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Figure 30. Central segment of the Whittier fault across Brea-Olinda oil field. Correlations modified from Durham and Yerkes (1962). Yeats and Beall (1991) and unpublished data from Aera Energy LLC (formerly Shell Oil Company). Interpretation of footwall block of the Whittier fault is based on data from Chevron Murphy-Coyote No. 373 in West Coyote oil field (West and Redin, 1990, McCulloh et al., 2000) and Prado Petroleum government 165-1 east of the Chino fault and the extrapolation of outcrop data from the Santa Ana Mountains (Schoellhamer et al., 1981). Yellow units within Sycamore Canyon and Yorba members represent oil-productive, turbidite fan-channel sandstones. Sycamore Canyon member (Tpsc, Yorba Member (Tpy). See Figure 13 for large-scale corss section of the vicinity of the Whittier fault.