Core photograph plate. A. Thin bed, clay clast conglomerate within a massive to
laminated, fine grained sandstone, interbedded with organic-rich silty
laminations. B. Parallel laminated fine grained sandstones and hummocky cross
stratification towards the top. C. Massive fine grained sandstones are usually
associated with parallel laminated, fine grained sandstones. These are most
frequency facies in the field. D. Presence of oscillatory ripples towards the
top opf the photograph, interbedded with thinly laminated carbonaceous rich
siltstones and very fine grained sandstones. Very scarce bioturbation is found
along the core. E. Heterolithic facies that consists of thinly laminated
carbonaceous rich siltstones and very fine grained sandstones interbedded with
parallel and ripple laminated, very fine grained sandstones. F. Massive, fine
grained sandstones underlain by thinly laminated, carbonaceous rich, siltstones
and very fine grained sandstones. No bioturbation effect is observed.