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Development of the Classic Indiana Trenton Field: Exploration and Development Patterns Depicted in Historic and Recent Maps

Strunk, Kevin
Wabash Resources & Consulting, Indianapolis, IN

The Trenton Field of Indiana is the western portion of the “Lima-Indiana Field” of oil legend. The Lima-Indiana Field was the world’s first “giant” oil field, and while not discovered as early as other more eastern production, the Trenton Limestone oil and gas fields of Indiana and Ohio were logically the birthplace for the modern American oil company, including two of the Standard Oil companies. As production matured in these fields in the early 1900’s, many drillers, geologists and production companies migrated to other petroleum areas. Recent regional interest in the Trenton and Black River has refocused attention on these classic areas. One of the keys for future exploration is understanding what happened 100 years ago, including cultural and early regulatory and technical issues associated with “boom” mentalities.

The development and exploration patterns of the classic Indiana Trenton Field from the 1880’s through 2004 are depicted in a series of historic and modern maps covering a large portion of northern and eastern Indiana. These maps show time slices of the location of oil and gas wells, and many abandoned pipelines, gas pumping stations, and field boundaries. Various other maps also show individual production areas within or near the main field, and modern pipeline and gas storage development. By examining the historical maps and pursuing old reports, the development patterns, geology, relative reservoir quality and production can be discerned, leading to a better understanding of a complex oil and gas reservoir, as well as implications for renewed exploration.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90031©2004 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 3-5, 2004