Enhancing Groundwater Sustainability in Arid Areas: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Approaches,
Osman Abdalla
Assessing Milankovitch Forcing in the Middle Eocene Carbonates, Saudi Arabia: Insights to Carbonate Parasequences Development and Reservoir Predictions,
Misbahu Abdullahi, Taimur Khan, Samer Aljurf, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Adhipa Herlambang
Tectonic History and Structural Development of the Zallah-Dur al Abd Sub-Basin, Western Sirt Basin, Libya,
Khalifa Abdunaser
Technical and Behavioral Biases in Exploration: Examples from the Middle East,
Abdulkader Afifi
The Impact of Detailed Fault Characterization on Field Development Planning,
Ufuoma A. Akpomeyoma, Yahya Al Shereiqi, John Solum, Kachi Onyeagoro, Leytzher Muro Del Mar, Mutsam Al Ghammari, Yaqoob Al Rashdi, Salim Al-Amri
Advanced Digital Rock Physics Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs with Rich Kerogen Content,
Abrar Alabbad, Jack Dvorkin
Unlock Potential and Applied First Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Stimulation in Tight Carbonate, North Kuwait,
Nour Alaboud, Sabry A. Eissa
Unlocking More Upper Gharif Opportunities through a Robust Work Flow Integrating Core Data, Well Logs, Seismic and Updated Regional Framework,
Marwa Y. Al Abri, Ali Al Hajri, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy
The Evolution of Dual Extended Laterals to Optimize Production and Economics in Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs of Oman,
Muhja Al Adawi, Gabriel Poduska, Saliha Al Hinai, Hajer Al Musalhi, Shihab Al Rudaini
*Variations in Illite Concentration: A Mapping Tool for Porosity Preservation in Tight Clastic Deep Reservoirs,
Mohammed H. Al Ahmad, Fahd A. Almalki, Andrew Rees
Composition, Origin, and Maturation of the Paleozoic Source Rocks Outcrop Analogue, Saudi Arabia,
Mamdoh Alajmia, Abdulrahman Alotaibi, Ayman Qadrouh, Hassan M. Baioumy, Majed Almalki, Mazen Alyousif, Abdulrahman Bin Rogaib
Unlocking Hidden Potential: A Case Study of Carbonate Field B's Transformation Through Step-Out Drilling,
Ahmed Al Araimi
Evaluation of the Aptian Lower Shuaiba Formation in the Downthrown Block of the Natih Fault Sultanate of Oman,
Sulaiman AlBadi, Mohammed Farfour, Khalid AlShuaili
A New Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation Scheme for the Lower Shuaiba Formation, Block 60,
Central Oman,
Sharif S. Al Bahri, Dean Baker, Nigel Mountney, Richard Collier, Adam McArthur, Quentin Fisher
Depositional and Diagenetic Characteristics of a Complex Ediacaran Carbonate Reservoir: The Khufai Formation of the East-Central Sultanate of Oman,
Said A. Al Balushi, Paul Grech, Khalid Al Rahbi, William Fitchen, William S. Mills
Appraising a Forgotten Thin Reservoir: Optimizing the Placement of Horizontal Wells Within the Intra Rahab Sand, Field M, South Oman,
Shamsa A. Al Batrani
An Assessment of Carbon Storage Parameters in Unused Reservoirs: A Case Study in Central Oman,
Maram A. Al Belushi
Innovative GANs and AI for Well Log Data Synthesis, Imputation, and Anomaly Detection,
Abdulrahman Ahmed A. Al-Fakih, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, S. Kaka, Tapan Mukerji, Sadam Al-Azani
Towards Unlocking the Potential of the Upper Gharif Sands in Block-60, Oman,
Sulaiman Z. Al Farqani, Kamel Djaouti, Nabil Mrabti, Mohammed Al Mughairy
Silica Replacement of Rudist Shells,
Najat I. Al Fudhaili, Matthias López Correa, Axel Munnecke, Claudio Mazzoli, Jaroslaw Stolarski
De-Risking Hydrocarbon Charge for the Post Salt Haushi- Haima Play in the Greater Harweel Area, South Oman Salt Basin (SOSB),
Kauthar M. Al Hadhrami, Reem Al-Harthi, Michael Akpokodje, Mohamed Al Ghammari
Unlocking Cambrian Amin Reservoir Using Machine Learning and Conventional Deterministic Seismic Inversions, Sultanate of Oman,
Mahra M. Al Hadhrami, Said Al Busaidi, Othman Al Harrasi, Ali Al Hajri, Shiv Prakash, Stephane Gesbert, Tom Merrifield
Unlocking Miqrat Potential with New Integrated Evaluation,
Salim N. Al Hajri, Khalil Al Rashdi, Mohammed Al-Harthi, German D. Merletti
Microfacies Analysis, Diagenesis and Chemostratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous Habshan Carbonate Formation in Jabal Akhdar, Northern Oman: Insights into Reservoir Characterization,
Intisar I. Alhamadani, Mohamed Moustafa, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi
Discovering Tertiary Reservoir Potential, Challenges and Appraisal Journey,
Mohammed S. Al Harrasi, Azzan Al Harrasi, Ahmed Nasser Al Naabi, Marwa Al Harthi, Musallam Al Rawahi, Salim Al Siyabi, Khamis Al Subhi
Guiding Exploration and Development of the Cretaceous Shuaiba Carbonate Using Quantitative Interpretation: Success, Failure and Future,
Othman Al Harrasi, Mahra M. Al Hadhrami, Karima Fayez, Said Al Busaidi
Study of Heterogeneity and Complexity of Sand Reservoirs Utilizing Surveillance Techniques and Production: A Case Study of the Permian Gharif Sandstones Reservoir in a Giant Heavy Oil Field, South Central Oman,
Mohammed K. Al Hashmi
Safiq Deposition and Impact on Trapping Potential Along Western Flank of Oman Basin,
Mohammed Al Hinai, Kamel Djaouti, Mohammed Al Mughairy
The Maradi Fault Zone (Oman): Revealing Complex Structural Elements with Multiple and Different Trapping Mechanisms, Awaiting Rediscovery,
Mohammed Al Hooti, Mohammed Farfour, Miguel Glukstad
A Step Change: Faster Land Seismic Acquisition with Blended Source Compressive Sensing in the Sultanate of Oman,
Mohammed Al Hosni, Uche Aigbokhai, Taimur Al-AlWadhahi, Ali Al-Ismaili, Ahmed Al-Raqmi, Omaima AlDroushi, Ahmed AlHarthi, Israa Al-Hinai
Pitching for a Cradle-to-Gate Carbon Footprint Calculator for the Marble Industry in Oman,
Arshad Ali, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, Sobhi Nasir, Salah Al Khirbash, Mohamed Moustafa, Imran Khan, Muhammad Ali
Impacts of Caprock Wettability and Rock-Fluid Interfacial Tension on Hydrogen and CO2 Geo-Storage,
Muhammad Ali, Thomas Finkbeiner, Hussein Hoteit
Streamlining Core to Log Depth Adjustment Workflow for Accurate Matching,
Zainab Alibrahim, Yaser Zayer, Chicheng Xu
Facies Characteristics, Depositional Environment, and Biostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous Shallow Bioclastic Simsima Formation along the Oman Mountain Belt,
Mithaa S. Al-Jabri
Utilizing Seismic Inversion to Reduce Uncertainties in a Central Oman Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (CCS),
Fadi AlJiroudi
Unlocking The Reservoir Flow and Water Saturation Evaluation in South Kuwait Area Using Production Logging and Pulsed Neutron Measurements While Lifting theWell by Flow Jet Pump Technology,
Haneen A. Alkandari
Breakthrough Thinking Regarding the Enigmatic Athel Siliciylites of the South Oman Salt Basin,
Laiyyan Al Kharusi, Ali Al Haddabi
An Integrated Assessment of the Petroleum Systems of the Central Oman Akhdar Group – New Insights on the Key Ingredients for Success,
Asma S. Al Kindi
Understanding Triassic Sudair Trap Configuration and Rock Properties Through Quantitative Interpretation, Sultanate of Oman,
Abla M. Al Kiyumi, Othman Al Harrasi, Iman Al Rashdi
Steam Generation using Renewables Energy – Integrated Green Energy Solution for EOR Operations,
Abbas Al Lawati, Idis H. Al Siyabi, Mohammed Lawati, Mustafa Al Ajmi, Hamed Al Hashmi, Shaikha Al Harthy
Unraveling the Complexity of the Low-Resistivity Pay Zones in the Natih Formation,
Anisa N. Almahadhour, Ghazi Kraishan, Hussain Al Najwani, Soubhik Chatterjee
Diagenetic Mechanism Based Dolomite Mapping,
Thamer H. Almahamidh, Sihai Zhang
Influence of Well-to-Fault Distance on Hydrothermal Dolomitization and Reservoir Quality,
Thamer H. Almahamidh, Sihai Zhang
Development of an Automated Thin Section Image Analysis Using Machine Learning and Image Processing Technologies for the Oil and Gas Industry,
Raua Al Maskari, Frederic Knap, Farhad Khalilzadeh, Pelinsu Celebi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy, Zuwaina Al Rawahi,
Nawwar Al-Sinawi, Shamsa Al Brashdi
The Evolution and Deployment of Land FWI in PDO: Background/History (2010-2023), Accelerated Delivery, Challenges, Latest Preferred Workflow, Highlighting the Need for eFWI and the Shift to FWI-Imaging and QIFWI,
Safa Al Maskari, Moosa Al Jahdhami, Ahmed Al Obeidi, Mohammed Al Balushi, Ahmed Al Harthi, Qais Al Siyabi,
Martin Dvorak, Omaima Al Darwshi, Waleed S. Alwardi, Mohammed Al Ismaili
*Application of Modern Geophysical Tools to Mature Exploration Prospect and Reduce Risks and Uncertainties in an Oil Field Located in the Onshore Partition Zone (PZ) Between the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia,
Maryam Dawoud AlMejren AlBanwan, Jayanta Thakur, Suresh Subramaniam, Jamal Al-Rubaiyea
*Integrating Core Data with Well Log Data for Petrophysical Rock Typing and Permeability Estimation: A Case Study of 2nd Eocene Carbonate Reservoirs in the Wafra Field Located in the Onshore Partition Zone (PZ) Between the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Maryam Dawoud AlMejren AlBanwan, Jayanta Thakur, Ranjit Subudhi, Jamal Al-Rubaiyea
Mudstones Sealing Capacity of the Cenozoic Formations of the Red Sea Basin,
Fatimah Almohsen, Richard Collier, Quentin Fisher
Wireless Field Communication Protocols Analogy for Wellhead Monitoring & Upstream SCADA in Kuwait Oil Company: A Review,
Huda A. AlMutairi
Transformative Approach to Enhancing Water Well Integrity and Monitoring in KOCWest Kuwait Fields:
A Case Study,
Huda A. AlMutairi
Advancements in Oil and Gas Operations through Integration of Remote Sensing Ligowave Technology with Downhole Gauges: A Case Study from Kuwait Oil Company,
Huda A. AlMutairi
Regional Seismic Interpretation for Understanding Thrusting Mechanisms and Its Time: An Example from Western Flank of South Oman Salt Basin,
Hilal S. Al Obaidani
The Potential of Ca-Bearing Zeolites in CO2 Mineralization,
Abdulwahab S. Alqahtani, Mouadh Addassi, Eric Oelkers, Hussein Hoteit
Evaluating Structural Control on Clastic Reservoirs Fluid Distribution,
Saleh A. Alqahtani, Ibrahim Alfraih, Mohammad Mohanna, Osama Tuwayrib
Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Neoproterozoic Ara Carbonates in the South Oman Salt Basin,
Salma A. Al Rahbi, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, Mohamed Moustafa, Zuwaina Al Rawahi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy
Benefits of Automation of Well Model Management in Digital Transformation Journey,
Hamad AlRashedi, Batoul Muhsain, Bodour A. Abosido, Sahil Singh, Nitesh Negi, Daniel Cordoba
Unveiling the Potential of Lower Cambrian Karim Formation in the Eastern South Oman Salt Basin through Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Evaluation,
Husam Al Rawahi, Badar Al Thohli, Azhar Al Rashdi, Salmeen Al Marjibi, Badar Baloushi
Unlocking Potential Opportunities and Addressing Challenges in the Jurassic Mafraq Reservoir in Oman,
Ghadeer Al-Rawahi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy, Irene Gomez-Perez
Challenges in Building and Calibrating Mechanical Earth Models in Complex Tight-Gas Reservoirs for Hydraulic Fracture Optimization Projects,
Sawsan S. Al Sadi, German D. Merletti, Peter Armitage, Safa Al Breiki
Tectonic Evolution and Architecture of Dammam Dome,
Mohammed Alsaleh, Mohammed Almarhoon, Abdullah Alabbad
Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Late Neoproterozoic Buah Formation Based on Core Data from East Central Oman,
Mazin Al-Salmani, Mohamed Moustafa, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, John Smewing, Alex Ilic
True Formation Resistivity: A Comparative Study of True Formation Resistivity Inverted from Laterolog and EM Resistivity Sensors in a High-Angle Well – A Case Study from Oman,
Samya AlSawafi, Ahmed Taher, Mohamed AlMahrouqi, Hanan AlAmri, Saleem AlShukri
Application of LWD Formation Tester for Reservoir Characterization in Low Permeability Carbontes Wells,
Samya AlSawafi, Ahmed Taher, Mubarak Al Maharbi, Anindya Das
Regional to Field-Scale Structural Reconstruction: The Key in Understanding the Paleo-Topography and Building a Conceptional Depositional Model of a Complex Glacial Reservoirs – A Case Study from South of Oman,
Mohammed Al Senani, Fiona Fairhurst, Osama Al Zadjali
Re-Building the Reservoir Architecture through 4-D Field-Life Geodynamics: A Waterflood Management Case Study from South of Oman,
Mohammed Al Senani, Raul Moreno, Ali Al Shabibi
Integrated Charge Evaluation of a Prospect in South Oman Salt Basin,
Sabra H. Al Shaqsi, Mohamed Al Ghammari, Bushra Al Mamari
Fast Track Development of a Carbonate Field in North of Oman,
Marwa A. Al Shaqsi, Fahad Al Qassabi
Optimizing Pre-stack Seismic Processing and AVO Inversion Workflows to Unlock Permian Gharif Reservoir, Sultanate of Oman,
Faisal K. Al Shukaili, Othman Al Harrasi, Moosa Al Jahdhami
Sedimentology and Diagenesis of the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation, Southern Margin of the Arabian Plate,
Fatimah Alsinan, Matthieu Deville de Periere, Cathy Hollis
First Systematic Evaluation of Dolomitized Jurassic Carbonate Platforms,Western High Atlas, Morocco: Processes and Impact on Reservoir Properties,
Nawwar Al-Sinawi, Cathy Hollis, Aude Duval-Arnould, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Stefan Schröder, Jonathan Redfern
Understanding the Salt Distribution in ARA Stringer Reservoir and its Impact on the Field Compartmentalization: A Case Study from South of Sultanate of Oman,
Rashid AL Siyabi
Mapping Facies and Distribution of Lateral Reservoir Properties in the Aptian Lower Shuaiba Formation: A Case Study from an Oil Field in Northern Sultanate of Oman,
Shahlaa A. Al Suahi, Mohamed Moustafa, Claude Hasler, Mohamed A. El-Ghali
Integrated 4D Microgravity to Monitoring a Steamflooding in a Heavy Oil Field,
Yousaf Y. Al Sulaimi, Mahra Hadhrami, Ahmed al Raqmi, Ali Al Ismaili, James Shorter, Jan Stammeijer, Sultan Al Bulushi
Lower Shuaiba Facies Mapping in Al Huwaisah Field, North of Sultanate of Oman,
Ahmed M. Al Sulaimi, Asad Ilyas
Deep Insights Using Wells Around Formation Issues [WAFI]: A Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Field Issues from Daily Drilling Reports,
Ahmad A. Al-Taha, Tariq Al Sulaimani, Al Salt Al Bahri
Enabling Digital Transformation by Automating the Well Trajectory Design,
Haitham Al Tamimi, Carlos Alberto Moreno
A Sustainable Approach to Conservation and Development,
Hussam Al Turki
Integrated Advanced Surface Analysis and Petrophysics Formation Evaluation for Enhanced
Reservoir Characterization,
Shaikha F. AlTurki
Applying Sequence Stratigraphy to Unlock New Sub-Play Concepts in the Early Cretaceous Lekhwair-Habshan-Salil (LHS), North Oman,
Nada N. Al Wahaibi, Emma Butler
Spotlight 4D Monitoring of Steam Injection Using Single Source Single Receiver Technique,
Waleed S. Alwardi
Revealing the Exploration Potential of Subtle Natih Truncation Traps in North Oman, Resulting in the Recent Discovery,
Rihab A. Alyaarubi, S. Al Barashdi, G. Hughes, A. Abdul Husain, A. Al Kiyumi, A. Al Kindi, R. Al Harthi, M. Ruiz,
M. Al Ghammari, U. Ghulam, I. Al Rashdi, H. Al Shuaili
Optimizing Well Placement in Heterogenous Carbonate Reservoir Utilizing a New Generation of High Definition Mapping Tool,
Hiyam Al Yahyai, Ahmed Taher, Ahmed Al Araimi
Integrated Petrophysical Model to Correct Shale Volume for Porosity Determination,
Jawaher M. Al-Yahyai, Majid A. Hasani, Said Al-Balushi
Overcoming Unconformities and Laterally Variable Lithology for Optimal Well Placement,
Hiyam Al Yahyai, Ahmed Taher, Mohammed Al Badi, Nigel Clegg, Mohamed Hosni Shoaib
Hydrocarbon Exploration in Intra-Basinal Highs: Workflow and Best Practices Learnt from the Johan Sverdrup Giant Oil Field,
Alejandro Amilibia, Oskar Vidal Royo, Frederic O. Escosa
*Obtaining a Complete Well Log Dataset Using Artificial Intelligence Tools,
H. Uzkeda Apesteguia, O. Vidal Royo, A. Amilibia, F. O. Escosa
Geological Evaluation of the CO2 Storage Potential and Possible CCS Development in the Central Area of Paraná State, Brazil,
Agustina Arietti, Valentina Marous, Mariana E. Patamia, Alberto Cesar Ortiz, Viviana R. Aguirre
Successful Near Field Exploration Case Study from Permian Alkhlata Sandstone and Cambrian Ara/Birba Dolomite Oil Discoveries in the Sultanate of Oman,
Pipin Ariyanto
Hydrocarbon Trapping Mechanisms in Hybrid Conventional and Unconventional Gas System,
Khaled R. Arouri, Saleh A. Alqahtani
3-D Magnetotelluric (MT) Modelling Using Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) Data as Constraints for Imaging the Geothermal Reservoir in Saudi Arabia,
Abdul Latif Ashadi, Bülent Tezkan, Pritam Yogeshwar, Tilman Hanstein, Panagiotis Kirmizakis, Abid Khogali,
Ahmed AlShaibani, Pantelis Soupios
Eff0-UNet: A Novel Deep Learning Architecture for Subsurface Salt Body Segmentation,
Joshua Atolagbe, Olabisi Adekeye, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Olalekan Akindele
Neoichnological Characteristics of Hypersaline Environments: Insights from the East Coast of Saudi Arabia,
Korhan Ayranci, Ibrahim A. AlHilali, Ammar Abdlmutalib, Sinatrya D. Prayudi, Michael A. Kaminski, Andrew D. La Croix, Shahin E. Dashtgard
Assessing the Dependability of Machine Learning Outcomes in Geosciences: Insights from Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Image Analysis,
Korhan Ayranci, Isa E. Yildirim, Umair Waheed, Umut E. Yildirim, James MacEachern
Turbidite Outcrops from Malaysia: Analogues for the Deep-Water Petroleum System,
Hassan M. Baioumy
Application of AI Based Seismic Data Quality Enhancement to Update Lower Pliocene Stratigraphic Framework in the South Caspian Basin,
Rashad Bakhtiyev, Elnur Aghataghiyev, Orkhan Mammadov
How Regional Partnerships Can Impact Industrial Decarbonization Efforts: An Overview of the Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership of theWestern USA,
Robert S. Balch, Brian McPherson, George El-Kaseeh, Jennifer Raney
Automated Carbonate and Siliciclastic Core Lithotypes Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks,
Evgeny E. Baraboshkin, Evdokiya A. Panchenko, Andrey E. Demidov, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Denis M. Orlov,
Dmitry A. Koroteev
The Value of Re-Processing Legacy Onshore Seismic Data with Advanced Workflows,
Ahmed S. Barakat, David M. McCarthy, Shady Hassan, Mostafa Khalil, Oleg Khakimov, Khyzer Munir, Andrew Sutherland, Mokhles Ahmed
Accelerating GOGD Long Tail Volumes in Fractured Carbonate Field through Data Integration,
Khalda H. Barwani, Manish Choudhary, Fatema Abu Qasida, Fahad Hosni
Recent Developments in Geoscience Education – the Middle East Perspective,
Wilfried Bauer
*Illumination Compensation Effect of Least Squares Migration on Seismic Imaging,
Wang Binggang, Ding Chengzhen, Yu Ming, Wu Xiaofeng, Chen Xin, Song Jiawen, Gao Jiangtao, Shen Yang, Chen Yingpeng,
Qi Qunli, Zhaomin, Wang Xi, Kang Xupeng
*Near-Seabed Velocity Modeling Techniques of Pre-Stack Depth Migration for Shallow Water Marine Data,
Wang Binggang, Ding Chengzhen, Yu Ming, Chen Xin, Song Jiawen, Chen Yingpeng, Hu Xin, Gao Jiangtao, Dong Qingyu,
Zhang Dan, Cheng Hu, Zhang Ran, Wang Xi, Kang Xupeng
An Integrated Sedimentological, Geochemical and Rock Mechanical Facies Classification for the Evaporite Facies of the Hith and Arab Formation (Saudi Arabia) – Implications for Seal Integrity,
Nicolas Boehm, Mohammed Aldossary, Juan Andrade Marquez, Maria Camila Sierra Hernandez, Yuriy Kaprielov,
Frans van Buchem, Thomas Finkbeiner
The Value of Local Calibration of Column Heights in Prospect Evaluation,
Hege Marit N. Bolås, Philipp Müller, Christan Hermanrud, Gunn Teige, Vegard Sangolt
Agile and Iterative Workflows for Swift Development Planning: Transforming Oil Field Development in Central Oman,
Renato Borbajo, Behrooz Bashokooh
Seal Rock Characterization for CCUS Feasibility: A Case Study from Dutch Offshore North Sea,
Herman Boro
An Integrated Basin Screening Approach to Identify Carbon Storage Potential in the Java Sea,
James F. Brachio, Joseph Jennings, Christopher Gravestock, Thomas Jewell
Geoscientists and Net Zero by 2050,
Ford Brett
Geothermal in the Oilfield: An Operational Example from Nevada, USA, and a Template for the Middle East,
Benjamin C. Burke
Revitalizing a Mature Basin in North Oman with an Integrated Modeling Workflow to Unlock Subtle Truncation Traps in a Well-Known Reservoir,
Emma Butler, Bushra S. AL Shukaili
Application of a Physics-embedded Machine Learning Workflow to Manage and Optimize Operations of a Large Waterflood Field,
Carlos Mario Calad Serrano, Rachel Lint, Guadalupe Castano, Pallav Sarma, Javad Rafiee, Sherif S. Abdelmoneim
A Comprehensive Pre-Migration Solution for Multiple Attenuation in South of Oman,
Diego Carotti, Jean-Baptiste Mitschler, Jean-Michel Deprey, Nick Benfield, Herve Farran, Suleiman Al Kindi
Results of Drilling and Stimulation Activity in the Southern Taroom Trough, Queensland, Australia – The Discovery of a New Deep Play in Permian Sediments,
Greg Channon, Pete Bekkers, Shaun C. Ramsden, Neil Young
Machine Learning for Lithofacies Prediction – A Fast, High-Resolution, and Economic Alternative to Seismic Inversion,
Alvaro Chaveste, Rocky Roden, Tom Smith
Cenomanian and Turonian Shallow Water Carbonates from the Western Arabian Plate Margin (Jordan): Facies, Sequence- & Chemo-Stratigraphy,
Tojo Chirakal, Carine Grélaud, Jihede H. Messaoud, Amir Kalifi, Frans van Buchem, Prof. Khalil Ibrahim, John Powell
Recent Developments in Land Nodal Seismic Data Acquisition,
Andrew Clark, Said K. AlAlawi
Kiskunhalas Trough, Southern Hungary: Seismic-Driven Appraisal Program Unlocks Low-Permeability, Syn-rift, Gas-Condensate Play,
Paul R. Clarke, Chris Cornelius, Matthew McChesney
Characterizing Remaining Potential of the Eastern Flank of the Ghaba Salt Basin, Oman, Using Play Fairway Analysis,
Ian Cockerill, Omar Al Mamari, Ian Longley, Paul Ventris
Age of the Basement to the Arabian Petroleum System: U-Pb Zircon/Apatite and In-Situ Rb-Sr LA-ICP-MS/MS Dates from Beneath Central and East Saudi Arabia,
Alan S. Collins, Ahmad Redaa, Marco Vecoli, Ali Alwaheed
Very Unconventional Hydrocarbon Play: The Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation of Northern Australia,
Alan S. Collins, Morgan L. Blades, Darwinaji Subarkah, Yaser Noorian, Johann Soares, Ananyaa Deepak, Dana Imbrogno, Lesley Edwards, Ruoheng Li, Juraj Farkas, Andrew Wilson, Carl Spandler, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, Sarah Gilbert,
Tony Hall
Applications of Chemostratigraphy on a Subregional Scale: Case Study of Permo-carboniferous Sediments,
Saudi Arabia,
Neil W. Craigie
Oil and Gas Well Enigmas Point to Future Green Resources in the Middle East,
Rob Crossley
Manal Basal Sands: A New Exploration Concept in the Oman Heartland,
Oswaldo Davogustto Cataldo, Manu Singhal, Lang Zhang, Ibrahim Al Rajibi, Rifaat Al Mjeni
Oman: Seismic Quantitative Reservoir Characterization Examples,
Oswaldo Davogustto Cataldo, Mutsam Al Ghammari, Manu Singhal, Ambar Saxena, Rifaat Al Mjeni, Salim Al-Amri
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis Driven by the Relative Geological Time Modelling Method: An Innovative Application to a Siliciclastic Analogue Model Compared with Real Seismic Datasets,
Nicolas Daynac
Natural (White) Hydrogen Potential in the Red Sea Region,
Antoine Delaunay, Guillaume Baby, Abdulkader M. Alafifi, Arman Kudbanov
Evaluation of Stress Dependent Permeability Through Digital Rocks to Support Geomechanics Modeling,
Ivan Deshenenkov, Aqeel Furaish, Hussain Alhilal
From Petrophysical to Depositional Facies in a Middle Upper Jurassic Carbonate Sequence of the Arabian Plate (Northern Iraq),
Raffaele Di Cuia, Enrica Battara, Angelo Ricciato, Stefano Borello, N. Chikina, Olga Grobushkina, Alexey Mazarovich,
Andrei Murashka, and R. Ismagilov
Structural Evolution and Impact on the Hydrocarbon Potentials of the Southernmost Part of the Northern Zagros Mountains (Iraq, Kurdistan Region),
Raffaele Di Cuia, Olga Grobushkina, Alexey Mazarovich, Sayad Wsoo, Diar Ibrahim
Triassic to Upper Jurassic Depositional Settings Evolution in the Northern Arabian Platform: Integration of Cores, Logs, and 3D Seismic (Northern Iraq),
Raffaele Di Cuia, Enrica Battara, Angelo Ricciato, Stefano Borello, N. Chikina, Olga Grobushkina, Alexey Mazarovich,
Andrei Murashka, R. Ismagilov
Unconventional Opportunities with Masirah Bay Sand Formation in Oxy Oman's Block 53,
Arshad R. Al Dighaishi
Quick Maturation of Carbon Storage Site in Oman by Leveraging Data From Hydrocarbon Development and Global Low-Carbon Initiative,
Antonio Di Matteo, Ahmed S. Al-Abri, Rifaat Al Mjeni, Manu Singhal, Rouhi Farajzadeh
Innovative Infield Exploration Ideas from a Field Development Exercise: The Case of Yusr Field, Eastern Desert, Egypt,
Sharma Dronamraju
Foredeep Development along the Late Cretaceous Obduction Orogen in North Oman,
Henk Droste, Bruce Levell, and Mike Searle
The Eocene Carbonate Platform-to-Basin Transition of Eastern Oman: Insights from a Seismic-Scale, Drone- Based Photogrammetric Outcrop Model,
Emmanuel Dujoncquoy, Philippe Razin, Jack Roger, Jeremie Wavrer
Reservoir Productivity Prediction through Geochemical Analysis and NMR Measurements in Source Rock Plays,
Ali Eid, Jose Piotti, Mohammed Boudjatit
*Experimental Study of the Impact of Extended Storage Times, Delayed Sample Processing, and Poor Preservation on Source Rock Geochemical Assessments,
Ali Eid, Israa Abu Mahfouz, Harald R. Karg, Jerome Biollo
Highlights on Geotourism and Geoheritage in Libya,
Salah El-Ekhfifi, Ahmed M. Muftah
Towards Self-Labelled Carbonate Datasets with Stable Diffusion: Strategies and Implications,
Ahmed Elkady, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah
Stratigraphic Framework and Nomenclature of the Precambrian and Paleozoic Successions in the Sirt Basin, Libya,
Ibrahim E. Elkanouni, Ali El-Mehdawi, Mohamed S. Elgadri
A Sample to Core-Scale Deep-Dive Through Two Vuggy Pre-Cambrian Carbonate Reservoirs, Oman,
Joseph Emmings, William S. Mills, Lucy Manifold, Siddharth Shankar, Olawale Ibrahim, Gareth Rogers, Paul Grech,
Said A. Al Balushi, Khalid Al Rahbi, Andrew McCarthy
Characterizing CCUS Sites in Sandy Reservoirs: From Regional Screening to Prospect Identification and Assessment,
Frederic O. Escosa, Alejandro Amilibia, Oskar Vidal Royo
Extension Mode and Resulting South Angolan Margin Architectures Controlled by Precambrian Lithospheric Anisotropy,
Frederic O. Escosa, Michael Denis, Jean-Claude R. Ringenbach, Michel Guiraud
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of CO2 Hydrates on Injectivity Decline during CCS in Depleted Gas Fields,
Rouhi Farajzadeh, John Riaño Castañeda, Mahnaz Aghajanloo, Siavash Kahrobaei
Time-to-Depth Conversion Using Seismic Inversion Products: A Successful Application on Synthetic and Real Data,
Mohammed Farfour, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, Mohamed Moustafa
Integration of Deterministic Seismic Inversion with Machine Learning for Reservoir Characterization,
Mohammed Farfour, Said Gaci
Processing of Land Seismic Data Acquired Via Compressive Sensing: Latest Update,
Mohammad S. Farooqui
Enhancing Reef Carbonate Identification in the Salawati Basin: Insights from 3D Seismic Data Acquisition in Klamassosa, 2017, Revealing Small-Scale Reefs Beyond the Reach of Existing 2D Seismic Lines,
Ahmad D. Fatahillah, Triputra A. Pribadi, Ferdy Ferdy, Enik P. Lestari, Ikhwan M. Harun, Mohammad R. Adhyatma
An Inventive Development Strategy in Sisi and Nubi Fields Undeveloped Area,
Bima Fatkhurroyan
Exploring Natural Hydrogen Potential in Saudi Arabia,
Manzar Fawad, Kebba Saidy, Scott A. Whattam, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, Abdullah A. Al-Shuhail, Idrees Farooqui,
Faris A. Sulistyohariyanto, Monica Campos Ramirez, Sabyasachi Chattopadhyay
Stratigraphy and Depositional Setting of the Half-Graben Carbonate Ramp – Aruma Reservoir in Mukhaizna Field, Sultanate of Oman: Key to Assessing Pay Distribution,
Jan Fiter, Ali Al Kalbani, Al Ghalia S Al Salmani
Geothermal Prospectivity in Turkiye,
Ana Saez Fuentes, Parag Goyal
Towards Net Zero: Lowering GHG Emissions and Production Cost with Thermophilic Bacteria and N2 Biogas,
Milovan Fustic, Casey Hubert, Jianwei Chen, Emma Bell, Stephen Bryant
CO2 Mineral Trapping Opportunities in Western Kazakhstan Sedimentary Basins – A Preliminary Geological Screening Results and Research Directions,
Milovan Fustic, George Mathews, Benjamin Tutolo, Alina Schepetkina, Rikke Weibel, Sabber Kandozi, Veronika Slipko, Mahmoud L. Leila, Randy D. Hazlett, Renat Iltukov
How to Use Waste Water from Aging Wells: The Case of the Reeds Bed in Nimr Oil Field in Oman: Unlocking the Hidden Treasures in the Weathered Zone,
Alain Gachet
Operations Optimization and Performance Analytics Powered by Machine Learning and AI,
Sunil Garg
Evaluating the Frontier Petroleum Potential in the Bay of Bengal, Offshore Bangladesh,
Elisabeth Gillbard, Ching Tu
Seismically Defined Siliciclastics Depositional Trends in Saudi Arabia,
Luis G. Giroldi, Yazeed S. Nuaim
Precambrian Geology of the Hiyam Dolomite, Hatat Window: An Outcrop Analog to Birba-Buah Reservoirs in North Oman,
Irene Gomez-Perez, Clare Tansell, Kristin D. Bergmann, Ross McCabe
Evaluating Exploration and Development Strategies for Andaman Basin, Offshore India,
Parag Goyal, Rahul Chauhan
Petroleum Systems Risk in the Deep Gas Plays of the Middle East: A Regional Screening Approach,
Christopher Gravestock, Mike Simmons, Joseph Jennings, Owen E. Sutcliffe, Thomas Jewell
Structural Styles of Jurassic Carbonate Play in Southwestern Amu Darya and Western Afghan Tajik Basins, Northern Afghanistan Region,
Hasan Guney
Cretaceous Carbonate Clinoform Stratigraphic Trap Potential in the Partitioned Zone, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,
Ibrahim Hakam, Raed Alsalhi, Cody Miller, Niall Toomey, Joe Ponthier
Regional Structural Complexity and its Impact on Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean,
Mark Hamilton
Unlocking Potential of Deep and Supercritical Geothermal Energy Resources Using Machine Learning,
Aliaa Hammoud, Marlene Villeneuve, Eva Caspari, Anette Mortensen, Khaled El Kasti
Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential of Natih-B in Block-5, Case Study,
Majid A. Hasani, Ahmed Naabi, Huda Suqri, Mohamed AbdelGhaffar
*Integrated Fault Sealing Analysis Techniques Based on the FMI, OBN Seismic Data and Reservoir Performance and Its Application in K Oilfield,
Wenyuan He, Xin Chen, Song Jiawen, Wang Bo, Xia Yaliang, Wu Yadong, Yu Wenwen, Xiao Dengyi, Liu Qiang,
Yan Xiaohuan, Huang Kongzhi, Tang Zichang
Deciphering the Genesis of Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates in the Enigmatic Makassar Strait, Indonesia: A Multiproxy Approach,
Adhipa Herlambang, Syahreza S. Angkasa, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Harya D. Nugraha, Moh. A. Afnan, Emmy Suparka, Khalid Al Ramadan
On the Accuracy of Fault Sealing Calculations,
Christan Hermanrud, Philipp Müller
Lessons from the 1980s in Oman,
Alan Heward
Building a Digital Toolkit to Transform Access to Subsurface Knowledge,
Karen Heyburn, James Scotchman, Matt Booker, Nicholas Thompson, Thomas Jewell, Owen E. Sutcliffe
*Prospects Maturation of Unique Globigerina Limestone by Integration of Formation Evaluation and Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion Analysis,
Hendra Himawan, Indra Sumantri
Changing the Exploration Perspective in the Sea of Oman,
Neil Hodgson
Unconventional Classroom,
Ali Husain
Improved Subsurface Reservoir Characterization Using Cuttings-Based Advanced Image Analysis, Elemental Analysis and AI Algorithms: An Example from the Devonian, Awali Field, Bahrain,
Ezdeen Ibrahim, Guy M. Oliver, Ghada Almoulani, Isaac Easow, Milton Sanclemente
*Influence of Rock Alteration in Carbonates by CO2 Injection, on Reservoir and Geomechanical Integrity of a Carbon Capture and Storage Unit,
Syed A. Islam
Structural Style of the Eastern Sulaiman Fold-and-Thrust Belt, and Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Saif-Ur Rehman K. Jadoon, Muhammad Qasim, Lin Ding, Ishtiaq A. Jadoon
Too Much Choice: Benchmarking of Segmentation Algorithms for SEM Images of Calcite Microcrystals Using Distortion Simulation,
Issac S. John Jayachandran, Holly C. Gibbs, Cameron Manche, Juan Carlos Laya, Thomas Seers, Mohammed Yaqoob Ansari, Mohammed Ishaq Ansari, Abdul Qadeer, Mohammed Hashim, Yemna Qaiser, Talha Khan
Development Strategies of Fault-Controlled Fractured-Cavity Reservoirs in Tarim Fuman Oilfield,
Tongwen Jiang, Xingliang Deng, Qi Wang, Shiyin Li
The Role of Generative AI in Computer Vision Tasks for Subsurface Analysis,
Cedric M. John, Saira Baharrudin, Harriet Dawson
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene of Jordan (Southern Neotethys Margin),
Amir Kalifi, Jihide Haj Messaoud, Maria Ardila-Sanchez, Tojo Chirakal, Ali Alibrahim, Yuriy Kaprielov, Frans van Buchem, Prof. Khalil Ibrahim, John Powell
Prediction of Sediment Distribution and Stratigraphic Traps along Salt Structures: A Review and Insights from Field Cases,
Amir Kalifi, Charlotte Ribes, Pierre Dietrich
Routes to Thermal Energy: A New Heat Flow Model for Eastern Arabia,
Harald R. Karg, Ahmed Salem
De-risking Trapping Structures Through Depth Reprocessing in Orange Basin, Namibia,
Emily Kay, Felicia Winter, Elisabeth Gillbard
Petroleum Systems Characterization Based on Organic Geochemistry Interpretation in Oman Basins,
Yulia Kedzierski, Olivier Laurent
*Novel strategy to Control the Elevated Drizzle Scale in Chemical EOR Pilot with Unfavorable Harsh Environment of Giant Sandstone Reservoir in North Kuwait,
Mohammad Yunus Khan, Narjas A. Almahmid, Satish Kumar Eadulapally, Fahad Al-Mutairi
*Opportunities and Challenges of Polymer Flooding Under Adverse Mobility and Harsh Conditions to Unlock the Potential of Heavy Oil Reservoir in North Kuwait,
Mohammad Yunus Khan, Sabah Z. Al Otaibi, Fahad Al-Mutairi
The Role of Igneous Centers in Sedimentary Basins and Their Impact on Energy Resource Plays,
Ben Kilhams, Nick Schofield, Lucinda Layfield, AbdElRahman Ibrahim
First in situ Carbonate U-Pb Geochronology on the Ediacaran Sequence in Saudi Arabia: New Insights and Implications,
Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Zhongwu Lan, Muhammad Malik, Adhipa Herlambang, Khalid Al-Ramadan
Taking Carbonate Microfacies Classification to the Next-Level with Self-Supervised Vision Transformers,
Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Ahmed Elkady, Cedric M. John
Subsurface Storage of Energy Carriers: Lessons Learned in Europe – Options in the Middle East,
Peter A. Kukla, Stefan Back
Repurposing Existing Oil Reservoirs Towards Net-Zero Hydrogen Production with Carbon Sequestration,
Stuart Lake, Ethan Lish, Patrick Target
High Resolution Seismic Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs,
Gabriel D. Gil Latorre
End-to-End Workflow for Real-Time Analysis of Induced Seismicity Using DAS-Acquired Data,
Joel Le Calvez, Takashi Mizuno, Nick Fundytus, Pierre Bettinelli
Lithofacies Guided Core Description Using Unsupervised Machine Learning,
Yunsheng Li, Weihua Wang, Maan Hawi
Mechanisms of Environmental Effects of Extreme Heat Events: The Karatal Formation of the Eocene Tarim Basin as an Example,
Xuanwei Liu, Fujie Jiang
Logging Curve Restoration Techniques: Do We Need AI for That?,
Rinat Lukmanov
Identification and Ranking of Smackover Formation Reservoirs in Little Cedar Creek, Brooklyn and Fishpond Fields, Based on Their Core's Derived API Gravity,
Albert Maende, Larry Baria
Unlocking the Potential of Deep Carbonate Unconventional Gas Play: An Integrated Seismic Reservoir and Fracture Characterization Onshore Abu Dhabi,
Hamdi Mahmood, Jahan Ahmed, Olivier Kirstetter, Carl Burgess, Sergiy Mykhaylenko
Evaluating the Geothermal Potential in Depleted Hydrocarbon Fields: A Case Study of Cambrian Reservoirs in Lithuania,
Pijus Makauskas, Abdul Rashid, Ieva Kaminskaite-Baranauskiene, Mayur Pal
Geochemical Analysis of CO2 Storage in Lithuanian Deep Saline Aquifers: Implications for Long-Term Carbon Capture and Storage Feasibility,
Shruti Malik, Shankar Lal, Mayur Pal, Ravi Sharma
Unlocking the Potential: Identification of Early Generating Organofacies in Source Rocks of Assam Shelf,
Binita Mandal, Neha Goel, Sapna Sethi, Kusum L. Pangtey
Mitigating Induced Seismicity Risks of CO2 Storage: Are Best Practices from Oil and Gas Applicable to CCS?,
Holger Mandler, Sepideh Karimi, Lee Hutton, Dario Baturan, Bashir Durrani
Geological H2 Systems – Exploration Play Assessment,
Emmanuel Masini, Suzon Jammes, Maxime Ducoux, Julia Gomez-Romeu, Rodolphe Lescoutre, Martin Neumaier
Mature Field Advancement through Core-Based Flow Unit Reservoir Characterization, Sultanate of Oman,
Shawn McCloskey, Gabriel Poduska
Understanding Reservoir Architecture and Diagenesis Away from Boreholes – Insights from Dynamic-to-Static Permeability Ratios in the Barik Tight-Gas Reservoir, Oman,
German D. Merletti, Siyavash Motealleh, Peter Armitage, Khalil Al Rashdi, Martin Wells, Salim N. Al Hajri, Nigel Clark
Egyptian Red Sea Frontier Rift Basin Evolution Impacts Seismic Imaging and Exploration Potential,
Maxim Mikhaltsev, Felicia Winter, Ahmed Abdel Aal, Rana Nafea
*Machine Learning to Predict Geological Facies in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs,
Ibrahim B. Milad Elzaidi, Russell Farmer, Safaa Abdul Majed
Tight Sandstone Fracture Solutions: The Role of Image Logs and Horizontal Cores in Quantitative Assessment of Critically Stressed Fractures,
Mohammad Mohanna, Ahmed M. Alawi, Weihua Wang
Airborne Geophysical Technologies for Natural Hydrogen Exploration,
David Moore, Andrew Lockwood, Adriana Mantilla-Pimiento, Jurriaan Feijth
Haima Supergroup and Nimr Group Outcrops in Northern Oman: Implications for Regional Facies Mapping and Stratigraphic Trapping Potential,
James Moss, Clare Tansell, Irene Gomez-Perez, Ross McCabe, Badar Al Thohli
Diagenesis and Geochemistry of the Carbonate Facies, The Middle-Late Triassic Al Aziziyah Formation,
Jifarah Basin, Northwest Libya,
Mohamed Moustafa, Mike Pope, Ethan Grossman, Ibrahim Mriheel, Mohamed A. El-Ghali
Carbon Isotope and Gamma-Ray Signatures with Sequence Stratigraphy for Reservoir Characterization in the Lower Triassic Mahil Formation, Northern Oman Mountains,
Mohamed Moustafa, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, Rasha Al Raqaishi, Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi, Arshad Ali, Aaraf Al Humaid,
Nada Al Ghafri, Abdulrazak Al-Sayigh, Hezam Al-Awah
South Viking Graben, Norway – Play Potential of Deep Upper Jurassic Mass Transport Deposits Revealed by Multi-Azimuth Seismic Data,
Eric Mueller, Roberto Ruiz, Reiser Cyrille
Unlocking the Secrets of Fault Sealing: Lessons Learned from the Njord Field,
Philipp Müller, Christan Hermanrud
Impact of Reservoir Properties, Cushion Gas Type, and Well Configuration on Performance of
Hydrogen Storage in Gas Fields,
David Nagy, Agha Baghirov, Rifaat Al Mjeni, Rouhi Farajzadeh
Enhanced Evaluation and Identification of Various Lithofacies Through Integrative Characterization:
A Case Study,
Ahmed Nagy, Osama A. Aziz, Ammar El-Husseiny, Korhan Ayranci
Geotourism in the Sultanate of Oman: Samail Ophiolite Geosites – A Concept of Sustainable Geotourism,
Sobhi Nasir, Talal Al Hosni
Geological H2 Systems – Prospect Assessment,
Martin Neumaier, Emmanuel Masini, Suzon Jammes, Maxime Ducoux, Julia Gomez-Romeu, Rodolphe Lescoutre
Bridging the Gap Between Petroleum Systems Modelling and Prospect Assessment – How to Consistently Predict Hydrocarbon Phase and Column Height,
Martin Neumaier, Ian Bryant, Ben Kurtenbach, Eva Gebhardt
Carbon Storage Prospect Assessment – Integrating Uncertainty on Pore Space, PVT, Seal and CO2 Plume Shape,
Martin Neumaier, Ian Bryant, Ben Kurtenbach, Eva Gebhardt
*The Implementation of AI Based Fracture Modeling to Conquer the Challenges in Unconventional Tight Limestone Reservoir,
Kim Long Nguyen, Meshael Jumah
*Strategy to Unlock Hydrocarbon from Middle MM Reservoir (Umm Gudair Field, West Kuwait),
Kim Long Nguyen, Nami Al-Mutairi, Mahmoud Shehabeldin, Rasha Al-Morakhi, Khaled Al-Hashash, Mohammed Al-Ajmi,
Meshal Al-Wadi
Application of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) for the Safety and Environmental Assessment of
CO2 Storage,
Mark Novakovic, Sepideh Karimi, Dario Baturan, Lee Hutton, Bashir Durrani
Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Underexplored Plays in Mature Basins: Case Study from the Pannonian Basin,
Dániel Nyiri, Csilla Zadravecz, György Marton, Nándor Szegedi, Dániel Botka, Anna Kiss, Szilveszter Lukács
Facies Analysis and Reservoir Quality of the Early Ordovician Braided Deposits of Saudi Arabia, Outcrop Approach,
Mutasim S. Osman, Ammar Adam, Mazin Bashri
A Glimpse into Lebanon's Future in Oil and Gas,
Zonia H. Palacios, Charles Ross, Manar Nacer, Parag Goyal
Modeling Natural Hydrogen Systems: Extending the Basin Modeler's Comfort Zone,
Daniel Palmowski, Adrian Kleine, Naiara Fernandez, Geoffrey Ellis, Gabor C. Tari
Characterization of Fracture Networks: Examples from Outcrop Analogues of the Late Jurassic Jubaila Formation,
Yuri Panara, Thomas Finkbeiner, Niccolò Menegoni, Rainer Zühlke, Volker Vahrenkamp
Fracture Intensity and Associated Variability: Insights from Jurassic Arab Formation Outcrop Analogues, Saudi Arabia,
Sebastian A. Patino, Yuri Panara, Gairola Gaurav, Rainer Zühlke2, Volker Vahrenkamp
Identification of Agat Formation Sand Fairways on the Måløy Slope, Norwegian North Sea,
Irina Pene, Silje Rogne, Marit S. Bauck, Jaswinder Mann-Kalil
Subsurface Visualization of Karst Features Induced by the Late Aptian Emersion – Examples from Qatar,
Christian Perrin, Maha Al-Jaber, Guillaume Berthereau
Evidence of Aptian Lithocodium Mounds from Borehole Images and Comparison with Oman Analogues,
Christian Perrin, Ghada Al Mohannadi, Chay Pointer, Shantanu Sen, Muse Buraimoh
Neo-Proterozoic Hydrocarbon Reservoir: A Case Study from the Khufai Formation, Nafun Group, Block 50, Sultanate of Oman,
Madhujya Phukan, Mike Hopkinson, Redha Al Lawati, Saad Siddiqi, Shamma AlShehyari, Asma AlMunaifi, Bashar Mansour, Katarina Antonijevic, Ibrahim Abdullah, Sumaiya Ali Al Bimani, Asma Al Hammadi, Mazin AlSalmani, Ali Al Ghafri
Hydrocarbon Potential of West Africa's Final Frontier: The Namibe Basin,
Matthew Plummer, Thomas Hansen
Trace Fossils, Outcrop Observations and Significance of Glossifungites-Demarcated Discontinuity Surfaces in the Jurassic Stratigraphic Succession of Saudi Arabia,
Camilo Polo, Mahmoud Al-Nazgah, Abdullah Al-Dhubeeb
PoreViT: Automated Pore Classification in Carbonates Using Vision Transformers,
Yemna Qaiser, Issac S. John Jayachandran, Mohammed Ishaq Ansari, Mohammed Yaqoob Ansari, Talha Khan, Harris S. Rabbani, Thomas Seers
AI/ML-Driven Intelligent Forecaster for Oil and Gas Exploration Wells: Predicting Pre-Drilling Preparation Time and Cost Using Historical Data,
Abdul K. Rahman, Hani Khan, Sara Alsubaie
Data Ingestion Pipelines for Seismic Crew,
Vijaykumar D. Raj
MP-FWI Imaging and Green HPC: The Future of Processing and Imaging,
Tom Rayment
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Arabian Platform: Data Based Guidelines for Conceptual Models?,
Philippe Razin, Carine Grelaud, Emmanuel Dujoncquoy
A Case for "Old School-New Tools" in NW Borneo Exploration Portfolio Rejuvenation,
Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Joaquin Naar
*New Exploration Play Concepts in the North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia:
Subsurface Insights from around Timpan-1,
Mark A. Reynald, Joseph Jennings, Christopher Gravestock, Thomas Jewell
Success Story of Sub-Thrust Fault Play from New Era Exploration Phase in Sanga Sanga Area, Kutai Basin,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Ridha S. Riadi, Asnanto M. Putranto, Yoseph R. Apranda, Yarris I. Cakra Putra, Anton Darmawan, Ajeng Wulandari,
Sri Hartanto
Synchronous Development of Squeezed Diapirs, Thrust Welds and Reverse Faults: Learnings from Field Examples in the Flinders Ranges and Application to Prolific Basins Such as the Gulf of Mexico,
Oskar Vidal Royo, Mark G. Rowan, Oriol Ferrer
Structural Modelling Techniques to Minimise Uncertainty in Subsurface Exploration,
Oskar Vidal Royo, Alejandro Amilibia, David E. Mendoza Ticona, Frederic O. Escosa
Detailed Mapping of Sand Injectites Integrating Seismic Attributes and Machine Learning in the Norwegian
North Sea,
Anna Rumyantseva, Jaswinder Mann-Kalil, Sara Mitchell, Dean Macaulay
Intrinsic Controls on the Ara Sequence-Stratigraphic Framework from the Northern Rim of the South Oman Salt Basin,
Jason Rush, John Grotzinger, Afsha Kaba, Nathaly Rodriguez, James Tautfest
Unlocking the H2 Potential in Saudi Arabia: Exploring Serpentinites as a Source for H2 Production,
Kebba Saidy, Scott A. Whattam, Manzar Fawad, Abdullah A. Al-Shuhail, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, Monica Campos Ramirez, Faris A. Sulistyohariyanto
Hydrocarbon Plumbing System in the Oman Basin: Insights from Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Profiles, Steranes, and Carbon Isotope Analysis,
Siti Saradila, B. Abdul Razak, Ranajit Das
Bioturbation Effects on Fracture Characterization in Carbonate Rocks: Insights from the Aruma Formation, Central Saudi Arabia,
Nabil A. Saraih, Hassan Eltom, Robert H Goldstein, Ammar El-Husseiny, Sherif Hanafy, Scott A. Whattam, John Humphrey, Moaz Salih
Natural Carbon Sequestration in the Oman Mountains by Carbonated Ultramafic Rocks (listwaenite and Fanjaite),
Andreas Scharf, Ivan Callegari, Christopher Bailey, Frank Mattern, Thomas Zack, Johannes Glodny, Muhammad Qasim, Arshad Ali
Impact of Depth Conversion and Seismic Inversion on Dynamic Simulation Across Two Giant Oil Fields with 2000 Wells,
Kolbjorn Schjolberg, Khadeejah A. Al Qazweeni, Chintamani Vemparala, Jose Varghese
Structural Inheritance and Style within the Getic Depression, South Carpathians, Romania,
Zsolt Schleder, Alexandru Lăpădat, Oscar Fernández, Dan Tămas, Alexandra Tămas, Sorin Filipescu, Csaba Krézsek,
Mihai Rădoias, Mirela Vasiliu
Refined Screening Criteria for Carbonate Buildups as Potential CO2 Storage Sites: Insights from Central Luconia, Malaysia,
M. Faizal B. Sedaralit, Satyabrata Nayak, Alexander Tarang Patrick Panting, Rahim Masoudi, M. Amri B. M. Diah,
Chander Shekhar Singh, Ong Swee Keong
Monetizing Sour Gas Fields Through Integrated Field Development and Storage Development Plans: Case Studies from Malaysia Offshore Basins,
M. Faizal B. Sedaralit, Satyabrata Nayak, Alexander Tarang Patrick Panting, Rahim Masoudi, M Amri B M Diah,
Chander Shekhar Singh
Near Surface Characterization of Middle East Land Data by Elastic Full-Waveform Inversion of Surface Waves,
Anna Sedova, Mathieu Reinier, Daniela Donno, Gilles Lambaré, Diego Carotti
Growing Shuaiba Core Play with Stratigraphic Concept in Mature Basin,
Chuanjian Shen, Claude-Alain Hasler, Yousuf Al-Ghaithi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy, Etienne Loubens, Jason Roberts, Mohammed Shaibani
Intra-Turonian Stratigraphic Reorganisation on the Arabian Plate: An Important Element of Petroleum Prospectivity,
Mike Simmons, Mike Bidgood, Alex Bromhead, Roger Davies, Henk Droste, Bruce Levell, Philippe Razin, Frans van Buchem
GeoCellular Static Modelling of Basement Reservoir of Madanam field, Cauvery Basin, India,
Deelip K. Singh
Decoding Sisi Nubi: Advancing Field Development Through Strategic Data Analytics,
Putra Sjahbunan, Bima Fatkhurroyan, Bayu S. Handoko, Julfree Sianturi
*The Late Neoproterozoic Buah Formation of Oman: Regional Correlation and Reservoir Quality,
John D. Smewing, Mazin Al-Salmani, Alex Ilic
*Late Neoproterozoic Alkaline Intrusives in Huqf Sediments: A New Reservoir Target in Southern Oman,
John Smewing, Alex Ilic, Muhammad Razi
*North Argentina Basin (CAN): A New Frontier Offshore Basin Arising in the South Atlantic Margin,
Luis P. Stinco
*Evaluation of Formation Pressure in Low-Permeability Tight Silicilyte Reservoirs Using Hydraulic Fracturing Data: A Novel Method for the South Oman Salt Basin Reservoirs,
Ghadna Sulaimi, Dmitrii Smirnov, Mandhr Kalbani, Manal Matrushi, Yong Ouyang, Hamid Balushi, Abdullah Hadhrami,
Al Khattab Mahrooqi
A Prediction Method of Fractures around the Wellbore Using Reservoir Geomechanical Properties Constrained by Sedimentary Microfacies – A Case Study of the Cretaceous Reservoir in Kuqa Depression,
Haitao Sun, Hui Zhang, Dakang Zhong, Zhimin Wang
A Global Characterisation of Hydrogen Plays: Placing Order into Variability,
Owen E. Sutcliffe
Exploring for Natural Hydrogen in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE,
Paul H. Swire, Giacomo Firpo, Richard Heath, Steve Lawrence, Ian Hutchinson, Jonathan Watson
*Sequence Stratigraphy, Tectonic Setting, and Gross Depositional Environments of the Palaeogene Pabdeh Group, in the Northern Emirates, United Arab Emirates,
Paul H. Swire, Giacomo Firpo, Callum Thurley, Avni O. Balta, Neil Stewart, Abdullah Ghafri
Seismic-ML Fusion for Optimized CCUS Site Selection: A Case Study on Volve Dataset,
Bilal Saeed Syed, Bilal Hungund
Mid-Deep Geothermal Potential and Occurrence Patterns in the Red River Fault Zone, Southwestern China,
Xuan Tang, Weibo Ma, Liangliang Wang, Guodong Liang
Ultra-K: A New Term Used to Define the Fluid Behavior Driven by Hypogenic Dissolution Features in a Subsurface Carbonate Formation, Saudi Arabia,
Paul Tarabbia, Abdulmohsin Mansor
Rudist Shoals to Shoreface Sands of the Cenomanian to Turonian on the Arabian Plate,
David P. Taylor
Expression of Late Holocene Regression on an Arid, Monsoon-Impacted Upper Ramp/Carbonate Coastal Barrier System – Bar al Hikman, Oman,
Thomas Teillet, Peter Homewood, Monique Mettraux, Alexander Petrovic, Pankaj Khanna, Giorgio Spada, Daniele Melini, Volker Vahrenkamp
A General Kinematic Representation of the Lithosphere to Constrain Thermal Modeling of Sedimentary Basins,
Renaud Traby, Katja Hirsch, Pierre-Yves Filleaudeau, Charlotte Nielsen, François Sapin
*Unravelling the Complex Subsurface Structures of Hydrocarbon Trap by Means of 3D Multi-Component Seismic Data,
Han N. Tran, Heri Tanjung, Abdullah Al-Fawwaz
Harmonizing Humanity and Nature: Exploring Economical Feedstock for Oleaginous Fungi Aiming Sustainable Biofuel Solutions,
Rakesh Tripathi, Nidhi Srivastava, Yashwant S. Yadav, Jyoti Kumar, Kusum L. Pangtey
The Vital Role that Geoscience Will Play in the Energy Transition,
John Underhill
Blue Hydrogen and CO2 Enhanced Geothermal Energy – A CCUS Concept for The Transformation of Hydrocarbon Based Economies,
Volker Vahrenkamp, Justin Ezekiel, Hussein Hoteit, Thomas Finkbeiner, Martin Mai
The Genesis, Compositional Heterogeneity, and Distribution of Shallow and Basinal Sediments of Epeiric Carbonate Platforms – New Insights from Paleo-Hydrodynamic Modelling,
Volker Vahrenkamp, Akbar Nugroho Wicaksono, Gaurav Siddharth Gairola, Ahmad Ramdani, Daquan Guo, Peng Zhan, Pankaj Khanna
Geometry and Structural Evolution of a Productive Structure: La Cira Anticline, Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia,
Lenin G. Valero Simancas, Mayte Bulnes, Josep Poblet
Palynological Characterization of Cambro-Ordovician Successions in Saudi Arabia and Oman: Chronostratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Significance,
Marco Vecoli, Christian Cesari, Gareth Hughes
Assessment of Underground Hydrogen Production and Storage in Depleted hydrocarbon Fields in Lithuania,
Apoorv Verma, Mayur Pal
Sedimentary Architectural Response to Autogenic Controls: A Case Study in Paleozoic Saudi Arabia,
Abdullah Wahbi
*An Amplitude Variation-Based Hydrocarbon Detection Method for Coal-Underlying Tight Sandstone,
Xi Wang, Gang Zhao, Qihai Nie, Yilan Meng, and Shang Xu
Advanced Application of LWD Resistivity Images in Delineating Reservoir Dispersion Pattern and High- Resolution Sequences Stratigraphic Analysis: A Case Study from the Krisna Field, Sunda Basin, Offshore, Indonesia,
Laila Warkhaid, Ivan Wu, Reza Widiatmo, Sarvagya Parashar, Yessica F. Sthepani, Nikolai Sirait, Pipit Harinursari,
Dwi Cahyono, Ifan Rahmansyah, Ardian Aby Santosa
Hydrogen Storage in a Saline Aquifer within the North German Basin,
Tobias B. Weisenberger, Maria B. Febbo, Wisdom David, Lea Döpp, Mrityunjay Singh, Anna-Maria Eckel, Juliane Kummerow, Peter Pilz, Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger, Ingo Sass
Integrative Structural Analysis of a Prospective Zone Affected by Inversion, Abu Gharadig Basin,
Western Desert, Egypt,
Jan Witte, Luis Vergara, Ahmed Farouk, Joe Versfelt, Tarek Ellaithy
Seal-Integrity Analysis of a Thrustbelt Anticline in the Lesser Caucasus Foothills, Georgia,
Jan Witte, Alexander Janiashvili, Nikoloz Tevzadze, Marina Siradze, Mikheil Dalakishvili
The Cryogenian to Ediacaran of Oman – New Age, Geochemical and Sedimentological Constraints on the Saqlah, Fiq and Hadash Formations,
Nicholas Wyndham, Alan S. Collins, Morgan L. Blades, Darwinaji Subarkah, Georgina M. Virgo, Mohammed Al-Kiyumi, Wilfred Bauer
Distribution Characteristics of Paleo-Karst Zones and Reservoirs in the Fourth Member of Dengying Formation in Gaoshiti Block, Central Sichuan Basin, China,
Qinyu Xia
Fracture Prediction in the J2s31 Tight Reservoir of the Jinma Structural Belt, Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin,
Shidong Xu, Shuping Chen
Optimizing Application Landscapes: A Sentence Similarity Approach to Rationalizing Subsurface Software,
Abdullahi Yusuf, Dhiyab Al Abri, Naima Abri
Unveiling New Insights: Pre-Tertiary Tectonic Evolution and New Paleozoic-Mesozoic Intervals of the Penyu Basin and Arong Graben, Malaysia,
Nor Syazwani Zainal Abidin, Muhammad Firdaus Abd Halim, Nur Huda Mohd Jamin, Muhammad Noor Amin Zakariah, Zuraida Mat Isa, Sulaiman Chee At-Saat, Mohd Firdaus Ali, Azirul Liana Abdullah, Wei Boon Hock, Henry Maulana,
Azwa Jannah Abu Bakar, Ong Swee Keong, Zulhaimi A Rahman
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