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AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, March 1-4, 2003, Fort Worth, Texas


Search and Discovery Article #90010 (2003)


Note: Abstracts preceded by an asterisk(*) designate presentations with full text and figures posted separately on Search and Discovery.
Barnett Shale: A Significant Gas Resource in the Fort Worth Basin, by Craig Adams
Simulated Expert Interpretation of Data to Predict Drilling Risk on a Regional Scale, Case Study -- Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, New Mexico, by R.S. Balch, W.W. Weiss, and T. Ruan
Preliminary Investigation of the Regional Stratigraphy of Siluro-Devonian Carbonates, Tobosa Basin, New Mexico, by Destini Baldonado and Ron Broadhead
Geologic Interpretation and Engineering Classification of Rocks Improves the Drilling Performance in New Mexico, by Ashok Bhatnagar and Simianne J. Hayden
Top-Truncated, Structurally-Confined Lowstand Deltas, by Janok P. Bhattacharya, Brian J. Willis, Charles D. Howell, and Cornel Olariu
The Barnett Shale Play, Fort Worth Basin, by Kent A. Bowker
Interpretation of depositional environments of upper Seven Rivers Formation from core and well logs, Grayburg Jackson Pool, Eddy County, New Mexico, by Brian S. Brister and Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle
Petrophysical discrimination of Seven Rivers Formation reservoir zones using natural (spectral) gamma ray logs, Grayburg Jackson Pool, Eddy County, New Mexico, by Brian S. Brister
Petroleum Potential of Sin Nombre Area, east-central New Mexico, by Ronald F. Broadhead
Vertical stylolites and age of diagenetic features, Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, NM, by Alton A. Brown
Depositional environments of the Oil Creek Sandstone (Ordovician), Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, by Alton A. Brown
*The Attributes of a Wolfcamp “Reef” Play, Pecos County, Texas, by Phil Carlisle
Structural Geometry and Evolution of Thrust Faulting in the Frontal Ouachitas-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone, SE Oklahoma, by Ibrahim Cemen, Justin Evans, Jeff Ronck, Ata Sagnak, Kris McPhail and Syed Mehdi
Structural Geometry and Evaluation of Thrust Faulting in the Damon and Wilburton Quadrangles in Latimer County, Southeastern Oklahoma, by Marline Collins and Ibrahim Cemen
Outcrop analogs to subsurface fractured reservoirs, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, by Russell K. Davies and Alton Brown
Anadarko’s Bossier Gas Play – A Sleeping Giant in a Mature Basin, by James J. Emme and Robert W. Stancil
Structural Geometry of Thrust Faulting in the Hartshorne area of Frontal Ouachitas, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, by Steve Hadaway and Ibrahim Cemen
Ichnology and sedimentology of shallow marine sandstone reservoirs: sequence stratigraphy, depositional environments and effects of bioturbation upon reservoir performance and properties, by Bo Henk 
Ichnology and Sedimentology of Two Reservoir Sands: a Shelf-Edge Delta and an Incised Valley Fill within the Frio Fm, West Mustang Island 470-ARCO 45-47#4 Well, Corpus Christi Bay, Nueces County, Texas, by Bo Henk and Robert G. Loucks
Landslides above the Walnut and Paluxy Formation’s Contact, by Mahipal Jadeja, John Wickham, and Laureano Hoyos, Jr.
Subsurface Structural Geology of the Potato Hills area of the Ouachita Mountains, Southeastern Oklahoma, by Gultekin Kaya and Ibrahim Cemen
*Meeting the Nation’s Natural Gas Needs: Industry and Government Cooperation Needed, by Naresh Kumar
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Reservoir Geology of the Willard Unit in the San Andres Wasson Field, West Texas, by Robert G. Loucks, Paul Mescher, David Entzminger, and Dennis Braaten

3D Exploitation of Oklahoma Anadarko Basin Gas Resources, Anadarko Basin, Western and Central Oklahoma, by Larry Lunardi

Newark East, Barnett Shale Field, Wise and Denton Counties, Texas; Barnett Shale Frac Gradient Variances, by David F. Martineau
Barnett Shale Gas-in-Place Volume including Sorbed and Free Gas Volume, by Matt Mavor
Thermal Regime of the Midcontinent El Dorado Oil Field (Kansas) Interpreted from High-Resolution Temperature Logs, by Jason R. McKenna, Daniel F. Merriam, and David D. Blackwell
Correlation problems, lower part of the Canyon Group (Upper Pennsylvanian), western Wise County, Texas, by Merlynd K. Nestell and Rustin A. Kimbell 
Avulsion of terminal distributary channels in modern and ancient delta deposits, by Cornel Olariu and Janok P. Bhattacharya
Possible New Petroleum Well-logging Tool Using Positron Doppler Broadening to Detect Total Organic Carbon in Hydrocarbon Source Rocks, by Casey Patterson and C.A. Quarles, and J.A. Breyer
Stratigraphic and Lithologic Zonation in the East Cowden Grayburg Unit, Ector County, Texas: Potential for Horizontal redevelopment of a Mature Waterflood?, by Lee M. Petersen and Robert S. Jacobs
Assessing Undiscovered Resources of the Barnett-Paleozoic Total Petroleum System, Bend Arch–Fort Worth Basin Province, by Richard M. Pollastro, Ronald J. Hill, Daniel M. Jarvie, and Mitchell E. Henry
*Naturally Underpressured Reservoirs: Applying The Compartment Concept to The Safe Disposal of Liquid Waste, by Jim Puckette and Zuhair Al-Shaieb
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Devonian Shelf to Basin Facies Distributions and Preliminary Shale Geochemistry for South-central and Southwestern New Mexico, by William D. Raatz
Basin-Centered Tight Gas Sands and Thrust Faulting in Central Parker County of the Fort Worth Basin, by Jimmy D. Thomas
Project STARR—State of Texas Advanced Oil and Gas Resource Recovery Program, by Ramón Treviño, Robert Loucks, Randy Remington, and L. Frank Brown
Determining petrophysical properties and gas content in the Barnett Shale using a log-based neural network solution., by Lee Utley
Reducing Dry Hole Risk with Artificial Intelligence, by William W. Weiss, Robert A. Balch, Tonjun Ruan, Ronald Broadhead, and Visveswaran Subramaniam