Geological Atlas
of the Subsurface of the Netherlands-Onshore
Doornenbal, Johannes C., Ed J. Th. Duin, TNO, Utrecht,
The ‘Geological Atlas of the Subsurface of the Netherlands – onshore’ was published in December
2004 and is a compilation of fifteen map sheets at a scale of 1:250,000, which
were published between 1991 and 2004 as part of the systematic mapping project
of the deep subsurface of the onshore of the Netherlands. The compiled maps that
resulted from this project are included in the Atlas at a scale of 1:1,000,000.
The maps and explanatory text summarize many aspects of the complex geological
history of the Netherlands.
These compiled maps lead to several new insights in the complex geology e.g.
the occurrence of thrust faults and the relation of deep structures and shallow
geomorphologic features as ice pushed ridges. The digital map datasets and 600
fault planes, which have been recently modeled, can be accessed through the
internet in a GIS environment and can also be visualized with a free 3D
Viewer. The visualization of spatial underground models that integrate
knowledge will become increasingly important for obtaining greater insight into
the complex geological structure of the subsurface. That insight is crucial for
the spatial planning of the deep subsurface, especially now that more intensive
use, such as gas and CO2 storage, and geothermal energy generation,
is being discussed. In the forthcoming years TNO-NITG will produce a wide range
of thematic maps such as pressure and temperature maps, as well as uncertainty
and risk maps of geohazards, H2/CO2 storage
and overpressured zones.