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PSThe Porosity Evolution of Eocene Limestones in the Preapulian Zone, Zakynthos Island, Western Greece*
Marianna Kati1 and Peter A. Scholle2
Search and Discovery Article #50060 (2007)
Posted January 8, 2008
*Adapted from poster presentation, AAPG European Regional Conference, Athens, Greece, November 18-21, 2007
1Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, University of Athens, Greece ([email protected])
2New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM ([email protected])
The Eocene pelagic and redeposited carbonate sediments on Zakynthos Island were deposited on the base-of-slope connecting the Preapulian platform with the Ionian basin. The resedimented facies primarily are represented by very coarse-grained reefal debris flow deposits as well as bioclastic turbidites, mostly of low- and minor of high-density. Detailed facies analysis and associated porosity and permeability measurements in many of the selected samples, lead us to define two main paths of porosity modification. First, the primary porosity of reefal debris flows was mainly destroyed by synsedimentary cements, but the dissolution of their originally metastable constituents soon gave rise to remarkable moldic and small amounts of vuggy porosity. However, most of this secondary porosity was occluded with sparry blocky/equant cements, and in a later diagenetic stage, some leaching increased the size of vugs and preserved some intergranular pore spaces. Second, the reduction of porosity of turbiditic and pelagic facies was achieved mainly through compaction and the precipitation of equant/blocky and syntaxial overgrowth cements, which in association with recrystallization occluded almost completely their primary porosity. Nevertheless, some intergranular porosity developed from later dissolution, specifically in the coarser-grained, high-density turbidites. Petrophysical data, as a whole, point out that Eocene limestones have small values of porosity (total mean porosity= 10.87%), as well as very low permeabilities (generally <1mD), with the exception the high-density turbidites that locally have 27% porosity and mean permeability 22.79mD. The latter clearly indicates an "effective porosity" and good reservoir characteristics, especially if it is combined with the fine-grained, low-density turbidites and/or pelagic sediments that always encompass this facies.
The Preapulian Zone crops out in the Ionian Islands, western Greece. The paleogeographic connection of the Preapulian Zone to the Italian Apulian platform is considered the “autochthonous” margin of the Apulian microplate in the Hellenides (Figure 1). Recent lithostratigraphic and sedimentological studies indicate that the evolution of the Preapulian zone, especially from the Upper Cretaceous throughout the Paleogene, is quite complicated and consists of at least two main sedimentary domains belonging to different tectono-sedimentary units, which today are found in tectonic proximity (Figures 2 and 3) (Accordi and Carbone, 1992; Kati, 1999; Scholle and Patsoules, 2001). This work focuses on the distribution and evolution of porosity in Eocene limestones on Zakynthos Island, a part of the Preapulian carbonate sequence, which has been a significant object of hydrocarbon investigation in the wider area of western Greece.
Eocene limestones consist exclusively of slope facies. Thin-bedded, mainly pelagic foraminiferal mudstones and wackestones are interbedded with redeposited sediments that include a large variety of transported and reworked shallow-water carbonate materials. Debris flows, the most common resedimented deposits, consist primarily of numerous reefal blocks and bioclastic lithoclasts, originating from the platform-margin and shelf. Thin- to-thick turbiditic beds, mostly low-density and minor high-density flows, largely consist of resedimented bioclastic and lithoclastic material originating from the outer shelf and/or upper slope.
The coarser-grained, reefal debris flows principally have secondary moldic and vuggy porosity and only minor primary porosity. Most of the intergranular and intragranular pore spaces are mainly filled with synsedimentary cements and internal sediment. The extensive moldic porosity originated from the dissolution of formerly aragonitic components, such as corals, bivalves, and gastropods; the recognition of which is facilitated by the formation of micritic envelopes. The vuggy porosity originated from dissolution of some early formed fibrous cement and/or fine-grained internal sediment within the intergranular pore spaces, and these vugs were obviously formed in a burial diagenetic stage.
Low- and high-density turbidites and modified grain flows:
The finer-grained resedimented facies and also the pelagic sediments mainly have preserved primary porosity and minor secondary porosity. More specifically, the high-density turbidites have substantial intragranular porosity within the larger transported benthonic bioclasts and, at least locally, remarkable intergranular porosity. The latter mainly originated from the dissolution of scattered skeletal debris and/or matrix material with metastable initial compositions (mostly high-Mg calcite) comprising secondary solution-enlarged intergranular porosity. Additionally, small amounts of moldic porosity have also been developed, due to the dissolution of some transported, originally aragonitic, fine-grained components, mostly gastropods. The low-density turbidites and the pelagic facies have small amounts of preserved primary porosity. Some intergranular pore spaces have also been increased locally.
Detailed petrographic examination of the depositional and diagenetic textural characteristics, in combination with estimations of the basic petrophysical parameters, allowed recognition of two main paths in the porosity evolution.
1. Preserved Eocene limestones comprise exclusively slope facies, consisting of pelagic sediments interbedded with very coarse-grained reefal debris flows and bioclastic turbidites (mostly low-density flows). The various facies show different porosity types mainly due to their initial composition and the subsequent diagenetic alterations they suffered. 2. Although the primary porosity of debris flows was largely destroyed by synsedimentary cementation, they gained extensive moldic and minor vuggy porosity during early dissolution. Some of that secondary porosity, however, was occluded with later cements. The fine-grained low-density turbidites and pelagic sediments have small amounts of preserved primary porosity and even less secondary (mostly vuggy) porosity, because compaction associated with later cementation and recrystallization destroyed porosity almost completely. 3. In contrast to the low porosity and very low permeability values characterizing these slope facies, the coarse-grained high-density turbidites have substantial "effective porosity" with extensive preserved primary porosity coupled with vuggy and minor moldic porosity that combine to give them good reservoir characteristics.
Sincere thanks to Ι. Abatzis, N. Springer, Ν. Christensen, J. Ineson, P. Frykman, N. Stentoft, A. Rasmusen, and H. Lindgreen of the GEUS, Denmark, for their kind hospitality and for providing laboratory facilities and analytical instruments. Many thanks also to M. Patsoules, K. Nikolaou, and K. Georgiades of Hellenic Petroleum S.A. for their help in various aspects of the project.
Accordi, G., and F. Carbone, 1992, Lithofacies map of the Hellenide Pre-Apulian zone (Ionian Islands, Greece): Cons. Nazion. Ricer., Spec. Publ., 27p. Kati, M., 1999, Deposition, diagenesis and evolution of porosity of Eocene limestones of the Preapulian zone in Zakynthos Island: Ph.D. thesis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 305p. Scholle, P.A., and M. Patsoules, 2001, Sedimentology and petroleum potential of Cretaceous limestones in the Preapulian Zone, Ionian Islands, Western Greece: AAPG Annual Convention 2001. |