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In-situ Hydrocarbon Evaluation in a Highly Challenging Drilling Environment Utilizing a Slimhole LWD NMR Tool

G. Hursan1, M.F. Zayer1, A. Silva1, R.G. Palmer1, T. Glowig2, and K.A. Khan2

1Saudi Aramco
2Baker Hughes


The assessment of in-situ hydrocarbon viscosity and phase behavior in a Saudi Arabian field has become a critical input for geologic model refinement and for the correct placement of future wells. This requirement necessitates the acquisition of NMR logs with no prior history of NMR logging in this field. Furthermore, urban development and industrial activity in the in the area restrict the number of suitable well sites. As a result, even evaluation wells entail long horizontal sections before penetrating the target zones with slim holes. Faults and fractures are known to be present in this field. Therefore, the acquisition of the logs at the earliest possible time after drilling is very desirable.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain