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Figure 3. A. Geological map of Vourinos ophiolitic complex in relation to the Rhodiani area. B. Geological map of the Rhodiani area. C. Interpretive tectono-stratigraphic column.
A. (1) Triassic-Jurassic carbonates (Pelagonian Marble); (2) tectonic melange; (3) dunite and harzburgite; (4) gabbro and diorite; (5) effusive and hypabyssal rocks; (6) Upper Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous limestone.
B & C: (1) Pelagonian marble; (2) volcanic-sedimentary melange; (3) ultramafic tectonic unit; (3a) serpentinized and banded ultramafic mylonite; (3b) mainly harzburgite and dunite; (3c) brecciated dunite; (3d) chromitite pods; (4) Albian-Cenomanian calcarenite; (5) volcanic tectonic unit; (Sa) sheeted dolerite complex; (b) pillow lava with boninitic dyke and red chert ; (6) Upper Jurassic limestone; (13) bauxite horizon; (7) Cretaceous limestone; (7a) conglomerate limestone; (7b) bioclastic and debris flow limestone; (7c) pelagic limestone; (8) Upper Maastrichtian flysch; (9) molasse formation; (l0a) Neogene and Quaternary deposits; (l0b) Quaternary talus cone and scree; (f) thrust; (d) detachment fault; (f) fault.