Evolution of Suprasalt Minibasins in the
Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Michael R.
Bureau of Economic Geology, The
conventional explanation for minibasin subsidence is that it is driven by
gravity—that minibasins exist because their fill is dense enough to sink into
the underlying evaporites, expelling salt into the adjacent salt highs. This
explanation is valid if the average density of the sediments is greater than
the density of the salt, but it cannot account for subsidence of thin, less
dense clastic sequences into salt. Seismic data show that many minibasins
started sinking into salt when their siliciclastic fill was much thinner than
the 1.5–2 km thickness necessary for compaction to invert the density contrast.
For such minibasins, some mechanism other than gravity must be involved.
investigated mechanisms of minibasin subsidence using a 3,600-km2 pre-stack
depth-migrated 3D seismic dataset near the Sigsbee Scarp, northern
specific cause of shortening that led to minibasin formation is currently
unknown. The orientation of thrust structures is highly variable. Their pattern
suggests that shortening was partitioned by flow boundaries defined at shallow
levels within and above the salt sheet. If so, suprasalt processes may have
been an important control.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90064©2006-2007 AAPG Distinguished Lecturers