AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Pore Pressure & Geomechanics: From Exploration to Abandonment

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A Review Of Industry Best Practice In Real-Time Pore Pressure Analysis


This presentation summarizes the current industry best practices in real-time pore pressure prediction, based on direct discussions with 22 subject matter experts, literature review, and an analysis of relevant presentations from six major pore pressure conferences (since 2010). Industry best practices are identified to relate to four major themes, namely personnel roles, responsibilities and requirements; training and competency verification; communications protocols, and; methods, workflows and technology. In particular, communications protocols are regarded as the primary source of concern and real-time pore pressure issues amongst subject matter experts. The wide range of inputs herein represents an exhaustive review of industry practice in real-time pore pressure analysis. This review forms a guideline for how pore pressure analysis while drilling can be improved throughout the industry, and thus help optimize well operations and mitigate against well control incidents.