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Potential for CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Recovery in Ohio



Ohio Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, OH


     Large, economic sources of CO2 are currently unavailable for use in enhanced recovery operations in much of the eastern U.S.  On-going research into CO2 separation and sequestration may hold promise for providing local sources of CO2. Many power plants and other large point sources of CO2 emissions are located near hydrocarbon reservoirs that are amenable to CO2 storage.  Further, in many cases, CO2 injection can enhance oil and gas recovery, which can offset the cost of CO2 capture. 

     In Ohio, enhanced recovery accounts for less than 1 percent of oil production, compared to as much as 50 percent in the neighboring Appalachian basin states.  Many of the older Ohio fields are currently near the end of their economic life in terms of primary recovery and are approaching abandonment.  Methods and strategies need to be developed to sustain these older fields through better reservoir characterization that can lead to improved reservoir management and enhanced recovery methods before they are prematurely abandoned.  This presentation is focused on selected Knox and “Clinton” fields that have potential for enhanced oil recovery.   

     With the completion of the Midcontinent Interactive Digital Carbon Atlas and Relational Database (MIDCARB), hydrocarbon reservoir, fluid, and production data will be easily accessible.  Determination and estimates of average oil and gas field parameters such as original reservoir conditions (OOIP, area, thickness, porosity, permeability, initial saturations, pressures, temperatures, etc.), fluid data (oil gravity and viscosity, water salinity), and production data (cumulative production, well spacing) should assist the oil and gas industry in seeking potential areas for enhanced recovery.