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South Coyote Creek Field, Weston County, Wyoming

Earl T. Hegna

South Coyote Creek field is on the east flank of the Powder River basin in Weston County, Wyoming. Production is from the Early Cretaceous Fall River Sandstone and the Late Cretaceous Turner Sandstone. The Fall River production is trapped stratigraphically and is believed to be part of a barrier-bar complex with a north-south trend extending for more than 30 mi.

Turner production is from a thin sandstone lens trending northeast-southwest. Lithology and geometry indicate a possible turbidite origin for this sandstone.

Pressure studies of the Fall River trend indicate the existence of a very extensive sandstone which has produced more than 25,000 bbl of fluid psi of pressure drop in this system.

The Turner Sandstone is an oil-filled reservoir with a solution-gas drive. Water injection has begun on a peripheral flood.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91051©2012 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 23-26 February 1969