Mosquera, Alfonso1, Facundo Fuentes2
(1) Tecpetrol S. A, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(2) University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
ABSTRACT: The Influence of Mesozoic Tectonics in Hydrocarbon Trap Formation, Central and Southern Portion of Neuquen Basin, Argentina
An almost continuous tectonic inversion process (early Jurassic-late Cretaceous) of preexisiting normal faults (late Triassic-early Jurassic) took place in the central and southern portion of Neuquen back-retroarc - foreland basin (late Triassic -Tertiary).
This process resulted in the early growth of large-scale anticlines where many fields are presently located, including the largest basin field, Loma la Lata gas field (1900MMBOE.).
These almost east-west trending anticlines are located along the Huincul strike-slip system.
Its continuous growth during the basin development, led to very early trap formation. Related growth strata geometries such as cumulative wedges in forelimbs, condensed sections and angular unconformities in crestal and backlimb position played a key roll in combined trap formation (Loma la Lata field).
Associated oblique or perpendicular faults are responsible of field segmentation and trapping (Centenario 200 MMBOE. & Sierra Barrosa - Aguada Toledo 219 MMBOE. fields).
Most important fields are located in the less severe inversion areas along the northern and eastern plunges of the Huincul strike-slip system.
A better understanding of the relationship between tectonic and sedimentation may become an alternative tool for new play development in this mature basin.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.