Flip-Flop Salt Tectonics
Quirk, Dave, Robin Pilcher, Amerada Hess Corporation,
A common observation in areas of extensional salt tectonics is
that overburden strata flanking a dome, wall or vertical weld are distinctly
In the simplest examples (salt rollers), strata tilt down and
thicken towards the dome, in contrast to strata on the other side which tilt up
and thin or pinch-out towards it, analogous to syn-rift
strata in tilted fault blocks. The strata on the up-tilted (footwall) side are
concordant with the top of the underlying salt whereas the contact between the
down-tilted (hangingwall) side
is actually a growth fault which extends into the overburden at the highest
point of the salt structure.
In many petroleum basins, salt walls show the same asymmetric
geometries at specific stratigraphic levels but
change in polarity over time. In other words, what was the hangingwall
side at the onset of structuration flips to become
the footwall higher up in the section, often reverting back to being the hangingwall at an even younger level. The inverse is true
on the opposite side of the wall. Later, if the area is affected by
contraction, the wall may squeeze to form a weld but the flip-flop geometry is
These structures
are formed by a process known as extensional footwall doming which is an
efficient way of moving large volumes of viscous fluid upwards through the
crust whilst accommodating thick-skinned or thin-skinned extension. The process
profoundly affects the location of reservoirs and traps, the migration of
hydrocarbons and the effectiveness of top seal.