Characterization and Performance Prediction for a Volcanic-Hosted Geothermal
Harrison, Chris1, Julfi Hadi2, Sri Rejeki3, Joao Keller1, Viet Hoang1, Onto Alamsyah2 (1) ChevronTexaco Energy Technology Co, San Ramon, CA (2) Star Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia (3) ChevronTexaco Energy Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Darajat is a large geothermal field located
southeast of
The facies model for vapor dominated
fields is especially critical since in these systems the reserves are stored
primarily within the rock matrix, with fractures controlling productivity.
Comparison of an idealised andesite
stratovolcano model with cores and cuttings from 31
wells and surface samples led to the development of a conceptual volcanic lithofacies model for the Field which guided the
distributions of matrix porosities and fracture densities in the models.
A suite of 3D
models of the subsurface were generated in goCad™
modeling using Experimental Design methods to capture the effects of
uncertainties in key factors. The series of dynamic models developed integrated
the fine scale static models with other reservoir uncertainties such as
initial liquid saturation, recharge, reservoir depth, and relative permeabilities. The probabilistic performance of the
proposed Darajat expansion was evaluated using a
response surface model and