Tips for Success in High-Risk Exploration: The Tangguh Experience*
James D. Robertson1
Search and Discovery Article #70019 (2006)
Posted August 1, 2006
*Oral presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, April 9-12, 2006: AAPG Forum: Winning the Oil End Game: The Future of Hydrocarbon Resources in Our Global Economy, April, 12, 2006
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1Rannoch Petroleum LLC, Fort Worth, TX ([email protected])
The basic methodologies to select plays, generate prospects, analyze risk, conduct operations and make decisions are fundamentally no different in high-risk exploration than in exploration in general. However, since high-risk strongly correlates with lack of knowledge of the geology, there are a few particular guidelines that exploration teams can follow to improve the likelihood of success in high-risk ventures. This paper outlines these guidelines and illustrates their value using as an example the Tangguh gas discovery – a high-risk, high-reward exploration play successfully pursued in eastern Indonesia in the 1990s. Among the guidelines are the following. (1) Differentiate between weak petroleum systems and those that merely are poorly understood. A basin or sub-basin with verified hydrocarbon flows to the surface during well testing is worthy of further investigation even if no significant hydrocarbon pools have been developed. (2) Use petroleum geochemistry as a critical exploration technology. Modern geochemical analyses of rock and fluid samples can lead directly to new play concepts and to insights that reduce exploration risk. (3) Meld high-risk wildcatting with a lower-risk alternate outcome. If modest successes can be monetized to at least recoup exploration cost, a company can keep funding high-risk exploration while waiting for a major discovery. (4) Accept that land holdings may be rendered sub-optimal by geologic surprises, but have confidence that exploration knowledge often can overcome an adverse license position. (5) Recognize that exploration success when geology is highly uncertain is usually achieved after a sequence of events, not just one event, so a company must assemble an outstanding exploration team that can execute the exploration process perfectly. An unbroken chain of correct insights and decisions is far more likely to flow from a skillful and motivated multidisciplinary team than from one individual.
Selected Figures
Summary of the Tips
n Study charge first to refine search.
n View geochemistry as a critical exploration tool equal to geology and geophysics.
n Drill with alternate outcomes as protection.
n Analyze downhole pressures extensively.
n Rely on exploration knowledge to overcome land problems.
n Deploy expert exploration teams that can link correct insights together.
n Appreciate that the big fields are not always found first.