Gas Shale, Oil Shale, and Oil-Bearing Shale: Similarities and Differences,
Pierre Allix, Alan Burnham, Michael Herron, and Robert Kleinberg
Estimation of Gas Volumes in Shales Gas: Kinetic and Isotope Modeling for Methane and
Ethane Generation,
F. Behar, D. Jarvie, L. Mazeas, S. Roy, and Frank Haeseler
Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Lateral Placement in the Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin,
David R. Blood
*The Downside of Using GR to Determine TOC Content: An Example from the Marcellus Shale
in SE West Virginia,
Kent A. Bowker and Tom Grace
*Predicting Fracability in Shale Reservoirs,
John A. Breyer, Helge Alsleben, and Milton B. Enderlin
*Four Distinct Woodford Shale Plays in Oklahoma: Gas, Condensate, Oil, and Biogenic
Brian J. Cardott
*Depositional Control of Organic Content in the Middle Devonian Marcellus Interval of West
Virginia and Western Pennsylvania,
Matthew L. Boyce, Anne E. Yanni, and Timothy R. Carr*
*Are Rescaled Decline Curves A Solution for Shale Gas Assessment?,
Jean-Yves Chatellier, Bob Menard, and Sylvestre Charles
*Overpressure in Shale Gas – When Geochemistry and Engineering Data Meet and Agree,
Jean-Yves Chatellier, Kevin Ferworn, Nabila Lazreg Larsen, Steve Ko, Pawel Flek, Marianne Molgat, and Irene Anderson
A Case History of the Eagle Ford Oil Shale Play, South Texas,
Mike Cherry
Insights and Barriers to Effective Assessment,
Gary P. Citron, Mark McLane, and Aric Glasser
*A New Model for Shale Gas Matrix Flow Using the Dynamic-Slippage Concept,
C. R. Clarkson and T. Ertekin
*Shale Petrophysics: Electrical, Dielectric and NMR Methods to Characterize Mudrocks and
Discover Relationships to Mechanical Properties and Hydrocarbon Affinity,
M. Ben Clennell, Matthew Josh, David Dewhurst, Lionel Esteban, and Mark Raven
*Microstructural Observations in Gas Shales,
Mark Curtis, Carl Sondergeld, Ray Ambrose, and Chandra Rai
The Life Cycle of an Unconventional Gas Opportunity: Quantifying Risk Versus Reward,
Marcel M. deJong, Melvyn Giles, Daniel Nevin, and P. Jeffrey Brown
*Issues in Simulation of Shale Gas Reservoirs,
Deepak Devegowda, Richard Sigal, Faruk Civan, and Juan Andrade
*Quantifying and Linking Shale Properties at a Variable Scale,
Elizabeth Diaz, Carl Sisk, Avrami Grader, and Jack Dvorkin
Produced Gas Composition Variations and Its Relationship to Sequence Stratigraphy and
Structural Complexity of the Marcellus Shale,
Ashley S. B. Douds
Geochemistry of Eagle Ford Source Rocks and Oils from the First Shot Field Area, Texas,
Janell D. Edman and Janet K. Pitman
*Future of Microseismic Analysis: Integration of Monitoring and Reservoir Simulation,
Leo Eisner, Vladimir Grechka, and Sherilyn Williams-Stroud
*Permian Lacustrine Shale Exploration, Cooper Basin Australia,
Lindsay Elliott, Bronwyn Camac, and Mark Pitkin
Regional Depositional Trends within the Northern Appalachian Basin: The Possible Importance
of Low Gamma Ray Troughs within the Givetian Geneseo/Burket and the Eifelian Marcellus
Black Shales,
Terry Engelder, LaMichelle Arnold, Gary Lash, and Rudy Slingerland
*Method for Characterizing Source Rock Organofacies Using Bulk Rock Composition,
Jonathan C. Evenick and Tony McClain
Silurian Qusaiba Shale Play: Distribution and Characteristics,
Mohammad Faqira, Abid Bhullar, and Abdelghayoum Ahmed
*Modern Reservoir Modeling and Simulation of Wells in Shale Resource Plays,
Waleed Fazelipour
*Gas storage in the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Woodford Shale, Arbuckle Mountains,
Oklahoma—How Much of a Role Do the Cherts Play?,
Neil S. Fishman, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Stanley T. Paxton, Marvin M. Abbott, and Adam R. Boehlke
*Earthquakes Induced by Fluid Injection in Texas and Elsewhere: What Further Research Could
Teach Us,
Cliff Frohlich, Jennifer Glidewell, Eric Potter, Chris Hayward, Ashley Howe, and Brian Stump
*PVT and Geochemical Properties of Wet Gas in the Barnett Formation, Fort Worth Basin, Texas,
Nick Fuex, Alan S. Kornacki, Birol Dindoruk, Amr El-Azhary, and Klaus Leischner
*Natural Fracture Growth in Shales: Mechanisms and Implications for Assessment of Shale
Resource Plays,
Julia F. W. Gale, J. Holder, J. E. Olson, S. E. Laubach, and L. J. Fidler
Gas Generation and Transport in Shallow Organic-Matter-Rich Shales,
Ian Gates, Marya Cokar, Steve Larter, Per Kent Pedersen, Haiping Huang, Dallin Laycock, Samantha Taylor, Ron Spencer, Nykky Allen, Mark Thomas, Xuebo Zhao, Mohammed Adamu, and Andrew Aplin
Compositional and Textural Variability of Shales as Hindrance to Understanding Shale
Richard P. George, Jr. and Marshall W. Deacon
*Controls of Preexisting Basin Morphology on Facies, Depositional Environments,
Geochemistry, and Petrophysical Properties in the Upper Jurassic Haynesville and Bossier
Shales of East Texas and West Louisiana,
Ursula Hammes
*Shale-Gas Production and Sequence Stratigraphy: What Makes the Best Part of the Best Plays?,
Bruce S. Hart
The Stratigraphic Framework of the Haynesville Shale in Northwest Louisiana and Northeast
Bo Henk, Steve Sinclair, Andy Juett, Justin Bagley, David Nicklin, and Scott King
*2WS: Where are the Sweet Spots and How can we Convert Resource to Reserves?,
Belinda Hicks
Integrated Geochemistry and Basin Modeling Study of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin,
Ron Hill, Philipp Kuhn, Rolando DiPrimio, and Brian Horsfield
The Geochemistry of Condensates from Gas Shales,
Ronald Hill
*Investigation of the Souring of Bakken Oil Reservoirs,
Yevhen I. Holubnyak, Jordan M. Bremer, Blaise A. F. Mibeck, John A. Hamling, Benjamin W. Huffman, Steven A. Smith, James A. Sorensen, and John A. Harju
*Fracture-Matrix Interaction and Gas Recovery in the Barnett Shale,
Qinhong Hu, Xianguo Liu, Stefan Dultz, Robert P. Ewing, and Harold D. Rowe
*The Roles of Material Dilatancy in Post Failure Borehole Stability Analysis for Underbalanced
Drilling Wells in Shale - A Sensitivity Analysis,
M. A. Islam, P. Skalle, O. K. Søreide, and O. M. Nes
*Geochemical Tools for Assessment of Tight Oil Reservoirs,
Dan Jarvie, Brian Jarvie, Drew Courson, Tony Garza, Jim Jarvie, and Don Rocher
*Reservoir Shale as Oil Source in California,
Jere Jay
*Applying Innovative Production Modeling Techniques to Quantify Fracture Characteristics,
Reservoir Properties, and Well Performance in Shale Gas Reservoirs,
Creties Jenkins, Mark A. Miller, Rakesh Rai, and Joel Walls
Fracture Permeability of Gas Shales: Effects of Roughness, Fracture Offset, Proppant, and
Confining Pressure,
Sarah M. Kassis and Carl Sondergeld
*An Integrated Approach to Interpretation of Microseismic Data Including Source Mechanism
Inversion, Structural Mapping of 3D Seismic Data, Geometric Attributes, and Production Data,
William R. Keller, B. J. Hulsey, and Peter Duncan
*Indications from Shale Cores of Stress and Stress Induced Failure,
John Kieschnick
Experimental Investigation of Transport and Sorption Processes in Gas Shales in the Context of
the European GASH Project,
Bernhard M. Krooss, Matus Gasparik, Amin Ghanizadeh, Alexandra Amann, and Ralf Littke
Experimental Study of Porosity, Pore-Size Distribution, and Permeability Change in Clay-Rich
Sediments under Compaction,
Utpalendu Kuila and Manika Prasad
*Black Shale Diagenesis: Insights from Integrated High-Definition Analyses of Post-Mature
Marcellus Formation Rocks, Northeastern Pennsylvania,
Christopher D. Laughrey, Herman Lemmens, Tim E. Ruble, Alan R. Butcher, Greg Walker, Jaime Kostelnik, John Barnes, and Wayne Knowles
*Physical Sorption of Gases: Implications for Resources, Reserves, and Production from Sorbed
Gas Reservoir Systems,
Jeffrey R. Levine
*Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Shale Gas Reservoirs in Southern Sichuan Basin, China,
Xinjing Li, Caineng Zou, Zhongjian Qiu, Jianzhong Li, Gengsheng Chen, Dazhong Dong, Lansheng Wang, Shiqian Wang, Zonggang Lü, Shejiao Wang, and Keming Cheng
*Spectrum of Pore Types in Siliceous Mudstones in Shale-Gas Systems,
Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Ursula Hammes
*Geomechanical Explanations of Microseismic Images in Shale Plays,
Mark Mack, Craig Cipolla, and Shawn Maxwell
*Micro-Textural Analyses of Fine-Grained Sediments and the Roles that Advective Sediment
Transport and Suspension Settling Processes Play in the Deposition of Fine-Grained Organic
Carbon-Rich Sediments. OR Just How Shaky are the Current Depositional Models that Seek to
Explain the Origin of Source Rocks / Shale Gas Reservoirs?,
Joe Macquaker
*Relationships between Organic Matter Content, Meso- And Microporosity, and Gas Volumes in
the New Albany Shale (Devonian – Mississippian), Eastern Illinois Basin,
Maria Mastalerz, Agnieszka Drobniak, Dariusz Strąpoć, and Arndt Schimmelmann
Shale Maturity and Hydrocarbon Composition Impact on Hydraulic Stimulation Design,
H. Lee Matthews
*Discussion of the Upper Cretaceous Baxter Shale Gas Reservoir, Vermillion Basin, Northwest
Colorado and Adjacent Wyoming,
Laura Mauro, Kimberley Alanis, Mark Longman, and Vincent Rigatti
Mudrock Reservoir Deposition & Stratigraphy: Not Homogeneous, Not Boring,
Jeffrey A. May and Donna S. Anderson
*Shale Gas Play Evaluation Using Basin Modeling,
G. Eric Michael and Zhiyong He
Gas Shale Evaluation Techniques – Things to Think About,
Michael A. Miller and Keith Shanley
*Pressure-Dependant Permeability in Shale Reservoirs Implications for Estimated Ultimate
Randall S. Miller, Michael Conway, and Greg Salter
Cementation in Mudrocks: Current Understanding,
Kitty L. Milliken and Ruarri Day-Stirrat
*Top-Down Modeling; Practical, Fast Track, Reservoir Simulation & Modeling for Shale
Shahab D. Mohaghegh and Grant Bromhal
Unconventional Overview: The Impact on Emerging Shales of the Evolution of Operational and
Reservoir Practices in the Barnett and Fayetteville Shale,
Richard Moorman, Christopher George, and Shahrzad Nariman
*The Pennsylvanian Gothic Shale Gas Resource Play of the Paradox Basin,
Peter G. Moreland and Earuch F. Broacha
Retention of the Gas within the Source Rocks,
Isabelle Moretti, Sylvie Wolf, and François Lorant
Parallel Liquid and Gaseous Adsorptions in Mississippian Lacustrine Horton Group Shale,
Eastern Canada: Dependency on Maturation and Variability in Maceral Speciation (labile versus
Prasanta K. (Muki) Mukhopadhyay
Spatially Variable Natural Fractures and Enhanced Shale Gas Production: A Case Study from
the Pierre and Niobrara Formations, Raton Basin, CO,
Colin R. O’Farrell, Sarah J. Hawkins, William R. Drake, Hadi P. Soetrisno, and Todd W. Peters
*The Effective Stress Coefficient in Pierre Shale,
I. O. Ojala and E. F. Sønstebø
*The Barnett Shale - A Sequence Stratigraphic View of Depositional Controls, Reservoir
Distribution and Resource Density,
Jeffry D. Ottmann and Kevin M. Bohacs
Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments and the Impact of Formation Heterogeneity,
Mark Parker
My Source Rock is Now My Reservoir - Geologic and Petrophysical
Characterization of Shale-Gas Reservoirs,
Q. R. Passey, K. M. Bohacs, W. L. Esch, R. E. Klimentidis, and S. Sinha
Colorado Group, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Controls on a Working Biogenic Shale
Gas System,
Per Kent Pedersen, Steve Larter, Haiping Huang, Dallin Laycock, Samantha Taylor,
Marya Cokar, Ian Gates, Ron Spencer, Nykky Allen, Mark Thomas, Xuebo Zhao,
Mohammed Adamu, and Andrew Aplin
“Shales” as Unconventional Gas and Oil Reservoirs – how useful are Conventional geochemical
measurements and concepts?,
Andrew S. Pepper
*The Opal-CT to Quartz Phase Transition and Unconventional Oil in Siliceous Shale Source
Rock, San Joaquin Basin, California,
Kenneth E. Peters, Danica Dralus, Michael D. Lewan, Leslie B. Magoon, and Oliver Schenk
*Hydrocarbon Phase Prediction in Unconventional Resource Plays Using Geochemical and PVT
Jackie D. Reed, Kevin Ferworn, Stephen Brown, and John Zumberge
*Mineralogy and Grain Density of Alberta Shale,
Dean Rokosh, Shar Anderson, John Pawlowicz, Steve Lyster, Mike Berhane, and Andrew
*Predicting Shale Characteristics with Integrated, Multi-Variate Statistics,
Murray Roth and Bill Bashore
*The Role of Capillary Forces on the Strength of Rock: The Fracture Mechanics Approach,
Alexander Y. Rozhko
Flume Studies of Shale Sedimentology – Implications for the Rock Record, Shale Microfabrics,
and Pore Development,
Juergen Schieber
*Use of Maturity-Related Changes in Gas Isotopes in Production and Exploration of Bakken
Shale Plays,
Martin Schoell, Julie A. Lefever, and Wallace Dow
Development of a Regional Model to Assess Marcellus Shale Resource and Reservoir Potential,
Iain C. Scotchman, Celine Wise, and Nigel Bedrock
*A New Core Measurement Methodology to Quantify Total Gas Storage,
Richard Sigal, Yucel Akkutlu, Seung Mo Kang, and Ray Ambrose
*NMR Gas Relaxation Signature for Organic Shale Reservoir Rocks,
Richard Sigal and Elijah Odusina
*Use of Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion and Post-Stack 3D Seismic Attributes to Predict and Improve
Natural Gas Production in the Mississippian Fayetteville Shale, Arkoma Basin, Arkansas,
Yves Simon, Frederic Gallice, John Jeffers, Flemming Mengel, Vasili Kuznetsov, Steve Kumbalek, and Alan Clemens
*Comparative Sequence Stratigraphy and Organic Geochemistry of North American
Unconventional Gas Shales: Commonality or Coincidence?,
Roger M. Slatt and Norelis Rodriguez
Recognition of Mudrock Types from Integration and Upscaling of Geologic, Petrophysical and
Geochemical Data Examples from Haynesville, Woodford and Marcellus Shales,
Joan Spaw, Valery Shchelokov, and Jadranka Milovac
Technology Driven Exploration Plays - Onshore U.S.: Their Evolution,
Dan Steward
*Insights into Shale Gas Production & Storage From Gas Chemistry – What Is It Telling Us?,
Dariusz Strąpoć, G. Eric Michael, Judy Roper, and Matt Maguire
*Potential Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on Frac Design: An Integrated 3-D Seismic Reservoir
Characterization Using P-Wave Impedance Inversion Data from Marcellus Shale, Pennsylvania,
Uwe Strecker, Arthur Cheng, Ilgar Azizov, J. Morris, M. Smith, and S. Singleton
*Kinetics and Mechanism of Shale Gas Formation: A Quantitative Interpretation of Gas Isotope
“Rollover” for Shale Gas Formation,
Yongchun Tang and Xinyu Xia
*Azimuthally Sectored Attribute Volume Analysis,
Amanda Thompson, Jamie Rich, and Mike Ammerman
Application of the Synthetic Rock Mass Discrete Element Approach for Fracture Behavior in
Nicholas Thompson and Rune M. Holt
*Shale Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy:
Insights into Thermal Maturation and Reservoir Fluid Composition,
Mark H. Tobey, David E. Schmude, Thomas M. Smagala, and Donald L. Hall
*Eagle Ford Shale Prospecting with 3D Seismic Data within a Tectonic and Depositional System
Galen Treadgold, Bill McLain, Steven Sinclair, and David Nicklin
Geochemical Controls on Gas Shale Reservoir Quality,
John Valenza, Nick Drenzek, and Mike Herron
*Looking for Sweet Spots in Shale Gas, Making Good Use of an Existing Database - The Example
of The Netherlands,
Frank van Bergen, Mart Zijp, Harry Veld, Roel Verreussel, and Susanne Nelskamp
Night-time Hunting for Furtive Animals: Data Availability Challenges in International
Exploration for Partially Understood Shale Resource Plays,
Ger van Graas, Geir Mørk, Iain Scotchman, John Murray, Lois Atterton, and Trond Forslund
*Basin-Wide Delineation of Gas Shale “Sweet Spots” using Density and Neutron Logs;
Implications for Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Gas Shale Resources,
Mark Ver Hoeve, Steven Corey Meyer, Joseph Preusser, and Astrid Makowitz
Effects of Petrophysical and Engineering Factors on Fluid Flow and Production in Gas Shales,
Fred P. Wang
Intersection of Geoscience and Technology in the Development the Bakken Unconventional Oil
Reservoir, Sanish/Parshall Field Area, Mountrail County, North Dakota,
Mark Williams, Orion Skinner, Mark Sonnenfeld, and Lyn Canter
*Carbon Isotope Composition as an Indicator to Assess Oil-Cracking and Reforming Gas
Contribution to Shale Resource Plays,
Daniel (Xinyu) Xia and Yongchun Tang
*Sweet Spotting the Haynesville-Bossier Shale Gas Play, Northwestern Louisiana, an Integrated
Amgad Younes, Holly Moore, Nathan Suumeyer, Paul Smith, Brian Driskill, Erik Bartsch, and Amy Garbowicz
An Overview of Some Key Factors Controlling Well Productivity in Core Areas of the
Appalachian Basin Marcellus Shale Play,
W. A. Zagorski, Douglas A. Bowman, Martin Emery, and Gregory R. Wrightstone
Effect of Organic Matter Type and Thermal Maturity on Gas Adsorption in Shale-Gas Systems,
Tongwei Zhang, Geoffrey S. Ellis, and Stephen C. Ruppel
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