New Insights in
Tectonics, Depositional Settings and Hydrocarbon Habitat of the Permo-Triassic
in the Southern
Geluk, Mark C.,
Shell Exploration and Production International b.v, Assen,
Recent study acquired new insights in the development of the
Southern Permian Basin (SPB). Rather than one basin, the SPB actually comprises
three basins, separated by subtle swells. These basins have both a different
origin and subsequent history. High-resolution stratigraphic correlations of
the Permo-Triassic interval were carried out to (i) align the various
stratigraphies, and (ii) to define a basin-wide framework for the SPB area. A
series of high-resolution paleogeographic maps capture the current insights in
basin evolution.
Late Carboniferous to Middle Permian rift/wrench tectonics
triggered slab detachment and a prolonged period of extrusive volcanism in the
In Triassic times, these basins were progressively modified by
rift tectonics. These rifts (Central North Sea, Horn and Glückstadt grabens)
dissected mainly the
hydrocarbon plays extend over the entire SPB, whereas Triassic plays are
restricted mainly to the western parts.