A Method to
Estimate the Block Values Through Competitive Bidding
Furtado, Ricardo, Saul Suslick,
State University
of Campinas –
UNICAMP, Campinas,
Bidding process
is a mechanism that has been used by some countries to distribute optimally
their oil exploratory areas. The concession process for oil and gas exploration
through competitive bidding marks a significant step in the opening of Brazil’s
petroleum sector. Six licensing rounds for oil and gas have taken place in Brazil
after 1999. Approximately US$ 940 million have been collected conceding 343
blocks encompassing a surface of 238 thousands of km2 and involving more than
50 oil companies. Petrobras, alone or in a joint
venture, is actually the operator of 202 blocks, investing about US$ 406
million in all rounds. This paper attempts to delineate the main features and
statistics of those bids and the impacts on the exploratory efforts for new oil
and gas discoveries in the Brazilian offshore region. Considering that the bid
value is a fraction of the estimated reserve value, another objective of this
paper is to reach a set of proxies of unknown values of the blocks through the
successful bids. The blocks are divided considering their geological characteristics
and the winners’ value is estimated for each group. The estimated value
of the blocks is calculated through stochastic simulation of these bid
fractions using a compound probability distribution. The East Margin Deep Water
is the most attractive area, concentrating about 90% of Brazilian oil production
and with an estimated mean value block of US$ 2,180 million. These values can
be used as auxiliary decision framework for new investments by oil firms
as well as for the regulatory agency to evaluate bid performance.