Julian D. Clark1, Andrea Fildani1, and Nicholas J. Drinkwater2
Search and Discovery Article #50094 (2008)
Posted October 22, 2008
*Adapted from oral presentation at AAPG Annual Convention,
1Energy Technology Co., Chevron,
Technology Co., Chevron,
Deepwater channel outcrops in the
Bypass Facies and Processes
“Muddy Channel� interpreted to be complex-scale bypass facies
Debrites can be associated with bypass facies but not the process:
Stratigraphic Controls
Large scale erosional surfaces initiate channel complexes.
But what controls bypass?
Supporting evidence:
Clark, J.D., 1994, Architecture and processes in modern and
ancient deep-marine channel complexes: PhD dissertation,
Falivene, O., A. Pau, A. Gardiner, G. Pickup, et al., 2006, Best
practice stochastic facies modeling from a channel-fill
turbidite sandstone analog (the Quarry outcrop,
Marzo, M., J.A. Munoz, J. Verges, M. Lopez-Blanco, et al., 1998,
Sedimentation and tectonics; case studies from Paleogene,
continental to deep water sequences of the South Pyrenean
foreland basin (NE Spain): 15th International
Congress of Sedimentology (IAS) Field Trip Guidebook, p.
Mutti, E., M. Segurét, and M. Sgavetti, 1989, Sedimentation and
deformation in the Tertiary sequences of the southern