Evidence for
Pleistocene slip on a low-angle normal fault, Searles Valley, CA
Tye Numelin,
The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geoscience,
University Park, PA, [email protected]
This project will measure Quaternary slip rates of a
low-angle normal fault juxtaposing Quaternary alluvial gravels against
subjacent Proterozoic gneisses along the base of the Slate Range
in Searles
Valley, CA. Searles
Valley is a small pull-apart basin
bordered by the Garlock fault to the south, the Slate Range to
the east, and the Argus
Range to the west. The
basin contains 1-2 km of mixed fluvial and lacustrine
deposits. Shoreline deposits drape Pleistocene alluvial fans, and record the
waxing and waning of Lake
Searles. Our mapping reveals a network of high angle
normal fault scarps, that offset Pleistocene alluvial fan gravels, and a
bedrock rooted low-angle normal fault at the range-front. Previously this
feature had been mapped as a thrust fault. Field observations suggest that the
high-angle alluvial normal faults sole into and record recent slip on this
active low-angle normal fault.
Constraining the nature and timing of faulting in Searles Valley allows us to contribute to two
vibrant debates: 1) the debate on whether or not slip occurs on normal faults dipping
< 30°. 2) Measuring extension in Searles Valley will expand the catalogue of slip
rate data for the Eastern California Shear Zone. These data are critical to evaluating the
spatial and temporal distribution of strain throughout the ECSZ. Within the
last decade the proliferation of GPS has allowed scientists to make tremendous
strides in quantifying intraplate strain in areas
such as the ECSZ. What remains unclear
is what crustal and/or sub-crustal
processes contribute to this deformation? In identifying and distinguishing the
contributions of these processes to the cumulative strain it is critical to
build a robust catalogue of field measurable geologic slip rates. This project will employ high-precision topographic
surveys and geochronologic techniques to accurately
measure slip rates in an evolving regional strain field.