The Architecture
of Lower Triassic Aeolian Reservoirs Shaped by Synsedimentary Tectonics and
Unconformity Development—
Northwestern Germany
Radies, Dirk,
Harald Stollhofen, Peter Kukla,
The Early
Triassic succession of the
Basin represents an important storage of
natural gas resources. This continental succession was repeatedly affected by
tectonic pulses associated with the earliest phases of Tethyan and Arctic-North
Atlantic rifting. Effects of differential tectonic subsidence by the formation
of intrabasinal highs during the Lower Triassic are particularly well recorded
by unconformities, which bear a significant impact on the architecture of
potential reservoir sandstones. This study uses a 3D-seismic cube located
between the western margin of the Ems Basin (EB) and the East Netherlands High
(ENH) in northwestern
Germany. Accompanied by core- and log-based
facies analysis of 18 cores from this area the effects of differential
subsidence and growth faulting on the generation of sedimentary sequences of
the Middle Buntsandstein Group are analysed. The fining-upward sequences of the
unconformity-bound Volpriehausen-, Detfurth- and Solling Formations each bear
basal reservoir sandstone units that represent mostly aeolian dune and
sandsheet deposits indicating low relief in the depositional environment. The
thickness distribution of these units is directed by the tectonically provided
accomodation potential, which is least developed on the ENH where an
amalgamation of unconformities occurs. The architecture of these units is
further modified by locally developed synsedimentary growthfaults that create
a stepwise decrease of stratigraphic completeness from the EB to the ENH. These
faults originate from deep rooting, north–south extending basement faults in
Upper Carboniferous strata that were decoupled by intercalated Permian evaporites.