Structural/Stratigraphic Forward Modeling of the
Barrier, Laurie1, Emily Albouy2, Sazan Guri3, Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz2, Spiro Bonjakes3, Kristaq Muska3, Remi Eschard2 (1) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France (2) Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France (3) Institut NationalAlbanais des Hydrocarbures, Fieri, Albania
In compressive systems, the relationship between deformation and
sedimentation can be a powerful key to understanding the structure and
evolution of foreland petroleum provinces. Joint structural and stratigraphic studies can therefore provide very
interesting results. In this perspective, we have coupled structural and stratigraphic forward modelling softwares, in order to better constrain the structural, erosional and depositional events in compressive domains
and their effect on associated petroleum systems.
After the Central Apennines, the
This coupled modelling allowed us to iteratively correct and refine the
structural and stratigraphic geometry and history of