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Same Day Downhole Gas Content Analysis with Raman Spectroscopy

John Michael Pope, WellDog Inc, 1482 Commerce Dr., Ste. T, Laramie, WY 82070, phone: 3077218875, fax: 3077420943,

Gas desorption methods to analyze coal gas content require expensive core retrieval methods and extended desorption and analysis time. These methods have inherent problems and errors associated with the retrieval process and testing in a laboratory environment. WellDog has adapted its new downhole Raman spectrometer to measuring gas content in coalbed wells without core sample retrieval, and in a matter of hours. This technology, which has been successfully calibrated in three independent laboratories using state-of-art Boyle's Law isotherm apparatus, accurately measures gas content in wells containing one or more coals seams, in situ. This presentation will show the methods behind the analysis and share laboratory calibration and field case study results. It will also review how same-day analysis of gas content is leading to new, more efficient coalbed natural gas development methods for our customers.