Figure 2. Chronostratigraphic summary diagram of western Newfoundland Paleozoic strata. Lithostratigraphic units are colored, and the ornamentation indicates the dominant lithology. The age ranges of the megasequences defined are shown to the right of the geological stages; SRMS = synrift megasequence; FBMS = flexural bulge megasequence; TFBMS = Taconic foreland basin megasequence; SFBMS = Salinic foreland basin megasequence; SBMS = successor basin megasequence; DCM = Devil's Cove member of the Forteau Formation. Dating of the strata is based on paleontological data from James and Stevens (1986), Botsford (1987), S. H. Williams et al. (1987), S. H. Williams and Stevens (1988), Stenzel et al. (1990), Knight and Cawood (1991), Knight et al. (1991), Stait and Barnes (1991), Cowan and James (1993), and Burden and Williams (1995, 1996). The time scale used is that of Tucker and McKerrow (1995). Additional stratigraphic data from Schuchert and Dunbar (1934), Betz (1939), Weitz (1953), Stevens (1965), Brueckner (1966), Klappa et al. (1980), Hiscott et al. (1984), H. Williams et al. (1985a, b), Botsford (1987), and Knight and Boyce (1991).