A portion of the Powder River Basin (PRB) 96 miles long and
18 miles wide was researched in order to establish the relationships between
the major upper
Several cross sections were created across the project area. Due to the shallow depth to the sands, mainly gamma ray logs were available to construct the cross sections. Sandstone isopach maps were then created using these cross sections. These maps strongly suggest the presence of a six mile wide, sand-rich paleofluvial system that drained the basin north across the study area, parallel to the strike of the PRB. The “deltas” from the east may be tributary fluvial channels.
Differential compaction and up dip meanders in this south to north trending system set up potential traps for gas generated by the coal beds. Discovery will depend upon running the correct logs to detect gas within the sand bodies, or rig fires, which was the first indication of gas at the Oedekoven Field.