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(By Author)

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting

Ruidoso, New Mexico, June 6-8, 2002


Search and Discovery #90023 (2003)


Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations, or full articles.


Barnett Shale: A Significant Gas Resource in the Fort Worth Basin
Craig W. Adams

*Petrologic Calibration and Correlation of Well Logs in Precambrian (Late Proterozoic) Basement Rocks, Tucumcari Basin, New Mexico
J.F. Alberto Amarante, S. Kelly, and Brian S. Brister

Petrophysical Analysis of ‘Old’ Well Logs in the Phillips Petroleum Company Austin #l: Austin Upper Mississippian Field Lea County, New Mexico
G.B. Asquith

*Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Drilling Success Using Regional Data, Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, New Mexico
R.S. Balch, D.M. Hart, W.W. Weiss, and R.F. Broadhead

*Application of High Power Laser Technology to Laser/Rock Destruction: Analysis of Laser Effects on Altering Rock Properties
Samih Batarseh and Ramona M. Graves

*Surprises in Stratigraphy and Structure Found During Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
Bruce A. Black

Geologic Structure and Petroleum Source Rocks of the Tucumcari Basin, East-central New Mexico
Ronald F. Broadhead

*Petroleum Geology of the McGregor Range, Otero County, New Mexico
Ronald F. Broadhead

*High Angle Drilling Success and Fracture Determination in the West Panhandle Field Of North Texas
Larry L. Brooks

3-D Seismic Permit Issues on State and Federal Lands in New Mexico
Frank Brown

*Application of Horizontal Drilling in Low-permeability Reservoirs
Mark Burkett

Adventures with Hyper-resolution: A 3D Case History
Mike Burnett

Stratigraphic Adventures in the Granite Wash of Hartley County, Texas: A Case History
Mike Burnett

*Lower Paleozoic Isopach Maps of Southern New Mexico and Their Implications for Laramide and Ancestral Rocky Mountain Tectonism
Steven M. Cather, Richard W. Harrison

Procedures for Quantifying the Salinity of Groundwater Using Well Logs
Hughbert Collier

Fracture Patterns in the Raton Basin of Colorado and New Mexico
Scott P. Cooper, John C. Lorenz, Paul M. Basinski, and Thomas H. Mroz

*Wrench Faults, Structure, and Production in the Permian Basin
Jerry N. Cox

Nine Component Three Dimensional “9C-3D” Seismic - Creating a Paradigm Shift in Exploration
Jasha Cultreri

*Application of High Power Laser Technology to Laser/Rock Destruction: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Now?
Ramona M. Graves

*Overview of 3D Seismic Based Siluro-Devonian Exploration Efforts in Chaves County, New Mexico
Mike Hanagan

Determining Fracture Orientation from Pre-stack 3C3D Seismic Data
Bob A. Hardage, Wilson Groen, Bruce Karr, and Ewan Neill.

*Horizontal Drilling in the Permian Basin: Past, Present, and Future
Ron Harrington and  Tony Cook

*The Geological Framework of the Pecos Valley and the Evolution of the Roswell Groundwater Basin in Chaves and Northern Eddy Counties, New Mexico
Kay Havenor

Constructing 3-D Reservoir Models in Cyclic Carbonate Stratigraphy, Example from Keystone East, Holt Reservoir
Mark H. Holtz

Application of Horizontal Drilling Technology in Heterogeneous Cisco Canyon Dolomite, North Dagger Draw Field, Eddy County, New Mexico
John F. Humphrey and George H. Freeman

Incremental Oil Recovery Using Horizontal Drilling in a Compartmentalized Oolitic Reservoir, San Andres Formation, West Texas
Neil F. Hurley, Sara Ustabas, and Laura C. Zahm

*Barnett Shale Oil and Gas as an Analog for Other Black Shales
Daniel Jarvie and Brenda L. Claxton

Pre-Mesozoic Structures of the Eastern Muenster Arch and Adjacent Ouachita Thrust Belt, Southeastern Bryan Small-scale Salient, Northeast Texas
Steve Jusczuk

What Lies Beneath Deep Horizons Such as the Ellenberger?
G. Randy Keller, Kate C. Miller, and John Seeley

Resource Assessment of Oil and Gas Plays on University Lands, Permian Basin, West Texas
Eugene M. Kim and Stephen C. Ruppel

Near-surface Magnetic Anomalies, Potential Indicators of Seepage and Deep-seated Structure
John P. Land, R.L. Coons, and J.D. Lazor

The Hydrocarbon Producing Rocks of the Lower Brushy Canyon
Jason Lennane and Ronald F. Broadhead

*Reservoirs in the Abo Formation, Southeastern New Mexico: A Fractured Play within the Perturbed Stress Field at the Termination of Wrench Faults
John C. Lorenz and Scott P. Cooper

*Horizontal Drilling at Vacuum Glorieta West Unit, Lea County, New Mexico: A Case History
Robert L. Martin and Kevin F. Hickey

*Kingdom Lower Clearfork
Michael McMillan

*The Permian Basin CO2 Sequestration Model and Ridgeway Petroleum’s St. Johns Project
L. Stephen Melzer

3-D Seismic Analysis of Atoka Formation Sandstone Reservoirs, Vacuum Field Vicinity, Lea County, New Mexico
Soichiro Ota and Brian S. Brister

Identification of Subtle Faults Using 3-D Seismic and Multilateral Horizontal Well Characterization
Matthew J. Pranter, Neil F. Hurley, and Thomas L. Davis

Bias in Cyclic Sedimentation toward Deposition during Sea Level Turn-around Points, An Example from the Late Pennsylvanian (Missourian Beeman Formation) of the Sacramento Mountains, South-central New Mexico
William D. Raatz

Interpretations on a Pennsylvanian Reef
Michael A. Raines

Waste Isolation in Delaware Basin Salt-current Solutions and Future Applications
Norbert T. Rempe

Horizontal Lateral Revitalization of a Low Permeable Carbonate Reservoir at the Bryant-G- Field, Midland County, Texas
Dana E. Rowan, Ken Miller, and Elaine Cowley

Applications of 3D Seismic to Development and Exploration of Carbonate Reservoirs: Permian Basin of West Texas
Stephen C. Ruppel, Yong Joon Park, and F. Jerry Lucia

Persian Gulf Analogs for the Permian Strata of Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas
Peter A. Scholle

Realtime Downhole-mixed Stimulation Fracturing Process
George L. Scott, III

*Maverick Basin/Sacatosa Field Coalbed Methane Project, Maverick County, Texas
Robert J. Scott, Matt Gose

*Building a Deterministic Reservoir Model through Geologic Characterization to Optimize Production: A Case Study of the Permian (Leonardian) Upper Clear Fork and Glorieta Formations, Stockyard Field, Gaines County, Texas
C.L. Sembritzky and S.C. Atchley

*Reservoir Characterization of the Strawn Formation (Desmoinesian) from St. Lawrence Field, Glasscock County, Texas
David J. Sivils

*Integrating Synsedimentary Tectonics with Sequence Stratigraphy to Understand the Development of the Fort Worth Basin
Jimmy D. Thomas

Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Shelf-margin Mounds and Reefs in the Permian Basin Region (West Texas-New Mexico): Composition, Evolution, Distribution, and Reservoir Characteristics
Gregory P. Wahlman

*Evaluation of Well Completions Opportunities in the Lower Brushy Canyon Using Neural Networks
W.W. Weiss and V. Subramaniam

*Preliminary Geology of the Oakdale Field NW Raton Basin, Huerfano County, Colorado
John G. Worrall

Cyclical Variation in the Length of the Earth’s Radius as the Primary Mechanism for Deep Ocean Basin Development of Global Cycles of Kilometer-scale Ocean Level Fluctuation and Ocean Low-stand Surfaces of Erosion, Transportation and Deposition
R.E. Young and Erik W. Young