Application of an Exploration and Production Evaluation Process
García-Esparza, José, PEMEX, Villahermosa, Mexico
Using a real example, the objective is to show the core
concepts, methodology and tools used in the Integrated Evaluation Process in
Exploration which has been implemented in Pemex Exploration and Production,.
In order to improve estimates, the process uses a consistent
methodology and reliable tools for the evaluation of exploration prospect
potential reserves and geologic chance of success. This allows the creation of
scenarios to comply more efficiently with the reserves committed and therefore
maximize investment value.
The process aims to strengthen the quantitative evaluation of a
large number of exploration prospects; to allow evaluation with multiple
objectives; to improve our pre-drill parameter estimates; to evaluate play,
basin or whole country potential reserves; to encourage feedback for
continuous process improvement; to better relate prospect characteristics with
company strategy; to implement a consistent language and process integrity.
Using the process methodology and tools, we will obtain a range
of probabilistic results, clearly defined estimation parameters, information
reality checks and a company wide basic knowledge. This results in consistent
criteria to ease decision-making and improve potential reserves distribution,
reduce bias and error and improve results estimates and current performance.
The example shown
includes a predrill potential reserves distribution and chance of geologic
success estimates, postdrill analysis, reserves booking and a postdrill
evaluation to obtain an appraisal well program for reserves reclassification in
the remaining part of the distribution. So far a large part of the distribution
has been booked as 1P.