Deep-Water Clastic Sand Injectites—Traps and Relevance to Basin Analysis
Hurst, Andrew1,
Joseph Cartwright2, Mads Huuse2 (1)
Sand injectites are recognised as
important modifiers of reservoir geometry in many deep-water clastic systems, and in particular in the Paleogene, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic of NW
Europe. Improvement in the resolution and coverage of 3-D seismic has led to
more common recognition of abundant high-angle to approximately vertical
bedding-dis-cordant features, many of which are
sand-filled and some of which are prospective. Sand injectites
have unconventional reservoir geometries and enigmatic internal structures,
which have caused explorationists to treat them
circumspectly. Failure to differentiate decametrescale
injectites from sand-rich turbidites
has led to development of inappropriate reservoir models and delayed the
appreciation their general geological significance. Once formed, typically
during the first 500 m of burial, sand injectites are
highly permeable conduits within otherwise low permeability strata; hence, they
have a first-order affect on fluid migration. In some situations injectites may facilitate orders of magnitude faster rates
of hydrocarbon migration than may otherwise be predicted. Injectites
form intrusive traps, which may combine with more conventional traps or occur
in isolation. Up to 2-3 x 107 m3 of sand may be injected in large injectite complexes, which constitute exploration targets
in many petroleum basins. Evaluation of reservoir quality and the presence of
hydrocarbons is complicated by the unusual geometry
and the lack of previous exploration of intrusive traps. Examples and analogues
will be used to demonstrate characteristic features of sand injectite
plays, their play potential, and their significance in basin analysis.