A Probabilistic
Approach to Clay-Smear Fault Seal in Hydrocarbon Migration Modeling for the
Tune Field
Sylta, Øyvind1,
Susanne Sperrevik2 (1) SINTEF Petroleum Research,
Norway (2) Norsk Hydro,
A simulation of hydrocarbon generation and migration into the
Jurassic gas-condensate Tune Field south-west of Oseberg has been conducted
using a Monte
Carlo simulation
approach. Tune contains a “proven” fault seal. A model for the entry pressure
versus shale-gouge-ratio was implemented in a hydrocarbon migration simulator
to account for claysmear fault sealing. This model accounts for depth of
faulting and changes in burial depths through time. The clay-smear model is
based upon laboratory measurements of entry pressures and permeabilities from
cored faults in well bores.
A reasonable match to the hydrocarbon migration pattern in the
area was achieved through a manual calibration of the hydrocarbon migration
model. It was not possible to completely match the drilled oil and gas columns
in Tune. Two new parameters were therefore introduced into the model: a
“maximum diagenesis depth” and an up-scaling factor from the laboratory data to
field scale fault seals.
Monte Carlo simulation approach was adapted by
specifying important input parameters (not only fault seal parameters) as
probability distributions.. A very good match to the
Tune wells was provided by the best of the 3000 runs that were completed. The
best data fit resulted in an order of magnitude greater entry pressures than
modelled by the published formula. There are also quite good simulation runs
for scaling factors close to 1, but not for lower values. The study shows that
the Monte Carlo approach can be used to bracket fault
seal parameter ranges, and thereby reduce uncertainties in fault seal models.