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(By Author)

AAPG International Conference

September 21-24, 2003  Barcelona, Spain

Search and Discovery Article #90017 (2003)

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.

Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Onshore Cantabrian Basin
by G. Abeger, A. Jimenez Fernandez, A. Serrano, S. Quesada, T. Vallaure, J. Varela, and W. Martinez del Olmo

The Openning of the Brazilian Petroleum Sector: Initial Impacts, Current Concerns, and Results after the First Five Years
by Dirceu Abrahao

Sequence Stratigraphy Characterization of Exxit Oilfield, Western Offshore Niger Delta
by Adebisi Adesida

Flow-Unit Modeling Using Neural Networks, Logs, and Core in a Vuggy Dolomite Reservoir, Dagger Draw Field, New Mexico
by Bob Wikan H. Adibrata, and Neil F. Hurley

*Using Thomsen's Model to Analyze Composition and Internal Structure of Shales
by Jose Agnelo Soares, Margareth da Silva Brasil Guimaraes

Silurian Basin-Center Gas Petroleum Systems of the Arabian Peninsula
by Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, Christopher J. Schenk, and Richard M. Pollastro

The United Nations Framework Classification for World Petroleum Resources
by Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, Per Blystad, Elliot D. Young, and Sigurd Heiburg

A Multi-Proxy Approach to Sequence Stratigraphy: Deeper-Water Epeiric Carbonates (Upper Jurassic, Southwest Germany)
by Thomas Aigner, E. Link, J. Pross, and M. Ruf

Petroleum Potential and Future Outlook of the Safi Offshore Area: A Segment of the Promising Atlantic Margin of Morocco
by A. Ait Salem, H. Jabour, S. Ait Brahim, A. El Ouataoui, and M. Idrissi

An Integrated Approach by Using Seismic Attributes for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization : A Case Study from Silivanka-Beycayyr Oil Fields, SE Turkey
by A. Hamit Akalin, Hasan Öncü, and Erhan Yilmaz

Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environment and Reservoir Geology of Albian Reservoirs in Kuwait
by Hussain Z. Al-Ajmi, Saikh Abdul Azim

Late Cenozoic Structural Evolution of the Frontal Part of East Achara-Trialeti Thrust and Fold Belt, Georgia
by Victor M. Alania, A. Chabukiani, V. Mikeladze, and D. Girsiashvili

Integrated Cyclostratigraphy of Core and Well Log Data in Upper Cretaceous Reworked Carbonates (Scaglia)
by Andrea Albianelli, Maria Teresa Galli, Luciano Gorla, Fabio Lottaroli, Giovanni Napoleone, Maria Rose Petrizzo, Isabella Premoli Silva, and Antonio Valdisturlo

Structural/Stratigraphic Modelling of Wedge Top Basins in the Central Apennines
by Emily Albouy, Piero Casero, Remi Eschard, Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz, and Laurie Barrier

Characterization of Najmah Source Potential - A Basic Input for Evaluation of Mesozoic Petroleum System in Kuwait
by Mubarak Al-Hajeri, Swapan K. Bhattacharya, and Awatif Al-Khamis

Evaluating Risk Factors and Exploration/Development Strategies in Stratigraphic and Subtle Traps
by Jack Allan, S. Qing Sun

Egyptian Western Desert Jurassic and Cretaceous Structural Styles
by David M. Allard, David W. Phelps, John R. Bedingfield, and Gregg S. Barker

Gas Exploration & Development in Saudi Arabia
by Abdulla Al-Naim

*Evolution of Deep-Margin Extensional Basins: The Continental Slope Basins Offshore Western Iberia
by Tiago M. Alves, Carlos Moita, Luis M. Pinheiro, and Jose H. Monteiro

*Cyclostratigraphy of Cretaceous Shallow-Water Carbonates: Case Histories from Central and Southern Italy
by Sabrina Amodio, Francesco P. Buonocunto, Bruno D'Argenio, Vittoria Ferreri, and Luciano Gorla

Flood-Dominated Deltaic Systems in a Tectonically Active Setting: Integration of Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Biofacies (Lower Eocene Figols Group, Tremp-Graus Basin, South-Central Pyrenees)
by Stefano Angella, Emiliano Mutti, R. Tinterri, G. Cavanna, F. Porrera, U. Biffi, D. Catrullo, G. Knezaurek, and S. Torricelli

The Relationship between Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, Salt Tectonics, and Compressional Folding in the Central US Gulf of Mexico
by Gillian M Apps, Frank J Peel

Contrasts on the 3D Geometry and Architecture of two Turbidite Systems in the Ainsa Basin. South-Central Pyrenees, Spain
by Pau Arbues, Josep Anton Munoz, Oscar Fernandez, Oriol Falivene, and Mariano Marzo

Rudist Carbonate Platforms: Outcrop Examples for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
by Lluis Ardevol, Enric Vicens, and Jesus Garcia-Senz

Diagenetic Processes Controlling the Quality of Potential Clastic Reservoirs in a Continental Rift Basin: Western Cameros Basin, Spain
by Jose Arribas, Ramon Mas, Angela Alonso, and Maria Ochoa

The" Orogenic Float" of Northern South America
by Felipe Audemard

Use of Upper Jurassic Coral-Microbial and Thrombolitic Reefal Buildups of Northeast Spain as Outcrop Analogs for Upper Jurassic Coral-Microbial and Microbial Petroleum Reservoirs in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
by Marcos Aurell, Beatriz Badenas, Ernest A. Mancini, William C. Parcell, and Juan Carlos Llinas

Paleodrainge Evolution and Sedimentation of the Southern Pelotas Basin
by Ricardo Ayup-Zouain, Farid Chemale, and Eduardo Barboza

Environmental Monitoring on Shallow and Deep Sea Drilling Petroleum Exploration - Mapem
by Ricardo Ayup-Zouain, Elirio Toldo, and Felipe Toledo

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Combining Structural Interpretation, Rock Physics and Advanced Prestack Full Waveform Inversion to Map Reservoir Properties: Application to Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Ran Bachrach, Marc Beller, Marcelo Benabentos, Chu Ching Liu, Juan Perdomo, Diana Shelander, Haibin Xu, and Nader C. Dutta

*Sequence Stratigraphy of "X" Field in the Coastal Swamp Depobelt of the Niger Delta, Nigeria
by Ademolu O. Balogun

*Tasour Field-Republic of Yemen Block 32: Case History of a Decade of Learning
by James Bambrick, Ross Clarkson, Halvor Jahre, and Sven Erik Lie

Frontier Exploration in East Africa - Beyond Seismic
by Richard Barrett, Martijn Van Haaster, Susanne Witte, Stephen Collins, and Stephano Baffi

The Evolution of the East Africa Passive Margin and Petroleum Systems
by Richard Barrett, Martijn Van Haaster, Susanne Witte, Stephen Collins, and Stephano Baffi

*Maximising the Value of NMR Core Data for Geologists and Petrophysicist
by Dr. Paul B Basan, Dr. Benjamin D Lowden, and Mr. Joachim Strobel

*Regional Study of Sarvak and Ilam Formations in the Sirri District of the Persian Gulf
by Alireza Bashari, Majid Minaei

Reservoir Geometry of Deep-Water System Delta-Fed: Examples from The Marginal Area of The Parana Basin (The Itarare Group, Carboniferous-Permian, Sao Paulo State, Brazil)
by Giorgio Basilici

Shelf Reservoirs Produced by Combined Gravity Flow and Storm Deposits: Analogous Model from The Portezuelo Del Tontal Formation (Late Ordovician, Precordillera Argentina, Argentina)
by Giorgio Basilici, Silvio Peralta, and Stanley C. Finney

*Neogene Submarine Channels and Fans in Offshore, Godavari, East Coast, India
by Ravi Bastia, R.J Singh, and Neeraj Sinha

Improving 3D Well Planning Methods and Subsurface Understanding Through Developing Technology that Integrates Geological and Drilling Databases
by Lorraine E. Beacom, Stephen M. Lewis, and Roald Aspeli

*Probabilistic Pay Flags and Reservoir Quality in the Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait
by C.L. Bean, Mariam A. Al-Saeed, J. Crowe, and S. W. Stonard

Ultra-High Resolution 3-D Characterization of Deep-Water Deposits: Approaching a Better Understanding of the Stratigraphic Evolution of Intra-Slope Depositional Systems
by R.T. Beaubouef, V. Abreu, and N.L. Adair

Tethyan Evolution of the Aegean Domain from Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous: Examples from Turkey
by Laurent Beccaletto, Franìois Rosselet, and Gärard M. Stampfli

A Case Study in the Orange Basin (South Africa) on Seismic Analytical Techniques for the Prediction of Reservoir, Porosity and Fluid Type
by Jan Beckering Vinckers, Tim B. Berge, and George C. Smith

Hydrocarbon Potential and Trap Styles in the Deep Water Western Nile Delta, An Emerging Play
by John Bedingfield, David Phelps, Ron Roberts, Mostafa Hussien, and David Allard

Application of Paleofacial Reconstructions for Forecasting Oil Traps in Turbidite Systems, Lower Cretaceous, Western Siberia
by Mikhael D. Belonin, Vladimir V. Shimansky, Anatoliy M. Brehuncov, Nikolai Deschenia, Vladimir Borodkin, and Sergey Hafizov

*From a Field Based Geological Model to a Seismic Image: The Middle Eocene Ainsa System (South-Central Pyrenees)
by Giovanni Benevelli, S. Angella, L. Fava, P. Rocchini, and A. Valdisturlo

The Middle Eocene Ainsa Mixed Depositional System: a Model for Turbidite Deposition in Tectonically Mobile Slope Basins
by Giovanni Benevelli, Giorgio Cavanna, Jessy J. Melick, Lorenzo Papani, Franco Fonnesu, Roberto Tinterri, and Emiliano Mutti

*Eustatic and Tectonic Controls on Coral Reef Morphology and Porosity: The Torrecilla en Cameros Fm. Early Kimmeridgian, Northern Spain
by M. Isabel Benito, Ramon Mas, and Kyger C. Lohmann

*Uncertainty , Risk and Decision Management on the Ormen Lange Gas Field Offshore Norway
by Eirik A. Berg, Per A. Kjarnes

Structural Styles in the Zagros Simple Folded Zone, Iran
by Eric J-P. Blanc, Mark B. Allen, Hossein Hassani, Christopher A.J. Wibberley, and Simon Inger

*The Position of The South Pyrenean Margin in The Late Cretaceous: Evidence for Larger Foraminifera
by Carme Boix, Ruben Perez

Hydrocarbon Potential of the Ucayali Basin, Peru
by Rolando L. Bolanos, Gary D. Wine

Tectonic Features and Evolution of the Lower Pliocene Foredeep Cellino Basin (Abruzzo - Central Italy)
by Georgio Bolis, Stefano Carruba, Raffaele Casnedi, Cesare Perotti, and Milly Tornaghi

3D Visualisation and Interpretation of Geological Structures using Volume-Based Seismic Interpretation
by Robert M. G. Bond, Lucy Eastwood

Gas-Charged Reservoir Delineation. From Seismic to Simultaneous Inversion. Austral Basin, Argentina
by Claudia Borbolla, Fernando Fernandez Seveso, Hector Bouso, Daniel Dellape, and Steven Bahret

SBEP, Building a Profitable EP Growth Center in Brazil
by Thomas C. Boronow, Graeme G. Smith

Field Case : Validation of the Girassol Geological Model through Numerical Well Test Simulations
by Jean-Luc Boutaud de la Combe, Lionel Airaud, Philippe Ruelland, and Yannick Schildberg

Sedimentological Interpretation and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Silurian Akakus Formation - A field survey of the Akakus Cliff, southwestern Libya
by Eric Braccini, Francois Lafont

Carbonate Reservoir Bodies: Geometry, Poroperm and Stratigraphic Architecture of "Shoals" in Epeiric Outcrop Analogs (Muschelkalk, German Basin)
by Sascha Braun, Thomas Aigner

Stratigraphic Reservoir Prediction in a Strike-Slip System: Miocene of the East Sakhalin Shelf, Russia
by Matthew Brettle, S. Flint, and Julian Bessa

An Integrated Quantitative Basin Analysis Approach Applied to Deep Offshore Campos Basin, Brazil
by Frederic Brigaud, Francis Lucazeau, Jean-Loup Montenat, and Rejanne Baranger

Large-scale Geodynamic Processes Impact on Petroleum System Evolution, Outer Vøring Basin, Norway
by Frederic Brigaud, Laurent Gernigon, Marc Urreiztieta, and Francis Lucazeau

The Impact of a Changing Stress Field on Hydrocarbon Retention in the Northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
by Mark P. Brincat, Scott D. Mildren, Wayne R. Bailey, and Mark Lisk

The Role of Deformation Processes on the Geometry of Mud-Dominated Deep-Sea Fans: Oligocene and Lower-Middle Miocene Turbiditic Systems of the Lower Congo Basin
by Olivier Broucke, Delphine Rouby, Cecile Robin, Francois Guillocheau, and Francois Temple

Hydrocarbon Possibilities in Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Early Synrift Successions, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada
by David E. Brown

An Emergent Play in the Deep Water Basin Between Canary Islands and Morocco
by J. Buitrago Borras, C. Diaz-Merino, A. Morabet, W. Martinez del Olmo, and M. Nahim

An Emergent Play in the Deep Water Basin Between Canary Islands and Morocco
by J Buitrago, C. Diaz-Merino, M. Nahim, A. Almorabet, and W. Martinez del Olmo

Development Lessons at Holstein Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Integrating Datasets, Analogs and Disciplines to Optimize Development Well Placement and Assure Reservoir Value
by Thomas M. Byrd, Eric J. Ekstrand, and William S. Young

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Offshore Algarve, Portugal: A Prospective Extension of the Spanish Gulf of Cadiz Miocene Play
by J. Cakebread-Brown, C. Garcia-Mojonero, R. Bortz, L. Cortes, W. Schwarzhans, and W. Martinez del Olmo

Use of Outcrop Analogues to Constrain the Geometry and Facies Distribution of a Carbonate Nummulite Reservoir (El Gueria Formation, C137 and NC41 Areas, Offshore Libya)
by Bruno Caline, Paola Ronchi, Pierre Masse, and Sandro Reali

*Biostratigraphy of The Shallow-Water Cenomanian Deposits from The Iberian Ranges (Spain)
by Amelia Calonge, Esmeralda Caus, and Dolores Lopez-Carrillo

Seismic Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Middle/Late Miocene Sequence Offshore Eastern Nile Delta (Egypt)
by Stefano Carbonara, Fabio Lottaroli

3D Structure of the El Porton Oil Field at the Andean Thrust Front (Neuquen Basin, Argentina)
by Nuria Carrera, Eduard Roca, Josep Anton Munoz, Tomas Zapata, Oscar Fernandez, Gustavo Selva, Andres Ansa, and Gonzalo Zamora

Early Porosity Development in Carbonate Platforms: The Example of the Urgonian Limestone Formation (South-East France)
by E.B. Carrio-Schaffhauser, A. Arnaud-Vanneau, H. Arnaud, and M.C. Raddadi

Deepwater Angola: Seafloor Pock-Marks as Hydrocarbon Indicators?
by Julio Carvalho, Luppo W. Kuilman

Direct Hydrocarbon Indication Using Instantaneous Spectral Analysis
by John Castagna

Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Gaviota Field
by Esperanza Castro Nieto, Albert Asensio Salvador, Alejandro Garcia Algora, Albert Cambronero Bragulat, and Luis Garcia Menendez

*Upper Cretaceous Shallow Benthic Biozones (KSBZ): a Preliminary Report
by Esmeralda Caus, Josep M. Bernaus, Carme Boix, Amelia Calonge, and Ruben Perez

Thermal History of the Jurassic-Tertiary Succession of the Zagros Mountains (Iran): Constraints from the Study of Fluid Inclusions
by Andrea Ceriani, Roberto Calabro, Andrea Di Giulio, Mostafa Naini, Roberto Carpi, and Raffaele Buonaguro

Geochemical Characterization of Hot Shales in Morocco
by Abdelwahid Chakor Alami, Haddou Achnin

Structural Controls on the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Blocks 351c&352c, Reggane Basin, Algeria
by Alan F Chambers, Maria Baena Garrido, Rafael Ferrando Torres, Israel Polonio Martin, Maria Rodrigo Vinuela, and Eduardo Figari Negri

Structural Controls on the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Blocks 25-29&36, Offshore Northern Cuba
by Alan F Chambers, Pujianto Lukito, Cristina Solla Hach, Susana Torrescusa Villaverde, Carlos Riaza Molina, and Heinz

*3D Transition Zone OBC Survey in India: In Quest of the Elusive Traps
by S. K. Chandola, K Ramakrishna, A Sanyal, A Saha, M.V.R. Murthy, and Nabeel Yassi

*Lithostratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data for Reservoir Characterization
by Mahesh Chandra, A. K. Srivastava, V. Singh, D. N. Tiwari, and P. K. Painuly

Geodynamics of the Gulf of Lion: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
by Karl Charvin, Frode Sandnes, and Roland Vially

Petroleum Systems Response to the Gas Injection Projects in the Talara Basin, Offshore Fields, Northwest Peru
by Mario Chavez-Cerna

The Use of Acoustic Impedance in Evaluating the Tournaisian Reservoirs in Block 405a - Algeria
by Steve Cherry, A. Hughes, and I. McNeil

Frontier Exploration Areas in the South China Sea: the "Big Picture" from Potential Fields Data
by Janice M. Christ, William G. Dickson, and James W. Granath

Lessons from 20 Years of Turbidite Production
by Dean C Christensen

Application of 3D Visualization Techniques for Definition of Depositional Geometries in the Cañadón Yatel,Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina
by María S. Cid de la Paz, Guillermo Cardinali, and Mónica E. Lucero

Hydrocarbon Potential of Western Madagascar
by D. N. Clark, L. R. Ramanampisoa

Reservoir Characterization Workflow for the Tombua Field Turbidite Channel System- Block 14, Offshore Angola
by Michael Clark, Dale Beeson

The Multiple Signatures of the Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis
by Georges Clauzon, Jean-Loup Rubino, and Ludovic Mocochain

The Gulf of Valencia, Exploration Review and Future Trends
by Eduardo Clavell, Juan Klimowitz, and Enrique Hernandez

Capillary Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Seal Leakage Potential
by Michael Benedict Clennell

Portfolios in The Balance
by Michael D. Cochran, Joseph L. Korenek

Cenozoic Extension of the Mesozoic Continental Margin of Kenya and Tanzania
by Millard F. Coffin

*Rift Sequences of the Southern Margin of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) as Exploration / Production Analogues
by Richard Collier, Greg Jones

The Petroleum Prospectivity of the Deep-Water Margin of Algeria
by Michael J. Cope

Transfer Faults in the Valencia Trough: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
by Pierluigi Corradini

Development of a Complex Structure Using 3D Structural Modeling. Chihuido de la Salina Field, Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by S. Corsico, T. Zapata, F. Dzelalija, G. Selva, and G. Zamora

Obtaining 3D Information from 2D Outcrops of Deepwater Clastics
by Stephen P.J. Cossey

Salt Tectonics in Gas Storage & Radioactive Waste Disposal
by Carlos Cramez, J.M. Masset, M.J. Lemos de Sousa

*Quaternary Incised Valleys and Low Stand Deltas Imaged with 3D seismic and 2D HR Profiles, Mahakam Delta, Indonesia
by Philippe Crumeyrolle, Irene Renaud

Three-Dimensional Conditional Gaussian Simulation of Oligocene Deltaic Lacustrine Facies in the Ebro Basin (Northeast Spain)
by J. L. Cuevas, Lluis Cabrera, M. Marzo, and P. Arbues

Valuing Information in Exploration and Exploitation
by Peter Cunningham

Porosity and Permeability Controls in Volcaniclastic Sediments and their Relationship to Wireline Data from the Sultan-Sa-Barongis Prospect, Mindanao, Phillipines
by Edgar B. C. Cutiongco, John Warren

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New Oil in an Old Basin - Onshore Exploration in Central Kazakhstan
by Mark Dalrymple, Gordon Smith, Michael Welland, and Alastair Beach

The Significance of Coal Seam Splits for High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy
by Roy C. Davies, John A Howell, Stephen S Flint, Claus Diessel, and Ron Boyd

Ultra High Resolution Correlation using Coal Seam Micro-Stratigraphy
by Roy C. Davies, John A Howell, Stephen S Flint, Claus Diessel, and Ron Boyd

Faulting and Fluid Flow Though Salt
by Ian Davison

Central Atlantic Salt Basins Correlation
by Ian Davison, Matthew Taylor, and Mark Longacre

*Sequence Cyclostratigraphy, a Methodology for Long-distance Correlation and Orbital Chronostratigraphy
by Bruno D'Argenio, Vittoria Ferreri

Gravity Driven Tectonics and Deep Offshore Petroleum Systems
by Philippe De Clarens, Alain Coadou, Alain Morash, Bernard Pironon, and Stephane Raillard

Prospectivity of the High Plateaus Basin (Morocco)
by Jan C de Coo, Bert Dijksman, and Rabah Bouchta

*What if You Need Seismic to Understand Your Geological Model? Exploration in the UK Southern North Sea Rotliegend Transition Zone
by Hubert J. M. Dejong, Richard Knight, Ray McClenaghan, and Franek Mrozek

Locating Appraisal Wells in the Tombua Field Using Inversion of Wide Angle AVO to Lithology
by Guy Delorme, Mark Smithard

*Eastern Gulf of Panama Exploration Potential
by Stephen J. Derksen, Hardtner L. Coon, and Patrick J. Shannon

Profitable HP/HT Reservoir, Thanks to the Pressure !
by Daniel Dessort, Francois Montel

From Frontal Subduction to a Compressional Transform System: New Geophysical Data on the Structure of the South-East Caribbean
by Eric Deville, Roger Griboulard, Sophie Guerlais, Pascale Huyghe, Siegfried Lallemant, Jean-Frederic Lebrun, Mascle Alain, and Georges Mascle

Top Seal Fracturing in the Carnarvon and Otway Basins, Australia
by David N. Dewhurst, Scott D. Mildren, Bronwyn A. Camac, Peter J. Boult, and Allison L. Hennig

Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Southern Pyrenees
by C. Diaz-Merino, L. Villalobos, J. C. Vicente, P. Camara, and W. Martinez del Olmo

Time Lapse Seismic at Gullfaks - Adding Value for The Asset
by Per Digranes, Lars Kristian Str°nen

Transition from Extensional to Compressional Structure in the Upper Miocene Shaly Deposits, Western Black Sea
by Corneliu Dinu, Dorina Tambrea, and Adriana Raileanu

Focusing Knowledge Management Initiatives at Repsol YPF
by Agustin Diz

Plates Tectonic Evolution and Formation of Oil and Gas Provinces
by Anatoly N. Dmitrievsky, Inna E. Balanyuk, Oleg G. Sorokhtin, and Ludmila Sh. Dongaryan

Integration of Borehole Image Logs, Cores and Outcrop Data to Interpret Sedimentary Genetic Types in a Fluvial Environment
by Marinus Eric Donselaar, Cees R. Geel, and Jasper M. Schmidt

Using Plays and Petroleum Systems in Exploration
by Harry Doust

The Use of Forward Modelling as an Aid to Reservoir Characterization and Modelling of Deep-Marine Sedimentary Systems: an Example from the Permian Tanqua Karoo Turbidites, South Africa
by Nicholas Drinkwater, Dan Tetzlaff, Romain Prioul, Martin Musil, Dave Hodgson, Dave Hodgetts, Steve Flint, and Claude Signer

Intra-Platform Basins in the Cretaceous Carbonate Platform of Oman
by Henk Droste

Basin Analysis and Petroleum System of the SongDa Messo-Tethys (Northwest Vietnam)
by Nguyen Anh Duc, Phan Trung Dien

An Integrated Analysis of Geological and Geophysical Data for Reservoir Petrophysical Property Mapping
by Francesca Eliza Dumitru, Paul Adrian Dumitru

Tombua-Landana on the Road from Discovery towards Development in Angola Block 14: A Success Story
by Jack Dunn, John Baillie, and Nelson Pacavira

Seismic Detection of Gas Hydrates
by Nader C. Dutta, Lecia Mueller, Jon Dai, and Randy Utech

Examples of Decision-Making in Frontier Exploration: the Interplay of Risks Analysis, Play Drivers' Recognition and Accepted Challenges
by Bernard C. Duval, Jerome-Marie Roux

Geological Characteristics of Deep Undiscovered Conventional Gas Worldwide
by T.S. Dyman, C.E. Bartberger, T.A. Cook, and K.I. Takahashi

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*Statistical Anisotropy
by Ewiwile E. Edison

Thin Bed of Tuffaceos Sandstone Reservoir Can be Recognized from High Velocity Zone in The Manantiales Behr Field, San Jorge Basin, Argentina
by Yudistira Effendi, Oscar Antonio Olima, and Eduardo Smith

High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imaging of Ponded-Basin Turbidite Reservoirs at Holstein Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Insights to the Interpretive Process for Reservoir Risk Mitigation
by Eric J. Ekstrand, Thomas M. Byrd, William S. Young, Alexander S. Calvert, Darrell T. Stanley, Andrei V. Belopolsky, L. Micaela Smith, and Kristian Meisling

Onshore Tarfaya-Layoune Depositional and Petroleum Systems
by M'hammed El Mostaine

Challenges of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Siluro-Devonian Succession of the Sahara Craton
by R. Eschard, F. Braik, D. Bekkouche, G. Desaubliaux, and A. Hussein

Alluvial Sequence Stratigraphy of the Triassic Basins in Algeria: A Tectonic and Climate Control
by Remi Eschard, B. Hamouche, and S. Bourquin

Explorating for CBM in the Asturian Carboniferous Central Basis
by Tomas Esola

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3D Visualization of Alluvial and Lacustrine-Palustrine Sedimentary Systems: the Examples in the Strike-slip As Pontes Basin (Northwest Spain)
by Oriol Falivene, Lluis Cabrera, and Alberto Saez

Crustal and Lithospheric Structure in the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt: A Geological and Geophysical Approach
by M. Fernandez, C. Ayala, J. Skogseid, J. Verges, W. Wheeler, and R. Karpuz

Seismic Quantitative Evaluation of a Gas Discovery using 3D Elastic Inversion Data and Seismic Forward Modelling: A Deepwater Case History in the East Nile Delta (Egypt)
by Massimo Fervari, Paolo Andreotti, Francesca Pingitore, Giorgio Bondi, Stefano Carbonara, and Mohamed Refaat

*3-D Seismic Expression of Salt-Related Structures in the Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil
by Joseph Carl Fiduk, Lynn E. Anderson, Gene Brush, and Peter Gibb

In Situ Stress and Pore Pressure Dynamically Control Fault Seal Behavior of a Gulf of Mexico Reservoir
by Thomas Finkbeiner, Mark Zoback, Peter Flemings, and Beth Stump

*A Cretaceous Allochthonous Evaporitic Province within the Betic-Maghrebian Domain. Comparison with the Present-Day Gulf of Mexico
by Joan Francesc Flinch

Onshore-Offshore Structure of the Northern Colombia Accretionary Complex
by Joan Francesc Flinch, Joao Amaral, Alain Doulcet, Benoit Mouly, Claudia Osorio, and Jean Marc Pince

One Step Further Towards Real-Time Quantitative Seismic Monitoring
by Eric Forgues, Frederic Huguet, Josette Bruneau, Sandrine Vidal, and Salvador Rodriguez

Origin of Large Antithetic Rollovers in the Lower Congo Basin: the Role of Conjugate Strike-Slip Shear Zones
by X. Fort, J.-P. Brun

Segmentation of Extensional Structures in the Lower Congo/ Kwanza Basins: an Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions
by X. Fort, J.-P. Brun, O. Frey, T. Fristad, C. Zwach, H. Oines, and K. Jongepier

Integrated Petrophysical Characterisation of a Highly Heterogeneous and Layered Carbonate Reservoir: a New Approach
by Arrigo Francesconi, Marco Mazzotta, Sergio Nardon, Andrea Ortenzi, Claudio Sala, and Marisa Sitta

Geological Development and Prospectivity of the eastern North Makassar Straits, Indonesia
by Thomas H. Fraser, Brent A. Jackson, Peter M. Barber, Peter W. Baillie, and Keith Myers

3D Seismic Analysis of Slump Systems, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
by Jose Manuel Frey Martinez, Joe Cartwright, and Ben Hall

Eocene -Miocene Calcareous Turbiditic Play in a Dinaric Foredeep: the Dugi Otok Basin, Offshore Croatia
by Alfredo Frixa, Luciano Gorla, Gisberto Liverani, Claudio Nini, Bogomil Parlov, and Gianna Pompadoro

*Bidding as a Proxy Estimation of Real Block Value in the New Offshore Frontiers: The Brazilian Case
by Ricardo Furtado, Saul Suslick

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*Converted Shear-Wave Anisotropy: New Technology for Fractured-Reservoir Management
by James Gaiser, Richard Van Dok

Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Guadalquivir-Golfo de Cadiz
by C. Garcia Mojonero, C. Riaza, S. Torrescusa, G. Abeger, J. Suarez, G. Leret, and W. Martinez del Olmo

A New Exploration Play in the Gulf of Cadiz Gas Basin: Messinian Ponded Hyperpycnal Flows and Tortonian Deltas
by C. Garcia-Mojonero, R. Bortz, L. Cortes, G. Abeger, W. Schwarzhans, and W Martinez del Olmo

Newly Revealed Extentional and Transpressional Structures in the Southeastern Mediterranean Basin and their Significance to Hydrocarbon Exploration
by Michael A. Gardosh, Yehezkel Druckman, Ilan Bruner, Margaret Reznikov, Benjamin Buchbinder, and Yael Sagy

Gas-Oil Potential and Exploration Opportunities of the Black Sea Region
by George V. Georgiev, Hilmar Rempel

Structural Analysis of the Cerro Fortunoso Block, Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Results and Applications on Exploration and Development Projects
by P. Giampaoli, M. A. Gait, and F. Dzelalija

What Is A Fold-Thrust Belt? And How Do We Explore It?
by Oscar E Gilbert, Dietrich Roeder

Log Responses in the Carbonate Mishrif Formation (Cenomanian, Middle East)
by Laurent Gindre, Rubino Jean-Loup, and Fabrice Malartre

*The Peri-Caribbean Ophiolites and Implications for the Caribbean Plate Evolution
by Giuseppe Giunta, Luigi Beccaluva, Massimo Coltorti, and Franca Siena

The Yafo Sand: Post-Messinian Turbidite Play, Offshore Levant
by Robert Glendinning

*Jurassic Plate Tectonics and Paleogeography of the Tethyan and Peri-Tethyan Realm in Poland and Adjacent Areas
by Jan Golonka, Nestor Oszczypko, Halina Jedrzejowska-Tyczkowska, Piotr Misiarz, Jacek Matyszkiewicz, and Barbara Olszewska

*Plate Tectonic Evolution Stages of the Outer Carpathian Basins
by Jan Golonka, Nestor Oszczypko, Michal Krobicki, Tadeusz Slomka, Tomasz Malata, Pawel Poprawa, and Alfred Uchman

Structural and Sedimentological Analysis of the Neogene Sediments of the Offshore Portion of the Salina del Istmo Basin, Southeastern Mexico
by Pedro T. Gomez-Cabrera

Provenance of the Upper Unit Sandstones of the Fortuna Formation of North-Eastern of Tunisia
by David Gomez-Gras, Karima Zoghlami

*Petroleum Exploration on the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the Spanish Civil War: 1937-1938
by Jose-Maria Gonzalez-Munoz, Pedro Insenser

*Salt Tectonics and Minibasins on the Southeastern Border of the PreCaspian Basin (Kazakhstan): Petroleum and Plays Evaluation
by Jose-Maria Gonzalez-Munoz, Jose-Ramon Carballo-Garcia

Greenhouse-Icehouse Transition - Late Visean-Early Namurian Carbonate Platform And Associated Clastics, Bonaparte Basin, Australia: New Hydrocarbon Plays
by John Dirk Gorter, Christopher J. Golding, Lisa McNeil, and Peter J. Jones

3D Simulation of Sedimentary Facies: Application to Oil-bearing Langhian Reef Buildups in Valles-Penedes Basin (Catalunya)
by Oscar Gratacos, Klaus Bitzer, Luis Cabrera, Eduard Roca, and Ramon Salas

Structure of the Boixols - Sant Corneli anticline (SE Pyrenees): Fractures and Fluid Flow
by Sylvain Grelaud, Michel Malo, Jaume Verges, and Conxita Taberner

Different Rank Objects of Searches for Oil and Gas, Pacific Region
by Yury N. Grigorenko, Mikhail D. Belonin

Seismic Characteristics of Leakage from an Under-Filled Structure in the North Sea, Offshore Norway - Diagnostic Criteria for Other Areas?
by Gunn Mari Grimsmo Teige, Hege Marit Nordgard Bolas, and Christian Hermanrud

Variations of Fluid Overpressure, Sonic Velocity and Density in North Sea Shales
by Gunn Mari Grimsmo Teige, Hege Marit Nordgard Bolas, and Christian Hermanrud

Depositional Processes and Facies Distribution in the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela: Constraints for Reservoir Models
by Edgar H. Guevara, Andres Aslan, William A. White, Jay A. Raney, and James C. Gibeaut

Accommodation Measurement at Different Time-Scales: toward a Quantification of Eustatic versus Tectonic and Sedimentary Flux Controls
by Francois Guillocheau, Cecile Robin, and Delphine Rouby

*The Tethyan Margin of Oman: Short-Term Control (1-5 My) of the Middle / Upper Jurassic Carbonate Turbiditic Sedimentation
by Francois Guillocheau, Cecile Robin, Philippe Razin, Gilles Dromart, Spela Gorican, and Francois Bechenec

3D Reconstruction of the Extensional and Contractional Structure in a Region of the Eastern Iberian Chain (Iberian Peninsula)
by Joan Guimera, Ramon Salas

Orogenic Growth and Collapse:Seismic Perspectives from the Western Trans-Hudson Orogen,Canada
by Istvan Gyorfi, Zoltan Hajnal, Erno Takacs, Don White, and Irvine R. Annesley

Return to top



Deep-Water Sedimentation in the West Alboran Basin Since the Messinian as Inferred from Recent 2D Seismic and Swath Bathymetry Data
by Geoffrey A. Haddad, Yves M. Chevalier, Rick A. Mountfield, Lung-Chuan Kuo, and Matthew O. Strickland

*Time-Lapse Seismic and Real Options: New Measures are Required to Show Value Creation
by Tore Hakon Hanssen, Eivind Bakken, and Lars Hakon Nordby

Crosswell Seismic in Carbonate Reservoirs - Examples of High-Resolution Reservoir Delineation
by Paul (Mitch) Harris

Reservoirs in Isolated Carbonate Platforms- Insight from Great Bahama Bank
by Paul (Mitch) Harris, Gregor P Eberli, and G. Michael Grammer

A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of Fluid Flow Through Fault Damage Zones
by Simon D Harris, N. Odling, A. Z. Vaszi, and R. J. Knipe

Fault Architecture Visualization and Fault Property Mapping Utilising Existing Geo-Cellular Models
by Simon D Harris, S. Freeman, and R. J. Knipe

3-D Seismic Horizon-Based Approaches to Fracture-Swarm Sweet Spot Detection In Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs
by Bruce Hart, Robin Pearson, Tom Engler, and Ryan Robinson

Deep Panuke: A Jurassic Abenaki Formation gas discovery, offshore Nova Scotia Canada
by Paul J. Harvey, Nancy Harland

The Implementation of a Consistent Risk Assessment Process Improved Exploration Performance
by Paul Haryott, Michael Joseph, James MacKay, David Taber, and James Varnon

Rock Properties from 2D Images: Computer Assisted Petrography
by Lori A. Hathon, Thomas R. Taylor, Fritz H. K. Rambow, Michael T. Myers, and David W. Fanning

Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Leaking, CO2-Charged, Low Net-to-Gross Fault Zones: The Little Grand and Salt Wash Fault Zones, Emery and Grand Counties, Utah
by Jason E. Heath, James P. Evans, and Thomas E. Lachmar

Techniques & Challenges of Illuminated Gas Sands in the Nile Delta: A Geophysicist's View of Tertiary, Slope Turbidite Systems
by Roger Heath, Mohammad Nomaan, James Faroppa, Nick Steel, and Jur Snijder

Real Options - A Tool for Maximizing the Value of PUD Development Programs
by Gregory F. Hebertson, Raoul LeBlanc, and John McCormack

Pore Pressure Prediction and Operations in Deep Water, Offshore Trinidad
by Phillip D. Heppard, J. Bhajan, T. Rampersad, J. C. Sydow, P. A. Watson, and D. F. Greeley

Why Conventional Basin Modeling of Fluid Flow, Overpressure and Porosity Doesn't Work
by Christian Hermanrud, Hege Marit Nordgard Bolas, and Gunn Mari Grimsmo Teige

Integrated Reservoir Study of the Liuhua 11-1 Field, China, Using a High-Resolution 3-D Seismic Data Set
by Christoph Heubeck, C. Story, P. Peng, and C. Sullivan, S. Duff

A Methodology for Integrated Seal Assessment and Risking
by Richard Hillis, Scott Mildren, Richard Daniel, and John G. Kaldi

Process and Criteria for Determining Seal Controls on Trap Fill
by Susan Hippler, Franco Corona

Generation of Synthetic Sonic Logs and Their Application in the Development of Mature Fields
by Julio C. Hlebszevitsch, Javier Gustavo Sanagua, and Eduardo Walter Breda

3D Seismic Interpretation Workflows with Volume Attributes
by Christian Hocker

Depth Conversion for Stacked Reservoirs in Tertiary Clastics
by Christian Hocker

3D Architecture of a Deepwater Turbidite Depositional System from Outcrop and Wells (2): Construction, Visualization and Analysis of Reservoir Models
by David Hodgetts, Eirik Vik, David Hodgson, Nick Drinkwater, and Stephen Flint

3D Architecture of a Deepwater Turbidite Depositional System from Outcrop and Wells (1): Facies Distributions, High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Fan Growth Mechanisms
by David Hodgson, David Hodgetts, Stephen Flint, Jan Willem Goedblood, Cees Geel, Stefan Luthi, Nick Drinkwater, and Erik Johannessen

Sediment Routing and Storage During the Messinian and Pliocene in a Tectonically Active Setting: The Sorbas Basin, Southeast Spain
by David Hodgson, Anne Mathe

Origin of Overpressure in the Malay Basin
by Mohd. Jamaal Hoesni, Richard Swarbrick, and Neil Goulty

An Overview of the Jeanne d'Arc and Scotian Basins Development and Exploration, Offshore Atlantic Canada
by John R. Hogg, Michael Enachescu

Status of Frontier Exploration in NW Europe: Ireland to Norway
by Kent Hogseth, Anthony Spencer, Gareth Allinson, Erik Henriksen, and Brian MacTiernan

Simulation Study of CO2 Sequestration in a North Sea Formation
by Nancy J. House, D. D. Faulder, G. L. Olson, and J. R. Fanchi

Techniques to Quantify the Resource Potential of Pervasive Shallow Biogenic Gas Systems in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by Dave Hume, Phil Esslinger, Jason Johnson, and E. Ross Crain

*Hydrocarbon Geology of Cuu Long Basin - Offshore Vietnam
by Nguyen Du Hung, Hung Van Le

Constraints on Hydrocarbon Maturation and Continental Margin Prospectivity from Sequential Structural Modeling: Examples from the Brazilian Margin
by Robert Hunsdale

2D and 3D Discrete Element Stress Modelling in the Otway Basin, Australia
by Suzanne Hunt, Peter Boult

Seismic Sedimentology of Deep-Water Channel Complexes
by Andrew Hurst, Bryan T Cronin, and Anne M Schwab

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The Crust in the Abyssal Plain of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Morphology and Consequences on Opening Models
by Patrice Imbert

Use of Seismic Inversion in the Integrated 3D Modelling of a Giant Carbonate Reservoir: Mauddud Limestone, Sabiriyah Field, North Kuwait
by John Isby, Stephen Haas, Yousef Al-Zuabi, Hussain Al-Dashti, Alan Clark, Craig Rice, and William Sercombe

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The Great Escape: Pressurized Extrusion of Allochthonous Salt Sheets in Orogenic Belts
by Martin P. A. Jackson, Michael R. Hudec

Two Major Tectonic Events Expressed in the Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Sub-Andean Basins: 25 and 12 Ma
by John M Jacques, Simon Otto

Identification of the Lacustrine Delta Architecture and Lithology Prediction through the Application of Simultaneous Angle Dependant Inversion (SADI) on the D-129 Formation, Manantiales Behr, San Jorge Basin, Argentina
by Guillermo Jalfin, Eduardo Francucci, John Castagna, Fernando Fernandez-Seveso, Marcela Egusquiza, Luis Piccioni, and Brad Bacon

A Simple Synthesis of Caribbean Geology
by Keith H. James

*A Simple Synthesis of Caribbean Geology
Keith H. James

*Caribbean Plate Origin: Discussion of Arguments Claiming to Support a Pacific Origin: Arguments for an In-Situ Origin
by Keith H. James

Seismic Acquisition and Attribute Analysis in Carbonate Systems as Viewed through the Sedimentologist's Eyes from an Outcrop Perspective
by Xavier Janson, Gregor Eberli, Anthony J. lomando, and Florence Bonnaffe

New Developments in Middle East Exploration - an Overview
by Pete Jeans

Reservoir Characterization Guided by Seismic Attributes: Successes, Pitfalls and Best Practices from the Niger Delta
by Steve D Jenkins, Michel F Bee, Stan P Franklin, and John Garrity

3-D Digital Characterization and Visualization of the Solitary Channel Complex, Tabernas Basin, Southern Spain
by David Jennette, Jerome Bellian

Application of Laser-scanned Outcrop Data to Build Models of Deepwater Reservoirs: Examples from the Tabernas and Ainsa Basins, Northern and Southern Spain
by David C. Jennette, Jerome A. Bellian

A Deep Water Reservoir of the Sub-Lacustrine Fan in Dongying Depression, China
by Qiang Jin, Weifeng Wang, Guangyou Zhu, and Qihong Rong

Objective, Real Time Exploration Prospect Assessments for Portfolio Analysis - Processes and Technologies for Improved Efficiency
by D. Rhodri Johns

*Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of Reservoir Nummulite Bodies in Central Tunisia (El Garia Formation, Upper Ypresian). Results of a Field Analogue Study from the Kesra Plateau
by Stephan Jorry, Davaud Eric, and Caline Bruno

Integrated Use of Dipmeter and Conventional Logs for Characterization of Fluvial Deposits of Triassic Argilo Greseux Inferieur Formation within the Rhourde El Khrouf Field, Berkine Basin (Algeria)
by Maria Jose Jurado, Teresa Bartrina, Mercedes Lamela, and Jose Luis Ruiz

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Upstream of Upstream: Preparing Professionals for the Petroleum Industry
by John G. Kaldi

Evolution and Petroleum Potential of the Ionian Basin (Northwest Greece)
by Vassilis Karakitsios

Charge Aspects Of The Petroleum Systems of Italy
by Barry J Katz, Gary E Ehret

Hydrocarbon Charge in Deepwater Nigeria - An Evolving Story
by Barry J Katz, Kelly Dempster

Exploration Risking - Bayesian Methods Applied to Petroleum Systems Models
Armin Kauerauf, Thomas Hantschel, and Bjorn Wygrala

Not Sea Level but Ecologically Triggered Sequence Stratigraphy: The Cessation of Progradation of Carnian Carbonate Platforms (Dolomites, N-Italy)
by Lorenz Keim, Rainer Brandner

Regional Framework and Exploration Potential of the Deepwater Tarfaya-Agadir Basin, Offshore Morocco
by Fred Keller, Charlie Lee, Bruce Mitchell, Dave Robetson, and Mario Wannier

High-Resolution Stratigraphy in a Continental Record: An Integrated Bio- and Magnetostratigraphic Approach from the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin of Switzerland
by Oliver Kempf

Terrane Accretion in the Northern Andes: the Caribbean Connection
by Lorcan Kennan, James Pindell

Geology and Geophysics: Groundtruthing Through Natural Seismic Laboratories
by Jeroen A. Kenter, Guy G. Drijkoningen, A. Filippidou, and H. Braaksma

3D Mapping and Visualization of Carbonate Slope and Basin Floor Reservoir Strata: Bringing the Outcrop to the Desktop
by Charlie Kerans, Jerry Bellian, and Ted Playton

*Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deepwater Slope, Offshore Nova Scotia Canada
by Arthur G. Kidston, Dave E. Brown, Brenton M. Smith, and Brian Altheim

Seismic Attribute-based Litho-facies Mapping in a Late Miocene Atoll Reef Tract Offshore Tunisia by Integration of 3D and Wireline Log Data
by Ernst Kiefer, Elisabeth Stahl

Detailed Fracture Studies of a Fault-Propagation Fold in the Spanish Pyrenees Fold-and-Thrust Belt
by Donna Kirkwood, Josep Anton Munoz, Joana Mencos, Jordi Bausa, Xavier Berastegui, and Pau Arbues

Development of the Mowry Petroleum System in an Evolving Foreland Basin, Green River Basin, USA
by Mark A. Kirschbaum

Pre-Drill Depositional Facies Characterization of Sinuous Submarine Channels, Deepwater West Africa
by Roland H. Kirschner, T.A. McGilvery

New Insights on the Black Sea Basin Tectonic Evolution Contribute to the Exploration Strategy
by Alexander A. Kitchka

*The Fluvial Analogue Escanilla Formation, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees: Revisited
by Audun V. Kjemperud, Edwin Schomacker, Atle Brendsdal, Lars-Magnus Falt, Jens S. Jahren, Johan Petter Nystuen, and Cai Puigdefabregas

MAGIC Breakthrough in Surface Multiple Elimination on Ormen Lange
by Gerd Kleemeyer, Ramon Loosveld, Svend Erik Pettersson, Ron den Ouden, Rob Eppenga, and Chris Haneveld

*The Karkinit Basin of the Black Sea - Northwestern Part of the Tethyan Region
by Konstantin A. Kleschev

An Evaluation of a Basin Modeling Involved Approach to Prospect Risk Analysis: Example Cases and a Methodology Comparison
by Edward J. Kovas, Santiago Quesada, Ricardo Veiga, Jay E. Leonard, China Leonard

Modelling the Deformation Front of Fold-Thrust Belts Containing Multiple Weak Horizons
by Hemin A. Koyi, Maura Sans

*Case Studies of Hierarchical Knowledge Management for Large Datasets
by Jess B. Kozman

Exploration to Production: A Near Decade of Success in Block 14, Angola
by Mark Krolow, Trent Rehill

Extension, Inversion, Strike-Slip Movements and Syn-Tectonic Sedimentation within the Miocene Carpathian Foredeep (SE Poland) - 3D Seismic Imaging of Complex Tectonosedimentary System
by Piotr Krzywiec, Zenon Borys, Barbara Ryzner-Siupik, and Janusz Siupik

Permian-Mesozoic Evolution of the Klodawa Salt Structure, Central Mid- Polish Trough: Integration of Seismic and Mine Data with Analogue Models
by Piotr Krzywiec, Stanislaw Burliga, and Hemin A. Koyi

Role of Structural Decoupling in Carboniferous Evolution of the Lublin Trough (SE Poland)
by Piotr Krzywiec, Marek Narkiewicz

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Time Lapse Seismic Inversion at the Oseberg Field
by Pierre Lanfranchi, Helge Rutledal, Art Jan Wijngaarden, Jan Helgesen, Howard Buran, and Terje Weisser

A Modern Reservoir Analogue for Dryland Fluvial, Crevasse Splay and Lacustrine Delta Successions from Lake Eyre, Central Australia
by Simon C. Lang, Mark Reilly, Tobias Payenberg, Jochen Kassan, Tony Faulkner, Tim Hicks, and Jim Benson

NeoTethys Rifting on the Rocks! The Late Carboniferous Syn-Rift Phase Blurred by Gondwanic Glaciation
by Laurent Langhi, Gilles D. Borel, Christian Steiner, and Gerard M. Stampfli

Permian Glacial and Fluvio-Deltaic Depositional Systems of the Dampier Sub-Basin (North West Shelf of Australia) Revealed by 3-D Seismic
by Laurent Langhi, Christian Steiner

A New Efficiency 3D Stochastic Modeling Method: El Furrial Giant Oil Field Venezuela
by Alain Laval, Gerard Auxiette, Brigite Doligez, Efren Solorzano, and Carlos Uroza

Seismic Expression of the Basal Tertiary Slide Complex, Deepwater Tarfaya-Agadir Basin, Offshore Morocco
by Charlie Lee, Fred Keller, Bruce Mitchell, Dave Robetson, and Mario Wannier

Source Rocks, Reserves and Resources in the Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Mass-Balance Approach and Exploratory Potential
by Leonardo Legarreta, Carlos E. Cruz, Guillermo A. Laffitte, and Hector J. Villar

Prerequisites, General Criteria and Primary Studies Required in the Coalbed Methane Prospecting and Exploring: A Review
by M.J. Lemos de Sousa, H.J. Pinheiro, and Cristina Rodrigues

Tectonics and Petroleum Systems of the Southern Gulf of Mexico (North Cuba)
by Jean Letouzey, F. Gaumet, I Moretti, J. R. Sanchez, and R. Tenreyro

Strategic University Alliance: Energy & Geoscience Institute (Utah) and Imperial College (London) Combine Forces for Industry Across the Atlantic
by Raymond A. Levey, Anthony Evans

Reservoir Delineation Using an Integrated Seismic Facies Analysis Approach: the Carboniferous Interval of the Karachaganak Field (Western Kazakhstan)
by Lorenzo Lipparini, Antonio Giovannelli, and Tony Birse

Jumping to Conclusions: A Series of Integrated Trap Integrity Studies from the Australian North West Shelf with Unexpected Outcomes
by Mark Lisk, Anthony Gartrell, Mark Brincat

Carbonate Reservoir Facies Associated with Paleotopographic Features: Examples from the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover Formation, U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain
by Juan Carlos Llinas

Exploring for Reliable, Robust Traps is a Key Factor to Future Success along the UK Atlantic Margin
by Nick Loizou

The Holocene Carbonate Ramp of Kuwait, Northern Arabian-Persian Gulf
by A. Lomando, E. Geischler, M. Ameen, A. Ali Sager, A. Al-Doheim, and M. Al-Wadi

*Petroleum Geology Characterization and Oil Potential in the Southwestern Sector of the Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone (CEEZ) in the Gulf of Mexico
by Juan G. Lopez Rivera, Jose O. Lopez Quintero, Bernardo R. Dominguez, and Sonia Toucet

Low-Amplitude, Synsedimentary Folding of a Deltaic Complex: Roda Sandstone (Lower Eocene), South-Pyrenean Foreland Basin
by Miguel Lopez-Blanco, Mariano Marzo, and Josep Anton Munoz

Visualization and Utilization of 3D Outcrop Data
by Tore M. Loseth, John Thurmond, Kristian Soegaardå, Jan C. Rivenaes, and Ole Martinsen

Tectono-stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Oligocene in the Offshore Nile Delta (Egypt). A Predictive Model of Potential Reservoir Distribution in Offshore and Deep Offshore Sectors
by Fabio Lottaroli, Marco Barassi, Mesbah Khalil, Ayman Fawzy, and Moustafa Kamal

*Maximising NMR Log Interpretations in Thinly Bedded Reservoirs: An Example from Offshore Egypt
by Dr. Benjamin D Lowden, Dr. Paul B Basan, and Mr. Joachim Strobel

Thermal and Petroleum System Evolutions in SW Barents Sea - Impacts of Erosion, Oceanic Accretion and Volcanic Structures
by Francis Lucazeau, Frederic Brigaud, and Marc Urreiztieta

Applying Sequence Stratigraphic Methods to Constructing Petrophysical Models
by F. Jerry Lucia

*SW Tethyan Triassic Evaporite Facies: Palaeographical Correlation of Deep Wells from the Offshore Croatia and Onshore Central Syria
by Dubravko Lucic, Georg Koch, Goran Forsek, Edita Balaz-Boromisa, Kresimir Krizmanic, Darko Spanic, Ivan Mesic, and Srecko Maretic

Tectonic-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Namorado Oilfield Area - Campos Basin - Brazil
by Flavio Luis Fernandes, Hung Kiang Chang, Sidnei Pires Rostirolla, and Nilo Chagas de Azambuja Filho

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*Britannia Field, UK North Sea: Influence of the Regional Setting on Field Properties
by Adrian J Machell

Primary Facies and Diagenetic Controls on the Evolution of Petrophysical Attributes and Rock Type Distribution: Example of West Mabruk Oil Field (Libya)
by Louai Machhour, Catherine Prinet, and Mohamed Mresah

*The Mio-Pliocene Turbidite System of The Valencia Trough
by Javier Machin Palacios, Jesus Sotomayor, and Santiago Quesada

Oxfordian Carbonate Petroleum System Characterization and Modeling: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA
by Ernest A. Mancini, William C. Parcell, and T.Markham Puckett

Transgressive-Regressive (T-R) Cycles: Advancement in Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Continental and Coastal Plain Strata of U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Western Europe
by Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett

Prediction of Source Rock Distribution and Quality Variations: The New OF-Mod 3D Technology
by Ute Mann, Janine Zweigel

Deepwater Exploration in the V°ring Basin (Norwegian Sea): Is There A Cretaceous Source Rock?
by Ute Mann, Janine Zweigel, and Kjell Oygard

Understanding the Geological Record of Carbonate Platform Drowning: Examples from the Early Jurassic of Central Apennines (Central Italy)
by Maurizio Marino

Squashing Water Saturation Curves by Rock Types: a New Technique with Stratigraphic Applications
by Marco Martines, Khaled Al-Mutairi, and Mostafa Moh'd Redha

Reservoir Description Challenges of the Haltenbanken Hydrocarbon Fields (Mid Norway)
by Allard W. Martinius, Philip Ringrose, Jan-Einar Ringås, Arve Næss, and Christian Brostrøm

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation, Murzuq Basin, Libya
by Mariano Marzo, E. Ramos, K. Tawengi, and N. Bolatti

Stacking Pattern, Facies Distribution and Depositional Processes from Sediment Gravity Flows in Structurally Controlled Depressions: Examples from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (Northwestern Italy)
by Nicola Mavilla, Emiliano Mutti

4D Evolution of Fold and Thrust Belts: Comparisons of Analogue Models with the Zagros
by Ken McClay, Tim Dooley, Paul Whitehouse, Jose de Vera, and Richard Gloaguen

Mineralogical, Chemical and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group, UK
by Neil Sutherland Meadows

Salt Tectonics and Basement Structure in the Majunga Basin, Offshore Madagascar, as Revealed by New Shipborne Gravity and Magnetic Data
by David Meaux, A von den Steinen, S. Egorov, K. McClannahan, and David Peace

Fourth-Order Deepwater Genetic Stratigraphy, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Reservoir Stacking Patterns: Lessons from the Upper Miocene - Lower Pliocene Greater Mars - Ursa Intraslope Basin, Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
by Lawrence D. Meckel

Exhumation of Corrib Gas Field and Implications for Exploration in the Slyne-Erris Basin, Offshore Ireland
by Robin Mecklenburgh, D. V. Corcoran

Stochastic Reservoir Model for the First Eocene Reservoir, Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone
by W. Scott Meddaugh, Dennis Dull, Paul Montgomery, and Gerry McNaboe

4D Automated Structural Restoration and Integrated Basin Modelling - Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation
by David J. Meredith, Graham D. Williams, and Jay E. Leonard

Characterization of Fluvial Reservoirs in Environments Highly Influenced by Pyroclastic Supply, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina
by German D. Merletti, Ricardo S. Clavijo, and Guillermo Cardinali

Integration of Production and 4D Seismic Data for Improved Reservoir Characterization
by Mokhles Mezghani, Valerie Langlais, Mickaele Le Ravalec-Dupin, and Frederic Roggero

Empiricism and Model-Building: Around the Hermeneutic Circle in the Pursuit of Stratigraphic Correlation
by Andrew D. Miall, Charlene E. Miall

*New Geochemical Insights on Palaeozoic Source Rocks, Berkine Basin, North Africa
by Jennifer A Miles, Bernard R Sanger

Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Mexico and Southern Gulf of Mexico: Framework for Basin Evaluation in Mexico
by Ernesto Miranda, James Pindell, J. Patino, I. Alor, A. Alvarado, H. Alzaga, A. Ceron, R. Dario, M. Espinosa, J. Granath, L. Hernandez-A, J. Hernandez-B, J. Hernandez-M, J. Jacobo, L. Kennan, M. Maldonado, A. Marin, A. Marino, J. Mendez, E. Pliego, A. Ramirez, G. Reyes, J. Rosenfeld, and A. Vera

Inferring Lithofacies from Well Logs by Applying Hybrid Neural Network-Hidden Markov Model Classifiers
by Piotr Mirowski, David McCormick

Quantitative 3D Interpretation and Visualization Tools Help to Reduce Reservoir Risk in the Deepwater Tarfaya-Agadir Basin, Offshore Morocco
by Bruce Mitchell, Elizabeth Harvey, Fred Keller, Charlie Lee, Dave Robertson, and Mario Wannier

Geology and Petroleum Perspective Offshore Northwestern Morocco
by Hssain Mohamed

Quantitative & Qualitative Geological Modeling of the Landana Deepwater Turbidite System, Block 14, Angola
by John Moore, Nuala Ewins, and Will Schweller

Lateral Lobes in Campos Basin Turbiditic Reservoirs
by Marco A. S. Moraes, Eduardo B. Rodrigues, Marcos S. Santos, and Paulo L. B. Paraizo

Early Rift Structures: A Comparison Between The Gulf Of Suez And The Gulf Of Corinth
by Isabelle Moretti, Remi Eschard

High-Impact Cycle-Stratigraphy (HIC) A Method Applied in a Miocene-Pleistocene Subsurface Section, Northern Monagas, Eastern Venezuela Basin
by Lorena Moscardelli, Maria Antonieta Lorente

Combining New and Old Approaches to Discover New Value in Mature Fields, Permian Basin, West Texas
by Ian W. Moxon, James T. Lowe, Stewart A. Guinn, Tom Krawietz, and C. David Muir

Mitigating the Risk of Uneconomic Wells in an Emerging Unconventional Play: Rigorous Technical Analysis and Disciplined Prospect Selection, Devonian Tight Gas, Midland Basin, West Texas
by Ian W. Moxon, Robert L. Terry, and Thalbert E. McGinness

Has the Development of Academic Cooperation Between Universities in the Western Rich" Countries and theNorth African and Middle East Become a Necessity?"
by Dr. Mustapha M'rah

Hyperpycnal Flows: Triggering, Motion and Deposits
by Thierry Mulder

Exploration at The Plate Margin: Trinidad Block 25(a)
by Peter R Mullin, Daniel Truempy

Raft Tectonics in the Central Spanish Pyrenees
by Josep Munoz, Ken McClay, and Jesus Garcia-Senz

3D Regional Deformation Patterns Associated to Thrust Sheet Rotation of the Gavarnie - Sierras Exteriores Thrust Sheet, Spanish Pyrenees
by Josep Anton Munoz, J.M. Garcia-Senz, Oscar Fernandez, Eduard Roca, and Jaume Dinares-Turell

Uncommon Facies and Geometries on a Jurassic Pelagic Carbonate Platform in Western Sicily (Italy)
by Cristina Muraro, M. Santantonio

Fault Seal Analysis Across Growth Faults: The Impact of Uncertainty on Connectivity and Sealing
by Titus Murray, Greg Christie, and Juan Sebastian Gonzalez-Villegas

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The Molasse Imbricates Belt - the Last Gas Exploration Frontiere in a Mature Basin?
by Wolfgang Nachtmann

New Exploration Play Concepts in Tarfaya Offshore Basin, Morocco
by Mohamed Nahim

*An Appraisal Project for Offshore Methane Hydrate in Japan
by Takatoshi Namikawa

Hydrocarbon Gas Potential of The South Andean Foothills, Barinas Basin, Venezuela. The Barrancas Block as An Example
by L.E. Navarrete, M. Erquiaga, B. Fontecha, and M. A. Torres

Role of Pre-Extensional Tectonics and Anisotropy on Rifting and Drifting in the Georges Bank - Nova Scotia -Morocco Atlantic Segment: Controls on Petroleum Systems
by Michal Nemcok, Stephen A. Hermeston, Charles Stuart, Richardson Allen, Marylin Segall, Robert Sawyer, Douglas Neese, Carl Joern, John Meredith, Handoko Djuanda, Chelsea Christensen, and Benjamin Welker

The Sedimentology of the Hydrocarbon-Bearing Asmari Formation of the Miocene of the Zagros Mountains, Iran
by Jon Noad, Heiko Hillgartner, and Ali Moellami

Seismically Driven Reservoir Monitoring at the Heidrun Field
by Lars Haakon Nordby, Anne-Kari Furre, and Fridtjov Ravn Munkvold

Influence of Overpressures on Hydrocarbon Preservation
by Hege Marit Nordgard Bolas, Gunn Mari Grimsmo Teige, and Christian Hermanrud

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Insights on Channel Aggradation Rates and Depositional Architecture on Stepped Slope Profiles
by Ciaran J. O'Byrne

*Cretaceous and Paleogene Coals in Japan as Source Rocks of Natural Gas and Petroleum
by Hiroshi Oda

Integration of Three-Dimensional Petroleum Migration Model, Geomechanical Model and Source Rock Depositional Model: Challenge for the Development of Full Petroleum System Model
by Akihiko Okui, Kunihiro Tsuchida, Ryosuke Aoyagi, Noboru Yamazaki, Osamu Kitamura, Kiyoshi Matsubara

Definition of Gating Depth and Application to Pore Pressure Prediction
by Martin Olson Traugott

South-Pyrenean Turbidite Analogs Chronology and Correlation between the Ainsa and Jaca Turbidite Systems. A Magnetostratigraphic Approach
by Oriol Oms, Eduard Remacha, and Dinares-Turell Jaume

Stratigraphic 3D Modelling of the Eocene Deepwater Systems in the Ainsa Basin (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain)
by Oriol Oms, Eduard Remacha, Herbert Eichenseer, Philippe Crumeyrolle, Ferran Climent, Ferran Bolano, and Gemma Gual

A Confidence-Likelihood Matrix for Consistent Play and Prospect Risking
by Frank L.P. Oprinsen

Productive Large Scale Folding Associated with Igneous Intrusions: El Trapial Field, Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Ismael Orchuela, Maria Ester Lara, and M. Suarez

Mesozoic Half-Graben Inversion and Associated Petroleum Systems. South Eastern Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Ismael A. Orchuela, Guillermo C. Rossi, and Salvador A. Minniti

Geochemistry of Marine Sediments Associated to Gas Pockets and Seeps in The Gulf of Mexico
by Alejandro Ortega-Osorio, Ligia L. Perez-Cruz

Pressure Regressions and Petroleum Entrapment- Examples from Azerbaijan and Trinidad
by Mark Osborne, Kirton Rodrigues

Integrated Petroleum Systems Modeling, Columbus Basin, Trinidad
by Mark J. Osborne, Kirton Rodrigues

Off-Shore Mediterranean Sea Oil Potential, Egypt
by Heidar Saad Osman, Mahomoud Sabry Ibrahim

Subsalt Play Concepts Developed in Haha-Essaouira Basin of Morocco
by M. Ouazzaba, A. Ait Salem, H. Jabour, S. Ait Brahim, A. El Ouattaoui, and M. Idrissi

The Process of Risking Plays within PEMEX Exploration and Production (PEP) Cedula for Evaluation and Registry of Exploration Play Opportunity (CERPlay): Play Risk Assessment - a New Generation
by Adan E. Oviedo, Christopher N. Wold, Jay E. Leonard, Brett Edwards

*Mechanical Layer-dependent Fracture Characteristics from Fracture Density vs. Tvd Cross Plots. Examples from Horizontal Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs, North Oman
by Sait Ismail Ozkaya, Wilhelm Kolkman, and Joachim Amthor

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Growth of a Gas-Bearing Transtensional Sub-Basin Abutting the Bass Failed Rift: Shipwreck Trough, Southeast Australia
by Daniel B. Palmowski, Kevin C. Hill, and Nick Hoffman

A Model of Shallow Calcite Cementation in Alluvial Fans: An Example from the Burdigalian Sediments of the Valles-Penedes Half-Graben (Northeast Spain)
by David Parcerisa, David Gomez-Gras, and Anne Trave

Porosity Reduction Processes by Extensive Silicification in Sandstones of Miocene Age of the Montjuic Hill (Barcelona, Spain )
by David Parcerisa, David Gomez-Gras, and Medard Thiry

Optimizing Fracture Contributions from a Matrix-Dominated Reservoir, Tiguentourine - La Reculee Field, Southeastern Algeria
by Thomas L. Patton, Chuck F. Bateman

3D Visualization of a Long-Lived Structure - Tiguentourine and La Reculee Culminations, Southern Algeria
by Thomas L. Patton, Brian Taylor, and Nacera Maache

High-Resolution Genetic Stratigraphy of a Deeper-Water Carbonate Ramp: Upper Jurassic, SW Germany
by Thomas Pawellek, Thomas Aigner

Basement Controls on Structure and Sedimentation in the Offshore Zambezi Delta Region
by Robert Pawlowski, David Meaux, Almuth von den Steinen, and David Peace

The Role and Value of Biosteering in Reservoir Exploitation
by Simon N J Payne, Bob W Jones, Steve Lowe, and Paul S Milner

Chemostratigraphy and its Role in an Integrated Stratigraphic Methodology: A case study on ?Cambrian to Permo-Carboniferous Sequences from South and Central Oman
by Timothy J Pearce, Peter L Osterloff, and John H Martin

Geometry, Emplacement History, and Driving Mechanisms of Major Allochthonous Salt Sheets in the Central US Gulf of Mexico
by Frank J Peel

*Discovery of Deep-Water Fan System in Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
by Da Jun Peng, ChangMin Chen, Xiong Pang, and XianLu Huang

Evidence for the Origin of the Source Rock of the Amposta Oil Field (Mediterranean Offshore Tarragona Basin)
by Albert Permanyer, Ramon Salas

*The Use of Unconventional Technology to Develop Zechstein Tight-Gas Reservoirs in the NE Netherlands
by Marc P. A. M. Peters, Taco den Bezemer, Guido Hoetz, Alessandra Simone, Paul Welton, Martin Meinster, Ken Hall, and Vincent Chuekweke

Characteristics of Recent Oil and Gas Discoveries in the Deep Water Portion of the Western Nile Delta, Egypt
by David W. Phelps, John Bedingfield, Tom Maher, David Allard, and Tim Dodd

*A Collaborative Workflow-Oriented Environment to Capture and Reuse Technical Knowledge in a Reservoir Characterization Workflow
by Marco Piantanida, Bruno Volpi, Roberto Danelli, Ugur Algan, and Marco Granata

Integrating Carbonate Process Sedimentology, Diagenesis and Subsurface Seismic Imaging: Lower Permian (Hueco Group), West Texas
by Leonardo H Piccoli, Juan Antonio Simo

Pacific Origin of Caribbean Oceanic Lithosphere and Circum-Caribbean Hydrocarbon Systems
by James Pindell

Tectonic/Paleogeographic Model for Oligocene Clastic Producing Trend, Central Range, Trinidad, and Implications for Neotectonics
by James Pindell, Roger Higgs, and Lorcan Kennan

Synthesis of Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Tectonic Evolution: Pacific Origin Model for Caribbean Lithosphere
by James Pindell, Lorcan Kennan

The Paleogeographic and Hydrocarbon Setting of Trinidad, Jurassic to Present
by James Pindell, Lorcan Kennan

*An Appraisal of Corporate Risk Tolerance in the Oil Exploration and Production
by Antonio Pinto Iubatan, Saul B. Suslick, and Ricardo Furtado

Dynamic Fluid Method (DFM) of Delineating Areas of Overpressure and Decompression in Sedimentary Media. Its Significance for Fluid Dynamics
by Vladimir Pisetski, Stanislav Kopunov, and Tom Guidish

Late Porosity Development Under Unconformity, Jurassic Dolomites, Garraf Mountains, Catalan Coastal Chain (Northeast Spain)
by Elisabet Playa, Mateu Esteban, and Arve Lonoy

*The Valle Morado Structure in Northwest Argentina: Kinematic Evolution and Fracture Prediction Inferred from 3-D Seismic Data
by Josep Poblet, Jose L. Masaferro, Mayte Bulnes, and Neil Casson

Undiscovered Conventional Petroleum Resources of the Paleozoic and Jurassic Total Petroleum Systems, Greater Ghawar Uplift Province, Eastern Arabian Peninsula and Gulf Region
by Richard M. Pollastro

Outcrop and Hydrocarbon Well Correlation in Upper Cretaceous of Central Spain
by Teresa Polo, Manuel Segura, Beatriz Carenas, Javier Gil, Jose F. Garcia-Hidalgo, and Alvaro Garcia

*Best Practice for Quality Control, Management and Transfer of Borehole Image and Dipmeter Logs -- Towards an Integrated Workflow
by Michael Poppelreiter, Carmen Garcia-Carballido

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A Comparative Analysis of Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of Illizi and Murzuq Basins (Algeria and Libya)
by Santiago Quesada, Eduardo Figari, Nestor Bolatti, Roberto Arnez, Mark Jones, Jose Maria Jauregui, Ana Serrano, Jose Luis Ruiz Leal, Juan Arregui, and David Craik

*Leveraging Knowledge Assets in Petroleos de Venezuela PDVSA, S.A
by Manuel I. Quintero, Alessandro D. Ungredda

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Geochemical Studies of Salman, Resalat and Sirri Oil Fields in the Eastern Part of Persian Gulf Area
by Ahmad Reza Rabbani, Mansour Nasri Babaii

*Sequence Stratigraphy Applied to Log Interpretation: Improving Methodology by Means of Signal Processing Techniques and Outcrop Calibration
by Philippe J.Y.M. Rabiller, Frederic Robail, Eduard Remacha, Loic Richard, Fransisco-Javier Sancho-Jaquel, Ferran Climent, and Luis Pedro Fernandez

*Impact of Strike-Slip Faulting on The Reservoirs of Kuwait
by Thomas W. Radford, Ian P. Saxby, Hanadi Al-Qallaf, and William Sercombe

Assessment of Reservoir Character, Architecture, and Production Prediction in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework
by Claudia Rassi

Overpressure in Indian Sedimentary Basins : A Candidate for Reevaluation to Trap Untapped Hydrocarbon
by Sushma Rawat, K.B. Trivedi

A Combined Technique Based on Flow Unit and Sedimentological Study is Used for a Better Reservoir Characterization and Reservoir Modelling of Hassi R'Mel South Field Development, Algeria
by Recham Reda, Zohra Nennouche

East Africa And Western India: Passive Margins from The Evolution of a Complex Ocean
by Colin V. Reeves

Long-Distance High-Resolution Correlation Approach in Sheet Systems of the Hecho Group Eocene Turbidites (South-Pyrenean Foreland Basin)
by Eduard Remacha, Luis Pedro Fernandez

The Banaston Channels and Their Related Overbank Deposits (Hecho Group, South-Pyrenean Eocene Foreland Basin, Spain). Diagnostic Features Compared with Those of the Depositional Elements
by Eduard Remacha, Luis Pedro Fernandez, Philippe Crumeyrolle, Gemma Gual, Ferran Climent, Ferran Bolano, Sandra Soto, and Mariano Arcuri

Orbital Forcing of Organic-Rich Deposits Formation: Record of the Coniacian-Santonian OAE3 (La Luna Formation, San Miguel River Section, Venezuela)
by Olga Rey, Maria Antonieta Lorente, and Toni (JA) Simo

3D Structural Balancing and Visualisation in the Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt, Peru
by David Richards, Stephen J Calvert, and Hiroshi Yamamoto

Exploration in the Land of the Maya: New Developments and New Technologies yield New Opportunities in the Yucatan
by Brian E. Richter, Scott Haberman

The Cantarell Breccia System, Southern Gulf of Mexico: Structural Evolution and Support for an Origin Related to the Chixculub Meteorite Impact
by Valente Ricoy, Joe Cartwright, and Paul Wright

The Tethyan Margin of Oman: Long-Term Control (10-40 My) of the Early Triassic to Late Cretaceous Turbiditic Sedimentation
by Cecile Robin, Francois Guillocheau, Spela Gorican, and Francois Bechenec

Iterative Geological Modelling to Guide an Interpretation of Complex Structures
by Adam Robinson, Patrick Connolly, and Richard Syms

High Resolution Geochemistry Technology (HRGT) and Quantitative Modeling Applied to the Petroleum Systems Assessment
by Marcio Rocha Mello, J. M. Moldowan, J. Dahl, J. M. Macedo, and B. Wygrala

The Role of Coal "Cleat System" in Coalbed Methane Prospecting/Exploring: A New Approach
by Cristina Rodrigues, Carlos Laiginhas, Monica Fernandes, and M.J. Lemos Sousa

Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Analysis on Late Middle Eocene Deposits on The Margin of The South Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain)
by Josep Romero, Esmeralda Caus, and Joan Madurell

The Link Between Chronic E&P Under-Performance and the "Prospector Myth"
by Peter R. Rose, Gary P. Citron, and Mark A. McLane

Tethyan Evolution of the Aegean Domain from Paleozoic to Late Triassic: Examples from Turkey
by Francois Rosselet, L. Beccaletto, and G. M. Stampfli

Effect of Authigenic Grain-Coating Chlorite on the Resistivity and Reservoir Quality of the Lower Carboniferous RKF Sandstones (Rhourde El Krouf Field, Berkine Basin, Algeria)
by Carlos Rossi, Otto Kalin, Jose Arribas, Angel La Iglesia, and Teresa Bartrina

Quartz Cementation Concomitant to Oil Charging Causes Major Reservoir Quality Variation in the Giant Ourhoud Field (Berkine Basin, Eastern Algeria)
by Carlos Rossi, Otto Kalin, Antonio Alaminos, Robert H. Goldstein, Jose Salvadores, and Chris Carr

Anatomy of a Cretaceous Detached Forced Regression (Avile Sandstone), Neuquen Basin, West-Central Argentina
by Guillermo C Rossi, Leonardo Legarreta

Quantification and Modelling of the Distortion of the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Syn-Sedimentary Infill of a Normal Fault (Offshore Congo)
by Delphine Rouby, Cecile Robin, Francois Guillocheau, Didier Granjeon, Renaud Bouroullec, and Stephane Raillard

Facies Characteristics, Time and Space Distribution of Channelised Sand-bodies within the Pliocene Nile Cone Succession (WDDM Concession, Nile Delta Offshore, Egypt)
by Marco Roveri, Axum Cotti, Paolo Daro, Francesco Federici, Andrea Sitta, and Emiliano Mutti

Variable Expression of Shortening along an Exposed Vertical Salt Weld, La Popa Basin, Mexico
by Mark G. Rowan, Timothy F. Lawton, and Katherine A. Giles

Late Triassic Abu Shaybah Formation of Northern Libya: Stratigraphic Analysis of a Continental Series Including Braided Stream Rivers and Meandering Complexes
by Jean-Loup Rubino, Sebastian Galeazzi, and Ali Sbeta

Use of Depositional Sequences within the Second Order Neogene Transgressive-Regressive Cycle to Constrain Provence Basin (S-E France) Geodynamic Evolution
by Jean-Loup Rubino, Olivier Parize, George Clauzon, Yann Dexcote, David Besson, Remy Borgovini, and Jean-Jacques Cornee

Risking, Volumes, and Uncertainty in Exploration - A Look Forward, A Look Back
by Kurt W. Rudolph, Phil Jefferies, Park Snavely, and Tonya Brami

New Petroleum Exploration Concepts Related to the Davie Fracture Zone, Offshore East Africa
by Donald C. Rusk, Robert Bertagne

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Late Cenozoic Geodynamic Evolution of The Western Mediterranean
by Francesc Sabat, Bernadi Gelabert

Facies Characterisation and Distribution of Paleogene Terminal Fan Deposits (Eastern Ebro Basin, Spain)
by Alberto Saez, Pere Anadon, Maria Josefa Herrero, Andrea Moscariello, Alistair Tucker, and Simon Davey

*A Revised Reconstruction of The Central Atlantic at Liassic Times
by M. Sahabi, J. L. Olivet, D. Aslanian, M. Patriat, L. Geli, L. Matias, J. P. Rehault, J. Malod, M. El Mostaine, and M. Bouabdelli

The Various Petroleum Systems in the Eastern Offshore Tunisia
by Moncef Saidi, Zied dey

Depositional/Stratigraphic Model for Deepwater Discoveries in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
by Arthur H. Saller, Jesse Noah, Alif Prama Ruzuar, Rhys D. Schneider, and Philip A. Teas

Dynamic Validation of the TAGI Fluvial Reservoir Model in the Giant Ourhoud Field (Berkine Basin, Algeria)
by Jose Salvadores, Chris Carr, Robert Reid, Antonio Martin, Cristina Yuste, Jaime del Moral, Jesus Malagon, Antonio Alaminos, Teresa Bartrina, and Jose Luis Ruiz

Prolific Deep Marine Slope Channels of the Nile Delta, Egypt
by Andy Samuel, Ben Kneller, Samir Raslan, Andy Sharp, and Cormac Parsons

*Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentology (Mesozoic-Cenozoic) in the Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone (CEEZ) of the Gulf of Mexico
by Jorge R. Sanchez, America Sora, Sofia Lopez, and Sonia Toucet

Tracing of Nature of Reflections of Stratal Surfaces by Seismic Modeling of Outcrops: Sego Sandstones of Eastern Utah, USA
by Hasan Sarikaya, Lesli J. Wood

*Evolution of the Pliocene to Quaternary Fluvio-Deltaic Sequence in the West Turkmenistan Basin: the Geometry and Depositional Architecture of Channel Sand Bodies in the Burun Field, Onshore Turkmenistan
by Dorothy Satterfield, Umar Ngala, Hans Girling, and Jonathan Redfern

*Oligo-Miocene Carbonates of the East Java Basin, Indonesia : Facies Definition Leading to Recent Significant Discoveries
by Awang Harun Satyana, M. Djumlati

Complex 3D Inversion Geometries at the Leading Edge of an Antiformal Stack: Field Studies and Forward Modelling
by Eduard Saura, Antonio Teixell

*3D Visualisation: A Tool for Non-Conventional Well Planning in Kuwait
by Ian P. Saxby, Thomas W. Radford, Hanadi Al-Qallaf, William Sercombe

Multistratigraphic Correlation across the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary in a Carbonate Platform-basin Setting (Southern Galala Mountains, Eastern Desert, Egypt)
by C Scheibner, John J.G. Reijmer, R.P. Speijer, A.M. Marzouk, M Boukhary, C Muller, J Kuss

Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
by Christopher J. Schenk

*An Evaluation of a Royalty Relief Model for Mature Fields
by Rafael Felipe Schiozer, Saul Barisnik Suslick

Automated Inverse Modelling of Extensional Basin Formation: Importance of Integrating Geophysical and Geological Data for Thermal History Reconstructions
by Stefan M Schmalholz

Dynamic Restoration of Diapirism with Realistic Rheologies and Boundary Conditions
by Dani W. Schmid

3D Structural Analysis of Inversion During Rift Evolution: Eastern Otway Basin, Australia
by Craig L. Schneider

Finding New Pays in Old Plays: New Applications for Surface Geochemical Exploration in Mature Basins
by Dietmar Schumacher, Daniel Hitzman

Geochemical Exploration in Northern South America: Recent Successes from Venezuela and Colombia
by Dietmar Schumacher, Luis Clavijo, Daniel Malizia, and Daniel Hitzman

*Pre-Drill Quantitative Analysis of a Sinuous Submarine Channel Prospect, Deepwater West Africa
by Dirk Seifert, Roland H. Kirschner

Impact of Shale Anisotropy on Pore Pressure Prediction Before Drilling Using Predict/Anaseis
by Claude Sejourne, James Bridges, and Alan Huffman

Reservoir Pressure and Sea Floor Venting: Predicting Trap Integrity in a Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Turbidite Minibasin
by Benjamin John Seldon, P. B. Flemings, and D. Sawyer

Role and Contribution of Pressure Regime Evaluation in Well Planning and Formation Evaluation Process, Ras Budran Field , Gulf of Suez - Egypt
by Saber Moustafa Selim, Bassem Ahmed El Badawy, Khalaf Abd Elaal Toghian, and Mohamed Ayman Khorshed

Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Southern Tethyan Margin, North Africa and Arabia
by Peter Sharland, David Boote, David M Casey, Roger B Davies, and Mike Simmons

Sedimentology And Sequence Stratigraphy Of The Bangestan Group, Lurestan Province, Zagros Mts, Iran
by Ian Sharp, Nils Bang, Davood Morsalnezhad, Mahmood Bargrizan, Conxita Taberner, ridvan karpuz, Jaume Verges, and Paul Gillespie

Structural Style Variation and Chronology of Foreland Basin Evolution in Central Zagros (East of Izeh Zone and Dezful Embayment-Iran)
by Shahram Sherkati, Jean Letouzey

The Ara and Haima Plays in Oman - Exploration for Oil and Gas in Terminal Neoproterozoic and Lower Paleozoic Reservoirs
by Mark W. Shuster

*Salt Deformation and Associated Traps, Officer Basin, Western Australia
by Anelia P. Simeonova, Neil S Apak

The South African East Coast: Evidence for an Active Petroleum System within the Tugela Fan, Durban Basin
by Varsha Singh, Dave van der Spuy, and N.R. Cameron

Integration of Basin Modelling, Geochemistry and Petroleum Properties for the Constraint of Petroleum Migration and Overpressure Evolution in Sedimentary Basins. An Example from the Haltenbanken Area, Offshore Norway
by Jon Erik Skeie, Dag A. Karlsen, Rolando di Primio, Kristian Backer-Owe, Jan Erik Lie, Harald Brunstad, Gavin Lewis, and Richard Olstad

Identification of Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates - From Seismic Prediction to Joint Industry Project Drilling and Coring
by Michael A. Smith, William Shedd, and Jesse L. Hunt

*Leveraging Success from Onshore North America to Frontier and International Areas
by William H. Smith

Predictive Net : Gross Estimation in a Confined Tertiary Fan System. Espadarte Field, Block 2, Angola
by Mark Smithard, Ernesto Taia, William Hay, and James P. Brandon

Early Rifting of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay: A New Evidence from Seismic, Well and Sea-Bed Data
by Martin Sonderholm, F. G. Christiansen, J. C. Olsen, S. Planke, J. A. Bojesen-Koefoed, F. Dalhoff, T. Nielsen, R. Myklebust, and H. Nohr-Hanssen

*Evolution of the Mud Diapirism in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)
by J.I. Soto, M.C. Comas, and A.R. Talukder

Basin Modeling: Fluids Distribution Around Hassi-Messaoud
by Rachid Soulali, Arezki Lassal, M. Medaouri, D. Briki, D. Kassab, and A. Flih

Mud Volcanism and Hydrocarbon Systems of the Black Sea
by Vasyl Sozansky, Eugeniy Shnyukov

Effectively Integrating Elastic Inversion, AVO Modeling and Petro-Elastic Analysis: a Frontier Exploration Case in the North Atlantic
by Giacomo Spadini, Maurizio Cardamone, Mark Woodfin, and John Seedhouse

Seismic Sedimentology and Analogue Depositional Models: a Quantitative Approach for Integration
by Giacomo Spadini, Patrizia Rocchini

Upper Jurassic Ephemeral Fluvial Systems of the Neuquen Basin: Tordillo Formation, Argentina
by Luis Spalletti, Ferran Colombo

Maximizing Value Through Real-time Data Optimization - The "E-field"
by Gene W. Sparkman

*Tectonics of the Western Indian Ocean
by Bill St. John

Requisite Modeling for Prospect Risk and Prospectivity Assessment? Not too Simple and not too Complex
by Charles Stabell

*A Revised Plate Tectonic Model for the Western Tethys from Paleozoic to Cretaceous
by Gerard M. Stampfli, Gilles Borel

Petroleum Geology of Offshore Mauritania and Western Sahara
Alan Stein, Laurie Brown, Richard Higgins, Justin Norris, Michael Purves, Mark Sofield, Robert Hall, and Jonathan M. Taylor

Characterization of the Jurassic Petroleum System of Iraq, and Prediction of Petroleum Migration Pathways
by Douglas Steinshouer, Janet K. Pitman, and Michael D. Lewan

Style and Timing of Salt Tectonics in the Dniepr-Donets Basin (Ukraine): Implications for Triggering and Driving Mechanisms of Salt Movement in Sedimentary Basins
by Sergiy M. Stovba, Randell A. Stephenson

*Process Based Knowledge Management: Key to Effective Value Delivery
by Michael J.V. Suana, Joost C. Herweijer, and Simon R. McGuire

Seismic Characterisation of Deepwater Turbidite Slope Systems - Examples from Angola Block 18
Richard M Syms, John D Kantorowicz, Ed Jones, and Mike Mayall

*Reservoir Architecture and Log Motifs of Slump/Intrusion Masses (a Comparison of Arkansas Outcrops to Neocomian (K1) Sediments of West Siberia Basin)
by Pavel Syngaevsky, Alexander Grausman, Sergey F. Khafizov, Larisa S. Ladnaya, and Alexander E. Syngaevsky

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High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Bangestan Group in a Tectonically Active Setting (Dezful- Izeh ) Zagros - Iran
by Farid Taati Qorayem, Frans Van Buchem, and Philippe Razin

Fracture Systems of the Zagros Mountain Front (Iran): An Analogue of Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways vs. Reservoir Leakage
by Conxita Taberner, Jaume Verges, Marta Rejas, Ridvan Karpuz, Ian Sharp, Nils Bang, Davoud Morsalnezhad, Hassan Guadarzi, Paul Gillespie

The Shapes of Salt Extrusions
by Christopher J. Talbot, Hemin A. Koyi, and Pedram Aftabi

More Data More Surprises
by Nezar A. Talhah, Mohammad I. Faqira, Turki Z. Rowaili

Importance of Deep Burial of Mesozoic Oil-Prone Source Rocks for Commercial Gas Accumulations in Tertiary Reservoirs, Veracruz Basin, Southern Mexico
by S. C. Talukdar, E. H. Guevara, A. Galindo-Hernandez, T. F. Wawrzyniec, L. Villanueva-Rodriguez, K. Fouad, E.Vazquez-Covarrubias, L. Sanchez-Barreda, J. Meneses-Rocha, D.C. Jennette, and J. E. Lugo-Rivera

Hydrocarbon Potentiality of The Egyptian Red Sea Province
by Tammam Mohamed Tammam

Petroleum Systems in the East-Mediterranean Basin Onshore and Offshore Israel
by Eli Tannenbaum, Michael Gardosh

Salt Tectonics in the Offshore Majunga Basin, Madagascar
by Gabor Tari, James Molnar, Michael Sorgenfrei, David Valasek

Salt Tectonics in the Ras Tafelney-Safi Segment of the Moroccan Atlantic Margin
by Gabor Tari, J. Molnar, and P. Thompson

3D Visualization of a Coherence Volume - Tiguentourine and La Reculee Culminations, Southern Algeria
by Brian Taylor, Thomas L. Patton, and Nacera Maache

Large Gas Fields in Submarine Fans, Deepwater Kutei Basin, Indonesia
by Philip A. Teas, Jesse Noah, and Arthur Saller

Geometry of Tectonic Inversion in the Moroccan High Atlas: Structural and Gravity Constraints
by Antonio Teixell, M. Julivert, M. L. Arboleya, P. Ayarza, F. Alvarez-Lobato, and M. Charroud

Multilayer Secondary Migration Using Parallel Processing Techniques
by Are Tømmerås, Øyvind Sylta

Cost Effective Management of Field- and Pre-Stack Data in "Interpretive Seismic Data Processing" Work Process
by Ketil Tonstad

Geological Significance, Play Concepts and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Berbice Mega Incised Valley, Offshore Guyana, Guyana - Suriname Basin
by Max A. Torres, David Ramos, and Raul E. Giraudo

Circulation of Fluids during Compressive Deformation: the Linking Zone Fold and Thrust Belt (NE Spain)
by Anna Trave, Ramon Salas, and Eduard Roca

Signatures Of Himalayan Orogeny On Ganga - Brahmputra Delta Complex : A Sequence Stratigraphic Approach for Hydrocarbon Exploration
by K.B. Trivedi, Sushma Rawat

Identification Of Flow Units In Carbonate Reservoir Using Karstification Theory: Neelam Field A Case Study
by Anil Kumar Tyagi, Rajeev Banga

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Storage Area Networks in the Quest for Energy
by John Valentine

*Reservoirs and Seals of the Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone in the Gulf of Mexico
by Silvia Valladares-Amaro, Rafael Segura Soto, Jose Alvarez Castro, Olga Castro Castineira, Barbaro Villavicencio Rodriguez, Maritza Rodriguez Viera, Osvaldo Lopez Corso, America Sora, Sonia Toucet, and Sofia Lopez

Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Mediterranean Sea
by T. Vallaure, M. Esteban, C. Diaz-Merino, J. C. Vicente, J. Mallo-Garcia, and W. Martinez del Olmo

The Relative Impact of Inherited Tectonic Features and Eustatic Sea Level Variations on the Jurassic/Cretaceous Evolution of the Dezful Embayment, Central Zagros, Iran
by F. van Buchem, F. Gaumet, D. Baghbani, R. Ashrafzadeh, and F. Keyvani

High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Systems - the role of climate and sequence hierarchy
by Frans S.P. van Buchem

How to Achieve HiRes Stratigraphic Resolution, Using Cyclostratigraphy
by Kees C.J. Van der Zwan, Cees van Oosterhout, and Chung Lee Wong

Near Field Exploration in the NE Netherlands - Continuing Exploration Success with Increasing Knowledge and Improving Technology
by Wicher N. van Lingen

Deepwater Angola: Stratigraphic and Structural Development of the Pre-Salt, Implications for Source Rock Distribution
by Francisco P. van-Dunen, Luppo W. Kuilman, and Kjell-Owe Hager

Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Cantabrian Sea
by J. Varela, C. Gomez, F. Calvet, M. Esteban, C. Riaza, P. Camara, J. Mallo-Garcia, and W. Martinez del Olmo

*Use of Seismic Attributes and Acoustic Impedance in 3D Reservoir Modelling: An example from a Mature GOS Carbonate FIELD (RAS FANAR)
by Richard D. Vaughan, Alaa Atef, and Nader El-Outefi

Gravity Tectonics in Western Gulf of Mexico
by Mario E. Vazquez-Meneses, Ken McClay

Integrated Studies of the Zagros Mountain Front (SE Lurestan, Iran): Structure and Timing of Deformation
by J. Verges, S. Homke, R. Karpuz, H. Osthus, M. Garces, S. Grelaud, T. Nalpas, I. Sharp, H. Guadarzi, and H. Emami

Petroleum Potential of New-Caledonia and Its Offshore Basins
by Roland Vially, Yves Lafoy, Jean-Marie Auzende, and Roy France

Deepwater Angola: The Pinda Group - a Revitalized Play Concept
by Paula Viegas, Geoffrey Grant, Fukieno Kuame, and Francisco C. van-Dunem

Late Alpine Tectonic Reconstruction of Eastern Mezotethys Western Part (Black Sea Region)
by Vitaly A. Viginsky

Turbidities in Late Miocene-Pliocene Sediments of Black Sea Northeast Segment (Tuapse Trough)
by Vitaly A. Viginsky

Salt Diapirism Rise and its Incidence on Facies Distribution and Reservoir Characteristics in Lower Cretaceous Carbonates, Cardenas Field, Mexico
by Pedro Ernesto Villasenor-Rojas, Francois Roure, and Siegfried Lallemant

Reservoir Performance Versus Reservoir Geometry and Architecture in Deepwater Turbiditic Environments: Where Details Really Count (a Field Case)
by Jacques Vittori, Renaud Deboaisne, Lorette Anquelle, and Francois Gouth

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Aspects of Petroleum Prospectivity of Tertiary Indus Delta: Pakistan's Untapped Exploration Frontier
by Abdul Waheed

Causes for the Preservation of High Reservoir Quality at Great Depth in the HP-HT Reservoirs of the Elgin-Franklin Fields, Central North Sea Graben, UK
by Frederic Walgenwitz, Jonathan Whonham

Constraining Pore Pressure from Wellbore Failure Observations: Examples from Venezuela
by Chris D Ward, Daniel Mujica, and Carmen Ferrebus

Magnetotelluric Exploration of the Munir Block, Iran
by M. D. Watts, Roberto Carpi, and Mostafa Naini

Extensional Deformation Styles in Outcrop: Examples From the Eastern Gulf of Suez
by Paul Whitehouse, Ken McClay

3-Dimensional Architecture of a Submarine Slope Channel Complex: Interpreting Stratal Architecture from Outcrops with the Aid of 3D Laser Scanning
by Jeremy J. Willson, Ru Smith, and Irene Espejo

Pressure Prediction in the deep HPHT play of the Central North Sea
by Peter Winefield, Rod Gilham, Taco Viets, Andrew Evans, and John Owens

Mobile Shale Systems in Offshore Trinidad and Eastern Venezuela
by Lesli Wood, Paul Mann

Detection and Monitoring of Hydrocarbons Using Transient Electromagnetics
by David Wright

Understanding Controls on Deep-Water Turbidite Sandbody Geometry in Channel, Channel Mouth and Basin Floor Settings
by Russell B Wynn, UK TAPS group

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The Agrio Fold and Thrust Belt of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina: A New Exploration Play Concept
by T. R. Zapata, R Hernandez, F Dzelalija, and G Zamora

*The Formation of Overpressure and It's Influence on Oil and Gas in Kuche Foreland Thrust Structural Zone, Tarim Basin, Northwest China
by Lianbo Zeng, Shurong Xiao

An Overview of the Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of Morocco
by Mahmoud Zizi, Mustapha Belarbi, Ouazzaba Mouloud, Abdelmajid El Ouatatoui, Jaboubker Azzedine, and El Ktam Mustapha

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