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Sequence 1 coincides with TR IIa-2 in upper disparilis zone. Base of sequence 2 coincides with IIb-1 and the norrisi zone, but top sequence 2/base sequence 3 cannot as yet be pinned down biostratigraphically but could potentially coincide with IIb-2. If so, Sequence 4 represents another intra-IIb sea level event (IIb-3).  Sequences 5 and 6 correlate biostratigraphically with TR cycle IIc (MN zones 5-10). The boundary between 5/6 cannot be pinned down accurately but appears to fall in zone 7. The top of sequence 6 coincides with the base of IId-1 at the base of MN 11. Sequence 7 correlates with IId-1 and spans MN 11-12. Sequence 8 correlates with MN IId-2 and was deposited during MN 13. The lowermost portion of the middle triangularis zone is unrepresented, but sequence 9 correlates with the lower portion of IIe.