AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region
Geoscience Technology Workshops (GTW)
AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Recent Discoveries and Exploration and Development Opportunities in the Guiana Basin, Paramaribo, Suriname, November 6-7, 2019
- AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Recent Discoveries and Exploration and Development Opportunities in the Guiana Basin, Paramaribo, Suriname, November 6-7, 2019; Abstracts #90361 (2019)
PSPreparing for Success: Offshore Heavy Oil Appraisal and Development Analogues, T. Ravestein and S. Sie Tjam Soi, #42497 (2020).
PSSelecting Optimum Completion Designs in Deepwater Multilayered Tight Sand Applications, Suat Bagci, Sergey Stolyarov, and Juan C. Flores, #42496 (2020).
The Reservoir Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Interval in the Western Block of the Shallow Offshore Suriname, Jamish Bholasing and Ilaisha Goelaman, #11299 (2020).
Onshore Exploration Drilling Success in Southern Basin, Trinidad, Xavier Moonan and S. Harrypersad, #11293 (2020).
AAPG Latin America and Caribbean Region, 2019 International Conference and Exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 27-30, 2019
Incremental Recovery Factor of at Least 9% can be Achieved Designing Optimum Inter-Well Distance Patterns on a 3-D Model for Polymer Flooding in Multilayer Fluvial Reservoirs, F. T. Schein, J. Juri, M. Pacchy, A. M. Ruiz, M. Thill, P. Guillen, and V. Serrano, #42469 (2021).
EAAutomatic Seismic-to-Well Tie by Restricted Adjustment of Sonic Logs, Gabriel R. Gelpi, Daniel O. Pérez, and Danilo R. Velis, #42466 (2021).
Reservoir Insights Enabled by Machine Learning Technology: A Supervised Machine Learning Method for Probabilistic Rock Type Prediction, Bruno de Ribet and Gerardo Gonzalez, #42465 (2021).
AAPG Latin America and Caribbean Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Ro de Janeiro, Brazil, June 13-14, 2019
- AAPG Latin America and Caribbean Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Ro de Janeiro, Brazil, June 13-14, 2019; Abstracts #90352 (2019)
The Construction of Predictive Model to Reductions in Time and Cost of the Appraisal / Exploratory Well, Enrique Estrada, Michelle Celestino, and Angelo Lima, #42432 (2020).
PSCharacterization of the Porous System of Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sequences of Oligo-Miocene in the La Vela Offshore Field, Venezuela, Yolimar Rojas, Zureisy Marín, Ignacio Mederos, and María Gómez, #20487 (2020).
Well Technologies in Pre-Salt: Results and Future Vision, Julio Cesar Costa Leite, #42439 (2019).
Pre-Salt Super Play: Leading Brazil into the World's Top 5 Oil Suppliers, Eliane Petersohn, #30625 (2019).
AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region, Optimizing Exploration and Development in Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, June 6-8, 2018
- AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region, Optimizing Exploration and Development in Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, June 6-8, 2018; Abstracts #90326 (2018)
PSApplied Method to Evaluate the Petroleum System from a 2D Kinematic Model in the Sub-Andean Complex Zone and Thrust Belt, Leodan Ramirez and Dalma Veizaga, #42369 (2019).
PSComparative Analysis between Prestack and Poststack Seismic Attributes in the Heidrun Oil Field, Ricardo Teixeira Nicacio and Carmen Peña, #42362 (2019).
PSStratigraphic and Sedimentary Processes Simulation to Explore the Silurian and Devonian Sequence in the Madre de Dios Basin, Djowan Thomas, Frederic Schneider, Stephane Rousse, Jean-luc Faure, Olvis Padilla, Bertrand Valsardieu, and Jorge Pareja, #11210 (2019).
PSPetroleum Systems Modeling and Hydrocarbon Charge Assessment in Pie De Monte Boomerang Province, Bolivia, Guillermo Pérez-Drago, Frederic Schneider, Stephane Rousse, Jean-Luc Faure, and Olvis Padilla, #30600 (2019).
PSA New Kinematic Tool for Petroleum System Modeling in Complex Structural Settings: Application to the Andean Foothills, Alcide Thebault, Marie Callies, Jean-Luc Faure, Françoise Willien, and Raul Eduardo Giraudo, #42360 (2019).
PSDeformation and Stratigraphic Models of the Bolivian and Argentinean Sub-Andean System: Evolution of Knowledge, Current Trends and the Importance of Dating, Roberto Mario Hernández, Adolfo Rosales, and Jaime Soria Galvarro, #30599 (2019).
PSThe Impact of Velocities Uncertainties to Estimate GRV in Structural Complexities Scenarios, W. Ney, A. Bazoni, and Juliana Fabri, #42326 (2019).
PSApplication of Modern Reservoir Characterization Technology in Mature Fields to Increase Production, Maryolin Rodriquez and Rodolfo Romero, #42314 (2019).
PSChemostratigraphy across Devonian-Carboniferous Sedimentary Sequences at Roboré Sub-Basin, Southeastern Bolivia: Correlation and Tectonic Setting, Grony Garbán, Raúl Mayta, Javier Esquivel, Daniel Vildoso, and Héctor Ostera, #51541 (2019).
Exploration and Development Strategies for Sub-Andean Tight Rock Reservoirs of the Siluro-Devonian, Chaco Plain, Bolivia, Chris Cornelius, #42324 (2019).
A New Approach for Production Forecasting in a Sub-Andean Overpressured Gas Reservoir Using Rate Transient Analysis: A Field Case Study, Pedro Adrian, Ricardo M. Michel, and Franco F. Sivila, #20446 (2018).
The Peruvian and Northern Bolivian Subandean Fold and Thrust Belt: Structural Complexity Overview and Geochronologic Constraints, Patrice Baby, Ysabel Calderon, Christian Hurtado Enriquez, Nicolas Espurt, Mélanie Louterbach, Stéphane Brusset, Martin Roddaz, Jaime Oller, Raul Mayta, Jorge Gutierrez, and Melvy Humerez, #30594 (2018).
Frontier Exploration in Sub Andean Zone of Peru, Juan Chung and Pierre Callot, #11160 (2018).
Future Exploration Potential Associated with Glaciogenic Carboniferous Series in the Bolivian Subandean Chaco Foreland System, Stephane Rousse, Frederic Schneider, Jean-Luc Faure, Donald Roccabruna, Bertrand Valsardieu, Olvis Padilla, and Melvi Humerez, #11125 (2018).
PSAlternative to Improve Seismic Imaging of a Structurally Complex Subsurface, Simone Silva Andre and A. Pinilla Cubides, #42269 (2018).
Seismic Acquisition Optimization for Exploration in Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins, Pedro Muñoz, Juan Uribe, and Nestor Sanabria, #42268 (2018).
New Technologies in the Development of Unconventional Resources in the U.S., Susan Nash, #70359 (2018).
Geological Structure of the Subandean Fold Belt of Bolivia Using Magnetotelluric Data, Nikolay Palshin, Raul E. Giraudo, Denis Yakovlev, Roman Zaltsman, and Sergey Korbutiak, #42263 (2018).
Bolivian Petroleum Systems: Paradigm Shifts, Frederic Schneider, Luis Constantini, Stephane Rousse, Raoul Mayta, Jean-Luc Faure, Bertrand Valsardieu, and Olvis Padilla, #30575 (2018).
Pressures in the Los Monos-Huamampampa System and Their Control in Hydrocarbon Fields' Occurrence and Size, Daniel Starck, #11118 (2018).
2017 AAPG Latin American Region GTW, Deepwater Exploration of the Columbus & Guiana Basins, Georgetown, Guyana, November 6-8, 2017
- 2017 AAPG Latin American Region GTW, Deepwater Exploration of the Columbus & Guiana Basins, Georgetown, Guyana, November 6-8, 2017, Abstracts #90312 (2017).
PSThe Demerara Marginal Plateau: A Case Study of a Distal Marginal Plateau Dominated by Contouritic Processes and Gravity Instability, Lies Loncke, A.S. Fanget, C. Tallobre, F. Pattier, P. Giresse, M.A. Bassetti, L. Droz, T. Marsset, W. Roest, R. Buscail, X. Durrieu de Madron, F. Bourrin, C. Sotin, and the IGUANES, DRADEM, and MARGATS scientific parties, #51463 (2018).
GTW Latin America & Caribbean Region, Optimization of E&P Projects: Integrating Geosciences and Engineering from Block Acquisition through Production, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, August 22-23, 2017
- 2017 AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region GTW, Optimization of E&P Projects: Integrating Geosciences and Engineering from Block Acquisition through Production, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, August 22-23, 2017; Abstracts #90306 (2017).
Reservoir Fluid Geodynamics: A New Way to Evaluate Connectivity, Baffling, Aquifer Support and Many Other Concerns, André C. Bertolini, Vinay K. Mishra, and Oliver C. Mullins, #42136 (2017).
Improvements in ESP Designs in Non-consolidated Sandstone Reservoir and Mature Field, Marine Region, Mexico, Emaglin Hernandez Medina, Sarita Sandoval Perez, Saul Gomez Saavedra, Hermilo Ramos, Juan Jesus Guerrero, and Gustavo Gonzalez, #42139 (2017).
Stochastic Modeling Workflow for Well Drilling Zones Delineation: Integrating Probabilistic Models and Production Data to Reduce Risk, Marcela Feilhaber and Marcelo Pubill, #42134 (2017).
Advances in OBN Technology: Full Azimuth, Long Offset Illumination for Complex Reservoirs, John Smythe, #70290 (2017).
GTW Latin America & Caribbean Region, Optimizing Geoscience and Engineering to Explore and Produce in a Low-Price Environment, Bogota, Colombia, May 17-18, 2017
- AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region, Optimizing Geoscience and Engineering to Explore and Produce in a Low-Price Environment, Bogota, Colombia, May 17-18, 2017; Abstracts #90300 (2017).
Strategies to Optimize Reserves and Resources Development before Drilling: Case Study in the Llanos Basin, Colombia, Yohaney Gómez Galarza, #10993 (2017).
Pauto and Floreña Fields: Adding Value from Uncertainty, Luis Enrique Soto A, #20398 (2017).
Cyclic Injection of Production Gas in Provincia Field, Juan Eduardo Rivera, #42121 (2017).
Polymer Injection Project in an Unconsolidated Sandstone in Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Federico Hochenfellner, #20397 (2017).
Unlocking Reserves from a Secondary Reservoir in a Mature Field Through Integration and Engineering Approach: A Case Study from Oriente Basin, M-2 Reservoir, Eden-Yuturi Oilfield, Ecuador, Nestor Vasconez, Luciano Bravo, Ricardo Grijalva, Raul Jose Baez, Anne Valdez, Esteban Alba, Diego Tapia, Jonny Lomas, and Martha Castillo, #10978 (2017).
GTW Latin America & Caribbean Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 16-18, 2016
- AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 16-18, 2016; Abstracts #90282 (2017).
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Water and Solute Transport Mechanisms in Organic-Rich Carbonate Mudrocks, Anton Padin, #42019 (2017).
From Nanopore to Seismic Scale: the Role of Organic Matter in Vaca Muerta Shale Oil Productivity and Sweet Spot Prediction in Rincón de Aranda Block, Denis Marchal, A. Perez Mazas, C. Naides, F. Sattler, J. Erlicher, G. Köhler, E. Nigro, S. Sommacal, and A. Fogden, #42011 (2017).
Challenges in Vaca Muerta: Tecpetrol Experience in the Exploration and Appraisal of the Play, Sebastian Olmos, #10913 (2017).
Pulsed Neutron Technology: Applications for Tight Gas Reservoirs, Gustavo Valenzuela, Gustavo Potas, Nayibe Otalora, María Eugenia García, Germán Serrano, Camilo Mejía, and Alejandro Schiuma, #42004 (2017).
A Simplified Workflow for Estimation of Elastic Anisotropy in Vaca Muerta, Ezequiel Lombardo and S. Cuervo, #42002 (2017).
Abnormal Pressures and Water Saturations in Tight Gas Scenarios, Marcelo Crotti, #42001 (2017).
Unconventional Plays Analysis and Modeling: Lessons Learned from an Integrated Study of the Lower and Middle Triassic of Western Canada, Sébastien Rohais, E. Bemer, B. Chauveau, V. Crombez, M. Ducros, T. Euzen, M. Fleury, D. Granjeon, S. Pauthier, M. F. Romero-Sarmiento, and W. Sassi, #80578 (2017).
GTW, Latin America and Caribbean Region, Optimizing Geoscience and Engineering to Explore and Produce in a Low Price Environment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 18-19, 2016
- AAPG Latin America Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Optimizing Geoscience and Engineering to Explore and Produce in a Low Price Environment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 18-19, 2016, Abstracts, #90265 (2016).
Advances in Reservoir Development Using Extra-Deep Azimuthal Resistivity, Marie Kjølleberg, Jose Eustaquio Barbosa, Luiz Loures, Patricia Swalf Pearson, Beatriz Morani, Richard Tilsley, Andreas Hartmann, Mikhail Sviridov, Oscarelena Sanabria, and Jon Skillings, #41895 (2016).
Advanced Chromatography, Cuttings Analysis and Well Logging Integration: An Optimized Petrophysical Approach, Carlos Vargas Caña, D. Llanos, N. DeCastro, and S.Vija, #41838 (2016).
GTW, Latin America and Caribbean Region, Increasing the Recovery Factor in Mature Oil & Gas Fields, Lima, Peru, October 15-16, 2015
- AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Increasing the Recovery Factor in Mature Oil & Gas Fields, October 15-16, 2015, Lima, Peru, Abstracts, #90243 (2015).
Numerical Simulation of Horizontal Alternate Steam Drive (HASD) for Heavy Oil Fields in the Marañon Basin, Victor A. Huerta Quiñones and Néstor A. A. Palacios Chun, #41826 (2016).
Permeability Model using Minifracture Analysis in Tight Sands of Mature Fields, José Pajuelo, D. Escobedo, and G. Moreyra, #41805 (2016).
Core Flood Modelling of Ion-Exchange during Low Salinity Waterflooding, Nestor Vásconez, Yerulan Sabyrgali, and Eric Mackay, #41779 (2016).
Construction and Calibration of a Fractured Tight Reservoir in a Mature Field, José Marín and E. Escobedo, #20347 (2016).
Latin America & Caribbean Region, 20th Caribbean Geological Conference: A Collision of Ideas to Uplift our Understanding, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies, May 17-22, 2015
- AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region, 20th Caribbean Geological Conference, A Collision of Ideas to Uplift our Understanding, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies, May 17-22, 2015, Abstracts, #90238 (2015).
Structural Restoration of the Jasmine Complex and Implications for Pleistocene Depositional Environment within the Paria Sub-Basin, Xavier Moonan, Mikhail Ramadhar, and Tim Needham, #11088 (2018).
North Soldado, Trinidad and Tobago: An Examination of the Remaining Exploration Potential within the Field, Adrian Thomas, #20367 (2016).
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the North Marine Area, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, Since the Pliocene, Curtis Archie and Nancy Gallai-Ragobar, #30447 (2016).
Use of Biostratigraphy and 3D Seismic Data to Reinterpret Depositional Environments of the Lower Cruse in the Southern Basin of Trinidad, Curtis Archie, Christopher Lakhan, and Nancy Gallai-Ragobar, #51238 (2016).
PSStratigraphic Units in the North Marine Area: How Are They Defined and What is the Nature of the Contacts Between Them?, Nancy Gallai-Ragobar and Curtis Archie, #30446 (2016).
PSA Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Planning a Horizontal Well in an Enhanced Oil Recovery Field, Forest Reserve, Trinidad, Reshma D. Maharaj, Therese A. Steele, and Michael Budri, #20329 (2015).
PSA Microtektite Horizon in the Miocene Cruse Formation of Southern Trinidad, Brent Wilson, Hasley Vincent, and Annalize Q. McLean, #51194 (2015).
Geologic History and Petrology of the Tobago Volcanic Group, Keshra K. Thomas, #51172 (2015).
PSThe Geological Evaluation of the Middle Miocene Herrera Deepwater Turbidite Sandstones within the Overthrust Limb of the WSW Plunging Penal/Barrackpore Anticline, Southern Sub-Basin Trinidad, Josanne McMillan, #51176 (2015).
PSMicropalaeontological Reconnaissance of the Rockly Bay Formation, Tobago, Lai Shan Sum, Brent Wilson, and Xavier Moonan, #51175 (2015).
Foraminifera in the Concord Limestone Member (Brasso Formation, Early Middle Miocene) of Trinidad, Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean: a Product of Sediment Starvation Near an Oxygen Minimum Zone, Brent Wilson and Milshah Ramkissoon, #51174 (2015).
Foraminiferal Assemblages and Palaeoenvironmental Inferences of the Lowermost Colón Formation (Late Campanian): Catatumbo Basin, Colombia, German David Patarroyo, Gustavo Torres, Claudia Cárdenas, and Daniel Rincon, #51173 (2015).
Petrology of Volcanic Rocks from Bequia and St. Vincent, Michal Camejo, Richard Robertson, Elena Melekhova, Anna Hicks, and Thomas Christopher, #51171 (2015).
PSA New Look at the Stratigraphy and Depositional Setting of the Shallow Herrera Sands in Penal-Wilson-Barrackpore Field, Lennon Blackman, #20323 (2015).
Paleo Residual Gas in Columbus Basin: Examples from TSP Oil/Gas Field, Giovanni Medouri, Reece Ramsingh, Candido Gomez, Javier Oviedo, and Luis Roncero, #20322 (2015).
Geochemical Exploration in Northern South America: Strategies and Recent Successes, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #30420 (2015).
PSDetermining Percentage Carrying Capacity and Delayed Percentage-Dependency Lags in Palaeontological Time Series, Illustrated Using Benthonic Foraminifera in the Cipero Formation (Catapsydrax Stainforthi Zone, Lower Miocene) of Trinidad, Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Brent Wilson, #41698 (2015).
PSNon-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons: An Overview, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher, #41697 (2015).
PSStructurally Controlled Stratigraphic Traps within the HGOR Area, Palo Seco, Southern Basin, Trinidad, Karuna Moonan, #10772 (2015).
GTW, Latin America Region, Extending Mature Fields' Life Cycles: The Role of New Technologies and Integrated Strategies, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 11-12, 2015
- AAPG Latin America Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Extended Mature Fields' Life Cycles: The Role of New Technologies and Integrated Strategies, May 11-12, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abstracts, #90237 (2015).
Application of the Radioactive Tracer Log for Flow Measurement in Polymer Injection Wells, S.P. Figliuolo, F. Peñalba, H.P. Burbridge, M. Ichard, M. Ravicule, J.E. Juri, and A.M. Ruiz Martinez, #41640 (2015).
Data Automation and Operations Management in Chihuido de la Sierra Negra Field, Juan Inchauspe, Horacio Albarracín, Juan Tagliorette, Leandro Giannini, and Pablo Miguel, #41641 (2015).
IOR: Improving Polymer Selection, Connecting Lab Results with Field Operation, Isabel Vega, M. Isabel Hernández, Diana Masiero, Leticia Legarto, Silvana Gandi, Sergio Bosco, and Remigio Ruiz, #41642 (2015).
Recovering Historical Decline Rates and Maximizing Production in a Mature Field, Julián José Blanco, Valeria Riveros, Juan Tagliorette, Flavio Donadio, and Horacio Albarracín, #20312 (2015).
Cerro Dragón: History and Future Challenges for an Integrally Managed Field, Javier Gomez, #20313 (2015).