AAPG Middle East Meetings
AAPG Middle East Region, AAPG International Conference and Exhibition (ICE) Muscat, Oman, 30 September – 2 October, 2024
- AAPG International Conference and Exhibition (ICE) Muscat, Oman, 30 September – 2 October, 2024; Abstracts #91209 (2025).
AAPG Middle East Region, 2023 Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show (MEOS GEO), 19 - 21 February 2023, Bahrain
- 2023 Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show(MEOS GEO), 19 - 21 February 2023, Bahrain; Abstracts #91204 (2023).
AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, 3rd Edition Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East, AbuDhabi, UAE, January 28-29, 2020
- AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, 3rd Edition Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 28-29, 2020; Abstracts #90370 (2020).
The Complications in Defining Oil-In-Place Estimates in Source Rock Reservoirs - Total vs. Producible Oil and Mass Balance Characterization, Chad Hartman, #42567 (2021).
EA Novel Workflow in Modeling Cycles of a Complex Carbonate Reservoirs, Coupling Sequence Stratigraphy and Geostatistics Techniques, Andi A. B. Salahuddin, Reem Al Ali, Karem Khan, Khaled E. Al Hammadi, and Nidhal M. Aljneibi, #42556 (2020).
PS Characterization of Seal Potential and Distribution Using Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion: A Field Case Study of Onshore Abu Dhabi, Anni Xie, Maria Helena Caeiro, Stefan Steiner, Ahmed Taher, Martin Jagger, Kate Al Tameemi, Amogh Chitrao, Fakhera Al Qubaisi, Huda Al-Salmi, and Jawaher A. Alshamsi, #20489 (2020).
PS U-Pb Direct Dating of Multiple Diagenetic Events in the Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir of Bekhme Formation, Kurdistan-NE Iraq, Namam Muhammed Salih, Howri Mansurbeg, Kamal Kolo, Axel Gerdes, and Alain Préat, #51671 (2020).
PS A Multidisciplinary Approach for Rock Typing Characterization in a Highly Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir in Abu Dhabi UAE, Leonardo J. Rojas, Alexey Tveritnev, and Carlos E. Pinillos, #42517 (2020).
Application of Saturation Height Model in Case of Depletion in Paleo Times, Jan van der Wal, #42516 (2020).
Advances in Characterization and Modeling of a Lower Cretaceous Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dario De Benedictis, Noor Al Hashmi, Shaymaa Al Maskari, and Tian Wenyuam, #51653 (2020).
PS Three Rock-Typing Methods and Implementation as Part of the Reservoir Characterization and Uncertainty Assessment: An Example from the Arab Formation (Upper Jurassic), Onshore Field United Arab Emirates, Jose Gregorio Rodriguez Gonzalez, Wala Sahel Abdulla Mohammed Bin Ishaq, and Moza Ahmed Al Teneiji, #51650 (2020).
PS Geological Characterization of a Late Jurassic Carbonate Mudstone, Saudi Arabia: Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Geomechanics, John D. Humphrey, Septriandi Chan, Muhammad Usman, Baqer Albensaad, and Yaser Alzayer, #51649 (2020).
AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Rift Basin Evolution and Exploration: The Global State of the Art and Applicability to the Middle East and Neighboring Regions, Bahrain, February 3-5, 2020
- AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Rift Basin Evolution and Exploration: The Global State of the Art and Applicability to the Middle East and Neighboring Regions, Bahrain, February 3-5, 2020; Abstracts #90366 (2020).
EA Thermo-Tectono-Stratigraphic Modelling of a Northern Red Sea Transect and Implications for the Petroleum Systems, T.A. Cunha, P. Baptista, L.H. Rüpke, D.W. Schmid, I. Davison, and R. Bertolotti, #30666 (2020).
Forward Stratigraphic Modelling in Rift Basins: An Investigation of Tectonic Rates Controlling Sedimentation, Matthieu Gravito, Joao Keller, and Julio Almeida de Carvalho, #51646 (2020).
Coupling Basin Modeling and Lithospheric Modeling for Exploring Rift Basins, Matthieu Dubille, Marie Callies, and Matthieu Gravito, #70402 (2020).
AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Integrated Emerging Exploration Concepts: Challenges, Future Trends and Opportunities, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, December 2-4, 2019
- AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Integrated Emerging Exploration Concepts: Challenges, Future Trends and Opportunities, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, December 2-4, 2019; Abstracts #90364 (2019).
Exploring and Evaluation of Paleozoic Saudi Arabian Sand for Proppant Applications, Kazi Faiz Alam and Osman Abdullatif, #42543 (2020).
Facies, Petrography, Geochemistry and Reservoir Potential of the Upper Cretaceous Adaffa Formation, Red Sea Region, Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Monirul Islam, Osman M. Abdullatif, and Mutasim Sami Osman, #11336 (2020).
AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, 2nd Edition Structural Styles of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, December 9-11, 2019
- AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, 2nd Edition Structural Styles of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, December 9-11, 2019; Abstracts #90362 (2019).
Deformation Patterns of Neoproterozoic and Earliest Cambrian Rocks at the Western Sector of the Jabal Akhdar Dome, Central Oman Mountains, Ivan Callegari, Wilfried Bauer, Frank Mattern, Andre Jorge Pinto, Heninjara Rarivoarison, Andreas Scharf, Katharina Scharf, and Mohammed Al Kindi, #30664 (2020).
PS Shortening Values in the Southern Fars Arch of the Zagros: Assessing Uncertainties by Structural and Gravity Sensitivity Analysis, Ralph Hinsch, Martin Vögele, Gholamreza Gharabeigli, Abbas Majidi, Tam Lovet, Ali Asghar Julapour, Gabor Tari, and Walter Kosi, #51668 (2020).
The Role of the Basement and Salt Tectonics on the Cenozoic Contractional Deformation in the Southeastern Zagros Fold Belt, Ralph Hinsch, Martin Vögele, Gholamreza Gharabeigli, Abbas Majidi, Davoud Morsalnezhad, Christopher Sellar, Bernhard Bretis, Karin Gruber, Tam Lovett, Ali Asghar Julapour, Gabor Tari, and Walter Kosi, #51667 (2020).
PS Late Lutetian 40AR/39AR Age Dating of a Mafic Intrusion into the Jafnayn Formation and its Tectonic Implications (Muscat, Oman), Frank Mattern, Masafumi Sudo, Ivan Callegari, Bernhard Pracejus, Wilfried Bauer, and Andreas Scharf, #51663 (2020).
PS The Semail Gap Fault Zone (Oman Mountains) – Influences of an Inherited Basement Structure on Cenozoic Deformation?, Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Daniel Moraetis, Ivan Callegari, and Christian Weidle, #51662 (2020).
PS Early Cenozoic Listwaenite Formation at a Major Extensional Fault Zone of the Oman Mountains (Fanja Area) – Insights from Structural Analysis and U-Pb Carbonate Dating, Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Robert Bolhar, Christopher M. Bailey, and Uwe Ring, #51661 (2020).
AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, 3rd Edition of the Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, October 28-30, 2019
- AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, 3rd Edition of the Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, October 28-30, 2019; Abstracts #90360 (2019).
PS Biostratigraphy of Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Arabian Plate: Current State and Future Challenges, Gil Machado, #51641 (2020).
AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Low Resistivity Pay, Muscat, Oman, October 7-9, 2019
- AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Low Resistivity Pay, Muscat, Oman, October 7-9, 2019; Abstracts #90356 (2019).
Multi-Phase Flow Petrophysics: A Physics-Based Approach for Deriving Sw from NMR and Formation Sampling in Low Resistivity Pay Carbonates, Nicolas Leseur and Charles Smart, #42547 (2020).
An Integrated Approach to Unlock Low Resistivity Carbonate Reservoir in North of Sultanate of Oman, Marta Becerra Ruiz, Abdul Rahim Shukaili, Hamood Nabhani, El Hafed Habhouba, Jokha Busaidi, Saud Naabi, and Zaher Hinai, #20484 (2020).
PS Five Reasons for Carbonate Oil Production at High Archie Calculated SW, Douglas Boyd, #70399 (2019).
Two Kinds of Low Resistivity Pay Zones Identifications and Evaluations in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, Li Ming, Hong Guoliang, Bai Zhenhua, Hu Guangcheng, Ma Yuxia, and Zhu Houqin, #11284 (2019).
AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop: Exploration and Development of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs in the Eastern Mediterranean, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 26-27, 2019
- AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop: Exploration and Development of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs in the Eastern Mediterranean, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 26-27, 2019; Abstracts #90341 (2019).
PS Evolution of Normal Faults: Displacement Patterns in 3D Seismic Data from the Eastern Levant Basin, Nadav Navon, Benjamin Medvedev, and Amotz Agnon, #11309 (2020).
Spatial Distribution of Miocene Diapirs in the Southern Levant Basin: A Fundamental Element for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, Yuval Ben-Gai and Juan I. Soto, #11261 (2019).
Tectonic Structure of the Karish Gas Field, Offshore Israel, Leonidas Gouliotis, Yannis Tsiantis, and Dennis Anestoudis, #30638 (2019).
The Dynamic Tamar Reservoir: Insights from Five Years of Production, Jesse Ortega, Russel Hebert, and Yedidia Gellman, #20465 (2019).
EA Ultra-Deep Sub-Salt Hydrocarbon Exploration Targets: Dead Sea Rift Zone - Implications from Ultra-Deep U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Anadarko, Permian, and Tarim (China) Basins Successes, Samuel A. Epstein, Elizabeth Chinn McDade, Allan Spector, and Howard R. Feldman, #11260 (2019).
New Approach to the Structure and Evolution of Israel with Relation to the Oil and Gas Exploration in the Neotethys and the Neogene Sequences, Baruch Derin, #30630 (2019).
Numerical Modelling of Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences on Offshore Infrastructure, Pavel A. Trapper, Tal Feinstein, and Miriam Gindis, #42459 (2019).
The Offshore Afiq Canyon and its Messinian Evaporites, and Yafo Sand Apron are Indicators of Young Fluvial Systems Unimpeded by the Levant Rift, Yossi Mart and William B.F. Ryan, #51612 (2019).
Syn-Tectonic Sedimentation Over a Miocene Gas-Bearing Structure - Sequence Stratigraphy Case Study of the Aphrodite Field, Levant Basin, David Craik and Yuval Ben-Gai, #20464 (2019).
Internal Structure of the Triangular Horst-Like Jonah High in the Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean, Yuval Ben-Gai, #11257 (2019).
AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Regional Variations in Charge Systems and the Impact on Hydrocarbon Fluid Properties in Exploration, Dubai, UAE, February 11-13, 2019
- AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Regional Variations in Charge Systems and the Impact on Hydrocarbon Fluid Properties in Exploration, Dubai, UAE, February 11-13, 2019; Abstracts #90337 (2019).
Charge History Clues from Advanced Geochemical Mud Gas Logging, Alan Keith Fernandes and Dariusz Strąpćo, #42509 (2020).
Innovative Approaches of Carbonate Diagenesis Characterization to Predict Thermochemical Sulphate Reduction (TSR) Occurrence in Sedimentary Basins, Marta Gasparrini, Xavier Mangenot, Alexy Elias Banhan, Isabelle Kowalewski, Xavier Guichet, Tristan Euzen, and Nicolas Maurand, #42370 (2019).
Source Rock: The Organic Factory, Facts and Modelling, A.Y. Huc and B.Chauveau, #42368 (2019).
The Role of Hypogenic Karst in Formation of Carbonate Reservoirs and Development of Oil Deposits, Alexander V. Petukhov, #42361 (2019).
AAPG Middle East Region, Second EAGE/AAPG Hydrocarbon Seals of the Middle East Workshop, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 16-19, 2018
- AAPG Middle East Region, Second EAGE/AAPG Hydrocarbon Seals of the Middle East Workshop, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 16-19, 2018; Abstracts #90334 (2018).
Pressures, Seals and Traps, J. J. Biteau, #42356 (2019).
Characterization of Primary Seals in Tuba Reservoir in Sabiriyah Field, North Kuwait, C. Chao, #11193 (2019).
AAPG Middle East Region, Shale Gas Evolution Symposium, Manama, Bahrain, December 11-13, 2018
- AAPG Middle East Region, Shale Gas Evolution Symposium, Manama, Bahrain, December 11-13, 2018; Abstracts #90333 (2018).
PS Shale Gas Potential and Gas Characteristics in Mesozoic Mohe Basin, Northernmost China, Li Yi, Zhen Liu, Xingmin Zhao, and Jian Deng, #11304 (2020).
Exploration and Development Techniques for Unconventional Resources, George Waters, #80673 (2019).
PS 3-D Petroleum Systems Model of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Marcin Pankau, Brian Toelle, Ranie Lynds, and Penjman Tahmasebi, #11197 (2019).
How Sweet is European Shale? A Story about the Uncertain Potential, Problematic Recovery and Public Concerns of Shale Gas Development in Europe, Jan ter Heege, #70381 (2019).
Industry 4.0: 101 – A Simplified Guide to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its Application in the Oil and Gas Industry, Noor Al-Nahhas, #70380 (2019).
With Proper Spacing and Enough Time, Shale Wells May Produce Much More Gas, Tadeusz Wiktor Patzek, #80670 (2019).
PS Effect of Subcritical Crack Initiation on Hydraulic Fracture, Gallyam Aidagulov, Romain Prioul, Elizaveta Gordeliy, Guanyi Lu, and Andrew Bunger, #80668 (2019).
AAPG/SEG/EAGE/SPE Middle East Region RDPETRO, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 9-10, 2018
- AAPG/SEG/EAGE/SPE Middle East Region RDPETRO, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 9-10, 2018; Abstracts #90329 (2018).
AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Digital Subsurface Transformation, Dubai, UAE, May 7-8, 2018
- AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Digital Subsurface Transformation, Dubai, UAE, May 7-8, 2018; Abstracts #90327 (2018).
The Rules of Subsurface Analytics, Jane McConnell and Duncan Irvin, #70373 (2018).
Leveraging Digitization to Achieve Operational Certainty, Pattabhiraman Ganesh, #70367 (2018).
From Insight to Foresight: Knowing How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in the Oil and Gas Industry, Sammy Haroon, Aruna Viswanathan, and Ram Shenoy, #42288 (2018).
2018 AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Maximizing Asset Value: Integrating Geoscience with Reservoir Management & Facilities Optimization, Muscat, Oman, April 30 - May 1, 2018
- 2018 AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Maximizing Asset Value: Integrating Geoscience with Reservoir Management & Facilities Optimization, Muscat, Oman, April 30 - May 1, 2018; Abstracts #90328 (2018).
Urban Planning in Northern Part of Kuwait: Collaborating Through Synergy Across Assets to Optimize Development, Khalid Al-Dohaiem, #70384 (2019).
PS Multi-Frac Stage Selection Criteria for Vertical Wells in Thick, Condensate-Rich, Stacked Tight Gas Sandstones, William Dawson, Omar Ishteiwy, Mahmood Al Busafi, Nabeel Masood, Khalil Al Rashdi, and David Spain, #42359 (2019).
PS The Power of Subsurface Integration in the Rejuvenation of an 89 Years-Old Field in Brunei, Fauzi Said and Carlos Nieto, #20455 (2019).
Collaborative Planning: The Flexible Freeze (or Controlled Chaos) Required for Success - Khazzan Field, Oman, Edward Warren, #20454 (2019).
2018 Geo, 13th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, March 5-8, 2018
- 2018 Geo, 13th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, March 5-8, 2018; Abstracts #90319 (2018).
EA Facies Modeling of a Giant Carbonate Gas Reservoir Severely Affected by Secondary Overprint An Example from the Khuff Gas Reservoir, Awali Field, Bahrain, Jayanta Bardalaye, Michael Dowen, and Lana Al Hashemi, #20458 (2019).
Integrated Workflow for the Reservoir Properties Prediction using the Ultra-Far Seismic Data, Mansoura Area, Onshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Walaa Fathy and Asghar Shams, #42325 (2019).
An Integrated Study to Identify New Exploratory Target in the West Kuwait Carbonate Reservoir, Mafizar Rahaman, Al-Saleh Lulwa Ibrahem, Al-Rashid Tasneem Ahmed, and Abdul Razak Mohamed Hafez, #11156 (2019).
Fracture Characterization of Najmah-Sargelu Tight Carbonates Reservoir using Geomechanical Attributes in Minagish Field, West Kuwait, Fatema Al-Failakawi, Rasha Al-Muraikhi, Adnan Al-Shamali, AbdulWahab Al-Qattan, Clement Belgodere, Frederic Mathi, and Riyadh Quttainah, #20447 (2019).
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lower Eocene Formations in Sabratah Basin, North West Offshore Libya, Mohamed S. Hrouda and Ziyad A. Ben Abdulhafied, #11184 (2019).
West Kuwait Unconventional Hydrocarbon Potential Evaluation of the Najmah Formation - Phase 1 Project Summary, Rasha Al-Murakhi, #80658 (2019).
Classifications of Unconventional Resources in Kuwait, Mohammad Al-Bahar, Vandana Suresh, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, and Mohammed Dawwas Al-Ajmi, #80657 (2019).
Unlocking the Remaining Potential of Najmah-Sargelu: Play-Based Exploration in Kuwait, Alaa Al-Kandari, Salem Al-Ali, and Anton Prakoso, #30592 (2019).
PS Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions, Ryan Adhi Putra and Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, #42328 (2018).
Full Waveform Inversion for Complex Near-Surface Imaging Using SEG SEAM II Synthetic Model, Ali A. Mohamed and Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, #42322 (2018).
A Combination of Advanced Mud Gas Technology and RockWise™ to Identify Hydrocarbon Bearing Zone; Case Study, Jalal Dashti, Shoroq Al-Houti, Abdulrahman Al-Harbi, Ahmed Moustafa, Karim Ousdidene, and Patrick Hanna, #51543 (2018).
Rock-Typing: An Integrated Reservoir Characterization Tool for Tight Jurassic Carbonates, West Kuwait, Pritish Mukherjee, Dipak SinghaRay, Saad Matar, Dalal Mohammed A. Meshari, Jassim Al-Kanderi, and Thierry Lemaux, #70372 (2018).
Rock Typing and Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs: A Case Study from South East Kuwait, Shaikha F. Turkey, Jasem M. Al-Kanderi, Prasanta Kumar Mishra, Ghaliah Al-Alawi, Salim Al-Hashmi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy, and Muatasam Al-Raisi, #51542 (2018).
Understanding the Reservoir Architecture of Lower Fars Formation in North Kuwait through Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Mohamed Hafez Abdul Razak, Jarrah Al-Jenaie, and Hesham Moubarak, #51531 (2018).
CNPC E&P Data Management System (A1 Project), Liming Wu, Tao Ma, Tiecheng Wang, Jingyi Liu, Wenjun Huang, and Fusen Yang, #70342 (2018).
Novel Approach for Improved Evaluation and Saturation Estimate Behind Casing of the Gotnia Formation Using New Advanced Inelastic and Capture Nuclear Spectroscopy Technique, Ali Abu Ghneej, Khaled Sassi, Talal Al-Adwani, Meshal Al-Wadi, Reyad Abu Taleb, Aishah Abdullah, and Aisha Embaireeg, #42259 (2018).
Prediction of Porosity and Fluid Saturation from Full Stack Seismic Data Using Seismic Inversion and Neural Network Analysis, Ahmed S. Ali, Hamed El-Mowafy, Ashraf Ali Hasan, and Ali Khairy, #42254 (2018).
Drone-based Remote Sensing for Digital Outcrop Modeling Using Photogrammetry Techniques, Mokhles M. Mezghani, Mohammed I. Fallatah, and AbdulJaleel A. AbuBshait, #42233 (2018).
Fracture Characterisation of a Complex Carbonate Reservoir: Intelligent Use of Image Logs in a Major Onshore Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Yasmina Bouzida, Tim Salter, and Fatima Al Darmaki, #20426 (2018).
Improving Sea Bed Logging with Magnetic Field Measurements, Teruhiko Hagiwara, #42230 (2018).
Implementing the KOC Technology Portfolio Management, Bibi Akbar, #42227 (2018).
Time-Lapse Prestack Seismic Inversion to Delineate Undrained Reservoirs - Simian Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Wael Salah, Islam A. Mohamed and Abdulrahman A. Mohamed, #20428 (2018).
Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait. A Case Study, Yaser Amjad, Mona Rashaid, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Aiman Fituri, and Alan Sibbit, #20429 (2018).
Stochastic Geomodel to Understand Reservoir Heterogeneity: A Case Study from Sequoia Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, Ahmed Saad, Basem K. Abd El-Fattah, and Islam A. Mohamed, #42226 (2018).
Enhanced Characterization of Heavy Oil Bearing Unconsolidated Clastic Reservoir of Kuwait by Integrating Dielectric Dispersion and Diffusion-Based NMR, Badruzzaman Khan, Khaled Sassi, Afrah Al-Ajmi, Mohammad Juzlam Hanafi, Lalitha Venkataramanan, and Sambhaji Devkar, #42224 (2018).
Quantifying the Uncertainty of Elastic Facies Classification, Keith Edwards, Muneera F. Al-Awadhi, and Abdelrahman Abdeltwab, #51482 (2018).
Microseismic Interpretation: Is Surface Monitoring Biased Towards Specific Source Mechanisms?, Pierre F. Roux, #42225 (2018).
Geothermal Gradient Anomalies of Hydrocarbon Entrapment at Southern North Sea Basin, UKCS: A Mature Basin Rejuvenation Technique, Muhammad W. Ibrahim and Basim Al Kubaisi, #11080 (2018).
Geothermal Gradient Anomalies of Hydrocarbon Entrapment at Central Sirte Basin, Libya: A Mature Basin Rejuvenation Technique, Muhammad W. Ibrahim, #11079 (2018).
Petrophysical and Geomechanical Properties of Late Jurassic Carbonates Outcropping in Central Saudi Arabia: Correlation with Depositional Sequences and Diagenetic Overprints, Thomas Finkbeiner, Viswasanthi Chandra, Volker Vahrenkamp, Bora Yalcin, and Ahmad Ramdani, #51479 (2018).
Characterization of Karst and Fault-Fracture Networks and their Impact on Thermal EOR in a Tight Carbonate Reservoir, Awali Field, Bahrain, Mark R. Lambert, Abdulnaser Abousetta, Rabab Al Saffar, Ali Khalifa, Ali Shehab, and Ali Mohamed, #20427 (2018).
Partitioned Zone Onshore 3D Seismic Survey Challenges and Best Practices, Abdul Wahab Sadeqi, Abdullah Al-Kandari, Ibrahim Hakam, Kalyan Chakraborty, and Anand Kumar, #70338 (2018).
Predicting the Rate of Penetration in Percussive Drilling by Finite Elements Simulation, Timo Saksala, #42221 (2018).
First-Ever Application of Real-Time LWD Shear Sonic Velocity for Geomechanics in Slow Formations of Western Offshore Basin, India: A Game-Changer for Wellbore Stability in Exploration Wells, Sachit Saumya, J.B. Bhagat, T. Kulkarni, S.N. Palange, B. Bandyopadhyay, C. Srivastava, J. Singh, P. Shedde, S. Bahuguna, A. Ghosh, and Rahul Talreja, #42220 (2018).
Rayleigh Inversion Application Study in Some Areas of Middle East, Fuhao Jiang, #42217 (2018).
Real-Time Monitoring and Evaluation of Actual vs. Simulated Torque and Drag in Deviated, Long Lateral, Open-Hole Gas Wells, Ahmad Kadura, Roberto Vega, Ahmad Atef Hashmi, Roberto Duran, Bilal Tariq, and Carlos Parra, #42216 (2018).
The Size and Volume of the Remaining Hydrocarbon Potential are the Key of Future Exploration Drilling in Libya's Sedimentary Basins, Edres A. Abualkhir, #11077 (2018).
The Sustainability of Saudi Arabia's Water Resources from the Past Decade: A Remote Sensing Approach, Arya Pradipta, Mohammad H. Makkawi, Hatim Sharif, Abdalla Elamin, SanLinn Kaka, and Abdulaziz al-Shaibani, #80632 (2018).
3-D Basin Modeling of the Changling Depression: A New Method of Exploring Petroleum Generation and Migration in Deep Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, Jiaqi Guo and Jinliang Zhang, #11076 (2018).
Night Shot-Hole Drilling, A New Approach for Successful Completion of Mega Onshore 3D Seismic Survey, Abdullah M. Alkandari, Abdul Wahab M. Sadeqi, Anand Kumar, Ibrahim Hakam, and Kalyan Chakraborty, #42215 (2018).
Feasibility of Moment Tensor Inversion From a Single Borehole Data Using Artificial Neural Networks, Oleg Ovcharenko, Jubran Akram, and Daniel Peter, #42212 (2018).
Automated Data Exchange to and from the National Data Repository in the Netherlands, Stephan Gruijters and Sjaak Derksen, #70337 (2018).
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Water Saturation Prediction – A Case Study from Offshore Nile Delta, Islam A. Mohamed, Ahmed Hosny, and Abdulrahman Ali Mohamed, #42206 (2018).
Fast-Track and Robust Reservoir Modeling Using Probabilistic Neural Network, Nile Delta, Islam A. Mohamed and Basem K. Abd El-Fattah, #42205 (2018).
Evaluating the Fluid Distribution in Mauddud Reservoir after 80 Years of Gas Injection and Production, Bahrain (Awali) Field, Nadia Nemmawi, Michel Dowen, and Ebrahim Al Owainati, #20425 (2018).
Sequence Stratigraphy and Diagenesis of the Mauddud Formation (Burgan Field, Kuwait): A Combined Impact on the Distribution of Reservoir Properties, Omran Alzankawi, Laila Hayat, Benoit Vincent, Joanna Garland, Pete Gutteridge, and Sarah Thompson, #20423 (2018).
Optimized Well Placement Using Cost Effective Logging While Drilling Real-Time Imaging Technologies in First Unconventional Horizontal Well in the United Arab Emirates: A Case Study, Pierre Van Laer, Ehab Negm, Wael Fares, Emad Diab, and Ahmet Aki, #80631 (2018).
Quantifying Structural Evolution, Schuman Wu, #30561 (2018).
The Cutoff of Flowing Porosity in Tight Complex Carbonate Oil Reservoir: A Case Study on High-Pressure Mercury Intrusion in Interval MBK, Block SH, Iraq, Yaping Lin, Tiezhuang Wu, Chaosheng Guo, Liyong Tan, Xiaofeng Sheng, and Chuandi Wang, #42204 (2018).
CFD Modeling of Low-Density Particle Transport into Perforations for Multistage Fracturing Applications of Horizontal Wells, Vijaya Patnana and Travis Larsen, #42203 (2018).
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in a Multi-Layer Fractured Media, Leonardo Cruz, Ghazal Izadi, Colleen Barton, and Tobias Hoeink, #42201 (2018).
A Re-Evaluation of Production, Geological and Petrophysical Data of a Mature Clastic Middle East Reservoir Provides a Surprising Outcome, Nadia Nemmawi, Michael Dowen, and Ebrahim AlOwainati, #20424 (2018).
Tracers and Pressure Transient Analysis Used to Better Understand Reservoir Connectivity, Wara - Greater Burgan, Kuwait, Wafaa A. Al-Ghanim, Sasi Rajan, Nawaf K. Al-Enizi, and Haya AlHashash, #20422 (2018).
Burgan 3SU Reservoir - A Success Story in Development Planning and Reservoir Management, Wafaa A. Al-Ghanim, Giles Duvivier, and Sasi Rajan, #20421 (2018).
A New Approach to Real Time Acoustic Measurements in North Kuwait Cretaceous Carbonate Formation Evaluation and Characterisation: Case Study, David Jesudian Nelson, Al-Awadi Abdulla, Chao Chen, Hamadi Hajer, Samhaji Devkar, Salih Noreldin Osman, Aisha Embaireeg, and Ahmed Elsherif, #20420 (2018).
Impact of Geological and Geo-Mechanical Controls in Creating Various Drilling Problems, Md Amanullah, Raed Alouhali, and Mohammed Arfaj, #42199 (2018).
Oil Geochemical Characterization in the Central Part of the Llanos Basin, Colombia, Alexis Medina and Jörg O. W. Grimmer, #11068 (2018).
GTW, Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East & Their Future Challenges, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 30 – February 1, 2018
- AAPG Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East & Their Future Challenges, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 30 – February 1, 2018; Abstracts #90318 (2018).
PS Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Apulian Carbonate Platform – Ionian Basin System (Late Cretaceous, Albania), J. Le Goff, T. Cavailhes, A. Slootman, J. Jaballah, and J. Reijmer, #11120 (2018).
PS Polygonal Faults Implication on Carbonate Reservoir Characterization, Case Study: Abu El-Gharadig Basin, Egypt, Munir El-Mahdy, Elhamy Tarabees, Ali Bakr, and Ali Farag, #11113 (2018).
PS Seismic Characterization of a Calciclastic Submarine Fan in the Cenozoic Foredeep of the Oman Mountains, Luca Fava, #11112 (2018).
2017 AAPG/Middle East GTW, Stratigraphic Traps of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, December 11-13, 2017
- AAPG Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Stratigraphic Traps of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, December 11-13, 2017; Abstracts #90317 (2018).
Advances and Perspectives on Stratigraphic Trap Exploration-Making the Subtle Trap Obvious, John Dolson, Zhiyong He, and Brian W. Horn, #60054 (2018).
The Gharif Formation: Improving Prospecting and Field Development Success by Understanding the Role Syndepositional Tectonism and Salt Movement Play in Focusing Sandstone Accumulations within the South Oman Salt Basin, Oman, Chris J. Donofrio and Frederic Knap, #11086 (2018).
PS Sequence Stratigraphy, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Upper Shuaiba Formation, Giant Carbonate Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Bashayer Al Muhairi, Gary Ottinger, Hesham Shebl, Thomas De Keyser, Christopher Kendall, and Amna Al Dhaheri, #51484 (2018).
GTW, Tight Reservoirs in the Middle East, Bahrain, November 27-28, 2017
- AAPG/EAGE Middle East GTW, Tight Reservoirs in the Middle East, Bahrain, November 27-28, 2017; Abstracts #90316 (2018).
PS Invasion and Reservoir Damage in Tight Reservoirs: Options of Avoiding and Stimulation Based on Damage Mechanisms, Wael El Sherbeny, Robert Kennedy, Jean F. Aly Madkour, Johannes Vossen, William Bryant, Haq Minhas, and Ali E. Farag, #42252 (2018).
GTW, Decision Based Integrated Reservoir Modeling, Muscat, Oman, October 30 – November 1, 2017
- AAPG Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop Decision Based Integrated Reservoir Modeling, Muscat, Oman, October 30 – November 1, 2017; Abstracts #90314 (2018).
Finding the Question is Often More Important than Finding the Answer, David R. Spain, #70327 (2018).
PS Locate the Remaining Oil (LTRO) and Predictive Analytics: Application for Development Decisions on Marmul GNR Field, The Sultanate of Oman, Cristian Masini, Sergey Ryzhov, Dmitry Kuzmichev, Rina Bouy, Saeed Majidaie, and Denis Malakhov, #42191 (2018).
LTRO Workflow for Fast Turnaround Field-Optimisation Studies and Efficient Development Decisions, Cristian Masini, Sergey Ryzhov, Dmitry Kuzmichev, Rina Bouy, Saeed Majidaie, and Denis Malakhov, #42190 (2018).
GTW, Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East, Amman, Jordan, May 15-16, 2017
- AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East, Amman, Jordan, May 15-16, 2017; Abstracts #90299 (2017).
Geological and Petrophysical Evaluation of Sandstone Cores in the Great Burgan Field in Kuwait, Osama Al-Jallad, Moustafa Dernaika, Safouh Koronfol, Mona Rashaid, and Laila Hayat, #20403 (2017).
The Sarir (Nubian) Sandstone Sequence in Sirt Basin and its Correlatives: Interplay of Rift Tectonics and Eustasy, Ahmed S. El-Hawat, #30517 (2017).
PS Outcrop/Behind Outcrop Characterization of Siliciclastic Reservoirs, César Viseras, Luis Miguel Yeste, Fernando García-García, Saturnina Henares, Javier Jaímez, Gersan Rodríguez, and Sila Pla-Pueyo, #42131 (2017).
PS Impact of Taconic Unconformity on the Depositional Geometries of the Lower Paleozoic Clastic Successions in Murzuq Basin, a Case from SW Libya, Ali Najem, Seraj Bosnina, and Ali El-Arnauti, #51423 (2017).
PS High Resolution Sedimentological Interpretation of the Lower Paleozoic Clastic Reservoirs in Ghadames Basin, Libya, Seraj Bosnina, Ali Najem, and Adel Marimi, #10992 (2017).
GTW, Structural Styles in the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, May 9-11, 2017
- AAPG Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Structural Styles in the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, May 9-11, 2017; Abstracts #90297 (2017).
PS New Ductile Microscopic Shear-Sense Indicators (Oman Mountains), Frank Mattern, Andreas Scharf, and Bernhard Pracejus, #51425 (2017).
GTW, The Knowledge Management Challenge, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 16-18, 2016
- AAPG Middle East Geosciences Technology Workshop, The Knowledge Management Challenge, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 16-18, 2016; Abstracts #90287 (2017).
GTW, Advances in Subsurface Imaging and Mapping, Muscat, Oman, October 26-27, 2016
- AAPG Middle East Geosciences Technology Workshop, Advances in Subsurface Imaging and Mapping, Muscat, Oman, October 26-27, 2016; Abstracts #90286 (2017).
Applications of Broadband Land Seismology, Ruijie Zhang, #70253 (2017).
GTW, Exploring Mature Basins, Amwaj Islands, Bahrain, April 11-13, 2016
- 2016 Middle East Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Exploring Mature Basins, Amwaj Islands, Bahrain, April 11-13, 2016, Abstracts, #90264 (2016).
Reservoir and Production Challenges in Complicated Tight Carbonate Reservoir in the Bahrain Field, Rabab Al Saffar, Mike Dowen, Ibrahim Jaber, and Khamis Al Abdali, #20385 (2017).
Underexplored Opportunities in the Arabian Plate: Application of Global Analogues, Joanna Garland and Andrew Horbury, #30491 (2017).
GEO-2016, 12th Middle East Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, March 7-10, 2016
- GEO 2016, 12th Middle East Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, March 7-10, 2016, Abstracts, #90254 (2016).
4D Finite Difference Forward Modeling within a Redefined Closed-Loop Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Workflow, David Hill, Dominic Lowden, Sonika, and Chris Koeninger, #41922 (2016).
Reducing the Uncertainty of Static Reservoir Model in a Carbonate Platform, through the Implementation of an Integrated Workflow: Case A-Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Kevin M. Torres, Noor F. Al Hashmi, Ismail A. Al Hosani, Ali S. Al Rawahi, and Humberto Parra, #20370 (2016).
Integrated Rock Characterization of Tight Reservoir by Multiple Analytical Techniques, Omprakash Pal, Waseem Abdulrazzaq, Rachad Zeriek, Amr Ibrahim, and Mohamed Awad, #41921 (2016).
Seismic Attributes for Prediction of Reservoir Architecture and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity: A Case Study of Zubair Formation in Bahrah Area, North Kuwait, Eman Al-Shehri, Subrata K. Bhukta, Prabir K. Nath, Sunil K. Singh, and Afrah Saleh Al-Ajmi, #41914 (2016).
Systematic Workflow for Characterizing Frac Sand: An Integrated Approach, Waseem Abdulrazzaq, Bilal Zoghbi, Walter Suzart, and Muhammad Salem, #80551 (2016).
PS Influence of Sedimentary Fabric on Fracture Characteristics of Two Thick Shoreface Deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Moosebar Formation, West Central Alberta, Jenna Sie and Per Kent Pedersen, #51312 (2016).
Multi-attributes and Seismic Interpretation of Offshore Exploratory Block in Bahrain-A Case Study, Suresh Thampi, Aqeel Ahmed, Yahya Al-Ansari, Ali Shehab, Ahmed Fateh, Anindya Ghosh, and Ghada Almoulani, #41919 (2016).
PS Lacustrine Turbidites in Rift Basins: Genesis, Morphology, and Petroleum Potential – A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Vachaspati Kothari, Shubhodip Konar, B. N. S. Naidu, Ashesh Desai, V. R. Sunder, Stephen Goodlad, Pinakadhar Mohapatra, and Kaushal Pander, #10872 (2016).
AVO Analysis, Inversion and Spectral Decomposition to Detect Thin Channelized Sandstone Reservoir of BED-15, Western Desert, Egypt, W. Salah, I. Mohamed, and S. Talaat, #20369 (2016).
Sea-Level Controlled Low-Energy Shoreline Progradation and Facies Successions along the Southwestern Coastline of Qatar (Al-Zareq Area, Gulf of Salwa), Christian J. Strohmenger, Max Engel, Kim T. Peis, Anna Pint, Helmut Brückner, Ruqaiya A. Yousif, and John Rivers, #51309 (2016).
PS NMR Analysis of a Bimodal Pre-Khuff Clastic Pore System, Andrea Valori, David Forsyth, Gabor Hursan, and Wael Abdallah, #41913 (2016).
Understanding the Root Cause of Poor Seismic Data Through Modelling, Anastasia Poole and Peter V. Baaren, #41912 (2016).
PS Turning Challenges into Opportunity - Lessons Learnt from Data Acquisition in HPHT Horizontal Wells, Andreas P. Briner, Sergio Tessari, and Ali Mahrouqi, #41904 (2016).
3-D Surface-Wave Estimation and Separation Using an Iterative Closed-Loop Approach, Tomohide Ishiyama and Gerrit Blacquiere, #41898 (2016).
PS Designing and Implementing Applied Geosciences Bachelor and Master Programs Tailored for the Gulf Region, Wilfried Bauer, Michaela Bernecker, Bernhard Heim, Ekkehard Holzbecher, and Wiekert Visser, #70223 (2016).
Dual Porosity, Dual Permeability Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir with Integration of Fracture Characterization, Hugo Caetano, Reza Iskandar, Sahid Sutanto, Elena Niculescu, Magdy Hozayen, Umer Farooq, Vincent de Groen, Solenne Roosz, and Ghislain de Joussineau, #20366 (2016).
Determining Depositional History Through Use of Cognitive Interpretation , Ryan Williams and Rachael Moore, #41891 (2016).
The Application of Data Conditioning, Frequency Decomposition, and RGB Colour Blending in the Gohta Discovery (Barents Sea, Norway), Syed Fakhar Gilani, Luis Gomez, and Ryan Williams, #41890 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Saturation Prediction from Full-Stack Seismic Data Using Probabilistic Neural Network, Islam A. Mohamed, #41881 (2016).
PS Kahil Air-FTG® (Full Tensor Gradiometery) Survey, Case Study of Non-Seismic Advances, Elias Al Kharusi, Colm Murphy, Christopher Bellamy, and Saada Al-Rawahi, #41880 (2016).
Near-Surface Characterization for Seismic Exploration Based on Gravity and Resistivity Data, Jan Mrlina, #41892 (2016).
A Novel Way to Acquire Data in a Safe, Reliable and Cost-Effective Manner by the Use of Autonomous Marine Vehicles, Sudhir Pai and Tim Perrin, #41889 (2016).
Performance of Seismic Arrays in the Presence of Weathering Layer Variations, Jubran Akram and Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, #41841 (2016).
Fully Controlled Sampling Workflow for Multi-Scale X-Ray Imaging of Complex Reservoir Rock Samples to be Used for Digital Rock Physics, Sven Roth, Youli Hong, Hrishikesh Bale, Tianpeng Zhao, Sreenivas Bhattiprolu, Matthew Andrew, Chai Weichao, Jeff Gelb, and Benjamin Hornberger, #41840 (2016).
Unconventional Approach to Estimate Permeability of Thin Beds in a Carbonate Reservoir with Vertical Interference Testing, Christophe Bassem Maalouf, Salem Al Jaberi, Irina Baca Espinoza, F.Elarouci, S. Smith, and H.Khairy, #41834 (2016).
Reservoir Characterization of Water Zone above Oil-Water Contact in a Carbonate Reservoir, Offshore Abu Dhabi, Christophe Bassem Maalouf, Irina Baca Espinoza, Nusrat Afrin Afzal, Jorge Costa Gomes, and Salem Al-Jaberi, #41833 (2016).
Calibration of Seismic Fracture Model Using Dynamic Data and Borehole Images: An Example of Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Victor Ivanov and Reza Iskandar, #41861 (2016).
3D Inversion of Crosswell Electromagnetic Data Collected between Extremely Spaced Horizontal Wells, Ping Zhang, Alberto Marsala, Stig Lyngra, Wael Abdallah, and Mike Wilt, # 41860 (2016).
PS Origin of the Mid-Cretaceous Heavy Oils from the Safaniya Sandstone Reservoir, (Wasia Formation), Saudi Arabia, Ranya Algeer, Haiping Huang, and Steve R. Larter, #51277 (2016).
The Shale Activity Test (SAT), Konstandinos Zamfes, Chris Smart, and Steve Zamfes, #41855 (2016).
Analytical Formation Sampling During Drilling Using OPAL – On Surface Petrophysical Analytical Logging, Konstandinos Zamfes, Chris Smart, and Steve Zamfes, #41854 (2016).
Identifying a Bypassed Reservoir in Limestone "A" Sequence with Magnetic Resonance While Drilling, Oscar Morales, Fabricio Sierra, Nidal Hazboun, Guillermo Saucedo, Vikas Jain, Nate Bachman, and Kais Gzara, #41843 (2016).
Facies Analysis and Permeability Estimation in Late Cretaceous Giant Carbonate Reservoir using LWD Technology: A Case Study in Sabriyah Field, North Kuwait, Ahmed Elsherif, Kais Gzara, Hossam Ibrahim, and J. Krafft, #41842 (2016).
Unconventional Shale Hydraulic Fracturability-Effect of Porosity and Pore Shapes, Naeem-Ur-Rehman Minhas and Guodong Jin, #41837 (2016).
Steam Piloting in the Aruma Reservoir, Awali Field, Bahrain, Stanley W. Stearns, Aamer Al Balushi, Arief Hendroyono, and Mark R. Lambert, #20362 (2016).
Integrating Production and XPT Analysis for Field Development in a Complicated Carbonate Reservoir, Bahrain Field, Omar Matar and Khamis Al Abdali, #20361 (2016).
Predicting Tilted Fluid Contacts: Case Study from a Carbonate Reservoir in NW Oman, Mohammed Al Kindi and Ibrahim Al Ismaili, #20360 (2016).
3D Modelling of Longshore Bar Deposit in Modern Fluvial Dominated Delta: Case Study of Wulan Delta, Demak, Central Java Province, Hasan Tri Atmojo, Hanif Indra Wicaksana, Achmad Rizal, Irfan Cibaj, Hadi Nugroho, and Dwandari Ralanarko, #51274 (2016).
Reef Constructors of the Wuchiapingian Jablonna Buildup (Western Poland), Tadeusz M. Peryt, Pawel Raczynski, and Danuta Peryt, #51273 (2016).
An Overlooked Devonian Sequence – Sea-Level Changes During Middle Bakken Member Deposition, and the Importance of Clastic Dykes in the Lower Bakken Shale, North Dakota, USA, Sven Egenhoff, #51272 (2016).
Event Deposition in Shales – Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, USA, and Bjørkåsholmen Formation, Sweden, Sven Egenhoff, Neil Fishman, Per Ahlberg, Joerg Maletz, and Stanley T. Paxton, #51271 (2016).
Hanifa-Tuwaiq Mountain Zone: The Edge between Conventional and Unconventional Systems?, Yahya Al Ansari, Ahmed Fateh, Ali Shehab, Ghada Almoulani, Anindya Ghosh, Aqeel Ahmed, and Suresh Thampi, #80539 (2016).
Reservoir Characterization While Drilling – A Real Time Geosteering Answer to Maximize Well Values: A Case Study, Offshore Abu Dhabi, Amr Serry, Larisa Tagareiva, and Ulrich Herz, #20363 (2016).
What is Rt? Logging-While-Drilling and Wireline Resistivity Measurements Spotlighted: An Offshore Case Study in Abu Dhabi, Amr Serry, Sultan Budebes, Hassan Aboujmeih, Ahmet Aki, and Michael Bittar, #41839 (2016).
In-Situ Analysis of Traces, Minor and Major Elements in Rocks and Soils with a Portable XRF Spectrometer, Anthony Thomas, Joachim Heckel, and Dirk Wissmann, #41836 (2016).
Wettability Alteration During Low Salinity Waterflooding: Effect Oil Composition and Divalent Cations, Jie Yang, Zhaoxia Dong, Zihao Yang, Meiqin Lin, Juan Zhang, and Chen Chen, #41835 (2016).
Drilling Risk Assessment through Joint EM and Seismic Data Integrated Interpretation, Gang Yu, Zhanxiang He, Haicong Chen, Zhigang Wang, Jinchen Qin, and Yuyu Meng, #41832 (2016).
Experiences with Dual-Sensor Towed Streamer Acquisition and Imaging in the Eastern Mediterranean, Martin Widmaier and Øystein Lie, #41831 (2016).
Predicting Pore Pressure in Carbonates: A Review, Sam Green, Stephen A. O'Connor, and Alexander P. Edwards, #41830 (2016).
Prestack Seismic Data Inversion for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization in China, Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Uwe Strecker, and Maggie Smith, #41829 (2016).
Optimizing Oil Development of a Super K Compartmentalized Reservoir with Large Gas Cap and Bottom Water Aquifer "Case Study", Ashraf El Gazar, Saleh A. Bin Sumaidaa, Mohamad Yousef Alklih, Syofvas Syofyan, and Tariq Ali Al Shabibi, #20359 (2016).
Libya and the Great Challenges of Overcoming Difficulties to Exploring and Producing Shale Gas, and Tight Reservoirs (Shale Oil) Potential, Edres A. Abualkhir, #10850 (2016).
Geosteering through Challenging Fractured Limestone Reservoir Becomes Achievable Utilizing High Definition Multi-Layer Boundary Mapping Technology – Case Study from a Deep Gas Reservoir, Saad A. Al-Ajmi, Chinmaya Pattnaik, Ahmed E. Al-Dawood, Qasem Dashti, Abdul Aziz H. Al-Failakawi, Sandeep Chakravorty, Chandan J. Keot, and Khaled M. El-Derini, #41828 (2016).
Establishing Minimum Economic Field Size and Analysing its Role in Exploration Project Risks Assessment: Three Examples, Virendra Singh, Elena Izaguirre, Ivan Yemez, and Horacio Stigliano, #41827 (2016).
GTW, Source Rocks of the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 25-26, 2016
- AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop, Source Rocks of the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 25-26, 2016, Abstracts, #90252 (2016).
Predicting the Quality of Petroleums Generated by Lower Paleozoic Source Rocks, MENA Region, Brian Horsfield, Tiem Vu, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, and Victoria Sachse, #41823 (2016).
Source Rock Kinetics: Goal and Perspectives, Mathieu Ducros, #41822 (2016).
Source Rocks: Global and Regional Control on Organic Matter Accumulation: Middle East Examples, A-Y. Huc, #30456 (2016).
Qualifying Source Rock Properties with Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics, Armin I. Kauerauf, Oliver C. Mullins, Kang Wang, and Oluwaseun A. Fadipe, #41815 (2016).
PS Prediction of Carbonate Reservoirs Pore Pressure and Porosity in Onshore Abu Dhabi Using Petroleum Systems Modeling Technology, Oluwaseun A. Fadipe, Radzieman Mohamad, Andy MacGregor, Aziza Bouhlel, Abdelwahab Noufal, Manhal Sirat, and D. Popa, #41812 (2016).
PS 3D Numerical Stratigraphic Model for Basin Scale Modeling of the Organic Matter Deposition in a Marine Environment: Application to the Natih Formation (Late Cretaceous, Oman), Benoit Chauveau, Didier Granjeon, and Mathieu Ducros, #41810 (2016).
GTW, Hydrocarbon Seals of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, January 18-20, 2016
- AAPG/EAGE Geoscience Technology Workshop, Hydrocarbon Seals of the Middle East, Muscat, Oman, January 18-20, 2016, Abstracts, #90251 (2016).
PS Integration of MICP Data with Logs, as a Means to Improve Reservoir and Seal Characterization, Philippe Rabiller, #42013 (2017).
Calibrating Seal Risk against Global Analogues and Observations: Where Does the Middle East Fit?, Duncan Macgregor and Roger Davies, #41825 (2016).
Sealing – What Are We Risking?, Mark Hollanders and Steven Bloemendaal, #41824 (2016).
Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates, Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, and Quentin Fisher, #41821 (2016).
Characterization of Major Seals in Zubair Reservoir Leading to Multiple Fluid Contacts: Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait, Francia A. Galea Alvarez and Lamyaa Bogammaz, #20353 (2016).
PS Integrated Geomechanical Approach in Characterizing Sealing Capability of Faults in Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs, Abu Dhabi, Manhal Sirat, Ashok Shinde, and Satya Perumalla, #41808 (2016).
GTW, Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 23-24, 2015
- AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop, Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 23-24, 2015, Abstracts, #90247 (2016).
Evolution of the Middle Triassic - Middle Jurassic Tight Reservoirs in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Jialiang Hu, Johan Witte, and Fernando Neves, #51256 (2016).
PS Structurally-Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomitization: A Case Study of the Cretaceous Qamchuqa Formation, Zagros Basin, Kurdistan Iraq, Kareem H. Kareem, Ihsan S. Al-Aasm, and Howri Mansurbeg, #51253 (2016).
PS Fault-Controlled Dolomitization of Upper Cretaceous Reservoirs, Zagros Basin, Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Degradation, Howri Mansurbeg, Daniel Morad, Rushdy Othman, Sadoon Morad, Andrea Ceriani, Ihsan Al-Aasm, Kamal Kolo, Jean Noel Proust, Alain Preat, and Hemin Koyi, #51249 (2016).
PS Stylolites and Porosity in a Lower Cretaceous Limestone Reservoir, Onshore Abu Dhabi, Stephen N. Ehrenberg, Liu Yaxin, and Sadoon Morad, #51248 (2016).
GTW, Tight Reservoirs in the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 28-30, 2013
- AAPG Middle East Region Meeting (GTW), Tight Reservoirs in the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 28-30, 2013, Abstracts #90275 (2017).
GTW, Challenges of New Frontier Offshore Deep-water Hydrocarbon Basins: Focus on Levant Basin and East Mediterranean, Beirut, Lebanon, May 27-29, 2013
- AAPG Middle East Region Meetng (GTW), Challenges of New Frontier Offshore Deep-water Hydrocarbon Basins: Focus on Levant Basin and East Mediterranean, Beirut, Lebanon, May 27-29, 2013, Abstracts #90273 (2017).
GTW, Exploring and Producing Fractured Reservoirs in the Middle East Amman, Jordan, April 22-24, 2013
- AAPG Middle East Region Meeting, Exploring and Producing Fractured Reservoirs in the Middle East Amman, Jordan, April 22-24, 2013, Abstracts #90271 (2016).
GTW, Geosteering and Well Placement in Thin Reservoirs, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, February 25-27, 2013
- AAPG Middle East Region Meeting, Geosteering and Well Placement in Thin Reservoirs, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, February 25-27, 2013, Abstracts #90269 (2016).
GTW, Fracture Monitoring Using Passive Seismic, Dubai, UAE, January 28-30, 2013