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Detailed Sequence Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, and Facies Analysis of the Genesee Group in the Northern Appalachian Basin

Ryan D. Wilson
Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences, Bloomington, Indiana, USA 47405
[email protected]

The Middle-Upper Devonian Genesee Group of New York is a mudstone-dominated succession that records the westward progradation of the Catskill delta during the third tectophase of the Acadian Orogeny. Recent facies characterization and detailed petrographic analysis has yielded differentiation of distinct lithotypes that suggest an overall shallowing with increasing energy conditions upsection. This project integrates core and outcrop descriptions, geochemistry, and wire-line log data to better understand modes of sediment dispersal, accommodation, shoreline trajectory, organic-matter sources, and redox conditions in the Northern Appalachian basin during the accumulation of the Genesee Group.

Through sub-surface mapping, this basin-scale study will result in regional structure and isopach maps to assess stratal architecture, thickness trends, and lateral variation. Further, facies analysis and geochemistry will be used to better understand facies distribution, and aid differentiation of genetically related packages with diagnostic physical, chemical, and biological attributes. Conducting an integrated evaluation is essential for understanding the primary depositional controls on organic-matter enrichment, as well as proximal to distal relationships. Moreover, developing a sequence stratigraphic framework throughout the Genesee Group enables prediction of hydrocarbon play element quality and distribution away from sample control.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90157©2012 AAPG Foundation 2012 Grants-in-Aid Projects