Data Integration for Improved Gas Condensate Reservoir Modeling: Case Study: X Reservoir
Du, Yuqi1, Brian Carr1, Linhua Guan1, Baojun
1 Chevrontexaco, Houston, TX
2 New Mexaco Tech, Socorro, NM
This paper describes a multidisciplinary approach by merging the available data (such as well test, geological, geophysical, petro-physical, cased-hole logs, completion, and dynamic reservoir production data.) to understanding reservoir flow unit and then develop a sound reservoir model for simulation. Case study with X reservoir was successfully done. X reservoir is a very complex gas condensate reservoir which has been put into production for about eight years. But due to the extreme intrinsic complexity of this reservoir, true flow characteristics were not well understood before. For X reservoir, there are abundant of data available from different sources but not be able to directly build single prediction model because they came from various level of resolution (e.g. core, log, seismic) and sometime even same information from different sources (e.g. permeability from core, log data and from pressure transient analysis). By the above approach, a reliable, coherent, improved reservoir model was built. Although the mentioned process is lengthy and somehow tedious but is essential to capture the complex flow characteristics of gas condensate reservoirs.