Exploring for
“Giants” in offshore West Greenland: New Play Concepts and Hydrocarbon
Prospectivity in an emerging Frontier
Rift Basin
Gardner, Robert I., Neil D. Ethier, Mark A. Cooper, EnCana
Corporation, Calgary, AB
The challenge of finding new petroleum resources has prompted
renewed exploration in the frontier rift basins of offshore West
Greenland. Results from the recently drilled Qulleq1 well in
combination with a newly acquired seismic database have facilitated a complete
reevaluation of the area.
Exploration activities in offshore West
Greenland were initiated in the early seventies and resulted in
five exploration wells, which primarily tested the Tertiary section. Minor
amounts of hydrocarbons were detected in only one of these wells (Kangamiut-1)
and resulted in a hiatus in exploration activities. In 2000 Statoil drilled the
exploration well Qulleq-1 which proved the presence of a Santonian sandstone
reservoir overlain by a thick Campanian shale seal. The key geological risk in
the basin remains the presence of source rock, however the recent discovery of
widespread onshore seeps in the Nuussuaq
Basin in combination with
satellite identified slicks in the offshore basin areas provides evidence of a
working petroleum system. These findings, in combination with the
interpretation of an extensive modern seismic grid have revealed all the
required ingredients for a potential World Class petroleum basin.
New regional
exploration models have been developed which unravel the rift basin expansion,
evaluate facies distribution and identify viable source kitchens. Prospective
areas have been high-graded by utilizing a Common Risk Segment Mapping
technique that incorporates all pertinent engineering and geological
exploration risks. Within the areas of reduced risk, numerous structural and
stratigraphic leads have been identified with individual recoverable resources
calculated to be in excess of 1000 mmbo.