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Figure 6. Results from 1D modeling of hydrocarbon generation and migration histories at four synthetic well locations based on well information and seismic interpretation (see Figure 1 for location). The thermal histories are based on a rifting model and honored by observations from vitrinite reflectance and DST/borehole temperature in wells where data are available. For the synthetic well location at the deep-water location in the northwest, the parameters from the rifting model with well control were used. A) Kugmallit M-64, extended to the Paleozoic unconformity, the depth at which was derived from seismic interpretation; B) Toapolok structure, extended to the base of Mesozoic strata, derived from seismic data; C) south of Adlartok P-09. Vitrinite reflectance is from Adlartok P-09 and depths to sequence boundaries are from interpretation of a seismic line; and D) deep-water location, stratigraphic boundaries are inferred from USGS seismic profile 714.