammermaster, M. Brown, R. Bernard, E. Wen, R. Befus and S. Gardiner, #10590 (2014).
Hierarchical, Self-Affine Fluvial Sand Body Shapes from Ancient and Modern Settings, by Paul A. Dunn, J.C. Van Wagoner, and M. Deffenbaugh, #40083 (2003).
Improving Subduction Zone Hazards Assessments Using the Coastal Stratigraphic Record, Tina Dura, #51607 (2019).
Key Subsurface Data Integration in Legacy Oil Fields, Northern Shelf, Permian Basin, Diana Duran, David Smith, Mike White, and Duong Nguyen, #11231 (2019).
Petroleum Potential of the Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene Sediments of the Reinga, Northland and Deepwater Taranaki Basins, Pedro Martinez Duran, Robert Gater, Kevin Chesser, Thomas Coates-Harman, Bleddyn Davies, Jim Fenton, Jarrad Grahame, Annemone Haager, Cesar Marin, Gabor Vakarcs, and Peter Baillie, #10820 (2015).
Insights into the Regional Evolution of the Outer Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Niger Delta, from Combining New Techniques in 3-D Sequential Geomechanical Restoration with Decompaction, Pauline Durand-Riard and John H. Shaw, #41026 (2012).
Balanced Restoration of Geological Volumes with Relaxed Meshing Constraints, Pauline Durand-Riard, Guillaume Caumon, Lise Salles and Thomas Viard, #40465 (2009).
PS Fluid Histories of Middle Ordovician Fault-Fracture Dolomite Oil Fields of the Southern Michigan Basin, Regina F. Dunseith, Jay M. Gregg, and G. M. Grammer, #20437 (2018).
Palynological Controls on Biostratigraphy of Barmer Basin, India, Sandipan Dutta, Premanand Mishra, and Vachaspati Kothari, #11084 (2018).
How Sedimentological Variations in Carbonate-Cemented Sandstones Affect Seismic Impedance, by Tanima Dutta, Tapan Mukerji, and Gary Mavko, #50130 (2008).
Do the Seismic Velocities Depend from Time-Temperature Index? by Tanima Dutta, Tapan Mukerji, Gary Mavko, and Kenneth Peters, #40348 (2008).
Once Upon a Time… In the Colombian Foothills: Discovery of the Cusiana and Cupiagua Fields, Bernard C. Duval, #20309 (2014).
Creative Thinking Led to 40 Years of Success in Mahakam, Indonesia, Bernard Duval, #20185 (2012).
Integrated Reservoir Characterization from Core to Geomodel: Example of a Cretaceous Mixed Clastic/Carbonate Oil Field, West Africa, Christine Duval, Cedric Mabille, Aurelien Virgone, Michel Rebelle, and Paul Vernay, #40834 (2011).
A New Standard Facies Belt and Biofacies Approach Based on Acropora Coral in Ujunggenteng Area, West Java Province, Indonesia, Wahyu Dwijo Santoso, Yahdi Zaim, and Yan Rizal, #51371 (2021).
Economic Significance of Fluvial Sandstones within the Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, by Kuwanna Dyer and James Perkins, #10110 (2006).
PS Chemostratigraphy, Geochemistry, and Petrography of the Anna Shale and Pyrite Suns of the Illinois Basin, Jacob R. Dyson, #51486 (2018).
EA Sedimentary Environments of the Oligocene Krosno Beds: A New Interpretation in the Polish Outer Carpathians, Piotr S. Dziadzio, Roger Higgs, and Arkadiusz Drozd, #11350 (2020).
Ea-El Em-Ez
Getting More From Gravity & Magnetics: Examples From Mexico, Ray Earley, Ted Lautzenhiser, and Glenn Felderhoff, #30569 (2018).
Subsurface Geologic Characterization of Johnson County, Texas, in Support of Induced Seismicity Modeling, H. S. Eastman and T. Murin, #80602 (2017).
PS Petrography of the Marcellus Shale in Well WV6, Monongalia County, West Virginia, Harvey Eastman, #50811 (2013).
The Precambrian Basement of Eastern Ontario: Insights from a New Aeromagnetic Survey, R. Michael Easton, S. J. Magnus, and D. R. B. Rainsford, #30380 (2014).
PSThe Use of Multi-Level Potential Field Data in Regional, Geophysical Modeling, Jörg Ebbing, Reynir Fjalar Reynisson, Jan Reidar Skilbrei, and Odleiv Olesen, #40426 (2009) (2.2 mb).
Uncertainties of Extracting Amplitude and Frequency of Orbitally Driven Sea-Level Fluctuations from Shallow-Water Carbonate Cycles, Gregor P. Eberli, #50897 (2013).
Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Lessons Learned from Great Bahama Bank, by Gregor P. Eberli, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, G. Michael Grammer, #50084 (2008)
Implication of Unfilled Accommodation Space in Carbonate Depositional Systems for Cyclo-Stratigraphy, by Gregor P. Eberli, Paul M. Harris, and G. Michael Grammer, #50078 (2008)
A Revised Stratigraphic Architecture and History for the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Southern Alberta Plains, David A. Eberth, #10294 (2011).
Organic Matter and Thermomaturation Trends in the Ohio and Sunbury Shales, Eastern Kentucky, Central Appalachian Basin, Cortland F. Eble, Paul C. Hackley, Stephen F. Greb, and Thomas M. Parris, #51433 (2017).
Geoelectric Soundings and Hydrochemical Investigations for Groundwater Potential West of the Nile River, Assiut, Egypt, M. O. Ebraheem, H. A. Ibrahim, and M. F. Khalil, #80571 (2016).
Mechanical Properties of Mississippian Rocks, Pouyan Ebrahimi, Priyank Jaiswai, Sandip Harimakar, and James Puckett, #41239 (2013).
PS Carbonate Heterogeneity Based on Lithofacies and Petrography of the Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone in Pineview Field, Northern Utah Thrust Belt, David E. Eby, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Douglas A. Sprinkel, #20087 (2010).
PSA Tale of Two Breccia Types in the Mississippian Leadville Limestone, Lisbon and Other Fields, Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah, David E. Eby, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., Douglas A. Sprinkel, and Michael D. Laine, #30107 (2009).
Coalbed Methane: Louisiana's Underexploited Energy Resource, by John B. Echols, #10011 (2000).
Little Creek Structure, T9N-R2E, La Salle Parish, Louisiana, by John B. Echols and Richard P. McCulloh, #50001 (2000).
Sedimentology, Diagenesis, and Lithostratigraphy of the Desmoinesian Upper Fort Scott, Labette Shale, and Lower Pawnee Limestone Formations (Marmaton Group) in Eastern Colorado, Andrew Eck and S. J. Mazzullo, #30298 (2013).
Applying 3D Seismic to Underexplored Areas in the Uinta Basin, by Marc Eckels, David Suek, Viola Rawn-Schatzinger, Virginia Weyland, and Paul Harrison, #10097 (2006).
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Approach for the Identification and Mapping of Upper Devonian Siltstones in Northern West Virginia, Appalachian Basin, Craig Eckert, Eric G. Ober, and Scott McCallum, #30282 (2013).
Water for Oil & Gas Production: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Gabriel Eckstein, #70141 (2013).
Depth of Burial for Lithification and Diagenesis of Muds and Sands on Early Mars, Kenneth S. Edgett, Juergen Schieber, John P. Grotzinger, Kirsten L. Siebach, Kathryn M. Stack, Lauren A. Edgar, Patrick J. Gasda, Jens Frydenvang, Sanjeev Gupta, Rachel E. Kronyak, and Linda C. Kah, #51345 (2017).
Meander Belt Entrapment of Hydrocarbons, Campbell-Namao Field, Alberta, by Ralph W. Edie and John M. Andrichuk, #20029 (2005).
PS Loss of Organic Carbon from Source Rocks During Thermal Maturation: Past, Present, and Future, Janell D. Edman, #42450 (2021).
Groundbreakers: Re-Living Some Great Moments in Petroleum Geoscience, Henry Edmundson, #70307 (2017).
Reducing Risk by Inclusion of Robust Subsurface Analysis for Plugging and Abandonment Campaigns, Alexander Edwards, Sam Green, and Jakob Heller, #42304 (2018).
Quantifying the Uncertainty of Elastic Facies Classification, Keith Edwards, Muneera F. Al-Awadhi, and Abdelrahman Abdeltwab, #51482 (2018).
A Geochemical Overview of Some Gippsland Basin Hydrocarbon Accumulations, Dianne S. Edwards, Manzur Ahmed, Tom Bernecker, Christopher J. Boreham, Se Gong, Louise Goldie-Divko, John Gorter, Lisa Hall, Robert P. Langford, Cameron Mitchell, and Herbert Volk, #10840 (2016).
PS Encased Secondary Minibasins: an Emerging Play in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Ursula Edwards, Vernon Moore, and Ugojoh Odumah, #30359 (2014).
The case for the Regressive Systems Tract with Examples from the Tertiary and Pleistocene of the Northern Gulf Coast Basin, by Marc B. Edwards, #40063 (2002).
Origin and significance of Retrograde Failed Shelf Margins: Tertiary Northern Gulf Coast Basin, Marc B. Edwards, #40021 (2001).
PS Evidence for Along Strike Variation in Structural Style, Geometry and Its Possible Causes: A Case Study Along the UK Flank of the Faeroe-Shetland Basin (North Atlantic Margin), Sylvester I. Egbeni, Ken McClay, Clive Johns, Duncan Bruce, Chris Elders, and Geraldine Vey, #30178 (2011).
Ichnofacies and Reservoir Properties of Shoreline Deposit in the Coastal Swamp Depobelt of the Niger Delta, O.C. Egbu, G.C. Obi, C.O. Okogbue, and A.W. Mode, #40412 (2009).
The Ordovician Tøyen Shale, and its Eight Steps through Diagenesis - An Overview, Sven O. Egenhoff and Neil S. Fishman, #51358 (2017).
An Overlooked Devonian Sequence – Sea-Level Changes During Middle Bakken Member Deposition, and the Importance of Clastic Dykes in the Lower Bakken Shale, North Dakota, USA, Sven Egenhoff, #51272 (2016).
Event Deposition in Shales – Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, USA, and Bjørkåsholmen Formation, Sweden, Sven Egenhoff, Neil Fishman, Per Ahlberg, Joerg Maletz, and Stanley T. Paxton, #51271 (2016).
Microbial Mats as Indicators of Condensation in Black Shales - Examples from the Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of the Mid-Continent USA, Sven Egenhoff, Thomas Algeo, Achim Herrmann, Neil Fishman, and Ron Hill, #51012 (2014).
Microbial Mats as an Indicator for Pauses during ‘Shale' Deposition - Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic), Offshore UK, Sven Egenhoff, Neil Fishman, and Ron Hill, #50872 (2013).
PS High Life on the Seafloor during an Ocean Anoxic Event - the Sedimentology of SPICE (Middle to Late Cambrian Alum Shale, Sweden), Sven Egenhoff, Neil Fishman, Allison Jackson, Ketki Kolte, James Mackie, Warren Newby, Matthew J. Petrowsky, and Per Ahlberg, #50615 (2012).
Climate Control on Reservoir Distribution in the Upper Devonian Three Forks Formation, North Dakota and Montana, Sven Egenhoff, Ali Jaffri, and Patrick Medlock, #50410 (2011).
Unconventionally Conventional - Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian - Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation Reservoir, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Sven Egenhoff, Aaron van Dolah, and Ali Jaffri, #10257 (2010).
A Tight Carbonate Reservoir in the Mississippian Pekisko Formation: The Role of Pervasive Microvuggy Porosity, Lauren Eggie, Nancy Chow, and John Miller, #10865 (2016).
Defining Aquifer Architecture Using Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Los Angeles Basin, California: a Foundation for Future Assessment and Management of Groundwater Resources, Kenneth D. Ehman and Brian D. Edwards, #80599 (2017).
Geology and Drilling Results from Two of the Most Recently Discovered Oil and Gas Fields in Nevada, Noble's Humboldt and Huntington Oil and Gas Fields in Elko County, Nevada, William J. Ehni, #20384 (2017).
PS Stylolites and Porosity in a Lower Cretaceous Limestone Reservoir, Onshore Abu Dhabi, Stephen N. Ehrenberg, Liu Yaxin, and Sadoon Morad, #51248 (2016).
Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Khuff Reservoir Characteristics in the South Pars Gasfield, Offshore Iran, S. N. Ehrenberg, #20170 (2012).
From Wildcatters to Wall Street: The Role of Independents and Small Operators in Today's Oil Patch, by Monika Ehrman, #70036 (2007).
Incorporating Simple Erosion into Structural Forward Models: Reconstructing Burial Histories from Angular Unconformities in Growth Strata, Nathan Eichelberger, Alan Nunns, Ian McGregor, Stephen Ball, Daniel Claroni, Nick Perez, Dengfa He, and Rui Liu, #42365 (2019).
The Fault Trajectory Method: Estimating the Location and Dip of Controlling Faults Below Forced Folds, Nathan Eichelberger, Alan Nunns, Richard Groshong, and Ismael Yarbuh, #41998 (2017).
Visualizing Anisotropy in Seismic Facies Using Stratigraphically Constrained, Multi-Directional Texture Attribute Analysis, Christoph Georg Eichkitz, Paul de Groot, and Friso Brouwer, #120163 (2014).
PS Compaction and Quartz Cementation Modeling for Reservoir Quality Prediction in Sub-Salt Reservoirs of the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, David Eickhoff and Nathan Blythe, #50348 (2010).
Source-to-Sink Study of the SW Barents Sea Margin: Using Ancient Catchments to Constrain Reservoir-Quality Sandstone, Christian Haug Eide, Tore Klausen, Denis Katkov, Anna Suslova, and William Helland-Hansen, #30544 (2018).
PS Structural and Stratigraphic Factors Influencing Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the Bakken Petroleum System in the Elm Coulee Field, Williston Basin, Montana, H. Eidsnes and S. Sonnenberg, #20214 (2013).
Application of Chemostratigraphy and Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Differentiating Bounding Stratigraphic Surfaces, R.A. Eisenberg and R.M. Harris, #60042 (2009) (9.4 MB).
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The Relationship between Deepwater Deposition and an Active Accretionary Wedge, Ultra Deepwater Trinidad, by Pablo N. Eisner, Mo Etemadi, Laszlo Benkovics, Luis Anzulovich, Dewi Jones, and Jean Gerard, #50137 (2008) (11.7 MB).
Future of Microseismic Analysis: Integration of Monitoring and Reservoir Simulation, Leo Eisner, Vladimir Grechka, and Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, #40784 (2011).
Using Deep Learning and Distributed Machine Learning Algorithms to Forecast Missing Well Log Data, Chijioke Ejimuda and Emenike Ejimuda, #42234 (2018).
Outcrop Study of Secondary Porosity in the Mid-Ordovician Trenton Dolomite of Northern Illinois and Its Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Development, by Dean W. Ekberg, #50100 (2008).
Modeling of Intra-Channel Belt Depositional Architecture in Fluvial Reservoir Analogs from the Lourinha Formation, Portugal, Anneli Ekeland, Nina Pedersen, John Howell, Wojtek Nemec, Kevin Keogh and Ingunn Viste, #50146 (2008).
Hierarchical 3D Facies Model Capturing Conceptual Geology of Fluvial-Deltaic Environment in Zawtika Gas Field, Offshore Myanmar, Peerapong Ekkawong, Sureena Matha, Rangsan Bhengbhun, and Ellya Saudale, #20350 (2016).
Rare Earth Elements in Coal Deposits — a Prospectivity Analysis, J.M. Ekmann, #80270 (2012).
Fluid and Lithology Discrimination Using Rock Physics Modelling And Lambdamurho Inversion: An Example from Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria, A.C. Ekwe, K.M. Onuoha, and N. Osayande, #40865 (2012).
New Developments in Hydrocarbon Exploration Opportunities in Ghanaian Offshore Environment, Paul Ekwutoziam, #30257 (2012).
PS 3-D Seismic Effective Integration Role in the Development of a Giant Offshore Field in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Raed El-Awawdeh, Haitham Al Junaibi, Jie Zhang, Kenneth Brantferger, and Gary S. Kompanik, #40900 (2012).
Increasing Reserves Through the Characterization and 3D Static Model of Thin Beds in a Middle Burgan Reservoir, Raudhtain Field, North Kuwait, Sabry Abd El-Aziz, Mariam Taqi, Saleh Al-Rashdan, and Saleh Al-Rasheedi, #20330 (2015).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Miocene Moghra Formation in the Qattara Depression, Northwestern Desert, Egypt, Ahmed El- Barkooky, Mohamed Hamdan, Safiya M. Hassan, Nicholas Christie-Blick, Steven Goldstein, and Yue Cai, #50201 (2009) (0.5mb); complete presentation (5.8mb).
Conduits Characterization for Fractured Reservoirs Using Sub-Seismic Faults Convergence Intensities Mapping, Adel A. El Fouly, #41129 (2013).
Optimizing Oil Development of a Super K Compartmentalized Reservoir with Large Gas Cap and Bottom Water Aquifer "Case Study", Ashraf El Gazar, Saleh A. Bin Sumaidaa, Mohamad Yousef Alklih, Syofvas Syofyan, and Tariq Ali Al Shabibi, #20359 (2016).
PS DFN Modeling Approach and Development Strategies of Fractured Reservoirs in Minagish Field, Kuwait, Taher El-Gezeery, Khalaf Al-Anezi, Ahmed Hamim, Kumar Sanjay, Thierry Le Maux, Ghislain De Joussineau, Adel Ebaid Senior, and Hiba Abyan, #40896 (2012).
The Sarir (Nubian) Sandstone Sequence in Sirt Basin and its Correlatives: Interplay of Rift Tectonics and Eustasy, Ahmed S. El-Hawat, #30517 (2017).
PS Polygonal Faults Implication on Carbonate Reservoir Characterization, Case Study: Abu El-Gharadig Basin, Egypt, Munir El-Mahdy, Elhamy Tarabees, Ali Bakr, and Ali Farag, #11113 (2018).
Forecasting Productivity of a Hydraulically Fractured Well using a Detailed Mapping of its Proppant Conductivity Distribution, Wadood El-Rabaa and Nazia Siddiqui, #120185 (2015).
PS From Conceptual Model to Static Model: A Novel Approach Integrating Seismic and Well Data Replicating Geological Concept into the Modelling Realm in a Basin Floor Fan System, Block 9, Offshore South Africa, Omar El Saadi and Mduduzi M. Mmema, #42354 (2019).
PS Invasion and Reservoir Damage in Tight Reservoirs: Options of Avoiding and Stimulation Based on Damage Mechanisms, Wael El Sherbeny, Robert Kennedy, Jean F. Aly Madkour, Johannes Vossen, William Bryant, Haq Minhas, and Ali E. Farag, #42252 (2018).
Oil and Gas Fields Around Mount Diablo, Tim Elam and Scott Hector, #20433 (2018).
AV First Gas after 40 Years – The Geophysical Challenges of the Saturn Gas Complex, by S.D. Elam, #110044 (2007).
6 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~4.3 mb).
New Insights in the Evaluation of Reserves of Selected Wells of the Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa, Samir Elamri and Mimonitu Opuwari, #10914 (2017).
The Past, Present and Future of Niobrara/Mancos B Horizontal Development in the Piceance Basin, Jason Eleson, #42500 (2020).
Regional Setting of the Late Jurassic Deep Panuke Field, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada – Cuttings Based Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Facies Associations - Abenaki Formation Carbonate Margin, Leslie Eliuk, #10259 (2010).
Large Scale Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Clinoform Systems: Three types from the Mesozoic North American Atlantic Offshore, Leslie Eliuk and Grant D. Wach, #30132 (2010).
PS Combining Sequence Stratigraphy with Artificial Neural Networks to Enhance Regional Correlation and Determination of Reservoir Quality in the "Mississippian Limestone" of the Mid-Continent, USA, Elizabeth Elium, G. Michael Grammer, and Matthew Pranter, #42091 (2017).
Stratigraphic Architecture of Isolated Carbonate Platforms: A Case Study from the Mid-Cretaceous El Doctor Platform, Central Mexico, Abdulah Eljalafi, #30626 (2019).
PS Lacustrine Microbialite Architectural and Chemostratigraphic Trends: Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Colorado and Utah, Abdulah Eljalafi and J. Frederick Sarg, #51522 (2018).
Innovations in Borehole Microresistivity Image Data Analysis, Peter A. Elkington, Said Assous, James A. Whetton, and David Hu, #41488 (2014).
Alamo Schist North of Alamo Lake, Arizona, William J. Elliott and Joseph L. Corones, #51521 (2018).
U-Pb Age of Continental Red Beds North of Alamo Lake, Arizona, William J. Elliott and Joseph L. Corones, #51517 (2018).
Water Washing: A Major Hydrocarbon Alteration Process. Part 2 - Processes, Controls and Hydrocarbon Type Prediction, Lindsay G. Elliott, #41750 (2015).
Using Biodegradation to Date Hydrocarbon Entry Into Reservoirs: Examples From the Cooper/Eromanga Basin, Australia, Lindsay G. Elliott, #41749 (2015).
Evaluating, Classifying and Disclosing Unconventional Resources, David C. Elliott, #70090 (2011).
PS The North Rankin Gas Field, Carnarvon Basin, Australia—Late Authigenic Pyrite Evidence of Early Oil Entrapment and Oil-Charged Fluid Flow, Grant K. Ellis, #20337 (2016).
Late Authigenic Pyrite – An Indicator of Oil Migration and Entrapment in the Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea, Australia, Grant Ellis, #10655 (2014).
The Challenges of Developing and Implementing a Groundwater Monitoring Plan to Comply With SB-4, M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, Ashley Bylow, Joshua Meyer, and Cara Costamagna, #80448 (2015).
Getting in the Game – Real-time Visualization of Data from Earth, the Solar System and Beyond, Douglas J Ellison, #120164 (2014).
Haïti - Integrated Evaluation of Earthquake Dynamics from the Past to the Future, Nadine Ellouz-Zimmermann, Sylvie Leroy, Bernard Mercier de Lepinay, and Roberte Momplaisir, #30289 (2013).
PS Application of Structural Seismic Attributes for "Polygonal Faults" Interpretation in Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir, Munir Elmahdy, Mohamed Fagelnour, Ibrahim Hamza, and Ali Gharieb, #42467 (2019).
Paragenesis of Mineralized Fractures in Organic Rich Shales, Richard D. Elmore, Shannon A. Dulin, Earl B. Manning, Alex K. Steullet, Alex Benton, Devin Dennie, Jennifer Roberts, Gerhard Heij, and John Deng, #51178 (2015).
Integrated Diagenetic and Paleomagnetic Study of the Mississippian Limestone, North Central Oklahoma, Richard D. Elmore, Justin Haynes, Sarah Farzaneh, and Simon Anzaldua, #51163 (2015).
Assessment of the Geothermal Resource in the Tomichi Dome Area, Colorado, Alfred M. Elser, Amber L. Robbins, and Dean P. Stilwell, #80103 (2010).
Effect of Back Pressure on Gel Pack Permeability during Conformance Control Treatment, Mahmoud Elsharifi, #41625 (2015).
Facies Analysis and Permeability Estimation in Late Cretaceous Giant Carbonate Reservoir using LWD Technology: A Case Study in Sabriyah Field, North Kuwait, Ahmed Elsherif, Kais Gzara, Hossam Ibrahim, and J. Krafft, #41842 (2016).
Innovation in Horizontal Wells Petrophysical Evaluation, A Case Study from Kuwait, A. I. Elsherif, W. Bryant, A. Al Mershed, H. Al-Zuabi, K. Al-Failakawi, and S. Nair, #41300 (2014).
Em-Ez Back to E
Late Early and Middle Jurassic Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional History, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada, Ashton Embry, #30188 (2011).
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Mixed, Reefal Carbonate and Siliciclastic Systems, Ashton Embry, #30128 (2010).
Oil Prospectivity of the Triassic-Jurassic Succession of Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Ashton Embry, #30127 (2010).
Lower Triassic Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada, Ashton Embry, #30105 (2009).
AVParasequences in Third Generation (3G) Sequence Stratigraphy, by Ashton Embry, #110022 (2005).
2 of 4 presentations at AAPG/SEPM Session: New Advances in Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Paleo-Ballantyne Strait of the Sverdrup Basin - Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Gateway to Alaska, Ashton Embry and Tom Brent, #50369 (2010).
The Major Depositional and Tectonic Changes Across the Near-Base Rhaetian (latest Triassic) Sequence Boundary in the Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada, Ashton Embry and Erik P. Johannessen, #30187 (2011).
Geophysical Characterization of the Canol and Bluefish Oil Shales, Central Mackenzie Valley, NWT, Canada,
Michael E. Enachescu, Fred Kierulf, Paul Price, Murray Cooper, and Allan Châtenay, #51047 (2014).
Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Characteristics of the Devonian Oil Shales in Central Mackenzie Valley, NWT, Canada, Michael E. Enachescu, Paul R. Price, John R. Hogg, Fred Kierulf, Murray F. J. Cooper, and A. C. Springer, #10559 (2013).
Hopedale Basin Exploration Potential, East Coast Atlantic Canada, by Michael E. Enachescu, Michelle Martin, Jordan Stead, Jeremy Hall, Andrew Carroll, and Paul Einarsson, #10170 (2008) (20.5 MB).
PS Predicting Fracability in Shale Reservoirs, Milton Enderlin, Helge Alsleben, and John A. Breyer, #40783 (2011).
The Three Elements of Structural Geology, Terry Engelder, #41849 (2017). (132 MB - Downloading recommended.)
The Marcellus: An Analogue for the World's Gas Shale Plays?, Terry Engelder, #80422 (2014).
Intraformational Slip Surfaces in the Marcellus and Overlying Hamilton Group, Terry Engelder and Murat Aydin, #80241 (2012).
Mapping Active Faults in the Houston Area using LIDAR Data, by R. Engelkemeir, #50034 (2006).
Source-Rock Evaluation. Best Tactics for Finding the Sweet Spots within Unconventional and Conventional Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, David Entzminger and Mohamed K Zobaa, #42569 (2021).
Waterflooding the Parks (Caddo) Field, Stephens County, Texas, David J. Entzminger, Lyn Canter, Mark Sonnenfeld, and Steve Gardner, #20127 (2012).
Expression of Low- to Intermediate-Frequency Cyclicity in Siliciclastic Intervals of the Paradox Formation, Paradox Basin, Utah, Jennifer Eoff, Katherine Whidden, Russell Dubiel, Sarah Hawkins, Kristen Marra, Ofori Pearson, and Janet Pitman, #50777 (2013).
Israel – Petroleum Geology and Prospective Provinces, Lev Eppelbaum, Youri Katz, and Zvi Ben-Avraham, #10533 (2013).
Coal-fired Power Plants in the U.S.—Examining the Costs of Retrofitting with CO2 Capture Technology, Jeffrey Eppink, #80102 (2010).
EA Ultra-Deep Sub-Salt Hydrocarbon Exploration Targets: Dead Sea Rift Zone - Implications from Ultra-Deep U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Anadarko, Permian, and Tarim (China) Basins Successes, Samuel A. Epstein, Elizabeth Chinn McDade, Allan Spector, and Howard R. Feldman, #11260 (2019).
Lateral Variation of Siliceous Sedimentary Lithofacies in the Upper Monterey Formation, South Belridge-Lost Hills Fields, Kern County, California,
Hannah Erbele and Richard Behl, #51103 (2015).
Statistical Approach to Interpreting Clear Fork Zones for Perforation in Old Wells, Sharon Ridge Field, Texas, Richard Erdlac, Jr., #20395 (2017).
Texas Geothermal Energy: A New Profit Commodity for the Oil and Gas Industry, by Richard J. Erdlac, #80001 (2006).
Exploration for Cretaceous Deep-Water Reservoirs in the Circum-Caribbean Region: Historical Review and Expectations for the Future, Robert Erlich and Francis Inniss, #30353 (2014).
Carboniferous U-Pb-Calibrated Cyclostratigraphy and Relative Sea Level History: Donets Basin, Ukraine, James M. Eros, Isabel Montanez, and David A. Osleger, #50335 (2010).
PS Characterization of Fluids and Their Products in a Recent, Fault-Related Hydrothermal System, Case Study from the Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary, Anita Eröss, Judit Madl-Szönyi, and Anita Csoma, #50535 (2012).
Role of Karstic and Basinal Fluids in Porosity Evolution in the Buda Hills, Hungary, Anita Eröss, Zsófia Poros, Judit Madl-Szönyi, Andrea Mindszenty, Ferenc Molnár, Paola Ronchi, and Anita Csoma, #50535 (2012).
Integrated Fracture Analysis: An Important Tool for Deciphering Complex Fracture Patterns, Eric Erslev, #40456 (2009).
Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges and Perspectives in Mexico, J. Antonio Escalera Alcocer, #10539 (2013).
Regional Tectonics, Stratigraphy, Reservoir Characterization and Petroleum Systems in an Eocene Foreland Basin, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, by Alejandro Escalona and Paul Mann, #10078 (2005).
Paleogene Depocenter along the Northeast Margin of the Maracaibo Basin: Structure along an Exhumed, Eocene Age Lateral Ramp Fault in the Maracaibo Basin, Western Venezuela, by Alejandro Escalona and Paul Mann, #30018 (2003).
Hydrocarbon Exploration Plays in the Great Caribbean Region and Neighboring Provinces, by Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann, and Lisa Bingham, #10147 (2008)
PS The Tertiary Geological Record of the Bureba Area, Western Ebro Basin, Spain, Jose I. Escavy and Maria J. Herrero, #50536 (2012).
Early Grain-Coat Formation in Chaco Dune Field, New Mexico: Insight into Formation Mechanisms, Distribution, and Implications for Predictive Modeling to Assist in Deep Play Identification, by W. L. Esch, J. M. Ajdukiewicz and A. C. Reynolds, #50135 (2008).
Application of Elastic Parameters in the Basin Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs, J. A. España-Pinto, R. Nicolás-López, O. Valdiviezo-Mijangos, A. K. Labrada-Santana, and J. J. Hernández-Morales, #41935 (2016).
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Permeability Response in Oil Production Conditions, Cristian Espina, Charles H. Smith, Layne Hamilton, and Claudio Quintavalla, #41259 (2013).
Recoverable Resource Estimate of Identified Onshore Geopressured Geothermal Energy in Texas and Louisiana, Ariel Esposito and Chad Augustine, #80229 (2012).
3-D Architecture of Cretaceous Channel Systems in the Northern Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa, Lynise J. Esterhuizen, Jonathan Salomo, Chantell Van Bloemenstein, and Anthony Fielies, #11183 (2019).
The Construction of Predictive Model to Reductions in Time and Cost of the Appraisal / Exploratory Well, Enrique Estrada, Michelle Celestino, and Angelo Lima, #42432 (2020).
AV Breaking Paradigns: Giant and Super-Giant Discoveries in Brazil, by G. Estrella, #110074 (2009)
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Chimaera, A large Abiotic Gas Seep in Turkey, Giuseppe Etiope, Hakan Hoşgörmez, and Martin Schoell, #80415 (2014).
GLOGOS, A New Global Onshore Gas-Oil Seeps Dataset, Giuseppe Etiope, #70071 (2009).
Reserves/Resources Reporting Standard Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS), John R. Etherington, #120000 (2009).
The 2007 SPE/AAPG/WPC/SPEE Reserves and Resources Classification, Definitions and Guidelines. Defining the Standard! by John R. Etherington and Ronald Harrell, #100003 (2007).
The Origin and Significance of the Lower Mississippian Sunbury Shale in East-Central United States, Frank R. Ettensohn and Jun Li, #11345 (2020).
Extension of Appalachian Black-Shale Source Rocks into Adjacent Intracratonic Basins through Basin Yoking, Frank R. Ettensohn, #11344 (2020).
PS Integrated Approach for Unconventional System Analysis and Modeling: The Lower and Middle Triassic of Western Canada, T. Euzen, S. Rohais, V. Crombez, M. Ducros, M. Romero-Sarmiento, F. Baudin, W. Sassi, B. Chauveau, D. Granjeon, S. Pauthier, B. Carpentier, M. Gasparrini, E. Bemer, and H. Tazi, #30472 (2016).
Well Log Cluster Analysis and Electrofacies Classification: A Probabilistic Approach for Integrating Log with Mineralogical Data, T. Euzen and M. R. Power, #41277 (2014).
Gas Field Production Data Analysis: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Whole Truth, Christopher Evans, #42550 (2020).
Structural Development and Tectonic Role of the Arrowhead Mine Fault, Pahranagat Shear Zone, Nevada, Michael D. Evans and Wanda J. Taylor, #51169. (2015).
Enigmas and Anomalies of the Lower Mississippian Subsystem in Southwestern Missouri, Kevin R. Evans, Jeremiah S. Jackson, Kevin L. Mickus, James F. Miller, and Dulce Cruz, #50406 (2011).
Tight Gas Sand Exploitation: Linking Geoscience to Enhance Operations, Siberia Ridge Field, Wyoming, By Lesley W. Evans, Barbara F. Keusch, Stephen D. Sturm, and William J. Clark, #20006 (2001).
Reliability of Reservoir Forecast in One of the West Siberia Fields, M.L. Evdokimova, T.F. Sokolova, E.O. Malysheva, S.Z. Yunusova, #20250 (2014).
The Precambrian Petroleum Systems of Eastern Siberia: Evidence from Oil Geochemistry and Basin Modeling, Melanie A. Everett, #10433 (2012).
PS Improving E&P Data Interoperability Through the Development of a Reusable Earth Science Ontology for Basin Characterization, Melanie A. Everett, Scott Hills, Mark Gahegan, Brandon Whitehead, and Boyan Brodaric, #40809 (2011).
Subsurface Parameter Uncertainty: A Structured Approach, Arnout Everts, Laurent Alessio, Peter Friedinger, and Faeez Rahmat, #41071 (2012).
Subsurface High-Grading in CSG/CBM Provinces: Implications and Illustrations for Appraisal and Development, Arnout J.W. Everts and Laurent Alessio, #40927 (2012).
Geologic Controls on Formation Water Salinity Distribution, Southeastern Greater Natural Buttes Field, Uinta Basin, Utah, Tuba Evsan, Matthew J. Pranter, and Marc Connolly, #20272 (2014).
PS Geological Controls on Formation Water Salinity Distribution Southeastern Greater Natural Buttes Field, Uinta Basin, Utah, Tuba Evsan, Matthew J. Pranter, and Marc Connolly, #20213 (2013).
PS Well Log Correlation of the Wilcox Group of San Jacinto County, Texas, Taylor A. Ewald and Joseph I. Satterfied, #50798 (2013).
Tectonics and Subsidence in the West Texas (Permian) Basin: A Model for Complex Intracratonic Basin Development, Thomas E. Ewing, #30606 (2019).
Yegua Formation (Late Middle Eocene) in the Gulf Coast Basin, Thomas E. Ewing, #11217 (2019).
The Permian Basin – Intracratonic Subsidence Triggered by ARM Compression, Making an American "Superbasin", Thomas E. Ewing, #10988 (2017).
Eagle Ford - Colorado Connection: Cenomanian to Coniacian in Southwestern North America, Thomas Ewing, #30288 (2013).
Three Scales of Late Paleozoic Structures in the West Texas Basin - Description and Genesis, Thomas E. Ewing, #30273 (2013).
Subsidence and Uplift History of the West Texas Basin and its (Post-Paleozoic) Margins, Thomas E. Ewing, #30272 (2013).
GC Synthetic Seismograms: Preparation, Calibration, and Associated Issues, by Thomas E. Ewing, #40019 (2001).
Case Studies Confirm Downhole Sensor Measurements and Verify Sample Quality Using New Non-Invasive Sample Testing Method, Sami Eyuboglu, Mickey Pelletier, Tony van Zuilekom, Marvin Rourke, George Saghiyyah, Witjaksono M. Mulyo, Andre Silva, and Richard Palmer, #40512 (2010).
The Potential of Medicago sativa for Microbial-Enhanced Phytoremediation of Diesel Fuel Contaminated Sites, Michael O. Eze, Simon C. George, and Grant Hose, #80708 (2019).
PS Practical Experience in Rig Move and Workover Operations in an Amphibious Terrain: A Case Study of Escravos Beach Rig Move and Workover Operations, Joy Eze, Oluwarotimi Onakomaiya, Ademola Ogunrinde, Olusegun Adegboyega, James Wopara, Fred Timibitei, Matthew Ideh, and Babatunde A. Salawu, #70240 (2017).
Fa-Fi Fl-Fo Fr-Fz
PS Use of Horizontal Wells in the Development of the Chachahuén Sur Field, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, J.J. Fabiano, A. Infante, and L. Martínez Gassó, #20473 (2020).
Iso-frame Modeling of Marly Chalk and Calcareous Shale, Ida Lykke Fabricius, Manika Prasad, and Casper Olsen, #40151 (2005).
EA An Art of Bringing Water from Menggala into Bekasap Formation: Managing Bypassed Hydrocarbon through Natural Dump-Flood in Brown Field Area, Muhammad Fachreza, Yana Wicaksana, and Yunus Alamsyah, #42485 (2020).
Fault Facies Modeling: Applications in Various Sedimentary and Fault System Configurations, Muhammad Fachri, Jan Tveranger, Nestor Cardozo, and Sylvie Schueller, #40362 (2008).
PSSweet Spot Identification and SRV Estimation by Correlation of Microseismic Data and the Shale CapacitySM Concept: Application to the Haynesville, Matthew Fackler, Bradley Wilson, Ahmed Ouenes, Jeff Reagan, and Ela Wójcik, #41410 (2014).
PS Prediction of Carbonate Reservoirs Pore Pressure and Porosity in Onshore Abu Dhabi Using Petroleum Systems Modeling Technology, Oluwaseun A. Fadipe, Radzieman Mohamad, Andy MacGregor, Aziza Bouhlel, Abdelwahab Noufal, Manhal Sirat, and D. Popa, #41812 (2016).
Directing a Marcellus Shale Drilling Program Using High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data, Joseph P. Fagan Jr., #41246 (2013).
Morphodynamics and Sedimentology of Channels in Tidal Bars and Tidal Flats, Sergio Fagherazzi, Giulio Mariotti, and Tao Sun, #50519 (2011).
Sequence Stratigraphy of Shallow-Water Deposits in the Sihapas Group, Northwest Central Sumatra Basin, Mohammad Fahmi, #50254 (2010).
PS Portugal Prospective Petroleum Basins, Offshore Edge of Iberia Peninsula, Roberto Fainstein, Rui Pena dos Reis, Bruno Duarte, and Nuno Pimentel, #11239 (2019).
Modern Seismic Imaging and Basin Modeling Reveals Sub-Basalt Hydrocarbon Potential of Offshore India, Roberto Fainstein, Somen Mishra, Rajesh Kalra, Jyoti Shah, Munukulta Radhakrishna, and Bjorn P. Wygrala, #10473 (2012).
Sub-Basalt Geology, Deepwater Offshore India, Roberto Fainstein, Rajesh Kalra, S. Chandrashekkar, and C. Visweswara Rao, and George A. Jamieson, #41008 (2012).
GC Attribute Analysis of Mid-Continent Washes, Ryan Fairfield and Renjun Wen, #41616 (2015).
The Mesozoic West and Central African Rift System: Qualitative Evaluation, James D. Fairhead, #30077 (2009).
PS Tilt-Depth: A Simple Depth-Estimation Method Using First Order Magnetic Derivatives, James D. Fairhead, Ahmed Salem, and Simon E. Williams, #40390 (2009).
Are Geologic/Reservoir/Completion Models Properly Constrained (are they working) in the Permian Basin?, Bill Fairhurst, #41797 (2016).
Exploration Insight and Input that Changed Organizational Focus, Strategies and Economic Outcomes: Several Resource Play Examples, Bill Fairhurst and Frank Reid, #41620 (2015).
Evolution and Development of the WolfBone Play, Southern Delaware Basin, West Texas: An Emerging Frontier, An Oil-Rich Unconventional Resource, Bill Fairhurst and Mary Lisbeth Hanson, #10411 (2012).
WolfBone Play Evolution, Southern Delaware Basin: Geologic Concept Modifications That Have Enhanced Economic Success, Bill Fairhurst, Mary Lisbeth Hanson, Frank Reid, and Nick Pieracacos, #10412 (2012).
Application of Borehole Image Logs in Establishing Facies Architecture; Conceptual Depositional Model and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for Pab Sandstone, Sui Field, Pakistan, Muhammad Faisal, Ammar Ahmad, Rashid Gilani, Hamid Hussain, Faraz Hasan Siddiqui, and Muhammad Ramzan, #20134 (2012).
Numerical Modeling of Cenozoic Compressional Events of Northwest Himalayas, Pakistan, Muhammad Armaghan Faisal Miraj, Naveed Ahsan, and Muhammad Wajid Manzoor, #30660 (2020).
Numerical Modeling of Cenozoic Basin Inversion of the Western Barents Shelf, Muhammad Armaghan Faisal Miraj, Christophe Pascal, Roy H. Gabrielsen, and Jan Inge Faleide, #30588 (2018).
Exploring and Evaluation of Paleozoic Saudi Arabian Sand for Proppant Applications, Kazi Faiz Alam and Osman Abdullatif, #42543 (2020).
Microbial Activity in Australian CBM Reservoirs, by Mohinudeen Faiz and Phil Hendry, #80033 (2009).
Cambrian Features Constrain Cordilleran Structures in the Central Mackenzie Valley Region, Karen M. Fallas, #30395 (2015).
Advanced Time-lapse InSar for Reservoir Management, Giacomo Falorni, Andy Higgs, Jessica Morgan, Andrea Tamburini, and Marco Minini, #40944 (2012).
PS Multi-interferogram InSAR Techniques for Monitoring Surface Deformation in CO2 Sequestration, Giacomo Falorni, A. Tamburini, F. Novali, A. Ferretti, and B. Young, #80119 (2010).
Recent Developments in InSAR Techniques for Monitoring Surface Deformation: Applications in North America, Giacomo Falorni, Andrea Tamburini, Stefano Cespa, and Fabrizio Novali, #40597 (2010).
Evaluating the Shaly Sand Oil Reserviors of El Tordillo Field, Argentina, Using Magnetic Resonance Logs, by Maged Fam, Luis P. Stinco, and Julio. A. Vieiro, #40157 (2005).
PS The Genetic Mechanisms and Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Migration Induced by Overpressure in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea, Caiwei Fan, Yingzhao Zhang, Yong Deng, Hu Li, and Jingxian Hou, #30616 (2019).
PS Structure of Weathered Clastic Crust and Its Significance in Deep, Ultra-Deep Petroleum Exploration, Yang Fan, Hou Lianhua, and Yang Chun, #41988 (2017).
A Novel EM Driven Approach to Frontier Exploration in the Barents Sea, Stein Fanavoll, Svein Ellingsrud, Dave Ridyard, and Jon Rasmussen, #40918 (2012).
Po Plain Petroleum Systems: Insights from Southern Alps Outcrops (Northern Italy), Roberto Fantoni, Roberto Galimberti, Paola Ronchi, and Paola Scotti, #20120 (2011).
AVKey Attributes of Canadian and U.S. Productive Shales: Scale and Variability, by Basim Faraj and Meghan Brown, #110129 (2010)
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Geological Interpretation of Reservoir Seismic Amplitude Responses: Example from North Western Australia, Mohammed Farfour and Hezam Yahya Al-Awah, #42591 (2024).
Bypassed Shallow Gas Intervals and the Challenge to Develop the Potential in Mature Oil and Gas Fields of Malacca Strait, Central Sumatra Basin, Wiendra Akhmad Faridsyah, Bayu Adhi Pramudhita, Lalang Jati Sardinda, and Resha Ramadian, #11158 (2018).
Integration of Paleontology - Key to Building Impact, Martin B. Farley, #70087 (2010).
AV Balancing Energy and Environment for the 21st Century - Defying the Paradox, by Jim Farnsworth, BP, #110008 (2004) .
(1 of 6 presentations at DEG/SEPM/EMD Forum: The Future of Global Energy: Technical, Environmental, Economics, and Policy Issues AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004).
PS Hydraulic Fracture Injection Strategy Influences the Probability of Earthquakes in the Eagle Ford Shale Play of South Texas, Shannon L. Fasola, Michael R. Brudzinski, Robert J. Skoumal, Teresa Langenkamp, Brian S. Currie, and Kevin J. Smart, #80727 (2020).
The San Juan Basin, a Complex Giant Gas Field, New Mexico and Colorado, James E. Fassett, #10254 (2010, 2013).
The San Juan Basin is NOT a Model for "Basin-Centered Gas", by James E. Fassett and Bradford C. Boyce,#10093 (2005).
Integrated Workflow for the Reservoir Properties Prediction using the Ultra-Far Seismic Data, Mansoura Area, Onshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Walaa Fathy and Asghar Shams, #42325 (2019).
Controls on Depositional Systems and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pliocene - Pleistocene Strata of Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria, Oluwaseyi A. Fatoke and Janok P. Bhattacharya, #10220 (2010).
From Stranded Marginal Fields to (Integrated) Medium Sized Asset(s): Contributions of Indigenous Independents to the Changing E&P Landscape of Nigerian Petroleum Industry, Layi F. Fatona, #70300 (2017).
The Application of GOCE Satellite Gravity Data for Basin and Petroleum System Modeling: A Case-Study from the Arabian Peninsula, R. Abdul Fattah, J. A. C. Meekes, S. Colella, J. Bouman, M. Schmidt, and J. Ebbing, #120130 (2013).
Petroleum System Modeling for (Un)Conventional Hydrocarbon Resources Assessment the Broad Fourteens Basin, The Netherlands, Rader Abdul Fattah, Hanneke Verweij, Johan ten Veen, and Nora Witmans, #80202 (2011).
In Pursuit of Technological Innovation, Behrooz Fattahi, Ford Brett, Khalid Aziz, Kevin Zeik, Ted Lyon, Robert Shull, Dan Thoma, Ta Li, and Ponisseril Somasundaran, #70318 (2018).
PS Missourian/Desmoinesian Boundary of Eastern Oklahoma, Curtis J. Faulkner, #30527 (2017).
PS Soil Hydrocarbon Alteration: Solid Phase versus Gas Phase Hydrocarbon Detection, by James M. Fausnaugh, #40383 (2009).
PS Seismic Characterization of a Calciclastic Submarine Fan in the Cenozoic Foredeep of the Oman Mountains, Luca Fava, #11112 (2018).
Using Modern Cave Systems as Analogs for Paleokarst Reservoirs, Chip Feazel, #50252 (2010) (11 mb).
PS Subsalt 3-D Modeling and HC Reservoir Prediction with Scarce 2-D Seismic Datasets: Can We Obtain Reliable Results?, Tetyana Fedchenko and Oleksandr Petrovskyy, #70283 (2017).
PS Experimental Study on Bedforms Created by Density Currents, Juan J. Fedele, David Hoyal, Kristopher Guentzel, and Jason Draper, #50430 (2011).
Data Mining Methodologies to Reduce the Uncertainty of Reservoir Selection, Jin Fei, Jeffrey Yarus, and Richard Chambers, #41875 (2016).
Evolution of the Mesozoic Qamdo (Changdu) Basin, Eastern Tibet: Linkages between Sedimentation, Climate, and Regional Tectonics, Shang Fei, Amy Weislogel, Shikha Sharma, Asa Mullenex, Evan Knight, and Gaoyuan Sun, #30280 (2013).
Santos Basin: 40 Years from Shallow to Deep to Ultra-Deep Water, Fávio Juarez Feijó, #10553 (2013).
PS Interpreting 2D Seismic with the Assistance of FALCON® Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Data in the Canning Basin, Jurriaan Feijth, Carlos Cevallos, Tony Rudge, Peter Edwards, Simon Wetherley, and Craig Smith, #41794 (2016).
Basin Architecture from Gravity Gradiometer and Seismic data, South-Western Margin of the Fitzroy Trough and Gregory Sub-basin, Canning Basin Western Australia, Jurriaan Feijth, Carlos Cevallos, Tony Rudge, and Peter Edwards, #10821 (2015).
Stochastic Modeling Workflow for Well Drilling Zones Delineation: Integrating Probabilistic Models and Production Data to Reduce Risk, Marcela Feilhaber and Marcelo Pubill, #42134 (2017).
High-Resolution Imaging Integrated Approach to Enhance Pay Count and Turbidites Reservoir Architecture, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, El-Saied M. Felifel, Mohamed Fathy, Abdel Moneim El Araby, Elie Haddad, Mohamed Nassar, and Moustafa Mounir, #20274 (2014).
Facies-Based Sedimentological Modelling for Use in Simulation of Organic Carbon Deposition and Burial, M. Felix, M. Majewska-Bill, U. Mann, and J. Rinna, #120123 (2013).
Determining Flow Directions in Turbidites: An Integrated Sedimentological and Magnetic Fabric Study of Two Miocene Turbiditic Systems (Northern Apennines, Italy), Fabrizio Felletti, Eleonora Dall'Olio, and Giovanni Muttoni, #30417 (2015).
Outcrop to Subsurface Reservoir Characterization of the Lower Mesaverde Group, Red Wash Field, Uinta Basin and Douglas Creek Arch, Utah and Colorado, Chelsea Fenn and Matthew Pranter, #50995 (2014).
Reservoir Characterization and Monitoring: From Inversion to Reservoir Characterization, Runhai Feng, Stefan M. Luthi, Dries Gisolf, and Siddharth Sharma, #70243 (2017).
Structural Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in the Precambrian Dengying Formation of the Central Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China, Feng Mingyou, Liu Xiaohong, Qiang Zitong, Tao Yanzhong, and Xia Qingsong, #51268 (2016).
Controls and Distribution Features of Petroliferous Belts of Subtle Traps in Paleogene Strata of Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China, Yongliang Feng, Suyun Hu, Pilong Li, and Herong Zheng, #10618 (2014).
Climate History, Lake Evolution, and Prediction of Organic Richness, Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, Jufang Feng, J. Frederick Sarg, Kati Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene, and H. Suriamin, #50915 (2014).
PS Climate History, and Lake Evolution Controls on Oil Shale Organic Richness - Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Jufang Feng, J. Frederick Sarg, Kati Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene, and Suriamin Huang, #50688 (2012).
Refined Lacustrine Petroleum Systems Modeling and New Play Assessment: A Case Study of Baxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Weiping Feng, Feiyu Wang, Yulei Shi, Fengming Jin, Xianzheng Zhao, and Jianxun Zhou, #10619 (2014).
Deep Gas Discoveries and New Exploration Horizons in the Songliao Basin, by Zhi-qiang Feng, Wei Huang, Heyong Wu, Jingshun Qi, and Changhai Yin, #10148 (2008).
Viking Lowstand Deposits in West Central Saskatchewan: Depositional Model for the Reservoir Units in Dodsland-Hoosier Area, Saskatchewan, Canada, Hasan Ferdous, Katherine Bergman, and Hairuo Qing, #51076 (2015).
Challenges to Explore Shallow Sandstone Reservoir for Optimized Unconventional Development Strategy in Kuwait, Hasan Ferdous, Pradeep Choudhary, Fatma Ahmad, Faisal Abbas, Khalid Ahmed, Javier Llerena, and Ibrahim Al-Sammak, #80290 (2013).
Charge History Clues from Advanced Geochemical Mud Gas Logging, Alan Keith Fernandes and Dariusz Strąpćo, #42509 (2020).
Depositional Conditions Associated with Bank-attached Separation Bars, Brushy Canyon Formation, Anjali M. Fernandes, Andrew L. Petter, David Mohrig, and Ronald J. Steel, #50718 (2012).
PS Detailed Seismic Characterization of a Heavily Karsted Zone, Alfredo Fernandez and Kurt Marfurt, #10506 (2013).
PS The Prediction Error Filters Applied to the Seismic Interpretation Process of a Mississippian Tripolitic Chert Reservoir, Alfredo Fernandez, Ben Dowdell, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40964 (2012).
Quantitative Assessment of Karst Pore Volume in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Discrete Karst Networks, Fermin Fernandez-Ibanez, Paul J. Moore, and Gareth D. Jones, #42424 (2019).
Genetic Classification of Natural Fractures: A Key to Understand Flow in Kashagan Field, Fermin Fernandez-Ibanez, James M. DeGraff, and Farkhat Ibrayev, #41900 (2016).
PS Enhancing Seismic Data Resolution with Multi-Attribute Analysis Using Both Well Log Data and Seismic Data - A Case Study, K. John R. Fernando, #70281 (2017).
PS From Extension to Transpression: Drainage Response to the Alhama de Murcia Strike-Slip Fault Growth (Eastern Betics), Marta Ferrater, Guillermo Booth-Rea, Jose Miguel Azanon, and Eulalia Masana, #50795 (2013).
Texture-Based Similarity Graph to Aid Seismic Interpretation, Rodrigo S. Ferreira, Emilio Vital Brazil, Reinaldo Silva, and Renato Cerqueira, #70365 (2018).
The Abrolhos Magmatism as a Trigger for Cenozoic Deformation in Cumuruxatiba Basin, Brazil, Talles Souza Ferreira, Mario Neto Araújo, and Fernando Alves da Silva, #30232 (2012).
Characteristics of the Free Surface Multiple Attenuation Using Wave Field Extrapolation, Patrícia P. Ferreira, Marco Antonio, Cetale Santos, and Luiz Landau, #40504 (2010).
Accurate 3D Bathymetry Representation in Low-Dispersion Finite Differences, Miguel Ferrer, Josep De La Puente, and Santiago Fernández Prieto, #70242 (2017).
Effect of Diapir Growth on Synkinematic Deepwater Sedimentation: The Bakio Diapir (Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain), O. Ferrer, P. Arbués, E. Roca, K. Giles, M. G. Rowan, M. De Matteis, and J. A. Muñoz, #41385 (2014).
Depositional Model for Shale Gas Deposits of the Besa River Formation in Liard Basin, British Columbia, Filippo Ferri, Margot McMechan, Robert Creaser, and Richard Friedman, #10858 (2016).
Advanced Formation Fluid Evaluation While Drilling with a New Heavy Gas Detector, Gionata Ferroni, Fabio Rivolta, and Roberto Schifano, #40860 (2012).
PS Using Landscape Evolution Modeling to Evaluate Potential for Buried Mega-Landslide Reservoir Units
Within the Basin and Range, Western U.S.A., Nicholas T. Ferry, Daniel M. Sturmer, and Dylan J. Ward, #42434 (2019).
The Paleogeography of the Lacustrine Rift System of the Pre-Salt in Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil, Marcos Fetter, Henrique Penteado, Vanessa Madrucci, and Adali Spadini, #11137 (2018).
Maturity and Depth Occurrence of the Oil and Gas Sources in South Caspian Basin, A.A. Feyzullayev, #40413 (2009).
PS Five Years of Deep Fluid Disposal into the Ellenburger of the Fort Worth Basin, Edward Ficker, #80227 (2012).
Beyond the Uteland Butte Part I: If it's Not Red, Is It Even the Wasatch?, Luke Fidler, Joshua T Sigler, and Matthew A. Jones, #11376 (2023).
Characterization of an Unconventional Resource, Uteland Butte Member, Lower Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Lucas J. Fidler, Joshua T. Sigler, and Matthew A. Jones, #11365 (2022).
Feasibility of Storing Carbon Dioxide on a Tectonically Active Margin: New Zealand, B.D. Field, M.J. Lawrence, A. Nicol, D. McNamara, M.J. Arnot, F. Coyle, K.E. Higgs, B. Mountain, M. Gerstenberger, R. Daniel1, M.A. Bunch, and B. Barton, #80527 (2016).
Basin Screening for Seal-rock Quality, New Zealand Region, B.D. Field, D.P. Strogen, H.D. Zhu, T.R. Sahoo, A.G. Griffin, M.J.F. Lawrence, C. Martin, R. McDonnell, K. Jones, and R. Daniel, #10839 (2016).
A Source-to-Sink and Reservoir-Quality Prediction Workflow: The Offshore Nile Delta, Laura Fielding, Lorin Davies, and Sam Fielding, #42404 (2019).
Synsedimentary Structural Growth as a Control on Isolated Shelf Sandstone Bodies in the Cenomanian to Turonian Succession of the Western Cordilleran Foreland Basin, Christopher R. Fielding, #51037 (2014).
Sheet-Like Fluvial Architecture on Regional Scales: Examples from the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America - The Case for Allogenic Control, Christopher Fielding, Lauren Birgenheier, and Matthew Corbett, #50334 (2010).
Liard Basin Hydrocarbon Project: Shale Gas Potential of Devonian-Carboniferous Strata in the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Northeastern British Columbia, Kathryn M. Fiess, Filippo Ferri, Tiffani L. Fraser, Leanne J. Pyle, and Jonathan Rocheleau, #10706 (2015).
The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Birdbear Formation, South Eastern Saskatchewan – Preliminary Results, Kathryn M. Fiess, #10599 (2014).
Application of the Radioactive Tracer Log for Flow Measurement in Polymer Injection Wells, S.P. Figliuolo, F. Peñalba, H.P. Burbridge, M. Ichard, M. Ravicule, J.E. Juri, and A.M. Ruiz Martinez, #41640 (2015).
Architectural Hierarchy and Anatomy of an Exhumed Submarine Slope Channel Complex, Jorge P. Figueiredo, David M. Hodgson, and Stephen S. Flint, #50569 (2012).
Graphic Correlation of Biostratigraphic Data as a Powerful Tool for Oil Exploration in Frontier Deepwater Areas: A Case Study in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin, Jorge De Jesus Picanço De Figueiredo, Emilson Fernandes Soares, Ivo Trosdtorf, Jr., João Luiz Caldeira, Paulus Hendrikus Van Der Ven, and Elizabete Pedrão Ferreira, #50190 (2009).
PS Object-Based Modeling of Wara Formation (Middle Cretaceous) in Greater Burgan Field (Kuwait): An Innovative Approach for a Better Reservoir Characterization, Jean Michel Filak, Reham Al-Houti, Laila Dashti, Deryck Bond, Merlon Banagale, Barbara Luneau, and David Molinari, #51446 (2017).
3-D Geological Modeling of the World's Largest Siliciclastic Reservoirs: Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait, Jean-Michel Filak, Julien Van Lint, Erwan Le Guerroué, Nicolas Desgoutte, Gilles Fabre, Farida Ali, Eddie Ma, Kalyanbrata Datta, Reham Al-Houti, and Sethu Madhavan, #20169 (2012).
Stratigraphic Analysis of Cretaceous Slope Channels: Tres Pasos Formation, Sierra Dorotea, Southern Chile, by Andrea Fildani and Stephen Hubbard, #50108 (2008)
The Stratigraphic Evolution of Monterey Fan Area and Growth Patterns of Related Channel Complexes, by Andrea Fildani and William R. Normark, #30017 (2003).
LmPy-GCMSMS and Other Alternative Methodologies in the Screening for Source Rocks, João Graciano Mendonça Filho, #42461 (2019).
A Planetary View of Mesozoic Plate Tectonics in the Gulf of Mexico, by Richard H. Fillon, #30032 (2005).
PS Paleocene-Eocene Deposystems in the Gulf of Mexico: Petroleum System Implications, by Richard H. Fillon, Arthur S. Waterman, and Paul N. Lawless, #10085 (2005).
PS Late Pleistocene Shelf-Edge Deltas and Growth Faulting in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico: The Early Development of Shelf Margin Reservoir Systems, by Richard H. Fillon and Harry H. Roberts, #30051 (2007).
The Rawa Besar Lake Area (Depok, Indonesia) Study Using Ground Penetrating Radar, Annisa Cinintia Finahsan and Supriyanto Suparno, #80291 (2013).
Modeling Lateral Accretion in McMurray Formation Fluvial-Estuarine Channel Systems: Grizzly Oil Sands' May River SAGD Project, Athabasca, Duncan Findlay, Thomas Nardin, Alex Wright, and Raheleh Salehi Mojarad, #41611 (2015).
Modeling Lateral Accretion in McMurray Formation Fluvial-Estuarine Channel Systems: Grizzly Oil Sands' May River SAGD Project, Athabasca, Duncan Findlay, Thomas Nardin, Alex Wright, and Raheleh Salehi Mojarad, #51014 (2014).
AV Perspectives of Elm Coulee Field, Williston Basin — The True Significance for Bakken and Beyond, by Richard Findley, #110077 (2009)
3 of 6 presentations from Forum, "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Petrophysical and Geomechanical Properties of Late Jurassic Carbonates Outcropping in Central Saudi Arabia: Correlation with Depositional Sequences and Diagenetic Overprints, Thomas Finkbeiner, Viswasanthi Chandra, Volker Vahrenkamp, Bora Yalcin, and Ahmad Ramdani, #51479 (2018).
Update of Horizontal Plays in Wyoming, Andrew Finley, #10980 (2017).
Mowry Shale - Outcrop to Production, Andrew Finley, #10917 (2017).
Permian Salt Dissolution in Silo Field, Elena Finley and Steve Sonnenberg, #20264 (2014).
Matzen Field Redevelopment, Pitfalls and Ways to Improve, Rudolf Finsterwalder, #20287 (2014).
Intelistrata: a System for Stratigraphic Interpretation of Well Logs, Sandro Rama Fiorini, Mara Abel, and Claiton M. S. Scherer, #41199 (2013).
Gas and Water Production Forecasting Using Semi-analytical Method in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs, Eric Firanda, #80204 (2012).
Fluid Systems around Salt Diapirs, Mark P. Fischer, Philip R. Kenroy, and Adam P. Smith, #50902 (2013).
Hydraulic Fracture Growth: Real Data, Kevin Fisher, #41354 (2014).
Reinterpretation of Tulare Depositional Environments and Reservoir Distribution, a Case for Two Depositional Sources in North Midway Sunset Oil Field, San Joaquin Basin, California, Emily Fisher, #20432 (2018).
Core Description, Lithofacies Interpretation and Sedimentological Characterization of a Mixed Provenance Alluvial Fan: the Pleistocene Tulare Formation, Midway Sunset Field, Kern County, California, Emily Fisher, #20200 (2013).
AV Decarbonization: Impact on Economy and Environment, by William L. Fisher, Jackson School of Geosciences at UT-Austin, #110009 (2004).
(2 of 6 presentations at DEG/SEPM/EMD Forum: The Future of Global Energy: Technical, Environmental, Economics, and Policy Issues AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004).
The Future of Natural Gas, William L. Fisher, #70095 (2011).
Energy and Environment into the Twenty-First Century: The Challenge to Technology and Ingenuity, by William L. Fisher, #70003 (2000).
Basins in Motion: Tectonic Inversion and Evolution of Migrating Releasing Step-Overs, Emily A. Fisher and John Wakabayashi, #30135 (2010).
Linking Diagenesis with Depositional Environments as It Bears on Pore Types and Hydrocarbon Storage – An Example from the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas,
Neil Fishman, #80443 (2015).
Development of Organic and Inorganic Porosity in the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas, Neil Fishman, John M. Guthrie, and Matt Honarpour, #50928 (2014).
Porosity in Shales of the Organic-Rich Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic), Offshore United Kingdom, Neil S. Fishman, Heather A. Lowers, Paul C. Hackley, Ronald J. Hill, and Sven O. Egenhoff, #50620 (2012).
From Radiolarian Ooze to Reservoir Rocks: Microporosity in Chert Beds in the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Neil Fishman, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Stanley T. Paxton, Marvin M. Abbott, and Adam R. Boehlke, #10268 (2010).
Mudstone and Claystone Units: Seals for Ancient Microbial Gas Accumulations in the Upper Cretaceous Milk River Formation, Alberta and Saskatchewan, by Neil Fishman, John Neasham, Donald Hall, and Debra Higley, #10171 (2008).
Quantifying the Impact of Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Heterogeneities on Flow in Carbonate Reservoirs through Integrated Flow Simulation Experiments, Peter J.R. Fitch, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, and Cédric M. John, #120049 (2012).
Structural Control of the Point Pleasant Formation Deposition and Production, Devin R. Fitzgerald, M. Wes Casto, and Robert B. Thomas, Sr., #51434 (2017).
Clay Mineralogy, Provenance, and Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician Shales in Eastern Ohio, Devin R. Fitzgerald, Greg C. Nadon, and Bob Thomas, #51331 (2016).
Structural Geology Observations Derived From Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry Over Rift Systems, Desmond FitzGerald and Horst Holstein, #41784 (2016).
Distribution, Thickness, Reservoir Properties, and Production Characteristics of the Tonkawa Sandstone in Northwestern Roger Mills and Southwestern Ellis Counties, Oklahoma, Alex Fitzjarrald and Jim Puckette, #10740 (2015).
Complex Tectonic Development of the Barents Sea - Geohistory, Erosion, Glaciations, W. Fjeldskaar, A. Amantov, and I. Grunnaleite, #120135 (2013).
Fl-Fo Back to F
Lower Permian Antarctic Marine Deltas of the Mackellar Formation: Turnabout Ridge, Beardmore Glacier Region, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica, Peter Flaig, Stephen Hasiotis, Adam Jackson, and John Isbell, #50916 (2014).
Tidally-Influenced Sedimentation on a High-Latitude Cretaceous Coastal Plain: The Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska, Peter P. Flaig, Paul J. McCarthy, and Anthony R. Fiorillo, #50365 (2010).
Evolution of Large-Scale Topography and River Drainage Direction from Mantle Flow Models, Nicolas Flament, R. Dietmar Müller, Michael Gurnis, Sabin Zahirovic, Grace E. Shephard, Dan J. Bower, Maria Seton, Simon Williams, and Jakob Skogseid, #41769 (2016).
PS Integrated Analysis of the Bakken Petroleum System, U.S. Williston Basin, by Jack Flannery and Jeff Kraus, #10105 (2006).
Characterization of Fine Grained Lithofacies in Coeval Strata from a 1000 km Nearshore to Offshore Transect in the Upper Cretaceous of the North American Western Interior Seaway, Jason A. Flaum, Joe Macquaker, Rene Jonk, Jamie Shamrock, Vladimir Torres, Howard Feldman, Robert Wellner, Kevin Bohacs, Lizette Leon-Rodriguez, and Fred Zelt, #51129 (2015).
Salt Tectonics within the Offshore Asturian Basin: North Iberian Margin, Matthew Fleming, Gonzalo Zamora, and Jorge Gallastegui, #11020 (2017).
PS NMR Cryoporometry: An Alternate Non-Destructive Technique for the Measurement of Pore Size Distribution in Shales, Marc Fleury and Eric Kohler, #41951 (2016).
PS Record and Constraints of the Eastward Advance of the Caribbean Plate in Northern South America, J. F. Flinch and V. Castillo, #30474 (2016).
Passive-Margin Allochthonous Salt Canopies Emplaced within an Alpine Fold-and-Thrust Belt: Example from the Betic Cordillera of Spain, Joan F. Flinch and Juan Ignacio Soto, #30428 (2015).
Context, Challenges, and Future of Deep-Water Plays: An Overview, Joan Flinch, #41417 (2014).
A Cretaceous Allochthonous Evaporitic Province within the Betic-Maghrebian Domain: Comparison with the present-day Gulf of Mexico, by Joan Francesc Flinch, #30025 (2004).
The Sierra Leone-Liberia Emerging Deepwater Province, Joan F. Flinch, José L. Huedo, Hernán Verzi, Héctor González, Ricardo Gerster, Abdul K. Mansaray, L. P. Painuly, Leticia Rodriguez-Blanco, Adela Herra, Ignacio Brisson, and Jean Gerard, #10224 (2009).
Well Log and Production Based Analysis of Fractures in Karachaganak Field, Northwestern Kazakhstan, Eric Flodin, Piero Balossino, and Wayne Narr, #20093 (2010).
Deep-Water Hydrocarbon Potential Beneath the Labrador Sea, Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, Kai Floistad, Ron Borsato, Jerry Witney, James Carter, Richard Wright, and Thomas Neugebauer, #30396 (2015).
Porosity-Velocity Distribution in Stratigraphic Sequences: The Marion-Yin Model, by Juan Florez and Gary Mavko, #40105 (2003).
Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Sweet Spots in Wolfcamp A Howard County, Midland Basin, Alyssa N. Flotron, Evan K. Franseen, and Robert H. Goldstein, #11142 (2018).
AV Relationships between CO2 and Temperature in Glacial-Interglacial Transitions of the Past 800,000 Years, by Benjamin P. Flower, #110116 (2009)
5 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Going the Distance: A Basinwide, High-Frequency Allostratigraphic Framework for the Upper Cretaceous Colorado Group, Western Canada Foreland Basin, Jessica A. Flynn and Burns A. Cheadle, #10701 (2015).
Western Canada Resource Plays: The Phoenix Awaits, Meridee Fockler and Ben McKenzie, #30466 (2016).
Syn-Sedimentary Tectonics of the Jurassic Sedimentary Sequence in the Northern Viking Rift Graben (North Sea), Producing Asymmetrical Stratal Packages, Atle Folkestad, Tore Odinsen, Edel Areklett, and Haakon Fossen, #30137 (2010).
Sequence Stratigraphy in a Rift Basin: An Example from the Middle Jurassic Hugin Formation, Southern Viking Graben, North Sea, by Atle Folkestad and Nicholas Satur, #40309 (2008).
The Aggradational to Retrogradational Stacking Pattern of the Hugin Formation (Callovian - Early Oxfordian) Southern Viking Graben, North Sea, by Atle Folkestad, Nicholas Satur, Torben Olsen, and Arnfinn Rømuld, #50002 (2003).
A Newly Discovered Giant Dome of Early Mesozoic age in the Prolific Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean, Yehoshua Folkman and Yuval Ben-Gai, #11172 (2018).
Composition and Mechanical Properties of the Woodford Shale, Northern Oklahoma, Katie Foltz, Andrew Snider, and Jim Puckette, #51220 (2016).
Past, Present and Future Advancements in Methods for Detecting Hydrocarbon Seepage after 75 Years, John V. Fontana and David Seneshen, #41412 (2014).
Addressing Water Well ‘Problems’ and Complaints in Areas of Unconventional Resource Development: Appearances are Deceiving and Solutions Are Many, John V. fontana and David M. Seneshen, #70137 (2013).
Past, Present and Future Advancements in Methods for Detecting Hydrocarbon Seepage after 75 Years, John V. fontana and David M. Seneshen, #41203 (2013).
Preparing for and Handling Common Complaints by Private Water Well Owners Related to Coal Bed Methane, Shale Gas and Other Unconventional Development, John V. fontana and David Seneshen, #70109 (2011).
Evaluation of a Fractured Tight Reservoir in Real-Time: The Importance of Detecting Open Fractures while Drilling with Accurate Mud Flow Measurement, Samael Fontenla Alvarez, Gerardo Villacorta Cazuriaga, Oscar Chamon Mealla, and Alberto Martocchia, #41632 (2015).
PS Magnetic Bright Spots Can Identify the Most Prospective Deep-Water Areas and Prospects, Robert S. Foote and Dietmar Schumacher, #41871 (2016).
Rivers and Rifting: Interaction of Normal Faulting, Erosion and Sediment Dispersal in the Corinth Rift, Mary Ford, Ed Williams, Nicolas Backert, Fabrice Malartre, and Sebastien Rohais, #30136 (2010).
Steam Injection Seismic Monitoring Experiment in Northern Alberta, Eric Forgues, Julien Meunier, and Christian Hubans, #41580 (2015).
Early Post-Salt Differential Topography and Its Impact on Source Rock and Shallow-Water Carbonate Facies Distributions: Examples from the Jurassic of the North Atlantic and the Southern Gulf of Mexico, Rob Forkner and Nick Ettinger, #11101 (2018).
Sedimentary Responses to OAE2 across a Spectrum of Carbonate Depositional Settings: A Case Study from Examples in Central and Southern Italy, R. Forkner, G. Frijia, M. Mutti, D. Minisini, and A. Dickson, #50850 (2013).
Carbonate Depositional Motifs and Cycle Stacking Patterns in the Eagle Ford Formation, Texas, Rob Forkner, Daniel Minisini, James Eldrett, Aysen Ozkan, Steve Bergman, Calum MacAulay, and Matt Lusk, #50849 (2013).
AVLearning from 40 Years Experience: Risking Seismic Amplitude Anomaly Prospects, by Mike Forrest, #110139 (2010)
5 of 6 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Gulf of Mexico "Bright Spots" - Early Shell Discoveries, by Michael C. Forrest, #40054 (2002).
Geothermal Gradients and Subsurface Temperatures in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, by Joseph Forrest, Ettore Marcucci and Paul Scott, #30048 (2007).
AV Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fractures: Bakken Formation, North Dakota, by Gary Forrest, Tom Olsen, Aleksey Kazantsev, Ernest Gomez*, Tim Dombrowski, and Wayne Rowe, #110090 (2009)
3 of 8 presentations from Session, "Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
United States Natural Gas Prices to 2015: Update and Views from International Natural Gas and LNG Developments, by Michelle M. Foss, #70054 (2008).
PS Petroleum System Evaluation of the Korotaikha Fold-belt and Foreland Basin, Timan-Pechora Basin, Russia, Bret J. Fossum, Neil T. Grant, and Baya V. Byurchieva, #10491 (2013).
Structural Style and Fracture Development in a Tight-Gas Sandstone Reservoir from the Canadian Foothills, Patrick Fothergill, Dragan Andjelkovic, Lloyd Murray, Steve Vadnai, Paul MacKay, #40457 (2009).
COCARDE – COld-water CArbonate Reservoir systems in Deep Environments, Anneleen Foubert, Andres Rüggeberg, and Jean-Pierre Henriet, #50491 (2011).
Flow Units in Carbonate Karstic Reservoirs: Insights from Outcrop Analogues (Urgonian Limestone and Upper Jurassic Dolostone, SE France), A. Fournillon, F. Fournier, B. Arfib, F. Gisquet, P. Léonide, and J. Borgomano, #120050 (2012).
PS Soil Structure and Chemistries of Brine-Impacted Soils in West Texas, M. Foust, M. Dunlap, W. Bond, and J.W. Ward, #51258 (2016).
Petroleum Systems of the Scotian Basin, Martin Fowler, Jamie Webb, Mark Obermajer, Frederic Monnier, Andy Mort, Matt Luheshi, and Adam MacDonald, #10871 (2016).
Petro-Tourism: Canada's First Commercial Use of Natural Gas, Andrew Fox, #70218 (2016).
Fr-Fz Back to F
Towards a 3D model of the Calcari Grigi Carbonate Platform (Early Jurassic, Southern Alps, Italy), M. Franceschi, M. Massironi, M. Zandonati, and V. Picotti, #50841 (2013).
Prediction and Mapping of Deep-Water Slope Carbonate Reservoirs Using Seismic Data, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan, by Brent P. Francis, L.J. (Jim) Weber, Steve Bachtel, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Dennis Fischer, and Jeroen A.M. Kenter, #20056 (2008)
Glendonites as Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic Indicators: A Case Study from the Glacially Influenced Permian System of Eastern Australia, by Tracy D. Frank, Stephanie G. Thomas, and Christopher R. Fielding, #50129 (2008).
DepthX - from Autonomous Underwater Robot Explorer, by Ernest Franke, Michael Rigney, William C. Stone, and Marcus O. Gary, #40311 (2008).
PS Optical Luminescence Age Dating of Modern Desert Sediments and Paleosols, Saudi Arabia, Stephen G. Franks, William J. Carrigan, Clemens Van Dijk, Rami Kamal, Abdul Jaleel AbuBshait, Bader Al-Mutairi, Kent Norton, Chris Heine, C.I. Burbige, D.C.W. Sanderson, and R. Fulop, #41657 (2015).
PS From Plate to Pore: Plate Motion, Paleoclimate, Paleosols, and Porosity in the Permo-Carboniferous Unayzah Reservoir, Saudi Arabia, Stephen G. Franks, #51117 (2015).
Carbonate Play Models From Miocene Outcrops, Western Mediterranean: Part 1 - Setting and Stratigraphy, Evan K. Franseen and Robert H. Goldstein, #51630 (2019).
The Impact of Paleotopography on Transport of Reef Carbonates to Basinal Settings: Lessons from the Upper Miocene of Spain, Evan K. Franseen and Robert H. Goldstein, #51404 (2017).
Build-and-Fill Stratigraphic Sequences in Carbonates, Evan K. Franseen and Robert H. Goldstein, #51403 (2017).
PS Discovery of an Eolianite in the Upper Dalan Member, Khuff Formation, South Pars Field, Iran, Gregory Frébourg, Claude-Alain Hasler, Eric Davaud, Jérémie Gaillot, Aurélien Virgone, and Mohammad Kamali, #40493 (2010).
Petrophysical Properties of a Deformation Band Fault Zones in the Entrada Sandstone, Utah, Kyle Fredericks, Laurel Goodwin, and Harold Tobin, #50861 (2013).
Relationships between Pre-Existing Structure, Regional Stress Orientation, and Seismicity Induced by Wastewater Injection, Northern Appalachian Basin, USA, James Free, Brian S. Currie, Robert J. Skoumal, and Michael R. Brudzinski, #41700 (2015).
Predicting Subseismic Fracture Density and Orientation in the Gorm Field, Danish North Sea: An Approach Using Elastic Dislocation Models, Brett Freeman, David Quinn, Cathal G. Dillon, Michael Arnhild, and Bastiaan Jaarsma, #20321 (2015).
Integrating Structural Validity Checks At All Stages of the Mainstream Interpretation Process, Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, and Jeremy Campbell, #120156 (2014).
Integrating Structural Uncertainty into Reservoir Simulation, S.R. Freeman, Simon D. Harris, and Rob J. Knipe, #40595 (2010).
Microseismic Monitoring and Structural Interpretation of Reactivated Laramide Fractures North-Central New Mexico, Carley M. Freer, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, and Michael A. Murphy, #10575 (2014).
Controls on Porosity Development and the Potential for CO2 Sequestration or Waste Water Disposal in the Cambrian Potosi Dolomite (Knox Group): Illinois Basin, Jared T. Freiburg and Hannes E. Leetaru, #50731 (2012).
Cavernous Porosity Development and Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization as Recorders of Multi-Sourced Diagenetic Waters Migrating Through the Ordovician Galena Group Limestone (Trenton), Kane County, NE Illinois, USA, Jared T. Freiburg, #50472 (2011).
Quartz Cementation History of the Heidelberg Sandstone, Germany: In Situ Microanalysis of δ18O, Marsha French, Richard H. Worden, Elisabetta Mariani, Hubert E. King, William A. Lamberti, and William C. Horn, #50705 (2012).
A Model-Based Method to Supply Missing Log Information, by Michael A. Frenkel, #40106 (2003).
Chronology of Leaking Events and Sealing Processes in Fractured Reservoir: A Natural Example in Utah (USA), Emanuelle Frery, Nadine Ellouz-Zimmermann, Jean-Pierre Gratier, Charles Aubourg, Dominique Blamart, Jean-Luc Faure, Anne Battani, Julien Schmitz, and Olivier Vincke, #40666 (2010).
AV Just Do It! Geological Carbon Storage as a Business Opportunity in a Carbon-Constrained World, by Julio Friedmann, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, #110012 (2004) .
(5 of 6 presentations at DEG/SEPM/EMD Forum: The Future of Global Energy: Technical, Environmental, Economics, and Policy Issues AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Predicting Stress and Fracture Orientations with Geomechanical Reservoir Models - Lessons Learned from a Case Study, A. Frischbutter and A. Henk, #40596 (2010).
Miocene Hypabyssal Magmatic Stoping in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California, A. Eugene Fritsche, #70126 (2012).
Understanding the Regional Variations in Pay Thickness of Unconventional Reservoirs in the Powder River Basin by Incorporating Learnings from a Site-Specific, Core-Calibrated, Geologic Model, L. Fritz, R. Ness, B. Roth, and N. Jones, #11387 (2024).
PS Sediment Provenance Study of the Lower Hamilton Group: An Analysis of the Organic-Rich Facies and its Depositional History, Luke Fritz, Amy Weislogel, and Jason Lupoi, #51572 (2019).
The Geology of the Arbuckle Group in the Midcontinent: Sequence Stratigraphy, Reservoir Development, and the Potential for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Richard D. Fritz, Patrick Medlock, Michael J. Kuykendall, and James Lee Wilson, #30266 (2013).
New Exploration Concepts for the Edwards and Sligo Margins, Cretaceous of Onshore Texas (E and P Notes), by Dale A. Fritz, Terry W. Belsher, James M. Medlin, John L. Stubbs, Robert P. Wright, and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #10013 (2001).
Heat Flow and Thermal History of the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, Zachary Frone, #10657 (2014).
AVThe Somewhat Accidental Discovery of the Mobile Bay Gas Field: A Story of Perseverance and Good Fortune, by Weldon G. Frost, #110133 (2010)
2 of 3 presentations from Forum, The History of Petroleum Geology
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Oligocene Reef Tract Development, Southwestern Puerto Rico, S.H. Frost, J.L. Harbour, M.J. Realini, and P.M. Harris, #60023 (2009).
PS A Review of Slipface Processes and Structures in Terrestrial Eolian Dunes,
and a Comparison with Dunes on Mars, Steven G. Fryberger, Andrew Valdez, and Nick Jones, #51690 (2021).
PS Modern and Ancient Analogues for Complex Eolian Reservoirs, (30mb), Steven G. Fryberger, Caroline Y. Hern, and Nick Jones, #51401 (2017).
PS Stratigraphy, Exploration and EOR potential of the Tensleep/Casper Formations, SE Wyoming, Steven G. Fryberger, Nick Jones, Matthew Johnson, and Curtis Chopping, #10851 (2016).
PS Sedimentology of Reservoir-scale Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions, Wadi Batha, Northern Wahiba Sand Sea, Oman, Steven G. Fryberger, Caroline Y. Hern, and Ken Glennie, #51260 (2016).
PS A Geometric Approach to the Analysis of Global Eolian Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Steve Fryberger and Caroline Y. Hern, #41478 (2014).
Benguela-Belize-Lobito-Tomboco (BBLT): Uncertainty Resolution in Reservoir Performance Predictions, John Fryters, Mark Moon, Andy Palfrey, George Williams, John Moore, et al., #20071 (2009).
A Multidisciplinary and Multi-Scale Approach to Identify Hydrogeochemical Processes Altering Porosity-Permeability Properties of Reservoir Rocks, Yunjiao Fu, Wolfgang van Berk, Hans-Martin Schulz, Richard Wirth, Niels H. Schovsbo, and Johan B. Svendsen, #50998 (2014).
Chemical Speciation and Carbon Isotope Systematics During Kerogen Maturation: An Experimental Study, Qi Fu, Mike Darnell, Ewa Szymczyk, and Adry Bissada, #41404 (2014).
Gas-hydrate Petroleum System Modeling in the Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan, Tetsuya Fujii, Toshiyasu Ukita, Yuhei Komatsu, Nobutaka Oikawa, Bjorn Wygrala, Thomas Fuchs, Wolf Rottke, and Than Tin Aung, #80285 (2013).
Significant Erosion during Development of the Middle Miocene Unconformity and Its Effect on Hydrocarbon Generation in the Gulf of Thailand, Masashi Fujiwara, #20084 (2010).
CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of Deep Saline Cambrian-Ordovician Formations in Eastern Ohio, Isis Fukai, Mackenzie Scharenberg, Priya Ravi Ganesh, Joel Main, Glenn Larsen, Autumn Haagsma, Caitlin McNeil, and Neeraj Gupta, #80561 (2016).
Rapid Exploration in a Mature Area in Northwest Kansas: Improving the Definition of Key Reservoir Characteristics using Big Data, W.E. (Bill) Full and Steve James, #41685 (2015).
Quantification of Static Connectivity between Deepwater Channels and Stratigraphically Adjacent Architectural Elements Using Outcrop Analogs, Jonathan Funk, Roger M. Slatt, and David Pyles, #50623 (2012).
Reservoir and Bitumen Heterogeneity in Athabasca Oil Sands, Milovan Fustic, Khalis Ahmed, Sammi Brough, Barry Bennett, Lorraine Bloom, Michèle Asgar-Deen, Olufemi Jokanola, Ron Spencer, and Steve Larter, #20296 (2015).
Sedimentological Criteria for Distinguishing Stacked Dune-trough Muds from Muds in Inclined Heterolithic Strata in the Subsurface – Insights from McMurray Formation Outcrops and Modern Analogues, Milovan Fustic, Robert Dalrymple, Rudy Strobl, Bryce Jablonski, Eirik Vik, and Allard Martinius, #51023 (2014).
Geological Mapping and Reservoir Characterization of Oil Sands Reservoir by Integrating 3D Seismic, Dipmeter, Core Descriptions, and Analogs in the McMurray Formation, NE Alberta, by M. Fustic, L. Skulski, W. Hanson, D. Vanhooren, P. Bessette, D. Hinks, L. Bellman, and D. Leckie, #40281 (2008).
Seismic Facies Analysis and Structural Interpretation of the Sandakan Sub-basin, Sulu Sea, Philippines, K. Futalan, A. Mitchell, K. Amos, and G. Backe, #30254 (2012).
Ga-Ge Gf-Gp Gr-Gz
Ascendancy of Continuous Profiles of Grain-Size Distribution for Depositional Environment Studies, Gamal R. Gaafar, M. Mehmet Altunbay, Adriaan Bal, and Norfazlina B. Anuar, #41441 (2014).
Argentina: "Country of Eternal Promise and Second chances", Laurens Gaarenstroom, #70328 (2018).
PS Slope Instability in a Tectonically Active Jurassic Sedimentary Basin, Northwest British Columbia, Canada, by J. F. Gagnon and J. W. F. Waldron, #50165 (2009).
Porosity Characterization of the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation, Ilaria Gaiani, Andrew Aplin, Ruarri Day-Stirrat, H. C. Greenwell, and P. Cubillas, #11249 (2019).
The African Plate (TAP): Lithosphere and Mantle Interactions and Implications for Basin Evolution: Preliminary insights into Regional Present-day and Paleo-stresses, Carmen Gaina, Sergei Medvedev, Giulio Viola, Lew Ashwal, Carla Braitenberg, et al., #30184 (2011).
GC PS-Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy: Benefits for Fractured Reservoir Management, by James E. Gaiser, #40120 (2004).
AVConverted Shear-Wave Seismic Fracture Characterization Analysis at Pinedale Field, Wyoming, by James E. Gaiser and Richard R. Van Dok, #110024 (2005).
4 of 4 presentations at AAPG/SEPM Session: New Advances in Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Source-rock Potential and Origin of Hydrocarbons in the Cretaceous and Jurassic Sediments of the Punjab Platform (Indus Basin) Pakistan, Rahmat Ali Gakkhar, Achim Bechtel, and Reinhard Gratzer, #50572 (2012).
Strategies to Optimize Reserves and Resources Development before Drilling: Case Study in the Llanos Basin, Colombia, Yohaney Gómez Galarza, #10993 (2017).
Design of Land 3-D Surveys, by Mike Galbraith, #40139 (2004).
Natural Fractures in Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Julia F.W. Gale, #41487 (2014).
Natural Fracture Patterns and Attributes across a Range of Scales, Julia F.W. Gale, #41486 (2014).
Natural Fractures in Shales: Origins, Characteristics and Relevance for Hydraulic Fracture Treatments, by Julia F. Gale, #40338 (2008).
Predicting Fracture and Porosity Evolution in Dolostone, by Julia F.W. Gale, Robert H. Lander, and Robert M. Reed, #40208 (2006).
PS Natural Fractures in the New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin, and Their Importance for Shale-Gas Production, Julia F.W. Gale, Stephen E. Laubach, and Lucas J. Fidler, #80120 (2010).
Natural Fractures in the Barnett Shale in the Delaware Basin, Pecos Co. West Texas: Comparison with the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin, Julia F. Gale, Robert M. Reed, Stephen P. Becker, and Walaa Ali, #10226 (2010).
Characterization of Major Seals in Zubair Reservoir Leading to Multiple Fluid Contacts: Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait, Francia A. Galea Alvarez and Lamyaa Bogammaz, #20353 (2016).
Multi-Component Digital Receivers: Comparison of Subsurface and Conventional Surface Datasets, Tagir Galikeev, Jason Criss, and Vince Rodych, #41566 (2015).
Evolution of the Bahia Basin: Evidence for Vertical-Axis Block Rotation and Basin Inversion at the Caribbean Plate Margin Offshore Northern Colombia, Pedro Galindo and Lidia Lonergan, #10528 (2013).
PS Stratigraphic Units in the North Marine Area: How Are They Defined and What is the Nature of the Contacts Between Them?, Nancy Gallai-Ragobar and Curtis Archie, #30446 (2016).
The Geological and Geophysical Evaluation of the S-108 Area, Gulf of Paria, Offshore Western Trinidad, Nancy Gallai and Curtis Archie, #20232 (2014).
Integration of Static and Dynamic Reservoir Parameters for Thin Bedded Low Resistivity Pay, Serge Galley, Robert A. Walsh, and Nilesh S. Kadam, #42482 (2019).
A Skeptic's Conclusion: The Model-based Clastic Sequence Stratigraphic Paradigm Was and Is Fatally Flawed, by William E. Galloway, #70020 (2006).
PS Regional Controls from Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Continental Slope and Abyssal Plain Reservoir Systems of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, W.E. Galloway, P. Ganey-Curry, and T.L. Whiteaker, #50226 (2009).
Comparative Analysis of Hydrocarbon Generation by Probable Source Rocks in the Deep and Uplifted Parts of the East Barents Basin: Results from Basin Modeling, Yurii Galushkin, G. E. Yakovlev, and K. A. Sitar, #10566 (2014).
Operational Considerations for Logging While Drilling Fluid Analysis Sampling and Testing in a Gas Reservoir in Asia Pacific, Francisco Galvan, Ansgar Cartellieri, and Pei-Chea Tran, #41319 (2014).
PS Detailed Characterization of a Complete, New Woodford Shale Section in the Ardmore Basin of Oklahoma: The Case for a New Type Section?, Henry A. Galvis-Portilla, Daniela M. Becerra-Rondon, and Roger Slatt, #11045 (2018).
PS Let's Make Outcrops Recover Their Value, Understanding the Rock on the Surface for Predicting into the Subsurface: Woodford Shale Case Study, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma, Henry A. Galvis-Portilla, Daniela Becerra-Rondon, and Roger Slatt, #10907 (2017).
PS Rock and Fracture Characterization of the Woodford Shale along the I-35 Outcrop, Henry Galvis-Portilla, Daniela Becerra-Rondon, David Duarte, and Roger Slatt, #51240 (2016).
Modern Examples of Mass‐Transport Complexes, Debrite and Turbidite Associations: Geometry, Stratigraphic Relationships and Implications for Hydrocarbon Trap Development, Fabiano Gamberi, Marzia Rovere, Michael Marani, #40536 (2010).
PS Evaluating the Impact of Mineralogy on Reservoir Quality and Completion Quality of Organic Shale Plays, Helena Gamero Diaz, Camron Miller, Rick Lewis, and Carmen Contreras Fuentes, #41221 (2013).
sCore: A Classification Scheme for Organic Mudstones Based on Bulk Mineralogy, Helena Gamero-Diaz, Camron Miller, and Richard Lewis, #40951 (2012).
Regional Mapping of Genetic Units in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase II: What to Do without a Flooding Surface: Mapping the Coastal Plain, by Tina L. Gammill, Alan J. Scott, Natasha M. Rigg, Benjamin Kessel, Will D. Monn, Mark L. Bacon, and Austin J. Roelofs, #50158 (2009).
Leveraging Digitization to Achieve Operational Certainty, Pattabhiraman Ganesh, #70367 (2018).
EA Estimation Model of Permeability for Tight Sandstone Reservoirs Based on Nuclear Magetic Resonance T2 Centralized Distribution Method, Chen Gang, Fan Yiren, and Li Yang, #42390 (2019).
Integration of Geomechanics, Stress Field and Reservoir Production to Predict Dynamic Fractures Behavior of a Tight Sandstone Reservoir, Hui Gang, #42032 (2017).
Application of Spectral Decomposition Technique in Reservoir Exploration in the Junggar Basin of West China, Cai Gang, Su Mingjun, Yao Qingzhou, and Gong Honglin, #10340 (2011).
Characterizing Seal Bypass Systems at the Rock Springs Uplift, Southwest Wyoming Using Seismic Attribute Analysis, Yuri Ganshin and Fred McLaughlin, #80483 (2015).
Mapping Almond Reservoir Rocks at Stagecoach Draw Field, Southwestern Wyoming: Application of Spectral Decomposition Technique, Yuri V. Ganshin, Scott A.Quillinan, Ronald C. Surdam, #40544 (2010).
EA New Method for Disassociate Rate and Permeability Evaluation in Gas Hydrate Reservoir, Bei Gao, Shim Yen Han, Cai Hui Min, Qu Chang Wei, Chen Jichao, and Hadrien Dumont, #80718 (2020).
Sedimentary Characteristics and Controlling Factors of a Tight Sandstone Reservoir in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Southwest Ordos Basin, China, Yi Gao, #11037 (2017).
PS Fluid Inclusion and Isotope Studies of Calcite Veins in Shizhu Synclinorium, Central China: Record of Origin of Fluids and Diagenetic Conditions, Jian Gao and Sheng He, #51275 (2016).
Continent-Ocean Transition at the Northern Margin of the South China Sea, Jinwei Gao, Shiguo Wu, Kirk McIntosh, Lijun Mi, and Bochu Yao, #30451 (2016).
Diagenesis of Unconformity Semi-Weathered Rock Layer and Its Influence on Reservoir Physical Property: A Case of Unconformity on the Top of Triassic in Xia 9 Wellblock, Junggar Basin, NW China, Changhai Gao, Ming Zha, and Jiangxiu Qu, #51215 (2016).
Monitoring CO2 Injection at Weyburn Reservoir Using 3-D/3-C Seismic Datasets, Le Gao and Igor Morozov, #20290 (2015).
Analysis of Geological Effects on Methane Adsorption Capacity of Continental Shale: A Case Study of the Jurassic Shales in the Tarim Basin, Northwestern China, Xiaoyue Gao, Luofu Liu, Ying Wang, Fei Xiao, Zeying Ren, and Zhengyang Xiao, #10746 (2015).
PS Application of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry in Pore Structure Characterization, Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu, #40950 (2012).
Reservoir Modeling of Production of CH4 from Natural Gas Hydrates by Injection of a CO2+N2 Gas Mixture, Nagasree Garapati, Patrick McGuire, and Brian J. Anderson, #41183 (2013).
PS Chemostratigraphy across Devonian-Carboniferous Sedimentary Sequences at Roboré Sub-Basin, Southeastern Bolivia: Correlation and Tectonic Setting, Grony Garbán, Raúl Mayta, Javier Esquivel, Daniel Vildoso, and Héctor Ostera, #51541 (2019).
Depositional Facies of Grayburg/San Andres Dolomite Reservoirs, Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, R.A. Garber and P.M. Harris, #60026 (2009).
Depositional Facies of Grayburg/San Andres Dolomite Reservoirs, Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, R.A. Garber and P.M. Harris, #60031 (2009).
Attribute-Assisted Automatic Fault Extraction – A Case Study in a Tectonically Complex Area Offshore East Coast of Canada, H. M. Garcia, J. Dexter, and R. Martin, #41925 (2016).
PS Multiscale Characterization of Coquinas Reservoirs in Analogues Outcrops, Sergipe Alagoas (Brazil) and Lusitanian (Portugal) Basins, Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia, Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia, Márcio Vinicius Santana Dantas, Samuel Alécio Tavares Figueiredo, Karen Ariadne Leite Santos, Izaura Oliveira Carvalho, Daniela Dantas de Menezes Ribeiro, and Larissa Lima da Rocha, #51252 (2016).
Basin Modeling Uncertainties Related to the Hybrid Devonian Petroleum System (Conventional Plus Atypical) of the Solimões Basin (Brazil), Gustavo Garcia, L. M. Araújo, and J. R. Wanderley Filho, #120106 (2013).
PS Spain – Offshore Canary Islands – Tarfaya Basin: Implications of Sandia-1X Well Results in the Hydrocarbon Exploration Offshore Morocco, L. Garcia Del Olmo, #30593 (2018).
PS State-of-the-Art Ion Milling Ablation Applied to Shale Gas Sample Preparation, Laura García, Miguel Ángel Caja, Jordi Tritlla, Virginia Sánchez, Irene González, F. J. Gómez, and Santiago Quesada, #80389 (2014).
Web-Based Georeferenced Information System - A Cutting Edge Managing Tool for Opportunity Portfolios and Oil Business, Carla K. Garcia, Jennifer Moscarella, Onofre Liscano, Domingo Garcia, and Luis Melo, #40798 (2011).
Reactive Transport Modeling Approach to Studying Silicification of Carbonates, Beatriz Garcia-Fresca, Tatyana Gabellone, and Fiona Whitaker, #51580 (2019).
The Playa Lake Depositional Model for the Three Forks Formation, Beatriz Garcia-Fresca and Daniel Pinkston, #51278 (2016).
Diagenetic Flow and Transport Modeling to Predict Reservoir Quality in Carbonate Formations, Beatriz Garcia-Fresca and Tom Palmer, #50975 (2014).
Mud Diapirs and Mud Volcanoes Associated with Gas Hydrates System in the Sinu Fold Belt of Colombia, South Western Caribbean and its Significant in the Petroleum System, Mario García-González, Rocio Bernal-Olaya, Jorge L. Fuentes-Lorenzo, and Ana M García-Ceballos, #80698 (2019).
Shale Gas Potential in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, #10286 (2010).
Coalbed Methane Resources in Colombia, Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, #10287 (2010).
Application of Hydrous Pyrolysis Technique in Evaluating Coalbed Methane Prospects, Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, #80071 (2009).
Tertiary Oil-Prone Coals and Carbonaceous Shales Identified as the Potential Source Rock of the Caracara Sur Oil Field in the Llanos Basin, Colombia, M. F. García-Mayoral, J. O. W. Grimmer, J. Navarro, M. R. Rodríguez-Pardo, A. Medina, and E. Cuñado, #20386 (2017).
The Apparent Stratigraphic Concordance of Reflux Dolomite: New Insights from Synsedimentary Reactive Transport Models, Beatriz Garcia-Fresca, Gareth D. Jones, and Tianfu Xu, #50208 (2009).
PS Remote Well Site Biostratigraphy and Advances in Automated Fossil Analysis, Gunilla Gard, Iain Prince, Jason A. Crux, J. M. Shin, and Bernard Lee, #41930 (2016).
PS Uniting Petrophysics and Stratigraphy to Decipher Classified Facies from a Pre-Stack 3D Inversion: Wolfcamp and Spraberry, Howard County, Midland Basin, Stephen P. Gardner, Katie-Joe McDonough, Robert Lieber, Ray Vogler, Scott Cook, and Michael Pollachek, #10946 (2017).
Development and Application of Sedimentary Rules in Stratigraphic Prediction of Deepwater Reservoir Presence and Architecture, Michael H. Gardner, #40995 (2012).
Evaluating Source to Sink Controls on the Permian Record of Deep-Water Sedimentation in the Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA, Michael H. Gardner, James M. Borer, Jesse J. Melick, Erik R. Kling, Noelia Baptista, and Brian W. Romans, #50247 (2010) (3.8 mb); complete presentation (23.4 mb).
The Late Tertiary Deep-Water Siliciclastic System of the Levant Margin - From Emerging Play Offshore Israel, Michael A. Gardosh, Yehezkel Druckman and Binyamin Buchbinder, #10211 (2009).
Integrated Study of Petrophysical Properties of Highly Heterogeneous Miocene Reefal Carbonate Rocks, Charlotte Garing, #120051 (2012).
Underexplored Opportunities in the Arabian Plate: Application of Global Analogues, Joanna Garland and Andrew Horbury, #30491 (2017).
PS Alternative Source Rocks on the Norwegian Continental Shelf: Potential Cretaceous Sourcing in Deepwater Basins, Laura H. Garner, Paul Farrimond, and Marianne Nuzzo, #11031 (2017).
Overview of a SAGD Reservoir Characterization Strategy for Horizontal Well Placement and Ranking Within the Surmont Lease, McMurray Oilsands, Alberta, by David Garner, T.J. Wheeler, Emmanuel Mus, and Jean-François Richy, #40166 (2005).
A Regional Approach to Understanding Basin Evolution and Play Systematics in Brunei - Unearthing New Opportunities in a Mature Basin, Anthony Gartrell, Jose Torres, and Nick Hoggmascall, #10467 (2012).
Finding New Pay in Old Wells in Both Open and Cased Holes, Richard Gartner and Herman Vacca, #40677 (2010).
The Search for New Exploration Plays: When Only the Best Will Do, Julie Garvin, #10810 (2015).
Improving Play Concept Development Using Semantic Technologies, by Anthony Gary, Arun Majumdar, William Full, and John Sowa, #40377 (2009).
PS A Comparison of XRD Mineralogical Variability and Techniques with Proxy Approaches to Defining Mineralogy and Rock Type: Examples from the Wolfcamp-Dean-Spraberry Succession of the Northern Midland Basin, Hector Garza, Gerardo Torrez, Tony Moherek, Harry Rowe, and Pukar Mainali, #42423 (2019).
Structural and Diagenetic Controls of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir - Implications for Oil Deposit Development (A Case Study from the Zechstein of Poland), Andrzej Gasiewicz, Zbigniew Mikolajewski, Miroslaw Slowakiewicz, and Maciej Tomaszczyk, #20131 (2012).
Innovative Approaches of Carbonate Diagenesis Characterization to Predict Thermochemical Sulphate Reduction (TSR) Occurrence in Sedimentary Basins, Marta Gasparrini, Xavier Mangenot, Alexy Elias Banhan, Isabelle Kowalewski, Xavier Guichet, Tristan Euzen, and Nicolas Maurand, #42370 (2019).
Preliminary Sedimentology of Milk River Equivalent in the New Abbey/Lacadena Gas Fields, Saskatchewan, W. H. (Bill) Gattenby and M. Staniland, #20300 (2015).
Intra-Reservoir Generation of Organic Acids and Late Stage Enhanced Porosity in Sandstones, by Reinhard Gaupp and Robert Schöner, #40373 (2008).
Modeling 3D Fracture Network in Carbonate NFR: Contribution from an Analogue Dataset, the Cante Perdrix Quarry, Calvisson, SE France, B. D. M. Gauthier, K. Bisdom, and G. Bertotti, #120052 (2012).
Recoverable Petroleum Beneath the City of Los Angeles, Donald L. Gautier, #20445 (2018).
Strategy for Assessment of European Gas Shales, Donald L. Gautier, #80208 (2012).
Forgone Oil in the Los Angeles Basin: Assessment of Remaining Petroleum in Giant Fields of Southern California, Donald L. Gautier, M. E. Tennyson, R. R. Charpentier, Troy A. Cook, and Timothy R. Klett, #20164 (2012).
Germany - Overview about Renewed Petroleum Activities, Piotr Gawenda, #10397 (2012).
The Lower Abo Horizontal Oil Play of Southeast New Mexico, Ted Gawloski, #10370 (2011).
Joints, Linears, and Lineaments – The Basement Connection, S. Parker Gay, Jr., #41083 (2012).
GCMapping Geologic Structure of Basement and Role of Basement in Hydrocarbon Entrapment, by Parker Gay, #40052 (2002).
Basement Fault Control of Offshore Cretaceous Sandbars in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, by S. Parker Gay, Jr., #10142 (2008).
Recent Advances in the Understanding of Northern Basin Stratigraphy, Gulf of Paria: Integrating Biostratigraphic and Palynological Analysis, Shazana Gazalie, Christopher Lakhan, and Curtis Archie, #10894 (2016).
A New Look at the Petroleum System within the S-659 Area, Soldado North, Gulf of Paria, Shazana Gazalie and Karuna Moonan, #20374 (2016).
PS Lab Measurements of Gas-Liquid Relative Permeability in Coals, Lei Ge, Chawarwan Khan, Thomas E. Rufford, and Victor Rudolph, #41646 (2015).
Controls on Hydrocarbon Entrapment and Reservoir Distribution: The Pennsylvanian Oswego Limestone and Big Lime Limestone in the Putnam Field Area, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, by James R. Geary, #20046 (2008).
PS Burial and Thermal History Model to Evaluate Source Rock, in Tatau Province, Offshore Sarawak Basin, Malaysia, Tedros M. Gebregergis and W. Ismail W. Yukoff, #40706 (2011).
New Evidence for Long-Term, Salt-Related Deformation at Upheaval Dome, SE Utah, Patrick J. Geesaman, Bruce D. Trudgill, Thomas E. Hearon IV, and Mark G. Rowan, #10756 (2015).
AV Seismic Technologies for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: Wamsutter Field Case Study, Rosemarie Geetan, Brian Hornby, and Ricko Wardhana, #110159 (2011).
1 of 4 presentations from Session, Seismic Reservoir Characterization, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
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A New Model of CBM Permeability and Sorption-Induced Strain Based on Open-System Geomechanics, Mikhail Geilikman and Sau-Wai Wong, #80262 (2012).
EA Automatic Seismic-to-Well Tie by Restricted Adjustment of Sonic Logs, Gabriel R. Gelpi, Daniel O. Pérez, and Danilo R. Velis, #42466 (2021).
Re-Thinking Reservoirs: The Case of the T2 Sands in the Southern Llanos Basin of Colombia, Jaime Gelvez, Carlos Villamizar, Antonio Velasquez, Andres Mora, Victor Caballero, Felipe de la Parra, Johan Ortiz, and Edwardo Cardozo, #80559 (2016).
PS Sand Bodies Connectivity Analysis Utilizing Measured Pore Pressure in Normal Pressure, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China, Qian Geng, Xu Changgui, Niu Chengmin, Yang Bo, Yang Haifeng, and Jia Zhen, #42106 (2017).
PS Formation Pressure Correction to Enhance the Prediction of the OWC in a Normal Pressure Reservoir, Qian Geng, Su Yanchun, Yang Haifeng, Jianmin Zhang, Zhanhua Zhang, Jia Zhen, and Liu Xue, #42105 (2017).
PSFourier Analysis of the Laminated Facies of the Middle Bakken Member, Sanish-Parshall Field, Mountrail County, North Dakota, Virginia A. Gent and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #50996 (2014).
PS 2014 Wyoming Stratigraphic Nomenclature Chart, Lyn George, Don Cardinal, and Gary Winter, #42029 (2017).
PS Data Integration from Side Wall Cores to Image Log to Seismic Architecture of Deepwater Cretaceous Section: An Example from Sierra Leone, Jean Gérard, Promod Painuly, Jordi Franquès, Adela Herrá, Abdul Mansaray, Alejandro Franco, Laura Net, and Fabio Pallottini, #50636 (2012).
PS Gas Hydrate Geohazard Assessment in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using a Vertical Line Array, by Erika Geresi, N. R. Chapman, T. M. McGee, and J. R. Woolsey, #40159 (2005).
Identifying Human Impact on Global Climate from Geologic Data, Lee C. Gerhard, #70083 (2010).
Introduction to Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, by Lee C. Gerhard, #70030 (2007).
Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change: Introduction and Overview, by L.C. Gerhard, W.E. Harrison and B.M. Hanson, #70007 (2001).
Published Illustrations in Exploration-Type Synthesis, by Larry D. Gerken, #40008 (2000).
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Cenozoic Subsidence and Lithospheric Stretching Deformation of the Ajdabiya Trough Area, Northeast Sirt Basin, Libya, H. B. Ghanoush, J. Imber, and K. McCaffrey, #10695 (2014).
Structural Architecture and Evolution of the Southern Atlas Fold and Thrust Belt of Tunisia as Revealed by Field Data, Seismic Reflection Profiles and Cross-Section Balancing, Mohamed Gharbi, Nicolas Espurt, Olivier Bellier, and Amara Masrouhi, #50840 (2013).
PS Recent Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Stress Regime along the Southern Tunisian Atlas Front and Gulf of Gabes: New Insights from Fault Kinematics Inversion and Seismic Sections, Mohamed Gharbi, Olivier Bellier, Amara Masrouhi, and Nicolas Espurt, #50796 (2013).
The Pliocene to Pleistocene Succession of the Hyblean Foredeep (Sicily, Italy), Manlio Ghielmi, Maria Rosa Amore, Eleonora Maria Bolla, Paolo Carubelli, Gabriella Knezaurek, and Claudio Serraino, #30220 (2012).
Novel Approach for Improved Evaluation and Saturation Estimate Behind Casing of the Gotnia Formation Using New Advanced Inelastic and Capture Nuclear Spectroscopy Technique, Ali Abu Ghneej, Khaled Sassi, Talal Al-Adwani, Meshal Al-Wadi, Reyad Abu Taleb, Aishah Abdullah, and Aisha Embaireeg, #42259 (2018).
Quantitative Formation Evaluation of Hith-Gotnia Evaporites by Integrating Logging-While-Drilling and Cased Hole Wireline Measurements, Ali Abu Ghneej, Badruzzaman Khan, Pratik Sangani, Meshal Alwadi, Sanjeev S. Thakur, Omur Nohut, and Abdullah Al-Hamad, #41746 (2015).
Fluid Detection in Carbonate Reservoirs utilizing Gas Analysis-A Case Study, Ali Abu Ghneej, Jalal Dashti, Badruzzaman Khan, Heyam Ammar, Abdulrazaq AL-Nabhan, Sunil K. Singh, Talal Al-Adwani, and Nacif Marai, #41116 (2013).
Petroleum Systems Modelling of the Perth Basin, Western Australia, Khwaja A. Ghori, #10961 (2017).
Emerging Shale and Tight-Sand Plays, Perth Basin, Western Australia, Ameed Ghori, #10849 (2016).
Petroleum Systems of the Perth Basin, Western Australia, K.A.R. Ghori, #10805 (2015).
Western Australia's Geothermal Resources, by Ameed Ghori, #80023 (2008).
Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of the Canning Basin, Western Australia: A review, by K.A.R. Ghori and P.W. Haines, #10121 (2007).
Integration of Geological Understanding with Geophysical Techniques for Better Reservoir Characterization A Case Study in Ravva Block, India, Arnab Ghosh, Harsh Vardhan, Shashank Singh, Siddharth Kejriwal, Harshul Khandelwal, Kaladhar Sharma, Bhawesh C. Jha, and Monosvita Chaliha, #51557 (2019).
PS Borehole Image-Based Aperture Characterization to Identify Primary Versus Secondary Fracture Opening, Kajari Ghosh, Nicholas Harvey, and Robert Gales, #42186 (2018).
Multiscale Fracture Dimensions in the Woodford Shale, Sayantan Ghosh, #51405 (2017).
Prediction of Hydraulic Fracture Damaged Zone Geometries in the Woodford Shale in Arkoma Basin using Discrete Fracture Network Models, Sayantan Ghosh and Seth Busetti, #42115 (2017).
Integrated Geological Interpretation Using Seismic and Non-seismic Methods for Hydrocarbon Exploration: a case Study in NELP-VI block in Mizoram, India, G. K. Ghosh, K. L. Mandal, A. K. Khanna, and S. N. Singh, #50583 (2012).
Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Characteristic Trends of a Basin Floor Fan in Los Molles Fm., Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Enhanced Coarse-Grained Fan Model Using 3D Outcrops, Gabriel Giacomone, Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel, and Moonsoo Shin, #11297 (2020).
Local Long-Lived Basin-Margin Deformation and Multiple Petroleum System Occurrence in the Neuquen Basin, Argentina, Pablo Giampaoli, Gustavo Potas, Ana Quintana, Rodolfo Corbera, Ariel Galarza, and Ignacio Brisson, #11268 (2019).
PS The Triangle Zone of the Argentine Precordillera: Insights From the Integration of Geological and Geophysical Data, Pablo Giampaoli and Federico G. Spath, #30445 (2016).
PS Evaluating Hydrocarbon Migration Paths Using Fault Displacement Distributions, Pablo Giampaoli, #41234 (2013).
Microbial, Algal, and Metazoan Dominated Highstand Carbonate Buildups and the Link to Lowstand Evaporite Distribution, Pennsylvanian of the Paradox Basin, SE Utah, Gary L. Gianniny, #50656 (2012).
Facies Study of the West Ells SAGD Project, Athabasca Oilsands, Josh Gibb and Greg Edwards, #51077 (2015).
PSInversion - Interpreting the Deformation Path - Why Does it Matter?, by A. D. Gibbs, #40034 (2001).
PSQuantifying Uncertainty in Geological Structures, by A. D. Gibbs, #40033 (2001).
The Seven "C"s of Success, by James A. Gibbs, #70033 (2007).
Does Scenario Modeling Really Lead to an Explosion in the Amount of Work We Have to Do? by Alan D. Gibbs, Clare Bond, Roderick J. Muri, and Zoe K. Shipton, #70041 (2008)
Controls on Petroleum Phase and Water Production in the Wall Creek Resource Play, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Rich Gibson, #11254 (2019).
Simple Models for the Stress-Dependence of Anisotropic Seismic Velocities in Fractured Rock, Richard L. Gibson, Jr. and Kai Gao, #120053 (2012).
PS Petrophysical Characteristics of Carbonate Drift Deposits in the Maldives, Emma L. Giddens, Gregor P. Eberli, Ralf J. Weger, Thomas Lüdmann, and Angela Slagle, #51586 (2019).
The Application of Data Conditioning, Frequency Decomposition, and RGB Colour Blending in the Gohta Discovery (Barents Sea, Norway), Syed Fakhar Gilani, Luis Gomez, and Ryan Williams, #41890 (2016).
Recognition of Passive Salt Diapirism in the Rock Record, Katherine Giles and Mark Rowan, #30614 (2019).
Salt Shoulders, Katherine A. Giles, Mark G. Rowan, Richard Langford, Josh McFarland, and Thomas Hearon, #30554 (2018).
The Paradox Salt Basin, Utah and Colorado: Recognition of New Types of Salt Structures and Their Impact on Salt-Related Traps, Katherine A. Giles, Thomas Hearon, Mark Rowan, and Rip Langford, #10959 (2017).
A Halokinetic Drape-Fold Model for Caprock in Diapir-Flanking and Subsalt Positions, Kate Giles, Tim Lawton, Austin Shock, Rachelle Kernen, Thomas Hearon, and Mark Rowan, #40956 (2012).
Attributes of Carbonate Platforms Associated With Passive Salt Diapirism, Katherine A. Giles, #41386 (2014).
Tracking the Migration of Salt Diapirs Using Halokinetic Sequence Stratigraphy Katherine Giles, #40534 (2010) (12.5 MB).
Complex Feed Back Loops Controlling Heterozoan Reef Development on Salt Diapirs, La Popa Basin, Mexico Katherine Giles, #50260 (2010) (12.5 MB).
Comparison of Attributes and Formation of Stratal Carapaces Versus Halokinetic Sequences, by Katherine A. Giles, #40207 (2006).
Preliminary Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for a Mississippian Madison Group Shelf Margin, South Boulder Canyon, Southwest Montana, Murray Gilhooly and John Weissenberger, #51555 (2019).
PS Preliminary Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for a Mississippian Shelf Margin, Madison Group, South Boulder Canyon, Southwest Montana, Murray G. Gilhooly and John A. Weissenberger, #30539 (2017).
Regional Frasnian Stratigraphic Framework, Alberta Outcrop and Subsurface, Murray Gilhooly, Pak Wong, John Weissenberger, and Ken Potma, #30346 (2014).
Using Oil Field Chemical Analyses to Determine Salinity Gradients and the Depth to Underground Sources of Drinking Water in Kern County's Oilfields, Janice Gillespie, Joshua Meyer, David Kong, and Stephen Anderson, #80458 (2015).
Appalachian Shales Are Not Just Unconventional, They Are Downright Kinky, Paul Gillespie, #10857 (2016).
3-D Seismic and Geosteering Analysis Reveals the Structural Style of the Appalachian Plateau, Paul Gillespie, Scott Wessels, Damian Lynch, and Judith van Hagen, #41197 (2013).
Success and Failure in Shale Gas Exploration and Development: Attributes that Make the Difference, Jesse Gilman and Chris Robinson, #80132 (2010).
Biogenic Permeability in the Bakken Formation, Murray Gingras, Solange Angulo, and Luis Buatois, #50905 (2013).
From the Gulf of Cádiz to the Gharb Basin: What's Next?, Carlos Giraldo, #11384 (2024).
Structural Styles in the Jubba Deep Basin, Offshore Somalia, Carlos Giraldo and Marel Sánchez, #11383 (2024).
Tectonic Settings around a Thermogenic Gas Discovery offshore Morocco (Gharb Basin), Carlos Giraldo, #30680 (2024).
Evidences of Salt Tectonics around the Guadalquivir bank, Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberia), C. Giraldo, W. Hermoza, B. Amigo, R. Rocca, C. Martinez, Y. Malcroma, C. Rosales, R. Baudino, A. Martín-Monge, O. Fernandez, H. Welsink, L. Cascone, A. Olaiz, C. García-Mojonero, and A. Arnáiz, #50980 (2014).
Neogene Gravity-Driven Deformations around Gibraltar Arch Prior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis, C. Giraldo and W. Hermoza, #50837 (2013).
Deriving an Economic Model to Identify Emissions Reduction Opportunities in the Carbon Energy Business, Jagdish P.N. Giri, #80146 (2011).
Mixed Carbonates and Siliciclastics along the Coast of Southern Belize (Central America): Sediment Cores as Archives of Late Quaternary Coastal Development and Major Storms, Eberhard Gischler and Friederike Adomat, #50692 (2012).
Facies and Diagenesis of Older Pleistocene Coral Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Australia (IODP 325), Eberhard Gischler, Andre W. Droxler, Jody Webster, and Expedition 325 Scientists, #50433 (2011).
Mixed Carbonates and Siliciclastics in the Quaternary of Southern Belize: Pleistocene Turning Points in Reef Development Controlled by Sea-Level Change, Eberhard Gischler, Robert N. Ginsburg, Jens Herrle, and Sachindra Prasad #50273 (2010).
Wave-Equation-Based Target-Oriented Inversion for Reservoir Characterisation, Dries Gisolf, P.R. Haffinger, and P. Doulgeris, #41759 (2016).
Dolomite Outcrop Analogues as a Key to Understand the Development of Super-K Layers in a Giant Carbonate Reservoir (Upper Khuff Formation, Middle-East), Franck Gisquet, Marc Floquet, Bruno Caline, Aurélien Virgone, and Jean Borgomano, #51357 (2017).
Advances in the Application of Biostratigraphy to Petroleum Exploration and Production, by G.O. Giwa, A.C. Oyede, and E.A. Okosun, #50029 (2006).
Organic Geochemical and Petrographic Signatures of Hydrocarbons in Igneous Systems, Andrew Giże, #30521 (2017).
Geothermal Energy Potential Within the Los Angeles Basin and Its Co-Location With Solar and Wind Renewable Energy Resources, William E. Glassley and Elise Brown, #80301 (2013).
Investigation of Pore Structure within the Weyburn Oilfield using Synchrotron Microtomography, Chad Glemser, Tom Kotzer, and Chris Hawkes, #20294 (2015).
From Small Beginnings Come Great Things: Correlating Mineralogy from Thin-Sections to Production History for the Panther River Tight Gas Field, Alberta, Canada, Chad Glemser and Jeffrey MacDonald, #20238 (2014).
Dynamics of Marcellus Shale Environmental Health and Safety Incident Reporting in Pennsylvania, Deborah B. Glosser and Daniel J. Bain, #80349 (2013).
Lithological Controls on Mechanical Anisotropy in Shales to Predict In Situ Stress Magnitudes and Potential for Shearing of Laminations during Fracturing, Ken Glover, #41690 (2015).
Spongiform Texture and Pipe Structures in Holocene Grainstones from the Bahamas: Implications for Porosity and Permeability Development and Evolution, Bosiljka Glumac, H. Allen Curran, Michael Savarese, and Fritz Hoeflein, #50593 (2012).
PSThe Onset of Biogenic Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Hypersaline Microbial Mats (Eleuthera, Bahamas), Christina B. Glunk, Christophe Dupraz, Olivier Braissant, Eric P. Verrecchia, and Pieter T. Visscher, #50225 (2009).
PS Detecting Lateral Continuity of Taranaki Basin Reservoir Sand Based on Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Attribute Analysis, Joseph Gnapragasan and Umar Hamzah, #10741 (2015).
PS Characterizing Compartmentalization in Structurally Heterogeneous Reservoirs Using Fluid Mixing Time-Scales, Jason Go, Craig Smalley, and Ann Muggeridge, #41423 (2014).
Detecting Reservoir Compartmentalization from the Mixing Time-Scales of 87Sr/86 Isotope Ratio Variations in Oilfield Formation Waters, Jason Go, Craig Smalley, and Ann Muggeridge, #40967 (2012).
Forcing Mechanisms on Late Cretaceous Carbonate Sedimentation: The Austin Chalk Group of Central Texas, Alexis Godet, John R. Cooper, Andrew Hancock, Mike C. Pope, and Miguel Bernardo, #51598 (2019).
Exploration for the Arkansas Novaculite Reservoir, in the Southern Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, Theodore J. Godo, Peng Li, and Michael E. Ratchford, #10337 (2011).
Integrity of Wells in the Nearshore Area Gippsland Basin, Todd Goebel, Barry Nicholson, and Nick Hoffman, #80510 (2016).
From Core to Pore: Multi-Scale, Multi-Dimensional Characterization of Fine-Grained Reservoir Rocks, Eric T. Goergen, Kimball Skinner, Herman Lemmens, and Aukje Benidictus, #41358 (2014).
Evolution and Preservation of Sand Ridges from the New Jersey Middle and Outer Shelf, John A. Goff, #50209 (2009).
Determination of Fluid Entry in Eocene Producers of Upper Assam Basin with the Help of New and Advanced Production Logging Tool, Polash Gogoi and B. Saha, #40874 (2012).
Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characterisation of a Fine-Grained Sandstone With Significant Clay Coating Using 3D Micro-CT and SEM Imaging From a 5 mm Plug, Alexandra Golab, Alessio Arena, Ishtar Barranco, Rafael Salazar-Tio, Joseph Hamilton, Nasiru Idowu, Puvaa Rajan, Silvano Sommacal, Benjamin Young, Anna Carnerup, Josephina M. Schembre-McCabe, and Keith Boyle, #41756 (2015).
Depositional Sequences and Relative Sea-Level Change in Jamaica Determined by Biostratigraphic Data, David P. Gold, James P. G. Fenton, Michael Bent, Daniel Kay, Max Norman, Nicole Nembhard, and Herona Thompson, #51526 (2018).
PS Geochemistry and Organic Petrography of Aptian-Albian Source Rocks in the Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil, Karin Goldberg, Jorge O.D. Menezes, and Marleny B. Gonzalez, #10972 (2017).
PS Diagenetic Processes in Sabkha Deposits and Exploration Potential of the Intracratonic Parecis Basin, Western Brazil, Karin Goldberg, Sadoon Morad, Luiz Fernando De Ros, and Isham Al-Aasm, #10223 (2010).
Fractured Bedrock Hydrogeologic Characterization Using Digital Rock Physics, Eric Goldfarb, Logan Shmidt, Ken Ikeda, Omar Alamoudi, Daniella Rempe, and Nicola Tisato, #42398 (2019).
Measuring a Reservoir from the Inside Out Using Inplace Elastic Energy Reserves, Fred L. Goldsberry, #120018 (2009).
Carbonate Play Models from Miocene Outcrops, Western Mediterranean: Part 2 - Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Plays, Robert H. Goldstein and Evan K. Franseen, #51631 (2019).
Impact of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow on Conventional and Unconventional Carbonate-Rich Reservoirs, Midcontinent USA, Robert H. Goldstein and Bradley D. King, #51085 (2015).
History of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in the Midcontinent: A Key to Understanding the Origin and Distribution of Porosity, Robert Goldstein and Bradley King, #50958 (2014).
Duration and Climate Effects on Meteoric Diagenesis: Non-Karstic Control on Distribution of Porosity and Permeability, Robert H. Goldstein, Zhaoqi Li, and Evan K. Franseen, #120054 (2012).
Microseismic Monitoring Reveals Natural Fracture Networks, Shoshana Goldstein, Margaret Seibel, and Theodore Urbancic, #40782 (2011).
Nirvana Regulation for Petroleum Operations, Barry A. Goldstein, #70214 (2016).
Hot Rocks Downunder - Geothermal Plays in Australia, by Barry A. Goldstein, Anthony (Tony) J. Hill, Anthony R. Budd, Fiona Holgate, and Michael Malavazos, #80015 (2008).
The Outer High of the Santos Basin, Southern São Paulo Plateau, Brazil: Pre-Salt Exploration Outbreak, Paleogeographic Setting, and Evolution of the Syn-Rift Structures, Paulo Otavio Gomes, Bill Kilsdonk, Jon Minken, Tim Grow, and Roberto Barragan, #10193 (2009).
Recent Yucatan Seismic Survey Revealing a New Frontier Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, Ernest Gomez, Michael Doe, Sebastian Villarroel, Kelsey Noel, Raul Ysaccis, Duplo Kornpihl, Mohamed El-Toukhy, and Gary Forrest, #30582 (2018).
PS Petroleum Potential Onshore Southern Madagascar, Morandava Basin, Block 3114, Debra K. Gomez, #10843 (2016).
Petroleum Exploration on Sukhbaatar Block in Eastern Mongolia, Debra K. Gomez, Thomas D. Fassio, Sandy Perry, and David Seneshen, #10783 (2015).
Cerro Dragón: History and Future Challenges for an Integrally Managed Field, Javier Gomez, #20313 (2015).
Three Dimensional Geological Modeling using Seismic Inversion in a Reservoir Integrated Study for a Giant Heavy Oil Field: Rubiales Field, Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia, South America, Yohaney Gómez, Diego Morales, Thais Kazmierczak, Franklin Yoris, Gabriel Alvarez, Claudia Reina, Libia Landaeta, and Diego Castellanos, #20218 (2013).
PS Early Tortonian Shallow Shelf Calcarenitic Deposits under Tidal Influence: Facies, Architecture and Quantification, Agua Amarga Basin, Almeria, SE Spain, L. E. Gomis Cartesio, M. Esteban, J. Gerard, and R. Salas, #50794 (2013).
PS Seismic, Magnetotelluric, Geological Surface and Wells Data Integration in the Exploratory Potential Evaluation of the Bolivian Sub-Andean: Case Study in the Muchirí Anticline, Ana M. Goncalves, Evanz Lázaro, Jaime Soria Galvarro, and Nestor Cuevas, #30640 (2019).
PSBasement and Crustal Controls on Hydrocarbons Maturation on the Exmouth Plateau, North West Australian Margin, by A. Goncharov, I. Deighton, L. Duffy, S. McLaren, M. Tischer, and C. Heine, #10119 (2006).
Integration of Inorganic/Organic Geochemistry and Geomechanical Stratigraphy to Characterize Permian Shale Plays, Changrui Gong, Casey Donohue, Lucia Rodriguez, and Brian Coffey, #11289 (2020).
Challenges in Pore Pressure Prediction for Unconventional Petroleum Systems, Changrui Gong and Lucia Rodriguez, #42018 (2017).
Framework for the Exploration of Libya: An Illustrated Summary, Compiled by Jingyao Gong, #10061 (2004).
GIS in an Overview of Iraq Petroleum Geology, by Jingyao Gong and Larry Gerken, #10043 (2003).
Use of Georeferenced Maps in Exploration, by Jingyao Gong and Larry Gerken, #40039 (2002).
EA Structural Control Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Seepage in Northern Iraq Using Remote Sensing Techniques, Rayan Ghazi Thannoun and Nabeel K. Al-Azawi, #42502 (2020).
Stochastic Play Assessment of the Offshore Basins of Peru, by Tarek Ghazi, #10115 (2006).
Evaluation of the Regional Top Seal for the Purpose of Geologic Sequestration in the Gippsland Basin, Southeastern Australia, Louise Goldie Divko, Joseph Hamilton, and Geoffrey W. O’Brien, #80099 (2010).
Sarir Field; Sirte Basin, Libya: Desert Surprise Then -- and Now Some Keys to Revisit of Libya*, compiled by Jingyao Gong, #10005 (2000).
Understanding the Correlation Between Induced Seismicity and Water Injection in the Fort Worth Basin, Valerie Gono, Jon E. Olson, and Julia Gale, #80481 (2015).
Alternative Workflow for 3D Basin Modeling in Areas of Structural Complexity – Case Study from the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, Román González, Carlos Suarez, and Luis Rojas, #10920 (2021).
A GIS Approach to the Geology, Production, and Growth of the Barnett Shale Play in Newark East Field, North Texas, by Rick Gonzalez, #40147 (2005).
Structural Slope Fans Resulting from Paleogene Compression in the Veracruz Basin, Mexico, Esmeralda González, and Martín Medrano, #50963 (2014).
PS Seismic Expression of Low-Angle Clinoforms in Ancient Deltaic Systems: Implications for Stratigraphic Modelling, German A. Gonzalez Uribe, Erwin Rieser, Martin Kornberger, Thomas Kuffner, and Adrian Ballauri, #20098 (2011).
Strike-Slip Model for the Jacinto and Paredón Fields of the Chiapas-Tabasco Region, South East Basin, Mexico, by J. Fernando González-Posadas, Salatiel Avendaño-López, and Jorge Molina, #20028 (2005).
Resistivity Image Data, Vøring Basin, Offshore Norway, by Ian Goodall, Ian Westlake, Grete Block Vagle, Ivar Mundal, and Matthew Mulcahy, #10049, (2003).
Predicting Long- and Short-Term Climate-Related Impacts in the Bengal Delta, a Robust Natural System Limited by Societal Constraints, Steven L. Goodbred and Kimberly G. Rogers, #50282 (2010).
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Reservoir Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Jackass Mountain Group, Camelsfoot Range, British Columbia, Canada, Russell Goodin, Peter Mustard, J. Brian Mahoney, and James Haggart, #51059 (2015).
Effects, Influences and Controls of Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics, Paleogeography and Diagenesis on Hydrocarbon and Mineral Accumulations in the Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Group in Kentucky, Patrick J. Gooding, #50927 (2014).
Hydrocarbons Sourced from the Mississippian-Devonian Black Shales in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins, by Patrick J. Gooding and Frank R. Ettensohn, #10152 (2008).
Reconciling Extension from Brittle Faulting, Subsidence, and Kinematic Reconstructions: Lessons from the Woodlark Basin, Andrew M. Goodliffe, Joe Kington, and Brian Taylor, #30089 (2009).
Michigan's Antrim Gas Shale Play—A Two-Decade Template for Successful Devonian Gas Shale Development, by Wayne R. Goodman and Timothy R. Maness, #10158 (2008).
Isotropic AVO Methods to Detect Fracture-Prone Zones in Tight Gas Resource Plays, Bill Goodway, John Varsek, and Christian Abaco, #41584 (2015).
Anisotropic 3D Amplitude Variation with Azimuth (AVAZ) Methods to Detect Fracture-Prone Zones in Tight Gas Resource Plays, Bill Goodway, John Varsek, and Christian Abaco, #41531 (2015).
PS 4D Resistivity and UAV Acquisition and Monitoring of the Piparo Mud Volcano, Trinidad, West Indies, Rikard Gopaul, Oshaine Blake, Varendra Rambaran, Ibraheem Ali, Ariana Osman, Uwaila Iyare, Ryan Ramsook, and Xavier Moonan#11278 (2019).
Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Organic-Rich Toolebuc Formation, Upper Albian, Eromanga and Carpenteria Basins, Australia, George J. Grabowski, Jr., #50948 (2014).
A Visual Journey into the Unexplored Realm of Rocks: Pore Network Investigation in Marcellus Shale Rock Matrix, Jan Goral and Ilija Miskovic, #80529 (2016).
Ventura Basin Oil Generation, Timing, Migration, and Entrapment, Stuart Gordon, #11333 (2020).
Stratigraphic Evolution and Reservoir Quality in a Neogene Accretionary Forearc Setting: Eel River Basin of Coastal Northwestern California, Gregory S. Gordon, #10249 (2010).
PS Stratigraphic Architecture of a Structurally Confined, Ponded Submarine Fan: An Outcrop Study of the Guaso I Turbidite System (Ainsa Basin, Southern Spanish Pyrenees), Gregory Gordon, David Pyles, Julian Clark, Matthew Hoffman, Jane Stammer, Jeremiah D. Moody, and Grace Ford, #50431 (2011).
PS Geochemical Characterization of the Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow Shale in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma, Yagmur Sumer Gorenekli and R. Paul Phip, #30528 (2017).
Stratigraphy of the Messinian Sequences in the Deep Basin Setting of the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Basin, Christian Gorini, Lucien Montadert, and Marina Rabineau, #10690 (2014).
The UND-CLR Binary Geothermal Power Plant Williston Basin, North Dakota, Will Gosnold, Hossein Salehfar, Michael Mann, and Mark Ballesteros, #80682 (2019).
Geothermal and Electric Power Analysis of Horizontal Oil Well Fields Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA, Will Gosnold, Sidike Abudureyimu, Irina Tsiryapkina, Dongmei Wang, and Mark Ballesteros, #80681 (2019).
Co-Produced Geothermal Power, William D. Gosnold and Anna M. Crowell, #80324 (2013).
Geothermal in the Oil Field, Will Gosnold, Michael Mann, and Hossein Salehfar, #80172 (2011).
PS Cenozoic Shelf to Slope Transition along a Passive Continental Margin: Suriname, South America, Shawn J. Goss, David C. Mosher, Grant D. Wach, and Allan E. Kean, #10222 (2009).
A Supervised Machine-Learning Approach to Stratigraphic Surface Picking in Well Logs from the Mannville Group of Alberta, Canada, Justin Gosses and Licheng Zhang, #42403 (2019).
Petroleum Systems of the Mumbai Offshore Basin, India, by Basant Giri Goswami, Harvir Singh, Ashok Kumar Bhatnagar, Adarsh Kumar Sinha, and Ram Raj Singh, #10134 (2007).
PS The Anisian Carbonates of the Peri-Tethys Basin: From Reservoir Characterization to Subsurface Utilization, Annette E. Götz, #50527 (2011).
Controls on Deposition within Arid Continental Basin Margin Systems: Implications for Basin-Scale Fluid Migration, Amy Gough, Stuart Clarke, Philip Richards, and Antoni Milodowski, #10771 (2015).
Alluvial Fan Interactions with Adjacent and Contemporaneous Arid Continental Environments: Implications for Basin-Scale Fluid Migration and Charge, Amy Gough and Stuart M. Clarke, #50962 (2014).
Controls upon Depositional Architecture and Cyclicity of Alluvial Fan Systems and Associated Environments: Implications for Hydrocarbon Potential, Amy Gough, Stuart M. Clarke, and Antoni E. Milodowski, #50589 (2012).
PS Post-Rift Tectonics in Rifted Margins and Surrounding Domains, Mohamed Gouiza, Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, and Paul A. Andriessen, #30510 (2017).
Tectonic Structure of the Karish Gas Field, Offshore Israel, Leonidas Gouliotis, Yannis Tsiantis, and Dennis Anestoudis, #30638 (2019).
Mackenzie Delta: A Case of One Residual Gravity Anomaly and 16 Dry Exploration Wells, Serguei Goussev, Robert Charters, and John Peirce, #10726 (2015).
On the Characterization of Porosity and Permeability in Limestones, Philippe Gouze, #120055 (2012).
Exploitation of Untapped Oil Through Conventional Inclined Wells in a Multilayered Giant Offshore Carbonate Field - A Case Study, Uma Goyal, Gulfaraj Anjum, S.K. Anand, and S. Chandrasekaran, #20105 (2011).
Stratigraphic Structure of Cenozoic Deposits of Prekerch Shelf and East Black Sea Basin, P. F. Gozhyk, N. V. Maslun, Z. Ya. Voizizky, M. M. Ivanik, G. V. Kliushyna, and O. M. Ivanik, #50395 (2011).
Gr-Gz Back to G
AV Vertically Extensive Definitions of Plays on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf Based on the Principal Sedimentary Events of Fields, by John D. Grace, #110039 (2007)
1 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~8.5 mb).
Honoring Uncertainty in Mapping and Interpreting Large Volumes of Digital Spatial Data, John D. Grace, #40197 (2006).
Late Devonian Depositional Evolution of Western Montana and East-Central Idaho – Jefferson, Three Forks, and Sappington Formations, George Grader, Michael Pope, and Ted Doughty, #30350 (2014).
Multi-scale Imaging Process for Computations of Porosity and Permeability on Carbonate Rocks, Abraham Grader, Amos Nur, Chuck Baldwin, Elizabeth Diaz, G. Li1 #40581 (2010).
Integrating Geochemical and Petrographic Analyses to Better Understand Proximal to Distal Variations in Source Rocks, Using an Example from the Bashkirian in the United Kingdom, Jennifer J. Graham, Sarah J. Davies, Joe H.S. Macquaker, and Mike J. Norry, #10781 (2015).
ePS Understanding Mudstone Lithofacies and Geochemical Variability in a UK Carboniferous Basin, Jennifer Graham, Sarah Davies, Joe Macquaker, Mike Norry, and Kevin Bohacs, #50423 (2011).
Observations on Structures Associated with Mud Diapirism and their Role in Petroleum Charging and Trapping, Rod Graham and Andy Pepper, #40419 (2009).
Deepwater Taranaki Basin, New Zealand – New Interpretation and Modelling Results for Large Scale Neogene Channel and Fan Systems: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, J. Grahame, #10822 (2015).
Reservoir Characterization and 3D Modeling of Silurian Reef Slopes: Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Grant County, Indiana, G. Michael Grammer, Jim Karsten, Dennis Prezbindowski, Benjamin Dattilo, and Jonathan Havens, #51440 (2017).
Stratigraphic Control on the Lateral Distribution of Hydrothermal Dolomites away from Major Fault Zones: Part 2, G. Michael Grammer, J.E. Thornton, M.R. Robinson, P.J. Feutz, J.E.Schulz, and W.B. Harrison, #50964 (2014).
Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Mississippian-Age Mid-Continent Carbonates, Michael Grammer, Darwin Boardman, James Puckette, Jay Gregg, Priyank Jaiswal, Miranda Childress, Buddy Price, Beth Vanden Berg, and Stephanie LeBlanc, #30297 (2013).
An Integrated Approach to Characterization and Modeling of Carbonate Reservoirs, G. Michael Grammer, #50784 (2013).
Reservoir Characterization of Silurian (Niagaran) "Pinnacle" Reefs in the Michigan Basin, G. Michael Grammer, Amy K. Noack, Heather Qualman, Audrey Ritter-Varga, Jessica Wold, Anthony E. Sandomierski, and W.B. Harrison III, #50286 (2010).
Stratigraphic Control on the Lateral Distribution of Hydrothermal Dolomites away from Major Fault Zones, G. Michael Grammer, Jennifer Schulz, David Barnes, Robb Gillespie, William B. Harrison, John E. Thornton, #50277 (2010).
Organization of African Intra-Plate Tectonics, James W. Granath and William Dickson, #30555 (2018).
Why Not Both Conventional and Unconventional Exploration in Sub-Saharan Africa?, James W. Granath and William Dickson, #30551 (2018).
New Viewpoint on the Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Seychelles Plateau, James Granath, Rolf Rango, Pete Emmet, Colin Ford, Robert Lambert, and Michael Kasli, #30529 (2017).
Regionally Connected Structural Systems: the Power of the Big (Continental-Scale) Picture, James Granath and William Dickson, #30490 (2017).
Contrasting Extensional Basin Styles and Sedimentary Fill across the Eastern Russian Arctic Shelf as Imaged in Crustal-Scale PSDM Reflection Data, James W. Granath, Katie-Joe McDonough, Edward J. Sterne, and Brian W. Horn, #10811 (2015).
3D Structural Evolution of the Salt Controlled Frampton Anticline, Atwater Valley Fold Belt, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico, Gianluca Grando, Zsolt Schleder, Ryan Shackleton, Graham Seed, Tim Buddin, Ken McClay, and Francesco Borraccini, #50161 (2009).
A New Light Oil Unconventional Play (Eastern Québec, Canada), Bernard Granger, #10290 (2010).
High-Performance Stratigraphic Modeling of Shelf to Deep-Water Plays, D. Granjeon, P. Have1, J. Coatleven, S. Pegaz-Fiornet, and B. Chauveau, #11122 (2018).
U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Economic Tools to Assess the Cost of CO2 Capture, Transport, Utilization, and Storage, Timothy C. Grant, David Morgan, Donald Remson, Allison Guinan, Chung Yan Shih, ShangMin Lin, Anna Wendt, and Derek Vikara, #80647 (2018).
Tectono-Stratigraphic Habitat and Estimated Volume of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources North of the Arctic Circle, Arthur Grantz, Donald L. Gautier, Robert A. Scott, Sergey S. Drachev, and Thomas E. Moore, #10233 (2010).
4D GPR Fluid Flow Visualization in Fractured Carbonates at the 1 to 10 m Scale, Mark Grasmueck, Pierpaolo Marchesini, Gregor P. Eberli, Michael Zeller, and Remke L. Van Dam, #120056 (2013).
Stop Treating Diffractions as Noise - Use them for Imaging of Fractures and Karst, Mark Grasmueck, Tijmen Jan Moser, and Michael A. Pelissier, #120057 (2012).
PS Fracture and Deformation Band Visualization Using Full-Resolution 3D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Cretaceous Carbonates, Mark Grasmueck, Gregor P. Eberli, Pierpaolo Marchesini, Miquel Coll, Rizky P. Sekti, Juliette Lamarche, Brita Graham Wall, Paul Gillespie, #40499 (2010).
PS Multiphase Flow Properties of Clay Bearing Rocks: Laboratory Measurement of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure, Carlos A. Grattoni, Phil Guise, Quentin J. Fisher, and Rob J. Knipe, #40529 (2010).
Characterization of the Bakken System of the Williston Basin from Pores to Production; The Power of a Source Rock/Unconventional Reservoir Couplet, Anne Grau and Robert H. Sterling, #40847 (2011).
PS Success! Using Seismic Attributes and Horizontal Drilling to Delineate and Exploit a Diagenetic Trap, Monterey Shale, San Joaquin Valley, California, by Anne Grau, Robert Sterling, and Robert Kidney, #20011 (2003).
The Jurassic-Cretaceous North Sea Rift Dome and Associated Basin Evolution, by Ole Graversen, #30040 (2006).
Forward Stratigraphic Modelling in Rift Basins: An Investigation of Tectonic Rates Controlling Sedimentation, Matthieu Gravito, Joao Keller, and Julio Almeida de Carvalho, #51646 (2020).
Angle Gathers for Gaussian Beam Depth Migration, Samuel Gray, #41593 (2015).
Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data, David Gray, #41572 (2015).
Eye-Openers from Re-Processing of Oil Sands Seismic Data, David Gray, Seann Day, and Scott Shapper, #41290 (2014).
GC3-D Seismic in Identifying Spatially Variant Fracture Orientation in the Manderson Field, Wyoming, by David Gray, #40049 (2002).
Deep-Water Sequences in Static and Dynamic Basin Margin Accommodation, Martin Grecula, Liam Clarke, Andy Mayfield, Kim Ong, and Jennifer Stuart, #11048 (2018).
Baffin Bay Elusive Plays: Geological Surprises of an Arctic Exploration Campaign, Martin Grecula, Stephanie Wadsworth, Dominic Maloney, Hermann Lauferts, Graham Cooke, Adrian Jones, and Snezana Stevanovic, #30548 (2018).
Role of Mass Transport Deposits in the Creation and Fill of Tectonically Active Slope Accommodation, Deepwater Sabah, NW Borneo, Martin Grecula, Senira Kattah, and Peter Shiner, #50303 (2010).
The Role of Stresses versus Rock Fabric on Hydraulic Fractures, Sidney Green and Roberto Suarez-Rivera, #41208 (2013).
The Sun / Earth Climate System: A Geoscience Perspective, by Arthur R. Green, #70014 (2005).
Global Energy - The Next Decade And Beyond, By Arthur R. Green, #70013 (2005).
Tomorrows Explorers, Arthur R. Green, #120031 (2009).
Global Supply and Demand, Arthur R. Green, #120028 (2009).
Dynamic Hydraulic Boundaries within the Western Edwards Aquifer, by Ron T. Green, Paul Bertetti, Alan Morris, David Ferrill, and Rick Klar, #80035 (2008).
Predicting Pore Pressure in Carbonates: A Review, Sam Green, Stephen A. O'Connor, and Alexander P. Edwards, #41830 (2016).
The Shelf to Deep-Water Transition – Using Analogues to Understand the Pressure Regime in Undrilled Labrador Basins, Labrador Sea, Canada, S. Green, S.A. O’Connor, N. Heinemann, R. Wright, J. Carter, and D. Cameron, #10604 (2014).
The Importance of Recognizing Hydrodynamics for Understanding Reservoir Volumetrics, Field Development and Well Placement, Sam Green, Richard E. Swarbrick, and Stephen A. O'Connor, #41314 (2014).
PS Pore Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas - "Reducing Uncertainty by Understanding Rock Behaviour", Sam Green, Richard Swarbrick, Stephen O'Connor, Phill Clegg, David T. Scott, and Bitrus Pindar, #40650 (2010).
Paleo-thermal Effects of Igneous Intrusions in Sedimentary Basins and Their Influence on Petroleum Systems, Paul Green, Ian Duddy, and Peter Japsen, #10996 (2017).
Episodic Regional Burial and Subsequent Exhumation Exert a Major Influence on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Paul F. Green and Ian Duddy, #30449 (2016).
Exhumation and Uplift History of Namibia’s Atlantic Margin, Paul F. Green, Roger Swart, Jorgen Jacob, John Ward, and Brian Bluck, #30090 (2009).
EA Quantitative Calibration of Hyperspectral Core Imaging Data: A New Method for Producing Continuous, High-Resolution Mineralogical Characterization of Cores from Both Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs, James Greene, Tobi H. Kosanke, and Paul Linton, #42444 (2019).
Reservoir Quality Controls on Tight-Gas Sand Productivity Insights from the Canyon Creek Field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Brent W. Greenhalgh, #20469 (2019).
Company Myths and Field Extension Opportunities, Examples from Cretaceous Reservoirs in the Greater Green River Basin, Brent Greenhalgh, #70285 (2017).
PS A New Look at the Petroleum Potential of the Caswell Sub-Basin, Browse Basin, Jenny Greenhalgh, Dushyan Rajeswaran, and Tom Paten, #10797 (2015).
Petroleum Plays and Prospectivity in the Kwanza and Benguela Basins of Offshore Angola, Jennifer Greenhalgh, Ron Borsato, Frances Mathew, George Duncan-Jones, Idima Pimenta, Jandira Marques da Silva, and Luis Narciso da Silva, #10443 (2012).
Oil Petroleum System of the Cenomanian-Turonian Blackstone Formation, Ferrier – Willesden Green – Gilby Area, West-Central Alberta, Kevin Greff and Burns Cheadle, #80371 (2014).
The History and Areal Distribution of Exploration Drilling Targets Categorized by Play Type, North Slope and Offshore Arctic Alaska, Laura S. Gregersen and Garrett A. Brown, #30618 (2019).
Epigenetic Dolomitization and Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization in Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates of North America, by Jay M. Gregg and Kevin L. Shelton, #50140 (2008).
Effect of Impoundment Management Strategies on Microbial Communities and the Fate of Radionuclides, Kelvin B. Gregory, Arvind Murali Mohan, and Radisav D. Vidic, #80312 (2013).
GIS Crucial Habitat Data Online - Key to Early Site Planning, Deb Grieco, #120138 (2013).
A New Stratigraphy for the Pierre Shale at the Cedar Creek Anticline, Montana, James W. Grier, Joyce C. Grier, Thomas Linn, Neal L. Larson, and Neil H. Landman, #51627 (2019).
Three Women, One Breakthrough: Unsung Heroines Who Transformed Oil Exploration, Robbie Gries, #70319 (2018).
PS Reservoir Characterisation of the East Coast and Pegasus Basins, Eastern New Zealand, Angela G. Griffin, Kyle J. Bland, Brad D. Field, Gareth Crutchley, Richard Kellett, Dominic P. Strogen, and Mark J.F. Lawrence, #10796 (2015).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Jurassic Source Rock in the Guiana Basin, Clyde P. Griffith, #11227 (2019).
PS Phenomenon of the Albian Cenomanian Turonian Source Rock in the Suriname Part of the Guiana Basin, Clyde P. Griffith, #11226 (2019).
Hydrocarbon Potential of Jurassic Source Rock in the Guiana-Suriname Basin, Clyde P. Griffith, #10941 (2017).
Multiscalar Forward Modelling of Carbonate Heterogeneity, Cedric M. Griffiths, Chris Dyt, Huang Xiu, and Tristan Salles, #120058 (2012).
A New Technique for 3-D Flexural-Slip Restoration, by Paul A. Griffiths, Serena Jones, Neil Salter, Frauke Schaefer, Robert Osfield and Herbert Reiser, #40038 (2002).
PS A Novel Methodology of Using Well Log Analyses to Identify Brownfield and Greenfield ROZs in the Illinois Basin, Nathan P. Grigsby, Nathan D. Webb, and Scott M. Frailey, #42524 (2020).
Using Well Log Analysis to Identify Residual Oil Zones at Noble and Kenner West Oil Fields, Illinois, Nathan P. Grigsby, Nathan D. Webb, and Scott M. Frailey, #42207 (2018).
PS The Autogenic Origin and Sequence Stratigraphic Setting of the Eocene Cocoa Sand Member of the Yazoo Formation in the Mobil-Mississippi Cores, Wayne County, Mississippi, Jeffry D. Grigsby, Richard H. Fluegeman, and Nic Brissette, #50759 (2012).
Diagenesis of the Oligocene-Early Miocene Panjgur Formation, Paleocene Ispikan Formation and Wakai Exotic Blocks in the Makran Accretionary Belt, Southwest Pakistan, by Jeffry D. Grigsby, Akhtar M. Kassi, and Abdul S. Khan, #50143 (2009).
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Precambrian Basement Structure of the Diablo Platform and Its Influence throughout the Phanerozoic, Steve Grimes, #30338 (2014).
Systemic Approach to Develop Mature Fields, Mario Grinberg, Henk Chin A. Lien, Mario Vicente, Javier Arizola, Jenny Vallejos, Luis Soto, Javier Almeida, and Miguel Moyano, #42470 (2019).
Uncertainty Assessment Using 3D Modeling, Emmanuel Gringarten, #120025 (2009).
Geological Prediction of Subseismic Deformation from Seismic-Reflection Profiles of Contractional Structures, Richard H. Groshong, Jr., Roy W. Schlische, and Martha Oliver Withjack, #41247 (2013).
The Source of Oil and Gas Accumulations in the Browse Basin, North West Shelf of Australia: A Geochemical Assessment, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne S. Edwards, Tehani J. Kuske, Lisa Hall, Nadege Rollet, and John Zumberge, #10827 (2016).
PS Application of Mechanical Stratigraphy to the Development of a Fracture-Enhanced Reservoir Model, Polvo Field, Campos Basin, Brazil, Michael Gross, T.C. Lukas, and Peter Schwans, #20080 (2009).
Stratigraphic Analysis, Characteristic, and Distribution of the Tight Reservoirs in the Lajas and Punta Rosada Formations in the Southeastern Sector of Neuquen Basin, Patagonia, Argentina, Santiago Grosso, Marcelo Marteau, Nelson Chirinos, Federico Bianchi, and Fabricio Nissero, #51614 (2019).
Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation Along Eastern Margin in Gamij Area of Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India, Raju Grover, K. K. Das, M. S. Murthy, and Jagmohan Singh, #50249 (2010).
Palynostratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Cambay and Olpad Formations in Nawagam - Asmali Area, Cambay Basin, India, Raju Grover and M. S. Murthy, #50403 (2011).
Relative Impedance Inversion of Seismic Traces by Means of Complex Trace Attributes (CTA Inversion) - 40 Years On!, Kurt Grubbe and Sean McQuaid, #42179 (2018).
Pore Pressure Prediction Based on High Resolution Velocity Inversion in Carbonate Rocks, Offshore Sirte Basin — Libya, Robert M. Gruenwald, Javier Buitrago, Jack Dessay, Alan Huffman, Carlos Moreno, Jose Maria Gonzalez Munoz, Carlos Diaz, and Khaeri Segayer Tawengi, #40551 (2010).
Automated Data Exchange to and from the National Data Repository in the Netherlands, Stephan Gruijters and Sjaak Derksen, #70337 (2018).
Foraminiferal Micropaleontology in the Oligo Miocene of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, Patrick Grunert, Werner E. Piller, Mathias Harzhauser, Hanns Sperl, and Ralph Hinsch, #50280 (2010).
Isostatic Gravitational Modeling and Seismic Interpretation for the Kerch Part of the Black Sea, Pavlo Gryshchuk, Andriy Tyshchenko, Pavlo Kuzmenko, and Ievgen Ustenko, #40716 (2011).
EA Scoring System as a Quick and Objective Method to Conclude Fluid Analysis (Gas/Water Reservoir) and Standardization of Fluid Identification, Feli Betha Guardena and Rio Sitorus, #42559 (2020).
PS Influence of Basement Fault Geometry and Orientation in Extensional Architecture: A Study Case at Manantiales Behr Oilfield at North Flank, Golfo San Jorge Basin, German Guerra, Pablo Giampaoli, Ramiro G. Lopez Ramiro, Gabriela Marinho, and José O. Allard, #11283 (2019).
Seismic-Based Production Forecasting for Shale Plays, Alice Guest, Simon Voisey, and Gabino Castillo, #120186 (2015).
Integration of Outcrop Studies to Naturally Fractured Subsurface Models – Example of the Mogollon Formation, Block X, Talara Basin, Peru, Jul D. Roldan Guevara, Diego Eduardo Escobedo Cabrera, Alan Patrocinio, Eloy Gerardo Pozo Calle, Percy G. Manrique Caceres, and Lucio Choque Arivilca, #10526 (2013).
Structural Development and Depositional History of the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins, Salt Tectonic Province, Angola, Mary Guevara, Lisa Hawkins, Lourenco Joaquim, David Johnstone, William Jones, Jose G. Jose, and Arantes Oliveira, #30116 (2010).
VSP Survey in the Thonex Geothermal Well - New Characterization of Potential Carbonatic Geothermal Reservoirs, Luca Guglielmetti, Andrea Moscariello, Flavio Poletto, Piero Corubolo, A. Scheifer, B. Farina, Fabio Meneghini, Francois Martin, Carole Nawratil de Bono, Michel Meyer, Chrystel Dezayes, and Adnand Bitri, #80646 (2018).
Efficient Access to Relevant Knowledge Extracted from Geoscience Literature Dedicated to Petroleum Basin Exploration by Using IBM Watson, X. Guichet, N. Dubos-Sallée, M.-C. Cacas-Stentz, D. Rahon, and V. Martinez, #42452 (2019).
PS Acid Gas Risk Assessment at the Basin Scale, Xavier Guichet, Etienne Brosse, Isabelle Kowalewski, Pierre Bachaud, Sylvie Wolf, and Nicolas Maurand, #51579 (2019).
Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR): H2S Risk Assessment at the Basin Scales, Xavier Guichet, Isabelle Kowalewski, Marta Gasparrini, Tristan Euzen, Pierre Bachaud, and Nicolas Maurand, #70274 (2017).
Pressure-Solution at Grain-to-Grain Contact: A New Model for Basin Modelling, X. Guichet, O. Chailan, and C. Souque, #40981 (2012).
Paleo-fluid Flows and Present Hydrodynamic Conditions Improved by Basin Modeling Integrating Salinity Transport, Xavier Guichet, Sylvie Wolf, and Pomuald Pandi, #40530 (2010).
Adaptive Eigenstructure Classification and Stochastic Decorrelation Filters for Coherent Interference Suppression in the Acoustic Zoom Method, J. Guigné, S. Azad, C. Clements, A. Gogacz, W. Hunt, A. Pant, and J. Stacey, #41503 (2014).
Design of the Acoustic Zoom Method for Non-Specular Backscatter Imaging of the Eagle Ford Formation, J. Guigné, S. Azad, C. Clements, A. Gogacz, W. Hunt, A. Pant, and J. Stacey, #41495 (2014).
A Global Perspective on LNG, Gurcan Gulen, #70102 (2011).
Economics of CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS), Gurcan Gulen and Michelle Foss, #70103 (2011).
Effects of Large Impacts on Crustal Structure and Basin Evolution: Example of the 65.5 Ma Chicxulub Impact Crater, Sean P. Gulick, #40601 (2010).
Hydrocarbon Potential of Ultra Deep Deposits in the South Caspian Basin, I. Guliyev, E. Aliyeva, D. Huseynov, A. Feyzullayev, and P. Mamedov, #10312 (2011).
CO2 Gradient Affects the Microbial Ecology of a Potential Sequestration Site, Djuna Gulliver, Kelvin Gregory, and Gregory Lowry, #80307 (2013).
PS Seismic Geomechanics of Mud Volcanoes, Rashad Gulmammadov, Stephen Covey-Crump, and Mads Huuse, #70261 (2017).
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Centaur 3-D Survey, Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf, Australia, Sasha W. Gumprecht, Ken McClay, and Nicola Scarselli, #11062 (2018).
Late Neogene History of the Bird's Head Area, West Papua, Indonesia: An Insight From Detrital Zircon, Indra Gunawan, Robert Hall, and Benyamin Sapiie, #51245 (2016).
Play System from the Last Decade Discoveries in Indonesia Basins, by Brahmantyo K. Gunawan, Sunjaya E. Saputra, M. Kusuma Utama, Cipi Armandita, and Johnson A. Paju, #10153 (2008).
AV Presentation by Bob Gunn, #110047 (2008)
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Seismic Anisotropy Modeling from Well Log in Talang Akar Formation, South Sumatra, Indonesia, Thariq Guntoro, Intan Andriani Putri1, and Dwa Desa Warnana, #41360 (2014).
Petrophysical Relationship to Predict Synthetic Porosity Log, Thariq Guntoro, Intan Putri, and Ayi Syaeful Bahri, #41124 (2013).
PS Post-Stack Seismic Characterization of Pore Structure Variations for Predicting Permeability Heterogeneity in Deeply-Buried Carbonate Reservoirs, Jingyi Guo and Yuefeng Sun, #42393 (2019).
PS 3-D Geological Modeling for Tight Sand Gas Reservoir in Braided River Facies, Zhi Guo, Longde Sun, Ailin Jia, Tao Lu, and Dongbo He, #42116 (2017).
PS A Seismic Method for Estimating Subsurface Vp/Vs Ratio Based on Converted Waves: A Case Study From Arabian Gulf, Haoran Guo, Yuefeng Sun, and Zhifeng Wan, #42077 (2017).
3-D Basin Modeling of the Changling Depression: A New Method of Exploring Petroleum Generation and Migration in Deep Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, Jiaqi Guo and Jinliang Zhang, #11076 (2018).
PS 3D-Basin Modelling of the Lishui Sag: Research of Hydrocarbon Potential, Petroleum Generation and Migration, Jiaqi Guo, Jinliang Zhang, Jinshui Liu, and Guowei Hou, #10868 (2016).
PS Integrated Case Study from Reservoir Characterization to Improved Well Performance Evaluation in Abnormal HPHT Tight Gas Reservoir, Shusheng Guo, Zhijie Huang, Yongde Gao, Ming Chen, Bei Gao, Huimin Cai, Bo Liu, Jichao Chen, HuiGeng Li, and Wei Zhang, #42449 (2020).
Reconstructing Deepwater Channel-Lobe Depositional Environment in Highly Complex Multi-Gravity Flow to Traction Flow Deposits Using Borehole Image, Core and NMR Logs in Yinggehai Basin, South China, Shusheng Guo, Bo Liu, Jun Cai, Hongjun Yang, Yongde Gao, Qingzhi Lu, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Huimin Cai, Yuxi Wang, Yanming Tong, and Xianran Zhao, #41462 (2014).
The Application of Full Azimuth 3D Seismic Fracture Detection Technology in the Prediction of Favorable Reservoirs within the Shengbei 5 Well Area Tight Sandstone Region, Xiang Guo, Jianbin Ran, Xiaowei Yu, Zhengtao Hu, Zhang Yuan, Zhang Jinxue, and Fulei Li, #41226 (2013).
PS Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of Coalescing Slope Apron in Taibei Depression, East China Sea, Rui Guo, Chuncheng Liu, Jianshe Liang, Zhigang Zhao, and Curwu Wang, #50827 (2013).
Oil Generation as the Predominant Overpressure Mechanism in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Xiaowen Guo, Sheng He, and Keyu Liu, #50357 (2010).
PS Dynamic Changes of Palaeotopography and Their Control on the Migration of Delta Lobe - Research on Liaoxi Low Uplift of Bohai Gulf Basin, China, Tao Guo, Xinhuai Zhou, and Weicheng Lai, #50524 (2011).
Study of Predictability and Forecast Efficiency of Rock Eval Data for Accumulation Prediction, Nitin Gupta, Amrita Kumari Singhal, Surendra Nishad, Minaxi Bansal, S. N. Rai, Atanu Banerjee, and Arun Kumar, #42211 (2018).
Importance of Field Projects and Regional Mapping to Demonstrate Geologic Storage Potential in the Midwestern United States, Neeraj Gupta, Lydia Cumming, and Rodney Osborne, #80514 (2016).
Utilizing Midwest's Subsurface for Effective Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases, Produced Waters Disposal, and Enhancing Oil/Gas Production, Neeraj Gupta, Mark Moody, William Rike, and Evan Zeller, #70130 (2012).
Factors Behind Variation in Geomechanical Properties of a Highly Lithified, Quartzose Sandstone, Nabanita Gupta; #40458 (2009).
Neogene Biosiliceous Microfossils and Their Efficacy in Deep Sea Water Oil Exploration and Expansion of Petroleum Prospects from Cavernous Sediments in the Mahanadi Basin, East Coast of India, Anand Gupta, M. Shanmukhapp, and M.D. Sutariya, #50578 (2012).
Utilization of Volatile Organic Compounds in Drill Cuttings and Prediction of Favorable Zones Before Well Tests: Examples from Turkey, Kadir Gürgey, Alan H. Silliman, and Tuba E. Sökmensüer, #41508 (2014).
Overview of Microseismic in Sustainable Monitoring of Geothermal Reservoirs in Indonesia, Bagus Guspudin, Febriwan Mohamad, and Hetty Triastuty, #80347 (2013).
PS Reservoir Characterization by Integration of Outcrop Analog with In Situ Stress Profiling of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Jon Gutmanis and Lluís Ardèvo i Oró, #42033 (2017).
Application of Pyrenean Fractured Carbonate Outcrops for Reservoir Characterisation, Jon Gutmanis and Lluis Ardevol i Oro, #41387 (2014).
New Geophysical and Geological Modeling Approach in Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Reservoir for Site Effect Assessment, C. Guyonnet-Benaize, S. Viseur, F. Hollender, J. Lamarche, and P. Münch, #120059 (2013).
The Upstream in México Under the New Energy Reform, Alfredo E. Guzmán, #70344 (2018).
Petroleum History of Mexico: How it Got to Where it is Today, Alfredo E. Guzmán, #10530 (2013).
AV Presentation by Alfredo E. Guzman, #110050 (2008)
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Exploration and Production in México: Challenges and Opportunities, by Alfredo E. Guzman, #10022 (2001).
The Pampatar Formation (Margarita Island, Venezuela): A Result of Gravity Flows in Deep Marine Water, by O. Guzman and C. Campos, #50070 (2008).
PS The Interrelationship between Coalbed Methane and Produced Ground Water in the Lephalale Basin, South Africa, Z. Gxaba, T. Kanyerere, and K. Pietersen, #80573 (2016).
PS Well Integrity Advantages of Quick Clay over Cement, Carl Fredrik Gyllenhammar, #80749 (2024).
PS Diagenesis of a Late Triassic - Early Jurassic Drowning Succession Overprinted by Late Paleofluid Migration Events (Tata, Hungary), Orsolya Gyori, Andrea Mindszenty, and Ferenc Molnár, #50555 (2012).
Ha-Han Hao-Har Has-He Hi-Hol Hom-Hu
EA Which Fault Matters: Evaluation of Reservoir Compartmentalization by Integration of Borehole Image and Real-Time Isotope Data δ13C1, Natalie Ha, Chandini Murlidhar, Arjan Brem, Valsan Vevakanandan, and Ting Ting Zhang, #42395 (2019).
Explaining Clusters to Interpreters Using Opacity Modulation, Thang Ha and Kurt Marfurt, #120165 (2014).
GC Quantifying Confidence in Horizon-Picking, Thang Ha and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41405 (2014).
PS Seismic Characterization of the Navajo Reservoir, Buzzards Bench, Utah, Kimberley Haar, Robert Balch, and Robert Will, #51503 (2018).
Fluid Substitution Modeling to Determine Sensitivity of Time-Lapse 3-D Vertical Seismic Profile Data to Injected CO2, Kimberley Haar and Robert Balch, #41902 (2016).
Spherical-Wave Computational AVO Modelling in Elastic and Anelastic Isotropic Two-Layer Media, Arnim B. Haase and Charles P. Ursenbach, #41564 (2015).
AV Detailed Structural Interpretation Using 3D Seismic Curvature Analysis, Neuquen and San Jorge Basins, Argentina, S.A. Haberman, M.A. Rolon, J. Cavero, V. Sancho, M. Mendez, L. Di Benedetto, F. Goya, H. Verdur, E. Bellosi, and R. Crandall, #110102 (2009)
6 of 6 presentations from Session, "Seismic Structural Interpretation...," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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AVMeeting Tomorrow’s Challenges in Upstream E&P- Anadarko’s Perspective, James T. Hackett, #110032 (2006)
4 of 9 presentations at AAPG Forum: Energizing the World in the 21st Century, AAPG 2006 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (18.8 mb).
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Middle-Upper Eocene Claiborne Group, Gulf of Mexico Onshore and State Waters, USA, by Paul C. Hackley, #10176 (2008).
AV Preliminary Investigation of the Thermal Maturity of Pearsall Formation Shales in the Maverick Basin, South Texas, Paul C. Hackley, Kristin Dennen, Rachel M. Gesserman, and Jennie L. Ridgley, #110081 (2009)
1 of 4 presentations from Session, "Gas Shale Reservoirs—Updates and New Insights," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
New Generation of Uncertainty Analysis in Basin Modeling, Pierre Hacquard, Mathieu Ducros, Renaud Traby, Veronique Gervais, and Nicolas Maurand, #42508 (2020).
Progressive Fracturing Simulations: Transition from Non-Intersecting Fractures to Intersections, Mahdi Haddad, #41776 (2016).
Little Cedar Creek Field: Reservoir Characterization to Simulation. A Geological and Engineering Case Study of an Upper Jurassic Microbial Carbonate Reservoir in Southwest Alabama, Sharbel Al Haddad and Ernest Mancini, #20228 (2013).
New High-Definition Microelectrical Images Shed Light on Complex Paleozoic Nubian Sandstone Reservoir, Elie Haddad, Nadia El-Defrawy, Mohamed Hussein, Ahmed Hassan, Robert Laronga, El-Said Hassan, and Mohamed Nassar, #41123 (2013).
Quartz Cement in Upper Jurassic Brora Formation Sandstone: What Electron Backscatter Diffraction Reveals about Microquartz Coatings, Sasha C. Haddad, Richard H. Worden, David Prior, and Craig Smalley, #50116 (2008).
Transgressive Sandstone Sedimentology of the Albian Martin House Formation, Peel Region, Northwest Territories, Thomas Hadlari, Danielle Thomson, and C. J. Schröder-Adams, #51060 (2015).
Natural Fracturing of the Canol Formation Oil Shale: An Unconventional Spin on the Norman Wells Oilfield, Thomas Hadlari and Dale R. Issler, #20245 (2014).
Rock Fabric and Microseismic: an Integrated Approach, Martin Haege, Shawn Maxwell, Lars Sonneland, and Mark Norton, #41522 (2015).
Hydrothermal Dolomitization and a Fluid Flow Model: An Example from the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group, Southwestern Ontario, Canada, Omid Haeri-Ardakani, Ihsan Al-Aasm, and Mario Coniglio, #51025 (2014).
Enhanced Reservoir Characterization Using Continuous Mineral Composition Logs, Ralf R. Haese, Scott Ooi, Grant Jiang, and Jay R. Black, #80502 (2015).
Source Potential and Reservoir Fabric of the Cambay Shale, Cambay Basin: A Potential Tight Gas/Tight Oil Resource for India, Mateen Hafiz, #11246 (2019).
"Thin-Skinned" and "Thick-Skinned" Structural Control on the Evolution of a Foreland Basin Petroleum System - Cabuyarito and Medina Anticlines, Eastern Cordillera Llanos Foothills, Colombia, Ibraheem K. Hafiz, James Kellogg, Essam Saeid, and Ziyad Albesher, #42271 (2018).
Seismic and Core-Based Reservoir Characterization, the Giant Priobskoye Field, West Siberia, Russia, Sergey Hafizov, John C. Dolson, George Pemberton, Irina Didenko, Lisa Burova, Irina Nizyaeva, and Alexy Medvedev, #20269 (2014).
Geologic Frameworks Derived from Lightning Maps and Resistivity Volumes, Kathleen S. Haggar, Louis J. Berent, and H. R. Nelson Jr., #41636 (2015).
Improving Sea Bed Logging with Magnetic Field Measurements, Teruhiko Hagiwara, #42230 (2018).
PS Analysis and Integration of Well Logs and Ultrasonic Velocities of Productive Facies in the Upper Viola Formation in Southwestern Kansas, William K. Hagood, Victor Cimino, Matthew Totten, and Abdelmoneam Raef, #11110 (2018).
PS Constructing a Geomechanical Model of the Woodford Shale, Cherokee Platform, Oklahoma, USA: Effects of Confining Stress and Rock Strength on Fluid Flow, Tyler Hair, Helge Alsleben, Milton Enderlin, and Nowell Donovan, #50716 (2012).
PS Probing the Influence of Reactions between Fracture Fluids and Marcellus Shale on the Composition of Major Ion and Trace Element Fluid Chemistry in Flowback Waters, J. Alexandra Hakala, Craig Joseph, Virginia Marcon, Tracy Bank, Sheila Hedges, Thomas R. Malizia, Paula Mouser, and Shuai Liu, #80302 (2013).
Potential Proterozoic Petroleum System: Northwest Himalayan Thrust Belt, Jammu (India), Naveen Hakhoo, Ghulam M. Bhat, Sumita Koul, Jonathan Craig, and Bindra Thusu, #50570 (2012).
Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade 1990-2000: An Introduction, by Michel T. Halbouty, #20005 (2001).
Petroleum - A Global Industry From Its Beginning, by Michel T. Halbouty, #70004 (2000).
Exploration into the New Millenium, by Michel T. Halbouty, #10010 (2000).
AVUsing Technology to Energize the World in the 21st Century, by Helge Hove Haldorsen, #110033 (2006)
5 of 9 presentations at AAPG Forum: Energizing the World in the 21st Century, AAPG 2006 Annual Convention)
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A Comprehensive Geochemical Study Using Pyrolysis Analysis and Migration Pathway Map to Evaluate Source Rock Potential in Talang Akar Formation, Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra, Indonesia, Ismail Halim, Raynouval Arief Amir, Muhammad Nashir, Ildrem Syafri, Nisa Nurul Ilmi, and Waris Budi Raharjo, #10944 (2017).
Petroleum Prospectivity of the Houtman Sub-Basin, Offshore Perth Basin, Australia, Lisa S. Hall, Irina Borissova, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Chris Southby, Ryan Owens, George Bernardel, and Cameron Mitchell, #11046 (2018).
PS Crustal Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Perth Basin, Australia, Lisa S. Hall, Guillaume Sanchez, Irina Borissova, Lynn Pryer, Chris Southby, Zhiqun Shi, and Ron Hackney, #11027 (2017).
Petroleum Systems Modelling for Unconventional Play Analysis in the Cooper Basin, Australia, Lisa Hall, Anthony J. Hill, Liuqi Wang, Dianne S. Edwards, Tehani J. Palu, Alison J. Troup, and Christopher J. Boreham, #10818 (2015).
Application of Anisotropic 3D Reverse Time Migration to Complex North Sea Imaging, M. A. Hall, I. F. Jones, M. C. Goodwin, I. D. Berranger, H. Zhou, and P. A. Farmer, #41573 (2015).
PSLibyan Murzuq Basin Source Rocks, Peter B. Hall, Malvin Bjoroy, Ian L. Ferriday, and Yousef Ismail, #10271 (2010).
Applying Fluid Inclusions to Petroleum Exploration and Production, by D.L. Hall, S.M. Sterner, W. Shentwu, and M.A. Bigge , #40042 (2002).
Tectonic Control on the Creation of Supergiant Fields in the Central and South Caspian Area, by Steve Hall and Vanessa Sturrock, #10015 (2001).
Novel Liner System Improves Coring Performance, Rig Safety and Wellsite Processing, by Larry M. Hall, Bob T. Wilson, and Alan G. Norrie, #40282 (2008).
Cenozoic Evolution of Carbonate Shelf and Ramp Habitats: Insights from Paleoceanography, Pamela Hallock and Luis Pomar, #50663 (2012).
3D Mobile Visualization Techniques in Field Geology Interpretation: Evaluation of Modern Tablet Applications, Layik Hama, Roy A. Ruddle, and Douglas Paton, #120157 (2014).
Investigating the Controls of Salt Movement Using Finite Element Modelling, James Hamilton-Wright, Stephen Dee, Christina Von Nicolai, and Howard Johnson, #42185 (2018).
How Geocellular Models Handle Net Pay Mapping Issues, Dave Hamilton, #120022 (2009).
PS Wolfberry Play, Midland Basin, West Texas, H. Scott Hamlin and Robert W. Baumgardner, #10419 (2012).
PS Local, Across-Strike Variability In Sedimentary Architecture And Depositional Processes in a Mudstone-Dominated, Shallow-Marine Succession, Book Cliffs, Utah, Rhys M. Hamlyn, Kévin Boulesteix, Kevin G. Taylor, Stephen S. Flint, and Rhodri Jerrett, #51594 (2019).
PS Treatment of Grey Water Using Jordanian Natural Zeolites, Nida'a A. Hammad, #41866 (2016).
Sedimentologic and Paleoceanographic Controls of Anoxia in the Holocene Cariaco Basin (Venezuela): Implications for Control of Deposition of Cretaceous (Eagle Ford) and Jurassic (Haynesville) Source Rocks in Texas, Ursula Hammes, Kelly Gibson, and Larry Peterson, #51340 (2016).
Northern German Unconventional Reservoirs in Upper Permian (Ca2) Microbial Slope and Basin Dolomitized Mudstones: Assessment of Oil to Source-Rock Correlations within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Ursula Hammes, Hans-Martin Schulz, and Achim Bechtel, #80393 (2014).
Depositional Environment, Stratigraphy, Geochemical, and Reservoir Characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier Shale-Gas Plays of East Texas and Northwest Louisiana, Ursula Hammes, #10434 (2012).
The Permian Zechstein Formation as a Potential Hybrid Unconventional Reservoir: A Sequence Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Evaluation of Organic-Rich Carbonates and Mudrocks from Shelf to Basin, Northern Germany, Ursula Hammes, Hans-Martin Schulz, Maria Mutti, and Michael Krause, #80238 (2012).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, and Production Fairways of the Haynesville Shale-Gas Play in East Texas, by Ursula Hammes and David L. Carr, #110084 (2009)
4 of 4 presentations from Session, "Gas Shale Reservoirs—Updates and New Insights," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Application of Outcrop Analogues in Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Modeling: Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Approaches, Youri Hamon, M. Barbier, R. Deschamps, B. Doligez, P. Joseph, S. Rohais, J. Schmitz, and J.-P. Callot, #51084 (2015).
Surface-Based Reservoir Modelling: Concepts and Application to Carbonate Reservoirs, Gary J. Hampson, Matthew D. Jackson, Peter J. R. Fitch, and Cédric M. John, #120060 (2012).
Sediment Dispersal Across Late Cretaceous Shelf, Western Interior Seaway, Northern Utah and Colorado, USA, Gary Hampson, #50275 (2010) (13mb).
Oblique Convergence as a Driving Mechanism for Protracted Exhumation, Basin Development, and Sedimentation during Island Arc Collision: A Case Study from Southern Alaska, Brian A. Hampton, #30100 (2009)
Leveraging 4D Seismic and Production Data to Advance the Geological Model of the Enfield Oil Field, Western Australia, Gillian Hamson, #20172 (2012).
PS Improved Estimation of Water Saturation in a Lower-Paleozoic European Organic-Rich Shale Gas Formation, Yifu Han and Siddharth Misra, #42154 (2017).
Structural Inversion and Channel Evolution in a Transition Zone Across the Boundary Between Passive and Active Continental Margins: An Example From Offshore Southwestern Taiwan, Wei-Chung Han, Char-Shine Liu, Wu-Cheng Chi, and Yunshuen Wang, #51247 (2016).
Seismic Time-Frequency Analysis by Empirical Mode Decomposition, Jiajun Han and Mirko van der Baan, #41513 (2015).
Source-Rock Properties and Hydrocarbon-Generating Kinetics of Lacustrine Shales in Ordos Basin, China, Shuangbiao Han, Brian Horsfield, Jinchuan Zhang, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, Rolando di Primio, and Xuan Tang, #80402 (2014).
Natural Fractures and its Implications to Engineering Design, Gang Han, #41243 (2013).
Overview of 3D Seismic-Based Siluro-Devonian Exploration Efforts in Chaves County, New Mexico, by Mike Hanagan, # 10053 (2003).
High Frequency Cyclicity, Facies and Deposition of Condensed Zones in the Fayetteville Shale (Miss) – An Outcrop to Subsurface Perspective, C. Robertson Handford, Tyson M. Smith, Ian R. Westlake, and Christine M. Skirius, #50988 (2014).
Advancement in Acoustic Logging Techniques and Applications in Reservoir Characterization, Rehan Hanif, S. Sohaib Zulfiqar, and Sadu-ur-Rehman, #40735 (2011).
Integrated Geological and Engineering Studies in Support of Producing Light Oil from a Frozen Reservoir: A Case Study from Umiat Oil Field, Northern Alaska, C. Hanks, J. Mongrain, A. Dandekar, P. McCarthy, V. Godabrelidze, C. Shukla, K. Venepalli, O. Levi-Johnson, G. Shimer, R. Wentz, and J. Davis, #20097 (2010).
Re-Os Dating of Black Shales: Timing and Duration of Sedimentary Processes, by Judith L. Hannah, Holly J. Stein, Gang Yang, Aaron Zimmerman, and Bernard Bingen, #40365 (2008) (11.4 MB).
PSCalcic Paleosols – Regional Sequence Boundary Indicators in Cenozoic Strata of Southwestern Montana, by Debra L. Hanneman and Charles J. Wideman, #50019 (2005).
Eagle Plain, Northern Yukon, Canada: An Update on Conventional Petroleum Resource Potential of the Basin, Peter K. Hannigan, #10733 (2015).
Petroleum Resource Potential of the Mackenzie Corridor, Canada: Conceivable Linkages with the Proposed Mackenzie Valley Natural Gas Pipeline, Peter Hannigan, David Morrow, and Bernard MacLean, #10362 (2011).
PS The AB Basin Bakken/Exshaw Resource Play of Northwest Montana: Where Did All the Oil Go?, William B. Hansen, #51230 (2016).
PS The AB Basin Bakken Resource Play of NW Montana: Same Formation, Different Geology, William B. Hansen, #10418 (2012).
PS Global River Discharge Analyses: Impact of Variable Precipitation in the Context of Different Climate Zones, Mark Hansford and Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #30502 (2017).
Integrated Visualization in the Reservoir Development and Management Workflow, Bill Hanson and Tracy Mashiotta, #120166 (2014).
Strategic Planning the Big Picture: Learning from the Positive Experiences from Companies Operating in Shale Plays, Gary Hanson, #80536 (2016).
Strategic Planning the Big Picture: Learning from the Positive Experiences for Companies Operating in Shale Plays, Gary M. Hanson, #80438 (2015).
Shale Gas and Tight Oil Development: An Adaptive Model Resulting from Real Long-term Solutions that Incorporate Water Resources Management and the Public Trust, Gary Hanson, #80253 (2012).
Time-lapse Seismic and Real Options: New Measures are Required to Show Value Creation, by Tore Håkon Hanssen, Eivind Bakken, and Lars Håkon Nordby, Article #40117 (2004).
Hao-Har Back to H
PS Typical Cenozoic Dextral Strike-Slip Characteristics of Tan-Lu Fault and Relationship with Oil and Gas in Eastern Laizhou Bay, Bohai Offshore Area of China, Shi Hao, Zhou Donghong, Niu Chengmin, and Lv Dingyou, #30174 (2011).
Unbioturbated Marine Mudstones: Environmental Stress or Rapid Deposition? A Worked Example from the Ordovician Beach Formation, Newfoundland, Canada, Dario Harazim, Duncan McIlroy, Joe Macquaker, and Samuel J. Bentley, #50448 (2011).
Analysis of Light Hydrocarbons in Soil Gases, Lost River Region, West Virginia: Relation to Stratigraphy and Geological Structures, by W. Harbert, V.T. Jones, J. Izzo, and T.H. Anderson, #20042 (2006).
GC Differentiating Fluid and Rock Boundaries with Seismic, Bob Hardage, #40962 (2012).
GC Discontinuous Stratigraphy Complicates Matching of Synthetic Seismograms to Regional Seismic, Bob Hardage, #40926 (2012).
GC P-Wave Wipeout Zones Caused by Low Gas Saturation Strata, Bob Hardage, #40923 (2012).
GC Equalizing Wavelets Produced by Different Seismic Sources, Bob Hardage, #40894 (2012).
GC Multicomponent Seismic Augments Seismic Stratigraphy Interpretation, Bob Hardage, #40888 (2012).
GC Estimating Seafloor Strength with C4 Data, Bob Hardage, #40804 (2011).
GC Fracture Identification and Evaluation Using S Waves, Bob Hardage, #40792 (2011).
GCRecording Shear-Wave Data in P-Wave Seismic Programs, Bob Hardage, #40701 (2011).
GCSimultaneous-Source High Fidelity Vibroseis System Cuts Time and Cost, Bob Hardage, #40688 (2011).
GC3-D Design Philosophy – Part 4: The Even-Integer Rule, Bob Hardage, #40664 (2010).
GC3-D Acquisition Design Philosophy – Part 3: Is Stacking Fold Acceptable?, Bob Hardage, #40663 (2010).
GC3-D Design Philosophy – Part 2: Target Depth, Bob Hardage, #40662 (2010).
GC3-D Design Philosophy – Part 1: Target Size, Bob Hardage, #40661 (2010).
GC Reservoir Compartments Can Challenge Logic, Bob Hardage, #40593 (2010).
GC Reflection Events and Their Polarities Defined by the Hilbert Transform, Bob Hardage, #40564 (2010).
GC ‘Hilbert Transform’ Remains a Valuable Tool, Bob Hardage, #40563 (2010).
GC Thin-Bed Interpretation Using Reference Surfaces, Bob Hardage, #40535 (2010).
GC Vertical Wave Testing, Bob Hardage, #40503 (2010).
GC Horizontal Wave Testing, Bob Hardage, #40502 (2010).
GC Selected Low Frequencies Aid Interpretation of Deep Faults, Bob Hardage, #40454 (2009).
GCSeismic-While-Drilling: Techniques using the Drill Bit as the Seismic Source, Bob Hardage, #40411 (2009).
GCPossible Nanotechnology Applications in Petroleum Reservoirs, by Bob Hardage, #40396 (2009).
GCWell Logs Invaluable to Interpreting Limited-Quality Seismic of Complex Structures, by Bob Hardage, #40385 (2009).
GC Vertical Seismic Profiling at Eldfisk Field, by Bob Hardage, #40389 (2009).
GC Exploring Beneath High-Velocity Surfaces, by Bob Hardage, #40334 (2009).
GC Multi-Azimuth Seismic for Sub-Salt Targets, by Bob Hardage, #40381 (2009).
GC Passive Seismic Techniques, by Bob Hardage, #40319 (2008).
GCInterpretation Value of Anomalous (‘Impossible’) Frequencies, by Bob Hardage, #40286 (2008).
GC Frequency in Defining Trend of Productive Thin-bedded Sandstone, by Bob Hardage, #40284 (2008).
GC Reservoirs Without Seismic Reflection Signal, by Bob Hardage, #40261 (2007).
GCSeismic Imaging of Hidden Targets, by Bob Hardage, #40247 (2007).
GCEnergy Density of Deepwater Gas Hydrate, by Bob Hardage, #40241 (2007).
GCCellular Wireless Seismic Data Acquisition, by Bob Hardage, #40233 (2007).
GC3-D Seismic Images of the Effects of Carbonate Karst Collapse on Overlying Stratigraphy, by Bob A. Hardage, #40044 (2002).
GCStratton Field, South Texas: Example of Integration in Reservoir Characterization, by Bob A. Hardage, #40020 (2001).
GCDepth Registration of P-Wave and S-Wave Images, by Bob A. Hardage and I.J. Aluka, #40186 (2006).
GCElastic Wavefield Seismic Stratigraphy, by Bob A. Hardage and I.J. Aluka, #40184 (2006).
GCS-Wave Analysis of Fracture Systems, by Bob A. Hardage and Michael V. DeAngelo, #40227 (2006).
GCImaging Super-Deep Targets with P-P and P-SV Data, by Bob Hardage, Michael DeAngelo, and Randy Remington, #40279 (2008).
GCOccurrence of P-Wave Wipeout Zones, by Bob Hardage, Michael DeAngelo, and Diana Sava, #40234 (2007).
GCDistinguishing Fizz-Gas and Commercial Gas Reservoirs With Multicomponent Seismic Technology, By Bob A. Hardage, Michael Deangelo, Diana Sava And Randy Remington, #40188 (2006).
GCTake Your Pick: Skeptic or Proponent, by Bob A. Hardage, Khaled Fouad, and Glenn Winters #40228 (2006).
GCHigh Resolution P-P Imaging of Deepwater Near-Seafloor Geology, by Bob A. Hardage and Paul E. Murray, #40200 (2006).
GCImaging Deep Gas Targets Across Congested Marine Production Areas, by Bob A. Hardage, Randy Remington, Michael Deangelo, and Khaled Fouad, #40190 (2006).
GCChronostratigaphic Surfaces and Seismic Reflections, by Bob A. Hardage, Randy L. Remington, and Paul E. Murray, #40212 (2006).
GC Seismic Model for Monitoring CO2 Sequestration, Bob Hardage and Diana Sava, #40423 (2009).
GC P-P and P-SV Seismic Wave Modes at Salt Boundaries, by Bob Hardage, Diana Sava, Michael DeAngelo, and Randy Remington, #40237 (2007).
GCRock Physics and the Case for Multicomponent Seismic Data, by Bob Hardage, Diana Sava, Randy Remington, and Michael DeAngelo, #40273 (2008)
Outcrops as Analog of Fractured Reservoirs: Capture Explicit Geometries, Derive Statistics and Model Behaviour, N. J. Hardebol and G. Bertotti, #120144 (2014).
Paleoclimatic and Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Mineralogy and Ichnology in an Eocene Greensand, Texas, Sherie C. Harding and Tony Ekdale, #50675 (2012).
PS Compound Seismic Forward Modeling of the Atiart Submarine Canyon Outcrop, Spain:
Application to the Submarine Canyon on the Subsurface Loppa High, Barents Sea, Dicky Harishidayat, Ståle E. Johansen, Cai Puigdefabregas, and Kamaldeen Olakunle Omosanya, #42272 (2018).
PS Stratigraphic Architecture and Evolution of Canyons and Other Sediment Conduits in the SE Loppa High, Barents Sea, Dicky Harishidayat, Ståle Emil Johansen, Kamaldeen Olakunle Omosanya, and Solveig Plyem Løseth, #51471 (2018).
PS The Enigma of Missing Jurassic and Cretaceous Rocks – Episodic Deposition and Unroofing of the UK and Adjacent Continental Shelves during the Mesozoic and Tertiary, S.D. Harker, D.R.D. Boote, L.A. Riley, P. Green, and J.R. Underhill, #30557 (2018).
"Tales of an Ex-Elf" – Career Paths for a Petroleum Geologist, Stuart Harker, #70306 (2017).
Are Data-Model Results Bias Towards the Warm Low Latitudes?, M. Harland, P. Valdes, D. J. Lunt, J. E. Francis, D. J. Beerling, and P. J. Markwick, #120179 (2015).
Analysis and Implications of the Archie-Haro Equation in Modeling Resistivity of Rocks, Carlos Haro, #41343 (2014).
The Theory Behind the Carman-Kozeny Equation in the Quest for Permeability of Rocks, Carlos Haro, #41344 (2014).
From Insight to Foresight: Knowing How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in the Oil and Gas Industry, Sammy Haroon, Aruna Viswanathan, and Ram Shenoy, #42288 (2018).
PS Late Quaternary Upper Slope Deepening (Fining) Upward Sequences Offshore the Great Barrier Reef, IODP 325 Expedition, Brandon B. Harper, André W. Droxler, Eberhard Gischler, Jody M. Webster, Ángel P. Bernabéu, Tania Lado-Insua, Alex Thomas, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Luigi Jovane, and Expedition 325 Scientists, #50454 (2011).
Assuring Investor Confidence Through Qualified Reserves Evaluators Applying Globally Accepted Principles Of Evaluations and Reporting, D. Ronald Harrell, #70391 (2019).
Reserves Reporting Standards: Standards Pertaining to the Estimation and Auditing of Oil and Gas Reserves Information 1977, 2001 and 2007, Ron Harrell, #120002 (2009).
Using Noble Gas and Hydrocarbon Gas Geochemistry to Source the Origin of Fluids in the Eagle Ford Shale of Texas, USA, Jake Harrington, Colin Whyte, Karlis Muehlenbachs, and Tom Darrah, #41710 (2015).
PS Relationship between Reservoir Quality and Hydrocarbon Signatures Measured at the Surface, Paul Harrington and Alan Silliman, #41078 (2012).
Depositional and Geomorphic Characteristics of Ocean Basins at Different Stages of Their Evolution – The Wilson Cycle Revisited, Peter T. Harris and Miles Macmillan-Lawler, #30572 (2018).
Cambrian Rogersville Shale (Conasauga Group), Kentucky and West Virginia: A Potential New Unconventional Reservoir in the Appalachian Basin, David C. Harris, John B. Hickman, and Cortland F. Eble, #10787 (2016).
What Difference Does a Eustatic Curve Make?, Ashley D. Harris, Jacob Covault, Martin Perlmutter, Zoltan Sylvester, Tao Sun, and Didier Granjeon, #51299 (2016).
Numerical Stratigraphic Modeling of Climatic Controls on Basin-Scale Sedimentation, Ashley D. Harris, Cristian Carvajal, Jake Covault, Martin Perlmutter, and Tao Sun, #51185 (2015).
Anoxia and Euxinia (or not) in an Upper Devonian Black Shale: Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas, Nicholas B. Harris, Sheven Poole, Miroslaw Slowakiewicz, and Richard Pancost, #51293 (2016).
Shale Velocity and Density as Functions of TOC and Thermal Maturity: Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, Texas, Nicholas B. Harris, #51124 (2015).
Trace Elements and Basin Processes: Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas, Nicholas B. Harris, #10573 (2014).
Evolution of a Modern Ooid Sand Island (South Joulter Cay, Great Bahama Bank) and Implications for Subsurface Studies, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Juan Carlos Laya, #51693 (2022).
EA Quantitative Comparative Sedimentology – Value Added for a Refined Interpretation, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Sam J. Purkis, #51685 (2020).
EA Role of Modern Analogs in Subsurface Reservoir Modeling, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Sam J. Purkis, #51684 (2020).
Ooids as Archives of Past Conditions, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Mara R. Diaz, and Gregor P. Eberli, #51578 (2019).
Reservoir Implications of Facies and Diagenetic Variability in an Oolitic Grainstone: Pleistocene Miami Oolite, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Sam Purkis, #51577 (2019).
Controls and Patterns of Depositional Facies across Great Bahama Bank, Paul M. Harris, Sam J. Purkis, and Georgenes Cavalcante, #51501 (2018).
The Role of Capitan Research in the Evolution of Carbonate Conceptual Models and Paradigms, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Charles Kerans, #42064 (2017).
The Role of the Guadalupe Mountains and Capitan Research in the Evolution of Carbonate Conceptual Models and Paradigms, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Charles Kerans, #60052 (2016).
The Role of Islands in Influencing Carbonate Platform-Top Deposition, Paul (Mitch) Harris and Sam J. Purkis, #51287 (2016).
Carbonate Eolianites in the Exumas – The Legacy of Vanishing Ebb Tidal Deltas During a Sea Level Rise, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Kelly L. Jackson, Maaike Petrie, and Gregor P. Eberli, #51107 (2015).
Great Bahama Bank – Part II: Mapping Depositional Facies on a "Flat-Topped" Isolated Carbonate Platform, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Sam Purkis, James Ellis, Peter Swart, and John Reijmer, #50961 (2014).
Great Bahama Bank – Part I: Evaluating Water-Depth Variation on a "Flat-Topped" Isolated Carbonate Platform, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis, and Sam Purkis, #50960 (2014).
PS Building 3-D Perspectives of a Modern Carbonate Sand Body for Improved Visualization and Quantitative Interrogation of Spatial Patterns, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Jerome Bellian, and James Ellis, #40934 (2012).
PS Enabling Easy Access to Analogs for Carbonate Deposition in Early Rift Settings, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis, and Sam J. Purkis, #50640 (2012).
Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Modern Carbonate Sand Bodies from Great Bahama Bank, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Samuel J. Purkis, and James Ellis, #50419 (2011).
Enhancing Subsurface Reservoir Models – An Integrated MPS Approach Using Outcrop Analogs, Modern Analogs, and Forward Stratigraphic Models, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Jeroen Kenter, Ted Playton, Miriam Andres, Gareth Jones, and Marge Levy, #50418 (2011).
PS Depositional Facies Patterns and Resultant Heterogeneity in Carbonate Sand Reservoirs – Insight from Modern Analogs, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and James Ellis, #50324 (2010).
Methods for Determining Interwell Facies Boundaries (and Constraining Geostatistical Correlation), P.M. Harris, #60046 (2009).
Heterogeneity within Carbonate Reservoirs - Guidelines from Modern Analogs, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #60043 (2009) (15.4 Mb).
Or Right-click to download
A Field Trip Guide to The Guadalupe Mountains, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #60041 (2009).
Heterogeneity within Carbonates – Guidelines from Modern Examples, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #60040 (2009) (5.5 Mb).
Heterogeneity within Carbonate Reservoirs - Guidelines from Modern Analogs, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #60039 (2009) (6.5 Mb).
Or Right-click to download
The Capitan Margin of the Guadalupe Mountains – A Field Trip Guide, Paul M. (Mitch), #60038 (2009).
Review of Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic - Engineering Analysis, Part 2, P.M. Harris, #60037 (2009).
Depositional Environments of Carbonate Platforms, P.M. Harris, #60032 (2009).
Facies Anatomy and Diagenesis of a Bahamian Ooid Shoal, by P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #60022 (2009).
Sedimentology of the Joulters Cays Ooid Sand Shoal, Great Bahama Bank, by P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #60017 (2009).
Depositional Environments of the Joulters Cays Area, by P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #60014 (2008).
The Sequence of Holocene Sediments, Joulters Cays Area, by P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #60013 (2009).
Holocene Sediments and Stratigraphy of Marshes at Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia, by P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #60012 (2009).
McElroy Field: Development Geology of a Dolostone Reservoir, Permian Basin, West Texas, P.M. Harris and S.D. Walker, #60030 (2009).
PS Satellite Imagery and Geological Interpretation of the Exumas, Great Bahama Bank - An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs, Paul (Mitch) Harris and James Ellis, #50200 (2009)
Carbonate Depositional Environments, Modern and Ancient, Part 2, P.M. Harris, C.H. Moore, and J.L. Wilson, #60024 (2009).
Publications (1973 – present) of Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and co-workers, #100005 (2008)
Crosswell Seismic in Carbonate Reservoirs – Examples of High-Resolution Reservoir Delineation, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #40307 (2008)
Unique Approaches to Analysis of a Cyclic Shelf Dolomite Reservoir, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #40304 (2008)
Stratigraphic Framework and New Exploration Concepts for the Lower Cretaceous Shelf Margin Carbonates of Texas, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #40303 (2008)
Carbonate Reservoir Delineation from Seismic Data – Examples of Crosswell Seismic, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris #40299 (2008)
Geologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Fields, Kazakhstan – Carboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platforms, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #20060 (2008)
Stratigraphic Architecture, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Quality: Tengiz and Korolev Fields, Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by P.M. Harris, J.F. Collins, K.L. Putney, A. Zhumagulova, and D. Fischer, #20053 (2008)
The Caicos Platform - A Valuable Modern Analog for Understanding Facies Patterns of Subsurface Isolated Platforms, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and James Ellis, #50131 (2008).
PSSatellite Imagery and Visualization of the Caicos Platform, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and James Ellis, #50080 (2008)
Reservoirs in Isolated Carbonate Platforms– Insight from Great Bahama Bank, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Gregor P. Eberli, and G. Michael Grammer, #50083 (2008)
PSGeologic Framework for Korolev Field, Kazakhstan - A Carboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platform, by Paul (Mitch) Harris, Raymond A. Garber, and Michael E. Clark, #20062 (2008)
PSGeologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Isolated Carbonate Platforms, Kazakhstan, by Paul (Mitch) Harris, Raymond A. Garber, and Michael E. Clark, #20061 (2008)
PSCarbonate Mud and Carbonate Source Rocks, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and Barry J. Katz, #40305 (2008)
Steep Microbial-Dominated Platform Margins – Examples and Implications, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and J.A.M. Kenter #40298 (2008)
PSQuantifying Facies Attributes of the Caicos Platform, by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and Brigitte M. Vlaswinkel, #50079 (2008).
PS Savannah River National Laboratory Core Repository: Core Used in Real World Fluid and Chemical Transport Assessments, Mary K. Harris, Margaret Millings, Laura Bagwell, and Gerald C. Blount, #70184 (2015).
Development of a Hydrofacies Framework for Dual-Domain Transport Modeling, by Mary K. Harris, Margaret R. Millings and Gregory P. Flach, #80036 (2008).
Soils, Slopes and Source Rocks: the Roles of Soil Chemistry and Nutrient Delivery to Source Rock Deposition in Rift Lakes, by Nick Harris and Greg E. Tucker, #40366 (2008).
GCCrosswell Seismic Profiling: Principle to Applications, By Jerry M. Harris and Robert T. Langan, #40030 (2001).
EA Selecting an Appropriate Unconventional Play Analog for the Bowland Shale While Acknowledging Operational Constraints in the UK, Bob Harrison, Tamara Oueidat, and Gioia Falcone, #11252 (2019).
Occurrence of Potash-Bearing Strata (Sylvinite) in the Salina A-1 Evaporite in the Central Michigan Basin, William B. Harrison, III, #10652 (2014).
A Geologic Review of the Mahogany Subsalt Discovery: A Well That Proved a Play (The Mahogany Subsalt Discovery: A Unique Hydrocarbon Play, Offshore Louisiana), Holly Harrison, Dwight ‘Clint’ Moore, and Peggy Hodgkins, #60049 (2010).
Unconventional analytical techniques for unconventional gas: A case study of a Late Cretaceous—Tertiary Ardley gas-charged coal in the Pembina — Warburg Exploration Area, Alberta, Canada, by Shane M. Harrison, T. Gentzis, and M. Payne, #40222 (2006).
Constraints on Opening of the Gulf of Mexico from Seafloor-Spreading Magnetic Anomalies, Dennis L. Harry and Philip K. Eskamani, #30348 (2014).
Subsurface Mapping of the Early-Middle Miocene Retrench Sandstones along the La Fortune Anticline, Oropouche Oil Field, Southern Basin, Trinidad, W.I., Stefon Harrypersad, Xavier Moonan, Victor Young On, Shiraz Rajab, Fawwaaz Hosein, Ashleigh Costelloe, and Brent Wilson, #20372 (2016).
PS 3-D Seismic Attribute-Assisted Analysis of Microseismic Events within the Marcellus Shale, Ariel K. Hart, Tom Wilson, and Peter Sullivan, #41421 (2014).
GCPredicting Reservoir Properties from 3-D Seismic Attributes with Little Well Control – Jurassic Smackover Formation, by Bruce S. Hart, #40046 (2002).
GCHorizon Attribute Curvature Aids Stratigraphic Interpretation, by Bruce S. Hart and Justine A. Sagan, #40172 (2005).
Wabamun, Bakken Equivalent Exshaw and Banff Formations in Core, Cuttings and Outcrops from Southern Alberta, Tim H.D. Hartel, Barry C. Richards and C. Willem Langenberg, #50952 (2017).
Controls on Drainage and Facies Distributions in Continental Rift Basins, Adrian Hartley, Stuart Archer, Alex Fordham, Sophie Leleu, and Gary Weissmann, #40560 (2010).
Distinguishing Climatic from Autogenic Signatures in Alluvial Systems: A Quaternary Perspective with Implications for the Rock Record, Adrian Hartley, Gary S. Weissmann, and Sophie Leleu, #40559 (2010).
Geological Aspects of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Northeast British Columbia, Canada, by Alf Hartling, #80010 (2008)
The Complications in Defining Oil-In-Place Estimates in Source Rock Reservoirs - Total vs. Producible Oil and Mass Balance Characterization, Chad Hartman, #42567 (2021).
Utilizing Pressurized Rotary Sidewall Cores for the Determination of Pore Fluid Total Material Balance and Characterization of Bulk Fluid Hydrocarbons, Chad Hartman, #42364 (2019).
Underplating Below the Western Chugach Mountains in the Southern Alaska Block Syntaxial Core Constrained by Low-Temperature Thermochronology, Sean M. Hartman, Phillip A. Armstrong, and Jeanette C. Arkle, #30250 (2012).
Recent Advances in the Analytical Methods Used for Shale Gas Reservoir Gas-in-Place Assessment, by Robert C. Hartman, Pat Lasswell, and Nimesh Bhatta, #40317 (2008).
Predicting Sandstone Reservoir System Quality and Example of Petrophysical Evaluation, by Dan J. Hartmann, Edward A. Beaumont, and Edward Coalson, #40005 (2000).
Eolian Architecture of Sandstone Reservoirs in the Covenant Field, Sevier County, Utah, Emily E. Hartwick, #20091 (2010).
Warukin Deep – The Hidden Potential of Warukin Field, South Borneo: Untouched Reserves in Mature Field, Muhammad Rizky Harun, Benny Nugroho Ardhiansyah, and Rifky Tri Putral, #20409 (2017).
The Petroleum System of the Central Burma Basin, Onshore Myanmar, Siti Nurul Farieza Harun, Francesco Zainetti, and Gary A. Cole, #41439 (2014).
Borehole Image Textural Analysis and Integrated Petrophysics – Applications in Delaware and Midland Basins, Nicholas Harvey, #41465 (2014).
Analysis and Correlation of Growth Strata of the Lower Dawson Formation: Insight into the Tectono-stratigraphic Evolution of the Colorado Front Range, Korey Harvey and Jennifer Aschoff, #50908 (2013).
Has-He Back to H
The Tiaka-Tiara Fault Bend Fold Structures and its Implication to Control Hydrocarbon Entrapment within Fracture Carbonate Reservoir in the Eastern Arm of Sulawesi, Indonesia, Deddy Hasanusi, Judha Sumarianto, Rahmat Wijaya, and Dicki Hendrian, #51213 (2015).
Fractured Carbonate Reservoir of Tiaka Field, Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia (T-3 Carbonate Cores), Deddy Hasanusi, Dian Kurniawan, RM Iman Argakoesoemah, and Windi Darmawan, #20145 (2012).
Fracture and Carbonate Reservoir Characterization using Sequential Hybrid Seismic Rock Physics, Statistic and Artificial Neural Network: Case Study of North Tiaka Field, Deddy Hasanusi, Rahmat Wijaya, Indra Shahab, and Bagus Endar B. Nurhandoko, #20139 (2012).
Paleozoic Sequences as Potential Source Rocks for Petroleum in Northwestern Pakistan, with Particular Reference to the Silurian System, a Major Petroleum Source in the Middle East and North Africa, Syed Tariq Hasany and Fazl-i-Rabbi Khan, #30263 (2012).
Identification of New Potential Source and Reservoir Rock of Early Jurassic Age, Supported with Basin Modeling and discussion of Exploration Constraints in the Northern Kirthar Range, Pakistan, Syed Tariq Hasany, Nazir Ahmed, and Mirza Ovais Baig, #30262 (2012).
Refound Exploration Opportunities in Infracambrian and Cambrian Sediments of Punjab Platform, Pakistan, Syed Tariq Hasany, Muhammad Aftab, and Raza A. Siddiqui, #50576 (2012).
An Integrated Subsurface Geological and Engineering Study of Meyal Field, Potwar Plateau, Pakistan, Syed Tariq Hasany and Umair Saleem, #20151 (2012).
PS Petroleum Prospectivity of the Eastern Australian Deepwater Frontier Basins: Insights from the Capel and Faust Basins, Takehiko Hashimoto, Nadege Rollet, Karen Higgins, Vaughan Stagpoole, Peter Petkovic, Ron Hackney, Graham Logan, Jim Colwell, Rob Funnell, and George Bernardel, #10358 (2011).
Shale Reservoirs: Improved Production from Stimulation of Sweet Spots, Khaled H. Hashmy and Ashok Bhatnagar, #41355 (2014).
Geochemical Evidence of Biotic Influence in Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonates, Franek J. Hasiuk and Stephen E. Kaczmarek, #51190 (2015).
Being Realistic About Risk, W. J. "Bill" Haskett, #70383 (2019).
AV Unconventional Thinking, Bill Haskett, #110217 (2015).
Click to view presentation in PDF format
Risk Analysis of Unconventional Plays, William J. Haskett, #80084 (2010).
Recurrent Issues in the Evaluation of Unconventional Resources, William J. Haskett and P. Jeffrey Brown, #40674 (2011).
Operational and Business Efficiency in Unconventional Projects, William J. Haskett and Creties Jenkins, #80083 (2010).
Risk Analysis for Unconventional Resource Opportunities, by William Haskett, #40320 (2008)
Cellular Automata Applied to Fault and Surface Related Diagenesis in Carbonate Reservoirs, Claude-Alain Hasler, Tcherepanov Evgueni, Chadia Volery, Matthias Braun, and Conxita Taberner, #40997 (2012).
A Practical Application of Data-Driven 3D Automatic Fault Extraction for En Echelon Faults: A Case Study from Malay Basin, Tengku Mohd Syazwan Tengku Hassan, Lee Chung Shen, Jimmy Ting, and Joseph P. Dominguez, #11176 (2019).
Mapping Depth to Basement Using 2D Werner Inversion of High-Resolution AeroMagnetic (HRAM) Data, Hassan H. Hassan, Robert A. Charters, and John W. Peirce, #41595 (2015).
Mapping Magnetic Lineaments in the Foothills of Northeastern British Columbia using 2D Wavelet Transform, Hassan Hassan, #41587 (2015).
Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of Turner Valley Airborne Gravity Data in the Foothills of Alberta, Canada, Hassan Hassan, #41581 (2015).
Fusion of Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Images for Improved Detection of Structural Control, Hassan Hassan and John Peirce, #41550 (2015).
Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data, Hassan H. Hassan, #41498 (2014).
Shock Filter: A Powerful Tool to Map Basement Blocks and Faults in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Based on Magnetic Signatures, Hassan H. Hassan and Janine Weber, #41239 (2014).
Mexico's Productive Plays – Past, Present and Future?, John Hattner, #11094 (2018).
Optimizing Perforations, David J. Hatton and Payam Kavousi Ghahfarokhi, #42159 (2017).
New Model for Halokinetically Controlled Patch Reef Systems: A Case Study From the Fairway Field, A Major Aptian Reservoir in the East Texas Basin, Kelly E. Hattori, Robert G. Loucks, and Charles Kerans, #11250 (2019).
PS Regional-Scale Modelling of the Paleozoic Succession Beneath the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Areas: Devonian Paleogeography, Evaporite Dissolution, and Controls on Cretaceous Depositional Patterns on the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity, Tyler E. Hauck, Jesse Peterson, Ben Hathway, Matthias Grobe, and Kelsey MacCormack, #51349 (2017).
PS Intrastratal Dedolomite and Secondary Gypsum in the Prairie Evaporite Formation of Northeastern Alberta: Diagenesis in a Carbonate-Sulphate System, Tyler E. Hauck, Hilary J. Corlett, Matthias Grobe, Erin L. Walton, and Pierre Sans-Jofre, #51348 (2017).
Deposition of the Peavine Sandstone on the Peace River Arch and its Relationship to Transgressive-Regressive Cycles within the Beaverhill Lake Group, North-Central Alberta, Tyler E. Hauck, #51074 (2015).
Changes and Considerations in the Natural Gas Marketplace, David H. Hawk, #70108 (2011).
PS The Subsalt Play in the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins, Angola: A Seismic Study, Lisa Hawkins, William Jones, David Johnstone, Lourenco Joaquim, and Jose G. Jose, #10239.
Evidence for Hydrocarbon Generation from NSOs: Implication for Modeling of Oil and Gas Generation in Basins, Patrick G. Hatcher, Francoise Behar, Albert Kamga, and Elodie Salmon, #120128 (2013).
Confirmation of Thin-skinned Thrust Faulting in Foreland Fold-Thrust Belts and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Exploration: Bally, Gordy, and Stewart, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 1966, by Robert D. Hatcher, Jr., #70034 (2007).
Observations of Intrinsic Anisotropy in Varied Geologic Settings, Lori A. Hathon and Michael T. Myers, #40562 (2010).
3rd-order Sequence Stratigraphy and Lithostratigraphy of the Bearpaw–Horseshoe Canyon Transition, Alberta Plains, Ben Hathway, #51079 (2015).
PS Subsurface Analysis and Cycle Stratigraphy of the Upper Cambrian Wilberns Formation, Western Llano Uplift Region, McCulloch Co., Texas, Michael Jordon Haubert and Emily Stoudt, #51254 (2016).
Targeting Mechanical Facies in the Green River Basin to Improve Completions Strategies, Jesse Havens, Joel Mazza, Alice Hildick, Carrie Glaser, and Cam Coleman, #42295 (2018).
Organic Carbon Deposition in Gyre Versus Eddy Oceans, by William W. Hay, #40215 (2006).
Application of Bacterial DNA Fingerprinting in Crude Oil for Evaluating the Reservoir-Part I, A. Hayatdavoudi, N. Chegenizadeh, A. Christoserdov, R. Bajpai, and F. Boukadi, #41127 (2013).
Microfracture Propagation during Post-Hydraulic Fracturing Shut-in and Enhanced Gas Production from Shale, A. Hayatdavoudi, A. Tavanaei, K.G. Sawant, F. Savage, and S. Salehi, #41633 (2015).
PS Unconventional Oil Play Assessment in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, Brad Hayes, Raphael Wust, Carlos Salas, and Howard Anderson, #80688 (2019).
Comparing Basin-Centred Gas Prospectivity in the Bowen-Surat Basin (Queensland, Australia) With the Deep Basin of Western Canada and the Piceance Basin of Utah, Brad J. Hayes, Peter Nicholls, Kathleen Dorey, Rodney Bresnahan, William McDougall, and Chris Wickens, #10866 (2016).
Cadomin Tight Gas Reservoirs along the Updip Margin of the WCSB Deep Basin, Canada, Brad J. Hayes, #10720 (2015).
Integrated Assessment of Water Resources to Support Unconventional Play Development, West-Central Alberta, Brad J. Hayes, Ben Kerr, and Derek Brown, #80396 (2014).
PS Regional Characterization of Shale Gas and Shale Oil Potential, Northwest Territories, Canada, Brad J. Hayes, #10426 (2012).
Evolution of Tight Gas Sandstone Plays and Production, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Brad J. Hayes, #10182 (2009).
New Deep Basin Gas Plays at Hooker, Alberta — Extending Deep Basin Prospectivity Southward, by Brad J.R. Hayes, Marc Junghans, Kim Davies, and Murray Stodalka, #10051 (2003).
The Deep Basin - A Hot ‘‘Tight Gas’’ Play for 25 Years, Brad J.R. Hayes, #10052 (2003).
Depositional Interpretation and Reservoir Characterization of the Tithonian in Mizzen F-09, Flemish Pass Basin, Canada, Simon R. Haynes, Jonathan Marshall, Erik Imsland Wathne, Geoff Minielly, Elisabeth Mortlock, Olav Walderhaug, and Trevor Johnson, #50967 (2014).
Structure of the South-Eastern Nechako Basin, British Columbia: Results of Seismic Interpretation and First-Arrival Tomographic Inversion, Nathan Hayward and Andrew Calvert, #10717 (2015).
The Opening of the Kurdistan Oil and Gas Province: The Making of a Nation, Tony Hayward, #110204 (2014).
Quantitative Microporosity Evaluation Using Mercury Injection and Digital Image Analysis in Tight Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study From the Ordovician in the Tazhong Palaeouplift, Tarim Basin, NW China, Jianhua He, #42079 (2017).
Understanding the Role of the First Carrier Bed: Simple Rules of Thumb and Best Practice That Can Help Reduce Dry Hole Rate, Zhiyong He, #42422 (2019).
Top Down Petroleum System Analysis: Exploiting Geospatial Patterns of Petroleum Phase and Properties, Zhiyong He and Andrew Murray, #42421 (2019).
Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping in Unconventional Plays, Zhiyong He and Daniel Xia, #10968 (2017).
The Most Important Factors in Charge Risking and Best Practices, Zhiyong He, #42015 (2017).
Migration Lag - What is it and how it affects Charge Risk and Fluid Properties, Zhiyong He, #42014 (2017).
PS Application of Geophysical Technology Assemblage in Evaluation of Deepwater Gas Fields in the Northern South China Sea, Min He, Jun Shen, Ming Zhu, and Jun Liu, #20377 (2016).
Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of Lengdong Area, Qaidam Basin, China, Jie He, Hua Wang, and Detian Yan, #41934 (2016).
Analysis of Sequence Architecture for Prediction of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Early Cretaceous Deposits in the Wuerxun Sag in Northeastern China, Liu He, Qian Meng, Yanfang Lu, Haibo Wu, and Junhui Li, #10704 (2015).
Orthorhombic Imaging for Orthogonal Wide Azimuth Surveys in Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, Yang He, Adam Gersztenkorn, Sherry Yang, and Bin Wang, #30391 (2014).
Experiment on the Selection of Time-Transgression Predictive Seismic Attributes, Yawen He and Hongliu Zeng, #120167 (2014).
Serial Cross-Section Trishear Modeling: Reconstructing 3-D Kinematic Evolution of the Perdido Fold Belt, Dian He and John Paul Brandenburg, #30313 (2014).
A 2-D Petroleum System Model for the Vallecitos Syncline, San Joaquin Basin, California, Meng He, Stephan Graham, J. Michael Moldowan, Kenneth E. Peters, Leslie B. Magoon, Carolyn Lampe, and Allegra Scheirer, #41057 (2012).
Petroleum Systems and Mixed Oil in the Barents Sea and Northern Timan-Pechora Basin, Russia, Meng He, Kenneth E. Peters, J. Michael Moldowan, and Alla Rovenskaya, #10357 (2011).
PS A 500 Mile Seismic Cross Section Through Crucial Lower Tertiary Wells Exhibits Cenozoic Structure and Stratigraphy Changes from the West to Northeast in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Leipin He and Rex Poling, #40627 (2010).
Post 30 m.y. Sequence Stratigraphy, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, by Leipin He, Nancye Dawers, and Chuck Stelting, #30045 (2006).
PSReservoir Characterization of the Giant Sulige Gas Field, Ordos Basin, China, Dongbe He, Ailin Jia, and Tianguang Xu, #20035 (2006).
Outcrop-Scale Variations in Petrophysical Properties of Faulted Carbonates: Exploring the Relative Influence of Lithology, Fault Displacement and Juxtaposition, Dave Healy, Emma Michie, Tom Haines, Joyce Neilson, Ian Alsop, Nick Timms, and Moyra Wilson, #120061 (2012).
Allochthonous Salt Initiation and Advance in the Northern Flinders and Eastern Willouran Ranges, South Australia: Using Outcrops to Test Subsurface-Based Models from the Northern GOM, T. E. Hearon, M. G. Rowan, K. A. Giles, R. A. Kernen, C. E. Gannaway, T. F. Lawton, and J. C. Fiduk, #30344 (2014).
State of the Art in Visualization Tools, Michael M. Heck, #120168 (2014).
Becoming a Registered Professional Geologist and Doing Mineral Remoteness Opinions - Another Way for Geologists to Make a Living, Scott T. Hector, #70358 (2018).
Groundwater Districts of the Sacramento Basin, Scott Hector and Karen Blake, #80637 (2018).
3D Seismic Evidence for Strike-Slip Faults in Kansas, Dennis Hedke and W. Lynn Watney, #51226 (2016).
Prediction of Syn-Sedimentary Fractures within Carbonates: Geomechanical Models with Development of More-Realistic Constitutive Models for Carbonates, V. Heesakkers, J. Nevitt, W. Narr, and P. Lovely, #120062 (2012).
Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Structures, Part III: Folding of a Layered Rock Sequence in a Ramp System, Vincet Heesakkers, Seth Busetti, and Ze'ev Reches, #40485 (2010).
History of the Alberta Geological Survey and Its Contribution to the Petroleum Industry in Canada, Frances Hein and Andrew Beaton, #70392 (2019).
The Oil Sands Pioneers of Alberta, Frances J. Hein, #70313 (2018).
Oil Sands Pioneers: How Scientists and Entrepreneurs Made the Unconventional More "Conventional", Frances J. Hein, #80545 (2016).
PS Shifting Paradigms: Play-Based Risk Analysis for Characterization of Unconventional and Conventional Energy Resources in Alberta, Frances J. Hein, Andrew Beaton, and Dean Rokosh, #40985 (2012).
Evolution of a Barrier System in Response to Slow Sea Level Rise and Backbarrier Infilling: Plum Island, Massachusetts, Christopher J. Hein, Emily Carruthers, Duncan FitzGerald, Walter A. Barnhardt, and Byron D. Stone, #50235 (2009).
PS Joslyn Creek SAGD: Geologic Considerations Related to a Surface Steam Release Incident, Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Northeastern Alberta, Canada, Frances J. Hein and Brent Fairgrieve, #80148 (2011).
PS Geology of Albertas Oil Sands and Development Strategies, Frances J. Hein, Travis Hurst, Rick A. Marsh, and Michael J. Boddy, #10205 (2009).
Overview of the Oil Sands and Carbonate Bitumen of Alberta: Regional Geologic Framework and Influence of Salt-Dissolution Effects, by F.J. Hein, R.A. Marsh, and M.J. Boddy, #10145 (2008).
AV Saudi Aramco's Non-Associated Gas Program - Focus on Tinat, by Christian J. Heine, Saudi Aramco, #110003 (2004).
(3 of 3 presentations at AAPG Forum: Recent Discovery and Development Case Histories, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
‘Scale Is Everything’ — the Permian Cedar Mesa Outcrop, a "Qualitative" Analog for the Permian Unayzah, 'Wet' Eolian Depositional System in Saudi Arabia, by Christian J. Heine and John Melvin, #50088 (2008)
Possible Meteorite Impact Crater in St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, by Paul V. Heinrich, #50006 (2003).
Laboratory Measurements of Matrix Permeability and Slippage-enhanced Permeability in Gas Shales, Rob Heller, John Vermylen, and Mark Zoback, #41224 (2013).
A Decoupled Model for Compositional Multiphase Flow in Porous Media and Multiphysics Approaches for Two-Phase Flow, R. Helmig, Y. Cao, B. Faigle, B. Flemisch, and M. Wolff, #120063 (2012).
Depositional Environments and West–East Stratigraphic Correlations of the Upper Pennsylvanian Honaker Trail Formation, the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah, Curtis D. Helms, Jr. and Emily L. Stoudt, #50510 (2011).
PS Lithofacies, Depositional Environments, and a Stratigraphic Correlation of the Upper Pennsylvanian-aged Paradox and Honaker Trail Formations: A Closer Look at the Rocks from Hand Specimens and Thin Sections, Curtis D. Helms, Jr. and Emily L. Stoudt, #30199 (2011).
Integrating Basin Modelling with Geophysical Methods, Hans Martin Helset, Zhijun Du, and Erling Fjær, #120108 (2013).
New Ideas Unlock Old Plays: Swan-East Recent Gas Discovery, Baltim Canyon Extension, West Delta Deep Marine, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Mahmoud Hemdan, Ramy Fahmy, Mostafa Monir, and Ramy Eid, #11265 (2019).
Hydrocarbon Type Discrimination Using AVO analysis, Sama Field, WDDM, Nile Delta, Egypt, Mahmoud M. Hemdan, Mostafa El-Sadek, Islam Yehia, Ahmed Hosny, and Islam Ali, #20335 (2015).
Rivers and Rifting: Evolution of a Fluvial System during Rift Initiation, Central Corinth Rift (Greece), Romain Hemelsdaël, Mary Ford, Fabrice Malartre, Robert Gawthorpe, Julien Charreau, and Sevket Sen, #30419 (2015).
PS H2S Generation and Release in Salt Cavern Gas Storage, Christina Hemme and Wolfgang van Berk, #42082 (2017).
PS Triassic Red Beds in SE Spain: Evaluation as Potential Reservoir Rocks Based on a Preliminary Petrological Study, S. Henares, C. Viseras, J. Fernández, S. Pla, and G. Cultrone, #50541 (2012).
PS Integrated Reservoir Characterization for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tar Springs Formation, Illinois Basin, Timothy Henderson, Justin Orr, Cliff Johnston, Kenneth Ridgway, and Bryan Clayton, #51410 (2017).
Use of Seismic Inversion to Constrain the Heterogeneity of Reservoir Models in a Carbonate Environment – a Case Study from Al Shaheen Field Qatar, J. R. Henderson, C. Huegen, A. J. Cherrett, and M. Emang, #20248 (2014).
AV North American Onshore Exploration Strategies, by Steven J. Hendrick, Dominion Exploration and Production, Inc., #110005 (2004)
(2 of 4 presentations at AAPG/DPA Forum: Business Strategies for Exploration Evaluation: Onshore North America, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Overview of Organic-Rich Facies of the Permian Phosphoria Formation, USA, Marc S. Hendrix, #51622 (2019).
PS Origin of Fault-Fracture-Related Dolomitisation, Mississippian Limestones, Isle of Man, UK, Jim Hendry, Jay Gregg, Kevin Shelton, Ian Somerville, and Steve Crowley, #50825 (2013).
"High-Effort" Seismic Acquisition: Improving Image Detail, David C. Henley, Kevin Hall, Henry Bland, Eric Gallant, Gary Margrave, and Malcolm Bertram, #41568 (2015).
Getting Something for Nothing: Noise Attenuation in an Aliased World, David C. Henley, #41291 (2014).
COCARDE: An Industry-Academia Partnership for the Study of Cold-Water Carbonate Reservoir Systems in Deep Environments, Jean-Pierre Henriet, Christian Dullo, Anneleen Foubert, Andres Rüggeberg, and David Van Rooij, #30087 (2009).
Connectivity Issues in Slope Mound-Contourite Systems, Jean-Pierre Henriet, David Van Rooij, Anneleen Foubert, Hans Pirlet, and Pieter Van Rensbergen, #30086 (2009).
PS The Eocene Elko Basin and Elko Formation, NE Nevada: Paleotopographic Controls on Area, Thickness, Facies Distribution, and Petroleum Potential, Christopher D. Henry, #11102 (2018).
Visualizing a Sub-Salt Field With Image Logs: Image Facies, Mass Transport Complexes, and Reservoir Implications From Thunder Horse, Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, Lindsey C. Henry, Jennifer A. Wadsworth, and Birger Hansen, #10938 (2017).
AV "Wolfberry" - Wolfcamp/Spraberry: How It Started, Jim Henry, #110164 (2012).
2 of 2 presentation from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2012 AAPG Annual Convention
Click to view presentation if PDF format.
GC Understanding Seismic Amplitudes, by Steve Henry, #40135 (2004).
GC Understanding the Seismic Wavelet, by Steven G. Henry, #40028 (2001).
PS 30+ Years – Petroleum Geochemistry: Basin Evaluation and Field Development, Paul C. Henshaw, #42457 (2019).
PSSubsurface Characterization of a Carbon Sequestration Pilot Site: San Juan Basin, New Mexico, by Brian Henthorn, Tom Wilson, and Art Wells, #80005 (2007).
PS Lowstand Deltas and Incised Valleys of the Tannehill Sandstone (Cisco Group) of the Southern Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, West Texas, Tucker F. Hentz and William A. Ambrose, #51636 (2020).
PS Shelf-to-Basin Architecture and Depositional Trends, Missourian-Wolfcampian Strata of the Eastern Shelf of the Southern Midland Basin, West Texas, Tucker Hentz, William Ambrose, and H. Scott Hamlin, #11255 (2019).
Stratigraphic and Depositional Context of the Eaglebine Play: Upper Cretaceous Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups, Southwestern East Texas Basin, Tucker F. Hentz and William A. Ambrose, #51094 (2015).
Sandstone Trends, Sequence Framework, and Depositional Settings of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Group: "Eaglebine" Play, Southern East Texas Basin, Tucker F. Hentz and William A. Ambrose, #10525 (2013).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Settings, and Production Trends of the Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian Cleveland and Marmaton Tight-Gas Sandstones, Northwest Anadarko Basin, Tucker F. Hentz and William A. Ambrose, #50417 (2011).
Regional Stratigraphic and Rock Characteristics of Eagle Ford Shale in Its Play Area: Maverick Basin to East Texas Basin, Tucker F. Hentz and Stephen C. Ruppel, #10325 (2011).
PS Fault Interactions in an Experimental Model with Two Phases of Non-Coaxial Extension: Insights From Displacement Profiles, A. A. Henza, M. O. Withjack, and R. W. Schlische, #41873 (2016).
PS Pre-existing Zones of Weakness: An Experimental Study of Their Influence on the Development of Extensional Faults, Alissa A. Henza, Martha O. Withjack, and Roy W. Schlische #40631 (2010).
Fluid and Petrophysical Prediction in the Elastic Impedance Domain Using Neural Network Technique, M. Hermana, M. Najmi, Z.Z.T. Harith, and C.W. Sum, #41066 (2012).
CO2 Storage Capacity Below Structural Spill Point in the Utsira Formation, Christian Hermanrud, Hege Nordgård Bolås, Hilde Hansen, Ola Eiken, Jon Lippard, and Gunn M. Grimsmo Teige, #80091 (2010).
PS Deformation and Stratigraphic Models of the Bolivian and Argentinean Sub-Andean System:
Evolution of Knowledge, Current Trends and the Importance of Dating, Roberto Mario Hernández, Adolfo Rosales, and Jaime Soria Galvarro, #30599 (2019).
PS Geomechanical Modelling of a Salt Structure for Wildcat Drilling, Pablo Hernández, Oscar Fernández, Juan Manuel Jiménez, Toby Harrold, Harald Stockhausen, Jose Luis Trigo, David García, Valvanera García, Macarena Nocito, and Noemí Tur, #42296 (2018).
PS Students’ Conceptions and Misunderstandings About the Core Concepts of Sequence Stratigraphy, Juan S. Herrera and Eric M. Riggs, #70099 (2011).
PS Economic Impact of Carbonates Formed under Continental Conditions, Maria J. Herrero and Jose I. Escavy, #50537 (2012).
PS The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment during the Last Glacio-Eustatic Cycle: A Volumetric Quantification and Modelling of Late Quaternary Deposition Coeval with the Cessation of the Late Wisconsin Glacial Stage, Ryan J. Herring and Cornel Olariu, #51567 (2019). (File is 360Mb)
The Earthquake Process in Oklahoma, Robert B. Herrmann, Han Su, and Hao Guo, #80497 (2015).<
Ruston Field--U.S.A. Gulf Coast Basin, Louisiana, by L. A. Herrmann, J. A. Lott, and R. E. Dave, #20000 (1999).
Thoughts and Observation on Interpreting Depth-Imaged Data in the Jurassic Norphlet Play, Deepwater Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Donald A. Herron, #41342 (2014).
Cretaceous Lithostratigraphy of Eastern Jeza – Qamar Basin and its Hydrocarbon Potential, Dhofar, Oman, O. Salad Hersi, I. A. Abbasi, and A. Al-Harthy, #10640 (2014).
TOTAL'S Experiences in Tackling Mature Field Challenges in The Mahakam PSC, Henricus Herwin, Bayu Giriansyah, and Irfan Taufik Rau, #30565 (2018).
PS Generalized Method for the Estimation of TOC from GR and Rt, Kenneth A. Heslop, #80117 (2010).
Antecedent Topography as a Control on Facies Heterogeneity in a Shallow Heterozoan Carbonate System, Anya V. Hess, Robert H. Goldstein, and Evan K. Franseen, #50360 (2010).
Demonstrating the Full Potential of Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Surveying (CSEM) Technology for Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case Study of a Deep Gas Discovery from the Upper Cretaceous of the Norwegian Sea, by Jonny Hesthammer, Alexandre Verechtchaguine, Roy Davies, Peter Gelting, Mikhail Boulaenko, and Torolf Wedberg, #40339 (2008).
Deep Cardamom Discovery Enabled by Multi-azimuth Seismic and Anisotropic Imaging, Ben Hewett, David Garner, Jan Douma, Madhu Kohli, and Duane Johnson, #20112 (2011)
Hi-Hol Back to H
Kinematics of Past Tectonic Forces Inferred from Differential Sedimentation, John Hickman, #41977, (2017).
Cambrian Rogersville Shale: A Potential New Unconventional Reservoir in the Southern Appalachian Basin, John Hickman, David Harris, and Cortland Eble, #10809 (2015).
PS Cambrian Rogersville Shale in the Rome Trough, Kentucky and West Virginia: A Potential Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoir in the Appalachian Basin, John Hickman, David Harris, and Cortland Eble, #10764 (2015).
Microbialites from around Lake Turkana: Macro-, Meso-, and Microstructures, Melissa Hicks, Jennifer Hargrave, and Christopher Scholz, #50662 (2012).
Microbial-Dominated Carbonate Sedimentation in Oligo-Miocene Transtensional Basins of the Lake Mead (Nevada) Region, Thomas A. Hickson and Melissa Lamb, #50669 (2012).
Reinterpreting the Paleosalinity and Water Depth of Peripheral Foreland Basin Flysch, Roger Higgs, #30508 (2017).
Enigmatic Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, USA: Poor Outcrop Analog for Deep-Sea Turbidite Reservoirs, Roger Higgs, #51097 (2015).
'Famous Five' Outcrops of 'Fine-Grained Turbidites' (UK, Ireland, S Africa, USA): Unsuitable as Deep-Sea Reservoir Analogs, Roger Higgs, #30403 (2015).
Shelf Model for “Deep-Sea” Flysch Turbidites and Implications for Outcrop Analogs, Roger Higgs, #70157 (2014).
Why Do Siliciclastic Shelves Exist? How Do They Differ from "Ramp Margins"? New Sequence Stratigraphic Aspects Vital for Petroleum Exploration, Roger Higgs, #40527 (2010).
Gulf of Mexico Paleogene "Whopper Sand" Sedimentology: Hypersaline Drawdown Versus Low-Salinity Hyperpycnite Models, Roger Higgs, #40418 (2009).
Caribbean Arc Revised Geological History Affecting Circum-Caribbean Petroleum Exploration, by R. Higgs, #30056 (2008).
Colombia-Venezuela-Trinidad Prolific Oil Province: Revised Triassic-Recent Depotectonic History, by R. Higgs, #30057 (2008).
Cretaceous ‘USM’ Reservoir, F-O Gas Field, Offshore South Africa: Sedimentological Factors Affecting Economic Viability, Roger Higgs, #20072 (2009).
Caribbean Plio-Quaternary (5-0 Ma) Plate Interaction and Basin Development, Colombia-Venezuela-Trinidad Oil Province, by R. Higgs, #30058 (2008).
The History of Oil and Gas Development in the Denver Basin, Debra K. Higley, #70187 (2015).
Challenges of Coalbed Natural Gas Development in Northwestern Bangladesh, Ricky T. Hildebrand, #80134 (2011).
Evaluating Coalbed Methane Plays in Frontier Areas From Example from Southern Africa, Rick Hildebrand, Michele Bishop, and Mark Cronshaw, #80057 (2009).
A Case Study of a High-Latitude, Towed Streamer 3-D Seismic Survey, Sophie Hildebrand, Allan Ross, and Shazia Viceer, #40707 (2011).
Chemostratigraphic Differentiation Between Time-Equivalent Low Accommodation Incised Valley Systems in a Foreland Basin Setting: An Example from the Lower Cretaceous Horsefly Unit of the Basal Quartz Formation in Southern Alberta, Canada, Gemma Hildred, K. T. Ratcliffe, A. M. Wright, and B. A. Zaitlin, #51066 (2015).
Chemostratigraphy as an Exploration Tool in Low-Accommodation Incised Valley Systems; An Example From the Lower Cretaceous Basal Quartz in Southern Alberta, Canada, Gemma Hildred, K. T. Ratcliffe, A. M. Wright, and B. A. Zaitlin, #41551 (2015).
Forensic Chemostratigraphy: A Tool to Determine Lateral Wellbore Placement, Gemma V. Hildred, Nahysa Martinez-Kulikowski, and Brian A. Zaitlin, #41359 (2014).
Using High Resolution Chemostratigraphy to Determine Well-Bore Pathways in Multilateral Drilling Campaigns: an Example from the Horn River Formation, British Columbia, Canada, Gemma V. Hildred and Craig Rice, #80362 (2014).
Using Potash Identification (PID) Plot to Distinguish Commercial Potash Mineralization, Donald Hill, #42391 (2019).
4D Finite Difference Forward Modeling within a Redefined Closed-Loop Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Workflow, David Hill, Dominic Lowden, Sonika, and Chris Koeninger, #41922 (2016).
A Simplified Shaly-Sand Model To Provide Qualitative If Not Quantitative Insight into Observations, Donald G. Hill and D. O. Seevers, #42377 (2019).
On Site Well Log Quality Control, Donald G. Hill, #41801 (2016).
Simple Screening Technique for Identifying Commercial Potash, Donald G. Hill, #41628 (2015).
Well Log Quality Control: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You, Donald G. Hill, #41627 (2015).
Compressional Evolution of the PNG Margin; A Tale of Two Collisions, Kevin C. Hill, Luke Mahoney, and Sandra McLaren, #30661 (2020).
Structural Style in the Eastern Papuan Fold Belt, From Wells, Seismic, Maps and Modelling, Kevin C. Hill, Ruth H. Wightman, and Louise Munro, #30433 (2015).
Near-Field, Subthrust and Deep Reservoir Tests of the Kutubu Oil and Gas Fields, Papua New Guinea, Kevin Hill, Jeremy Iwanec, and David Lund, #20183 (2012).
Diagenetic and Compositional Controls of Wettability in Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks, Monterey Formation, California, Kristina M. Hill and Richard J. Behl, #51111 (2015).
PSDiagenetic and Compositional Controls of Wettability in Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks, Monterey Formation, California, Kristina Hill, and Richard J. Behl, #50973 (2014).
PS An Unconventional Discovery from an Unconventional Resource: Recovery of an Early Cretaceous Ankylosaur Fossil from an Oil Sands Mining Operation, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, Steve R. Hill, #70121 (2012).
Importance of Sea-Level Controlled Depositional Architecture to the Understanding of Permafrost and Gas Hydrates on High Latitude Shelves, Philip Hill, Scott Dallimore, and Alan Taylor, #80124 (2011).
Evaluating Devonian Gas-Shales from the Appalachian Basin, U.S.A., by Ronald Hill, Neil Fishman, George Claypool, Alex Blum, and Denny Eber, #30076 (2009).
Seismic Reflection Data Interpretation to Support Project ECO2S, Kemper County, Mississippi, Denise J. Hills, John W. Koster, and Jack C. Pashin, #80652 (2018).
Southeast Offshore Storage Resource Assessment: Opportunities in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico for CO2 Storage, Denise J. Hills, Jack C. Pashin, and Marcella R. McIntyre-Redden, #80543 (2016).
The Mississippian-Age Oil Sands of Alabama: A Resource Worth (Re)Evaluation, Denise J. Hills, Berry H. Tew, Christopher H. Hooks, and Marcella R. McIntyre-Redden, #80491 (2015).
Enhanced Two Dimensional Grain Size Analysis through the Use of Calibrated Digital Petrography, O. Hinds, R. A. Duller, R. P. Walker, B. T. Wells, and R. H. Worden, #41461 (2014).
GC VSP – The Link Between Geology and Geophysics, by Ronald C. Hinds and Richard Kuzmiski, #40552 (2002).
AVIntegrated Geochemistry and Basin Modeling Study of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, USA, by Ron Hill, Philipp Kuhn, Rolando diPrimio, and Brian Horsfield, #110152 (2011).
7 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Using Gravity and Magnetic Data to Define 3-D Seismic Survey Areas for Fault Related Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir Identification, Alan W. Hinks, Robert L. Schulz, and Eric R. Johnson, #40711 (2011).
Milankovitch-Controlled Paleoclimate Signal Recorded by Rock Magnetics, Lower Cretaceous Platform Carbonates of Northern Mexico, by Linda A. Hinnov, David Anastasio, Diana Latta, Ken Kodama, and Maya Elrick, #40388 (2009).
Astrochronology of the Cenozoic Era: A Critical Review, Linda A. Hinnov and James Ogg, #40443 (2009).
Applications of the Sedimentary Record of Astronomically-Driven Paleoclimate Oscillations and Trends, by Linda A. Hinnov and James G. Ogg, #40321 (2008).
A Geologic Comparison of the Oil Window and Dry Gas Window within the Tow Creek Member of the Niobrara Formation in the Piceance Basin of Northwestern Colorado, Marcus J. Hinricher and Steve Sonnenberg, #10892 (2016).
PS Shortening Values in the Southern Fars Arch of the Zagros: Assessing Uncertainties by Structural and Gravity Sensitivity Analysis, Ralph Hinsch, Martin Vögele, Gholamreza Gharabeigli, Abbas Majidi, Tam Lovet, Ali Asghar Julapour, Gabor Tari, and Walter Kosi, #51668 (2020).
The Role of the Basement and Salt Tectonics on the Cenozoic Contractional Deformation in the Southeastern Zagros Fold Belt, Ralph Hinsch, Martin Vögele, Gholamreza Gharabeigli, Abbas Majidi, Davoud Morsalnezhad, Christopher Sellar, Bernhard Bretis, Karin Gruber, Tam Lovett, Ali Asghar Julapour, Gabor Tari, and Walter Kosi, #51667 (2020).
Structural Modelling in the Kirthar Fold Belt of Pakistan: From Seismic to Regional Scale, Ralph Hinsch, Chloé Asmar, Peter Hagedorn, Muhammad Nasim, Muhammad Aamir Rasheed, Noah Stevens, Bernhard Bretis, and James M. Kiely, #30546 (2018).
Detection of Hydrocarbon Microseepage Anomalies in the Kirthar Fold and Thrust Belt, Pakistan Through Application of Image Enhancement and GIS Techniques, Noushaba Hisam, Muhammad Iqbal, Danyal Mehdi, and Aisha Zubair, #40733 (2011).
Diagenetic Variations between Upper Cretaceous Outcrop and Deeply Buried Reservoir Chalks of the North Sea Area, by Morten L. Hjuler and Ida L. Fabricius #50056 (2007).
Sequence-Stratigraphic and Depositional Framework of the Middle Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Kimberly Hlava, Kirt M. Campion, and W. Sebastian Bayer, #50687 (2012).
PS Risk Management for a Commercial-Scale CO2 Storage Project, Ken Hnottavange-Telleen, JohnRyan MacGregor, David E. Riestenberg, and Denise J. Hills, #80638 (2018).
EA A New Method for Assessing Fault Seal Integrity by Using Intersections Between Faults and Gas Chimneys, Sutieng Ho, Jean-Philippe Blouet, Martin Hovland, Patrice Imbert, and Andreas Wetze, #51644 (2020).
PS Fluid Venting Structures of the Lower Congo Basin on 3-D Seismic: Gas Flux Variations Recorded by the Vertical Evolution of Pockmarks and Associated Amplitudes Anomalies, Sutieng Ho, Patrice Imbert, and Joe A. Cartwright, #50763 (2012).
The Formation of Advancing Pockmarks Arrays: An Interplay between Hydrocarbon Leakage and Slope Sedimentation, Sutieng Ho, Joe Cartwright, and Patrice Imbert, #50592 (2012).
Integrated Exploration of the Owambo Basin, Onshore Namibia: Hydrocarbon Exploration and Implications for a Modern Frontier Basin, Thomas E. Hoak, Alan L. Klawitter, Charles F. Dommer, and Pasquale V. Scaturro, #10609 (2014).
Polymer Injection Project in an Unconsolidated Sandstone in Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Federico Hochenfellner, #20397 (2017).
Triassic Fluvial Reservoir – Do You Know How to Find Your Sands?, Tan Chun Hock and Lothar Schulte, #41443 (2014).
Fault Seal Prediction and Uncertainty Estimation of a Water Wet Fault, Tan Chun Hock and Lothar Schulte, #41029 (2012).
The Devonian Reef Complexes of the Canning Basin in Context: Subsurface and Adjacent Basins, Roger Hocking, Peter Haines, Heidi-Jane Allen, and Arthur Mory, #30362 (2014).
Geochemical Investigation of Tanezzuft Formation, Murzuq Basin, Libya, Tarek Hodairi and Paul Philp, #10344 (2011).
Unconventional Enhanced Oil Recovery Pilot Projects in the Bakken Formation, B. Todd Hoffman and John Evans, #80606 (2017).
Intraformational Seals for CO2 Storage, Nick Hoffman, Tom Evans, and Natt Arian, #80508 (2016).
CarbonNet Storage Site Characterisation, Nick Hoffman, George Carman, Mohammad Bagheri, and Todd Goebel, #80507 (2016).
PS Visualization and Quantification of 3D Pore Networks in Tight Reservoir Rocks Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Michael H. Hofmann, Shiva-Nandan Arens, Cody Bomberger, Steve Bachtel, and Marc S. Hendrix, #42341 (2019).
An Outcrop Based Integrated Reservoir Model of the Frontier Formation Hybrid Play in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA, M.H. Hofmann, N. La Fontaine, T. Le, and T. Hoffman, #51546 (2019).
Sedimentology and Petroleum Potential of the Devonian/Mississippian Three Forks and Bakken Formations and Equivalent Strata in Central and Western Montana, Michael H. Hofmann, Marc S. Hendrix, and Tetsuro Nagase, #10563 (2014).
Stratigraphic Architecture and Key Stratigraphic Surfaces Formed by Punctuated Flow Events - An Experiment on Fluviodeltaic Responses, Michael H. Hofmann, Albert Shultz, Craig Hill, and Chris Paola, #50284 (2010).
How the U.S. Can Ensure Energy Supply for the Future, by John Hofmeister, #70035 (2007).
X-Ray Fluorescence and Rock Hardness Relationships within the Devonian-Mississippian Bakken and Three Forks Formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Nicholas Hogancamp, Neil Fishman, and Harry Rowe, #51134 (2015).
AV The Canol Oil Shale Play Central Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories, Canada: Geoscience, Operations and Social License, John Hogg, #110223 (2015).
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Selection of Geological Models for Uncertainty Assessment with a Novel Streamline Approach, Michael D. Hogg, G. Michael Shook, and Michael Pyrcz, #40567 (2010).
Source to Sink Modelling in NW Borneo: Improving Understanding of the Deepwater Slope Delivery System and Utilising DEM and Shallow Analogues for Deeper Prospectivity, Nicholas Hoggmascall, Christian Gibson, Dina Blades, and Jose Torres, #50755 (2012).
PS Building a Geothermal Future on a Sedimentary Foundation, John Holbrook, #80687 (2019).
The Rarity of Bifurcation in Shallow Lake Deltas: Implications for Reservoirs and Overall Delta Processes, John Holbrook and Tyler Howe, #42249 (2018).
PS Controlling Factors and Mechanisms in the Formation of a Muddy-Normal Point Bar: A 3D Architectural-Element Analysis of a Heterolithic Point Bar in Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada, John Holbrook, Shelby Johnston, and Blake Warwick, #51326 (2016).
Preservational Complexity and Completeness in Channel Point Bars and the Heterogeneity of Heterogeneity in Their Reservoir Models, John Holbrook, Matthew Palmer, and Alex Torres, #41676 (2015).
A Fulcrum Approach for Assessing Sediment Source-to-Sink Mass Balance Using Fluvial Paleohydrologic Data Extractable from Cores: An Assessment of Potential and Limitations Using the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation, Egypt, John M. Holbrook and Hamdalla Wanas, #50993 (2014).
Funny Things Meanders Do: A Summary of the Diversity of Meander Processes and Morphology and Implications for Reservoir Geometry and Quality within Channel Belts, John M. Holbrook, #50907 (2013).
SedHeat: Addressing the Science and Engineering Challenges for Unlocking the Geothermal Potential of Sedimentary Basins, John Holbrook, Walter Snyder, Joseph Moore, Charles Fairhurst, Herbert Einstein, Karin Block, and Ludmila Adam, #70128 (2012).
What Happened to My Marine Reservoir? Implications of Falling Stage and Lowstand Fluvial Sediment Storage during "Sequence-Boundary" Scour for Sand Starvation of Coastal Marine Reservoirs, John M. Holbrook and Janok Bhattacharya, #50701 (2012).
PS Sedheat - Research Community Initiative on Geothermal Energy of Sedimentary Basins, John Holbrook, Walter S. Snyder, Joseph N. Moore, Charles Fairhurst, Herbert H. Einstein, and Karin A. Block, #80222 (2012).
Rethinking the Classic Oxbow Filling Model: Some Hope for Improved Reservoir Connectivity, John Holbrook and Neal Alexandrowicz, #50447 (2011).
Alternative Views for Common Assumptions: Reassessing the Origin and Significance of Sequence Boundaries Using Field and Flume, John Holbrook and Nikki Strong, #40446 (2009).
Resource Assessment of a Prospect with Two Separate Structural Closures Linked by a Saddle - Challenges, Pitfalls and Solutions in Creating a Geologically Correct Probabilistic Model, Per Audun Hole, #42331 (2018).
Cenozoic Exhumation of the Southern British Isles, Simon P. Holford, Richard Hillis, Paul F. Green, Tony Doré, Robert Gatliff, Martyn Stoker, Ken Thomson, Jonathan Turner, John Underhill, and Gareth Williams, #40425 (2009).
PS Fractured Basement Reservoirs Characterization in Central Sumatera Basin, Kotopanjang Area, Riau, Western Indonesia: An Outcrop Analog Study, Zaenal Holis and Benyamin Sapiie, #50735 (2012).
Recent Earthquakes in Oklahoma and the Mid-Continent: Significance and Potential for Induced Seismicity, Austin Holland, #41619 (2015).
Eugene Island Block 330 Field--U.S.A. Offshore Louisiana, by David S. Holland, John B. Leedy, and David R. Lammlein, #20003 (1999).
Sealing – What Are We Risking?, Mark Hollanders and Steven Bloemendaal, #41824 (2016).
Adaptive Control of Subsurface Fractures and Fluid Flow: A New U.S. Department of Energy Subsurface Technology and Engineering Research, Development and Demonstration Crosscut Initiative, Douglas W. Hollett and Julio Friedmann, #70183 (2015).
PS Early Coarse Clastic Deposition in the Western Elko Basin, Piñon Range, Northeastern Nevada: Implications for Basin Evolution and Petroleum Potential, Elizabeth R. Hollingsworth, Michael W. Ressel, and Christopher D. Henry, #11098 (2018).
Fault/Fracture Related Dolomitisation of the Eocene Thebes Formation, Hammam Fauran Fault Block, Gulf of Suez, Cathy Hollis, Hilary Corlett, Jesal Hirani, David Hodgetts, Robert L. Gawthorpe, Atle Rotevan, and Eivend Batesten, #50665 (2012).
Fault-Fracture Diagenesis of Lower Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms, UK-Potential Analogues for Giant Carbonate Reservoirs of the Caspian Region?, Cathy Hollis and Alanna Juerges, #30158 (2011).
AV Integrated Reservoir Characterisation for EOR: A Case Study from a Giant Carbonate Reservoir in the Middle East, by C. Hollis, V. Vahrenkamp, S. Tull, A. Mookherjee, M. Caputi, and Y. Huang, #110059 (2008)
2 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Identifying Hazards and Enhancing Reservoir Models Through Interpretation of Hyperspectral Core Imaging in Unconventional Plays, Brittany Hollon, Haleigh Howe, P.F. DuBois, Lionel Fonteneau, and Brigette A. Martini, #80675 (2019).
Jurassic Limestone-Marl Sequences in Northern Spain: Detecting Diagenetic Signals Using Rare Earth and Minor Trace Elements, Brittany E. Hollon, #50703 (2012).
EA Provenance and Tectonics of the Allochthonous New Guinea Terranes: Implications for the Formation and Evolution of Regional Basins, Robert Holm, David Gold, Lloyd White, Max Webb, Luke Mahoney, Sandra McLaren, Kelly Heilbronn, Juergen Oesterle, Marcel Mizera, Dulcie Saroa, Moira Lunge, and Sam Webber, #11319 (2020).
Sowing the Oil: A Little-known Venezuelan Oil-industry Initiative, David Holmes, #70321 (2018).
Methodology to Estimate Thermal Maturity from Petrophysical Calculations of Gas/Oil Ratios, Michael Holmes, Antony M. Holmes, and Dominic I. Holmes, #42572 (2022).
A Petrophysical Model to Distinguish Water-Wet and Oil-Wet Fractions of Unconventional Reservoir Systems Using Triple-Combo Log Suites, Michael Holmes, Antony Holmes, and Dominic I. Holmes, #41978 (2017).
PS Fracture Analysis from Standard Triple-Combo Log Suites, Michael Holmes, Antony Holmes, and Dominic Holmes, #41975 (2017).
A Comprehensive Geochemical and Petrophysical Integration Study for the Permian Basin, Michael Holmes and Michael Dolan, #10660 (2014).
A Comprehensive Deterministic Petrophysical Analysis Procedure for Reservoir Characterization: Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs, Michael Holmes, Antony Holmes, and Dominic Holmes, #41413 (2014).
A Petrophysical Model for Shale Reservoirs to Distinguish Macro-Porosity, Micro-Porosity, and TOC, Michael Holmes, Antony Holmes, and Dominic Holmes, #40916 (2012).
ePS A Petrophysical Model to Estimate Free Gas in Organic Shales, Michael Holmes, Dominic Holmes, and Antony Holmes, #40781 (2011).
A Petrophysical Method to Evaluate Irregularly Gas Saturated Tight Sands Which Have Variable Matrix Properties and Uncertain Water Salinities, Michael Holmes, Dominic Holmes, and Antony Holmes, #40673 (2011).
AV Relationship Between Porosity and Water Saturation: Methodology to Distinguish Mobile from Capillary Bound Water, by M. Holmes, and D. Holmes, and A. Holmes, #110108 (2009)
5 of 5 presentations from Session, "Tight Gas Sandstones," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Generating Missing Logs -- Techniques and Pitfalls, by Michael Holmes, Dominic Holmes, and Antony Holmes, #40107 (2003).
An Interpreter's Guide to Successful Prestack Depth Imaging, Rob A. Holt, #41544 (2015).
3D Inversion of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data for Ground Water Aquifers, Elliot M. Holtham, Mike McMillan, and Eldad Haber, #41610 (2015).
Co-located Collaborative Use of Virtual Environments, by Thorsten Holtkämper, Sascha Scholz, Armin Dressler, and Manfred A. Bogen, #40259 (2007).
Increased Well Productivity from Energized Fluid Fracing, in Tight Unconventional Formations, Mark H. Holtz and Dan Dalton, #41064 (2012).
PS CO2 Plume Tracking and Monitoring at Wellington Field CO2 EOR Pilot, Yevhen Holubnyak, Lynn Watney, Christa Jackson, Brent Campbell, John Victorine, and Dana Wreath, #80649 (2018).
Methodology for Capacity Estimation for Waste Disposal and Carbon Management, Yevhen Holubnyak, Tiraz Birdie, Tandis S. Bidgoli, and Jennifer Hollenbach, #80648 (2018).
PS Reservoir Modeling for CO2 EOR in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir at Wellington Field in South-Central Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Willard Watney, Jason Rush, Mina Fazelalavi, Dana Wreath, and Tandis S. Bidgoli, #80621 (2017).
Regional CO2 Storage Capacity Estimations for Arbuckle Saline Aquifer in South-Central and Southwestern Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Eugene Williams, Mina FazelAlavi, Paul Gerlach, Tandis S. Bidgoli, and Lynn Watney, #80486 (2015).
PS Dynamic Modeling of Pilot Scale CO2 Injection in the Arbuckle Formation Saline Aquifer in Southern Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Tiraz Birdie, Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, John Doveton, and Mina Fazelalavi, #80344 (2013).
Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Pilot Scale CO2 EOR Project in Upper Mississippian Formation at Wellington Field in Southern Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Willard Watney, Jason Rush, John Doveton and Mina Fazelalavi, #80343 (2013).
PS Geochemical Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Injection into Carbonate Formation in the Northwest McGregor Oil Field for CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Yevhen I. Holubnyak, Damion J. Knudsen, Blaise A. Mibeck, Jordan M. Bremer, Steven A. Smith, Charles D. Gorecki, James A. Sorensen, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju, #80118 (2010).
Hom-Hu Back to H
PS Presalt Reservoir Analogs: Lacustrine Microbialites Fed by Shore Zone Hot Springs, Lakeside Utah, Peter Homewood, Michael Vanden Berg, Monique Mettraux, Anneleen Foubert, Jean-Charles Schaegis, and Genevieve Atwood, #51508 (2018).
Outcrop Analogue Studies for Reservoir Characterization of Deep Geothermal Systems in Upper Jurassic Limestone Formations (South Germany), Sebastian Homuth, Annette E. Götz, and Ingo Sass, #40870 (2012).
Identification and Prediction of the High Heterogeneous Channel Sand in Southern Turgay Basin, Yueying Hong, Hongmei Wang, Wenyuan Tian, and Aling Mo, #10515 (2013).
PS Seismic Attribute Mapping in Carbonate Depositional Environment, Some Lessons from Case Studies, F. Hong and E. Shipilova, #41159 (2013).
Geophysical Insights into the Bakken: Secrets from a Sleeping Giant Elm Coulee Bakken Field (Sleeping Giant), Montana USA, Elaine Honsberger, #20187 (2013).
PS Geochemistry of the Mancos Shale as Shown by the Fees Federal 2-6-8-101 Well, Mesa County, CO, William C. Hood and Rex D. Cole, #51337 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Systems Analysis of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Delineation of Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways Using Seeps and Seismic Imaging, by K. C. Hood, L. M. Wenger, O. P. Gross, S.C. Harrison, #40061 (2002)
W.A. Cobban, the Cookes Range, N.H. Darton, J.G. Love, and Me, Stephen C. Hook, #51624 (2019).
PSMicrofractures in Sandstone, by John N. Hooker, Stephen E. Laubach, Julia F. W. Gale, and Robert M. Reed, #50038 (2006).
PS The Hartselle Sandstone, Alabama's Oil Sands Resource, Christopher H. Hooks, Denise J. Hills, and Marcella R. McIntyre-Redden, #51285 (2016).
New Horizontal Play Targeting Fluvial Sandstones in a Basin-Centered Gas System around Jonah Field, WY, John Hoopes, Greg Gromadzki, William Drake, Cory Christie, Amanda Johnson, and Adam Midgley, #11370 (2022).
Siliciclastic Sedimentation in Paleocaves of the Pekisko Formation, Twining Field, John Hopkins, Susan Reid, and Andrew Nimmo, #51068 (2015).
Regional Stratigraphy and Reservoir Units of the Grosmont Formation, Saleski and Burnt Lakes, Alberta, Canada, John Hopkins, Ken Wilde, Shawna Christensen, and Kent Barrett, #30147 (2011).
Core and Outcrop Calibration of Upper Cambrian Microbial Textures, Heath H. Hopson, André W. Droxler, and Paul (Mitch) Harris, #30677 (2021).
Case Study of Integrated Approach to the Cleanup of Ogallala Groundwater Impacted by Oilfield Brine, Haskell County, Kansas, by Kevin S. Hopson, #80041 (2008) (14.0 MB).
Revitalizing the Poza Rica Field: New Insights into the Tamabra Reservoir and a Tale of a Paradigm Lost, by Andrew Horbury, Hector Hernandez, Alfredo Marhx, Angel Ojeda, Gabriella Ita, and Jaime Estrada, #20027 (2005).
PSTime, Surfaces, and Rock Volume: A Four-Dimensional Re-evaluation of Reservoir Development in the Spiro Sandstone and Wapanucka Limestone, Arkoma Basin, Southeast Oklahoma, by Brian W. Horn, #10109 (2006).
Relationship between Giant Field Data and Ultimate Recoverable Oil, by M.K. Horn, #40236 (2007).
Selected Features of Giant Fields, Using Maps and Histograms, by M.K. Horn, #10068 (2004).
The Linkage of Subsurface Natural Fracture Predictions With Oil Generation Estimates, by M. K. Horn, #40003 (1999).
A Seismic Atlas Based upon AAPG Publications and Associated Search and Discovery Documents, M. K. Horn and Peter Wigley, #40648 (2010).
Middle Miocene Organic Carbon Accumulation Rates in the Monterey Formation in the Santa Barbara and Santa Maria Basins, California, Scott Hornafius, #51696 (2022).
Fast Shear Azimuths in the Marcellus Shale from VSP and Crossed Dipole Sonic Data, Steve Horne, David Rampton, and John Crowe, #42161 (2017).
PS Kinematics and Growth of Supra-Salt Systems: A Field and Subsurface Analysis, Paradox Basin, Elizabeth Horne and Bruce Trudgill, #30515 (2017).
PS Field Observations and Geochemical Analysis of Laterally Continuous Aragonite Veins: Insight into Ancient Fluid Travel, Elizabeth A. Horne, James P. Evans, Dennis Newell, Niko Kampman, Steven Nelson, and Elizabeth S. Petrie, #50887 (2013).
Evidence for a Major East-West Structural Discontinuity in Southern Indiana — A Possible Marginal Fault Zone of the Rough Creek Graben, Kenneth B. Horrall and Matthew S. Stone, #50234 (2009).
Predicting the Quality of Petroleums Generated by Lower Paleozoic Source Rocks, MENA Region, Brian Horsfield, Tiem Vu, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, and Victoria Sachse, #41823 (2016).
AVShale Gas in the Posidonia Shale, Hils Area, Germany, by Brian Horsfield, Ralf Littke, Ulrich Mann, Sylvain Bernard, Tiem Anh T. Vu, Rolando di Primio, and Hans-Martin Schulz, #110126 (2010)
2 of 7 presentations from Session, Genesis of Shale Gas--Physicochemical and Geochemical Constraints Affecting Methane Adsorption and Desorption
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Gas Generation and Retention in the Bakken Shale, Williston Basin, Brian Horsfield, Gary P. Muscio, Kliti Grice, Rolando di Primio, Philipp Kuhn, and Ercin Maslen, #40330 (2008).
Shale Gas in Europe, Brian Horsfield, Hans-Martin Schulz, and Ingo Kapp, #10380 (2012).
Shale Gas Research for Europe, Brian Horsfield, Hans-Martin Schulz, Andreas Hübner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Ingo Kapp, and Kai Jasper, #70118 (2012).
PS Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Synrift Sedimentation in the Tsagaan Suvarga Basin, Gobi-Altai Region of SW Mongolia, Brian K. Horton, Kurt N. Constenius, Justin Tully, James C. Coogan, Tess Menotti, Davaa Buyan-Arivjikh, Munkhtungalag Yasli, Urangoo Erdenejav, and Andrew Payton, #10487 (2013).
Effects of Steam-Induced Diagenesis on Heavy-Oil Production in Miocene-Pleistocene Sands from Kern River Oil Field, California, Robert A. Horton, Jr., Larry Knauer, Dawne Pennell, and Kay Coodey, #20076 (2009) (1.9mb); complete presentation (9.2mb); complete presentation with notes (4.9mb).
Devonian to Basal Permian Lithostratigraphy in Southwestern Hakkari: A Perspective from Northern Arabian Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Platform, Izzet Hosgör, Ismail Omer Yilmaz, Remy Gourvennec, and Julien Denayer, #51050 (2014).
PS Hydrothermally Dissolved Dolerite Reservoir in the Akita Basin, Japan, Kazuyoshi Hoshi and Susumu Okubo, #50370 (2010).
Modeling and Validation of Fluid Flow-Geomechanics of Mauddud Reservoir in Sabriya Field, I. Hossam, P. Ashok, K. Rajive, J. Al-Kandari, M. Yaser, A. Mohamad-Hussein, K. Khaqan, D. Press, G. Xi, K. Lee, and C. Tan, #41052 (2012).
Time to Depth Conversion and Uncertainty Characterization for SAGD Base of Pay in the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada, Amir H. Hosseini, Hong Feng, Abu Yousuf, and Tony Kay, #80360 (2014).
EA Karst - Is There a Magic Way to Model it?, Huijun Hou, Brad Bailey, Sigurdur Jonsson, Darren Blazak, Bruce Taylor, and Glen Johnson, #51656 (2020).
PS Origin Analysis on Anomalies in Enriched 25-Norhopanes in Crude Oil from the Karamay Formation of Santai Oilfield in Junggar Basin, Northwest China, Maoguo Hou, Ming Zha, and Xiujian Ding, #20478 (2020).
Impact of Geological Variation and Completion Type in the U.S. Bakken Oil Shale Play Using Decline Curve Analysis and Transient Flow Character, Elliott V. Hough and Thomas McClurg, #40857 (2011).
GCSeismic Depth Interpretation in Thrustbelts, by Nancy House, #40131 (2004).
Geological and Petroleum Systems Framework of the ANWR Coastal Plain (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area), David Houseknecht, #30645 (2019).
Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Rifted Margins of Arctic Alaska and the Chukchi Borderland, Dave Houseknecht and Ken Bird, #10293 (2011).
Microseismic, 3D, and Log Image Data for Unconventional Targeted Drilling and Treatment, Mark Houston, #41135 (2013).
PS Quantifying Uncertainties around Net Rock Volume: Application of Analogue Informed Facies Models, Alwin ten Hove, Sarah Cobain, Ben Meyer, Luca Colombera, and Nigel P. Mountney, #70311 (2017).
Deep and Near-Surface Monitoring for Enhanced CO2 Storage Security, Susan D. Hovorka, #50285 (2010).
Risks and Benefits of Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide - How Do the Pieces Fit? Susan Hovorka, #80058 (2009).
Frio Brine Pilot: Field Validation of Numerical Simulation of CO2 Storage, by Susan D. Hovorka, Christine Doughty, Shinichi Sakurai, and Mark Holtz, #40165 (2005).
Integrated Sub-Basin Scale Exploration for Carbon Storage Targets: Advanced Characterization of Geologic Reservoirs and Caprocks in the Upper Ohio River Valley, Erica Howat, Neeraj Gupta, Mark Kelley, Jared Hawkins, Autumn Haagsma, Isis Fukai, Amber Conner, Oladipupo Babarinde, Glenn Larsen, Joel Main, Caitlin McNeil, Jacqueline Gerst, and E. Charlotte Sullivan, #30492 (2017).
Identification of Vuggy Zones in Carbonate Reservoirs from Wireline Logs Using Machine Learning Techniques, Erica Howat, Srikanta Mishra, Jared Schuetter, Benjamin Grove, and Autumn Haagsma, #51237 (2016).
Implementing Discriminative Water Saturation Criteria to Determine Prime Production Remnants in Morrow County, Erica Howat, Amber Conner, and Srikanta Mishra, #51236 (2016).
Precision...Decisions and the Workings in Between, John I. Howell, #40572 (2010).
Controls from Channel Formation in Deep Water Distributive Systems, by David Hoyal, Benjamin A. Sheets, Christopher M. Edwards, and Roger B. Bloch, #50090 (2008).
Sedimentation from Jets: A Depositional Model for Clastic Deposits of all Scales and Environments, by D.C.J.D. Hoyal, J.C. Van Wagoner, N.L. Adair, M. Deffenbaugh, D. Li, T. Sun, C. Huh, and D.E. Giffin, #40082 (2003).
A Comprehensive Water Saturation Model for Low-Porosity Sandstones, Darrell Hoyer, #40445 (2009).
PSThe Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environment and Reservoir Characterization of the Taylor Sandstone at Woodlawn Field, Harrison County, East Texas, by Jennifer Hoyt and Floyd "Bo" Henk, #20039 (2006).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lower Eocene Formations in Sabratah Basin, North West Offshore Libya, Mohamed S. Hrouda and Ziyad A. Ben Abdulhafied, #11184 (2019).
Reservoir Quality Development in the Oligocene of the Topkhana-1 Well, Block 39, Kurdistan, Iraq, Jean C.C. Hsieh, Normand Begin, and Ross Deutscher, #50941 (2014).
PSStable Isotope Profiles in an Isolated Carbonate Platform: Implications for Stratigraphic Correlations, by Jean Hsieh, David Katz, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Matt Buoniconti, John Humphrey, and Isabel Montanez, #50132 (2008).
Why Isaac Newton Was Not a Chinese, by K.J. Hsü (Retirement lecture at E.T.H. Zurich), #70002 (1999).
AV Role of Stress Field and Hydrofracturing in Enhanced Oil Recovery through 3-D Fluid-Injection, by K.J. Hsu, #110065 (2008)
8 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Tectonic Setting of Ophiolite Belts in Myanmar, Hla Htay, #30452 (2016).
PS Resetting of Mg Isotopes Between Calcite and Dolomite During Burial Metamorphism: Outlook of Mg Isotopes as Geothermometer and Seawater Proxy, Zhongya Hu, Wenxuan Hu, Weiqiang Li, Xiaomin Wang, and Yizhou Lu, #51438 (2017).
PS A Novel Model of Brittleness Evaluation for Unconventional Reservoirs Based on Energy Consumption, Yuan Hu, Zhangxin Chen, Kaiyuan Chen, and Wei Liu, #80555 (2016).
A Novel Model of Brittleness Index for Shale Gas Reservoirs: Confining Pressure and Pore Pressure Effect, Yuan Hu, Zhangxin Chen, and Wei Liu, #80554 (2016).
Evolution of the Middle Triassic - Middle Jurassic Tight Reservoirs in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Jialiang Hu, Johan Witte, and Fernando Neves, #51256 (2016).
Reaping Potential Reserves in Mature Channel Sand Field Using Boundary Mapping Technology, Yong Hu, Jinchang Su, Junliang Zhou, Kang He, Ming Liu, Xiaoning Yu, Fei Wang, Jeffrey Kok, Kai Wu, and Zhong Hu, #20311 (2015).
Eye Tracking in Geoscience: Data Registration and Visualization, Bo Hu, Tommy P. Keane, John A. Tarduno, Brandon B. May, Nathan D. Cahill, Robert A. Jacobs, and Jeff B. Pelz, #120143 (2014).
Hydrocarbon Reservoir Evaluation in Triassic-Jurassic Strata in the Western Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands, Kezhen Hu, Zhuoheng Chen, Keith Dewing, Ashton Embry, and Yexin Liu, #10588 (2014).
PS Discharge Controls on River Sinuosity: Analysis of a Small Modern Stream, Guangming Hu, Marjorie A. Chan, and Ziqiang Yuan, #41225 (2013).
Nano-Petrophysical Studies of Avalon-Bone Spring-Wolfcamp and Dean-Sprayberry-Wolfcamp Shale Systems, (Max) Qinhong Hu, Collin Adon, Sam Becker, Jordan Bevers, Ashley Chang, Ryan Jones, Griffin Mann, Benton Mowrey, Nabil Mzee, Ryan Quintero, and Ben Rogers, #51688 (2021).
Fluid-Rock Interaction and Hydrocarbon Migration: Quantifying Wettability-Affected Advection and Diffusion Processes in Various Reservoir Rocks, Qinhong Hu, #42437 (2019).
Fracture-Matrix Interaction, Fluid Flow and Chemical Movement in Shale, Qinhong "Max" Hu, #51564 (2019).
PS Quantifying Effective Porosity of Oil and Gas Reservoirs, (Max) Qinhong Hu, #70376 (2018).
PS Pore Structure Inhibits Gas Diffusion in the Barnett Shale, Qinhong Hu, Zhiye Gao, Sheng Peng, and Robert Ewing, #50609 (2012).
PS Acceleration of Calcite Deposition Imposed by Organic Substrate of Self-Assembled Monolayers, Qiaona Hu, Udo Becker, Mike Nielsen, and Jim De Yoreo, #40760 (2011).
Synthetic Array Curves from Dual Induction Logs, Guoyu Hu and Ingo Geldmacher, #40889 (2012).
Petrophysics and Rock Physics Modeling to Improve Seismic Reservoir Characterization — Case Study of Lower Hackberry Sandstone, Robert Y. Hu, Ted Holden, and Mary Broussard, #40774 (2011).
Seismic Imaging through Outcropping Carbonates: An Example from the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Yong Hua and Don C. Lawton, #41533 (2015).
Depth Imaging Through Surface Carbonates: A 2D Example from the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Yong Hua and Don Lawton, #41554 (2015).
PS Hydrocarbon Accumulations in and Around Basalts in the Cenozoic of Northeast Bohai Bay Basin, China, Y. Huang, Q. Leng, J. Zhao, and S. Wang, #11256 (2019).
Geochemistry and Microstructure Characterization of Kerogen in Chinese Cambrian Shale: A Combined Experimental and Molecular Simulation Study, Liang Huang, Zhengfu Ning, Ke Wang, Qing Wang, Zheng Sun, and Fengrui Sun, #70363 (2018).
PS Shale Mechanics within Fluvial Growth Faults of the Notom Ferron Sandstone, Utah, Chuqiao Huang and Janok Bhattacharya, #51361 (2017).
Quantitative Modeling of Depositional Processes and Sedimentary Facies of Shallow Water Deltas, Xiu Huang and Keyu Liu, #51205 (2015).
Seismic Imaging of Gas Hydrate Distribution – A Case Study, Jun-Wei Huang, #80441 (2015).
Characteristics and Cutoff of Porosity and Permeability of the Effective Volcanic Gas Reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, Northeast China, YuLong Huang, Yuhui Feng, and Pujun Wang, #10635 (2014).
Geologic Factors of Formation of Tight Oil and Its Resource Potential in China, Fuxi Huang, Tao Yang, and Weipeng Yan, #80306 (2013).
Authigenic Illite in the Sandstone Reservoirs of Taiyuan Formation, Northeast Ordos Basin, Keke Huang, #50706 (2012).
The Analysis of Tectonic Controls on the Shale Distribution and Its Resource Potential in Lacustrine Basins in East China, Chuanyan Huang, Shu Jiang, and Hua Wang, #50599 (2012).
PSResistivity Indication of Reservoir Flow Potential in Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study of Little Cedar Creek Field, Onshore Alabama, Qifei Huang and Yuefeng Sun, #20256 (2014).
PS Houston, Texas, Area Geomorphology: Investigating Surface Above Salt Domes Using GIS and Remote Sensing, Zheng Huang and Shuhab Khan, #40968 (2012).
Mass Fraction Maturity – Next Generation Geochemical Constraint of Basin Models, Haiping Huang, Jingping Ma, Ranya Algeer, and Steve Larter, #41862 (2016).
Biogenic Gas Systems in the Qaidam Basin, NW China, Haiping Huang, Shuichang Zhang, Xiaobao Zhang, Aiguo Su, Olufemi Jokanola, Yanhua Shuai, and Steve Larter, #50377 (2011).
Accommodation, Sediment Provenance and Paleo-Drainage on the Basal Cretaceous Unconformity across the Canadian Western Interior Basin, Steve Hubbard, Dale Leckie, Garrett Quinn, Ben Daniels, William Matthews, and Bernard Guest, #30483 (2016).
Holocene Accretion Rates and Styles for Caribbean Coral Reefs: Lessons for the Past and Future, Dennis Hubbard, #50630 (2012).
PSThe CHRONOS Online Taxonomic Dictionary Initiative for Planktonic Foraminifera, by Brian T. Huber, R. Mark Leckie, and Cinzia Cervato, #50037 (2006).
Source Rock: The Organic Factory, Facts and Modelling, A.Y. Huc and B.Chauveau, #42368 (2019).
Source Rocks: Global and Regional Control on Organic Matter Accumulation: Middle East Examples, A-Y. Huc, #30456 (2016).
GC Staged Stochastic Inversion, Arnaud Huck, Ayrat Sirazhiev, Richard Huis in’t Veld, Andries K.T. Wever, and Claire Pierard, #41720 (2015).
Source Within the Seal: Organic-Rich Shales Within the Onion Creek Diapir, Moab, Utah, Samuel M. Hudson, Trevor Tuttle, and Matthew Wood, #10874 (2016).
Numerical Simulation of Horizontal Alternate Steam Drive (HASD) for Heavy Oil Fields in the Marañon Basin, Victor A. Huerta Quiñones and Néstor A. A. Palacios Chun, #41826 (2016).
PS Detailed Geologic Map of Big Brushy Canyon Graben, Big Bend Region, Displays Extensional Monoclines, Dillon D. Hughes, Austin G. Hafner, José L. Hermosillo, and Joseph I. Satterfield, #30568 (2018).
Monitoring the Evolution of Submarine Channels on Fjord Prodeltas and Associated Depositional Basins, John E. Hughes Clarke, Kim Conway, Peter Talling, Matthieu Cartigny, Gwynn Lintern, and Phil Hill, #41678 (2015).
AV Presentation by Dudley J. Hughes, #110051 (2008)
5 of 6 presentations from forum: "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~1.9 mb).
Mitigating Water Encroachment in a Fractured and Faulted Carbonate Gas Field: An Uncertainty Management and Field Optimization Study Using Unstructured Discrete Fracture Models, Robin Hui, #120064 (2013).
PS Accommodation Fluvial Reservoir Analog for the High-Accommodation Mungaroo Formation: Role of Propagating "Tie" Channels in Lake-Filling Processes in High-Accommodation Fluvial Systems, Grajalva River, Tabasco State, Mexico, Mark Hull and John Holbrook, #50831 (2013).
PS Preliminary Assessment of the Phosphate and Rare Earth Element Potential in the Upper Woodford Shale on the Lawrence Uplift, Ada, Oklahoma, David Hull and Andrew Cullen, #51703 (2024).
Lower Cretaceous Pearsall Oceanic Anoxic Events and Associated Development of Shale-Gas Reservoirs in South Texas, Dave Hull, Bob Loucks, and Kitty Milliken, #80240 (2012).
Dhodak Field: A Case History of First and the Largest Condensate Discovery of Pakistan, Mansoor Humayon, Muhammad Akram, and M. Rafiq Malik, #20147 (2012).
PS Geological Characterization of a Late Jurassic Carbonate Mudstone, Saudi Arabia: Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Geomechanics, John D. Humphrey, Septriandi Chan, Muhammad Usman, Baqer Albensaad, and Yaser Alzayer, #51649 (2020).
Relation Between Volcanism, Tectonism, and Hydrothermal Activity Along the Mid-Ocean Ridges, Susan E. Humphris, #40523 (2010).
PS Spatial Scaling of Normal Faults, A-Bomb Canyon, Arizona, Thomas (Hal) H. Hundley and Randall Marrett, #42088 (2017).
Petroleum Geology of Cuu Long Basin - Offshore Vietnam, by Nguyen Du Hung, Hung Van Le, #10062 (2004)
Machine-Learning with Multi-Seismic Attributes in Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Randall Hunt, #42554 (2020).
PS Characterization of Carbonates Through High Definition Borehole Images: Examples from Texas and Oklahoma, Tim Hunt, John Speight, Huabo Liu, Valentina Vallega, and Don Christensen, #42210 (2018).
PS Short Junction Field Core Description and Petrophysical Analysis of the Hunton Group, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Tim Hunt, John Speight, Valentina Vallega, Huabo Liu, Julio Garcia, and Curtis Helms, #20371 (2016).
PS Short Junction Field Core Description and Petrophysical Analysis of the Hunton Group, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Tim Hunt, John Speight, Huabo Liu, Valentina Vallega, Curtis Helms, and Julio Garcia, #51217 (2016).
GC Target-Oriented Parameters for Curvature Attributes Computation, Lee Hunt, Bahaa Beshry, Satinder Chopra, and Cole Webster, #42146 (2017).
Are Key Technological Changes of the Last Three Years Enough to Warrant Reprocessing? Interpolation and AVO Inversion for the Nisku at Brazeau, Lee Hunt, Scott Reynolds, Mark Hadley, Scott Hadley, Jon Downton, and Bashir Durrani, #41556 (2015).
Interpolation, PSTM, AVO, and a Thin Gas Charged Viking Shoreface in West Central Alberta, Lee Hunt, Scott Hadley, Mark Hadley, Jon Downton, and Bashir Durrani, #41555 (2015).
AV Presentation by Herbert Hunt, #110049 (2008)
3 of 6 presentations from forum: "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
AV Distinguishing Successful Wildcatters: How Your Company Can Be Among the Best, by Ray L. Hunt, #110046 (2008)
Development and Testing of New Automated Methods for the Capture of Quantitative Fracture Data from Outcrop Analogues, David W. Hunt, Paul Gillsepie, John Thurmond, Giulio Casini, and Erik Monsen, #40573 (2010).
PSSynsedimentary Deformation of the Upper Permian Capitan Reef Carbonate Platform, New Mexico, by D.W. Hunt, E. Kosa, A.J. Simo, and L. Piccoli, #30036 (2005).
Factors Influencing the Development of Diagenetic Shrinkage Fracture of Shale (DSFS), Zhipeng Huo, #51513 (2018).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Carbon Isotopic Signature, and Dolomitization of a Late Jurassic Greenhouse Platform, Croatia, Antun Husinec and J. Fred Read, #50345 (2010).
PSFacies Stacking Patterns in a Late Jurassic Bahama-Type Platform Interior, Dinaric Platform, Croatia, by Antun Husinec and J. Fred Read, #50013 (2005).
Geochemistry - A Tool for Identification of Compartmentalization for Pab Sandstone, Sui Gas Field, Pakistan, Hamid Hussain, Fareed Iqbal Siddiqui, Syed Asif Ahsan, Rashid Hassan Gilani, and Muhammad Faisal, #20138 (2012).
Upper Triassic Shublik Formation of North Alaska - An Eagle Ford Type Shale Reservoir Play?, Eric Hutton, Donne K. Agboada, Michael T. Whalen, and Cathy L. Hanks, #10437 (2012).
Modeling Hydro-Isostasy: Isostatic Flexure Along the Global Coastlines Due to Sea-Level Rise and Fall, by Eric W. Hutton and James P.M. Syvitski, #40324 (2008).
Large-Scale Sand Injectites in the North Sea: Seismic and Event Stratigraphy and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Mads Huuse, Chris Jackson, Joe Cartwright, and Andrew Hurst, #40481 (2009) (2.2 MB); complete presentation(20.9 MB).
Fractured Granite Reservoir Characteristics in Eastern Edge of Cuu Long Basin, Offshore Vietnam, Tran Nhu Huy, Nguyen Dinh Chuc, Vu Viet Hung, Nguyen Van Thang, Nguyen Xuan Kha, Truong Tuan Anh, Tran Van Lam, Nguyen Manh Tuan, Nguyen Xuan Vinh, and Hoang Viet Bach, #11053 (2018).
The Direct Indicators for Predicting Gas Hydrate Occurrences in the Deep-Water Areas of Vietnam's Continental Shelf, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Trinh Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Trung Hieu, P.T. Vien, and H.A. Tuan, #80661 (2018).
PS Thermal Maturation Modeling of the Michigan Basin, Jack Hybza, Kirk Wagenvelt, and Michelle Kominz, #11119 (2018).
Resources of the Galilee Basin, Australia: Insights From Burial History and Exhumation Analysis, Amy I'Anson, Adriana Dutkiewcz, Dietmar Müller, and Ian Deighton, #80506 (2016).
Seismic Damage Zones and Their Impact within Thrust and Fault Systems, David Iacopini and Rob W. H. Butler, #41017 (2012).
Hydrocarbon-seep Scenarios in the Western Mediterranean Margin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Onland Case Studies from the Italian Peninsula, Annalisa Iadanza, Gianluca Sampalmieri, Paola Cipollari, Domenico Cosentino, and Marco Mola, #41176 (2013).
PSThe Role of Active Structural Growth in Controlling Deep-Water Reservoir Systems and Petroleum Prospectivity in the Confined Gulf of Lion Basin, Western Mediterranean, by Roman S. Ianev, Nathalie Bordas-Le Floch, John R. Underhill, and Richard J.W. Bunt, #10124 (2007).
Experiments to Better Understand Pennsylvania’s Gas Migration Problem, Anthony Iannacchione, Julie Vandenbossche, and Donald Janssen, #41227 (2013).
PS Late Dolomitization in Basin Limestones of the Southern Apennines Fold and Thrust Belt (Italy), Alessandro Iannace, Marta Gasparrini, Tatyana Gabellone, and Stefano Mazzoli, #50564 (2012).
EA The Influence of Mechanical Stratigraphy on the Evolution of the Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt, Youseph Ibrahim, Patrice Rey, and Luke Mahoney, #51659 (2020).
EA Thermally – Induced Fractures in Coal, Balingian Province, Sarawak, Malaysia, Yasir Ali Ibrahim and Eswaran Padmanabhan, #80674 (2019).
Geologic, Seismic, Climatic, and Oil Production Controls on Hydrocarbon Seepage, Al-Ahmadi, Southeast Kuwait, Muhammad W. Ibrahim, #20474 (2020).
Geothermal Gradient Anomalies of Hydrocarbon Entrapment at Southern North Sea Basin, UKCS: A Mature Basin Rejuvenation Technique, Muhammad W. Ibrahim and Basim Al Kubaisi, #11080 (2018).
Geothermal Gradient Anomalies of Hydrocarbon Entrapment at Central Sirte Basin, Libya: A Mature Basin Rejuvenation Technique, Muhammad W. Ibrahim, #11079 (2018).
Foresee the Unforeseen: Modeling West Baram Delta Overpressure, Offshore Sarawak, Chyril Anwwar Ibrahim, Linibid Light, Jeremy Ngu-Chee Kong, and James Mennie, #41109 (2012).
Fluid-Mud Deposits of the Lower Jurassic Tilje Formation, Offshore Mid-Norway, by Aitor A. Ichaso and Robert W. Dalrymple, #50107 (2008).
Lateral Seal – A Major Exploration Risk in the Faulted Traps of the Cretaceous Petroleum System - Central Muglad Basin, Sudan, by Kamil M. Idris and Su Yongdi, #10080 (2005).
PS Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs: Mapping Fracture Networks and Linking Fracture Density to Reservoir Properties using Core and Borehole Image Data a Case Study, Ghoulem Ifrene and Doina Irofti, #51698 (2023).
PS Advancing our Understanding of Non-linear Flow Behavior in X-Crossing Fractures through 3D Printing Technology, Ghoulem Ifrene, Sven Egenhoff, Doina Irofti, Nicholas Bittner, Tyler Newman, #42581 (2023).
Influence of Wettability on Residual Gas Trapping and Enhanced Oil Recovery in Three-Phase Flow: a Pore-Scale Analysis using Micro-Computed Tomography, S. Iglauer, M. Sarmadivaleh, M. Lebedev, and M. Ferno, #41353 (2014).
New Interpretations of the Evolution of the West Siberian Basin, Russia: Implications for Exploration, by Vladimir Igoshkin, John Dolson, Dimitry Sidarov, Oleg Bakuev, and Richard Herbert, #10161 (2008).
Impact of Regulation on the Power Sector: Opportunities for Natural Gas, Svetlana Ikonnikova, #70100 (2011).
PS Multi-Component Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs, Killian C. Ikwuakor and Agoro Abdulraheem, #41916 (2016).
Meso-Cenozoic Evolution of the Chukchi Borderland - Constraints on the Tectonic Development of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean, Ibrahim Ilhan and Bernard J. Coakley, #11056 (2018).
Turbidites Characterization from Seismic Stratigraphy Analysis: Application to the Netherlands Offshore F3 Block, E. Illidge, J. Camargo, and J. Pinto, #41952 (2016).
Using Neotectonic Deformation at McKinleyville, California, to Test the Validity of Trishear Modelling to Predict Shear Fracture Orientations, Jonathan Imber, Tom Perry, Richard Jones, and Ruth Wightman, #40978 (2012).
Assessing the Impact of Initial Carbonate Diagenetic Reactivity on Reservoir Properties, Adrian Immenhauser, #120065 (2012).
Structural Development, Styles and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Karachi Arc, Muhammad Imran and Khan Arshad, #50782 (2013).
Milking Data to the Last Drop: Maximizing Value of Fluid Data through Integrated Fluid Characterization, Esra Inan, Daniel McKinney, Dennis Naafs, Hani Elshahawi, Melton Hows, Shyamalan R. Ramaswami, Daniela Frese, and Edward L. Clarke, #40867 (2012).
The Possible Significances of Coals Encountered in Cored Sections from the Central Malay Basin: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation and Basin Character, David Ince, Mazlan Madon, Abdul Hadi A. Rahman, Abdul Munif Koraini, Mahani Mohamed, Sanatul Salwa Hassan, Wan Hassiah Abdullah, Shamsudin Jirin, and Ummi Farah, #50526 (2011).
Data Automation and Operations Management in Chihuido de la Sierra Negra Field, Juan Inchauspe, Horacio Albarracín, Juan Tagliorette, Leandro Giannini, and Pablo Miguel, #41641 (2015).
Seismic Analysis of Paleotopography and Stratigraphic Controls on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Distribution in the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma (U.S.A.), Lennon Infante, Felipe Cardona, Brenton McCallough, and Roger Slatt, #51353 (2017).
GC Using Volumetric Calculators for Better Accuracy, Lennon Infante Paez and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41757 (2016).
A Probabilistic Approach to Solving Static Subsurface Uncertainty: Examples from Angola Block 0 Reservoirs, Antonio M. Ingles, Sebastien Bombarde, and Dolores Evora, #40421 (2009).
Assessing the Hydrocarbon Exploration Potential of the Jurassic Cuyo Goup, SW Neuquén Basin: Through Outcrop Analog Studies, Juan Francisco P. Iñigo, Raul Gutierrez, Ronald Steel, and Cornel Olariu, #11335 (2020).
The Intramalmic-Intersenonian Interval in the NE Border of the Neuquén Basin. Remaining Prospectivity Assessed Through Paleoenvironmental Models and Sequential Analysis, Juan Francisco P. Iñigo, Renzo Vargas, Maria Eugenia Novara, Martin Pereira, Ignacio Cambon, Pablo J. Pazos, and Ernesto Schwarz, #11334 (2020).
Productive Wrench Grabens Imaged on 3D Seismic, Tiger Ridge Field, Blaine and Hill Counties, Montana, Tanya L. Inks, A. Paul Baclawski, Catherine E. Seaton, and Susan L. Estes, #20083 (2010).
International Licensing--2002 (from AAPG Explorer, August 2002), #10028 (2002)
International Developments for 2001: "Major" Discoveries, (from AAPG Explorer, January 2002), #10024 (2002).
International Developments for 2000: Annual Abbreviated Compilation, (from AAPG Explorer, January 2001), #10012 (2001).
International Developments for 1999: Annual Abbreviated Compilation, (from AAPG Explorer, January 2000), #10004 (2000).
PS Applying the Process-Based Source Rock Modeling Software of-Mod 3-D to Approach Organic Carbon Burial in Modern Marine Settings, by Maik Inthorn, Katherina Seiter, Janine Zweigel, Matthias Zabel, and Ute Mann, #40384 (2009).
PS Litho 2: Enabling the Power of Mobile Devices and Cloud Computing for Creating Comprehensive Sedimentary Logs from Outcrop, Core and Mud Logging, J. Iparraguirre, M Arcuri, C. Zavala, M. Di Meglio, and A. Zorzano, #70245 (2017).
PS Quantification of Net-to-Gross and Oil Impregnation in Bioturbated Heterolithic Clastic Reservoirs using Core Photographs, J. Iparraguirre, M. Arcuri, C. Zavala, V. H. Goitia Antezana, L. R. Arnez Espinosa, M. Di Meglio, and A. Zorzano, #42043 (2017).
Petroleum Prospectivity of the Strike Slip Fault Bounded Pishin Frontier Basin, Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal, Hayat Ahmed, Abdul Hameed, Talat Qureshi, and Ghulam Murtaza, #10489 (2013).
Petroleum Potential of Kalachitta-Margala Hills Range and Adjoining Peshawar-Hazara Basin, Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal, Tariq Baig, and Moin Raza Khan, #10400 (2012).
Impact of Indo-Pakistan and Eurasian Plates Collision in the Sulaiman Fold Belt, Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal and Moin Raza Khan, #50575 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Exploration Perspective in Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Reservoirs in the Sulaiman Fold Belt, Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal, Adeel Nazeer, Hayat Ahmad, and Ghulam Murtaza, #10394 (2012).
Logging While Drilling Aids Accurate Core Point Selection Providing Time Savings with Lower Risk, Farzad Irani, S.P. Das, N.B. Ishwar, and R. Sharma, #40747 (2011).
Oligocene Unconformity and Depositional Model Update: Application for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Llanos Basin, Colombia, Ignacio Iregui, Alexis Medina, Ivan Becerra, Martin Morales, and Diana Quinche, #11061 (2018).
PS Integrating Borehole Imaging and Full Waveform Dipole Sonic Data to Estimate Fracture Porosity in Tight Formations: A Workflow for Accurate Characterization of Natural Fractures, Doina Irofti, Ghoulem Ifrene, Fethi Ali Cheddad, Safouane Djemai, #42582 (2023).
AV Seismic Velocity Model Building in an Area of Complex Geology, Southern Alberta, Canada, by H. Isaac and D. Lawton, #110097 (2009)
1 of 6 presentations from Session, "Seismic Structural Interpretation — . . . ," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Paleozoic Carbonate Stacking Patterns in Idaho, U.S.A., by Peter E. Isaacson, Michael C. Pope, Isabel P. Montanez, and Liselle Batt, #50026 (2005).
PS Afghanistan-Under Explored Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential Study, Samana Ishaq and Shoaib Farooqui, #10478 (2013).
Integration of Conventional Petrophysical Interpretation and Borehole Images, Michael Isherwood and Nicholas Harvey, #41553 (2015).
Deblended-Data Reconstruction Using a Closed-Loop Approach for Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring, Tomohide Ishiyama, Mohammed Y. Ali, Gerrit Blacquire, and Shotaro Nakayama, #42320 (2018).
3-D Surface-Wave Estimation and Separation Using an Iterative Closed-Loop Approach, Tomohide Ishiyama and Gerrit Blacquiere, #41898 (2016).
3-D Printing Artificial Reservoir Rocks to Test Their Petrophysical Properties, Sergey Ishutov, and Franciszek Hasiuk, #41427 (2014).
Tectonic Characterization of the THUMS-Huntington Beach Fault, Offshore Southern California, Sergey Ishutov, #30271 (2013).
Organic and Inorganic Petrographic Analysis of the “Nordegg” (Gordondale) Member of the Fernie Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, West Central Alberta, Nnenna Isinguzo, Hamed Sanei, Chirstopher Clarkson, Omid Haeri Ardakani, Danielle M. Kondla, and Fariboz Goodarzi, #10685 (2014).
Integrated Seismic Characterization and Reservoir Modeling of Neocomian Fluvial System for Water Injection: Tengiz Oil Field, Republic of Kazakhstan, Elrad Iskakov, Steve Jenkins, Zhanat Kabdesheva, and Henry W. Posamentier, #20163 (2012).
Facies, Petrography, Geochemistry and Reservoir Potential of the Upper Cretaceous Adaffa Formation, Red Sea Region, Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Monirul Islam, Osman M. Abdullatif, and Mutasim Sami Osman, #11336 (2020).
PS Chemostratigraphic Recognition of a Disconformity in Mississippian Strata of the Northeast Appalachians, New Brunswick, Canada, Nazrul Islam and Dave Keighley, #50816 (2013).
Integration of Time Lapse Seismic and Dynamic Reservoir Model Facilitate EOR Immiscible Water Alternating Gas (IWAG) Programme in Oil Field, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia, Russikin Ismail, Noreehan Shahud, Yeshpal Singh, and Ramli Ibrahim, #40886 (2012).
A Standardized Approach to Optical Thermal Maturity Assessment with Application to the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Arctic Canada, D.R. Issler, J. Reyes, Z. Chen, K. Hu1, E. Negulic, and L.D. Stasiuk, #41280 (2014).
Petrophysical Characterization of a Clastic Reservoir in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin in Colombia Using Artificial Neural Networks and Seismic Attributes, Ursula Iturrarán-Viveros and Andrés Muñoz-García, #20440 (2018).
Challenges Related to the 3D Geo-Cellular Modeling of the Volcaniclastic Mature Meruap Oil Field in Central Sumatra, Indonesia, Valentin Ivanov, Muhammad Prakoso, Nioman Witasta, Wahue Nainggoloam, Irwan Kurmiawan, and Azzalzalah Azzalzalah, #41946 (2016).
Calibration of Seismic Fracture Model Using Dynamic Data and Borehole Images: An Example of Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Victor Ivanov and Reza Iskandar, #41861 (2016).
PS Seismic and Strain Relevance of Coal to Its Shrinkage and Swelling Rate during the Sorption Process of CH4 and CO2, Padmavathi Iyengar, Russ Ostermann, Dave Newell, Anil Misra, and Jejung Lee, #40965 (2012).
New Perspective on Evolution of Northern Provinces of Offshore Sarawak Basin, Malaysia, S. R. Iyer, Ong Swee Keong, Fatma Nazihah, and Shahrul Amar Abdullah, #10482 (2013).
Gravity Analysis of Caracas Valley, Venezuela, Carlos Izarra and Eduardo Rodrigues, #51062 (2015).
PS An Approach in Caving Recognition by An Integrated Model of Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Any Drilling Environment, Carlos A. Izurieta, Luis A. Rocha, and Dan Sui, #42374 (2019).
In-Situ Plate Tectonic Model of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and Caribbean Regions Using Elevation Grid as a Simple Tool for Kinematic Reconstruction of Plate Movements from Present Day to Pre-Breakup, Dariusz Jablonski and Odd Arne Larsen, #30484 (2017).
Not All IHS Was Created Equal: A Retrospective and Prospective Look at Inclined Heterolithic Stratification of Tidal-Fluvial Point Bars of the Middle McMurray Formation of Northeastern Alberta, Canada, Bryce V.J. Jablonski, Rudolph Strobl, Milovan Fustic, and Allard W. Martinius, #51088 (2015).
Fluvial Seasonality: A Predictive Tool for Deciphering the Sedimentological Complexity of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification Deposited on Large-Scale Tidal-Fluvial Point Bars?, Bryce V.J. Jablonski and Robert Dalrymple, #50954 (2014).
Characterizing Static Reservoir Connectivity of Deepwater Slope Deposits Using Sub-Seismic Outcrop-Based Facies Models, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia, Allie Jackson, Lisa Stright, Stephen M. Hubbard, and Brian Romans, #30416 (2015).
Geological and Geophysical Expression of a Primary Salt Weld: An Example from the Santos Basin, Brazil, Christopher A. Jackson, Clara Rodriguez, Atle Rotevatn, and Rebecca Bell, #41726 (2016).
Characterization and Origin of Anhydrite-Rich 'Lateral Caprock' Adjacent to Halite-Cored Salt Diapirs; Implications for Prospectivity in Salt Basins, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Matthew M. Lewis, and Aruna S. Mannie, #41254 (2013).
The Role of Polygonal Fault Mapping in De-Risking Deepwater Reservoir Presence: A 3-D Seismic Reflection Case Study from Offshore Norway, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Seshane N. Mahlo, Omieari Briggs, and T. Daniel Carruthers, #41253 (2013).
3D Seismic Reflection and Borehole Expression of Tectonically Controlled Deep-Marine Reservoirs: An Example from the Northern North Sea Hydrocarbon Province, Christopher A-L. Jackson, #41173 (2013).
The Impact of Igneous Intrusions and Extrusions on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Extensional Settings: A 3D Seismic Perspective, Christopher A-L. Jackson, #41168 (2013).
PS Variability in Syn-Rift Structural Style Associated with a Mobile Substrate and Implications for Trap Definition and Reservoir Distribution in Extensional Basins: A Subsurface Case Study from the South Viking Graben, Offshore Norway, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Karla Kane, Eirik Larsen, Elisabeth Evrard, Gavin Elliott, and Rob Gawthorpe, #10423 (2012).
Seismic Expression and Petroleum System Implications of Igneous Intrusions in Sedimentary Basins: Examples from Offshore Australia, Christopher A. Jackson, Craig Magee, Nick Schofield, and Bogdan Golenkov, #10483 (2013).
Rift-Climax Deposition and Reservoir Architecture on the Hangingwall Dipslope of a Large Half-Graben; South Viking Graben, Northern North Sea, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Eirik Larsen, Sigmund Hanslien, and Anna-Elise Tjemsland, #40586 (2010).
Geometric Characterisation of Clastic Intrusion Complexes Adjacent to a Deep-Water Slope Channel: a 3D Seismic Case Study from Offshore Norway, Christopher A. Jackson, Gillian P. Barber, and Mads Huuse, #50170 (2009).
Characterisation of Surface Electrical Charge and Wettability in Carbonates with Application to Controlled Salinity Waterflooding, M. D. Jackson and J. Vinogradov, #120067 (2012).
Spontaneous Potentials in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs during Waterflooding: Application to Waterfront Monitoring, M.D. Jackson, M.Y. Gulamali, E. Leinov, J.H. Saunders, and J. Vinogradov, #120066 (2012).
The Pillow Fold Belt: A Key Subsalt Structural Province in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Martin Jackson, Tim Dooley, Mike Hudec, and Angela McDonnell, #10329 (2011).
New Hydrocarbon Opportunities in Upper Cretaceous Strata of Eagle Plain Basin, Northern Yukon Territory, Kevin Jackson, Per Kent Pedersen, and Larry S. Lane, #10297 (2011).
Albian-Cenomanian Stratigraphy and Petroleum Systems, Eagle Plain Basin, Yukon, Kevin W. Jackson, Per Kent Pedersen and Larry S. Lane, #20241 (2014).
Interplay of Basement Tectonics, Salt Tectonics, and Sedimentation in the Kwanza Basin, Angola, Martin P. Jackson and Michael Hudec, #30091 (2009).
Relay Ramps and Rhombochasms: Step Overs in the Marcellus and Utica of the Northern Appalachian Basin, Robert D. Jacobi, Joel Starr, and Craig Eckert, #41727 (2015).
Acadian Sliding: Anatomy of Styles for Gravitational Fault Development and Hydrocarbon Migration in the Western Appalachian Foreland Basin of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Robert Jacobi, Joel Starr, David Jackson, Travis Warner, and Craig Eckert, #41126 (2013).
Site Characterization and Remediation of Contamination from Oilfield Produced Waters, East Poplar Oil Field, Fort Peck Indian Reservation Roosevelt County, Montana, by Michael Jacobs, Tyrell Christa, and Bruce Smith, #80040 (2009).
Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Site Characterization and Remediation of Contamination from Oilfield Produced Waters, East Poplar Oil Field, Roosevelt County, Montana--Part 2, Michael A. Jacobs, Bruce Smith, and Christa Tyrrell, #80074 (2009).
Subsidence Analysis of the Barinas-Apure Basin: Western Venezuela, Maria Jácome and L. Chacín, #10718 (2015).
PS Impact of Heterogeneous Storm Event Deposits on Fluid Flow Behaviour of Late Jurassic Arab-D Reservoir,
Saudi Arabia, C. Jacquemyn, M. D. Jackson, G. J. Hampson, C. M. John, R. Zühlke, D. L. Cantrell, A. AbuBshait, and R. F. Lindsay, #51269 (2016).
Geometry, Spatial Arrangement and Connectivity of Grain-Dominated, Storm-Event Deposits in Outcrop Analogues of Upper Jurassic Arab-D Reservoir, Saudi Arabia, Carl Jacquemyn, Matthew Jackson, Gary Hampson, Cédric John, Dave L.Cantrell, Rainer Zuhlke, AbdulJaleel AbuBshait, and Robert F. Lindsay, #51150 (2015).
Geometry and Evolution of the Sulaiman Fold Belt and Hydrocarbon Prospects, Ishtiaq A. Jadoon, #10381 (2011).
PSPetrophysical Study of Shale Gas Potential from the Permian Roseneath and Murteree Formations in the Cooper Basin, Australia, Quaid Khan Jadoon, #50966 (2014).
Petrophysical Analysis of Habib Rahi Limestone of Mari Gas Field Using Open Hole Wire Line Logs of Well Mari Deep-06 Central Indus Basin Pakistan (A Case Study), Quaid Khan Jadoon, Muhammad Zahid, and Ramiz Gardezi, #50970 (2014).
Effective Delivery of Reservoir Compliant Seismic Data Processing, Arash JafarGandomi, Henning Hoeber, Celine Lacombe, and Vimol Souvannavong, #42158 (2017).
Current Scenario and Future Prospects of Shale Gas in India, Tarang Jain, Akash Sharma, and Apoorv Agarwal, #80276 (2012).
Reservoir Characterization of Bassein Formation in Mukta Field, Western Offshore Basin, India, Vinay Jain, Mohit Khanna, Iti Agrawal, Rajeev Lakhera, Anurag Grover, and Ajay Kumar, #50740 (2012).
Reservoir Zonation of Lower Cretaceous Deep-water Limestones in the Danish North Sea -- New Insight from Improved Core-to-Log Correlation, by Finn Jakobsen, Jon Ineson, Lars Kristensen, and Lars Stemmerik, #10056 (2003).
AV Evaluating and Hy-Grading Wolfcamp Shale Opportunities in the Midland Basin, A. D. James, #110213 (2015).
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Not Written in Stone: Plate tectonics at 50, Keith James, #70336 (2018).
A Simple Synthesis of Caribbean Geology, by Keith H. James, #30026 (2004).
Textural Types of Evaporites in Holocene Sabkhas of Qatar and Their Geological Significance, Jeremy Jameson, #51153 (2015).
Back-Barrier Sediment Dynamics: A Major Control on Modeling Sediment Properties, Cyclicity and Depositional Profiles - Examples from the Arid Coastline of Qatar, Jeremy Jameson and Christian J. Strohmenger, #41145 (2013).
Relative Sea-Level Changes During the Late Pleistocene to Holocene of Qatar: Implications for Eustasy and Tectonics, Jeremy Jameson and Christian J. Strohmenger, #50704 (2012).
Breakthroughs in the Use of Analogues for Geological Modeling – Examples from Holocene Sabkhas of Qatar, Jeremy Jameson and Christian J. Strohmenger, #50471 (2011).
Understanding of Petroleum Systems from Palaeo-Petroleum Present in the Fingerdjupet Sub-Basin of the Bjørnøya Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea, Muhammad Jamil, Zagros Matapour, Dag A. Karlsen, and Ivar Gran, #10647 (2014).
Basal Ghazij Sand (BGS) - A Unique Exploration Play in Eastern Part of Pakistan, Athar Jamil and Jim McCann, #10398 (2012).
Pakistan's Major Petroleum Plays - An Overview of Dwindling Reserves, Athar Jamil, Abdul Waheed, and Riaz A. Sheikh, #10399 (2012).
Bed-Parallel Expansion Seams and Shear Surfaces in Shales, W. Jamison, #51053 (2014).
AV Petroleum Exploration History of British Columbia, Canada, by Ed Janicki, #110086 (2009)
1 of 2 presentations from Forum, "The History of Petroleum Geology," AAPG 2009Annual Convention
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Reservoir Quality and Net Pay Determination in the Bioturbated (Shaly Sand) Viking Formation of Western Canada, Patricia Jans, Michael Shepley, George Magarian, Joe Recsky and Tristan Rugg, #41340 (2014).
Relationship Between Acoustic and Petrophysical Properties of Permian Dolograinstones, Xavier Janson and F. Jerry Lucia, #41263 (2014).
Stratigraphic Models and Exploration Plays of Slope and Basin-Floor Carbonates, Xavier Janson, Charles Kerans, Ted Playton, Jason Clayton, Peter Winefield, and Peter Burgess, #50637 (2012).
Advanced Horizontal Technologies Improve Drilling Performance in the Barnett Shale, by Sandeep Janwadkar, #40380 (2009).
Burial and Exhumation History of the Labrador-Newfoundland Margin and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration on the Grand Banks and on the Labrador Shelf, Peter Japsen, Paul F. Green, Johan M. Bonow, Derek H.C. Wilton, and Alana M. Hinchey, #30543 (2018).
PS East Greenland: A Classic Example of an Elevated, Passive Continental Margin Shaped Long after Rifting and Breakup, Peter Japsen, Johan M. Bonow, Paul F. Green, James A. Chalmers, and Troels F. Nielsen, #30194 (2011).
Burial, Uplift and Exhumation History of the Atlantic Margin of NE Brazil, Peter Japsen, Johan Bonow, Paul F. Green, Peter R. Cobbold, Dario Chiossi, and Ragnhild Lilletveit, #30113 (2010).
Episodic Uplift and Exhumation along Passive Margins in the North Atlantic Domain: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Peter Japsen, Paul Green, Johan M. Bonow, Erik S. Rasmussen, James A. Chalmers, and Tomas Kjennerud, #30197 (2011).
Bitumen Deposits in Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, South America,
José María Jaramillo Mejia, Salvador Rojas Lequerica, Clemencia Gómez Gonzalez, Germán Rodríguez Pradilla, and Nicolás Bernal Caro, #51051 (2014).
PS Petroleum Potential in the Gulf of Taranto, Erlend M. Jarsve and Antony Pedley, #10414 (2012).
Big Three Tight Oil Plays, USA: Bakken, Eagle Ford, and Wolfcamp, Daniel M. Jarvie, #80712 (2020).
Unconventional Upper Jurassic Petroleum Resource System, Tampico-Misantla Basin, East Central Mexico, Daniel M. Jarvie and Alfredo Guzman, #80711 (2020).
Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems of the Delaware Basin, Daniel M. Jarvie, David Prose, Brian M. Jarvie, Richard Drozd, and Albert Maende, #10949 (2017).
Upper Jurassic, Tampico-Misantla Basin, Onshore Mexico: Unconventional Resource Potential, Daniel M. Jarvie and John Smyth, #80558 (2016).
Madison Group Source Rocks, Williston Basin, USA, Daniel M. Jarvie, Julie Lefever, and Stephan H. Nordeng, #51301 (2016).
Worldwide Shale Resource Plays and Potential, Dan Jarvie, #80144 (2011).
Unconventional Oil Petroleum Systems: Shales and Shale Hybrids, Daniel M. Jarvie, #80131 (2011).
AVDecomposition of Organic Matter and Impact on Shale Resource Play Assessments, by Daniel M. Jarvie, Françoise Behar, and Laurent Mazéas, #110125 (2010)
1 of 7 presentations from Session, Genesis of Shale Gas--Physicochemical and Geochemical Constraints Affecting Methane Adsorption and Desorption
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Understanding Unconventional Resource Potential by Conventional Petroleum Systems Assessment, Daniel M. Jarvie and Ronald J. Hill, #40840 (2011).
Components and Processes Impacting Production Success from Unconventional Shale Resource Systems, Daniel M. Jarvie, Brian M. Jarvie, W. David Weldon, and Albert Maende, #40908 (2012).
PS Pre-Luning-Fencemaker Metamorphism and Deformation in the Northern Sand Springs Range, Nevada, Jacob Jarvis, Sean Czarnecki, and Joseph Satterfield, #41814 (2016).
Hydrodynamic Trapping, Tilted Contacts and New opportunities in Mature Onshore Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Usman Jauhari, Robhy Permana, Andre Wijanarko, and Amireno Soenoro, #41060 (2012).
The Saglek Basin in the Labrador Sea: Past Exploration History, Current Estimates, and Future Opportunities, Christopher D. Jauer, Gordon N. Oakey, Mike Avery, Graham Williams, and Hans Wielens, #10587 (2014).
Integrated Multiscale Research of Fluid Flow in Shale: Molecular-to-Core Scales, Farzam Javadpour, #42244 (2018).
Gas and Liquid Flow in Shale, Farzam Javadpour, #41780 (2016).
PS Fit-for-Purpose Log Conditioning as Applied on the F-A Gas Field in the Bredasdorp Basin, Offshore South Africa, Abdullah Jawoodien, #42339 (2019).
Geological and Structural Interpretation of Ado-Ekiti Southwest and its Adjoining Areas Using Aeromagnetic Data, Ayodeji Jayeoba and Dare Odumade, #30407 (2015).
Multiscale Seismic Signature of a Small Fault Zone in a Carbonate Reservoir: Relationships Between VP Imaging, Fault Zone Architecture and Cohesion, Pierre Jeanne, Yves Guglielmi, and Frédéric Cappa, #120068 (2012).
Integrated Geothermal System: What Are the Risks?, Antoine Jeannou, #80683 (2019).
Exploration in Synclinal Areas of Tripura Fold Belt, India: A Re-found Opportunity, A. K. Jena, N. C. Das, G. C. Saha, and Asim Samanta, #10338 (2011).
How Not to Squander Billions on Your Next Unconventional Venture, Creties Jenkins and Mark McLane, #42537 (2020).
Estimating Resources and Reserves in Tight Sands: Geological Complexities and Controversies, Creties Jenkins, #120020 (2009).
Unconventional Reservoirs: Geological Aspects of Estimating Petroleum Resources and Reserves: Introduction, Creties Jenkins, #120019 (2009).
Practices and Pitfalls in Estimating Coalbed Methane Resources and Reserves, by Creties Jenkins, #80011 (2008).
Shredding of Environmental Signals by Autogenic Transport Fluctuation, Douglas Jerolmack and Chris Paola, #50302 (2010).
PSCoal Seams as Sensitive Recorders of Base-Level Change: Implications for Predicting Vertical and Lateral Variations in Coal Composition: Examples from the Pennsylvanian, Kentucky, USA, Rhodri M. Jerrett, Stephen S. Flint, Roy C. Davies, and David M. Hodgson, #50224 (2009).
AVExploration of the Transform Margin of West Africa: Discovery Thinking – Jubilee and Beyond & Exploration of the Tano Basin and Discovery of the Jubilee Field, Ghana: A New Deepwater Game-Changing Hydrocarbon Play in the Transform Margin of West Africa, by Greg Jewell, #110156 (2011).
3 of 4 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention
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Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional Architecture of Shallow and Deepwater Postrift Sediments in East Andaman Basin: An Overview, Pritam Jha, Dino Ros, and Mahendra Kishore, #50566 (2012).
PS Gas-Water Distribution and Development Strategy of Xujiahe Tight Gas Reservoir in Sichuan Basin, China, Lidan Ji, Guang Ji, Ailin Jia, Liang Zhao, and Dongbo He, #40864 (2012).
A Study of Multiphase Flow in CO2-EOR: Impacts of Three-Phase Relative Permeability and Hysteresis Models, Wei Jia, Brian McPherson, Feng Pan, Zhenxue Dai, Nathan Moodie, and Ting Xiao, #80669 (2019).
Stress Damage in Borehole and Rock Cores; Developing New Tools to Update the Stress Map of Alberta, Qing Jia, Randy Kofman, Doug Schmitt, and Inga Moeck, #41451 (2014).
New Horizons and Technology for the Petroleum Exploration in China, by Cheng-zao Jia and Yan Song, #10175 (2009).
Rayleigh Inversion Application Study in Some Areas of Middle East, Fuhao Jiang, #42217 (2018).
Pore Morphometrics and Thermal Evolution of Organic-Matter Microporosity, Colorado Group, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Peng Jiang and Burns Cheadle, #50936 (2014).
PS Depositional and Burial Domain Influences on Microporosity Modalities in Carbonaceous Mudstones of the Upper Cretaceous Colorado Group, Western Canada Foreland Basin, Peng Jiang and Burns A. Cheadle, #50802 (2013).
PS Role of External Controls on Sedimentary Distribution and Architecture in Deepwater Setting, Shu Jiang, Sverre Henriksen, Hua Wang, and Dongsheng Cai, #40776 (2011).
MWD for Shallow Water Demultiple: A Hibernia Case Study, Hongzheng Jin, Min Yang, Ping Wang, Yan Huang, Mervyn J. Parry, and Yvonne Paisant-Allen, #41294 (2014).
Characteristics and Resource Potential of Lacustrine Shale Oil and Gas in China, Zhijun Jin, Bo Gao, and Xiaoling Wu, #80359 (2014).
PS Bakken Oil-Generation Kinetics by Hydrous Pyrolysis and its Testing in 1-D Model, Hui Jin, Michael Lewan, and Steve Sonnenberg, #41907 (2016).
Characterization for Source-Rock Potential of the Bakken Shales in the Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana, Hui Jin and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #80356 (2014).
PS Source Rock Potential of the Bakken Shales in the Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana, Hui Jin and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #20156 (2012).
PS Analytical Velocity Modeling for Offshore East Coast of India: An Approach Using VSP Time-Depth Dataset, Nidhi Jindal, Anup K. Shahi, and Kumar Hemant Singh, #11036 (2018).
PS Time-Depth Modeling in High Pore-Pressure Environment, Offshore East Coast of India, Nidhi Jindal, Ajoy Kumar Biswal, and Kumar Hemant Singh, #30463 (2016).
Sequence Stratigraphic Control from Alluvial Architecture of Upper Cretaceous Fluvial System - Wahweap Formation, Southern Utah, U.S.A, Zubair A. Jinnah, #30088 (2009) (6.43 mb).
EA Conditioning Stratigraphic, Rule-Based Models with Generative Adversarial Networks: A Deepwater Lobe, Deep Learning Example, Honggeun Jo, Javier E. Santos, and Michael J. Pyrcz, #42402 (2019).
Quantitative Architectural Analysis and Depositional Model of an Asymmetric Conglomerate-Rich Submarine Channel Fill, Cerro Toro Formation, Sierra del Toro, Magallanes Basin, Chile, Zane R. Jobe, Anne Bernhardt, Lisa Stright, and Donald R. Lowe, #50296 (2010).
AV Improving Infill Development Decision Making with Interval Estimation, by M. Jobe and H. Jobe, #110062 (2008)
5 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Non-traditional Techniques for Microporosity Evaluation in a Low-Permeability Carbonate Reservoir From a Giant Reservoir Offshore Abu Dhabi, U.A.E, Tiffany Dawn Jobe, #41270 (2014).
Static Reservoir Modeling in an Incised Valley Fill: A Case Study in Optimization from Postle Field, Texas County, Oklahoma, Tiffany D. Jobe and Ayyoub E. Heris, #40587 (2010).
Neogene Evolution of a Confined Upper Slope Canyon System with Emphasis on Canyon Fill Architecture, Offshore Equatorial Guinea, by Zane Jobe and Jim Hewlett, #50048 (2007).
Two Fundamentally Different Types of Submarine Canyons: Modern and Ancient Examples from the Continental Margin of Equatorial Guinea, West Africa, Zane R. Jobe, Don Lowe, and Steve Uchytil, #30179 (2011).
Regional Groundwater Studies Using Aeromagnetic Technique, E. S. Joel, P. I. Olasehinde, D. K. De, and O. Maxwell, #41948 (2016).
Spit-System Facies Model - Can This Be Used to Reinterpret Some of the Isolated Shelf Sandstone Ridges in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA?, Peter N. Johannessen and Lars H. Nielsen, #50213 (2009) (1.4mb); complete presentation (27.5mb).
Sand-Rich, Tide-Dominated Deltaic Systems of the Lower Miocene, Central Sumatran Basin, Indonesia, Steven Johansen and Habash Semimbar, #50255 (2010).
Is it the Geological Environment, Engineering Skill or Luck that Differentiates the Success of Hydraulic Fracturing in Australian Coal Seam Gas Projects?, Raymond L. Johnson, Jr., #51115 (2015).
Petroleum Generation and Migration from the Oil Shale Interval of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Ronald C. Johnson, Justin E. Birdwell, and Tracey J. Mercier, #10967 (2017).
Evolution of the Lower Tertiary Elko Formation, a Potential Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rock in Northeast Nevada, Ronald C. Johnson and Justin E. Birdwell, #10966 (2017).
Mass-Movement Deposits in the Lacustrine Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Western Colorado, Ronald C. Johnson, Justin E. Birdwell, Michael E. Brownfield, and Tracey J. Mercier, #51090 (2015).
Rock Physics Inversion: A Montney Case Study, James Johnson, Lisa Holmstrom, Satwant Diocee, Rob Tilson, and Sean Johnson, #41295 (2014).
Evaluation of the Potential for Shale Gas Exploration in the Fika Shales of the Gongola Basin, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria, Lukman M. Johnson, Munira Raji, Ayodeji P. Oluboyo, Omowunmi Owolabi, and Suraj W. Adepoju, #10596 (2014).
The Pronghorn Member of the Bakken Formation: Lithology, Stratigraphy, Reservoir Properties, Rebecca L. Johnson, #50808 (2013).
PS New Core-Based Evidence for Mesozoic Petroleum Systems in Southwest Mongolia, Cari L. Johnson, T. Menotti, S. Graham, K. Constenius, R. Graham, A. Payton, and Y. Munkhtungalag, #10486 (2013).
Gas Hydrate as Part of the Petroleum System of Mars, Art Johnson, Michael Max, and Stephen Clifford, #40990 (2012).
PS The Nature of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification in a Mixed Tidal-Fluvial Setting, Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, Stacy M. Johnson and Shahin E. Dashtgard, #50657 (2012).
PS Global Resource Potential of Gas Hydrate, Arthur H. Johnson, #80183 (2011).
Influence of Pressurized Shale of Akata Formation on Clastic Reservoir Developments, Offshore Niger Delta Using Seismic-Attributes Modeling, Jonathan Johnson, #40844 (2011).
Parshall Field, North Dakota–Discovery of the Year for the Rockies and Beyond, Michael S. Johnson, #20081 (2009) (5.5 mb).
PS An Evaluation of Existing Carbonate Pore System Classifications and Rock-Typing Approaches, Kay Johnson, Andrew Barnett, and V. Paul Wright, #50342 (2010).
GCThe Power of Multiple Seismic Attributes in Revealing Geologic Understanding, by Walter E. Johnson, Richard O. Louden, Donald D. Lehman, and Duncan L. Edwards, #40067 (2002).
Late Pliocene to Recent Seismic Stratigraphy of the Northland Basin, New Zealand, Stephen Johnston, Lorna Strachan, and John Cassidy, #50327 (2010).
GCTime-Lapse 4-D Technology: Reservoir Surveillance, by David H. Johnston, #40142 (2005).
Fault Damage Zones-Observations, Dynamic Rupture Modeling and Implications on Fluid Flow, Madhur Johri, Mark Zoback, Eric M. Dunham, and Peter Hennings, #41249 (2013).
PS Fault Damage Zones at Reservoir Depths: Observations from a Gas Field in Southeast Asia and SAFOD, Madhur Johri, Mark Zoback, and Peter Hennings, #50464 (2011).
Science Priorities for the Lunar Exploration Architecture, by Bradley L. Jolliff, #70053 (2008).
Geomorphic Responses of Slope Channel Systems to Growing Thrusts and Folds, Deepwater Niger Delta, Byami A. Jolly, Lidia Lonergan, and Alexander Whittaker, #50858 (2013).
Key Performance Drivers of Oil Production from the Upper Castle Peak Member of the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Matthew Jones, Josh Sigler, Luke Fidler, Riley Brinkerhoff, and EPOCH, #11377 (2023).
Characteristics of Sandy Hyperpycnite Deposits on the Southern Margin of Eocene Lake Uinta, Castle Peak Member of the Green River Formation of Northeastern Utah, Riley Brinkerhoff, Matthew Jones (Presenter), Luke Fidler, and Josh Sigler, #51699 (2023).
Depositional Architecture of a Turbiditic Sandstone Complex, Lower Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Matthew A. Jones, Joshua T. Sigler, Lucas J. Fidler, Tanner A. Posy, and Dusty L. Parker, #11366 (2022).
PS Seismic Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in the Northern Sector of the North Falkland Basin, South Atlantic, Darren J.R. Jones, Dave J. McCarthy and Thomas J.H. Dodd, #11236 (2019).
AV Pushing the Boundaries of Exploration in East Malaysia: Building on Early Success, Mark Jones, Stuart Burley, Neil Sharp, and Nick Wilson, #110226 (2016).
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The Effects of Early Eocene Climate Change on the Composition of Fluvial Sandstones, Uinta Basin, Utah, Evan Jones and Piret Plink-Björklund, #50880 (2013).
Reassessing the Petroleum Prospectivity of the Offshore Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia, A. Jones, J. Kennard, C. Nicholson, N. Rollet, D. Mantle, E. Grosjean, C. Boreham, D. Jorgensen, D. Robertson, G. Bernardel, J. Greinert, R. Kempton, L. Langhi, Y. Zhang, L. Hall, R. Hackney, S. Johnston, P. Petkovic, T. Bernecker, and M. Bradshaw, #10461 (2012).
Fracture Detection Interpretation Beyond Conventional Seismic Approaches, Gary Jones and Rocky Roden, #41035 (2012).
PSGeothermal Convection at Tengiz: Reactive Transport Models of Predictive Diagenesis and Evidence from the Rocks, by G.D. Jones, J.F. Collins, Y. Xiao, J.A.M. Kenter, P.M. Harris, and G. Kuanysheva, #20050 (2008)
PS Integrated Ichnology and Sedimentology of Mixed River- and Wave-Influenced Delta Complexes, Upper Cretaceous Basal Belly River Fm, Central Alberta, Canada, Brittan M. Jones and James A. MacEachern, #50666 (2012).
Concept Proposal: Border Region Renewable Energy and Strategic Mineral Opportunities, Karen L. Jones, #70107 (2011).
A Southern North Sea Multi-Survey preSDM using Hybrid Gridded Tomography, Ian Jones, Emma Evans, Darren Judd, Alan Campbell, and Steve Elam, #41592 (2015).
A Practical Review of Migration Issues and Solutions, Ian F. Jones, #40723 (2011).
Sources of Capital, by Jeff Jones, #70022 (2006).
OOIP Estimates as a Function of Cumulative Production: A Case Study from the Simulation History Match of the N'Sano Pinda Reservoir, Block 0, Angola, Matthew C. Jones, #40420 (2009).
New Technologies in the Deepwater Oil Industry, Cleveland M. Jones, #42197 (2018).
The Potential for New Discoveries of Oil and Gas in the Shallow Waters of the Campos Basin, Brazil, Cleveland M. Jones, Hernani Aquini F. Chaves, and Jos Diamantino A. Dourado, #10235 (2010).
Gas Hydrates and Microbiological Processes, Cleveland M. Jones, Jos Diamantino A. Dourado, and Hernani Aquini F. Chaves, #80081 (2010).
PS Testing Depositional Models and Basin Geometry for the Utica Shale, Mohawk Valley, New York State, Kyle Jones, Charles E. Mitchell, Langhorne "Taury" Smith, Gerald Smith, and Robert D. Jacobi, #50500 (2011).
Linking Seismic and Sub-Seismic Fault Predictions using Laser Scanning of Outcrop Analogues, by Richard R. Jones, Dave Healy, Jonny Imber, Ruth Wightman, Ken McCaffrey, and Bob Holdsworth, #40257 (2007).
Moore-Johnson (Morrow) Field, Greeley County Kansas: A Successful Integration of Surface Soil Gas Geochemistry With Subsurface Geology and Geophysics, Victor T. Jones, III and Rufus J. LeBlanc, Jr., #20021 (2004).
PS Application of Exploration Geochemical Methodology to CO2 Monitoring, by Victor T. Jones and Robert J. Pirkle, #60015 (2009) (15 mb).
Laboratory Studies of Biogenic Methane Production from Coal by Microbial Consortia: Identifying Organisms, Reactions and Intermediates, by Elizabeth J. Jones, Mary A. Voytek, William H. Orem, Margo D. Corum, Anne L. Bates, and Harry E. Lerch, #80014 (2008).
One Basin with Several Sediment Sources: Stratigraphic Records of the Bunguran Trough, Central South China Sea, John Jong, Steve Barker, Franz L. Kessler, and Tran Quoc Tan, #30405 (2015).
PS Stratigraphic Variability of the Marmaton Group Across the Lips Fault System in the Texas Panhandle Granite Wash, Southern Anadarko Basin, Patrick D. Jordan and Dr. Jesse J. Melick, #51437 (2017).
Helium: A Commercial Discussion: Helium Market Fundamentals, Processing and Marketing, IACX Otis Plant Case Study, Jeremy Jordan, #70212 (2016).
Produced Water Disposal in the Southern San Joaquin Basin: A Direct Analog for Brine Leakage in Response to Carbon Storage, Preston Jordan and Janice Gillespie, #80459 (2015).
The Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Carlile Shale of Eastern South Dakota and Adjacent Areas with Correlations to the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, Steven D. Jorgensen and Neal L. Larson, #51629 (2019).
Johan Sverdrup – Offshore Norway: The Story behind the Giant Sverdrup Discovery, Arild Jørstad, #20177 (2012).
Sediment Diagenesis in the Gulf of Mexico Basin and its Role in Pore Fluid Pressure Evolution: Implications for Hydrocarbon Transport via Solitary Waves, Ajit Joshi and Martin Appold, #20307 (2015).
Solitary Waves in Low Permeability Sediments: A Possible Mechanism for Rapid Methane Transport in the Eugene Island Field, Gulf of Mexico Basin, Ajit Joshi, Martin S. Appold, and Jeffrey Nunn, #20261 (2014).
Numerical Investigation of Hydrocarbon Transport by Solitary Waves in the Eugene Island Field, Gulf of Mexico Basin, Ajit Joshi and Jeffrey A. Nunn, #20235 (2014).
Advance Facies Rock Typing Approach for 3D Geocellular Static Modeling for Polymer Flooding in the Tambaredjo Oil Field, Suriname, Jimmy Jowintinie, Rakesh Ramdajal, Allan Redjosentono, Jasvant Oedietram, I. Anaya, and E. Costa, #51628 (2019).
Geology of Meso-Cenozoic Basins in Central Armenia, with Comment on Indications of Hydrocarbons, by R. Jrbashyan, G. Chlingaryan, Yu. Kagramanov, A. Karapetyan, M. Satian, Yu. Sayadyan, and H. Mkrtchyan, #30007 (2001).
PS Soyatal Formation and Related Strata: Onset of Sedimentation in the Cretaceous Foreland-Basin System, Central Mexico, Edgar Juárez-Arriaga, Timothy F. Lawton, and Daniel F. Stockli, #51306 (2016).
Stochastic Fault Network Simulation with Variable Connectivity: Application to a Compartmentalized Reservoir Affected by Large Structural Uncertainties, Charline Julio, Florent Lallier, and Guillaume Caumon, #41716 (2015).
PS A New Method of Making the Thickness Map of the Shallow Sand Body Constrained by Seismic Attribute, Ming Jun, Zhou Xuefeng, Liu Xuetong, Pan Yong, and Li Wenbin, #42092 (2017).
Study on Oil-Source Correlation Methods of Severely Biodegraded Oils in Bozhong Subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Wang Jun, Zhou Xinhuai, GuoYonghua, Yang Bo, Wang Feilong, and Zhang You, #10569 (2014).
PS Physical Modeling of a Prograding Delta on a Mobile Substrate; Dynamic Interactions between Progradation and Deformation, Eunsil Jung and Wonsuck Kim, #51356 (2017).
Thermal Models for Post-Glacial Evolution of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone: Storegga Slide, Norwegian Margin, by Woo-Yeol Jung and Peter R. Vogt, Search and Discovery Article #40108 (2004).
Sand Production Management: The Critical Challenge in Zawtika Gas Production, Tanawat Junmano, Lee Boo Soon, Anan Amornprabharwat, Sutasinee Kittisupalauk, and Rangsan Bhengbhun, #20351 (2016).
Wallace E. Pratt: An Amazing Figure of 20th Century American Life and a True Petroleum Geologist, Dana M. Jurick and G. R. Keller, #70266 (2017).
Applications of Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) for Chemical Stratigraphy: Horn River Basin, British Columbia, Canada, Darren P. Juss, Ronald J. Spencer, Thomas C. Weedmark, and Francois Marechal, #41288 (2014).
PS The Application of Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Biomarker Profiles to Infer the Organofacies of Source Rocks and Oils Using a Global Geochemistry Database, H.K. Justwan, J.M. Guthrie, K. Petersen, and D.P. Schmidt, #42460 (2019).
Ka-Kh Ki-Ko Kr-Kz
The Lower-Middle Devonian of Mackenzie River Corridor: Sequence-stratigraphic Updates from Core Studies, Pavel Kabanov, #51026 (2014).
New Integrated Workflows for Improved Pore Pressure Prediction and Seismic Imaging, Marek Kacewicz, Sankar Muhuri, and Weihong Fei, #41705 (2015).
An Integration of Fault Rock Properties through Time with Basin Modeling, Marek Kacewicz, Russell K. Davies, Michael Welch, and Rob J. Knipe, #40349 (2008).
Direct Evidence That Well-Ordered, Stoichiometric (Ideal) Dolomites are the Product of Recrystallization, Stephen E. Kaczmarek and Duncan F. Sibley, #50693 (2012).
Real-Time Monitoring and Evaluation of Actual vs. Simulated Torque and Drag in Deviated, Long Lateral, Open-Hole Gas Wells, Ahmad Kadura, Roberto Vega, Ahmad Atef Hashmi, Roberto Duran, Bilal Tariq, and Carlos Parra, #42216 (2018).
PS Characterization of a Seismic-Scale, Outcropping Channel-Levee Complex, Tres Pasos Formation,
Southern Chile, Sebastian A. Kaempfe, Brian W. Romans, Stephen M. Hubbard, Lisa Stright, Benjamin G. Daniels, and Sarah Southern, #51512 (2018).
Mineralogy and Diagenetic History of the Temblor Formation Sandstones, McKittrick Oil Field, California, Alyssa Beth Kaess, Robert A. Horton, Shruti Shertukde, and Monique Armijo, #20318 (2015).
Diagenetic Features in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Substrate Rheology and Potential Gas Release, Linda C. Kah, Katie Stack, Kirsten Siebach, John Grotzinger, Dawn Sumner, Alberto Fairen, Dorothy Oehler, Juergen Schieber, Richard Leveille, Lauren Edgar, Melissa Rice, and the Mars Science Laboratory Team, #51021 (2014).
Breakthrough Concept: Turning Hazards Into Resources, the Forgotten Play, Ruszaidi Kahar, Mimi Lina Isa, Suhaileen Shahar, and Yu Sheng Mou, #10507 (2013).
Paleoenvironmental Application of Calcareous Nannofossils, Alicia C. Kahn, #50189 (2009).
A Pilot Project: Passive Seismic Experiment for Reservoir Monitoring and Characterization at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Sanlinn I. Kaka and Abdulatif A. Al-Shuhail, #40718 (2011).
Methodologies for Storage Capacity Estimation and Site Selection for Geological Storage of CO2, John Kaldi, #80096 (2010).
Geosequestration of CO2: The View from Down Under, John Kaldi, #80064 (2009).
PS Modelling Wettability Alteration in Microporous Carbonate Rocks, Wissem Kallel, Rink van Dijke, Ken Sorbie, Rachel Wood, Zeyun Jiang, and Sophie Harland, #41428 (2014).
PS Use of Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Correlate Across Nonmarine Successions without Thick Coals in the Pennsylvanian of Southeastern Ohio, Kevin D. Kallini and Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch, #41038 (2012).
Is Canada Competitive? A Commercial Examination of Canadian Unconventional Plays, Stephen Kallir and Nathan Nemeth, #11124 (2018).
Squeezing More Information Out of 3D Seismic Data with a Match Filter and Possibly Squeezing More Oil Out of Oil Pools, Norm Kalmanovitch and John Townsley, #41562 (2015).
PS Crossflow Mitigation through Geomechanic Investigation in Mature Panda Field, West Java Basin, Indonesia, Belmesty Kamila, Ken Prabowo, Ary Wahyu Wibowo, Wisnu Hindadari, and Arief Wahidin, #20443 (2018).
Flow-Substrate Interaction at the Fringes of Deep-Marine Lobes: Skoorsteenberg Fm., Tanqua Karoo, Ian Kane, Anna S. Pontén, David M. Hodgson, and Brita Vangdal, #51146 (2015).
Inference on the Potential of Hydrocarbon Resources in the Gyeongsang Basin, South Korea, Based on Petroleum System Modeling, Moo-Hee Kang, Tae-Jin Jeong, and Ji-Hoon Kim, #10671 (2014).
Reservoir Potential of the Chinook Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) in the Alberta Deep Basin, Alberta, Canada, Juhee Kang, Bob Park, and Jim Davies, #10407 (2012).
Experimental Modeling of the Controls of Shapes and Flow Rates of Salt Diapirs, Pierre Karam and Shankar Mitra, #41707 (2015).
PS Structurally-Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomitization: A Case Study of the Cretaceous Qamchuqa Formation, Zagros Basin, Kurdistan Iraq, Kareem H. Kareem, Ihsan S. Al-Aasm, and Howri Mansurbeg, #51253 (2016).
Self-Consistency in Scaling Relations for Seismicity Induced during Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations, Sepideh Karimi, Adam Baig, Ted Urbancic, and Gisela Viegas, #41367 (2014).
PS Geochemical and Foraminiferal Responses to Anthropogenic Activities Along the Coastal Regions of Matagorda and Brazoria Counties, Texas, S. Mohsen Kariminia, Crystal Pletka, Khalifa Elderbak, Xiuju Liu, Chan Xiong, Themi Vodo, Paul Hojnacki, Benjamin Porter, James Greene, and Maria A. Lorente, #80604 (2017).
PS Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characteristics of the Desmoinesian Granite Wash (Marmaton Group), Southern Anadarko Basin, Alyssa M. Karis and Matthew J. Pranter, #10813 (2015).
PS Classifications of Syndepositional Systems and Tectonic Provinces of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, by John F. Karlo, and Robert C. Shoup, #30004 (2000).
Integrated Petroleum System Study of Dnieper-Donets Basin: What is the Depth Limit of Future Discoveries?, Ivan Karpenko, #30540 (2018).
Petrophysical Characterization of a Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir, Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE, by Suryanarayana Karri and Yousef Al Mehairi, #50152 (2008).
PS Repeatability Evaluation of Time-Lapse Technology Using Ultra-Stable Seismic Source, Junzo Kasahara, Khaled Al Damegh, Ghunaim Al-Anezi, Yoko Hasada, Kei Murase, Aya Kamimura, Osamu Fujimoto, and Hiroshi Ohnuma, #42078 (2017).
Time-Lapse Imaging of Heavy Oil Reservoirs at Shallow and Deep Using Ultra-Stable Seismic Sources, Junzo Kasahara, #41994 (2017).
Pore Structure of Opal-CT and Quartz Phase Porcelanites, Monterey Formation, California, Tesfalidet G. Kassa and Richard J. Behl, #51113 (2015).
PS Diagenetic History and its Effect on Reservoir Quality and Reservoir Characterization of Sandstone Sequences of Matulla Formation, October Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Ahmed Kassem, #20452 (2019).
Fracture Permeability in the Barnett Shale: Effects of Roughness, Fracture Offset, Proppant, and Effective Stress, Sarah M. Kassis, #80188 (2011).
The Rock-Solid Scientific Evidence for Anthropogenic Global Warming, James F. Kasting, #80728 (2020).
The Effect of Density Data in Gravity Interpretation at Endut Mountain in Jawa Barat Province, Indonesia, Achmad Andi Kaswandi, Mohammad Ahmad Alrashid, and Supriyanto Supriyanto, #40906 (2012).
PS The Porosity Evolution of Eocene Limestones in the Preapulian Zone, Zakynthos Island, Western Greece, by Marianna Kati and Peter A. Scholle, #50060 (2007).
PSSeal Mechanisms In Shallow Sediments: Implications For Shallow-Water Flow And Gas-Hydrate Hazards, by T.J. Katsube, K. O. Horkowitz, I.R. Jonasson, D. Piper and D. Issler, #40160 (2005).
Relay Ramp Deformation and Throw Patterns Applied to Mechanics-Based Interpretations of Normal Faults: The Hat Creek Fault as a Case Example, Simon A. Kattenhorn and Matthew W. Blakeslee, #120155 (2014).
2003 Report on the Status of Academic Geoscience Departments, by Barry Jay Katz, #100002, (2004).
Qualifying Source Rock Properties with Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics, Armin I. Kauerauf, Oliver C. Mullins, Kang Wang, and Oluwaseun A. Fadipe, #41815 (2016).
Integration of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction into Petroleum Systems Modeling, Armin Kauerauf, Thomas Hantschel, Daniel Xia, Yongchun Tang, and Ian Warburton, #120103 (2013).
Petroleum Assessment via Hierarchical Modeling, Gordon M. Kaufman, Jack Schuenemeyer, #40558 (2010).
Synthetic Seismic Validation of Reservoir Models of the Carbonate Gas Fields in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, Alexander David Kayes, #41087 (2012).
Post-Drill Pore Pressure Study for Infill Well Design to Uncover Deep Gas Potential Left Behind Primary Drilling Campaign (Gulf of Thailand), Evgeny Kaygorodtsev, Roscharin Charoensiri, Andee Marksamer, and Mayura Dangprasitthiporn, #42321 (2018).
The Technology of the Joint Inversion of Conventional Well Logs for Evaluation of Double Porosity Carbonate Formations, Elena Kazatchenko, M. Markov, A. Mousatov, and E. Pervago, #41942 (2016).
Thin-Layer Reservoir Prediction Method of Rifted Basin Based on Low-Resolution Seismic Data, Ke Weili, Zhang Guangya, Yu Yongjun, Liu Aixiang, Yang Cang, and Huang Tongfei, #42145 (2017).
Petroleum Exploration Potential of Abu Gabra Formation in Fula Sub-Basin, Muglad Basin, Sudan, Ke Weili, Zhang Guangya, Liu Aixiang, Zheng Yonglin, and Yu Yongjun, #10912 (2017).
AV Integrated Interpretation of the Dakota and Cedar Mountain Channel Complexes Play Using Seismic Attributes, Core and Well Logs—Uinta Basin, Utah, R. William Keach II, Lauren Birgenheier, William Hokanson, and Dave Baxter, #110122 (2010)
3 of 5 presentations at Session, Geophysical Integration: A Road Map to Exploration Success.
Monterey Formation as a Groundwater Resource, Jordan Kear, #80702 (2019).
The Mananda Anticline, Papua New Guinea: A Third Oil Discovery, Appraisal Programme and Deep Potential, Scott E. Keenan and Kevin C. Hill, #10803 (2015).
Selected Core from the Albert Formation (Mississippian), Moncton Basin, Southern New Brunswick, Dave Keighley and Clint St. Peter, #10729 (2015).
Spectral Gamma-Ray, XRD, and Organic Geochemistry of an Offshore Lacustrine Succession, Albert Formation, Moncton Basin, Southern New Brunswick, Dave Keighley, #10716 (2015).
PS Investigation of Potential Geochemical Reactions in Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide-Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR) Carbonate Reservoirs, Laura Keister, Matthew Place, Amber Conner, David Cole, Julia Sheets, Susan Welch, Kelly Lang, Megan Smith, and Susan Carroll, #80680 (2019).
EA Papua New Guinea as an Exploration Destination, Joe Keith, #11316 (2020).
Extension of the Mid-Continent Rift System into the Southern Mid-Continent Region: Possible Implications for Exploration and Natural Hazards, G. Randy Keller, Jonathon Buening, Miguel Merino, Seth Stein, Carol A. Stein, Austin Holland, and Ken Luza, #30450 (2016).
An Overview of the Structure and Evolution of the Ouachita Orogenic Belt from Mississippi to Mexico, G. Randy Keller, #30234 (2012).
GCGravity Data: Lot of Bang for Buck, by G. Randy Keller, #40178 (2005).
Deccan Volcanism and the KT Mass Extinction: A New Perspective on Global Effects of Volcanism, Gerta Keller, Thierry Adatte, Prodyut K. Bhowmick, Harinder Upadhyay, Alok Dave, Bomma C. Jaiprakash, and Addula N. Reddy, #30156 (2011).
Illinois Basin Channel Fills and Point Bars: 3D Models from Legacy Mapping, A.C. Kellie and T.B. Brackman, #41043 (2012).
Depositional History of the West Nile Delta - Upper Oligocene to Upper Pliocene, Axel Kellner, Hamsa El Khawaga, Gerhard Brink, Stiig Brink-Larsen, Maksoud Hesham, Hesham Abu El Saad, Alaa Atef, Helen Young, and Bruce Finlayson, #30092 (2009).
Cross-Strike Discontinuities (Transverse Zones): Lateral Variations within the Moine Thrust Zone, NW Scotland; the Cantabrian Arc, Northern Spain and Comparisons with Appalachian Transverse Structures, Michael J. Kelly, Stuart M. Clarke, Graham Leslie, and Graham Williams, #50596 (2012).
Microseismic Monitoring of a Multi-Stage Fracture in the Bakken Formation, SE Saskatchewan, Rob Kendall, #51061 (2015).
Multicomponent Time-Lapse Monitoring of Bitumen Recovery and Geomechanical Implications, Rob Kendall and Kurt Wikel, #41317 (2014).
PSAnalysis of Sequence Stratigraphic Models for the Jurassic Cretaceous Sedimentary Fill of the Intrashelf Basins of the Eastern Margin the Arabian Plate, Christopher G. Kendall, Phil Moore, Enrica Viiparelli, Thomas L. De Keyser, Abdulrahman Alsharhan and Cameron Kloot, #30326 (2014).
PS Reservoir Character of Carbonate/Evaporite Oil Fields of the Middle East, a Response to Depositional Setting and Accommodation Space, Christopher G. Kendall and Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan, #20197 (2013).
PSHolocene Cyanobacterial Mats and Lime Muds: Links to Middle East Carbonate Source Rock Potential, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Gene Shinn, and Xavier Janson, #30330 (2014).
Regional Stratigraphy of the Southern Tethyan Margin, Lithofacies, Sequence Stratigraphy, Source, Seal, and Reservoir Rocks, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan, and Lisa Marlow, #10273 (2010).
World Source Rock Potential through Geological Time: A Function of Basin Restriction, Nutrient Level, Sedimentation Rate, and Sea-Level Rise, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Jeffrey Chiarenzelli, and Hassan S. Hassan, #40472 (2009).
The Giant Oil Field Evaporite Association: A Function of the Wilson Cycle, Climate, Basin Position and Sea Level, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, L.J. (Jim) Weber, and Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan, #40471 (2009).
Salt Evacuation History and Depositional Corridors in the Annapolis and Crimson Region - Do These Wells Really Provide an Accurate Test of Sand Presence in Deepwater? Kris L. Kendell, Mark E. Deptuck, #40622 (2010).
EA Hydrocarbons Putting on a Show! – Development of a PNG Shows Database, Mervin Kendino, Amy-Yvette Kaumi, David-John Holland, Julianne Lamb, and Andrew Murray, #11320 (2020).
Seeing is Believing; the Importance of Trace Minerals to the Reservoir Properties of Shales Determined by Electron Imaging and Mineral Mapping, Martin J. Kennedy and Stefan Loehr, #42050 (2017).
Lithofacies Characterization and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Horn River Shale, Horn River Basin, British Columbia, Michael S. Kennedy, Tian Dong, and Nicholas B. Harris, #50906 (2013).
Fracture Visualization and Quantification Using Helical CT Scan Technology, Laura Kennedy, David James, and Barry Newton, #120151 (2014).
Natural Fracture Behavior Under Increasing Confining Pressure, Applying Helical CT Scanning Technology, Laura Kennedy and David James, #41240 (2013).
Mapping Rocky Mountain Fractures: GIS Methods for Resource Plays, Laura Kennedy, Eric Erslev, and Karen Aydinian, #41031 (2012).
Tectonic Deformation of a Lacustrine Mudstone at Soda Lake Geothermal Field Using OpendTect™ Visualization, Tyler Kent and John Louie, #120147 (2014).
Structures of Northern Iraq and Syria, and Their Implications for Interpretation of the Region’s Stratigraphy, W. Norman Kent, #40623 (2010).
Structural Evolution of the Northern Assam Basin: A Case for a Dynamic Hydrocarbon System Model, by W. Norman Kent, #10111 (2006).
Paleozoic Carbonates in Foreland Basin Settings: Northern Pricaspian Basin (Kazakhstan) and Cantabrian Zone (Spain), by Jeroen A. M. Kenter and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #30070 (2008).
Eustasy Recording Potential of an Isolated Devonian to Pennsylvanian Carbonate Platform in a Foreland Basin Setting (Tengiz, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan) (abstract); Paleozoic Carbonates in Foreland Basin Settings: Northern Pricaspian Basin (Kazakhstan) and Cantabrian Zone (Spain), by J.A.M. Kenter and P.M. Harris, #20047 (2008).
PSWODAD — A Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analog Database of Carbonate Platform Margins, by Jeroen A.M. Kenter and Paul (Mitch) Harris, #40308 (2008).
Web-based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): Archiving Carbonate Platform Margins, by J.A.M. Kenter and P.M. Harris #40300 (2008).
Facies and Reservoir Quality of the Tengiz Isolated Platform, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by J.A.M. Kenter, P.M. Harris, and J.F. Collins, #20048 (2008).
Microbial Boundstone Slope Shedding - A Model for Carbonate Platform Growth, by Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Giovanna Della Porta, #40296 (2008).
Microbial and Cement Boundstone-Dominated Flanks (and Reservoirs) of an Isolated Carbonate Platform, by Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Giovanna Della Porta, Dennis Fischer, and Jim Weber, #40297 (2008).
Digital Outcrop Models of Carbonate Platform and Ramp Systems: Analogs for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, by Jeroen Kenter, Mitch Harris, and Aurlien Pierre, #40351 (2008).
Digital Outcrop Models - Leading to New Insights into Characterization and Modeling of Carbonate Reservoirs, Jeroen Kenter, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Aurlien Pierre, Ted Playton, Gareth Jones, and Marge Levy, #40455 (2009).
PSLate Visean to Bashkirian Platform Cyclicity in the Central Tengiz Buildup (Pricaspian Basin): Depositional Evolution and Reservoir Development, by J.A.M. Kenter, P.M. Harris, L.J. Weber, J.F. Collins, M. Stalinski, G. Kuanysheva, and D.J. Fischer, #20051 (2008).
Assessment of Transport Properties Using High Resolution CT and NMR: An Example from the Central Tengiz Platform Reservoir, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Olga Vizika, Elisabeth Rosenberg, P.M. (Mitch) Harris, Mark Skalinski, and Matthew Buoniconti, #20049 (2008).
From Inversion Results to Reservoir Properties, M. Kemper and N. Huntbatch, #40869 (2012).
Ramp-to-Rim Transition in the Guads — Role of "Mixed System" and Inherited Topography, Charlie Kerans, #50667 (2012).
Shelf Physiography and Accommodation as Controls on Permian Grainstone Bodies, Charlie Kerans and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #50318 (2010).
Outer Shelf and Shelf Crest: Guide to the Permian Reef Geology Trail, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas, C. Kerans and P.M. Harris, #60034 (2009).
Devonian Reefal Platforms of the Canning Basin – Lessons Learned and Value as Analogs, by Charles Kerans and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris #40302 (2008).
Exploration and Production Trends and the Emergence of the National Oil Companies, by Jack L. Kerfoot, #70027 (2006).
Market Evidence of Reserve Adjustment Factors and Risk Adjusted Discount Rates in a North American Unconventional Play, Nicholas D. Kernan, #11360 (2022).
PS Identification of a Neoproterozoic Shelfal Suprasalt Carapace and Correlation to a Tapered Composite Halokinetic Sequence at Patawarta Diapir, Central Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Rachelle A. Kernen, Katherine A. Giles, Mark G. Rowan, and Thomas E. Hearon IV, #50467 (2011).
Hydraulic Fracturing - Using Geology and Planning to Avoid Environmental Impacts, James M. Kerr, Jr., Angus R. McGrath, Thomas M. Fendler, and Michael J. Teeling, #80323 (2013).
Analysis of Petroleum System for Exploration and Risk Reduction in Abu Madi/El Qar'a Gas Field, Nile Delta, Egypt, Said Keshta, Farouk I. Metwalli, and Al Arabi H.S., #20253 (2014).
Integrative Interpretation of Thermochronometric Data: Application to Inversion Tectonic Settings, Richard A. Ketcham, Andrés Mora, Ariel Almendral, Mauricio Parra, Wilson Casallas, and Wilmer Robles, #41233 (2013).
Use of Machine Learning to Estimate Sonic Data for Seismic Well Ties, Thanapong Ketmalee, #42471 (2019).
The Provenance of Heavy Minerals in the Mesozoic and Tertiary Formations, Venture B-13 Borehole, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada, by Y.A. Kettanah and G.D. Wach, #50041 (2006).
Derisking of Unconventional Gas and LTO Opportunities: Application of Basin Modelling, Matthias Keym, Olaf Podlaha, Volker Dieckmann, Olivier Meuric, Ozkan Huvaz, Elise Leenaarts, and Erdem Idiz, #120127 (2013).
Simultaneous Inversion of Clastic Zubair Reservoir: Case Study from Sabiriyah Field, North Kuwait, Osman Khaled, Yousef Al-Zuabi, and Hameed Shereef, #41447 (2014).
The Ordovician Glaciation in Saudi Arabia — Exploration Challenges Part 2: Geophysics, Ashraf Khalil, Geoffrey Pike, Pieter Van Mastrigt, and John Smale, #50176 (2009) (5.7 MB).
PS Coal Bed Methane Reservoir Simulation Study, Chawarwan Khan, Lei Ge, Victor Rudolph, and Tom Rufford, #80453 (2015).
Direct Reservoir Imaging: The Need for Innovative Advancement in Exploration and Production, Sofia Khan, #41510 (2014).
Prudent and Integrated Approach to Understanding Wellbore Stability in Canadian Foothills to Minimize Drilling Challenges and Non-Productive Time, Safdar Khan, Sajjad Ansari, and Nader Khosravi, #41283 (2014).
Reservoir Potential of Marwat and Khisor Trans Indus Ranges, Northwest Pakistan, Mudassar Z. Khan, Moin R. Khan, and Ali Raza, #30366 (2014).
Hydrocarbon Potential of Marwat and Khisor Trans Indus Ranges, Northwest Pakistan, Mudassar Khan, Moin Khan, and Ali Raza, #10441 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges in Fold and Thrust Belts-Bhittani Range, Trans Indus Range, Pakistan, Moin Raza Khan, Mudassar Z. Khan, and Ali Raza, #10842 (2016).
Mud Diapirism Induced Structuration and Implications for the Definition and Mapping of Hydrocarbon Traps in Makran Accretionary Prism, Pakistan, Moin Raza Khan, Abid Hussain, Muhammad Sajid, and Tahir Javed, #51216 (2016).
Enhanced Characterization of Heavy Oil Bearing Unconsolidated Clastic Reservoir of Kuwait by Integrating Dielectric Dispersion and Diffusion-Based NMR, Badruzzaman Khan, Khaled Sassi, Afrah Al-Ajmi, Mohammad Juzlam Hanafi, Lalitha Venkataramanan, and Sambhaji Devkar, #42224 (2018).
Reservoir Potential of Marwat and Khisor Trans Indus Ranges, Northwest Pakistan, Moin Raza Khan, Mudassar Z. Khan, and Ali Raza, #50781 (2013).
Indian Plate Collision in Pakistan and Myanmar and its Impact on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Moin R. Khan and Dietrich Bannert, #50565 (2012).
Effect of Mega-Shear Fractures / Strike Slip Faults on Entrapment Mechanism in Sulaiman Fold Belt, Pakistan, Moin Raza Khan, M. Amir Bhatti, Abid H. Baitu, and M. Zubair Sarwar, #30229 (2012).
PS Hydrocarbon Prospects of Balochistan Basin Revisited - Delineation of New Horizon for the Discovery of Hydrocarbons in Southwestern Part of Pakistan, Moin Raza Khan, Noushaba Hisam, Abid Hussain Baitu, Nayyer Alam Zaigham, #10385 (2012).
Detachment Tectonics and Its Implication for the Hydrocarbon Exploration In Western Kohat Foreland Basin, Northwest Himalayas, Pakistan, Mohammad Irfan Khan, Abdul Qayyum, Moin Raza Khan, and Sajjad Ahmad, #50542 (2012).
Structural Style, Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospects of the Bhittani Range, Northwest Himalayas, Pakistan, M. Irfan Khan, Sajjad Ahmad, and Amjad Ali Khan, #10274 (2010).
Back Analysis of Joslyn Steam Release Incident Using Coupling Reservoir Geomechanical Model, Alireza Khani, Nathan L. Deisman and Rick Chalaturnyk, #80550 (2016).
Bualuang Oilfield, Gulf of Thailand: A Successful Development Using Geosteered Horizontal Wells, Mohit Khanna, Nick Comrie-Smith, Mike Lawlor, and Manjeet Kaur Virdy, #20189 (2013).
Coniacian Douleb Carbonate Member at Jebel Khsham El Artsouma, Central Eastern Tunisia; Reservoir Characterization and Subsurface Analogue, Fares Khemiri, Abdelaziz Meskini, Abdallah Maazaoui, and Mohamed Soussi, #51042 (2014).
Neogene Sedimentary Fringe, West of Indo-Burma Ranges, in Western Myanmar: Some Evidences for Late Cenozoic Synorogenic Sedimentation in Himalayan-Bengal System, Kyi Khin and Takashi Sakai, #50771 (2012).
Influence of a Single Fracture and Its Aperture on Gas Production from a Tight Reservoir, Abdelaziz Khlaifat, Hani Qutob, and Hamid Arastoopour, #40732 (2011).
An Extended Finite Element Method Based Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing, Arman Khodabakhshnejad and Fred Aminzadeh, #120187 (2015).
PS Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Estimation and Generation Potential of the Ordovician Maquoketa Shale, Illinois Basin – Using a Modification of the ΔlogR Technique, Mansour Khosravi and Donna C. Willette, #11154 (2018).
PS Evaluation of Hybrid Prediction Models for Accurate Rate of Penetration (ROP) Prediction in Drilling Operations, Abdelhakim Khouissat, Dr. Mohamed Riad Youcefi, Ghoulem Ifrene, and Doina Irofti, #42586 (2023).
Ki-Ko Back to K
PS Challenges in Reservoir Characterization and Original Oil-in-Place Estimation in the Presence of Very Fine Bedding: An Example from a Mixed Clastic-Carbonate Reservoir from Block 0, Offshore Angola, Daniel M. Kiala, Steve Jenkins, Antonio M. Ingles, Yahya Fitor, and Julia Correia, #20073 (2009).
Fundamentals of 3D Seismic Volume Imaging, Gerald D. Kidd, #120169 (2014).
Delineation of a Diagenetic Trap Using P-Wave and Converted-Wave Seismic Data in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, California, by Robert Kidney, John Arestad, Anne Grau, Robert Sterling, #20012 (2003).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deepwater Slope, Offshore Nova Scotia Canada, by Arthur G. Kidston, Dave E. Brown, Brenton M. Smith, Brian Altheim, #10063 (2004).
EA It All Begins in The Field and Ends in The Field: How We Leverage Our 90-Year Legacy to Successfully Explore In PNG, Joshua Kidu, Mervin Kendino, Pedro A Restrepo-Pace, and Luke Mahoney, #42534 (2020).
PS Complex Structural, Lithological and Subtle Gas Traps, Upper Rotliegend, Polish Permian Basin, Hubert Kiersnowski, Krzysztof Wolanski, Krzysztof Kwolek, Wojciech Zarudzki, and Pawel Zwolinski, #11134 (2018).
Reservoir Modelling of a Bioclastic Calcarenite Complex on Favignana, Southern Italy: The Application of Multi-point Statistics, Robert Kil and Andrea Moscariello, #50548 (2012).
PS Mapping Lower Austin Chalk Primary and Secondary Porosity Using Modern 3-D Seismic and Well Log Methods in Zavala County, Texas, David Kilcoyne and Christopher L. Liner, #11139 (2018).
Climate System Modeling 2007: From a Global to a Regional Perspective, by Tim Killeen, #70061 (2009).
Processing Well Log Data Using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Diffusion Equation, Sangmyung D. Kim, Seok Jung Kwon, and Kwang Min Jeon, #120188 (2015).
PS Characterization of Organic Matter in Shale from the Gyeongsang Basin, Korea, Ji-Hoon Kim, Jiyoung Choi, Sung Kyoug Hong, and Moohee Kang, #10670 (2014).
Geological Modeling with Seismic Inversion for Deepwater Turbidite Fields Offshore Northwestern Myanmar, Dongil (David) Kim, Su-Yeong Yang, and Jaewoo Kim, #40877 (2012).
Decoupling Allogenic Forcing from Autogenic Processes: Clastic and Carbonate Experimental Stratigraphy, Wonsuck Kim, Andrew Petter, Bruce W. Fouke, Terrence M. Quinn, Charles Kerans, Fred Taylor, David Mohrig, and Chris Paola #50319 (2010).
The State of Aquifer Exemptions, Jeff Kimber and Matt Van Grinsven, #80633 (2018).
Geology of the Mount Stephen Trilobite Beds and Adjacent Strata. Field, B.C., Yoho National Park - Exploration Ramifications from New Insights on a 130-Year-Old Discovery, V A. Kimmel, #30506 (2017).
PS Modified Method and Interpretation of Source Rock Pyrolysis for an Unconventional World, Robert R. King, #41704 (2015).
PS Belize - Onshore Stratigraphy and Renewed Onshore Petroleum Exploration Activity North of the 17th Parallel, David T. King, Jr. and Lucille Petruny, #10416 (2012).
The Effects of the Chicxulub Impact Found in the Subsurface of Northern Louisiana, Gary L. Kinsland, #51587 (2019).
PS LIDAR and Gravity Data Combined to Establish Cross-Cutting Relationships of Features on the Surface of the Prairie Allogroup near Lafayette, Louisiana, Gary L. Kinsland, Shawn Kushiyama, and Christoph Borst, #41091 (2012).
PS Interpretation, Visualization and Presentation of Digital Well-Log Data in 3D Virtual Reality Space, Gary L. Kinsland, Christoph Borst, and Nathan Bryant, #40617 (2010).
EA Porosity Determination from Mechanical Measurements in Carbonates Affected by Severe Drilling Fluid Invasion, Peter Kirkham, #42560 (2020).
PS Statistical Comparison of Hydrocarbon Gas Composition and Isotopic Ratios from Multiple Sampling Methods, Benjamin T. Kirkland, #70298 (2017).
A Look Back at the Prospect Generation of Cedar Hills-East and Lookout Butte Fields Williston Basin (The First Economic Resource Play), and Codell Resource Play North Denver Basin, Steve Kirkwood, #20382 (2017).
PS Constraining Burial History and Fluid Pressures Through Combined Structural, Clumped-Isotope, and Fluid-Inclusion Analyses, David L. Kirschner, Ben Luetkemeyer, Katherine Huntington, and Mark Evans, #42192 (2018).
Probabilistic Reservoir Characterization via Seismic Elastic Inversion in East Andaman Basin, Mahendra Kishore, Pritam Jha, Dino Ros, and Alfonso Iunio Marini, #40881 (2012).
History of Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Black Sea Mega-Basin: From Greek Fire to Sakarya Discovery, Alexander Kitchka, #11385 (2024).
PS Fedir Lysenko and Discovery of the Dnipro-Donets Petroleum Super-Basin: The Lost Name of the Pioneer, Alexander Kitchka, Hanna Liventseva, and Viktor Ohar, #70413 (2024).
Remotely Sensed Data Application for Hydrocarbon Exploration Offshore Ukraine, Alexander Kitchka, #40712 (2011).
New Method of Mapping Sub-Volcanic Geology Using Magnetic Data, Irena Kivior, Stephen Markham, Leslie Mellon, Francis Vaughan, and David Boyd, #42219 (2018).
Mapping Sub-Surface Geology from Magnetic Data in the Hides Area, Western Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea, Irena Kivior, Stephen Markham, and Leslie Mellon, #30438 (2016).
Application of Marine Magnetic and Gravity Data in Mapping Basement and Sedimentary Horizons in the Rovuma Basin, Mozambique, Irena Kivior, Sandeep Kumnar Chandola, Lee Poh Kin, S. F. B. M. Zohdi, S. Damte, and Stephen L. Markham, #41051 (2012).
Regional Mapping of Basement and Sedimentary Interfaces in the Deep Waters of the Andaman Sea Basin using Marine Magnetic and Gravity Data, Irena Kivior, Sandeep Kumar Chandola, Lee Beng Chong, Eng Boong Keong, Aisyah Bt M Nordin, Stephen Markham, and Fasil Hagos, #41050 (2012).
Unconventional Potential of the Interior Basins of Turkey, Central Anatolia, Recep Kizilkoca, Adem Gencer, and Kemaleddin Tokatli, #80435 (2015).
The Fluvial Analogue Escanilla Formation, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees: Revisited, by Audun V. Kjemperud, Edwin Schomacker, Atle Brendsdal, Lars-Magnus Fält, Jens S. Jahren, Johan Petter Nystuen, and Cai Puigdefàbregas, #30027 (2004).
Real-Time Pore Pressure Gradients: An Example from the Pattani Basin, Isara Klahan and Watanyu Nopsuri, #41075 (2012).
Wellbore to Outcrop Correlation and Sequence Stratigraphic Evaluation of the Late Cretaceous Lower Ferron Sandstone in East Central Utah, U.S.A., Tore Klausen and John A. Howell, #50559 (2012).
PS Curious Case of Lack of Strata Assignable to the Pterospathodus celloni Superzone (Telychian, Llandovery, Silurian) in the Eastern Portion of the Midwestern Basins and Arches Region (New York, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana), Mark A. Kleffner and Stig M. Bergström, #51675 (2020).
Some Geological Aspects of Long- and Short-Term Climate Change Relevant to Pacific Tropical Islands, George Devries Klein, #70217 (2016).
Sequence and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Bossier Play (Tithonian), Western East Texas Basin, by George D. Klein and Kenneth R. Chaivre, #10045 (2003).
A Reappraisal of the Mesozoic/Cenozoic Tectonics and Sedimentary Basins of Peru, George Devries Klein, Fernando J. Zúñiga y Rivero, Hugh Hay-Roe, and Estuardo Alvarez-Calderon, #10332 (2011).
PS Evolution and Origin of Two Large Mud Diapirs within the Wilkins Peak Member of the Green River Formation, Jason Klimek and Samuel Hudson, #51467 (2018).
Advances in Reservoir Quality Assessment of Tight-Gas Sands - Links to Producibility, by Robert Klimentidis and Joann E. Welton, #40395 (2009).
Remediation Exit Strategy - Defining When to Turn Off an Engineered System, Leslie A. Klinchuch, and Jim Kang, #80383 (2014).
Must Geologists Have High Spatial Ability to be Successful in Visual Penetration?, Dale Klopfer, Charles Onasch, Guy Zimmerman, Laura Marie Leventhal, Justin Gilkey, Brandi A. Klein, and Samuel D. Jaffee, #120158 (2014).
The Gobe Field, PNG: Influence of Basement Architecture on Fold and Thrust Belt Structural Style, Armelle Kloppenburg and Kevin C. Hill, #20339 (2016).
EA Evidence for Microseepage in CO2-EOR Monitoring and Verification, Ronald W. Klusman, #80717 (2020).
EA Gas Microseepage as a Source of Seasonal Methane Variation in Martian Atmosphere, Ronald W. Klusman, #80716 (2020).
Monitoring, Verification and Accounting (MVA) Applied to CO2-EOR Projects, Ronald W. Klusman, #41223 (2013).
Surface and Near-surface Geochemical Detection of Gas Microseepage from CO2 Sequestration and CO2-EOR Projects, Ronald W. Klusman, #80110 (2010).
Mapping Residual Phase Saturations in Carbonate Core Material at Multiple Scales, Mark Knackstedt, Tim Senden, and Anna Carnerup, #120069 (2012).
Carbonate Petrophysical Parameters Derived from 3d Images, by Mark Knackstedt, Mahyar Madadi, Christoph Arns, Gregor Baechle, Gregor Eberli, and Ralf Weger, #40393 (2009).
Subsurface Structure and Stratigraphy of a Transient, Fault-Controlled Thermogenic Hydrate System at MC-118, Gulf of Mexico, James H. Knapp, Camelia C. Knapp, Leonardo Macelloni, Antonello Simonetti, and Carol Lutken, #50356 (2010).
PSAnalysis of Low Permeability Intervals in a Heavy-Oil Braided Stream Deposit Using a Combination of Core and Log Analysis, Kern River field, California, by Larry C. Knauer, Robert Horton, and Allen Britton, #50004 (2003).
Bioturbation and Reservoir Quality: Towards a Genetic Approach, Dirk Knaust, #50900 (2013).
Submarine Levees: Form, Process and Reservoir Prediction, Benjamin C. Kneller, #50707 (2012).
Increasing Geological Accuracy in Reservoir Models through Process-Oriented Modeling, Rex Knepp, #50215 (2009).
Identification of Natural Fractures from Conventional Wireline Logs, Cody Knepper, #40833 (2011).
GCBorehole Imagery Resolves Channel Trend, by Connie Dodge Knight, #40095 (2003).
Tephrochronology of the Monterey and Modelo Formations, Jeffrey R. Knott, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki, and John A. Barron, #42578 (2022).
"Budding" Positive Flower Structure along the Northern Death Valley Fault Zone, Death Valley, California, Jeffrey Knott, Mike Machette, Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki, Joseph Liddicoat, Ralph Klinger, Elmira Wan, Dave Wahl, Alan Deino, Veva Ebbs, Jeff Hathaway, Jim Palomino, and Steve Okubo, #30236 (2012).
LiDAR and Its Use in the Identification of Faults, Fractures and Subsurface Structures in Drift Covered Areas, Chuck Knox, #41723 (2015).
Characterization and Modeling of a CO2 Huff ‘n’ Puff to Predict and Verify EOR Production and CO2 Storage, Damion J. Knudsen, Charles D. Gorecki, Jordan M. Bremer, Yevhen I. Holubnyak, Blaise A. Mibeck, Darren D. Schmidt, Steven A. Smith, James A. Sorensen, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju, #80097 (2010).
EA Study of Relative Active Tectonic Features on Kaladan - Mrauk U Fault, Rakhine Coastal Region, Sandy Chit Ko, Soe Thura Tun, Kyaing Sein, and Ohn Thein, #30604 (2019).
Structural Observations along the Salin-Pyay Pleistocene Strike-Slip Deformation Belt, U Ko Ko, #10845 (2016).
How Depositional Environment, Diagenesis, and Thermal Maturity Affect the Evolution and Significance of Organic and Mineral Pore Systems in Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Current Understanding and Future Research, Lucy Ting-Wei Ko, Robert G. Loucks, Kitty L. Milliken, Tongwei Zhang, Paul C. Hackley, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Patrick Smith, #80705 (2019).
Origin and Characterization of Eagle Ford Pore Networks in the South Texas Upper Cretaceous Shelf, Lucy Tingwei Ko, Robert G. Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel, Tongwei Zhang, and Sheng Peng, #51281 (2016).
PS Pore Evolution in the Barnett, Eagle Ford (Boquillas), and Woodford Mudrocks Based on Gold-Tube Pyrolysis Thermal Maturation, Lucy (Ting-Wei) Ko, Tongwei Zhang, Robert G. Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Deyong Shao, #51228 (2016).
Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: EPA Rulemaking, Bruce J. Kobelski, Molly Bayer, and Sean Porse, #80108 (2010).
Palaeogeographic Mapping and Depositional Trends of the Patchawarra Formation, Cooper Basin, Sam J. Kobelt, Brenton Schoemaker, and Peter McCabe, #51244 (2016).
PS Understanding the Pennsylvanian-Age Granite Wash Play Fairway through Log and Core Data: Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, USA, Jesse Koch, Thomas P. Bulling, Kristy Whitaker, Kim Koepke, and Sara Maloney, #11005 (2017). (27 MB - Downloading recommended.)
Porosity-Conservative, Burial-Related Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality: Upper Jurassic Hadriya Reservoir, Berri Field, Saudi Arabia, Richard B. Koepnick, #20208 (2013).
Stress vs. Strain Understandings and Misconceptions in their Application to Hydraulic Fracturing, Randy Koepsell, #80261 (2012).
Miocene Carbonate Microfacies Distribution of Tendehantu Formation, Mangkalihat Peninsula: Approach of Reservoir Potential using Outcrop Analogue, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Khalid Al-Ramadan, and Dave L. Cantrell, #50853 (2013).
PS Late Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) to Early Permian (Leonardian) Conodont Biostratigraphy of the "Wolfcamp Shale", Northern Midland Basin, Texas, Jennifer L. Kohn, James E. Barrick, Greg Wahlman, and Robert Baumgardner, #51297 (2016).
Testing Landfill Coverture Leaks Using Surface Geochemical Techniques San Justo, Entre, Argentina, P. Kokot, H. A. Ostera, and G. Garbán, #80723 (2020).
PSDiagenesis of the Upper Three Forks Formation – The North Dakota Perspective, Ketki Kolte and Sven Egenhoff, #50997 (2014).
Water Influx Predictions in Reservoirs with Aquifer Drive Using the Two-Phase Reservoir Integral Type Pseudo-Pressure with Applicability in Gas Hydrate Reservoirs, Melvin Kome and Mohd Amro, #42006 (2017).
PS Petrophysical Characterization of 3D Printed Rock and Its Substitution in the Validation Experiment, Lingyun Kong, Mehdi Ostadhassan, Chunxiao Li, and Lei Gong, #42303 (2018).
PS Geomorphology Classification and Architecture Characterization of Braided River Reservoir: A Case Study From Guantao Upper Formation of Gudong Oil Field, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Lingyun Kong, Zhangyou Xu, Mehdi Ostadhassan, and Chunxiao Li, #51375 (2017).
Coal Seam Gas Content Controlling Factors and its Trends in Eastern Surat Basin, Australia, Xiangwen Kong, #10862 (2016).
PS Establishing the Base of Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDW) using Geophysical Logs and Chemical Reports in the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California, David Kong and Janice Gillespie, #80468 (2015).
Chasing the Faults within a Permian Carbonate Using Wide Azimuth Seismic Data - A Thailand Case Study, V. W. T. Kong, M. Lawlor, and C. E. Hinz, #41016 (2012).
Resolution Improvement Study and Application of 3D Surface Seismic Data using Borehole Seismic Data, Qingfeng Kong, #40961 (2012).
Angola's Oil Industry – Celebrating a Century of Progress in Exploration and Production, Tako Koning, #70192 (2015).
Global Accumulations of Oil and Gas in Fractured and Weathered Basement: Best Practices for Exploration and Production, Tako Koning, #20281 (2014).
Angola's Oil Industry – A Century of Progress in Exploration and Production, Tako Koning, #70174 (2014).
Fractured & Weathered Basement Reservoirs: Best Practices for Exploration & Production - Examples from USA, Venezuela, and Brazil, Tako Koning, #41250 (2013).
Best Practices for Exploring and Producing Oil and Gas from Fractured and Weathered Basement: Examples from Asia, Tako Koning, #20181 (2012).
PS The East Georges Bank Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia: An Undrilled Basin with Significant Oil and Gas Potential, Tako Koning, #10299 (2011).
ePS Primary Controls on Organic Carbon Content in UK Upper Mississippian Gas Shales, Sven F. Könitzer, Sarah J. Davies, Michael H. Stephenson, Melanie J. Leng, Sarah E. Gabbott, Lucia Angiolini, Joe H.S. Macquaker, Christopher H. Vane, David Millward, and Ian A. Kane, #80175 (2011).
Relations for Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry of Sinuous Channels in Submarine and Subaerial Settings, Kory M. Konsoer, Jessica A. Zinger, and Gary Parker, #50723 (2012).
The Next 100 Years of Global Energy: Part II Global Population, Energy Demand, and Future Technology, Steven E. Koonin, #70269 (2017).
PS CO2 Injection Monitoring using an Experimental Modular Borehole Monitoring (MBM) System, George J. Koperna, Robert Trautz, Thomas M. Daley, Barry M. Freifeld, and Kevin Dodds, #80305 (2013).
PS Development, Calibration, and Applications of C7 Source, Maturity, and Transformation Parameters, Alan S. Kornacki, #42498 (2020).
PS Evidence of Several Charges of Migrated Gas in Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford, and Buda Reservoirs on the San Marcos Arch, Alan S. Kornacki and Kate S. Weissenburger, #80715 (2020).
PS Production of Migrated Oil from Horizontal Wells Landed in the Eagle Ford on the San Marcos Arch, Alan S. Kornacki, #80664 (2019).
PS Using Statistical Techniques to Identify End Members for Allocating Commingled Oil Samples Produced from Unconventional Reservoirs, Alan S. Kornacki, David K. Baskin, and Mark McCaffrey, #80663 (2019).
PS Nature and Origin of Dry Natural Gas in the Middle Indus Basin, Pakistan, Alan S. Kornacki, Nazir Ahmad, and Sajid Sharif, #10935 (2017).
Evidence Some Oil Accumulations in the Woodford Formation and the Meramec Formation Received an Additional Charge of Very Dry Thermal Gas, Alan S. Kornacki and Jeremy E. Dahl, #41879 (2016).
PS Using SARA Data to Reduce Uncertainty about the Type of Petroleum Fluid in the Woodford Formation and the Meramec Formation in the Anadarko Basin and the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, Alan S. Kornacki and Doran B. Eddins, #41845 (2016).
Monitoring the Active Migration and Biodegradation of Natural Gas in the Trinity Group Aquifer at the Silverado Development in Southern Parker County, Texas, Alan S. Kornacki and Mark McCaffrey, #80395 (2014).
PS Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Sediment Transport of the Miocene Stevens Sandstone: Characterizing Turbidite Channel and Fan Complexes of the San Joaquin Basin, California, Mark Korte-Nahabedian and David Kimbrough, #51566 (2019).
Reefs and Rivers: Sequence Stratigraphy of Reciprocal Carbonate/Siliciclastic Successions, Eduard Kosa and Brendan Lutz, #51633 (2020).
Wings, Mushrooms and Christmas Trees: Insights from Carbonate Seismic Geomorphology into the Evolution of Central Luconia, E. Kosa, #50783 (2013).
PS Hyperspectral Imaging of the Leonardian Third Bone Spring Shale, Whiting Collier 1201 Core, Eastern Delaware Basin: Application and Results, Tobi Kosanke, Robert G. Loucks, Toti Larson, James Greene, and Paul Linton, #51597 (2019).
Continuous Mineral Mapping of Core Using Hyperspectral Imaging: Example from the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk Marathon 1 Robert Todd Core, Central Louisiana, Tobi Kosanke, Robert G. Loucks, Toti Larson, James Greene, and Paul Linton, #42414 (2019).
PS Where Are the Hydrocarbons? Siliclastic versus Carbonate Micropores in the Middle Member of the Bakken Formation, T. Kosanke, S. Egenhoff, J. Greene, X. Liu, B. Porter, and N. Fishman, #51499 (2018).
PS Hyperspectral Imaging Technology Development and Application; Implications for Thin-Bedded Reservoir Characterization, Tobi Kosanke, Stephanie E. Perry, and Ruben Lopez, #42119 (2017).
Pore Characterization and Geologic Controls on Matrix Permeability of the Eagle Ford Shale, Tobi Kosanke, #51412 (2017).
The Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) Signature, Offshore Western Greece, V. Kosmidou, G. Makrodimitras, and N. Papatheodorou, #30537 (2017).
AV 3-D Geometry and Kinematic Evolution of Deep Water Toe Thrust Anticlines, by O. Kostenko and S. Naruk, #110101 (2009)
5 of 6 presentations from Session, "Seismic Structural Interpretation — . . . ," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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The Hydrocarbon Potential of Albania, Maxim Kotenev, #10710 (2015).
PS Lacustrine Turbidites in Rift Basins: Genesis, Morphology, and Petroleum Potential – A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Vachaspati Kothari, Shubhodip Konar, B. N. S. Naidu, Ashesh Desai, V. R. Sunder, Stephen Goodlad, Pinakadhar Mohapatra, and Kaushal Pander, #10872 (2016).
Discovery and Petroleum System of Barmer Basin, India, Vachaspati Kothari, Bodapati Naidu, V. R. Sunder, John Dolson, Stuart D. Burley, Nicholas P. Whiteley, P. Mohapatra, and B. Ananthakrishnan, #110202 (2015).
Direct Seismic Indicators of Gas Hydrates in the Walker Ridge and Green Canyon Areas, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, W. Wei-Huu Kou, #80112 (2010).
Wellbore Stability: Special Considerations for the Marcellus Shale, Julie Kowan and See Hong Ong, #80533 (2016).
Emergence of New Data Types in Unconventional Plays, Jess B. Kozman and Kenneth Bowdon, #40671 (2010).
Adapting Oil and Gas Data Strategies for CO2 Sequestration, Jess B. Kozman and Kandy Lukats, #80098 (2010).
Kr-Kz Back to K
Climate Risk and the Fossil Fuel Industry, Jim Krane, #80595 (2017).
Calibration of Igneous Systems and Basin Prospectivity using 2D Seismic and Potential Field Interpretations, Andrew Krassay, Karen Connors, Lynn Pryer, and Cedric Jorand, #10479 (2013).
Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Exploration of a Multiple Overprinted Caledonian Continental Collision Zone in the German Baltic Sea, Jürgen Kraus, Cornelius Rott, and Alula Damte, #11064 (2018).
Fold-Thrust Interactions in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Revisited – A New Kinematic Model and its Implications for Other Shallow Fold-Thrust Belts, Jürgen Kraus and Paul F. Williams, #30470 (2016).
Rapid Paleoenvironmental Change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), Bighorn Basin, WY, by Mary J. Kraus, Daniel Woody, Jon Smith, and Stephen Hasiotis, #50160 (2009).
PS Investigation of 4D Seismic Tuning and Spectral Responses to CO2-EOR for Enhanced Characterization and Monitoring of a Thin Carbonate Reservoir, Austin W. Krehel, Abdelmoneam E. Raef, Richard D. Miller, and Matthew W. Totten, #80597 (2017).
PS Characterization of Kinderhookian and Osagean Strata of Northeast Oklahoma, Drew M. Kreman, Doy L. Zachry, Xiangyang Xie, Ralph K. Davis, Shane Matson, and Charles Wickstrom, #50514 (2012).
Petroleum Systems of Romania, Csaba Krézsek, #10349 (2011).
Reducing Uncertainty in Subsalt Interpretation: A Non-Seismic View from Integration, Markus H. Krieger and Oliver Geisler, #40508 (2010).
Downhole Gravity Gradiometry: A New Technique for Prospect and Reservoir Modeling?, Markus H. Krieger, Peter L. Smilde, Oliver K. Geisler, Stefan Hossfeld, #40545 (2010).
Reassessment of Exploration Risks in Taranaki Basin Related to Gondwana Margin Evolution and Establishment of an Active Plate Boundary in New Zealand Using Integrative 3-D Basin Modelling, Karsten F. Kroeger, Rob Funnell, Malcolm J. Arnot, Suzanne Bull, Matt G. Hill, and Hai Zhu, #10834 (2016).
4D Taranaki in New Zealand: Understanding a Petroleum System from Regional to Prospect Scale, Karsten F. Kroeger and Rob Funnell, #120115 (2013).
The Emerging Deepwater Province of Northwest Egypt, Peter Krois, Katie Hannke, Bernhard Novotny, Tarek Bayoumi, Hussein Hussein, Gabor Tari, #10241 (2010).
Biomarkers in the Upper Devonian Lower Huron Shale as Indicators of Biological Source of Organic Matter, Depositional Environment, and Thermal Maturity, John Kroon and James W. Castle, #20117 (2011).
Pleistocene Connection and Holocene Separation of the Caspian and Black Seas: Data from the Modern Kura Delta, Azerbaijan, Salomon B. Kroonenberg, E. Aliyeva, M. De Batist, R.M. Hoogendoorn, D. Huseynov, R. Huseynov, N.S. Kasimov, M. Lychagin, T. Missiaen, L. de Molv, S. Popescu, and J.-P. Suc, #50393 (2011).
AVGas Transport and Sorption Processes in Coals and Shales: New Insights and Concepts from Laboratory Experiments, by Bernhard M. Krooss, Alexandra Amann, Yves Gensterblum, Fengshuang Han, Ralf Littke, and Philipp Weniger, #110127 (2010)
3 of 7 presentations from Session, Genesis of Shale Gas--Physicochemical and Geochemical Constraints Affecting Methane Adsorption and Desorption
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Sorption and Desorption Processes of Methane and Carbon Dioxide on Coals and Shales - Experiments and Theory, by Bernhard M. Krooss, Andreas Busch, Yves Gensterblum, and Dirk Prinz, #40376 (2009).
Dynamics of Tear Faults in the Salt-Detached Systems of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Scot W. Krueger, #50346 (2010).
Influence of Proterozoic Heritage on Development of Rift Segments in the Equatorial Atlantic, A. Krueger, I. Norton, E. Casey, R. D. Matos, and M. Murphy, #30577 (2018).
The Brazilian Equatorial Margin: A Snapshot in Time of an Oblique Rifted Margin, Ana Krueger, Mike Murphy, Kevin Burke and Ed Gilbert, #30325 (2014).
Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belts: Not All the Beasts Are Equal, Ana Krueger and Ed Gilbert, #30085 (2009).
Pitfalls of "Structural Styles" Analysis in Frontier Basins, Ana Krueger, Ed Gilbert, and Mike Murphy, #30183 (2011).
Evolution of Fault-Related Folds in the Contractional Toe of the Deepwater Niger Delta, by Scot W. Krueger and Neil T. Grant #40201 (2006).
PS Strike Variability within a Wave-influuenced Delta, the Gallup Sandstone, Shiprock, New Mexico, Ryan Krueger, Michael LoParco, and Janok Bhattacharya, #50359 (2010).
PS Low Field NMR Evidence of Geo-Polymeric Behavior of Organic Matter in Shale and the Implications on Recovery, Robert L. Krumm and James J. Howard, #80640 (2018).
ePS Pattern Recognition in a Digital Age: A Gameboard Approach to Determining Petrophysical Parameters, Daniel A. Krygowski and Robert M. Cluff, #40929 (2012).
PS "3-D Close-the-Loop" Modeling of the Grosmont Reservoir, Nikita Krylov, Gregor Baechle, Gottfried Tiller, Fahad Al Hadhrami, and Maria Balzarini, #41661 (2015).
Transgressive Reworking of Deltaic Headlands and the Formation of Isolated Shelf Sandstone Reservoirs, Lee F. Krystinik, #50625 (2012).
The Birth of the Modern Oil Industry in the Northern Carpathians, Piotr Krzywiec, #70332 (2018).
Specifics of Geological Development of Caspian Block Structure, B.M. Kuandykov, O.S. Obryadchikov, and K.M. Taskinbayev, #10309 (2011).
Organic Porosity Study: Porosity Development within Organic Matter of the Lower Silurian and Ordovician Source Rocks of the Poland Shale Gas Trend, Vitaly Kuchinskiy, #10522 (2013).
Source Rock Evaluation Technique: A Probabilistic Approach for Determining Hydrocarbon Generation Potential and In-Place Volume for Shale Plays, Vitaly Kuchinskiy, Keith Gentry, and Ron Hill, #41045 (2012).
PS Integrated Magnetic Studies at Southwestern Edge of the East European Platform, Ukraine, Roman Kuderavets, Oleksandr Menshov, and Igor Chobotok, #42505 (2020).
Sedimentary Structure Distribution and Modification on the Continental Shelf: Relative Roles of River Input, Sediment Transport and Oceanographic Setting, Steven E. Kuehl, Lila E. Rose, and Tara A. Kniskern, #40630 (2010).
Application of Satellite-based Analog Studies to Resolving Reservoir Complexity in the North Malay Basin, Natapol Kuenphan, Kwanjai Kaenmee, Yutthorn Gonecome, and Robert Shoup, #40575 (2010).
Application of Satellite-based Analog Studies to Resolving Reservoir Complexity in the North Malay Basin, Natapol Kuenphan, Kwanjai Kaenmee, Yutthorn Gonecome, and Robert Shoup, #50256 (2010).
Source Rock Kinetics - An Often Neglected Variable in Petroleum System Analysis, Philipp P. Kuhn, Matthias Keym, Olaf Podlaha, and Rolando di Primio, #120129 (2013).
PS Assessment of Storage and Productivity Potential of a Frontier Unconventional Shale Oil Play, Lower Barmer Hill Formation, Barmer Basin, India, Utpalendu Kuila, Sandipan Dutta, B.N.S. Naidu, V.R. Sunder, Dennis Beliveau, John Dolson, Arpita Mandal, Soumen Dasgupta, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #11241 (2019).
New Frontiers in Salt Research, Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. Urai, and Frank Strozyk, #80706 (2019).
Pressure Generation and Deflation Mechanisms in Deeply Buried Intra-Salt Reservoirs of the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian South Oman Salt Basin, Peter A. Kukla, Lars Reuning, Stephan Becker, Janos L. Urai, and Johannes Schoenherr, #41112 (2012).
An Integrated, Multi-scale Approach to Salt Dynamics and Internal Dynamics of Salt Structures, Peter Kukla, Janos Urai, John Warren, Lars Reuning, Stephan Becker, Johannes Schoenherr, Markus Mohr, Heijn van Gent, Steffen Abe, Shiyuan Li, Guillaume Desbois, Zsolt Schléder, and Martin de Keijzer, #40703 (2011).
PS Micromorphological, Stable Isotope, NMR, Geomicrobial and Crystallographic Analysis of Quaternary Calcrete Formation, Puerto Rico, Katherine B. Kuklewicz, Luis A. Gonzalez, Jennifer A. Roberts, and Chi Zhang, #51408 (2017).
An Updated Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Strata in the Alberta Deep Basin: Minnes, Monteith or Nikanassin?, Ross B. Kukulski, M. Keegan Rains, Brett D. Miles and Stephen M. Hubbard, #10589 (2014)
PS A Parametric Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential in Depleted Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoirs, Burak Kulga and Turgay Ertekin, #80628 (2018).
PS Numerical Validation of Stimulated Reservoir Volume Approach in Shale Reservoirs by Using a Compositional, Dual-porosity, Dual-permeability, Multiphase Reservoir Simulator, Burak Kulga and Turgay Ertekin, #70329 (2018).
Insights Into the Tectonic Stress History and Regional 4-D Natural Fracture Distribution in the Australian Cooper Basin Using Etchecopar's Calcite Twin Stress Inversion Technique, 2-D/3-D Seismic Interpretation and Natural Fracture Data From Image Logs and Core, David Kulikowski, Khalid Amrouch, Khalda Hamed Mohammed Al Barwani, Wei Liu, and Dennis Cooke, #41752 (2015).
PS Depositional Environments of Organic-Rich Calcareous Shale in the Western Anticosti Basin: the Upper Ordovician Macasty Formation, Quebec, Canada, Atul Kulkarni, Keiko Hattori, and André Desrochers, #10571 (2014).
PS Geostatistical Modelling of Hydrothermal Dolomite by PluriGaussian Simulation from Digital Outcrop Dataset(Latemar, N-Italy), Nadya Kulyukina, Olivier Dubrule, and Carl Jacquemyn, #41844 (2016).
Uncertainty and Risk Analysis of 3D Geological Model for Syn Rift HP-HT Reservoir of Krishna–Godavari Basin, India, Amit Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Raman Kumar Singh, and Ankur Mundbra, #11186 (2019).
PS Real-time Wellbore Stability Analysis: An Observation from Cavings at Shale Shakers, D. Kumar, S. Ansari, S. Wang, J. YiMing, S. Ahmed, M. Povstyanova, and B. Tichelaar, #41095 (2012).
Reducing Drilling Risks in J bend Wells Targeting Basement in Tectonic Area through Geomechanical Solutions, Rajeev Kumar and Rahul Talreja, #42308 (2018).
Overpressure Mechanisms in Deep Drilling in Western Offshore India, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar and Dhiresh Govind Rao, #41074 (2012).
Basement configuration and structural style in OIL’s operational areas of Upper Assam, T. Satish Kumar, B.R. Bharali, and A.K. Verma, #50739 (2012).
Looming Crisis for Humanity not Oil but Water: The Indian Example, Naresh Kumar, #80736 (2022).
Meeting the Nation's Natural Gas Needs: Industry and Government Cooperation Needed, by Naresh Kumar, #10035 (2006).
Integration of Laboratory Measurements and Well Log Data for Reservoir Characterization of Carbonate Field, India: A Case Study, Ajay Kumar, Mohit Khanna, Prasanna Tellapaneni, Rajesh Kumar Singh, and Arpana Sarkar, #20106 (2011).
Challenges Associated with Drilling Hydrostatic/Subhydrostatic Reservoir: Fluid Engineering Aspect, Ajay Kumar, Ratan Singh, V. N. Rai, and Vinod Sharma, #40744 (2011).
Fracture Characterization and its Significance in Production from Unconventional Fractured Deccan Trap Reservoir, Padra Field, Cambay Basin, India, Sushil Kumar, D. Mohan, A. Ahmed, and B.S. Dhannawat, #20136 (2012).
Ramgarh Magnetic Anomaly in the Chambal Valley Sector of Vindhyan Basin: A Possible Meteorite Impact Structure and its Implications in Hydrocarbon Exploration, Jitendra Kumar, M.S. Negi, Rajesh Sharma, D. Saha, Sanjive Mayor, and Manoj Asthana, #80145 (2011).
Geochemical Prospecting of Hydrocarbons in Frontier Basins of India, by B. Kumar, D.J. Patil, G. Kalpana, and C. Vishnu Vardhan, #10073 (2004).
AV The Carbon Cycle on Fossil Fuels, by Lee Kump, #110113 (2009)
2 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
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EA Line of Sight Exploration Managing Uncertainties for Exploration Success – Concepts, Challenges and Implementation, Balakrishnan Kunjan, #70400 (2020).
Leveraging a Legacy Sample and Data Collection for Carbon Storage Resource Assessment, Mojisola A. KunleDare and Peter P. McLaughlin, #42240 (2018).
PSThe "Buckyball Effect": Framework Grain Stabilization and Secondary Porosity Preservation in the Cambrian Galesville Sandstone, Illinois Basin, by Mojisola A. KunleDare, #50043 (2007).
PS Architecture of Deep Water Lacustrine Fans Fed by Multidirectional Clinoforms in Dacian Basin, Romania, Takonporn Kunpitaktakun, Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel, Rattanaporn Fong-Ngern, and Csaba Krezsek, #42060 (2017).
Implications of Long-Term Reactivation of Faults Normal to Rift Axis for Coarse-grained Clastic Systems and Structural Segmentation in the Niigata Basin, Japan, H. Kurita, T. Toyoshimai, and Y. Ishikawa, #30259 (2012).
PS Pre-Messinian Tight Reservoir Characterization – Western Nile Delta, Egypt, Trisakti Kurniawan, Hasnor Farhana Hasnan, M Adni B Wahab, Wahyu Prasetyotomo, Christian Brinzer, and Alessandro Mannini, #11317 (2020).
Future of Tunu Field Development: A Breakthrough of Gas Sand Identification Using Automated Seismic Assessment, Firman B. Kurniawan, Rangga A. Brahmantio, Argo Wuryanto, Yudhistira Adji, Eros S. Erriyantoro, and Pujo Rahmanto, #42144 (2017).
PS Thermobaric Conditions in Zones of Oil and Gas Accumulations of the Southern Oil- and Gas-Bearing Region of Ukraine, Ihor Kurovets, Petro Chepil, Oleksandr Prykhodko, and Ihor Hrytsyk, #40714 (2011).
PS Source Rocks of the Cooper Basin, Tehani J. Kuske, Lisa Hall, Tony Hill, Alison Troup, Dianne Edwards, Chris Boreham, and Tamara Buckler, #10829 (2016).
Heat Flow in the Caspian – Black Sea Region and its Tectonic Implications, R. I. Kutas, #50400 (2011).
AV Summary of a Workshop on U.S. Natural Gas Demand, Supply and Technology: Looking Towards the Future, by Vello A. Kuuskraa, Advanced Resources International, Inc., representing the recent National Research Council Report on Natural Gas, #110013 (2004) .
(6 of 6 presentations at DEG/SEPM/EMD Forum: The Future of Global Energy: Technical, Environmental, Economics, and Policy Issues AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004).
Facies Variability Within a Single, Deep-Water Basin-Floor, Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Fan (Upper Wolfcamp Fm., Permian, Delaware Basin, New Mexico), Erik Kvale, Christopher Bowie, Christopher Mace, Buddy Price, and Jarret Borell, #51608 (2019).
Carbonate-Dominated Hybrid Sediment Gravity Flows Within the Upper Wolfcamp, Delaware Basin, USA: Vectors for Transmitting Terrestrial Organics Into a Deep Marine Basin, Erik P. Kvale, Chris Flenthrope, and Chris Mace, #10956 (2017).
Regional Upwelling During Late Devonian Woodford Deposition in Oklahoma and Its Influence on Hydrocarbon Production and Well Completion, Erik P. Kvale and Jamar Bynum, #80410 (2014).
Non-Equilibrium Nature of Hydrates in Sediments and Consequences for Choices of Ways to Produce Hydrates Safely and Economically Feasible, Bjorn Kvamme, #80693 (2019).
A Retrospective on Source Rocks as Reservoir Rocks, Keith Kvenvolden, #70295 (2017).
PS 3-D Structural Evolution and Analysis of Complex Mesozoic Grabens in Guinevere Field UK Southern North Sea, Aji Kyari and Chris Elders, #50651 (2012).
La Le Li Lo Lu-Ly
Linking Channel-Margin Bed Thickness to Hydrodynamics in the Tidally Influenced Fraser River, British Columbia, Andrew La Croix, Shahin Dashtgard, and James MacEachern, #50879 (2013).
Integrated Fault Mapping in Gulf of Suez Rift Zone, Andreas Laake and Mohamed Sheneshen, #50587 (2012).
PS Exploring Underground Hydrogen Storage Options in North Dakota: A Review, Aimen Laalam and Dr. Olusegun Stanley Tomomewo, #80738 (2023).
A Re-Evaluation of the Late Pliocene - Pleistocene Behavior of the Scoresby Sund Sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet, J. S. Laberg, M. Fwick, K. Husum, and T. Nielsen, #30309 (2013).
Fracture Development in Salt Dome Caprock, Hardin County, Texas, by Alfred Lacazette, Andrew R. Thomas, and Dennis Kuhfal, #50058 (2007).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, A Bench, Wattenberg Field, Denver Julesburg Basin, Colorado, Lisa E. Remington LaChance and Mark C. Robinson, #20176 (2012).
Shale Reservoir Production Results: Everything Matters, But Some Things Matter More Than Others, Randy LaFollette, #80254 (2012).
Key considerations for Hydraulic Fracturing of Gas Shales, Randy LaFollette, #80100 (2010).
PS Abnormal Abundance of Wood Fragments in Sandstone Reservoirs Linked to Volcanic Activity (?): Managing Induced Biases in Log Response and Quantitative Interpretation – Illustration from the Plover Formation of the Ichthys Field (NW Shelf of Australia), Fracois Lafont, Christine Duval, and Maria Barriuso De La Pena, #20405 (2017).
PS Facies Architecture and Controls on Reservoir Behavior in the Turonian Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Nathan La Fontaine, Michael Hofmann, Tuan T. Le, and Todd Hoffman, #51528 (2018).
PS Quantifying Architectural Controls on Reservoir Behavior in the Turonian Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Nathan La Fontaine and Michael Hofmann, #51418 (2017).
Observations on Fluid/Fracture Pressure Coupling Ratios, Richard Lahann and Richard Swarbrick, #70366 (2018).
State of Stress in the Illinois Basin and Constraints on Inducing Failure, R. W. Lahann, J. A. Rupp, and C. R. Medina, #10889 (2016).
PS A Regional Lithostratigraphic Model of the Eau Claire Formation (Cambrian): How Much Shale is in the Confining Unit?, R. Lahann, C. Medina, J. Rupp, T. Lovell, B. Bowen, D. Barnes, J. Hickman, R. Bandy, and J. Sminchak, #41040 (2012).
PS Diagenesis of Microbial Carbonates: A Case History from the Norian of the Italian Peninsula, Fabio Laiena, Marta Gasparrini, Youri Hamon, Alessandro Iannace, and Fadi H. Nader, #50553 (2012).
State A Marker Oil Production within the Williston Basin of Southeast Saskatchewan (Mississippian, Frobisher Beds), John Lake and Donald Kent, #10728 (2015).
Highstand Stacked Tidal Flat / Standing Water Evaporite Cycles of the Midale Evaporite in Southeast Saskatchewan, Mississippian Williston Basin, J. H. Lake and D. M. Kent, #10715 (2015).
Data Analytics for Greenfield Production Forecasting - A Case Study of Antelope Shale, Manish Lal and Tae Kim, #42319 (2018).
Challenges and Values of Formation Testing in Tight Sand in Monterey Formation Using Modular Dynamic Tester (MDT), Manish K. Lal, Viet Hoang Tran, and Larry E. Drennan, #80463 (2015).
Mapping of Reservoir Facies within Heterogeneously Deposited and Structurally Deformed Strata in Tripura Frontal Fold Belt of Assam and Assam Arakan Basin: Application of Sequence Stratigraphy, 3D Seismic Attributes and Inversion, Hari Lal, N.P. Singh, and A.K. Tandon, #30252 (2012).
Dynamic Time Warping for Stochastic Stratigraphic Well Correlation, Florent Lallier, Guillaume Caumon, Jean Borgomano, Sophie Viseur, and Christophe Antoine, #40473 (2009).
Relationships between Fracture Patterns, Geodynamics and Mechanical Stratigraphy in Carbonates (South-East Basin, France), Juliette Lamarche, Arthur P. C. Lavenu, Bertrand D. M. Gauthier, and Yves Guglielmi, #120071 (2012).
Downhole Geochemical Analysis of Gas Content And Critical Desorption Pressure for Carbonaceous Reservoirs, by Robert A. Lamarre, #40217 (2006).
PSUnder-Saturation in Coals: How Does It Happen and Why Is It Important, by Robert A. Lamarre, #40195 (2006).
Backwater and River plume Controls on Scour Upstream of River Mouths: Morphodynamic Implications, Michael P. Lamb, Phairot Chatanantavet, Jeffrey Nittrouer, David Mohrig, and John Shaw, #50711 (2012).
Connecting Hyperpycnal Flow Deposits to River Flood Dynamics, Michael Lamb, Brandon McElroy, David Mohrig, John Shaw, Bryant Kopriva, Steff Lazo-Herencia, and Jim Buttles, #40637 (2010).
Characterization of Karst and Fault-Fracture Networks and their Impact on Thermal EOR in a Tight Carbonate Reservoir, Awali Field, Bahrain, Mark R. Lambert, Abdulnaser Abousetta, Rabab Al Saffar, Ali Khalifa, Ali Shehab, and Ali Mohamed, #20427 (2018).
Marginal Marine Mudstones in the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand: Implications for Stratigraphic Development, Reservoir Characterization and Correlation Potential, Joseph J. Lambiase, Jittikan Narapan, and Patcharaporn Champasa, #51366 (2017).
Transgressive Events in the Lower and Middle Miocene of the Gulf of Thailand: Implications for Reservoir Characterization, Joseph J. Lambiase, #51266 (2016).
The Modern Mahakam Delta: An Analogue for Transgressive-Phase Deltaic Sandstone Reservoirs on Low Energy Coastlines, Joseph J. Lambiase and Salahuddin Husein, #51108 (2015).
Sediment Supply Systems of the Champion "Delta" of NW Borneo: Implications for the Distribution and Reservoir Quality of Associated Deepwater Sandstones, Joseph Lambiase and Andrew Cullen, #50775 (2012).
Transgressive Successions of the Mahakam Delta Province, Indonesia, Joseph J. Lambiase, David Remus, and Salahuddin Husein, #50257 (2010).
Leached Secondary Porosity by Meteoric Water in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation of the Ordos Basin, China, Yefang Lan, Sijing Huang, Xiuqin Deng, Keke Huang, Dangxing Cheng, and Changrong Pei, #10505 (2013).
A Model for Fibrous Illite Nucleation and Growth In Sandstones, by Robert H. Lander and Linda M. Bonnell, #50110 (2008)
Assisted History-Matching for Fractured Reservoirs Characterization and Recovery Optimization using Connectivity Analysis, Arnaud Lange and Alexandre De Lima, #120072 (2012).
Workflow and Analysis Tools for the Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs, Arnaud G. Lange, Andre Fourno, Matthieu Delorme, Nina Khvoenkova, and Catherine Ponsot-Jacquin, #40424 (2009) (5.9 MB).
AV Preliminary Results from Wolfcamp Spacing Pilots and Microseismic in Southwestern Martin County, Texas, Michael Langeler, #110210 (2015).
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The Application of Geology in the Founding of Alberta's Petroleum Industry, Willem Langenberg, #70221 (2016).
LiDAR, GIS and Down-Plunge Cross Sections: Examples from the Livingstone Thrust Sheet and the Morcles Nappe, Willem Langenberg, #41284 (2014).
PSTectonic and Geomorphic Controls on Cyclic Lacustrine and Fluvial Deposition, Richard Langford, Katherine Giles, and Xiaowey Li, #41433 (2014).
Interactions Between Rift Tectonism and Sedimentation, Cretaceous Chihuahua Trough, R. Langford, Terry Pavlis, and Pawan Budhathoki, #50338 (2010).
Architecture of Reservoirs Confined by Early Diagenesis in Paleosols from Sequence Boundaries in Permian Eolianites, by Richard P. Langford, David M. Tatum, Pierre Depret, Katy Duncan, Krystal Pearson, and Luqman Adams, #50111 (2008)
PS Structural Trap Modification Associated with Foreland Lithospheric Flexure, Laurent Langhi, N. Bozkurt Ciftci, and David Dewhurst, #40780 (2011).
Effect of Non-Hydrostatic Pore Pressure from the Depth to the Base of the Hydrate Stability Zone, by Robert W. Lankston, #40327 (2008)
GCEssentials of Streamer Marine 3-D Surveys, by Malcolm Lansley, #40140 (2004).
Interpretation of a 3-D 9-Component Survey Over Ismay Algal Mounds, Paradox Basin, Colorado, by Paul La Pointe, Robert Benson, Rich Van Dok, James Gaiser, and Claudia Rebne, #40206 (2006).
Hydrothermal Karst Process-Like Modelling of Palaeozoic Complex Mound Reservoir from Kazakhstan, Philippe Lapointe and Richard Labourdette, #50588 (2012).
PS Near Field Exploration: Detailed Reservoir Characterization and Facies Distribution of Upper Badenian Channel-Levee-Overbank Systems in the Vienna Basin, Austria, Linda Lerchbaumer, Wolfgang Siedl, and Philipp Strauss, #51456 (2018).
PS Potential to Generate Oil Prone Coal Source Rocks in Arctic Environments, D. J. Large, C. Marshall, W. Meredith, C. E. Snape, and B. F. Spiro, #40806 (2011).
Integration of High-Resolution Well Data to Reservoir Models in a Multiuser E&P Collaboration Environment, Stefania Gerbaudo Laronga and Gary Murphy, #42279 (2018).
PS A New Tool for High-Resolution Sedimentological Imaging of Deepwater Clastic Reservoirs, R. Laronga, G. R. Kear, A. Kumar, P. Vessereau, R. Bloemenkamp, and T. Zhang, #41230 (2013).
Surface Geochemical Exploration Using Bacterial and Plant Bioindicators, Northern Neuquen Basin, Argentina, Fernando Larriestra, Claudio N. Larriestra, Daniel Lanussol, and Nicolás Davies, #41194 (2013).
Unravelling Paradigms in Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina: The Construction of Geochemical Wellbore Images by Geostatistical Integration of Geochemistry and Conventional Log Data with Wellbore Resistivity Images, Claudio Larriestra, Roberto Merino, and Veronica Larriestra, #41643 (2015).
The K/Rb Ratio and Its Geological and Petrophysical Implications: A Test Case of the San Jorge Gulf Basin, Argentina, Fernando Larriestra, Maria Eugenia Covo, Ricardo Cuneo, Ariel Benso, Adrian Corbellieri, and Claudio N. Larriestra, #41644 (2015).
Soft Inorganic Geochemistry: A New Concept for Unconventional Resources Modeling, Claudio Larriestra, #80311 (2013).
High Resolution Non-Destructive Chemostratigraphy of Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina: New Evidence of Black Shale Sedimentary Features, Claudio Larriestra and Roberto Merino, #41310 (2014).
Combined Geochemical Methods for the Surface Exploration of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Fernando Larriestra, Claudio Larriestra, Daniel Lanussol, and Santiago Gastald, #50724 (2012).
Multiple-Point Simulation Applied to Uncertainty Analysis of Reservoirs Related to High Sinuosity Fluvial Systems: Mina El Carmen Formation, San Jorge Gulf Basin, Argentina, Claudio N. Larriestra and Hugo Gomez, #40515 (2010).
PS Geochemical Anomalies Characterization by Microbial and Trace Elements Analysis Related to Hydrocarbon Migration, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Fernando Larriestra, Francisco Ferrer, Claudio Larriestra, and Daniel Lanussol, #40667 (2010).
A Modified Method of Microbial Analysis for Oil Exploration and its Application on Five Basins of Southern and Western Argentina, Fernando Larriestra, Máximo Vecchio, Francisco Ferrer, and Claudio Larriestra, #40672 (2010).
Correlating Versus Inverting Vibroseis Records: Recovering What You Put into the Ground, Glen Larsen, Paul Hewitt, and Art Siewert, #41577 (2015).
Characterization of Five Unconventional Diatomaceous (Opal-A) Reservoirs, Monterey Formation, San Joaquin Valley, Dave Larue, Chris Hager, Tom Merrifield, Gena Evola, David Crane, and Phil Yorgensen, #11090 (2018).
In the Deep Subsurface of the San Joaquin Valley, are the Monterey, Kreyenhagen and Moreno Formations Continuous Oil Accumulations Analogous to the Bakken Formation?, Dave Larue, Mark Mercer, and Mark Smithard, #11089 (2018).
Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Reservoir Development: The Middle Silurian Racine Formation in the Sangamon Arch, West-Central Illinois, Yaghoob Lasemi, #50694 (2012).
Possible Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Formation of Middle and Upper Devonian Carbonate Concretions, Appalachian Basin, Gary Lash, #51193 (2015).
Authigenic Barite Nodules and Carbonate Concretions in the Upper Devonian Shale Succession of Western New York – a Record of Variable Biogenic Methane Flux During Burial, Gary G. Lash, #51034 (2014).
Early History of the Natural Gas Industry, Fredonia, New York, Gary G. Lash, and Eileen P. Lash, #70168 (2014).
Vigorous Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in the Upper Devonian Succession, Western New York; Possible Evidence for Devonian Gas Hydrates, Gary G. Lash and Randy Blood, #41201 (2013).
Barite Mobilization in the Upper Devonian Succession of Western New York – Evidence for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation and Methanogenesis during Quasi-Steady State Buria, Gary G. Lash and Randy Blood, #50744 (2012).
Molybdenum, Uranium, and Chloride Abundances in the Marcellus Shale — Significance to Basin Hydrography and Organic Matter Preservation, Gary Lash and Randy Blood, #41044 (2012).
PSInfluence of Basin Dynamics on Upper Devonian Black Shale Deposition, Western New York State and Northwest Pennsylvania, by Gary G. Lash , #30050 (2007).
PSThe Upper Devonian Rhinestreet Shale, Western New York State: from Seal to Fractured Reservoir, by Gary G. Lash, #10112 (2006).
The Upper Devonian Rhinestreet Shale: An Unconventional Fractured Reservoir in Western New York State, by Gary G. Lash, #10108 (2006).
Chemostratigraphic Trends of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin: Preliminary Observations, Gary G. Lash and Randy Blood, #80198 (2011).
Sequence Stratigraphy as Expressed by Shale Source Rock and Reservoir Characteristics – Examples from the Devonian Succession, Appalachian Basin, Gary Lash and Randy Blood, #80168 (2011).
Sequence Stratigraphy and its Bearing on Reservoir Characteristics of Shale Successions – Examples from the Appalachian Basin, Gary G. Lash and Randy Blood, #40708 (2011).
PSOrigin of Early Overpressure in the Upper Devonian Catskill Delta Complex, Western New York State, by Gary G. Lash and David R. Blood, #30049 (2007).
PS Thickness Trends and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin: Evidence of the Influence of Basement Structures on Sedimentation Patterns, Gary G. Lash and Terry Engelder, #50337 (2010).
PS The Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale - a Record of Eustacy and Basin Dynamics, Gary G. Lash and Terry Engelder, #30104 (2009).
PS Gas Production Composition Determined With Direct Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (DQMS) While Drilling, Scott Lashbrook and Bruce Warren, #40836 (2011).
Steady-State Permeability Analysis in Unconventional Plays, Pat Lasswell, #80404 (2014).
AVRecent Exploration Performance – Evidence of a Downturn?, by Andrew Latham, #110015 (2005).
2 of 2 presentations at AAPG Forum: Recent Discoveries, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
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PS Machine Learning Application for Shear Velocity Prediction in Ahnet Basin, Algeria, Abdeldjalil Latrach, Nassim Bouabdallah, and Aimene Aihar, #42584 (2023).
Record Drilling Research Wells in the Karoo Basin, H. Lauferts, R. Homrighausen, and E. Crous, #70286 (2017).
GCSpectral Decomposition for Seismic Stratigraphic Patterns, by Kenny Laughlin, Paul Garossino, and Greg Partyka, #40096 (2003).
Geochemical Characterization of Post-Mature Gases from Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation, Northern Appalachian Basin, USA – Insights into Deep Basin Hydrocarbon Generation, Alteration, and Productivity, Christopher D. Laughrey, #80384 (2014).
AVBlack Shale Diagenesis: Insights from Integrated High-Definition Analyses of Post-Mature Marcellus Formation Rocks, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Christopher D. Laughrey, Tim E. Roble, Herman Lemmens, Jaime Kostelnik, Alan R. Butcher, Greg Walker, and Wayne Knowles, #110150 (2011).
5 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
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Energy Minerals in Near-Earth Asteroids, Dante S. Lauretta, #80054 (2009).
Asteroid Sample Return and the Path to Exploration of Near-Earth Space, by Dante S. Lauretta, #70044 (2008)
The CA-IDTIMS Method and the Calibration of Endemic Australian Palynostratigraphy to the Geological Timescale, John R. Laurie, Simon Bodorkos, Tegan E. Smith, Jim Crowley, and Robert S. Nicoll, #51207 (2015).
Quantification of Fracture Attributes from Terrestrial Laser Scanning – Improving Input Parameters for Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Modelling, Dennis Laux, and Andreas Henk, #41490 (2014).
Relating Background Fractures to Diagenesis and Rock Physical Properties in a Platform-Slope Transect, Example of Maiella Mountain (Central Italy), Arthur P.C. Lavenu, Juliette Lamarche, Roland Salardon, Arnaud Gallois, and Bertrand D.M. Gauthier, #120073 (2012).
Multidisciplinary Approach to Niobrara Gas Development in an Overlooked High Temp, High Pressure Reservoir: A Southeast Piceance Case Study, Barrett A. Lavergne, Keith Jagiello, Steve Sturm, and Salar Nabavian #42573 (2022).
Multiple Scenarios from Diverse Thermal Indicators: Contrasting Organic- Versus Mineral-Based Methods for a Frontier Intracratonic Basin in the Canadian Arctic, Denis Lavoie, Omid Haeri Ardakani, Nicolas Pinet, Julito Reyes, and Ryan Dhillon, #11164 (2018).
Upper Ordovician Reefs in the Hudson Bay Basin – Potential for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Denis Lavoie, Ariane Castagner, Mastaneh Haghnazar-Liseroudi, Omid Haeri Ardakani, and André Desrochers, #11018 (2017).
Geomechanical Properties of the Upper Ordovician Macasty Shale and its Caprock, Anticosti Island: A Regional Evaluation for a Promising Tight Oil Play, Denis Lavoie and Stephan Séjourné, #80542 (2016).
The Paleozoic Hudson Bay Basin in Northern Canada: New Insights Into Hydrocarbon Potential of the Last North-America Conventional Frontier Basin, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Jim Dietrich, and Zhuoheng Chen, #10817 (2015).
Baseline Geological and Geochemical Near Surface Data – The Case of the Utica Shale in Southern Quebec, Denis Lavoie, Christine Rivard, Geneviève Bordeleau, Andy Mort, Jean-Christophe Aznar, and Michel Malo, #51087 (2015).
Hydrocarbon Systems in the Frontier Paleozoic Basins of Eastern Canada – Recent Data and Synthesis, Denis Lavoie, #10721 (2015).
Mapping the Basement – Assessing the Potential for Hydrothermal Dolomitization in the Paleozoic of Eastern Canada, Denis Lavoie and Nicolas Pinet, #30397 (2015).
Synthesis of Hydrocarbon Systems and Conceptual Plays for the Intracratonic Hudson Bay Basin, Arctic Canada, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Mathieu Duchesne, Virginia Brake, Esther Asselin, Shunxin Zhang, Jim Dietrich, Kezhen Hu, Jennifer Galloway, Julito Reyes, Derek Armstrong, Michelle Nicolas, Pierre Keating, Vincent Decker, and Barry Kohn, #10602 (2014).
Upper Ordovician Shale Gas and Oil in Quebec: Sedimentological, Geochemical and Thermal Frameworks, Denis Lavoie and Robert Thériaul, #80368 (2014).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Paleozoic Basins of Eastern Canada: An Assessment of Conventional Resources, Denis Lavoie, Jim Dietrich, Nicolas Pinet, Peter Hannigan, Sébastien Castonguay, Peter Giles, and Tony Hamblin, #10579 (2014).
New Geoscience Data for the Hudson Platform: Opening-up the Last North American Intracratonic Basin to Oil Exploration, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Mathieu Duchesne, Shunxin Zhang, Jim Dietrich, Kezhen Hu, Virginia Brake, Esther Asselin, Jennifer Galloway, Vincent Decker, Julito Reyes, Barry Khon, Derek Armstrong, Michelle Nicolas, and Rudolf Bertrand, #10577 (2014).
Pioneering Development Efforts of the Ordovician-aged Utica/Macasty Shale Plays: Quebec Sedimentary Basins, Eastern Canada, Jean-Yves Lavoie, Jean-Sébastien Marcil, Luc Massé, Peter K. Dorrins, Jérémie Lavoie, Nabila Mechti, and Bertrand Marcotte, #10543 (2013).
The Final North America Conventional Oil Frontier: The Intracratonic Hudson Bay Basin in the Canadian Arctic, D. Lavoie, N. Pinet, M. Duchesne, S. Zhang, K. Hu, J. Dietrich, V. Brake, E. Asselin, J. Galloway, J. Reyes, R. Bertrand, D. Armstrong, M. Nicolas, P. Keating, V. Decker, and B. Kohn, #10519 (2013).
Hydrocarbon Resources in the Upper Ordovician Black Shales in Quebec (Eastern Canada): From Gas/Condensate in the Utica to Oil in the Macasty, Denis Lavoie, Zhuoheng Chen, Robert Thériault, Stephan Séjourné, René Lefebvre, and Xavier Malet, #50856 (2013).
The Great American Bank in Eastern Canada: A Synthesis, Denis Lavoie, André Desrochers, George Dix, Ian Knight, and Osman Salad Hersi, #30281 (2013).
Shale Gas and Oil in Canada: Current Development and Exploration Targets in a North America Context, Denis Lavoie, #80275 (2012).
Lower Paleozoic Shale Gas and Shale Oil Potential in Eastern Canada: Geological Settings and Characteristics of the Upper Ordovician Shales, Denis Lavoie, #80242 (2012).
The Hudson Bay Intracratonic Basin in Northern Canada: New Hydrocarbon System Data for an Oil-Prospective Frontier, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Mathieu Duchesne, Esther Asselin, Kezhen Hu, Jim Dietrich, Shunxin Zhang, Julito Reyes, Barry Kohn, Paul Budkewitsch, Rudolf Bertrand, Derek Armstrong, and Michelle Nicolas, #10431 (2012).
The Upper Ordovician Utica and Lorraine Shales in Southern Quebec: A Regional Overview, Denis Lavoie, #80165 (2011).
PS Understanding Hydrothermal Dolostone through Combined New Stable Isotope (δMg) Analyses with Conventional Field, Petrographic and Isotopic Data, Denis Lavoie, Simon Jackson, and Isabelle Girard, #50521 (2011).
Magnesium Isotopes in Dolomites – Results for the Paleozoic of Eastern Canada and Significance for Exploration Models, Denis Lavoie, Simon Jackson, and Isabelle Girard, #40786 (2011).
Geological Setting and Petroleum Potential of the Paleozoic Hudson Platform, Northern Canada, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Shunxin Zhang, Mathieu Duchesne, Virginia Brake, Jim Dietrich, Esther Asselin, Derek Armstrong, Michelle Nicolas, Patrick Lajeunesse, Jonathan Roger, and Gabriel Huot-Vézina, #10327 (2011).
Massive Dolomitization of a Pinnacle Reef in the Lowermost Devonian West Point Formation (Qubec, Canada): An Extreme Case of Hydrothermal Dolomitization through Fault-Controlled Circulation of Magmatic Fluids, Denis Lavoie, Gouxiang Chi, Misty Urbatsch, and Bill Davis, #50259 (2010) (11mb).
PS Mg Isotopes in Hydrothermal Saddle Dolomites; Current Data for Paleozoic Dolomites of Eastern Canada and Implications for Mg Source, Denis Lavoie, Simon Jackson, and Isabelle Girard, #50350 (2010).
PS Resource Assessment of Oil and Gas Plays in the Paleozoic Basins of Eastern Canada Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Jim Dietrich, Peter Hannigan, Sébastien Castonguay, Tony Hamblin, Peter Giles, #10240 (2010).
Cambrian-Ordovician Deep Marine Channel-Fill Successions in Eastern Canada: Outcrop Analogues to Deep Marine Offshore Fields Western Africa, Denis Lavoie, Pamela A. Reynolds, and Donald K. Sickafoose, #50191 (2009).
PS Resource Assessment of Oil and Gas Plays in Paleozoic Basins of Eastern Canada, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Jim Dietrich, Peter Hannigan, Peter Giles, Sbastien Castonguay and Tony Hamblin, #10217 (2009).
PS Paleozoic Hydrothermal Dolomites in Eastern Canada: Multiple New Targets for Oil and Gas Exploration, by Denis Lavoie and Guoxiang Chi, #10168 (2008).
Hydrothermal Dolomitization in Paleozoic Carbonates - Enhanced Fluid Flow and Foreland Basin Processes, Denis Lavoie and Guoxiang Chi, #50049 (2007).
Lower-Middle Paleozoic Basins in Eastern Canada: A Largely Under-Explored and Under-Evaluated Potential, Denis Lavoie, #10086 (2005).
AV Northern Mozambique: True "Wildcat" Exploration in East Africa, by Carol Law, #110157 (2011).
4 of 4 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention
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AVSource and Reservoir Rock Attributes of Mesoproterozoic Shale, Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia, by Ben Law, T. Ahlbrandt, and D. Hoyer, #110130 (2010)
6 of 7 presentations from Session, Genesis of Shale Gas--Physicochemical and Geochemical Constraints Affecting Methane Adsorption and Desorption
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AV Development of Abnormally High Pore Pressures in a Geologically Young Basin-Centered Oil and Gas Accumulation, Mako Trough, Hungary, by B. Law, J. Edwards, R. Wallis, M. Sumpter, D. Hoyer, G. Bada, and A. Horvath, #110104 (2009)
1 of 5 presentations from Session, “Tight Gas Sandstones,” AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Michel T. Halbouty Lecture, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
AVThe Next Era of Exploration, by David Lawrence #110158 (2011).
‘Hidden Rifts’ in Central and Southern Africa — Implications for Regional Basin Framework and Petroleum Potential, Steve Lawrence and Ian Hutchinson, #10187 (2009).
PS Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Strata of Plomosas Uplift and Sierra Samalayuca, Chihuahua, Mexico: Onshore Record of Syn-rift Gulf of Mexico Fault History, Timothy F. Lawton and James Pindell, #30505 (2017).
Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Foreland Sediment-Dispersal Systems in Northern and Eastern Mexico: Interpretations from Preliminary Detrital-Zircon Analysis, Timothy Lawton, James Pindell, Alejandro Beltran-Triviño, Edgar Juárez-Arriaga, Roberto Molina-Garza, and Daniel Stockli, #30423 (2015).
Evolution of a Modern Ooid Sand Island - South Joulter Cay, Great Bahama Bank, Juan Carlos Laya, Paul (Mitch) Harris, and Miles Frazer, #30678 (2021).
Rapid Identification and Ranking of Reservoir Flow Units, Happy Spraberry Field, Garza County, Texas, John Layman III and Wayne Ahr, #40144 (2005).
PS Building a Static Model During Exploration: Enabler for Fast Track Field Development Plan, Raffik Lazar, #70288 (2017).
PS Anticlinal Aguada Bandera Fm.: An Under-Explored Unconventional Shale Play Within Southern Argentinean Patagonia, Victoria Lazzari, Maria Florencia Rincon, Martin Fasola, and Maria Eugenia Pascariello, #11270 (2019).
Le Back to L
PS Fluid Flow Behaviors Under Architectural Controls of the Wall Creek Member in the Frontier Formation: Western Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Tuan T. Le, Todd Hoffman, Nathan La Fontaine, and Michael Hofmann, #20435 (2018).
PS Flow Simulation Model of the Wall Creek Member in the Frontier Formation: Powder River Basin, WY, Tuan Le, #42152 (2017).
PS Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Apulian Carbonate Platform – Ionian Basin System (Late Cretaceous, Albania), J. Le Goff, T. Cavailhes, A. Slootman, J. Jaballah, and J. Reijmer, #11120 (2018).
PS Exploration Risk Assessment Using Forward Stratigraphic Modelling: Flemish Pass Basin, NL, Canada, E. Le Guerroué, J. Pitz1, P. Jermannaud, P.-V. Chenet, E. Gillis, J. Carter, I. Atkinson, D. McCallum, and R. Wright, #41883 (2016).
Lower Silurian Black Shales of North Africa: The Role of Glaciation on the Distribution of Source-Rock Quality Facies, Daniel P. Le Heron, Guido Meinhold, Andy Whitham, and M. Elgadry, #30240 (2012).
CGG 3D Surface-Related Multiple Modelling: A Unique Approach, David Le Meur, Antonio Pica, and Terje Weisser, #41590 (2015).
PS Applying Economic Lessons from Unconventional Plays Back to Conventional Projects, Patrick Leach, #70088 (2010).
The Battle Against Bayesian Amnesia, Patrick Leach, #70069 (2009)
Using Measurement Uncertainty to Calculate Reservoir Volumes and Reduce Risk in Prospects, Garrett M. Leahy, Emma Howley, Wenxiu Yang and Arne Skorstad, #41324 (2014).
AV How Variable Is the Sun and What Are the Links between This Variability and Climate?, by Judith Lean, #110055 (2008)
3 of 5 presentations from Interactive Forum on Global Climate Change, AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~14.4 mb).
"What About Transfer Zones?" – One of Eric Mountjoy's Provocative Questions, D. Lebel, #30321 (2014).
Recent and Pleistocene Geology of the Calcasieu Entrenched Valley System of Southwest Louisiana With special reference to Near-Surface Geological Features of Importance to Seismic Exploration, by Rufus J. LeBlanc, #60004 (2000).
PS Paleogeographic Evolution of Early Campanian to Maastrichtian Supersequences in the Caswell Sub-Basin—Implications for CO2 Storage and Hydrocarbon Entrapment, M. E. Lech, N. Rollet, D. Caust, and K. K. Romine, #10825 (2016).
Petroleum Potential of the Gage Submarine Fan, Offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia from Palaeogeographic Mapping and Geological Modelling, Megan E. Lech, Diane C. Jorgensen, Chris Southby, Liuqi Wang, Victor Nguyen, Irina Borissova, and David Lescinsky, #10826 (2016).
The GEothermie2020 Program Supporting the Development of Geothermal Resources Use in Geneva Canton, Marie Lecompte, #80714 (2020).
Predicting Brittleness for Wolfcamp Shales Using Statistical Rock Physics and Machine Learning, Jaewook Lee and David Lumley, #42566 (2021).
PS Depositional Environment and Sedimentary Structures of the Grayburg Formation, Midland Basin, Brandon Lee, Rustam Khoudaiberdiev, Brady Lujan, and Sumit Verma, #51550 (2019).
Processing the KTK 3D seismic Survey for Azimuthal Information: San Joaquin Basin, California, M. Lee Bell and Gary Myers, #41649 (2015).
Where Are We Headed in Reserves Reporting? John Lee, #120003 (2009).
PS Oil Below Water: Perched Water and High Order Sealing Elements, Implications for Exploration in Stratigraphic Traps, Michael Lee and Cory Clechenko, #42310 (2018).
PS Reservoir Characterisation of the Paradise and Hickory Discoveries, Offshore Ghana: Integration of Depositional and Diagenetic Concepts, Michael Lee, Philip Cox, Oliver Cheshire, Scott Pluim, and Lucy Nyamaah, #50985 (2014).
PS Burnett Ranch: A CO2 Flood on the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, King County, Texas, Patricia Lee, #11234 (2019).
PS A Comparison of the Geometries of Two Pleistocene Shelf-Margin Delta Sequences, Vermilion South Addition and Northeast Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico, Patricia L. Lee, Janok P. Bhattacharya, and Scott H. Rubio, #50452 (2011).
GC Tuning Effects' Impact on Seismic, Gwang Lee, Keumsuk Lee, and Han Kim, #40474 (2009).
Using a Petroleum System Approach for Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in Saline Reservoirs, by Hannes E. Leetaru, David G. Morse, Scott M. Frailey, and John McBride, #80024 (2008)
PS Reservoirs of the Bakken Petroleum System: A Core-Based Perspective, Julie A. LeFever, Richard D. LeFever, and Stephan H. Nordeng, #10535 (2013).
Cyclic Sedimentation Patterns of the Mississippian-Devonian Bakken Formation, North Dakota, Julie A. LeFever and Stephan H. Nordeng, #50371 (2011).
Fractured Basement Reservoir Characterization for Fracture Distribution, Porosity and Permeability Prediction, Marie Lefranc, Sherif Farag, Laurent Souche, and Agnes Dubois, #41106 (2012).
Petroleum Mass-Balance of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: A Comparative Assessment of the Productive Districts and Non-Productive Trends, by Leonardo Legarreta, Carlos E. Cruz, Gustavo Vergani, Guillermo A. Laffitte, and Héctor J. Villar, #10081 (2005).
Geological and Geochemical Keys of the Potential Shale Resources, Argentina Basins, Leonardo Legarreta and Héctor J. Villar, #80196 (2011).
Recent AEM Case Study Examples Using a Full Waveform Time-Domain System for Near-Surface Applications, Jean M. Legault, Alexander Prikhodko, Timothy Eadie, Greg Oldenborger, Vincenzo Sapia, Andrea Viezzoli, Erwan Gloaguen, Bruce D. Smith, and Melvyn E. Best, #41509 (2014).
PS Structure and Kinematics of the Central Sivas Basin (Turkey): A Mixed Fold- and Salt-and-Thrust Belt, Etienne Legeay, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Charlie Kergaravat, Alexandre Pichat, Geoffroy Mohn, Kaan S. Kavak, and Jean-Paul Callot, #30610 (2019).
In Search of a New Play in the Infracambrian Petroleum System of the Bikaner-Nagaur Basin in Rajasthan, Miles Leggett, #10393 (2012).
ePS Facies-Belt Pinch-Out Relationships in a Distal, Mixed-Influence Shallow-Marine Reservoir Analogue: Lower Sego Sandstone Member, Western Colorado, USA, Berit Legler, Virginia Stacey, Benoit Massart, Howard D. Johnson, Gary J. Hampson, Christopher Jackson, Matthew D. Jackson, Rodmar Ravnas, and Marcus Sarginson, #50411 (2011).
High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation from New Field Development, Offshore Abu Dhabi, by Christoph T. Lehmann, Khalil Ibrahim, Hani Bu-Hindi, Reyad Al-Kassawneh, David Cobb, and Ahmed Al-Hendi, #50112 (2008)
PSThe International Geo Sample Number IGSN: Advancing Integration of Sample-Based Data in Data Systems for Chronostratigraphy and Geochronology, by Kerstin Lehnert, Steven L. Goldstein, Sri Vinayagamoorthy, W. Christopher Lenhardt, Branko Djapic, Nevila Celo, Vladimir Davydov, and Walter Snyder, #70021 (2006).
Reservoir Architecture of Climatic Driven Sedimentary Cycles Within a Fluvial Fan Sequence and its Implication for 3-D Modeling, Remi Lehu, Pablo Barros-Arroyo, Agustín Arguello Scotti, Ignacio Weisman, and Silvana Gandi, #42545 (2020).
A New DFM Dynamic Modeling Workflow through a Non-Intrusive EDFM Method to Quickly Calibrate Fracture Model with Production Data: Practical Application on a Granite Reservoir Case, Cheng Lei, Xianbin Li, Jijun Miao, Ruifeng Wang, Felipe Medellin, Feng Xu, Wei Yu, and Kamy Sepehrnoori, #42396 (2019).
PS Heterogeneity of Zhangjiatan Lacustrine Shale and its Implications, Ordos Basin, China, Lei Yuhong, Luo Xiaorong, Wang Xiangzeng, Cheng Ming, Yu Yuxi, Zhang Likuan, Zhang Lixia, Jiang Chenfu, and Gao Chao, #11043 (2018).
Petrology of Siltstone Laminae in Zhangjiatan Shale of the 7th Member of Yanchang Formation and Their Significance for Shale Gas, Ordos Basin, China, Yuhong Lei, Xiangzeng Wang, Xiaorong Luo, Lixia Zhang, Likuan Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, Ming Chen, and Yuxi Yu, #80358 (2014).
Optimized Well Placement from the Integration of Geoscientific Measurements, Gorka Garcia Leiceaga, #41356 (2014).
When the Syn-Depositional Climatic Variations Influence My Source Rock Properties - The Case Study of the Vaca Muerta, Alain Lejay, Johannes Monkenbusch, Lionel Martinez, Gregory N. Boitnott, Laurent Louis, and François Gelin, #51523 (2018).
The Bitumen-Bearing McMurray Formation: Description of Reservoir Units in a Large Fluvio-Estuarine Setting from the Athabasca and Christina Rivers Outcrops, Alberta, Canada, by Alain Lejay and Catherine Yuill, #10092 (2005).
PS Understanding the Controls on Clastic Sedimentation Using Forward Stratigraphic Modeling and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy, Mostfa Lejri, Hamechan Madhoo, Barbara Claussmann, Leigh Truelove, Jan Tveiten, Daniel Tetzlaff, and Per Salomonsen, #51448 (2017).
Cycles and Packages in Fluvial Deposits: What Do We Know? Examples from the Triassic Wolfville Fm (Nova Scotia), Sophie Leleu and Adrian J. Hartley, #50349 (2010).
Petroleum System Analysis of Small Scale Miocene Troughs in the Pannonian Basin, Results of a 3D Basin Modeling Case Study from Southern Hungary, Viktor Lemberkovics, Edina Kissné Pável, Balázs Badics, and Katalin Lõrincz, #30674 (2020).
The Use of Seismic Inversion Results as an Input in a High Resolution Petroleum System Modeling in the Santos Basin, Brazil, A. Lemgruber, F. Goncalves, L. Loures, D. Palmowski, S. Rostirolla, E. Zagotto, and A. Araujo, #40585 (2010).
Physical Modeling of Fluid Overpressure and Compaction During Hydrocarbon Generation in Source Rock of Low Permeability, Ahmed Lemrabott and Peter R. Cobbold, #40518 (2010).
Contribution to Prospect De-risking on the Veslemøy High, SW Barents Sea - An Offshore Vertical Source, Vertical Receiver CSEM Survey, Enric León and Jon-Mattis Børven, #40868 (2012).
Transitional Role of the Oil and Gas Industry in Addressing Climate Change, Ray Leonard and Art Berman, #80719 (2020).
Diagenetic Patterns and Pore Space Distribution along a Platform to Outer-Shelf Transect (Urgonian Limestone, Barremian-Aptian, South-East France), Philippe Léonide, François Fournier, Jean Borgomano, and John Reijmer, #120074 (2013).
PS Predicting Reservoir Variation through Simulation of Turbidite Deposition over Restored Paleotopography: A Case Study from the Western Atwater Fold Belt, Gulf of Mexico, Christopher S. Lerch, John R. Tabor, Brendon J. Hall, #40497 (2010).
Numerical Simulation of Turbidity Currents: A Progress Report on Development and Applications, by Christopher S. Lerch, Moshe Strauss, Eckart Meiburg, Ben Kneller, Michael E. Glinsky, Stanislav Kuzmin, and Brendon Hall, #40209 (2006).
Proposal for High-Grading the Barinas-Apure Basin of Venezuela (and Environs) Using Airborne Transient Pulse (A-EM) Surveys, Leonard A. LeSchack, #10527 (2013).
Airborne Transient Pulse Surveys Identify Subtle Stratigraphic FDD Channel Sand Reservoirs in Australia, Namibia and South Africa, Leonard A. LeSchack, #40905 (2012).
Airborne Measurement of Transient Pulses Locates Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, by Leonard A. LeSchack and John R. Jackson, #40204 (2006).
Update 2010: Airborne Transient Pulse Surveys for Hydrocarbon Exploration—Major Recent Improvements, Leonard A. LeSchack, John R. Jackson, James K. Dirstein, William B. Ghazar, and Natalya Ionkina, #40686 (2011).
Multi-Phase Flow Petrophysics: A Physics-Based Approach for Deriving Sw from NMR and Formation Sampling in Low Resistivity Pay Carbonates, Nicolas Leseur and Charles Smart, #42547 (2020).
PS Occurrence of Volcanic Ash Beds in the Wolfcamp and Spraberry of the Midland Basin and Their Potential Challenges to Drilling, Caitlin Leslie, Lowell Waite, John Ndungu, Eric Johnson, David Foster, Neyda Maymi, Lauren O'Connell, and Joseph Edmonds, #51637 (2020).
Deep-Water Seismic Geomorphology, Continental Margin Progradation, and Process Interaction off Northwest Britain, by Alick B. Leslie, David Long, Martyn B. Stoker, Joseph Bulat, and Sheila Jones, #30015 (2003).
Speciation of McMurray Formation Inclined Heterolithic Strata: Varying Depositional Character Along a Riverine Estuary System, Curtis D. Lettley and S. George Pemberton, #51067 (2015).
Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) will Deliver Abundant, Affordable, Clean, Firm Power and Thousands of Jobs for Geologists, Geophysicists, and Petroleum Engineers, Greg Leveille, #80745 (2024).
Carbonate Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS) / Facies Distribution Modeling (FDM), by Marjorie Levy, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Sebastien Strebelle, #40293 (2008)
Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS)/Facies Distribution Modeling (FDM) of Carbonates - an Isolated Platform Example, by Marjorie Levy, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Sebastien Strebelle, #40292 (2008)
Geomorphology of Carbonate Systems and Reservoir Modeling: Carbonate Training Images, FDM Cubes, and MPS Simulations, by Marjorie Levy, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Sebastien Strebelle, and Eugene C. Rankey, #40289 (2008)
Understanding Flow Behavior in Carbonate Reservoirs from Facies-Based Earth Models, by Marjorie Levy, William Milliken, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Sebastien Strebelle, #40288 (2008)
Importance of Facies-Based Earth Models for Understanding Flow Behavior in Carbonate Reservoirs, by Marjorie Levy, William Milliken, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Sebastien Strebelle, and Eugene C. Rankey, #40306 (2008)
PS Fluvial Architecture of the Burro Canyon Formation Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry: Implications for Reservoir Performance, Rattlesnake Canyon, Southwest Piceance Basin, Colorado, Kelsey Lewis, Matthew Pranter, Zulfiquar Reza, and Rex Cole, #51553 (2019).
Fracture or Band? – A Transitional Type of Deformation Feature with Surprising Flow Effects, Helen Lewis, Gary Couples, Jim Buckman, and Zeyun Jiang, #51590 (2019).
PS Projecting Cores into the Time Dimension, Helen Lewis, Jim Buckman, Alessandro Mangione, Zeyun Jiang, Jingsheng Ma, and Gary D. Couples, #41663 (2015).
PS An Overview of the MRCSP Petroleum Fields 2019 Database Release, J. Eric Lewis, Kristin Carter, Phillip Dinterman, Thomas Sparks, William Harrison, Cristian Medina, Jessica Moore, Richard Ott, Brian Slater, and Michael Solis, #80686 (2019).
PS Development of Quick-Look Maps for CO2-EOR Opportunities in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins, Eric Lewis, Jessica Pierson Moore, Philip Dinterman, Michael E. Hohn, Ronald McDowell, and Susan Pool, #80566 (2016).
Assessment of the Newburg Sandstone as a CO2 Storage Unit in West Virginia, J. Eric Lewis, #50732 (2012).
An Overview of Marcellus and other Devonian Shale Production in West Virginia, Eric Lewis, Mary Behling, and Susan Pool, #10372 (2011).
PS Geologic Evaluation of the Newburg Sandstone as a CO2 Sequestration Target, J. Eric Lewis and Timothy R. Carr, #80141 (2011).
PS Characterization of the Helderberg Group as a Geologic Seal for CO2 Sequestration, J. Eric Lewis, Katharine L. Avary, Ronald R. McDowell, Kristen M. Carter, #80078 (2010).
PS Seismic Methodologies Adapted for Use in Acoustic Logging, Shreya B. Ley and Partha Biswas, #41666 (2015).
Li Back to L
PS Assessment of Shale Gas Potential of Lower Permian Transitional Shanxi-Taiyuan Shales in the Southern North China Basin, Pei Li, Jinchuan Zhang, Xuan Tang, Zhipeng Huo, Zhen Li, Zhongming Li, and Hui Feng, #11330 (2020).
Two Kinds of Low Resistivity Pay Zones Identifications and Evaluations in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, Li Ming, Hong Guoliang, Bai Zhenhua, Hu Guangcheng, Ma Yuxia, and Zhu Houqin, #11284 (2019).
Influence of Oil and Gas State on Oil Movability and Sweet Spot Distribution in Tight Oil Reservoirs from the Perspective of Capillary Force, Yaohua Li and Yan Song, #42420 (2019).
PS An Integrated Modeling Approach for Fault-Related Fractures in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs Based on Structural Control and Geomechanical Method, Hui Li, Chengyan Lin, Lihua Ren, Chunmei Dong, Cunfei Ma, Shitao Li, and Shuyi Liang, #42400 (2019).
PS Integrated Cores, Well Logs, MRI and NMR Data for Carbonate Pore Type Characterization: Case Study of the Cretaceous Mishrif Formation in Southeast Iraq, Yang Li, Bo Liu, and Zaixing Jiang, #51534 (2018).
PS Polygonal Fault System in the Great South Basin, New Zealand, Jianjun Li and Jie Qi, #42267 (2018).
PS Seismic Modeling and Expression of Common Fold-Thrust Belt Structures, Jianjun Li and Shankar Mitra, #42266 (2018).
PS Wireline-Log-Derived Indices for Miscible Light-Hydrocarbon-Injection Recovery in Bakken Petroleum System, Hao Li, #42151 (2017).
PS Reading the Sedimentary Record: A Multiple-Hypotheses Working Methodology, Haipeng Li, #70296 (2017).
PS A New Exploration Direction of North in Tarim Basin, China: An Enlightenment from Geochemical Characteristics of Deep Natural Gases, Wei Li, Jianfa Chen, Huayong Chen, Xinjian Zhu, and Ling Wu, #10989 (2017).
PS Paleo-Heat Flow Evolution and Thermal History of the Baiyun Sag, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Yajun Li, Zhenglong Jiang, Shu Jiang, and Kangning Xu, #10952 (2017).
PS Numerical Modeling of the Deformation and Displacement of Salt Bodies with Embedded Carbonate or Anhydrite Stringers, Shiyuan Li, Janos L. Urai, and Guangqing Zhang, #42075 (2017).
PS Sequence Stratigraphic Boundary Delineation Based on Adaptive Seismic Decomposition, Fangyu Li, Rui Zhai, Jie Qi, Bo Zhang, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42067 (2017).
Forward Analysis of the Sources and Relative Contributions of Marine Oil and Gas in the Tarim Basin, Qianwen Li, Xiongqi Pang, and Junqing Chen, #10923 (2017).
Maximizing Image Data to Minimize the Uncertainty of the Geological Model for Horizontal Well Fracturing, Shenzhuan Li, Lingge Meng, Hongjie Gong, Xiangmin Meng, Hongyong Ji, Adrian Morales, Haipeng Zhao, Yuxi Wang, Xianran Zhao, and Peiwu Liu, #41958 (2016).
Characteristics of Tight Gas Reservoir in the Upper Triassic Sichuan Basin, Western China, Qi Li, #10876 (2016).
Characterization of Carbonate Fracture-Cavity Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, China, Yongqiang Li, Jiagen Hou, Yuming Liu, and Chunxiao Li, #20334 (2015).
PS Facies Architecture Analysis and Modelling of the Sandy Slope Channel Fills at San Clemente, California, Pan Li and Benjamin C. Kneller, #51128 (2015).
Seismic-Based Volcano Identification and Characterization in HD Oilfield, Tarim Basin, Yaonan Li, Guizhong Wang, Desheng Sun, Hongmei Zhang, Zhen Zou, Lin Yu, and Sheng Cao, #10747 (2015).
3D Aeromagnetic Mapping of the Williston Basin Basement, Jiakang Li and Igor Morozov, #41588 (2015).
Geophysical Structural Patterns of the Crystalline Basement of the Eastern WCSB, Jiakang Li and Igor B. Morozov, #30398 (2015).
Pre-Stack Seismic Data Analysis with 3D Visualization – A Case Study, Yongyi Li, Josh Feng, and Maggie Jiao, #41546 (2015).
Exploration Theory and Technology of Buried Hills in Western South Turgay Basin, Qiyan Li, Mingjun Zhang, Jianjun Guo, Wei Yin, and Xiaofeng Sheng, #10682 (2014).
Reservoir Forming Mechanism and Main Controlling Factors of Different Types of Large Tight Sandstone Gas Fields in China, Jian Li, Zengye Xie, and Aisheng Hao, #20278 (2014).
PS Favorable Play Fairways for Abu Gabra Formation in Muglad Basin, Republic of Sudan, Li Zhi, Liu Shuwen, Liu Aixiang, and Gao Risheng, #11024 (2017).
PS Petroleum System Modeling and Exploration Potential of Abu Sufyan Sub-Baisn, Muglad Basin, The Republic of Sudan, Zhi Li, Yanli Shi, Risheng Gao, and Yongdi Su, #10879 (2016).
Geodynamic Characteristics and Their Effect on the Petroleum Geology Conditions for Passive Rift Basin in Central-Western African Region, Zhi Li, Lunkun Wan, Jiguo Liu, Xiaohua Pan, Liangqing Xue, and Yongdi Su, #10644 (2014).
PSDepositional Evolution and Microfacies Characteristic of the Carboniferous Donghe Sandstone in Hudson Oilfield, Weilu Li, Huaimin Xu, Rubing Han, and Hanqing Zhu, #20270 (2014).
Characteristics and Main Controlling Factors of Karst Caves in the Tarim Basin, Baogang Li, Chengzao Jia, Weifeng Wang, Cuiling Yu, Fulai Li, and Peng Liu, #10583 (2014).
Geological Controls on Reservoir Properties and Production Potential of Lower Paleozoic Shale Gas Plays in Sichuan Basin, Xinjing Li and Zhongjian Qiu, #10560 (2013).
The Application of Semi-supervised Geobody Detection Technique using Multiple Seismic Attributes in Petroleum Exploration, Lei Li, Xianhua Ran, Chunfeng Tao, Zhonghong Wan, and Shifan Zhan, #41165 (2013).
PSEvaluating Along-Strike Variation Using Thin-Bedded Facies, Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, Zhiyang Li and Janok Bhattacharya, #50983 (2014).
Present-Day Heat Flow and Thermal History in the Jianghan Basin, Zongxing Li, Chenglin Liu, Yinsheng Ma, and Yue Zhao, #10494 (2013).
The Source and Fate of Oils in the Lawton Oilfield, Southwestern Oklahoma, Li Liu, Ting Wang, and Richard Philp, #20258 (2014).
Well Trajectory Impact on Hydrocarbon Discovery in Fractured Basement Reservoirs – A Case Study from Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam, Bingjian Li, Wan Z. Embong, and Mohamed T.A. Taha, #20174 (2012).
PSClimate, Duration and Mineralogy Controls on Meteoric Diagenesis, Zhaoqi Li, Robert Goldstein, and Evan K. Franseen, #41434 (2014).
Diagenetic Controls on Porosity and Permeability in Upper Miocene Carbonates, La Molata, SE Spain, Zhaoqi Li, Robert H. Goldstein, and Evan K. Franseen, #50709 (2012).
Study on the Highest Rock Paleo-temperature with Thermo-acoustic Emission, Jiawei Li, Nansheng Qiu, Qinghua Mei, and Lunju Zheng, #40930 (2012).
PS Deposition and Evolution of the Carbonate Platform-Slope-Basin in Middle Permian Yangsingian Series (Kungurian-Capitanian) in the North Margin of the Yangtze Basin, China, Shuangying Li, Song Wang, Qiu Wan, Yelong Du, Weilun Kong, and Gang He, #50633 (2012).
Relationship between River-mouth Depositional Processes and Delta Architectures, Huangqihai Lake, Inner Mongolia, North China, Shunli Li, Xinghe Yu, Shengli Li, Cornel Olariu, and Ronald Steel, #50832 (2013).
The Architecture of Braided Deltas in Modern Daihai Lake, Northern China: Implications for 3-D Sedimentation Models of Rift Lakes, Shunli Li, Xinghe Yu, and Shengli Li, #50603 (2012).
ePS Facies Architecture of a Compound Incised Valley System in the Ferron Notom Delta, Southern Utah, Yangyang Li and Janok Bhattacharya, #50494 (2011).
Using 3D Facies Architecture and Ichnology Analysis to Evaluate Delta Asymmetry, Ferron Notom Delta, Capital Reef, Utah, USA, Weiguo Li, #50354 (2010).
3-D Architecture of a Wave-Influenced Parasequence in the Ferron "Notom" Delta, Capital Reef Utah, USA: Implications for Delta Asymmetry Models, Weiguo Li and Janok Bhattacharya, #50438 (2011).
Temporal Evolution of Fluvial Style within a Compound Incised Valley, Ferron Notom Delta, Henry Mountains Region, Utah, Weiguo Li, Janok Bhattacharya, Chris Campbell, and Yijie Zhu, #50198 (2009) (5.49mb).
Reservoir Quality, Hydrocarbon Mobility and Implications for Lacustrine Shale Oil Productivity in the Paleogene Sequence, Bohai Bay Basin, Maowen Li, Zhiming Li, Qigui Jiang, and Tingting Cao, #80342 (2013).
New Insights into the Effective Petroleum Source Rocks in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin from an Integrated Molecular and Isotope Approach, Maowen Li, Zhuoheng Chen, Dale Issler, Sneh Achal, Marina Milovic, and Rachel Robinson, #40669 (2010).
PS Paleopressure Evolution Controlled by Activities of Hydrocarbons and Faults, Linnan Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China, Chunquan Li, Honghan Chen, Huimin Liu, Hairuo Qing, and Guoxiang Chi, #30141 (2010).
PS Geologic Modeling and History Matching of Multi-Scale Flow Barriers in Deep-Water Reservoirs: Methodology and Field Application, Hongmei Li, Jef Caers, Omer Alpak, Mark Barton, #40491 (2010).
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Middle-Upper Eocene Claiborne Group, Gulf of Mexico Onshore and State Waters, USA, by Hongmei Li, Coralie Genty, Tao Sun, and James K. Miller, #50164 (2009).
Stratigraphic Record of the Transition from Cratonic Basin to Foreland Basin: Upper Jurassic Roseray Formation and Its Exploration Potential, SW Saskatchewan, by Shaohua Li, Charles M. Henderson, and Robert R. Stewart, #10091 (2005).
Interpretations of Stratigraphic Inclines and Fractures of the Low Hill Carbonate Reservoirs, Liaohe Depression, Northeast China, by Guohui Li, Susan M. Schrader, Robert S. Balch, and Roger Ruan, #20033 (2006).
Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Gas Reservoirs in southern Sichuan Basin, China, Xinjing Li, Caineng Zou, Zhongjian Qiu, Jianzhong Li, Gengsheng Chen, Dazhong Dong, Lansheng Wang, Shiqian Wang, Zonggang Lü, Shejiao Wang, and Keming Cheng, #10341 (2011)
PS The Characteristics of the Sandy Debris Flow of the Triassic Yanchang Formation and Its Exploration Significance in the Ordos Basin, China, Xiangbo Li, Yingcheng Zhao, Huanqing Liu, Yanrong Wang, Lihua Wei, Jianbo Liao, and Junping Huang, #50387 (2011).
PS High-Frequency Stratigraphic Sequence Characteristics in Gentle Slope Zones in Large Depression Basins – Case Study of Qingshankou Formation in Northern Songliao Basin, China, Sujuan Liang, Jiangong Wang, Han Xiaoqiang, Pan Shuxin, and Caiyan Liu, #10255 (2010).
Applied Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy for Unconventional Reservoirs in La Luna Formation (Cenomanian-Santonian), Northwest Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela (Preliminary results), Andreina Liborius-Parada, Richard P. Philp, and Roger Slatt, #11115 (2018).
Organic-Inorganic Distribution of the Woodford Shale in Kingfisher County, STACK play, Northern Oklahoma, Andreina Liborius and Andrew Sneddon, #51444 (2017).
Seismic Characterization of the First 3D Surveys Offshore Cyprus and Lebanon, Oystein Lie and Mark Trayfoot, #10194 (2009).
Application of Oil Gravity and Sulfur Content Relationships to Oil Typing and Source Rock Kinetics, Paul G. Lillis, #42174 (2018).
PSOil Types of the Alaskan North Slope – A Progress Report, P.G. Lillis, K.E. Peters, and L.B. Magoon, #30401 (2015).
Workflow for Zoeppritz AVO Inversion to Estimate Seismic Anisotropy, Geomechanical Properties and TOC of Shale: Case Study of Avalon Shale, Delaware Basin, Un Young Lim, Nurul Kabir, and Richard L. Gibson Jr., #42416 (2019).
Use of SAR Images for Seepage Slick Detection in the Offshore Portion of the Camamu-Almada Basin (Bahia State), Brazil, Sylvia C. Lima, Luiz Landau, and Fernando P. Miranda, #40517 (2010).
Porosity Determination by 3D High-Resolution X-Ray Computed Microtomography and Its Correlation with Gas Adsorption Technique, Inaya Lima, Milena Oliveira, Paula Rocha, Francisco Souza, Carlos J. Abreu, and Ricardo Lopes, #40509 (2010).
Predictions of Autogenic Fluvial Terraces and Comparison to Climate Change Expectations, Ajay B. Limaye and Michael P. Lamb, #41681 (2015).
Coalbed Methane in the United States: A GIS Study, by Samuel H. Limerick, #10066 (2004).
The Cutoff of Flowing Porosity in Tight Complex Carbonate Oil Reservoir: A Case Study on High-Pressure Mercury Intrusion in Interval MBK, Block SH, Iraq, Yaping Lin, Tiezhuang Wu, Chaosheng Guo, Liyong Tan, Xiaofeng Sheng, and Chuandi Wang, #42204 (2018).
PS Impact of Non-Linear Transport Properties on Low Permeability Measurements, Yuan-Yun Lin and Michael T. Myers, #70299 (2017).
PS Estimation of Source-To-Sink Mass Balance by a Fulcrum Approach Using Channel Paleohydrologic Parameters of the Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Canada, Wen Lin and Janok P. Bhattacharya, #41852 (2016).
GC What Causes those Annoying Stair-Step Artifacts on Coherence Volumes?, Tengfei Lin and Kurt J. Marfurt, #42036 (2017).
Attributes Assisted Seismic Interpretation in Pre-Stack Time versus Depth Migration Data, Tengfei Lin, Hang Deng, Zhifa Zhan, Zhonghong Wan, and Kurt Marfurt, #41637 (2015).
PS Diagenetic Reservoir Facies and Diagenetic Evolutionary Sequences of Extra-Low Permeability Reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation of Fenggu Structure, Western Sichuan Depression, China, Yu Lin, Zhangyou Xu, and Shenghe Wu, #10415 (2012).
Adding Hydrocarbon Reserves in the Uncertainty of a Structurally Complex Area, Llanos Foothills, Colombia, Roberto Linares, #42535 (2020).
Well Music: Translating Well Data to Music for a New Perspective, Alan Lindsey, #42574 (2022).
Hybrid Model of Dolomitization, Permian Basin, Robert F. Lindsay, #11109 (2018).
PS Grayburg Formation Reservoir-Scale Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy, Permian Basin, Robert F. Lindsay, #51388 (2017).
PSThe Limitations of Lognormal Distributions: Using Subsurface Data to Make More Accurate Resource Estimations, David Liner, #41848 (2016).
PS 3D Seismic Mapping of Deep Basement Features in Osage County, Oklahoma, Kevin Liner and Christopher Liner, #41274 (2014).
PS Subsurface Analysis of Tripolitic Chert in Northwest Arkansas, Thomas Liner and Christopher Liner, #51204 (2015).
PS Indexing and Characterization of Mississippian Outcrops in Northwest Arkansas, Southwest Missouri, and Northeastern Oklahoma, Thomas Liner and Christopher Liner, #30296 (2013).
Mississippian Research in Northwest Arkansas, C. Liner, D. Zachry, and W. Manager, #41245 (2013).
3-D Seismic in the Glennpool Area, Northeastern Oklahoma, by Christopher L. Liner, #40040 (2002).
GCNormal MoveOut and Dip MoveOut, by C. L. Liner, #40037 (2002).
Reservoir Characterization of Plover Lake Heavy-Oil Field, Larry Lines, Joan Embleton, Mathew Fay, Steve Larter, Tony Settari, Bruce Palmiere, Carl Reine, and Douglas Schmitt, #20297 (2015).
Reservoir Characterization of Plover Lake Heavy-Oil Field, by Larry Lines, Joan Embleton, Mathew Fay, Steve Larter, Tony Settari, Bruce Palmiere, Carl Reine, and Douglas Schmitt, #40274 (2008).
PS Erosion and Deposition along the West Florida Shelf Edge, Anna H. Ling, Gregor P. Eberli, Dierk Hebbeln, Claudia Wienberg, Paul Wintersteller, Nicholas Nowald, Götz Ruhland, and Ralf Schiebel, #30486 (2017).
The Illumination of Natural Fractures and Faults of the Muskwa Shale Play in Northeastern British Columbia: A Case Study, Jane Ling and William Barker, #51053 (2014).
Case Study of the Structural and Depositional-Evolution Interpretation from Seismic Data, Yun Ling, Xiangyu Guo, Jixiang Lin, and Desheng Sun, #20143 (2012).
PS 3-D Exploration for Remaining Oil Using Historical Production Data, Yun Ling, Xuri Huang, Desheng Sun, Jun Gao, and Jixiang Lin, #40399 (2009).
PS Sequential Structural Restoration of the Lisbon Valley Anticline, Paradox Basin, Utah, Steven Lingrey, #30633 (2019).
PS Evaluating a 2-D Structural Restoration: Validating Section Balance, Steven Lingrey and Oskar Vidal-Royo, #41941 (2016).
3-D Seismic Examples from Central Lake Maracaibo, Maraven's Block I Field, Venezuela, by Martin H. Link, Christopher K. Taylor, Nicolas G. Munoz J., Emilio Bueno, and Pedro J. Munoz, #20002 (1999).
PS Bridging Information Gaps in Reservoir Studies - Archiving and Providing Information for Reservoir Studies (APIRS), Adrian Linsel, Matthias D. Greb, Kristian Bär, Jens Hornung, and Matthias Hinderer, #42274 (2018).
PS Applicability of Sequence Stratigraphic Models to Thick Fluvial Successions in Tectonically-Active Basins, William W. Little, #11194 (2019).
PS Upper Ordovician Incised Valley (Karst) Fill Deposits of Central Missouri: A Reinterpretation of Some "Pennsylvanian Filled Sinks", William W. Little, Alan D. Chapman, and Daniel N. Meehan, #51390 (2017).
Correlating Oils in Turonian-Cenomanian Source Rocks Using Hydrous Pyrolysis and Organic Sulfur Compounds, Jessica Little, Michael J. Formolo, and Michael D. Lewan, #10453 (2012).
PS Utilization of High-Resolution Short- and Long-Wave Hyperspectral Imaging for Integrative Rock Typing, Xiuju Liu and Tobi Kosanke, #42447 (2019).
PS Natural Fracture Patterns in Fault-Related Folds in the Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin, Northwestern China, Guoping Liu and Lianbo Zeng, #11192 (2019).
PS Energy Storage Fracturing Based on a Slick-Water System in Tight Oil Reservoirs, Wei Liu, Yuan Hu, Zhangxing Chen, and Kaiyuan Chen, #42099 (2017).
Effects of Sedimentary Heterogeneity on Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the Permian Ordos Basin, China: Insight From an Integrated Stratigraphic Forward and 3D Petroleum System Modelling, Jianliang Liu, Keyu Liu, and Xiu Huang, #10860 (2017).
Recommendation for A Practical Log-based Stratigraphic Framework for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Chengjie Liu, Robert Alway, David J. Moreton, Adnan Samarrai, and Fatah Hmasalih, #30487 (2017).
The New Method of the Sweet Spot Discrimination and Predictive Production in North American Shale Oil, Chuncheng Liu, #41991 (2017).
PS Seismic Geomorphology Application of Facies Models Analysis in Lobed-Channel System of Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation, Dongfang13-1/2 Block, Yinggehai Basin, China, Haoran Liu, #51335 (2016).
PS Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model for the Neogene traps, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Hua Liu, Donggao Zhao, and Youlu Jiang, #10891 (2016).
Fractures Types of Volcanic Reservoir and its Significance to Reservoir in the Dixi Area of the Kelameili Gas Field, Junggar Basin, Northwestern China, Liu Xiaohong, Feng Mingyou, Xi Aihua, and Liu Chang, #20358 (2016).
A New AVO Attribute for Hydrocarbon Prediction and Application to the Marmousi II Dataset, Changcheng Liu and Prasad Ghosh, #41764 (2016).
The Discovery of Daqing Oilfield in China, Mu Liu, #70350 (2018).
The Utilization of Carbazole and Benzocarbazole as Possible Indicators of Relative Migration Distances for Woodford Oils in the Anadarko Basin, Mu Liu, Richard P. Philp, and Ting Wang, #10774 (2015).
Development Characteristics and Guiding Significance to Oil and Gas Exploration of the Sinian Rift in Tarim Basin of China, Yongbin Liu, Lei Wang, Changwei Han, Lei Dong, Haifeng Li, Yingfu He, and Jixun Wang, #10748 (2015).
Suffield Polymer Core Flood Study – A Key Component of the Pilot Project, Jenny Liu and Warren Smart, #20291 (2015).
PSPre-Existing Structures and Initiation of an Oblique Rift: the Cañones Fault Zone in North-Central New Mexico, Yiduo Liu and Michael Murphy, #51018 (2014).
PSHydrocarbon Potential in Herodotus Basin, Eastern Mediterranean? Xiaobing Liu, Zhixin Wen, Guangya Zhang, Zhaoming Wang, and Chengpeng Song, #10617 (2014).
PS Immature to Low Mature Source Rocks and Tight Reservoirs of Shale Oil Play in the 2nd Member of Kongdian Formation, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Xiaoping Liu, Donggao Zhao, Hongxiang Li, Qingyuan Dong, and Panpan Zhang, #10631 (2014).
PS Paleoporosity and Critical Property in the Accumulation Period and Their Impacts on Hydrocarbon Accumulation–A Case Study of the Middle Es3 Member of the Paleogene Formation in Niuzhuang Sag, Dongying Depression, Southeastern Bohai Bay Basin, East China, Mingjie Liu, Zhen Liu, Xiaoming Sun, Biao Wang, Wang Zhang, and Xing Yao, #10632 (2014).
Maturity and Overpressure Evolution of the Lower Cambrian in the Central Paleo-Uplift, Sichuan Basin, Yifeng Liu, Nansheng Qiu, Yongshui Zhou, and Zengye Xie, #10585 (2014).
Shear Velocity Prediction and its Rock Mechanic Implications, Yexin Liu, Zhuoheng Chen, and Kezhen Hu, #41296 (2014).
Characteristics and origin of Microfracture in Lower Cretaceous Tight Sandstone from Kuqa Foreland Basin, NW China, Chun Liu, Ronghu Zhang, Huiliang Zhang, Xianzhang Yang, and Junpeng Wang, #10514 (2013).
PS Seismic-Sedimentologic Study of Lacustrine Gravity-Flow Channels: Oligocene ES1 Formation, Qinan Sag, Huanghua Depression, China, Huaqing Liu, Hong Zhong, and Zhang Jing, #50754 (2012).
PS Investigate Hydrocarbon Charge History Using X-ray Micro CT, FM-SEM and Fluid Inclusion Techniques, An Example from the Kela-2 Giant Gas Field, Tarim Basin, China, Shaobo Liu, Keyu Liu, Qingong Zhuo, Shihu Fang, and Xiaowen Guo, #41004 (2012).
Seismic Sedimentology Research in Qingshankou Formation of Southern Songliao Basin, Cai-yan Liu, #10383 (2012).
Stable Carbon Isotopes of Gaseous Alkanes as Genetic Indicators Inferred from Laboratory Pyrolysis Experiments of Various Marine Hydrocarbon Source Material from Southern China, Wenhui Liu, Jie Wang, Tenger, Jianzhong Qin, and Lunju Zheng, #40945 (2012).
Depositional Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Deepwater Nigeria, by Xijin (CJ) Liu, #40226 (2006).
Unconventional Petroleum Geology and Resources in China, Chenglin Liu, Changbo Che, Jie Zhu, and Hulin Yang, #80126 (2010).
PS The Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Deep Tight-Gas Sandstone Reservoir in Kuqa Foreland Depression of Tarim Basin, NW China, Chun Liu, Qingxin Guo, Huiliang Zhang, Ronghu Zhang, Ge Chen, and Bo Wang, #50568 (2012).
Coupled Reactive Flow and Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in the Mount Simon Sandstone Formation, Midwest, USA, Faye Liu, Peng Lu, Chen Zhu, and Yitian Xiao, #80169 (2011).
Molecular Simulation of Hydrocarbon Occurrence and Phase Behavior in Nano Pores, Keyu Liu, Junfang Zhang, Shuichang Zhang, and Hua Tian, #41400 (2014).
Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Models Revisited from a Reservoir Engineering Perspective, Keyu Liu, Xuan Tang, Abdul Rashid, and Xiaofang Wei, #41096 (2012).
PSGiant Palaeo Oilfields in the Silurian Sandstone, Tarim Basin, China: Evidence from Bitumen, Quantitative Fluorescence and Fluid Inclusions, by Keyu Liu, Xiongqi Pang, Zhenxue Jiang, Jun Zhang, and Stephen Fenton, #20037 (2006).
Use of a Dual-Continuum Approach for Modeling Coupled Hydro-mechanical Processes of CO2 Injection at In Salah, Algeria, Hui-Hai Liu and Jonny Rutqvist, #80114 (2010).
Applying Experience from Geothermal Reservoirs to Oil Wells in the Asia Pacific Region, Peter Lloyd, #42135 (2017).
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Transcurrent Faulting and Thermal Wave, Middle Amazon Basin Potential, Fabiano Sayão Lobato, #10492 (2013).
EA Unlocking Hidden Reserve Potential in Northern Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand, Warin Lobtong and Kenneth Lewis, #11205 (2019).
Granite Wash Play Overview, Anadarko Basin Stratigraphic Framework and Controls on Pennsylvanian Granite Wash Production, Anadarko Basin, Texas and Oklahoma: Update, Ed LoCricchio, #80420 (2014).
AV Granite Wash Play Overview, Anadarko Basin: Stratigraphic Framework and Controls on Pennsylvanian Granite Wash Production, Anadarko Basin, Texas and Oklahoma, Ed LoCricchio, #110163 (2012).
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Tropical Weather in West Texas during the Early Late Cretaceous? by Brian E. Lock and Fleur Bases, #50168 (2009).
BOEM Pacific Region's Offshore Renewable Energy Program, Tracy Logan, #80449 (2015).
Exploration on the Frontier: Towards an Understanding of the Albert Basin, Paul Logan, Steve Curd, Bob Downie, Janice Weston, and Dave Shaw, #10192 (2009).
A Simplified Workflow for Estimation of Elastic Anisotropy in Vaca Muerta, Ezequiel Lombardo and S. Cuervo, #42002 (2017).
PS The Demerara Marginal Plateau: A Case Study of a Distal Marginal Plateau Dominated by Contouritic Processes and Gravity Instability, Lies Loncke, A.S. Fanget, C. Tallobre, F. Pattier, P. Giresse, M.A. Bassetti, L. Droz, T. Marsset, W. Roest, R. Buscail, X. Durrieu de Madron, F. Bourrin, C. Sotin, and the IGUANES, DRADEM, and MARGATS scientific parties, #51463 (2018).
PS Potential for Petroleum Production in Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Paleovalleys in the Main Consolidated Field (Crawford County, Illinois) and Application throughout the Illinois Basin, Jeremy London, Andrew Reeder, and Michael T. May, #10501 (2013).
Lithospheric Flexure and Related Stratigraphic Cycles in the Putumayo Basin, Colombia, John Londono and Juan Lorenzo, #50358 (2010).
The Guinea Marginal Plateau - Correlations from Seismic and Potential Fields of Differential Atlantic Breakup, Andrew Long, Nick Cameron, and Ben Sayers, #30581 (2018).
East Africa: From Anza to Madagascar: A Relic and Active 4000-km Intraplate Strike-Slip Corridor, Andrew J. Long, #30580 (2018).
EIA Expanded Geographic Coverage of Oil and Natural Gas Production: EIA-914 Survey Expansion and its Implications on EIA Reporting and Forecasting, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Barbara Mariner-Volpe, Neal Davis, Elizabeth Panarelli, Emily Geary, and Olga Popova, #70237 (2017).
Cobble Berms As an Indicator of Flashy Discharge in Ephemeral River Deposits in the Precambrian and Pleistocene, Darrel G. F. Long, #50940 (2014).
PS Reducing Uncertainty in Fracture Modelling: Assessing User Bias in Interpretations from Satellite Imagery, Jonathan Long, Richard Jones, Susie Daniels, Sébastien Gilment, David Oxlade, and Max Wilkinson, #42427 (2019).
Using Outcrop Geology to Constrain Uncertainties in Three-Dimensional Structural Models of Sub-Seismic Scale Fault Networks, Jonathan J. Long, Ruth H. Wightman, Jonathan Imber, Richard R. Jones, Kenneth J. McCaffrey, Robert E. Holdsworth, Nicolas S. Holliman, and Nicola De Paola, #40367 (2008).
AV Why Bother? (With Play Based Exploration): The Five Reasons Why Play Based Exploration Worthwhile in a Modern Busy Understaffed and Overworked Exploration Company Environment, Ian Longley and Jeff Brown, #110227 (2016).
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Exploration Lessons and Trends from the Gondwanan Basins, by Ian Longley, Kristan Reimann, Christiane Buessenschuett and Ciaran Lavin, #70029 (2007).
The North West Shelf of Australia - A Woodside Perspective, by I.M. Longley, C. Buessenschuett, L. Clydsdale, C.J. Cubitt, R.C. Davis, M.K. Johnson, N.M. Marshall, A.P. Murray, R. Somerville, T.B. Spry, and N.B. Thompson, #10042 (2003).
Revisiting the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Petroleum System in the Rocky Mountain Region, Mark W. Longman and Barbara A. Luneau, #51635 (2020).
The Importance of Detrital Dolomite in Upper Devonian Carbonates: Examples from the Bakken/Three Forks Petroleum System (Williston Basin) and Dyer Formation (Northwest Colorado), Mark W. Longman and Donna S. Anderson, #51634 (2020).
PS Formation Damage Disaggregation in Gas Well and Sensitivity Reservoirs from Build Up Well Test, E. A. Lopez, S. Zapata, C. Rangel, and A. Naranjo, #41933 (2016).
Parson's Model Modification to Describe the Aperture/Closure Behavior of Naturally Fractured Systems, E. A. Lopez, A. Naranjo, and J. M. Mejia, #41932 (2016).
Depositional Units in Fluvio - Lacustrine Reservoirs and Their Use as Equilibrium Regions: A Case Study in San Jorge Basin, Argentina, Ramiro G. Lopez and Esteban Fernandez Righi, #30294 (2013).
High Resolution Sr Records and Late Pleistocene Sea Level Highstands in a Periplatform Sediment Drift (Inner Sea, Republic of Maldives), Karem Lopez, Joern Fuerstenau, Andre W. Droxler, Christian Betzler, Andreas Paul, John J. Reijmer, Thomas Luedmann, and Christian P. Huebscher, #40980 (2012).
PS Nature and Timing of Quaternary Carbonate Sediment Drift, Inner Sea of the Maldives Archipelago, Karem Lopez, Jörn Fuerstenau, Thomas Luedmann, Andre Droxler, Christian Betzler, John J. Reijmer, Christian P. Huebscher, and A. A. Paul, #50485 (2011).
PS Petroleum Geology of the Crow Indian Reservation, South-Central Montana, David A. Lopez, #10985 (2017).
PSReservoir Development in the Tensleep Formation, Pryor and Bighorn Mountains, South-Central Montana, by David A. Lopez and Steven W. VanDelinder, #30043 (2006).
EA Transgressive Reworking and its Impact on Sandstone Porosity Improvement: the Vivian Formation, Marañón Basin, Northern Peru, Oscar R. López-Gamundi and Cecilia López-Gamundi, #11211 (2019).
The Punta del Este Half Grabens, Offshore Uruguay: The Next Exploration Frontier in the South Atlantic, Oscar R. Lopez-Gamundi, Hector De Santa Ana, and Bruno Conti, #10983 (2017).
Polarity of Asymmetric Half-Grabens in the South Atlantic and Its Influence on Trap Integrity: Examples from Offshore Brazil and Uruguay, Oscar Lopez-Gamundi and Ethel Morales, #30317 (2014).
Displacement - Length Linkage Model Applied to Footwalls Traps: Examples from the Eastern Llanos Basin of Colombia, Oscar Lopez-Gamundi, Diana P. Carrascal, and Andrea Pablos, #10568 (2014).
The Early Cretaceous Rift and Sag Phases in the Offshore Basins of Brazil and Uruguay: How Much in Common? Oscar R. Lopez-Gamundi, Eduardo A. Rossello, and Héctor de Santa Ana, #10238 (2010).
Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Cotiella Salt Basins (South-Central Pyrenees of Spain), Berta Lopez-Mir, J.A. Muñoz, and J. García-Senz, #30238 (2012).
Seismic to Geological Modeling Workflow, an Integrated Approach to Determine the Reservoir Quality of a Natural Fractured Limestone Reservoir: Oseil Field Example, Arie Krisna Lopulisa, Roy Andrianto, and Anggoro S. Dradjat, #20144 (2012).
MWX - The Multiwell Experiment in the Piceance Basin, Colorado: Reprise from 30 Years Ago, John C. Lorenz, #70129 (2012).
Got Fractures? Now what? - AAPG Pacific Section Keynote address, John C. Lorenz, #40619 (2010).
Fracture Patterns in Laramide Thrust Structures, Wyoming, John C. Lorenz and Scott P. Cooper, #40818 (2011).
Fractured Reservoirs, Fractured Niobrara, John C. Lorenz and Scott P. Cooper, #40817 (2011).
PSThrust Faults in the Alcova Limestone: Nature’s Sand-Table Experiment, John C. Lorenz and Scott P. Cooper, #50295 (2010).
Static and Dynamic Modeling of a Complex Alluvial-Fluvial Reservoir: Middle Jurassic Lotena Formation, Aguada Toledo Field, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Laura Loss, Pablo Barros, David Giunta, Georgina Godino, Luis Martino, Elena Morettini, Teresa Santana, Anthony Thompson, German Serrano, and Jose Luis Massaferro, #20221 (2013).
Stochastic Monte-Carlo simulations of overpressure probability distribution in the Halten Terrace area, by Ane Lothe and Are Tømmerås, #40232 (2007).
Origin and Characterization of the Nanopore/Micropore Network in the Leonardian Clear Fork Reservoirs in the Goldsmith Field in Ector Co., Texas, Robert G. Loucks and Mark Ulrich, #51164 (2015).
Distinguishing Organic Matter Pores Associated With Depositional Organic Matter versus Migrated Organic Matter in Mudrocks, Robert G. Loucks and Robert M. Reed, #80477 (2015).
Origin and Analysis of the Nano/Micropore Network in the Upper Cretaceous Ozan/Annona Chalks in the Caddo/Pine Island Field in Northwest Louisiana, Robert G. Loucks, Harry D. Rowe, and Gregory Frebourg, #10629 (2014).
Preliminary Unconventional Reservoir Characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Skull Creek Shale, Wyoming, Robert G. Loucks and Harry D. Rowe, #10628 (2014).
Spectrum of Micropore Types and Their Origin in Limestones, Bob Loucks and Jerry Lucia, #50867 (2013).
Mass-Transport Mechanisms and Resulting Deposits in a Deepwater Carbonate Debris Apron: Lower Cretaceous Tamabra Formation, Poza Rica Field Area, Mexico, Robert Loucks, Charlie Kerans, and Xavier Janson, #50674 (2012).
Origin and Classification of Pores in Mudstones from Shale-Gas Systems, Robert G. Loucks, Stephen Ruppel, Robert M. Reed, and Ursula Hammes, #40855 (2011).
GC3-D Seismic Data in Delineating Productive Ismay Algal Mounds in Southern Paradox Basin, Utah, by Richard O. Louden, Donald D. Lehman, Walter E. Johnson, and Duncan L. Edwards , #40048 (2002).
The Logone Birni Basin (LLB) in Northern Cameroon: Transition Between the West African Rift Sub-System (WAS) and the Central African Rift Sub-System (CAS); Tectonic and Geophysical Models, Jean-Pierre Loule and Pospisil Lumbomil, #50171 (2009).
The Use of CSEM within an Integrated Exploration Project "Best of EAGE", Andrea Lovatini, Elena Medina Tracy Campbell, Keith Myers, #40866 (2012).
Mesozoic Breakup of Southwest Gondwana and Basin Formation Along the Argentinean Atlantic Margin, Juan Pablo Lovecchio, Sebastien Rohais, Victor A. Ramos, Philippe Joseph, and Nestor D. Bolatti, #30668 (2020).
Rifting Evolution of the Malvinas Basin, Offshore Argentina: New Constrains from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Seismic Characterization, Juan Pablo Lovecchio, Maximiliano Naipauer, E. Lubin Cayo, Sebastien Rohais, David Giunta, Gonzalo Flores, Ricardo Gerster, Nestor D. Bolatti, Philippe Joseph, and Victor A. Ramos, #30667 (2020).
Paleo-Topographic Controls on Fluvial Architecture of Early Paleozoic Fluvial Strata in a Basal Cambrian-Ordovician Sandstone: Potsdam Group of the Ottawa Embayment and Quebec Basin, David G. Lowe and R.W.C. Arnott, #51334 (2016).
Variations in Fluvial Styles Related to Climatic and Topographic Controls Cambrian-Ordovician Potsdam Group, Ottawa Embayment and Quebec Basin, D. G. Lowe and R. W. C. Arnott, #51004 (2014).
Before the Great North American Carbonate Bank: A Complex Cambrian - Lower Ordovician Transgressive History Recorded in Siliciclastic Strata of he Potsdam Group, Southeast Laurentia, David G. Lowe, R. W. C. Arnott, and B. V. Sanford, #50859 (2013).
The Influence of Flow Rheology from the Architecture of Deep-Water Depositional Systems, by Donald R. Lowe, #50097 (2008)
Visualization, Interpretation and Cognitive Cybernetics, James Lowell, Jon Henderson, Gaynor Paton, and Joe Valenti, #120170 (2014).
The Bonnet Plume Basin, Yukon, Canada: A Previously Unrecognized Oil Play, Grant W. Lowey, #10228 (2010).
PS Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin Deformation Proposed to Be by Simple Shear with Regional Basal Horizon Terminating Under Yucatan, Allen Lowrie and Richard H. Fillon, #50427 (2011).
PSRoles of Geologic Processes along Passive Continental Margins Suggest Dynamic Interrelationships of Cause and Effect, by Allen Lowrie and David T. King, Jr., #70039 (2008).
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PS Identifying Flow Units of Low-permeability Sandstone Reservoirs Based on Self-organizing Map Neural Network Algorithm, Yan Lu, Keyu Liu, and Ya Wang, #51610 (2019).
PS A Data-Driven Method for Processing and Analysis of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Signals in Differentiation of Oil Samples, Le Lu, Andrew Bishop, Tianxing Wang, Rosemarie Bisquera, and Yongchun Tang, #42401 (2019).
Effect of Acidification Pretreatment on the Deep Shale Mechanical Parameters of Longmaxi-Wufeng Formation, Cong Lu, Li Ma, Senwen Xiao, Jianchun Guo, and Qing Feng, #42276 (2018).
PS Characteristics of Middle Permian Chihsia Dolomite in Western Sichuan Basin, China: A Case Study of Hydrothermal Dolomitization, Jie Lu, Huang Sijing, and Huang KeKe, #50659 (2012).
Turbidity Currents That Co-Evolve With Channels over Lengths as Much as 1000 km: How Can they do it?, Rossella Luchi, Gary Parker, and S. Balachandar, #41677 (2015).
PS Granitoid Magmatism in Tectonic Evolution of Arctic Continental Margin of Chukotka, M.V. Luchitskaya and S.D. Sokolov, #30301 (2013).
PS Vaca Muerta Formation - Discontinuities Analysis Related to Fissility: A New Methodology Proposed to Assess the Degree of Fissility of a Fine-Grained Rock, Martín Lucía Ines, Marchal Denis, Naides Claudio, and Silvia Barredo, #51621 (2019).
PS Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Measurements of Gas-Bearing Fluid Inclusions: A Tool For Tracing Gas Sources and Maturity of Source Rocks, Volker Lüders and Birgit Plessen, #40963 (2012).
Is There A Better Way to Determine The Viscosity in Waxy Crudes?, John Ludwig, Saifon Daungkaew, Go Fujisawa, Fred Houtzager, Christopher Platt, and Nick Last, #41034 (2012).
PS Barrier vs. Conduit Behavior of Faults Near Salt: Examples from the Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Lillian Lueck and Mark Fischer, #42451 (2019).
PS Characterizing a Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir for CO2-EOR and Carbon Sequestration: Applicability of Existing Rock Physics Models and Implications to Feasibility of Time Lapse Monitoring Programs in the Wellington Oil Field, Sumner County, Kansas, Anthony Lueck, Abdelomeam Raef, and W. Lynn Watney, #80530 (2016).
PSUse of High-Resolution Core Description Data to Risk Net Pay from Log-Based Petrofacies for Thinly Bedded Deepwater Channel Complexes, Zafiro Field, Equatorial Guinea, by T.C. Lukas and P. Schwans, #40248 (2007).
Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques in Detailed Recognition of Gas Producing Subtle Submarine Channel System, Mariusz Łukaszewski, #42588 (2023).
Biostratigraphy and Palynofacies of Four Exploration Wells from the Albertine Graben,Uganda, Joshua M. Lukaye, #50169 (2009).
The Neogene Succession of the Albertine Graben, Uganda: Recent Efforts to Set up a Coherent Stratigraphic Scheme, Joshua M. Lukaye, David Worsley, and Lyoidah Kincoco, #50538 (2012).
Sequence Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic and Petrographic Insights of the Miocene (Stage IVA) Outcrops of the Klias Peninsula and Labuan Island, Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo, Terrence Lukie and Allagua Balaguru, #10468 (2012).
Liner Hanger Installation in Challenging Offshore Well Conditions, David Luna, Roberto Elizalde, and Wantuadi Diwaku, #42003 (2017).
Unconventional Seismic – Hazard Mapping for Shale Gas Plays, by Larry Lunardi, #70045 (2008) (20 MB).
PS Principal Stress Orientations and Relative Stress Magnitudes in Unconventional Oil and Gas Basins, Central and Eastern USA, Jens-Erik Lund Snee and Mark D. Zoback, #30659 (2020).
Stratigraphy and Petrophysical Characteristics of the Niobrara Formation in the Denver Basin, Colorado and Wyoming, Barbara Luneau, Mark Longman, Peter Kaufman, and Susan Landon, #50469 (2011).
PS Tectonic Versus Non-Tectonic Origin of Complex Fault and Fracture Patterns in the Niobrara Formation, DJ Basin, CO, Catalina Luneburg, #11097 (2018).
PS Using Structural Restoration Techniques and Strain Tracking to Predict Fracture Distributions, Catalina Luneburg, #42089 (2017).
Structural Analysis for Fracture Optimization, Catalina Luneburg, Bob Ratliff, and Alex Page, #41728 (2015).
Asymmetrical Sediment Input to Rift Margins, Ian Lunt and John Thurmond, #40645 (2010).
Characterization of Carriers for Hydrocarbon Migration: An Example from the Dongying Sag, Bohai Bar Basin, China, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, Guoqi Song, and Fengui Sui, #120136 (2013).
The Distribution and Seismic Prediction of Beach Bar Sandbodies in Narrow and Elongate Lacustrine Basin - A Case from Es2 in Chezhen Depression in the East of China, Xia (Rose) Luo, #50641 (2012).
Geomechanical Modeling of Stresses Adjacent to Salt Bodies: Uncoupled Models, Gang Luo, Maria-Katerina Nikolinakou, Peter B. Flemings, and Mike Hudec, #40777 (2011).
How Seismic Can Contribute to Sequence Stratigraphy of Deep Buried Carbonate Banks: The Example of the Late Paleozoic Karachaganak Field (Kazakhstan), Fabio Luoni and Ornella Borromeo, #20129 (2012).
Exploring for Tight Oil in the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone on the Nemaha Uplift Using High-Resolution 3D Seismic & Stratigraphic Analysis: A New "Resource" Play Model?,
Tony Lupo and Lee Krystinik, #10759 (2015).
PS Exploring for Tight Oil in the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone on the Nemaha Ridge Using High Resolution 3-D Seismic and Stratigraphic Analysis: A New Play in an Old Area, Tony Lupo and Lee Krystinik, #40757 (2011).
Hydrocarbon Assessment of the Deep Water Argentine Margin, Rüdiger Lutz, Dieter Franke, Michael Schnabel, and Thomas Pletsch, #120133 (2013).
Petroleum Systems of the Simeulue Fore-arc Basin off Sumatra, Indonesia, Ruediger Lutz, Christoph Gaedicke, Kai Berglar, Dieter Franke, Stefan Schloemer and Yusuf S. Djajadihardja, #10230 (2010).
Lateral and Longitudinal Compensational Stacking in Sub-Basins Based on Numerical Models of Turbidity Currents on Complex Margin Topographies, Stefan M. Luthi and Xiaoxi Wang, #50773 (2012).
Sediment Transport through Transfer Zones in Rift and Passive Margin Settings: Fundamental Differences between Subaerial and Subaqueous Environments, S.M. Luthi, R.M. Groenenberg, W. Athmer, and M.E. Donselaar, #40532 (2010).
Domestic Energy Policy: Implementing the 5-Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program, by Randall Luthi, #70060 (2008).
Recent Discoveries Offshore Douala Basin, Tiziana Luzzi-Arbouille, Eric Schmid and Theodhora Piperi, #10185 (2009).
Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Benthic Foraminifera and Radiolarians in Middle Eocene Tabyin Formation, Mindon-Taing Da Area, Magway Region, Myanmar, Soe Moe Lwin, Myo Min Aung, and Nay Phyo Oo, #51427 (2017).
PS Experimental Investigation into Fracture Closure in Caprocks in CO2 Storage Reservoirs, T.O. Lynch, H. Al-Hajri, and Q.J. Fisher, #80626 (2018).
An Overview of the UNFC 2009 System, Michael D. Lynch-Bell, #70093 (2011).
Unconventional Oil Exploration in Wyoming Using Regional Chronostratigraphic Correlation, Ranie M. Lynds, Joshua S. Slattery, and Rachel N. Toner, #80655 (2018).
The Case for another Look at the Paleocene Fort Union Formation in the Eastern Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, Ranie Lynds, and Chris Carroll, #51157 (2015).
GC The Fabric, or Internal Structure, of Rocks – The Patterns of Anisotropy, Heloise B. Lynn, #42188 (2018).
Structurally Controlled Fluid Migration Through Thrusts of the Stewart Peak Culmination in Northern Salt River Range, Wyoming, Helen B. Lynn and David R. Lageson, #30203 (2011).
GCSeismic Guides Interpretation in the Ferron Coalbed Methane Play, by William S. Lyons, #40072 (2003).
Geophysical Anomaly: A Novel Contribution to Integrated Geophysical Interpretation, Julio Lyrio, Paulo Menezes, Jorlivan Correa, and Adriano Viana, #42337 (2018).
PS Shale- and Siltstone-Hosted Hydrocarbon Resources of Alberta: Methods and Assessments, Steven Lyster, Dean Rokosh, Andrew Beaton, and Fran Hein, #30357 (2014).
Quantification of Uncertainty in Shale Gas Resource Estimates, Steve Lyster, #80361 (2014).
EA Movable Fluid Distribution and the Permeability Estimation in Tight Sandstones Using NMR, Chaohui Lyu, Zhengfu Ning, Qing Wang, and Mingqiang Chen, #42544 (2020).
Adding Reserves by Evaluating Turbidite Channel Reservoirs of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Beidagang Structural Belt, Bohaiwan Basin, China, Zhou Lyu, Li Li, Xiulin Hou, and Wenqi Zhang, #11073 (2018).
Maa-Man Mao-Mb Mc-Me Mi-Mz
PS The Study and Application of the Subtle Strike-Slip Fault Identification Technology in the Exploration of Miaoxinan Uplift Area, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China, Xugang Ma, Donghong Zhou, Chengmin Niu, Hongguo Zhang, and Rui Han, #20463 (2019).
PS Application and Extension of Fine Fault Recognition Technology in Surrounding Area of Penglai 19-3 Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China, Xugang Ma, Donghong Zhou, Dingyou Lv, Dayong Guan, and Hongguo Zhang, #20436 (2018).
A Predictive Approach for Tight Oil and Gas Exploration, Fujian Ma, #42028 (2017).
PS Multi-Scale Shale Imaging Challenges: Examples from US and European Plays, Lin Ma, Fernando Figueroa Pilz, Patrick J. Dowey, Kevin G. Taylor, and Peter D. Lee, #41928 (2016).
PS Fault Controlling of Non-Exposed Karst Reservoir in Halahatang District in North Tarim Basin, Ke Ma and Jiagen Hou, #10800 (2015).
Financing an Oil and Gas Project, Aixin (James) Ma, #80439 (2015).
Dissolution Kinetics of Iron Containing Materials in Sour Wells, Jun Ma, Tihana Fuss, Jingyu Shi, and Juanying Liu, #41638 (2015).
Study of Hydraulic Fracturing in Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Xiaodong Ma and Mark D. Zoback, #41909 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Resource Characterization and Modeling: Past, Present and Future, Y. Zee Ma, Ernie Gomez, Barbara Luneau, William Clark, and C. Mike Du, #41191 (2013).
Inference to the Best Geologic Explanation and Error Types in Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, Y. Zee Ma and Ernie Gomez, #40438 (2009).
Successful Delineation of a Deep Sour Gas Play in the NE Sichuan Basin: Puguang and More Recent Discoveries, by Yongsheng Ma, #10156 (2008)
AV Revisiting Judy Creek: Uncovering 100 Million Barrels of In-Place Oil, by Y.Z. Ma, A. Seto, D. Edwards, and E. Gomez, #110063 (2008)
6 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Unconventional Approach to Estimate Permeability of Thin Beds in a Carbonate Reservoir with Vertical Interference Testing, Christophe Bassem Maalouf, Salem Al Jaberi, Irina Baca Espinoza, F.Elarouci, S. Smith, and H.Khairy, #41834 (2016).
Reservoir Characterization of Water Zone above Oil-Water Contact in a Carbonate Reservoir, Offshore Abu Dhabi, Christophe Bassem Maalouf, Irina Baca Espinoza, Nusrat Afrin Afzal, Jorge Costa Gomes, and Salem Al-Jaberi, #41833 (2016).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Sea Level Change and Palaeoenvironments via Chemostratigraphy: Regional to Global Correlations, by Amina Mabrouk, Ian Jarvis, Habib Belayouni, Amanda Murphy, and Richard T.J. Moody, #40244 (2007).
PS Sedimentology and Depositional Environments of Cyclic Microbial Bearing Strata of the Cambrian Point Peak Member of the Wilberns Fm. Exposed along the Llano River and Mill Creek, Mason County, TX, Grace Mabry, Lindsey Yazbek, Clay Ford, Daniel Lehrmann, Pankaj Khanna, Heath Hopson, Meron Fessahaie, and Andre Droxler, #51235 (2016).
Stratigraphic Stacking of Outcropping Slope Channels, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile: Insights into Turbidite Reservoir Distribution, Ryan Macauley and Steve Hubbard, #50478 (2011).
Play Fairway Evaluation of the Eastern Nova Scotia Passive Margin – New Data, New Insights, Adam MacDonald and Matt Luheshi, #10646 (2014).
Timing Mismatch Between Facies Change and Provenance Change in Large River Systems: Implications for Reservoir Development in Evolving Catchments, David Macdonald, Paula Robinson, and Uisdean Nicholson, #51290 (2016).
In Pursuit of Harmonisation: The AAPG's work with the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources, David MacDonald, #70112 (2011).
Weakly Confined Minibasin Fill and Depositional Architectures: A Shallow Analog, Heather Macdonald, David McGee, #50269 (2010).
Exploration Trends in South America, Carlos Macellari, #30503 (2017).
EA Thermal Anomalies Across Africa: Causes and Effects on Petroleum Systems, Duncan Macgregor, #11189 (2019).
Calibrating Seal Risk against Global Analogues and Observations: Where Does the Middle East Fit?, Duncan Macgregor and Roger Davies, #41825 (2016).
Rift Shoulder Source to Prodelta Sink: The Cenozoic Development of the Nile Drainage System, Duncan Macgregor, #50506 (2011).
Understanding African and Brazilian Margin Climate, Topography and Drainage Systems, Implications for Predicting Deepwater Reservoirs and Source Rock Burial History, Duncan Macgregor, #10270 (2010).
PS Biostratigraphy of Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Arabian Plate: Current State and Future Challenges, Gil Machado, #51641 (2020).
The Grosmont: A complex Dolomitized, Fractured and Karstified Heavy Oil Reservoir in a Devonian Carbonate-Evaporite Platform, Hans G. Machel, Mary Luz Borrero, Eugene Dembicki, Harald Huebscher, Luo Ping, and Yi Zhao, #10576 (2014).
Pleistocene-Holocene Karstification of Barbados and its Implications for the Devonian Grosmont Reservoir, Hans G. Machel, John E. Mylroie, Patricia N. Kambesis, Michael J. Lace, Joan R. Mylroie, and Jonathan B. Sumrall, #50932 (2014).
PS The Devonian Grosmont: Unconventional Oil in a Fractured and Karstified Dolostone-Evaporite Platform, Alberta, Canada, Hans Machel, #80211 (2012).
The Pros and Cons of Various Dolomite Models: Some Work, Many Don’t, by Hans G. Machel, #50103 (2008).
AV Second White Specks Formation: New Concepts for Understanding Fractured Reservoirs, Paul MacKay, #110218 (2015).
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A Decade of Exploration in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, David Mackertich and Adnan I. Samarrai, #30383 (2014).
Provenance of the South Texas Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group, Western Gulf of Mexico Basin: Insights from Sandstone Modal Compositions and Detrital Zircon Geochronology, Glen N. Mackey, Kitty L. Milliken, and Brian K. Horton, #50266 (2010).
Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area: An interpretation of its Hydrogeology and Management, by Bob Maclay, #80027 (2008)
AV CO2 and the Oceans: Carbon Balance, Temperature, and Acidification, by Fred T. Mackenzie, #110114 (2009)
3 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
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History of Petroleum Exploration and Development in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Steve Mackie, #10814 (2015).
PS Increasing Operational Efficiency in Extreme Extended Reach, Offshore Wells - A Case Story from Middle East, A. F. MacLeod and A. Dulic, #42010 (2017).
Recognizing Potential in the Bitumen Saturated Dolostones of the Upper Devonian Nisku Formation through Comparison with the Grosmont Formation, A. J. MacNeil, J. Russel-Houston, and K. A. Gray, #20249 (2014).
Advective Sediment Transport on Mud-Dominated Continental Shelves: Processes and Products, Joe Macquaker, Sam Bentley, Kevin Bohacs, Remus Lazar, and Rene Jonk, #50281 (2010).
Lithofacies Variability in Fine-Grained Mixed Clastic Carbonate Successions: Implications for Identifying Shale-Gas Reservoirs, by Joe Macquaker and Sarah Davies, #50120 (2008)
GCSeismic Velocities, by D.S. MacPherson, #40150 (2005).
Subsurface Facies Analysis using Electrologs - A case study on Krishna Godavari Basin, Rajahmundry, Jagadish Chandra Maddiboyina and A. Narsing Rao, #41039 (2012).
Stable Carbon Isotope Reversal Does Not Correlate to Production in the Marcellus Shale, Jonathan Madren, #80233 (2012).
Use of Mud Gas Compositional Analysis to Determine Fracture Quality of Natural Fractures in the Austin Chalk, Jonathan Madren and Jessica LaMarro, #40778 (2011).
Identification of Producible and Bypassed Pay Oil Zones in the Smackover Formation by Using API Gravity Determined on Core Samples Together with Determination of Recoverable Oil Reserves through Pyrolysis Analysis, Albert Maende, Wesley Ingram, and W. David Weldon, #42585 (2023).
Investigation and Identification of Pyrolysis Attributes that Can Assist in Predicting Producible Hydrocarbon in the Unconventional Eagle Ford Formation, Albert Maende, Brian Horsfield, Sascha Kuske, Brian Jarvie, Dan Jarvie, and W. David Weldon, #80733 (2020).
Advanced Pyrolysis Data and Interpretation Methods to Identify Unconventional Reservoir Sweet Spots in Fluid Phase Saturation and Fluid Properties (API Gravity) From Drill Cuttings and Cores, Albert Maende, Andy Pepper, Daniel M. Jarvie, and W. David Weldon, #80596 (2017).
Geomechanics to Solve Structure Related Issues in Petroleum Reservoirs, by Laurent Maerten, #40262 (2007).
Paleostress and Slip Recovery from Complex Faults Geometry Using Mechanical Interactions: Application to Fracture Prediction, Frantz Maerten and Laurent Maerten, #40439 (2009).
Interaction between Faults and Igneous Intrusions in Sedimentary Basins: Insights from 3D Seismic Reflection Data, Craig Magee, Christopher A. Jackson, and Nick Schofield, #41114 (2013).
Overview of Geophysical Data Recently Acquired by the Ontario Geological Survey in Southern Ontario, S.J. Magnus, D.R.B. Rainsford, and R.M. Easton, #41479 (2014).
Petroleum Systems, by Leslie B. Magoon and Edward A. Beaumont, #40068 (2003).
PS Unique Microstrutures and Complex Micro-Mineral Associations in a Single Keokuk Geode, Nova Mahaffey and Robert Finkelman, #51638 (2020).
PS A Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Planning a Horizontal Well in an Enhanced Oil Recovery Field, Forest Reserve, Trinidad, Reshma D. Maharaj, Therese A. Steele, and Michael Budri, #20329 (2015).
A Quantitative Paleo-Geomorphic Study of the Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoirs in the Atoka Interval, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, U.S.A, Vishal Maharaj and Lesli Wood, #10203 (2009).
Gas Generation at High Maturities (> Ro = 2%) in Gas Shales, Nicolaj Mahlstedt and Brian Horsfield, #40873 (2012).
Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Lower Goru Deposits, Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, Salah Mahmoud, #10815 (2015).
Reservoir Potential of Lower Nari Sandstones (Early Oligocene) In Southern Indus Basin and Indus Offshore, Syed Amir Mahmud and Shamim Ahmed Sheikh, #50582 (2012).
The Critical Role of Voluntary Standards and Certification in the Hydraulic Fracturing Framework, Matt Mahoney, #80494 (2015).
Paleozoic Stratigraphic Framework beneath the Muskeg River Mine, Northeastern Alberta (Twp 95, Rge 9-10W4): Controls and Constraints on Present Day Hydrogeology, R. Mahood, M. Verhoef and F.A. Stoakes, #80372 (2014).
Advanced Well-Site Geochemistry While Drilling: Improved Wellbore Positioning and Formation Evaluation Of Unconventional Reservoirs, Pukar Mainali, Zach Crosby, Mike Dix, Gbenga Yemidale, Stephanie Heard, Jack Austin, and Max Tilford, #42100 (2017).
PS Geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian Black Shales, Cantabrian Zone, Asturias and Leon Provinces, Northwest Spain, Frank Maio, Carlos Aramburu, and John Underwood, #50529 (2011).
Discovery of a Probable Meteorite Impact Site of Late Cambrian – Early Ordovician Age in the Permian Basin, Crockett County, Texas, and Its Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Steven J. Maione, #10719 (2015).
A New Approach Towards Optimized Passive Seismic Survey Design with Simultaneous Borehole and Surface Measurements, Debotyam Maity and Fred Aminzadeh, #41143 (2013).
Integrated Fracture Characterization and Associated Error Evaluation Using Geophysical Data for Unconventional Reservoirs, Debotyam Maity, Qiaosi Chen, and Fred Aminzadeh, #41142 (2013).
Modern Carbonate Sediment Facies Heterogeneity at the Development Scale - An Example from Joulters Cays, Bahamas, R.P. Major, D.G. Bebout, and P.M. Harris, #60045 (2009).
Facies Heterogeneity in a Modern Ooid Sand Shoal - An Analog for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, R.P. Major, D.G. Bebout, and P.M. Harris, #60036 (2009) (6.6 mb).
CO2 Hydrate Formation Heat Release as a New Tool to Melt In Situ Methane Hydrates, Jacek A. Majorowicz and Jan Šafanda, #80089 (2010).
Factors Controlling Reservoir Properties of Lacustrine Turbidites in Intracratonic Rift Basins: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Northwest India, P. Majumdar, S. Konar, A. K. Bora, P. Kumar, A. Dhanasetty, C. Saha, P. Shankar, and V. Kothari, #11070 (2018).
Delineation of Basement Related Fault Closures in Eastern Part of Purnea Basin Based on Morphotectonic Analysis, S. Majumdar, H. D. Dave, J. K. Samal, and D. S. Mitra, #50577 (2012).
PS Horizontal Stresses Prediction Using Sonic Transition Time Based on Convolutional Neural Network, Esmael Makarian, Ayub Elyasi, Fatemeh Saberi, and Olusegun Stanley Tomomewo, #42587 (2023).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy of the Post-Jurassic in the Algoa and Gamtoos Basins: Implications for Hydrocarbon Potential in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, Marvel M. H. Makhubele and Emese Bordy, #11200 (2019).
Southern Africa's Exploration Potential Uncovered Using Integrated Data Sets, Jean Malan, #11168 (2018).
New Contributions to the Geodynamics of the Caribbean through Structural Transects in the Gulf of Venezuela and its Implications in the Definition of Petroleum Systems, Bladimir J. Malavé and Omar J. Contreras, #30286 (2013).
Mechanical Properties of the Niobrara Formation, Alejandra Maldonado, Michael Batzle, and Steve Sonnenberg, #50465 (2011).
Quantitative Facies Analysis: A Tool Kit in the Characterization of Eagle Ford Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Heterogeneity, Ariel E. Malicse, Erik Van Dusen, Bret Neff, Daniel Hurst, and Heather McGarity, #51279 (2016).
PS Quantitative Facies Analysis of the Eagle Ford Formation: South Texas, U.S.A., Ariel Malicse and Judit Garcia Garcia, #50876 (2013).
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, U.S.A., Ariel Malicse, #50507 (2011).
Thermal Maturity of the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain Based on Legacy Exploration and Stratigraphic Test Wells, Including Hatteras Light Esso #1, Mary Ann L. Malinconico and Robert E. Weems, #50317 (2010).
Characterization and Modelization of the Geometrical and Flow Properties of Fractured Carbonates: Application to Amellago Outcrop Data, I. Malinouskaya, P. M. Adler, J.-F.Thovert, and V. Mourzenko, #120075 (2012).
Devonian Reef-builders and the Development of the Fairholme Carbonate Reef Complex, Banff-Kananaskis Country, Alberta, Mark P. Mallamo, #50945 (2014).
Pore Imaging of Late Miocene Calcareous Marl from the Pannonian Basin (Tótkomlós Member, Endrőd Formation) and Comparison with North America Productive Calcareous Marls, G. Mallarino, A. É. Csoma, K. Milota, A. Sóron, and Á. Szabó, #51664 (2020).
AVEnergizing the World in the 21st Century (Part 3), by William Maloney, #110031 (2006)
3 of 9 presentations at AAPG Forum: Energizing the World in the 21st Century, AAPG 2006 Annual Convention
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Potential Hydrocarbon Discoveries in Bjelovar Subdepression, Croatia, by Tomislav Malvic and Igor Rusan, #10135 (2007).
Is Poor Federal Stewardship Threatening the American Energy Renaissance?, Ned Mamula, #70205 (2015).
Mapping Structures of Ancient Exposed Hyperextended Margins in the Alps: A Key to Understand the Evolution of Ultra-Deep Water Passive Continental Margins, Gianreto Manatschal, Geoffroy Mohn, Emmanuel Masini, Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Patrick Unternehr, and Garry D. Karner, #50172 (2009).
PS Evaluating the Relationship Between Stoichiometry and Cation Ordering in Ancient Dolomites, Cameron J. Manche and Stephen E. Kaczmarek, #51660 (2020).
Evaluating Dolomite Stoichiometry as a Proxy for the Chemistry of Dolomitizing Fluids, Cameron J. Manche and Stephen E. Kaczmarek, #51554 (2019).
New Insights and Perspectives on the Effects of Structural Reactivation on the Upper Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin, Cameron J. Manche, Kyle J. Patterson, and William B. Harrison, III, #80565 (2016).
PS Evaluation of Mercury Intrusion and Capillary Pressure Results: Development of a New Methodological Approach for Analyzing Carbonates, Cameron Manche and Stephen E. Kaczmarek, #41863 (2016).
The Effects of Structural Lineament Reactivation on Antrim Shale Natural Gas Development, Cameron J. Manche and William B. Harrison III, #51201 (2015).
Basin Analysis and Petroleum System Characterization and Modeling, Interior Salt Basins, Central and Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Ernest A. Mancini, Paul Aharon, Donald A. Goddard, Marty Horn, and Roger Barnaby, #10396 (2012).
PS Unfolding New Prospectivity in a Mature Rift Basin through Paradigm Shift in Basin Evolution Concepts: Barmer Basin Story, Arpita Mandal, Shubhodip Konar, Priyabrata Chatterjee, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #11016 (2017).
Application of Formation Pressure in Evaluation and Risking of Prospect, Arpita Mandal, Ankaj Sinha, Rupdip Guha, and Alisha Mehra, #10654 (2014).
Multi-Component Seismic (3C) Data Acquisition – A Case Study from Oil India Ltd. Operational Area in Upper Assam Basin, K. L. Mandal, A. K. Khanna, and R. Dasgupta, #40728 (2011).
The People's Resource, Jan Mangal, #70320 (2018).
Tripolitic Chert Development in the Mississippian Lime: New Insights from SEM, Walter L. Manger, #50957 (2014).
Low-Temperature Catalytic Gas from Marine Shales—Alpha Gas, Frank Mango, Daniel M. Jarvie, #40546 (2010).
Co-Generated Alpha Gas in Unconventional Gas Production, Frank Mango and Daniel M. Jarvie, #80127 (2010).
Gas Generation in Marine Shales 25° - 200°C, by Frank Mango, Daniel M. Jarvie, and Steven Garcia, #40332 (2008)
A First Experimentally Derived Classification of Submarine Sediment Gravity Flows Rafael Manica, Jaco H. Baas, Rogério Maestri, Jeff Peakall, and Ana Luiza Borges, #40554 (2010).
AVTectonic Setting of 79 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2007: Implications for Future Discovery Trends, by Paul Mann, M.K. Horn, and Ian M. Cross, #110045 (2007).
7 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
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Paleogene Arctic Wide Source Rocks: A Semi-Quantitative Appraisal, by Ute Mann and Jochen Knies, #10159 (2008)
Seismic Velocity Sensitivity Analysis: Gulf of Mexico Example, Pony Field, Ryan Mann, Henry Zollinger, and Steve Checkles, #50479 (2011).
De-Risking a Gas Development Using Geophysical Methods, Alessandro Mannini, Phil Rawstron, Shin Ni Chai, and Andrew Spedding, #41086 (2012).
Oil Seeps on the Seafloor of Perdido, Mexico, Manlio Mano, Carlos Beisl, and Cintia Soares, #30493 (2017).
Thermal Maturity Modeling of Organic-Rich Mudrocks in the Delaware Basin Using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material, Telemachos A. Manos and Nicholas Perez, #42247 (2018).
Where's the Data? Acquisition and Processing of Seismic Data in the PNG Highlands, Geoff Mansfield, Subhash Chandra and Peter Carver, #41762 (2016).
PS Fault-Controlled Dolomitization of Upper Cretaceous Reservoirs, Zagros Basin, Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Degradation, Howri Mansurbeg, Daniel Morad, Rushdy Othman, Sadoon Morad, Andrea Ceriani, Ihsan Al-Aasm, Kamal Kolo, Jean Noel Proust, Alain Preat, and Hemin Koyi, #51249 (2016).
Controlling Factor in Pliocene Carbonate Reservoir Quality as Key to Evaluate Play Chances: Case Study from Mundu Carbonate from South Madura Strait – East Java Basin, Maradona Mansyur, Lawrence Grant Wooley, and Nurhasan, #11007 (2017).
PS Tectono – Stratigraphic Events of the Northern Caribbean Offshore, Colombia, O. Mantilla, J. Castellanos, V. Ramirez, D. Hurtado, and C. Rubio, #30292 (2013).
PS How Palynology Contributes on Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case Study from Colombia, South America, Fernando Mantilla Duran, Sandra Garzón, and Vladimir Torres, #50362 (2010).
Simultaneous Joint Inversion as a Salt Detector in South Gabon Land Exploration, Marco Mantovani and Thierry Dugoujard, #40835 (2011).
PS Characterization of a Low Gas Pressure Reservoir: Beluga Formation, South Ninilchik Gas Field, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Ela Manuel, Segun Jebutu, Weidong Li, Rolando del Cairo, Jim Woods, and David Gorney, #20166 (2012).
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Diagenesis Severely Modified Reservoir Characteristics: A Unique Carbonate Reservoir from Alur Siwah Field, Indonesia, Ricardo Maranu, Ismail Syarifuddin, Erham Adhitiawan, Nadia Nurul, Miftahurochman Miftahurochman, Ferry Baskaraputra, Luqman Luqman, Yudi Yanto, and Joan Lumban Tobing, #20203 (2013).
Structural Elements and Petroleum Exploration on the Apulian Platform, Hellenic Fold and Thrust Belt, Zakynthos Island (western Greece), Angelos Maravelis, Anthony Vassiliou, Panagiotis Tserolas, and Avraam Zelilidis, #10614 (2014).
AVThe Geologist and the Engineer, In Need of Each Other More Than Ever, by Bill Marble, #110131 (2010)
7 of 7 presentations from Session, Genesis of Shale Gas--Physicochemical and Geochemical Constraints Affecting Methane Adsorption and Desorption
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From Nanopore to Seismic Scale: the Role of Organic Matter in Vaca Muerta Shale Oil Productivity and Sweet Spot Prediction in Rincón de Aranda Block, Denis Marchal, A. Perez Mazas, C. Naides, F. Sattler, J. Erlicher, G. Köhler, E. Nigro, S. Sommacal, and A. Fogden, #42011 (2017).
Depositional Processes and Impact on Reservoir Quality in Deepwater Paleogene Reservoirs, U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Ann Marchand, Gillian Apps, and Weiguo Li, #30402 (2015).
4D GPR for Characterization of Fluid Flow in Carbonates: Insights from Structural- vs. Stratigraphic-Controlled Domains and Comparison with Eclipse Dynamic Modeling, Pierpaolo Marchesini, Mark Grasmueck, Gregor P. Eberli, and Ralf J. Weger, #41179 (2013).
Valorization of Shallow to Deep Inactive Gas Well Infrastructures in Low Enthalpy Sedimentary Basins, Quebec, Canada, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Janie Masse-Dufresne, Leo Cerclet, Arnaud Fortier-Morissette, and Philippe Pasquier, #80690 (2019).
The Astonishing Oil History of the Gaspé Basin and Its Long March Towards a First Commercial Success, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, #70394 (2019).
Natural Fractures Characterization and Horizontal Drilling of an Oil-Prone Devonian Carbonate – Birth of a New Major Play in Eastern Canada, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Jérémie Lavoie, Nabila Mechti, Frederick Lavoie, Luc Massé, and Peter Dorrins, #10921 (2017).
Ordovician-Aged Liquid-Rich Shales and Hydrothermal Dolomites Plays: An Updated Review of the Eastern Canada Anticosti Basin Hydrocarbon Potential, Jean-Sébastien Marcil, Jérémie Lavoie, Nabila Mechti, Peter K. Dorrins, Bertrand Marcotte, and Jean-Yves Lavoie, #10555 (2013).
Utica and Other Ordovician Shales: Exploration History in the Quebec Sedimentary Basins, Eastern Canada, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Peter K. Dorrins, Jérémie Lavoie, Nabila Mechti, and Jean-Yves Lavoie, #10451 (2012).
Shale Gas in Quebec’s Sedimentary Basins, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Peter K. Dorrins, Jeremie Lavoie, and Jean-Yves Lavoie, #80139 (2011).
Shale Gas Potential of the Quebec Sedimentary Basins, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Jeremie Lavoie, Peter K. Dorrins, and Valrie Lavoie, #80073 (2009).
From Ordovician Source Rock to Dolomitized Devonian Limestones: A Promising Exploration Model in Gaspesie, Eastern Canada, by Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Jean-Yves-Lavoie, Valerie Lavoie, and Virginie Lavoie, #10089 (2005).
PSInsights into Basin Formation and Lithospheric Structure of the Barents Sea, Laura Marello, Jorg Ebbing, and Oliver Ritzmann, #30093 (2009) (3.5 mb).
Forward Stratigraphic Modelling of Deep-Sea Sedimentary Environments: Predicting Facies Distribution in Salt Tectonics Context, E. A. Marfisi, M. Callies, N. Hawie, and A. Barrois, #41956 (2016).
Petroleum System Modeling of the Shelburne Sub-Basin: An Insight on the Petroleum Potential of Southwest Nova Scotia, E. A. Marfisi, A. Arbeaumont, F. Saint-Ange, A. MacDonald, M. Luheshi, and L. Cuilhe, #10885 (2016).
Stratigraphic Modeling of a Mix Siliciclastic-Carbonate System in a Passive Margin Setting: The Hettangian-Cenomanian Interval of the Shelburne Subbasin - Nova Scotia 2011 PFA SW Expansion, Emerson Marfisi, #10855 (2016).
GCSpectral Balancing Can Enhance Vertical Resolution, Kurt J. Marfurt and Marcilio C. de Matos, #41357 (2013).
Construction and Calibration of a Fractured Tight Reservoir in a Mature Field, José Marín and E. Escobedo, #20347 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Solvent Injection Study for Heavy Oil Recovery in the Colombian Oil Sands, Rodolfo J. Marin, Sr., #41528 (2015).
PS Imaging and Imagining Transitional Sedimentary Environments: A Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Northern Colombia, Dora L. Marin, Helga N. Niño, Victor Ramirez, German Y. Ojeda, Vladimir Torres, and Freddy Niño, #10281 (2010).
The Carbonate Analogs Through Time (CATT) Hypothesis — A Systematic and Predictive Look at Phanerozoic Carbonate Reservoirs: Extended Abstract, by James R. Markello, Richard B. Koepnick, and Lowell E. Waite, #40221 (2006).
The Carbonate Analogs Through Time (CATT) Hypothesis — A Systematic and Predictive Look at Phanerozoic Carbonate Reservoirs, by James R. Markello, Richard B. Koepnick, and Lowell E. Waite, #40185 (2006).
PS Sedimentary Characteristics of Fine-Grained Resurge Facies, Wetumpka Marine Impact Structure, Central Alabama, James K. Markin and David T. King, #50445 (2011).
PS Pennsylvania Coalbed Methane Update, Antonette K. Markowski, #80353 (2014).
Depocenters with Potential Preservation of Pre-Carboniferous Rocks in Norte Basin (Uruguay), Josefina Marmisolle, Gerardo Veroslavsky, and Héctor de Santa Ana, #10931 (2017).
Estimating Unconventional Oil Resources and Reserves, Rick Marsh, #120021 (2009).
PS Current Resource Assessment of the Oil Sands of Alberta, R.A. Marsh, J. Farnell, S.L. Harbidge, and F. Hein, #10204 (2009).
PS Fault Growth and Strain Localization in a Multilayer Brittle-Ductile System, Halten Terrace, mid-Norway, Nicola Marsh, Jonathan Imber, and Robert E. Holdsworth, #40452 (2009).
Sedimentation in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt, Santa Barbara Basin, California: Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Sedimentation from 1 Ma to Present, Courtney Marshall, Richard Behl, Christopher Sorlien, and Craig Nicholson, #50680 (2012).
Origin of Abundant Palaeocene Oil Prone Type III Kerogen Deposits, Spitsbergen, Chris Marshall, David J. Large, Colin E. Snape, William Meredith, Clement Uguna, Julius Babatunde, Baruch F. Spiro, and Alv Orheim, #30195 (2011).
Aptian/Albian Reservoir Development in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Offshore Eastern Canada, Jonathan Marshall, #10598 (2014).
The Offshore Afiq Canyon and its Messinian Evaporites, and Yafo Sand Apron are Indicators of Young Fluvial Systems Unimpeded by the Levant Rift, Yossi Mart and William B.F. Ryan, #51612 (2019).
High Resolution Passive Seismic Tomography- a NEW Exploration Tool for Hydrocarbon Investigation, Recent Results from a Successful Case History in Albania, Nikos Martakis, Akis Tselentis, and Parakevas Paraskevopoulos, #40729 (2011).
Pitfalls in Assessing Lacustrine Shale Versus Marine Shale Prospects, Tom Martel, #41188 (2013).
PS Geological Evaluation of Natural Gas Sandstone in the Snyderville Shale Member, Oread Limestone Formation, Medicine Lodge-Boggs Field, Barber County, Kansas, Keithan Martin and Benjamin Crouch, #20343 (2016).
Devon Energy Overview: The Company, Exploration, and Technology, Herb Martin, #70124 (2012).
Titanium in Quartz: A Case Study of Sediment Provenance, South Island, New Zealand, Candace E. Martin and J. Michael Palin, #50677 (2012).
Hydraulic Fracturing: Public Image and Strategies for Maintaining Your Social License, John P. Martin and Christelle Faivre, #70171 (2014).
AVThe Oil and Gas Industry in the Empire State: Past, Present and Future, by John P. Martin, #110134 (2010)
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PS Is It Time to Revisit the Eastern Overthrust Belt of New York and New England?, John P. Martin, #10247 (2010) (2010).
Weak and Strong Interactions: The Coevolution of Autogenic Processes and External Forcing in Experimental Deltas, John Martin and Mike Blum, #40549 (2010).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore Senegal - Unlocking the Door to a New Deepwater Petroleum Province, Louise Martin, Igor Effimoff, Joseph Medou, and Matthew Laughland, #10278 (2010).
PSBenthic Foraminiferal Characteristics of Cenozoic Cold Seeps on the Northeastern Pacific Margin, by Ruth Martin and Elizabeth Nesbitt, #50015 (2005).
Developing a New Gas Resource in the Heart of the Northeastern U.S. Market: New York's Utica Shale Play, by John P. Martin, Richard Nyahay, James Leone, and Langhorne B. Smith, #10160 (2008).
Sequence Stratigraphic Expression of an Evolving Experimental Fluvial-to-Marine Depositional Profile, by John Martin, Chris Paola, Vitor Abreu, Jack Neal, and Ben Sheets, #50121 (2008).
Identifying and Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change from New York's Energy Infrastructure, by John P. Martin and Amanda D. Stevens,#70047 (2008).
PS Advancing Carbon Capture and Sequestration in New York, John P. Martin, Amanda Stevens, Robert Singer, Rick Victor, and F. Charles Dayter, #80060 (2009).
PS Internal Architecture Of the Proto-Kern Canyon Fault At Engineer's Point, Lake Isabella Dam Site, Kern County, California, Zachary S. Martindale, Graham D.M. Andrews, Sarah R. Brown, William C. Krugh, and Junhua Guo, #51168 (2015).
Modeling Prospect Dependencies with Bayesian Networks, Gabriele Martinelli, #40553 (2010).
PS Palynology Studies in Lower to Middle Jurassic Red Beds of Northeastern Mexico, Erika Loyola Martínez, Enrique Martínez Hernández, and José Rafael Barboza Gudiño, #51654 (2020).
PS Geochemical Characterization of Rocks, Fluids and Solid Bitumens from Kwanza Basin, Angola, Porti S. Martínez, R. Tocco, R. Baudino, A. Herra, and C. Sanders, #11204 (2019).
Geopressure Calculations in Real-time to Calibrate Operation Windows, Carlos Martinez, Franklig Rodríguez, Edwin Hernández, Edgar González, Luis Corrales, Concepción Isidro, and Adrehny León, #41931 (2016).
Horizontal Image Analysis Applied to Fracture Stage Optimization in a US Gas Shale Reservoir, David Martinez, Roger Reinmiller, and Mario Habermueller, #41753 (2015).
Geologic Study of the Miocene Rodador Field and its Exploitation Possibilities, Tabasco State, Southeastern Mexico, by Francisco Javier Martinez Castillo, #20008 (2002).
Magnetic and Radiometric Signatures in Soils above Hydrocarbon Accumulations, Toqui-Toqui and Mana Fields, Tolima, Colombia, Henry M. Martínez-Gómez and José-María Jaramillo M, #42046 (2017).
Effective Application of Inorganic Geochemical Data in Shale Resource Plays: A Case Study from the Appalachian Basin, Nahysa Martinez-Kulikowski, Milly Wright, and Andrea Reynolds, #10556 (2013).
PSLatitudinal Controls on Stratigraphic Models and Sedimentary Concepts, Allard W. Martinius, Carmen M. Fraticelli, Paul Markwick, John R. Suter, #41424 (2014).
Holocene Sediments of the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Estuaries as Aids to Interpret Tidal and Fluvial-Tidal Deposits in Outcrop and Core, Allard W. Martinius and J. H. (Janrik) van den Berg, #50950 (2014).
Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Analysis for High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization of the Oficina Formation (Sincor Field, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela), by A.W. Martinius, J. Casas, M. Exposito, X. Mathieu, R. Mjøs and J. Peralta, #50063 (2008).
A Source-to-Sink Approach to Drainage and Sediment Flux in Thrust and Foreland Systems – Utah-Wyoming-Colorado, US Rockies, Ole J. Martinsen, #51315 (2016).
Non-Equilibrium Source-to-Sink Systems: Controls and Examples, Ole J. Martinsen and Tor Sømme, #30308 (2013).
Sequence Stratigraphy 25 Years Down-the-Road: Technology Dependencies, Current Practices and Evolving Methods for Prediction of Petroleum Systems, Ole J. Martinsen, #50262 (2010) (12MB).
Deep-water Sedimentary Processes and Systems: The Role of Internal vs. External Controls on Lithology Distribution and Stratigraphy, Ole J. Martinsen, #50261 (2010) (10MB).
Understanding Deep-Water Architecture from Process Interpretation at Outcrop: An (Ancient to Modern)2 Perspective, Ole J. Martinsen and John B. Thurmond, #50122 (2008).
Can a Propagating Rift Model Finally Explain all the Peculiarities of the Rift Drift Evolution in the South Atlantic and in the Gulf of Mexico Basins?, Gy Marton and R.P. Pascoe, #30656 (2020).
Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution of the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Constrains on the Style and Timing of Gulf of Mexico Rift-Drift Development, G. L. Marton and R. T. Buffler, #41945 (2016).
Transition between Deep-Water Channel-Belt and Overbank Deposits of the Upper Austrian Molasse Basin using 3-D Seismic-Reflection and Core Data, Larisa U. Masalimova, Donald R. Lowe, and Richard Derksen, #50520 (2011).
Misener Sandstone of Oklahoma, MASERA Corporation, #10018 (2001).
A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation, Abiud W. Masinde, Cleophas W. Simiyu, Innocent K. Murunga, George Muia, Aaron K. Waswa, and Justus Barongo, #10910 (2017).
PS Locate the Remaining Oil (LTRO) and Predictive Analytics: Application for Development Decisions on Marmul GNR Field, The Sultanate of Oman, Cristian Masini, Sergey Ryzhov, Dmitry Kuzmichev, Rina Bouy, Saeed Majidaie, and Denis Malakhov, #42191 (2018).
LTRO Workflow for Fast Turnaround Field-Optimisation Studies and Efficient Development Decisions, Cristian Masini, Sergey Ryzhov, Dmitry Kuzmichev, Rina Bouy, Saeed Majidaie, and Denis Malakhov, #42190 (2018).
A Hydrothermal Dolomite Model for the Cheyenne Wells and Smoky Creek Fields, Colorado, R. Mark Maslyn, #20492 (2020).
PSGeologic Variability within the Marcellus Shale and its Relationship with Natural Fractures, John Mason and Teresa Jordan, #51017 (2014).
Structurally Related Migration of Hydrocarbons in the Central Appalachian Basin of Eastern Ohio, Greg Mason, #50733 (2012).
PSArchitecture, Lithofacies, and Depositional Model for the Ballarat Sequence: a Mid-Pleistocene Fan-Delta Complex, Panamint Valley, Inyo County, California, Cody C. Mason, Neal C. Auchter, and Brian W. Romans, #50982 (2014).
PSArchitecture, Lithofacies, and Depositional Model for the Ballarat Sequence: a Mid-Pleistocene Fan-Delta Complex, Panamint Valley, Inyo County, California, Cody C. Mason, Neal C. Auchter, and Brian W. Romans, #50982 (2014).
Results and Conclusions of a Horizontal-drilling Program at South Pass 62 Salt-dome Field, by E.P. Mason, M.J. Bastian, R. Detomo, M.N. Hashem, and A.J. Hildebrandt, #20018 (2004).
Allochthonous Salt Sheets Associated with Cretaceous Rifting in the North African Margin, Examples from North Tunisia and Petroleum Implication, Amara Masrouhi and Olivier Bellier, #30270 (2013).
Effective Permeability in Tidal Heterolithic Cross-Bedded Sandstones, Benoît Y.G. Massart, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Berit Legler, Howard D. Johnson, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, Rodmar Ravnas, and Marcus Sarginson, #50855 (2013).
Three-Dimensional Surface-Based Modeling and Flow Simulation of Heterolithic Tidal Sandstone Reservoirs, Benoît Y. G. Massart, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Berit Legler, Howard D. Johnson, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, Ayana M. Breheret, Justine Daboer, Ngozi Onokwai, Oluwole Talabi, Rodmar Ravnas, and Marcus Sarginson, #40983 (2012).
Applicability of Micro-FTIR in Detecting Shale Heterogeneity, Maria Mastalerz, Carley Gasawal, Fed Krause, Chris Clarkson, and Chris DeBuhr, #51360 (2017).
Integrating Production and XPT Analysis for Field Development in a Complicated Carbonate Reservoir, Bahrain Field, Omar Matar and Khamis Al Abdali, #20361 (2016).
Permeability Multiplier Prediction Utilizing Wide Azimuth 3D OBC Seismic Data, T. Matarid, #41349 (2014).
Possible Hydrocarbon Plays in the South Adriatic Basin and Analogues with Ionian and Apulian Geological Provinces, Marin Matešić, Lilit Cota, and Josip Bubnić, #10927 (2017).
PS Depositional Environment, Thin Bed Potential, Evaluation Strategy at Offshore Fields, Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, Marin Matesic, #50751 (2012).
Tertiary Sarawak Basin Origin: A Small Step in Demystifying the Ambiguity, Manoj Joseph Mathew, David Menier, Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui, Manuel Pubellier, and Muhammad Hassaan, #10642 (2014).
Gulf Coast Shoreline Erosion: A Complex Engineering Geologic Problem, by Christopher C. Mathewson, #50031 (2006).
Hild East (North Sea, Norway): How Geosciences Integration Led to the Re-Birth of an Old Discovery, Christian H. Mathieu, Rune Hope, and Louis Bruckert, #20128 (2012).
From the Geologists' Eyes to Synthetic Core Descriptions: Geological Log Modeling Using Well-Log Data, by Benoit Mathis, Jean Pierre Leduc, and Thibault Vandenabeele, #40109 (2004).
Petroleum System Events in Eastern Part of the Ganga Basin, Sudhir Kumar Mathur, B. N. S. Naidu, Subhrashis Adhikari, Pinakadhar Mohapatra, J. A. P. Clayburn, and Stuart D. Burley, #10470 (2012).
The Petroleum Geology of the Ganga Basin, Himalayan Foredeep, Northern India, Sudhir Mathur, B.N.S. Naidu, Subhrashis Adhikari, Stuart D. Burley, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #30247 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Stratigraphic Traps within Cambay Shale, Broach Sub Block, Cambay Basin, India, T.K. Mathuria, A.C. Julka, P.K. Dimri, and P.B. Pandey, #10326 (2011).
Structural and Petrophysical Characterization of Mixed Drain/Barrier Fault Zones in Carbonates: Example from the Castellas Fault (SE France), Christophe Matonti, Juliette Lamarche, Yves Guglielmi, and Lionel Marié, #120077 (2013).
Characterization of Carbonate Heterogeneities at Outcrop Scale: An Integrated Approach Coupling Geophysics, Petrophysics and Geostatistics, C. Matonti, Y. Guglielmi, S. Viseur, P-O. Bruna, and C. Dahl, #120074 (2012).
GC Phase Residules Can Help Define Channels, Marcilio Matos and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41140 (2013).
Tectonic Evolution of Western Part of the Moesian Platform-Implications on the Exploration of Hydrocarbons, by Justin Matresu and Traian Rabagia, #10047 (2003).
AVThe Mississippian Lime: Kinematics of a Play - Structure, Reservoir Characterization and Production Performance of the Horizontal Mississippian Play,
Shane Matson, #110184 (2015).
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AV Mississippi Lime Play: From Outcrop to Subsurface - The Evolution of a Play, by Shane E. Matson, #110170 (2013).
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The Origin of Natural Fractures in the Antrim Shale, Michigan, Murray M. Matson, #50389 (2011).
PS Late Lutetian 40AR/39AR Age Dating of a Mafic Intrusion into the Jafnayn Formation and its Tectonic Implications (Muscat, Oman), Frank Mattern, Masafumi Sudo, Ivan Callegari, Bernhard Pracejus, Wilfried Bauer, and Andreas Scharf, #51663 (2020).
PS New Ductile Microscopic Shear-Sense Indicators (Oman Mountains), Frank Mattern, Andreas Scharf, and Bernhard Pracejus, #51425 (2017).
Resolving the Structural Complexities in the Deepwater Niger-Delta Fold and Thrust Belt: A Case Study from the Western Lobe, Nigerian Offshore Depobelt, Olabode S. Matthew, Jason Won, George Udoekong, Olaoluwa O. Ibilola, and Dolapo Dixon, #10289 (2010).
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Pressure and Fracturing in CO2 Sequestration, Jonathan Matthews, Christopher Paolini, and Jose Castillo, #80586 (2017).
Overview of Shale Gas Stimulation Techniques, by H. Lee Matthews, #40335 (2008).
Pore Pressure Estimation - A Drillers Point of View and Application to Basin Models, Martin D. Matthews, #42044 (2017).
Uncertainty - Shale Pore Pressure from Borehole Measurements, by Martin D. Matthews, #40163 (2005).
Tectonic Shocks in the Oil Industry, Mark Mau and Henry Edmundson, #70335 (2018).
Next-generation Geological Model Updating and Ranking for Improved Oil Recovery, Marko Maucec, Gustavo Carvajal, Ajay Singh, and Seyed Mirzadeh, #41089 (2012).
Modelling Biogenic Gas Generation and Migration - Application on the Levantine Basin, N. Maurand, A. Pujol, A. Ravin, S. Wolf, M. Dubille, P. -Y. Filleaudeau, and B. Lebreuilly, #51645 (2020).
Elevated Levels of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material Associated with Shale Gas Extraction, John Mauro, #80266 (2012).
Reservoir Fluid Properties Required for Low-Permeability Oil Reservoir Analysis, Matt Mavor, #80363 (2014).
Gas Hydrate as a Potential Precursor for Some Shale Gas Deposits?, Michael D. Max and Arthur H. Johnson, #80267 (2012).
EA Benefits of a Chronostratigraphic Framework, An Example from the Papuan Fold Belt, Lewis Maxwell, Lawrence Grant-Woolley, Geoff Wood, and Sarah Hawkes, #51676 (2020).
Interpretation of Airborne Magnetic Data of Upper Benue Trough, Northeastern Nigeria, Omeje Maxwell, E.S Joel, lusegun Adewoyin, and O. Meludu, #10888 (2016).
Simulation of Microseismic Deformation during Hydraulic Fracturing, S. C. Maxwell and X. Weng, #41366 (2014).
The Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Hydraulic Fracture Geometry: Integration of Microseismic and Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Shawn Maxwell and Mark Norton, #40993 (2012).
Comparative Microseismic Interpretation of Hydraulic Fractures, Shawn Maxwell, #41308 (2014).
AV Monitoring Steam-Induced Geomechanical Deformation Using Microseismicity and Tiltmeters, by S. Maxwell and J. Du, #110064 (2008)
7 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Using Sequence Stratigraphy to Optimize Target Selection in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs of the Rockies (and Beyond), Jeffrey A. May, #51643 (2020).
Using Sequence Stratigraphy to Optimize Target Selection in Shale Plays of the Rockies (and Beyond), Jeffrey A. May, #51642 (2020).
Mudrock Reservoirs - Why Depositional Fabric and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Matter, Jeffrey A. May and Donna S. Anderson, #80338 (2013).
Net Pay Cutoffs from Capillary Pressure, Andy May, #120008 (2009).
Use of Fracture-Mapping Technologies to Improve Well Completions in Shale Reservoirs, by Michael Mayerhofer, Norm Warpinski, and Elyezer Lolon, #40336 (2008).
A Conceptual Model of Ice Shelf Sedimentation, M. W. Mayerle and R. D. Powell, #120180 (2015).
Oil and Gas Resources off the West Coast of the United States, Drew Mayerson, Kenneth Piper, and Chima Ojukwu, #20135 (2012).
PS PSA Seismic-Structural Interpretation, on the Identification of Possible Causes in the Formation of Gas Chimneys in Colombia's Offshore, Tatiana Mayorga, Andrés E. Calle, Freddy M. Niño, and Jorge Rubiano, #50638 (2012).
Organic Rich Facies in the Lewis Shale as an Oil and Gas Source Rock, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, United States, Ligia Carolina Mayorga-Gonzalez, Roger M. Slatt, and David Pyles, #51280 (2016).
Mozambique Natural Gas Condensate Analysis: Offsetting Production Royalties with Production By-Products, Nelia Mazula, #70241 (2017).
What Now? Developing Conventional Reservoirs Unconventionally (or Otherwise), Louis J. Mazzullo, #80447 (2015).
New Insights into Lithostratigraphic Architecture of Subsurface Lower to Middle Mississippian Petroliferous Strata in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, S.J. Mazzullo and Brian Wilhite, #51198 (2015).
The Lithostratigraphic Architecture and Many "Faces" (Facies) of Lower Mississippian Petroleum Reservoirs in Central and Eastern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, S. J. Mazzullo and Brian W. Wilhite, #10562 (2013).
Mississippian Oil Reservoirs in the Southern Midcontinent: New Exploration Concepts for a Mature Reservoir Objective, S.J. Mazzullo, #10373 (2011).
Overview of Porosity Evolution in Carbonate Reservoirs, by S. J. Mazzullo, #40134 (2004).
GCGeology Before 3-D Seismic, by Louis J. Mazzullo, #40045 (2002).
An Overview of Dissolution Porosity Development in the Deep-Burial Environment, With Examples from Carbonate Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, S.J. Mazzullo and P.M. Harris, #60028 (2009).
Syndepositional Tectonism and its Effects on Mississippian (Kinderhookian to Osagean) Lithostratigraphic Architecture: Part 2 – Subsurface Occurrences in the Midcontinent USA, S.J. Mazzullo, Brian W. Wilhite, Beau T. Morris, and Darwin Boardman II, #30208 (2011).
PS Rhythmic Carbonate Versus Spiculite Deposition in Mississippian Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Midcontinent USA: Causative Factors and Resulting Reservoir Petrophysical Attributes, S.J. Mazzullo, Brian W.Wilhite, and Wayne Woolsey, #10209 (2009).
Energized and Foam Fracturing Fluids for Liquids-Rich Organic Shale Reservoirs, James McAndrew, Rong Fan, and Robert Barba, #80388 (2014).
The Maturity of Organic-Rich Shales Using Micro-Impedance Analysis, Kenechukwu Mba, Manika Prasad, and Michael L. Batzle, #40675 (2010).
Mc-Me Back to M
Late Jurassic Slumping in the "J Block" region of the UKCS Central Graben: Temporal and Spatial Relationship to Freshney Sandstone Turbidite Reservoirs, A. D. McArthur, A. J. Hartley, D. W. Jolley, S. G. Archer, and H. M. Lawrence, #30166 (2011).
Nemaha Strike-Slip Fault Zone, by William McBee, Jr., #10055 (2003).
PS Testing 3D Seismic Attribute Strategies for Subtle Fault Mapping, J. H. McBride, R. William Keach, II, Clayton K. Chandler, and Hannes E. Leetaru, #41232 (2013).
GCGround Penetrating Radar Enhances Analogs, John McBride, Colby Hazard, Scott Ritter, Thomas Morris, David Tingey, Bill Keach, Jani Radebaugh, Clayton Chandler, Karl Arnold, and Gene Wolfe, #41375 (2014).
The Effect of Allochthonous Salt on the Petroleum Systems of Northern Green Canyon and Ewing Bank (Offshore Louisiana), Northern Gulf of Mexico, by Barry C. McBride, Paul Weimer, and Mark G. Rowan, #10003 (1999).
Challenges in Understanding Channel Levee Development, by William D. McCaffrey, Gareth Keevil, Ian Kane, and Bret Dixon, #50126 (2008).
Devonian and Mississippian Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration in Southern West Virginia, Appalachian Basin, Scott McCallum and Chris Willan, #80220 (2012).
PS Geologically Realistic Fluvial Point Bar Geocellular Models: Conditioning Algorithms with Outcrop Statistics, Andrew L. McCarthy, Lisa Stright, Paul R. Durkin, and Stephen Hubbard, #42283 (2018).
Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA): A Texas/Gulf Coast Case Study, Kevin McCarthy, Will Pettitt, Ole Engels, and Rich Priem, #80746 (2024).
Spatial and Temporal Deformation of a Lake Malawi Accommodation Zone: Integration of Dated Scientific Drill Cores and Seismic Data, Tannis McCartney and Christopher A. Scholz, #51048 (2014).
Tectonic Setting of the Lower Fernie Formation: Insights from Subsidence Analysis, Tannis McCartney and Andrew Leier, #41322 (2014).
Some Observations on Simpson Group Production in the Eola-Robberson Field, Garvin County, Oklahoma, Jerry McCaskill, #20418 (2018).
PS Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Utica Shale and Associated Late Ordovician Strata, Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, Taylor McClain, #50613 (2012).
Analog Models of Restraining Stepovers in Strike-Slip Fault Systems, by Ken McClay and Massimo Bonora, #40015 (2001).
Tectonic Evolution of the Sanga Sanga Block, Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia, by Ken McClay, Tim Dooley, Royal Holloway, Angus Ferguson, and Josep Poblet, #30005 (2000).
STAR--Structural Analogues for Reservoirs, by Fault Dynamics Research Group, #40264 (2007).
4-D Evolution of Rift Systems: Insights from Scaled Physical Models, by Ken McClay, T. Dooley, P. Whitehouse, M. Mills, #40055 (2002).
Potential for Recovery of Uranium from the Marcellus Shale, R. Scott McCleery, #51575 (2019).
Integrated Geoscience and 4D Technology Defines Reservoir Compartments to Extend Production Life of the Ravva Field, K-G Basin, India, Ray McClenaghan, Kausik Saika, Susanta Mishra, Challapalli Rao, Kondal Reddy, Menal Gupta, Joel Guttormsen, Sivasankar Joysula, and Stuart D Burley, #20186 (2012).
Michael T. Halbouty Lecture
AVShale Gas and America’s Future, by Aubrey K. McClendon, #110141 (2010)
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PS 3-D Reservoir Characterization of the South Buckeye Field, Dundee Formation (Devonian), Michigan Basin, USA, Shawn M. McCloskey and G. Michael Grammer, #20119 (2011).
In-situ Estimation of Unpropped Fracture Conductivity in Shale and Assessing its Role during Stimulation and Production, Mark W. McClure, Saurabh Tandon, Mingyuan Yang, and Siddharth Senthilnathan, #120189 (2015).
The Relationship between Stimulation Mechanism and Sweet Spot Identification, Mark McClure, #80426 (2014).
Unconventional Gas Reservoir Productivity in Australian Proterozoic Rocks - Studies from the McArthur, Beetaloo, Mount Isa, and Amadeus, Bruce A. McConachie, Peter Stanmore, Lucas McLean-Hodgson, Anargul Kushkarina, and Edward Lewis, #80501 (2015).
Reserves Estimation and Influences on Coal Seam Gas Productivity in Eastern Australian Basins, Bruce McConachie, Peter Stanmore, Michael Creech, Lucas McLean Hodgson, Anargul Kushkarina, and Edward Lewis, #10749 (2015).
The Rules of Subsurface Analytics, Jane McConnell and Duncan Irvin, #70373 (2018).
PS Modern Geochemistry Methods to Prove Working Petroleum Systems: Applications for Offshore Myanmar, Dan McConnell, #41795 (2016).
PS Sedimentology of Dolomitized Bioclastic Accumulations within the Lower Triassic Montney Formation at Coalbranch (Basing) Gas Pool, WCSB, Cole McCormick, Aimee Gegolick, and John-Paul Zonneveld, #51291 (2016).
The Bittern Field: Topographic Control of an Eocene Aged "Channel-Fill" Turbidite Reservoir in the U.K. Central North Sea, by Dominic McCormick and Markus Leishman, #20016 (2004).
The Seismic AVO of Wet and Dry CBM Reservoirs, Jason McCrank, Han-xing Lu, Kevin Hall, and Don C. Lawton, #41548 (2015).
Opening New Oil Basins: A Pattern of Discovery, Angus McCoss, #70280 (2017).
Stratigraphic Controls on Gas Production from the Cadotte, Deep Basin, by Tim McCullagh and Bruce Hart, #10151 (2008).
Lineaments and the Separation of Sicily Island from the Chalk Hills by the Ouachita River Valley, Northern Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, by Richard P. McCulloh, #50005 (2003).
Paleotopographic Control on the Variability of Woodford Shale strata Across the Southern Cherokee Platform Area of Central Oklahoma: a Mechanism for Increased Preservation-Potential of Organic Content, Brenton J. McCullough and Roger M. Slatt, #51125 (2015).
Stratigraphic Variability of the Woodford Shale across Oklahoma, Brenton J. McCullough and Roger M. Slatt, #80417 (2014).
Are States Effective Regulating Oil and Gas Production Operations?, Herschel McDivitt, #41731 (2015).
Rebirth of the Hunton in the Sooner Trend Field of Oklahoma, Gregg McDonald, #11010 (2017).
History of Structure Contour Mapping in the Appalachian Basin: 1870-1917, James McDonald, #70412 (2022).
Practical Tools, the Beginnings of Professional Practice, and the Founding of AAPG: 1900-1917, James McDonald, #70411 (2022).
Regional EOR Potential of the Utica/Point Pleasant in Ohio, James McDonald, Christopher B.T. Waid, Michael P. Solis, Samuel R.W. Hulett, and Erika M. Danielsen, #11361 (2022).
PS New Data and Techniques for Evaluating Subsidence from Abandoned Underground Mines in Ohio, James McDonald, #80612 (2017).
PS Regional Stratigraphic Differentiation of Deepwater Fan and Channel Geometries, Offshore Tanzania and Mozambique: Size Matters, Katie-Joe McDonough, Farrukh Qayyum, Eric Bouanga, Kristoffer Rimaila, Victoria Romanova, and Brian W. Horn, #30442 (2016).
PS Silurian Tuscarora Sandstone in Western West Virginia: Will It Work as a Geothermal Reservoir Rock?, Ronald R. McDowell, J. Eric Lewis, Gary W. Daft, Philip A. Dinterman, Sarah R. Brown, and Jessica P. Moore, #80726 (2020).
Data Mining to Build Robust Chronostratigraphic Frameworks in the Western Interior Basin, Bryan McDowell and Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #42481 (2019).
PS The Helium System: A Modification of the Petroleum System for Inert Gases, Bryan P. McDowell, Alexei V. Milkov, and Donna S. Anderson, #42098 (2017).
PS Integrating Outcrop and Subsurface Data for Reservoir Prediction in Fluvial Tight-Gas Sands, Upper & Middle Williams Fork Fm, Grand Hogback, CO, Bryan McDowell and Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #51328 (2016).
A New Look at the Williams Fork Formation: Tight-Gas Sands in the American Rocky Mountains, Bryan P. McDowell and Piret Plink-Björklund, #51243 (2016).
The Relative Roles of Channel Types and Facies for Reservoir Characterization in Fluvial Tight-Gas Sands, Upper Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, Bryan McDowell and Piret Plink-Björklund, #50868 (2013).
GCSeafloor Observatory Will Monitor Deepwater Gas Hydrate System, Tom McGee and Bob A. Hardage, #40191 (2006).
PSCan Fractures in Soft Sediments Host Significant Quantities of Gas Hydrates?, Thomas M. McGee, Carol B. Lutken, Rudy E. Rogers, Charlotte A. Brunner, J.S. Dearman, F. L. Lynch, and J. Robert Woolsey, #400167 (2005).
Utilizing Petrophysical Attributes to Optimize Performance of a Horizontal Drilling Program, Timothy R. McGinley, #41378 (2014).
Do Subsurface Models Accurately Represent the Rock? Insights from Outcrop on the Often Overlooked Importance of Mechanical Stratigraphy, Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, and Kevin J. Smart, #120146 (2014).
Pitfalls of Using Entrenched Fracture Relationships: Fracture System within Bedded Carbonates of the Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Canyon Lake Gorge, Comal County, Texas, Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, and Alan P. Morris, #41220 (2013).
The Reservoir Architecture of Turbidite Channels: Models and Mysteries, Tim McHargue, #51044 (2014).
Can a Single Turbidite Flow Decouple and Become Separate High and Low Concentration Flows?, Tim McHargue, #50708 (2012).
Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Crude Oils in the Lansing-Kansas City Formations in Central Kansas: Potential Indication about Sources of the Oils, Locally Derived or Long-Distance Derived,
Mike McIntire, Sambhu Chaudhuri, Matthew Totten, Norbert Clauer, Gary Sandlin, S. Kirkwood, John Miesse, G. Riepl, J. Stegeman, and Rene Boutin, #30390 (2014).
The Impact of High Precision Age Controls in Basin Modeling for Tectonic Studies: Karoo Basin, South Africa, Matthew P. McKay, Justin Dean, and Amy Weislogel, #10570 (2014).
Use of Remote Sensing Technologies to Detect Surface and Near-Surface Stray Gas Occurrence and Potential Migration Pathways in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, Bryce McKee and Craig Beasley, #80317 (2013).
A Data-Driven Proppant-Filled Fracture Model for Comparing Sliding Sleeve and Plug and Perf Completion Styles, Jonathan P. McKenna, Oscar Quezada, Nathan Toohey, and Michael Grealy, #41718 (2015).
PSWhere Did the Proppant Go?, Jonathan P. McKenna, #41414 (2014).
Estimating Event Growth from Pumped Fluid Volumes, Jonathan P. McKenna, Quynthy Bui, David Abbott, and Drew Domalakes, #41122 (2013).
PSThe Use of Structural Modeling in the Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Chris McKeown, #40026 (2001).
Using Isotopic Fingerprints to Verify Domestic Production of Critical Minerals, Michael A. McKibben, #80747 (2024).
PS Using Size and Shape Characteristics to Differentiate Between Beach and Fluvial Conglomerates in Cenozoic Tecuya and Kern River Formations, Southern San Joaquin Valley, CA, Samuel McKinney, Jeffrey Buehler, Kenneth Watson, and David Miller, #51490 (2018).
Understanding Reservoir Architecture: Combining Continuous Fluid Facies Mapping, Pressure Measurements, Downhole Fluid Analysis, and Geochemical Analyses, Daniel McKinney, Hani Elshahawi, Matthew Flannery, Mohamed Hashem, Lalitha Venkatramanan, and Oliver Mullins, #40229 (2007).
Understanding the Geographical Distribution of Historical and Modern Asphaltite Strandings along the South Australian Coastline, David McKirdy, Alexander Corrick, Andrew S. Ross, Se Gong, Christine Trefry, Chris Dyt, Zachary Angelini, Olivia Jobin, Anthony Hall, and Dianne S. Edwards, #30432 (2015).
Structural Framework of the Soda Lake Geothermal Field: An Optimized Composite Model Based on Well Lithology, Gravity, and Seismic Data, H. S. McLachlan, P. C. Schwering, and J. E. Faulds, #120142 (2014).
Uncertainty: The Impact of Aggregation, Mark A. McLane and Peter R. Rose; #120007 (2009).
Hydraulic Fracturing Complexity: Interaction between Hydraulic and Natural Fractures, John McLennan and Dan Potocki, #41209 (2013).
Valuing Acquisitions Using Risk and Uncertainty, Glenn McMaster and Frances Morris-Jones, #120024 (2009).
Geology of the Rocky Mountains West of Calgary, Alberta, in the Kananaskis West Half Map Area (82J), Margot McMechan and Elizabeth Macey, #30320 (2014).
Structural Style and Kinematic Evolution of the Central Rocky Mountain Foothills, British Columbia and Alberta, Margot McMechan, #41286 (2014).
PS The Geological Evaluation of the Middle Miocene Herrera Deepwater Turbidite Sandstones within the Overthrust Limb of the WSW Plunging Penal/Barrackpore Anticline, Southern Sub-Basin Trinidad, Josanne McMillan, #51176 (2015).
Horizontal Well Technology Applications for Improved Reservoir Depletion, Kern River Oil Field, Gerald J. McNaboe and Noel J. Shotts, #20202 (2013).
Production Data from the Cardium Formation Evaluated within a Geologic Framework to Identify Criteria Useful in Selecting Areas for Exploitation by Multi-stage Fracturing of Horizontal Wells, L. Barry McNamara, #20158 (2012).
Characterization of the Lias of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, as an Unconventional Resource Play, Sean McWhorter, William Torguson, and Ron McWhorter, #80376 (2014).
Opportunities for Offshore CCS in the Gulf of Mexico: Perspectives from Texas, Tip Meckel, Ramon Trevino, and Susan Hovorka, #80703 (2019).
Monterey Formation as a Groundwater Resource, Jordan Kear, #80702 (2019).
Applying Petroleum Exploration Data to Identify Geothermal Targets in the North Perth Basin, Australia, Mark Ballesteros, #80701 (2019).
Saturations of Migrating Buoyant Fluids from Invasion Percolation Flow Simulation Using Small-Scale, High-Resolution Geologic Models With Realistic Heterogeneity, Timothy A. Meckel, Luca Trevisan and Prasanna Krishnamurthy, #51409 (2017).
Exploring a 19th Century Basin in the 21st Century: Seeing the North Sumatra Basin with New Eyes, Lawrence D. Meckel, III, #10464 (2013).
Classifying and Characterizing Sand-Prone Submarine Mass-Transport Deposits, Trey Meckel, #50270 (2010).
PS An Updated Semivariogram "Atlas" for Carbonate Reservoirs Impact on Geological Models and Dynamic Model Production Forecasts, W. Scott Meddaugh, #42443 (2019).
Production Forecasting: Improved Understanding of Why Sparse Data, Static and Dynamic Reservoir Modeling Limitations, and Human Bias Leads to Optimistic Recovery Forecasts, William Meddaugh, #42442 (2019).
Capturing Reservoir Heterogeneity in Reservoir Models - How Much Is Enough?, W. Scott Meddaugh, #42261 (2018).
Reservoir Modeling - An Insider's History of a Key Enabling Technology, W. Scott Meddaugh, #70356 (2018).
Geology, Heterogeneity, Steam-Rock Interaction Studies of the First Eocene Carbonate Reservoir Steamflood Pilots: Impact on Understanding Fluid Flow, W. Scott Meddaugh, Ipsita Gupta, W. Terry Osterloh, Nicole Champenoy, and Niall Toomey, #120078 (2013).
Pore Pressure Prediction from Basin Simulation of Heat and Fluid Flow: Application to a Realistic Earth Model in the Gulf of Mexico, Felipe Medellin, Michael Fehler, Nazim Louni, and Jean-Marie Laigle, #42287 (2018).
Oil Geochemical Characterization in the Central Part of the Llanos Basin, Colombia, Alexis Medina and Jörg O. W. Grimmer, #11068 (2018).
Improvements in ESP Designs in Non-consolidated Sandstone Reservoir and Mature Field, Marine Region, Mexico, Emaglin Hernandez Medina, Sarita Sandoval Perez, Saul Gomez Saavedra, Hermilo Ramos, Juan Jesus Guerrero, and Gustavo Gonzalez, #42139 (2017).
PS Seal Capacity of Upper Ordovician Units in the Midwest Region: A Quantitative Approach Using Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure, Cristian R. Medina, Maria Mastalerz, Richard W. Lahann, and John A Rupp, #80725 (2020).
Storage Resource Estimates and Seal Evaluation of Cambrian-Ordovician Units in the MRCSP Region, Cristian R. Medina, John A. Rupp, Kevin M. Ellett, Patrick McLaughlin, Steve F. Greb, William Harrison, III, David Barnes, Christopher Waid, and Brian J. Dunst, #80678 (2019).
PS Insights on Porosity and Pore-Size Distribution Using Multiple Analytical Tools: Implications for Reservoir Characterization in Geologic Storage of CO2, Cristian R. Medina, Maria Mastalerz, and John A. Rupp, #80564 (2016).
Hierarchical Evaluation of Geologic Carbon Storage Resource Estimates: Cambrian-Ordovician Units within the MRCSP Region, Cristian R. Medina, John A. Rupp, Kevin Ellett, David A. Barnes, Matthew J. Rine, Matthew S. Erenpreiss, and Stephen F. Greb, #80563 (2016).
PS Lithostratigraphic Division of the Mount Simon Sandstone (Cambrian) along the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Reduction of Uncertainty in Estimations of Geologic Sequestration Storage Capacity, Cristian R. Medina and John A. Rupp, #41041 (2012).
PS Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity in the Upper Cambrian Basal Sandstone of the Midwest Region: A County-Based Analysis, Cristian R. Medina and John A. Rupp, #80070 (2009).
The Next 100 Years of Global Energy: Part VI The Grand Energy Challenge: Energy Diversity and Economic Realities, Kenneth B. Medlock III, #70273 (2017).
Economic Determinants of the Global Natural Gas Balance, Kenneth B. Medlock III, #70104 (2011).
Delineation of Four "Type Producing Areas" (TPAs) in the Fruitland Coal Bed Gas Field, New Mexico and Colorado, Using Production History Data, by Reed H. Meek and Jeffrey R. Levine, #20034 (2006).
Crack Obsolete Paradigm: Proven New Petroleum Potential in BPK Area, Sirikit Oil Field, Thailand, Ekapost Meenak, L. Punnaya, and K. Prasit, #20406 (2017).
The Effect of Microporosity on the Fluid Properties in Heterogeneous Formations, Ayaz Mehmani, Masa Prodanovic, and Adrian P. Sheppard, #120085 (2012).
Updates on Faults and Structural Framework of the Peace River Arch Region, Northwest Alberta, Obtained using a New Approach, Shilong Mei, #30399 (2015).
PS Three-Phase Darcy Migration in Basin Modeling, Clémentine Meiller, Julien Coatléven, Jean-Charles de Hamptinne, Xavier Guichet, and Nicolas Maurand, #42071 (2017).
PS Optimal Gridding Selection for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation of a Channelized Deepwater System, Casey Meirovitz, Lisa Stright, Stephen M. Hubbard, and Brian W. Romans, #10934 (2017).
PS Quantitative Outcrop Characterization of Incised Valley Fill Combining UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Traditional Geologic Field Methods, Kaiparowits Plateau, Southern Utah, USA, Casey Meirovitz, Lisa Stright, and Cari Johnson, #42056 (2017).
PS The Influence of Intra- and Inter-Channel Architecture in Selecting Optimal Gridding for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation, Casey Meirovitz, Lisa Stright, Brian W. Romans, and Stephen M. Hubbard, #41929 (2016).
PS Quantifying Inter- and Intra-Channel Architecture Controls on Reservoir Performance in a Deep-Water Slope Channel System, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile, Casey Meirovitz, Lisa Stright, Allie A. Jackson, Brian W. Romans, and Stephen M. Hubbard, #10824 (2016).
Ancient Depositional Environments of the Eastern Black Sea, Alexey Meisner, Cameron Sheya, and Michal Nemcok, #50388 (2011).
Computer Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Accumulation under Hydrodynamic Conditions -- Examples from the Williston and San Juan Basins, USA, by Fred F. Meissner and Richard B. Banks, #40179 (2005).
Consequences of Simplified Geologic Models for CO2 Sequestration: Example from the Powder River Basin, NE Wyoming and SE Montana, Jesse J. Melick and M.H. Gardner, #80087 (2010).
The Lutetian Ainsa Sequence: an Example of a Small Turbidite System Deposited in a Tectonically Controlled Basin, by Jesse Melick, Giorgio Cavanna, Giovanni Benevelli, Roberto Tinterri, and Emiliano Mutti, #50008 (2004).
AV Building a Gulf Coast Onshore Exploration Program, by Edgar I. Mellor, Penn Virginia Oil and Gas Corporation, #110006 (2004) Important! Review Systems Requirements and Recommendations.
(3 of 4 presentations at AAPG/DPA Forum: Business Strategies for Exploration Evaluation: Onshore North America, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Advanced Microseismic Monitoring Methods, R. J. Mellors, C. Morency, E. Matzel, D. C. Templeton, J. Wang, S. Myers, S. Ford, D. B. Harris, and F. Ryerson, #40989 (2012).
ePS Petroleum Hydrogeology of Southwestern Saskatchewan, Anatoly Melnik and Benjamin J. Rostron, #80189 (2011).
Increasing the Accuracy of Reservoir Characterization in Unconventional Reservoirs, Bradley Melton and Neil Fishman, #41409 (2014).
PSSuitability of the Dryland Fluvial-Aeolian Sediments and Its Depositional System for CO2 Sequestration, Analogues Study from Umbum Creek, Lake Eyre, Central Australia, Saju Menacherry, John Kaldi, Simon Lang, and Tobias Payenberg, #80050 (2009) (1.6 mb).
Multiple Provenances on Predicting Reservoir Quality, Saju Menacherry, Tobias Payenberg, Simon Lang, and William Heins, #10520 (2013).
Source to Sink Sedimentation in a Dryland Fluvial System, Western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia, Saju Menacherry, Simon C. Lang, Tobias H. D. Payenberg, and William Heins, #50035 (2006).
PS Modeling Heterogeneities: A Quantitative Analysis of Two Slope Channel Systems: Laguna Amarga, Cerro Toro Formation, Chile and Canyon San Fernando, Rosario Formation, Mexico, Dugmar Isabel Mendez Fermin and Benjamin Charles Kneller, #51599 (2019).
PS Re-Exploratory Study Within an Area of the Tahe Oilfield, Western China: From Geological Characterization of Fractured Karst Carbonates to Prediction of the Most Prolific Sweet-Spots, José Mendez, Qiang Jin, Maria González, and Xutong Zhang, #20472 (2020).
PS Construction of Stochastic Model for Ordovician Karsted Carbonates Reservoirs of Tahe Oilfield, China: Dimensional and Geometric Implications and Structural Considerations, Jose N. Mendez and Qiang Jin, #20459 (2019).
PS Geological Controls on Coalbed Methane Reservoir in East Bokaro Coalfield, Jharkhand, India, V. A. Mendhe, Subhashree Mishra, and Alka D. Kamble, #80427 (2014).
An Analytical Formulation of Seismic-derived Resistivity, by Denny Merkurius F. Mendrofa and Bambang Widarsono, #40245 (2007).
Exploration in the Parry Islands and Cornwallis Fold Belts, Canadian Arctic, Robert Meneley, #10727 (2015).
How to Look at Frontier Basins: An Example from the Canadian Arctic, Robert Meneley, #10724 (2015).
Unifying Threads of Southeast Mexico's Discovery Processes, Javier J. Meneses-Rocha, #70341 (2018).
PS Non-Geologic Factors Necessary to Develop a Shale Industry in Mexico, Eduardo J. Meneses-Scherrer, Gürcan Gülen, and Scott W. Tinker, #70236 (2017).
4-D CSEM, A Cost-Effective Tool for Deep-Water Clastic Reservoir Monitoring, Paulo T. L. Menezes, João L. Silva Crepaldi, Andrea Zerilli, Tiziano Labruzzo, Leonardo Alvim, Jorlivan Correa, Emanuel Pinho, Julio Lyrio, and Adriano Viana, #42336 (2018).
Analogizing Hybrid Reservoirs Reservoir Engineering and Production Best Practices, Hari P. Menon and Robert Hull, #80662 (2019).
Organic Rich Shale in Permian Fjords - A Potential Resource Play in the Arckaringa Basin, South Australia, Sandra A. Menpes, #10538 (2013).
Sub-salt Petroleum Potential of the Neoproterozoic Adelaide Rift, South Australia, Sandra Menpes, #10345 (2011).
PS Shale Gas Prospectivity in South Australia, Sandra Menpes, Anthony J. Hill, and Arezoo Siasitorbaty, #80167 (2011).
Microbial-dominated Carbonate Platforms during the Ladinian Rifting: Analogical Models for Microbialite Reservoirs (Catalan Basin, NE Spain), Ramon Mercedes-Martin, Ramon Salas, and Concha Arenas, #50843 (2013).
Estimates of In-Place Oil Shale of Various Grades on Federal Lands, Piceance Basin, Colorado, Tracey J. Mercier, Ronald C. Johnson, Michael E. Brownfield, #10305 (2011).
The AAPG Century - Giant Fields through the Decades, Robert K. Merrill and Charles A. Sternbach, #70267 (2017).
PS Noble Gas Geochemistry at the La Barge Platform, Wyoming, USA: CO2 Source and Potential Total Petroleum System Investigation Tool, Matthew D. Merrill, Celeste D. Lohr, and Andrew G. Hunt, #20299 (2015).
PS 3D Seismic Interpretation and Internal Structural Architecture of the Maricá Mass-transport Complex, Northern Santos Basin, Brazil, Bruno Merss and Barbara Trzaskos, #11287 (2020).
PS Early Paleozoic Drift Kinematics of the New Siberian Islands Terrane: Two Possibilities from Paleomagnetic Data, Dmitry V. Metelkin, Anna I. Chernova, Valery A. Vernikovsky, and Nikolay Y. Matushkin, #30531 (2017).
Midland Basin Spraberry Exploration Using High Resolution Elastic Inversion, Yasser Metwally, Richard Koseluk, and John Castagna, #11013 (2017).
Sulfate-Rich Eolian and Wet Interdune Deposits, Erebus Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars, by Joannah M. Metz and John P. Grotzinger, #70048 (2008).
A Novel Remote Sensing Technology for Frontier Exploration Using Biosensors and Scanning Laser (Lidar) Technology, Heinrich W. Meurer, #40680 (2011).
PS Chemostratigraphy of the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups, Brazos Basin, Texas, Melissa Meyer, Michael Pope, and Arthur Donovan, #11237 (2019).
PS Measuring Pore Throat Geometry and Angularity Through Mathematical Morphology, Aurelien G. Meyer, Lars Stemmerik, Peter Frykman, and Meysam Nourani, #42238 (2018).
Integrating Geological Processes and Petrophysics in Carbonate Reservoir Rock Typing, Aurelien G. Meyer and Cathy Hollis, #42237 (2018).
GC3-D Seismic and Underground Gas Storage, by Jack Meyer, #40070 (2003).
Development and Evaluation of Innovative Strategies for Mineral and Physical Trapping of CO2 in Geological Formations and of Long-Term Cap Rock Integrity, by R. Meyer, R. Azzam, M. Back, A. Bielinski, A. Busch, et al., #80009 (2008).
Protecting Natural Gas Pipelines from Geo-Hazards Exacerbated by a Change in Climate, by H. Jack Meyer and Bruce L. Paskett, #80020 (2008).
PS Exploration Research to Evaluation - A New Way of Working, Stephanie Meynard and Kandy Lukats, #42141 (2017).
Emergence of the Lower Tertiary Wilcox Trend in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by Dave Meyer, Larry Zarra, David Rains, Bob Meltz, and Tom Hall, #10084 (2005).
Drone-based Remote Sensing for Digital Outcrop Modeling Using Photogrammetry Techniques, Mokhles M. Mezghani, Mohammed I. Fallatah, and AbdulJaleel A. AbuBshait, #42233 (2018).
Fault Seal Analysis in the Southern Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment, Sanelisiwe Mhlambi, Fritz A. Agbor, Tapas K. Chatterjee, and Jan van Bever Donker, #11187 (2019).
Mi-Mz Back to M
The Valuation of Unconformities, Andrew Miall, #70225 (2016).
The Emptiness of the Stratigraphic Record: A Preliminary Evaluation of Missing Time in the Mesaverde Group, Book Cliffs, Utah, Andrew D. Miall, #51081 (2015).
Enhancing Seismic Insight by Spectral Decomposition, Xiaogui Miao, Dragana Todorovic-Marinic, and Tyler Klatt, #41534 (2015).
PS Migration Effects on Crude Oil Composition in West and East Cameron, Offshore Louisiana, G. E. Michael and J. Shearer, #60057 (2020).
Determination of in-situ Hydrocarbon Volumes in Liquid-Rich Shale Plays, G. Eric Michael, James Packwood, and Albert Holba, #80365 (2014).
PS Understanding the Deformation of the Naga Thrust Triangle Zone, NE India, Using Structural Modeling of 2D Seismic Data, B. Michael, C. M. Burberry, P. Jaiswal, S. Rath, S. N. Singh, and G. Barali, #50822 (2013).
Source to Sink Analysis of the Sarah Formation, Latest Ordovician, NW Saudi Arabia, Nikolas A. Michael, Conrad Allen, Y. Xu, C. Saragiotis, Eduardo Garzanti, Pieter Vermeesch, Salem Shammari, and Philip Allen, #51186 (2015).
The Sarah Formation: A Glaciogenic Reservoir Analogue in Saudi Arabia, Nikolas A. Michael, Salem Shammari, David LePain, Abduljaleel AbuBshait, Martin Guy, Clemens Van Dijk, and Rainer Zuhlke, #51167 (2015).
Source-to-Sink study and Grain Size and Volumetric Model of the Escanilla Sediment Routing System, South Central Pyrenees, Spain, Nikolas Michael, Philip Allen, and Alexander Whittaker, #50672 (2012).
PS Hydrogeological Analysis in Support of Identifying Suitable CO2 Storage Sites and ECBM in the Sydney Basin, Australia, Karsten Michael, Mohinudeen Faiz, and Mario Werner, #80051 (2009).
The Origin and Extent of Coarse Grained Sandstones in the Viking Formation near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Kain J. Michaud, #51056 (2015).
4D Seismic Inversion on Continuous Land Seismic Reservoir Monitoring of Thermal EOR, Laurene Michou, Thierry Coleou, Yves Lafet, and Benjamin Roure, #41519 (2015).
PSA Hierarchy of Current-Produced Bedforms in a Source Rock from the Eastern Carpathians Points to Predominant Bedload Deposition of an Organic-Rich Mudstone, Crina Miclaus, and Juergen Schieber, #51006 (2014).
Making Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage a Reality: Integrating Science and Engineering into a Business Plan Framework, Richard S. Middleton, Kevin Ellett, Philip Stauffer, and John Rupp, #80526 (2016).
PS New Insights from Detrital Zircons into the Northern Provenance of Triassic-Jurassic Strata, Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands, Derrick Midwinter, Thomas Hadlari, Bill Arnott, Bill Davis, and Keith Dewing, #10853 (2016).
PSTectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Migration Synchronization in the Eastern Venezuela Basin / Tacata Area, by José F. Mijares, Maria Silva, Wilfredo Maestracci, and Euries Gil, #10072 (2004).
PS Geostatistical Integration of Multiscale Data to Construct the Hunton Group GeocellularModel: Upscaling Logs and Downscaling Seismic Impedance Volumes, Benmadi Milad, Abdulmohsen AlAli, Roger Slatt, and Kurt Marfurt, #42255 (2018).
The Effect of Karsting on Natural Fracture, Hardness, and Brittleness of the Hunton Limestone and Paleo-Deposition of the Woodford Shale: A Study Using 3-D Seismic, Outcrop, Well Log, and Core Data, Benmadi Milad, #51417 (2017).
PS Integrated 3-D Seismic, Outcrop, and Core Data for Characterization of Natural Fractures of the Hunton Limestone and the Woodford Shale in Central Oklahoma, Benmadi Milad and Roger Slatt, #51382 (2017).
PS Who Should Make the Optimum Upscaling Decisions, A Geologist or An Engineer?, Benmadi Milad and Roger Slatt, #41783 (2016).
Empirical and Numerical Geomechanical Approaches to Unconventional Resources, Scott Mildren, Peter Popov, Rachael Nicolson, Simon Holford, and Luke Titus, #80411 (2014).
Assessment of the Marcellus Shale, Utica Shale, and East Coast Mesozoic Basins in the Eastern United States – a Review, Robert C. Milici, James L. Coleman, and Mark A. Kirschbaum, #30336 (2014).
Contribution of Mid-Continent Area to the U.S. Gas Resources: Results from PGC Assessment of the Future Gas Supply, Alexei V. Milkov, #11085 (2018).
Great Scott! A Homebrewed Recipe for Regional Trend-Based Log Normalization: Various Examples from Rocky Mountain Basins, Mark Millard, Andy Hennes, Preston Kerr, Riley Brinkerhoff, and Justin Brown, #42474 (2019).
The Three Forks and Pronghorn in McKenzie Co., ND: More Than a Simple 'Basin Centered Oil Accumulation', Mark Millard and Murray Dighans, #10600 (2014).
Sediment Diapirism and Gravity Sliding of the 2 Ma Huckleberry Tuff Near the Teton Dam, Idaho: Small-Scale Structural Constraints, by Mark Millard, Robert W. Clayton, and Clayton S. Painter, #50023 (2005).
The History of the WEHLU (West Edmond Hunton Lime Unit) Play from Conventional to Unconventional, Galen Ward Miller, #11000 (2017).
Spatial Distribution of Large-Scale Carbonate Buildups in a Closed Lake System, Lago Strobel, Santa Cruz, Argentina, Cody R. Miller, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and James M. Ellis, #51140 (2015).
PS Case Study for Selecting and Implementing Practical and Cost-Effective Technologies to Remediate Soil and Groundwater from Natural Gas Compression Facilities, West Panhandle Field, Texas, Brent A. Miller, Michael Jacobs, and Kyle Hughes, #80049 (2009).
PSCharacterization of the Woodford Shale in Outcrop and Subsurface in Pontotoc and Coal Counties, Oklahoma, by Ryan Miller and Roger Young, #50052 (2007).
Development of Glenrock Area Fields, Converse County, Wyoming, Mark Milliken, #20467 (2019).
Mineral Mapping of Gale Crater Using Orbital Data: Results From Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy, Ralph Milliken and the MSL Science Team, #51013 (2014).
Utilizing Channel-Belt Scaling Parameters to Constrain Discharge and Drainage Basin Character with Application to the Cretaceous to Tertiary Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico, Kristy T. Milliken, Mike Blum, John W. Snedden, and William Galloway, #30421 (2015).
Scaling Relationships in Fluvial Depostional Systems, Kristy Milliken, Mike Blum, and John Martin, #30245 (2012).
Grain Assemblages in Organic-Rich Mudstones Dominated by Extrabasinal Sediment Sources, Yanchang Formation (Triassic), Ordos Basin, China, Kitty Milliken, Xiangzeng Wang, Ying Shen, Quansheng Liang, Tongwei Zhang, Bob Loucks, and Harry Rowe, # 51203 (2015).
Compositional Classification for Fine-Grained Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks: Foundation for Bulk Rock Property Prediction, Kitty Milliken, #51130 (2015).
PS Petrology of High-Maturity Samples of the Barnett Shale, Kitty L. Milliken, William L. Esch, and Robert M. Reed, #80243 (2012).
The Weak Textural and Compositional Control on Rock Properties in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, USA, Kitty L. Milliken, William L. Esch, Robert M. Reed, and Tongwei Zhang, #80237 (2012).
Petrophysical Challenges and Triumphs in the Gippsland Basin, Andrew A. Mills and Kumar Kuttan, #10835 (2016).
The Identification of Volcanics and its Application for Reservoir Prediction of Bioclastic Dolostone: An Example From Bohai Bay Basin, Jun Ming, Tongxing Xia, and Qingyun Bai, #20240 (2014).
Traditional Energy – Still Our Energy Future, C. Michael Ming, #70111 (2011).
Using the Continuous NMR Fluid Properties Scan to Optimize Sampling with Wireline Formation Testers, Chanh Cao Minh, Peter Weinheber, Wich Wichers, Adriaan Gisolf, Emmanuel Caroli, Francois Jaffuel, Yannick Poirier, Davide Baldini, Marisa Sitta, and Loris Tealdi, #40434 (2009).
Unconventional Shale Hydraulic Fracturability-Effect of Porosity and Pore Shapes, Naeem-Ur-Rehman Minhas and Guodong Jin, #41837 (2016).
Erosional Remnants in Deep-Water Channel Systems: Outcrop and Subsurface Characterization, by Jon Minken, Roger Slatt, and Henry Posamentier, #40138 (2004).
PS A Spectral Approach to Conditional Simulation, Ilnur Minniakhmetov, Anna Pergament, and Alina Akhmetsafina, #40912 (2012).
Controls on Seismic-Scale Reservoir Architecture of Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Platform Margins: Example from the Triassic Yangtze Platform, South China, M. Minzoni, P. Enos, Jiayong Wei, and D.J. Lehrmann, #50272 (2010).
Shallow VSP for Near-Surface Structure and Statics, Soo-Kyung Miong, Robert R. Stewart, and Joe Wong, #41535 (2015).
PS Facies, Stratigraphy and Lateral Stratigraphic Continuity in Lower Jurassic Reservoir Analogue Outcrops at Wadi Naqab, United Arab Emirates, C. Mircescu, M. Hönig, C. M. John, and C. Jacquemyn, #51270 (2016).
Solid Bitumen in Shales: Facies and Maturity Effects on Microstructures, David Misch, Jop Klaver, Doris Gross, B. Liu, Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer, Joyce Schmatz, and Janos L. Urai, #51581 (2019).
A Collaborative Approach to Seismic Interpretation for Offshore Field Development—A Case Study, Satyabrata Mishra, Lawrence Grant-Woolley, and Long T. Dang, #20338 (2016).
Implication of Depositional Architecture and its Control on Vertical and Lateral Variation of Reservoir Facies – A Case Study from North Kuwait Field, Prasanta Kumar Mishra and Jassim Al-Kanderi, #20192 (2013).
Significance of Palygorskite in the Drilling and Production of Hydrocarbon in the Neogene of North Kuwait, Prasanta Kumar Mishra, Jassim Al Kandiri, Pradeep Kumar Choudhary, Markus Hoppe, and David Meadows, #41108 (2012).
PS Neogene Biostratigraphy and Sea Level Changes - Case Study from North Kuwait Field, Prasanta K. Mishra, Bibi H. Akbar, Khalid Ahmed, Pradeep K. Choudhary, Ferdous Hassan, Stephen Packer, Stephen P. Starkie, and Darrin T. Stead, #50585 (2012).
Facies Analysis of Early Miocene Bombay Formation in Panna-Bassein-Heera Area, Mumbai Offshore Basin, Jitendriya Mishra, Gajraj Singh, Rama Paul, B. K. Rath, and R. K. Phukan, #50584 (2012).
Gas Shale Potential of Cambay Formation, Cambay Basin, India, Somen Mishra and B. K. Patel, #10317 (2011).
Sub-Basalt Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Kerala-Konkan Offshore Basin, India: A Basin Modeling Approach, Somen Mishra, Ravi Verma, Kenneth D’Silva, Smita Banerjee, Rabi Bastia, and D. M. Nathaniel, #30157 (2011).
New Correlation from SW Colorado Outcrop to Eastern Paradox Basin Based on Outcrop Gamma Ray and Conodont Biostratigraphy, Kimberlee J. Miskell-Gerhardt, Gary L. Gianniny, and Scott M. Ritter, #20090 (2010).
The Impact of Mechanical Stratigraphy on Hydraulic Fracture Growth and Design Considerations for Horizontal Wells, Jennifer L. Miskimins, #41102 (2012).
Improved Oil-in-Place Estimates in Clay- and Pyrite-Bearing Shales, Siddharth Misra and Yifu Han, #41984 (2017).
Strange Sample-Thickness Dependence of Complex Dielectric Permittivity Measurements on Sandstones, Siddharth Misra and Pratiksha Tathed, #41983 (2017).
One-Dimensional Prestack Seismic Inversion with Very Fast Simulated Annealing using Edge-Preserving-Smoothing Filter, Somanath Misra and Mauricio Sacchi, #41576 (2015).
Hydrocarbon Exploration in Sub-Basalt Basins around Peninsular India, Kiran S. Misra and Anshuman Misra, #50804 (2013).
Tectonic Disposition and Hydrocarbon Potential of 85° East Ridge in Bay of Bengal, K. S. Misra and Vartika Joshi, #10476 (2013).
PS Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of the Miocene-Oligocene Santos Shale, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, Nicholas Mitchell and Junhua Guo, #51492 (2018).
PS Characterization of the Cretaceous "Olmos" Formation in the Somerset Oilfield, South Texas, Casey Mitchell, #20411 (2017).
Preconceived Notions: Ignoring Hearsay and Discovering New Pay, Casey Mitchell, #20410 (2017).
Economic Development of Pennsylvanian Age Granite Wash Reservoirs with Horizontal Wells in the Anadarko Basin, John Mitchell, #10734 (2015).
Mosser Dome Field, Yellowstone County, Montana: A Giant Stratigraphic Oil Accumulation, John R. Mitchell, #20268 (2014).
Petroleum Occurrences in Cretaceous-Age Reservoirs, Northern Bighorn Basin, Montana and Wyoming, John R. Mitchell, #10633 (2014).
Horizontal Drilling of Deep Granite Wash Reservoirs, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, John R. Mitchell, #20267 (2014).
Echo from the Past: The Finney-Scott Basin, 320 Million Years Ago and Today, Finney and Scott Counties, Kansas, John R. Mitchell, #30360 (2014).
PS Sedimentology and Reservoir Properties of the Three Forks Dolomite, Bakken Petroleum System, Williston Basin, U.S.A., Ray Mitchell, #120079 (2013).
AV Structural Attribute Analysis Used in Barnett Resource Development, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, by Gary C. Mitchell and Tim B. Berge, #110095 (2009)
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Characteristics of the Utica Black Shale in NY and PA: Black Shale Blanket or Complex Facies Mosaic?, Charles E. Mitchell, Robert D. Jacobi, Melissa Roloson, Stacey Hansen, and Gordon C. Baird, #10308 (2011).
PS Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal Completion Intervals, Arijit Mitra, Daniel Warrington, Duane A. Sommer, #80123 (2010).
Combining Terrestrial Photogrammetry, Applied Sedimentology and Hand-Held Gamma Ray Spectrometry to Characterise the Cretaceous Lower Castlegate Formation, Tuscher Canyon, Utah, U.S.A., Andrew J. Mitten, Stuart M. Clarke, Jamie K. Pringle, and Philip Richards, #51544 (2018).
Geological, Hydrogeological and Related Subsurface Conditions Affecting Well Integrity: How Do We Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors Based on Available Data?, Brent Miyazaki, #80457 (2015).
Reservoir Characterization of a Basin Floor Fan System Using Rock Physics to Integrate Seismic Amplitude and Well Data, Offshore Block 9, South Africa, Mduduzi M. Mmema and Jorge I. Adrian, #42350 (2019).
Exploiting a Priori Model Reduction Methods to Accelerate Seismic Simulations, David Modesto and Josep De La Puente, #42038 (2017).
Atlantic Margin, Stratigraphic Play: An Integrated CSEM-Seismic Approach to De-Risk Fluids?, Dmitry Modin, Gautier Baudot, Andre-Ramiro Peirin, and Eric Zagotto, #10937 (2017).
3D Lithofacies Model Building of the Rotliegend Sediments of the NE German Basin, by Inga Moeck, Heinz-Gerd Holl, and Heinz Schandelmeier, #30039 (2006).
Sparsity and Continuity Enhancing Seismic Imaging, Peyman P. Moghaddam, Felix Herrmann, and Chris Stolk, #41532 (2015).
Hydrocarbon Potential of Tight Sand Reservoir (Pab Sandstone) in Central Indus Basin-Pakistan, M. Anwar Moghal, M. Ishaq Saqi, and M. Athar Jamij, #50608 (2012).
PS An Approach to Inter-Branch Distance Optimization in Heavy Oil Multi-Branch Horizontal Wells, Diego Moglia, Esteban M. Pieroni, Ariel R. Buchini, Enrique A. Peralta, and Pablo E. Lacentre, #20470 (2020).
Top-Down, Intelligent Reservoir Modeling (TDIRM): An Alternative Reservoir Modeling Technique; Integrating Classic Reservoir Engineering with Artificial Intelligence & Data Mining Techniques, Shahab D. Mohaghegh, #40441 (2009).
Full Waveform Inversion for Complex Near-Surface Imaging Using SEG SEAM II Synthetic Model, Ali A. Mohamed and Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, #42322 (2018).
AVO Analysis for Pre-Messinian Exploration Targets: A New Approach to Identify Gas-Bearing Sandstone Reservoirs, Islam A. Mohamed and Mostafa Monir, #42464 (2019).
Time-Lapse Prestack Seismic Inversion to Delineate Undrained Reservoirs - Simian Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Wael Salah, Islam A. Mohamed and Abdulrahman A. Mohamed, #20428 (2018).
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Water Saturation Prediction – A Case Study from Offshore Nile Delta, Islam A. Mohamed, Ahmed Hosny, and Abdulrahman Ali Mohamed, #42206 (2018).
Fast-Track and Robust Reservoir Modeling Using Probabilistic Neural Network, Nile Delta, Islam A. Mohamed and Basem K. Abd El-Fattah, #42205 (2018).
PS Enhancing Spectral Decomposition to Delineates Subtle Channels – A Case Study from Offshore Nile Delta, Islam A. Mohamed, Ahmed S. Abdel-Rahman, Amr E. Khalafalah, and Abdul-Rahman Ali Mohamed, #42180 (2018).
Neural Network Analysis versus Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion for Reservoir Characterization, Scarab Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Islam Ali Mohamed, #41422 (2014).
Hydrocarbon Saturation Prediction from Full-Stack Seismic Data Using Probabilistic Neural Network, Islam A. Mohamed, #41881 (2016).
Source to Reservoir Correlation and Hydrocarbon Compositions of Oil Sand Deposits in Dahomey Basin, Nigeria, Saeed Mohammed, Opuwari Momonitu, Salam Titinchi, Mohammed B. Abubakar, and Timothy Bata, #11228 (2019).
PS Seismic Signature of CO2 Flooding in Tuscaloosa Sandstone, Avinash Mohapatra, Chandra S. Rai, Carl Sondergeld, and Trevor L. Richards, #40942 (2012).
Mapping, Modeling and Evolution of Salt Structure Geometries: Implications for Improved Sub-Salt Exploration, by Markus Mohr, Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. Urai, and Georg Bresser, #40214 (2006).
Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoirs in the South Atlantic and World-wide Analogs, Webster Mohriak, #51086 (2015).
Birth and Development of Continental Margin Basins: Analogies from the South Atlantic, North Atlantic, and the Red Sea, Webster Mohriak, #41502 (2014).
Reprocessing the East Coast Canada Stonehouse Survey with 3D SRME and Hybrid Layer Tomography PreSDM, Todd Mojesky, Ali Karagül, Bill Goodway, Chris Szelewski, and Martin Dashwood, #41549 (2015).
Porosity and Heterogeneity Effect on Vp/Vs Ratio in Carbonate Rocks from a Reservoir in the Middle East, El Amin Mokhtar, Sandra Vega, Ahmed Abed Hassan, and Mariam Al Baloushi, #40880 (2012)
PS Comparing and Contrasting the Onshore and Offshore Components of the Gamtoos Basin from Petrography, Lithostratigraphy and Facies Analysis, South Coast of South Africa, Salmina Phuti Mokoele, Kiuwu Liu, and Oswald Gwavava, #11165 (2018).
Llanos Basin: Unraveling Its Complex Petroleum Systems with Advanced Geochemical Technologies, Mike Moldowan, Shaun Moldowan, Vladimir Blanco-Velandia, Yolima Blanco-Velandia, Claudia Orejuela-Parra, Geoffrey Bott, and Jeremy Dahl, #10776 (2015).
PS Determining Multiple Sources, Facies and Oil-Mixtures of the South Atlantic Margins: Africa and Brazil, J. M. (Mike) Moldowan, Tikae Takaki, Marcio R. Mello, Silvana M. Barbanti, Jeremy Dahl, and Shaun Moldowan, #80400 (2014).
PS Unraveling Complex Oil Mixtures in the Williston Basin, John M. Moldowan, David Zinniker, and Jeremy E. Dahl, #40941 (2012)
Determination and Quantification of Petroleum Mixtures, J.M. Moldowan, David Zinniker, Jeremy Dahl, Peter Denisevich, Shaun Moldowan, Andre A. Bender, Silvana M. Barbanti, and Marcio R. Mello, #40548 (2010).
Advances in Analytical Technologies for Correlation of All Hydrocarbon Fluids, Oil Mixtures and Extracts, Mike Moldowan, Jeremy Dahl, and Shaun Moldowan, #41401 (2014).
Tools to Get the Most Information from Shale Cores: An Example from the Lorraine and Utica Shales of Quebec, Marianne Molgat and Jean-Yves Chatellier, #41338 (2014).
Identification of Mechanical Stratigraphic Controls on IP30 (First Month) Hydrocarbon Production Volumes in the SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) Play, Oklahoma, Carlos Molinares, Muizz Matemilola, Jing Zhang, Henry Galvis, Daniela Becerra, Lennon Infante, and Roger Slatt, #11021 (2017).
Reservoir Optimization, Mechanical Stratigraphy, and Stress Field Orientation in the Woodford Shale SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) Play: A Case Study from Grady County, Oklahoma, Carlos Molinares, Muizz Matemilola, Jing Zhang, Henry Galvis, Daniela Becerra, Lenon Infante, and Roger Slatt, #10984 (2017).
PS The Effects of Lamination/Bedding on the Brittleness for the Woodford Shale Silica-Rich Intervals, From the Wyche-1 Core-Well Analysis, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, Carlos E. Molinares, Roger M. Slatt, and Rafael Sierra, #51394 (2017).
Onshore San Joaquin Basin and Temblor Range, California: New Insights into the Structural Framework and Exploration Potential of a Complex and Mature Fold and Thrust Belt, Matteo Molinaro, Thomas Hauge, Sean O'Connor, Anthony Salem, Olga V. Kostenko, and Steve Naruk, #10958 (2017).
AV Characterizing and Exploiting the “Clear Fork Shale” near the Midland Basin Margin in Eastern Andrews County, Texas, Paul S. Molnar, #110211 (2015).
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Understanding Enterprise and Industry Transition Through the Use of Coal Seam Water in Agriculture: A Case Study of Chinchilla District, Queensland, David Monckton, Jim Cavaye, Sue Vink, and Neil Huth, #41650 (2015).
Permeability Anisotropy in Mudstones - An Experimental Study, Nazmul Haque Mondol, Jens Jahren, Toralv Berre, Lars Grande, and Knut Bjørlykke, #40649 (2010).
Pre-Messinian Petroleum System and Trapping Style, Offshore Western Nile Delta, Egypt, Mostafa Monir and Omar Shenkar, #30489 (2017).
PS Petroleum Systems Offshore Cyprus, Lucien Montadert, Stelios Nicolaides, Per Helge Semb, and Ovstein Lie, #10279 (2010).
The Barque Structure Offshore New Zealand: Improving the Seismic Image Using Prestack Depth Migration, Jim Montalbetti, Jeff Beckett, and Graham Hodgkiss, #41516 (2015).
A Quantitative Model for Salt Deposition in Actively Spreading Basins, Bernard Montaron and Paul Tapponnier, #30117 (2010).
PS Application of a Training-Image Library to Fluvial Meandering Facies Models Using Multi-Point Statistics Conditioned on Analog-Based Forward Models, Jose M. Montero, Nigel P. Mountney, Luca Colombera, and Na Yan, #42264 (2018).
Application of a Training-Image Library to Reservoir Modeling Using Multi-Point Statistics Based on Quantitative Fluvial Facies Characterization, Jose M. Montero, Nigel P. Mountney, Luca Colombera, Na Yan, and Alessandro Comunian, #42176 (2018).
AV Impact of Cap and Trade Legislation on the Oil and Gas Industry: An Analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (H.R. 2454), by W. David Montgomery, #110111 (2009)
3 of 3 presentations from Forum, Global Climate Change: Anticipating a Carbon Constrained Future: Implications for the Fossil Fuel Industry
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Mudstone Aggregate Origins and Depositional Interpretations of the Second White Specks and Carlile Formations in Eastern Alberta, Ben Montgomery, Dallin Laycock, Ron Spencer, and Per Pedersen, #51155 (2015).
Shale Oil Potential of the Paris Basin, France, Benjamin Monticone, Matthieu Duval, Ricarda Knispel, Patrick Wojciak, and Matthieu H. Dubille, #10384 (2012).
PS Petroleum System Modeling Implications in a Prospect Geological Risk, Western Interior Range, Venezuela, Linda Montilla, Migdalys Salazar, Solanyer Rojas, and Angel Gonzalez, #40791 (2011).
PS Fundamental Analysis of Heterogeneity and Relative Permeability on CO2 Storage and Plume Migration, Nathan Moodie, Brian McPherson, Si-Yong Lee, and Prashanth Mandalaparty, #80330 (2013).
PS Structurally Controlled Stratigraphic Traps within the HGOR Area, Palo Seco, Southern Basin, Trinidad, Karuna Moonan, #10772 (2015).
From Deep Horizon to Deep Water, a North Eastern Latin America Success Story, for Some..., Xavier Moonan and Javed Razack, #30669 (2020).
PS UAV Application to Mud Volcano Monitoring: A Devil's Woodyard Case Study, Xavier Moonan, Varendra Rambaran, and Ibraheem Ali, #42546 (2020).
Onshore Exploration Drilling Success in Southern Basin, Trinidad, Xavier Moonan and S. Harrypersad, #11293 (2020).
Structural Restoration of the Jasmine Complex and Implications for Pleistocene Depositional Environment within the Paria Sub-Basin, Xavier Moonan, Mikhail Ramadhar, and Tim Needham, #11088 (2018).
PS 4D Understanding of the Evolution of the Penal/Barrackpore Anticline, Southern-Sub-Basin, Trinidad, W.I., Xavier R. Moonan, #20122 (2011).
AV Position and Response of the Utilities Industries to Climate Change, by Karl Moor, #110109 (2009)
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Petrophysics of the Greybull Sandstone: Old Log Foundation for Further Exploration, William D. Moore, #20400 (2017).
High Fluid Pressures and High Fluid Flow Rates From a Zone of Natural Hydrofractures Associated with a Major Out-of-Sequence Thrust Zone, Convergent Margin, Southwest Japan, J. Casey Moore, Myles Barrett, and Moe Kyaw Thu, #41202 (2013).
PS A Qualitative Computer Simulation for Understanding Sequence Stratigraphy Concepts and Parameters, Phil Moore, Christopher Kendall, and Enrica Viparelli, #41153 (2013).
PS Raft-Related Structures of the Albian Madiela Formation, Offshore South Gabon, Vernon M. Moore and Robert H. Blanchard, #51373 (2017).
PS Secondary Basins and Sediment Pathways in Green Canyon, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Vernon Moore and Doug Hinton, #10499 (2013).
Bouguer Gravity, Geothermal Gradient: Exploration Tools, Denver Basin, W. Richard Moore, #10457 (2012).
On-Shelf Lower Miocene Oakville Sediment-Dispersal Patterns within a 3D Sequence Stratigraphic Architectural Framework and Implications for Deepwater Reservoirs in the Central Coastal Area of Texas, Brian Moore, Robert Loucks, and Hongliu Zeng, #50686 (2012).
Deepwater Subsalt-Suprasalt Middle to Lower Slope Sands and Reservoirs of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: The Evolution of an Exciting Giant Field Concept, Dwight "Clint" Moore, Bill Lefler, Rich Heaney, Mike Neese, and Tom Uphoff, #42048 (2017).
Advanced Exploration Technology and Concepts - Key to Future U.S. Gulf of Mexico Deep Shelf Oil and Gas, Dwight "Clint" Moore, Michael Neese, Rich Heaney, Bill Lefler, and Tom Uphoff, #42047 (2017).
Pioneering the Global Subsalt/Presalt Play: The World Beyond Mahogany Field, Dwight "Clint" Moore, #10285 (2010).
Supra-Salt Stacked Condensed Sections (SCS): Potential Indicators of Subsalt Stratigraphy, Dwight "Clint" Moore, Frank C. Snyder, and Stefan "Steve" Rutkowski, #60020 (2009).
The Evolving Exploration of the Subsalt Play in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico, Dwight "Clint" Moore and Robert O. Brooks, #60021 (2009).
A WASP in Geology: Elizabeth A. Watson (1915-2000), Jessica Moore and Amanda Haddad, #70164 (2014).
Restimulation: Candidate Selection Methodologies and Treatment Optimization, Larry P. Moore and Hari Ramakrishnan, #40337 (2008).
Characterisation of Stress and Strength Dependent Fracture Flow Properties in Carbonate Reservoirs, Daniel Moos, Colleen Barton, and Thomas Finkbeiner, #120080 (2013).
The Importance of Stress and Fractures in Hydrofracturing and Stimulation Performance: A Geomechanics Overview, Daniel Moos, #80255 (2012).
PS Fracture and Stratigraphic Analysis of the Niobrara-Equivalent Cody Shale, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Wesley Moots, #51625 (2019).
PS Geological Challenges in the Development of a Colombian Waterflood Using Horizontal Wells, Angela Rocio Mora, Carlos Andres Rodriguez, Jenny Pinilla, Elizabeth Quiroga, and Manuel Cardozo, #20390 (2017).
Kinematic and Thermal Modeling of Contractional Belts. An Example from the Colombian Eastern Foothill Belt, Andrès Mora, Richard Ketcham, Emili Carrillo, and Wilmer Robles, #41706 (2015).
3D Thermokinematic Modelling of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera: Refining the Timing of Oil Generation and Expulsion Using Multiple Thermochronometers, Andrés Mora, Isaid Quintero, Richard Styron, Michael Raghib, Mauricio Parra, and Richard A. Ketcham, #41222 (2013).
PS A Three-Dimensional Insight into the Lower Magdalena Valley Forearc Basin of Northwest Colombia: Implications for Thermal History and Petroleum Systems, Josué Alejandro Mora, Robert Ondrak, Román Gonzalez, Eliseu Kinoshita, Gabriel Veloza, Onno Oncken, Vickye Vélez, and Mario de Freitas, #30639 (2020).
Cretaceous Paleogeography and Sedimentation in the Upper Magdalena and Putumayo Basins, Southwestern Colombia, Alejandro Mora, Martin Mantilla, and Mario de Freitas, #50246 (2010).
Cenozoic Tectono-Stratigraphic Relationships between the Cesar Sub-Basin and the Southeastern Lower Magdalena Valley Basin of Northern Colombia, by Alejandro Mora and Alberto Garcia, #30046 (2006).
Identifying a Bypassed Reservoir in Limestone "A" Sequence with Magnetic Resonance While Drilling, Oscar Morales, Fabricio Sierra, Nidal Hazboun, Guillermo Saucedo, Vikas Jain, Nate Bachman, and Kais Gzara, #41843 (2016).
4D Seismic Monitoring of In-Situ Combustion of Heavy Oil Reservoirs, Diego Morales, Trino Salinas, and Gabriel Alvarez, #41529 (2015).
Sedimentation of Tura Formation in North Assam Shelf, Upper Assam Basin, India, Bhaskar Morang and S. S. Gupte, #50421 (2011).
The Importance of Ground Water Aquifer Identification on Well Planning: An Example from the São Sebastião Aquifer, Northeast Brazil, Felipe S. Moreira, Elvio C.O. Garcias, and Gregory S. Soule, #80547 (2016).
PS An Inverse Approach for Relating Seismic Velocity and Overpressure to Permeability and Sedimentation History in Deep Basins, Hector M. Moreno, Tim A. Minshull, and Rosemary A. Edwards, #40863 (2012).
Multi-Surface Restoration and Petroleum System Evaluation in the Gulf of Suez, Isabelle Moretti and Julien Gargani, #40405 (2009).
Llanos N-S Petroleum System Variation (Columbia), Isabelle Moretti, Cesar Mora, Wilbert Zamora, Mauricio Valendia, German Rodriguez, and Marcela Mayorga, #10208 (2009).
3-D Static and Dynamic Modeling of a Carbonate Reservoir: Case Study from the Lower Cretaceous La Tosca Unit (Neuquén Basin, Argentina), Elena Morettini, Leticia Rodriguez-Blanco, Guillermina Sagasti, Anthony R. Thompson, Marta Valenzuela, and Jose Luis Massaferro, #50699 (2012).
Environmental Impact Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage: Social Perspectives and Environmental Restrictions for Natural Gas in Brazil, Evandro M. Moretto, Drielli Peyerl, Hirdan K.M. Costa, Edmilson M. Santos, Dominique Mouette, Marcia R. Konrad, and Sergio M. Pulice, #80660 (2018).
PS The Power of Scientific Drilling Data in Frontier Exploration, Sally Morgan, #70314 (2018).
Concurrent In-Situ Measurement of Flow Capacity and Gas Content, Quentin Morgan, #41648 (2015).
Microbially Influenced Waulsortian Mound Reservoirs in the Lower Mississippian (Tournasian) Lodgepole Formation, Dickinson Field Complex, Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA, William A. Morgan, Raymond W. Mitchell III, Mark A. Sheedlo, Susan L. Wygant, and Wayne M. Ahr, #51384 (2017).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Great American Carbonate Bank, William A. Morgan, #50821 (2013).
The InSight Mission HP3 Experiment: The First Heat-Flow Determination on Mars, and an Opportunity for Collecting Parameters for Use of Heat Pumps on Mars, Paul Morgan and Matthew A. Siegler, #42140 (2017).
Producing Practical and Useful State Geothermal Maps, Paul Morgan, #41971 (2016).
Analysis of Borehole Temperature Data from the Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Area, Chaffee County, Colorado, Paul Morgan, #80327 (2013).
A Preliminary Analysis of Geothermal Resources in the Central Raton Basin, Colorado, from Bottom-Hole Temperature Data, Paul Morgan, #80065 (2009).
New Horizons for Geothermal Energy in Sedimentary Basins in Colorado, Paul Morgan and Matthew A. Sares, #80177 (2011).
Stratigraphic Control of Temperatures in the Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado, Paul Morgan, Matt Sares, and Marieke Dechesne, #80066 (2009).
Gas Production From Natural Hydrate Deposits and the Corresponding Geomechanical System Response, George Moridis, M. T. Reagan, and J. Rutqvist, #80699 (2019).
Sensitivity Analysis of Depressurization-Induced Long-Term Production from Class 1 Hydrate Deposits, by George J. Moridis and Michael Kowalsky #80002 (2006).
Correlation across the South China Sea Using VIM Transgressive-Regressive Cycles, Robert J Morley, Tony Swiecicki, and Pedro Restrepo Pace, #51109 (2015).
PSEstimating Geoacoustic Properties of Marine Sediments by Matched Field Inversion Using Ship Noise, by Michael G. Morley, N. Ross Chapman, Tom McGee, and Bob Woolsey, #40164 (2005).
Calibration, Repeatability, and Interpretation of In-Situ Tectonic Stress Measurements from Wireline Straddle Packer MicroFrac Testing: Case Study of an Onshore Field in the UAE, Dee A. Moronkeji, Javier A. Franquet, Steve Smith, Umesh Prasad, Noora S. Al-Shehhi, and Mohamed El-Hamawi, #41635 (2015).
Understanding Reservoir Complexity and Heterogeneity: Unique Aspects of Developing Core and Cuttings Based Chemostratigraphic and Lithologic Facies; Examples from Williston, Gulf Coast and Anadarko Basins, A. Morrell, N. Gasner, H. Rowe, and J. Mckinney, #41734 (2015).
Automated Salt Recognition in 2D Seismic and Mapping Basin-Wide Salt in the Gulf of Mexico, Scott Morris, Tony Dupont, Shuang Li, and John D. Grace, #42367 (2019).
Mandated Monitoring For Potential Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts Upon Groundwater In California: Update On SB-4 Expert Recommendations, Joseph P. Morris and Bradley K. Esser, #80462 (2015).
Rock Physics and Reservoir Characterization of a Calcitic-Dolomitic Sandstone Reservoir, H. Morris, E. Efthymiou, B. Hardy, and T. Kearney, #41499 (2014).
PS Diagenesis and Isotopic Evidence of Porosity Evolution in Reef Reservoir-Analog Facies in Outcrops of the St. Joe Group (Kinderhookian to Basal Osagean) in SW Missouri and NW Arkansas, Beau Morris, Sal Mazzullo, and Brian White, #50890 (2013).
Potential Reef Reservoir Objectives in the Lower Mississippian St. Joe Group (Kinderhookian to Basal Osagean) in Southern Kansas, Beau Morris, Sal Mazzullo, and Brian White, #50889 (2013).
PS Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Mississippian (Kinderhookian and Osagean: Tournaisian and Visean) Buildups in Southwest Missouri, Northwest Arkansas, and Northeast Oklahoma, Beau T. Morris, S. J. Mazzullo, and Brian W. Wilhite, #50516 (2011).
Fault Compartmentalization in a Mature Clastic Reservoir: An Example from Elk Hills Field, California, Alan P. Morris, Kevin Smart, David A. Ferrill, Nathaniel Reish, and Peter F. Cowell, #40907 (2012).
A High-Resolution VSP in the Oil Sands for Improved Reservoir Characterization, Mark Morrish and Laurie Bellman, #41521 (2015).
EA Advance Mud Gas Evaluation in Complex Clastic Reservoirs while Drilling in Usano Field of PNG, Alan Morrison, Ahmad Shoeibi, Harris Khan, Rob Stevens, Adel Gasmi, and Majid Moazami, #42562 (2020).
Sedimentary Sequences and Lake-Level Change in a Rift Lake: Observations from High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data and Sediment Cores from South Basin, Lake Turkana, Kenya, Amy Morrissey and Christopher A. Scholz, #50682 (2012).
Hydrothermal Dolomitization Paradigms and the Manetoe Dolomite: Are All HTDs Fault-Related?, David Morrow, #51302 (2016).
PS Characterization of Springfield Coal Member of the Carbondale Formation (Pennsylvanian) in a CO2 Sequestration Pilot - Illinois Basin - Tanquary Site, David G. Morse, Maria Mastalerz, John A. Rupp, and Satya Harpalani, #80059 (2009).
PSIchnology and the Characterization of Brackish-Water Paleoenvironments Within the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of West-Central Saskatchewan and East-Central Alberta, Canada, Alireza Morshedian, James A. MacEachern and Shahin E. Dashtgard, #50219 (2009).
Coral Buildups in Mesophotic, Siliciclastic Prodelta Settings (Late Eocene, Southern Pyrenees, Spain): An As Yet Unexplored Play, Michele Morsilli, Francesca Bosellini, Luis Pomar, Pamela Hallock, Marc Aurell, and Cesare A. Papazzoni, #50311 (2010).
Investigating Laboratory-Generated Pyrobitumen Precursors for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: A Geochemical and Petrographic Approach, Andy Mort, Hamed Sanei, and Julito Reyes, #80432 (2014).
The Search for Oil Offshore Abu Dhabi, Michael Quentin Morton, #70355 (2018).
A Vintage Well Perspective on Basin Model Production Prediction within the Niobrara Formation, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Matthew M. Morton, #10768 (2015).
Microseismic Case Study: Monitoring of a Multi Well Completion in the Muskwa & Evie Shale Play in Northeastern British Columbia, Peter Morton, Jane Ling, William Barker, and Paige Snelling, #120171 (2014).
Revisited Play Concept for Distally-Steepened Carbonate Ramps: The Relevance of Sediment Density Flows in the Stratigraphic Record, Andrea Moscariello, Disnahir Pinto, and Mauro Agate, #51514 (2018).
Geothermal Exploration in Switzerland for Heat Production and Storage: The Key Role in Knowledge and Technology Transfer from the Hydrocarbon Industry, Andrea Moscariello and Geo-Energy Group UNIGE, #80645 (2018).
Architecture and Connectivity of Coal-Bearing Reservoirs: New Insights From Outcrop Analogues, Andrea Moscariello, Dario Ventra, Aymeric Le Cotonnec, and Eric Braccini, #51137 (2015).
The Evolution of the Rotliegend Play in the Permian Basin (NW Europe) Through Geological Time and Industry Wisdom, Andrea Moscariello, #10689 (2014).
Unraveling Reservoir Architecture of Complex Low Net: Gross Red-Bed Fluvial Sequence Using Palaeosoils and Chemostratigraphy, Andrea Moscariello, #50173 (2009).
The Ordovician Glaciation in Saudi Arabia — Exploration Challenges Part 1. Geology (Outcrop, Subsurface, Analogues), Andrea Moscariello, Pieter Spaak, Alain Jourdan, and Abdul-Hameed Azzouni, #50175 (2009).
Review of the Federal Land Use Planning Process, by Claire Moseley, #50027 (2005).
PS Near Surface Seismic Investigations of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Outcrops, Daniel Moser, Chris Liner, and Matthew Rugerri, #41800 (2016).
PS Detailed Lithostratigraphic Characterization of the Monterey Formation at Chico Martinez Creek, California, Annie Mosher, Jon Guillaume, and Richard Behl, #50801 (2013).
Unconventional Reservoir Facies Characteristics of the Montney Formation Resource Play in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Thomas F. Moslow, Matthew G. Adams, Alessandro Terzuoli, and Beth Haverslew, #11029 (2021).
Reservoirs of the Distal Montney "Shale" Play, Thomas Moslow, Matthew Adams, and Alessandro Terzuoli, #80548 (2016).
Tight Gas Reservoirs of the Western Canada Deep Basin, Thomas F. Moslow and Brian A. Zaitlin, #10166 (2008) (17.2 MB).
Intraplate Foreland Deformation in the Neuquén Embayment, Alfonso Mosquera and Victor A. Ramos, #30035 (2005).
Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentrations during Deposition of Turbiditic Structureless Sandstones of the Middle Permian Brushy Canyon Formation, South New Mexico, Kannipa Motanated and Michael M. Tice, #50681 (2012).
Three Different Exploration Plays in the Marine Guadalquivir Foreland Basin in the Context of the Late Miocene Closure of the Tethys Ocean (South of Spain), Kilian Motis and Wenceslao Martínez del Olmo, #10498 (2013).
A Multilateral Case Study in the San Juan Basin: Integrated Geosteering Technology Combined with Near Bit Azimuthal Gamma Tools, Rocky Mottahedeh, #40813 (2011).
PS Land Acquisition Systems: From Centralized Architecture to Autonomous Sources and Receivers, Denis Mougenot, #40904 (2012).
Seismic Expression of the Canyon Fill Facies and Its Geological Significance---A Case Study from Ariyalur-Pondicherry Subbasin, Cauvery Basin, India, by S.K. Roy Moulik and G.K. Prasad, #10125 (2007).
Sand Distribution Pattern and Depositional Model of Kopili Formation (Eocene) with Special Reference to Sequence Stratigraphic Framework from North Assam Shelf, Assam-Arakan Basin, India, S.K. Roy Moulik, H.J. Singh, R.K. Singh Rawat, Md. S.Akhtar, S. Mayor, and M. Asthana, #50196 (2009).
Central Utah, a New Oil and Gas Province, by Floyd C. Moulton and Michael L. Pinnell, #50020 (2005).
PS Connectivity of Pore Space: The Primary Control on Two-Phase Flow Properties of Tight-Gas Sand, Maryam A. Mousavi and Steven L. Bryant, #50222 (2009).
How Plate-forming Processes Explain Structure and Shortening in Fold-thrust Belts, Frédéric Mouthereau, #41523 (2015).
Elemental Analysis as a Tool in Determining Wellbore Stability Issues: Marcellus Shale Play, SW Pennsylvania, Charles Moyer, Milly Wright, and Nahysa Martinez, #41692 (2015).
Paleogeography and Sedimentation History of the Western Libya Offshore, Central Mediterranean, Ibrahim Y. Mriheel, #10699 (2015).
Near-Surface Characterization for Seismic Exploration Based on Gravity and Resistivity Data, Jan Mrlina, #41892 (2016).
The Qualitative Assessment of Fractured Basement Reservoir Potential in Pletmos Basin, Republic of South Africa, Bhekithemba M. Msezane, Antonio Ravaglia, and Peter Dekker, #11188 (2019).
F-O Gas Field, Offshore South Africa — From Integrated Approach to Field Development, Kathleen Mudaly, Jim R. Turner, Florangel Escorcia, and Roger Higgs, #20070 (2009) (8 mb).
Heavy Oil Recovery from Sandstone Reservoirs in the Mid-Continent Region Using Preformed Particle Gel Enhanced Surfactant, Farag Muhammed and Baojun Bai, #41327 (2014).
Global Tectonics, Viewed from Manned Spacecraft, by William R. Muehlberger, #30010 (2003).
Uncertainty in Surface Microseismic Monitoring, Mike Mueller, Michael Thornton, and Leo Eisner, #41258 (2013).
PS General Model for Delivery of Asphaltenes to Tar Mats, Harry W. Mueller, III, #40740 (2011).
PS Integration of Petrographic and Petrophysical Analyses to Characterise Reservoir Quality of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in the Orange Basin, South Africa, M. Mugivhi, M. Magoba, and M. Opuwari, #11191 (2019).
Guidelines and Strategies for Model Building and Interpretation in 3D Space, Roddy Muir, Alan Gibbs, Colin Dunlop, J. Ryan Shackleton, and Gareth Johnson, #120153 (2014).
Accuracy of the Molodensky Transformation Parameters used in Exploration and Production Industry for Transformation between Everest and WGS84 Datums, Ghulam Mujtaba, #41113 (2013).
Rock-Typing: An Integrated Reservoir Characterization Tool for Tight Jurassic Carbonates, West Kuwait, Pritish Mukherjee, Dipak SinghaRay, Saad Matar, Dalal Mohammed A. Meshari, Jassim Al-Kanderi, and Thierry Lemaux, #70372 (2018).
Delineating Shale Reservoir Through Electrofacies Analysis: A New Approach, Abhishek Mukherjee, Troyee Dasgupta, Ajit Sahoo, and Mukul Srivastava, #42222 (2018).
Addressing Granitic Basement Reservoir Heterogeneity in Cauvery Basin: An Integrated Fracture Modelling Approach, S. K. Mukherjee and S. N. Chitnis, #11078 (2018).
Hydrocarbons in the Solar System - Biogenic Source Rock Signatures in Carbonaceous Chondrites and Comet Dust, Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay, #80473 (2015).
Primary or Secondary Organic Pore Network and Parallel Adsorption Sites in Shale: Dependency on Organic Facies and Maturity in Selected Canadian Source Rocks, Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay, #80472 (2015).
Planet Mars: Prospects of Biogenic or Thermogenic Oil and Gas from Deeper Sources, Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki), #70165 (2014).
The Implication of Maturation and Heat Flow Analysis for Conventional (Deepwater) and Unconventional (Shale Oil and Shale Gas) Petroleum Systems: Evolution Through the Last 50 Years, Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki), #80387 (2014).
Mississippian Lacustrine Horton Formation Source Rocks from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Eastern Canada: Major Shale Gas and Oil Shale Resource Plays, by P.K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki), #10167 (2008).
Himalayan Frontal Fold-Thrust Belt, NW India: Geometry, Structural Evolution, and Hydrocarbon Prospects, by Dilip K. Mukhopadhyay and Premanand Mishra, #10122 (2007).
Regional Depositional Environment Model of Muara Enim Formation and Its Significant Implication for CBM Prospectivity in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, Nanang Muksin, Dedi Yusmen, Riedo Waren, Andromeda Werdaya, and Djuhaeni Djuhaeni, #80272 (2012).
Improved Resolution of a Subtle Stratigraphic Play in a Mature Basin: Integration of Traditional Geological Techniques and Seismic Geo-modelling Technology, Siddharth Mukund, Ingelise Schmidt, and David Alan Stanbrook, #41506 (2014).
PS The Derdere and Karababa Formations of Late Cretaceous Mardin Group in Cemberlitas Oil Field, Southeastern Turkey: Their Depositional Environment and Sequence Stratigraphy, Oguz Mulayim and Ibrahim Cemen, #20196 (2013).
New Life for Old Data: Brownfield Reservoir Characterization and 3D Geological Modeling from the West Baram Delta Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, by Matthew Mulcahy, Tanwi Basu, A. Wahid Musbah, Gavin Douglas, Howard D. Johnson, Kamarolzaman B. Yahya, and Mustafa Suleiman, #20023 (2004).
PSThe Ohio Geological Survey CO2 Stratigraphic Test Well: A Diverse Team Achieves Common Objectives and Realizes Added Benefits, by Doug Mullett and Larry Wickstrom, #80031 (2008).
The African Conjugate Basins of the Equatorial Atlantic Margins - What Are We Missing?, Peter Mullin, Stephen Leslie, and Francis Inniss, #30589 (2018).
Case Study in Calculating Worst Case Discharge for a Gulf of Mexico Well While Leveraging Soft Skills to Produce a High-Quality Work Product, Islin Munisteri, #70213 (2016).
Seismic Acquisition Optimization for Exploration in Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins, Pedro Muñoz, Juan Uribe, and Nestor Sanabria, #42268 (2018).
Construction of 2D and 3D Models of the Kutubu Oilfield, Papua New Guinea Fold Belt, Louise Munro, Kevin C. Hill, and Ruth H. Wightman, #20340 (2016).
Laboratory Sands and Natural Siliciclastic Sandstones: Implications for the Behaviour of Reservoirs, Amanda Murphy, Kenichi Soga, and Koji Yamamoto, #42165 (2017).
Groundwater Environmental Liability Management Using Baseline Sampling Programs, Thomas Murphy and Ashley Ager, #80588 (2017).
PS Preservation of Primary Lake Signatures in Carbonates of the Eocene Green River Wilkins Peak-Laney Member Transitional Zone, John Murphy and Tim K. Lowenstein, #50873 (2013).
PS Pore Distribution in the Ordovician Shale of the Utica/Point Pleasant Sub-Basin, Michael Murphy, Jeff Daniels, David Cole, Julie Sheets, and Susan Welch, #50605 (2012).
Integrating Diagenesis into Reservoir Models for Carbonate Platforms: Developing a Workflow with Dolomite as a Case Study, Megan Murphy-Bishop, Jean Hsieh, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Jeroen A. M. Kenter, Sebastien Strebelle, Marjorie Levy, and Jeff Carvalho, #50133 (2008).
Oil vs. Gas: What are the Limits to Prospect-Level Hydrocarbon Phase Prediction?, Andrew Murray and Zhiyong He, #42513 (2020).
Relationships between Geologic Zones, Produced Water, Saltwater Management, and Seismicity in Oklahoma, Kyle E. Murray, #80519 (2016).
Subsurface Fluid Injection in Oil and Gas Reservoirs and Wastewater Disposal Zones of the Midcontinent, Kyle E. Murray, and Austin A. Holland, #80377 (2014).
Well Classification Guidelines, by T. H. Murray Jr., #70008 (2001).
Enhancement of Fault Definition by Using Frequency Spectral Decomposition Technique in Mari Gas Field, Hamid Mushtaq, Farhan Ahmed Khan, and Muhammad Haneef, #40925 (2012).
Dare to Think Outside the Box: A Success Story in Shallow Reservoirs, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, M. Sharir Mustafa, Sharifah Shahira Wafa, Khairul Amry Kamarudzaman, and Azlan M. Sabirin, #20184 (2012).
Use of Seismic Geomorphology to Re-define Mature Fields: Application of Spectral Decomposition and Neural Networks to 3D Examples from Canada and Colombia, Azer Mustaqeem and Valentina Baranova, #41215 (2013).
Fracture Potential of Challenging Rocks: From Initiation to Productive Stimulated Rock Volume, Uno Mutlu, Jian Huang, Reza Safari, and Mojtaba Pordel Shahri, #120190 (2015).
Autostratigraphic Responses of Deltaic Clinoforms to Sea Level Forcing, Tetsuji Muto, Ron J. Steel, Andrew L. Petter, and John B. Swenson, #50268 (2010).
Contourites and Turbidites of the Brazilian Marginal Basins, Emiliano Mutti, Rogério S. Cunha, Élvio M. Bulhoes, Luci M. Arienti, and Adriano R. Viana, #51069 (2014).
Turbidites, Emiliano Mutti, #30214 (2011).
Deep-Water Sands of the Brazilian Offshore Basins, Emiliano Mutti and Mario Carminatti, #30219 (2012).
Deep-Water Turbidites and Their Equally Important Shallower Water Cousins, by Emiliano Mutti, Roberto Tinterri, Pierre Muzzi Magalhaes, and Gustavo Basta, #50057 (2007).
Implications for Large-Scale Sea Level Change in the Turonian Western Interior Seaway: Evidence from the Codell Sandstone, Colorado, Matt Myers, Diane Kamola, Greg Ludvigson, and J. D. Walker, #51160 (2015).
Application of Staged Differential Effective Medium Models for the Prediction of Velocities M.T. Myers and L.A. Hathon, #40557 (2010).
Biogenic Gas Potential of Myanmar, Lynn Myint, #30603 (2019).
Speculative Pre-Tertiary Petroleum Systems and Play Types of Myanmar, Lynn Myint, #30516 (2017).
A Synthesis of Myanmar Petroleum Geology and Potential, Lynn Myint, #30453 (2016).
Remarkable Penecontemporaneous Deformation Features Produced by Seismic Waves in Cambrian Carbonate Deposits, Western Colorado, USA, Paul Myrow and Jitao Chen, #51049 (2014).
Exploration Country Focus: Austria, by Wolfgang Nachtmann, #10138 (2007).
Advanced 3-D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of the East-Mediterranean Frontier Deepwater Basins: An Approach for Enhancing Reservoir Fairways Predictions, Fadi H. Nader, Christine Souque, Jean-Claude Lecomte, Remy Deschamps, Benoit Chauveau, Didier Granjeon, Rob Staples, Estee Woon, Paul Tricker, and Alessandro Frascati, #11133 (2018).
Would Integrated Stratigraphic Geomodels Resolve The Challenges of Frontier Hydrocarbon Provinces? The Case of the Levant Basin, Fadi H. Nader, #41525 (2015).
Critical Geomechanics Concepts for Hydraulic Fracturing and Well Completions in Shales, Neal Nagel, #41210 (2013).
Multi-Step Auto-Regressive Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled, Aliased Seismic Records, M. Naghizadeh and M. D. Sacchi, #41563 (2015).
The Wildcatters, the Regulators and the Prize: Chronicles of the Cat Canyon Oil Field, Santa Barbara County, CA, Joe Nahama, #20375 (2016).
Calibrated Basin Modelling to Understand Hydrocarbon Distribution in Barmer Basin, India, Bodapati N. Naidu, Vachaspati Kothari, Nicholas J. Whiteley, Joel Guttormsen, and Stuart D. Burley, #10448 (2012).
SE Delaware Basin Slope: Debrites, Turbidites, Organics, Oh My!, Robert S. Nail, #10611 (2014).
PS Facies Reconstruction of the Ingleside and Casper Formations: a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System, Kajal Nair, Sven Egenhoff, and John Singleton, #51447 (2017).
PS Impact of Taconic Unconformity on the Depositional Geometries of the Lower Paleozoic Clastic Successions in Murzuq Basin, a Case from SW Libya, Ali Najem, Seraj Bosnina, and Ali El-Arnauti, #51423 (2017).
Distribution of Overpressure and its Prediction in Saurashtra Dahanu Block, Western Offshore Basin, India, Kanak R. Nambiar, B.K. Singh, R.N. Goswami, and K.R.K. Singh, #40730 (2011).
An Appraisal Project for Offshore Methane Hydrate in Japan, by Takatoshi Namikawa, Masaru Nakamizu, Koji Ochiai, and Yoshihiro Tsuji, #10064 (2004).
Factors Controlling Organic-Richness in Upper and Lower Bakken Shale, Williston Basin: An Application of Inorganic Geochemistry, Dipanwita Nandy, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, and John D. Humphrey, #10775 (2015).
Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate System of "D" Facies in the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Dipanwita Nandy, Geraldus Listiono, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, and John D. Humphrey, #80487 (2015).
PSSeismic Geomorphology of Mass Transport Complexes (MTCs) and its Importance in Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Forearc Deepwater Basin, Andaman, India, Arun Kumar Nandi, Kalyan Kumar Chakraborty, Sankar Sengupta, and Chiranjay Chaudhury, #30133 (2010).
Resolving Carbonate Complexity with Respect to Fluid Movements in Brown Fields, Viraj Nangia, Richard Jackson, Rajesh K. Singh, Arnab Ghosh, Siddhartha Nahar, Shyamal Bhattacharya, and H.K. Chaddha, #40996 (2012).
Application of an Innovative AEM System for Mapping Hazards and Water Resources in Oil and Gas Fields, Scott R. Napier, Bill Brown, and Shannon Frey, #20304 (2015).
PS A New Insight on the Mechanism of Salt Wall Collapse in Northeastern Paradox Basin, Utah, Mohammad Naqi, Bruce Trudgill, and Charles Kluth, #10837 (2016).
Sequence Stratigraphic and Depositional Facies Framework of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Kearl Oil Sands Project, Alberta, Thomas Nardin, Joan Carter, Bob Falls, John Irish, Stan Stancliffe, Bogdan Varban, Nancy Wilson, Lidia Zabcic, and Lynn Pratt, #41578 (2015).
Braided River and Avulsive Depositional Systems in the McMurray Formation - LIDAR and Subsurface Data Integration at Syncrude's Aurora North Mine, Thomas Nardin, B. Joan Carter, and Nina E. Bassey, #30143 (2010).
Shallow-Burial Fractures in Steep-rimmed Carbonate Platforms: Outcrops in Canning Basin, NW Australia, as Analog for Tengiz Reservoir, Kazakhstan, Wayne Narr and Eric Flodin, #120081 (2013).
Fractures in Steep-rimmed Carbonate Platforms: Comparison of Tengiz Reservoir, Kazakhstan, and Outcrops in Canning Basin, NW Australia, Wayne Narr and Eric Flodin, #20161 (2012).
Understanding and Predicting Fractures at Tengiz - A Giant, Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan, by Wayne Narr, Dennis J. Fischer, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Thomas Heidrick, Ben T. Robertson, and Karen Payrazyan, #20057 (2008).
PS Biostratigraphy of Neogene Sedimentary Succession in the Macuspana Basin, Southern Gulf of Mexico, by J. Yanina Narváez-Rodriguez, Javier Helenes, Jose Del Moral, and Victor Martinez, #50051 (2007).
New Technologies in the Development of Unconventional Resources in the U.S., Susan Nash, #70359 (2018).
Using Thermal/IR and Multispectral Sensors on Drones to Find the Origin of and Extent of Contamination from Saltwater Spills from Producing Wells, Susan Nash, #80650 (2018).
New Technologies in the Development of Unconventional Resources in the U.S., Susan Nash, 70331 (2018).
Proppant Technology Advances and Reservoir Performance, Susan Nash, #70326 (2018).
Breakthrough Business Opportunities in the Oil Industry for YPs and "Small Team" Geoscientists, Susan Nash, #70325 (2018).
New Developments in Drones and Methane Detection for Monitoring, Emissions Detection, and Regulatory Compliance, Susan Nash, #70235 (2017).
Old Well Rescue: Don't Euthanize, Revitalize! A Workflow, Susan Nash, #41997 (2017).
Eight Success Elements for New Ventures, Susan Nash, #41996 (2017).
No Money Down Revitalization: Build Your Own Business Opportunities, Susan Nash, #41995 (2017).
Unconventionals Update: Challenging the Assumptions, Susan Nash, #41804 (2016).
Free and Almost Free Petroleum Information: Low-Cost and Open-Source Software, Susan Smith Nash, #70209 (2016).
Evaluating Shale Play Opportunities, Optimizing Your Own Operations, Susan Smith Nash, #80512 (2016).
Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Independent: What Is Different Now Than Before?, Susan Nash, #70203 (2015).
Reservoir Revitalization: Key Questions to Address, Susan Nash, #70202 (2015).
Optimizing Knowledge Transfer between Geologists and Engineers: Infographics as Working Memory Boosters and Engagers for Learning, Susan Nash, #70201 (2015).
Enhanced Field Safety through Social Media Collaborative Digital Inspections, Susan Smith Nash, #70199 (2015).
AV Optimization in U.S. Shale Plays: Emerging New Techniques and Technologies, Susan Smith Nash, #110214 (2015).
Click to view presentation in PDF format
Responding to New Discoveries: Workflow and Strategies for Conquering the "Data Gap" and Overcoming "Stuck-In-Rut Thinking", Susan Smith Nash, #70176 (2014).
Stranded Pay Between the Laterals: New Technology to Identify and Recover Gas and Oil, Susan Smith Nash, #70175 (2014).
Refining the Tactics: Current Approaches to Exploration and Development of Shale Plays in the U.S., Susan Smith Nash, #70173 (2014).
The Springer Shale: A Sleeping Giant?,
Susan S. Nash, #10664 (2014).
A Prospectivity Checklist for Unconventional Plays, Susan Smith Nash, #70160 (2014).
Technology Strategy for Shale Plays: Independents vs. Majors – An Analysis and Outlook, Susan Smith Nash, #70159 (2014).
Key Factors for Success in Unconventionals: Characteristics, Key Plays, Typical Challenges, Susan Smith Nash, #80352 (2014).
Technology Strategy Considerations in Reservoir Optimization, Susan Smith Nash, #70154 (2013).
Effective Knowledge Transfer in a Rapidly-Developing Play: New "Learnings" or "Findings" Reports, Susan Smith Nash, #70143 (2013).
Reliable vs. Unreliable Information in the Eagle Ford: Sources and Credibility Tests, Susan Smith Nash, #70142 (2013).
Produced Salt Water: The Next Resource Play? Solving Oil Industry Problems via Paradigm Shifts, New Technologies, Markets, and Community Partnerships, Susan Smith Nash, #70138 (2013).
A Compilation of Articles on Shale Plays and Unconventional Resources: The Role of Access and the Making of Normative Standards, Susan Smith Nash, #70135 (2013).
Success Strategies for E-Learning, Susan Smith Nash, #70122 (2012).
ePS Using Simulations and Virtual Worlds for Success in the Marcellus, Susan Smith Nash, #70096 (2011).
Effective E-Learning for Geoscientists in the Global, Multi-Generational Workplace, Susan Smith Nash, #70089 (2010).
Computational Investigations of Turbidity Currents in Complex Topographies, M. Nasr, S. Saegeler, M. Zoellner, E. Meiburg, and B. Kneller, #50271 (2010).
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Depositional Model of Zubair Formation in Exploration Phase, in Bahrah Area, Kuwait, Prabir K. Nath, Sunil Singh, Afrah Saleh Al-Ajmi, Subrata K. Bhukta, and Eman Saleh Al-Shehri, #51106 (2015).
Characterization and Modeling of Tight Fractured Carbonate Reservoir of Najmah-Sargelu Formation, Kuwait, Prabir Kumar Nath, Sunil Kumar Singh, Reyad Abu-Taleb, Raghav Prasad, Badruzzaman Khan, Sara Bader, and Awani W. Jaradat #41059 (2012).
The Agua Caliente Oilfield and the Boiling River of the Peruvian Amazon, Jorge Navarro Comet, #70354 (2018).
Ayoluengo: The Only Oil Field Onshore Spain, Jorge Navarro Comet, #20416 (2018).
PS Evolution of Normal Faults: Displacement Patterns in 3D Seismic Data from the Eastern Levant Basin, Nadav Navon, Benjamin Medvedev, and Amotz Agnon, #11309 (2020).
Key Tools for Black Shale Evaluation: Geostatistics and Inorganic Geochemistry Applied to Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina, Alejandro Nawratil, Hugo Gomez, and Claudio Larriestra, #41028 (2012).
Petroleum System Related to 85° E Ridge: A Conceptual Study, Satyabrata Nayak, Suman Das, Rabi Bastia, and Bhabesh Kar, #50497 (2011).
Role of Foraminifera in Establishing the Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Paleogene Sediments in Kosamba - Valecha – Olpad and Navsari Area in Narmada-Tapti Block of South Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India, K.K. Nayak and Jagmohan Singh, #50415 (2011).
EA Subsurface Process Improvement to Minimize Subsurface Uncertainties for Workover Optimization, A Case Study from Mature Waterflood Field, Central Sumatera Basin, Indonesia, Ardi Nazamzi, Irdas Muswar, and Shuhaimi Mohd Mokhtar, #42540 (2020).
An Overview of the Distribution of Inert Gases in Deeper Reservoirs of the Sulaiman Fold Belt, Pakistan, Adeel Nazeer, Tabinda Tariq, Ghulam Murtaza, S. Habib Shah, and Aisha Danyal, #41117 (2013).
EA Complementary Structural Analysis of Channelized Turbidites in the Offshore Niger Delta: Integration of 3D Seismic Data, Inversion of Extra-Deep Azimuthal Resistivity Data, Gamma and Density Borehole Images, Chidi N. Ndokwu, Stephen A. Morris, Johanne Paludan, Victor Okowi, Olatunbosun Olagundoye, Nsikak Umoren, Arnaud Delpeint, Onyeka Ndefo, Adekunle Agbejule, Richmond U. Ideozu, and Jones E. Acra, #42352 (2019).
The Use and Abuse of Geophysics in Oil and Gas Reserve and Resource Estimation, Scott Neal, #120012 (2009).
The Role of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) in Enabling a Sustainable Exploration Effort to the Moon, Mars, and Beyond, by Clive R. Neal, #70051 (2008).
EA Model of the Use and Production of Water in the Gulf of San Jorge Basin, Rogelio Neder, Viviana Aguirre, David Rubín, Pablo Eveling, and Gabriela Cejas, #80713 (2020).
Perceptive Interpreter Training: Integrating Structural Insights, Volumetric Tools and Spatial Thinking, Thomas Neely and Robert Krantz, #70078 (2010).
PS Construction of Geological Model Scenarios in a Highly Faulted Reservoir: Finding the Appropriate Model That Best-Fit Reservoir Simulation Objectives, Jacobus M. Neethling, K.C. Nyapule, Abdullah Jawoodien, Joerg F. Feddersen, and Sbonelo Ngcongo, #42340 (2019).
The Habban Field and the Fractured Basement Play in Yemen, Pascale Neff, #110203 (2014).
Deep Water Sedimentary Structures in Flysch of Chakrata Formation of Uttrakhan Lesser Himalaya, Manju Negi, #30224 (2012).
Texas Heat Flow Patterns, Petru T. Negraru, David Blackwell, and Maria Richards, #80048 (2009).
Rethinking Unconventional Resource Assessments, Richard Nehring, #70228 (2016).
Just How Enormous Is the "Enormous" U.S. Gas Resource? Implications for Future Supply, Richard Nehring, #70079 (2010).
Highest Possible Resolution (HPR) Stratigraphic Seismic Imaging Case Study — Deep Reef Platform, by Norman S. Neidell, #40346 (2008).
The Influence of Facies and Fracturing on the Petrophysical Properties of Carbonates, Joyce Neilson, David Healy, Ian Alsop, Thomas Haines, Emma Michie, Nicholas Timms, and Moyra Wilson, #120082 (2013).
Grosmont Prolific Carbonate Reservoir: Unravel Subtle Facies Variability through Integrated Evaluation of High Resolution Seismic and Well Data, Vasilisa Nekhorosheva, Fahad Al Hadhrami, Tulio Colmenares, Maria Balzarini, Jeff Lonnee, Orlando Ortega, Mohamed El-Toukhy, and Nikita Krylov, #41302 (2014).
ePS Stratigraphy, Diagenesis and Fracture Distribution of the Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin, Vasilisa V. Nekhorosheva and J. Frederick Sarg, #50462 (2011).
Prediction of Fluid-Rock Interactions in CCS Fields - An Integrated Approach Using Basin Modeling and Geochemistry, S. Nelskamp, S. Waldmann, M. Koenen, L. Wasch, and J. M. Verweij, #80582 (2017).
Using Basin Modeling for Geothermal Energy Exploration in The Netherlands, S. Nelskamp and J. M. Verweij, #120134 (2013).
EA Natural Fracture Intensity Variation in Carbonate Reservoirs as Constraint in Static Conceptual Fracture Modeling, R. A. Nelson and J. Lonnee, #42484 (2019).
A New Approach to Real Time Acoustic Measurements in North Kuwait Cretaceous Carbonate Formation Evaluation and Characterisation: Case Study, David Jesudian Nelson, Al-Awadi Abdulla, Chao Chen, Hamadi Hajer, Samhaji Devkar, Salih Noreldin Osman, Aisha Embaireeg, and Ahmed Elsherif, #20420 (2018).
California and Other Modern Basin Floor Seismo-Turbidite Sedimentology: Implications for Active Tectonic Margin Stratigraphy and Reservoirs, Hans C. Nelson, Chris Goldfinger, and Julia Gutierrez Pastor, #50814 (2013).
Lightning Analysis for Mapping Faults and Identifying Exploration Sweetspots, H. Roice Nelson, Jr., #41987 (2017).
Lightning Data - A New Geophysical Data Type, H. R. Nelson, Jr., D. James Siebert, and Les R. Denham, #41184 (2013).
Telluric and Earth Currents, Lightning Strike Locations, and Natural Resource Exploration, H. R. Nelson, Les R. Denham, and D James Siebert, #41332 (2014).
The Rio Grande Fan: A Sand-Rich Braided(?) Distributive System in the Gulf of Mexico: A Modern Analog for the Frio and Wilcox Formations?, Hans Nelson, John E. Damuth, and Hilary Clement Olson, #41025 (2012).
Examples of Shelf to Basin Modern Turbidite System Depositional Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico: Potential Analogues for Subsurface Petroleum Systems, by Hans Nelson, John Damuth, and Hilary Olson, #50136 (2008) (22.5 mb). Or right click to download.
Factors Controlling Modern Submarine Fan Architecture and Implications for Paleogene to Miocene Petroleum Plays in the Gulf of Mexico, Hans Nelson, John Damuth, Hilary Olson, and Carlota Escutia, #50287 (2010).
Modern Turbidite System Depositional Patterns as Analogues for Subsurface Petroleum Plays in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Hans Nelson, Hilary Olson, and John E. Damuth, #50214 (2009) (1mb); complete presentation (22mb).
Facing the Hard Truths about Energy, by Rod Nelson, #70052 (2008).
A Future with Fewer Carbon Emissions, Rod Nelson, #120032 (2009).
Not Your Fathers Oilfield: How Technology is Changing Things, Rod Nelson, #120029 (2009).
Overpressure, Normal Pressure, and Underpressure and Their Coexistence in the Anadarko Basin, Philip H. Nelson, #41003 (2012).
Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Philip H. Nelson, #41000 (2012).
Its A Small World After All - The Pore Throat Size Spectrum, Philip H. Nelson, #50218 (2009).
AV Fluid Production from Tight-Gas Systems, Greater Green River and Wind River Basins, Wyoming, by P.H. Nelson, #110105 (2009)
2 of 5 presentations from Session, "Tight Gas Sandstones," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Evaluating the Fluid Distribution in Mauddud Reservoir after 80 Years of Gas Injection and Production, Bahrain (Awali) Field, Nadia Nemmawi, Michel Dowen, and Ebrahim Al Owainati, #20425 (2018).
A Re-Evaluation of Production, Geological and Petrophysical Data of a Mature Clastic Middle East Reservoir Provides a Surprising Outcome, Nadia Nemmawi, Michael Dowen, and Ebrahim AlOwainati, #20424 (2018).
Resolution and Accuracy of Short-Offset Processed 3D Seismic Data for Seabed Mapping in Deep Water in Makassar Straits, Indonesia, Nikolay Nenov, Francesco Paone, Andrea Marceglia, and Ed Ferris, #41036 (2012).
PS Evaporite Facies: A Key to the Mid Mesozoic Sedimentary Stratigraphy of North Kuwait, Nilotpaul Neog, Narahari S. Rao, Rawan Al-Mayyas, Thomas De Keyser, Christian Perrin, and Christopher Kendall, #40682 (2011).
Improving The Reliability Of Reservoir Models Using Diverse Software Workflows, Philip Neri, #42529 (2020).
Lineage Metadata as a Critical Component of Data Trustworthiness for Subsurface and Analytics Applications, Philip Neri, #42408 (2019).
Implementation of Machine Learning Systems to Enhance the Value of the CDA North Sea Data Set, Philip Neri, #42132 (2017).
Stratigraphic and Geochemical Investigation of Kukersites Source Beds within the Ordovician Red River Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Timothy O. Nesheim, Stephan H. Nordeng, and Jeffrey W. Bader, #51339 (2016).
Examination of the Tyler Formation's (Pennsylvanian) Exploration and Development History using Current Source Rock and Reservoir Maps, Timothy O. Nesheim and Stephan H. Nordeng, #20265 (2014).
PS Origin of CO2 in Brazilian Basins, E.V. Santos Neto, J. R. Cerqueira, and A. Prinzhofer, #40969 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Production and Microseismic Monitoring - Treatment Optimization in the Marcellus Shale, Carl W. Neuhaus, Cherie Telker, Mary Ellison, and Keith Blair, #80310 (2013).
Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Salt Province and Outer Margin Offshore Essaouira (Atlantic Margin of Morocco), Martin Neumaier, Ralf Littke, Stefan Back, Peter Kukla, Adrian Kleine, Michael Schnabel, and Christian Reichert, #30386 (2014).
New Insights in the Geodynamic Evolution of the Atlantic Margin Offshore Essaouira (Morocco), Martin Neumaier, Ralf Littke, Stefan Back, Peter Kukla, Adrian Kleine, Michael Schnabel, and Christian Reichert, #30385 (2014).
Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Lokichar Basin (Kenya), Martin Neumaier, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Thierry Nalpas, and Julien Mouli-Castillo, #10676 (2014).
Integrated Structural and Charge Modeling in Compressional Areas – Application in the Monagas Fold and Thrust Belt (Venezuela) and Decompaction Uncertainty, Martin Neumaier, Laurent Maerten, Thomas Hantschel, Adrian Kleine, Jean Pierre Joonnekindt, and Ralf Littke, #120125 (2013).
Sedimentary Facies and Palaeoenvironmental Records of an Intracratonic Basin Lake: Aptian Lacustrine Crato Formation, Jatobá Basin, NE Brazil, Virgínio Henrique Neumann, Dunaldson E. G. A. Rocha, Walter Vortisch, Reinhard Gratzer, Mário de Lima Filho, José Antônio Barbosa, and Gelson Fambrini, #50882 (2013).
Frontier Basins Onshore Brazil, Antonio S. Neves, Diogo De Sordi, and Vsevolod I. Egorov, #10237 (2010).
Laboratory and Field Observations of an Apparent Sub-Capillary-Equilibrium Water Saturation Distribution in a Tight Gas Sand Reservoir, by K.E. Newsham and J.A. Rushing, #40400 (2009).
Seismic Imaging of the Overturned Limb of a Footwall Syncline in the Alberta Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and Its Impact on Exploration, Andrew C. Newson, #30533 (2017).
The Foothills of Western Canada, a Fold and Thrust Belt Natural Gas Play, by Andrew Newson, #10060 (2004).
PS The Impact of Velocities Uncertainties to Estimate GRV in Structural Complexities Scenarios, W. Ney, A. Bazoni, and Juliana Fabri, #42326 (2019).
PS Testing the Distributary Channel Model Against Predicted Changes in Fluvial Reservoir Geometry During Transitions From Low to High Accommodation Settings: Upper Pennsylvanian of the Central Appalachian Basin, Jonathan M. Ney, Shea Atkins, and John Holbrook, #10763 (2015).
Structural framework of Southeastern Malay Basin, by Khalid Ngah, #10009 (2000).
Upper Oligocene - Lower Miocene Sandstone Reservoirs, Southern Malay Basin, by Khalid Ngah, #10008 (2000).
Malaysia's Gas Resources, by Khalid Ngah, #10002 (1999).
Evaluations of Deep and Challenging Reservoirs with High Temperature Formation Tester Tools, Hien Ngo, Awirut Sirimongkolkitti, Surapong Pimthong, Komon Pinyo, Kanin Sapmanee, Khuananong Wongpaet, Poramin Chaiyo, Pornpimol Promsen, Waranon Laprabang, Supamittra Danpanich, Saifon Daungkaew, Tanabordee Duangprasert, Noor Rohaellizza Hademi, Suchart Chokthanyawat, Payap Thongpracharn, Regis Vincent, Cosan Ayan, Abhishek Agarwal, and Chris Tevis, #41313 (2014).
Potential Formation Damage: An Integrated Reservoir Characterization Study of the Naturally Fractured Carbonate Middle Duperow Formation at the Kevin Dome, Montana, Minh C. Nguyen, Morteza Dejam, Mina Fazelalavi, Ye Zhang, David W. Bowen, and Philip H. Stauffer, #80735 (2020).
Fluvial Channels and Boundary Conditions in relation to the Success of Shenhua CCS Demonstration Project, Ordos Basin, Minh Nguyen, Ye Zhang, Xu Zhang, Ning Wei, Jun Li, Xiaochun Li, and Philip Stauffer, #80651 (2019).
Deep-Water Salt Interpretation and Visualization Using Dynamic Frameworks to Fill, Nam Xuan Nguyen and Mary Cole, #120172 (2014).
Role of 3-D Seismic Data in Prediction of High Potential Areas within Pre-Tertiary Fractured Granite Basement Reservoir in Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam Offshore, Nguyen Huy Ngoc, Nguyen Quoc Quan, Hoang Ngoc Dong, and Nguyen Do Ngoc Nhi, #40702 (2011).
Application of From Seismic Interpretation to Tectonic Reconstruction Methodology to Study Pre-Tertiary Fractured Granite Basement Reservoir in Cuu Long Basin Southeast Vietnam Offshore, Huy Ngoc Nguyen, Quoc Quan Nguyen, Ngoc Dong Hoang, Huy Long Pham, and Nhu Huy Tran, #40507 (2010).
Structural Geometry and Tectonics of Southern Part of Karachi Arc - A Case Study of Pirmangho and Lalji Area, Mohammad Niamatullah and Muhammad Imran, #50581 (2012).
History of Petroleum Geology in Georgia, Michael Nibladze and Alexander Janiashvili, #20273 (2014).
PS Comparative Analysis between Prestack and Poststack Seismic Attributes in the Heidrun Oil Field, Ricardo Teixeira Nicacio and Carmen Peña, #42362 (2019).
A More Perceptual Color Palette for Structure Maps, M. Niccoli and S. Lynch, #41297 (2014).
Unconventional Resource Potential of the Taroom Trough in the Southern Surat-Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia, Peter Nicholls, Rodney Bresnehan, Brad Hayes, Kathleen Dorey, and William McDougall, #10804 (2015).
Stratigraphic Architecture of Fluvial Distributive Systems in Basins of Internal Drainage, Gary Nichols, #51145 (2015).
Channel Avulsion and Sediment Aggradation Rate Controls on Fluvial Sandstone Body Stacking Patterns, Miocene, North Spain, Gary Nichols, #50895 (2013).
Fluvial Reservoirs: Using the Right Architectural Models, G.J. Nichols, A.J. Hartley, G.S. Weissmann, L.A. Scuderi, and S.K. Davidson, #50571 (2012).
EA Anomalous Uplift at Pitas Point and the 2019 Ventura River Earthquake Swarm: Whose Fault is it Anyway?, Craig Nicholson, Christopher C. Sorlien, Marc J. Kamerling, Thomas E. Hopps, and Egill Hauksson, #30663 (2020).
Browse Basin 2014 Marine Survey - Investigating Containment for Potential Late Cretaceous CO2 Storage Plays, Chris Nicholson, Rowan Romeyn, Megan Lech, Steve T. Abbott, George Bernardel, Andrew Carroll, David Caust, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Ron Hackney, Floyd Howard, Rachel Melrose, Scott Nichol, Lynda Radke, Nadege Rollet, Justy Siwabessy, and Janice Trafford, #80511 (2016).
Analysis of Time-lapse Multicomponent Seismic Data from a Potash Mining Area in Saskatchewan, Canada, Andrew Nicol and Don Lawson, #41275 (2014).
The Impact of CA-IDTIMS on the Understanding of Permian and Triassic Lithostratigraphy and Correlation in Eastern Australian Coal Basins, Robert S. Nicoll, John R. Laurie, Simon Bodorkos, Jim Crowley, and Tegan E. Smith, #51209 (2015).
Water Sources and Disposal Related to Hydraulic Fracturing in Texas, Jean-Philippe Nicot, Bridget R. Scanlon, Robert C. Reedy, and Ruth A. Costley, #80391 (2014).
Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: A Texas Study, Jean-Philippe (J-P) Nicot, #80287 (2013).
PS Future Water Needs of the Oil and Gas Industry in Texas, Jean-Philippe Nicot, #80155 (2011).
PS Carbon Storage Options for the Power Industry in the Texas Gulf Coast Area, Jean-Philippe Nicot, Timothy A. Meckel, and Ramon H. Trevino, #80156 (2011).
PS Tight-Gas Produced Water Modeling of Mesaverde Group Sandstones in the Uinta Basin, Peter J. Nielsen, Rebekah E. Wood, and Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., #51041 (2014).
Gas Origin in Coals of the Blackhawk Formation, Castlegate Coalbed Methane Field, Utah, by Martin Niemann, Paul R. Clarke, C. T. Cornelius, B. Ryan, and M. J. Whiticar, #40173 (2005).
PS Magnetic Mineral Composition as a Potential Indicator of Depositional Conditions in Gas-Bearing Silurian Shale Rocks from Northern Poland, Dominika Niezabitowska, Rafał Szaniawski, and Michael Jackson, #51574 (2019).
A New Approach to Optimizing Recovery: PRTISP Process, Harold Nikipelo, #70180 (2015).
Regional Late Paleozoic Tectono-Stratigraphic Settings and Perspectives for Discoveries at the Pricaspian Basin's Northwestern Margin, Russia, by Yuri Nikitin, Sergei Ostapenko, and John Dolson #10127 (2007).
Geomechanical Modeling of Stresses Adjacent to Salt Bodies: Poro-Elasto-Plasticity and Coupled Overpressures, Maria-Katerina Nikolinakou, Gang Luo, Mike Hudec, and Peter B. Flemings, #40790 (2011).
PS Control of Stratigraphic Sequence on Karst Reservoirs: A Case Study on the Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs in the North Tarim Basin, China, Chaozhong Ning, #10936 (2017).
PS The Orientation of Sandstone-Filled U-Shaped Trace Fossils as Indicators of Deepwater Channel Axis Position, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile, Daniel D. Niquet, Stephen M. Hubbard, Aaron P. Reimchen, Dallin P. Laycock, Zane Jobe, and Brian W. Romans, #51127 (2015).
Source Potential and Oil-Source Correlation in Olpad Formation of Ahmedabad-Cambay-Tarapur Blocks of Cambay Basin, India, Neelam Niranjan, S.K. Jain, Anita Gupta, Leena John, Sudeepta Sen, and A.K. Gupta, #10319 (2011).
Using New 3-D Seismic Attributes to Identify Subtle Fracture Trends in Mid-Continent Mississippian Carbonate Reservoirs: Dickman Field, Kansas, by Susan E. Nissen, Timothy R. Carr; and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40189 (2006).
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Mixed Clastic-Biogenic Monterey Formation Point Dume to Paradise Cove, Malibu, California, Wanjiru Njuguna and Richard Behl, #51332 (2016).
Quantifying Pore Architecture by Facies for Enhanced Prediction of Reservoir Distribution in Silurian Pinnacle Reefs of the Michigan Basin, Amy Kathryn Noack and G. Michael Grammer, #40717 (2011).
Alternating Currents: When Braided Channels go Snaky, Jon Noad, #51296 (2016).
PS The (Forgotten?) Art of Geological Field Sketches, Jon Noad, #41853 (2016).
Learning from Mining: Applications to Unconventional Reservoirs, Jon Noad, #80425 (2014).
PS Ancient Mangroves: Swamped with Hydrocarbon Potential, by Jon Noad #40220 (2006).
PS New Mapping of Mancos Shale in Western Colorado, David C. Noe, #30134 (2010).
PS An Overview of Geochemical Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea, Shadrach K. Noku, #11326 (2020).
Structural Traps and Hydrocarbon Resources of the Papuan Basin: An Overview, Shadrach K. Noku, Susan Nasinom, Eddie Guru, and Elliona Maso, #11325 (2020).
To frac or refrac? Insights from the Bakken, Ciaran Nolan, #80569 (2016).
PS Soil Chemistry Analysis of Brine Contaminated Soils in West Texas, USA, Erin Noonan, Mason Houser, Dillon Bagnall, Michael Foust, Kye Burris, James W. Ward, and Cody Scott, #80603 (2017).
Sub-Micron Digital Image Analysis (BIBSEM-DIA), Pore Geometries, and Electrical Resistivity in Carbonate Rocks, Jan H. Norbisrath, Ben Laurich, Janos Urai, Guillaume Desbois, Gregor P. Eberli, Klaas Verwer, and Ralf J. Weger, #41200 (2013).
PS Modeling Electrical Resistivity in Carbonates Using Micro-CT Scans and Assessing the Influence of Microporosity with MICP, Jan H. Norbisrath, Gregor P. Eberli, Ralf J. Weger, Mark Knackstedt, and Klaas Verwer, #40953 (2012).
Compensating for the Compensation Effect Using Simulated and Experimental Kinetics from the Bakken and Red River Formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Stephan H. Nordeng, #41680 (2015).
Oil Generation Rates and Subtle Structural Flexure: Keys to Forming the Bakken Sweetspot in the Parshall Field of Mountrail County, North Dakota, Stephan H. Nordeng, Julie A. Lefever, Fred J. Anderson, and Eric H. Johnson, #20094 (2010).
PS Multi-Attribute Seismic Wheeler Volume Workflows, Illuminating Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, and
Prospectivity within a Mezardere Slope Fan Exploration Model, Thrace Basin, Turkey, Sean Norgard, Gary Focht, and Valeura Geoscience Team, #41885 (2016).
PS Assessing Risk and Volume Relationships in Multiple-Segment Exploration Prospects, Charles Darrel Norman, #41190 (2013).
Assigning Volumes for Realistic Assessment of Value in Multiple-Lease Prospects or Discoveries, Charles Darrel Norman, #41178 (2013).
Problems Correlating Porosity Uncertainty to Rock Volume, Charles D. Norman, #40788 (2011).
PS Assigning Volumes in Multiple-Lease Prospects, Darrel Norman, #70082 (2010).
Inappropriate Separation of Risk and Uncertainty in Probabilistic Assessments, Charles D. Norman, #70074 (2010).
AV Surface Temperature Reconstructions over the Last 2000 years – Data Sources and Interpretations, by Gerald North, #110053 (2008)
1 of 5 presentations from Interactive Forum on Global Climate Change, AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~4.3 mb).
Low-Temperature Hydrous Pyrolysis (LTHP) on Oil-Field Core Samples for Estimating Original In-Place Retained oil in Mature Source Rocks and Tight-oil Reservoirs, V. S. Nowaczewski, J. Barton, B. Lagues, A. Tang, and M. D. Lewan, #42589 (2024).
Evaluating Petroleum Character and Charge from Different Source-Rock Lithologies in the Woodford Shale and Caney Shale with Hydrous Pyrolysis, Vincent S. Nowaczewski, Mike Lewan, Johnny Barton, Chris Palmer, Alex Tang, and Steve Chipera, #51251 (2016).
Pennsylvanian Source Rocks in the Anadarko Basin: An Example from the Missourian Series Hogshooter Formation in Mills Ranch Field, Texas and Oklahoma, Vincent Nowaczewski, Abbas Seyedolali, Steven Hoaglund, Bill Full, Alex Tang, Johnny Barton, Barbara Taylor, and Dominick Wytovich, #20328 (2015).
Realities of Drilling that Geologists Need to Know, Sam Noynaert, #70216 (2016).
Sustainable Use of Fossil Energy, Dag Nummedal, #80164 (2011).
A Pathway to Clean Energy – Clean Fossil Energy, that is, Dag Nummedal, #70080 (2010).
Origin and Expression of Pliocene Climate Cycles in the Caspian Basin, by Dag Nummedal, #40406 (2009).
Oil Shale Stratigraphy — A Global Perspective, Dag Nummedal, Yuval Bartov, Rick Sarg, and Jeremy Boak, #30083 (2009).
Migration of Dynamic Subsidence Across the Late Cretaceous U.S. Western Interior Basin in Response to Farallon Plate Subduction, Dag Nummedal, Shaofeng Liu, and Lijun Liu, #30169 (2011).
Subsidence and Eustatic Sea Level Records in the Stratigraphic Architecture of the U.S. Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, by Dag Nummedal, Shaofeng Liu, and Hongjun Luo, #30069 (2009).
PS Evidence of a Developing Cross Valley Fault Based on Fault Scarp Morphology in the Eureka Valley, California, U.S.A., Ernest Nunez, Anthony Zepeda, Nathan Montoy, Tyanna Schlom, and Jeffrey Knott, #50612 (2012).
Spatial Variations in Salinity to Determine Fluid Flow Pathways and Reservoir Compartmentalization in a Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Field, Jeffrey Nunn and William Daugherty, #20306 (2015).
PS Explorations in TOC for Assessment of CO2 Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery for the Middle Devonian Marcellus and Upper Ordovician Utica Shales for the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas N. Sparks, and Stephen F. Greb, #80689 (2019).
PS Mapping Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery for Organic Shale in the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas N. Sparks, and Stephen F. Greb, #80667 (2019).
Explorations in TOC Assessment of CO2 Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery for the Middle Devonian Marcellus and Upper Ordovician Utica Shales, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas N. Sparks, and Stephen F. Greb, #80666 (2019).
Kentucky Oil History: the Approaching 200th Anniversary of the Beatty Well, Brandon C. Nuttall, #30534 (2017).
Summary of Publicly Available Production Data for the Devonian Berea Sandstone Play, Eastern Kentucky, Brandon C. Nuttall, #10895 (2016).
Oil Production From Low-Maturity Organic-Rich Shale: An Example from the Devonian New Albany Shale in the Illinois Basin, Breckinridge County, Kentucky, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas M. Parris, Glynn Beck, Donna C. Willette, Maria Mastalerz, and Joan Crockett, #51196 (2015).
Assessment of CO2 Enhanced Gas Recovery in Shale Gas Reservoirs (Preliminary), Brandon C. Nuttall, Michael L. Godec, Robert J. Butsch, and David E. Riestenberg, #80296 (2013).
CO2 Sequestration in Gas Shales of Kentucky, by Brandon C. Nuttall, James A. Drahovzal, Cortland Eble, and R. Mark Bustin, #40171 (2005).
Charging and Connectivity of Fractured Basement Reservoirs in the West of Shetland (North Atlantic, UK) - Insights from Oil Geochemistry Studies, M. Nuzzo, R. McBride, L. Neale, A. Wingfield, P. Farrimond, C. Slightam, and R. Trice, #51545 (2018).
Diagenesis and Porosity Development within the Lower "B-Zone" Birdbear Formation, McKenzie County, Williston Basin, North America, Francis Chidi Nwachukwu, Stephan H. Nordeng, Chioma J. Onwumelu, Adedoyin Adeyilola, and Timothy O. Nesheim, #11281 (2020).
PS Re-Evaluating Petroleum Potential of Birdbear Formation in McKenzie County, Williston Basin North Dakota, Francis C. Nwachukwu, Richard D. Le Fever, Stephan H. Nordeng, and Timothy O. Nesheim, #11103 (2018).
EA Surface Geochemical Exploration in Benue Trough, Nigeria, Onyinye G. Nwaobi, Adamu Suleiman, A. Bomai, S.D. Moses, M.S. Ali, R. Dauda, M. Kaumi, and L. Kigbu, #11269 (2019).
PS Interaction Between Thrust Faults and Strike Slip Faults in Deep Water Fold and Thrust Belts: Examples from the Levant Basin Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Oluchukwu Nwosu, Joseph Cartwright, and Sepribo Briggs, #40984 (2012).
Overburden Stress Estimation: A New Model for the UK Sector of the Central North Sea, Kingsley Nwozor and Gareth Yardley, #41741 (2015).
Update on Regional Assessment of Gas Potential in the Devonian Marcellus and Ordovician Utica Shales of New York, by Richard Nyahay, James Leone, and Langhorne B. Smith, J.P. Martin, and D.J. Jarvie #10136 (2007).
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Prediction of Porosity and Water Saturation of Shaly Sandstone Reservoirs, Chaw Yin Nyein and Ghareb Mostafa Mostafa Ali Hamada, #51559 (2019).
The Scott Inlet-Buchan Gulf Oil Seeps: Actively Venting Petroleum Systems on the Northern Baffin Margin Offshore Nunavut, Canada, Gordon N. Oakey, Phil N. Moir, Tom Brent, Kate Dickie, Chris Jauer, Robbie Bennett, Graham Williams, Brian MacLean, Paul Budkewitsch, Jim Haggart, and Lisel Currie, #30319 (2014).
Identification of Future Oil Potential from Upper Devonian Venango Sandstones in Central Appalachians, Eric G. Ober and Craig Eckert, #20237 (2014).
Insights from Quantitative Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Cyclic Peritidal Carbonates: Triassic, Sultanate of Oman, Michael Obermaier, Thomas Aigner, and Suleiman Al-Kindy, #50557 (2012).
PS Forecasting Oil Sands Development Using a Granular Phase-Level Approach, Mark Oberstoetter, #41966 (2016).
PS Expanding the Build-and-Fill Model: 'Phylloid-Algal' Carbonate Mound Development, Stephan C. Oborny, Bradley D. Cramer, Philip H. Heckel, Greg A. Ludvigson, and Robert W. Henthorne, #51442 (2017).
Basin-Scale Fluid Flow, Sealing, Leakage and Seepage Processes in the Gippsland Basin, Australia, Geoffrey O'Brien, Louise Goldie-Divko, Michael Harrison, Peter Tingate, Joseph Hamilton, and Keyu Liu, #50288 (2010).
Reservoir Characterisation for Field Development, Albertine Graben, East African Rift System, Andrew Ochan and Catherine Amusugut, #20130 (2012).
Reconstruction of Depocenter Evolution through Time Using Relative Stratigraphic Thickness, Jesús Ochoa, Jeannette Wolak, Mike Pelissier, and Nanne Hemstra, #120173 (2014).
Evaluation of the Multiple Origins of Thin-Bedded Deep-Water Slope Sandstones: El Rosario Formation (Upper Cretaceous - Paleocene) Baja California, Mexico, Jesus Ochoa and Michael Gardner, #50211 (2009).
Transgressive Shoreline Deposits of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Bluesky Formation in the Boyer and Steen Field Areas of Northwestern Alberta, Shaun O'Connell, #20298 (2015).
Strategic Planning for Explorationists, by Thomas E. O'Connor, #70023 (2006).
Pore Pressure Profiles in Deep Water Environments: Case Studies from Around the World, by Stephen O'Connor, Richard E. Swarbrick, Phillip Clegg, and David T. Scott, #40350 (2008).
Active Geosteering Strategies in Structurally Complex Niobrara Unconventional Reservoirs, Mark Odegard, John Daniels, James Huck, and John Forster, #80476 (2015).
A Coupled Petrophysical-Geophysical Model Demonstrates Velocity Dispersion in a Thin-bedded, Fluvial Reservoir, Richard C. Odom, #40913 (2012).
PS Delineating Previously Field-Mapped Hydrocarbon Seepage using Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery in the Zagros Fold & Thrust Belt, Mike Oehlers and Ross Smail, #42501 (2020).
PS3-D Geological Model Building Using Remotely Sensed Satellite Data, by Mike Oehlers and Pedro Barreto, #40218 (2006).
Comparison of an Estimated Shear Wave Log with a Measured Shear Wave Log, Felix Oghenekohwo and George Smith, #40687 (2011).
Application of the Instantaneous Quality Factor (Q) in the Characterization of the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, Osareni Ogiesoba, #41781 (2016).
Seismic Multiattribute Analysis for Shale Gas/Oil within the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale in a Submarine Volcanic Terrain, Maverick Basin, South Texas, Osareni C. Ogiesoba, #10601 (2014).
Understanding Lithologic Significance of Amplitude Envelope and Acoustic Impedance within Oligocene and Miocene Strata, South Texas Gulf Coast,
Osareni Ogiesoba and Ursula Hammes, #40577 (2010).
Quantitative Characterization of Fracture Frequency Variations Using a Linear Piecewise Regression Analysis and the Akaike Information Criterion, Alex P. O'Hara and Robert D. Jacobi, #42147 (2017).
PS Complex Carbonate Pore Systems of the Carboniferous Hodder Mudstone Formation, Bowland Basin, UK, Timothy Ohiara, Kevin Taylor, and Patrick Dowey, #51399 (2017).
Geochemically Driven Exploration Models in Uplifted Areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea, Sverre E. Ohm, Dag A. Karlsen and Tim J. Austin, #40470 (2009).
Oil-Base Mud Filtrate and Hydrogen Index Effects on Magnetic Resonance Porosity in Gas Reservoirs, Stanley Oifoghe, Victor Okowi, and Holger Thern, #42332 (2018).
Gas Identification in Thin Beds Using LWD Measurements – West Africa Offshore Example, Stanley Oifoghe, Ono Daniel, Victor Okowi, and Charlie Thompson, #42171 (2017).
PS Comparative Study of Relative Permeability and Residual Saturation Estimates of Kerogen and Shale Samples, Shiv Prakash Ojha and Siddharth Misra, #70308 (2017).
Saturation-Dependent Relative Permeability in Shales Based on Adsorption-Desorption Isotherm, Shiv P. Ojha and Siddharth Misra, #41985 (2017).
Geochemical and Palynological Studies of Some Maastrichtian Source Rock Intervals Patti and Gombe Formations) in Nigeria: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Olusola J. Ojo, Ayoola Y. Jimoh, and Juliet C. Umelo, #11185 (2019).
Biozonation and Correlation of BDX-1 and BDX-2 Wells of Deep Offshore Niger Delta Using Calcareous Nannofossils, E.A Ojo, L.S. Fadiya, and O.A. Ehinola, #50194 (2009).
Wettability Evaluation of Arabian Carbonate Reservoir after Prolonged Water Injection: A Case Study, Taha M. Okasha, #41352 (2014).
Lower Cretaceous Turbidites of the Pontides and the Opening of the Black Sea, A.I. Okay, R. Akdoğan, G. Sunal, O. Tüysüz, D. Altiner, A.R. Kylander-Clarck, and S. Sherlock, #51045 (2014).
Orogenic Episodes in the Pontides, Aral I. Okay, #30151 (2011).
Discussion: "Comments on the Maturation of Coals" by Vinay K. Sahay, by Jennifer M. K. O'Keefe, Joan S. Esterle, James C. Hower, and Shifeng Dai, #70059 (2008).
Basement Structure Offshore Dahomey Basin, Nigeria: New Insights from Aeromagnetic and 3D Seismic Interpretation, Eze Okoro, Jibrin Babangida, and Mosto Onuoha, #42580 (2023).
Sedimentological Reappraisal of Mass-Flow Sandstones, Fulmar Formation Play, UK Central North Sea, Ikenna C. Okwara and Gary J. Hampson, #10925 (2017).
PS Quantifying CO2 Storage Efficiency of Geologic Depositional Environments, Roland Okwen, Charles Monson, Yaghoob Lasemi, and Nathan Grigsby, #80419 (2014).
PS Depositional Facies, Depositional Processes, and Reservoir Quality of the Miocene Sandstones of the Midway-Sunset Oil Field, San Joaquin Basin, CA, USA, Olawale E. Olabisi, #20481 (2020).
Integrated Reservoir Characterization of a Miocene Submarine Fan System, Midway-Sunset Oil Field, San Joaquin Basin, California, USA, Olawale Olabisi, #20431 (2018).
Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of the Northern Williston Basin: a Quantitative Basin Modeling Assessment, Oluseyi Olajide and Stephen Bend, #20305 (2015)
PSThe Quantitative Modelling of the Northern Williston Basin: the McKenzie Lithospheric Stretching Model Approach, Oluseyi Olajide and Stephen L. Bend, #10616 (2014).
1D Petroleum Systems Modelling: An Application of McKenzie’s Lithospheric Stretching Technique, Oluseyi Olajide and Stephen L. Bend, #41282 (2014).
Petroleum Systems of the Northern Williston Basin: A Quantitative Basin Modeling Assessment, Oluseyi Olajide and Stephen Bend, #10592 (2014).
Quantitative Assessment of Exhumation Magnitude and Paleobathymetry Using McKenzie’s Lithospheric Stretching Technique, Oluseyi Olajide and Stephen L. Bend, #41098 (2012).
PS Combining Hydropyrolysis and Compound Specific Stable Isotope Measurements to Identify Sources of Biodegraded PAHs in Sediments, Gbolagade A. Olalere, Cheng-Gong Sun, Mick Cooper, Colin Snape, and Christopher Vane, #40789 (2011).
PSLower Ordovician St. George Group Dolomite: Zoning Investigated by Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer, Babatunde J. Olanipekun, and Karem Azmy, #51008 (2014).
PSMicrometer and Nanometer Porosity in Dolomites of Tremadocian Boat Harbour Formation Carbonates, Western Newfoundland, Canada, Babatunde J. Olanipekun, and Karem Azmy, #51007 (2014).
PS Nature and Origin of Dolomitization of the Boat Harbour Formation Carbonates in Northern Peninsula, Western Newfoundland, Canada: Implications for Porosity Controls, Babatunde J. Olanipekun, and Karem Azmy, #50533 (2012).
Evolution and Evaluation of a Shallow-Marine LRLC Reservoir with Advanced Well-Log Measurements: A Case Study from Offshore Nigeria, Jemine Olare, Joseph Otevwemerhuere, Leigh Jefford, Steve Parkins, Chikezie Nwosu, Chandramani Shrivastava, Chiara Cavalleri, and Hugo Espinosa, #41460 (2014).
River Delta Behavior during Cross-Shelf Transits: a Step Forward toward Understanding Three-Dimension Architecture of the Continental Margin, by Cornel Olariu and Ron J. Steel, #50096 (2008).
The Extent of Individual Hyperpycnal-Flow Beds in the Cretaceous Panther Tongue Delta, Utah, USA, by Cornel Olariu, Ron J. Steel, and Andrew L. Petter, #50071 (2008).
Understanding of the Petroleum System(s) of the Western Black Sea: Insights from 3-D Basin Modeling, Radu Olaru-Florea, Cristina Ungureanu, Thomas Martin Rainer, Valentin Turi, Adriana Raileanu, Veronica Borosi, Csaba Krezsek, and Gabor Tari, #10686 (2014).
Age Determination of the Volcanic Sequence, Faroe-Shetland Basin, Northeast Atlantic Ocean, Jana Ólavsdóttir, Lars Ole Boldree, Morten Sparre Andersen, and Oluva Reginsdottir Eidesgaard, #51556 (2019).
Integration of Magnetic, Gravity and Geologic Data in Mapping Geologic Structures: A Case Study of a part of Lafiagi [Sheet 203], Southwestern Nigeria, Kehinde A. Olawuyi, Bankole D. Ako, Gregory O. Omosuyi, and Obasanmi A. Adelusi, #41737 (2015).
PS Relating P-Wave Velocity to Rock Strength in High-Porosity, Shallowly Buried Sediments: Implications for in Situ Stress Estimates, Katie A.H. Olcott and D.M. Saffer, #41158 (2013).
Twenty Years of CBM Production and Monitoring of the Pine River Subcrop and Gas Seeps: No Depletion, Paul Oldaker, #80489 (2015).
The Story of Moving Mountain: An Historic Gas Seepage and Mass Wasting Event, Paul Oldaker, #80109 (2010).
Examination of Factors Contributing to the Growth and Loss of Wetlands in Louisiana, Ricardo A. Olea and James L. Coleman, #80622 (2017).
Modeling of an Unconventional Gas Accumulation Taking into Account Spatial Correlation, Greater Natural Buttes, Utah, Ricardo A. Olea, Troy A. Cook, and James L. Coleman, Jr., #40655 (2010).
PS Reservoir Characteristics of Lower Cretaceous Sequence Crossed by the GEo-01 Well: Potential for Direct Heat Production and Heat-Storage, Gustavo Oliveira, Hong Ying Lo, Yasin Makhloufi, Antoine de Haller, Luca Guglielmetti, and Andrea Moscariello, #80685 (2019).
A New Approach to Measuring Rock Properties Data from Cores and Cuttings for Reservoir and Completions Characterization: An Example from the Bakken Formation, Guy M. Oliver, Chi V. Ly, Graham Spence, and H. Rael, #41218 (2013).
PS The Case for Geothermal Power in Singapore, Grahame J.H. Oliver, Hendrik Tjiawi, and Andrew C. Palmer, #80271 (2012).
EA Insights from Geomechanical Modelling of 2D Cross-Sections in Fold-Thrust Belts, Reinaldo Ollarves, Samuel Fraser, and Ken McClay, #30672 (2020).
Challenges in Vaca Muerta: Tecpetrol Experience in the Exploration and Appraisal of the Play, Sebastian Olmos, #10913 (2017).
The Triassic-Jurassic Transition across the Nova Scotian - Moroccan Conjugate Margin, Paul E.Olsen, Dennis V. Kent, and Mohammed Et-Touhami, #30142 (2010).
Using Remote Sensing Data to Find and Illustrate an Oil and Gas Prospect, Robert Olson, #41743 (2015).
PS Updated Mapping of Active Surface Traces of the San Cayetano Fault Zone between Fillmore and Piru, Ventura Basin, Southern California, Brian P.E. Olson, #10757 (2015).
The Influence of Natural Fractures on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation, Jon Olson and Arash Dahi-Taleghani, #40583 (2010).
Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP) A Useful Tool for Improved Understanding of Porosity and Matrix Permeability Distributions in Shale Reservoirs, by William Robert K. Olson and Murray W. Grigg, # 40322 (2008)
Concepts and Methods for the Recognition of Cyclicity in the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Emmanuel O. Olusanmi and Stephen S. Sonnenberg, #41166 (2013).
PS Seismic Facies Classification of the Internal Architecture of Mass Transport Deposits: Implication for Reservoir Seal Competence, Tuviere Omeru and Joseph A. Cartwright, #51494 (2018).
Streamlining Log Calibration Workflows by Incorporation of Continuous, Digital Mineralogy Data, Jenny Omma, Adam K. Moss, Gavin Hunt, Richard A. Williams, and Mar Cortés López, #42198 (2018).
PS Cenozoic Evolution of Siliciclastic Sediments and Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Southwestern Barents Sea, Kamal'deen Olakunle Omosanya, Ståle Emil Johansen, Dicky Harishidayat, Luca Samperi, Giorgio Minelli, and Peter Abrahamson, #30511 (2017).
Seismic Interpretation and Characterization of Igneous Rocks in Jan Mayen Microcontinent, Norwegian-Greenland Sea, K. O. Omosanya, D. Harishidayat, and S. E. Johansen, #51369 (2017).
Reconstruction of the Subsurface Depositional History of Onshore Niger Delta Basin, John Onayemi and Sunday Oladele, #30497 (2017).
Hidden Deep Geothermal Potential - Republic of Ireland, Nick O’Neill, #80328 (2013).
Forecasting the Domestic Utilization of Natural Gas in Nigeria (2015-2020), Rita U. Onolemhemhen, Jumai J. Adaji, Sunday O. Isehunwa, and Adeola Adenikinju, #70234 (2017).
Hydrocarbon Generation Indications from Source Rock to Reservoir Rock: Case Studies of Anambra and Abakaliki Basins, Southeastern Nigeria, Rita U. Onolemhemhen, Samuel Salufu, and Sunday O. Isehunwa, #10911 (2017).
A Review of Hydrocarbon Prospects in the Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria: Another Insight from Potential Field Study, L. N. Onuba, A. G. Onwuemesi, B. C. Egboka, G. K. Anudu, and A. Omali, #20194 (2013).
PS Pore Characterization of Bakken Shales (Mississippian-Devonian) in the Williston Basin, Chioma Onwumelu and Stephan Nordeng, #11242 (2019).
Evidence of Currents in Outcrops of Pliocene Ayeyarwaddy River Implication for Sands Distribution in Deep Waters West of the Myanmar Coast, U Kyaw Zin Oo, E. Dolivo, U Ko Ko, U Kyaw Soe Win, U Aung Zayar Myint, and U Zaw Win Aung, #51558 (2019).
New Method for Seismic Identification of Fluid Conduits or Barriers Challenges Several Industry Paradigms, Ralf Oppermann, #120083 (2013).
Induced Seismicity Indicated by Cross Correlation, Ivo Oprsal and Leo Eisner, #41318 (2014).
Oil & Gas Reserves, Booking Standards, & E&P Performance: Market & Debt Rating Perspectives, by Andrew Oram, #40193 (2006).
Following the Pre-Salt Play to its Outermost Extent in the Campos and Santos Basins, Brazil – an analog for Gulf of Mexico presalt?, Cian O'Reilly and J. Keay, #11315 (2020).
"Honing the Zone" or "Just Let Me Drill It", K.C. Oren, #41046 (2012).
Integrated Characterization of Intra-Slope Reservoirs: Transferring Facies and Log Imaging Data to Seismic Inversion Constrained by Outcrop Analogues (Marulk Field, Offshore Norway), Jorun Ormøy, Massimo Rossi, Francesca Pirera, Filippo Tosoratti, Roberto Berto, Paolo Scaglioni, Riccardo Bersezio, and Fabrizio Fellett, #50551 (2012).
Stopping a Well to Develop a Field - A Geostopping Case Study from the Andaman Sea, Mike Orr, Paolo Sudiro, Valentin Woehling, Amrith Kaur, Kesavan Ramasamy, Farith Farhan M. Pajri, Kamaruddin Salleh, Own Thwin, and Siti Aida Yaha, #20404 (2017).
The Dynamic Tamar Reservoir: Insights from Five Years of Production, Jesse Ortega, Russell Hebert, and Yedidia Gellman, #20465 (2019).
Regional Upwelling as a Major Control in Development of a Miocene Heterozoan-Dominated Carbonate System in a Tropical Setting, Puerto Rico, Diana Ortega-Ariza and Evan K. Franseen, #51151 (2015).
Geology, Water Quality and Aquatic Life in Malibu Creek: An Unusually Severe Example of Geologic Impacts, Randal Orton, #80464 (2015).
Gas Hydrates in Canadian Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Archipelago: A Potential New Focus for Canadian Resource Characterization, Kirk Osadetz, Tom Brent, Zhuoheng Chen, Peter Hannigan, Jacek A. Majorowicz, and Jan Safanda, #80094 (2010).
PSCurrent and Future Perspectives on Recovery Growth from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, by Kirk G. Osadetz and Zhuoheng Chen, #10141 (2007).
Floods and Foibles in Calgary, Alberta, Jerry Osborn, #70375 (2021).
Sequence Stratigraphic Characterization of a Microbially-Influenced Carbonate Ramp: Khufai Formation, Sultanate of Oman, Magdalena R. Osburn, John P. Grotzinger, and Kristin D. Bergmann, #50650 (2012).
Bottom Hole Pressure Management in a Highly Permeable and Narrow Margin MPD Operation, Ugochukwu Oseme, Ayodele Akinfolarin, Sunday Awe, Adeyemi Erinle, Timothy Ibrahim, and Vincent Roes, #42017 (2017).
Prospectivity and Petroleum Systems Modelling of the Offshore Lamu Basin, Kenya: Implications for an Emerging Hydrocarbon Province, Olivia Osicki, Oliver Schenk, and Duplo Kornpihl, #10700 (2015).
Sequence Stratigraphic Update of the 3-Series of the Troll Field, Thomas-Ideh Osivwi, #20133 (2012).
PS Digital Outcrop Modeling of the Lower Silurian Qusaiba Shale Member - Implications for Reservoir Quality and Architecture, Central Saudi Arabia, Mutasim S. Osman and Osman M. Abdullatif, #11322 (2020).
PS Inter-Well Scale Heterogeneity of the Upper Khuff Carbonate Reservoir Units, Outcrop Analog Approach, Central Saudi Arabia, Mutasim S. Osman, #11321 (2020).
PS Analogous Juxtaposition of Mixed Lithologies Against a Siliciclastic Hydrocarbon Reservoir and Proposed CO2 Storage Formation in the Norwegian North Sea, Johnathon L. Osmond, Mark J. Mulrooney, Elin Skurtveit, and Alvar Braathen, #80721 (2020).
Identification of Potential Hydrocarbon Target Areas in the Colombian Vaupés-Amazonas and Caguán-Putumayo Basins by Means of Satellite and Hyperspectral Airborne Data and Field Validation, José F. Osorno, David Schonwandt, Talía C. Berg, and Guillermo E. Re Kühl, #10531 (2013).
Anisotropy Analysis in Shale Using Advanced Sonic Data - Bakken Case Study, Mehdi Ostadhassan, Zhengwen Zeng, and Hadi Jabbari, #41049 (2012).
PS Tracing Main Structures with Radon, Thoron, and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Sedimentary Basins of Argentina, H. A. Ostera, M. Fasola, and G. Garbán, #11339 (2020).
Can Surface Geochemical Exploration Be Used to Forecast Production in Oilfield Development? An Example in the Neuquen Basin, Argentina, H. A. Ostera, M. Fasola, G. Garbán, L. Navarro, M. Piedrabuena, and G. Malizia, #11338 (2020).
Spring Coulee, Alberta: Geology, Production and Potential Hydrocarbon Bearing Zones, Lauren Ostridge and Robert Stewart, #51063 (2015).
Geological Modelling of the Porcupine Median Ridge: Implications for the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of North Atlantic Hyper-Extensional Basin and Margin Systems, J.M. O'Sullivan, S.M. Jones, and R.J. Hardy, #10253 (2010).
PS Upper Ordovician Organic-Rich Mudstones of Southern Ontario, C. Béland Otis, #30374 (2014).
Shale Gas Potential for the Ordovician Shale Succession of Southern Ontario, Catherine Béland Otis, #50730 (2012).
Calibration of Uncertainty (P10/P90) in Exploration Prospects, Robert Otis and Paul Haryott, #40609 (2010).
EA Impact of Shear Velocity Estimation on Wellbore Stability, Charles Otoghile and Chima Cyril Udeze, #42351 (2019).
PS Simultaneous Measurement of Acoustic and Electrical Anisotropy of Shales under Elevated Pressure: A Preliminary Study, Liwei Ou, Qifei Niu, Manika Prasad, John Quirein, Natasa Mekic, Junsheng Hou, Mehdi E. Far, and Ming Gu, #41965 (2016).
Coalbed Methane Geology of the Jurassic Middle-Lower Series, Southern Junggar Basin, China: Low-Rank Coal Forming Environment, Enrichment Characteristics, Accumulation Model, and Resource Evaluation, Chenghua Ou, Dongming Zhi, and Lie Xue, #80451 (2015).
Distribution of Well Performances in Shale Reservoirs and Their Predictions Using the Concept of Shale Capacity, Ahmed Ouenes, #41139 (2013).
Feasibility of Moment Tensor Inversion From a Single Borehole Data Using Artificial Neural Networks, Oleg Ovcharenko, Jubran Akram, and Daniel Peter, #42212 (2018).
Sedimentation Patterns in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta System, Irina Overeem, K. Rogers, P. Passalacqua, A. Canestrelli, S. Cohen, and K. Matin, #50994 (2014).
Modeling Floodplain Deposits, Irina Overeem, James Syvitski, and Albert Kettner, #50628 (2012).
Sinking Deltas due to Human Activities, Irina Overeem, J. Syvitski, A. Kettner, E. Hutton, and B. Brakenridge, #70094 (2011).
PS Climatic Influences on Stratigraphy - Applications of Coupled Models, Irina Overeem, #50361 (2010).
PS Subsalt Imaging: An Integrated Approach to Image Improvement of Vintage Data, Evans Owah, Christian Rivera, Marjolaine Lahmi, and Michel Courbe, #42076 (2017).
Definition and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Late Devonian Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin, South Dakota, Michelle Ozarowski, #51105 (2015).
Constraining Uplift in the Piceance Basin Using Diagenetic Modelling of Quartz Cementation in Upper Cretaceous Williams Fork Sandstones, Colorado, Aysen Ozkan, Stephen E. Laubach, Kitty Milliken, and Linda Bonnell, #50679 (2012).
PS Geomechanical Analysis of CO2 Sequestration in the Bakken Formation, Ogochukwu Ozotta and Mehdi Ostadhassan, #80691 (2019).
Paleoceanographic Evolution of the Hungarian Paleogene Basin During the Early Oligocene by coupling of Micropaleontology and Sulfur Isotopes, P. Ozsvárt, I. Vetö, and A. Nagymarosy, #11310 (2020).
Pa-Ph Pi-Po Pr-Pu
Heterogeneities Characterization of Carbonates: A 'Multi-scale Challenge', Cécile Pabian-Goyheneche, #120084 (2013).
Seismic Reservoir Characterization of a Gas Shale Utilizing Azimuthal Data Processing, Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion, and Ant Tracking, by David Paddock, Christian Stolte, Lei Zhang, Javaid Durrani, John Young, and Pat Kist, #40310 (2008).
PS The Late Triassic-Late Cretaceous Flooding of the Gulf of Mexico from the Pacific through Mexico, Ricardo J. Padilla y Sánchez, #30504 (2017).
Tectonics of Eastern Mexico — Gulf of Mexico and its Hydrocarbon Potential, Ricardo J. Padilla y Sánchez, #10622 (2014).
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Water and Solute Transport Mechanisms in Organic-Rich Carbonate Mudrocks, Anton Padin, #42019 (2017).
Latest Pleistocene Through Holocene Lake Levels From Tulare Lake, CA: Testing Results Using The Smear Slide Technique, Kelsey Padilla, Lindsey Medina, Ashleigh Blunt, and Rob Negrini, #41381 (2014).
3D Prestack Waveform Inversion - A Real Data Example from the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming, Josiane Pafeng, Subhashis Mallick, and Hema Sharma, #70258 (2017).
PS Constraints on Intraplate Mountain Building Stages in Central Patagonia Determined From the Analysis of 2-D and 3-D Seismic and Borehole Data:San Bernardo Fold and Thrust Belt, Facundo Pagan, Guido Gianni, Andres Echaurren, Cesar Navarrete, Andres Folgueras, Octavian Catuneanu, and Alfonso Encinas, #30648 (2020).
PS Incised Valley and Submarine Canyons (Aalenian-Bajocian) in Lajas Formation, Cuyo Group, Neuquen Basin: Advances in the Knowledge of Exploratory Play, Facundo Pagan, Karina Mykietiuk, Fraencisco Fernandez Bell Fano, and Rodolfo Guerello, #11294 (2020).
Petroleum Generation Kinetics and its Outcome in Basin Modeling of Upper Assam Shelf, India, Sukumar Pahari, #10314 (2011).
A Novel Way to Acquire Data in a Safe, Reliable and Cost-Effective Manner by the Use of Autonomous Marine Vehicles, Sudhir Pai and Tim Perrin, #41889 (2016).
PS Gravity Flow Systems in the Los Molles Formation in the Arroyo La Jardinera Region, Neuquén Basin (Argentina) Paulo S. Paim, Ariane S. Da Silveira, Ernesto L.C. Lavina, Ubiratan F. Faccini, Héctor A. Leanza, Roberto S.F. d'Avila, #30118 (2010).
PS Detrital Thermochronologic Lag Times in the Cordilleran Foreland Basin: A New Approach to Assessing Syn-tectonic vs. Anti-tectonic Deposition in Foreland Basins, Clayton S. Painter, Barbara Carrapa, Peter G. DeCelles, and George E. Gehrels, #40954 (2012).
Geomorphic Response of the Henrys Fork River to Pleistocene Volcanism, Mesa Falls Recreation Area, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Idaho, by Clayton S. Painter, William W. Little, Glenn F. Embree, and Mark Millard, #50028 (2005).
Permeability Model using Minifracture Analysis in Tight Sands of Mature Fields, José Pajuelo, D. Escobedo, and G. Moreyra, #41805 (2016).
Sedimentology and Characteristics of Pliocene Shallow Marine Carbonate as Reservoir Alternative Based on Outcrop Analogue in Madura and Puteran Island, Northeast Java Basin, Albert S. P. Pakpahan, Jasmin Jyalita, and Sugeng S. Surjono, #51212 (2015).
Examples of Diverse Geomorphology of Petroleum Systems Influenced by Volcanism along Sunda Subduction Trench, Offshore Myanmar, Naveeparp Paksamut and Suwan Umnuayponwiwat, #30518 (2017).
Investigation of Methods to Improve Utica Shale Hydraulic Fracturing in the Appalachian Basin, by Javad Paktinat, Joseph Pinkhouse, Jim Fontaine, Gary Lash, and Glenn Penny, #40391 (2009).
Integrated Rock Characterization of Tight Reservoir by Multiple Analytical Techniques, Omprakash Pal, Waseem Abdulrazzaq, Rachad Zeriek, Amr Ibrahim, and Mohamed Awad, #41921 (2016).
Unconventional Hydrocarbon Potential of the Weald Basin, Southern England, United Kingdom, Francesco Palci, Alastair Fraser, Martin Carles, Martin Neumaier, Stephen Sanderson, and Rob Wallace, #11100 (2018).
Unconventional Petroleum Potential of the Gainsborough Trough, East Midlands, United Kingdom, Francesco Palci, Alastair Fraser, Kate Parkin, Tom Wilson, Thomas Goode, and Martin Neumaier, #80624 (2018).
3-D Modelling of Epeiric Carbonate Reservoirs: A Workflow from Outcrop to Streamline Simulation, by Denis Palermo, Thomas Aigner, Sergio Nardon, and Wolfgang Blendinger, #50092 (2008)
PS Outcrop-Based Reservoir Modeling of the Sappington Formation (Montana); Developing Strategies for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Middle Bakken Reservoirs (North Dakota), Douglas Palkowsky, Iwan Harmawan, Rick Beaubouef, John Hohman, John Guthrie, Aaron Rodriguez, and Katy Sementelli, #41905 (2016).
Emplacement of Sand Injections during Contractional Tectonics, Giuseppe Palladino, Antonio Grippa, Denis Bureau, G. Ian Alsop, and Andrew Hurst, #41686 (2015).
Modeling of Phase Behavior in the Evaluation and Matching of Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes by In Situ Combustion, Jorge Palma and Edwin Rodriguez, #41217 (2013).
PS Rhyolitic Pumice Provides a Chronology for Sedimentation and Deformation in Whanganui Basin, New Zealand, Julie Palmer, Alan Palmer, and Callum Rees, #11011 (2017).
A New Look at Inverting Subsidence to Heat Flow in Rift-Related Basins - Deconvolution of Processes and Phases, Daniel B. Palmowski, Thomas Fuchs, and Thomas Hantschel, #11057 (2018).
Geological Structure of the Subandean Fold Belt of Bolivia Using Magnetotelluric Data, Nikolay Palshin, Raul E. Giraudo, Denis Yakovlev, Roman Zaltsman, and Sergey Korbutiak, #42263 (2018).
PS Source Rocks and Hydrocarbon Fluids of the Browse Basin, Tehani J. Palu, Lisa S. Hall, Dianne Edwards, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Nadege Rollet, Chris Boreham, Tamara Buckler, Karen Higgins, Duy Nguyen, and Kamal Khider, #11028 (2017).
Hydrocarbon Accumulation Uncertainty in Miocene Carbonate Build-Ups, NEJB, Ginanjar Mahar Pamungkas, #11295 (2020).
Middle Permian Coarse‐Crystalline Dolostone Reservoirs in the Northwest Sichuan Basin (SW China): Their Formation and Evolution, Liyin Pan, #11352 (2021).
Dolomitization and Reservoirs Characteristics of Chx-Fxg Formation in Sichuan Basin (SW China), Liyin Pan, Jianfeng Shou, and Jingao Zhou, #40676 (2010).
PSAccumulation and Exploration Prospects of Shale Oil and Gas in Songliao Basin, Eastern China, Shuxin Pan, Tian-qi Wang, Pingsheng Wei, Jiangong Wang, Caiyan Liu, and Sujuan Liang, #10272 (2010).
Direct Correlation of Orogenic Pulses in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains Fold-and-Thrust Belt and Depositional Changes in the Adjacent Foreland Basin: Evidence from 40Ar/39Ar Dating, Dinu I. Pana and Ben A. van der Pluijm, #30468 (2016).
Origin of Biogenic Gases in East Coast Basins of India, Harish C. Pande, Ashok Raina, Vartika Roy, R. K. Saxena, Harvir Singh, and R. R. Singh, #40731 (2011).
Source Rocks in Deep Water Depositional Systems of East and West Coasts of India, by Dinesh K. Pande, Ram Raj Singh, and Kuldeep Chandra, #10169 (2008).
EA Geocellular Model for Tertiary Reservoirs in Manhera Tibba Gas Field, Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, India, Rajesh Pandey, B.P. Nonia, S. Mahanti, U.C. Pradhan, and Abhayanand S Maurya, #20456 (2019).
Multi-Scale Volcanic Facies Characterization of Deccan Volcanic Complex in the Barmer Basin of Rajasthan: Implication for Exploration in a Flood Basalt Province, Adesh Pandey, Soumen Dasgupta, Utpalendu Kuila, Raj Kumar Yadav, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #11174 (2019).
Changes in Gas Storage and Transport Properties with Continued Bioconversion of Coal, Rohit Pandey, Satya Harpalani, Ji Zhang, and Yanna Liang, #41972 (2016).
Reservoir Monitoring Through Cased Hole Formation Resistivity Tool: A Case Study from Sobhasan Complex Mehsana Asset, Gujarat India, Saurabh Pandey, Sanjoy Das, B.K. Das, Mohan Lal, and Jai Nath Ram, #20137 (2012).
PS Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Lower Siwalik Subgroup (Miocene), Northwest Himalaya, Jammu (India), Sundeep K. Pandita and Sunil K. Bhat, #50532 (2012).
Application of Natural Gas-Based Foamed Fracturing Fluid in Unconventional Reservoirs, Piyush Pankaj, Alhad Phatak, and Sandeep Verma, #42345 (2019).
PS 3-D Petroleum Systems Model of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Marcin Pankau, Brian Toelle, Ranie Lynds, and Penjman Tahmasebi, #11197 (2019).
PS Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir and Seal Quality at the Field and Basin Scale,
John Pantano and Stephen Franks, #41626 (2015).
STAR – A Smart Technology for Maximizing the Value of Heavy Oil Reservoirs, Ronald Pantin, Luis A. Rojas, Syeda Farouq, and Mac Fuenmayor, #41229 (2013).
Autogenic Processes in Physical Stratigraphy, by Chris Paola, #50093 (2008)
PSCathodoluminescent Textures and the Origin of Quartz in the Mississippian Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, by Petro K. Papazis and Kitty Milliken, #50009 (2005).
Turbulent Process Modeling of the Dynamic Flow-Bottom Interaction, Paulo L.B. Paraizo, Marco A.S. Moraes, Renato N. Elias, and Alvaro L.G.A. Coutinho, #50307 (2010).
Dip Sequence Analysis Utilizing Statistical Curvature Analysis: A Case Study on Complex Strata of the Late Middle Miocene Formation in Akita Basin, Onshore Japan, Sarvagya Parashar, Ivan Zhia Ming Wu, Saki Shimada, Hideo Komatsu, M.S Iyer, and Lee Chung Yee, #42346 (2019).
PS Naturally Fractured Granite and Volcanic Basement Rock Formation Evaluation in Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Martin Paris, Marcelo Barrionuevo, Carlos Palacios, Guillermo Crespo, Juan Grisolia, and Claudio Rabe, #11292 (2020).
Formation Evaluation in Shale Prospects Experience in Argentina Vaca Muerta Formation, Martin Paris, #51082 (2015).
Changes in Structural Style Along the Frontal Papuan Fold Belt From Seismic Imaging, Marcus Parish, #30448 (2016).
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the North Marine Area, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, Since the Pliocene, Curtis Archie and Nancy Gallai-Ragobar, #30447 (2016).
PS Geochemical Study on the Origin of Organic Matter and Depositional Environment of Late Quaternary Sediments in the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea, Myong-Ho Park, Ji-Hoon Kim, and Gee-Soo Kong, #10672 (2014).
EA The Difficulty in the "Transgressive Seas" Explanation for Organically Enriched Rocks Is a Fundamental Problem with Applied Sequence Analysis, and it Is the Misunderstanding of the "Condensed Section", D. M. Parker, #70405 (2020).
EA Can "Volcanic Tephra Fall" Replace "Sea Level Transgression" as the Dominant Driver for Organically Enriched Rock Formation and Their Cyclic Deposition at the Well-Studied Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary (OAE2; 93-94 Ma)?, D. M. Parker, #70404 (2020).
EA Some Geoscientists Are Concluding that Organic Enrichment of Rock is by Volcanic Ash Fall. The Implications Are Dramatic; But Are They Probable?, D. M. Parker, #70403 (2020).
PS Volcanic Ash Fall - The Key to Organic Rich Shale and Coal Formation, Douglas M. Parker, #70287 (2017).
Lessons Learned from the KCC #503H Woodford Horizontal Well at Keystone South Field, Winkler County, TX, Andrew Parker, David Entzminger, John Leone, Mark Sonnenfeld, and Lyn Canter, #20254 (2014).
GC3-D Seismic Data in Imaging Fracture Properties for Reservoir Development, by Bob Parney and Paul LaPointe, #40098 (2003).
PS Meso- and Macro-Scale Facies and Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale in Northern West Virginia, USA, Thomas Paronish, Timothy R. Carr, Dustin Crandall, and Johnathan Moore, #51458 (2018).
PS Integrated Geologic Analysis from Two Marcellus Shale Science Wells in Northeastern West Virginia, Thomas J. Paronish, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, and Timothy Carr, #51359 (2017).
Cenozoic Orogenic Growth of the North Andes: Shortening and Exhumation Histories of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, by Mauricio Parra, Andrés Mora, Edward R. Sobel, Manfred R. Strecker, Carlos Jaramillo, Paul B. O'Sullivan, and Román González, #30071 (2008).
Flid Evolution in Cambrian‐Ordovician Knox Group Reservoirs, Thomas (Marty) Parris, M.W. Bradley, D.H. Doctor, C. Bruner, K.G. Takacs, and S. Webb, #80191 (2011).
Brine Chemistry in the Illinois and Appalachian Basins of Kentucky Implications for Geologic Carbon Sequestration, T. M. Parris, D.J. Webb, N. Fedorchuk, S. Daugherty, K. Takacs, and A. Schumacher, #80075 (2009).
Direct in situ Dating of Carbonates by LA-ICP-(MC)-MS and its Applications to Chronostratigraphy, Randy Parrish and Troy Rasbury, #41269 (2014).
PS U-Pb Geochronology of Zircon from Volcanic Ashes in the Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin, Chantelle Parrish, Jaime Toro, Amy Weislogel, Jessica Hayward, and Joe Wooden, #50660 (2012).
Opening of the North Atlantic and Norwegian - Greenland Sea Basin - Lessons from the South Atlantic, Chris Parry, #30190 (2011).
PS US Energy Trends and Projection, Tabassum Parveen, #70284 (2017).
Fractured Basement in Mature Basin Exploration: New Play Analog in Central Sumatra Basin, Damian Pascal and Sheila Ayu Pricilla, #11014 (2017).
Facies Distribution and Stratigraphic Architecture of Continental to Shallow-Marine Deposits on a Lowstand Wedge: Basin-Scale Analysis of the Mulichinco Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina), Maria E. Pascariello, Maria F. Rincon, Sebastian M. Arismendi, and Ernesto Schwarz, #51518 (2018).
Spaghetti with Marinara: Tertiary Oil Recovery in a Cretaceous Redbed Succession, Citronelle Field, Alabama, Jack C. Pashin, #20207 (2013).
Devonian Shale Plays of the Black Warrior Basin and Appalachian Thrust Belt in Alabama, Jack C. Pashin, #80095 (2010).
Origin and Consequences of Variable Gas Saturation in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs of the Black Warrior Basin, by Jack Pashin, #80034 (2008) (18.3mb).
Depositional Facies Control on Reservoir Characteristics in the Middle and Lower Abu Roash — Sandstones, Western Desert, Egypt, Mark A. Pasley, Gabe Artigas, and Osama Nassef, and Joe Comisky, #50181 (2009).
Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazil, by Mark A. Pasley, David B. Shepherd, David T. Pocknall, Kevin P. Boyd, Vander Andrade, and Jorge Picanço De Figueiredo, #10082 (2005).
Source Rock Evaluation from Well Logs – Four Decades of Technical Tipping Points, Quinn R. Passey, #60056 (2019).
My Source Rock is Now My Reservoir - Geologic and Petrophysical Characterization of Shale-Gas Reservoirs, Q. R. Passey, K. M. Bohacs, W. L. Esch, R. Klimentidis, and S. Sinha, #80231 (2012).
Uncertainty in Petrophysical Evaluation, Eric Pasternack, #120011 (2009).
Foraminiferal Assemblages and Palaeoenvironmental Inferences of the Lowermost Colón Formation (Late Campanian): Catatumbo Basin, Colombia, German David Patarroyo, Gustavo Torres, Claudia Cárdenas, and Daniel Rincon, #51173 (2015).
Discovery of the Giant Monte Alpi Field, Iain Paterson and Chris Brown, #70343 (2018).
Icehouse Meteoric (Freshwater) Carbonate Porosity Evolution, by Richard J. Paterson, Fiona F. Whitaker, Peter L. Smart, and Gareth D. Jones, #50138 (2008).
The Whys and Wherefores of Geochemistry and Basin Modeling From Exploration to Production, Richard Patience and Friedemann Baur, #70277 (2017).
CFD Modeling of Low-Density Particle Transport into Perforations for Multistage Fracturing Applications of Horizontal Wells, Vijaya Patnana and Travis Larsen, #42203 (2018).
PS Carbonate Reservoir Characterisation: A Middle East Case Study Using 3-D Seismic Analysis Workflows, Gaynor Paton, Helen Basford, Anthony Avu, and Frank van Kleef, #40805 (2011).
Tectonic Evolution at Musi High and Its Influence to Gumai Formation as an Active Source Rock at Sopa Field, South Sumatera Basin, Dimas Hendrawan Patra, Dardji Noeradi, and Eddy Subroto, #20125 (2012).
Quantitative Stratigraphic Architecture, Depositional History and Progradation Rates of an Ancient Sand-prone Subaqueous Delta (Sognefjord Formation, Troll Field, Norwegian North Sea), Stefano Patruno, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, and Paul Whipp, #20209 (2013).
Geomorphology, Facies Character and Stratigraphic Architecture of an Ancient Sand-prone Subaqueous Delta: Upper Jurassic Sognefjord Formation, Troll Field, Offshore Norway, Stefano Patruno, Gary J. Hampson, Chris Jackson, and Paul Whipp, #20193 (2013).
Identifying the Potential in Complex Basement Reservoir: Advance Application of Borehole Images and other Openhole Logs, A Case Study from Western Offshore, India, Sambit Pattanaik, Sarvagya Parashar, Koushik Sikdar, Somenath Kar, Indrajit Basu, Saraswat Swain, Vaibhav Deshpande, and Ashwini Agrawal, #41027 (2012).
The Maness Shale: A Comparison of the Geomechanical and Mineralogic Properties within the Lower Eagle Ford Near the San Marcos Arch, Samantha Patterson and Richard Denne, #11240 (2019).
Oceanic Flood Deposits in the Cretaceous Western Interior of North America, by Simon A.J. Pattison, #50139 (2008).
With Proper Spacing and Enough Time, Shale Wells May Produce Much More Gas, Tadeusz Wiktor Patzek, #80670 (2019).
PS Role of Salt in Decoupling Deformation and Fault Evolution in the Smørbukk Area, Halten Terrace, Offshore Mid-Norway, Debapriya Paul and Shankar Mitra, #30412 (2015).
Geomechanical Controls on the Gas Production in the North Parachute Area, Colorado, Pijush Paul, Thomas Neely, Tricia Allwardt, Peter Hennings, Jason McLennan, Ray Reid, and David Brown, #50476 (2011).
GCNew 3-D/3-C High Resolution VSP Technology, by Björn Paulsson, Brian Fuller, Martin Karrenbach, and Paul Heuermann, #40074 (2003).
Fire from Ice: Methane Hydrate Petroleum Systems and Resources, Paul H. Pause, #80193 (2011).
PS Geological Structure and Hydrocarbon Potential of the North of the Barents Sea, Sergey Pavlov, Valentina Shlykova, and Bozhena Velichko, #30302 (2013).
PSPaleovalleys Revealed by Bedrock Topography and Drift Thickness Mapping Show Potential for Shallow Gas, Northwestern Alberta, Canada, by John G. Pawlowicz, Tami J. Nicoll, Mark M. Fenton, Jawwad Ahmad, Douglas R. Schmitt, Dean Rokosh, and Alain Plouffe, #10087 (2005).
Detailed Fingerprints of Global Sea-level Change Revealed in Upper Devonian / Mississippian Woodford Shale of South-Central Oklahoma, by Stanley T. Paxton, Anna M. Cruse, and Alischa M. Krystyniak, #40211 (2006).
PS Channel Belt Rugosity in Reservoir Characterization, Tobias Payenberg, Brian Willis, Victor Pusca, Pete Sixsmith, Bryan Bracken, Henry Posamentier, Michael J. Pyrcz, Richard Sech, Sean Connell, Kristy Milliken, and Morgan Sullivan, #41420 (2014).
The Acquisition and Use of Outcrop Analogue Data in Reservoir Characterisation, by Tobias H.D. Payenberg and Simon C. Lang, #40359 (2008).
Controls on Porosity and Permeability Within the Carmel Formation: Implications for Carbon Sequestration, William G. Payne, Peter S. Mozley, Douglas A. Sprinkel, and Andrew R. Campbell, #80185 (2011).
Geoscience Evolution: Extensive Data Integration for Real Time Geosteering and Modeling in Unconventional Reservoirs, Vlad Karen Payrazyan, Igor Kuvaev, Igor Uvarov, Rafael Aguilar, Gerardo Gutierrez, and Julian Stahl, #42187 (2018).
Salt System Evolution of the Northern Paradox Basin, by Manuel Paz, Bruce Trudgill and Chuck Kluth, #30078 (2009).
The Impact of Volcanism on Reservoir Quality, Scotian Basin, Georgia Pe-Piper and David J.W. Piper, #10680 (2014).
PSFormation of the Volcanic Margins of West Greenland and North-Eastern Canada, Alex Peace, Ken McCaffrey, Jonny Imber, Jeroen van Hunen, Richard Hobbs, and Keith Gerdes, #30358 (2014).
PS Integrating a Deterministic Lithology Model for Subsurface Correlation, Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Julia E. Peacock and J. Frederick Sarg, #51426 (2017).
PS Pre-Laramide Salt Tectonics in the Eagle Basin: A New Paradigm for the Tectonic Evolution of Central Colorado, Wes Pearigen, Bruce Trudgill, Thomas Hearon, Mary Carr, and Thomas Busath, #11258 (2019).
GCAeromagnetic Imaging of Faults in a Basin-Centered Gas Play, by William C. Pearson, #40078 (2003).
4D Passive and Aggressive Monitoring of Air Injection at Telephone Lake, Alberta,
Richard Pearcy and Larry Mayo, #80378 (2014).
The Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership: Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Activities, Wes Peck, #80105 (2010).
Innovative Methods for Flow Unit and Pore Structure Analysis in a Tight Gas Reservoir, Montney Formation, NE, BC, Canada, Per K. Pedersen, Chris Clarkson, Jerry Jensen, Omar Derder, and Melissa Freeman, #50439 (2011).
Reservoir Modeling of Small-Scale Heterogeneities in Channelized Turbidite Systems: Digital Outcrop Studies of the Ross Formation, SW Ireland, by Cathrine Pedersen, John Howell, Trond Lien, Ellinore Bjørk Vipond, John Thurmond, Tore Løseth, and Ole Martinsen, #40267 (2007).
Production-Focused Seismic: Applying 3D Seismic to Well Productivity Analysis and Completion Optimization, Examples from the Eagle Ford and Wolfcamp, Ross Peebles, #80538 (2016).
Integrating Seismic, Microseismic and Engineering Data to Optimize Lateral Placement and Completion Design in the Eagle Ford, Ross Peebles, #80251 (2012).
The Problem of Paleotopography in Structurally Active Slope Basins, Frank Peel, Gillian Apps, Esther Sumner, and David Stanbrook, #41758 (2016).
PS Unravelling the Influence of Throw and Stratigraphy in Controlling Sub-Seismic Fault Architecture of Fold-Thrust Belts: An Example from the Qaidam Basin, Northeast Tibetan Plateau, Yangwen Pei, Douglas Paton, Rob Knipe, K. Wu, and L. Xie, #30524 (2017).
GCConstraining Seismic Interpretation with Aeromagnetic Data, John W. Peirce, #40606 (2010).
Measurement of Air Quality Impacts During Hydraulic Fracturing on a Marcellus Shale Well Pad in Greene County, Pennsylvania, Natalie Pekney, Garret Veloski, Matthew Reeder, Joseph Tamilia, J. Rodney Diehl, and Richard W. Hammack, #80357 (2014).
PS Study of Seismic Anomalies in the Frequency Spectrum as a Hydrocarbon Reservoir Characterizer, Argenis Pelayo and Ivan Omaña, #42596 (2025).
Hydrocarbon Production from the South Ellwood Field and the Effects on Naturally Occurring Oil and Gas Seeps, Christer B. Peltonen and James R. Boles, #23010 (2015).
John Joyce Carter: From Civil War Hero to Petroleum Entrepreneur, S. George Pemberton and Erin A.L. Pemberton, 70301 (2017).
PS Outcrop Analogues in the Western Iberian Margin, Northeast Atlantic, Rui Pena dos Reis and Nuno Pimentel, #11025 (2017).
Petroleum Systems and Thermal Modeling of the Western Iberian Margin - From the Onshore Lusitanian Basin to the Deep Offshore Peniche Basin, Rui Pena dos Reis, Nuno Pimentel, Fátima Cardoso, and Bernardo Teixeira, #10679 (2014).
Triassic Rupture and Liasic Marine Invasion in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) — A Shift from Tectonic To Thermal Subsidence, R. P. Pena dos Reis, N. L. V. Pimentel, and A. J. V. Garcia, #10650 (2014).
The Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Sedimentary Succession in Southern Portugal: A Stratigraphical Framework for Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) Related Magmatism, R. Pena dos Reis and N. Pimentel, #30371 (2014).
The Evolution of the Atlantic Margin of Iberia as Recorded in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), Rui Pena dos Reis, Nuno Pimentel, and António Garcia, #30370 (2014).
PS A Modified Gas Expansion Method for Measurement of Shale Matrix Permeability and Relative Permeability, Sheng Peng, #42419 (2019).
Tracer-Guided Characterization of Dominant Pore Network and Implications on Permeability and Wettability in Shale, Sheng Peng, Robert M. Reed, and Xianghui Xiao, #42418 (2019).
PS Application of Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure to Mudrocks: Conformance and Compression Corrections, Sheng Peng, Tongwei Zhang, and Robert G. Loucks, #42311 (2018).
PS Laboratory Measurement of Mudrock on Porosity, Pore and Pore Throat Size Distribution, and Permeability: Learnings from Comparison of Techniques, Sheng Peng, Tongwei Zhang, Lucy T. Ko, Robert G. Loucks, and Stephen C. Ruppel, #42118 (2017).
PS Permeability Estimation Based on Pore Characterization and Flow Modeling from Thin-Sections Image Analysis of Grain-Dominated Carbonates, Sheng Peng, Ahmed Hassan, and Robert G. Loucks, #42117 (2017).
Upscaling of Pore Network and Permeability from Micron to Millimeter Scale in Organic-Pore Dominated Mudstones, Sheng Peng, Tongwei Zhang, and Stephen C. Ruppel, #41429 (2014).
Definition, Modes of Occurrence and Pitfalls in Understanding the Term 'Bitumen' in Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems, Andy Pepper, #42111 (2017).
PSAdvances in Seismic Fault Interpretation Automation, by Randolph Pepper and Gaston Bejarano, #40170 (2005).
PS Cenozoic Turbidite Systems in the Onshore Angola: Facies Analysis and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Massambala Heavy Oil Accumulation, Martin Pereira, Estefania Tudisca, Mariano Ragazzi, and Atilio Viera, #51673 (2020).
Sedimentological Characterization of Submarine Canyons and Channel Complexes in Los Molles Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Martin Pereira, #11337 (2020).
Gas Success along the Margin of East Africa, But Where Is All the Generated Oil?, M. C. Pereira-Rego, A. D. Carr, and N. R. Cameron, #10488 (2013).
PS Correlation of the Pore Pressure Gradient and Maturity of the Niobrara Formation Across the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Adriana G. Perez, David Yale, Robert Raney, and Ross Taylor, #30634 (2021).
PS Searching for Shallow Gas - A Geohazards Workflow in Kingdom, Lucia Perez Belmonte, #42166 (2017).
Rock Physics and Depositional Trends, Marco Perez, David Close, and Greg Purdue, #41316 (2014).
Unconventional Multi-Variate Analysis: A Non-Linear Review of the Most Relevant Unconventional Plays in the U.S., Roderick Perez, #80428 (2014).
Seismic Brittleness Index Volume Estimation from Well Logs in Unconventional Reservoirs, Roderick Perez, #80381 (2014).
Calibration of Brittleness to Elastic Rock Properties via Mineralogy Logs in Unconventional Reservoirs, Roderick Perez and Kurt Marfurt, #41237 (2013).
Integration of Surface and Subsurface Tools in The Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Plays, Roderick Perez, #41211 (2013).
Application of LMR and Clustering Analysis in Unconventional Reservoirs, Roderick Perez, #40879 (2012).
PS Geophysical Characterization of an Oligo-Miocene Prospective Interval in Copa Macoya Field, Guárico Sub-basin, Venezuela, Yaraixa Pérez, Bice Cortiula, Jesus Sierra, Bruno De Toni, Colombo Da Encarnacao, and Crelia Padron, #50461 (2011).
Microseismic Calibration of Surface Seismic Brittleness Estimates: Application to a Barnett Shale Survey, Roderick Perez-Altamar, John Henry Alzate, Amanda Trumbo, and Kurt Marfurt, #80623 (2017).
The Importance of Multi-Scale Petroleum System Assessment for Plays and Prospects De-Risking in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, G. Pérez-Drago, N. Mouchot, M. Dubille, L. Montadert, D. di Biase, P. Lacone, M. Mazzarelli, M. Hosni, and A. Thebault, #11332 (2020).
PS Petroleum Systems Modeling and Hydrocarbon Charge Assessment in Pie De Monte Boomerang Province, Bolivia, Guillermo Pérez-Drago, Frederic Schneider, Stephane Rousse, Jean-Luc Faure, and Olvis Padilla, #30600 (2019).
PS Predicting Recoverable Liquid-Rich Sweet-Spots with PVT Phase Kinetic Modeling: Vaca Muerta Shale, Neuquén Embayment, Guillermo Pérez-Drago, Mariana Alvis, Pierre-Yves Chenet, and Felipe Medellin, #42245 (2018).
PSCombining Surface Geochemistry and Axial Surface Map Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, by Julio Perez-Infante, Enrique Novoa, Irene Romero, Marcias Gonzalez, Claudia Fintina, Carmen Zambrano, Marco Odenhal, and Angel Gonzalez, #40010 (2001).
Modes of Extension and Oceanization at Magma-Poor Margins: An Example from the Brazilian/African Margins, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Mario Araujo, Marco Romeiro, Miguel Andres Martinez, Jason Phipps Morgan and Elena Ros, #30435 (2016). Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Bedform Morphology under Combined Flows, Mauricio M. Perillo, Miwa Yokokawa, Tomohiro Sekiguchi, Tomohiro Takagawa, Yoshitsugu Hasegawa, Francisco Pedocchi, Marcelo H.García, and Jim Best, #50305 (2010).
L-S Sands, Mata Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin: Multidisciplinary Approach and its Role in Hydraulic Unit Characterization, By José Renato C. Peron, Jorge Arguello, and Denis Marchal, #40152 (2005).
Applications of Kirchhoff Least-Squares Migration: Towards Reservoir Imaging, Francesco Perrone, Graham Roberts, Lorenzo Casasanta, Andrew Ratcliffe, Arash Jafargandomi, and Karen Purcell, #42183 (2018).
Bridging the ‘Gap’ to Unconventional Permeabilitys: Insights to Unconventional Tight Oil Techniques, Advancements and Understandings, Stephanie E. Perry and Ruben Lopez, #80677 (2019).
Comparing and Contrasting Analytically Quantified Porosity and Pore Size Distributions in the Wolfcamp Formation From SEM Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Crushed Rock Core Analysis, Stephanie E. Perry, Joel D. Walls, and Tiffany Rider, #42123 (2017).
Got Lemons? Make Lemonade!, Gary Perry, #70181 (2015).
Evidence of Hydrocarbon Seepage Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery, Kurdistan, Iraq, Sandra L. Perry and Fred A. Kruse, #40694 (2011).
History of Petroleum Exploration in Trinidad and Tobago, K. M. Persad and C. Archie, #70231 (2016).
Petroleum Prospects of the Middle Tertiary Reservoirs in the Southwest Peninsula of Trinidad, Krishna Persad and Neil Ritson, #10626 (2014).
Elastic Anisotropy of Shales … Revisited, Marina Pervukhina and Patrick N. J. Rasolofosaon, #41557 (2015).
PS Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Miocene, Poland and Ukraine): Significance of Evaporite Deposition, Tadeusz M. Peryt and Danuta Peryt, #10852 (2016).
Reef Constructors of the Wuchiapingian Jablonna Buildup (Western Poland), Tadeusz M. Peryt, Pawel Raczynski, and Danuta Peryt, #51273 (2016).
Upper Permian Reef Complex in the Basinal Facies of the Zechstein Limestone (Ca1) Wolsztyn High, Western Poland, Tadeusz Marek Peryt, Pawel Raczynski, and Krzysztof Chlódek, #50673 (2012).
Foraminiferal Record of the Onset of the Middle Miocene Badenian Salinity Crisis in Central Paratethys, Danuta Peryt and Tadeusz Marek Peryt, #50309 (2010).
Charge and Leakage Analysis Integrating Different Scales: From Fluid Inclusions to Seismic Attributes, Loppa High, Barents Sea, Norway, Pieter Pestman, Noemí Tur, Mateu Esteban, Teresa Polo, Alfredo Sánchez, Devendra Tiwary, Rafael Tocco, Jordi Tritlla, and André Vayssaire, #10377 (2011).
Strontium Isotope Evolution of Produced Water in the East Poplar Oil Field, Montana, Zell E. Peterman, Joanna Thamke, Kiyoto Futa, and Thomas Oliver, #20162 (2012).
PSPetroleum-Fueled Microbially-Mediated Carbonate and Native Sulfur Authigenesis in a Gypsum Caprock of a Zechstein Diapir, Northern Germany, by Henning Peters and Joern Peckmann #50033 (2006).
Deconvoluting Mixed Petroleum and the Effect of Oil and Gas-Condensate Mixtures on Identifying Petroleum Systems, Kenneth Peters and Andrew Murray, #42564 (2020).
Evolution of Molecular Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration and Development, Ken Peters, #42440 (2019).
Experimental Evidence for Suppression of Vitrinite Reflectance by Liptinite During Hydrous Pyrolysis of Artificial Source Rock, K. E. Peters, P. C. Hackley, J. J. Thomas, and A. E. Pomerantz, #42386 (2019).
Historical Transformation of the Petroleum System Concept to Computerized Petroleum System Models and Linked Technologies, K. E. Peters, L. B. Magoon, and B. Wygrala, #42385 (2019).
Organofacies and Paleoclimate Controlled Genetic Oil Families in the Onshore/Offshore Santa Maria Basins, California, Ken Peters, Paul Lillis, Tom Lorenson, and John Zumberge#11092 (2018).
Guidelines for Kinetic Input to Basin and Petroleum System Models, Kenneth E. Peters, Alan K. Burnham, Clifford C. Walters, and Oliver Schenk, #42112 (2017).
Petroleum Generation Kinetics: Single- Versus Multiple-Heating Ramp Open-System Pyrolysis, Kenneth E. Peters, #41493 (2014).
Petroleum Systems in the World's Richest Petroliferous Basin, Los Angeles, California, K.E. Peters, L.S. Ramos, J.E. Zumberge, and T.L. Wright, #80386 (2014).
Recent Advances in Petroleum System Modeling of Geochemical Processes: TSR, SARA, and Biodegradation, Kenneth E. Peters, Thomas Hantschel, Armin I. Kauerauf, Yongchun Tang, and Bjorn Wygrala, #41261 (2013).
Chemometric Recognition of Genetically Distinct Oil Families in the Los Angeles Basin, K. E. Peters, L. Scott Ramos, and J. E. Zumberge, #41149 (2013).
New Geochemical-Chemometric Evidence for Multiple Miocene and Eocene Oil Families in the San Joaquin Basin, California, K. E. Peters, D. Coutrot, X. Nouvelle, B. G. Rohrback, S. J. Ramos, L. B. Magoon, and J. E. Zumberge, #40939 (2012).
Circum-Arctic Petroleum Systems Defined Using Biomarkers, Isotopes, and Chemometrics, Kenneth Peters, Scott L. Ramos, and John Zumberge, #30146 (2011).
Timing of Petroleum System Events Controls Accumulations on the North Slope, Alaska, Kenneth Peters, Oliver Schenk, and Kenneth Bird, #30145 (2010).
Criteria to Determine Borehole Formation Temperatures for Calibration of Basin and Petroleum System Models, Kenneth E. Peters and Philip H. Nelson, #40463 (2009).
Pre-Salt Super Play: Leading Brazil into the World's Top 5 Oil Suppliers, Eliane Petersohn, #30625 (2019).
PS Regional-Scale Modelling of the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity Surface in Northern and Central Alberta: Elevation, Subcrop Zero-Edge Delineation, and Paleotopographic Reconstruction, Jesse Peterson, Tyler E. Hauck, Ben Hathway, and Kelsey MacCormack, #30464 (2016).
Methane Seepage: Measuring the Flux, Recovering Lost Resources, and Protecting the Environment, John Peterson, #80107 (2010).
AV Modern Temperature Observations: Data and Their Interpretation, by Thomas Peterson, #110056 (2008)
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Alaska’s Arctic Offshore Activity, Robert H. Peterson, Jim Craig, Kirk Sherwood, and Lynn Aleshire, #70086 (2010).
Charge Is Not an Issue - Or Is It?, Stephan Petmecky, Benjamin Kirkland, and Frank van Bergen, #70333 (2018).
New Velocity Model Building Techniques to Reduce Sub-Salt Exploration Risk, by Stephan Petmecky, Martin L. Albertin, and Nick L. Burke, #40364 (2008) (36.5 MB).
PS Influence of Graphite on Strain in a Gently Dipping Fault Zone, Elizabeth S. Petrie, Bradford R. Burton, and Paul K. Link, #51687 (2020).
Damage Zone Structure and Structural Diagenesis Associated with Thrust Faults - Emery County, Utah, Elizabeth S. Petrie, Anja J. Sundal, C. Ward, Sarah S. Wigginton, and James P. Evans, #51520 (2018).
Mechanical Stratigraphy and Stress History of Cap-rocks: Analysis of Exhumed Analogs in Central and Southeastern Utah and Implications for CCS, Elizabeth S. Petrie and James P. Evans, #80336 (2013).
PS Geologically Driven Joint Inversion of Gravity, Seismic and Well Data: A Step Forward in Understanding of Geological Structure and Reducing E&P Risks, Oleksandr Petrovskyy and Tetyana Fedchenko, #70282 (2017).
Clastic/Evaporitic Interactions in Arid Continental Settings: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modelling, Ross Pettigrew, Stuart Clarke, Phil Richards, and Antoni Milodowski, #51527 (2018).
PS Fluvial-Aeolian-Evaporitic Interactions in Arid Continental Basins: Implications for Basin-Scale Migration and Reservoir Characterisation, R. Pettigrew, C. Priddy, A. Elson, K. Johnson, A. Gough, S.M. Clarke, and P. Richards, #70291 (2017).
Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Paleodrainage Reconstruction of the Blackhawk-Castlegate Succession, Book Cliffs and Wasatch Plateau, Utah, Bridget S. Pettit, #51378 (2017).
A Facies and Flow Unit Approach to Porosity Occurrence in the Madison Reservoirs (Frobisher-Alida and Tilston Intervals) of Western North Dakota, David M. Petty, #11382 (2024).
Red River "B" Reservoir Properties on the Nesson Anticline, North Dakota, David M. Petty, #11381 (2024).
Duperow Reservoir Characteristics in Beaver Lodge Field, North Dakota, David M. Petty, #20495 (2022).
Sequence Stratigraphy of Lower Madison Strata in the Greater Williston Basin Area, David M. Petty, #51626 (2019).
Stratigraphic Framework for Basin-Margin, Sub-Unconformity Diagenesis Below the Acadian Unconformity in the Southern Williston Basin, David M. Petty, #10981 (2017).
Mineralogy and Petrology Controls on Hydrocarbon Saturation in the Three Forks Reservoir, North Dakota, David Petty, #10623 (2014).
The Role of Hypogenic Karst in Formation of Carbonate Reservoirs and Development of Oil Deposits, Alexander V. Petukhov, #42361 (2019).
A Revolution in Applied Geophysics in Brazil (1930-1960), Drielli Peyerl and Silvia Fernanda de Mendonça Figueirôa, #70347 (2018).
Determining How Much Topographic Complexity Must Be Incorporated into Models for Depositional Turbidity Currents Filling Sinuous Submarine Channels and Constructing Channel Levees, Aymeric-Pierre Peyret, David Mohrig, Michael Lamb, and Brandon McElroy, #50368 (2010).
Salt Creek - A Wyoming Giant and a Cast of Characters, Sam L. Pfiester, #20485 (2020).
3D Acoustic and Elastic Wave Modeling on a High Performance Computing System, Suhas Phadke and M. Ramanjulu, #40899 (2012).
Beyond the Blue Horizon – A View from Two Perspectives: Technology and Thinking, Steve Phelps, #70204 (2015).
The Devonian-Mississippian Sappington Formation in the Bridger Range, Montana: An Outcrop-based Unconventional Reservoir Prediction for the Bakken Formation in the Williston Basin, Anna Phelps, Michael Hofmann, and Bruce Hart, #80474 (2015).
Facies and Architectural Variability of the Albian Stuart City Margin, Ryan Phelps and Charles Kerans, #50300 (2010).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore and Coastal El Salvador and Guatemala, Tom Phillips, #11356 (2022).
Defining Vertical Permeability Distribution in a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Project: An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to Modeling a Heavy Oil Reservoir, by Peter Phillips and Renjun Wen, #40283 (2008).
Improving Net-to-Gross Reservoir Estimation with Small-Scale Geological Modeling, by Peter Phillips and Renjun Wen, #40252 (2007).
A Geochemical Appraisal of the Potential Source(s) of Oils in the STACK and SCOOP Plays in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, R. Paul Philp and Carl Symcox, #51669 (2020).
Environmental Forensics in the Context of the Oil and Gas Industry, Paul Philp, #80250 (2012).
Pi-Po Back to P
The MAT 253-Ultra: A New High-Resolution Gas Source Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer, Alison Piasecki, John Eiler, and Daniel Stolper, #40987 (2012).
Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of Ramp Syncline Basins, Leonardo M. Pichel, Frank J. Peel, Christopher A. Jackson, and Mads Huuse, #10955 (2017).
PS Salt Tectonics Offshore Morocco: Insights from Seismic Interpretation and Discrete-Element Modelling, Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Mads Huuse, Emma Finch, and Jonathan Redfern, #42095 (2017).
< Policy Development in Ontario, Ray Pichette, #70172 (2014).
Correlation of the Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution at the North American Margin, on Svalbard, and on the New Siberian Islands in the Last 650 Million Years, Karsten Piepjohn and Werner von Gosen, #30303 (2013).
PS Structural Evolution of the North Margin of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: A Passive Continental Margin Dominated by Eurekan Strike-Slip Tectonics, Karsten Piepjohn and Werner von Gosen, #30299 (2013).
Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization Using the HitCube Approach – Mapping of Marl-Rich Mudflows in the Horn River Basin, Claire Pierard, Hardeep Jaglan, Kristoffer Rimaila, Arnaud Huck, Friso Brouwer, Steve Jensen, and Eric von Lunen, #41345 (2014).
The Role of the Geoscientist in the U.S. Federal Government, Brenda Pierce, #120006 (2009).
Raymond's Folly: The Codell Play of the Denver Basin, Raymond Pierson, #70303 (2017).
The ELLA GRA Process – Concepts and Methods for the Prediction of Reservoir Hydrocarbon Type Using Ratios of Gas Chromatography C1-C5 Gases, Raymond M. Pierson, #42122 (2017).
Investigating Layer Parallel Diagenetic Shortening Using Field Data, Thin Section Analysis, and Analog Models, Nicole Pierson and Caroline M. Burberry, #41419 (2014).
The Ongoing Eruption of Mount St. Helens, by Thomas C. Pierson, #50042 (2007).
Evaluation of Offshore Reservoirs for Potential Carbon Sequestration Through an Integrated Basin Analysis – Seismic Stratigraphic Approach: Example-Mid Atlantic U.S., John D. Pigott, Jerry Zhai, Kulwadee L. Pigott, Marina Rossi, Charlie Schlosser, Andrew Parent, and Nino Ripepi, #80704 (2019).
The Messinian Mediterranean Crisis: A Model for the Permian Delaware Basin?, John D. Pigott, Michael T. Williams, Mohamed Abdel-Fattah, and Kulwadee L. Pigott, #30389 (2014).
Clastic Facies Reservoir Characterization in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework through Production Decline Curve Analysis: Example–Frio Formation, South Texas, John D. Pigott and Bryant W. Bradley, #41482 (2014).
3-D Seismic Fault-Plane Images from Offshore Myanmar, Gulf of Thailand, and Lake Maracaibo: Insight into Regional Stresses and Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways, John D. Pigott and Non Prapasanobon, #40892 (2012).
PS Sustainable Development of CBM, Coal, and Groundwater in the Raton Basin of Colorado, USA, R. C. Pilcher, C. L. Tellio, J. S. Marshall, and C. A. Boger, #80331 (2013).
PS Intracontinental Tectonics, Stresses, and Fracture Reservoirs, Rex Pilger, #40653 (2010).
CO2Sequestration Studies in Ocean and Deep Sea Sub-seabed Formations, Nicolas Pilisi and Davood Ghorbani, #70119 (2012).
PS Outcrop Analogues for Reservoir Characterization - Examples from Lusitanian Basin's Post-Rift Units, Nuno Pimentel, Rui Pena dos Reis, and Jorge Magalhães, #51459 (2018).
SW Iberian and NW Moroccan Onshore Basins – Mesozoic Evolution and Geodynamic Framework, N. Pimentel and R. Pena dos Reis, #10651 (2014).
PS The Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) and Its North American Counterparts – a Comparative Approach, N. L. V. Pimentel, R. Pena dos Reis, and A. J. V. Garcia, #10649 (2014).
PS Prospectivity of the Portuguese Deepwater Areas within the Context of the Afro-European East Atlantic Province, N. Pimentel and R. P. D. Reis, #30369. (2014).
PS Submarine Canyons and Fans in a Rift-Climax Event: Analysis of Two Contrasting Late Jurassic Systems in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), Nuno Pimentel, Rui Pena dos Reis, and Margins Exploration Group, #50543 (2012).
AV Case Study of a Large Conventional Oil Pool Discovery in a Mature Basin: The Upper Mannville of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Rob Pinckston, #110229 (2018).
GCRegional Plate Kinematics: Arm Waving or Underutilized Exploration Tool?, by James Pindell, Lorcan Kennan, and Stephen Barrett, #40064 (2002).
The Offshore Part of the Anticosti Basin: A Major Gap in the Understanding of Early to Middle Paleozoic Basins of Eastern Canada in a Promising Hydrocarbon Setting, N. Pinet and D. Lavoie, #10722 (2015).
Water Disposal: A Growing Challenge, Owen C Pinnell, #80286 (2013).
Polygonal Fault System in the Cretaceous of the Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile, Jesús A. Pinto, Manuel Montecinos, and Pablo Mella, #10641 (2014).
Write Off the Pacific Offshore? or the Last Best Hope for New Pacific Discoveries, Kenneth A. Piper and Michael R. Brickey, #30409 (2015).
Think Small for Nascent Alternative Energy Technologies, Kenneth A. Piper, #41658 (2015).
Rift Tectonics of the Eastern Canadian Continental Margin: Insights from Detrital Petrology and Provenance, David J.W. Piper, Georgia Pe-Piper, and Yuanyuan Zhang, #30332 (2014).
Deep-water Sedimentation Patterns Seaward of Shelf-crossing Glaciations, Eastern Canadian Margin, David J.W. Piper, David C. Mosher, D. Calvin Campbell, Mark E. Deptuck, Francky Saint-Ange, Anthony Novak, and Gang Li, #50376 (2011).
Seismic Hazard in Passive Margin Frontier Basins: Geological Estimates of the Frequency of Large Earthquake-Triggered Submarine Landslides in Orphan Basin, Offshore Canada, David J.W. Piper, Efthymios Tripsanas, David C. Mosher, and Kevin MacKillop, #70081 (2010).
Selected Bibliography of Arctic Geology with Emphasis on Petroleum Geology, compiled by Karen Piqune, #100004 (2008)
PS Alentejo Basin, Offshore Portugal – Deep-Water Interpretation Issues, Vanessa Tavares Pires, Salomé Custódio, Rui Pena dos Reis, Roberto Fainstein, and Nuno Pimentel, #11208 (2019).
PS Subsurface Characterization of the Depositional System for the Paleocene Raton Formation, New Mexico and Colorado, USA, J. R. Pisel and T. Wawrzyniec, #50639 (2012).
PS Hydraulic Fracture Modeling and the Road to Prediction - A Finite Element Approach,
Jason Pitcher and Johannes Will, #41777 (2016).
Shale Assets: Applying the Right Technology for Improving Results, Jason Pitcher and Dan Buller, #40883 (2012).
Using Advanced Formation Evaluation and Well Placement Techniques in Horizontal Wells to Improve Reservoir Delineation and Avoid Problem Areas, Jason L. Pitcher, D. Hoyt, Jean Henderson, and M. Bittar, #40459 (2009).
PS Evaluation of Knox Group Dolostones as a Target for CO2 Storage in Western Kentucky, Michelle A. Pittenger, Chip Feazel, Govert J. Buijs, Ray R. Reid, and Paul W. Johnson, #50212 (2009).
Estimating Pore Throat Size in Sandstones from Routine Core-Analysis Data, by Edward D. Pittman, #40011 (2001).
Modern Bahamian Thrombolites: The Products of Extensive Remodeling, Noah Planavsky and Robert N. Ginsburg, #50142 (2008).
Driving Parameters for Process-Like Modeling of Replacement Dolomite Related to Fractures (Calcari Grigi, Trento Platform, Northern Italy), Caroline Planteblat, Annie Arnaud-Vanneau, Thierry Adatte, Bruno Caline, Anne-Marie Boullier, Karl Föllmi, and Gérard Massonnat, #50552 (2012).
Laramide Episodic Documentation in Architecture and Depofacies of Viento Formation: Consequence of La Popa Salt Weld Evolution, La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico, Constantin P. Platon and Amy Weislogel, #50477 (2011).
The Flooding of a Carbonate Platform: The Eastern Yucatán Platform as a Model for Transgressive Carbonates, N.H. Platt and V.P. Wright, #51600 (2019).
Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Leak Disaster and Response, Jeremy Platt, #70252 (2017).
Hitting the Jackpot During Oil-Gas Price Collapse: The Consumer, Jeremy Platt, #70251 (2017).
Framework of Factors Controlling the U.S. Natural Gas Market Outlook, Jeremy Platt and Steve Thumb, #70056 (2008).
Latest Wolfcampian Tectonism as a Control on Early Leonardian Carbonate Slope Channel Complexes, by Ted E. Playton and Charles Kerans, #50032 (2006).
EA When Doodlebugs Ruled the Earth: Pseudo-Geophysical Devices in Oil Exploration, Dan Plazak, #42558 (2020).
PS Neogene Changes in Caribbean Paleoproductivity and Paleobathymetry of Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera, With Implications for the Gulf of Mexico, Crystal Pletka and Laurel Collins, #30632 (2019).
Effect of Froude Supercritical Flow on Fluvial Facies, Geometries and Architecture, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #51407 (2017).
Monsoonal and Ephemeral River Systems: Facies Model and Controls (A Review), Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #41695 (2015).
Distributive Fluvial Systems, Fluvial Megafans, Terminal Fans – Stratigrapher's Nightmare, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Jianqiao Wang, Matt Belobraydic, Bryan McDowell, Jessica Don, Chayawan Jaikla, and Gaochao Shi, #50978 (2014).
Denver Basin Isolated Sandbodies: Signature of Dynamic Subsidence, Laramide Uplifts and Shoreline Transitions, Piret Plink-Bjorklund and Louise Kiteley, #10567 (2014).
Effects of Tides on Deltaic Deposition: Causes and Responses, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #50626 (2012).
Signature of Climate Control in Early Eocene Fluvial Channel Systems, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Lauren Birgenheier, and James Golab, #50627 (2012).
Separating Allogenic and Autogenic Controls in a Super-Greenhouse Fluvial System, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Lauren Birgenheier, and James Golab, #50310 (2010).
Is Occurrence of Hyperpycnal-Flow-Dominated Turbidite Systems Linked to Climatic Maxima? by Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #50144 (2008) (35.7 MB).
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution and Exploration Potential of the Northern Levant Basin, M. Plummer, A. Belopolsky, P. Fish, and M. Norton, #10516 (2013).
Hot Black Salsa: A Brief History of Petroleum in Cuba, James Podruski, Evelio Linares Cala, and Scott E. Thornton, #30478 (2016).
Wrench Tectonics Control on Neogene-Quaternary Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Accumulation along the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Belt, György Pogácsás, Györgyi Juhász, Árpád Dudás, and János Csizmeg, #10388 (2012).
Late Miocene-Pliocene Shortening, Uplift and Wrench Tectonics Dominated Canyon Development along the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Belt, Gy. Pogácsás, Gy. Juhász, J. Csizmeg, Á. Dudás, N. Németh, A. Milankovich, T. Tomcsányi, B. Baracsi, B. Szabó, B. Akács, J. Mádl-Szönyi, Sz. Simon, and B. Czauner, #30218 (2012).
Inter-Disciplinary Work Flow Process to Achieve Profitable Results in Delaware Basin Resource Plays, John Polasek, #42108 (2017).
Assessing Undiscovered Resources of the Barnett-Paleozoic Total Petroleum System, Bend Arch–Fort Worth Basin Province, Texas, by R. M. Pollastro, R. J. Hill, D. M. Jarvie, and M. E. Henry, #10034 (2003).
PS Conditions of Quartz Cementation in Mt. Simon Sandstone: Evidence from in situ Microanalysis of Oxygen Isotopes, Anthony D. Pollington, Reinhard Kozdon, Takayuki Ushikubo, Noriko T. Kita, and John W. Valley, #50351 (2010).
Building Better Models: Toward Complete Integration of Well-Log Data Interpretation with 3D Reservoir Models, Valery Polyakov, Dzevat Omeragic, R. Kocian, Sushil Shetty, Benoit Brot, Tarek Habashy, Arathi Mahesh, Torsten Friedel, Torbjoern Vik, and Tor Livar Flugsrud, #40919 (2012).
Ecological Accommodation: A Key to the Interpretation of Carbonate Platform Architecture Variability, by Luis Pomar and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, #50150 (2008) (13 MB).
Modern Spectroscopies for Characterizing the Chemical Composition of Kerogen and Bitumen, Drew Pomerantz, #80531 (2016).
Pore Systems in Oil-Window Claystones and Dolomudstones of Lower Green River Formation (Castle Peak Shale through Lower Garden Gulch) in an XCL Upper Cube Core, Uinta Basin, Utah, Maxwell Pommer and Luke Fidler, #51705 (2025).
Contrasting Siliciclastic-Dominated Cores from the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Strawn Group, East Kent County, TX: Wallace Ranch #1 and #2, Maxwell Pommer and Dawn S. Hayes, #51702 (2023).
Pore Types Across Thermal Maturity: Eagle-Ford Formation, South Texas, Maxwell E. Pommer, Kitty L. Milliken, and Aysen Ozkan, #50987 (2014).
PS The Significance of Temperate-Type (Foramol) Carbonate Systems as Indices of Depositional Dynamics, by Fotini Pomoni-Papaioannou, #50062 (2008).
PS Expanding the Limits of the Vaca Muerta Play in Areas of High Exploratory Risk, Cintia Ponce, Lucrecia Alvarez, and Juan Manuel Martinez Lampe, #11291 (2019).
Syndepositional Lateral Migration of Hyperpycnal Lobes in Submarine Ramp Systems. Early Miocene, Austral Basin, Argentina, by Juan José Ponce, Eduardo B. Olivero, and Daniel R. Martinioni, #50074 (2008)
Deep-Marine Hyperpycnal Channel-Levee Complexes in the Miocene of Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina: Architectural Elements and Facies Associations, by Juan José Ponce, Eduardo B. Olivero, and Daniel R. Martinioni, #50073 (2008).
Pore Pressure Modeling Using Multivariate Geostatistics, Flávia Braz Ponte, Francisco Fábio de Araújo Ponte, Adalberto da Silva, and Alberto Garcia de Figueiredo Jr., #42299 (2018).
Understanding the Root Cause of Poor Seismic Data Through Modelling, Anastasia Poole and Peter V. Baaren, #41912 (2016).
Well Known (and Still Unknown) Crimea Highlands, Igor Popadyuk, #30171 (2011).
Downhole Geochemical Analysis of Gas Content and Critical Desorption Pressure for Carbonaceous Reservoirs, John Pope, Daniel Buttry, Robert Lamarre, Bret Noecker, Steven MacDonald, Brian LaReau, Patrick Malone, Neil Van Lieu, Daniel Petroski, Matthew Accurso, David Harak, Richard Kutz, Stephen Luker, and Raymond Martin, #41600 (2015).
Drilling Process Creates Data Issues Requiring Innovative Data-Gathering and Interpretation Techniques, Robert W. Pope, Charles H. Smith, and Sandeep Ramakrishna, #40741 (2011).
The NW Black Sea Region in the Dawn of the Phanerozoic, B. Popescu, M Micu, and E. Ranete, #30550 (2018).
The Moldova Slope and Basin Development in the Ediacaran-Early Paleozoic: A Collage with Multiple Structural Overprints, Bogdan M. Popescu, Mihai Micu, and Gabor Tari, #10887 (2016).
Tandarei and Radauti Formations: Future Unconventional Exploration Gas Plays in Romania, Bogdan Popescu and Serban Veliciu, #80369 (2014).
PS Volcanic Glass Transformation Types and Their Relationship with the Basin’s Parameters: A Case Study of the Rupea Tuffs (Transylvanian Basin) and Govora Tuffs (Dacian Basin), Georgiana Popescu, Irina Chiciudean, and Barbara Soare, #50397 (2011).
PS Cross-comparison of Stacked Unconventional Plays of Delaware and Appalachian Basins: Reservoir Characteristics and Production Profiles, Olga Popova, Emily Geary, April Patel, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Steven Grape, and Elizabeth Panarelli, #11342 (2020).
PS Production Profiles and Geologic Characteristics of the Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Plays of the Delaware Basin, Olga Popova, Emily Geary, April Patel, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Steven Grape, and Elizabeth Panarelli, #11238 (2019).
U.S. EIA Expects Future U.S. Tight Oil and Shale Gas Production to Depend on Resources, Technology, Markets, Olga Popova, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Neal Davis, Steven Grape, Elizabeth Panarelli, Emily Geary, and April Volke, #80636 (2018).
Marcellus, Utica/Point Pleasant Provide 91% of U.S. Shale Gas Production Growth since Start of 2012, Olga Popova, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Christopher Peterson, Neal Davis, Emily Geary, Andrei Butterfield, Steven Grape, Elizabeth Panarelli, April Volke, and Barbara Mariner-Volpe, #70324 (2018).
PS Updates to the U.S. energy Information Administration Shale and Tight Formation Play Maps: Utica Petroleum System Mapping, Olga Popova, Tess Haegele, Gary Long, Vlad Shapovalov, and Liz Panarelli, #80553 (2016).
EIA Marcellus Shale Play Map, Olga H. Popova, Margaret Coleman, Evan Frye, Gary Long, and Elizabeth Panarelli, #10767 (2015).
PS Spatial Stochastic Modeling of Sedimentary Formations to Assess CO2 Storage Potential: A Case Study for the Pennsylvania Part of the Appalachian Basin, Olga Popova, Mitchell J. Small, Sean T. McCoy, A. C. Thomas, Stephen Rose, and Bobak Karimi, #80297 (2013).
PS Origin of Silica in Pre-Salt Carbonates, Kwanza Basin, Angola, Zsofia Poros, Elliot Jagniecki, John Luczaj, Jeroen Kenter, Benedek Gal, Thiago S. Correa, Elton Ferreira, Kathleen A. McFadden, Andy Elifritz, Matt Heumann, Michelle Johnston, and Veit Matt, #51413 (2017).
PS Fractured Basement: New Exploratory Target in La Concepcion Field, Western Venezuela, by Jesus S. Porras, Carlos E. Ferro, Carla Castillo, Vanessa Machado, Luis Ochoa, Nelson Chirinos, and Fernan Perez, #10140 (2007).
Extensional Folding in the Eastern Venezuela Basin: Examples from Fields of Oritupano-Leona Block, by Jesús S. Porras, Eduardo L. Vallejo, Denis Marchal, and Carlos Selva, #50003 (2003).
Estimate of Geothermal Energy Resource in Major U.S. Sedimentary Basins, Colleen Porro and Chad Augustine, #80248 (2012).
PS Characterization and Origin of Fracture Patterns in a Woodford Shale Quarry in Southeastern Oklahoma for Application to Exploration and Development, R.M. Portas and R. Slatt, #50352 (2010).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of Estuarine Deposits of the Glauconitic Sandstone Member, Mannville Group, Southern Alberta Basin, Maria A. Portela, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and David C. Jennette, #50151 (2009).
GCFuture Trends in 3-D Seismic Analysis: The Integration of Seismic Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology, by Henry W. Posamentier, #40127 (2004).
GCApplications of Pre-Stack Migration, By Richard Postma, #40029 (2001).
Precambrian Surface (Great Unconformity) in Eastern Midwest, Paul E. Potter, #30441 (2016).
Surface Geochemical Imaging of the Tweed Lake Cambrian Field, Northwest Territories Canada, Robert O. Potter and Paul Harrington, #40986 (2012).
Geothermal Exploration on the Island of Montserrat, Caribbean, Bastien Poux, Paul Brophy, and Gsuemnicht Suemnicht, #80300 (2013).
Bypass-Dominated Mud-Rich Channel-Fill Deposits of the Paleogene Scripps/Ardath Formation at Tourmaline Beach, San Diego, CA: An Analog for Low Net-to-Gross Slope Canyon and Channel Systems, Bruce A. Power, Jacob Covault, Morgan Sullivan, and Henry Posamentier, #51020 (2014).
Selected Occurrences of Overpressures in Alaska, by David E. Powley, #60011 (2008).
Illustrated Summary of Compartments / Pressure Regimes in Selected North American Basins: Part 3—Rocky Mountain Basins, Western Canada, and Alaska, by David E. Powley, #60011 (2007).
Illustrated Summary of Compartments / Pressure Regimes in Selected North American Basins: Part 2—Western Gulf Coast, by David E. Powley, #60010 (2007).
Illustrated Summary of Compartments / Pressure Regimes in Selected North American Basins: Part - Interior Basins, by David E. Powley, #60009 (2006).
Subsurface Fluid Compartments: Resume, by D. E. Powley, #60008 (2006).
Handbook on Static Pressures, by D. E. Powley, #60007 (2006).
Subsurface Fluid Compartments: Report, by D. E. Powley, #60006 (2006).
Amoco Report: Shale Domes, by D. E. Powley, #60001 (1999).
Pr-Pu Back to P
Gas Hydrates as an Unconventional Resource: Asian Perspective, Manoj K. Prabhakar, #80221 (2012).
PS Characterizing Stress Sensitive Fracture Apertures in Discrete Fracture Network Representations: A Stress Based Method to Represent Fracture Aperture Heterogeneity as an Input for Fluid Flow from Realistic, Outcrop Derived DFN Fracture Representations, Rahul Prabhakaran, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Giovanni Bertotti, Silvia Mittempergher, Andrea Succo, Andrea Bistacchi, and Fabrizio Storti, #42357 (2019).
The Sustainability of Saudi Arabia's Water Resources from the Past Decade: A Remote Sensing Approach, Arya Pradipta, Mohammad H. Makkawi, Hatim Sharif, Abdalla Elamin, SanLinn Kaka, and Abdulaziz al-Shaibani, #80632 (2018).
PS Basin Modeling and Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of Middle Eocene Ngimbang Formation in East Java Basin, Indonesia, Aditya Pradono and Dadali Rakasiwi, #11213 (2019).
Multidisciplinary Characterization and Modeling of Mississippian Carbonate and Silica-Rich Reservoirs, Northern Oklahoma, Matthew Pranter, Anna Turnini, Kurt Marfurt, and Deepak Devegowda, #51231 (2016).
Fluvial Architecture and Connectivity of the Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado:Combining Outcrop Analogs and Reservoir Modeling for Stratigraphic Reservoir Characterization, Matthew J. Pranter, #50959 (2014).
Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE) in Coring: A Tool to Understand the Drilling Mechanism and Coring Parameters Optimization for Improved Core Recovery, Umesh Prasad, #42329 (2018).
Characterization of an Unconventional Complex Clastic Reservoir through Log and Core Data to Facilitate Future Exploration and Development Activities leading to Production Augmentation - A Case Study, Jagdamba Prasad and R. R. Tiwari, #50408 (2011).
PS Characterization of Low-Permeability Reservoir Rock Case Study: Bekasap Sandstones, Central Sumatra, Indonesia, Hadi Prasetyo, Emmy Suparka, and Noeradi D. Darussalam, #40513 (2010).
Lithofacies and Semi-Quantitative Analysis by XRD/SEM for Evaluating the Impact of Mineralogy on Reservoir Quality of Organic Shale in Cambay Basin, P.T. Prathimon, Swati Sharma, Amrita Roy, and Jagmohan Singh, #11083 (2018).
The Capitan Reef Complex, West Texas and New Mexico, L.C. Pray and P.M. Harris, #60048 (2009).
Using Quaternary Reefs and Platforms as a Comparative Tool, by William F. Precht and Paul M. "Mitch" Harris, #50082 (2008)
Progradation Rates of Marine Deltas Influenced by Longshore Currents - Numerical Modeling, Przemyslaw Predki, #50233 (2009).
Silurian Reef Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Illinois Basin with a Focus on Germantown and Wapella East Fields: Reservoir Quality Variability as a Result of Differences in Depositional Environments, Diagenesis and Erosional Truncation at the End of the Silurian, Dennis Prezbindowski, Richard Inden, Michael Grammer, and Mary Frush, #20491 (2020).
Silurian Reef Systems in the Illinois and Michigan Basins - What can be Learned from Modern Quarrying Operations in North-Central Indiana, Dennis R. Prezbindowski, Benjamin Dattilo, Jon Havens, and Rick Lucas, #51343 (2017).
Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Distribution and Porosity Evolution in Cherts in the Mississippian of the Mid-Continent, Buddy Price and G. Michael Grammer, #51123 (2015).
Conceptual Site Models, by Van Price, Tom Temples, and Tom Nicholson, #80037 (2008).
Fluvial-Aeolian Interactions within Arid Continental Basins: Implications for Reservoir Characterisation and Basin Modelling, Charlotte Priddy, Stuart Clarke, Phil Richards, and Tom Randles, #11135 (2018).
PS Fracture Systems Prediction for Exploratory Prospects, Using Multiscale Data Integration. Application in a Mesozoic Carbonate Reservoir in Southeastern Mexico, C. Prieto-Ubaldo, M. Hernandez-Padilla, and L. Velazquez-Contreras, #42080 (2017).
PSMethodology to Integrate Multiscale Fracture Analyses in Fractured Systems Modeling: Application to Reservoirs of Southeastern Mexico, Clotilde U. Prieto, Samuel Di-Dio-Balsamo, Faustino Monroy-Santiago, and Norma A. Olaez, #41393 (2014).
New Methodology for Fracture Attributes Determination Based on Petrographic Analyses, and Its Application in Two Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs of Southeastern Mexico, Clotilde Prieto-Ubaldo, Faustino Monroy-Santiago, and Norma Oláez-Ahedo, #40922 (2012).
Upper Cretaceous in the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, South America: A New Exploratory Target in an Old Mature Basin, Mario Prince, Rafael Acevedo, Christian Sanchez, and Daniel Rojas, #10296 (2011).
Permeability Estimation in Tight Gas Sands and Shales using NMR A New Interpretive Methodology, Christopher M. Prince, Deborah Deibler Steele, and Charles A. Devier, #40522 (2010).
Shale Diagenesis and Permeability: Examples from the Barnett Shale and the Marcellus Formation, Christopher M. Prince, Deborah D. Steele, Rafael Zelaya, and Charles A. Devier, #50372 (2011).
EA The Role of Forward Seismic Modeling: Outcrop Analogs of Deep-Water
Architectures, Jamie K. Pringle and David A. Stanbrook, #51679 (2020).
Geochemical Characterization of Natural Gas: A Physical Multivariable Approach and its Applications in Maturity and Migration Estimates, by Alain Prinzhofer, Marcio Rocha Mello, and Tikae Takaki, #40016 (2001).
PS Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian Sequence Stratigraphy Using FMI and Log Analysis on the Western Edge of the Midland Basin: A Tool for Guiding Well Completions, Shane J. Prochnow and Gregory D. Hinterlong, #41388 (2014).
PS Development and Application of a New Geothermal Database for the Illinois Basin, Tiffany A. Proffitt, Kevin M. Ellett, Charles W. Zuppann, Shawn C. Naylor, Melony E. Barrett, Bryan G. Huff, Chris P. Korose, Alison B. Lecouris, and T. Chase Noakes, #80277 (2013).
Holocene Lower Mississippi River Avulsions: Autogenic Versus Allogenic Forcing, Eric Prokocki, #50330 (2010).
Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Systems of the East Gobi Basin, Mongolia, by Gary L. Prost, #10090 (2005).
Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetic Data at the Krishna-Godavari Basin, East Coast India, John Alfred Protacio, Naina Gupta, Abhishek Chandra, Raj Yadav, Rabi Bastia, and Pranaya Sangvai, #10390 (2012).
BLM Update - Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing Rule and Additional Environmental Data Requirements, Jeff Prude, #80382 (2014).
Collapse and Rifting in the South China Sea, Manuel Pubellier, Matthias Delescluse, Dimitri Savva, Dieter Franke, Florian Meresse, Jean-Luc Auxietre, Mario Aurelio, Nicolas Chamot-Rooke, Ugo Nanni, and Lung Sang Chan, #30406 (2015).
Rift Related Basalts in the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma: A Deep Drilling Penetration into Rift Fill Volcanics, Robert E. Puckett, Jr., #30212 (2011).
Cambrian Early Rift-Fill Sediments in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: A "Granite Wash" Analog in the Subsurface of the Arbuckle Mountains Area, Robert E. Puckett, Jr., #30211 (2011).
Faults in Northeastern Oklahoma: Their Occurrence, Relation to Modern Seismic Activity and to Producing Reservoirs, James Puckette and Xitong Hu, #30675 (2020).
Influence of Provenance and Sediment Supply on Sandstone Composition and Depositional Styles: Pennsylvanian Upper Morrowan and Cherokee, Oklahoma: Why Are These Sandstones so Different?, Jim Puckette, #51223 (2016).
PS Woodford Shale: Correlating Rock Properties in Outcrop and Core with Wireline Log Characteristics, Jim Puckette, D. R. Boardman and W. L. Watney, #50885 (2013).
Naturally Underpressured Compartments and Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide, by James O. Puckette, #40210 (2006).
Lower Skinner Valley Fill Sandstones: Attractive Exploration Targets on the Northeast Oklahoma Platform, by Jim Puckette, #10050 (2003).
Naturally Underpressured Reservoirs: Applying the Compartment Concept to the Safe Disposal of Liquid Waste, by Jim Puckette and Zuhair Al-Shaieb, #40071 (2003).
EA Combination of Deep-Reading and Near-Wellbore-Scale Measurement in Accessing Thin Layer Facies of a Carbonate Reservoir, Adrean Pudyaksa, Hendri Harsian, Takefumi Shibuya, Ni Made Wilasari, Olivia Azwar, and Ihsan Taufik Pasaribu, #42511 (2020).
Fundamental Units of Heterozoan Carbonates: Sedimentologic and Reservoir Properties of Shoaling- and Fining-Upward Cycles, Tony Pugliano, Robert Goldstein, and Evan Franseen, #41687 (2015).
Tertiary Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of Apulian Platform in the Val d’Agri Subsurface Area (Southern Italy), Alfredo Pugliese, Manlio Ghielmi, Giulia Barbacini, Paolo Carubelli, Corrado Magistroni, Salvatore Miraglia, Luca Alfonso Renna, and Valeria Scola, #30221 (2012).
Oil and Gas Exploration in East Africa: A Brief History, Peter Purcell, #30388 (2014).
Nicholas Boutakoff and Australia's North West Shelf, Peter Purcell, Mike Butcher, and Yolande M. J. Collins, #70152 (2015).
Rocky Mountain Subthrust Exploration Using Pre-Stack Depth Migration, by Mary Sue Purcell, Steven G. Siguaw, and Steven G. Natali, #40118 (2004).
Morphometric Comparison of the Miami Oolite and Modern High-Energy Sand Bodies of Great Bahama Bank, Sam Purkis and Paul (Mitch) Harris, #50374 (2017).
The Contemporary Red Sea as an Analog for Ancient Carbonates in Rift Settings, Sam J. Purkis, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and James Ellis, #51139 (2015).
Geologic Components of Shale Production, Dwayne Purvis, #42371 (2019).
PS Caspian Sea Geohazard Areas (Russian sector), Victoria A. Putans, #40715 (2011).
PSReservoir Characterization of the Korolev Field, North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by Kevin. L. Putney, Joel. F. Collins, Paul. M. Harris, Akmaral Zhumagulova, and Dennis J. Fischer, #20055 (2008)
PS The New Stratigraphic Play of Ciputat Sub-Basin, Indonesia: The Integrated Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis, Teddy E. Putra, Rienno Ismail, Renky A. Pritama, Danih P. Sari, and Muhamad Natsir, #11225 (2019).
PS Carbonate Microfacies as a Source Rock: Heat Flow and Carbonate Source Rock Modeling of Kais Formation, Indonesia, Teddy E. Putra, Perdana R. Putra, Ari Samodra, Leonardo Sebayang, and Muhamad Natsir, #11224 (2019).
EA The Uncertainty in Assessing Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir, Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Muhamad Natsir, and Ricky Adi Wibowo, #42525 (2020).
PS Relationship Between Pore Pressure and Structural Model in "Passive Margin" Offshore Tarakan Sub-Basin, Northeast Kalimantan, Indonesia, Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Benyamin Sapiie, and Agus M. Ramdhan, #11207 (2019).
PS Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions, Ryan Adhi Putra and Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, #42328 (2018).
An Overview of Coal Water Mixture (CWM) as New Unconventional Energy Potency, and Indonesia Coal Fields for Case Studies, Rieza Putra, Julia Alibazah, and Datin Umar, #80333 (2013).
Geostatistical Methods for Unconventional Reservoir Uncertainty Assessments, Michael Pyrcz, Peter Janele, Doug Weaver, and Sebastien Strebelle, #80605 (2017).
Origin and Alteration of Natural Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons in the Austrian Molasse Basin, L. Pytlak, D. Groß, A. Bechtel, R. Gratzer, R.F. Sachsenhofer, H.-G. Linzer, M. L. Grundtner, and L. Scheucher, #10667 (2014).
GC A New Approach to Stratigraphic Interpretation, Farrukh Qayyum, Nanne Hemstra, and Paul de Groot, #41195 (2013).
PS From 2D to 4D Wheeler Diagrams, Farrukh Qayyum, Paul de Groot, and Nanne Hemstrai, #50774 (2012).
Superimposed Geologic Features in Seismic Interpretation, Farrukh Qayyum, Sohail Yousaf, Danish Malik, Raheela Zaheer, and M. Hammad Manzoor, #40734 (2011).
Maximizing Subsurface Storage Capacity in Sedimentary Systems by Combined CO2-H2O Injection, Ran Qi, Aaron Goater, Lorena Lazaro, Aine McGarry, Tara C. LaForce, and Martin J. Blunt, #40636 (2010).
PS Timing and Mechanism of Calcites in Fractures of Middle Ordovician of Northern Tarim Basin, Northwest China, Zhanfeng Qiao, Anjiang Shen, Shaonan Zhang, Anping Hu, and Jianxin Zhao, #30629 (2019).
A Review on Development of CBM Industry in China, Qin Yong and Ye Jianping, #80454 (2015).
A Tale of Two Saddle Dolomites: Research Continued from Earlier Work with Professor Mountjoy, by Hairuo Qing, #50102 (2008).
Coalbed Methane Exploration in China, by Haijun Qiu, #80038 (2009).
Determining the Paleogeographic Evolution and Source to Sink Relationships of Indian Offshore Sedimentary Basins, Andrew Quallington, #30159 (2011).
3-D Interpretation of the Reservoir Property Distribution in the Belle River Mills Silurian (Niagaran) Reef, St. Clair County, Michigan, Heather Qualman, G. Michael Grammer, William Harrison III, and Matthew Pranter, #50391 (2011).
Source Rock Deposition Controlled by Tectonic Subsidence and Climate in the Western Pearl River Mouth Basin, China: Evidence from Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry, Yongbin Quan, #10893 (2016).
PS Thermal Maturity of the Mancos Shale within the Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, Jeffrey C. Quick and Robert Ressetar, #50616 (2012).
The Pitfalls of Seismic Interpretation: How to Reduce Risk With Certainty, David Quinn, #70226 (2016).
Integrating Core Data and Wireline Data for Formation Evaluation and Characterization of Shale Gas Reservoirs, John Quirein, Dan Buller, Jim Witkowsky, and Jerome Truax, #41073 (2012).
Evaluation of General Resistivity Density-Based Saturation in Thin, Laminated Sand-Shale Sequences, John Quirein, Burkay Donderici, David Torres, Eric Murphy, and Jim Witkowsky, #41042 (2012).
4D Seismic Analysis and Reservoir Management at Christina Lake, Samuel Quiroga, Lori Barth, and Maliha Zaman, #41369 (2014).
Ra-Rh Ri-Ru
Devonian Shelf to Basin Facies Distributions and Preliminary Shale Geochemistry for South-central and Southwestern New Mexico, by William D. Raatz, #10074 (2004).
Unconventional Petrophysical Workflows for Evaluation of Shale Plays: A Case Study from Kuwait, Ahmed Rabie, Riyasat Husain, and Abdulaziz Mohamed Al-Fares, #80370 (2014).
PS Integration of MICP Data with Logs, as a Means to Improve Reservoir and Seal Characterization, Philippe Rabiller, #42013 (2017).
Reservoir Description using Hydraulic Flow Unit and Petrophysical Rock Type of PMT Carbonate Early Miocene of Baturaja Formation, South Sumatra Basin, Jaka Radiansyah, Teddy E. Putra, Rienno Ismail, Ricky Adi Wibowo, Efri E. Riza, and Medy Kurniawan, #10637 (2014).
Effect of Clay Minerals in Oil and Gas Formation Damage Problems and Production Decline: A Case Study, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Ahmed E. Radwan, #20477 (2020).
Wellbore Stability Analysis and Pore Pressure Study in Badri Field Using Limited Data, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Ahmed E. Radwan, #20476 (2020).
Hydrocarbon Type Estimation Using the Synthetic Logs: A Case Study in Baba Member, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Ahmed E. Radwan, #20475 (2020).
New Potential in an Existing Giant Field: Teapot Dome, Wyoming, by Sandy Raeuchle, Dinesh Fernando, Erin Duffey, and Richard Talbert, #20031 (2006).
PS Risk Reduction on the Ivory Prospect via Geologically Constrained Non-Parametric Inversion and Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation on a Fault-Bounded Reservoir, James Raffle, Thomas Earnshaw, Stuart Greenwood, Jeet Singh, Juergen Fruehn, Claudia Hagen, Ian F. Jones, Rodrigo Felicio, Zhijiang Luo, Doug Sassen, Svein Idar Forsund, Mark Ackers, and Lars Aamodt, #11039 (2018).
PS Emergent Approach for Data Management in E&P Business - Case Study, Saleha Rafique, Ahmed Irfan, and Masood Akhtar, #40736 (2011).
An Integrated Study to Identify New Exploratory Target in the West Kuwait Carbonate Reservoir, Mafizar Rahaman, Al-Saleh Lulwa Ibrahem, Al-Rashid Tasneem Ahmed, and Abdul Razak Mohamed Hafez, #11156 (2019).
Organic Facies and Reservoir Characterization of Eagle Ford Shale as Determined by Stratigraphy, Source Rocks, and Oil Geochemistry, Mohammad "Wahid" Rahman, David Hull, Philip Chapman, and Gayle Riggs, #10939 (2017).
Diagenetic Study Applied to Maruim Member (Riachuelo Formation), in the Onshore Part of the Sergipe Sub-Basin, Brazil, Mary Luz Raigosa Diaz, Jose Ramon Mas Mayoral, and Egberto Pereira, #120086 (2012).
Diagenetic Characterization of the Riachuelo Formation, Cretaceous of Sergipe Basin - Brazil, Using Isotopes Data (δ18O and δ13C), Mary Luz Raigosa Diaz, Egberto Pereira, and René Rodrigues, #50251 (2010).
Gas Well / Water Well Subsurface Contamination, Rick Railsback, #80339 (2013).
Gas Well/Water Well Subsurface Contamination: Tools of Investigation, Rick Railsback, #80292 (2013).
A Revised Calibration of the New Zealand Geological Timescale: NZGT2015, James I. Raine, Alan G. Beu, Andrew Boyes, Hamish J. Campbell, Roger A. Cooper, James S. Crampton, Martin P. Crundwell, Christopher J. Hollis, and Hugh E. Morgans, #51200 (2015).
PS Infiltration Studies of Mechanically Altered Brine Spill Impacted Soils, Nichele Raines, Emmett A. Spooner, David R. Kennedy, James W. Ward, Eddie Holik, and Cody B. Scott, #80654 (2018).
AVThe Lower Tertiary Wilcox Trend in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by David B. Rains, Larry Zarra, and David Meyer, #110040 (2007)
2 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~6.3 mb).
New Advancement of the World Stress Map Project on the Stress Perturbation in Sedimentary Basins, Mojtaba Rajabi, Oliver Heidbach, Mark Tingay, Karsten Reiter, Moritz Ziegler, #11146 (2018).
Cretaceous Napo U and Napo T Sandstone Channels Accommodation Space Created by Erosion and Tectonism, Exploration and Development Implications on Western Ecuadorian Oriente Basin, Felix A. Ramirez, #11351 (2021).
PS Applied Method to Evaluate the Petroleum System from a 2D Kinematic Model in the Sub-Andean Complex Zone and Thrust Belt, Leodan Ramirez and Dalma Veizaga, #42369 (2019).
A Natural Gas Revolution in Colombia, Miguel Ramirez, #70323 (2018).
PSGeological Setting and Hydrocarbon Occurrences, Guajira Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia, by Victor O. Ramirez-C, #10116 (2006).
PS Nano-Scale Pore Characterization of the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas, Sebastian Ramiro-Ramirez and Anton Padin, #51381 (2017).
PS Rock-Eval Basic/Bulk-Rock vs. Shale Play Methods for Characterization of Unconventional Shale Resource Systems: Application to the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas, Sebastian Ramiro-Ramirez and Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento, #51379 (2017).
Mesozoic Tectonic and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and Algarve Basins, and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Adrià Ramos, Oscar Fernández, Pedro Terrinha, Josep Anton Muñoz, and Álvaro Arnaiz, #10621 (2014).
Multidisciplinary Approach, Key Factor in the Development of Complex Stratigraphic Fields in Colombia, Case Study: Llanito Field, Hernan Ramos, Maribel Puerta, Jorge A. Sachica, and Carlos H. Chaparro, #20212 (2013).
EA Refrac Candidate Selection Considering Natural Fracture Orientation in the Near-Fault Damage Zone, Travis Ramsay, Luisalic Hernandez, Jennifer Li, and Meftun Erdogan, #42463 (2019).
Metaheuristic Rock Property Determination Driven by Rock Type Constrained Global N-Dimensional Analysis, Travis Ramsay, Chang Lu, and Jie He, #42292 (2018).
Seismic Through Simulation with Integrated Time-Lapse Workflow, Travis Ramsay, Jesse Lomask, and Jimmy Ting, #41938 (2016).
Data-Driven Quantitative Reservoir Characterization and New Insights in Pubei Field of Turpan-Hami Basin, Western China, Jianbin Ran, Haiyin Li, Zhengtao Hu, Zhe Zhu, Jia Chen, and Xuejun Wang, #41857 (2016).
Development of Crestal Collapse Structures above Dissolving Salt Anticlines: Application to Seismic Interpretation within Salt-Controlled Basins, Tom Randles, Stuart Clarke, and Phil Richards, #41033 (2012).
Reservoir Heterogeneity in Marginal Marine Settings of the Athabasca Oil Sands: Apparent Continuity of Mud Beds Between Closely Spaced Cores, Michael J. Ranger, Trevor Dufresne, and Melanie Klucker, #51314 (2016).
The Role of Ichnology in the Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Athabasca Oil Sands, by Michael J. Ranger, Murray K. Gingras, and S. George Pemberton, #50065 (2008)
Coeval Oligocene- Miocene Extension in East Andaman Basin / North Sumatra Region and in the South China Sea: Geodynamic Consequences and Implications for Hydrocarbon Research, Claude Rangin, #30408 (2015).
Cenozoic Geodynamic Evolution of the Burma-Andaman Platelet, Claude Rangin, #30258 (2012).
PS VSP Lookahead of the Bit Information: Considerations and Accuracy Analysis, P. Ranjan, M. Khaitan, S. Chandrasekhar, and Basant Kumar, #42196 (2018).
The Symphony of the Spheres: Oolitic Sand Bodies, Bahamas, Gene Rankey, #50250 (2010).
Sizes, Shapes, and Patterns of Sediment Accumulations on a Modern Tidal Flat and Stratigraphic Implications: Three Creeks Area, Andros Island, Bahamas, by Eugene C. Rankey, #40094 (2003).
Morphology and Dynamics of Carbonate Tidal Sand Ridges: Schooner Cays, Bahamas, by Eugene C. Rankey, Stacy L. Reeder, Scott Ritter, and Paul M. Harris, #50134 (2008).
Dates, Rates and Global Correlation of the Permian of West Texas Based on Coupled U-Pb Carbonate Ages and Sr Chemostratigraphy, by Troy Rasbury, Gary Hemming, Jim Barrick, Tony Dickson, and Art Saller, #50149 (2009).
The Petroleum Potential of South Africa's Onshore Karoo Basins, Lindiwe Raseroka and Ian R. McLachlan, #10196 (2009).
Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait – A Case Study, Mona Rashaid, Yaser Amjad, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Laila Hayat, and Alan Sibbit, #20419 (2018).
PS Unconventional Reservoirs: Basic Petrophysical Approach for Shale Gas, Ahmed Rashed, #80744 (2024).
PS Comprehensive Analysis of Pennsylvanian-Permian Hermosa Group Stratigraphy in the Paradox Basin, Donald L. Rasmussen, #30683 (2024).
PS Shallow Laramide Thrusting at the Paradox Basin Hamilton Creek Salt Structure in Southwestern Colorado, Donald L. Rasmussen, #30682 (2024).
PS Lithospheric Flexure Maps for the Paradox Basin Using Graphic Correlation Data, Donald L. Rasmussen, #11378 (2023).
PS Analysis of a Long Cane Creek Horizontal: New Insight into an Unconventional Tight Oil Resource Play, Paradox Basin, Utah, Larry Rasmussen, Tom Smith, Lynn Canter, Mark Sonnenfeld, and John Forster, #10873 (2016).
Complexity and Changing Pattern of Tectonics in Hydrocarbon Bearing Basin of South East Asia, Manu Rastogi, Abhishek Sharma, and Mohit Kumar, #50749 (2012).
PSWorking toward a Stable Stratigraphic Reference Framework for Oligo-Miocene Fluvial Sequences in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Chemostratigraphic Characterization and Correlation of the Hemlock, Starichkof and Tyonek Formations, Ken Ratcliffe, Amelia Wright, Meg Kremer, Michael C. Dix, Simon Hughes, Tim Reed and Tavia Jackson, #50217 (2009).
Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Innovative Approach to Optimize Liquid Hydrocarbon Recovery in a Depleted Reservoir, Surajeet Rath, #41068 (2012).
Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Innovative Approach to Optimize Liquid Hydrocarbon Recovery in a Depleted Reservoir, Surajeet Rath, #40742 (2011).
PS Modeling Low Net-to-Gross Complex Fluvial Reservoir – Case Study from Aishwariya Field, Barmer Basin, NW India, Chandra Mohan S. Rautela, Nabajyoti Boruah, Gourav Mukhopadhyay, Aditya K. Singh, Abhishek K. Gupta, Vivek Shankar, and V. Kothari, #20448 (2018).
Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs of the Argyll and Auk Fields Reinterpreted in a Sequence Stratigraphic Context, Madeleine J. Raven, Michael Mawson, Maurice Tucker, and Susie Daniels, #51474 (2018).
PS Preparing for Success: Offshore Heavy Oil Appraisal and Development Analogues, T. Ravestein and S. Sie Tjam Soi, #42497 (2020).
Sedimentary Marine Organic Matter Diagenesis under Methanogenic Conditions: A New Model for Biogenic Gas Quantification, Azdine Ravin, Françoise Behar, Patrick Hatcher, and François Baudin, #120104 (2013).
Amplitude of Pair Correlation Function to Understand Heterogeneity from Well-Log and Seismic Data, Ramya Ravindranathan and Evgeny Chesnokov, #42157 (2017).
GC Finding a Better Path to Impedance Inversion, Amit Kumar Ray, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and Satinder Chopra, #41722 (2015).
Bulk Gas Volume Estimation Using Multi-Attribute Regression and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN): A Case Study in a Gas Field from East Coast of India, Amit K. Ray and Samir Biswal, #41100 (2012).
GC3-D Seismic Sweeps Through Time, by R. Randy Ray, #40115 (2004).
EA A Parsimonious Approach to Gravity Inversion for Salt Shape Delineation, Simone Re, Luca Masnaghetti, and Elena Medina, #42417 (2019).
Identifying Reservoir Architecture in Mio-Pliocene Canyon Systems of the Northern Kutei Basin, Joanne Reader, Roger White, Jaume Vendrell-Roc, and Tom Kearney, #50765 (2012).
Predicting Well Performances Using the Shale Capacity Concept – Application to the Haynesville, J. Reagan, E. Wójcik, M. Fackler, and A. Ouenes, #41204 (2013).
AV The Marcellus Shale Revealed with Full Azimuth 3D Multi-Component Seismic Data, by Tony Rebec, Jim Gaiser, Alvaro Chaveste, and Richard Vern, #110160 (2011).
2 of 4 presentations from Session, Seismic Reservoir Characterization, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Geomechanics Aided Solutions for Improving Drilling and Completions by Integrating Acoustics Measurements for the First Time in Mandapeta Field, Onshore KG-PG Basin, India, S. S. Reddy, J. V. Anjaneyulu, C. H. Ramakrishna, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, Chandreyi Chatterjee, Rahul Talreja, Atanu Bandyopadhyay, Joseph Zacharia, Arnab Ghosh, Bhaswati Das, Chandan Majumdar, and Anindya Nandi, #42297 (2018).
Monitoring Coal Seam Gas Depressurisation Using Magnetotellurics, Nigel Rees, Graham Heinson, and Lars Krieger, #41786 (2016).
Monitoring Aquifer Integrity in a Multi-Zone Environment: A Fit-For-Purpose Single-Trip Solution, Robert Rees, #80455 (2015).
PS Source Area MIP Investigation and Pilot-Scale Groundwater Remediation Using Activated Persulfate, Assaf Rees and Travis Taylor, #80246 (2012).
A New Technology for 3-D Seismic Exploration and Development of Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs, by James J. Reeves, #40177 (2005).
Fault and Fracture Detection in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Utica Shale Study, Hesham Refayee, Steve Adcock, Hardeep Jaglan, Nanne Hemstra, and Kristoffer Rimaila, #80544 (2016).
Extracting Formation Properties from Hydraulically Induced Microseisms, Seismic Attributes, and Impedance Inversion, Xavier E. Refunjol, Kurt J. Marfurt, Joel H. Le Calvez, and Katie M. Keranen, #80252 (2012).
Predicting Hydraulically Induced Fractures Using Acoustic Impedance Inversion Volumes: A Barnett Shale Formation Example, Xavier E. Refunjol, Joel H. Le Calvez, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40829 (2011).
Modelling the Complexity of Continental Breakup and Basin Formation Including the Role of Magmatism, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Jie Liu, Gideon Rosenbaum, Roberto Weinberg, Ali Karrech, Manolis Veveakis, and Thomas Poulet, #41785 (2016).
Sand Body Thickness Variations in the Outer Fan and Fringe of a Fine-Grained Deepwater Fan: Implications on Reservoir Characteristics of Turbidite Sands, Donald E. Rehmer, #41483 (2014).
The Nature and Significance of Transgressive Surfaces of Erosion in the Viking Formation, Southeast Central Alberta, Lynn Reich and S. George Pemberton, #51070 (2015).
Ichnology of the Doe Creek Member of the Kaskapau Formation: An Example of the Stark Contrast of Brackish and Fully Marine Assemblages, Scott A. Reid and S. George Pemberton, #51071 (2015).
PS Pine Hall Formation: Type Section Designated – Dan River Basin, Stokes County, North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Katherine J. Marciniak, Walter T. Haven, and Kenneth B. Taylor, #11012 (2017).
PS Applications of Scientific Core Drilling in North Carolina: Cumberland-Marlboro 'Basin' (Hoke, Scotland and Cumberland Counties), and the Triassic Rift/Lacustrine Dan River Basin (Stokes County), North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, Katherine J. Marciniak, Walter T. Haven, Ryan A. Channell, Ann T. Shields, and Chandler I. Warner, #10897 (2016).
PS Noble Gas Isotopes, Major Element Isotopes, and Gas Composition from the Cumnock Formation: Sanford Sub-Basin, Deep River Basin, Lee County, North Carolina, U.S.A., Jeffrey Reid, Andrew G. Hunt, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Kenneth B. Taylor, and O. F. Patterson, III, #80492 (2015).
PS Porosity, Permeability, Pore Characterization and Rock Mechanics of the Triassic Cow Branch and Walnut Cove Formations: A Continuous Gas Assessment Unit, Dan River Basin, Stokes and Rockingham Counties, North Carolina, USA, Part 3, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, and Michael M. McGlue, #10752 (2015).
Mesozoic Rift Basins – Onshore North Carolina and South-Central Virginia, U.S.A.: Deep River and Dan River – Danville Total Petroleum Systems (TPS) and Assessment Units (AU) for Continuous Gas Accumulation Atlantic Margins, Jeffrey C. Reid and Kenneth B. Taylor, #10712 (2015).
PS Porosity, Permeability, and Pore Characterization of the Triassic Cumnock Formation: A Continuous Gas Assessment Unit, Sanford Sub-Basin, Deep River Basin, Lee County, North Carolina, USA, Part 2, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, and Michael M. McGlue, #10662 (2014).
PS Porosity, Permeability, and Pore Characterization of the Triassic Cumnock Formation: A Continuous Gas Assessment Unit, Sanford Sub-Basin, Deep River Basin, Lee County, North Carolina, USA, Part 1, Jeffrey C. Reid, Michael C. McGlue, and Geoffrey S. Ellis, #10612 (2014).
Preliminary Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sequestration Characterization, Dare, Tyrrell and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Elizabeth A. DePoy, and Kenneth B. Taylor, #80258 (2012).
Shale Gas Potential in Triassic Strata of the Deep River Basin, Lee and Chatham Counties, North Carolina, USA, Jeffrey C. Reid and Kenneth B. Taylor, #80072 (2009).
Natural Gas Potential of the Sanford Sub-basin, Deep River Basin, North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, Paul E. Olsen, and O. F. Patterson, III, #10366 (2011).
North Carolina Shale Gas: Dan River Basin, Stokes and Rockingham Counties, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, and James D. Simons, #80199 (2011).
North Carolina Shale Gas – A Progress Report: Sanford Sub-basin, Deep River Basin, Lee, Chatham, and Moore Counties, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, and James D. Simons, #40704 (2011).
Surviving the Red Planet: Living and Working on Mars, James F. Reilly, #70197 (2015).
AV U.S. Shale Gas - Trends and Expansion, David Reimers, #110073 (2008)
8 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~10.2 mb).
Geological Classification of Seismic-Inversion Data in the Doba Basin of Chad, Carl Reine, Chris Szelewski, and Chaminda Sandanayake, #41899 (2016).
Incorporating Fault Intensity and AVO Inversion to Characterize a Shale Gas Reservoir, Carl Reine and Sean Lovric, #41346 (2014).
Progress and Outlook for the Department of Energy's Office of Oil and Natural Gas Midstream and Methane Hydrate Research and Development (R&D) Activities, Timothy Reinhardt, #70382 (2019).
A Method for Assembling and Maintaining a Large Geologically Complex Geocelluar Model: Example from Elk Hills Field, California, Nathaniel Reish and Peter Cowell, #41019 (2012).
PS Depositional Processes and Reservoir Quality of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp Formation in the Delaware Basin, West Texas, Maria Reistroffer, McKenzie Mitsdarffer, Yulun Wang, G. Michael Grammer, Erik Kvale, and Christopher Bowie, #51613 (2019).
AV Enhanced Monitoring of Geologic Carbon Sequestration Using Three-Dimensional Passive Microseismic Location Techniques, by Delaine Reiter and William Rodi, #110088 (2009)
1 of 8 presentations from Session, "Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs," AAPG 2009 Annual ConventionClick to view presentation in PDF format.
Sedimentology and Geobiology of Deep Carbonate Slopes from the Osprey and Nearby Reefs (Queensland Plateau, NE Australia), Joachim Reitner, Marta Rodriguez-Martinez, Stephan Erasmi, Juliane Germer, Nadia-Valérie Quéric, Gert Wörheide, Carsten Lüter, and Ben Thuy, #50631 (2012).
Seismic Rock-Property Transforms for Estimating Lithology and Pore-Fluid Content, by Haitao Ren, Fred J. Hilterman, Zhengyun Zhou, and Mritunjay Kumar, #40224 (2006).
Geothermal Resource Characterization of the Slave Point Formation in Clarke Lake Field, Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada, Evan Renaud, Nicholas Harris, Jonathan Banks, and John Weissenberger, #80643 (2018).
Beyond Geometry: 2D Structural Thermo-Kinematic Models of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, P.A. Restrepo-Pace, Marie Callies, and Julianne Lamb, #42526 (2020).
Finding New Exploration Targets in 'Mature' Petroleum Basins Offshore Thailand: All About Nuance, Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Mark Dalrymple, and Robert Morley, #10696 (2015).
PSUnlocking Potential Unconventional Petroleum Resources in the Frontier McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Daniel J. Revie, #10844 (2016).
Time-Lapse Joint Inversion of Seismic and Resistivity Data during Production of Oil in Carbonate Rocks, A. Revil, M. Karaoulis, and J. Zhang, #120087 (2013).
Surficial Fracture Patterns in the Niobrara-Mancos Shale of Eastern Rio Arriba County, New Mexico and Applicability to Four Corner Basins, Santiago Reynolds, #41037 (2012).
GCMagnetostratigraphy Adds a Temporal Dimension to Basin Analysis, by James H. Reynolds, #40050 (2002).
Managing the Probability of Making at Least One Discovery, by George H. Rhoads, #40169 (2005).
The Appropriate Use of Seismic Data for Estimating Petroleum Resources, John Rhodes, #120013 (2009).
Ri-Ru Back to R
The Sorong Fault Zone Kinematics: The Evidence of Divergence and Horsetail Structure at NW Bird's Head and Salawati Basin, West Papua, Indonesia, Putri Riadini and Benyamin Sapiie, #30264 (2013).
PS The Sorong Fault Zone Kinematics: Implication for Structural Evolution on Salawati Basin, Seram and Misool, West Papua, Indonesia, Putri Riadini and Benyamin Sapiie, #50489 (2011).
Heavy Oil Reservoir Characterization by Time-lapse Seismic and Rock Physics in a Cold Production Reservoir, Naimeh Riazi, Laurence Lines, and Brian Russell, #41448 (2014).
PS Creating an Initial Exploration Framework for the Berea Sandstone in the Appalachian Basin, Savannah L. Rice, Jack Miles, Patrick Cullen, and Brian Currie, #11121 (2018).
Multilateral Stimulation Technology - A New Approach to Stimulating/Revitalizing Production in Carbonate Reservoirs, Kevin Rice, #80524 (2016).
Composition and Origins of Coalbed Gas, by Dudley D. Rice, #40009 (2000).
Integrated 3D and 4D Characterization and Modeling of Fractured Reservoirs, P. Richard, L. Bazalgette, K. Rawnsley, and P. Swaby, #120152 (2014).
Understanding the Akchagyl and Apsheron in the Greater Caspian Sea Region: New Biostratigraphic Insights, Keith Richards, Christiaan G.C. van Baak, Thomas M. Hoyle, and Olga D. Nadina, #51665 (2020).
Halite Microstructures Reveal Deformation Mechanisms Occurring in Salt Detachments Underlying Resource-Rich Fold-Thrust Belts, L. Richards, R. King, A.S. Collins, S. M. Reddy, M. Sayab, C.K. Morley, G. Backé, A. Draack, and J. Browne, #51210 (2015).
O Earth Scientists, What Changes Hath Thou Seen? by James W. Richards, #70031 (2007).
Petroleum System and Future Prospects of the North Falkland Basin: Post-Drilling Analysis, by P. C. Richards and B. V. Hillier, #10017 (2001).
The Herd Viola Trend, Comanche County, Kansas, Larry J. Richardson, #20220 (2013).
Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework of the North Falkland Basin: Post-Drilling Analysis, by P. C. Richards and B. V. Hillier, #10016 (2001).
PSPreliminary Quantification of Neogene Extension Across the Owyhee Plateau Of SW Idaho, Robin Richardson, Graham D. M. Andrews, and Sarah R. Brown, #50972 (2014).
AVBuilding a Successful Independent, by Clay Riddell, #110018 (2005).
2 of 4 presentations at AAPG Forum: The Independents – Case Studies of Success, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
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Seabed Logging – A Proven Tool for Offshore Exploration and Development, by D. Ridyard, #40277 (2008)b>
EA Constraining the Regional Slope of Western Papua New Guinea: A Study of Lithospheric Flexure, Michael Rieger, Samuel A. Fraser, and Reinaldo Ollarves, #30673 (2020).
AV North American Resources: Lessons From the 2003 National Petroleum Council Study of North American Supply and Demand and Market Attributes, by Rusty Riese, BP, representing the recent National Petroleum Council Report, #110011 (2004) .
(4 of 6 presentations at DEG/SEPM/EMD Forum: The Future of Global Energy: Technical, Environmental, Economics, and Policy Issues AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
How is Onshore Gas Development Benefitting Rural Queensland?, Katherine Witt, Will Rifkin, Jo-Anne Everingham, and Vikki Uhlmann, #41742 (2015).
Regional Mapping of Genetic Intervals in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: An Iterative Geostatistical Approach to High-Grading Well Locations and Implications for Reserves Bookings, Natasha M. Rigg, #120016 (2009).
Regional Mapping of Genetic Units in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase I: A Visual Twist from Old Approach: the Middle Main Almond Unit, Natasha M. Rigg, Benjamin J. Kessel, James R. Lawrence, Will D. Monn, Fiona E. Kilbride, Brent W. Greenhalgh, Robert J. Heckman, Alan J. Scott, and Mark L. Bacon, #50157 (2009).
Almond Formation Lithostratigraphic Genetic Units, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase III: From Iterative Geostatistical Approach to High-Grading Well Locations, Natasha M. Rigg and Jeffrey M. Yarus, #50159 (2009).
High-Resolution 3D Stratigraphic Modeling: From Digital Outcrop Modeling to Carbonate Sedimentary System Characterization - Example of the Gresse-En-Vercors Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Platform (South-East France), R. Richet, J.B. Borgomano, J-P. Masse, E.W. Adams, and S. Viseur, #120040 (2013).
Correlation of Geological Time Lines by Reducing Uncertainties to Regions - A Global Seismic Interpretation Workflow, Kristoffer Rimaila, Farrukh Qayyum, Steve Adcock, Nanne Hemstra, Yuancheng Liu, Crepin Bouanga, Brian W. Horn, and Katie McDonough, #41715 (2015).
A Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Silurian A-1 Carbonate of the Michigan Basin, Matt Rine, Jon Garrett, Stephen Kaczmarek, and William Harrison, III, #51336 (2016).
A New Model for Niagaran "Pinnacle" Reef Complexes of the Michigan Basin, Matthew Rine, Jon Garrett, Stephen Kaczmarek, David Barnes, and William Harrison III, #51319 (2016).
PS Development of a Static Reservoir Models for Niagara Reefs, Michigan Basin, USA, Matthew Rine, Jon Garrett, Stephen Kaczmarek, David Barnes, and William Harrison III, #51318 (2016).
Petrophysical and Stratigraphic Characterization of Michigan Silurian Reefs, Matthew Rine, David Barnes, William Harrison III, Charlotte Sullivan, and Stephen Kaczmarek, #30429 (2015).
PS How a Carbon Tax Could Benefit US NG Producers, But How Much and for How Long?, James M. Rine, #42392 (2019).
A Comparison of Options for the U.S. Petroleum Industry in Dealing with Climate Change – Regulations, Carbon Fees, or "Business as Usual", James M. Rine, #80609 (2017).
Diagenetic and Burial History of a Portion of the Late Triassic South Georgia Rift Basin Based on Petrologic and Isotopic (δ18O) Analyses of Sandstones from Test Borehole Rizer #1, Colleton County, SC, James M. Rine, Brittany E. Hollon, Robert Fu, Nancy Houghton, and Michael Waddell, #51016 (2014).
Fining-Upward Lithostratigraphy of a Modern Muddy Coastline Deposit from Suriname, South America - a Record of Sea Level Fluctuations and Longshore Mud Transport, by James M. Rine, #50018 (2005).
Salt Tectonics in the Sivas Basin (Turkey): Outstanding Seismic Analogues, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Charlie Kergaravat, Charlotte Ribes, Alexandre Pichat, Etienne Legeay, Jean François Salel, and Jean-Paul Callot, #10884 (2016).
Channel-Levee Systems in a Tropical Carbonate Slope Environment and the Influence of Syn-Sedimentary Deformation, Browse Basin, Australian North-West Shelf, Lucian Rinke-Hardekopf, Stefan Back, Lars Reuning, and Julien Bourget, #10901 (2016).
AV Success Factors for Effective Subsurface Imaging of Overthrust Belt Legacy Seismic Data, W. Ritchie and M. Popovici, #110099 (2009)
3 of 6 presentations from Session, "Seismic Structural Interpretation - . . . ," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Cretaceous Prospectivity of Southern Trinidad, Neil Ritson and Krishna Persad, #30354 (2014).
Bringing Sanity to Risk and Uncertainty: Charge of the Geoscientist, John Ritter, #120027 (2009).
PS Insights on the Complexity of a Paleokarst Reservoir: Examples from a World-Class Outcrop Analogue (Southern Italy), Alberto Riva, Raffaele Di Cuia, Raffaele Bitonte, Alister MacDonald, and Søren Hegndal-Andersen, #51385 (2017).
Basin Modelling at the Songkhla Basin (Gulf of Thailand) or: How Many Source Rocks Do I Have?, Samuel Rivas, J.O.W. Grimmer, Antonio Alaminos, and Jorge Navarro, #10922 (2017).
Cyclic Injection of Production Gas in Provincia Field, Juan Eduardo Rivera, #42121 (2017).
Inorganic Geochemistry as Technique to Preliminary Assessment of Shale Plays in Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Eastern Cordillera Basin, Colombia, Huber Rivera, Lizeth Sánchez, Nesyereb Suárez, and Alexander Piragua, #10875 (2016).
Thermal Maturation Effects on the Nitrogen Isotopes in Marine Shales: A Case Study of the Woodford Shale, Keith Rivera and Tracy M. Quan, #50920 (2014).
AVThe Buzzard Field, Outer Moray Firth, Central North Sea, John Robbins and Graham Doré, #110016 (2005).
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The United Kingdom Rockall Trough, Northeast Atlantic: An Extinct Young Ocean Basin or a Failed-Breakup Basin?, Alan M. Roberts, Andy D. Alvey, Nick J. Kusznir, and Graham Yielding, #11034 (2017).
Planning and Operating a Transition Zone 2D Seismic Survey on Lake Tanganyika, Doug Roberts and Jeremy P. FitzPatrick, #41765 (2016).
Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar: A Regional to Basin-Specific Review of Its Hydrocarbon Potential – A Bright Future Awaits, Glyn F. Roberts, Trond Christoffersen, and Jingwei Xu, #11072 (2018).
The West Mediterranean Salt Basin — A Future Petroleum Producing Province?, Glyn Roberts and Trond Christoffersen, #50791 (2013).
East Indonesia: Plays and Prospectivity of the West Aru, Kai Besar and Tanimbar Area - Identified from New Long Offset Seismic Data - An Update based on further Data Acquisition and Interpretation, Glyn Roberts, Trond Christoffersen, and Charles Ramsden, #41121 (2013).
Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar — New Long Offset Seismic Data Highlights the Petroleum Prospectivity of this Emerging Frontier Basin, Glyn Roberts, Trond Christoffersen, and Huang Weining, #10493 (2013).
East Indonesia: Plays and Prospectivity of the West Aru, Kai Besar and Tanimbar Area - Identified from New Long Offset Seismic Data, Glyn Roberts, Charles Ramsden, Trond Christoffersen, Naryanto Wagimin, and Yunan Muzaffar, #10348 (2011).
PS Plays and Prospectivity Offshore Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus: New Insights from Depth-Imaged Seismic Data, Glyn Roberts, Charles Harmer, and Dave Peace, #10262 (2010).
Deltaic Deposits and Linked Downslope Petroleum Systems, Harry H. Roberts and Richard H. Fillon, #40149 (2005).
AVFrom First Idea to 10TCF in 10 Months: Discovery of Eagle Ford Shale in Hawkville Field, by Gregg Robertson, #110137 (2010)
3 of 6 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
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Tips for Success in High-Risk Exploration: The Tangguh Experience, by James D. Robertson, #70019 (2006).
Mineral Resource – Lithium – Recovery from Naturally Occurring Permian Basin Waste Water, Stephen R. Robichaud and Nicholas W. Robichaud, #42475 (2019).
Regional Stratigraphic Correlation Utilizing High-Density Digital Well-Log Displays, by Mark C. Robinson, #40372 (2008).
PS Integrating Depositional Facies and Stratigraphy in Characterizing Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs: Trenton Group of the Albion-Scipio Trend, Michigan Basin, Marcel R. Robinson and G. Michael Grammer, #50591 (2012).
Managing Geological and Simulation Models within Geometrically Complex Geological Settings Combined with a Thin Producible Oil Rim, Adam Robinson, Pablo Chimienti, Jose Luis Corregidor, and John Baillie, #20086 (2010).
Log Resistivity Measuring Devices Compared to S-waves from a Vertical-Force Source,
John M. Robinson, #41377 (2014).
Mapping the Production Characteristics of the Haynesville Shale with a Well-Log Derived High-Density Stratigraphic Framework, Mark C. Robinson and Ramona Hovey, #80151 (2011).
Low Cost 3D Mapping Using a Commercial Drone/UAV: Application in Structural Geology, Riccardo Rocca, #42054 (2017).
Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Callovian Continental Volcanogenic Deposits in the Minas Viejas Formation, Mexico, Hermes Rochin Garcia, L. E. Martínez, and N. Amezcua, #51655 (2020).
Carbon Capture and Storage: the QUEST Project, Luc Rock and Simon O'Brien, #80577 (2017).
Spatial Variability of Reservoir Properties in a Stratigraphically Complex Geological Sequestration Target: The Devonian Sylvania Sandstone, Michigan Basin, USA, Farsheed Rock and Dave Barnes, #80101 (2010).
Reservoir Characterization of the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone C Unit, Cleveland Field Unit, Northeastern Oklahoma, Curtis M. Roddy and James O. Puckette, #20438 (2018).
AV Threshold Effects on Prospect Risking, by Rocky Roden, Mike Forrest, and Roger Holeywell, #110120 (2010)
1 of 5 presentations at Session, Geophysical Integration: A Road Map to Exploration Success
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PS Maturation profile at the Glyde Gas Discovery in the Southern McArthur Basin, Australia, Sandra Rodrigues, Joshua Bluett, Benjamin R. Ferguson, Suzanne D. Golding, and Luke Titus, #10799 (2015).
PS Three Rock-Typing Methods and Implementation as Part of the Reservoir Characterization and Uncertainty Assessment: An Example from the Arab Formation (Upper Jurassic), Onshore Field United Arab Emirates, Jose Gregorio Rodriguez Gonzalez, Wala Sahel Abdulla Mohammed Bin Ishaq, and Moza Ahmed Al Teneiji, #51650 (2020).
Reservoir Distribution on a Salt-Influenced Deep-Water Slope: Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil, Clara R. Rodriguez, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Atle Rotevatn, Rebecca E. Bell, and Malcolm Francis, #11049 (2018).
Towards an Efficient and Reliable HPC Software Platform for 3D Geophysical Inversion, Juan Esteban Rodriguez, #70238 (2017).
3D Static and Dynamic Modeling of a Clastic Multilayered Reservoir with Heavy Oil: A Case Study from Comodoro Rivadavia Formation in El Alba Valle Field (Manantiales Behr Block, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina), L. Rodríguez Blanco, M. Foster, G. Jarque, D. Pérez, and A. Thompson, #20222 (2013).
Evolving Water Management Practices in Shale Gas Development, Rebecca Rodriguez, #80315 (2013).
Coring Shale Gas Formations with Wireline Coring Technology in a Complex Geological Structure in the Medium Magdalena Valley: A Case History from Colombia, S. Rodriguez, E. Tovar, L. Valderrama, C. Vivas, M. Gray, V. Daza, L. Delmar, and C. Gomez, #41067 (2012).
Source Rocks and Paleogeography, Austral Basin, Argentina, Jorge F. Rodriguez and Marcelo J. Cagnolatti, #10173 (2008).
Overpressured Gas Systems Modeling in the Neuquen Basin Center, by F. Rodriguez, Graciela Olea, Daniel Delpino, Roger Baudino, and Mirta Suarez, #10149 (2008).
San Andres Play in the Northwest Shelf of the Permian Basin: A New Insight on Its Petroleum Systems from Oil Geochemistry, Lucia M. Rodriguez and Changrui Gong, #10960 (2017).
PS Development of Source Rock Kinetic Models for Fluid Property Prediction in Unconventional Shale Plays: A Case Study from the Permian and Neuquen Basins, Lucia Rodriquez and Changrui Gong, #80579 (2017).
AV Wasatch - Green River Resource Play, Uinta Basin, Utah, by John Roesink and Jason Anderson, #110167 (2013).
2 of 5 presentation from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2013 AAPG Convention
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Water Disposal in the Upper Elk Point Carbonates under the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, N.E. Alberta, Michael B. Rogers, #50933 (2014).
Gulf of Mexico Sediment Evaluations for Microbial-Mineral-Hydrate Associations, by Rudy E. Rogers, Jennifer L. Dearman, Guochang Zhang, W.W. Wilson, and C.B. Lutken, #40361 (2009).
Sedimentation Patterns and Transport Pathways Linking River Mouth to Remote Depocenters in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh, Kimberly G. Rogers and Steven L. Goodbred, Jr., #50304 (2010).
PS Stratigraphic Evidences of Presence of the Jurassic and Lowermost Cretaceous Deposits in the Laptev Sea Shelf and Hydrocarbon Potential of its Lower Cretaceous Oilfields, M. A. Rogov and V. A. Zakharov, #20230 (2014).
Unconventional Plays Analysis and Modeling: Lessons Learned from an Integrated Study of the Lower and Middle Triassic of Western Canada, Sébastien Rohais, E. Bemer, B. Chauveau, V. Crombez, M. Ducros, T. Euzen, M. Fleury, D. Granjeon, S. Pauthier, M. F. Romero-Sarmiento, and W. Sassi, #80578 (2017).
Quantifying Climatic and Tectonic Forcing of Alluvial-Fan Stratigraphy by 3D Numerical Modeling and Comparison with Outcrop Examples, by Sebastien Rohais, Dario Ventra, and Poppe L. de Boer, #40363 (2008).
Seismic Delineation of Igneous Sheet Complexes on the Exmouth Plateau (NW Australia): Origin, Emplacement Mechanism and Implications for Petroleum Generation, Max Rohrman, #10444 (2012).
PS Characterization of the Porous System of Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sequences of Oligo-Miocene in the La Vela Offshore Field, Venezuela, Yolimar Rojas, Zureisy Marín, Ignacio Mederos, and María Gómez, #20487 (2020).
PS A Multidisciplinary Approach for Rock Typing Characterization in a Highly Heterogeneous
Carbonate Reservoir in Abu Dhabi UAE, Leonardo J. Rojas, Alexey Tveritnev, and Carlos E. Pinillos, #42517 (2020).
PS Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Compatible Cell Design for Thermally Controlled Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Formation and CO2 Exchange, Abraham Rojas Zuniga, Ming Li, Michael L. Johns, Zachary M. Aman, and Eric F. May, #42433 (2019).
Geological Realism of Deep Water Channel Reservoir Models with Intelligent Priors, Temistocles Rojas, Vasily Demyanov, Mike Christie, and Dan Arnold, #41011 (2012).
PS The Cardium Formation Production and Injection Database. Gas to Oil Ratios, Production Forecasting and GOR Risk Assessment, C.A. Rojas-Aldana, F.F. Krause, and R.O. Meyer, #51284 (2016).
Alberta Shale Resource Project: Liquid-Rich Prospects, Dean Rokosh, Andrew Beaton, and Steve Lyster, #80364 (2014).
PS TOC Estimation of the New Albany Shale Group Shale-Using ΔlogR Evaluation Technique, Central and Southern Illinois, Mansour Khosravi Rokrok and Donna C. Willette, #51455 (2018).
PS Volumetric and 3-D Property Modeling of the Grand Tower Formation in the Salem Field, Southern Illinois, Mansour Khosravi Rokrok, #30542 (2018).
PS Estimating the Ultimate Expellable Potential of Source Rocks: Defining "World Class" for Aquatic Organofacies with Examples from the Arabian, West Siberian, Bohai, and Williston Basins, Elizabeth Roller and Andy Pepper, #11055 (2018).
Depositional Framework of Petroleum Systems, Browse Basin, Offshore North West Shelf, Australia, Nadege Rollet, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne Edwards, Tehani J. Palu, Lisa S. Hall, Steve Abbott, Megan Lech, Jennifer Totterdell, Duy Nguyen, Kamal Khider, Chris Boreham, Karen Higgins, Merrie-Ellen Gunning, and Chris Nicholson, #11026 (2017).
Cretaceous Stratigraphic Play Fairways and Risk Assessment in the Browse Basin: Implications for CO2 Storage, Nadege Rollet, Steve T. Abbott, Megan E. Lech, David Caust, Rowan Romeyn, Karen Romine, Jane Blevin, Kamal Khider, Chris Nicholson, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Richard F. Kempton, Eric Tenthorey, Jennifer Totterdell, Victor Nguyen, Liuqi Wang, and Ron Hackney, #80513 (2016).
Variability in Slope Sandstone Bodies: Linkage to Slope Morphology and Evolution, Brian Romans, Steve Hubbard, Lisa Stright, and Neal Auchter, #50865 (2013).
The Influence of Tectonic Evolution on Deep-Water Stratigraphic Architecture: Upper Cretaceous, Magallanes Basin, Chile, Brian Romans, Andrea Fildani, Steve Hubbard, Jacob Covault, Stephan Graham, and Julie Fosdick, #50323 (2010).
PS Controls on the Miocene to Recent Infill of the Lower Guajira Basin of Northern Colombia, Astrid Jhoamna Romero Quete, Josue Alejandro Mora, and Vickye Vélez, #11286 (2020).
New NMR-Based Methodology for Inferring the Presence of Movable Heavy Oil in Reservoir Layers, Pedro A. Romero, Nestor Acosta, and Hiran Serrano, #40519 (2010).
Applications of 2D-NMR Maps and Geometric Pore Scale Modeling for Petrophysical Evaluation of a Gas Well, by Pedro A. Romero, Mikhail Gladkikh, and Guillermo Azpiroz, #40375 (2009).
PS An Integrated Methodology for Source Rock Characterization at Different Thermal Maturity Levels to Better Estimate In-Situ Liquid Hydrocarbons, M.F. Romero-Sarmiento and S. Rohais, #42478 (2019).
Predicting TOC, Organic Porosity and Gas Retention Distribution in a Shale-Gas System Using Petroleum Basin Modelling, Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento, Mathieu Ducros, Bernard Carpentier, François Lorant, Sébastien Rohais, Isabelle Moretti, and Alain-Yves Huc, #40973 (2012).
Visual Kerogen Analogues and Palynofacies Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration in New Zealand, Lucia Roncaglia, Christopher Clowes, Erica Crouch, and Joe Prebble, #41639 (2015).
Paleo Residual Gas in Columbus Basin: Examples from TSP Oil/Gas Field, Giovanni Medouri, Reece Ramsingh, Candido Gomez, Javier Oviedo, and Luis Roncero, #20322 (2015).
PS Reaction Transport Modelling: Simulation of Reflux and Convection Dolomitization Models in an Isolated Carbonate Platform, Paola Ronchi, Ornella Borromeo, Alberto Consonni, Alfredo Battistelli, and Claudio Geoloni, #40475 (2009).
Application of Numerical Modelling to a Case of Compaction Driven Dolomitization: a Jurassic Paleohigh in Southern Alps, Italy, Paola Ronchi, A. Consonni, A. Battistellli, C. Geloni, G. Gianelli, D. Grigo, and A. Ortenzi, #50177 (2009).
Diagenetic Processes and Their Impact from the Petrophysical Properties in Kashagan Carbonate Platform Reservoir (Carboniferous, Kazakhstan), Paola Ronchi, Andrea Ortenzi, Ornella Borromeo, Michele Claps, and William G. Zempolich, #50231 (2009).
AVUnfolding by Holistic Thinking, Giant and Significant Oil Discoveries in a Mature Area: Discovery of Edvard Grieg, Johan Sverdrup and Luno II in the Norwegian North Sea, Hans Rønnevik and Arild Jørstad, #110173 (2014)
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PS Diagenetic Evolution of the Cherry Valley Member of the Oatka Creek Formation, Marcellus Subgroup, New York, Jonathan C. Root and Teresa E. Jordan, #51396 (2017).
Case Study of a Tight Gas Reservoir Offshore South Africa: Its Significance in Exploration and Exploitation, Candice Rose, Gervasio Robles, and Omar El Saadi, #20453 (2019).
Evolution of E & P Risk Analysis (1960-2017), Peter R. Rose, #42063 (2017).
M. King Hubbert and 'Peak Oil' from a Distance of 40 years: Lessons Learned, Peter R. Rose, #70189 (2015).
Influence of the Edwards Plateau on Frontier History of the Texas Hill Country, Peter R. Rose, #70149 (2013).
Blessings and Challenges of Elevated Oil and Gas Prices, by Peter R. Rose, #70016 (2005).
Applications of PRMS Guidelines and SEC Rules: Coping with Ethical Conflicts in Organizations, Peter R. Rose and Mark A. McLane; #120005 (2009).
Applications of PRMS Guidelines and SEC Rules: Ethical Issues and Biases, Peter R. Rose and Mark A. McLane; #120004 (2009).
Assessing Subeconomic Natural Gas Resources in the Anadarko and Uinta Basins, by K.K. Rose, A.S.B. Douds, J.A. Pancake, H.R. Pratt III, and R.M. Boswell, #10069 (2004).
Geologic Characterization for CO2-EOR Simulation: A Case Study of the Farnsworth Unit, Anadarko Basin, Texas, Dylan Rose-Coss, William Wampomah, Ashley C. Hutton, Evan Gragg, Peter Mozley, Robert S. Balch, and Reid Grigg, #80484 (2015).
Paleocene-Eocene Drawdown and Refill of the Gulf of Mexico, Joshua Rosenfeld, #30455 (2016).
Extreme Evaporative Drawdown of the Gulf of Mexico at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary, by Joshua H. Rosenfeld and Jon F. Blickwede, #30042 (2006).
GC Two Data Reduction Schemes: A Shallow Oil Field Example, Christopher P. Ross and David M. Cole, #42347 (2019).
GC Improving Resolution and Clarity with Neural Networks, Christopher P. Ross, #41911 (2016).
AV The Importance of Pore Structural Heterogeneities for Shale Gas Reservoir Evaluation, Daniel J. Ross and R. Marc Bustin, #110071 (2008)
6 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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PSShale Gas Reservoir Systems: Insights from North of the Border, by Daniel John Kerridge Ross and R. Marc Bustin, #10129 (2007).
PS Paleo-Strait Clastic Carbonate Sandbodies, Bonifacio Basin, Corsica, Valentina Marzia Rossi, Fabrizio Berra, Alessandro Lanfranchi, and Flavio Jadoul, #50604 (2012).
The Eastern Paratethys During the Messinian Salinity Crisis, Yuliana Rostovtseva and Alena Rybkina, #51651 (2020).
PS The Application of Borehole Image Interpretations for Geothermal Well Stimulation: A Case Study from Two Deep Geothermal Boreholes in Late Jurassic Carbonates in Southeast Bavaria, Bastian Roters, Mario Habermuller, Lars Matthes, Ulrike Miersemann, and Hans-Gert Linzer, #42381 (2019).
CSEM Ranking of Transform Margin Prospects, Friedrich Roth, Lodve Berre, Stein Fanavoll, and Charles Thomas, 11182 (2019).
Fully Controlled Sampling Workflow for Multi-Scale X-Ray Imaging of Complex Reservoir Rock Samples to be Used for Digital Rock Physics, Sven Roth, Youli Hong, Hrishikesh Bale, Tianpeng Zhao, Sreenivas Bhattiprolu, Matthew Andrew, Chai Weichao, Jeff Gelb, and Benjamin Hornberger, #41840 (2016).
Understanding Depletion Effects on Well Performance in the Middle Bakken Formation, Michael Roth and Murray Roth, #42189 (2018).
Understanding the Middle Bakken, Michael Roth and Murray Roth, #10769 (2015).
Optimizing Engineering for Permian Geology/Fluid Using Model-Based Analytics, Murray Roth and Michael Roth, #11151 (2018).
Permian Stacked-Pay Potential Assessment Using Multi-Disciplinary Analytics, Murray Roth and Michael Roth, #11150 (2018).
Benchmarking Well Performance for Variable Geology and Engineering in the Utica/Point Pleasant Play, Murray Roth and Michael Roth, #10766 (2015).
Geologic Expansion of the Eagle Ford, Murray Roth and Michael Roth, #10765 (2015).
Demystifying Tight-Gas Reservoirs using Multi-Scale Seismic Data, Murray Roth, Tom Davis, and Julie Shemeta, #80437 (2015).
Identifying Gas Channel Sweet Spots through Multi-Component Seismic Interpretation, Murray Roth, #41536 (2015).
An Analytic Approach to Sweetspot Mapping in the Eagle Ford Unconventional Play, Murray Roth, Michael Roth, and Ted Royer, #80406 (2014).
North American Shale Gas Reservoirs - Similar, yet so Different, Murray Roth, #80136 (2011).
AV Fracture Interpretation in the Barnett Shale Using Macro and Microseismic Data, by Murray Roth and Amanda Thompson, #110094 (2009)
7 of 8 presentations from Session, “Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs,” AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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A Geological Comparison of Six Projects in the Athabasca Oil Sands, Brian Rottenfusser and Mike Ranger, #20301 (2015).
Unconventional Resource Recovery Improvement Using Conventional Reservoir Engineering Strategies, Russell Roundtree, John Wright, and Jennifer Miskimins, #80088 (2010).
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basins Formation and Deformation Along the North African Margin, Francois M. Roure, Piero Casero, and Belkacem Addoum, #30276 (2013).
PS Geological Framework for Appraising Continuous Petroleum Resources in the Chattanooga Shale of the
Southern Appalachian Basin, William A. Rouse, #80620 (2017). (60 MB - Downloading recommended.)
Future Exploration Potential Associated with Glaciogenic Carboniferous Series in the Bolivian Subandean Chaco Foreland System, Stephane Rousse, Frederic Schneider, Jean-Luc Faure, Donald Roccabruna, Bertrand Valsardieu, Olvis Padilla, and Melvi Humerez, #11125 (2018).
PS Integrated Stratigraphic and Petroleum System Modeling Study of the Southern Upper Rhine Graben, Stéphane Roussé, Pierre-Yves Filleaudeau, Guillaume Cruz Mermy, Alexandre Letteron, and Marc Schaming, #30495 (2017).
A Closer Look at Shale Development Economics, Florent Rousset, #70136 (2013).
Microseismic Interpretation: Is Surface Monitoring Biased Towards Specific Source Mechanisms?, Pierre F. Roux, #42225 (2018).
PS Barremian Basin Floor Fan Complex: An Untested Gas Play within the Northern Pletmos Basin, Jacques Roux and Anthea Davids, #10234 (2010).
Deterministic, Process Based Modeling of the Deepwater Fill of the Peïra Cava Basin, SE France, Romain Rouzairol, Riccardo Basani, Ernst W.M. Hansen, John A. Howell, and Tor E. Aas, #120132 (2013).
PS Reservoir and Seal Potential in a Young Oceanic Basin: The Vavilov Basin (Central Tyrrhenian Sea), Marzia Rovere, Fabiano Gamberi, Michael P. Marani, Federico Pittaluga, Elisa Leidi, and Alessandra Mercorella, #50546 (2012).
A Cenomanian-Age Deep Continental Shelf Record of Cyclical Anoxia, Gulf of Mexico, South Texas, Harry Rowe, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Lisa Moran, #30284 (2013).
PS Strategy for Developing and Calibrating Shale and Mudstone Chemostratigraphies Using Hand-Held X-ray Fluorescence Units, Harry Rowe and Niki Hughes, #40634 (2010).
Linking Channel Dynamics to Deposits: How Does Process Understanding Change With the Scale of Observation?, J.C. Rowland, W. Dietrich, M. Stacey, G. Hilley, A. Fildani, and E. Shele, #41675 (2015).
PS The Influence of Resolution on Scale-Dependent Clustering in Fracture Data,
Ankur Roy, Atilla Aydin, Antonino Cilona, and Tapan Mukerji, #41670 (2015).
Parbatpur Mine Degassing - A Model for Commercial CMM Project in India, Mohan D. Roy and Bailochan Choudhury, #80259 (2012).
PS Does Anisotropy in Fracture Clustering Translate into Anisotropy in Intrinsic Permeability?, Ankur Roy, Edmund Perfect, Jitendra Kumar, and Richard T. Mills, #40959 (2012).
Cluster Assisted 3D Unsupervised Seismic Facies Analysis - An Example from Osage County, Oklahoma, Atish Roy and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40832 (2011).
Capturing Depositional Processes Using MPS Simulation with Multiple Training Images, by Prasenjit Roy and Sebastien Strebelle, #40360 (2008).
AV Climate Sensitivity during the Phanerozoic: Lessons for the Future, by Dana L. Royer, #110115 (2009)
4 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
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PS Microseismic Event Spectrum Control and Strain Energy Release in Stressed Rocks, Alexander O. Rozanov, #40897 (2012).
Physical Sedimentology in Gale Crater, Mars, David M. Rubin, Lauren Edgar, and Kevin W. Lewis, #50991 (2014.)
Assessing Unconventional Resource Potential of the Mesoproterozoic Roper Group, Beetaloo Sub-Basin Region, Australia, Tim Ruble, Daniel Revie, Elizabeth Roberts, Elvira Barcelona, Nabanita Gupta, Brian Hankins, Christopher Smith, and Christine Edgoose, #80671 (2019).
Assessing Unconventional Resource Potential of Lower Cretaceous Carbonates in the South Florida Basin, USA, Tim E. Ruble and Stephanie Brightwell-Coats, #11071 (2018).
Pore-Scale Imaging of Solid Bitumens: Insights for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization, Tim E. Ruble, Kultaransingh (Bobby) Hooghan, William Dorsey, Wayne R. Knowles, and Christopher D. Laughrey, #80580 (2017).
Assessing Thermal Maturity in Cambrian Source Rocks, Rome Trough, Appalachian Basin: Organic Petrology Complexities, Tim E. Ruble, Wayne R. Knowles, Samuel D. Ely, and Albert S. Wylie, #10903 (2017).
4-D Sequential Restoration and Its Applications, J.L. Rudkiewicz, J.F. Lecomte, J.M Daniel, C. Borgese, M. Latourrette, M. Guiton, Wan-Chiu Li, and S. Jayr, #41013 (2012).
Tectonic Forcing, Subsidence and Sedimentary Cyclicity in the Upper Cretaceous, Western Interior, U.S.A., Kurt W. Rudolph, #30579 (2018).
Laramide Deformation and Flexural Effects in the Upper Cretaceous: A Basin in Transition, Kurt W. Rudolph and Joel P. Saylor, #30578 (2018).
The Impact of Coal Characteristics on CBM Prospectivity of Barakar Coals of Damodar Valley Coalfields, Malay Rudra, #80205 (2012).
Assessment of Temporal Source Rock Variability: An Example from the Lower Jurassic Posidonia Shale, Wolfgang Ruebsam, Martin Stockhausen, and Lorenz Schwark, #41974 (2016).
Origin of Petroliferous Dolomitic Beds in the Uteland Butte Member, Lower Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, Federico Rueda, Hans G. Machel, and Michael D. Vanden Berg, #51362 (2017).
PS Dolomitization in the Uteland Butte Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah: Implications for Petroleum Production Potential, Federico Rueda, Michael Vanden Berg, and Hans G. Machel, #51292 (2016).
Development of a Methodology for the Location of New Producer Wells from the Computational Modeling based on Streamline Simulation, Olga Patricia Rueda, Miguel Jose Bernal, and Elkin Rodolfo Santafe, #40697 (2011).
From Borehole Images to Fracture Permeability and Fracturing Pressure, Bernd Ruehlicke, #41537 (2015).
Modeling Matrix-related Heterogeneities in Carbonates with Non Process-based Geostatistical Methods: Real and Synthetic Examples, Philippe Ruelland, Florent Lallier, Henk Kombrink, and Sophie Prat, #120088 (2012).
Insights on Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate Mound Morphology and Evolution from 3D Seismic Data, East Java Basin, Indonesia, Amy S. Ruf, J. A. (Toni) Simo, and Tina M. Hughes, #50649 (2012).
Depositional Patterns in the Lacustrine Cuyana Basin, Argentina, Yolanda Ruiz and Octavian Catuneanu, #11300 (2020).
PS Seismic Fault Mechanical Stratigraphy of a Complex Impact Structure, Chukchi Sea, Offshore Alaska, Andres Hernan Ruiz Lozano, John D. Pigott, and Louis Niglio, #42239 (2018).
New Perspectives on Seismic Sequence Imaging in the Geological Challenging Frontier M9 West, Offshore Myanmar, Khunamai Rungsai, #30590 (2019).
Causes and Consequences of Mantle Serpentinization During Passive Margin Formation, Lars H. Rüpke, Daniel W. Schmid, and Ebbe H. Hartz, #120118 (2013).
Wolfcamp Facies and Stacking Patterns in the Delaware Basin, West Texas: Insights into Mechanisms and Patterns of Sediment Delivery and Facies Architecture, Stephen C. Ruppel and Robert Baumgardner, #51533 (2018).
Can Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts be Applied in Mudrock Systems?, Stephen C. Ruppel, #51380 (2017).
PS Controls on the Distribution and Geometries of Sandstone Bodies in Platform Carbonate Systems: Examples from the Middle Permian (Guadalupian), Permian Basin, Texas, Stephen C. Ruppel and Robert G. Loucks, #50451 (2011).
Bring the Realities into Focus: New Integration Process for Geology, Engineering, Petrophysics, and Seismic for a CO2 Flood, Jason Rush, Mina FazelAlavi, John Doveton, and Lynn Watney, #80521 (2016).
Libya: Petroleum Potential of the Underexplored Basin Centers - A Twenty-First-Century Challenge, by Donald, C. Rusk, #10025 (2002).
PS Prediction of Fluvial Point-Bar Internal Architecture and Heterogeneity, Catherine E. Russell, Nigel P. Mountney, David M. Hodgson, Luca Colombera, and Robert Thomas, #41846 (2016).
Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Pre-stack Inversion in Resource Shale Plays, Brian Russell, #41467 (2014).
GCAn AVO Primer, by Brian Russell, #40051 (2002).
The Paradigm Shift in Upstream Oil and Gas - Learning from the Canadian Experience, Dave Russum, #10540 (2013).
The Emerging Oil Revolution in Western Canada, Dave A. Russum and Alexei Belonogov, #80128 (2011).
Comparing Opportunities in a Mature Basin: Examples from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, by Dave A. Russum and Andrew R. Botterill, #10098 (2006).
AV Hydraulic Fracture Seismicity in Tight Gas Sands: A comparison of Canyon Sands and Cotton Valley Treatments, Jim Rutledge, #110093 (2009)
6 of 8 presentations from Session, "Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
GC ‘Unfolding/Unfaulting’ Seismic Sections Yields New Interpretations, Kees Rutten, #40531 (2010).
Integrated Uncertainty Workflows for Field Development Planning: Example from the Jackdaw Discovery, Damien Ryan, Jacob Opata, John Luchford, Sadegh Taheri, Alexander Kononov, Nick Lee, and Andy Hall, #41699 (2015).
PS Assessment of Scale on Permeability Estimates in Late Cretaceous Reservoirs, Denver Basin, Colorado, Christopher M. Rybowiak and Matthew J. Pranter, #50617 (2012).
Evaluation of Thermal Maturity in the Low Maturity Devonian Shales of the Northern Appalachian Basin, Robert T. Ryder, Paul C. Hackley, Hossein Alimi, and Michael H. Trippi, #10477 (2013).
Sa-Sb Sc-Sh Si-Sm Sn-Ss St-Sy
Stochastic Geomodel to Understand Reservoir Heterogeneity: A Case Study from Sequoia Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Ahmed Saad, Basem K. Abd El-Fattah, and Islam A. Mohamed, #42226 (2018).
PS New Achievement in the Effect of Clay Mineral on the Movement of Hydrocarbons in the Source Rock, Fatemeh Saberi and Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, #51701 (2023).
PS Investigating the Sediments of the Pabdeh Formation in Zagros Basin, Iran, Fatemeh Saberi and Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, #51700 (2023).
PS Effects of Pore Geometry Changes on Velocity Anisotropy on Chalks, Mohammad Reza Saberi, Mirko Barone, and Pieter van Heiningen, #50528 (2011).
Landsat Exploration of Unayzah Trend, Saudi Arabia, Floyd Sabins, #20165 (2012).
Inorganic Geochemistry of the Middle-Upper Ordovician Utica Shale Defining Clastic Trends Including a Change of Source Provenance Based on XRF Data, Steve Saboda and Gary Lash, #51195 (2015).
A Comparative Inorganic Geochemical Analysis between the Marcellus and Utica Shales Based on XRF, Steve Saboda and Gary Lash, #10777 (2015).
Inorganic Geochemistry of the Trenton Limestone-Utica Shale Contact Based on XRF Data, Steve R. Saboda and Gary G. Lash, #51038 (2014).
Lithology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Lower Oligocene Successions in the Alpine Foreland Basin: Model for Source Rocks in the Paratethys?, R.F. Sachsenhofer, A. Bechtel, S. Coric, G. Georgiev, H.-G. Linzer, R. Gratzer, D. Reischenbacher, H.-M. Schulz, and A. Soliman, #10318 (2011).
Basin Evolution and Coal Geology of the Donets Basin (Ukraine, Russia): Implications for CBM Potential, R.F. Sachsenhofer and V.A. Privalov, #80147 (2011).
PSConsideration of Geologic Conditions in Optimizing a Tunnel and Ocean Outfall Alignment within the Los Angeles Basin, California, by David M. Sackett, Thomas W. McNeilan, and Calvin G. Jin, #80008 (2007).
Understanding Attributes and Their Use in the Application of Neural Analysis – Case Histories Both Conventional and Unconventional, Deborah Sacrey and Rocky Roden, #41473 (2014).
Integrated Reservoir Modeling to Unlock Hidden Potential in Mature Peciko Field, Mahakam Delta: A Case Study of Advance Lithoseismic Attributes Interpretation and Paleo Channel Reconstruction in Complex Distributaries Channel Reservoir, Ehsan Sadeghi, Supriady, Cepi Adam, Agung Wiweko, Bachesa Wisatria, and Radya Senoputra, #30564 (2018).
Partitioned Zone Onshore 3D Seismic Survey Challenges and Best Practices, Abdul Wahab Sadeqi, Abdullah Al-Kandari, Ibrahim Hakam, Kalyan Chakraborty, and Anand Kumar, #70338 (2018).
PS An Integrated Approach Using Geotechnology to Unlock the Secrets of Low Permeability Reservoirs, Said Sadykhov, Adam Collamore, Martha Guidry, Wes Palmer, and Charles Harrison, #80298 (2013).
An Experimental Study on the Flood Characteristic and Fluid Rock Interactions of a Supercritical CO2, Brine, Rock System, Ali Saeedi, Claudio Delle Piane, Lionel Esteban, and Linda Stalker, #80500 (2015).
Detection of Fluvial Systems Using Spectral Decomposition (Continuous Wavelet Transformation) and Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis – A New Potential Stratigraphic Trap in the Carbonera Formation, Llanos Foothills, Colombia, Essam Saeid, James Kellogg, Christopher Kendall, Ibraheem Hafiz, and Zyaid Albesher, #42281 (2018).
Fundamental Study of CO2 Substitution in Methane Hydrates for Energy Production and Long Term Sequestration, Navid Saeidi, Bjørn Kvamme, Yu-Chien (Alice) Chien, and Derek Dunn-Rankin, #80732 (2020).
Case Study: 25 Years of Historic Hydrocarbon Seep Studies in Santa Maria Basin, Offshore California Using Seismic and Stratigraphic Data (1995 through 2020), Joseph Saenz, Thomas O'Neil, and Frank Denison, #11346 (2020).
Hydrogeologic Repository and Colombia Water Well Installation, September 2018, Joseph Saenz, Kimo Zaiger, Andrew Tiedman, Chad Mitchell, and Robert Nordahl, #80724 (2020).
Overpressure and Seal Integrity Evaluation on Oligocene-Miocene Carbonates Reservoir in the Madura Strait Area of East Java Basin-Indonesia, Iko Sagala, Syaeful Amin, and Yanyan Triyana, #11140 (2018).
Seismic and Structural Analysis of a Trenton-Black River Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir, by Justine Sagan and Bruce Hart, #40129 (2004).
Multidisciplinary Approach in Tight Oil Appraisal: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, India, Chandan Saha, Shubhodip Konar, Ajoy K. Bora, Prem Kumar, Archana Dhanasetty, Pinaki Majumdar, and Pranay Shankar, #11173 (2021).
An Integrated Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework for Kachchh Basin and its Conjugate Areas, Sandipan Saha, Mainak Choudhuri, Atul Patidar, Rupesh Jha, Moumita Saha, and Neeraj Sinha, #30567 (2018).
Integrated Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic Data in the Upper Assam Shelf and Adjoining Schupen Belt Area - A Critical Review, D. Saha, #30228 (2012).
Characteristics of Tidal Sand Bars in the Gulf of Khambhat using Satellite Images and Field Mapping, Western India, by Sourav Saha, Anupam Ghosh, Stuart Burley, Santanu Banerjee, and Pratul Kumar Saraswati, #50050 (2007).
Determining Optimum Well Spacing Using Fracture Characterization in Unconventional Reservoirs, Vivek Sahai, Greg Jackson, and Rakesh Rai, #80418 (2014).
GCFootprints in Seismic Data, by Surinder Sahai and Khalid Soofi, #40230 (2007).
Comments on Maturation of Coals: A Commentary, by Vinay K. Sahay, #70038 (2008).
Facies Distribution and Impact on Petroleum Migration in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, Tusar R. Sahoo, Karsten F. Kroeger, Glenn Thrasher, Stuart Munday, Hugh Mingard, Nick Cozens, and Matthew Hill, #10816 (2015).
Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of Northern part of Cambay Basin, Tusar Ranjan Sahoo and Mainak Choudhuri, #50567 (2012).
Structural Styles and Its Implication on Petroleum Systems of North Assam Shelf, Upper Assam Basin, India, Mayadhar Sahoo and K.D. Gogoi, #40750 (2011).
Structural and Sedimentary Evolution of Upper Assam Basin, India and Implications on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, M. Sahoo and K.D. Gogoi, #10315 (2011).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Marginal Fields in Niger Delta – Oza Field, a case study, J.N. Sahu, C.H.V. Satya Sai, V. Chintamani, and C. Vishnu Vardhan, #20182 (2012).
PS The Power of Subsurface Integration in the Rejuvenation of an 89 Years-Old Field in Brunei, Fauzi Said and Carlos Nieto, #20455 (2019).
PS Enhancing Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion Using Neural Networks for Clastic Reservoir Characterization – Simian Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Wael Said, Islam A. Mohamed, and Ahmed Ali, #20413 (2018).
Structural Geometry and Evolution of BED 17 Field, Abu El Gharadig Basin, Northern Western Desert of Egypt: An Example of Restraining Stepovers in Strike-Slip Fault Systems, Wael Salah Said, M. Yousef, H. Z. El-Mowafy, and A. Abdel-Halim, #20266 (2014).
EA Combination Traps in Jasmine and Ban Yen Fields, Gulf of Thailand: Identification, Recognition and Development Strategy, Farid Saifuddin, #20457 (2019).
PS Salt-Sediment Interaction in Sable Sub-Basin, Nova Scotia (Canada), Francky Saint-Ange, Dimitri Savva, Bernard Colletta, Emerson Marisi, Laurent Cuilhe, Adam MacDonald, and Matt Luheshi, #10971 (2017).
Predicting the Rate of Penetration in Percussive Drilling by Finite Elements Simulation, Timo Saksala, #42221 (2018).
EA A Model for Gas Hydrates Formation in Water Dominant Flow Established Employing a Flow Loop Investigation, Shunsuke Sakurai, Ben Hoskin, Joel Choi, Tomoya Nonoue, Eric May, and Zachary Aman, #42426 (2020).
AVO Analysis, Inversion and Spectral Decomposition to Detect Thin Channelized Sandstone Reservoir of BED-15, Western Desert, Egypt, W. Salah, I. Mohamed, and S. Talaat, #20369 (2016).
EA Novel Workflow in Modeling Cycles of a Complex Carbonate Reservoirs, Coupling Sequence Stratigraphy and Geostatistics Techniques, Andi A. B. Salahuddin, Reem Al Ali, Karem Khan, Khaled E. Al Hammadi, and Nidhal M. Aljneibi, #42556 (2020).
PS Applications of Machine Learning Techniques in Assessing Cap Rock Efficiency Based on Surface Data, Sanaz Salati, Frank J.A. van Ruitenbeek, and Freek D. van der Meer, #42512 (2020).
Wellbore Strengthening in Narrow Margin Drilling, Babatunde A. Salawu, Ogochukwu Benyeogor, Sunday Awe, Obinna Amah, Oseme Ugochukwu, and Adeyemi Erinle, #42008 (2017).
Rock Compressive Strength: A Correlation from Formation Evaluation Data for the Niger Delta, Babatunde A. Salawu, Reza Sanaee, and Olumayowa Onabanjo, #30488 (2017).
PS Role and Contribution of Facies Development and Depositional Model in Maximizing Economic Recovery from Hydrocarbon Bearing Carbonate Reservoir, Ras Fanar Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Wegdan A. Saleh and Khalaf Abd El-Aal, #40685 (2011).
Study of Viability of Seismic Imaging for Site Selection and Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration in Illinois Thin Coal Seams, by Iraj A. Salehi, Sherif I. Gowelly, and Samih I. Batarseh, #80004 (2006).
PS U-Pb Direct Dating of Multiple Diagenetic Events in the Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir of Bekhme Formation, Kurdistan-NE Iraq, Namam Muhammed Salih, Howri Mansurbeg, Kamal Kolo, Axel Gerdes, and Alain Préat, #51671 (2020).
Integration of Geology and Geophysical Data in Reservoir Characterisation - A Case Study of the K Field, Zaizakrani Md Salleh and Kwong Poh, #20387 (2017).
AV An Overview of Extreme Storms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Their Coastal Impacts, by Asbury Sallenger, #110143 (2010)
2 of 4 presentations at Global Climate Change Forum at 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
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Dolomitization and Anhydrite Precipitation by Highly Evaporated Seawater in Moderately Deep Subsurface, Permian Basin, Arthur Saller, #11127 (2018).
PS Mixed Carbonates and Siliciclastics North of the Mahakam Delta, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Arthur Saller, #51393 (2017).
Pleistocene Shelf-to-Basin Depositional Systems, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Insights into Deep-Water Slope Channels and Fans, Arthur Saller, #50847 (2013).
Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Sedimentation on the Central Basin Platform and Implications to the Wolfberry Deposition in the Western Midland Basin, Art Saller, #10606 (2014).
Controls on Hydrothermal Dolomites and Their Reservoir Properties, Art Saller, #50838 (2013).
Diagenetic Evolution of Porosity in Carbonates during Burial, Art Saller, #50779 (2013).
Devonian Chert, Dollarhide Field, West Texas, USA, Art Saller, #50778 (2013).
Contrasting Styles of San Andres Reservoirs: Vacuum Versus Slaughter Fields, Middle Permian, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, Art Saller, Lauren Bierly, David Shafer, and Leigh Owens, #20168 (2012).
Sequence Stratigraphy of Isolated Carbonate Buildups in a Deltaic Province, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, by Arthur H. Saller, Jesse T. Noah, James C. Waugaman, and Alif Prama Ruzuar, #30014 (2003).
Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging and Reservoir Modeling of an Upper Paleozoic "Reefal" Buildup, Reinecke Field, West Texas, United States, by Arthur H. Saller, Skip Walden, Steve Robertson, Robert Nims, Joe Schwab, Hiroshi Hagiwara, and Shigeharu Mizohata, 20044 (2006).
PSGeological Modeling Using Cellular Automata, by Tristan Salles, Simon Lopez, Marie-Christine Cacas, Didier Granjeon, and Thierry Mulder, #40202 (2006).
PS Play Analysis of the Natal Valley and Durban Basin, Off the East Coast of South Africa, Jonathan Salomo and Anthony Fielies, #11179 (2019).
Seismic Stratigraphy of the Deep-Water Area in the Northern Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa, Jonathan Salomo, #10389 (2012).
PS 3-D Numerical Modelling of Hydrocarbon Generation from the Barremian-Aptian Source Rock Unit of the Northern Orange Basin, South Africa, Chris A. Samakinde, J. van Bever Donker, Raymond J. Durrheim, and Musa S. Manzi, #11199 (2019).
PS A Combination of Genetic Inversion and Seismic Frequency Attributes to Delineate Reservoir Targets in Offshore Northern Orange Basin, South Africa, Chris A. Samakinde, Jan van Bever Donker, and Silvia Lanes, #51398 (2017).
Magmatic Seismo-Facies and Crustal Architecture along Selected Profiles in Arabian Sea, West Coast of India, J. K. Samal, R. N. Dwivedy, and S. Mayor, #50743 (2012).
Visualization Informed Drilling: Optimization and Automation On-The-Fly at the Bit, Robello Samuel, Umesh Nalmada, and Aniket Kumar, #120174 (2014).
Intra-Delta Versus Sub-Delta Sourcing of Petroleum - a Global Review, by Olukayode J. Samuel, D. Martin Jones, and Chris Cornford, #40243 (2007).
Methodology for Enhancing and Evaluating Geologic Effects of Time Series Models: A Case of Ground Response in Santa Clara Valley, California, Olusola Samuel-Ojo, Lorne Olfman, Linda A. Reinen, Arjuna Flenner, David D. Oglesby, and Gareth J. Funning, #41097 (2012).
Shell, Texaco and Occidental – Pioneers in the Exploration in Putumayo, Oriente and Marañón Basins, Hector F. San Martin and Scott E. Thornton, #10882 (2016).
Mature Fields: Key Factors for Successful EOR Projects, Hector F. San Martin and J. Raul Ortiz, #70151 (2013).
PS South Caribbean Petroleum Systems: An Updated Overview, David S. Sanabria and Victor O. Ramirez, #11059 (2018).
Optimizing Completion in Unconventionals: What We Know Now, Alireza Sanaei, #80525 (2016).
Identifying Opportunities and Reducing Uncertainty in Development of Bypassed Multilayer Reservoirs through Integrated Mass Spectrometry with Conventional Logs in Dina Terciario Field, Honda Group (La Victoria Formation), Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia, Fabio Andrés Sánchez Salcedo, Juan Manuel León Hinestrosa, Diego Ortiz, Raul Daza, Don Hall, Cesar Patiño, and Raúl Osorio, #20211 (2013).
Interpretation of Stratigraphic Systems Associated with Seismic Attributes, Petropiar, Orinoco Oil Belt, Venezuela, Natalia Sanchez, Celia Bejarano, and Attila Skrzypczak, #50228 (2009).
Influence of the Eastern Cordillera Exhumation on the Structural Evolution of the Eastern Part of Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia, Carlos J. Sanchez, Eliseo Teson, Brian K. Horton, Andres R. Mora Bohorquez, Richard A. Ketcham, Daniel F. Stockli, and Nestor R. Moreno, #40800 (2011).
PS 3-D Seismic Interpretation of Permian-Carboniferous Carbonates in Offshore Northern Europe: Faulting and Leakage Analysis, Alfredo Sánchez-Monclú, Mateu Esteban, Noemí Tur, Pieter Pestman, #40814 (2011).
AV Field Cases of the Combined Deterministic Petrophysical Inversion of Gamma-Ray, Density, and Resistivity Logs Acquired in Thinly Bedded Clastic Rock Formations, by Jorge A. Sanchez-Ramirez, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Gong L. Wang, Alberto Mendoza, David Wolf, Zhipeng Liu, and Gabriela Schell, #110123 (2010)
4 of 5 presentations at Session, Geophysical Integration: A Road Map to Exploration Success
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Hyperspectral Imaging, XRF and High-Resolution Scanning: The Key to Quick Accurate Core Analysis, G. Sanden, M. Trobec, and Stan Stancliffe, #42246 (2018).
PSCharacterisation of Fractured Basement Reservoirs, Cuu Long basin, Vietnam, using 3D Structural Modelling and Discrete Fracture Networks, By C. Sanders, T. A. Murray, and E. Thompson, #40027 (2001).
Alentejo Basin, Portugal; Unexplored Plays - from Carbonate Build-ups to Deepwater Systems, by Frode Sandnes and Reidun Myklebust, #10099 (2006).
The Effect of Rapid Changes in Pressure, Temperature and Salinity Conditions on Methane Dissolution and Implication for the Volume of Accumulated Gas, Constantin Sandu and Marek Kacewicz, #51289 (2016).
Thermal Modeling of Microbial Methane Generation Constrained by Laboratory Experiments, Constantin Sandu and Adry Bissada, #41053 (2012).
Organic Matter Characterization of the Upper Ordovician Utica and Lorraine Shales, Southern Quebec, Canada, Omid Haeri Ardakani, Hamed Sanei, Denis Lavoie, Zhuoheng Chen, and Nabila Mechti, #10684 (2014).
PS Stratigraphic Evolution of the Eolian Navajo Sandstone, SE Utah, Pamela Sansom, #51509 (2018).
3D Geological Modeling and Performance Simulation of a Leveed-Channel Outcrop with Application to Deepwater Leveed-Channel Reservoirs, Carlos Santacruz, Heidy Correa-Correa, and Roger M. Slatt, #50728 (2012).
3-D Geological Modeling and ‘Reservoir’ Flow Simulation of a Leveed-Channel Outcrop with Application to Deepwater Leveed-Channel Reservoirs, Carlos A. Santacruz, Roger Slatt, Yucel Akkutlu, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40555 (2010).
PS Frequency Decomposition To Reveal And Validate Geological Concepts For Further Development. Examples From Cerro Piedra Area, Western San Jorge Basin, Argentina, Teresa Santana, Matías Elizondo, and Hugo García, #11279 (2019).
PS Seismic Geomorphology by Spectral Decomposition Volume Interpretation for Basin-Scale Depositional System Delineation, Cuyo Group, Argentina, Teresa Santana, Daniel L. Sanchez, and Walter Brinkworth, #42257 (2018).
PS Applying Rock Physics Towards Seismic Characterization: Case Study From an Unconventional Resource, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Teresa Santana, R. Weger, Silvana Gandi, Alejandro D'Odorico, and Ariel Kautyian, #41886 (2016).
Tectonic Generation of Early Miocene Transgressive Fill of the Eastern Venezuela Basin (Maturin Sub-Basin), by Nubia Santiago, Kaolu Parra, and Ron Steel #30053 (2007).
PS Automatic Detection of the Degree of Compaction in Reservoir Rocks Based on Visual Knowledge, Carlos Eduardo Santin, Mara Abel, Karin Goldberg, and Luiz Fernando De Ros, #80061 (2009).
Visualization Process Approach to Identify Scenarios to Improve Recovery in a Mature and Stratigraphically Complex Reservoir: El Cordon Field, M. Santisteban, E. Altamiranda, M.I. Rodriguez, R. Alvarez, and M. Bracho de P. , #20100 (2011).
PS Analysis of Potential Uncertainties in Opening-Mode Fractures Characterization through the Scanline Technique of Aptian Carbonates, Araripe Basin, Northeast Brasil, Rafael Santos, Tiago Miranda, Antonio Barbosa, Igor Gomes, Gabriel Matos, Virginio Neumann, Leonardo Guimaraes, and Julia Gale, #10830 (2016).
A High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Approach to Correlate Complex Sub-Seismic Tidally Influenced Estuarine Incised Valley Fill Reservoirs of the Lakshmi Field, Gulf of Cambay, India, Satyashis Sanyal, Lesli Wood, Dibyendu Chatterjee, Nikhilesh Dwivedi, and Stuart Burley, #20180 (2012).
PS A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Tide Dominated Lower Tarkeshwar Reservoir in the Lakshmi Field (Gulf of Cambay, India) to Enhance Field Understanding and Production Potential, Satyashis Sanyal, Lesli Wood, Ankaj Sinha, Nikhilesh Dwivedi, and Stuart D. Burley, #50647 (2012).
Advanced Processing and Inversion of Two AEM Datasets for 3D Geological Modeling: The Case Study of Spiritwood Valley Aquifer, Vincenzo Sapia, Andrea Viezzoli, Greg Oldenborger, and Flemming Jørgensen, #80434 (2014).
Cleats Analysis and CBM Potential of the Barito Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia, Benyamin Sapiie, Arif Rifiyanto, and Lisnanda A. Perdana, #10653 (2014).
Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Bird Head Region Papua, Indonesia: Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Eastern Indonesia, Benyamin Sapiie, W. Naryanto, Aileron C. Adyagharini, and Astyka Pamumpuni, #30260 (2012).
PS Controls of the Pre-Existing Structures on the Post-Jurassic Deformation of the Porcupine Basin, Offshore West Ireland, Muhammad Mudasar Saqab, Efstratios Delogkos, Conrad Childs, and John Walsh, #11051 (2018).
PS Seismic Geomorphology and Evolution of the Early-Mid Miocene Isolated Carbonate Build-Ups, North West Shelf of Australia, Muhammad Mudasar Saqab and Julien Bourget, #30549 (2018).
Geothermal Resources of Colorado and the Potential for Electrical Power Generation, Matthew A. Sares, Paul Morgan, and V. J. Grauch, #80069 (2009).
East Shetland Platform Petroleum Geochemistry and Prospectivity, Arka Dyuti Sarkar, #30499 (2017).
PS East Shetland Platform Petroleum Geochemistry and Prospectivity, Arka Dyuti Sarkar and James Armstrong, #30462 (2016).
Occurrence of Glauconites in the Paleogene Succession of Kutch and their Stratigraphic Implications, Urbashi Sarkar, Shovan Lal Chattoraj, Santanu Banerjee, and P.K. Saraswati, #50414 (2011).
GC Geological Input Valuable in Seismic Velocity Analysis, Supratik Sarkar, #41118 (2013).
Effect of Volcanic Bodies on Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the North-Eastern Part of Chicontepec Foredeep, Mexico, Supratik Sarkar, Kurt Marfurt, Roger Slatt, #50279 (2010).
AV A Petrophysical Study on Floyd Shale, Mriganko Sarkar, Chandra S. Rai, and Carl H. Sondergeld, #110072 (2008)
7 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~1.7 mb).
Petroleum System Modeling and Risk Analysis, Cambay Basin, India, Monmayuri Sarma, #10403 (2012).
Structural and Stratigraphic 3D Seismic Interpretation of Middle Cretaceous in South East Muglad Basin, South Sudan, Dorar Hamdoba Elshaikh Saror and Zuhar Zahir Bin Tuan Harith, #30269 (2013).
Jurassic Condensate of the Hudson Canyon Area, U.S. Atlantic: Insight to Deep Sources, Roger Sassen, #50278 (2010).
A Basin-Scale Modelling Methodology to Link the Poro-Mechanics of a Source Rock Formation and the Tectonic Faulting in Fold-and-Thrust Belts, William Sassi and Josselin Berthelon, #42248 (2018).
PS Experimental Workflow Applied to Marine Source Rocks Sampled in the Montney-Doig Formations of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, William Sassi, Elisabeth Bemer, Marc Fleury, Guillaume Berthe, Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento, and Tristan Euzen, #10977 (2017).
Fracturing in Basin Models, Application to the Barnett Formation in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, William Sassi, Laura Milelli, and Marta Gasparrini, #10549 (2013).
Learnings from High Rate Water Injection in Deep-Water Slope Channel Complex and Frontal Splay Turbidite Reservoirs, Offshore Ghana, Sekhar Sathyamoorthy, Bryan T. Cronin, and Elizabeth M. Loudon, #20450 (2018).
The Challenges of 3D Seismic Application for Athabasca Oil Sands Development, Takehiko Sato and Leigh Skinner, #10681 (2014).
Seismic Stratigraphic Framework of an Early Cretaceous Sand Lobe at the Slope of Southern Loppa High, Barents Sea, Norway, Nauman Sattar, Christopher Juhlin, and Nadeem Ahmad, #30230 (2012).
Variability of Paleogene Source Facies of Circum- and Drifted Sundaland Basins, Western Indonesia: Constraints from Oil Biomarkers and Carbon-13 Isotopes, Awang H. Satyana and Margaretha E.M. Purwaningsih, #10474 (2013).
Accretion and Dispersion of Southeastern Sundaland: The Growing and Slivering of Continent and Petroleum Implications, Awang H. Satyana, #30261 (2012).
Analysis of Lows and Their Implications for Additional Oil and Gas within Mumbai High Field, P. Satyanarayana, S. K. Srivastava, Abhijit Chatterjee, and Mahendra Pratap, #20178 (2012).
First-Ever Application of Real-Time LWD Shear Sonic Velocity for Geomechanics in Slow Formations of Western Offshore Basin, India: A Game-Changer for Wellbore Stability in Exploration Wells, Sachit Saumya, J.B. Bhagat, T. Kulkarni, S.N. Palange, B. Bandyopadhyay, C. Srivastava, J. Singh, P. Shedde, S. Bahuguna, A. Ghosh, and Rahul Talreja, #42220 (2018).
PS The Delineation of Pre-Salt License Blocks in the Deep Offshore Campeche-Yucatan Basin, Mike Saunders, Laurie Geiger, Karyna Rodriguez, and Phil Hargreaves, #10867 (2016).
GC Seismic Attributes of Gas Hydrate Systems, by Diana Sava and Bob Hardage, #40255 (2007).
GCReflection Response of Class Two Reservoirs, by Diana Sava and Bob Hardage, #40246 (2007).
Structural Impact of the Yarmouth Arch in the Central Atlantic Opening and on the Southwest Nova Scotian Margin Architecture (Southwest Nova Scotia 2011 PFA Expansion), Dimitri Savva, Tomasz Chrest, Francky Saint-Ange, Adam MacDonald, Matt Luheshi, and Laurent Cuilhe, #30481 (2016).
East Java Mud Volcano (LUSI): Drilling Facts and Analysis, Nurrochmat Sawolo, Edi Sutriono, Bambang P. Istadi, and Agung B. Darmoyo, #50186 (2009).
A New Seismic Attribute Aids to Map the Embedded Geological Features from Low Bandwidth Seismic Data, R.C.P. Saxena and S.K. Pokhriyal, #40720 (2011).
Predicting the Temperature of Hydrocarbon Expulsion from Oil Asphaltene Kinetics and Oil Source Correlation: A Case Study of South Cambay Basin, India, by Shishir Kant Saxena, R.K. Saxena, Rashmi Anand, K.P.Singh, Harvir Singh, and R.R Singh, #40266 (2007).
EA Sanding Problems in Injection and Production Wells of Waterflood Projects, Amr Sayed and Mahmood Amani, #42353 (2019).
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A Re-Evaluation of Vintage Andaman Offshore Seismic Datasets, Gary Scaife, Andy Billings, and Richard Spoors, #10322 (2011).
Technical and Economic Uncertainties Assessment to Derive a High Enthalpy Geothermal Project Optimal Development Scheme, Thomas Schaaf, Claude Bontemps, Delphine Patriarche, and Patrick Egermann, #80684 (2019).
Sunnyside Oil Sands at Bruin Point, Southwest Uinta Basin, Utah, Steven Schamel, #51322 (2016).
PS Manning Canyon Shale in the Northern San Rafael Swell: A Potential Natural Gas Resource Play?, Steven Schamel and Jeffrey Quick, #10537 (2013).
PS Tar Sand Triangle Bitumen Deposit, Garfield and Wayne Counties, Utah, Steven Schamel, #50883 (2013).
Manning Canyon Shale: Depositional Setting of an Emerging Gas Resource Play in Utah, Steven Schamel, #10350 (2011).
AV Utah Shale Gas: A Developing Resource Play by S. Schamel, #110067 (2008)
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Manning Canyon Shale: Utah’s Newest Shale Gas Resource, Steven Schamel and Jeffery Quick, #10248 (2010).
PS The Semail Gap Fault Zone (Oman Mountains) – Influences of an Inherited Basement Structure on Cenozoic Deformation?, Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Daniel Moraetis, Ivan Callegari, and Christian Weidle, #51662 (2020).
PS Early Cenozoic Listwaenite Formation at a Major Extensional Fault Zone of the Oman Mountains (Fanja Area) – Insights from Structural Analysis and U-Pb Carbonate Dating, Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Robert Bolhar, Christopher M. Bailey, and Uwe Ring, #51661 (2020).
South Atlantic Margin Processes and Links with onshore Evolution, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth and SAMPLE Working Group, #30185 (2011).
PSElastic Fracture Analysis in the Tight Gas Sands of the Mesaverde Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, by Jay R. Scheevel, #10114 (2006).
PS Detailed Stratigraphic Architecture of the Mesaverde Group Determined from Principle-Component Analysis of 3D Seismic Data, Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, Northwest Colorado, Jay Scheevel and Steve Cumella, #20095 (2010).
Incremental Recovery Factor of at Least 9% can be Achieved Designing Optimum Inter-Well Distance Patterns on a 3-D Model for Polymer Flooding in Multilayer Fluvial Reservoirs, F. T. Schein, J. Juri, M. Pacchy, A. M. Ruiz, M. Thill, P. Guillen, and V. Serrano, #42469 (2021).
U.S. Geological Survey 2011 Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the World, Christopher J. Schenk, Michael Brownfield, Ronald R. Charpentier, Troy A. Cook, Donald L. Gautier, Debra K. Higley, Mark A. Kirschbaum, Timothy R. Klett, Janet Pitman, Richard M. Pollastro, Marilyn E. Tennyson, and Katherine J. Whidden, #30241 (2012).
Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal Maturation of Alaska North Slope Source Rocks Based on Various Vitrinite Reflectance Models, Oliver Schenk, Ken Bird, Ken Peters, and Alan Burnham, #42167 (2017).
Development of Petroleum Systems in Northern Alaska – Timing of Petroleum System Events Controls Presence of Accumulations, Oliver Schenk, Kenneth J. Bird, Kenneth E. Peters, and Leslie B. Magoon, #30160 (2011).
Enhanced Gas Recovery and CO2 Storage in Coal Bed Methane Reservoirs: Optimized Injected Gas Composition for Mature Basins of Various Coal Rank, Karine Schepers, Anne Oudinot, and Nino Ripepi, #80190 (2011).
Miocene Teleost Fish From Chino Hills: Preliminary Results From The Vila Borba Project, San Bernardino County, California, Benjamin Scherzer, #51104 (2015).
Geochemical Assessment of Basins Along the Western South Atlantic Margin, Craig Schiefelbein, Carlos Urien, William Dickson, and John Zumberge, #30650 (2020).
A Royal Flush in the Great Campos (Brazil's Santos-Campos) Basin, Craig F. Schiefelbein and William Dickson, #10994 (2017).
Hypogene Processes in the Edwards Aquifer in South-Central Texas, a New Conceptual Model to Explain Aquifer Dynamics, by Geary M. Schindel, Steven Johnson, and E. Calvin Alexander, #80019 (2008).
Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution of Piedra Clavada and Koluel Kaike Fields, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, Ariel Schiuma, Carolina Crovetto, Adrián Rasgido, and Ornella López Alvarado, #20210 (2013).
Record of Sea-Level Fall in Tropical Carbonates - Falling-Stage Systems Tract Versus Standard Model Architecture, Wolfgang Schlager and Georg Warrlich, #50210 (2009).
PS Burial, Thermal and Maturation History in the Northern Viking Graben (North Sea), Attila Schlakker, János Csizmeg, György Pogácsás, and Anikó Horti, #50545 (2012).
Production and Water Use in Pennsylvania's Organic Shales, Katherine Schmid, #20486 (2020).
Principal Stress Estimation in Shale Plays Using 3D Seismic, Ron Schmid and David Gray, #50416 (2011).
Seismic Data Preconditioning for Improved Reservoir Characterization (Inversion and Fracture Analysis), Darren Schmidt, Alicia Veronesi, Franck Delbecq, and Jeff Durand, #41347 (2014).
Synthesis of Current Data on Helium and Hydrogen Concentrations in Lunar Regolith, Harrison H. Schmitt, #70162 (2014).
Lunar Impact History as Control on the Hadean Eon, Harrison H. Schmitt, #70076 (2010).
AVWildcatting the Moon, by Harrison H. Schmitt, #110038 (2006)
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Mining the Moon, by Harrison H. Schmitt, #70012 (2004).
From 3D Photogrammetric Outcrop Models to Reservoir Models: An Integrated Modelling Workflow, Julien Schmitz, Rémy Deschamps, Philippe Joseph, Olivier Lerat, Brigitte Doligez, and Anne Jardin, #41858 (2016).
EA Managing Uncertainty for Better Decision Making, Mark Schneider, #42488 (2020).
PS Drilling a Downdip Location: Effect on Updip and Downdip Resource Estimates and Commercial Chance, Mark Schneider and David M. Cook Jr., #42102 (2017).
Structural Deformation and Karst in the Devonian Waterways Formation: Examples from Outcrops along the Athabasca River, Chris L. Schneider and Matthias Grobe, #51073 (2015).
Using Tentaculitid Fossils for Environmental and Diagenetic Interpretations (Horn River Formation, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada): Many Questions and a Few Preliminary Answers, Chris L. Schneider, and Nicholas B. Harris, #50976 (2014).
Beneath the Oil Sands: Stratigraphy and Structural Features of the Devonian of Northeast Alberta, Canada, Chris L. Schneider, Shilong Mei, Matthias Grobe, and Kristine Haug, #30318 (2014).
PS Petroleum System Modeling in Complex Structural Settings: Application to the Bolivian Southern Andean Foothills, Frederic Schneider, Alcide Thebault, Marie Callies, and Raul Eduardo Giraudo, #42490 (2020).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Bolivian Santa Cruz-Tarija Foreland Basin, F. Schneider, J. Esquivel, S. Rousse, J. Faure, and R. Mayta, #30647 (2020).
Bolivian Petroleum Systems: Paradigm Shifts, Frederic Schneider, Luis Constantini, Stephane Rousse, Raoul Mayta, Jean-Luc Faure, Bertrand Valsardieu, and Olvis Padilla, #30575 (2018).
Basin Modeling - the Key for Unconventional Play Assessment, F. Schneider, J. M. Laigle, L. Kuhfuss Monval, and P. Lemouzy, #41216 (2013).
Multiple fluid flow events in the Cantabrian Zone, Northwest Spain, by J. Schneider and T. Bechstädt, #30012 (2003).
Slope Facies Controlling Processes Along Western Great Bahama Bank, Jara S.D. Schnyder, Gregor P. Eberli, Marco Wunsch, Linda Schiebel, Christian Betzler, Sebastian Lindhorst, Thomas Lüdmann, Thierry Mulder, and Emmanuelle Ducassou, #51152 (2015).
AVCarbon and Hydrogen Isotope Systematics in Gases from Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells, Martin Schoell and Julie LeFever, #110149 (2011).
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Understanding the Occurrence of Point-Bar Deposits versus Vertically Accreted Channel-Fills, Jesse Schoengut and Murray Gingras, #41604 (2015).
Channel-Fills: Not Your Average Point-Bar Deposit, Jesse Schoengut and Murray Gingras, #51057 (2015).
PS The Impact of Dedolomitization on Reservoir Quality of the Upper Permian Zechstein-2-Carbonate, NW Germany, Johannes Schoenherr, Lars Reuning, Katharina Wimmers, Sven Fellmin, Jörg Smodej, Sascha Kuske, Franz J. Brauckmann, Franco V. Corona, Christian J. Strohmenger, and Sean Guidry, #51010 (2014).
New Bering Sea Basin Observations Imply that Ascending Thermogenic Methane Pools in Large Sub-BSR Accumulations and Contributes Regionally to Deposits of Near-Surface Methane Hydrate, David W. Scholl, Warren T. Wood, Ginger A. Barth, and Jonathan J. Childs, #80295 (2013).
Depositional and Diagenetic Patterns and Petroleum Potential of Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms, Ionian Islands, Greece, by Peter A. Scholle and Marios Patsoules, #40271 (2008).
Method and Data-Acquisition Workflow for Rock-Type Definitions in the Lower Carboniferous Resource Play, NW England, Niels H. Schovsbo, Thomas Goode, Jack Beuthin, Emmanuel Derbez, and Kate Parkin, #10964 (2017).
Interpretation of Subsurface Hydrocarbon Shows, by Tim T. Schowalter, and Paul D. Hess, #40001 (1999).
Mechanics of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment, by Tim T. Schowalter, #40002 (1999).
Automated Analysis of Gridded Geologic Map Data, Susan M. Schrader and Robert S. Balch, #40198 (2006).
The Louisiana Mercury Reduction Act: Voluntary Assessment and Remediation from Natural Gas Production Sites from Land and Over Water, by William H. Schramm, #80022 (2008)
PS Porosity Preservation in the Lithic Carmópolis Reservoirs, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, Argos B. Schrank, Sabrina D. Altenhofen, and Luiz F. De Ros, #20379 (2017).
Modelling Social-Ecological Risks of Shale Gas Development in the Central Karoo, Gregory O. Schreiner and Luanita Snyman-van der Walt, #80608 (2017).
Geological Re-Evaluation of the Mature Reservoirs of the Hochleiten-Pirawarth Fields (Vienna Basin), Isabell Schretter, Andras Zamolyi, and Rudolf Finsterwalder, #20493 (2020).
Surface and Subsurface Expressions of Shallow Gas Accumulations in the Southern North Sea, by Barthold M. Schroot, #40090 (2003).
PS Using Ultrasensitive Hydrocarbon Detection to Elucidate Nascent Pipeline Leaks, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #70352 (2018).
Predicting Channel Sand Wells in the Anadarko Basin with a 90% Accuracy, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #11032 (2017).
Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production While Minimizing Completion Costs in the STACK, Rick Schrynemeeckers, Paul Harrington, Mathew A. Jones, and Harrison Ohls, #42160 (2017).
Virtually Eliminate Dry or Sub-Economic Wells in Over-Pressured and Normal-Pressured Fields: Jonah Field and Anadarko Basin Case Studies, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #20383 (2017).
Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production While Minimizing Completion Costs: an Eagle Ford Case Study, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #42030 (2017).
Creating a 3-D Hydrocarbon Profile in the Eagle Ford Shale Play, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #51261 (2016).
Creating a 3-D Hydrocarbon Profile in the Eagle Ford Shale Play and Relating that Information to Field Production, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #51093 (2015).
Using Ultra-Sensitive Hydrocarbon Mapping to Elucidate the Carbonate Dahl Reef Complex, Rick Schrynemeeckers and Robert Potter, #51089 (2015).
Optimizing Placement of Laterals and Fracture Stages Using Downhole Geochemical Logging – an Eagle Ford Case Study, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #41615 (2015).
Improving Petroleum System Identification in an Offshore Salt Environment: Gulf of Mexico and Red Sea Case Studies, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #41607 (2015).
Downhole Geochemical Logging in the Eagle Ford: Hydrocarbon Detection in Vertical and Lateral Wells, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #41466 (2014).
Combining Surface Geochemical Surveys and Downhole Geochemical Logging for Mapping Hydrocarbons in the Utica Shale, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #41463 (2014).
Downhole Geochemical Logging in the Eagle Ford - Hydrocarbon Detection in Vertical & Lateral Wells, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #41437 (2014).
Combining Surface Geochemical Surveys and Downhole Geochemical Logging for Mapping Liquid and Gas Hydrocarbons in the Utica Shale, Rick Schrynemeeckers and Alan Silliman, #80399 (2014).
Using Surface Hydrocarbon Mapping and Downhole Geochemical Logging to Derisk Field Development Efforts, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #41251 (2013).
Using Cutting-Edge Surface Geochemical Techniques to Indicate Porosity, Pressure, and Hydrocarbon Phase in Shale Plays, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #70115 (2012).
Minimizing Offshore Exploration Risks by Evaluating the Charge of Subsea Structures, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #70114 (2012).
Aggregation Methodology for the Circum-Arctic Petroleum Assessment, John H. Schuenemeyer, #40500 (2010).
Exploration Potential for Coal Bed Methane in North Louisiana, by Warren Schulingkamp, #80042 (2008).
PS Evaluating the Thermal History of the Los Angeles Basin through 3D Basin and Petroleum System Modeling, Lauren E. Schultz, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, and Stephan A. Graham, #10929 (2017).
Exploring the Potential for Biogenic Methane Formation Using Hydrogeochemical Thermodynamics, Hans-Martin Schulz, Wolfgang van Berk, and Esther T. Arning, #41524 (2015).
Mature Basin Exploration: Detailed Geochemical Surveys Lead to New Pays), Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #42253 (2018).
Geochemical Exploration Strategies for Myanmar and Other Geologically Complex Areas: Opportunities for Surface Geochemical and Non-Seismic Hydrocarbon Detection Methods, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau, #42130 (2017).
Geochemical Exploration Strategies for Myanmar and Other Geologically Complex Areas: Opportunities for Surface Geochemical and Non-Seismic Hydrocarbon Detection Methods, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau, #42130 (2017).
Minimizing Exploration Risk: The Impact of Hydrocarbon Detection Surveys for Distinguishing Charged from Uncharged Traps, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #42073 (2017).
PS Surface Geochemical Exploration After 100 Years: Lessons Learned and What More Must Be Done, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #42072 (2017).
Petroleum Exploration in Geologically Complex Areas: Opportunities for Geochemical and Non-Seismic Hydrocarbon-Detection Methods, Dietmar Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau, #80505 (2016).
Improving Success of Surface Geochemical Surveys: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid, Dietmar Schumacher, #80504 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Exploration Survey Strategies for Frontier Basins and Other Under-Explored Areas, Dietmar Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau, #80503 (2016).
PS Non-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons: An Overview, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #41697 (2015).
Geochemical Exploration in Northern South America: Strategies and Recent Successes, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #30420 (2015).
Geochemical Exploration in Deserts of North Africa and Middle East: Strategies, Methods, and Exploration Case Histories, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau, #80430 (2014).
Seepage-Induced Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Oil and Gas Fields: Onshore and Offshore Examples, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Robert S. Foote, #80416 (2014).
PS Geochemical Exploration in Northern South America: Recent Successes from Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru, Dietmar Schumacher, #30287 (2013).
PS Finding New Pays in Old Plays: New Applications for Surface Geochemistry in Mature Basins, Dietmar Schumacher, #41084 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Microseepage—A Significant but Underutilized Geologic Principle with Broad Applications for Oil/Gas Exploration and Production, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #40943 (2012).
PS Power Imaging — A Passive Electromagnetic Hydrocarbon Detection Method: Examples from Railroad Valley, Nevada, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, W. Barry Weaver, and Roy K. Warren, #40966 (2012).
PS Pre-Drill Prediction of Hydrocarbon Charge: Microseepage-Based Prediction of Charge and Post-Survey Drilling Results, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #40841 (2011).
Non-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #40722 (2011).
Petroleum Exploration in Environmentally Sensitive Areas: Opportunities for Geochemical and Non-Seismic Geophysical Methods, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #40681 (2011).
PSRecognizing Non-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons: An Overview, Dietmar "Deet" Schumacher, #40392 (2009) (5.3 mb).
Hydrocarbon Exploration Survey Strategies for Frontier Basins and Other Underexplored Areas, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, Luigi Clavareau, and Daniel C. Hitzman, #10292 (2011).
When 3-D Seismic Is Not Enough: Improving Success by Integrating Hydrocarbon Microseepage Data with 3-D Seismic Data, Dietmar Schumacher, Daniel Hitzman, Brooks Rountree, and Luigi Clavareau, #40556 (2010).
AVEnergizing the World in the 21st Century (Part 7), by Stacy Schusterman , #110035 (2006)
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Cyanobacteria from the Big A Butte Member of the Supai Formation (Lower Permian) in the Holbook Basin of Arizona: Indications of a Fresh to Brackish Water Depositional Environment, Karl W. Schwab, Michael A. Smith, and Carmon D. Bonanno, #51647 (2020).
Source-Rock Potential of the Lower Permian Supai Formation in the Blackstone Exploration Company Rocking Chair Ranch No. 4 Well, Navajo County, Arizona, Karl W. Schwab, Halsey W. Miller, and Michael A. Smith, #80601 (2017).
A Possible Source for Hydrocarbons Observed in the Waddell-Duncan No. 1 Murrey Well, Cochise County, Arizona, Karl W. Schwab, Michael A. Smith, and Halsey W. Miller, #80517 (2016).
Mushroom and Broccoli-Head Shaped Algal Fragments from the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas and Coahuila, Mexico, Karl W. Schwab, Geoffrey S. Bayliss, Michael A. Smith, and Nelson B. Yoder, #70134 (2013).
Placoderm Desmid-Like Microalgae in Outcrop Samples Collected from the Lower Eagle Ford Shale of Terrell and Val Verde Counties, Texas, Karl W. Schwab, Geoffrey S. Bayliss, Michael A. Smith, and Nelson B. Yoder, #50523 (2011).
Dwarf Hepatic Floral Fragments (Possibly Liverworts) from the Upper Mississippian Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin of North Central Texas, Karl W. Schwab, Geoffrey S. Bayliss, Michael A. Smith, and Nelson B. Yoder, #70091 (2010).
The Biogenic Hypothesis: Microbial Acids and Gas as an Explanation for the Dissolution and Forming of Pores and Caves in Limestone, Stephanie J. Schwabe, Rodney A. Herbert, and James L. Carew, #50385 (2011).
Using Sequence Stratigraphy to Refine Estimates of Sediment-Component Accumulation Rates in the Monterey Formation, Jon Schwalbach and Kevin Bohacs, #42579 (2022).
A Re-Look at Borehole Images: What Are We Missing?, Jon Schwalbach, Tom Hauge, John Harris, and Eric White, #42380 (2019).
Monterey Formation Lithofacies: Linking a Complex Story of Deposition and Diagenesis to Help Unravel Stratigraphic Relationships, Jon Schwalbach, Kevin Bohacs, and Will Berelson, #51488 (2018).
Characterization of Pliocene Repetto Formation Turbidites at Ventura Avenue Field, Ventura, California, Jon Schwalbach, Jay Holloway, and Elizabeth Steel, #20378 (2017).
Using Borehole Image Logs to Characterize a Major Fault in the Ventura Avenue Field, Jon Schwalbach, Thomas Hauge, Michael Glascock, Plamen Ganev, Jaron Lucero, and Ralph Coldewey, #20255 (2014).
Structural Restoration and 2-D Basin Modeling in Fold and Thrust Belts - A Case Study from Western Newfoundland, Martin Schwangler, Nicholas Harris, and John Waldron, #30570 (2018).
Oil to Source Rock Correlation and Implications for Petroleum System Analysis, Western Newfoundland, Martin Schwangler, Nicholas B. Harris, and John F. Waldron, #10856 (2016).
PS Development Challenges in a Fracture-Enhanced Carbonate Grainstone Reservoir, Polvo Field, Brazil - from Reservoir Characterization to Dynamic Model, Peter Schwans, T.C. Lukas, Michael Gross, Marty Cohen, D. Scott Bird, Francois Hindlet, and Kim Zauderer, #20079 (2009).
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Comparative Methodology for USDW Determination to Support Abandonment of Offshore Rincon Oil Field, Daniel Schwartz, Terence O'Sullivan, and Eric White, #20490 (2020).
PS Capistrano Formation Source-to-Sink Analysis, Orange County, California, Daniel E. Schwartz, #51489 (2018).
Impact of Local Accommodation on the Architecture and Stacking Patterns of Three Capistrano Formation Slope Channel Outcrops: Point Fermin, Dana Point, and San Clemente, California, Daniel E. Schwartz, David R. Pyles, Renaud Bourollec, David C. Jennette, and Gregory Gordon, #51333 (2016).
PSTide-Dominated Facies Complex at Southern Terminus of Sunburst Sea, Cretaceous Kootenai Formation, Great Falls, Montana, by Robert K. Schwartz and Susan M. Vuke, #50045 (2007).
Drainage Systems in Rift Basins: Implications for Reservoir Quality, Stephen Schwarz and Lesli Wood, #30477 (2016).
PS Drainage Systems in Rift Basins: Implications for Reservoir Quality, Stephen Schwarz and Lesli Wood, #30465 (2016).
A Subsurface 3D Model of Basin Geometry and Fault Architecture at the Dixie Meadows Geothermal Prospect Based On Potential Field Geophysical Data, Paul C. Schwering, Robert E. Karlin, Patricia H. Cashman, Ashton N. McGill, and Wendy M. Calvin, #120145 (2014).
Structural Interpretation of the Dixie Meadows Geothermal Prospect using Joint Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data, Paul C. Schwering and Robert E. Karlin, #80293 (2013).
Kilometre-Scale Uplift of the Early Cretaceous Rift Section, Camamu Basin, Offshore North-East Brazil, Iain Scotchman and Dario Chiossi, #50183 (2009).
Paleogeographic Reconstructions of the Circum-Arctic Region since the Late Jurassic, Christopher R. Scotese, #30193 (2011).
Paleogeographic and Paleoclimatic Atlas, Christopher R. Scotese, #30192 (2011).
Plate Tectonic and Paleogeographic Mapping: State of the Art, by Christopher Scotese, #40312 (2008).
Using Paleoclimate Models to Predict Source Rock Occurrence: Results from the GANDOLPH Project, by Christopher Scotese, John Zumberge, Harold Illich, Thomas Moore, and Scott Ramos, #40287 (2008)
Overview and Significance of Unconventional Resources, by Andrew Scott, #80021 (2008)
The New SEC Oil and Gas Reporting Regulations Modernization of Oil and Gas Reporting, Rawdon J.H. Seager, #120001 (2009).
Optimization of Completions in Unconventional Reservoirs for Ultimate Recovery, Rocky Seale and Daniel J. Snyder, #80142 (2011).
PS Impact of Petrophysical Properties on Hydraulic Fracture Analysis, Kelsey L. Seals, #80600 (2017).
Characterization of Potential Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs: The Microbial/Algal Buildups and Associated Carbonate Deposits from the Eocene Green River Formation, Claire Seard, Gilbert Camoin, Jean-Marie Rouchy, Aurélien Virgone, Cecile Pabian-Goyheneche, and Emmanuelle Poli, #50522 (2012).
Influence of Proterozoic Belt-Purcell Rift System on Phanerozoic Facies, Isopachs, Structures and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Montana, by James W. Sears, #40386 (2009).
Polygonal Faulting and Seal Integrity in the Bonaparte Basin, Australia, H. Seebeck, E. Tenthorey, C. Consoli, and A. Nicol, #10792 (2015).
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Mackenzie Delta - Beaufort Sea Fold Belt, Timothy Seeley, Deborah A. Spratt, #50276 (2010).
2017 Air Regulation Requirements in the Marcellus Utica Region, Thomas S. Segulijic, #80614 (2017).
The Geological Framework and Economic Potential of the Coal-Bearing Karoo Strata in the Central Kalahari Basin, Botswana, Tebogo Segwabe and Emese Bordy, #50184 (2009).
Geological and Hydrogeological Synthesis of the Utica Shale and the Overlying Strata in Southern Quebec Based on Public Data in a Context of a Moratorium on Exploration, Stephan Séjourné, René Lefebvre, Denis Lavoie, and Xavier Malet, #80380 (2014).
PS Evidence of Exposure of the Upper Cretaceous Congost Carbonate Platform and Implications for Emergent Surfaces Identification from Subsurface Data, Ahmed M. Selem, Richard Dixon, Cathy Hollis, and Jonathan J. Lavi, #30512 (2017).
Anatomy and Development of Tectonically-Induced Middle Eocene Clastic Wedge on the Southern Tethyan Shelf, North Eastern Desert, Egypt, S. S. Selim, A. A. El Araby, M. Darwish, and A. M. Abu Kharadah, #50939 (2014).
PS A Multidisciplinary Approach to Recognize and Predict the Role of Fractures in Maximizing Economic Recovery from Basement Reservoirs by Integrating Different Disciplines, Zeit Bay Field - Gulf Of Suez, Egypt, Saber M. Selim and Khaled M. Abdallah, #20154 (2012).
PS Pressure Regime Evaluation, Role, and Contribution in Well Planning and Formation Evaluation Process, Zeit Bay Fields - Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Saber Moustafa Selim, Khaled Mohamed Abdallah, and Khalaf A. El-Aal, #40600 (2010).
AVDeformation in the Appalachian Foreland: Detachment Structures in the Basal Marcellus Shale, Central New York, by Bruce Selleck, #110146 (2011).
1 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
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Gravitational Salt Tectonics Triggered by Deposition of Turbiditic Lobes: a New Experimental Modeling Approach with Applications to Salt Tongues in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Nicolas Sellier and Bruno C. Vendeville, #40478 (2009).
The Direct Correlation of the Neogene of the Eastern Paratethys and Tethys, V.N. Semenenko, A.S. Andreyeva-Grigorovich, N.V. Maslun, and S.A. Luljeva, #50404 (2011).
Study of a High Pressure Exploratory Well from Panna East, Mumbai Offshore Basin, India, Souvik Sen, Ashani Kundan, and Mithilesh Kumar, #42289 (2018).
PS Petroleum Prospects in the Fold-Thrust Zones of the Sinop-Samsun Basin, Central Black Sea Continental Margin of Turkey, Samil Sen, #50547 (2012).
Petroleum Source Rock Assessment of the Middle Oligocene-Lower Miocene Coal Bearing Deltaic Sediments in the NW Turkey, Samil Sen, #20107 (2011).
Is the Largest Petroleum Trap of the World in NW Turkey: Korudag Anticlinorium in the South Thrace Basin? by Samil Sen and Selin Yillar, #70058 (2008).
PS Quantitative Sedimentological and Structural Study of a Lower Cretaceous Analogue Outcrop, Qishn Formation, Central Oman,, Claire M. Sena, Cédric M. John, and John W. Cosgrove, #50664 (2012).
ePS Diagenesis and Fracturing of a Lower Cretaceous Arabian Shallow Water Carbonate Platform: Towards a Better Assessment of Carbonate Reservoirs Heterogeneity, Claire N.H. Sena, Cedric M. John, and John W. Cosgrove, #50457 (2011).
PSFocusing Petroleum Exploration with Regional Geochemical Surveys, David M. Seneshen and John V. Fontana, #41415 (2014).
Finding and Protecting Energy Resources with 21st Century Geochemical Tools, David Seneshen and John V. fontana, #41148 (2013).
PS Integration and Evaluation of Four Geochemical Methods for Regional Onshore Petroleum Exploration in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, David Seneshen and John fontana, #41062 (2012).
Unique Geochemical Methods for Regional On-shore Petroleum Exploration in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, David Seneshen and John V. fontana, #50375 (2011).
The Current State of U.S. and Global Crude Oil Markets, Tom Seng, #70229 (2016).
PS SVALBOX: A Geoscientific Database for High Arctic Teaching and Research, Kim Senger, #70407 (2020).
Petroleum Exploration Onshore Svalbard: A Historical Perspective on the Start of the Norwegian Oil Adventure, Kim Senger, Peter Brugmans, Sten-Andreas Grundvåg, Malte Jochmann, Arvid Nøttvedt, Snorre Olaussen, Asbjørn Skotte, and Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora, #70406 (2020).
Review of Geological Controls on Resistivity in Uplifted Basins: Insights from the Norwegian Barents Shelf, Kim Senger, Thomas Birchall, Sverre Ohm, Snorre Olaussen, and Kei Ogata, #30535 (2017).
Target Detectability of Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Method – Insights from 1-D Modeling, Souvik Sengupta, #40751 (2011).
PS Depositional Environment, Reservoir Properties, and Tertiary Oil Recovery Consideration of a Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) Incised-Valley Fill: Pleasant Prairie Oilfield, Haskell County, Kansas, P. J. Senior and A. W. Walton, #50515 (2011).
PS Stratigraphy, Seismic Characteristics, and Reservoir Properties of the Desmoinesian Granite Wash, Buffalo Wallow Field Area, Anadarko Basin, Texas, Doga E. Senoglu, Matthew J. Pranter, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #20380 (2017).
PS Relative Permeability Parameter Estimation for Laboratory-Formed Hydrate-Bearing Sediments, Yongkoo Seol and Timothy J. Kneafsey, #40450 (2009).
PS The Terrigenous Depositional Response During the Relative High Sea Level Period, Example from Ancient Delta System in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Erlangga Septama, #51672 (2020).
The Development Scheme in the Oilfield with Subtle Stratigraphic Trap, a Key to Extend Mature Field Life-span in Sangasanga Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Erlangga Septama, Chandra Mustofa Eka Putra, Desi Vitri, and Taruna Widiyanto, #20285 (2014).
Source-to-Sink Sediment Delivery in the Gulf of Papua from SEM-MLA-aided Provenance and Textural Analysis of Turbidite Sands, Erlangga Septama, Samuel J. Bentley, and Michael Shaffer, #30181 (2011).
Late Quaternary Deepwater Fan Depositional Cycles in the Gulf of Papua: Linking Sources, Dynamic Sedimentation Processes, and Depositional Architecture, Erlangga Septama and Samuel J. Bentley, #50283 (2010).
Controls on Gravel Deposits in Deep-Water Reservoirs; Bedload Transport and Bedforms Associated with Turbidity Currents, Octavio Sequeiros, Benoit Spinewine, Rick Beaubouef, Tao Sun, Bruno Savoye, Marcelo Garcia, and Gary Parker, #40516 (2010).
Deep Water Gulf of Mexico High Gamma Ray Shales and Their Implications for Flooding Surfaces, Source Rocks and Extinctions, William J. Sercombe and Thomas W. Radford, #40416 (2009).
Advanced Reservoir Modeling in Poor Seismic; October Field, Northern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, William J. Sercombe, Leon Thurmon, and James Morse, #40872 (2012).
The Lower Montney Turbidite Complex of Northwest Alberta and Northeast British Columbia: Evolution of an Oil and Gas Play From Conventional to Unconventional, Richard Sereda, #10987 (2017).
PSDepositional Environment and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) in the Ridgway Area, SW Colorado, by Hayet Serradji and Diane Kamola #50055 (2007).
Reservoir Characterization While Drilling – A Real Time Geosteering Answer to Maximize Well Values: A Case Study, Offshore Abu Dhabi, Amr Serry, Larisa Tagareiva, and Ulrich Herz, #20363 (2016).
What is Rt? Logging-While-Drilling and Wireline Resistivity Measurements Spotlighted: An Offshore Case Study in Abu Dhabi, Amr Serry, Sultan Budebes, Hassan Aboujmeih, Ahmet Aki, and Michael Bittar, #41839 (2016).
Resolving Water Saturation Estimation in Thin Carbonate Reservoirs Using Resistivity Inversion, Amr M. Serry, Sabah K. Aziz, Omar Al-Farisi, Mariam Al-Marzouqi, and Sultan Budebes, #40931 (2012).
Petrographic Description and Petrochemical Character of Granitoid Rocks in Mudu Area, Northern Part of Maungmagan, Dawei District, Myanmar, Myo Zaw Set and Htay Win, #51267 (2016).
Time-Pressure Correlation to Estimate Dewatering Time for Coalbed Methane Reservoir at Saturated and Undersaturated Condition, I Gde Permana Setiawan, Dinar Citra Indar Hutami, Isna Kamalia Al Hamzany, Hudan Wira Alam, and Sri Konsep Harum Wicaksono, #41018 (2012).
A Source-to-Sink Study in Myanmar: Implications for Exploration, Inga Sevastjanova, Laura Wilson, Paul Markwick, Clare Davies, Andy Quallington, and Melise Harland, #30454 (2016).
The New Strategic Petroleum Reserve - Shale Oil, An Opportunity to Increase Energy and Economic Security, Stephen Sewalk, #40561 (2010).
The Magic of Depth Imaging in a Complex Geological Setting - A Case Study from Upper Indus Basin (Pakistan), Syed Firasat Shah and Musharaf Sajjad, #42330 (2018).
EA Geology of West Karun Oil Fields Shared Between Iran and Iraq, Yosef Shahin, #20480 (2020).
Velocity for Pore Pressure Prediction Modeling and Risk Assessment, Selim Simon Shaker, #41819 (2016).
Deepwater Shallow Water Flow (SWF): Causes and Evasion, Selim Simon Shaker, #41809 (2016).
Exploring the Missing Blind Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Shelf, Selim Simon Shaker, #10739 (2015).
PS A New Perspective on Shallow Water Flow (SWF) Prediction and the Prevention of Sinking Well-Heads in Deepwater, Selim Simon Shaker, #41614 (2015).
PS Prediction of Seal Failure and Reservoir Breaching in Deep Water, Selim Simon Shaker, #41613 (2015).
PS A New Approach to Pore Pressure Predictions: Generation, Expulsion and Retention Trio, Case Histories from GOM, Selim Simon Shaker, #41612 (2015).
Reservoir vs. Seal Pressure Gradients: Calculations and Pitfalls, Selim Simon Shaker, #41298 (2014).
ePS The Deep Water Drilling Tolerance Window: Walking a Fine Line, Case Histories from Gulf of Mexico, Selim S. Shaker, #40796 (2011).
Dirty Vs. Clean Salt: Their Impact on the Subsalt Wilcox Deep Water Exploration Plays, Selim S. Shaker, #40565 (2010).
Electrical Property Investigation of Potential Carbon Sequestration Formations, Kyle Shalek, Jeffrey Daniels, and David R. Cole, #80273 (2012).
Depositional and Facies Controls on Infiltrated/Inherited Clay Coatings: Unayzah Sandstones, Saudi Arabia, Salem Shammari, Steve Franks, and Osama Soliman, #50459 (2011).
The Distribution and Resource Potential of Oil Sands in China, Xuanlong Shan and Honghao Luo, #80232 (2012).
PS Using Homogenization Temperature and Trapping Pressure Of Fluid Inclusion to Doubly Constraint on Hydrocarbon Charging Times: As an Example of the Ordovician in Yubei Area, Tarim Basin, Pei Shang and Honghan Chen, #10798 (2015).
AVProlific Gas Production from Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs - Part II: Reconciling Basin History, Fluid Saturations, Gas Shows, and Capillary Pressure, by Keith W. Shanley, Robert M. Cluff, and John W. Robinson, #110042 (2007)
4 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, "Searching for Success," AAPG 2007 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~2.8 mb).
Sandy-Mass-Transport Deposits (SMTD) in Deep-Water Environments: Recognition, Geometry, and Reservoir Quality, G. Shanmugam, #50291 (2010).
Source Potential Evaluation of Paleogene-Neogene Sediments in Cambay-Tarapur Area, Cambay Basin, India, M. Shanmukhappa, #10321 (2011).
Petroleum Geology of Ireland, Patrick M. Shannon and David Naylor, #10395 (2012).
Sedimentary Filling of the Pearl River Mouth Basin and Its Response to the Evolution of the Pearl River, Lei Shao, Xiong Pang, and Gongcheng Zhang, #50736 (2012).
Establishing Volcanic Litho-Stratigraphy in a Tight-Gas Reservoir in Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, Ruchika Sharda, Bineet Mund, Sreedurga Somasundaram, Amlan Das, and V.R. Sunder, #11093 (2018).
GC Using Shale Capacity for Predicting Well Performance Variability, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42557 (2020).
GC The Importance of Fracture Toughness – And its Azimuthal Variation for Fracability Analysis, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42519 (2020).
An Integrated Litho-Biostratigraphic Analysis To Evaluate Genetically Related Facies And Parasequences Within Middle Eocene Transgressive System Tract: Hazad Member, Gandhar Field, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India, Swati Sharma, P.T. Prathimon, Raju Grover, and Jagmohan Singh, #51483 (2018).
Non-Linear Full-Waveform Inversion Using Prior Geological Knowledge, Siddharth Sharma, Dries Gisolf, Stefan M. Luthi, and Runhai Feng, #41719 (2015).
Core Driven Hierarchical Facies Modeling of Shoreface Environments: A Case Study from Offshore Sabah, Malaysia, Sachin K. Sharma, Michael Chin, Tanwi Basu, Ram Oruganti Bhargava, Richard Henson, Long Jiang, Mimi Azura B. Shuhaimi, and Luca Vizzini, #20204 (2013).
Coiled-Tubing-Assisted Hydraulic Fracturing of CBM Wells in India Using CT-Deployed Hydrajet Perforation Technology, Ajay Sharma, Dushyant Bhalla, and Sumit Bhat, #41072 (2012).
Improved Permeability Estimates in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Electrofacies Characterization: A Case Study of Mumbai High South, Pushpa Sharma, G. Mamgain, V. K. Bahuguna, and Chaman Lal, #41069 (2012).
Solutions to Problems Faced in Well Log Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir Systems Due To Multiple Porosities and Lithologies, Akash Sharma, Tarang Jain, and Harsh Kapoor, #41063 (2012).
GC Conditioning Prestack Seismic Data in the Offset-Azimuth Domain, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42462 (2019).
GC Determination of Density from Seismic Data, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42456 (2019).
GC Poststack Processing Steps for Preconditioning Seismic Data, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42399 (2019).
GC Inverting Seismic Data with Facies Trends, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42379 (2019).
GC Impact of Velocity Field on AVA Analysis, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42363 (2019).
GC Uncertainty in the Estimation of Volume of Shale from Well Log Data, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42342 (2019).
GC Quantifying Shallow Seismic Anomalies, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #42101 (2017).
Thin Sweet Spots Identification in the Duvernay Formation of North Central Alberta, Ritesh K. Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #10902 (2017).
GC Poisson Impedance Application to Shale Resource Characterization, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #41772 (2016).
New Attribute for Determination of Lithology and Brittleness, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #41368 (2014).
PS New Attribute for Determination of Lithology and Brittleness, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #41155 (2013).
GC An Effective Way to Find Formation Brittleness, Ritesh Kumar Sharma and Satinder Chopra, #41024 (2012).
Water Injection Surveillance in Large Off Shore Carbonate Reservoir of Mumbai High – A Case Study, A. K. Sharma, Archana Kamat, M. M. Roy, and S. K. Verma, #40752 (2011).
PSRecords of Punctuated Tectonism in Platform-Interior Graben Systems (Ontario, Canada) Far-Flung from Contemporaneous Taconic Orogenesis in the Northern Appalachians, by Sajal Sharma, George R. Dix, Mario Coniglio, Aicha Achab, and John F. V. Riva, #30038 (2005).
Extensional Fault-Bend Folding and Synrift Deposition: An Example from the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, by John H. Shaw, Stephen C. Hook, and Edward P. Sitohang, #40004 (1999).
A Palynological Study of Neogene and Holocene Sediments from Lake Albert, Uganda, with Implications for Vegetation and Climatic Changes in East Africa, Dave Shaw, Paul C. Logan, and Janice Weston, #50180 (2009).
Sedimentological and Ichnological Characteristics of the Inner Estuary, Fluvio-Tidal Transition and Riverine Reach of the Ogeechee River Estuary, Georgia, USA, Alina Shchepetkina, Murray Gingras, and George Pemberton, #51351 (2017).
PS Sedimentological and Ichnological Analysis of the McMurray IHS (Kearl Area), A. Shchepetkina, M. K. Gingras, and S. G. Pemberton, #50842 (2013).
DrillEdge: Application of Case-Base Reasoning, Timothy J. Sheehy, #70098 (2011).
PS Predictions of Gas Hydrates Using Pre-Stack Seismic Data, Deepwater GOM, Dianna Shelander, Jianchun Dai, George Bunge, Timothy S. Collett, Ray Boswell, and Emrys Jones, #40547 (2010).
Additional Opportunities in the Fayetteville Shale Play of North-Central Arkansas, Phillip Shelby, #11022 (2017).
The Fayetteville Shale Play of North-Central Arkansas – A Project Update, by Phillip Shelby, #10172 (2008).
GCThe Use and Abuse of Seismic Attributes, by Hans E. Sheline, #40143 (2005).
Induced Seismicity in Oil and Gas Operations: Recent Activity, Monitoring and Regulations, Julie Shemeta, #41701 (2015).
Damage Model for Reservoir with Multisets of Natural Fractures and Its Application in Hydraulic Fracturing Simulation, Xinpu Shen, #41893 (2016).
The Advanced Technology of Drilling and Completion for CBM in China, Ruichen Shen, Zijian Wang, Lei Qiao, Kailong Wang, and Aiguo He, #80452 (2015).
PS Evaluation of the Effect of Wettability Alteration on Oil Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs J. Sheng, D. Morel, and P. Gauer, #40537 (2010).
GCWhat Is Deconvolution?, by Robert E. Sheriff, #40132 (2004).
GCUnderstanding the Fresnel Zone, by Robert E. Sheriff, #40014 (2001).
GCSeismic Resolution: a Key Element, by Robert E. Sheriff, # 40036 (2001).
PS In-Situ Stress State of the Upper Paleozoic Coal-Bearing Strata in the Southern Qinshui Basin, China: Implications for Unconventional Natural Gas Exploration and Production, Jinxiong Shi and Lianbo Zeng, #11267 (2019).
Forming Conditions, Types and Characteristics of Lithological Reservoirs in Melut Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Mature Rift Basins of Africa, Zhongsheng Shi, #11209 (2019).
Effects of a Mixed Wetting Porous Medium on Gas Flowing and Its Implications for Gas Exploration in Tight Sandstones, Hui Shi, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, and Ming Cheng, #42195 (2018).
PS Pore Characteristics of the Organic-Rich Marine Shales with High Thermal Maturity: A Case Study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Gas Shale Reservoirs in Southern China, Miao Shi, Bingsong Yu, and Jinchuan Zhang, #51387 (2017).
PS Architecture Characterization of Braided River Reservoir Based on Dense Well Pattern in Daqing Oilfield, China, Yanqing Shi, Jiagen Hou, Yuming Liu, Yubing Wu, and Xiaoqiang Ma, #20150 (2012).
PS An Investigation into the Sedimentary Organization of the Walloon Sub-Group via BHI's, Daren Shields and Joan Esterle, #51116 (2015).
An Integrated Outcrop and Subsurface Facies Analysis of the Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation near Umiat, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, Grant Shimer, Jeremy Davis, Paul J. McCarthy, and Catherine L. Hanks, #50374 (2011).
PS Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity by Depositional Environment and Its Application to the SAGD Process, Shin Hyundon, Jun Chang-Hyeok, and Lee Jeongbin, #42541 (2020).
Arabian Gulf, One More Time, Eugene A. Shinn and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, #70105 (2011).
Mitigating Variability in Uncertainty and Risk, Robert C. Shoup, #42493 (2020).
EA A Corporate Strategy for Reducing Dry Holes and Improving Resource and Reserve Estimates, Robert C. Shoup, #70390 (2019).
Geological Cross Sections; Combining Geologic Models and Best Practices to Finding and Exploiting Reserves, Robert Shoup, #42150 (2017).
Geological Interpretation of the Reservoir and Pay Distribution of the G3.2 and G5.2 series of the Shwe Field, Myanmar, Robert C. Shoup, Allan J. Filipov, and Mike Hiner, #20401 (2017).
Explorers from New Zealand: Application of Modern and Ancient Depositional Environments to Construct Paleo-Depositional Environment Maps of the Canterbury and Great South Rift Basins, Robert C. Shoup and Nick Cozens, #10750 (2015).
How Workstations Cause Dry Holes, Robert C. Shoup, Hal Miller, and Matthew Miller, #41301 (2014).
Tectono-stratigraphic Framework and Tertiary Paleogeography of Southeast Asia: Gulf of Thailand to South Vietnam Shelf, Robert C. Shoup, Robert J. Morley, Tony Swiecicki, and Stuart Clark, #30246 (2012).
Reservoir Characterization of the High-Impedance Tight Gas Sands in the Ada Field, North Louisiana, Rajendra K. Shrestha, #20082 (2009) (11.7 MB).
End Member Geological Models Key to Full Range of Uncertainty Mapping for Development and Investment Decisions, Sanjay K Shrivastava, #41077 (2012).
EA Digitally Logging the Virtual Core: Innovative, Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient Workflow, Chandramani Shrivastava, #42378 (2019).
Addressing the Geological Challenges in Tight Gas Sandstones with Advanced Borehole Imaging Solutions, Sultanate of Oman, Chandramani Shrivastava, Sultan Al-Mahruqy, Rifaat Al-Mjeni, Salim Al-Busaidi, Khalifa Muslem, Da Li Wang, and Ashkaan Mohtadi, #40902 (2012).
Refining the Facies Model to Address Reservoir Heterogeneity: Application of New Borehole Imager in Sandstone Reservoirs of Oman, Chandramani Shrivastava, Joe Bildstein, Abdullah Al-Alawi, and Hafidh Busaidi, #40903 (2012).
Managing Young Geoscientists in the Oil Industry: A Gen-Next Perspective, Chandramani Shrivastava and Manisha Mani, #70120 (2012).
Comparison Between Marine Shales and Lacustrine Shales in China, Jiang Shu, Nick Dahdah, Peter Pahnke and Jinchuan Zhang, #30316 (2014).
Diagenetic Events, Reservoir Compartmentalization and its Relationship with Lower Order Relative Sea-Level Fluctuation in Early-Middle Eocene Sylhet Formation, South Assam Shelf (SAS), Assam and Assam-Arakan Basin, Monika Shukla, Dhritikanta Gorai, Snehasis Chakrabarty, and Surinder Uppal, #51548 (2019).
Modelling of Fractures Developed Due to Structural Deformation in the Karjan Prospect of Cambay Basin in India, K. M. Shukla and I. Jayakumar, #41090 (2012).
Establishing Evidence for Paleocene-Eocene Boundary using Biostratigraphy of Larger Foraminifera on Kakinada Terrace, Krishna Godavari Basin, India, Sudhir Shukla, #50402 (2011).
PS New Chemical EOR Process for Bakken Shale, Patrick Shuler, #40639 (2010).
Microfacies Analysis of a Transect along a Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Shelf Margin and its Adjacent Slopes: Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada, C. Shultz and B. Beauchamp, #50931 (2014).
PS Stratigraphic Architecture of an Incised Valley Fill Documented From Data Acquired for Groundwater Remediation, Mobile, Alabama, USA, Michael Shultz and Rick Cramer, #80236 (2012).
Does It Pay to Innovate? An Economic Lookback at the Lifecycle of the Amplitude Play of the Deepwater GOM with Application to other Trends, Niven Shumaker, Tim Chapman, and Kevin Anderegg, #11017 (2017).
Si-Sm Back to S
Potential Uranium Source Rocks of the White River Group in Western Nebraska and South Dakota, Steven Sibray, #80186 (2011).
PS Hydrostratigraphic Controls from Uranium Mineralization — Example: The Nebraska Panhandle, Steven S. Sibray and Marvin P. Carlson, #80077 (2010).
PS Paleogeographic Maps of the Central and North Atlantic Oceans, Jean-Claude Sibuet, Stephane Rouzo, and Shiri Srivastava, #30196 (2011).
Spatial Analysis of Selected Earthquake Clusters Recorded by a Dense Network of Seismic Stations Around Stillwater, Oklahoma, Tim Sickbert, Mohamed Abdelsalam, Nathan Campbell, and Manahloh Yihun, #51222 (2016).
Fracture Imaging and Permeability Fairway Mapping, Charles Sicking, Jan Vermilye, Peter Geiser, Alfred Lacazette, and Laird Thompson, #41150 (2013).
Facies Characteristics and Static Reservoir Connectivity of Some Siliciclastic Tertiary Outcrop Successions in Bintulu and Miri, Sarawak, East Malaysia, Numair A. Siddiqui, Abdul Hadi bin Abd Rahman, Chow W. Sum, Manoj J. Mathew, and David Menier, #51035 (2014).
Shale Gas Potential of the Lower Goru Formation over the Lakhra High in Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, Fareed Iqbal Siddiqui, Asad Adhami, Afnan Asghar, Atif Hussain, and M. Wahaj Uddin Khan, #80373 (2014).
Indo-Eurasian Plate collision and the evolution of Pak-Iran Makran Microplate, Pishin-Katawaz Fault Block and the Porali Trough, Nusrat K. Siddiqui and Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan Jadoon, #30265 (2013).
PS Influence of Sedimentary Fabric on Fracture Characteristics of Two Thick Shoreface Deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Moosebar Formation, West Central Alberta, Jenna Sie and Per Kent Pedersen, #51312 (2016).
The False Positive Problem and the Prevalence of Methane and Solutes in Shallow Ground Water Consumed in Pennsylvania West Virginia, and Ohio, D. I. Siegel, B. Smith, M. Hollingsworth, E. Perry, R. Bothun, C. Whisman, R. Wardrop, and D. Good, #80390 (2014).
Organic Shale NMR and What It Means for Logs, Richard Sigal and Elijah Odusina, #40696 (2011).
Utilizing Borehole Image Logs to Evaluate Depositional Trends in the Uinta Basin, Utah, Joshua T. Sigler, Luke J. Fidler, Matthew A. Jones, and David Hinz, #11380 (2023).
Beyond the Uteland Butte Part II: Delineating Stacked Pay Sweet Spots for Development Optimization, Joshua T. Sigler, Luke J. Fidler, and Matthew A. Jones, #11379 (2023).
Fault Patterns in the Niobrara Formation—Examples from the Eastern and Central DJ Basin, Steven G. Siguaw and Jane E. Estes-Jackson, #10354 (2011).
Concurrent Development of Multiple Horizons, Daniel Silber, #41464 (2014).
Advancements in 3D Structural Analysis of Geothermal Systems, Drew L. Siler, James E. Faulds, Brett Mayhew, and David McNamara, #120141 (2014).
PS Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characterization of the Reservoir Facies of Doig Formation in British Columbia, Triassic of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Pablo Lacerda Silva and Robert Marc Bustin, #10948 (2017).
Changes in Eocene-Miocene Shallow-Marine Carbonate Factories along the Tropical Southeast Circum-Caribbean Responded to Major Regional-Global Environmental and Tectonic Events, Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo, Anton Eisenhauer, Alcides Sial, Andres Pardo, Agustin Cardona, and Camilo Montes, #51159 (2015).
Montana Bakken Hybrid and Unconventional Plays, Burr A. Silver, #70139 (2013).
John T. Scopes: A Summer in Hell and a Career in Petroleum Geology, Matthew R. Silverman, #100011 (2018).
Tempest at Teapot Dome, Wyoming: The Greatest Political Scandal in the History of the American Oil Industry, Matt Silverman, #70191 (2015).
Mesoproterozoic Unconventional Plays in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia: The World’s Oldest Petroleum Systems, Matthew Silverman and Thomas Ahlbrandt, #10295 (2011).
The Cuban Oil Boom and the Discovery of Jatibonico Oil Field, John D. Silvernail, #70340 (2018).
PS Experience of High-Frequency Seismic Data Processing in the Black Sea Offshore, Mikhail Simachenko, Mykola Kiyanov, and Helena Netrebskaya, #40713 (2011).
EA Mitigating Reservoir Property Uncertainty and Identifying the Boundary between Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs: An Integrated Case Study from Mature Fields in the South Sumatra Basin, Abraham J. S. Simanjuntak, Ricky N. Syamri, Abdurahman F. Muslim, Feruz Kausar, Wawan Hermawan, and Grace S. Titaley, #20479 (2020).
The Treachery Formation - a Complex Glacially-Influenced Reservoir, Blacktip Gas Field, Southeastern Bonaparte Basin, Western Australia, Anelia Simeonova and Paola Giaj-Via, #20123 (2012).
Innovations in Carbon (IV) Oxide Capture and Sequestration for Operations, Engineering and Technology, Lilian E. Simiyu and Sandra Konez, #42021 (2017).
Karaburun (NW Turkey): A Key Oligocene Section on the Margins of Paratethys, M.D. Simmons, M.D. Bidgood, S. Ćorić, A.I. Okay, D. Shaw, E. Tulan, J. Mayer, and G.C. Tari, #30653 (2020).
Reservoir Characterization and Simulation of an Oligocene-Miocene Isolated Carbonate Platform: Banyu Urip Field, East Java Basin, Indonesia, Toni Simo, Rizky P. Sekti, Fikril Hakiki, Michael Sun, Rodrick D. Myers, and Shawn Fullmer, #20159 (2012).
Using Advanced Logging Measurements to Develop a Robust Petrophysical Model for the Bakken Petroleum System, Gary A. Simpson, John Hohman, Iain Pirie, and Jack Horkowitz, #80534 (2016).
A Structural Re-Evaluation of the Ardmore Basin, Molly Simpson, #10795 (2015).
PS Petrophysical Analysis of the 3rd Bone Spring Formation, P. Sims, I. H. Yeter, L. Matthews, M. Pippin, and H. Tian, #10962 (2017).
New Resistivity LWD Techniques for Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells, Paul Sinclair, Li Anzong, Aaron Otteman, Alisha Wennecamp, Song Zhoucheng, He Zhigang, and Wang Degang, #80424 (2014).
New Paradigm in Himalayan Foreland Exploration: Challenges and Opportunities, Vikas K. Singh, Manish Shukla, Yadunath Jha, Ashish C. Shukla, Neha Rawat, B.K. Mangaraj, and Hari Lal, #11087 (2018).
Establishing Minimum Economic Field Size and Analysing its Role in Exploration Project Risks Assessment: Three Examples, Virendra Singh, Elena Izaguirre, Ivan Yemez, and Horacio Stigliano, #41827 (2016).
Petroleum System Modelling of Assam Shelf (Northern part) and Naga-Schuppen belt in Assam and Assam Arakan Basin, India, H. J. Singh, Harvir Singh, S. K. Chakrabarti, M. S. Akhtar, S. Pahari, and R. K. Singh, #10458 (2012).
Improved Waterflood and Adoption of Advanced Drilling and Completion Technology Pays Rich Dividend in Mumbai High North Field, Rudal Singh, T. E. Shivramkrishnan, and S. K. Verma, #20132 (2012).
Gondwana Sediments and Their Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Dhansiri Valley, Assam and Assam Arakan Basin - India, R. K. Singh, P. Bhaumik, M. D. S. Akhtar, H. J. Singh, S. Mayor, and M. Asthana, #50440 (2011).
Tectonic Control on Major Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Dhansiri Valley, Assam and Assam Arakan Basin, India, Ram Krishna Singh, Pratim Bhaumik, M.S. Akhtar, H.J. Singh, Sanjive Mayor, and Manoj Asthana, #30148 (2011).
Cretaceous Sequences and Their Chronostratigraphic Correlation in Western Part of Jaisalmer Basin, Jagmohan Singh and K.K. Nayak, #50496 (2011).
Infracambrian Hydrocarbon Systems and Emerging Hydrocarbon Potential in Bikaner-Nagaur and Jaisalmer Basins (Miajlar Subbasin), Rajasthan, India, A.K. Singh and P.K. Tewari, #10324 (2011).
Integrated Lab Studies For Uranium Exploration in High Radioactive Formations, R. B. N. Singh and M. K. Tewari, #80150 (2011).
PS Characterizing Fracture Corridors for a Large Carbonate Field of Kuwait by Integrating Borehole Data with the 3-D Surface Seismic, Sunil K. Singh, Mahmood Akbar, Badruzzaman Khan, Hanan Abu-Habbiel, Bernard Montaron, Lars Sonneland, and Robert Godfrey, #40464 (2009).
Paleocene-Eocene Play - Future Exploration Focus for Deeper Prospects in North Assam Shelf, Assam and Assam Arakan Basin, India, H.J. Singh, R.K. Singh, S.K. Moulik, Md S. Akhtar, and Anupma Baveja, #10181 (2009).
Using Image Logs to Identify Facies in Heterogeneous Turbidite and Basinal Organic Mudstone Systems From the Wolfcamp Formation, Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA, Suspa Chowdhury Sinha, Dipanwita Nandy, William R. Morris, and Nathan Rogers, #41682 (2015).
Results of a Preliminary Test Investigation on the Applicability of Passive Seismic Tomography in VC Block - Assam, India, Rohit Sinha, Nikos Martakis, Akis Tselentis, and Paris Paraskevopoulos, #41070 (2012).
Using An Integrated Approach to Production Optimization in A Mature Field: Burgan Field, by Satyendra P. Sinha, Ibrahim Al-Kandar, and Khalaf Al-Anezi, #40183 (2006).
The Crustal Architecture and Continental Break Up of East India Passive Margin: An Integrated Study of Deep Reflection Seismic Interpretation and Gravity Modeling, S. T. Sinha, M. Nemcok, M. Choudhuri, A. A. Mainak, S. P. Sharma1, N. Sinha, and S. Venkatraman, #40611 (2010).
Source Rock Evaluation and Petroleum System Modeling in a Part of Bengal Basin, India, Adarsh K. Sinha, Vibha Prabhakar, B. L. Sharma, Jagat Ram, M. M. Rajkhowa, D. K. Srivastava, I.V.S.V. Prasad, Harvir Singh, and R. R. Singh, #50573 (2012).
PS Integrated Geomechanical Approach in Characterizing Sealing Capability of Faults in Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs, Abu Dhabi, Manhal Sirat, Ashok Shinde, and Satya Perumalla, #41808 (2016).
Expert Systems for Gas Production Prediction from Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells based on Different Hydraulic Fracture Representations, Nithiwat Siripatrachai, Kanin Bodipat, and Turgay Ertekin, #41152 (2013).
The Geology of Bahariya Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt and its Archeological Heritage, by Zarif El Sisi, Moataz Hassaouba, Martin J. Odani, and John C. Dolson, #10032 (2002).
Facies Modeling Described by Probabilistic Patterns Using Multi-Point Statistics: An Application to the K-Field, Libya, Valeria Sisinni, Vanessa Villarroel, Neil McDougall, Marcos Victoria, Yrma Vallez, and Consuelo Garcia Mojonero, #42045 (2017).
PS IHS Development in a Tidally Influenced River, Fraser River, British Columbia, Chad Sisulak and Shahin E. Dashtgard, #50373 (2011).
Effect of Laramide Structures on the Regional Distribution of Tight-Gas Sandstone Reservoirs in the Upper Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah, Raju Sitaula and Jennifer L. Aschoff, #10452 (2012).
Role of Geology Operation Facing the Subsurface Uncertainties, in Mitigation, While Drilling and Logging in The Mahakam Delta, Rio Sitorus, Roy Lesmana, Wahyu Pramono, Rian Ikhsan, and Gustiadi Rosa, #42561 (2020).
AV Applying Fundamentals "101" of Unconventional Shale Production to the Exploration and Development of the Wolfcamp "A", Wolfcamp "B", and Lower Spraberry Shale — A Case Study, Keith Skaar, #110209 (2015).
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Examination of Petrophysical Characteristics of Carbonate Multimodal Porosity Systems, Mark Skalinski, Robert Mallan, Paul Theologou, and Rafael Salazar, #51282 (2016).
Pore Typing Workflow for Complex Carbonate Systems, Mark Skalinski and Jeroen Kenter, #50848 (2013).
Carbonate Petrophysical Rock Typing: Integrating Geological Attributes and Petrophysical Properties while Linking with Dynamic Behavior, Mark Skalinski and Jeroen A. M. Kenter, #120089 (2013).
EA Influence of Mobile Salt on the Distribution and Preservation of Fulmar Reservoir Sands in the UK Central North Sea, Mikhail Skaryatin, Matthew Brown, and Oliver Duffy, #11190 (2019).
PS Hydrogeologic Analysis of the Oriskany Sandstone of the Appalachian Basin: Implication for Large-Scale Geologic Storage of CO2, Jamie C. Skeen and Timothy R. Carr, #80056 (2009).
Discovery of "Pronghorn" and "Lewis and Clark" Fields: Sweet-Spots within the Bakken Petroleum System Producing from the Sanish/Pronghorn Member NOT the Middle Bakken or Three Forks!, Orion Skinner, Lyn Canter, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, and Mark Williams. #110176 (2015).
3 of 3 presentation from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2012 AAPG Annual Convention
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Wireless Seismic Systems – High Expectations Being Achieved, Jorgen Skjott and Jack Caldwell, #40724 (2011).
PS Facilitating Shale Play Development in Pennsylvania - Meeting the Need for Nearby Brine Disposal Wells, Dale E. Skoff and Dan A. Billman, #80304 (2013).
PS Reservoir Prediction in Ibhubesi Gas Field, Block 2A, Orange Basin, West Coast of South Africa, Given Skosana, #11232 (2019).
Development of a Geochemical Tool for Sourcing Leaking Well Fluids in Southwestern Ontario, Mitchell Skuce, #41475 (2014).
Potential for Supercritical Carbon Sequestration in the Offshore Bedrock Formations of the Baltimore Canyon Trough, Brian Slater, Alexa Stolorow, and Langhorne Smith, #80143 (2011).
Paleotopographic and Depositional Environment Controls on "Sweet Spot" Locations in Unconventional Resource Shales: Woodford and Barnett Shale Examples: Part 2, Roger M. Slatt, Brenton McCullough, Carlos Molinares, Elizabeth Baruch, and Bryan Turner, #80467 (2015).
Paleotopographic and Depositional Environment Control on "Sweet Spot" Locations in Unconventional Resource Shales: Woodford and Barnett Shale Examples,
Roger M. Slatt, Brenton McCullough, Carlos Molinares, Elizabeth Baruch, Felipe Cardona, and Bryan Turner, #10713 (2015).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Geomechanics, Microseismicity, and Geochemistry Relationships in Unconventional Resource Shales, Roger M. Slatt, Carlos Molinares-Blanco, Jean D. Amorocho, Carlos L. Cabarcas, and Emilio Torres-Parada, #80407 (2014).
Variations in Shale Pore Types and Networks, Roger M. Slatt and Neal O’Brien, #80348 (2013).
Geologic Commonalities (and Differences) Among Resource Shale Plays, Roger Slatt, #80340 (2013).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Woodford Shale and Application to Drilling and Production, Roger Slatt, #50792 (2013).
Eagle Ford Condensed Section and Its Oil and Gas Storage and Flow Potential, Roger M. Slatt, Neal R. O'Brien, Andrea Miceli Romero, and Heidyli H. Rodriguez, #80245 (2012).
PS Multi-scale, Brittle-Ductile Couplets in Unconventional Gas Shales: Merging Sequence Stratigraphy and Geomechanics, Roger M. Slatt and Younane Abousleiman, #80181 (2011).
Pore Types in the Barnett and Woodford Gas Shales: Contribution to Understanding Gas Storage and Migration Pathways in Fine-Grained Rocks, Roger M. Slatt and Neal R. O’Brien, #80166 (2011).
Outcrop/Behind Outcrop (Quarry), Multiscale Characterization of the Woodford Gas Shale, Oklahoma, Roger Slatt, Romina Portas, Nichole Buckner, Younane Abousleiman, Neal O’Brien, Minh Tran, Rafael Sierra, Paul Philp, Andrea Miceli-Romero, Robert Davis, and Timothy Wawrzyniec, #80138 (2011).
Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Gas Shales: Example from the Barnett Shale, Texas, U.S.A., by Roger Slatt, Prerna Singh, Gariel Borges, Roderick Perez, Romina Portas, Julieta Vallejo, Mike Ammerman, William Coffey, and Eric Eslinger, #30075 (2009).
Stratigraphic Model of Vendian Terrigenous Deposits of Nepa Arch (Nepa-Botouba Anteclise), Eastern Siberia, Arina Sledina, #10316 (2011).
Grain Size Controls on the Facies Sequences and Clinoforms of River-Dominated Deltas, Rudy L. Slingerland, Alexander P. Burpee, and Douglas A. Edmonds, #50685 (2012).
Oklahoma's Place in the Evolving U.S. Energy Market, Jason Slingsby, #70230 (2016).
PS In-Situ, Micron-Scale δ13C and δ18O Analyses (by SIMS) of Chemo-Isotopically Claire Formation, Illinois Basin, USA, Maciej G. Sliwinski, Reinhard Kozdon, Kouki Kitajima, Adam Denny, Mike Spicuzza, and John W. Valley, #51341 (2017).
PS In-Situ, Micron-Scale Analyses of Carbonate δ13C by SIMS: A Method for Identifying Carbonate Cements that Form in Response to CO2 Injection at the Illinois Basin Decatur Project Site, Maciej Sliwinski, Kouki Kitajima, Reinhard Kozdon, Michael Spicuzza, Adam C. Denny, and John W. Valley, #51325 (2016).
A High-Definition Mineralogical Examination of Potential Gas Shales, Jon Sliwinski, Jay Harrington, Matt Power, Peta Hughes, and Bernie Yeung, #50290 (2010).
A New Quantitative Method for Analysis of Drill Cuttings and Core for Geologic, Diagenetic and Reservoir Evaluation, Jon Sliwinski, Michael Le Strat, and Murray Dublonko, #40482 (2010).
Photic Zone Euxinia, Organic Matter Preservation and Source Rock Type in the Late Permian Z2 Carbonate Sea (Southern and Northern Permian Basins of Europe), Miroslaw Slowakiewicz, Richard D. Pancost, Maurice E. Tucker, Fiona Whitaker, Edoardo Perri, and Mike Mawson, #10586 (2014).
Discrete Fracture Network Modeling Based on Seismic Data, Logs, Drilling Losses, Production, and Outcrop Data - Ujung Pangkah Field, Stephen Smart, David Sturrock, and Azalea Hidayat, #120090 (2013).
PS Subsurface Geomechanics, Fracture Breakdown Pressures, and 'Fracture-tunnels' in the Midwest United States, J. R. Sminchak, Glenn Larsen, and James E. Hicks, #80570 (2016).
Interpretation and Fracture Characterization of Early Cretaceous Buda Limestone Formation Using Post-Stack 3D Seismic Data in Zavala County, Texas, Andrey Smirnov and Christopher L. Liner, #11108 (2018).
PS Experimental Measure of Clay Cation Exchange Capacity and Modeling of Factors Critical to Reservoir Desiccation, Sebastian Smith, Mamdouh Shebl, Greg Salter, and Stacy McWhorter, #42446 (2019).
Inferring Likely Fluid Movement from Outcrops - The Range of Interpretations, Peter J. Smith, Lance Morrissey, and Andy Woods, #51457 (2018).
Importance of Modern Logs and Accurate Mudlogs: An Example of a New Field Discovery, Paul W. Smith, #41770 (2016).
PS The Impact of Recalibrating Palynological Zones to the Chronometric Timescale: Revised Stratigraphic Relationships in Australian Permian and Triassic Hydrocarbon-Bearing Basins, Tegan E. Smith, Tom Bernecker, Simon Bodorkos, John Gorter, Lisa S. Hall, Tony Hill, Erin Holmes, Andrew Kelman, Kamal Khider, John Laurie, Megan Lech, John McKellar, Arthur Mory, Robert Nicoll, Ryan Owens, Tehani J. Palu, Laura Phillips, Mike Stephenson, and Geoff Wood, #51443 (2017).
Middle Cambrian Chemostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy in the Southern Georgina Basin: Correlating the Arthur Creek "Hot Shale", Tegan E. Smith, John R. Laurie, and Dianne S. Edwards, #51208 (2015).
PS Codell Sandstone, Northern DJ Basin, Wyoming and Colorado: Reservoir Characteristics in a Tight Oil Play, Kevin H. Smith, Richard J. Bottjer, Robert H. Sterling, Henry C. Nowak, and Thomas A. Berkman, #10761 (2015).
Codell Sandstone, DJ Basin, Kevin H. Smith, #10760 (2015).
PSReservoir Characteristics of the Codell Sandstone Tight Oil Play, Northern DJ Basin, Wyoming and Colorado: Extension of Wattenberg into the Oil Window, Kevin H. Smith, Richard J. Bottjer, Robert H. Sterling, Henry C. Nowak, and Daniel R. Wheat, #20262 (2014).
Resistivity not Required: Fluid Identification From Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs, Charlie H. Smith, Layne Hamilton, and Lynda Ziane, #41768 (2016).
Geological Factors Affect Horizontal Well Completions, Charles H. Smith, Alena Bashkirtseva, Marcel Robinson, Jeffrey Atteberry, and Rusty Barber, #41763 (2016).
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response to Textural Reservoir Changes, Charlie Smith, George Payne, and Jon Christensen, #41721 (2015).>
Comparison of Image Logs to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs, Charles H. Smith, Kyle Nelson, and Ashely Hall, #70169 (2014).
A New Method of Fluid Identification from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs, Charles H. Smith, Layne Hamilton, and Lynda Ziane, #41452 (2014).
Eagle Ford Solutions: Critical Log Data, Solutions and Conclusions, Charles H. Smith, #41287 (2014).
Comparison of Conventional Density and NMR Porosity with Core Porosity from Montney and Doig Phosphate in the Monias Area, Northeast British Columbia, Canada, Craig Smith, Steven A. Aitken, and John M. Behr, #41281 (2014).
PS Regional Source-to-Sink Systems within Intra-Continental Rifts: The Importance of Fluvial Connectivity and Drainage Integration, Joss Smith, Emma Finch, Simon H. Brocklehurst, and Rob L. Gawthorpe, #41151 (2013).
Predicting Rock Properties of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs from Bulk Elemental Geochemistry, Christopher N. Smith, Said Assous, Hamed Chok, and Henrik Friis, #40988 (2012).
Geothermal Energy from Mature Gas Reservoirs; an Analysis of the Frio and Vicksburg Formations, South Texas, Hidalgo County, Colgan Smith, Matt Uddenberg, Andrew Setchko, Bruce Cutright, Adam Stater, Shadiya Bello, and Kyle Kampa, #80235 (2012).
PS Source-Generated Seismic Noise in 2-D Reflection Surveys in the Basin and Range Physiographic Province: Issues, Attenuation and Case Histories, David A. Smith, Jim Hild, Jim Pfeiffer, and Peter Drakos, #40955 (2012).
The Portents of Peak Oil, James L. Smith, #120033 (2009).
World Oil: Market or Mayhem?, James L. Smith, #120030 (2009).
Our Future, Dan L. Smith, #70009 (2003).
AVDiscovery Thinking Has Led to 70 Years of Continued Exploration and Development at Stella Salt Dome, Plaquemines Parish, LA, Dan L. Smith and Audrey W. Adams, #110140 (2010)
6 of 6 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
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Stratigraphy of Lower Hinton: A Record of Transgressive-Regressive Episodes Preserved in the Ancient Coastal Plain and Estuaries of the Upper Mississippian Appalachian Basin, WV, USA, Tyson M. Smith and Louis R. Bartek, #50313 (2010).
The Influence of Basement Structures on Upper Devonian Deposition in New York State, Gerald J. Smith and Robert D. Jacobi, #30034 (2005).
PS The Influence of Basement Structures from Devonian Black Shale Thicknesses in the Northern Appalachian Foreland Basin, Gerald J. Smith, Robert D. Jacobi, Jodi L. Seever, and Stu Loewenstein, #50203 (2009).
Geological Controls and Variability in Pore Pressure in the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico, Michael A. Smith, #10029 (2002).
AVThe Independents - Case Histories in Success (2), Roger Smith, #110019 (2005).
3 of 4 presentations at AAPG Forum: The Independents – Case Studies of Success, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
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Integrated Characterization of Utica and Marcellus Black Shale Gas Plays, New York State, Langhorne B. Smith and James Leone, #50289 (2010).
PSFault Rock Prediction for Inverted Extensional Faults in Siliciclastic Sequences – Challenges, Methods and Risking for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Stewart J. Smith, and Rob Knipe, #41389 (2014).
Subsurface Corrosion of Calcite and Dolomite by Fault-Sourced Hydrothermal Fluids, Taury Smith, #50918 (2014).
Shallow Onlap Model for Ordovician and Devonian Organic-Rich Shales, New York State, Taury Smith and Jim Leone, #50911 (2014).
Widespread Hydrothermal Dolomitization of Trenton and Black River Groups, Eastern North America, Taury Smith, Richard Nyahay, and Reservoir Characterization Group, #30074 (2008).
Injection of Acid Gas (CO2/H2S) into a Devonian Pinnacle Reef at Zama, Alberta, for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Sequestration, Steven A. Smith, James A. Sorensen, Anastasia A. Dobroskok, Bill Jackson, Doug Nimchuck, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju, #40355 (2008).
Development of a Pennsylvanian Fan Delta Within a Carbonate Shelf Sea, Richard Smosna and Kathy R. Bruner, #50501 (2011).
Advances in OBN Technology: Full Azimuth, Long Offset Illumination for Complex Reservoirs, John Smythe, #70290 (2017).
Sn-Ss Back to S
Scours: Occurrence, Measurement, and Importance in Deep Water and Shallow Water Depositional Systems, John Snedden, Paul A. Dunn, David Chorneyko, and John C. Van Wagoner, #50179 (2009).
A Compilation of Phanerozoic Sea-Level Change, Coastal Onlaps and Recommended Sequence Designations, John W. Snedden and Chengjie Liu, #40594 (2010).
Seismic Stratigraphy-A Primer on Methodology, by John W. Snedden, and J. F. (Rick) Sarg, #40270 (2008).
Exploration Play Analysis from a Sequence Stratigraphic Perspective, by John W. Snedden, J. F. (Rick) Sarg, and Yudong (Don) Ying, #40079 (2003).
AV Geoscience and Professionalism, Tom Sneddon, #110222 (2015).
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Understanding Porosity and Permeability using High-Pressure MICP Data: Insights into Hydrocarbon Recovery, by John S. Sneider and George W. Bolger, #40345 (2008).
Workshop Introduction and Breakout Sessions Geological Aspects of Estimating Resources and Reserves, John Sneider and Creties Jenkins, #120026 (2009).
Lessons Learned from Failures Bypassed Pays: Opportunities For Large Reserve Additions, by Robert M. Sneider, Larry D. Meckel, and David G. Smith, #20022 (2004).
New Oil in Old Places, by Robert M. Sneider and John S. Sneider, #10007 (2000).
The Next 100 Years of Global Energy: Part IV The Global Power Fuel Mix and Carbon Transition, Mark A. Snell, #70271 (2017).
A Case History of the East Hardy Unit, Mississippian Highway 60 Trend, Osage County, OK, Ronald Snyder, #20345 (2016).
Seismic Analysis and Characterization of Gas Hydrates in the Northern Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by Fred Snyder et.al., #40137 (2004).
High Velocity Zones in Deep Mini-Basin Miocene Sediments, Eugene Island, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Fred F.C. Snyder, N. Biles, L. Den Boer, P. Hooyman, G. Jamieson, and C. Sayers, #40613 (2010).
EA Structure and Development of Wedge-Shaped Thrusts in the Southern Flank of the Terek-Caspian Foredeep, Russia, Konstantin Sobornov, #30654 (2020).
Salt Tectonics in the Timan Pechora Basin, NW Russia: Structural Setting and Petroleum Exploration Opportunities, Konstantin Sobornov, #11357 (2022).
Triassic – Early Cretaceous Structural Development of the Central Part of the Northern Eurasia, Konstantin Sobornov, Aleksandr Afanasenkov, and Aleksandr Obukhov, #11023 (2017).
The Polar Urals Fold Belt: Tectonic Framework, Hydrocarbon Plays, and New Exploration Opportunities, Konstantin Sobornov, Oleg Prishchepa, Sergey Ptetsov, and Bogdan Plotnikov, #11019 (2017).
Structural Relationships and Development of the Pay-Khoy and Polar Urals Fold Belts, Russia, Konstantin Sobornov, #30425 (2015).
Strike-slip Faulting in the Northern Part of the West Siberian Basin and Enisey-Khatanga Trough: Structural Expression, Development and Implication for Petroleum Exploration, Konstantin Sobornov, Aleksandr Afanasenkov, and Georgiy Gogonenkov, #10784 (2015).
Petroleum Potential of the North Uralian Foredeep, Timan Pechora Basin, Russia, Konstantin Sobornov and Aleksey Khitrov, #10678 (2014).
New Opportunities for Petroleum Exploration in the Urals Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt, Konstantin Sobornov, #10677 (2014).
Structure and Petroleum Habitat of the Pay Khoy-Novaya Zemlya Foreland Fold Belt, Timan Pechora, Russia, Konstantin Sobornov, #10554 (2013).
AV 4-D Multi-component Seismic Modeling of CO2 Fluid Substitution in the Redwater Devonian Reef, Alberta, Canada, by Taher M. Sodagar, and Don C. Lawton, #110162 (2011).
4 of 4 presentations from Session, Seismic Reservoir Characterization, 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
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2D Seismic Modeling of CO2 Fluid Replacement of the Redwater Leduc Reef for CO2 Storage Project, Alberta, Taher M. Sodagar and Don Lawton, #20101 (2011).
AV Modeling and Interpreting the Impact of Severe Storms and Their Relation to Climate, by Brian J. Soden, #110142 (2010)
1 of 4 presentations at Global Climate Change Forum at 2010 AAPG Annual Convention
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Stratigraphic Control of Upper Pondaung Sandstone, Letpando Oil Field, Central Myanmar Basin, Nyi Nyi Soe, #20408 (2017).
PS Development of Stranded Gas in the Niobrara Shale, Daniel J. Soeder, #80629 (2018).
The Successful Development of Shale Gas Resources in the United States, Daniel J. Soeder, #41058 (2012).
Deep Clastic Reservoir Quality in Ciputat Low, Onshore North West Java Basin, Rania R. Sofya, Thomas C. Atarita, Fuji Koesumadewi, and Mohamad Wahyudin, #51683 (2020).
PS Integrating Petrographic, Petrophysical, and 3D Pore-Scale Measurements of Core Material from the Shuaiba Reservoir in Al Shaheen, Qatar, Rob Sok, Mark Knackstedt, Abid Ghous, Christoph Arns, Sren Frank, Frans van Buchem, Torben Rasmussen, Jens Larsen, and Ramdas Narayanan, #50245 (2010) (9.4 MB).
Upper Monteith and Lower Beattie Peaks Formations at the Sinclair and Albright fields in West-central Alberta: Some Views into the Reservoir Properties, Nisael Solano, Chris Clarkson, Federico F. Krause, and Roberto Aguilera, #20244 (2014).
Deep-Marine to Shelf-Margin Deltaic Sedimentation, Silurian Succession, Saudi Arabia, Osama M. Soliman and Ammar Y. Balilah, #51187 (2015).
PS Reconstruction of Channel and Barform Architecture in a Pennsylvanian Fluvio-Deltaic Succession: Brimham Grit, Northern England, Roman Soltan, Nigel P. Mountney, William D. McCaffrey, and Douglas A. Paton, #50884 (2013).
PS Origin of Supra-Salt Synclines in the "Post Diapiric" Jurassic Morrison Formation, Big Gypsum Valley, Colorado, Alondra Soltero, Richard Langford, and Katherine Giles, #51584 (2019).
Increasing Interpreter Capability in Structurally Complex Settings, John G. Solum, Steve Jolley, Ron Lawson, and Steve Naruk, #120150 (2014).
Source-to-Sink in Rift Basins - Predicting Reservoir Distribution in Ancient, Subsurface Systems, Tor O. Sømme, Christopher Jackson, Ian Lunt, and Ole Martinsen, #10258 (2010).
Controls on the Geomechanical Properties of Unconventional Resource Formations, Carl H. Sondergeld and Chandra S. Rai, #80707 (2019).
Viscoplastic Deformation of Shale Gas Reservoir Rocks and its Relation to the In-Situ Stress Variations Observed in a Well from Barnett Shale, Hiroki Sone and Mark Zoback, #41181 (2013).
PS Hydrocarbon Sources and Charge History in the Ultra-Deep-Buried Cretaceous Sandstone Reservoir, Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, Xu Song, Xiuxiang Lv, Yunqi Shen, Song Guo, and Hua Bai, #11003 (2017).
PS Mapping Duvernay Mineralogy: From Core to Log to Field, Lisa Song, Dale Rees, Ross Kukulski, and Michael Donovan, #51329 (2016).
A Perfect Play of Salt, Bamboo and Gas: The First Petroleum Well (Breakthrough) in the World, Song Suihong, #70220 (2016).
PS Characterization of the Pore System and its Storage Capacity in Devonian Black Shale of Appalachian Basin, Liaosha Song and Tim Carr, #42085 (2017).
PS Nano-scale Pore Structure of Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale and its Evolution through Thermal Maturation, Liaosha Song and Timothy Carr, #41864 (2016).
Niobrara Production from the Lowry-Bombing Range Area Denver Basin, a Deep-Basin, Paleostructural Trap, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #11369 (2022).
Field Growth in the Super Giant Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado, Steve Sonnenberg, #20468 (2019).
PS Geology of the Turner Sandstone, Finn-Shurley Field, Powder River Basin Wyoming, Stephen Sonnenberg, Andrew Heger, and Courtney Bone, #20462 (2019).
PS Tepee Buttes, Methane Seeps, and Polygonal Faults Systems, Stephen Sonnenberg, #11235 (2019).
PS Keys to Niobrara and Codell Production, East Pony/Redtail Area, Denver Basin, Colorado, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10991 (2017).
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Bakken and Three Forks Formations, Williston Basin, USA, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10990 (2017).
PS Our Current Working Model for Unconventional Tight Petroleum Systems: Oil and Gas, Stephen A. Sonnenberg and Lawrence Meckel, #80589 (2017).
Professionalism: Use It or Lose It!, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #70262 (2017).
PS Petrophysical, XRF Elemental, and Geomechanical Comparison of the Greenhorn and Niobrara Formations, Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Steve Sonnenberg, John D. Humphrey, Hannah Durkee, and Kazumi Nakamura, #10908 (2017).
Our Current Working Model for Unconventional Tight Petroleum Systems: Oil and Gas, Steve Sonnenberg and Larry Meckel, #41968 (2016).
The Graneros-Greenhorn Petroleum System, a Possible New Resource Play, Rocky Mountain Region, USA, Steve Sonnenberg, Hannah Durkee, and Craig Kaiser, #10898 (2016).
Insights into Niobrara Stratigraphic Architecture and Diagenesis, Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado, Steve Sonnenberg, #20373 (2016).
Polygonal Faults, Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, Steve Sonnenberg, David Underwood, Melanie D. Peterson, Elena Finley, Nicholas Kernan, and Alby Harris, #51311 (2016).
PS Geologic Factors Controlling Production in the Codell Sandstone, Wattenberg Field, Colorado, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #20346 (2016).
AV The Giant Continuous Oil Accumulation in the Bakken Petroleum System, Williston Basin, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #110220 (2015).
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PS Upper Bakken Shale Resource Play, Williston Basin, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10625 (2014).
The New Bakken Play in Eastern Montana, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10424 (2012).
The Niobrara Petroleum System, Rocky Mountain Region, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #80206 (2012).
PS Polygonal Fault Systems: A New Structural Style for the Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, CO, Stephen A. Sonnenberg and David Underwood, #50624 (2012).
The Niobrara Petroleum System, A Major Tight Resource Play in the Rocky Mountain Region, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10355 (2011).
Petroleum Geology of Silo Field, Wyoming, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #20115 (2011).
PS Petroleum Geology of the Giant Elm Coulee Field, Williston Basin, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #20096 (2010).
PS Abnormal Pressure Analysis in the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, a Key to Future Discoveries, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #40629 (2010).
The Decline in Professionalism -A Threat to the Future of AAPG, by Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #70010 (2004).
PS Quantitative Mineralogy and Microfractures in the Middle Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Sarah K. Appleby, and J. Rick Sarg, #40628 (2010).
AVPetroleum Potential of the Upper Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin, USA, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Alan Gantyno, and Rick Sarg, #110153 (2011).
8 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
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PS Bakken Mudrocks of the Williston Basin, World Class Source Rocks, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Hui Jin, and J. Frederick Sarg, #80171 (2011).
PS Middle Bakken Facies, Williston Basin, USA: A Key to Prolific Production, Stephen A.Sonnenberg, James Vickery, Cosimo Theloy, and J. Frederick Sarg, #50449 (2011).
How Mobile is your Total Oil Saturation? SARA Analysis Implications for Bitumen Viscosity and UV Fluorescence in Niobrara Marl and Bakken Shale, Supported by FIB-SEM Observations of Kerogen, Bitumen and Residual Oil Saturations within Niobrara Marls and Chalks, Mark D. Sonnenfeld and Lyn Canter, #41903 (2016).
PS Niobrara Core Poster Highlighting Bentonite Distribution and Their Impacts on Proppant Placement, M. Sonnenfeld, D. Katz, M. Odegard, C. Ohlson, and C. Zahm, #41803 (2016).
Characterization and Modeling of the Broom Creek Formation for Potential Storage of CO2 from Coal-Fired Power Plants in North Dakota, by James A. Sorensen, Terry P. Bailey, Anastasia A. Dobroskok, Charles D. Gorecki, Steven A. Smith, et al., #80046 (2009).
Eunice Foote's Pioneering Research on CO2 and Climate Warming: Update, Raymond P. Sorenson, #70317 (2018).
Cherry Grove Field, Warren County, Pennsylvania: The Lot 646 Mystery Well and Its Aftermath, Raymond P. Sorenson, #20175 (2012).
Eunice Foote's Pioneering Research On CO2 And Climate Warming, Raymond P. Sorenson, #70092 (2010).
The First Reports of Oil in Oklahoma, Raymond P. Sorenson, #70077 (2010).
Synopsis: First Impressions: Petroleum Geology at the Dawn of the North American Oil Industry, by Raymond P. Sorenson, #70032 (2007).
A Collector's Guide to AAPG Publications, Compiled by Raymond P. Sorenson, #100001 (2003).
PSA Dynamic Model for the Permian Panhandle and Hugoton Fields, Western Anadarko Basin, by Raymond P. Sorenson, #20015 (2003).
Mitigating Operational Risks with Geomechanical Modelling: A Geothermal Case Study, Giovanni Sosio, Andreia Mandiuc, Annalisa Campana, Charidimos Spyrou, Clement Baujard, and Albert Genter, #80709 (2019).
Application of Stimulation Design to a Geothermal Project: The Draškovec Geothermal Pilot, Croatia, Giovanni Sosio, Laura Nistor, Jonathan Abbott, and Lorenz Ueing, #42382 (2019).
Direct Oil and Gas Evidences from Punta Del Este Basin, Offshore Uruguay: New Data From Fluid Inclusions, Matías Soto, Bruno Conti, Pablo Gristo, and Héctor de Santa Ana, #10833 (2016).
PS The Messinian Salt Layer Squeezed by Active Plate Convergence in the Western Mediterranean Margins, Juan Soto, Jacques Déverchère, Mourad Medaouri, and Pierre Leffondré, #30620 (2019).
PS Thin-Skinned Extension and Shale Tectonics in a Tilted Basin Margin: the Case of the Northern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean), J. I. Soto, F. Fernández-Ibáñez, and A. R. Talukder, #50793 (2013).
Pauto and Floreña Fields: Adding Value from Uncertainty, Luis Enrique Soto A, #20398 (2017).
Cusiana Field: Understanding the Reservoir and Improving Depletion History, Luis E. Soto, #20102 (2011).
PS Carbonate Pore Type Identification Using Fuzzy Logic and Open-Hole Logs; Case of Study: Cretaceous Formation Maracaibo-Venezuela, Rodolfo Soto, Duarry Arteaga, Cintia Martin, and Freddy Rodriguez, #50498 (2011).
Shale Diapirism and Associated Folding History in the South Caspian Basin (Offshore Azerbaijan), J. I. Soto, I. Santos-Betancor, I. Sánchez Borrego, and C. E. Macellari, #30162 (2011).
PS Lower Cretaceous Albian Platform Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Strata of the Upper Glen Rose D Member, East Texas and Brazos Basins; Regional Setting, Depositional Systems, and Lithofacies Variability, Peter Soto-Kerans, Robert Loucks, and Charles Kerans, #51468 (2018).
A Dual Representation for Multiscale Fracture Characterization and Modeling, Laurent Souche, Josselin Kherroubi, Matthieu Rotschi, and Sandra Quental, #50244 (2009).
PS A Fault Kinematic Analysis with Observations Pertaining to Fault Trends within the Core of the Arbuckle Anticline, Southern Oklahoma, USA, Katrina Soundy, Jenna Hessert, and Aaron Yoshinobu, #51255 (2016).
3D Seismic Proves Its Value in Bakken Geosteering, Angie Southcott, #41435 (2014).
EA Current Workflow for Seismic Facies Identification and Characterization in the Miocene Carbonates of the Gulf of Papua and the Eastern Fold Belt of Papua New Guinea, Stefan Sowei, David John Holland, Mervin Kendino, and Velencia Komun, #42527 (2020).
Finding the Question is Often More Important than Finding the Answer, David R. Spain, #70327 (2018).
Class II Injection Wells in Kentucky-An Update of the Map Service of Wastewater, Brine-Disposal, and Enhanced-Recovery Wells in Kentucky, Thomas N. Sparks, 80585 (2016).
PS Class I and Class II Wells in Kentucky-A New Map Service of Waste-Disposal, Brine-Injection, and Enhanced-Recovery Wells in Kentucky, Thomas Sparks, #80493 (2015).
Unconventional Petroleum Plays in the Mediterranean Basins, Fivos Spathopoulos and M.A. Sephton, #10495 (2013).
PS An Integrated Workflow for Mapping Stratigraphic Features: Identification and Characterization of Channelized Debris FlowsWithin the Lower Wolfcamp Shale of the Midland Basin, Daniel Spaulding, Lowell Waite, and Buzz Davis, #51562 (2019).
Mudstone Lithofacies Evaluation for Play Fairway Analysis: Characterization of the Paleozoic Shales of Poland, Joan M. Spaw and Kimberly S. Hlava, #10674 (2014).
Mesozoic Salt Diapirism in Southeastern Bahamas as Evidenced by Geophysics, Allan Spector, Samuel A. Epstein, and David Schieck, #30352 (2014).
Early Texas Oilfield Photographers, Jeff Spencer, #70161 (2014).
An Investigation of Parasequences in the Camp Run Member of the Upper Devonian New Albany Shale, Sarah Spencer, #50891 (2013).
AV Satellite Evidence against Global Warming Being Caused by Increasing CO2, by Roy W. Spencer, #110117 (2009)
6 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
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PS Controls of Structural Inheritance in Normal Fault Propagation and Extensional Basin Segmentation: The Crati Basin, Northern Calabria, Italy, Vincenzo Spina, Emanuele Tondi, and Stefano Mazzoli, #40884 (2012).
It is Never too Late for Seismic, How Geophysics Contributed to Rejuvenating a Mature Field, Tunu Shallow Gas Development, P. Spindler, R. Rengifo, D. Coulon, N. Lenoir, and S. Ariawan, #20173 (2012).
AV Significant Exploration Success in Northeastern British Columbia: A Story of People Resilience and Learning from Failure, by Rob Spitzer, #110169 (2013).
4 of 5 presentation from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2013 AAPG Convention
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Integration of Core-based Chemostratigraphy and Petrography of the Devonian Jauf Sandstones, Uthmaniya, by Ronald A. Sprague, John Melvin, Florian Conradi, Tim Pearce, Mike Dix, Steve Hill, and Andrew Canham, #20065 (2009).
Exploration History and Petroleum Geology of the Central Utah Thrust Belt, by Douglas A. Sprinkel and Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr. #10103 (2006).
The Poles of the Moon and Their Significance, by Paul D. Spudis, #70050 (2008).
Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical Data Over the NW Shelf, Australia (Westralia ACCESS project), Ben Spurgeon, Jonathan Watson, Barrett Cameron, and Jennifer Greenhalgh, #30536 (2017).
AVSedimentary Geology at the Mars Exploration Rover Landing Sites, by S.W. Squyres; #110025 (2005).
1 of 4 presentations at AAPG Session: Sedimentation on Mars, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
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Petrophysical Rock Typing: Enhanced Permeability Prediction and Reservoir Descriptions, Wanida Sritongthae, #51265 (2016).
Grid-less Simulation of a Fluvio-Deltaic Environment, R. Mohan Srivastava, Marko Maucec, and Jeffrey Yarus, #41365 (2014).
A Paleoenvironmental Assessment of the Central Lake Albert Rift Basin - Uganda, East Africa from Exploration Well Geochemical Data, Tonny Sserubiri and Christopher Scholz, #50600 (2012).
St-Sy Back to S
Simplified Tectonic Map of the World, Including Major Basins, Compiled by Bill St. John, #30525 (2017). (8.6 MB - Downloading recommended.)
Synopsis of Geology of Ethiopia, Bill St. John, #70215 (2016).
EA Pre-Salt Lacustrine Petroleum System, Onshore Mexico, Colin Stabler and Raul Gonzalez, #30655 (2020).
PS Mexican Frontier Hydrocarbon Basins, Colin Stabler, Michele Bishop, and Edwin Moritz, #10743 (2015).
PS The Influence of Fault-Controlled Dolomitisation on Porosity Modification in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Jack Stacey, Cathy Hollis, Hilary Corlett, and Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, #11136 (2018).
Multistage Fault-Related Dolomitisation of the Middle Cambrian Mount Whyte and Cathedral Formations: Insights into the Tectonic and Diagenetic History of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Jack Stacey, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Cathy Hollis, and Hilary Corlett, #51445 (2017).
Secondary Migration by Stokesian Flow of Metastable Clusters and Microdroplets of Petroleum in Water, John G. Stainforth, #42016 (2017).
Hydrodynamic Fractionation of Minerals and Textures in Submarine Fans: Implications for the Prediction of Reservoir Quality, Jane Stammer, David Pyles, Alexandra Fleming, Julian Clark, Morgan D. Sullivan, Gregory Gordon, and Jeremiah D. Moody, #50483 (2011).
Global Reconstruction and Database Project, by Gérard M. Stampfli, Cyril Hochard, Caroline Wilhem, and Juergen von Raumer #30055 (2008)
PS Permian-Jurassic Tectonic and Depositional Control on Oil Fields in the Central Moesian Platform, Romania, by Aurelia Liliana Stan and Adriana Raileanu, #10046 (2003).
EA Geodetic and Vertical Datums Used in Papua New Guinea - An Overview, Richard Stanaway, #70410 (2020).
EA Neotectonics of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt - Insights from Space Geodetic Analysis, Richard Stanaway, Luke Mahoney, John Noonan, and Sandra McLaren, #30671 (2020).
Onshore Structural Movement Revealed Through the Presence of Volcaniclastic Deposition Offshore. Cholula-1EXP, Miocene Salina del Istmo Basin, Mexico, David 'Stan' Stanbrook, Nicola Capuzzo, Michael Durcanin, Brian LeCompte, Gabriel Perez, Craig Farley, and Adam Seitchik, #51692 (2022).
How to Interpret Turbidites: The Role of Relative Confinement in Understanding Reservoir Architectures, David 'Stan' Stanbrook, Mark Bentley, and Ed Stephens, #51691 (2022).
Sand Distribution Within a Topographically Complex Basin – From Channelized Sheets to Onlap Margins: Grès D'Annot, SE France, David A. Stanbrook, Jamie K. Pringle, and Julian D. Clark, #51680 (2020).
PS Petroleum Exploration History and Subsurface Geology of the Castle Mountain Fault Anticline Near Houston, South-Central Alaska, Richard G. Stanley, Peter J. Haeussler, Christopher J. Potter, Laura S. Gregersen, Diane P. Shellenbaum, Paul L. Decker, Jeffrey A. Benowitz, David K. Goodman, Robert L. Ravn, and Robert B. Blodgett, #30526 (2017).
PSTectonic Implications of New Geological and Geophysical Results from the Susitna Basin, South-Central Alaska, Richard G. Stanley, Peter J. Haeussler, Jeffrey A. Benowitz, Kristen A. Lewis, Diane P. Shellenbaum, Richard W. Saltus, Anjana K. Shah, Jeffrey D. Phillips, and Christopher J. Potter, #10608 (2014).
Petroleum Potential of the Herodotus Basin: Applying Regional Analogues to Predict Plays and Reduce Potential Risk, Sigrún Stanton and Duncan Macgregor, #11169 (2018).
Origin of the Lower Cretaceous Heavy Oils ("Tar Sands") of Alberta, by Michael S. Stanton, #10071 (2004).
Integration of 4D Seismic Data and the Dynamic Reservoir Model – Revealing New Targets in Gannet C, Rob Staples, Andrew Cook, John Braisby, and Alison Mabillard, #20303 (2015).
Time-Lapse (4D) Seismic Monitoring – Expanding Applications, Rob Staples, Jan Stammeijer, Scott Jones, Jon Brain, Frans Smit, and Paul Hatchell, #41601 (2015).
Oil Field Deformation Monitoring with RADARSAT-2, Gordon Staples, Brad Lehrbass, and Michael Henschel, #41236 (2013).
GC Quantitative Curvature Analysis: A Case Study, Evan Staples, Ze'ev Reches, and Kurt Marfurt, #41180 (2013).
GC Testing Curvature's Impact on Fractures, Evan Staples and Kurt Marfurt, #41147 (2013).
Pressures in the Los Monos-Huamampampa System and Their Control in Hydrocarbon Fields' Occurrence and Size, Daniel Starck, #11118 (2018).
AV Significant Discoveries 2000-2003: Trends and Implications, by P.H. (Pete) Stark, IHS Energy, #110002 (2004).
(2 of 3 presentations at AAPG Forum: Recent Discovery and Development Case Histories, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Energy and Environment: A Partnership That Works -- Energy Supply Setting - Synopsis, by Pete Stark, #10034 (2002).
Petroleum Industry Perspective: Mid-Year 2001, By P.H. (Pete) Stark; #10021 (2001).
GCValue in Visualization, by Tracy J. Stark, #40133 (2004).
Fault Tectonics of the NE Black Sea Shelf and Its Relevance to Hydrocarbon Potential, V.I. Starostenko, B.L. Krupskyi, I.K. Pashkevich, O.M. Rusakov, I.B. Makarenko, R.I. Kutas, V.V Gladun, O.V. Legostaeva, T.V. Lebed, and P.Ya. Maksymchuk, #30155 (2011).
Assessment of Organic Petrology Methodology and Characterization of Primary and Secondary Dispersed Organic Matter in Liquid-Rich Shales: Using optical microscopy methodologies, L. D. Stasiuk, Amr El-Ezhary, Michelle Asgar-Deen, Volker Dieckmann, Rob Robinson, and Gary Green, #80367 (2014).
Sandstone Composition Variation in Regressive to Transgressive Cycles in the Telegraph Creek and Eagle Formations in South-Central Montana, James R. Staub, #51415 (2017).
PS A Diagenetic Origin for δ18O Variability on the Margins of the Great Bahama Bank, Insights from Clumped Isotopes, Philip T. Staudigel, Peter Swart, and Harry Elderfield, #41867 (2016).
Steam Piloting in the Aruma Reservoir, Awali Field, Bahrain, Stanley W. Stearns, Aamer Al Balushi, Arief Hendroyono, and Mark R. Lambert, #20362 (2016).
Introduction of a Rock Typing Methodology in Crystalline Basement Reservoirs (Yemen), Jan Steckhan and Roman Sauer, #40524 (2010).
Shelf-Transiting Shorelines, Sequence Generation, and Shelf-Margin Accretion, by Ron Steel, #40145 (2005).
Shelf-Margin Trajectories: Significance for Sediment By-Pass, Ron Steel, Cristian Carvajal, C. Olariu, Andrew Petter, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and C. Sanchez, #50297 (2010).
Tidal Deposits of the Campanian Western Interior Seaway, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado, Ron Steel, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and Jennifer Aschoff, #50474 (2011).
PS Characterization of the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of Central Utah: A Potential Carbon Capture and Sequestration Reservoir, Peter A. Steele, Marjorie A. Chan, and David F. Wheatley, #51532 (2018).
GCSeismic Static Corrections, by Don W. Steeples and Gregory S. Baker, #40047 (2002).
The Interplay of Eustacy, Tectonics, and Climate in the Shaping of the Late Quaternary Sequence Stratigraphy in the Northern Adriatic and Po Delta Area of Italy, by Marco Stefani, Antonio Cattaneo, Ubaldo Cibin, Annamaria Correggiari, and Stefano Vincenzi, #30013 (2003).
The Use of CSEM and the Exploration Challenges in the Vøring Basin (Norwegian Sea), Aristofanis Stefatos, Alexander Vereshagin, George Vardoulias, Stein Kjetil Helle, Torolf Wedberg, and Susanne Sperrevik, #11040 (2018).
Porosity, Permeability and Profitability: Integrating Geology, Reservoir Engineering and Commercial Factors for Evaluation of Unconventional Resource Opportunities, Kurt Steffen, #80283 (2013).
Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Evaluate Continuous Gas Resources (Shale Gas, Tight Gas, and Coal Bed Methane): Tools to Calibrate the Expert and Exploit Knowledge, Kurt J. Steffen, #40571 (2010).
Hydraulic Re-Fracturing, Neil Stegent, #40837 (2011).
PS An Outcrop Study of Fracturing, Stylolitisation and Mechanical Stratigraphy in the Carbonate Carapace of a Salt Dome (Lower Cretaceous Units of Jebel Madar, Oman): A Template for Subsurface Analysis, Manuela C. Stehle, John W. Cosgrove, and Cedric M. John, #50595 (2012).
Understanding the Regional Haynesville and Bossier Shale Depositional Systems in East Texas and Northern Louisiana: An Integrated Structural/Stratigraphic Approach, Ingo Steinhoff, Andrea D. Cicero, Kimberly A. Koepke, Jim Dezelle, Tony McClain, and Cyrus Gillett, #50379 (2011).
PS Basement Controls on Subsurface Geologic Patterns and Near-Surface Geology across the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Deeper Perspective on Coastal Louisiana, Bryan P. Stephens, #30129 (2010).
So: How Many Grid Blocks Do I Need? Edmund Stephens and Mark Bentley, #40417 (2009).
The Distribution of Sector-Scale Permeability from Production Data within Naturally-Fractured Folds of the Canadian Foothills, Ben Stephenson, Jeff Duer, Chad Glemser, Maria Khan, and David Repol, #41874 (2016).
Building an Appropriate Dynamic Model of a Structurally Complex, Naturally Fractured Foothills Field for Field Development Planning, Ben Stephenson, Lynne Drover, Irma Eggenkamp, Martin Kraemer, David Repol, Warren Griswold, and Alula Damte, #20292 (2015).
Subsurface-Driven Completion and Well-Design Changes to Maximize Value in the Marcellus,
Ben Stephenson, Babak Nesheli, Karan Christopher, Abhijit Mookerjee, David Rampton, and Nina Teff, #41634 (2015).
PS Lithostratigraphy and Depositional Systems of the Bakken Formation in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, Anne Pendleton Steptoe and Timothy R. Carr, #50392 (2011).
What is Next for the “Mature” Sacramento Basin? The West Side Story, A Brief Look into the Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic Rock, Robert Sterling, #11091 (2018).
Codell Sandstone, A Review of the Northern DJ Basin Oil Resource Play, Laramie County, Wyoming, and Weld County, Colorado, Robert H. Sterling, Richard J. Bottjer, and Kevin H. Smith, #10754 (2015/2016).
From Monterey to Mowry, with Many Stops in Between, Robert Sterling, and Anne Grau, #80385 (2014).
PS The Permian Basin Research Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas, Robert J. Stern and Lowell Waite, #70389 (2019).
Quebec's Horizontal New Play for Light Oil in the Gaspe Peninsula: Reprocessed 2-D Seismic Reveals Complex Structures that could be Significant Fields, Linda R. Sternbach, #20364 (2016).
PS What is the State of Understanding of Super Basins, The World's Richest Oil and Gas Basins?, Charles A. Sternbach, #70401 (2020).
Exploration Creativity in the Golden Age of Super Basins – AAPG Initiatives: An African Perspective, Charles A. Sternbach, #11167 (2018).
The Erie Canal's 200th Anniversary and the Map that changed the New World – Pioneering Geology Mapmakers across the Atlantic, Charles A. Sternbach, #70322 (2018).
Lessons from a Decade of Discovery Thinking, Charles A. Sternbach, #70294 (2017).
Petroleum Resources of the Great American Carbonate Bank: Exercising Unconformity Thinking, Charles A. Sternbach, #70276 (2017).
AV Heritage of Discovery: Resources for Explorers, Charles A. Sternbach, #110215 (2015).
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AV Legacy of Discovery: Resources for Explorers, Charles A. Sternbach, #110205 (2015).
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Introduction: 11th Discovery Thinking Forum, ICE 2014, Charles A. Sternbach, #110201(2014).
AVPlaymaker Forum Introduction 2013, Charles Sternbach, #110177 (2015).
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Introduction to 2013 Forum: Discovery Thinking, AAPG/DPA AAPG International Conference and Exhibition Cartagena, Colombia, September 8-11, 2013, Charles A. Sternbach, #70155 (2013).
Introduction to 2012 Forum: Discovery Thinking, by Charles A. Sternbach.

AV Round Table: Co-chairs: Charles Sternbach and Ed Dolly
Panel Discussion from Forum: Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
AV Round Table: Co-chairs: Charles Sternbach and Ted Beaumont
Panel Discussion from forum: Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Petroleum Resources of the Great American Carbonate Bank (Lower Ordovician - Upper Cambrian): Lessons from Heterogeneous Reservoirs, Diverse Traps, and Unconformity Thinking, Charles Sternbach, #50823 (2013).
Light Oil Exploration Potential for Devonian-Silurian (Fortin and Chaleurs Groups) Carbonates/Mudstones, Central Gaspe, Quebec, Canada, near the Grande Riviere Transform Fault, Linda R. Sternbach, Charles A. Sternbach, Stephane Sejourne, and Jerry McCullough, #10708 (2015).
PSOffshore Peru, Trujillo Basin, Block Z-46: 2D PSTM Seismic Processing Reveals Deep Basins, Normal and Trans-Tensional Faulting, and Thick Eocene/Oligocene Stratigraphically Complex Submarine Fans Linked to Evidence of Hydrocarbons/DHIs, Linda R. Sternbach, Suntaek Bang, Carlos Bianchi, Jorge Cespedes, Youngju Han, and Dong S. Choi, #10263 (2010).
Time Constraints on the Evolution of Southern and Central Palawan Island from Correlation of Miocene Limestone Formations, Stephan Steuer, Dieter Franke, Florian Meresse, Dimitri Savva, Manuel Pubellier, and Jean-Luc Auxietre, #50772 (2012).
Evaluation of the Tyler Formation, Williston Basin, Western North Dakota, Ivana M. Stevanovic, #10561 (2013).
PS Real-Time Resistivity Images Using High Data-Rate Telemetry in Papua New Guinea, Rob Stevens, Leo Blawan, and Harris Khan, #42518 (2020).
PS Lithic Mannville: Significant New Oil Opportunities, Leonard Stevens, Richard Wierzbicki, Dan Potocki, Frank Palmai, and Gregg Milne, #51354 (2017).
Tales of South America - Jim Ray, by Steve Stevenson, #80002 (1999).
The Last Laugh, by Steve Stevenson, #80003 (1999).
Wall of Flame, by Steve Stevenson, #80001 (1999).
AVThe Barnett Shale Oil Model of North Texas, by Dan B. Steward, #110151 (2011).
6 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
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In Search of Pre-Andean Depocentres - Integrated Geophysical Study in Peru and Bolivia, Matthew Stewart, Stanislaw Mazur, Adriana Mantilla Pimiento, Wilber Hermoza, and Antonio Olaiz Campos, #42164 (2017).
Estimating Reservoir Oil Volume and its Likelihood from 3C-3D Seismic Data, Well Logs, and Geostatistics, Robert R. Stewart and Henrique A. Fraquelli, #41305 (2014).
Meeting Drilling Challenges in Shallow Extended Reach Wells in a Structurally Complex Field with Heavy Oil and Low Fracture Gradient, Greg Stewart, Gunnar Holmes, Lee Stockwell, Jan-Henk Vankonijnenburg, Bruno Levy, Andrew Kenworthy, Fabricio Bezerra and Santiago Zambrano, #40528 (2010).
GCFracture Identification with Seismic Data, XinChang Field, China, by Peter Stewart, John Tinnin, James Hallin, and Jim Granath, #40370 (2008).
Influence of the Kingak Formation Ultimate Shelf Margin on Frontal Structures of the Brooks Range in National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, Natalie Stier, Christopher Connors, and David Houseknecht, #30237 (2012).
GIS Geospatial Data Quality and Mapping in Shale Plays – Technical and Business Impact, Jonathan Stigant, #40940 (2012).
Complex Model Building using Objective Construction of Curve Ray Time Migration Moveout with Geologic Constraints, Kerry Stinson, Shlomo Levy, Edward Crase, and Wai-Kin Chan, #41596 (2015).
PS Placement Matters: Improving Survey Accuracy by Using Continuous Directional Data and Drilling Parameter Settings, Ed Stockhausen, Richard Ball, Pete Clark, Richard Mongan, and Philip Rice, #41856 (2016).
The Use of 3-component Seismic Data to Identify Sweet Spots in Fractured Bakken Reservoirs, Scott L. Stockton, #40693 (2011).
PS Alpine Inversion, Neogene Tectonics and East Carpathians Foreland Hydrocarbon Traps, Elena Rodica Stoica-Negulescu, #30583 (2018).
PS From Geophysics to Petroleum Systems within Geological Frame of Romania, Elena-Rodica Stoica-Negulescu, #10928 (2017).
Real-Time Borehole-Based Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in Adjacent Horizontal Wells in the Barnett Shale: Example of a Faulted Reservoir, Jerry S. Stokes, Horacio Moros, H. Le Calvez, Kimberly Brosnan, and Joe Greer, #40576 (2010).
High-Resolution Palynostratigraphy, Northern Arabian Plate – A Correlation Tool for Clastic Sequences, Ellen Stolle, Amer Nader, Ali I. Al-Juboury, Aboosh H. Al-Hadidy, Abdalla M. Abu Hamad, and Tatyana H. Dimitrova, #51036 (2014).
Kinematic Analysis Using Profile and Time-Slice Animations of 3-D Seismic Volumes: Examples from the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province, Donald S. Stone, #30175 (2011).
AV The Evolution of the American Shale Plays: Where We Are and How We Got There, Richard Kelty Stoneburner, #110228 (2017).
AVThe Exploration, Appraisal and Development of Unconventional Reservoirs: A New Approach to Petroleum Geology, Richard K. Stoneburner, #110181 (2015); revision of #41115 (2013).
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The Discovery, Reservoir Attributes and Significance of the Hawkville Field and Eagle Ford Shale Trend: Implications for Future Development,
Richard K. Stoneburner, #20251 (2014).
The Exploration, Appraisal and Development of Unconventional Reservoirs: A New Approach to Petroleum Geology, Richard K. Stoneburner, #41115 (2013).
AV The Explorationist's Role in Acquisition Evaluation: Turning Probable/Possible Reserves Into Value, by Richard K. Stoneburner, Petrohawk Energy LLC, #110007 (2004)
(4 of 4 presentations at AAPG/DPA Forum: Business Strategies for Exploration Evaluation: Onshore North America, AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2004)
Sedimentology and Provenance from Upper Cretaceous Strata in Southern New Mexico: Implications for Sediment Dispersal Along the Southern Margin of the Sevier Foreland Basin, Cody J. Stopka, Brian A. Hampton, and Greg H. Mack, #30415 (2015).
GCActive Gas Chimneys and Oilfield Karst Associated With a Miocene Reef Complex: Liuhua 11-1 Field, South China Sea, by Chip Story, #20013 (2003).
Contourite Sheet Sands: New Deepwater Exploration Target, Dorrik Stow, Rachel Brackenridge, and Javier Hernandez-Molina, #30182 (2011).
PS Pattern and Evolution of the 3-D Subduction-Induced Mantle Flow in the Laboratory: From Generic Models to Case Studies, Vincent Strak and Wouter P. Schellart, #41730 (2015).
PS Modelling Sealing Potential within the Palaeozoic Sequence in the Fitzroy Trough, Canning Basin, Western Australia, Julian Strand, Cedric Griffiths, and Laurent Langhi, #10462 (2012).
Effect of Hydrodynamics and Fault Zone Heterogeneity on Membrane Seal Capacity, Julian Strand, Jim Underschultz, Karsten Michael, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding, #40404 (2009).
Methanogenic Microbial Degradation of Organic Matter in Indiana Coal Beds, Dariusz Strapoc, Flynn Picardal, Courtney Turich, Irene Schaperdoth, Jennifer Macalady, and et al., #80013 (2008).
Integration of Geologic Data into Structural Imaging of the Andean Subthrust, Peru, Margaret A. Stratton, Robert Vestrum, and Dennis Ellison, #41605 (2015).
Influence of Water and Sediment Supply on the Completeness of the Stratigraphic Record and the Construction of Stratigraphic Surfaces in Alluvial Fans and Deltas, Kyle M. Straub and Christopher Esposito, #50919 (2014).
Visual Analytics: The RGB Co-Render – What Are We Going To Do With the Answer?, U. Strecker and L. MacGregor, #120175 (2014).
Quantifying Gas Hydrate Resources from Cumulative Seismic Attributes, Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon, Uwe Strecker, Anyela Morcote, Angel Zea, and Scott Singleton, #40588 (2010).
GCSeismic Attribute Analysis of Hydrothermal Dolomite, by Uwe Strecker, Matthew Carr, Steve Knapp, Maggie Smith, Richard Uden, and Gareth Taylor, #40180 (2005).
Mechanical Stratigraphy of the Monterey Formation and Relationship with Sedimentary Cycles, Montaña de Oro, California, Heather Strickland, Michael Gross, and Richard J. Behl, #50834 (2013).
AVStructural Architecture, Petroleum Systems, and Geological Implications for the Covenant Field Discovery, Sevier County, Utah, by Doug Strickland, Keith R. Johnson, John R. Vrona, Dan Schelling, and David A. Wavrek, #110014 (2005).
1 of 2 presentations at AAPG Forum: Recent Discoveries, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005)
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AV Conventional Wisdom: A Different Approach—Exploration in the Central Utah Thrust Belt, by Doug Strickland, #110076 (2009)
2 of 6 presentations from Forum, “Discovery Thinking,” AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Evolution and High Dissolution Porosity of Woodbine Sandstones in a Slope Submarine Fan, Double A Wells Field, Polk County, Texas - A Deep Water Gulf of Mexico Model Onshore, by Fred L. Stricklin, Jr., #20007 (2002).
Scales of Connectivity: Strategies for Modeling Source to Sink Pathways and Sand Body Distribution across Linked Depositional Systems, Lisa Stright, Cari Johnson, and Alexandre Turner, #120119 (2013).
Top Quartile Oil Sands Reservoirs – EnCana Foster Creek SAGD Project, Cold Lake Area, Alberta, Canada, Rudy Strobl, Daryl Wightman, Phil Aldred, Sung Youn, Wes Sutherland, Bill Male, Satyaki Ray, Richard Shang, and Bingjian Li, #10731 (2015).
Elongate Tidal Bar, Amalgamated Sub-Tidal Channel and Estuarine Point-Bar Successions of a Sand-Dominated Open Estuarine System; Integration of Outcrop and Subsurface Data, McMurray Formation, Ft. McKay, Alberta,Rudy Strobl, Milovan Fustic, and Bryce Jablonski, #50968 (2014).
Enhancing SAGD Bitumen Production through Conductive, Convective and Radiant Heating,Rudy Strobl, Bryce Jablonski, and Milovan Fustic, #41371 (2014).
Opportunities and Challenges in Accessing Stranded Pay and Atlantic Margins Heterogeneous Reservoirs in SAGD Bitumen Projects,Rudy Strobl, Bryce Jablonski, and Milovan Fustic, #41370 (2014).
Prediction of Multi-Scale Fluvio-Deltaic Stratigraphy by Forward and Inverse Modeling of Integrated Source-to-Sink Sediment Flux, Joep Storms, Dirk-Jan Walstra, Nathanaël Geleynse, Gerben de Jager, Andrea Forzoni, Karl Charvin, Kerry Gallagher, Liang Li, Gary Hampson, and Bert Jagers, #120112 (2013).
Regional Paleogeography and Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Dominic P. Strogen, Kyle J. Bland, Jan R. Baur, and Peter R. King, #10432 (2012).
PS Gypsum Stromatolites From Sawda Nathil: A Geological Relict From Salinas Along the Fourth Coastline of Qatar, Christian J. Strohmenger and Jeremy Jameson, #51389 (2017).
Sea-Level Controlled Low-Energy Shoreline Progradation and Facies Successions along the Southwestern Coastline of Qatar (Al-Zareq Area, Gulf of Salwa), Christian J. Strohmenger, Max Engel, Kim T. Peis, Anna Pint, Helmut Brückner, Ruqaiya A. Yousif, and John Rivers, #51309 (2016).
PSMicrobial-Mediated Dolomite from Coastal Sabkha Environments of Abu Dhabi and Qatar: Analogues to Subsurface Arid Climate Dolomitized Reservoir Rocks, Christian J. Strohmenger, Fadhil Sadooni, Judith A. McKenzie, Tomaso R. Bontognali, and Crisogono Vasconcelos, #50981 (2014).
AV K-Ar Dating of Authigenic Illites: Integrating Diagenetic History of the Mesaverde Group, Piceance Basin, NW Colorado, by T. Stroker and N. Harris, #110107 (2009)
4 of 5 presentations from Session, “Tight Gas Sandstones,” AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
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Chicxulub Impact Tsunami Deposits at the K–Pg Boundary in Northern Louisiana?, Martell A. Strong and Gary L. Kinsland, #30379 (2014).
PS Role of Natural Fracturing in Production from the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Stephen D. Sturm and Ernest Gomez, #50199 (2009).
PS Carlin-Type Gold Deposit Development as an Analogue for Unconventional Hydrocarbon Field Development, Daniel M. Sturmer, #30498 (2017).
Reconstruction of the Subsurface Depositional History of Onshore Niger Delta Basin, John Onayemi and Sunday Oladele, #30497 (2017).
Identification of Fractured Basement Reservoir Using Integrated Well Data and Seismic Attributes: Case Study at Ruby Field, Northwest Java Basin, Made Suardana, Ari Samodra, Arief Wahidin, and Mohammad Rachmat Sule, #20195 (2013).
Unlocking Potential Resources at Shallow Zone for Future Development: Methodology and Application at Sisi-Nubi Field, Mahakam Delta, Aditya Suardiputra, Rahmad Hidayat, Kelik Moersidin, Saras Nawangsari, Aldyth Sukapradja, Debrina Sugiharto, Hermawan, Soegianto Tjiptowiyono, and Cepi Adam, #30563 (2018).
PS Characterization Of Rayoso Formation for Underground Natural Gas Storage in Cupen, Neuquen Basin, Mirta Suarez, Rayén Ferreyro, Gabriela Buchanan, Álvaro Pose, and María Victoria David, #51618 (2019).
PSA Combined Rare Earth Element and Sedimentologic Approach to Taphonomic Interpretations of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, Utah, by Celina Suarez, Marina Suarez, Dennis O. Terry, Jr., D.E. Grandstaff, and James I. Kirkland, #50014 (2005).
Source Rock Geochemical Study in the Southwestern Java, A Potential Hydrocarbon Basin in Indonesia, Eddy A. Subroto, Eddy Hermanto, Praptisih Kamtono, and K. Kamtono, #10236 (2010).
The Messinian Salinity Crisis: A Perspective for Reservoir Exploration in the Mediterranean and Adjacent Basins, Jean-Pierre Suc, Francois Bache, Christian Gorini, Damien Do Couto, Laurent Jolivet, Jean-Loup Rubino, Ludovic Mocochain, and Speranta-Maria Popescu, #30277 (2013).
EA The Sand-Silt-Clay (SSC) Model: An Advanced Petrophysical Analysis and the Essential Applications to Lithology Computation, Permeability Estimation and Saturation Modeling, Yudiyoko Ega Sugiharto and Gamal Ragab Gaafar, #42489 (2020).
Overcoming Complex Geosteering Challenges in the Cardium Reservoir of the Foothills of Canada to Increase Production Using an Instrumented Motor with Near Bit Azimuthal Gamma Ray and Inclination, Asong Suh, James Bradley, Greg Feltham, and Jeffery Ward, #41384 (2014).
High-Resolution Variograms from Optical Borehole Imaging for Borehole-Scale Geostatistical Rock Simulation and Lattice Boltzmann Flow Simulation in High-Permeability Carbonates, Michael C. Sukop and Kevin J. Cunningham, #120091 (2013).
PS Geochemistry of Shallow Water Shales from the Virgin Limestone, Nevada, USA: Evidence for Periodic Shallow-Water Anoxia Following the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction, Shawn Sullivan and Adam D. Woods, #50813 (2013).
Markley Submarine Canyon or Something Different? A New Eocene Canyon in the Sacramento Basin, Northern California, Raymond Sullivan and Morgan D. Sullivan, #30275 (2013).
An Integrated Approach to Characterization and Modeling of Deep-water Reservoirs, Diana Field, Western Gulf of Mexico, by Morgan D. Sullivan, J. Lincoln Foreman, David C. Jennette, David Stern, Gerrick N. Jensen, Frank J. Goulding, #40153 (2005).
Origin of Eocene Depositional Sequences in the Sacramento Basin, California: The Interplay of Tectonics and Eustasy, by Raymond Sullivan and Morgan Sullivan, #50054 (2007).
PS Micropalaeontological Reconnaissance of the Rockly Bay Formation, Tobago, Lai Shan Sum, Brent Wilson, and Xavier Moonan, #51175 (2015).
Comparison of Sedimentary Processes in Twenty-Two Modern Submarine Canyons along the Northern California Margin, Esther J. Sumner and Charles K. Paull, #30413 (2015).
Challenges and Solution to AI Application in E&P Decision-Making, S. Qing Sun, James Faroppa, and Shengyu Wu, #42415 (2019).
Organic Geochemical Evidence of Redox Conditions in the Eagle Ford Formation, Southwest Texas, Xun Sun, Yongge Sun, Tongwei Zhang, and Kitty Milliken, #10778 (2015).
Fractured Volcanic Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study in the Deep Songliao Basin, Desheng Sun, Ling Yun, Gao Jun, Xiaoyu Xi, and Jixiang Lin, #10584 (2014).
Injection Pattern Design to Maximize the Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide Injection for Sequestration Purposes in Brine Formations, Qian Sun and Turgay Ertekin, #80334 (2013).
Comparison of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Global Marine Carbonate Sequences and Its Implication for Exploration, Hongjun Sun, Guoping Bai, and Binbin Teng, #30233 (2012).
Origin of the Cenozoic Conglomerate Deposits in Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, China, Haitao Sun and Dakang Zhong, #10574 (2014).
Spatial Diagenetic Heterogeneity of Lenticular Sandbody in Shahejie Formation, Bohai Bay Basin, China, and Its Implications for Sandstone Diagenesis, Haitao Sun and Dakang Zhong, #50490 (2011).
Methods of Calculating Total Organic Carbon from Well Logs and its Application on Rock's Properties Analysis, S. Z. Sun, Y. Sun, C. Sun, Z. Liu, and N. Dong, #41372 (2014).
PSA Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Lower Cretaceous North Carolina Coastal Plain, Southeastern U.S.A., by Richard Sunde and Brian P. Coffey, #50044 (2007).
PS Cliff Mapping of Surface Outcrops in the Powder River Basin Using Unmanned Aerial System, Emily G. Sundell, #42129 (2017).
Field Development Planning of a Thin Compartmentalised Oil Column: Vincent Field, Offshore Western Australia, Ole Sundsby, Darren Baker, Peter Griffiths, and Hein Knipscheer, #20067 (2009).
PS Model-Centric 3D Petrophysical Application Technology, Roger R. Sung and Khalid Al-Wahabi, #40848 (2011).
On the Road to the Roadside Geology of Oklahoma, Neil H. Suneson, #70302 (2017).
Cold War Geology: Lessons From Nuclear Fracture Simulation, Neil Suneson, #41735 (2015).
The Booch Sandstones (McAlester Formation, Krebs Group), Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma – Outcrops to Well Logs: An Introduction to Oklahoma Fluvial Reservoirs, Neil H. Suneson, #10210 (2009) (7.7 mb).
Characterize Millimeter-Scale Unconventional Rock Using Micron-Scale Sample Imaging and Machine Learning, Radompon Sungkorn, Anyela Morcote, Gustavo Carpio, Timothy Cavanaugh, and Jonas Toelke, #41910 (2016).
Unconventional Reservoir Shale Gas, Sunjay Sunjay, #10459 (2012).
Multifocusing Stack Technique for Subsurface Imaging, Sunjay Sunjay, #40749 (2011).
High Performance Computation by Graphics Processor Unit Technology for Geophysical Seismic Signal Processing, Sunjay Sunjay, #40727 (2011).
Detailed CO2 Storage Reservoir Site Characterization: The Key to Optimizing Performance and Maximizing Storage Capacity, R. C. Surdam, Z. Jiao, Y. Ganshin, R. Bentley, M. Garcia-Gonzalez, S. A. Quillinan, J. F. McLaughlin, P. Stauffer, and H. Deng, #80318 (2013).
Stratigraphic and Facies Control on Porosity and Pore Types of Mississippian Limestone and Chert Reservoirs: An Example from North-Central Oklahoma, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #11058 (2018).
PS Lithofacies and Pore-Structure Characterization of the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, Grant County, Oklahoma, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #80627 (2018).
PS Petrophysical Properties from Quantitative Multiscale Pore-Structure Characterization in Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir: An Example from the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestones, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #80598 (2017).
PS Investigation of Petrophysical-Property Heterogeneity for Electrofacies Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #41906 (2016).
PS Integrating Standard Petrophysical Analysis with Statistical Measures of Petrophysical Heterogeneity to Estimate Petrofacies in Mississippian Limestone, North-Central Oklahoma, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #41767 (2016).
Lacustrine Carbonates and Evaporites – Facies Evolution and Diagenesis: Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, Huang Suriamin, Frederick Sarg, Kati Tanavsuu-Milkeviciene, and John Humphrey, #50424 (2011).
Look at Situations from all Angles and you will Become More Open: Advanced Analytics Approach to Exploration Portfolio Allocation Decisions, Dmitry Surovtsev, Tom Levy, and Muhammad Usman Sethi, #70378 (2019).
The Role of the Mississippi in Deltaic Research: Contributions of James M. Coleman, Harry H. Roberts, and P. Shea Penland, John R. Suter, #40598 (2010).
Soil Gas Hydrocarbons: An Organic Geochemistry that Detects Hydrocarbon Signatures in Surficial Samples to Locate and Identify Deeply Buried Targets, Dale Sutherland, #40684 (2011).
PS Parameters Controlling Mudstone Sealing Capacity, by Sally J. Sutton, Frank G. Ethridge, William C. Dawson, and William R. Almon, #40205 (2006).
Mancobrara Stratigraphy Unraveled: A Tale of Mancos to Niobrara Stratigraphic Continuity Across the Upper Turonian to Campanian Western Interior Seaway, Robin L. Swank, #30649 (2020).
PS Updated Nomenclature for Plio-Pleistocene Formations in the Onshore Ventura Basin, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara 30' × 60' Quadrangles, Brian J. Swanson and Pamela J. Irvine, #10758 (2015).
PSUSGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources for the Oligocene Frio and Anahuac Formations, Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, USA, by Sharon M. Swanson and Alexander W. Karlsen, #10178 (2009).
A Multiple Model Technique for Evaluating the Potential Hydrocarbon Volumes and Risk of an Exploration Prospect, by Chris Swarbrick, Robert Kimmel, Steve Jenkins, Peter Leiggi, and P.M. (Mitch) Harris, #40291 (2008).
A Coastal Barrier-Spit System: An Alternative Depositional Model for the Kudu Gas Field, Namibia, Roger Swart, #20451 (2018)
PS Stratigraphic Correlation of the Cherry Canyon and Bell Canyon Formations (Guadalupian, Middle Permian), Southern Delaware Mountains, Texas, Using Fusulinid, Conodont, and Bentonite Data, Michael J. Sweatt, Merlynd K. Nestell, and Mark D. Schmitz, #51536 (2018).
Temporal and Spatial Scales of Autogenic Dynamics in Linked Fluvial-Marine Systems, John Swenson, Sanjeev Gupta, Chris Paola, and Douglas Jerolmack, #50314 (2010).
PS Role of the Base Permian Unconformity in Controlling Carboniferous Reservoir Prospectivity, UK Southern North Sea, Marta Swierczek, John R. Underhill, Helen Lever, and David Millward, #10275 (2010).
EA The First Oil Seep Discovery in South East PNG and its Implications to Torres Basin Petroleum System Analysis, Michael Swift, Ric Malcolm, and H. Davies, #11323 (2020).
PS Chemometric Classification of Terrestrial Oil Families in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: Higher Plant Trends and Migration Contamination Effects, Richard Sykes, #30628 (2019).
Improved Calibration of the Absolute Thermal Maturity of Coal-Sourced Oils and Gas Condensates Using PLS Regression, R. Sykes and K.-G. Zink, #10480 (2013).
PS Is It Trap? Is It Seal? A Move Towards Consistent Risking of Stratigraphic Traps, Mark A. Sykes, J. Steve Davis, Christopher J. Vandewater, Samuel J. Plitzuweit, and S. Lance Jackson, #42492 (2020).
Assessment Measures: Describing Uncertainty Accurately, Clearly and Unambiguously, Mark A. Sykes, Kenneth C. Hood, and Stephan I. Setterdahl, #41023 (2012).
"Say What We Mean and Mean What We Say": The Unified Upstream Risk Model as a Force for Shared Understanding, Mark A. Sykes, Kenneth C. Hood, Steven N. Salzman, and Christopher J. Vandewater, #70110 (2011).
Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Through the Cenozoic A 3D Visualization Tour, by Dennis A. Sylvia, William E. Galloway, and Ricardo Combellas, #40093 (2003).
Intrinsic Fault Seal Uncertainties in Hydrocarbon Migration Analysis, Øyvind Sylta and Are Tømmerås, #40775 (2011).
ExxonMobil’s Electrofrac Process for In Situ Oil Shale Conversion, William A. Symington, David L. Olgaard, Glenn A. Otten, Tom C. Phillips, Michele M. Thomas, and Jesse D. Yeakel, #40316 (2008)
Latitudinal Controls on Siliciclastic Sediment Production and Transport, J. P. Syvitski, A. J. Kettner, I. Overeem, G. R. Brakenridge, and S. Cohen, #41923 (2016).
Global Influence of Lowland Depressions on Fluvial Morphology and Sediment Storage, James Syvitski and Irina Overeem, #50668 (2012).
Delivering Terrestrial Sediment to Continental Slopes: An Overview of Mechanisms, James P.M. Syvitski and Eric W.H. Hutton, #50166 (2009).
Human and Natural Controls on a Delta’s Surface Elevation Relative to Local Mean Sea Level, James P.M. Syvitski, A.J. Kettner, I. Overeem, E.W.H. Hutton, M.T. Hannon, G.R. Brakenridge, J. Day, C. Vörösmarty, Y. Saito, L. Giosan, and R.J. Nicholls, #50339 (2010).
Sharing the 2018 Proposed Updates and Improvements to the Petroleum Resources Management System, Attila Szabo, #70357 (2018).
Fluid Inclusion Analysis as Additional Tool for Comprehension of Petroleum Systems: A Case Study from the Pannonian Basin (Hungary), Barbara Szabó, Felix Schubert, Herbert Volk, and Manzur Ahmed, #40917 (2012).
Evidence for an Early and Sustained Mode of Diffuse Lithospheric Extension in the Central Arabian Rift Flank of the Red Sea Rift System, Eugene Szymanski, Daniel F. Stockli, and Peter R. Johnson, #30249 (2012).
Ta-Th Ti-Tz
Wetumpka Impact Structure, Alabama LiDAR Digital Elevation Model and Topographic Cross-sectional Analysis, Pascual Tabares Rodenas, David T. King Jr., Luke J. Marzen, Lucille Petruny, and Jens Ormö, #50696 (2012).
Frontier Areas for Coalbed-Gas Exploration in Utah, by David E. Tabet and Jeffrey C. Quick, #10057 (2004).
Hydrocarbon Potential in the Makran Offshore Area, Ali Rashid Tabrez and Asif Inam, #80218 (2012).
Lithologic Controls of Pressure Distribution in Sedimentary Basins, John Tackett and Jim Puckette, #40898 (2012).
Quantifying the Impact of Geological Heterogeneity on Hydrocarbon Recovery in Marginal Aeolian Reservoirs, by Samantha Taggart, Gary Hampson, and Matthew Jackson, #40344 (2008).
Fractured Intrusion and Extrusion Reservoirs: Play Concept and Hydrocarbon Potential, Mohamed Taha, #51441 (2017).
Use of Drilling Data to Generate Rock Mechanical and Natural Fracture Property Logs in Horizontal Wells, Mazeda Tahmeen and Geir Hareland, #41806 (2016).
Old Wells, Potable Water, and Carbon Dioxide-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration Projects in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins of Kentucky, Kathryn G. Takacs, Thomas M. Parris, and Brandon C. Nuttall, #80140 (2011).
JAPEX's 60 Years' Experience Exploring Volcanic Reservoirs in Japan, Kentaro Takeda and Yasuo Yamada, #70297 (2017).
State Regulatory Approaches to Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the Big Sky Region, John Talbott, #80106 (2010).
Challenges and Solutions Associated with Drilling Deviated Wells in Alternating Soft-Hard Formations – A Case Study from Onshore KG Basin, India, Rahul Talreja, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, Amol Nakhle, Koka Raj Kumar, and Ankit Kakrania, #42309 (2018).
Understanding the Variation in Drilling Rate Index with Fracture Toughness and Tensile Strength of Intact Rocks - Some Laboratory Scale Studies and Their Implications in Drilling, Rahul Talreja, Rajeev Ranjan, V.M.S.R. Murthy, and Shri B Munshi, #70259 (2017).
High-Resolution Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Wolfcamp D Shale-Unit in Upton and Midland Counties – Is it possible to identify stratigraphically significant surfaces using δ13Ccarb?, Frank Tamakloe, Andrea Erhardt, Michael M. McGlue, and Lowell Waite, #51605 (2019).
Identification of Seismic Facies and Effect of Seismic Data Quality on Hydrocarbon Distribution in Pict Field, Central North Sea, United Kingdom, Muhammad Shahid Tamannai, Abid G. Bhullar, and Chris Ward, #20190 (2013).
Geological and Geophysical Evaluation of Offshore Morondava Frontier Basin based on Satellite Gravity, Well and Regional 2D Seismic Data Interpretation, Muhammad S. Tamannai, Douglas Winstone, Ian Deighton, and Peter Conn, #10229 (2010).
Time-Lapse Monitoring with Satellite Data for Reservoir Management, Andrea Tamburini, Marco Minini, Andy Higgs, Giacomo Falorni, and Stefano Cespa, #40921 (2012).
PS Examination of the Queenston Delta in Central New York for Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage, Kathryn Tamulonis and Teresa Jordan, #40451 (2009).
PS Thermogenic Gas Hydrate System and Models of Gas Hydrate Occurrence Patterns, Linyun Tan, Arthur H. Johnson, and Lijun Cheng, #80268 (2012).
Controls of Reservoir and Cap Rock on Gas Hydrate Formation, Linyun Tan, #40911 (2012).
Geological Characterization and Modeling of an Aptian Carbonate Reservoir in the Santos Basin, Brazil, Ana Paula Tanaka, Desiree Faria, João Paulo Gomes, and Olinto de Souza Jr, #11128 (2018).
The Importance of Malm-Neocomian Carbonate Buildups in the Hydrocarbon System of the Moesian Platform, Mihai Tanasa, #30367 (2014).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy, Climate, and Organic-Richness: Green River Formation, Lake Uinta, Colorado, Kati Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene, J. Frederick Sarg, Jufang Feng, Suriamin Huang, and Yuval Bartov, #50695 (2012).
PS Formation of Rich and Lean Oil Shale Deposits in the Eocene Green River Lake Basin - Link to Climate Changes: Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, U.S.A., Kati Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene and J. Frederick Sarg, #50488 (2011).
Proppant Damage Characterization using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements, Saurabh Tandon, Aderonke Aderibigbe, Zoya Heidari, Jingyu Shi, and Tihana Fuss-Dezelic, #80552 (2016).
The Grain-Coating Illite/Smectite (I/S): A New Discovery on Its Positive Effect on Porosity Preservation, Longxun Tang, Jon Gluyas, Stuart Jones, Leon Bowen, and Bernard Besly, #51451 (2017).
Differential Deformed Salt-Related Tectonics of the Kuqa Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt, Tarim Basin, Northwest China, by Liangjie Tang, Yixin Yu, Chengzao Jia, and Zhijun Jin, #30052 (2007).
PS A Preliminary Study on the Late Cenozoic Structural Characteristics of Arakan Fold Belt, Bay of Bengal, Pengcheng Tang, Fuliang Lu, Guozhang Fan, Shao Dali, Xuefeng Wang, Hui Sun, and Li Li, #50829 (2013).
The Forebulge Migration and Its influence on Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of Back-bulge in Triassic, Tarim Basin, Wu Tang, Yingmin Wang, and Lei Zhang, #30268 (2013).
Geochemical Characteristics and Estimation of Gas Content of the Low-Middle Mature Continental Shales: A Case Study from the Ordos Basin, Xuan Tang, Jinchuan Zhang, Xiangzeng Wang, Bingsong Yu, Wenlong Ding, and Lixia Zhang, #10517 (2013).
Shale Gas Characteristics in the Southeastern Part of the Ordos Basin, China: Implications for the Accumulation Condition and Potential of Continental Shale Gas, Xuan Tang, Jinchuan Zhang, Bingsong Yu, and Wenlong Ding, #10481 (2013).
Advanced Isotope Geochemistry to Increase Production from Horizontal Wells and Reservoirs, Yongchun Tang, Li Gao, Sheng Wu, Yongbin Jin, Andrei Deev, Andrew Sneddon, Tom Arnold, and Patrick Berglund, #41714 (2015).
PS Predicting Shale Gas Content and Productivity Based on Isotope Fractionation, Yongchun Tang, Sheng Wu, Andree Deev, Daniel Xia, and Bob Olson, #40957 (2012).
PS Quantitative Assessment of Shale Gas Potential Based on Its Special Generation and Accumulation Processes, Yongchun Tang and Daniel (Xinyu) Xia, #40819 (2011).
Reservoir Porosity and Stratigraphy of Eocene-Miocene Successions, North-Central, Jamaica: Onshore Analogues for Petroleum Systems on the Eastern Nicaraguan Rise, Kevin R. Tankoo and Simon F. Mitchell, #30538 (2017).
High Frequency Sequence Stratigraphic Surfaces and Associated Reservoir Facies in Lower Cretaceous Ratawi Shale Formation in Kuwait, Saifullah Khan Tanoli, #10524 (2013).
PS The Enjefa Beach Exposure in Kuwait, Northern Gulf: Evidence of Late Holocene Regression, Saifullah Khan Tanoli, Abdulaziz Al-Fares, and Ghaida Al-Sahlan, #50602 (2012).
Where to Find the Reservoir? Late Valanginian Unconformity Associated Play in Kuwait, Saifullah K. Tanoli, Mohammed Dawwas Al-Ajmi, Heyam Al-Ammar, and Nikhil Banik, #40683 (2011).
Depositional and Diagenetic Effects on Reservoir Properties in Carbonate Debris Deposits: Comparison of Two Debris Flows within the Berai Formation, Makassar Strait, Indonesia, Chrisna Asmiati Tanos, Julie Kupecz, Sri Lestari, John Keith Warren, and Alaa Baki, #50768 (2012).
PS Model of CO2 Leakage Rates Along a Wellbore, Qing Tao and Steven Bryant, #40612 (2010).
Formation Mechanisms of Stratigraphic Reservoirs Below Hydrocarbon Source Rock in Depression-type Lacustrine of Continental Rift Basins – Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Reservoirs in South Songliao Basin, China, Shi-zhen Tao, Cai-neng Zou, Zhi Yang, Xiao-hui Gao, Xuan-jun Yuan, and Li-zhong Song, #10302 (2011).
Turonian Sill Complexes in the Offshore Morondava Basin, Madagascar: Trap Formation by Compound Forced Folding, Gabor Tari, Katie Hannke, Gordon Wilmot, Isabell Schretter, Gregory Rock, and Tim Allan, #11015 (2017).
Interpretation of the Silurian Basin of Central and Eastern Europe as a Pro-foreland Flexural Basin: Implications for Shale Gas Exploration, Gabor Tari, Piotr Krzywiec, Pawel Poprawa, Csaba Krezsek, and Igor Popadyduk, #10683 (2014).
Exploration Country Focus: Ukraine, Gabor Tari, #10359 (2011).
Play Types of the Moesian Platform of Romania and Bulgaria, Gabor Tari, Daniela Ciudin, Albert Kostner, Adriana Raileanu, Alina Tulucan, Gheorghe Vacarescu, and Dian Vangelov, #10311 (2011).
Play Types and Hydrocarbon Potential of Deep-Water NW Egypt, Gabor Tari, Hussein Hussein, and Bernhard Novotny, #10227 (2010); view complete presentation (18mb).
Structural Analogy Between the Inverted Structures of the Moroccan Atlas System and the Syrian Arc Structures of the Eastern Mediterranean, Gabor Tari and Haddou Jabour, #30189 (2011).
Salt Tectonics in the Atlantic Margin of Morocco, by Gabor Tari and Haddou Jabour, #30061 (2008).
Deepwater Play Types of the Black Sea: A Brief Overview, G. Tari, C. Menlikli, and S. Derman, #10310 (2011).
Sedimentary and Geodynamical 2D-3D Modeling of the Provence Continental Shelf during Mio-Pliocene Eustatic Events, Aurélie Tassy, François Fournier, Jean Borgomano, Bruno Arfib, and Isabelle Thinon, #50788 (2013).
Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of the Provence Shelf since the Messinian Salinity Crisis (SE France), Aurélie Tassy, François Fournier, Jean Borgomano, Bruno Arfib, Philippe Munch, Isabelle Thinon, Marina Rabineau, and Marie-Claire Fabri, #120092 (2013).
PS PSBenefits of New Offshore Seismics on the Understanding of a Western Mediterranean Continental Shelf Geodynamics and Eustatic Controls During the Neogene (Provence Margin, SE France), Aurelie Tassy, Francois Fournier, Jean Borgomano, Bruno Arfib, Philippe Munch, and Isabelle Thinon, #50643 (2012).
PS Petrophysical Interpretation of Electromagnetic Induction and Dielectric Dispersion Logs in Bakken Petroleum System, Pratiksha Tathed, Yifu Han, and Siddharth Misra, #42155 (2017).
Evolution of Northeast Africa and the Greater Caucasus: Common Patterns and Petroleum Potential, Ed Tawadros, Dmitry Ruban, and Malahat Efendiyeva, #30400 (2015).
PS Petrochemistry of the Lower Cambrian Araba Formation, Taba Area, East Sinai, Egypt, Hossam A. Tawfik, Ibrahim M. Ghandour, Alaa M. Salem, Wataru Maejima, and Abdel-Monem T. Abdel-Hameed, #50655 (2012).
Solar Power for Sustainable Offshore Petroleum Exploration and Production in Africa, Samuel Tawiah, Solomon Adjei Marfo, and Daniel Benah Jnr, #42027 (2017).
Reservoir Quality and Rock Properties Modeling Results – Jurassic and Triassic Sandstones: Greater Shearwater (HPHT) Area, UK Central North Sea, Thomas R. Taylor, Mark G. Kittridge, Peter Winefield, L. Taras Bryndzia, and Linda M. Bonnell, #20320 (2015).
Application of Hyperspectral Core Logging for Coal Mineral Characterisation in CSG Reservoirs, Natalya Taylor, Frank Honey, Ronell Carey, Rodney Borrego, Sandra Rodrigues, and Joan Esterle, #41645 (2015).
Visualization and the Use of Real Time Data While Geosteering - Onshore Algeria, Mark S. G. Taylor, #40592 (2010).
Facies, Organic Content, and Composition of Carlile and Niobrara Formations, Southwestern Saskatchewan and Southeastern Alberta, Samantha E. Taylor, Per Kent Pedersen, Ron Spencer, Haiping Huang, Steve Larter, and Andrew Aplin, #50450 (2011).
AVThe Ten Habits of Highly Successful Oil Finders, D.J. Tearpock and R.C. Shoup, #110178 (2015).
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What Makes a Good Prospect? by Daniel J. Tearpock, #70026 (2006).
Professional Practices as They Apply to Petroleum Geoscience, by Daniel J. Tearpock, #70025 (2006).
The Pennsylvanian Desmoinesian Mudstone and Carbonates Reservoirs in Southern Denver Basin, Steven Tedesco, #11340 (2020).
PS The Use of Iodine Surface Geochemistry Integrated With Seismic and Subsurface Geology to Find Conventional Reservoirs in the Mid-Continent USA, Steven A. Tedesco, #42059 (2017).
Macroseeps and Microseeps: A History of Unconventional Approach to Exploration Since the Start of the Petroleum Age, Steven A. Tedesco, #42058 (2017).
Utilizing Aeromagnetics and Micromagnetics to Define Petroleum Reservoirs in the Denver, Forest City, and Cherokee Basins, Steven Tedesco, #42042 (2017).
Identification of Petroleum Productive Low Temperature Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs: Difficulties and Challenges Identifying and Finding, Steven Tedesco, #42039 (2017).
Comparison of Completion and Drilling Techniques Utilized in Developing Paleozoic Reservoirs in the Southern Denver Basin, Mid-Continent, Colorado USA, Steven Tedesco, #10838 (2016).
Seismic Interpretation of the Arikaree Creek Field, Denver Basin, Lincoln County, Colorado, Potential New Play Type in the Denver Basin, Steven Tedesco, #10790 (2015).
The Relationship between Specific Reservoir Characteristics and the Gas Productive Coals and Carbonaceous Mudstones in the Cherokee Basin, Steven Tedesco, #10789 (2015).
Comparison of Hydraulic Stimulation Methods of Coals and Carbonaceous Shales in the Cherokee Basin, Steven Tedesco, #10788 (2015).
The Cause of Gas Saturation in the Coals of the Cherokee Formation (Desmoinesian Age) in the Cherokee and Forest City Basins, Mid-Continent, USA, Steven A. Tedesco, #80490 (2015).
Integrated Approach Using Subsurface Geology, Aeromagnetics, Surface Geochemistry and 3-D Seismic in Discovering New Conventional Reservoirs, Steven A. Tedesco, #41494 (2014).
Coalbed Methane Potential and Activity of the Western Interior Basin, by Steven Tedesco, #10059 (2004).
Coalbed Methane Potential and Activity of the Illinois Basin, by Steven Tedesco, #10058 (2004).
Velocity Conditioning for an Improved Depth Conversion, Ang Chin Tee, M. Hafizal Zahir, M. Faizal Rahim, Nor Azhar Ibrahim, and Boshara M. Arshin, #40743 (2011).
Tanzania Ultra-Deepwater Exploration, Lino Teixeira, Veronica Martinez, and Salvador Chrispim, #10189 (2009).
Source Mechanism Analysis to Determine Optimal Wellbore Orientation in the Eagle Ford Play, Cherie Telker, #41196 (2013).
Fluvial Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Burro Canyon Formation Using UAV-Based Outcrop Models, Southwestern Piceance Basin, Colorado, Jerson J. Tellez, Matthew J. Pranter, and Rex D. Cole, #51640 (2020).
PS UAV-Based Photogrammetry for Facies Architecture and Fluvial Sequence Stratigraphic Definition of the Burro Canyon Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, Jerson J. Tellez, Matthew J. Pranter, and Rex D. Cole, #51615 (2019).
PS Seismic Geomorphology and Characterization of Deep Water Architectural Elements and its Applications in 3D Modeling: A Case Study in North Carnarvon Basin Australia, Jerson J. Tellez and Roger Slatt, #42097 (2017).
PS Seismic Facies Classification and Characterization of Deep Water Architectural Elements: A Case Study in North Carnarvon Basin Australia, Jerson J. Tellez and Roger Slatt, #42096 (2017).
Seismic Geomorphology and Characterization of Deep Water Architectural Elements and its Applications in 3-D Modeling: A Case of Study, North Carnarvon Basin, Australia, J. J. Tellez and R. M. Slatt, #41957 (2016).
Petroleum System of Early Cretaceous Forearc Basin: Sinop Basin, Central Black Sea Onshore – Northern Turkey, Riza Özgür Temel, Sahin Unal, and Murat Ceylan, #10697 (2015).
A System of Key Performance Indicators for Validating Matched Reservoir Analogues through Case-based Reasoning Algorithms, Cenk Temizel, Suryansh Purwar, Amit Agarwal, Azer Abdullayev, Pedro Mora, Alejandro Chacon and Alkan Gulses, #41311 (2014).
PS Geochemical Modeling of the Near-Surface Hydrothermal System Beneath the Southern Moat of Long Valley Caldera, California, Regina Tempel and Daniel Sturm, #80179 (2011).
Shale Gas and Muddy Shelves: Comparing the Neogene-Quaternary Eridanos System (NW Europe) with the Devonian Catskill Delta (USA), Johan ten Veen, Andrea Moscariello, Dario Ventra, and Mart Zijp, #50854 (2013).
Modernization of Oil & Gas Reporting Survival Guide, Jeff Tenzer, #120017 (2009).
PS Geometric Quantification of Dolomitized Clinoforms Using Digital Outcrop Models and Surface-Based Modeling: Insights for Geobody Connectivity From Outcrop Analogues, Chia Pei Teoh, Juan Carlos Laya, Carl Jacquemyn, Franciszek Hasiuk, Steve Kaczmarek, and Fiona Whitaker, #51611 (2019).
PS Carbonate Sedimentation Patterns in the South China Sea: An Insight into Miocene Carbonate Morphologies, Chia Pei Teoh and Georg Warrlich, #42068 (2017).
Flow and Performance of Geothermal Doublets in Deep Dinantian Carbonates of The Netherlands, Jan Ter Heege and Sander Osinga, #80720 (2020).
How Sweet is European Shale? A Story about the Uncertain Potential, Problematic Recovery and Public Concerns of Shale Gas Development in Europe, Jan ter Heege, #70381 (2019).
Facies, Architecture and Compartmentalization of Basin-Floor Deposits: Upper and Middle Kaza Groups, British Columbia, Canada, Viktor Terlaky, Hugues Longuépée, Jonathan Rocheleau, Lori Meyer, Kelsey Privett, Greg van Hees, Gillian Cramm, Adam Tudor, and R. William Arnott, #50301 (2010).
Paleosols of the Upper Devonian Foreknobs Formation of Western Virginia and Eastern West Virginia, Dennis O. Terry, Wilson McClung, and Kenneth A. Eriksson, #50903 (2013).
Conflicting Opinions on the Potential for Petroleum in California in the mid-1800s: Early Reconnaissance, the First California Geological Survey, and the State Mining Bureau, Stephen M. Testa, #11386 (2024).
Historical Development of Well Stimulation and Hydraulic Fracturing Technologies, Stephen M. Testa, #60053 (2017).
Impacts and Issues of Refining on Regional Groundwater, Los Angeles Coastal Plain, California, by Stephen M. Testa, #50011 (2005).
PS NMR T2 Cut-Off Determination for Shales, M. Nadia Testamanti, Reza Rezaee and Ali Saeedi, #80583 (2017).
PS A Lithostratigraphic Examination of the K-Pg Boundary in Northwestern South Dakota, Jason Testin, #50803 (2013).
Multi-attributes and Seismic Interpretation of Offshore Exploratory Block in Bahrain-A Case Study, Suresh Thampi, Aqeel Ahmed, Yahya Al-Ansari, Ali Shehab, Ahmed Fateh, Anindya Ghosh, and Ghada Almoulani, #41919 (2016).
Fluvial Architecture of Reverse Directional Channels in the Irrawaddy Sandstone, Salin Basin, Central Myanmar, Naing Maw Than, #50727 (2012).
PS Gas Hydrate Mapping using 3D CSEM, Raghava Tharimela and Allan Filipov, #80676 (2019).
PS Quantifying the Risk on Reservoir Quality with Forward Stratigraphic Modelling in Frontier Areas - Orphan Basin, Canada, Alcide Thebault, Véronique Gervais, Marie Callies, and Paul Jermannaud, #42453 (2019).
PS A New Kinematic Tool for Petroleum System Modeling in Complex Structural Settings: Application to the Andean Foothills, Alcide Thebault, Marie Callies, Jean-Luc Faure, Françoise Willien, and Raul Eduardo Giraudo, #42360 (2019).
Using an Uncertainty Assessment Approach for Estimating Recoverable Reserves from the Bakken Petroleum System in North Dakota, Cosima Theloy, Jay E. Leonard, China O. Leonard, and Paul W. Ganster, #10918 (2017).
New Insights into the Bakken Play: What Factors Control Production?, Cosima Theloy and Stephen Sonnenberg, #80332 (2013).
Factors Influencing Productivity in the Bakken Play, Williston Basin, Cosima Theloy and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #10413 (2012).
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation – An Earth Modeling Perspective, Damien Thenin and Ron Larson, #41348 (2014).
Mineral-Chemistry Quantification and Petrophysical Calibration for Multi-Mineral Evaluations, Paul N. Theologou, Douglas McCarty, Timothy Fischer, Arkadiusz Derkowski, Rebecca Stokes, and Ann Ollila, #41754 (2015).
Building Better Integration between Structural Complexity and Basin Modelling, M. Thibaut, I. Faille, F. Willien, P. Have, S. Pegaz-Fiornet, and G. Rodet, #40891 (2012).
PSISBA: A Methodological Project for Petroleum Systems Evaluation in Complex Areas, by M. Thibaut, C. Sulzer, A. Jardin, and M. Bêche, #40269 (2007).
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Fractured Media, Marc Thiercelin, Dimitry Chuprakov, Eduard Siebrits, Robert Jeffrey, and Xi Zhang, #50315 (2010).
Structural and Stratigraphic Development of Extensional Basins: A Case Study Offshore Deepwater Sarawak and Northwest Sabah, Malaysia, by Kenneth Thies, Mansor Ahmad, Hamdan Mohamad, Richard Bischke, Jeffrey Boyer, and Daniel Tearpock, #10103 (2006).
3-D Grid Types in Geomodeling and Simulation How the Choice of the Model Container Determines Modeling Results, Jim Thom and Christian Hcker, #40477 (2009).
PS Stratigraphic and Sedimentary Processes Simulation to Explore the Silurian and Devonian Sequence in the Madre de Dios Basin, Djowan Thomas, Frederic Schneider, Stephane Rousse, Jean-luc Faure, Olvis Padilla, Bertrand Valsardieu, and Jorge Pareja, #11210 (2019).
Discoveries from the Updip Expansion of the SCOOP Play, Drew Thomas, #11041 (2018).
In-Situ Analysis of Traces, Minor and Major Elements in Rocks and Soils with a Portable XRF Spectrometer, Anthony Thomas, Joachim Heckel, and Dirk Wissmann, #41836 (2016).
Geologic History and Petrology of the Tobago Volcanic Group, Keshra K. Thomas, #51172 (2015).
North Soldado, Trinidad and Tobago: An Examination of the Remaining Exploration Potential within the Field, Adrian Thomas, #20367 (2016).
The Hypothetical Cretaceous Petroleum System of Trinidad and Tobago, Adrian Thomas, #30373 (2014).
The Erosion of Knowledge and the Roles of Professional Societies: Is there a Responsibility Implied? Or...Larson’s Look at the Future of Finding Oil and Gas), by J. B. (Jack) Thomas, #70011 (2004).
The Importance of Using Geologic Information to Complete Wells, by J. B. (Jack) Thomas, #40032 (2001).
Submarine Sediment Distribution Patterns within the Bengal Fan System, Deep Water Bengal Basin, India, Bruno Thomas, Patrick Despland, and Lance Holmes, #50756 (2012).
A Mushwad of Floyd Shale in the Appalachian Thrust Belt in Alabama, Combining the Structure of the Conasauga Gas Play with the Stratigraphy of the Floyd Gas Play, by William A. Thomas, #10150 (2008).
Upper Ordovician Montoya Sequence Stratigraphy and Chert Porosity in Southeastern Delaware Basin, by David M. Thomas, III And Huaibo Liu, #30023 (2004).
Pseudowell Logs for Characterizing Deepwater Fan Reservoirs: The Tanqua Karoo "Laboratory" Model, by J. B. Thomas, #40012 (2001).
AV Challenge Dogma – Question the Answer, by M. Ray Thomasson, #110075 (2009)
1 of 6 presentations from Forum, "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
AVExploration-Experience and Philosophy, by M.Ray Thomasson, #110020 (2005).
4 of 4 presentations at AAPG Forum: The Independents – Case Studies of Success, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005)
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Rocky Mountain Giants: Rockies Domimate U.S. Onshore ‘Discovery’ of 1990s Giants, by M. Ray Thomasson and Fred F. Meissner, #10048 (2003).
From Indonesia to Myanmar: A Review of Seismic Images across the Indo-Australian/Sunda Plate Margin: The Anatomy of a Subduction Zone in Space & Time, Paul Thompson, #30552 (2018).
GCMulticomponent Seismic: A Pragmatist's Primer, by Chris Thompson, #40156 (2005).
Fluvial-Tidal Sandbody Relationships in the "Nonmarine" Iles Formation near Rangely, Colorado, Jeffrey A. Thompson and Donna S. Anderson, #50470 (2011).
Hydrodynamic Interpretation of High Energy Wave-dominated Shoreface Successions, Cretaceous Mount Garfield/Illes Formation, Colorado, Jesse Thompson and Diane Kamola, #50378 (2010).
Ichnological and Sedimentological Criteria for Differentiating Brackish-Water Bay-Head Deltas and Fully Marine Open-Coast Deltas, by Cameron R. Thompson, James A. MacEachern, and Aaron J. DesRoches, #50109 (2008)
Orogenesis and Post-Orogenic Collapse: Rocky Mountain Analogs and New Permian Basin Insights, Ryan C. Thompson, #30643 (2019).
Post-Laramide Thrust Backsliding and Arch Collapse: A Mechanism for Creating Intensely Fractured Trends and High Off-Structure Production, Wind River Basin, Wyoming, Ryan C. Thompson, #30347 (2014).
Post-Laramide Thrust Backsliding and Arch Collapse: A Mechanism for Creating Intensely Fractured Trends and High Off-Structure Production, Wind River Basin, Wyoming, Ryan C. Thompson, #30347 (2014).
PS Two-Stage Mechanical Stratigraphy and Extensional Fracturing in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming, Ryan C. Thompson and Eric Erslev, #10207 (2009) (70KB); complete presentation (7.3MB).
Modeling in Carbonates: Where is the Geology?, Brodie Thomson, #120093 (2012).
The Middle Jurassic Elko Orogeny - A Major Tectonic Event in Nevada-Utah, by Charles H. Thorman and Fred Peterson, #30024 (2004).
Structural Deformation, Traps and Reservoir Distribution in Deepwater Southern Equatorial Guinea: A Tale of Two Basins, Scott E. Thornton, Gerald Kidd, Terry Stellman, Peter Mullin, Edwin Goter, and Pratt Barndollar, #10841 (2016).
The History of Oil Exploration in the Union of Myanmar, Scott E. Thornton, #10807 (2015).
Enhanced Reservoir Characterization and Permeability Prediction of Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs from Sonic Velocity and Digital Image Analysis, John E. Thornton and G. Michael Grammer, #50689 (2012).
Prediction of Petrophysical Properties of Trenton-Black River (Ordovician) Reservoirs by Comparing Pore Architecture and Permeability to Sonic Velocity, John E. Thornton and G. Michael Grammer, #50508 (2011).
Understanding Horizontal Well Logs to Improve the Geological Model While Drilling, by Arve K. Thorsen, Jeremy C. "Jez" Lofts, Trond Gravem, Knut J. Rønning, and Andrew J. Holden, #40253 (2007).
Milking the Goat: Revised Reservoir Characterisation of the Åre Formation, Heidrun Field, Offshore Mid-Norway, Camilla Thrana, Mali Brekken, Arve Næss, Simon Leary, and Stuart Gowland, #20069 (2009).
Niobrara Source Rock Maturity in the Denver Basin: A Study of Differential Heating and Tectonics on Petroleum Prospectivity Using Programmed Pyrolysis, David J. Thul and Steve Sonnenberg, #80341 (2013).
PSReducing Deforestation Impacts of 3-D Seismic in Tropical Ecuador Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, by Mark Thurber, David Westlund, Fernando L. Benalcazar, and Antonio Semanate, #80003 (2006).
PS From collection to utilization: Outcrop analog data in a 3D world, by John B. Thurmond, #40126 (2004).
Turning Brown Fields into Gold Fields with Wettability Alteration, Geoffrey Thyne, #41962 (2016).
Wettability Alteration in Reservoirs: How It Happens and How It Boosts Production, Geoffrey Thyne, #80520 (2016).
Wettability Alteration in the Eagle Ford: How to Design Drilling Fluids to Improve Recovery in Shale Plays, Geoffrey Thyne, #51092 (2015).
Wettability Alteration and Increasing Recovery in the Permian Basin: Application to Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs, Geoffrey Thyne, #41469 (2014).
The Economics of Wettability Alteration for Renewed Production from Old Fields in the Permian Basin: Evaluations of Spraberry, Avalon and Bone Springs Reservoirs, Geoffrey Thyne, Sharon Yacob, and Teresa Nealon, #41379 (2014).
Evaluation of Chemical Flooding in the Minnelusa Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Geoffrey Thyne, Vladimir Alvarado, and Glen Murrell, #50239 (2010).
Characterization of Petrophysical Properties for CO2 Sequestration Models in the Mississippian Madison Group, Moxa Arch-La Barge Platform, Southwestern Wyoming, Geoffrey Thyne, Mark Tomasso, David Budd, Sharon Bywater-Reyes, and Brian Reyes, #80182 (2011).
Ti-Tz Back to T
PS Revise the Paleozoic North American Regional Time Scales by Volcanic Ashes in the Midland Basin, Hepeng Tian, Majie Fan, Lowell Waite, and Robert J. Stern, #11247 (2019).
PS Charging of Heavy Oil Fields Surrounding the Southern End of Liaoxi Uplift from Multiple Lacustrine Source Rock Intervals and Generative Kitchens, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Derui Tian, Changgui Xu, Kui Wu, Rucai Zhang, and Wenjing Pan, #10976 (2017).
Geological Openness Effect on the Chemical and Carbon Isotopic Signatures of Shale Gas: Implications from the Stepwise Pyrolysis Bitumen , Hui Tian, Haifeng Gai, Tongwei Zhang, Xianming Xiao, and Baojia Huang, #41901 (2016).
PS Pore Structure Classification of Carbonate Rocks Based on Rock Type Analysis and NMR Experiments, Fei Tian, Weimin Wang, Zhongchun Liu, Yang Zhou, Naigui Liu, and Tao Fang, #42090 (2017).
PSVisualization and Quantification of Deeply Buried Paleokarst Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, China, Fei Tian, Qiang Jin, Yang Li, Hong-fang Zhang, and Xun Kang, #20257 (2014).
PS The Study on How to Divide System Tracts Using Variety of Geological Data at Different Scales, Lixin Tian, Chunqiang Xu, Tao Guo, Donghui Jia, Benhou Jiang, and Zhigang Liu, #41014 (2012).
Early Miocene Cyclostratigraphy and Sea-Level Changes from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, Shi-Feng Tian, #50463 (2011).
Seismic Depth Imaging of Structures with Complex Overburden in Offshore Ukraine, Oleksandra Tiapkina and Zynovly Voitsytski, #40721 (2011).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Rift Basins in Central/Northern Kenya, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Peter Thuo, Thierry Nalpas, and Jean-Luc Potdevin, #10188 (2009).
Isotopically Determined Mannville Group Gas Families, Barbara Tilley and Karlis Muehlenbachs, #51064 (2015).
Vertical Momentum Exchange and Implications for Runout Distances in Turbidity Currents, Mike Tilston, Bill Arnott, and Colin Rennie, #51183 (2015).
Biogenic Gases in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, by Barbara Tilley and Karlis Muehlenbachs, #80017 (2008).
Effects of Stratigraphy on Geothermal Reservoir Performance, Mike Timlin, #80082 (2010).
PS Increased Organic Content in the Presence of Floccules: A Case Study of the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale, Cañon City Basin, South-Central Colorado, Kira Timm and Stephen A. Sonnenberg, #80619 (2017).
Potential Shale Plays in Sub-Andean Basins of Peru, Diego Timoteo, #80450 (2015).
What Caused the Lusi Mudflow Disaster in Indonesia?, Mark Tingay, #41791 (2016).
Present-Day Stress Field of Southeast Asia, Mark Tingay, Chris K. Morley, Rosalind King, and David Coblentz, #41111 (2012).
Origin and Distribution of Overpressure in the Northern Malay Basin, Mark Tingay, Chris K. Morley, Andrew Laird, Orapan Limpornpipat, Kanjana Krisadasima, Hamish Macintyre, and Suwit Pabchanda, #41103 (2012).
The Lusi Mud Eruption of East Java, Mark Tingay, Oliver Heidbach, Richard Davies, and Richard Swarbrick, #50187 (2009).
Origin of Overpressure and Pore Pressure Prediction in the Baram Delta Province, Brunei, Mark Tingay, Richard Hillis, Richard Swarbrick, Chris Morley, and Razak Damit, #40709 (2011).
The Next 100 Years of Global Energy: Part I Energy Security and Energy Poverty, Scott W. Tinker, #70268 (2017).
U.S. Shale-Gas Reserves and Production Forecast: A Bottom-Up Approach, Scott Tinker, John R. Browning, Svetlana Ikonnikova, Gurcan Gulen, Tad Patzek, Eric Potter, William Fisher, Qilong Fu, Susan Horvath, Frank Male, Ken Medlock, Forrest Roberts, and Katie Smye, #10542 (2013).
The Future of U.S. Shale and the Role of the Independent, Scott W. Tinker, #70145 (2013).
Global Energy– Build Bridges, Not Walls, Scott W. Tinker, #70064 (2009).
Fossil Fuels and Carbon Sequestration in a Global Energy Context, by Scott W. Tinker, #70040 (2008)
The Advanced Energy Consortium: Funding and Conducting Pre-Competitive Research in Micro- and Nano-Technology for Improved Reservoir Understanding, by Scott W. Tinker and Paul Ching, #70062 (2009).
Value of Applied Research and Future of Natural Gas Supply: How the U.S. Natural Gas Production Curve was Built and How it Will Be Sustained in the Future, by Scott W. Tinker and Eugene M. Kim, #70006 (2001).
Multi-Source Data Integration to Predict Well Performance: Eagle Ford Sweet Spot Mapping, Beau Tinnin, Hector Bello, and Matthew McChesney, #41397 (2014).
Microbial Origin of Bioherm-Associated Leopard Rock Holder Formation (Pennsylvanian, Virgilian) and Laborcita Formation (Permian, Wolfcampian), Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, Keith L. Tischler and Brenda L. Kirkland, #51001 (2014).
PS Facies Distribution in Collapsed Carbonate Karsts: A Mechanical Approach, Marc-Olivier Titeux, Xavier Janson, Sanjay Srinivasan, and Larry Lake, #50492 (2011).
PS The Impact of Post-Oil Emplacement Tectonics of the Delaware Mountain Group, with an Emphasis on Residual Oil Zone Potential, T. Tittlemier, J. Walker, C. Saenz, F. Adelekan, J. Marinelarena, M. Carmona, and Bob Trentham, #51510 (2018).
Exploitation Strategy for BCS Sands in Sobhasan Complex, Mehsana, Gujarat, India, Deepti Tiwari, Swati Sathe, K. C. Kaushik, and R. N. Bhattacharya, #40737 (2011).
PS Turning Rocks into Oil: Understanding Fluid GOR and API without any Fluid, M. H. Tobey, G. Loew, R. Shah, J. Mansoori, T. M. Smagala, K. Etcheverry, and R. E. Newhart, #42536 (2020).
Hydrogen Index as a Maturity Proxy – Some Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them, Mark H. Tobey and Catherine E. Campbell, #41964 (2016).
PS Geochemical Characterization of Rocks and Fluids from Liberia and Sierra Leone Offshore, R. Tocco, Porti S. Martínez, J. Franques, and A. Franco, #11203 (2019).
PSUsing X-Ray Microtomographic Imaging to Conduct Fluid Flow Simulations on Porous Media, Kasey A. Todd, Heather C. Watson, Tony Yu, and Yanbin Wang, #41382 (2014).
Shedding More Light on an Oil Sand Reservoir by Applying Integrated Spectral Method Analysis – Case Study, Dragana Todorovic-Marinic, David Gray, Dale Vanhooren, Greg Osiowy, Paul Garossino, Paul Gutowski, and James Alison, #41292 (2014).
PS Potential Shale-Oil Reservoirs in the Eastern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, B. Toelle, M. Pankau, R. Lynds, and P. Tahmasebi, #11296 (2020).
Magnetostratigraphy of Frasnian-Fammenian (Devonian) Carbonates of the Canning Basin, Western Australia: Evaluating the Potential for Regional and Global Correlations, Eric Tohver, Ted Playton, Sergei Pisarevsky, Maodu Yan, Jeroen Hansma, Joseph Kirschvink, Kate Trinajstic, Roger Hocking, Peter Haines, and Paul Montgomery, #30349 (2014.)
Permeability and Tortuosity Variations in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Adenike Tokan-Lawal, Maša Prodanović, and Peter Eichhubl, #41630 (2015).
Distortion of the Salt-Cored Fold System and Its Effects upon Abyssal Plain Sedimentary Processes in the Cilicia-Adana Evaporitic Basin, the NE-Mediterranean, Mustafa Toker, Vedat Ediger, and Graham Evans, #30054 (2008).
Paleoenvironmental, Paleoecological and Tectonic Considerations about Onshore Mucuri Member, Neo-Aptian, Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil, Lucio R. Tokutake, Robert A. Stirling, Eveline E. Zambonato, Jose Anaisse, Jr., Paulo A. Souza, and Tania L. Dutra, #50253 (2010).
Production Optimization in a Marginal Field through Established Reservoir Management Techniques - A Case Study, Williams Toluse, Victor Okolo, and Amarquaye Martey, #20381 (2017).
Identification of New Seismic Evidence Regarding Gas Hydrate Occurrence and Gas Migration Pathways Offshore Uruguay, Juan Tomasini, Héctor de Santa Ana, and Arthur H. Johnson, #80116 (2010).
Geological-Structural Interpretation of the Croatian Parts of Dinarides Knin-Ravni Kotari and Eastern Part of the Adriatic Basin Based on 2-D Seismic Reprocessing, Geological Map and Wells Data, Darko Tomašić, Ivan Kratković, Sanjin Grandić, Tomislav Ilijaš, #10369 (2011).
Managing Potential Injection-Induced Seismicity through Monitoring and Mitigation, Thomas E. Tomastik, J. Daniel Arthur, and Steve Tipton, #42553 (2020).
Challenges Facing Class II Disposal Well Operations in the Appalachian Basin, Thomas E. Tomastik and J. Daniel Arthur, #42552 (2020).
Large Potential Reserves Remain for Secondary Oil Recovery in Ohio, Thomas E. Tomastik, #11341 (2020).
What Influences Production from the Wall Creek and Turner Reservoirs, Powder River Basin, Wyoming?, Rachel N. Toner, #11277 (2019).
PS The Origin of Complicated Fault System in Beibuwan Basin and the Application for the Evolution of South China Sea, Hengmao Tong, #10886 (2016).
PS Geomechanism Model of the Central African Shear Zone and its Relative Rift Basins, Huang Tongfei, Zhang Guangya, Ke Weili, Luo Beiwei, and Wang Yanqi, #30608 (2019).
PS Morphological and Topological Characterization of Coquinas' Porous System through X-ray Computed Tomography and its Correlation with Depositional Cycles, Sandra N. Tonietto, Rodrigo Surmas, Marcio L. Kern, Michael C. Pope, and Celso P. Fernandes, #51376 (2017).
PSPore Type Characterization and Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs, Sandra Neils Tonietto, Margaret Z. Smoot, and Michael Pope, #41432 (2014).
Pore Type Characterization and Petrophysical Properties, and Diagenesis of Jurassic Thrombolite Reservoirs, Sandra Tonietto and Michael Pope, #50898 (2013).
Depositional Turbidity Currents in Diapiric Minibasins on the Continental Slope: Theory, Experiments, and Numerical Simulation, by Horacio Toniolo and Gary Parker, #40111 (2004).
PS Does Bioturbation Enhance Reservoir Quality? A Case Study from the Cretaceous Ben Nevis Formation, Jeanne DArc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland, Canada, Nicola S. Tonkin, Duncan McIlroy, Rudi Meyer, and Allison Turpin, #50221 (2009).
Focusing Stimulation Efforts on Sweet Spots in Shale Reservoirs for Enhanced Productivity, David Tonner, Khaled H. Hashmy, Samir Abueita, and Jos Jonkers, #41110 (2012).
PS A Conventional Look at an Unconventional Reservoir: Coalbed Methane Production Potential in Deep Environments, Robert R. Tonnsen and Jennifer L. Miskimins, #80122 (2010).
Electrofacies Analysis and Shale Gas Potential of the Carynginia Formation (Perth Basin, Western Australia),
A. Karimian Torghabeh, R. Rezaee, R. Moussavi-Harami, N. Pimentel, M. Kamali, and A. Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi, #51033 (2014).
Indicators of Paleoseismicity in the Lacustrine Sediments of the Eocene Green River Formation,
Wyoming, Colorado and Utah (USA), Balázs Törö, Brian R. Pratt, and Robin W. Renaut, #51005 (2014).
Seismically Induced Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures in the Eocene Lacustrine Green River Formation (Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, USA) – A Preliminary Study, Balázs Törő, Brian R. Pratt, and Robin W. Renaut, #50955 (2014).
Inherited and Syndepositional Structural Control on Slope Progradation in the Neogene Lake Pannon, Southwestern Pannonian Basin, Hungary, Balázs Törő, Orsolya Sztanó, and László Fodor, #50951 (2014).
William Smith's Stratigraphy Vindicated by Cook's Farm Coal Bust, Hugh Torrens and Peter Wigley, #70158 (2014).
PS Significance of Microbial Binding in the Formation and Stabilization of Carbonate Forereef Slope Deposits, Alejandra Santiago Torres and G. Michael Grammer, #51583 (2019).
PS Significance of Microbialites in Reservoir Development and Evolution in Silurian Reef Slope Deposits at Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Indiana, and the Michigan Basin, Alejandra Santiago Torres, Jim Karsten, G. M. Grammer, Dennis Prezbindowski, Jonathan Havens, and Benjamin Dattilo, #11130 (2018).
Reducing the Uncertainty of Static Reservoir Model in a Carbonate Platform, through the Implementation of an Integrated Workflow: Case A-Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Kevin M. Torres, Noor F. Al Hashmi, Ismail A. Al Hosani, Ali S. Al Rawahi, and Humberto Parra, #20370 (2016).
Unconventional Resources Assessment of La Luna Formation in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia, Emilio J. Torres, Roger M. Slatt, Paul Philp, Neil R. O. Brien, and Heidy L. Rodriguez, #80469 (2015).
Thermal and Pore Pressure History of the Haynesville Shale in North Louisiana: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Study, William Torsch and Jeffrey A. Nunn, #50857 (2013).
The Formation and Diagenesis of Mg-Clay Minerals in Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs, Nicholas J. Tosca and Victor P. Wright, #51002 (2014).
Advanced Automatic Seismic Detection of Structural Features in Carbonate Reservoirs: Technology Overview, Validation and Application on a Libyan Offshore Case Study, Filippo Tosoratti, Antonio Corrao, Massimo Fervari, Corrado Magistroni, and Vincenzo Milluzzo, #40825 (2011).
Structural Inversions in Western Hungary and Eastern Slovenia: Their Impact on Hydrocarbon Trapping and Reservoir Quality, Tamas Toth and Gabor Tari, #30387 (2014).
PS Relationship between Deep Diagenetic Quartz Cementation and Sedimentary Facies in a Late Ordovician Glacial Environment (Sbaa Basin, Algeria) Florent Tournier, Maurice Pagel, Eric Portier, Ibtihal Wazir, and Nicolas Fiet, #50263 (2010).
Sedimentology and Image-Log Analysis of the Jurassic Deltaic Plover Formation, Browse Basin, Australian North West Shelf, Federico Tovaglieri and Annette D. George, #50714 (2012).
Merging Surveys with Multidimensional Interpolation, Daniel Trad, Matt Hall, and Milka Cotra, #41552 (2015).
GC 5-D Interpolation Compensates for Poor Sampling, Daniel Trad, #41504 (2014).
Case Studies of An Effective Methodology to Collect Formation Water to Meet Regulatory Requirements for Formation Water Sampling, Viet Tran, Nayi Arismendi and Tapan Biswas, #42231 (2018).
PS Production Performance of Gas Reservoirs under Bottom Water Drive Mechanisms: A Case Study of Vietnamese Nam Con Son Field Development Project, T.V. Tran, T. Manapov, T.H. Nguyen, T. Doan, and H.M.D. Nguyen, #70289 (2017).
Factors Controlling Sedimentary and Petroleum System of Early Syn-Rift Plays in Faulted Margin of Continental Rift Basin: An Example in the Eastern Edge Cuu Long Basin, Offshore Vietnam, Nhu Huy Tran, Quoc Thap Nguyen, Ngoc Dang Hoang, Manh Cuong Tran, Van Xuan Tran, Dinh Chuc Nguyen, Xuan Vinh Nguyen, and Van Lam Tran, #10878 (2016).
A Geomechanics Approach to Evaluate Gas Shale Frackability: A Case Study with the Woodford Shale, Minh H. Tran, Shengli Chen, Sierra P. Rafael, Younane N. Abousleiman, and Roger M. Slatt, #50913 (2014).
Integrated Geosciences for Optimal Hydraulic Fracturing of Shale Reservoirs, Minh H. Tran and Younane N. Abousleiman, #80351 (2014).
Numerical Modelling of Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences on Offshore Infrastructure, Pavel A. Trapper, Tal Feinstein, and Miriam Gindis, #42459 (2019).
Eagle Ford – Groundwater Protection and Enhance Recovery, Robert J. Traylor, #80282 (2013).
Niobrara Fracture Prospecting Through Integrated Structural and Azimuthal Seismic Interpretation, Silo Field Area, Wyoming, Galen Treadgold, Gloria Eisenstadt, John Maher, Joe Fuller, and Bruce Campbell, #20148 (2012).
Eagle Ford Shale Prospecting with 3-D Seismic Data Within a Tectonic and Depositional System Framework, Galen Treadgold, Steve Sinclair, David F. Nicklin, and Bruce Campbell, #10361 (2011).
A Pragmatic Approach to Exploration Petrophysics in Lacustrine Shales, Carrie Trembath, #41747 (2015).
Permian Deposition in the Eastern Nappamerri Trough, Cooper Basin, Carrie Trembath, Martin Berry, Andrew Wilson, and Jeremy Prosser, #51206 (2015).
AV Impact of Anthropenic Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Climate since 1940, Including Water Vapor Feedback, by Kevin E. Trenberth, #110118 (2009)
7 of 8 presentations from Session, Global Climate Change: The Science behind CO2 and Temperature
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Channels, Overbanks and Paleosols: The Relationship Between Climate, Base Level and Lithofacies Heterogeneity Within the Triassic Sonsela Member, PFNP Arizona, Aislyn M. Trendell, Stacy C. Atchley, and Lee Nordt, #50331 (2010).
A "Cookbook" Approach to Evaluating Residual Oil Zones Completed as Horizontal Depressurizing (DUROZ) Wells in the San Andres Formation, Bob Trentham and L. Stephen Melzer, #51570 (2019).
ROZs: Science and Fairways - An Update, Robert Trentham, #70353 (2018).
San Andres on the Northwest Shelf: Things You May Not Know, Bob Trentham, #51400 (2017).
A "Cookbook" Approach to Exploring for, and Evaluating, Residual Oil Zones in the San Andres Formation of the Permian Basin, Robert Trentham and L. Stephen Melzer, #51259 (2016).
Goldsmith Landreth San Andres Unit (GLSAU) #203R- A CO2 Oil Bank Caught in the Act, Robert Trentham, #10648 (2014).
Residual Oil Zones: The Long term Future of Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Permian Basin and Elsewhere, Bob Trentham, #40787 (2011).
PS Potential for Long Term Uses of Anthropogenic CO2 in the Permian Basin, Bob Trentham and Steve Melzer, #80176 (2011).
Offshore CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of the Northwest Gulf of Mexico Inner Continental Shelf, Upper Texas - Western Louisiana Coast, Ramon H. Trevino, Timothy A. Meckel, Mariana Olariu, Dallas Dunlap, Michael V. Deangelo, Jiemin Lu, Reinaldo Sabbagh, and Alexander Klokov, #80630 (2018).
AVThe Road to Exploration Success, by David Trice, #110030 (2006)
2 of 9 presentations at AAPG Forum: Energizing the World in the 21st Century, AAPG 2006 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (6.3 mb).
Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation Stacking, Stewart Trickett, #41575 (2015).
Anatomy of Late Quaternary Adriatic Clinoforms: Mechanisms of Sediment Transport and Mud Accumulation on the Continental Shelf, Fabio Trincardi, Antonio Cattaneo, Domenico Ridente, #50322 (2010).
Neogene Evolution of the Calabrian Wedge-Top Basins (Italy): Exposed Reservoir Analogues of the Offshore Gas Fields, Vincenzo Tripodi, Salvatore Critelli, Francesco Muto, and Vincenzo Spina, #30223 (2012).
PS Unraveling the Geometry and Origin of a Northeast-Southwest Striking Linked Fault Array at Marshall Mesa, Western Denver Basin: a (Possible) Solution through Integrated Digital Mapping, Bruce Trudgill, #10755 (2015).
Two Swiss Brothers in South America: Daniel and Eduard Trümpy and their Impact on the Petroleum Geology of Colombia and Argentina, Daniel M. Trümpy, #70156 (2013).
Hydrocarbon Migration – An Old Friend or Foe?, Robert G. Tscherny and Marek Kacewicz, #120131 (2013).
Goliat Discovery – A Knowledge-Based Approach, Persistence and the First Commercial Oil Development in the Norwegian Arctic, Filippos Tsikalas, G. Uncini, N. Mavilla, I. Staine, F. Casaglia, J. Leutscher, M. Gennaro, V. Arrigoni, L-E. Gustafsson, R. Galimberti, and C. Daturi, #20415 (2018).
Conventional Traps in Unconventional Reservoir Rocks in Northern Japan, Takashi Tsuji, Amane Waseda, and Satoru Yokoi, #20179 (2012).
A Comparison of Core and Crosswell Seismic Data from a Carbonate Reservoir, K.E. Tucker and P.M. Harris, #60047 (2009).
PS The Pre-Neogene Unconformity as Evidence for Major Sediment Delivery Systems into the Eastern Carpathians, Eugen Tudor, Andreea Marza, Scott Rubio, and Anamaria Ghitescu, #51493 (2018).
Reservoir Analysis of the Vandji Formation of Berriasian-Valanginian Age in the Lower Congo Basin, Nurmaliza Tukimin, #51549 (2019).
Production Revival of the Oklahoma City South Wilcox Sand Unit, Oklahoma City Field, Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, Oklahoma, Jim Tull, #20417 (2018).
Cretaceous Possibilities: Sedimentology and Reservoir Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Isachsen Formation of the Sverdrup Basin, Ellef Ringnes Island, Arctic Canada, Dylan Tullius, Jennifer Galloway, Hamed Sanei, Andrew Leier and Per Kent Pedersen, #10594 (2014).
Changing the World’s Perspective on Heavy Oil, Garnet Turcotte, #40695 (2011).
Rock Typing and Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs: A Case Study from South East Kuwait, Shaikha F. Turkey, Jasem M. Al-Kanderi, Prasanta Kumar Mishra, Ghaliah Al-Alawi, Salim Al-Hashmi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy, and Muatasam Al-Raisi, #51542 (2018).
Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Salt Deposits of the Saharan Platform, Peter Turner, #11038 (2017).
The Use of Chemostratigraphy to Refine Ambiguous Sequence Stratigraphic Correlations in Marine Shales: An Example From the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Bryan W. Turner, Jessica A. Tréanton, and Roger M. Slatt, #51181 (2015).
PS Applying Regional Chemostratigraphic Variability to Refine Sequence Stratigraphic Frameworks within the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Bryan W. Turner, Jessica A. Tréanton, and Roger M. Slatt, #51040 (2014).
Fine-Scale Spatial Distribution of Organofacies in the Mowry Shale, Wind River Basin, Lander, WY, Trevor Tuttle and Samuel M. Hudson, #51469 (2018).
Timing and Mechanism of the Opening of the Western Black Sea Basin, Okan Tüysüz, #30152 (2011).
Geomechanical Behavior of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Reservoir During Gas Production, Shun Uchida, Yongkoo Seol, and Koji Yamamoto, #42428 (2019).
PS Provenance and Paleoenvironment of Sandy Sediments Possibly Hosting Gas Hydrate in the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea, Takashi Uchida, Isao Takashima, Tomoya Ito, and Ryo Matsumoto, #50422 (2011).
Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Muensterland/Ruhr Basin, Western Germany with Special Emphasis on Unconventional Gas Resources, Anna K. Uffmann and Ralf Littke, #120102 (2013).
PSIntegrated Reservoir Quality Study of Deep-Water Clastic Deposits, Offshore Western Niger Delta, Nigeria, C.U. Ugwueze, P.L. Osterloff, L.C. Amajor, and N.E. Ajaegwu, #30342 (2014).
PS Confluence Scours Versus Incised Valleys: Examples From the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Southeastern Utah, USA, Mohammad S. Ullah, Janok Bhattacharya, and William R. Dupre, #51162 (2015).
PS Interpreting Backwater Effects on Fluvial Style and Architecture in a High-Gradient Compound Incised-Valley Deposits: Example from Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Southeastern Utah, Mohammad S. Ullah and Janok P. Bhattacharya, #51161 (2015).
Using Geomechanical Modeling to Quantify the Impact of Faults on Multiple Phases of Unconventional Resource Production, Nicholas Umholtz, #80522 (2016).
PS Prediction of Seals Performance for Coal Seam Gas Production Impact Assessment,
Jim Underschultz, Peter Pasini, Micaela Grigorescu, and Thamires Laranjeiras de Souza, #41651 (2015).
Coal Seam Gas in Australia: Resource Potential and Production Issues, Jim Underschultz, Luke Connell, Rob Jeffery, and Neil Sherwood, #80129 (2011).
New-Old Potential Field Data in the Alaska OCS, Mike Unger, #30646 (2019).
Methane Hydrates as a Tertiary Methane Source in the Transylvanian Basin, Z. Unger, D. LeClair, and I. Györfi, #11307 (2020).
PS Parallel Salt and Methane Generation, Zoltán Unger and David LeClair, #51453 (2018).
PS Parallel Salt and Methane Generation, Possible Paradigm Shifts for Salt Generation in Deep Sea Processes, Zoltan Unger and David LeClair, #51392 (2017).
New Approach on Salt and Methane Generation, Zoltan Unger and David LeClair, #51391 (2017).
Diagenetic Imprints and Their Effect on Porosity Modifications in Bassein Limestone: A Case Study Near Neelam Field, Mumbai Offshore Basin, Surinder Uppal and H. Upadhyay, #10323 (2011).
Using Microseismicity to Identify and Verify Increased Fracture Complexity during Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations, Ted Urbancic, Adam Baig, Ken Kocon, and Krystal Tremblay, #41501 (2014).
A Late XIX Century Petroleum Exploitation and Refining Enterprise in the Escuque Area, Northern Mérida Andes, Venezuela, Franco Urbani and Daniel Trümpy, #70153 (2013).
EDINSED3D: Evolution of Sedimentary Dynamics during Changes in Climate Regime, by R. Urgeles, B. De Mol and A. Camerlenghi, #40278 (2008).
Anatomy of a Cretaceous Tide-Influenced Subaqueous Delta: The O'Brien Spring Member, Haystack Mountains Formation, S. Wyoming, Carlos A. Uroza and Ronald J. Steel, #50870 (2013).
AVO Modeling of Monochromatic Spherical Waves: Comparison to Band-Limited Waves,
Charles Ursenbach and Arnim Haase, #41567 (2015).
New Zealand's Deepwater Frontier, Chris Uruski, #30131 (2010).
Facies Analysis in Petroelastic Modeling, Ludmila Uspenskaya and Georgy Kalmykov, #40831 (2011).
Development of Banding in the Deposits of Experimental Transitional Flows, Kelsi Ustipak, James Buttles, David Mohrig, Mauricio Perillo, and Benjamin Cardenas, #51182 (2015).
Integrating Seismic Elastic Properties and Discontinuity Analysis into Reservoir Modeling and Simulation - A Case History from the Gulf of Mexico Shelf, Randal Utech, Dan Shan, Ellya Saudale, Dianna Shelander, Kirk Rodgers, Ahmed Ammar, Tim Wilkinson, and Rick Clark, #41820 (2016).
PS Using 3-D Property Models to Optimize Infill Drilling in an East Texas Tight Gas Play, Terngu Utim, Celine E. Caithamer, and Omar Minhaj, #40490 (2010).
Geological Evolution of Bago-Yoma Basin, Onshore Myanmar, Seehapol Utitsan, Teekayu Benjawan, Suppakarn Thanatit, Wirote Wetmongkongorn, U. Soe Than, Khun Hline Myint, and Ler Bwe Wah, #10659 (2014).
Fracture Characterization in Contrasting Platform Carbonate Facies in Permian Limestone Outcrops, Muak Lek and Chumphae Areas, Central-Northeast Thailand, Rahmat Utomo, John Warren, and Winarno Susanto, #50509 (2011).
The Success Application of Weighted Stack AVO Attribute for Feature Imaging in Horst Trend Area, Arthit Field, Thailand, Ratchadaporn Uttareun, Phansakorn Kaewprain, Prang Sinhabaedya, Noppadol Boonsawang, Helge Ivar Sognnes, and Kittipong Srisuriyon, #20341 (2016).
PS Uses of Satellite Image, Magnetic and Gravimetric Analysis for Early Identification of Fault Reactivation Risk - Application to the Utica Field, Ohio, Jordy Uzio, Antoine Bertoncello, Frederic Brigaud, Roberto Wagner, and Arnaud Delpeint, #20461 (2019).
The Role of Sedimentary Fabric for Rock Typing and Model Upscaling in Carbonate Reservoirs, Volker C. Vahrenkamp and Anouk Creusen, #50306 (2010).
A Regional Diagenetic and Petrophysical Model for the Montney Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Noga Vaisblat, Nicholas B. Harris, Vincent Crombez, Tristan Euzen, Marta Gasparrini, and Sebastien Rohais, #51149 (2015).
Integrating a Hierarchical Process and Architectural Marginal Marine Classification with a Computer Database and Expert System - Toward Improved Subsurface Predictions, B. K. Vakarelov, R. B. Ainsworth, and R. A. Nanson, #41192 (2013).
A Novel Database-Driven Approach to Shallow Marine Classification: Towards Building a Knowledge Base, Boyan K. Vakarelov, R. Bruce Ainsworth, and Rachel A. Nanson, #40621 (2010).
Pore System Changes During Experimental Polymer Flooding in Ben Nevis Formation Sandstones, Hebron Field, Offshore Eastern Canada, Luis E. Valencia, Lesley A. James, and Karem Azmy, #20349 (2016).
Pulsed Neutron Technology: Applications for Tight Gas Reservoirs, Gustavo Valenzuela, Gustavo Potas, Nayibe Otalora, María Eugenia García, Germán Serrano, Camilo Mejía, and Alejandro Schiuma, #42004 (2017).
Petrophysical Evaluation of Lacustrine Shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia, Melissa Vallee, #41205 (2013).
Back to the Rocks: New Petrophysical Model for Siliciclastics Engaging Old Petrological Techniques, Melissa Vallee, #10346 (2011).
A Holistic Approach to Model-Building in and Around Injectites: A Case-Study Offshore Norway, Victoria Valler, Nathan Payne, Thomas Hallett, Marcin Kobylarski, Girish Venkatraman, Jochen Rappke, and Dirk Fairclough, #42193 (2018).
PSNMR Analysis of a Bimodal Pre-Khuff Clastic Pore System, Andrea Valori, David Forsyth, Gabor Hursan, and Wael Abdallah, #41913 (2016).
Porosity Creation in Carbonate Reservoirs by Pre-Oil Charging With Source-Rock-Derived Corrosive Fluids: 1D/3D-Reactive Mass Transport Modeling, Wolfgang van Berk, Yunjiao Fu, and Hans-Martin Schulz, #51166 (2015).
Oil Degradation in the Gullfaks Field (Norway): How Hydrogeochemical Modeling can Help to Decipher Organic-Inorganic Interactions Controlling CO2 Fate and Behavior, Wolfgang van Berk, Yunjiao Fu, and Hans-Martin Schulz, #50999 (2014).
Haynesville Play Development: Sustainability Analysis of Local Fresh Groundwater Resources in Northwest Louisiana, Thomas P. Van Biersel, Douglas A. Carlson, and L. Riley Milner, #80121 (2010).
PS The Internal Seismic Character of the Gamtoos Basin's Upper Valanginian to Upper Hauterivian Syncline Fill Sequences and the Potential for a Hydrocarbon Play, C.B. Van Bloemenstein and A.C. Davids, #20449 (2018).
Characterization of a Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir by Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy, Sonic Velocity, and Characterization of the Macro- to Micropore Architecture, Beth Vanden Berg and G. Michael Grammer, #41990 (2017).
Integrated Petrophysical and High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Characterization of an Unconventional Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir, Beth Vanden Berg, Stephanie LeBlanc, and G. Michael Grammer, #51147 (2015).
Using Carbonate Mudrock Pore Architecture to Provide Insight into Porosity and Permeability Trends in Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs: Examples from the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, Beth Vanden Berg and G. Michael Grammer, #51095 (2015).
Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using Sonic Velocity and Characterization of Pore Architecture: An Example From the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, Beth Vanden Berg, G. Michael Grammer, Gregor Eberli, and Ralf Weger, #50979 (2014).
Combining Pore Architecture and Sonic Velocity Response to Predict Reservoir Quality: An Example from a Mid-Continent Mississippian Carbonate, Beth Vanden Berg, Michael Grammer, Gregor Eberli, and Ralf Weger, #10547 (2013).
Utilizing Measured Drilling Parameters to Optimize Completions Design, Jason VanderKooi, #42162 (2017).
Sleipner Fluid Dynamics, Bert van der Meer, #80111 (2010).
PS Synergy Between Production of Natural Gas and Warm Water: A Reservoir Modeling Exercise Assessing Recovery Factor Sensitivity, Jeroen Van der Molen, Maaike Van der Meulen, Elisabeth Peters, Joeri Brackenhoff, Farid Jedari-Eyvazi, Serge Van Gessel, and Harmen Mijnlieff, #80700 (2019).
Application of Saturation Height Model in Case of Depletion in Paleo Times, Jan van der Wal, #42516 (2020).
The Middle Eastern Heritage of the Petroleum Industry: The Archaeology of Bitumen, Thomas Van de Velde, #70312 (2018).
Seismic Meta-Attributes and the Illumination of the Internal Reservoir Architecture of a Deepwater Synthetic Channel Model, Staffan Van Dyke and Renjun Wen, #41267 (2014).
The Kern River Reservoir of the Kern River Field: A Closed System, Matthew Van Grinsven, #20430 (2018).
Structural Setting of Turbidite Systems: A Global Comparison, Berend van Hoorn, #30384 (2014).
Stress Evolution of Maari Field, NZ: Implications for Fault/Fracture Integrity, Stress Prediction, Infill Drilling, and Borehole Integrity, Roderick W. Van Koughnet, David A. Castillo, and Vivek Paranjpe, #20442 (2018).
Optimized Well Placement Using Cost Effective Logging While Drilling Real-Time Imaging Technologies in First Unconventional Horizontal Well in the United Arab Emirates: A Case Study, Pierre Van Laer, Ehab Negm, Wael Fares, Emad Diab, and Ahmet Aki, #80631 (2018).
Regional Mapping and Reservoir Analysis of the Upper Devonian Shale in Pennsylvania, Jared M. VanMeter, #50738 (2012).
PSSlope to Basin-Floor Evolution of Channels to Lobes, Jurassic Los Molles Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina, Nataleigh Vann, Cornel Olariu, and Ronald Steel, #10615 (2014).
Neogene Sedimentary Processes of Submarine Channels, West Off Ireland, D. Van Rooij, K. Van Landeghem, C. Skonieczny, J. Ingels, S. Zaragosi, V. Huvenne, A. Wheeler, H. de Haas, and J.-P. Henriet, #50195 (2009).
AVThe Missing Mud Belts of the Ancient Record: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy, by Boyan K. Vakarelov, Charles D. Winker, and Janok P. Bhattacharya, #110023 (2005).
3 of 4 presentations at AAPG/SEPM Session: New Advances in Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
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PSOoids and Grapestone – A Significant Source of Carbonate Mud from Caicos Platform, by Noelle Van Ee and Harold R. Wanless, #50163 (2009).
Regional Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation over East Coast-Pegasus Basin, New Zealand, P.S. van Heiningen, L. De Luca, I. Guerra, S. Panepinto, K. Hayo, S. Klug, and M. Uzcategui Salazar, #30437 (2015).
Energy Dissipation and the Fundamental Shape of Siliciclastic Sedimentary Bodies, by J.C. Van Wagoner, D.C.J.D. Hoyal, N.L. Adair, T. Sun, R.T. Beaubouef, M. Deffenbaugh, P.A. Dunn, C. Huh, and D. Li, #40081 (2003).
Challenges and Current Advances in the Rock Physics of Carbonate Rocks, Tiziana Vanorio, Yael Ebert, and Ammar El Husseiny, #120094 (2012).
Application of Scaled Hydrocarbon Head Potential to Permian, Anadarko Basins and Eagle Ford for Better Resource Assessment and Development, Carlos Varady and John Pantano, #11212 (2019).
Derivation of Scaled Hydrocarbon Head Potential, A New Workflow for Petroleum System Analysis: Application to the Eagle Ford Formation, SE Texas, Carlos E. Varady, Ursula Hammes, and John Pantano, #10974 (2017).
Hydrocarbon Prospects in Sub-Trappean Mesozoic Deccan Syneclise, India: Evidence from Surface Geochemical Prospecting, by C. Vishnu Vardhan, B. Kumar, C.J. Kumanan, Devleena Mani, and D. J. Patil, #10143 (2008).
Inversion and Interpretation of Multicomponent Seismic Data: Willesden Green Field, Alberta, Roxana M. Varga, John C. Bancroft, and Robert R. Stewart, #20293 (2015).
Evaluating the Controls on Reservoir Quality and Heterogeneity of Silurian Pinnacle Reefs, Michigan Basin, Audrey L. Varga (Ritter) and G. Michael Grammer, #50405 (2011).
Advanced Chromatography, Cuttings Analysis and Well Logging Integration: An Optimized Petrophysical Approach, Carlos Vargas Caña, D. Llanos, N. DeCastro, and S.Vija, #41838 (2016).
PS Implications of Seismic Attribute Computations from Depth-Migrated Data, Liliana Vargas-Meleza, Edgar Espinoza-Carrasco, and Sergio Chávez-Pérez, #41980 (2017).
Monitoring and Characterization Based Upon Geophysical Onset Times, Don Vasco, #42037 (2017).
Multiscale Characterization of Analogue Outcrops Integrating Reservoir Properties and Geologic Processes, Antonio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia, Márcio Vinicius Santana Dantas, Gleidson Lima Correia, Samuel Alécio Silva Tavares Figueiredo, and Karen Ariadne Santos Leite, #51098 (2015).
3D Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Outcrops Using CAMURES Methodology, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin (SEAL), Northeastern Brazil, Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia, Daniela Menezes Ribeiro, Samuel Silva Figueiredo, Márcio Santana Dantas, Izaura Oliveira, Karen Ariadne Santos Leite, and Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia, #41631 (2015).
PS Diagenetic Model Related to Unconformity Surfaces and Application in the Exploration of Deep Reservoirs in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia and Liana Matos Rocha, #10417 (2012).
Unlocking Reserves from a Secondary Reservoir in a Mature Field Through Integration and Engineering Approach: A Case Study from Oriente Basin, M-2 Reservoir, Eden-Yuturi Oilfield, Ecuador, Nestor Vasconez, Luciano Bravo, Ricardo Grijalva, Raul Jose Baez, Anne Valdez, Esteban Alba, Diego Tapia, Jonny Lomas, and Martha Castillo, #10978 (2017).
Core Flood Modelling of Ion-Exchange during Low Salinity Waterflooding, Nestor Vásconez, Yerulan Sabyrgali, and Eric Mackay, #41779 (2016).
Fast and Economic Gas Isotherm Measurements Using Small Shale Samples, Mihai A. Vasilache, #40646 (2010).
A Hidden Reservoir within the Gacheta Formation, Zopilote Field, Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia, Cesar Vasquez, #20231 (2014).
PS Structural Interpretation and Geochemical Modeling of the Barco - Los Cuervos Formation and Analysis of Coal Bed Methane in Northeast Colombia, Mauricio Vasquez, Emilio J. Torres and Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, #50207 (2009).
New Insights into the Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional History of the Paleocene and Eocene Chicontepec Formation, Onshore Eastern Mexico, Ricardo Vásquez, Stephen Cossey, Don van Nieuwenhuise, Joe Davis, John Castagna, Manuel Morales Leal, and Ivan Ramos Lopez, #30334 (2014).
Density Mapping Technology – A New Geophysical Method and Technology for Density Contrast Exploration in the Crust, Viliam Vatrt, Lubomil Pospisil, Lubos Sokol, and Marek Goldbach, #41937 (2016).
Status and Importance of Oil Shale, Glenn Vawter, #80260 (2012).
Regional Study and Petroleum System Modeling of the Eastern Llanos Basin, André Vayssaire, Hussein Abdallah, Wilber Hermoza, and Eduardo G. Figari Negri, #10564 (2014).
Colorado Basin, Argentina: A Case Study Combining Forward Sedimentary and Petroleum System Models for Consistent Evaluation of Basin Evolution, Play Development, and Petroleum Migration and Trapping, by Andre Vayssaire, Patrick Wojciak, Dan Carruthers, Daniel Figueroa, Oscar Mancilla, Claudio Haring, Alicia Salinas, Daniel Soubies, Jean-Michel Gaulier, Guillaume Smagghe, John Bunney, and Romain Debarre, #40155 (2005).
Secondary Porosity and Permeability Calculation on Heterogeneous Carbonates of Eastern Mexico, Using Borehole Images, Fausto Vazquez, #42317 (2018).
Integrated Exploration Workflow for Maturing the Shallow Gas Play, J. H. ten Veen, H. Verweij, G. de Bruin, K. Geel, and T. H. Donders, #10595 (2014).
IOR: Improving Polymer Selection, Connecting Lab Results with Field Operation, Isabel Vega, M. Isabel Hernández, Diana Masiero, Leticia Legarto, Silvana Gandi, Sergio Bosco, and Remigio Ruiz, #41642 (2015).
A Regional Overview of the La Luna Formation and the Villeta Group as Shale Gas/Shale Oil in the Catatumbo, Magdalena Valley and Eastern Cordillera Regions, Colombia, Ricardo Veiga and Francisco Dzelalija, #10565 (2014).
Tectonic Style in Western Albania Thrustbelt and Its Implication on Hydrocarbon Exploration, Telo Velaj, #10371 (2011).
PS Non-seismic Constraints in Structurally Complex Regions, M. Soledad Velasco, #10969 (2017).
Structural Models Constrained by Geophysical Data Provide Additional Insight to the Subsurface in Southern Colorado, U.S.A., M. Soledad Velasco, David Alumbaugh, Maggie Baber, and Joshua Poirier, #30500 (2017).
Amalgamation of Diverse Data Types and Sources to Facilitate Data Analytics of Engineering Interpretation and Historical Data, Cesar Velasquez, Ivan Olea, and Russell Roundtree, #42483 (2019).
PS Source Rock Potential Evaluation of the Eagle Ford - Austin Chalk Transition in San Antonio, Texas, Garrett Velko, Aman Gupte, John Cooper, and Alexis Godet, #51588 (2019).
Oil from Granitoid Rocks – Reservoir Characterization of Fractured Basement in Neuquén Basin, Octógono Field, Argentina, Diego E. Velo, Rodrigo Ugarte, Oscar Pioli, Fernando Rey, Diego Narrillos, Mario Pascual, Fernando Creus, and Omar Castillo, #20280 (2014).
A Fresh Look for Natural Fracture Characterization Using Advance Borehole Acoustics Techniques, Willem Veltman, Edgar Velez, and Violeta Lujan, #40915 (2012).
Controls on Turbidity Current Flow Modes: New Insights from Direct Measurements Worldwide, Daniela Vendettuoli, Michael Clare, Peter Talling, Matthieu Cartigny, Maria Azpiroz-Zabala, Sophie Hage, Esther Sumner, J. Wood, and C. Cooper, #30574 (2018).
EA Thailand's First 4D Seismic Project – Bualuang Field Case Study, Jaume Vendrell-Roc and Juthaporn Densirimongkol, #11206 (2019).
PS 2-D Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Bennett Thrust Fault in the Indio Mountains of West Texas, Alan Vennemann, Marianne Karplus, Galen Kaip, and Steve Harder, #30519 (2017).
Climatically Forced Progradation During Transgression? Supercritical-Flow Signature of an Extreme Fluvio-Deltaic Flood in the Late Carboniferous Pennine Basin (UK), Dario Ventra, Jochem F. Bijkerk, Matthieu Cartigny, and Sanem Açikalin, #10770 (2015).
Facies Characterization and Stratigraphic Prediction of Proximal Fluvial Systems in Endorheic Basins - The View from the Margins, Dario Ventra, #50922 (2014).
Inhibition of Autogenic Dynamics in Alluvial Fans: Field Examples from the Tertiary of Spain and Implications for Process Recognition in Fan Successions, Dario Ventra, #50333 (2010).
Michel T. Halbouty Lecture 2013
AV Range's Path to Discovery and Commercialization of the Marcellus Shale — The Largest Producing Gas Field in the United States, by Jeffrey Ventura, #110165 (2013).
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Recovering Subsurface Coverage in the Emerging Smackover Brown Dense Unconventional Play in Northern Louisiana, Richard Verm, #80515 (2016).
Porosity and Permeability Estimation using Neural Network Approach from Well Log Data, Akhilesh K. Verma, Burns A. Cheadle, Aurobinda Routray, William K. Mohanty, and Lalu Mansinha, #41276 (2014).
High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Deep Marrat Carbonate Reservoir in Minagish Field, West Kuwait, Naveen K. Verma, Rasha Al Moraikhi, Ibrahim Al-Sammak, Bishnu Kumar and Jalal Khazanehdari, #20247 (2014).
GC A Tale of Two Conventional Reservoirs: Nanushuk and Torok on the North Slope, Alaska, Sumit Verma and Shuvajit Bhattacharya, #42551 (2020).
A Way of TOC Characterization on Barnett and Woodford Shale, Sumit Verma and Kurt Marfurt, #80429 (2014).
Estimation of Effective Porosity and Saturation Volume by Extended Elastic Impedance Approach: A Case Study, Sumit Verma and Samir Biswal, #41101 (2012).
Thermal Modelling and Hydrocarbon Generation History of the Kangra- Mandi Sub-basin of the Himalayan Foreland Basin, Himachal Pradesh, India, Narendra K. Verma, Chander Mohan, and Basudev Mukherjee, #40882 (2012).
GC Identification of Isolated Complex Productive Reservoirs in Fault-Controlled Fluvial Systems, Luis Vernengo, Eduardo Trinchero, and Fabian Scazziota, #42323 (2018).
GC Enhancing Vertical Seismic Resolution with Seismic Frequency Restoration and Attributes, Luis Vernengo, Eduardo Trinchero, Maximillian Garcia Torrejon, and Ignacio Rovira, #42156 (2017).
GC Interpreting Seismic Amplitude Volume Technique Attributes, Luis Vernengo, Eduardo Trinchero, Maximiliano Garcia Torrejon, and Ignacio Rovira, #42051 (2017).
GC Deciphering Seismic Amplitude Language, Luis Vernengo, Eduardo Trinchero, and Satinder Chopra, #41981 (2017).
Saharan Africa — a Century of Exploration, What to Expect?, James D. Veron and Mohamed Zine, #40429 (2009).
The Importance of Establishing a Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Petroleum Exploration: A Case Study from Tanzania, Roel Verreussel, Sander Houben, and Friso Veenstra, #70377 (2019).
South Atlantic Margin Rift Basin Asymmetry and Implications for Pre-Salt Exploration, Joseph W. Versfelt, #30112 (2010).
Modeling Timing and Distribution of Biogenic Gas Generation in the Plio-Pleistocene Eridanos Delta, Dutch Offshore, Hanneke Verweij, Susanne Nelskamp, and Johan ten Veen, #120107 (2013).
PSHigh-Resolution Spatial Models of a High Rising Carbonate Platform Slope (Early Jurassic, Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco), by Klaas Verwer, Oscar Merino-Tomé, Jeroen A. M. Kenter, Giovanna Della Porta, Erwin Adams, and Paul (Mitch) Harris #40301 (2008).
The Structure of the Wrangel Arch (Russian Chukchi Sea), Based on Marine Seismic and Onshore Observations, Vladimir Verzhbitsky, Sergey Sokolov, Erling Frantzen, and Marianna Tuchkova, #10304 (2011).
PS Geologically Constrained Seismic Imaging in Andean Thrust Belts, Rob Vestrum, #42530 (2020).
Geoscience Integration and Interpretive Model Building to Overcome Seismic Imaging Problems in Foothills Environments, Rob Vestrum, #41547 (2015).
GCTying 2-D Seismic Lines in Overthrust Settings, Rob Vestrum, #41007 (2012).
AV Anisotropic Depth Migration in the Colombian Llanos Foothills as a Key to Understanding the Structure in Depth, by R. Vestrum, I. Florez, and J. Gittins, #110098 (2009)
2 of 6 presentations from Session, "Seismic Structural Interpretation . . . ," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Extending the Magnitude Range of Seismic Reservoir Monitoring by Utilizing Hybrid Surface – Downhole Seismic Networks, Gisela Viegas, Katherine Buckingham, Anisa Kassam, Margaret Seibel, Adam Baig, and Ted Urbancic, #41285 (2014).
PS The Thermal Effect of Basic Sill on Turbidites of Taciba Formation (Permian), Paraná Basin, Brazil, L. D. Vieira, M. S. Silva, L. D. Mouro, and B. L. Waichel, #51428 (2017).
Integration of Geophysical Data to Define a Structural Model in the North-Central Coast of the Venezuelan Platform, Vanessa Villarroel Estaba and Nuris Orihuela, #30327 (2014).
Technological Developments for Enhancing Extra Heavy Oil Productivity in Fields of the Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco (FPO), Venezuela, T. Villarroel and R. Hernández, #20205 (2013).
Restimulating Horizontal Oil Wells - Success and Failure, Mike Vincent, #80446 (2015).
Propped Fracs Are Collapsing - What Are the Causes and Ramifications? Mike Vincent, #41621 (2015).
Reconstructing the Alpine Foreland Basin of SE France – New Insights from the Annot and Champsaur Turbidite Systems, by Jamie Vinnels, Rob Butler, Bill McCaffrey, Gillian Apps, Henry Lickorish, and Frank Peel, #30068 (2008) (44mb).
PS Stratigraphy of Linked Submarine Minibasins in Laboratory Experiments, Enrica Viparelli, Tzu-hao Yeh, Alessandro Cantelli, Edgar Leslie, Alec Robertson, and Gary Parker, #40960 (2012).
PS Horizontal Well Journey: Enhance Oil Recovery and Flatten the Oil Production Decline in the Gulf of Thailand, Artit Visatemongkolchai and Wirot Teeratananon, #41817 (2016).
PS Outcrop/Behind Outcrop Characterization of Siliciclastic Reservoirs,
César Viseras, Luis Miguel Yeste, Fernando García-García, Saturnina Henares, Javier Jaímez, Gersan Rodríguez, and Sila Pla-Pueyo, #42131 (2017).
Outcrop/Behind Outcrop Characterization in Onshore Western Mediterranean Basins of Southern Iberia, C. Viseras, S. Henares, J. Fernández, and J. Jaímez, #41175 (2013).
Optimizing Appraisal Strategies for Tidal Clastic Reservoirs, Michelle Viswanathan, Arun Kumar, Ravil Salakhetdinov, Tanmay Mallick, Abhinandan Kohli, Moulana Shareef Shaik, Ankush Singh, Mohamed Nabil, and Ahmed Waheed, #42232 (2018).
PSInput for Carbonate Reservoir Models: Trend Metrics of Modern Platforms and Reef Systems, by Brigitte Vlaswinkel, Eugene Rankey, and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #50127 (2008)
Facies Trend Metrics of Modern Carbonate Depositional Systems, by Brigitte Vlaswinkel, Gene Rankey, and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #50081 (2008)
PS Basin Scale Study of a Tight Gas Reservoir: Paleoenviromental Evolution of a Shallow Marine System in the Early-Middle Jurassic, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Griselda Vocaturo, Walter Brinkworth, Maria L. Loss, Enrique Mortaloni, David Giunta, and Jose L. Massaferro, #11123 (2018).
PS Cerro Fortunoso Field: Static-Dynamic Modelling of a Complex Faulted and Thrusted Reservoir (Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt, Argentina), Griselda Vocaturo, Vanesa Consoli, Abel Garriz, Pablo Giampaoli, Gastón Manestar, Anthony Thompson, and José Luis Massaferro, #20223 (2013).
PS 3D Seismic Attributes Analysis in Reservoir Characterization: The Morrison NE Field, Clark County, Kansas, A. Vohs, A. Raef, and M. Totten, #20342 (2016).
Traverse Group Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin: A Second Look, Peter Voice and William B. Harrison III, #11220 (2019).
Depositional Controls on Reservoir Quality in the Dundee-Rogers City Interval: Lithofacies and Production Characteristics, Peter J. Voice and William B. Harrison III, #51436 (2017).
PS Salina Group Lithofacies in the Michigan Basin: Development of an Improved Depositional Model From Core Analysis, Peter J. Voice, William B. Harrison III, and Andrew H. Caruthers, #51435 (2017).
Source Rock Mapping using Fluid Inclusion Geochemistry in the Offshore Perth Basin, Herbert Volk, Richard Kempton, Se Gong, Manzur Ahmed, Simon C. George, Chris Boreham, and Emmanuelle Grosjean, #30256 (2012).
Oil & Gas Property Evaluation: A Geologist’s View, R.W. Von Rhee, #40640 (2010).
Reservoir Geology of ERT (Penn Sand) Field Potter County, Texas: A Case For Cores, by Robert Von Rhee, #20010 (2002).
PS Using Seismic Inversion and Seismic Stratigraphy as a Combined Tool for Understanding a Small Scale Turbidite System: Gola Field, Pannonian Basin, Croatia, Domagoj Vukadin and Kristina Čikeš, #20412 (2017).
Wa-Wh Wi-Wz
PS Depositional Environments and Ichnofauna of the Ordovician Tumblagooda Sandstone, Western Australia, Grant D. Wach, Roger Hocking, and Arthur Mory, #51424 (2017).
Regional Distribution and Controls of Heavy Oil and Oil Sand in the Eastern Venezuelan and Trinidad Basins, by Grant D. Wach and Curtis Archie, #40285 (2008).
Reservoir Heterogeneity and Characterization in Deltaic Depositional Systems- Outcrop Analogs for Heavy Oil and Oil Sand Developments, by Grant D. Wach and Hasley Vincent, #50064 (2008).
The Horseshoe Canyon Coals of Central Alberta A Dry CBM Play, Chris R. Waffle, Darren L. Tisdale, and Cory A. MacNeill, #80079 (2010) (11.5 MB).
Porosity in Vuggy Platform Carbonates Measured Over Six Orders of Magnitude, Abdul Wahab, Paul Enos, and Robert H. Goldstein, #51402 (2017).
Edwards (Stuart City) Shelf Margin of South Texas: New Data, New Concepts, by Lowell E. Waite, #10177 (2009).
PS Impacts of Regional Allogenic Forcing on a Single Depositional System: Example from the Sherwood Sandstone Group, UK, Oliver Wakefield, Ed Hough, Joanna Thompson, and Catherine Cripps, #51420 (2017).
PS Primary and Secondary Controls on Reservoir Quality; Relationships between Lithofacies and the Development of Deformation Bands, Oliver Wakefield, Ed Hough, and Karl Clark, #41970 (2016).
PS Three-Dimensional Stratigraphic Complexity Within Mixed Eolian-Fluvial Successions: Implications for Reservoir Connectivity, Oliver Wakefield, Nigel Mountney, Ed Hough, and Jo Thompson, #41668 (2015).
A Time-Slice of the Lake Eyre Basin: Towards Better Facies Models, Gresley A. Wakelin-King and Kathryn Amos, #10806 (2015).
A Review of Three North American Shale Plays: Learnings from Shale Gas Exploration in the Americas, David Waldo, #80214 (2012).
PS Progradational Slope Architecture and Sediment Partitioning in the Outcropping Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Bone Spring Formation, Permian Basin, West Texas, Wylie Walker, Zane Jobe, Rick Sarg, and Lesli Wood, #51596 (2019).
PS Stratigraphic Architecture of Turbidite and Mass-Transport Deposits in the Outcropping Bone Spring Formation, Delaware Basin, Texas, Wylie Walker and Zane Jobe, #11107 (2018).
Playing It Forward – Modelling the Evolution of Deepwater Subsalt Fields on Passive Margins Using 2-D Finite Element Models, Christopher D. Walker, Daniel Roberts, Adam Bere, J. Ryan Thigpen, and J. Kent Snow, #42133 (2017).
Examining the Validity of the Computed Al Curve in Elemental Spectroscopy Logs with X-Ray Fluorescence Techniques in the Marcellus Shale, Erin Walker and Susan Herron, #41481 (2014).
Applying Exploration Common Process to Site Selection for Geologic Carbon Storage Complexes, Christopher Walker, Tony Espie, Jonathan Evenick, Jonathan Hodgkinson, Simon Shoulders, and Ashleigh Ross, #80743 (2024).
Blended Source Ocean Bottom Node Seismic Data Acquisition – A Case Study, Chris Walker and David Hays, #41312 (2014).
Pennsylvanian–Early Permian Cyclic Shelf Sedimentation in the Sverdrup Basin at the Time of Contemporaneous Tectonism, SW Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada (Nunavut), Victoria M. Walker, Daria Baranova, and Benoit Beauchamp, #10693 (2014).
Isotopic Signatures of Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Pennsylvanian-Permian Strata, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: Implications for Diagenetic Pathways and Reservoir Potential, Victoria M. Walker and Benoit Beauchamp, #10578 (2014).
Sequence Stratigraphic and Stable Isotopic Expression of the Over-Filled to Balanced-Filled Tipton Member of the Green River Formation, WY, Jennifer C. Walker and Alan R. Carroll, #50141 (2008).
Closing the Loop on Closed Loop Reservoir Management, Greg Walker, Linda Danard, and Shane Hallstrom, #70085 (2010).
McElroy Field: Development of a Dolomite Reservoir, Permian Basin of West Texas, S.D. Walker and P.M. Harris, #60027 (2009).
Elm Coulee Field, Middle Bakken Member (Lower Mississippian/Upper Devonian), Richland County, Montana, Bill Walker, Al Powell, Dick Rollins, and Ron Shaffer, #20041 (2006).
PS Outcrop Lithostratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Interval in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia, Margaret Walker-Milani, Kyle Littlefield, Richard Smosna, and Timothy Carr, #50398 (2011).
PS An Oil-Source Rock Correlation Examining the Potential of the Chattanooga Shale as a Source Rock for Oil within the Spivey-Grabs-Basil Field, Kingman and Harper Counties, Kansas, Meagan Wall, Matthew Totten, Sambhudas Chaudhuri, Drew Evans, Brianna Kwasny, Brian Jarvie, and R. Paul Philp, #20331, (2015).
Spectral Decomposition for 3-D Geomodeling, Brad C. Wallet, #41408 (2014).
Comparison of Reservoir Quality from La Luna, Gacheta and US Shale Formations, Joel Walls and Elizabeth Diaz, #41396 (2014).
Results and Methodology from ANH (Colombia) Unconventional Resources Core Project AAPG GTW Reservoir Quality, Austin, Texas, Joel D. Walls, Juliana Anderson, Elizabeth Diaz, and Maria Rosa Ceron, #80346 (2013).
Digital Rock Physics Reveals Link between Reservoir Quality and Pore Type in Eagle Ford Shale, Joel D. Walls, Elizabeth Diaz, and Steven W. Sinclair, #40785 (2011).
Devonian Carbonate Reservoirs, Western Canada, the Gift That Keeps on Giving, a Small E&P Company’s Perspective, by Richard A. Walls and Mark Hadley, #10163 (2008).
Oklahoma's Recent Earthquakes and Saltwater Disposal, F. Rall Walsh, Randi J. Walters, Mark D. Zoback, Jack W. Baker, and Gregory C. Beroza, #80516 (2016).
Methane Hydrate Resource Potential Associated with the Barrow Gas Fields, T. P. Walsh, T. G. Morahan, D. N. Greet, P. J. Stokes, M. Panda, P. K. Singh, and M. D. Dunn, #40607 (2010).
PS Recognizing Duvernay B-Carbonate Distribution and Its Potential Implications on Resource and Reserve
Estimations, Stefan Walter, Krista Beavis, Courtney Whibbs, Sean Stricker, Adam Preston, Jim Jenkins, and Fran Hein, #11074 (2018).
Sedimentary and Stratigraphic Analysis of the Viking Sand in the Edgerton/Wainwright Area, Central Alberta, by Russell Walz, #50030 (2006).
PS Three-Dimensional Quantitative Characterization of Pore Throat Space of Low and Ultra Low Permeability Sandstone Reservoir in Bohai Bay Basin by Combined Constant Velocity Mercury Injection and X-CT, Lin Wan, Lixin Tian, Chengmin Niu, Qingbin Wang, and Xiaojian Liu, #42251 (2018).
Integrating Rock Physics and Seismic Modeling for Time-Lapse Analysis in a CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Project, Aaron Wandler, Paritosh Singh, and Thomas Davis, #40991 (2012).
Molecular and Isotopic Geochemistry: Technology Development and Applications to Exploration from the Present-Day to Mid-Century, Ye Wang and J. Mike Moldowan, #42503 (2020).
PS Fracture Patterns and Petrophysical Properties in the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, and Their Relationship with Regional Folding, Zhao Wang and Xiuxiang Lv, #11259 (2019).
PS Evaluation Method of Low Permeability Reservoirs Based on Logging Petrophysical Facies Identification: A Case Study of the Upper Member of Mengyin Formation in Gaoqing Area, Dongying Depression, Ya Wang, Shaochun Yang, and Yan Lu, #42448 (2019).
PS How Artificial Fractures and Bedding Plane Influence the Fluid Movement in the Fracture-Matrix Dual-Connectivity System of Barnett Shale, Qiming Wang, Xiaoming Zhang, Qinhong Hu, and Xiang Lin, #11353 (2021).
Tracer Gas Diffusion in the Eagle Ford Shale, Austin Chalk, and Adjunct Vertical Formations in Southwestern Texas, Qiming Wang, Qinhong Hu, and Xiang Lin, #42568 (2021).
PS Synthetic Nano-Petrophysics Investigation of the Haynesville Shale in Eastern Texas, Qiming Wang, Qinhong Hu, and Fred Meendsen, #51563 (2019).
PSUsing Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry to Identifying the Sample Size Effect on Pore Structure Characteristics of the Eagle Ford Shale, Qiming Wang and Qinhong Hu, #42373 (2019).
PS Permian Basin Educational Video Design, Assessment and Dissemination, Ning Wang and Robert J. Stern, #70388 (2019).
Fracture Detection and Structural Dip Analysis from Oil-Base Microresistivity Image Logs in a Horizontal Well: A Case Study from the Silurian Longmaxi Shale, Gao-Cheng Wang, Zhao Zhang, Qin-Fei Li, Kai-Gui Yin, Yu-Feng Luo, Heng Zhang, and Da-Li Wang, #42278 (2018).
PS Source Rock of Woodford/Mississippian Tight Oil Play on the Cherokee Platform (Oklahoma), Ting Wang, Li Liu, Mu Liu, and R. Paul Philp, #51485 (2018).
PS Natural Fracture Characterization and Prediction of the "Mississippian Limestone" Play, North-Central
Oklahoma, U.S.A., Yulun Wang, Taylor Thompson, and G. Michael Grammer, #10973 (2017).
PS Quantitative Description of Different Facies Belts of Paleogene Volcanic Rocks in BZ349 Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, Wang Shaopeng, Han Zijun, Liu Wenchao, Guo Wei, and Cai Yueqian, #20394 (2017).
PS Architecture of Underwater Distributary Channel Reservoir in Member 3 of Qingshankou Formation in QianAn District, South of Songliao Basin, Wang Jun, Bao Zhidong, and Zhang Hongjing, #51262 (2016).
PS Reservoir Characteristics, Formation and Gas Accumulation of Ordovician Ultra-Tight Paleokarst Carbonates in Eastern Ordos Basin, China, Guoting Wang, Ailin Jia, and Dongbo He, #10942 (2017).
A New Tool-less Layered Fracturing Technology and Its Pilot Application in Deep Thick Formations, Daobing Wang, Fujian Zhou, Hongkui Ge, Xiongfei Liu, Sergio Zlotnik, Yang Shi, X. Yang, X. Yuan, X. Li, Y. Tan, and T. Luan, #42000 (2017).
Assessing Potential Seismic Hazards from Induced Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States, Zhenming Wang, Seth Carpenter, and Lifang Zhang, #30480 (2016).
Reservoir Modeling to Investigate the Impacts of Geological Properties on Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) at the Orion Project, Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation, Alberta, Zexuan Wang, #41894 (2016).
PS Plan-View Paleochannel Reconstruction of Ancient Meanderbelts, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Henry Mountains Region, Utah, Jianqiao Wang and Janok P. Bhattacharya, #51122 (2015).
PS Recognition of Fluvial Megafans: Comparison of Early Eocene Green River Formation in the Uinta Basin and Late Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation in the Piceance Basin, Jianqiao Wang, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and Chayawan Jaikla, #51121 (2015).
PS Role of Relative Sea Level Change on Geometric Characteristics of Submarine Fans (Onlapping versus Non-Onlapping), Jianqiao Wang and Dipanwita Nandy, #41659 (2015).
Extend Well Life by Optimizing Well Completion and Pumping Operation, Xingjin Wang, #41647 (2015).
PS Overpressures and Their Significance in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China, Xiao Wang, Stuart J. Jones, Sheng He, Qiang Liu, and Chunyang Cheng, #11001 (2017).
PS Geochemical Characterization of Daanzhai Shales in Fuling Area, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China, Xiao Wang, Sheng He, and Xiaowen Guo, #10669 (2014).
PS The Genesis and Controlling Factors of Large Mesozoic Granite Weathering Crust Reservoir in Penglai 9-1 Oil Field, Bohai Bay Basin, Qingbin Wang, Xinhuai Zhou, Lixin Tian, Bo Yang, Guoxiang Zhao, Wensen Zhu, and Chong Feng, #20276 (2014).
The Analysis and Annotation of 3D Photorealistic Geological Outcrop Models, Miao Wang, Michele Iris Rodriguez-Gomez, Lionel S. White, Jr., Jarvis R. Cline, Mohammed S. Alfarhan, and Carlos L.V. Aiken, #41445 (2014).
Overpressure Genesis of the Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs of the Southwestern Ordos Basin in the Upper Paleozoic, Qian Wang, Jingzhou Zhao, Jun Li, and Yu Guo, #51029 (2014).
Quick 3D Formation Model for Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs by Resistivity Imaging While Drilling in Horizontal Well, Da-Li Wang, Zong-Gang Lv, Hai-Run Peng, and An-Fu Zhou, #41326 (2014).
Glacial Sedimentological Interpretation from Microresistivity Images, Al Khlata Formation, Oman, Da-Li Wang, Mohammed Helmy, and Keith Rawnsley, #50511 (2011).
The Petroleum System Characteristic of Permian Changxing Formation and Triassic Feixianguan Formation in Sichuan Basin, SW China, Tongshan Wang, Xia Li, Qiufen Li, Qingchun Jiang, and Yongxin Li, #10536 (2013).
An Integrated Seismic Reservoir Characterization Workflow for Sweet Spot Identification in Unconventional Resource Plays in Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China, Xiangzeng Wang, Wei Wang, Lixia Zhang, Quansheng Liang, Bojiang Fan, Chengfu Jiang, Haiwen Hu, Fujian Ma, Qing Wang, and Rui Zeng, #41878 (2016).
Lacustrine Shale Gas Exploration in Yanchang Exploratory Block, China, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, Binghua Sun, Chao Gao, Bojiang Fan, Chao Guo, Yongping Wan, Jianbo Sun, and H. Hu, #10510 (2013).
PS Recognition Technology and Applications of Multi-Genesis Superimposed Karst Reservoir in Tarim Basin - A Case Study on Weathering Crust in Ordovician Yingshan Formation of Tazhong Area, Hongbin Wang and Huquan Zhang, #50810 (2013).
The Study and Application of the Connectivity of the Carbonate Reservoirs in Tarim Basin, Jinxi Wang, Huquan Zhang, Fangfang Chen, Yang Xiao, and Junfeng Zhou, #41130 (2013).
The Depositional Characteristics and Models and Accumulation of Gas Hydrate in Northern Continental Slope, South China Sea, Jianzhong Wang, Xinghe Yu, Shunli Li, Xiaoming Zeng, and Wen Li, #50790 (2013).
Modeling a Tight Sandstone Gas System by Map-Based Isotopic Kinetic Tool: A Case Study in Ordos Basin, China, Feiyu Wang, Meng Xiaohui, Feng Weiping, Zhiyong He, and Yongchun Tang, #120105 (2013).
PS Issues of Horizontal Well Log Interpretation: An Example Longmaxi-Wufeng Shale in Fuling Gas Field of Eastern Sichuan Basin, Guochang Wang, Shengxiang Long, Yiwen Ju, Cheng Huang, and Yongmin Peng, #42375 (2019).
PS Organic Matter Deformation in Overmature Mudrocks, Guochang Wang, #51571 (2019).
PSTOC Prediction Analysis of Utica-Point Pleasant Formations in the Appalachian Basin, Guochang Wang, Alireza Shahkarami, and Jonathan Bruno, #51283 (2016).
Prediction and Distribution Analysis of Marcellus Shale Productive Facies in the Appalachian Basin, USA, Guochang Wang and Timothy R. Carr, #80319 (2013).
PS Black Shale Lithofacies Identification and Distribution Model of Middle Devonian Intervals in the Appalachian Basin, Guochang Wang and Timothy R. Carr, #10410 (2012).
Bringing Australian Geophysical Data onto a High Performance Data Node at the National Computational Infrastructure, Jingbo Wang, Irina Bastrakova, Ben Evans, Carina Kemp, Ryan Fraser, and Lesley Wyborn, #70210 (2016).
A New Method for Event Detection and Location - Matched Field Processing Application to the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Jingbo Wang, Dennise Templeton, and Dave Harris, #40946 (2012).
Innovative Fluid Identification Method by Integrating Array Dielectric Measurements, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Spectroscopy Data: One Case Study in the Low Contrast Complex Oil Reservoir, Bohai Bay, China, Jian Wang, Suogui Shang, Jinlong Wu, Henry Mortley, Xianran Zhao, and Yuxi Wang, #42262 (2018).
Recent Progress in the Sedimentary Evolution of the Mesozoic Qiangtang Basin, Tibet, SW China, Jian Wang, #30186 (2011).
PS The Geochemical Characteristics of Coal Measure Strata and Coal-Derived Hydrocarbon in Huhehu Sag, Hailaer Basin, China, Jiangong Wang, Guangpo Chen, and Tianqi Wang, #10266 (2010).
Simulating Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Comparing Discrete Fracture Network Models to the Upscaled Equivalents, by Huabing Wang, Craig Forster, and Milind Deo, #40323 (2008).
Salt Structure in Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, China: Insights from Deformation, Syn-kinematic Strata Record and Analog Modeling, Xin Wang, Shiqin Li, Pengcheng Tang, and Zhaoming Wang, #50486 (2011).
PS Revised Oil-Source Correlation Models in the Chao-Chang Region and Implications for Lower Cretaceous Petroleum Play Concepts in the Songliao Basin, NE China, Xue Wang, Maowen Li, Zihui Feng, Wei Fang, Zhenguang Li, Qiuli Huo, Sneh Achal, Marina Milovic, Rachel Robinson, Chunyuan Huang, and Guixia Song, #40668 (2010).
Geological Conditions and Accumulation Mechanism of Shallow Biogenic Gas Reservoirs in Andaman Basin, Hongping Wang, Fuliang Lv, Guozhang Fan, Chaolin Mao, and Hongxia Ma, #10343 (2011).
PS Map-Based Isotopic Kinetic Tool to Simulate the Generation and Accumulation History of Natural Gas, Feiyu Wang, Yongchun Tang, Zhiyong He, Jinkun Li, and Huasen Zhen, #40625 (2010).
PS Characterizing (Oil Sands) Ore Body with Process Performance Indicators using Pattern Recognition, Yang Wang, Dean Wallace, and Leonard Slipp, #40699 (2011).
The Late Miocene Red River Submarine Fan in the Northwestern South China Sea: Characteristics and Exploration Significance, Yingmin Wang, Qiang Xu, Dong Li, Weiguo Li, Jianhui Han, Ming Lv, Yongfeng Wang, Hairong Wang, and Haiteng Zhuo, #50435 (2011).
PS Evidence of Deep-Water Carbonate for Kaijiang-Liangping Trough and Its Role in Giant Gas Accumulations in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China, Yigang Wang, Chunchun Xu, Xianping Huang, Guang Yang, Haitao Hong, Chengyang Wen, Maolong Xia, and Yi Fan, #10164 (2009).
Modelling hydraulic-fracturing in 2D, Magnus Wangen and Nina Simon, #120124 (2013).
PS Seismic Architecture of Outer Shelf Canyon Segments in the Lüderitz Basin, Offshore Namibia, Ansgar Wanke and Rayde Toirac-Proenza, #11222 (2019).
PSTransgressive Recycling Produces Organic-Rich Carbonate Muds, by Harold R. Wanless, Brigitte Vlaswinkel, and Kelly L. Jackson, #40158 (2005).
Fine-Grained Volcanic Material within the Early Eocene (T50) Balder Formation: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the North Sea and Faroe-Shetland Basins, Sapphire Wanmer, Brian Bell, David Brown, and Giles Pickering, #10997 (2017).
Like Space and Time, Transformation Ratio is Curved, Doug Waples and Mark H. Tobey, #41713 (2015).
Geological Principles of Imaging Permian Salt Bodies in the North Sea and Irish Sea, Gavin H. Ward, #40779 (2011).
Petroleum Potential of the Jamaican Wagwater Trough: New Insight Obtained from 3-D Basin Modeling, Thomas P. Ward and John D. Pigott, #10261 (2010).
GCPotential Problems in Interpreting Amplitude Anomalies, by Paul Ware, #40053 (2002).
PS Syn-Rift Lacustrine Axial Delta Reservoir Quality and its Distribution: New Insight from Sumpur Delta in Singkarak Lake, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Reybi Waren, Endo Finaldhi, Enry H. Sihombing, Iqbal Fardiansyah, Faizil Fitris, Habash Semimbar, Satia Graha, Abdullah F. Talib, and Willy R. Paksi, #51263 (2016).
Alamo Impact Breccia: Ring Realm Processes and Products, John E. Warme and Jared R. Morrow, #40494 (2010).
PS Intraorganic Nanoquartz Associated with Algal Bituminite within the Devonian Marcellus Formation, Ritchie County, West Virginia: Potential Origins and Implications, Travis Warner, #40982 (2012).
Collaborative Planning: The Flexible Freeze (or Controlled Chaos) Required for Success - Khazzan Field, Oman, Edward Warren, #20454 (2019).
Exploration and Development of the Neal Hot Springs Geothermal Resource, Malheur County, Oregon, Ian Warren, #80584 (2017).
Helping to Understand Compartmentalization and Reservoir Segmentation Using Mass Spectrometer Mud Gas Analysis, Bruce Warren, #41213 (2013).
PS Application of DQMS Analysis in an Oil Producing Fractured Carbonate System, Bruce Warren and Scott Lashbrook, #40938 (2012).
What Drives the Link? Salt, Oil, Gas and Metals, John K. Warren, #70219 (2016).
Poroperm Evolution through Different Deformation Stages: Stable Isotopes Define Fluid Evolution in Permian and Older Carbonates in Thailand, John Warren, Chris Morley, Thasinee Charoentitirat, Ian Cartwright, Prueksarat Ampaiwan, Patcharin Khositchaisri, Maryam Mirzaloo, Mohammad Nazrul, Apsorn Panthong, and Jakkrich Yingyuen, #51264 (2016).
Understanding Hydrocarbons in an Evaporite Context, John K. Warren, #50549 (2012).
PS Multi-scale Analysis and Stratigraphy of Microbialites of the Lower Ordovician of Central Missouri and Kansas, Chamandika Warusavitharana and William C. Parcell, #50426 (2011).
PS USGS Assessment of Undiscovered, Technically Recoverable Oil and Natural Gas Resources of the Lower Paleogene Midway and Wilcox Groups, and Carrizo Sand, Claiborne Group, Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A., Peter D. Warwick, #10179 (2009).
PS Constraining Timing of South Caspian Basin Isolation and Source Rock Deposition Using Re-Os Geochronology on Black Shales of the Maikop Series, Eastern Azerbaijan, Alex Washburn and Sam Hudson, #30514 (2017).
Yeso Formation along the Northwest Shelf, Southeast New Mexico, USA; Conventional or Unconventional Reservoir Development?, Matthew Wasson, Ron Luongo, Reed Stiles, and Mark Trees, #51429 (2017).
PS Medium-Scale Tidally Influenced Meandering Fluvial Deposits of the Middle McMurray Formation, Hangingstone SAGD Project, Alberta, Canada, Satoko Watanabe and Takashi Tsuji, #10906 (2017).
Exploration and Development Techniques for Unconventional Resources, George Waters, #80673 (2019).
A Maturing Mississippian Lime Play in the Midcontinent – A Perspective on What We Know and Need to Know, W. Lynn Watney, #80445 (2015).
PS Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas, W. Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, Martin Dubois, Robinson Barker, Tiraz Birdie, et al., #80337 (2013).
Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Effects of Episodic Structural Activity during the Phanerozoic in the Hugoton Embayment, Kansas, USA, W. Lynn Watney, John Youle, Dennis Hedke, Paul Gerlach, Raymond Sorenson, Martin Dubois, Larry Nicholson, Thomas Hansen, David Koger, and Ralph Baker, #30285 (2013).
Fluid Migration and Accumulation within the Mississippian: Why 2% Oil Cut Here, 15% Oil Cut One Mile Away, W. Lynn Watney, #50953 (2014).
Analysis of the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous (Frasnian-Tournaisian) Woodford Shale in the KGS-OGS Current #1, Southwestern Arkoma Basin, W. Lynn Watney, Darwin R. Boardman, Jim O. Puckette, John R. Victorine, John H. Doveton, and Anna Cruse, and Neil Suneson, #50815 (2013).
Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas, W. Lynn Watney and Jason Rush, #80280 (2013).
Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in Ozark Plateau Aquifer System (OPAS) in Southern Kansas - Initial Studies, Willard L. Watney, Saibal Bhattacharya, Paul Gerlach, Jason Rush, Tom Hansen, Larry Nicholson, John Doveton, Anna Smith, Dennis Hedke, Susan Nissen, Abdelmoneam Raef, Jianghai Xia, David Koger, Ralph Baker, and John Victorine, #80173 (2011).
Characterization of Seismically Imaged Pennsylvanian Ooid Shoal Geometries and Comparison with the Modern, by W. Lynn Watney, Evan K. Franseen, Alan P. Byrnes, Richard D. Miller, Abdelmoneam Raef, Stacy L. Reeder, and Eugene C. Rankey, #20038 (2006).
The Effects of the Petrophysical Properties of Calcareous Mudstones and Limestones on Capillary Pressure Values, Kieva Watson and Constantine Cranganu, #41453 (2014).
A Day in the Life of a Barrel of Water: Evaluating Total Life-Cycle Costs of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids, Robin Watts, #70140 (2013).
AVBuilding a Business in India, by Mike Watts, #110034 (2006)
6 of 9 presentations at AAPG Forum: Energizing the World in the 21st Century, AAPG 2006 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (4.4 mb).
Seismic and Well Interpretation of Fluvial Clastic and Coal Packages for Stratigraphic Traps Within the Patchawarra Formation, Cooper Basin, Christopher Webb, #10831 (2016).
PS CO2 Storage and EOR Resource Assessment of the Cypress Sandstone Residual Oil Zone Play in the Illinois Basin, Nathan Webb, Nate Grigsby, and Scott Frailey, #11263 (2019).
An Integrated Approach to Identifying Residual Oil Zones in the Cypress Sandstone in the Illinois Basin for Nonconventional CO2-EOR and Storage, Nathan D. Webb, Nathan P. Grigsby, Joshua J. Arneson, Leo G. Giannetta, and Scott M. Frailey, #80581 (2017).
PS The Mississippian Thick Cypress Sandstone: A Nonconventional CO2-EOR Target in the Illinois Basin, Nathan D. Webb, Nathan P. Grigsby, Joshua J. Arneson, Leo G. Giannetta, and Scott M. Frailey, #10859 (2016).
Geological Characterization and Modeling of the Cypress Sandstone at Noble Field, Southeastern Illinois, Nathan D. Webb and Nathan P. Grigsby, #20332 (2015).
PS Reservoir Characterization of Lower Pennsylvanian Sandstones for the Application of ASP Flood Technology in Lawrence Field, Illinois, Nathan D. Webb, John P. Grube, Curt S. Blakley, Beverly Seyler, and Vineeth Madhavan, #50618 (2012).
Reservoir Characterization for the Application of ASP Flood Technology in the Bridgeport Sandstone in Lawrence Field, Illinois, Nathan D. Webb, Vineeth Madhavan, John P. Grube, Curt S. Blakley, Beverly Seyler, and Philip Johanek, #20111 (2011).
Variation of Quaternary Stratigraphic Pattern along an Incised Valley-fill Revealed by Very High Resolution Seismic Profiling: The Paleo-Charente River (French Atlantic Coast), by Nicolas Weber, Eric Chaumillon, and Michel Tesson, #30021 (2004).
PSStratigraphy, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Distribution - Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan, by L. James Weber, Brent P. Francis, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Michael Clark, #20059 (2008).
Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Quality Distribution, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan, by L.J. (Jim) Weber and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #20058 (2008).
Takutu Basin Rift as a Late Cretaceous Conduit for Continent-Interior Drainage into the Guyana Basin, Robert E. Webster, Ken Nibbelink, and Dick Boyce, #30679 (2022).
PSExploring the Jurassic Carbonate Platform Margin, Majunga Basin, Madagascar, by Robert E. Webster and Paul S. Ensign, #10128 (2007).
Tropical versus Temperate Zone Lacustrine Source Rocks: Examples from Takutu Basin, Guyana, and General Levalle Basin, Argentina, by Robert E. Webster, #10070 (2004).
General Levalle Basin, Argentina: A Buried Lower Cretaceous Rift, by Robert E. Webster, Gualter A. Chebli, and J. Fritz Fischer, #30022 (2004).
AV Fairway James Lime Field, East Texas: Still Developing After 48 Years, by Robert E. Webster, David Luttner, and Lawrence Liu, #110061 (2008)
4 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Reservoir Characterization for EOR/IOR and Bypassed Pay: Case Studies," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format (~4.6 mb).
Determination of Reservoir Properties from XRF Elemental Data in the Duvernay Formation, Thomas Weedmark, #41876 (2016).
Applications of Portable XRF, Chemical Stratigraphy and SEM in the Horn River Basin, Thomas C. Weedmark, Ronald J. Spencer, Darren P. Juss, and Francois Marechal, #41279 (2014).
PS Capturing Porestructures with Digital Image Analysis for a Quantitative Correlation to Physical Properties, Ralf J. Weger, Klass Verwer, Gregor P. Eberli, and Gregor Baechle, #40756 (2011).
PS Exploration Practice of Subtle Reservoirs in Slope Zone of Shaleitian Uplift in Bohai Bay Basin, Yang Wei, Meng Peng, Li Yanlai, Bian Lien, and Yu Qian, #11244 (2019).
Application of Hydrocarbon Gas Abundance Log in the Rolling Exploration and Development of Offshore Extra-low Resistivity Oilfield: A Case Study of CFD Oilfield Group in Bohai Bay Basin, Yang Wei, Li Lingling, Meng Peng, Zhu Meng, and Zhao Xiujuan, #20439 (2018).
PS Application of Unconformity Identification and Evaluation in the Optimizing of Offshore Oilfield Development Plan: A Case Study of CFD Oilfield in Bohai Bay Basin, Yang Wei, Meng Peng, Bai Qingyun, Zhu Meng, and Quan Bo, #20388 (2017).
PS Diagenetic and Porosity Evolution of Conglomeratic Sandstones in Bayingebi Formation of the Lower Cretaceous, Chagan Sag, China, Wei Wei, Xiaomin Zhu, and Mingxuan Tan, #51350 (2017).
PS Model to Predict Tight-gas Sands Porosity of West Depression in Liaohe Basin, China, Wei Wei, Xiaomin Zhu, and Yuanlin Meng, #10666 (2014).
Influence of Climate on the Early Diagenesis of Triassic and Jurassic Sediments, Rikke Weibel, Mette Olivarius, Henrik Friis, Lars Kristensen, Anders Mathiesen, Lars Henrik Nielsen, #50871 (2013).
AV Bigger is Better – Hydraulic Fracturing in the Mesaverde Formation in the Piceance Basin, by Leen Weijers, Yusuf Kama, Julia Shemeta, and Steve Cumella, #110092 (2009)
5 of 8 presentations from Session, "Microseismic Fracture Mapping in Tight Reservoirs," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Deeper Waters: How Science and Technology Pushed Exploration to Greater Depths, Paul Weimer, #70315 (2018).
AV A New Exploration Model for Stratigraphic Traps, 1950's, by Robert J. Weimer, #110079 (2009)
5 of 6 presentations from Forum, "Discovery Thinking," AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado, by Robert J. Weimer, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, and Genevieve B.C. Young, and R.A. Matuszczak, #20001 (1999).
Acquiring Formation Pressure Data in Low Permeability Reservoirs as an Aid to Evaluating Reservoir Connectivity, Peter Weinheber, Edward Boratko, E. Dussan, Marco Rueda, Adriaan Gisolf, Kilamba Diogo Contreiras, Francisco Van-Dúnem, and Robert Spaeth, #40422 (2009).
Modeling Reservoir Rock and Formation Fluid Geochemical Interactions: Implications for CO2 Sequestration from Citronelle Oil Field, Alabama, Amy Weislogel, Rona J. Donahoe, George Case, Keith Coffindaffer, and Theodore Donovan, #20206 (2013).
Stratigraphic Architecture of the Jasper Basin, North-Central Alberta Front Ranges, J. Weissenberger, M. Gilhooly, and P. Wong, #10620 (2014).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy and Resulting Reservoir and Non-Reservoir Facies Distribution, Upper Devonian Winterburn Group, Nikanassin Range Outcrops, Alberta Canada, John Weissenberger, Pak Wong, and Murray Gilhooly, #50824 (2013).
Geomorphic Elements in Modern Continental Sedimentary Basins, Gary Weissmann, Adrian J. Hartley, Gary Nichols, and Louis Scuderi, #30311 (2014).
PS Structural Architecture of the Southern Orange Basin, Block 5/6, Offshore South Africa, Slindile S. Wela, #10870 (2016).
Controls on Fracture Geometry in Chalk, Michael J. Welch, Christine Souque, Viki Wood, and Rob J. Knipe, #120095 (2013).
The Blackfoot Volcanic Field, Southeast Idaho: A New Structural Paradigm for Hidden Geothermal Resources in the Northeastern Basin and Range, John A. Welhan, Dean L. Garwood, and Michael O. McCurry, #80329 (2013).
Geologic Controls on Oil Production from the Niobrara Formation, Silo Field, Laramie County, Wyoming, Carrie Welker, Lisa Stright, and Tom Anderson, #20216 (2013).
GCCrooks Gap Field, Wyoming: Limitations of 3-D Seismic Interpretation, Robert E. Wellborn, #40065 (2002).
PS Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of the Opal-A to Opal-CT Transition Zone: Enhanced Diatomite
Permeability from Heterogeneous Diagenetic Embrittlement, Ryan Weller and Richard J. Behl, #51112 (2015).
The Role of Convection in Basin Modeling: Lessons from the Perth Basin, J. Florian Wellmann, Thomas Poulet, Rebecca Tung, and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, #41744 (2015).
Indispensable Fossil Energy - Perception and Reality, Dietrich H. Welte, #70148 (2013).
GC From Static to Dynamic Interpretation of Subsurface Data - A Change of Paradigm, by D. Welte, B. Wygrala, and T. Hantschel, #40058 (2002).
An IIoT Platform for Agile Development and Deployment of Data-Driven Solutions in E&P, Tailai Wen and Xinwo Huang, #42387 (2019).
Assessing Compositional Variability and Migration of Natural Gas in Antrim Shale in the Michigan Basin Using Noble Gas Geochemistry, Tao Wen, M. Clara Castro, Brian Ellis, Chris Hall, Kyger Lohmann, and Laura Bouvier, #10780 (2015).
EA Bound Gas in Near-Surface Sediment - Indication for Thermogenic Hydrocarbons in the Northern Barents Sea?, Philipp Weniger and Martin Blumenberg, #42504 (2020).
Quantitative Tarfaya Basin Development, Morocco, Axel Wenke, Rainer Zühlke, Haddou Jabour, Oliver Kluth, and Torge Schümann, #10420 (2012).
Identifying Sites for CO2 Geosequestration in the Sydney Basin, Mario Werner, M. Faiz, A. Golab and John Kaldi, #80028 (2008).
PS A Brief History of the Exploration History of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, W. A. Wescott, M. Atta, and J. C. Dolson, #30473 (2016).
PS Jurassic Rift Architecture in the Northeastern Western Desert, Egypt, William A. Wescott, Mahmoud Atta, David C. Blanchard, Roger M. Cole, Steven T. Georgeson, David A. Miller, Walter W. O’Hayer, Amanda D. Wilson, John C. Dolson, and Adel Sehim, #10379 (2011).
Re-plumbing the 100-Year-Old Pennsylvanian Bartlesville Sandstone Reservoirs in Northeastern Oklahoma, Bob Westermark, #40739 (2011).
PS Stratigraphic Controls on Mississippian Limestone Reservoir Quality through Integrated Electrofacies Classification and Seismic Constrained Spatial Statistics, Barber County, Kansas, Niles W. Wethington and Matthew J. Pranter, #41924 (2016).
Sequence Stratigraphic and Geochemical Insights into Paleoceanography and Source Rock Development in the Shublik Formation and Adjacent Units, Northern Alaska, Michael T. Whalen, April Knox, and Eric M. Hutton, #30424 (2015).
Magnetic Susceptibility, Biostratigraphy, and Sequence Stratigraphy: Insights into Timing of Devonian Carbonate Platform Development and Basin Infilling, Western Alberta, by Michael T. Whalen and Jed Day, #30033 (2005).
Emplacement and Post-Depositional Alteration of Sedimentary Event Layers: Lessons from the Eel River Margin, Robert A. Wheatcroft, #50332 (2010).
Clastic Pipe Diagenesis of the Jurassic Carmel Formation, Southern Utah, David F. Wheatley and Marjorie A. Chan, #51352 (2017).
Source Rock Characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Ostracode Zone, Southern Alberta, Canada, by Whitney M. Wheeler, Nicolas B. Harris and David C. Jennette, #30067 (2008).
The Rain Garden Project: Place-Based Education, Service Learning, and Scientific Literacy, Natalie Whitcomb, #80421 (2014).
The Acquisition and Assembly of Large Scale, High Resolution Photorealistic Models of Geological Outcrops, Lionel S. White, Jr., Jarvis R. Cline, Mohammed S. Alfarhan, Miao Wang, and Carlos L.V. Aiken, #41520 (2015).
Preliminary Lithofacies Interpretation from Formation Micro-Imager (FMI) Logs in the Katz Field Unit, North Central Texas, Jesse Garnett White, Valentina Vallega, Peter P. Flaig, and Stephen T. Hasiotis, #20308 (2015).
Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments through Integrative Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Pennsylvanian Strawn Formation, Jesse G. White, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Jeffrey Over, #20259 (2014).
PS Stratal Slicing Uncovers Complex Depositional Architectures in the Northern Kutei Basin, Roger White, Ari Subekti, Yudhi Rizal, Anom Prasetya, and Jo Reader, #41094 (2012).
Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Valuation Methodology, Red White, Mahendra Verma, and Don Gautier, #40495 (2010).
An Evaluation of Shale Gas Potential in the Bowland Shale, UK using Sequential High Water Pressure Pyrolysis and Methane Adsorption, P. Whitelaw, C. Uguna, L. Stevens, W. Meredith, C. E. Snape, C. Vane, V. Moss-Hayes, and A. D. Carr, #51450 (2017).
Global Review of Large-Scale CO2 Storage Projects, Steve Whittaker, #80279 (2013).
PS A Change in Formation Evaluation Strategy to Enable Making Key Investment Decisions Faster, Iain Whyte, Moses Onen, Gavin Sibbald, and Rendani Malada, #42344 (2019).
Wi-Wz Back to W
Gas While Drilling (GWD) Classification in Shaly-Sand Reservoir; an Effort to Unlock Gumai Play Potential in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, I Gusti Agung Aditya Surya Wibawa, Andri Syafriya, Beiruny Syam, and Mohammad Risyad, #11006 (2017).
Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lançon, and Yves-Marie Leroy, #42291 (2018).
Extending Kencanaloka Field Production by Developing a Hidden Potential of Eocene Carbonate Gas Reservoir, A Case Study of K-85 Zone in Kencanaloka Field, Offshore North West Java, Icuk Dwi Wibowo, Sobani, Linda Fransiska, and Mery Luciawaty, #30566 (2018).
Exploring the Thin Talangakar Formation Sandstone Using Integrated Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis and Spectral Decomposition in Kuang Area, South Sumatra Basin, Noor Cahyo Wibowo, #10900 (2016).
Stratigraphic Plays in Active Margin Basin: Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoir Distribution in Ciputat Half Graben, Northwest Java Basin, Ary Wahyu Wibowo, Astri Pujianto, Wisnu Hindadari, Arief Wahidin Soedjono, and Dina Novi Susanti, #10656 (2014).
Fractures Identification and Reservoir Characterization of Gas Carbonate Reservoir at Merbau Field, South Palembang Basin, Sumatra, Indonesia, by Ricky A. Wibowo, Wisnu Hindadari, Syamsu Alam, Parada D. Silitonga, and Rusalida Raguwanti, #20064 (2008).
EA The Possibility of Hydrodynamic Trap in Tarakan Sub-Basin as an Explanation of the Existence of Water in an Identified Hydrocarbon Zone, Andika Wicaksono, Agus M. Ramdhan, Hade B. Maulin, and Bayu R. Ma'aarij, #11328 (2020).
Optimization of Horizontal Wells Utilizing Multi-Variate Analytics of Seismic Inversion in the Wolfcamp Formation of the Midland Basin, Joe Wicker, James Courtier, Patrick Curth, and Travis Jeffers, #42081 (2017).
Maximize Mass Spectrometer Mud Gas Data – Experienced Analysis Matters, Tracy Wicker, #41623 (2015).
A First Look at Production and Completion Data from the Utica-Point Pleasant Shale Play or...Having Fun with Numbers, Larry Wickstrom and Martin Shumway, #10661 (2014).
Geology and Activity of the Utica-Point Pleasant of Ohio, Larry Wickstrom, #10490 (2013).
Structure and Stratigraphy of the Mississippian System, East of the Nemaha Uplift in Oklahoma, Charles W. Wickstrom and Christopher L. Johnson, #10442 (2012).
PS Geologic Overview and Activity Update for the Utica-Point Pleasant Shale Play in Ohio, Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Ronald Riley, Matthew Erenpreiss, and Christopher Perry, #10409 (2012).
PS Geologic Storage Field Demonstrations of the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Larry Wickstrom, Neeraj Gupta, David A. Ball, David A. Barnes, John Rupp, Stephen F. Greb, Joel R. Sminchak and Lydia J. Cumming, #40496 (2010).
AV Woodford Shale Gas in Oklahoma, by Charles W. Wickstrom, #110068 (2008)
3 of 8 presentations from session, with theme, "Overview of Shale Gas Resources," AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
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Experiences with Dual-Sensor Towed Streamer Acquisition and Imaging in the Eastern Mediterranean, Martin Widmaier and Øystein Lie, #41831 (2016).
Integrating Wells and 3D Seismic Data to Delineate the Sandstone Reservoir Distribution of the Talang Akar Formation, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, Robet Widodo, #50748 (2012).
PS Preliminary Facies Analysis, Regional Sequence Stratigraphy and Distribution of Stratigraphically Controlled Mechanical Units of the Middle and Upper Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, Michele Wiechman and Jennifer L. Aschoff, #50619 (2012).
Diagenetic Model: Deep Panuke Reservoir, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada, by Rick Wierzbicki, and Nancy Harland, #40136 (2004).
Exploration in the UK Weald Basin: Déjà Vu, Peter Wigley, #70182 (2015).
PS Complexities of Well Log Interpretation Observed Through Cored Samples, Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Ellen Wilcox and Edmund Gustason, #11303 (2020).
PS Application of Core to Refine Thick Fluvial Successions: A Case Study of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Ellen Wilcox, #11276 (2019). (File is 18Mb)
PS Inorganic Elemental Analysis of Woodford and Mississippian Mudrocks: Implication for Petroleum Systems Analysis, Ryan Wilcoxson, Franco Marcantonio, Ibrahim Al Atwah, and John Pantano, #10943 (2017).
The Impact of Slope Topography on Sediment Partitioning and Depositional Architecture in a Deepwater Lower Slope Setting, Richard J. Wild, Rachel Healy, David Hodgson, and Stephen Flint, #42114 (2017).
Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of a Syn- to Post-Rift Depositional Succession, Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea, Richard Wild and Henry W. Posamentier, #10421 (2012).
The Future of Energy and Geoscience Careers, Chandler T. Wilhelm, #70263 (2017).
Regional Aspects of Stratal Architecture of the Subsurface Mississippian in Kansas Based on Wireline Log Cross-Sections and Seismic, Brian Wilhite and Sal Mazzullo, #30307 (2013).
PS Mississippian Lithostratigraphic Architecture and Internal Depositional Systems Variation Along the Shelf-Break in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, Brian Wilhite and Sal Mazzullo, #30305 (2014).
Syndepositional Tectonism and its Effects on Mississippian (Kinderhookian to Osagean) Lithostratigraphic Architecture: Part 1 – Based on Exposures in the Midcontinent USA, Brian W. Wilhite, S.J. Mazzullo, Beau T. Morris, and Darwin Boardman II, #30207 (2011).
Large Fluvial Fans (LFF) – Attributes or Are Large Fans Significant?, Justin Wilkinson, #70185 (2015).
Studies on Oil and Ice, Göran Wilkman, Esa Ritari, and Arto Uuskallio, #80345 (2013).
Regional Interpretation of the Middle-Upper Ordovician Utica Shale Play in the Appalachian Basin, Christopher G. Willan, Scott D. McCallum, and Travis B. Warner, #80239 (2012).
Aromatic Compounds as Maturity Indicators - Comparison with Pyrolysis Maturity Proxies and Ro (Measured and Calculated) Using the New Albany Shale as an Example, Donna Caraway Willette, #42143 (2017).
PS Atmospheric Gas Concentrations During an Unconventional Oil and Gas Recovery Operation at the MSEEL Test Site, West Virginia, James P. Williams, Matthew Reeder, Natalie Pekney, John Osborne, Michael A. McCawley, and David Risk, #80613 (2017).
Determining Depositional History Through Use of Cognitive Interpretation , Ryan Williams and Rachael Moore, #41891 (2016).
The Eocene Gir Formation of the Ghani and Ed Dib Fields, Eastern Libya -An example of "Virtual Core Study", Henry Williams, #20288 (2014).
PS Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Western Mediterranean Basin, The Provencal Basin, David Williams, Stefania Guerzoni, Mara Marian, Enrica Battara, and Angelo Ricciato, #10687 (2014).
Taking the Utica to its Depositional Limits: Through Facies Changes and Across the Entire Appalachian, Illinois and Michigan Basins, Ralph Williams and Danielle Leighton, #10511 (2013).
PS Burial History Modeling and Paleogeomechanics of the Barnett and Haynesville, Kenneth E. Williams, #50807 (2013).
PS Source Rock Reservoirs are a Unique Petroleum System, Kenneth E. Williams, #41138 (2013).
Operational Results for Geothermal Co-production of Electricity from Oilfield Operations, Tom Williams, Lyle A. Johnson, Neil Popovich, and Timothy Reinhardt, #80247 (2012).
PS The Permeability of Overpressure Shale Seals and of Source Rock Reservoirs is the Same, Kenneth E. Williams, #40935 (2012).
AV Presentation by Clayton Williams, #110052 (2008)
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PSExploring for Deepwater Petroleum Systems with SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) – Fact or Fiction?: Comparing Results from Two of Today’s Hot-Spots (Congo Fan and Santos) with Two of Tomorrow’s (Campeche and Cariaco), by Alan K. Williams, Geoffrey M. Lawrence, and Michael King, #10113 (2006).
Lithofacies Analysis and Depositional Scenarios for the Rock Creek Member and “Niton B” Sandstone of the Fernie Formation in West-Central Alberta, Samuel K. Williams, Stefan T. Knopp, Federico F. Krause and Terry P. Poulton, #50947 (2014).
A High-Resolution Sedimentological Assessment: Niton Member of the Fernie Formation, West-Central Alberta Subsurface, Samuel K. Williams, Federico F. Krause, Stefan T. Knopp, Terry P. Poulton, and Christopher L. DeBuhr, #50969 (2014).
PS Earth Stress and Seismic Hazard from the Size-Frequency Distribution of Seismic Events, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud and Graham Yielding, #70278 (2017).
Distinguishing Natural Reactivated Fractures from Hydraulic Induced Fractures using Microseismic Event Analysis, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, William Barker and Kevin Smith, #41306 (2014).
Fluvial Channel Belt Reservoirs, Brian J. Willis, Richard Sech, Tao Sun, Michael Pyrcz, and Sean Connell, #41671 (2015).
PS Fluvial Architecture the Morrison Formation, Bullfrog Area, Utah, USA, Brian Willis, Tobias Payenberg, and Bryan Bracken, #50989 (2014).
Another Look at Fluvial Sequence Stratigraphy, Brian Willis, Bryan Bracken, and Tobias Payenberg, #40624 (2010).
PSUpdates to the Regional Geologic Map of the Los Angeles 30' x 60' Quadrangle, C.J. Wills, R.H. Campbell, P.J. Irvine, and B. J. Swanson, #30339 (2014).
Confirmation of the Paleogene Source Rocks in the Northeast Java Basin, Indonesia, Based from Petroleum Geochemistry, Danis A. Wiloso, Eddy A. Subroto, and Eddy Hermanto, #10195 (2009).
Geoscience Perspectives on Technology Development in Energy Storage and Implications for Strategic Mineral Exploration, Edith Newton Wilson and Jesse R. Edmondson, #80692 (2019).
Exploring New Energy Frontiers with Petroleum Geoscience Talent and Technology, Edith Newton Wilson, #70386 (2019).
Improving Paleohydrologic Source-to-Sink Estimates by Merging Big Data and the Fulcrum Approach, Nicole Wilson and John Holbrook, #51505 (2018).
PS A Microtektite Horizon in the Miocene Cruse Formation of Southern Trinidad, Brent Wilson, Hasley Vincent, and Annalize Q. McLean, #51194 (2015).
PS Determining Percentage Carrying Capacity and Delayed Percentage-Dependency Lags in Palaeontological Time Series, Illustrated Using Benthonic Foraminifera in the Cipero Formation (Catapsydrax Stainforthi Zone, Lower Miocene) of Trinidad, Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Brent Wilson, #41698 (2015).
Foraminifera in the Concord Limestone Member (Brasso Formation, Early Middle Miocene) of Trinidad, Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean: a Product of Sediment Starvation Near an Oxygen Minimum Zone, Brent Wilson and Milshah Ramkissoon, #51174 (2015).
The Role of Muddy Hyperpycnites in Shelfal Mudstones and Their Effect on Reservoir Quality: Examples From the Geneseo Formation of New York, USA, Ryan D. Wilson and Juergen Schieber, #51179 (2015).
Midland Basin Wolfcamp Horizontal Development, Greg Wilson, #110208 (2015).
Biostratigraphy of the Montney Formation: From the Alberta and British Columbia subsurface, to the Outcrop, Nick Wilson, J-P. Zonneveld, and Mike Orchard, #50934 (2014).
Independent Explorers Create High Value Opening up New Countries, Julie Wilson, #70144 (2013).
PS Characterization of Tensleep Reservoir Fracture Systems Using Outcrop Analog, Fracture Image Logs and 3D Seismic, Thomas H. Wilson, Valerie Smith, and Alan L. Brown, #50877 (2013).
PS Modeling Discrete Fracture Networks in the Tensleep Sandstone: Teapot Dome, Wyoming, Thomas H. Wilson, Valerie Smith, Alan L. Brown, and Dengliang Gao, #50658 (2012).
PS3-D Seismic Workflows Developed to Evaluate Out-of-Zone and Stealth Zone Microseismic Behaviors: Marcellus Shale, Central Appalachians, USA, Tom Wilson, Ariel K. Hart, and Peter Sullivan, #41395 (2014).
PS Pre- and Post-Injection Vertical Seismic Profiling over the Southwest Regional Partnership’s Phase II Fruitland Coal CO2 Pilot, Tom Wilson, Les Nutt, Ric Smith, Jitendra Gulati, Marcia Coueslan, Dwight Peters, Art Wells, Craig Hartline, George Koperna, and Bill Akwari, #80104 (2010).
PSLeakage Risks Associated with Coal Sequestration in Some Areas of the Central Appalachians: Subsurface, Seismic and Geomechanical Evaluations, by Tom Wilson, Hema Siriwardane, Xiaochao Tang, Brian Connolly, and Jamie Tallman, #80007 (2007).
Selected Anecdotes: Field Geologist, Company Executive, AAPG President, By J.E. Wilson, #80004 (2004).
Trenton-Black River Formations of Michigan Basin, Masera Corporation (James Lee Wilson, Joyce M. Budai, and Arigeep Sengupta, principal investigators), #10020 (2001).
Paleogene Clastics, Mangkalihat, Borneo: Implications for Petroleum Systems , Moyra E. Wilson, Wayne Camp, and Martin J. Evans, #10251 (2010).
New Insights into the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore Nova Scotia, Hamish Wilson, #40638 (2010).
PS PSA Re-Evaluation of Play Risks and Volumes Offshore Nova Scotia, Hamish Wilson, Matt Luheshi, David Roberts, and Bernard Colletta, #50530 (2012).
Nova Scotia Play Fairway Analysis: Gross Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Hamish Wilson, Matt Luheshi, David Roberts, and Bernard Colletta, #50455 (2011).
Sand Conditions as Indicated by the Self-Potential Log, by B.W. Wilson and R.H. Nanz, #60005 (2002).
What Does the Quaint Oil of Mann-665 Tell on Regional Geology?, U Kyaw Soe Win, Daw Hnin Aye Aye Phyo, U Ko Ko, U Kyin Sein, and U Thant Zin Aung, #20402 (2017).
Deep-Water Resedimented Carbonate Exploration Play Types: Controls and Models, Peter Winefield, Peter Burgess, Marcello Minzoni, Bernard Pierson, Ted Playton, and Xavier Janson, #50502 (2011).
Changes of the Late Permian Ocean Circulation and Deep-Sea Anoxia in Response to Tectonic Changes - A Model Study with CCSM3, A. Winguth, A. Osen, C. Scotese, and C. Winguth, #40626 (2010).
It's Time For A Fresh Look At Berea and Clinton Secondary Recovery, Robert D. Winland, #51674 (2020).
A Virtual Ride through a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Analog: 3D Digital Reservoir Model of a Microbialite Reef in the Neoproterozoic Nama Group in Namibia, Gerd Winterleitner, Ken McCaffrey, Benjamin Mapani, Bernard A. Vining, Carlos Figueiredo, Obeth Mbui Kandjoze, and Daniel P. Le Heron, #50713 (2012).
PS Obstacles and Pitfalls of the Everyday Interpreter: The Role of Geophysics in Resource Plays, Glenn E. Winters, #41131 (2013).
State of the Uranium Industry in the U.S. & the World, Henry M. Wise and Michael D. Campbell, #80184 (2011).
PS A Renewed Focus on Utah's Helium Potential, Tyler J. Wiseman and Marc T. Eckels, #80710 (2019).
Comparing Completions to Geology in the Cardium Formation - North Central Pembina, Andrew Wiseman, Federico Krause, and Christopher DeBuhr, #80325 (2013).
3-D Fault Geometries and Interactions Associated With Multiphase Extension, Martha O. Withjack, Alissa A. Henza, and Roy W. Schlische, #41729 (2015).
PS Surface to Subsurface: Myanmar's Geology Consolidated, Duncan Witts, #41796 (2016).
PS Geological Review and Bitumen Resource Appraisal of the Grosmont Formation within the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Elaine Wo, Laifeng Song, Travis Hurst, and Nina Sitek, #80130 (2011).
PS Petroleum Geological Exploration Technology - Innovation Strategies, Upper Rotliegend, Polish Permian Basin, Krzysztof Wolański, Slawomir Chruścinski, Alina Wolańska, and Agnieszka Chmielowiec-Stawska, #11262 (2019).
PS Evolution of Frasnian Mixed Carbonate-Siliclastics Systems: Outcrop-Based Characterization of Sequence Stratigraphy and Architecture, Cline Channel and Jasper Basin Areas, Alberta, Canada, Pak Wong, John Weissenberger, and Murray Gilhooly, #51276 (2016).
Stratigraphic Architecture of the Frasnian Cline Channel, Central Alberta Front Ranges, Pak Wong, John Weissenberger, and Murray Gilhooly, #50986 (2014).
Watershed Algorithm Applied In Halokinetics, Robert Woock and Gwen Pech, #120177 (2014).
Quantifying Bypassed Pay Through 4-D Post-Stack Inversion, Robert Woock, Sean Boerner, and James Gamble, #40799 (2011).
PS Reservoir Characterization, Depositional System, and Diagenesis of the Atokan Grant Sand, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Victoria R.L. Wood and Christopher L. Liner, #10812 (2015).
Erosional Tidal Ridges in the Bakken Formation (Late Devonian-Early Mississippian), Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, James M. Wood, Shaun C. O'Connell, and Stephen P. Robinson, #50901 (2013).
Diagenetic Tipping Points in the Permeability Evolution of Carbonates, Rachel Wood, Cees van der Land, Keijan Wu, Rink van Dijke, Dimas Dias Brito, Adriana Perretti, Ricardo Bogado, and Patrick Corbett, #120096 (2013).
Memorabilia of the Uranium Boom of the 1950's, Mark Wood, #70125 (2012).
Whole Lithospheric Folding as a Mechanism of Basin Formation and Tectonic Implications for Gondwana Evolution: Evidence from the Palmyride Trough, Syria, Barry Wood, #30176 (2011).
PSGeochemical Investigations in the Michigan Basin: Vernon Field and Springdale Township, James R. Wood and David Seneshen, #20036 (2006).
AVGeomorphology of the Mars Northeast Holden Delta, by Lesli J. Wood, #110027 (2005).
3 of 4 presentations at AAPG Session: Sedimentation on Mars, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005
Click to view presentation in PDF format.
Tectonostratigraphic Framework of the Columbus Basin, Eastern Offshore Trinidad, by L. J. Wood, #10014 (2001).
Prospect Investigation and De-Risking Using Cognitive Interpretation Workflows, Offshore Equatorial Guinea, Tom Wooltorton, Stephen Leslie, Merritt Smith, Ryan M. Williams, and Luis Gomez, #42170 (2017).
Prospect Investigation and De-Risking Using Cognitive Interpretation Workflows, Offshore Equatorial Guinea, Tom Wooltorton, Stephen Leslie, Merritt Smith, and Rachael A. Moore, #30507 (2017).
Using Geological Expression Techniques to Reveal Complex Regional Structural Information without Conventional Interpretation, Tom Wooltorton, #41206 (2013).
The Guyana-Suriname Basin: An Evolving Exploration Opportunity, Warren Workman and David J. Birnie, #10730 (2015).
PS Quantitative Prediction of Sandbody Connectivity within Distributive Fluvial Systems Using Process-Based Numerical Modeling, S. Worms, C.M. Griffiths, A. Owen, J.A. Howell, and A.J. Hartley, #42436 (2019).
Preliminary Geology of Oakdale Field, Northwest Raton Basin, Huerfano County, Colorado, by John Worrall, #20017 (2004).
PS Structural and Stratigraphic Reconstruction of the Whiting Dome Salt Structure in Viosca Knoll-Mississippi Canyon, GOM, Using 3-D Seismic Data, Matthew Worrell, #10970 (2017).
Visual and Analytical Comparisons of Upper Bakken “Shale” Cores from a West-to-East Transect, McKenzie and McLean Counties, North Dakota, Laura Wray, Mark Longman, Katie Kocman, Laura Mauro Johnson, Grant Sha, and Simon Cole, #51032 (2014).
PS McDonald Observatory Dark Skies Initiative, William Wren, #42445 (2019).
Unraveling the Source and Dynamics of Produced Water from Hydraulically Fractured Middle Bakken and Three Forks Wells in the Williston Basin, ND Using Novel Water Geochemical Methods, Shawn Wright, Steve Franks, John Pantano, Margie Kloska, and Jennifer Wolters, #42435 (2019).
PS The Application of Chemostratigraphy to Fluvial-Deltaic Sequences: from Example from the Ferron Sandstone Member, South-Central Utah, Amelia Wright, Ken Ratcliffe, Janok Bhattacharya, Yijie Zhu, and David Wray, #40498 (2010).
Critically Evaluating the Current Depositional Models for the Pre-Salt Barra Velha Formation, Offshore Brazil, V. Paul Wright and Andrew Barnett, #51439 (2017).
Classifying Reservoir Carbonates When the Status Quo Simply Does Not Work: A Case Study from the Cretaceous of the South Atlantic, Paul Wright and Andrew Barnett, #51419 (2017).
A Geochemical Model for the Formation of the Pre-Salt Reservoirs, Santos Basin, Brazil: Implications for Understanding Reservoir Distribution, Paul Wright and Nick Tosca, #51304 (2016).
Cyclicity and Carbonate-Silicate Gel Interactions in Cretaceous Alkaline Lakes, Paul Wright and Andrew Barnett, #51011 (2014).
Carbonate Dissolution and Porosity Development in the Burial (Mesogenetic) Environment, Paul Wright and Paul (Mitch) Harris, #50860 (2013).
Reservoir Architectures in Non-Marine Carbonates, Paul Wright, #40801 (2011).
PSThe Application of High Resolution Chemostratigraphy to Differentiate between Low Accommodation Incised Valley Systems in a Foreland Basin Setting: The Lower Cretaceous Basal Colorado and Basal Quartz of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, by A.M. Wright, B.A. Zaitlin, R. Walker, and K.T. Ratcliffe, #30041 (2006).
Who Owns the Arctic?, Ian Wright and Alan J. Evans, #70113 (2011).
PS Volcanic Rifted Margins and Unconventional Delta Systems; Constraining Supply, Sea Level and Slumping, Kirstie Wright, Richard Davies, Dougal Jerram, Jenny Morris, and Rosie Fletcher, #50525 (2011).
GCAzimuth and Offset in Design of Successful 3-D Survey, by Stuart Wright, #40121 (2004).
PS Lateral Facies Architecture and the Role of Antecedent Topography on Carbonate Facies Geometries in Incipient Icehouse Climatic Conditions Carboniferous/Lower Pennsylvanian (Baskirian/Morrowan): Hueco Mountains Texas, Wayne R. Wright and H. Seay Nance, #50441 (2011).
The Evolving Role of Geoscientists in Climate Change Science, Gregory R. Wrightstone, #80618 (2017).
Marcellus Shale - Geologic Controls on Production, Gregory Wrightstone, #10206 (2009)
A Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator Method and Results of a Demonstration of Capabilities in Abu Dhabi, Mark J. Wrigley, Holger Stolpmann, Mahfoud Al-Jenaibi, and Pierre van Laer, #40895 (2012).
Requiem for a Seaway: Tracking the Final Transgression of the Western Interior Sea in the Post-Apocalyptic World of the Paleocene, Anton F. J. Wroblewski, #30644 (2019).
PS The Critical Role of Ichnology in Recognizing the True Last Big Marine Transgression of the Western Interior Sea: Paleocene Ferris Formation, Southern Wyoming, Anton F.-J. Wroblewski and Regan Dunn, #51585 (2019).
PS High Resolution Organic Facies of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, B. M. Wrolson and S. L. Bend, #50645 (2012).
Revealing the Complexity of Heterogeneous Volcaniclastic Facies of Mid Miocene Onnagawa Formation, Akita Basin, Japan, Ivan Zhia Ming Wu, Sarvagya Parashar, M.S Iyer, Chung Yee Lee, Hideo Komatsu, and Saki Shimada, #11175 (2019).<
PS Reconstruction of 3D Pore Space Using Multiple-Point Statistics Based on a 2D Training Image, Yuqi Wu, Chengyan Lin, Lihua Ren, Weichao Yan, Yang Wang, and Songtao Wu, #42315 (2018).
Effect of Stress Anisotropy on Borehole Failure Initiation and Extent: A Laboratory Experimental Observation, Bailin Wu, Xavier Choi, and Ranjith Pathegama Gamage, #42290 (2018).
CNPC E&P Data Management System (A1 Project), Liming Wu, Tao Ma, Tiecheng Wang, Jingyi Liu, Wenjun Huang, and Fusen Yang, #70342 (2018).
PS Hierarchical Clustering Analysis of the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin: A Useful Tool to Elucidate the Depositional Process of the Paleolake, Tengfei Wu and Jeremy Boak, #51595 (2019).
PS Water Chemistry Evolution of the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin: A Signal Extracted by Mineral Assemblage in Different Lake Stages, Tengfei Wu and Jeremy Boak, #51496 (2018).
PS Chemostratigraphy, Mineral Association and Water Chemistry Modeling of the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado: An Integrated Method to Unveil the Evolution of the Uinta Lake, Tengfei Wu and Jeremy Boak, #51397 (2017).
Characterize Shale Reservoir for Engineers, Xingru Wu, #80523 (2016).
PS 4D Time-Lapse Characterization of Porosity Evolution in Organic-Rich Shales S. T. Wu, C. N. Zou, R. K. Zhu, J. G. Cui, J. W. Cui, and X. F. Zhai, #51232 (2016).
PS An Experimental and Numerical Modelling Study on Stability of Wellbores with Pre-existing Breakouts, B. Wu, Z. Chen, X. Zhang, and X. Choi, #41732 (2015).
PS A Successful Seismic Integration Case in Exploration of the Deep Thrust Zone in Mountain Area of Qaidam Basin, West China, Chuan Wu, Fangjian 'Jack' Xue, Peng Wang, Jie Hu, Chuanwu Wang, and Yongsheng Wang, #10762 (2015).
PS Characterization of the Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Marine Shale of Well Xiye-1 in Northwestern Guizhou Province, Southwest China: Implication for Shale Gas Potential, Yue Wu, Tailiang Fan, Shu Jiang, and Jinchuan Zhang, #51046 (2014).
Investigation of the Bitumen Impact on the Petrophysical Properties in the Carbonates, Kejian Wu, Mark Skalinski, Boqin Sun, Rafael Salazar-Tio, and David A. Katz, #41421 (2014).
Structural Diagenesis in an Upper Carboniferous Tight Gas Sandstones Reservoir Analog, P. Wuestefeld, C. Hilgers, and B. Koehrer, #41491 (2014).
PS Sedimentary Dynamics and High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy on the Slope of Great Bahama Bank,
Marco Wunsch, Christian Betzler, Sebastian Lindhorst, Thomas Lüdmann, and Gregor Eberli, #51411 (2017).
Improving Burial and Thermal History Modeling Based on Geochemistry and Progressive Clay Mineralogical Transformation in Devonian Shales - Examples from the Duvernay and Muskwa Formations in Western Canada, Raphael Wust and Sam Tu, #51582 (2019).
The Middle Montney - A Dirty Old Carbonate Formation with a Secret Past?, Raphael Wust, David Kelly, Aaron Bonk-Richards, Heather Offord, Ben Collins, Brent Nassichuk, and John Nieto, #10905 (2017).
Considering the Vertical Variation in Rock Mechanical Properties of a Lithologic Zone Using Laboratory Derived Data – Is it Time for Geomechanical Stratigraphy?, Douglas E. Wyatt, Jesse Hampton, Dandan Hu, Cheng Chen, and Vladimir Martysevich, #120191 (2015).
Using Sonic and Seismic Indications of Coastal Plain Unconformities to Suggest Missing Sediments and Downdip Development of the Eastern Atlantic Coastal Plain and Shelf, Douglas Wyatt and Michael Waddell, #40822 (2011).
Offshore Renewable Energy and the California State Lands Commission, Holly Wyer, #80461 (2015).
PSAssessment of Controlling Factors in Mixed Biogenic and Thermogenic Petroleum Systems – A Case Study from the Levantine Basin, Bjorn Wygrala, Wolf Rottke, Duplo Kornpihl, Martin Neumaier, Abdulaziz Al-Balushi, and Lisa Marlow, #10636 (2014).
Development of Kern County's Rose Oil Field, Dan Wynne and Mel Patel, #20316 (2015).
PS Key Technologies for Processing of Seismic Data in Gas Cloud Area, Bohai Bay Basin, Xia Tongxing, Ming Jun, Liu Lei, Zhou Xuefeng, Liu Hongxing, and Liu Xuetong, #42093 (2017).
PS Multi-cycles Sequence Stratigraphy Analysis and the Application of Seismic Waveform Classification Technique for Sandstone Prediction in Shallow Lake Basin, Qinglong Xia, Tao Guo, Chunqiang Xu, Zhigang Liu, and Ruoxiang Zhang, #50642 (2012).
Understanding Mass Transport Processes during Geochemical Characterization of Source Rock and Tight Reservoirs, Daniel Xia, Changrui Gong, and Lucia Rodriguez, #80734 (2020).
Geochemical Interpretation on Clumped and Position-Specific Isotopes in Natural Gas, Daniel Xia and Yongli Gao, #42563 (2020).
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in the Permian Basin, Daniel Xia and Zhiyong He, #10950 (2017).
Predicting Hydrocarbon Composition in Unconventional Reservoirs with a Compositional Generation/Expulsion Model, Daniel (Xinyu) Xia, John M. Guthrie, Caroline Burke, Steven Crews, and Yongchun Tang, #80397 (2014).
PS Improving Hydrocarbon Resource and Fluid Property Prediction with a Coupled Generation/Expulsion Model, Daniel Xia, James Chen, Robert Braun, and Yongchun Tang, #40958 (2012).
Fluid Properties Indicated by Natural Gas Isotopes in Gulf of Mexico, Daniel (Xinyu) Xia, Daniel M. Jarvie, and Younchun Tang, #50466 (2011).
OGIP Evaluation of Shale Gas and CBM with Basin Modeling and Gas Isotopes Interpretation, Daniel Xia and Yongchun Tang, #40842 (2011).
Late-stage Tectonic Inversion and Its Geodynamic Significance: Evidence from the Uplifting and Denudation History of the Songliao Basin, Caifu Xiang, Fudong Wang, Peng Peng, Hemei Liu, and Aiqian Zhang, #30138 (2010).
PS Arsenic Mobilization in Shallow Aquifers Due to CO2 and Brine Intrusion from Carbon Storage Reservoirs, Ting Xiao, Brian McPherson, Rich Esser, Wei Jia, Zhenxue Dai, and Hari Viswanathan, #80672 (2019).
Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Technological Parameters During Coupled Liquid CO2 Hydraulic Fracturing/Huff and Puff Treatment in Tight Oil Reservoirs, Bo Xiao, Tingxue Jiang, Baoping Lu, Shicheng Zhang, Xiaobing Bian, and Jian Ma, #42280 (2018).
PS Prototype Model of Modern Fluvial Deposits and Discussion on Architectural Units: A Case Study of Hailar River and Chaobai River, Da Kun Xiao, Guangyi Hu, Tingen Fan, Fei Chen, Jian Hua Dong, Yu Fei Gao, and Xu Liang, #51576 (2019).
PS High-Resolution Sequence Architecture and Seismic Sedimentology Interpretation of Fan Delta, Shaheajie Formation, Bohai Basin, China, Dakun Xiao, Hui Wang, Tingen Fan, Xiaoqing Hu, Weiping Zhao, Xianwen Zhang, Tao Niu, and Yukun Zhang, #30501 (2017).
PS Characterization of Seal Potential and Distribution Using Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion: A Field Case Study of Onshore Abu Dhabi, Anni Xie, Maria Helena Caeiro, Stefan Steiner, Ahmed Taher, Martin Jagger, Kate Al Tameemi, Amogh Chitrao, Fakhera Al Qubaisi, Huda Al-Salmi, and Jawaher A. Alshamsi, #20489 (2020).
A Novel Approach to Productivity Prediction of Carbonate Gas Reservoirs from Electrical Image Logs, Bing Xie, Fu-Sen Xiao, Qiang Lai, Yu-Yu Wu, and Da-Li Wang, #42277 (2018).
Permeability Index of Vugs and Fractures in Heterogeneous Carbonate Gas Reservoirs from High-Resolution Electrical Images, Bing Xie, Da-Li Wang, and Shiduo Yang, #51452 (2018).
Recent Significant Gas Discoveries in China: Influence on National Energy Structure and Future Gas Exploration, by Chenxia Xie, #10067 (2004).
PS A Viscoplastic Stress Relaxation Model for Predicting Variations of the Least Principal Stress With Depth in Unconventional Reservoirs, Shaochuan Xu and Mark D. Zoback, #41999 (2017).
PS A Petrographic Analysis of the Lower Bakken Shale and Pronghorn Member of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Jingqi Xu, Dipanwita Nandy, and Steve Sonnenberg, #51330 (2016).
Quantitative Characterization of Brittle Minerals in Shale Gas Reservoir, Jiaoshiba Area, China, Zhuang Xu, Wanzhong Shi, Qing Ye, and Zhiguo Shu, #80556 (2016).
Improving AVO Fidelity by NMO Stretching and Offset Dependent Tuning Corrections, Yong Xu and Satinder Chopra, #41574 (2015).
Enhancing Reservoir Performance of a Marginal Oilfield through Advance Well Placement Application in North China, Guomin Xu, Zhongmin Gao, Yonghua Liu, Qilu Liu, Yuling Wang, Fei Wang, Shuzhong Li, Chonghui Xu, Yong Wang and Cang Li, #41337 (2014).
PS Geologic Patterns of Internal Architecture in Reef-Shoal Complexes Along Kaijiang-Liangping Trough in Sichuan Basin During Late Permian Changxingian, Anna Xu, Zecheng Wang, Xiufen Zhai, and Jifeng Yin, #50806 (2013).
Comprehensive Prediction of Favorable Gas Reservoir in the Large-Scale Tight Sandstone of Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Hechuan Area of Sichuan Basin, China, Anna Xu, Zecheng Wang, Congsheng Bian, Zhaohui Xu, and Xiufen Zhai, #50805 (2013).
Accumulation Conditions for Ordovician Gas Enrichment in the West Margin of Ordos Basin, China, Wanglin Xu, #50760 (2012).
PS Integration Adds Value to Deepwater Oil Exploration and Development: A Case Study of North Gulf of Mexico from Seismic and Well Log to Simulation, Weixin 'Wayne' Xu, Dan Shan, Ben Wikelman, T. W. Wilkinson, Anish Kumar, Li Chen, Ron S. Hayden, Jesus A. Canas, R. Hearn, John Meyer, and Oliver Mullins, #42412 (2019).
Structural Modeling of Overturned Beds Using Dips from Wells Near Salt Structures, Northern GOM, Weixin (Wayne) Xu, Nicole Lewczynski, and Mark Etheredge, #41009 (2012).
The Discovery and Exploration Potential of the Eocene-Miocene Shelf Margin Deltas in the Baiyun Sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, Qiang Xu, Weilin Zhu, Yingmin Wang, Ming Lv, Kai Zhong, Dong Li, and Dan Wang, #50482 (2011).
Hydrocarbon Occurrence Models Controlled by Graded Multi-factor in Marine Reservoirs, South China, by Sihuang Xu, Yongsheng Ma, Lianfu Mei, Caiping Yuan, and Tonglou Guo, #10118 (2006).
Electrical Characterization of Low Resistivity Fresh Water Fluvial Reservoirs of Krishna Godavari Basin, East Coast, India, Lalaji Yadav, Troyee Dasgupta, and Ashutosh K. Singh, #11081 (2018).
Emerging Unconventional Resource Plays in the Onshore Gulf of Mexico: Assessing Agua Nueva and Tuscaloosa Play Potential, Christine Yallup and Alex Bromhead, #11166 (2018).
A New Parallel Fold Construction Method from Borehole Dip for Structural Delineation, Tetsushi Yamada, Isabelle Le Nir, Eric Moscardi, and Arnaud Etchecopar, #41969 (2016).
PS Three-Dimensional Modeling of Facies Architecture and Connectivity Variations of Meandering River Successions in Evolving Rift Basins, Na Yan, Luca Colombera, and Nigel P. Mountney, #51498 (2018).
PS Quantitative Prediction of Three-Dimensional Facies Architecture and Heterogeneity in Meandering Fluvial Successions, Na Yan, Nigel P. Mountney, and Luca Colombera, #51497 (2018).
PS Numerical Model for Prediction of Internal Stratigraphic Architecture and Heterogeneity in Fluvial and Tidally Influenced Point-Bar Deposits, Na Yan, Nigel P. Mountney, Luca Colombera, and Robert M. Dorrell, #41927 (2016).
PS An Optimum Sample Preparation Method for Multi-element Analysis in Crude or Fuel Oils with ICP-OES and QQQ-ICP-MS by Mineralization Utilizing a Single-Reaction-Chamber Microwave System, Weihang Yang, John F. Casey, and Yongjun Gao, #42142 (2017).
PS The Keys to New Sub-Igneous Oilfield Discovery in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China, Haifeng Yang, Lei Chen, Changgui Xu, Chengmin Niu, and Bo Yang, #10945 (2017).
Application of Data Reconstruction Techniques Based on Compressive Sensing in Onshore Acquisition, Jinglei Yang, #70244 (2017).
The Nature and Classification of Organic-Associated Pores (OAP) Through Comparative Study on Marine, Transitional, and Continental Shales in Typical Areas, China, Chao Yang and Jinchuan Zhang, #41936 (2016).
Wettability Alteration During Low Salinity Waterflooding: Effect Oil Composition and Divalent Cations, Jie Yang, Zhaoxia Dong, Zihao Yang, Meiqin Lin, Juan Zhang, and Chen Chen, #41835 (2016).
Permeability Anisotropy Related to Braided Fluvial Facies Architectural Elements in Middle Boggy Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, Mingyu Yang and Dennis R. Kerr, #51219 (2016).
Advanced Particle Shape Analysis in Conglomerate Reservoir From Borehole Resistivity Image, Shiduo Yang, Weidong Huang, Chaofeng Chen, Isabelle Le Nir, Junyi Yuan, Shenzhuan Li, Heike Delius, and Krishna Pokhriyal, #42172 (2018).
An Improved Approach for Structural Delineation with Multiple Reverse Faults from Borehole Image Dips in Compressional Stress Regime, Shiduo Yang, Yang Yang, Yafeng Li, Guo Wei, Alexis He, Isabelle Le Nir, Tetsushi Yamada, Fangfang Wu, Mo jing, and Mohamed Ahmed Alboub, #42335 (2018).
An Efficient Workflow for Geological Characterization in Unconventional Reservoirs from a New Through-the-Bit Logging Electrical Micro-Imaging Tool, Shiduo Yang, Patrick McBride, Josselin Kherroubi, Alexis He, Isabelle Le Nir, Daniel Quesada, Redha Hasan AI Lawatia, and Andy Wray, #42334 (2018).
PS Semi-Automatic Sedimentary Analysis from New High Resolution Oil-based Mud Borehole Resistivity Image, Shiduo Yang, Philippe Marza, Isabelle Le Nir, Robert Laronga, Tianhua Zhang, Richard Bloemenkamp, Laetitia Comparon, and Ehab Shalaby, #41496 (2014).
New Perspective of Hydrocarbon Accumulation Pattern in the Middle South of Lixian Slope, Central Hebei Depression, Fan Yang, Lianhua Hou, Xinghe Yu, and Shengli Li, #10591 (2014).
Forecasting Coalbed Methane Resources by Artificial Neural Network, Yuping Yang, Jianhua Zhong, and Gangshan Lin, #80335 (2013).
AVO Attribute Analysis for Gas Hydrate in Shenhu Area, Rui Yang, Nengyou Wu, Zhibin Sha, and Jinqiang Liang, #41228 (2013).
Marcellus Shale Asset Optimization through Increased Geological Understanding, Chaoqing Yang, Douglas Bowman, James Morris, and Bill Zagorski, #41144 (2013).
Buried Giant Arc-Type Structure System and Petroleum Exploration in Turpan-kumul Basin, Northwest of China, Zhanlong Yang, Qilin Chen, and Yunfeng Huang, #10378 (2011).
Up-Estuary Variation of Sedimentary Facies and Ichnocoenoses in the Mixed-Energy Gomso Bay Estuary, Korea, B.C. Yang, R.W. Dalrymple, M.K. Gingras and S.S. Chun, #50156 (2009).
Controlling Factors of Reefs in the Upper Triassic Maantang Formation and their Impact on Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Western Sichuan Basin, China, Rongjun Yang and Shugen Liu, #10347 (2011).
PS Improving the Estimation of Shale Permeability with Process-Based Pore Network Modeling Approach, Shanshan Yao, Xiangzeng Wang, and Fanhua Zeng, #42031 (2017).
Modeling Unconventional Resources with Geostatistics and Basin Modeling Techniques: Characterizing Sweet-Spots Using Petrophysical, Mechanical, and Static Fluid Properties, Jeffrey M. Yarus, and Dan Carruthers, #41362 (2014).
Geocellular Modeling, Jeffrey M. Yarus, #120015 (2009).
MicroModelling in a Complex Shaly Sand Reservoir: A Case Study in Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait, Muhammad Yaser, Kalyanbrata Datta, Luis R. Diaz Teran, Muhammad Ibrahim, and Ernest Gomez, #51246 (2016).
Flume Studies with Graded Quartz and Mixtures of Quartz, Kaolinite and Illite – Implications for Silt Laminated Shales in the Rock Record, Zalmai Yawar and Juergen Schieber, #51141 (2015).
PS Application of Illumination Compensation to Irregular Surface Areas Imaging, Yueming Ye and Ru-shan Wu, #40773 (2011).
Decade of 4D Seismic Monitoring of Carbonate Gas Reservoirs in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, Shuh-Wen Yee, Paul Hague, and Boon-Hong Chiem, #41021 (2012).
Basin Architecture and Lithosphere Structure of West- and East-Black Sea Basins from Geophysical Studies, T. Yegorova, E. Baranova, V. Gobarenko, and T. Yanovskaya, #30153 (2011).
The Next 100 Years of Global Energy: Part III Outlook: 2120 – Global Petroleum Resources and Transportation Fuel Options, Cindy Yeilding, #70270 (2017).
Depth of Oil Window of the Eastern Part of the Precaspian Basin (Kazakhstan), Talgat A. Yensepbayev, Alen Izart, and Geroi Z. Zholtaev, #41104 (2012).
Rock Physics Driven Seismic Modeling of CO2 Injection in a Carbonate Reservoir from Canada, Malleswar Yenugu, Ben Hardy, Alan Mur, Jeremy Gallop, and Cristian Malaver, #80485 (2015).
PS Seismic Attribute Analysis of a Mississipian Chat, Osage County, Northeast Oklahoma, Malleswar Yenugu, Miguel Angelo, Kurt J. Marfurt, #40605 (2010).
Seismic Attribute Mapping for Identification of Cypress Sands, Illinois Basin, Indiana, USA, Malleswar R. Yenugu, Kurt J. Marfurt, Charles Wickstrom, and Shane Matson, #40808 (2011).
PS Improving Prediction of Porosity Preservation in Thermally-Stressed Deep Marine Sandstones: A Synthesis of Grain-Coating Chlorite Observations, Donald J. Yezerski and Niven Shumaker, #51465 (2018).
Structural Geometry of the Frontal Ouachita-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone in Western Arkansas, Donald Yezerski and Ibrahim Cemen, #51022 (2014).
PS Shale Gas Potential and Gas Characteristics in Mesozoic Mohe Basin, Northernmost China, Li Yi, Zhen Liu, Xingmin Zhao, and Jian Deng, #11304 (2020).
Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates, Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, and Quentin Fisher, #41821 (2016).
PS Lacustrine Environment and Organic Matter Enrichment Mechanism for Source Rock of the Third Member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation in the Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China, Jie Yin and Huayao Zou, #11148 (2018).
PS Analysis of Brittleness in Mudstone Caprock Using Conventional Well Logs: A Case Study from Northern Margin of Qaidam Basin, Yin Gong, Wang Hua, Yan Detian, and Zhao Shiyu, #51462 (2018).
Characterization of Tensleep Sandstone Reservoirs, by Peigui Yin, #50024 (2005).
Residual Oil Zone Potential of Tensleep Sandstone in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Peigui Yin, Shaochang Wo, Matthew Johnson, Nickolas Jones, Glen Murrell, and David Mohrbacher, #40994 (2012).
PSReservoir Heterogeneity Caused by Diagenesis in Tensleep Sandstones, Teapot Dome, Wyoming, by Peigui Yin, Dag Nummedal, and Qingsheng Zhang, #50016 (2005).
PS ROZ Potential of Tensleep Reservoirs, Bighorn Basin, Peigui Yin, Shaochang Wo, Sharon Verdun-Reyes, Matthew Johnson, Brian Reyes, Glen Murrel, and David Mohrbacher, #40811 (2011).
PS A Comparative Study of the Continental Marginal Basins of the Northern South China Sea and Typical Passive Continental Marginal Basins, Wang Yingmin, Xie Wenyan, Zhu Yongjun, Yin Jihong, Hu Liguo, and Jiang Jianqun, #10267 (2010).
PS Faults and Their Interaction in the Offshore Bohai Bay Basin: Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Yu Yixin, Zhou Xinhuai, and Xu Changgui, #50444 (2011).
PS Tight Oil Potential in Neogene Monterey-Like Biosiliceous Shale of Japan,
Satoru Yokoi and Takashi Tsuji, #51119 (2015).
Shale Oil Potential in Neogene Siliceous Shales of Japan, Satoru Yokoi, Amane Waseda, and Takashi Tsuji, #80256 (2012).
Impact of Multi-Scale Characteristics of Heterogeneous Pore Structure and Mineralogy on Mechanical Properties of Shale, Hongkyu Yoon, Joseph Grigg, Thomas Dewers, Peter Mozley, Alex Rinehart, Jason Heath, and Mathew Ingraham, #41917 (2016).
Distinction between HCS and Antidune Stratification: A Key to Detect Process vs. Product Changes, by Shuji Yoshida, Makoto Ito, Yoshinori Nemoto, and Ryota Sakai, #50162 (2009).
Burial History and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Formations in the Alamein-Shushan Basins, Northern Western Desert of Egypt, Mohamed A. Younes, #50721 (2012).
Petroleum System in the Shushan Basin: A Mature Basin Leading to Future Exploration in the Western Desert of Egypt, by M.A. Younes, #10107 (2006).
Development of Mechanically Layered Haynesville-Bossier Shale-Gas Play, Amgad I. Younes, Holly Moore, Nathan Suurmeyer, Paul R. Smith, and Melissa Sandstrom, #50460 (2011).
Regional Induced Seismicity Collaborative: Integrating Research Approaches in the Southern Midcontinent, Michael H. Young, Jeremy Boak, Rick Miller, Michael Timmons, Rolfe Mandel, Nelia Dunbar, Peter Hennings, and Scott Ausbrooks, #70348 (2018).
AV The Fallacy of Simple Geology: A Case for Depth Imaging All 3-D Data, by John Young, Greg Johnson, Stephen Klug, and John Mathewson, #110100 (2009)
4 of 6 presentations from Session, Seismic Structural Interpretation . . . , AAPG 2009 Annual Convention
Complex Traps: A Method for Calculating the Chance-Weighted Value Outcomes for a Prospect with Multiple Trap Styles, by Raymond Young, Steven McIntyre, Mark A. McLane, David M. Cook, James A. MacKay, and James Gouveia, #40168 (2005).
Carboniferous Stoddart Group: An Integrated Approach, Abu Yousuf and Charles M. Henderson, #10597 (2014).
PS Environmental Considerations for Planning Unconventional Gas Developments, Andres Felipe Yrigoyen and Leonardo Graterol, #41527 (2015).
Drilling Risk Assessment through Joint EM and Seismic Data Integrated Interpretation, Gang Yu, Zhanxiang He, Haicong Chen, Zhigang Wang, Jinchen Qin, and Yuyu Meng, #41832 (2016).
Prestack Seismic Data Inversion for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization in China, Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Uwe Strecker, and Maggie Smith, #41829 (2016).
Application of Magnetic Resonance Mud Logging for Rapid Reservoir Evaluation, Gang Yu, Zhizhan Wang, Konstantin Mirotchnik, and Lifa Li, #40219 (2006).
PS Research on Architecture Pattern of Deepwater Turbidity Channel in X Oilfield of Neogene, West Africa, Lin Yu, Shenghe Wu, Yao Lu, and Qionghua Wan, #50826 (2013).
Depositional Architecture-based Correlation Techniques for Deltaic and Fluvial Reservoirs in Lacustrine Basins, Xinghe Yu, Shunli Li, Shengli Li, and Bintao Chen, #10513 (2013).
3-D Near-Wellbore Structural Modeling Based On High Resolution, Logging While Drilling Borehole Image Analysis: An Example from Sichuan Basin, China, Yang Yu, Camron Miller, Philippe Marza, Jack Zhao, An-Fu Zhou, and Yang Yang, #41193 (2013).
A Novel Method of Automatic Training Data Selection for Estimating Missing Well Log Zone Using Neural Networks, Yingwei Yu, Douglas Seyler, and Michael D. McCormack, #41055 (2012).
PS A Pattern Recognition Approach for Automatic Horizon Picking in 3D Seismic Data, Yingwei Yu, Cliff Kelley, and Irina Mardanova, #40851 (2011).
PS Crossing Conjugate Normal Faults and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China, Yixin Yu, Xinhuai Zhou, and Changgui Xu, #10502 (2013).
PS Salt Tectonics and Their Relationships to Hydrocarbons in the Kuqa Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Tarim Basin, China, Yixin Yu and Liangjie Tang, #10157 (2009).
Scaling Analysis of the Coupled Compaction, Kerogen Conversion, and Petroleum Expulsion During Geological Maturation, Qingwang Yuan, Yashar Mehmani, Alan Burnham, Alexandre Lapene, Johannes Wendebourg, and Hamdi Tchelepi, #42409 (2019).
Structural Evolution of Ubadari Field, Bird’s Head, Papua, Indonesia, Erick V. Yudhanto and Dumex Pasaribu, #30248 (2012).
EA Importance of Good Time to Depth Conversion Method to Reduce GRV Uncertainties of Producing Fields in the South Sumatra Block, Danar Yudhatama, Aurora Juniarti, Erwin Muhamad Indra Kusumah, and Yudi Yanto, #20494 (2020).
Facies (Rock Type) Modeling Using Inverse Static Model Process from Porosity Distribution, Case from Baturaja Formation, Indra Yuliandri, Mirayanti Mirayanti, Rienno Ismail, Jaka Radiansyah, Ricky Adi Wibowo, Medy Kurniawan, and Musalam Latuconsina, #41442 (2014).
Shale Gas Resources of Lahat Formation at Topaz Area, Indonesia, Indra Yuliandri, Melianie Anggela, Dedy Yusmen, Medy Kurniawan, and Musalam Latuconsina, #80322 (2013).
Seismic Based Characterization of Baturaja Carbonate at 3D Topaz Area, Indra Yuliandri, Totong Usman, and Muharram Panguriseng, #50531 (2012).
Fractured Reservoir Prediction - A Case Study in the Sichuan Basin, Ling Yun, Xiangyu Guo, Qianggong Song, and Weisheng He, #10512 (2013).
A Reservoir Characterization Case Study Based on the Structural and Depositional Isochronous Framework, Ling Yun, Xiangyu Guo, Qianggong Song, and Hai Xu, #41187 (2013).
Role of Thermal Parameters in Modelling Fracture Gradient and Overpressure Mechanism in Southern Part of West Baram Delta, Sarawak, Malaysia, Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff, Wan Nur Athirah W Abd Muhaimi, Kurniawan Adha, and Nurhajeerah Mhd Hanapiah, #42305 (2018).
PS Sequence Stratigraphic Approach on a Prograding Shoreline Sequence, Senthil Velan Yuvaraj and J.E. Evans, #50487 (2011).
PS Tidal and Deltaic Influence in Storm-Dominated Prograding Shoreline Deposits – Implication Toward Reservoir Characterization, Senthil Velan Yuvaraj and James E. Evans, #50473 (2011).
Biogenic Gas Exploration and Development in Bentu PSC, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, R. W. Yuwono, B. S. Fitriana, P. S. Kirana, S. Djaelani, and B. A. Sjafwan, #10454 (2012).
AVMarcellus Shale - Geologic Considerations for an Evolving North American Liquids-Rich Play, Bill Zagorski, #110183 (2015).
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Discovery of the Utica Shale: Update on an Evolving Giant, William A. Zagorski and Taylor G. McClain, #10965 (2017).
Appalachian Basin Unconventional Reservoirs - A Discussion of Past, Present and Future Play Trends, William A. Zagorski, #80414 (2014).
AV Marcellus Shale - Geologic Considerations for an Evolving North American Liquids-Rich Play, by W.A. Zagorski, D. Bowman, J. Morris, and C. Yang, #110166 (2013).
1 of 5 presentation from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2013 AAPG Convention
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AVAn overview of Some Key Factors Controlling Well Productivity in Core Areas of the Appalachian Basin Marcellus Shale Play, by W.A. Zagorski, Douglas C. Bowman, Martin Emery, and Gregory R. Wrightstone, #110147 (2011).
2 of 8 presentations from Session, U.S. Active and Emerging Plays--Paleozoic Basins and Cretaceous of Rockies
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AVThe Appalachian Marcellus Shale Play – Discovery Thinking, Timing and Technology, by William Zagorski, #110138 (2010)
4 of 6 presentations from Forum, Discovery Thinking, 2010 AAPG Annual Convention.
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EA Tectonics and Geodynamics of the New Guinea Region Since the Triassic, Sabin Zahirovic and Daniela Garrad, #30670 (2020).
Inherited Structural Fabrics and the Impact on Oblique-Slip Faults in the South Texas Laramide Foreland, Christopher Zahm, Gordon A. Smith, and Andrea Nolting, #30467 (2016).
Evaporite Paleokarst on a Tectonically Enhanced Unconformity, Mississippian Madison Formation, Wyoming, USA, Chris Zahm, Charles Kerans, Joseph El-Azzi, Nabiel Eldam, and Travis Kloss, #51189 (2015).
The Use of Stratigraphic Architecture and Rock Strength for Improved Carbonate Fractured Reservoir Modeling - Examples from Outcrop Analogs and Subsurface Reservoirs, Chris Zahm and Charles Kerans, #120097 (2012).
Fracture and Non-Matrix Pore Development Related to Evaporite Paleokarst Collapse, Lower Cretaceous Comanche Shelf, Texas, Christopher Zahm and Robert G. Loucks, #30215 (2011).
Small Faults, Big Damage Zones — An Example of Fault-Related Fractures and Dissolution Collapse in a Ramp Crest Carbonate System, Lower Pecos River Canyon, Texas, Chris Zahm and Charlie Kerans, #50341 (2010).
Beni Suef Basin the Key for Exploration Future Success in Upper Egypt, Hemida Zahran, Khaled Abu Elyazid, Moustafa Mohamad, #10351 (2011).
Thar Rift and its Significance for Hydrocarbons, Nayyer Alam Zaigham, Mujeeb Ahmad, and Noushaba Hisam, #20146 (2012).
Depositional History and Petroleum Potential of Ombilin Basin, West Sumatra - Indonesia, Based on Surface Geological Data, Yahdi Zaim, Litto Habrianta, Chalid I. Abdullah, Aswan, Yan Rizal, Nurcahyo I. Basuki, and Franky E. Sitorus, #10449 (2012).
Characterizing Organic Rich Mudstone Facies and Stratal Architectures of the Upper Cretaceous Second White Specks Petroleum System: Implications for Reservoir Fairway Distribution across West-central Alberta, Canada, Nick A. Zajac and Per Kent Pedersen, #51136 (2015).
EA Crustal Framework Control of the Pre-salt, Santos and Campos Basins, Brazil, Pedro Zalán, E.P. Newman, and M. Saunders, #11312 (2020).
Foz do Amazonas and Pará-Maranhão Basins Ready to Replicate Guyana Success, Pedro Victor Zalán, Neil Hodgson, and Mike Saunders, #30624 (2019).
Where Should We Drill in the Deep Waters of the Pelotas Basin, Southern Brazil and Uruguay?, Pedro Victor Zalán, #10975 (2017).
Five Kilometers of Paleozoic Sediments Beneath the Pre-Salt of Santos Basin, Pedro Victor Zalán, #10915 (2017).
Unthinkable Physical Analogs for the Modern Concepts on Continental Stretching and Rupturing, Pedro Victor Zalán, #41128 (2013).
An Entirely New 3D-View of the Crustal and Mantle Structure of a South Atlantic Passive Margin – Santos, Campos and Espírito Santo Basins, Brazil, Pedro V. Zalán, Maria do Carmo G. Severino, Caesar Augusto Rigoti, Luciano Portugal Magnavita, João Alberto Bach de Oliveira, and Adriano Roessler Vianna, #30177 (2011).
Effect on SAGD Performance of Horizontal Well Orientation with Respect to Inclined Shale Layers and Point Bars, Amir Zamani and Ron Zakariasen, #41334 (2014).
Mineralogical Model: The Basis for the Estimation of Accurate Cased Hole Petrophysical Properties in a Complex Environment. Case of Bajo Barreal Formation, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina, Rafael Zambrano, Alejandro D'odorico, Pablo Saldungaray, Guillermo Pedersen, Agustin Arguello, and Daniel Astesiano, #51620 (2019).
Tight Gas Sandstones of the Uppermost Nikanassin Group, L. Zambrano, P. K. Pedersen, and R. Aguilera, #50943 (2014).
Upper Grand Rapids Formation in the Cold Lake Field, Alberta, Liliana Zambrano, Adam Coderre, Jalal Douraghi, Per K. Pedersen, and Andrew Leier, #20242 (2014).
The Shale Activity Test (SAT), Konstandinos Zamfes, Chris Smart, and Steve Zamfes, #41855 (2016).
Analytical Formation Sampling During Drilling Using OPAL – On Surface Petrophysical Analytical Logging, Konstandinos Zamfes, Chris Smart, and Steve Zamfes, #41854 (2016).
Modeling Challenges and Geological Uncertainty Quantification in a Pre-Salt Discovery, Brazil, Rodrigo Zanao, Tacilaine Saciloto Real, Jose Luis Algibez Alonso, Pedro Bonillo Martinez, and Ricardo Perona Jimenez, #41231 (2013).
The Palaeotethys Suture Zone in NE Iran: New Constraints on the Evolution of the Eo-Cimmerian Belt (Darius Programme), Andrea Zanchi, Fabrizio Berra, Marco Balini, Mohammad R. Ghassemi, Ghassem Heidarzadeh, and Stefano Zanchetta, #30222 (2012).
Shallow Gas Production along the Cedar Creek Anticline in Southeastern Montana, by Dennis Zander, #20063 (2008).
Are Stratigraphic Traps More Risky?, Edwige Zanella and Jamie Collard, #70310 (2017).
Italy Mesozoic Oils - Implications for Exploration in the Adriatic Sea, Enzo Zappaterra, #50839 (2013).
1D Mechanical Earth Model in a Carbonate Reservoir of the Abadan Plain, Southwestern Iran: Implications forWellbore Stability, Mohammadreza Zare Reisabadi, Mojtaba Rajabi, Manouchehr Haghighi, Arian Velayati, and Yasser Pourmazaheri, #42298 (2018).
EA Wilcox Chronostratigraphic Framework Update, Larry Zarra, Rebecca Hackworth, and Alicia Kahn, #51616 (2019).
PS Structure and Mesozoic Tectonics of the Southeastern Taimyr Fold and Thrust Belt, D. A. Zastrozhnov, A. K. Khudoley, and V. E. Verzhbitsky, #30304 (2013).
Sedimentary Facies Analysis of Miocene Clastic Strata in Kalewa-Mawleik Area, Sagaing Region, Myanmar, Moe Zat and Day Wa Aung, #51560 (2019).
Intrabasinal and Extrabasinal Turbidites: Origin and Distinctive Characteristics, Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, and Agustin Zorzano, #51368 (2017).
PS Prodelta Hyperpycnites: Facies, Processes and Reservoir Significance – Examples from the Lower Cretaceous of Russia, C. Zavala, M. Arcuri, V. H. Goitia Antezana, L. R. Arnez Espinosa, M. Di Meglio, and A. Zorzano, #51367 (2017).
Towards A Genetic Facies Tract for the Analysis of Hyperpycnal Deposits, by Carlos Zavala, #50075 (2008).
Sedimentological Indices: A New Tool for Regional Studies of Hyperpycnal Systems, by Carlos Zavala, Jair Carvajal, Jose Marcano, and Manuel Delgado, #50076(2008).
The Origin of Lofting Rhythmites - Lessons from Thin Sections, by Carlos Zavala, Livan Blanco Valiente, and Yrma Vallez, #50077(2008).
PS The Influence of Censoring Bias on the Characterization of Discontinuity Networks, Conny Zeeb, Paul D. Bons, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, and Philipp Blum, #40852 (2011).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Apulian Platform and Ionian Zone, in Relation to Strike-Slip Fault Zones, Foreland and Back-Thrust Basins of Ionian Thrust in Greece, Avraam Zelilidis, Panagiotis Konstantopoulos, and Angelos Maravelis, #10496 (2013).
PS A Dynamic Reserve Estimation Method for Both Methane and Water in Coal Reservoirs, Quanshu Zeng, Zhiming Wang, and Hansen Sun, #42250 (2018).
Predicting Interwell Heterogeneity in Fan-Deltaic Reservoirs: Outcrop Analogues and Applications of Lidar Technology in the Kuqa Foreland Area, Northwestern China, Qinglu Zeng, and Ronghu Zhang, #42194 (2018).
PS Numerical Modeling of Adsorption and Roughness Effects on Gas Transport in Shale Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Yan Zeng, Zhengfu Ning, and Yunan Li, #42070 (2017).
Study of Faults and Fractures by Multi-scale Data Integration: A Geological Modeling Case in the Dickman Field of Ness County, Kansas, Jianjun Zeng, Christopher L. Liner, Johnny Seal, Po Geng, and Heather King, #20171 (2012).
3-D Geologic Modeling Toward a Site-Specific CO2 Injection Simulation, Jianjun Zeng, Christopher L. Liner, Po Geng, and Heather King, #80180 (2011).
Revitalizing Seismic Facies Analysis, Hongliu Zeng, #42236 (2018).
Seismic Sedimentology of Incised Valley, Lowstand Delta, and Slope Fan Systems in the Eocene Wilcox Group, Central South Texas Coast, Hongliu Zeng, William A. Ambrose, Zhijun Yin, Wenlong Xu, and Pao-Hsien Huang, #41609 (2015).
Seismic Geomorphology and Analysis of the Ordovician Paleokarst Drainage System in the Central Tabei Uplift, Northern Tarim Basin, Western China, Hongliu Zeng, Robert Loucks, Xavier Janson, Quizhong Wang, Yiping Xia, Bingheng Yuan, and Ligui Xu, #50468 (2011).
Frequency-Dependent Seismic Stratigraphy for High-Resolution Interpretation of Depositional Sequences, Hongliu Zeng, #40501 (2010).
Understanding Seismic Detection and Resolution of High-Frequency Sequences and Systems Tracts, by Hongliu Zeng, #40325 (2008).
GC Stratal Slicing Makes Seismic Imaging of Depositional Systems Easier, by Hongliu Zeng, #40196 (2006).
PS Ocean Bottom Multi-Physics Nodes - Next Reservoir Monitoring Step Forward?, Andrea Zerilli, Adriano Viana, Julio Lyrio, Jorlivan Correa, Emanuel Capechi, and Paulo Menezes, #42338 (2018).
Characteristics of Changxing-Feixianguan Formations on Panlongdong Outcrop in Northeastern Sichuan Basin, China, Xiufen Zhai, Ping Luo, Zecheng Wang, Anna Xu, and Hairuo Qing, #50598 (2012).
PS 4-Methyl-24-Ethylcholestane in Upper Permian Fossil Conifer Wood from Paleo-Midlatitude of NE Pangea, Wutonggou Low-Order Cycle, Southern Bogda Mountains, NW, Xin Zhan, Wan Yang, Qiao Feng, Yujiao Zhang, and Yankuan Tian, #51432 (2017).
PS Gravity-Driven Deep-Water Fold-and-Thrust Belts Along the Passive Continental Margin of East Africa and Their Impact on Petroleum Plays, Can Zhang, Jun Cai, Youbin He, and Dongshen Wu, #30631 (2019).
PS Origin and Enrichment of Diagenetic Calcite in Upper Triassic Xujiahe Sandstones, Northeastern Sichuan Basin, Li Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhiguo Shu, Huayao Zou, and Shuo Yang, #11253 (2019).
GC Accelerate Well Correlation with Deep Learning, Bo Zhang, Yuming Liu, Xinmao Zhou, and Zhaohui Xu, #42429 (2019).
A New Method for Determining Paleocurrent Direction Using Imaging Log, Pengyun Zhang and Jianmeng Sun, #42407 (2019).
Effective Reservoir Identification and Controlling Factor Analysis for Mixed Sediments in Saline Lacustrine Basin, Shizigou Area, Qiadam Basin, China, Shenqin Zhang, Yang Yang, Guimei Li, Zhicheng Gao, Yafeng Li, Fangfang Wu, Jinlong Wu, Guo Wei, Xu Zhang, Hongjie Gong, and Stefania Gerbaudo Laronga, #51524 (2018).
PS Rapid Recognition Approach for Stratigraphic Sequence in Shale and Enrichment Mechanism of Hydrothermal Activity on Organic Matter: A Case Study of the Lower Cambrian, Xiuwu Basin, Kun Zhang, Zhenxue Jiang, Shu Jiang, Xuelian Xie, Tianlin Liu, Yan Song, Chengzao Jia, WeiWei Liu, Lishi Yin, Yizhou Huang, and Ming Wen, #51500 (2018).
PS Lithofacies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality Evaluation of Wolfcamp Unconventional Succession in the Midland Basin, West Texas, Hualing Zhang, Xavier Janson, Li Liu, and Ziyuan Wang, #80607 (2017).
Quantifying Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Pore Networks of the Bakken Shale, Yuxiang Zhang, Troy J. Barber, Qinhong Hu, and Md Golam Kibria, #42316 (2018).
PS Multiple Approaches to Pore Structure Characterization of Bakken Petroleum System, (Shawn) Yuxiang Zhang, Troy J. Barber, (Max) Qinhong Hu, and Markus Bleuel, #42127 (2017).
PS Study on Intercalation of Shallow Water Delta by Integration of Logging and Seismic Data, Lan Zhang, Qiongyuan Wu, Yuanpeng Jiang, and Shaopeng Wang, #42084 (2017).
PS Fuzhou "Yu Quan": Warning From Chinese Ancient to the Exploitation of Geothermal Resources in Contemporary China, Xiangyu Zhang, Jiagen Hou, and Yuming Liu, #70265 (2017).
Applications of Broadband Land Seismology, Ruijie Zhang, #70253 (2017).
PS Seismic Characteristics of Large-Scale Sand Injectites in Baiyun Sag, Pear River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, Changmin Zhang, Rui Zhu, Bo Yang, Shaohua Li, Shangfeng Zhang, Jiayuan Du, and Hesheng Shi, #10880 (2016).
3D Inversion of Crosswell Electromagnetic Data Collected between Extremely Spaced Horizontal Wells, Ping Zhang, Alberto Marsala, Stig Lyngra, Wael Abdallah, and Mike Wilt, #41860 (2016).
PS XRF Chemostratigraphy for Characterizing Shale Reservoir along a Horizontal Well Track, Jing Zhang, Bryan Turner, and Roger Slatt, #41993 (2017).
Microseismic Event Location Trends and Their Relationship with Sequence Stratigraphy, Jing Zhang and Roger Slatt, #41992 (2017).
PS Regional Fine-Scale Sequence Stratigraphy of the Woodford Shale and Its Impact on Microseismic Activity and Optimizing Future Hydraulic Fractures, Jing Zhang, Jennifer Scott, Roger Slatt, and Bryan Turner, #51241 (2016).
PS Microseismic Tool Utilization in Helping Characterize the Woodford Shale, North Oklahoma, Jing Zhang, Jennifer Scott, Roger Slatt, and Bryan Turner, #80499 (2015).
PS Diagenesis and Origin of Porosity Formation of Upper Ordovician Carbonate Reservoir in Tazhong No.1 Slope Break, Tarim Basin, Heng Zhang, Zhongxian Cai, and Mingliang Yuan, #51199 (2015).
Well Log Analysis and Seismic Attenuation in a Heavy Oilfield: Ross Lake, Saskatchewan, Zimin Zhang and Robert Stewart, #41558 (2015).
Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Distribution of Basins in Africa, Zhang Guangya, #30602 (2019).
PS Passive Continental Margin Basin Evolution and Giant Gas Discoveries in Offshore East Africa, Guangya Zhang, Zhixin Wen, Zhaoming Wang, Chengpeng Song, and Xiaobing Liu, #10663 (2014).
HydroFracture Monitoring Using Vector Scanning With Surface Microseismic Data, Quansheng Zhang, Zhanchun Ren, Bintao Zheng, Lei Wang, Shigang Yang, and Beiyuan Liang, #41459 (2014).
A Novel Pretreatment Method of Crude Oil for the Determination of Diamondoids, Wanfeng Zhang, Ting Tong, DongHao Li, Xuanbo Gao, Wei Dai, Zhenyang Chang, Pengfei Guo, Sheng He, and Shukui Zhu, #41456 (2014).
PSSedimentary Facies, Depositional Environment and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous Bakken Formation in the Southeastern Corner of Saskatchewan, Liya Zhang, and Luis Buatois, #30356 (2014).
The Steam Chamber Study of Thermal Recovery Heavy Oil Reservoir Based on Temperature Monitoring Data, Time-Lapse Seismic and Reservoir Simulation Result, Feng Zhang, YinTao Cai, Libo Guo, Tingting Pan, Xiaomeng Cao, and Yuzhen Wang, #41329 (2014).
GC Spectral Decompostion for a More Accurate Image, Rongfeng Zhang, #41807 (2016).
GC Effective Ways to Eliminate Side-Lobe Effects, Rongfeng Zhang, #41273 (2014).
GC Spectral Decompostion Helps Define Channel Morphology, Rongfeng Zhang, #41272 (2014).
Study on the Recorded Highest Paleotemperature and Thermal Maturity Evolution of the Lower Paleozoic Marine Shales in the West of Middle Yangtze Region, Central China, Jiankun Zhang, Sheng He, Jizheng Yi, and Yuguang Hou, #50925 (2014).
Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Reservoir Geology of Wave-Influenced Deltaic Systems in the Lower and Middle Frio Formation, Redfish Bay, Corpus Christi, Texas, Jinyu Zhang, William A. Ambrose, and Mariana I. Olariu, #50926 (2014).
Laboratory Tests to Determine Role of Bioproducts in Seafloor Gas Hydrate Accumulations, Guochang Zhang, Rudy E. Rogers, and William T. French, #80039 (2008).
PS A Sequence Stratigraphy-Based Diagenetic Study with the Sha-3 Member Sandstones in the Central-South Parts of the Raoyang Depression as an Example, Kaixun Zhang, Guoping Bai, and Qiuwei Li, #51365 (2017).
Global Deep Siliciclastic Reservoirs: Distribution Patterns and Geological Features, Kaixun Zhang, #30430 (2015).
Eliminating the Influence of Caprock Thickness on Anomaly Intensities in Geochemical Surface Survey in the South Slope of the Dongying Depression in East China, Liuping Zhang, Zhenli Wang, and Yingquan Zhao, #41304 (2014).
A New Thick-Skinned Structure Model for the Kedo Thrust Belt in the West KunLun Mountains, Tarim Basin, Northwestern China, Jianwei Zhang, Guizhong Wang, Peiling Ma, Bo Xu, Xiangzhou Zeng, and Xin Luo, #30274 (2013).
Does Aragonite-Dolomite Sea Exist? Widespread Marine Dolomite Precipitation in Ediacaran Period in China, Zhang Jie, Brian Jones, Qin Yujuan, Zhou Jingao, and Pan Liyin, #30469 (2016).
Rudists Reservoir Characterization in Middle Cretaceous Mishrif Formation of H Oilfield, Iraq, Zhang Jie, Zhao Limin, Lv Fuliang, Han Haiying, Wu Dongxu, and Duan Tianxiang, #20336 (2015).
Origin of Botryoidal Dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin, China, Jie Zhang, Brian Jones, Anjiang Shen, Liyin Pan, and Jingao Zhou, #51101 (2015).
PS Dedolomitization: Types, Mechanism and Its Relationship to Carbonate Reservoir Properties, Jie Zhang, Shou Jianfeng, Wang Yigang, Wen Yingchu, Zheng Xingping, and Hu Anping, #50484 (2011).
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Systems Analysis of Paleocene in Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin, Ming Zhang, Fa Xu, Jinliang Zhang, Jinshui Liu, Jingzhe Li, Guowei Hou, and Penghui Zhang, #50944 (2014).
Siliciclastic Sequence Models in Wide and Low-Gradient Continental Margin of Northern South China Sea, Shangfeng Zhang, Changmin Zhang, Hesheng Shi, Ruiliang Wang, Jiayuan Du, and Yanshu Yin, #30295 (2013).
The Sequence Stratigraphy of Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Depositional Systems in the Northern South China Sea, Shangfeng Zhang, Changmin Zhang, Yanshu Yin, Hesheng Shi, and Jiayuan Du, #50762 (2012).
The Relationship Between Diagenesis, Porosity Evolution and Hydrocarbon Charging of Deeply Buried Sandstone Reservoirs in Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China, Shiqi Zhang, Jinyou Wang, Hongnan Li, Huilai Liu, Guona Wang, Yanlong Yin, and Qingping Li, #50495 (2011).
PS Multi-frequency Dielectrics Response Interpretation in Carbonate Rocks Using New Modeling Parameters, Tianhua Zhang, Weishu Zhao, and Mahmood Akbar, #40901 (2012).
Hydrocarbon Geochemistry and Pore Characterization of Bakken Formation and Implication to Oil Migration and Oil Saturation, Tongwei Zhang, Xun Sun, and Stephen C. Ruppel, #80321 (2013).
Natural Gas Geochemistry in the Tarim Basin, China and Its Indication to Gas Filling History, Tongwei Zhang, Quanyou Liu, Jinxing Dai, and Yongchun Tang, #10131 (2007).
Experimental Gas Extraction by Rock Crushing: Evidence for Preservation of Methane in Core Samples from the Mudstones of the Eagle Ford Formation and Barnett Shales, Tongwei Zhang, Stephen C. Ruppel, Kitty Milliken, and Rongsheng Yang, #40807 (2011).
PS Seismic-Sedimentologic Interpretation of Fluvial Sedimentary Architectures: Focus on Development, Xianguo Zhang, Hongliu Zeng, Chengyan Lin, and Tao Zhang, #40802 (2011).
Organic Matter Characteristics of Silurian Marine Mudstone and Factors to Shale Gas Accumulation in Sichuan Basin, China, Xiaolong Zhang, #50852 (2013).
Genesis of Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation Tight Sandstone Gas in the Northeast Sichuan Basin, China, Zhao Chengjin and Jiang Youlu, #11248 (2019).
PS Hybrid Domain Parallel Algorithm for 3D Kirchhoff Prestack Depth Migration, Changhai Zhao, Jianlei Zhang, Guoan Luo, Quanshun Cui, and Chengxiang Wang, #42040 (2017).
The Oil Migration Pathway and Hydrocarbon Charging History of Petroleum Systems in Termit Basin, Eastern Niger, Jing Zhao and Meijun Li, #80560 (2016).
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy Correlation and Sedimentary Model of Turbidites: A Case on the 1st Member of the Kqn Formation in the Dabusu Area, South Songliao Basin, Ning Zhao, Lunkun Wuan, Fengjun Mao, Jiangqin Huang, and Zhi Li, #10698 (2015).
Application of Seismic Sedimentology in Prediction of Cretaceous Lacustrine Beach and Bar Sandstone: A Case Study in Chepaizi Area, Junggar Basin, NW China, Dongna Zhao, #10548 (2013).
GC Benefits from Pattern Recognition and Visualization, Tao Zhao and Kurt J. Marfurt, #41973 (2016).
PS Evaluation of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks in Reservoir Characterization of Caddo Member in Boonsville Field, Texas, Tao Zhao and Kumar Ramachandran, #20219 (2013).
Classification and Characterization of Barrier-Intercalations in Sandy Braided River Reservoirs of HE Oilfield, Sudan, Guoliang Zhao, Longxin Mun, and Tianjian Sun, #20283 (2014).
The Application of Horizontal Wells in Effectively Developing Thinly-Bedded Carbonate Reservoirs of Block 5, Oman, Guoliang Zhao, Longxin Mu, and Xianghong Wu, #41020 (2012).
Geological Conditions for Upper Paleozoic Shale Gas Enrichment in the Ordos Basin, China, Jingzhou Zhao, Qing Cao, Yuanfang Fan, Yubin Bai, and Xiaomei Wang, #80209 (2012).
Quasi-continuous Lithologic Accumulation System: A New Model for Tight Gas Occurrence in the Ordos Basin, China, Jingzhou Zhao, Jinhua Fu, Xinshan Wei, Xinshe Liu, Xiaomei Wang, Qing Cao, Yanping Ma, and Yuanfang Fan, #80210 (2012).
Improvements in the Geological Understanding and Exploration Technology on Lithological Traps in China, by Wenzhi Z. Zhao, Chengzao Z. Jia, and Caineng N. Zou, #10154 (2008).
Genetic Types Classification of Tight Oil System and Its Exploration Significance of China, Min Zheng, Jianzhong Li, Hongbing Xie, Weipeng Yan, Xiaozhi Wu, Tao Yang, and Xiaoming Chen, #120137 (2013).
PS Characterization and Modeling Study of Karst Networks in the Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs, Tarim Basin, Duoming Zheng, Lijuan Zhang, and Feng Shen, #40795 (2011).
The Characteristics and Prospect of Giant Oil and Gas Fields in Marine Carbonate Sequence in China, Jin Zhijun, #20068 (2009).
PS Constructing a Geological Model to Estimate the Capacity of Commercial Scale Injection, Utilization and Storage of CO2 in the Jacksonburg-Stringtown Field, West Virginia, USA, Zhi Zhong and Timothy R. Carr, #80518 (2016).
Seismic Geomorphology of Carbonate Reservoirs in the Upper Permian Changxing and Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formations, Northern Sichuan Basin, Southwest China, Guangfa Zhong, Yalin Li, Furong Wu, Kunyun Ding, Lin Lin, Shaoru Yin, and Zhangshi Wang, #50717 (2012).
PS Identification of Triggers for Organic Matter Burial of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, Haolin Zhou, Nicholas Harris, and Jilu Feng, #51589 (2019).
PS The Study of the Influence of Stratigraphic Structure on Seismic Attribute Analysis, Zhou Xuefeng, Ming Jun, Liu Jianhui, Zhou Jianke, and He Jing, #42094 (2017).
Integrated Application of Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) Electrical Images to Drilling, Geosteering, and Real-Time Formation Evaluation: A Case Study from the Precambrian Dengying Formation, Central Sichuan Basin of China, Feng Zhou, Jun Wang, Hua Zhang, Fu-Feng Guo, Da-Li Wang, Dong Liu, Jack Zhao, and Xing-Yan Zhang, #41939 (2016).
Key Factors for Oil Accumulation of Mesozoic Granite Buried Hill in Penglai 9-1 Oil Field, Bohai Bay Basin, Xinhuai Zhou, Qingbin Wang, Bo Yang, Guoxiang Zhao, Chong Feng, and Wensen Zhu, #20277 (2014).
Tight Gas Reservoir Characterization with 3D3C Data, Yijun Zhou, #41257 (2013).
Tectono-sequence Stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous in Ta’nan Depression, Tamtsag Basin, Mongolia: Sequence Architecture, Depositional Systems and Controls on Sediment Infill, Yong Zhou, #50904 (2013).
Enhancing Subsurface Imaging and Reservoir Characterization in the Marcellus Through Advanced Reprocessing of Wide Azimuth 3D Seismic, Jinming Zhu, Chris Perll, and Trevor Coulman, #11159 (2018).
PS Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoir in Yingxi Area of Qaidam Basin, Northwest China, Chao Zhu, Zhanguo Liu, Senming Li, and Qingshun Gong, #11035 (2017).
PS Late Cretaceous Volcanism in Taranaki Basin: Examples from Seismic Reflection Data, Hai Zhu, Hannu Seebeck, and Peter King, #10999 (2017).
PS The Identification and Origin of Diamondoid and Thiadiamondoid Products from Condensate of LS2 Well, Tarim Basin: Significance for Oil Exploration Potential of Ultra-Deep Strata, Guangyou Zhu, Ying Zhang, and Zhiyao Zhang, #11195 (2019).
PS Discovery of Giant, Ultra-deep, Paleozoic Oil and Gas Reservoirs in the Tarim Basin, Guangyou Zhu, Feiran Chen, Na Weng, Haijun Yang, Huitong Wang, and Zhiyao Zhang, #10986 (2017).
Assessing Methane in Shallow Groundwater for the Berea Sandstone and Rogersville Shale Play Area, Eastern Kentucky, Junfeng Zhu, Steven E. Webb, Bart Davidson, Richard Smath, Charles J. Taylor, Thomas M. Parris, Ann P. Smith, Stephen D. Richardson, and Jenna Kromann, #80567 (2016).
PS Petrographic Characteristics of Maximum-Transgressive and Regressive Deltaic Sandstones of Upper-Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) Oread Cyclothem, NE Oklahoma, Lu Zhu and Wan Yang, #50886 (2013).
PS Thermal Evolution of the Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in the Sichuan Basin, Chuanqing Zhu, Nansheng Qiu, Shengbiao Hu, and Song Rao, #10503 (2013).
Detection of Low Resistivity Reservoirs Using GR Spectrometry Logs: A Case Study, Xia Zhu, Ling Yun, Guo Jianming, Zhang Sheng, Xu Hai, Zhang Tingting, Zhao Shiquan, Bie Jing, and Li Kai, #41350 (2014).
Seismic Sedimentology of Cenozoic in Qinan Sag of Huanghua Depression, Eastern China, by Xiaomin Zhu and Yanmei Dong, #30065 (2008).
Recent Significant Discoveries in Mature Basins – Take Offshore Bohai Bay Basin as an Example, Weilin Zhu, Qinglong Xia, and Xinhuai Zhou, #10342 (2011).
High Resolution, Three-Dimensional Facies Architecture Analysis Using Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Sedimentology: Example from Dongying Formation in BZ3-1 Block, Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Yang, Xinhuai Zhou, and Jianping Li, #50678 (2012).
Tectonic Controls on an Unconventional Sediment Transport Pathway Interpretation Used 3-D Seismic Data Analysis in Non-Marine Rift-Basin Setting: An Example from the Paleogene of Western Slope of Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay, East China, Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Yang, Xinhuai Zhou, Jianping Li, Deying Wang, and Min Li, #40815 (2011).
PS 3D Geomorphology of Pleistocene Fluvial Systems in the Northern Shelf of the South China Sea: Implications for the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition, Haiteng Zhuo, Yingmin Wang, Hesheng Shi, Min He, Weitao Chen, and Ying Wang, #30471 (2016).
Along-Strike Variability of Morphology and Sedimentation of the Northern Continental Margin of the South China Sea, Haiteng Zhuo, Yingmin Wang, Qiang Xu, Dong Li, Yongfeng Wang, and Ying Wang, #50789 (2013).
PS What are the Consequences of the Cenozoic Glaciation Events on the Petroleum Systems in the Norwegian Barents Sea?, Krzysztof J. Zieba, Matthias C. Daszinnies, Arnt Grøver, Ane Lothe, and Stephen J. Lippard, #30306 (2013).
Late Permian to Holocene Paleofacies Evolution of the Arabian Plate and its Hydrocarbon Occurrences, by Martin A. Ziegler, #30009 (2002).
Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic and The Western Tethys-- A Visual Presentation of a Series of Paleogeographic - Paleotectonic Maps**, by Peter A. Ziegler, #30002 (1999).
Zero Discharge Water Management for Horizontal Shale Gas Well Development, Paul F. Ziemkiewicz, Jennifer Hause, Doug Patchen, Harry Johnson, C. David Locke, Ron McIlwain, and Dale Krysinski, #80192 (2011).
PS Utica-Pt. Pleasant Condensate Yield Prediction Using 3-D Maturity Modeling, Grant Zimbrick and Mike Tischer, #41774 (2016).
GCDepth Conversion, by Jeremy J. Zimmerman, #40023 (2001).
New Techniques for Recognizing and Understanding High-Maturity Petroleum Systems in California, David A. Zinniker, Monporn Mesdakom, Tom D. Lorenson, Paul G. Lillis, Leslie B. Magoon, J. Michael Moldowan, Jeremy E. Dahl, and Meng He, #41054 (2012).
New Technology to Acquire, Process, and Interpret Transient EM Data, Anton Ziolkowski, Richard Carson, and David Wright, #41579 (2015).
Unrecognized Potential for Thick Triassic Reservoirs in Frontier Areas of NE British Columbia, John-Paul Zonneveld, Filippo Ferri, Tyler W. Beatty, Murray K. Gingras, #10250 (2010).
Photogrammetric 3-D Rock Slope Modeling, Discontinuity Mapping, and Analysis Utilizing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Erich Zorn, #42275 (2018).
Preliminary Research on Reservoir Potential of Terrestrial Shale in China, Caineng Zou, Songtao Wu, Z. Yang, R. K. Zhu, S. Z. Tao, and X. F. Zhai, #30283 (2013).
Characteristics, Accumulation Conditions, and Exploration Prospects of Tight Oil in China, Caineng Zou, #80230 (2012).
An Integrated Approach to Characterization and Modeling of the Jackfork Group at the Baumgartner Quarry Area, Western Arkansas, and Its Implications to Deepwater Exploration and Production, Fuge Zou and Roger Slatt, #50453 (2011).
Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Distribution of Tight Oil in China: An Example of Jurassic Tight Oil in Sichuan Basin, Caineng Zou, Shizhen Tao, Fan Yang, and Xiaohui Gao, #10386 (2012).
Geological Features and Exploration for Tight Sand Gas, Shale Gas and Other Unconventional Oil/Gas Resources in China, Cai-Neng Zou, Shi-Zhen Tao, Tang Ping, Xiao-Hui Gao, Zhi Yang, Qiu-Lin Guo, Da-Zhong Dong, and Xin-Jing Li, #80135 (2011).
Concepts, Geological Characteristics and Evaluation Techniques for Continuous Petroleum Accumulations in China, Cai-neng Zou, Shi-zhen Tao, Xiao-hui Gao, Ying Li, Zhi Yang, Yan-jie Gong, Jin-hua Jia, Da-zhong Dong, Xin-jing Li, #10246 (2010).
PS Conducting Integrated Reservoir Studies in the Quartzite Hamra Reservoir-Tight Oil, Southern Periphery of Hassi-Messaoud Field, Algeria, Ait Ali Zoulikha, Maâmar Djarir, Rafika Zenkhri, Abdellah Sokhal, Lounis El Hadi, Abdelkarim Aguenini, Gholamreza Zandkarimi, Philip Mosher, Donghai Xu, Fatmir Likrama, El Eraki Ahmed, and Mahmoud Noaman, #20392 (2017).
Fracture Modeling in a Dual Porosity Volcaniclastic Reservoir: A Case Study of the Precuyo Group in Cupen Mahuida field, Neuquén, Argentina, by Martin Zubiri and José Silvestro, #20045 (2007).
Integrated Basin and HC Systems Model, Silurian-Carboniferous, Southern Algeria, Rainer Zuehlke, Eva Lewandowski, Hartmut Jäger, Thilo Bechstädt, Rahmani Aicha, Bastian Wirth, and Manfred Böckmann, #50344 (2010).
3D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Reservoir Quality Prediction - Arab-D Reservoir, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, Rainer Zuhlke, Dave Cantrell, Robert F. Lindsay, and Yousef Mousa, #20325 (2015).
Numerical Modeling of the Brazilian Offshore Continental Margin — Campos, Santos, Pelotas Basins, R. Zühlke, J. Contreras, S. Bowman, and T. Bechstädt, #30242 (2012).
PS From Here to Maturity: Estimating Thermal Maturity of Crude Oils, John Zumberge, Don Rocher, Alex Zumberge, John Curtis, and Craig Barrie, #42487 (2020).
PS Play Conditions of Palaeozoic in Persian Gulf Basin, Guoping Zuo, Fuliang Lv, Guozhang Fan, and Dali Shao, #41081 (2012).
Study of Hydrocarbon Detection Methods in Offshore Deepwater Sediments, Gulf of Guinea, Guoping Zuo, Fuliang Lu, Guozhang Fan, and Dali Shao, #40999 (2012).
A Study of Volcanic Rocks Identification by Seismic Methods in Subei Basin, Jiangsu Province, China, Guoping Zuo and Guozhang Fan, #10352 (2011).
PS Geometries, Structures and Petrography of Tumey Injection Complex, California (USA), Gustavo Zvirtes, Andrew Hurst, Ruy Philipp, Giuseppe Palladino, and Antonio Grippa, #51473 (2018).
Opportunity Valuation and Investment Decisions – A Tale of Narratives and Numbers, Daniel Zweidler, #42397 (2019).
GC Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) Technology Helps Exploration Investment Decisions, Daniel Zweidler, Daniel Baltar, and Neville Barker, #41755 (2015).
Remarks from the Recent Recognition of Oil & Gas Potential in Poland, Michal M. Zywiecki and Michael P. Lewis, #10356 (2011).