Automata Modeling of Turbidity Currents Deposits
Salles, Tristan1, Simon Lopez1,
Marie-Christine Cacas1, Rémi Eschard1, Euzen Tristan1,
Vanessa Teles1, Thierry Mulder2 (1) IFP,
Using the cellular automata paradigm, we
implemented a process-based model of multi-lithology submarine turbidity
currents. It takes into account both gravitational and inertial effects when
computing the flow over a given topography. It includes ambient fluid
entrainment and lithology dependent erosion/deposition rules to progressively
build a full three dimensional geological architecture. It produces sedimentary
objects such as erosive channels, overflow levees, inner levees and
depositional lobes with features such as facies partitioning and sediment
sorting. This model was successfully validated against the deposits of a recent
storm related turbiditic surge in the
Moreover, in order to achieve an
operational model over geological timescales, turbiditic deposits were
considered to be the results of a succession of quasi steady-state events for
which sediment transport had permanent values. In such a framework different
spatial or temporal distributions of events may be seen as the consequence of
varying climatic contexts and triggering processes. We observed that different
sedimentary facies distributions and various 3D architectures resulted both
from varying external controls (source location, flow energy, source sediment
composition) and autocyclic phenomenon (topographic control through confinement
and compensation effects).
Our work specially focused on sediment
distribution in deep-water channels and possible reservoir implications as the
predicted locations for sand, the net to gross ratios, the occurrence of
permeability barriers... The model produces very realistic simulations that
proved to be helpful tools to develop and to improve conceptual models.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California