New Tools and Techniques for Production Enhancement/Revitalizing Reservoirs using the Stinger Modular Production Enhancement Tool,
Robert Ballou
Practical Applications of Natural Gas Isotope Geochemistry Across the Oil and Gas Well Life-Cycle,
Michael Dolan, Patrick Travers, Christopher Laughrey, and Josiah Strauss
Are Geologic / Reservoir / Completion Models Properly Constrained (are they working) in the Permian Basin?,
Bill Fairhurst
Rapid Exploration in a Mature Area in Northwest Kansas: Improving the Definition of Key Reservoir Characteristics using Big Data,
William (Bill) Full and Steve James
Optimizing Well Performance: A Comparison of ESP's vs Long Stroke Pumping Units,
Cesar Gomez
Petrophysical Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs Using Standard Triple/Quad Combo Logging Suites: Examples from the Bakken and Niobrara,
Michael Holmes
Fracture Intensity, Relative Permeability, and Distinction Between Brittle vs Ductile for Unconventional Reservoirs Using Standard Triple/Quad Combo Logging Suites: Examples from the Bakken and Niobrara,
Michael Holmes
Regional Assessment of Reservoir Properties and Waste Disposal Modeling for Arbuckle Formation in South Central and Southwestern Kansas,
Yevhen Holubnyak, Lynn Watney, Mina FazeAlavi, Jason Rush, Tandis Bidgoli, Eugene Williams, Paul Gerlach, and Saugatta Datta
Direct Imaging of Fracs, Natural Fracture Networks, and Producing Volumes with Passive Seismic Data,
Alfred Lacazette
Using Production Gas Stable Isotope Geochemistry to Predict Reservoir Fluid Type:
Wattenberg Field, Colorado, USA,
Christopher Laughrey, Patrick Travers, Michael Folan, and Steve Cumella
A Magnitude-Based Calibrated Discrete Fracture Network Methodology,
Jonathan McKenna
Reservoir Revitalization: Key Questions to Address,
Susan Nash
Refracturing – Capturing New Production with New Technology,
Mark Parker
Beyond Gamma Ray: Determining a Geosteering Program for a New Unconventional Reservoir,
Jason Pitcher, Frederic Gallice, and Shan-non Lemke
Completion Modeling and Prediction – A Finite Element Approach in Unconventional Reservoir,
Jason Pitcher and Johannes Will
Reservoir Characterization of the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone C Unit, Cleveland Field Unit,
Northeastern Oklahoma,
Curtis Roddy, James Puckette, Chad Roller, and Ryan Logsdon
Real-Time Waterflood Reservoir Management using Key Performance Indicators in Smart Fields,
C. (Cenk) Temizel, Suryansh Purwar, Karelis Urrutia, Azer Abdullayev, and Jessica Fry
Application of Advanced Mud Gas Analytics for Reservoir Evaluation and Optimizing Completion Efforts,
Tracy Wicker
Completions Evaluation in the Eagle Ford Shale,
Asal Rahimi Zeynal
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