Free- and Bound-Formation Water Correlation Within a Productive Series: South Caspian West Margin
Abdullayev, Elshan A.,
The main goal of initial investigation stage was to identify
correlation between free and bound waters within Productive Series sandy and silty reservoirs. It was assumed that initially captured
amount of water while sediment deposition considering initial average porosity
of shale to be 75% and sand/silt rocks to be 40%, and compaction ratios of
those sediments were taken as 2 and 1.5 respectively.
Core samples were used to evaluate average water-saturation of
sand/silt rocks as 0.28 and shale rocks as 0.35.
Calculation of sand/silt rocks water saturation for Absheron and Baku Archipelagoes has been carried out
separately as far as tectonic settings and Productive Series lithologic composition of those settings differ
significantly from each other. Then acquired data got summed up in order to
infer Productive Series free and bound water captured by sand and silt deposits
while sedimentation along with those released while diagenesis
during 5•106 years of Lower Pliocene evolution time.
Recent residual free and bound waters have also been calculated
for Productive Series sand/silt rocks.
Thus, the initial amount of free and bound waters captured by
sand/silt sediments amounts to 8.025•103 cu km during 5•106 evolution years,
whereas currently remaining amount of free and bound waters within those rocks
amount to 4.425•103 cu km.
Actually just
40% of initially captured waters within Productive Series rocks have been
released during its evolution time span. This phenomenon is accounted for due
to the young geologic age of those deposits and slackened thermal subsurface
environment that stipulates for low compaction rate of sand/silt sediments and
insignificant amount of released free and bound waters.