Fundamentals of 3D Seismic Volume Imaging
Gerald D. Kidd
PanAtlantic Exploration Company, Houston, TX, USA
Seismic interpreters continue to be challenged by the growing numbers of 3D seismic and attribute volumes available for subsurface evaluations. Volumes including geometric, trace, inversion and, AVO attributes continue to grow while interpreters struggle to work basic volumes. The solution is to use techniques that accelerate and simplify common seismic interpretation procedures while increasing productivity by documenting details and observations. These techniques are integrated in volume imaging, an interactive process, using several key methods designed in concert to address common structural, stratigraphic and depositional problems. The process is driven by a single key visualization technology, Opacity Editing. Using the opacity editor successfully requires understanding a methodology based on particular technologies, specifically data scaling, volume trimming, color displays, and knowledge of how these interact with opacity. This paper discusses the technologies and work flows that are necessary for performing interactive volume imaging.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90206 © AAPG Hedberg Conference, Interpretation Visualization in the Petroleum Industry, Houston, Texas, June 1-4, 2014