Prediction in Fault Damage Zones Using Elastic Dislocation Models: A Carbonate
Outcrop Example from
Zahm, Chris, Peter
H. Hennings, Milt Enderlin, ConocoPhillips Upstream Technology,
Recent advances in elastic dislocation modeling have enabled the
prediction of fracture orientation and intensity based on
seismically-resolvable fault throw profiles and knowledge of rock properties.
Models predict an increase in fracture intensity in a halo around the fault
zone. Calibration of modeling results is essential to determine the validity of
this approach and has been primarily conducted in siliclastic rocks. Expansion
into carbonates is necessary so a test case was developed in carbonate rocks
(subtidal shelf deposits of the Lower Glen Rose Formation) of central
(1) excellent exposure
due to road cuts and pipeline cuts; (2) the exposure exists in an areawhere two
seismically-resolvable faults form a relay or step-over; and (3) numerous smaller
faults and fracture systems are exposed and are kinematically-related to the
larger faults.
A 3D model of
mapped faults and horizons was built to capture fault geometry and throw. Rock
properties were measured at the outcrop and were used to determine the rock
density, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, cohesive strength and coefficient of
internal friction. Elastic dislocation modeling was performed to determine the
maximum Coulomb shear stress (MCSS) as a proxy for fracture intensity, and the
orientation of the minimum shear stress (s3) was used to calculate the
orientation of idealized fracture planes. The modeled results were compared to
the outcrop observed subseismic-faults and fracture intensity to validate the
modeled results. These findings increase our confidence in the application of
this approach in subsurface cases.