Using hydrocarbon seep limestone to study the evolution of spatially
and temporally linked hydrocarbons in Northern California’s Mesozoic Great
Valley Group forearc strata
Kristin Hepper,
University of California Riverside Department of Earth Sciences,
During the Late Mesozoic, the
western North American continental margin consisted of an eastward migrating
volcanic arc, a westward migrating subduction
complex, and a forearc basin in which hydrocarbons
were active. Today, these forearc sediments, known as the Great Valley Group (GVG) forearc strata, have an uncommonly high concentration and
temporal distribution of petroliferous and variably fossiliferous
hydrocarbon seep outcrops, distributed over 700 km and 70 my of subduction history.
Cumulatively investigating the
life histories of these largely unstudied and uncharacterized limestone
outcrops offers the unique opportunity to document the evolution and
variability of the hydrocarbons among spatially and temporally disparate seeps
and to test the hypothesis that there is a recognizable spatial and temporal
pattern to this variability.