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An Improved Understanding of the Utah Hinge Line with the Application of BlueQube™ Technology

Bate, Duncan1 and Mark Davies2
1ARKeX Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
2ARKeX Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom

     The Utah hinge line area is an area with proven hydrocarbon potential. The discovery of the Covenant field, by Wolverine in 2003, has generated a great deal of interest in the area.
     Many structural trap targets exist between the Covenant field and the analogous production to the North. However, the area is structurally complicated and the cost of seismic data prohibitive in many cases. BlueQube technology will help target these structural traps and improve the future placement of seismic surveys, well locations and increase the probability of success in the area.
     A coarse grid of 2D seismic over some parts of the hinge line exists, including the Covenant field. However, the complexity of the area and sparse coverage means that there are many unanswered questions. The Tertiary cover, the salt lenses in the Arapien shale and the volcanic cover all mean that structural interpretation of the thrust belt is difficult.
     The BlueQube data set includes airborne gravity gradiometry and a selection of other complementary geophysical data sets. Feasibility modelling of Covenant field shows that there is sufficient density difference between the Navajo Sandstone and the overlying Arapien Shale to be able to identify structural closures within the thrust belt using gravity gradient data. Proving the technique over the known structure of Covenant field will show how BlueQube technology can be deployed in other areas to the north and south and aid future exploration in the Hinge line.
     Early results from the survey will be presented.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90071 © 2007 AAPG Rocky Mountain Meeting, Snowbird, Utah