Mineralogy and Seawater through Time
Stanley, Steven M.1 (1)
Through study of the mineralogy of oolites and early marine cements in the 1980's, Philip
Sandberg introduced the concept of "aragonite seas" and "calcite
seas". During Phanerozoic time, there have been
three intervals of aragonite seas separated by two intervals of calcite seas,
when lime mud consisted of calcite rhombs. Lawrence Hardie
has shown that the Mg/Ca ratio of seawater, governed largely by global rates of
spreading along midocean ridges, determines the
mineralogy of nonskeletal carbonates in the ocean: at
28°C, low-Mg calcite forms when the Mg/Ca molar ratio is <1, high-Mg calcite
when the ratio is 1-2, and high-Mg calcite and/or aragonite when it is >2.
The Mg content of calcite increases with increasing temperature. The fossil
record reveals that biocalcifying organisms have
tended to conform to this pattern, in that throughout Phanerozoic
time the mineralogies of simple organisms functioning
as major reef-builders or sediment producers have tended correspond to those of
nonskeletal precipitates. Experiments show that
skeletal mineralogies of particular taxa are phenotypically labile.
In artificial Cretaceous seawater (Mg/Ca = ~1), organisms that produce high-Mg
calcite in modern seawater produce low-Mg calcite, and some organisms that
produce aragonite today, produce a substantial percentage of calcite (corals
30% and Halimeda 45%). Coccolithophores
fertilize their photosynthesis with carbon dioxide produced by their
calcification. Therefore, because they secrete calcite more readily in
artificial Cretaceous seawater than in modern seawater, their population growth
rates are much higher. This explains the widespread occurrence of massive Cretaceous
chalk deposits.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California