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Onshore Multicomponent Seismology…Real Tool or Science Experiment?

GILMER, ALLEN, Principal, Co-Founder Vecta Technology, LP, Austin Texas, JIM DUNKLEBERG, and JASHA CULTRERI, Vecta Exploration, Midland, Texas

Once the domain of major oil companies, small independent Vecta Technology, LP and its predecessor company and the UT Bureau of Economic Geology have spent the last 7 years researching and developing onshore nine-component (9-C) seismic technology in an effort to perfect seismic exploration methods for subtle stratigraphic traps… the last frontier of significant domestic reserves. Among the topics to be disussed are Vecta’s views on: 1) why 9-C is greatly preferable to 3-C, 2) limitations to 9-C acquisition, 3) Vecta’s 9-C seismic acquisition costs, trends, and future, 4) common pitfalls and solutions in 3-C and 9-C processing, and 5) common pitfalls and solutions in multicomponent interpretation.