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An Interactive ArcIMS Based Approach to Access, Display and Manipulate Geologic Data and Maps

Seyler, Beverly, Steven R. Gustison, Bryan G. Huff, James S. Cokinos, Christopher P. Korose, Joan E. Crockett, Phillip M. Johanek, and John P. Grube
Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL

The Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) developed an interactive ArcIMS website that presents oil field and oil well data in map and table format over the internet. This project was sponsored by the Department of Energy through the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) because access to data, and the techniques required to evaluate and manage large amounts of diverse data are major barriers to increased production of petroleum reserves in Illinois. These constraints are alleviated by implementing database access using a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach for evaluation and identification of underdeveloped pays.

This project utilizes the ISGS Enterprise Oracle® well database to develop a series of map and database products that are accessible in an ArcIMS website. The first products completed were oil and gas base maps with well location symbols that are color-coded by producing horizon. These maps are presented in scalable format on an Arc/IMS website. Producing horizons are displayed as layers and can be selected as separate or combined layers that can be turned on and off.

Other products include a core analysis database with over 200,000 entries, a database of over 1,700 waterflood units and a database of the major structural horizons in Illinois. GIS layers displaying core analysis data, contoured structure maps, and waterflood unit data were added to the ArcIMS website.

This technology/methodology will address the long-standing constraints related to information access and data management in Illinois. The laborious processes that individuals previously used to access petroleum related data and to identify development and exploration opportunities in Illinois have been significantly simplified. The project results will facilitate re-exploration of the mature Illinois Basin.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90031©2004 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 3-5, 2004